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three Idiots Summary

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Movie Title: 3 IdiotsThree Main Characters:

Rancho - The Mechanical Engineering student.

Farhan One who dreams of becoming a wildlife Photographer even his father wants him to be an engineer.

Raju A friend of Rancho and Farhan , he is a wealthy executive.

Cite a scenario related to AA.

The scene wherein the three friends were late to take an examination.

It is connected with AA characteristic #4 which is AA emphasizes on performance and therefore students are required to demonstrate their own answers, thus AA does not rely on the ability to recall facts or memorize details, instead students are asked to demonstrate skills and concepts they have learned

in this setting the teacher allowed the students to take the exam and even extended time to make the students demonstrate the things that they have learned by answering the exam.

However the negative thing in that scene is the teacher didnt accept their test papers which is unlawful. The teacher is very inconsiderate, because he wont accept the students reason for being late.

Identify three scenes that made a great impact to your life

Scene 1 Define Machine In this scene the teacher asked Rancho to define what is a machine. He defined it in a simple language, very profound and everyone can easily understood it. Even cited some examples but in a very plane language. The teacher threw a chalk on him and humiliated his answer. The theres another student here defining the word machine word by word as he memorized it from the book. The teacher accepted that definition instead the other one. Teacher now a days seems to be bias as they only accept the book definition without even realizing that some definition can be hard for a student to understand since we are only speak English as a second language. Gloria Salandanan and Brenda Corpuz Author of Principles of teaching 1 & 2 Book stated that Memory work is basic in learning but of course we do not encourage memorizing without understanding A student may memorize the definition but he/she may not fully understood it and eventually fails in application.

Rancho stated Whats the point of blindly cramming a bookish definition It made me remember Maam Beldias Class stating You are the author of your own definition Made me thought that we are really the author of our own definition. MetacognitionScene 2 Life is a race If you dont run fast youll get trampled.

The head teacher meets the entire student and gives them some inspirational message and mentioned that quote above. I agree with this quotation but with reservations. In the athletic parliament Its not over till its over Not until you reached the finish line. In life we can truly succeed if we dont give up, especially when the pressure mounts come. Think of the time wherein you where edified to do an extra mile, succeeded because of perseverance. Call to remembrance the days wherein you where illuminated, that will give you the motivation to move forward and run fast and not get trampled with your own doubts and fears. But through it all we must always remember that we should not run faster than our strength. One step at a time and you will get to the finish line. Scene 3 Ranchos teaching. The moment wherein the teacher humiliated Rancho in front of the class for a false accusation that Rancho is proclaiming he to be a teacher. He thought with power and understanding wherein I learned that learning is beyond what the books are teaching. Learning is where the students and teacher shares a common ground of belief.

This scene is a big slap to educators who teach the old mans way, heheh. As a future teacher I will never humiliate my students due to their weaknesses.

Rancho said You are good at engineering but I am teaching you how to teach. Unlike you I never abandon my weak students Its very mainstream now a days that teachers would have their favoritism and even humiliate the student while reporting or showing inadequacy of what the teacher expects from the student. Miriam Santiago stated 'A true teacher does not terrorizeignorant students. A true teacher knows that it is his job to cure ignorance.'

Honestly I just cant comprehend why teachers would punish their students because of their weakness. Others might say it is according to educational philosophies or something. Its unfathomable in my part. Just because we dont like the student due to their appearance, language and etc, its not a basis to tear them down and implement in their minds that asta diri na lang akon mabal an When I was on my high school days m perspective of teacher is A terrorist who criticize their students for not doing well , who will punish the student for making a mistake. Thats the key reason I was not that well vocal in my elementary and high school days. Reflections

Most of us went to college just for a degree. No degree meant no plum job, no pretty wife, no credit card, and no social status. But none of this mattered to him, he was in college for the joy of learning, he never cared if he was first or last. These are the words came from the movie 3 idiots. These words encouraged me to strive harder and become a real teacher, many of us now a days would just take education not because they have passion to teach and change lives but for other and personal proposes. Learning and study is never a duty but a thing to cherish because those two things are for us to experience and discover things that sooner or later will be applicable to our lives in the present or even in the future.

One of the quotation that I also came a cross is Pursue excellence and success will follow. It is a very simple rule to abide because it merely implies that we must do our part by consistently working with passion, persistence, faith and leaving the rest to God.

What matters most in learning is attitude. The attitude of the teacher

The attitude that we convey will leave a strong impression in the minds of our students, I know that as we refine ourselves we can become successful teachers in the future.