Motivation in the Workplace _ LearnEnglish _ British Council

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  • 8/9/2019 Motivation in the Workplace _ LearnEnglish _ British Council


    08/10/13 Motivation in the workplace | LearnEnglish | British Council 1/4

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    Motivation in the workplace

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    Listen to an extract of an interview with a profess or of Busines s Studies about the subject of motivation.


    Interviewer: How important is m otivation for a manager?

    Professor: Oh, motivation is extremely important. Id say its the mos t important aspect of a managers job. A managers job i s to get the job done, whatever that job

    might be. So a m anager has to motivate the workers, both as a team and also on an individual basis . Without motivation, the job just wont get done.

    Interviewer: So how do m anagers go about doing this? It doesnt s ound very easy.

    Professor: No, it is a com plicated iss ue. But managers have special tools. They are trained to use them to boos t motivation and increas e production to a maximum.

    Interviewer: Tools?

    Professor: Yes, tools like prais e, approval and recognition. And then there is trust and expectation. They are all im portant for workers.

    Interviewer: And money? What about money?

    Professor: Yes, money is a factor but you mig ht be surprised to learn that it comes out las t on the list of these tools that we are talking about.

    Interviewer: So, what comes before money? What sort of things are more im portant for workers?

    Professor: Well, all of the things that I have already mentioned, and then job enrichment and good communication between the workers and the boss es.

    Interviewer: And have you got any examples of real life s ituations to back up your claims ?

    Professor: One good example is the firm Western Electric. When managers s tarted taking an interest in their workers, there was a h uge increase in production.

    They started to talk to the workers and encouraged them to get involved in decision-m aking. Workers began to feel that their contributions were im portant. And it paid


    Interviewer: Productivity increased?

    Professor: Yes, hugely. The Swedish company Kochums is a nother example. The company was on the verge of collapse when managers decided to try a change

    in motivation practice.

    Interviewer: What did they do?

    Professor: Well, basically it was a change in attitude towards their workers. Managers decided to stop giving orders and to try persuading them ins tead.

    Interviewer: And it worked?

    Professor: Absolutely. In just ten years they managed to turn a 15 m illion dollar l oss into a 100 m illion dollar profit.

    Interviewer: So, lets get this straight. Are you saying that workers are not interested in e arning more money?

    Professor: Im s aying theyre not just i nterested in m oney. It is important of course. We need to enjoy a certain standard of living. But, as I mentioned before, there

    are other things that are jus t as important: praise, approval, recognition, trust and expectation, job enrichment and good communication.


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    Winner(/en/user/75479)replied on 2 February, 2011 - 15:16 PERMALINK(/EN/COMMENT/8131#COMMENT-8131)

    The test is easy to complete and easy to understand.

    TheDebora(/en/user/76098)replied on 4 February, 2011 - 18:06 PERMALINK(/EN/COMMENT/8209#COMMENT-8209)

    Hi Adam,

    can you tell m e what "let's get this straight" means?

    Thank you for your help!

    Jack Radford(/en/users/jack-radford)replied on 7 February, 2011 - 05:18 PERMALINK(/EN/COMMENT/8270#COMMENT-8270)

    Hi TheDebora

    Match the words from the box with the descriptions below.

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    You use the expression 'let's g et this s traight' when you want to understand s omething or make it clear. If you want to check that you understand s omeone,

    you m ight say this before you check that what you understand is correct.

    In this podcas t, the interviewer is surprised by what the professor s ays and wants to check that it's true.

    I hope that helps.

    Jack Radford

    The LearnEnglishTeam

    TheDebora(/en/user/76098)replied on 15 February, 2011 - 11:34 PERMALINK(/EN/COMMENT/8617#COMMENT-8617)

    Thank you very much Jack,

    I've got i t now.


    TheDebora(/en/user/76098)replied on 5 February, 2011 - 09:06 PERMALINK(/EN/COMMENT/8218#COMMENT-8218)

    Whi did you discarded my post?

    I only asked what "let's get this straight" meant.

    Jack Radford(/en/users/jack-radford)replied on 7 February, 2011 - 05:20 PERMALINK(/EN/COMMENT/8271#COMMENT-8271)

    Hi TheDebora

    We didn't discard your post, it's just that every post on the site needs to be checked before it is publis hed. Sometimes it takes a while to check all of the


    Jack Radford

    The LearnEnglishTeam

    salah leil a(/en/user/54697)replied on 8 February, 2011 - 20:17 PERMALINK(/EN/COMMENT/8345#COMMENT-8345)

    Hi adam

    thanks for all of you "the british cousi l team " . it was very easy and i'm waiting forward your next tasks

    nahmj(/en/user/80227)replied on 15 February, 2011 - 19:47 PERMALINK(/EN/COMMENT/8636#COMMENT-8636)

    Thanks Adam,

    thanks for all of you "the british cous il team


    Yesman(/en/user/82947)replied on 21 February, 2011 - 15:18 PERMALINK(/EN/COMMENT/8953#COMMENT-8953)

    Hi The LearnEnglish Team,

    This is the first time I login in the web however I am really happy because of m any interesting topics whi ch are suitable and

    interesting with my career and life. The web seem to be the "Today for Tomorrow" slogan in m y soul. Thank you for your valued contribution.Best Regards, Hai Nguyen.
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    Tanya from Kiev(/en/user/89581)replied on 15 M arch, 2011 - 20:45 PERMALINK(/EN/COMMENT/9978#COMMENT-9978)

    Hi! I want to praiseall British counsl l team for great topics. You have my recognationand m y daughter's love (she is a mem ber of BritishLearning Kids). And

    what is interesting - I kept in my mind almos t all new words which I met on this site - and it is a li ttle bit more than my expectattion.