Mr. Nick Linkowitz HQMC/LPV 21 Sep 2006 A View on Sense & Respond Logistics

Mr. Nick Linkowitz HQMC/LPV 21 Sep 2006 A View on Sense & Respond Logistics

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Page 1: Mr. Nick Linkowitz HQMC/LPV 21 Sep 2006 A View on Sense & Respond Logistics

Mr. Nick LinkowitzHQMC/LPV21 Sep 2006

A View onSense & Respond


Page 2: Mr. Nick Linkowitz HQMC/LPV 21 Sep 2006 A View on Sense & Respond Logistics

Characteristics of an Expeditionary Force:

• Agile and flexible force

• Capable of a broad range of military objectives

• Deploy rapidly

• Enter objective though forcible means

• Sustain itself for an extended period of time

• Withdraw quickly

• Reconstitute rapidly

General J. L. JonesCMC What’s in a Word?AFJI - Oct 2000

Marine Corps VisionMarine Corps Vision

Page 3: Mr. Nick Linkowitz HQMC/LPV 21 Sep 2006 A View on Sense & Respond Logistics

““Sense and Respond”Sense and Respond”Key IdeasKey Ideas

• Demand can be unpredictable, so success depends on speed of pattern recognition

and speed of response

• The best supply chain is no longer one that is highly optimized, but one that is highly


• Organizes Units and subunits into “modular capabilities” that negotiate with one another

over commitments

• Networks “self-synchronize” via a common environment and set of shared objectives

• Uses IT for data sharing, “knowing earlier,” commitment tracking, and role


Page 4: Mr. Nick Linkowitz HQMC/LPV 21 Sep 2006 A View on Sense & Respond Logistics

Sense & RespondSense & RespondLogistics ConceptLogistics Concept

• Supply network is dynamic

– Supply doctrine anticipates reconfigurable supply nets

– Emphasizes transportation flexibility over large inventories

• Negotiation-based relationships

– Entities use commander’s intent and situation awareness to negotiate and


– Roles and commitments of entities are dynamically defined

• Networks are difficult to analyze and attack

– More robust to node failure

– Adapts to real-time demand driven by unit signals

• Supports a more logistically agile force

– Network adaptivity allows logistics decisions to be made early

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• S&RL is first and foremost, a demand driven process that requires a real-time view of the “fightfight” left in combat platforms.

• S&RL provides vital, timely information for maneuver warfare, sustainability, and life cycle support.

• Within the Sea BasingSea Basing context, S&RL should be considered a “combat enabler” like fires, maneuver, protection, sensing, and command.

• Need to know how to best use demand information in an integrated data environment that feeds Marine Corps Autonomic Logistics.

USMC Near Term FocusUSMC Near Term Focus

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• GCSS-MC• Operational Architecture (SCOR Model)

• Logistics Modernization (LogMod)• 5 to 3 Levels of Maintenance• Realignment of Supply

• Autonomic Logistics (AL) • Naval Logistics Integration (NLI)

• MAGTF Logistics Integration (MLI) • Enabling MAGTF & Naval Common Operating Picture (COP)

Near & Mid Term ImpactsNear & Mid Term Impacts

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• Measures operational flexibility

• Presence, power, & assistance


• The duration of sustainment

• Staying power & ability to build-up forces

LtCol Cassel, USMC, NWC, 1993

Page 8: Mr. Nick Linkowitz HQMC/LPV 21 Sep 2006 A View on Sense & Respond Logistics

• Less Logistics Mass

• Adaptive Change

• Superior Information – Ops / Intel / Log

• Respond better at-Sea to changes Ashore

A Logistics Path to Change…A Logistics Path to Change…

Constant Innovation

Joint Operational Capabilities

Effects-Based Logistics

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On theOn theSense & Respond Logistics Initiative…Sense & Respond Logistics Initiative…

-- DC, I&L to CMC, Nov 2003

“The benefit of supporting S&RL is that it brings to the Marine

Corps an experiment to stress the transformational war fighting

concept of Expeditionary Maneuver from the Sea-Base. The

goal is to have operations, logistics, & intelligence all working

together, leveraged by available information.

The stretch goal is to have logistics solutions that can be

integrated into situational awareness supporting common

operating pictures – Service, Naval, and Joint.”

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S&R andS&R andNetwork Centric WarfareNetwork Centric Warfare


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at a

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Logistics Assets Combat Forces Intelligence AssetsPhysical Layer

Assets in the Battlespace

Logistics Controls C2 Intelligence ControlsControls LayerPolicy, Doctrine, Rules, Processes

& Management

Info Systems LayerInformation


Mission Effectiveness


Logistics Information


Command & Control Information


Intelligence Information


Sense & Respond Logistics

Page 11: Mr. Nick Linkowitz HQMC/LPV 21 Sep 2006 A View on Sense & Respond Logistics

“Expeditionary” describes the immediate ability to go where the enemy is, displace him, and operate from his terrain.

• Embracing austerity• Adaptability to the environment at hand• Innovation to ensure advantage • Physical and psychological rigor

Maneuver Warfare is a concept for how Marines… • Gain the advantage by rapidity of decision-making• Seize the initiative• Exploit fleeting opportunities• Shatter the cohesion and will of the enemy

Maneuver Warfare is a philosophy of leadership that is based on trust and decentralized decision-making that enables Marines to thrive in the chaos and friction of combat

Expeditionary & Maneuver:Expeditionary & Maneuver:Combat MultipliersCombat Multipliers

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• Friction

• Uncertainty

• Fluidity

• Disorder

• Human Dimension

• Violence and Danger

• Moral and Physical Forces

• Violent contest of human will

Enduring and Nature of WarEnduring and Nature of War

Col Art Corbett, USMC, MCCDC, 2003

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Pragmatic approach to effective integration of IT into C2

• Provides a “what is it” approach to IT

• Supports a network enabled force

• Technology leverage vs. technology reliance

• Eases the Command Command oror Control Control dilemma

• Supports and enhances warfighting philosophies

Paradigm for Future C2Paradigm for Future C2

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Distribute UncertaintyDistribute Uncertainty

• Those who are most affected by uncertainty and risk are usually in best position to overcome uncertainty

• Perfect solutions are not necessary

• Resolve uncertainty at lowest practical level, quickly, with greatest situational awareness

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Maneuver Warfare requires

• Decision Makers

• Concentration and Speed

• Surprise and Boldness

• Exploiting Vulnerability and Opportunity

Empowered by

• Mission tactics• Commander’s intent• Focus of effort

Proliferating Decision MakersProliferating Decision Makers

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“We must guard against over reliance on

technology. Technology can enhance the ways

and means of war by improving man’s ability to

wage it, but technology cannot and should not

attempt to eliminate man from the process.

Better equipment is not the cure for all ills;

doctrinal and tactical solutions must also be

sought.” (MCDP-1 Warfighting)

Technology Leverage vs. Technology RelianceTechnology Leverage vs. Technology Reliance

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