THE MOUNTAIN DEW CASE Mountain Dew, is a yellowish green sugar rich drink with a relatively high degree of caffeine. Pepico, took over this product in 1964 in an effort to complete its product line up in the CSD (Carbonated Soft Drink) category. Ever since 1974, the ad agency BBDO has been taking care of the advertising campaign of Mountain Dew. Through its creative ad campaigns, Pepsi co and BBDO succeeded in taking Mountain Dew to the number 3 position in its category with a market share of 7.1. by 1999. However, both Pepsi and BBDO felt that the current campaign has become more or less saturated and predictable. Also competitors have been catching up following the similar campaigns based on extreme sports. So Pepsi co came up with a strategy to revise the mountain Dew campaign to focus the development of new creative which should “symbolize that Drinking Mountain Dew is an exhilarating experience” Since then, BBDO has been challenged with the task of coming up with a new set of 3 creatives for Mountain Dew that are to be selected for the next year’s campaign and the best 2 to be played during the next season of Super bowl. The decision filters suggested to BBDO were:- 1.Expand appeal of Mountain Dew to new users while reinforcing it among current users. Target 18 year olds as epic centre of the creative while ensuring appeal amongst 20- 39 age group (current users) 2.Communicate that drinking Dew is an exhilarating experience 3.Drive universal appeal (white, African American and other ethnic) 4.The creative should bring out the Product benefits viz: Energizing, Quenching, and great taste, Emotional benefits viz. Exhilaration and suiting to an irreverent, daring and fun personality BBDO came up with a set of 5 creatives from which 3 are to be short listed They are:-

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Mountain Dew, is a yellowish green sugar rich drink with a relatively high degree of caffeine. Pepico, took over this product in 1964 in an effort to complete its product line up in the CSD (Carbonated Soft Drink) category. Ever since 1974, the ad agency BBDO has been taking care of the advertising campaign of Mountain Dew. Through its creative ad campaigns, Pepsi co and BBDO succeeded in taking Mountain Dew to the number 3 position in its category with a market share of 7.1. by 1999. However, both Pepsi and BBDO felt that the current campaign has become more or less saturated and predictable. Also competitors have been catching up following the similar campaigns based on extreme sports. So Pepsi co came up with a strategy to revise the mountain Dew campaign to focus the development of new creative which should “symbolize that Drinking Mountain Dew is an exhilarating experience”

Since then, BBDO has been challenged with the task of coming up with a new set of 3 creatives for Mountain Dew that are to be selected for the next year’s campaign and the best 2 to be played during the next season of Super bowl. The decision filters suggested to BBDO were:-

1.Expand appeal of Mountain Dew to new users while reinforcing it among current users. Target 18 year olds as epic centre of the creative while ensuring appeal amongst 20-39 age group (current users)2.Communicate that drinking Dew is an exhilarating experience3.Drive universal appeal (white, African American and other ethnic)4.The creative should bring out the Product benefits viz: Energizing, Quenching, and great taste, Emotional benefits viz. Exhilaration and suiting to an irreverent, daring and fun personality

BBDO came up with a set of 5 creatives from which 3 are to be short listed They are:-

1. Labour of love A humorous spot about the birth of a Dew drinker. The doctor calls out, “code

green” and retreats to a catching position. The baby shoots out of the mother inside the labour room like a canon and the doctor catches the baby wearing a baseball mitt.

This ad picturize that the father dew dude is a young boy in his teens. in a way to portray the point 1 above.

It also captures the fun part with the hilarious spot.

However, it misses out on the universal appeal (the whole labour plot would be perceived as a sensitive issue by the conservative community).

Also with the baseball glove it loses its generic nature , that it cannot be displayed during a super bowl event. –Not shortlisted

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2. Bad Cheetah In the African plain, one of the Dew dudes is chasing a Cheetah. The Dew dude

catches up to Cheetah, holds its mouth, put his hand into the mouth and through to stomach and takes out an empty Dew can with few holes. Apparently the Cheetah has stolen his Dew can and has even drunk it. The ad ends with a “Bad Cheetah” comment.

This ad picturize that the daring personality of the Dew dudes that too in a naturistic rural back ground.

It also captures the fun part with the Dew dude taking the can out of Cheetah’s stomach and warning the Cheetah.

It has the universal appeal as the selection of Dew dudes (all 4are shown at the end) themselves belonging to different ethnic groups and the plot being a generic one dealing with African wild life.

However, the ad could be perceived as a predictable one, on the similar ones that Montain Dew has been using based on Xgames.

3. Dew of Die A hilarious plot where a villain plans to blow the planet. The dew dudes are called in

and in a sequence of daredevil manoeuvres; they accidentally save the world, powered by a spilt can of dew.

This ad picturize that the daring personality of the dude simultaneously portraying them as fun-loving and care free guys

However the plot looks to be on the extreme side appealing only to the kids and not to the teens or adults. So it does not have the universal appeal. Not short listed

4. Mock Opera A parody of Queen Song Bohemian Rhapsody. The ad portrays the story of

altered lyrics. Alternative sports action in which the athletes just miss cans of dew as they shoot by

This ad picturizes the fun part, and has a universal appeal through the opera plot. Also the message is communicated through the lyrics. Hence short listed

5. Showstopper Choreographed production number that mimics a Buzby musical dance from 1930s.

Where the dancers are silver clad BMX riders and skate boarders who performs for the dew dudes posing as directors.

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This ad picturize the fun part, and has a universal appeal through the dance plot. Hence short listed


Title: 'Darr Ke Aage Jeet Hai'

Brand: Mountain Dew

Client: Pepsico India

OOH Agency: Platinum Outdoor

Campaign Brief: Build a high impact, high intensity, large scale campaign around the brand. Use a wide range of large format media to build impact, stature & create 'Buzz'. Use smaller formats to get reach, spread & frequency. Use innovations to draw additional eyeballs & stand out from clutter.

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