Most Common Causes of Stomach Pain If you have been having a lot of stomach pain and discomfort, you should know that just because it’s in your abdomen, doesn’t automatically mean it has something to do with your stomach. Your abdomen actually has quite a few organs inside of it, so it could essentially be something else than what you are thinking. Most tummy trouble can be short lived – it can last for a few hours or it can come and go after you eat, do strenuous activities or are even stressed out, but there are also a few other more serious issues you might be having if you have stomach pain. Below, we will be going over a few of these issues, one of the most important things is to not freak out. Find a specialist that deals with the digestive system like a GI doctor and have all the necessary tests done! Gallstones Gallstones are essentially like little stones, they tend to form in the gallbladder which is a little sac that hangs out under the liver. Stones can cause all sorts of issues like swelling, as well as stomach pain, the reason behind this is that the stones can actually block your duct that goes into the intestine, and it can in turn lead to that stomach pain. If you have gallstones, you tend to feel the pain in the upper right side of the abdomen, and may especially feel that pain after you eat fatty foods or meals. Pancreatitis

Most common causes of stomach pain

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Gastroesophageal reflux disease can actually cause pain and discomfort in the upper stomach, as well as the lower chest. Sometimes it may even feel like there is a certain tightness happening in the chest – some people may even think they are having a stroke or a heart attack because of the signs and symptoms!

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Most Common Causes of Stomach Pain

If you have been having a lot of stomach pain and discomfort, you should know that just because it’s in your abdomen, doesn’t automatically mean it has something to do with your stomach. Your abdomen actually has quite a few organs inside of it, so it could essentially be something else than what you are thinking. Most tummy trouble can be short lived – it can last for a few hours or it can come and go after you eat, do strenuous activities or are even stressed out, but there are also a few other more serious issues you might be having if you have stomach pain. Below, we will be going over a few of these issues, one of the most important things is to not freak out. Find a specialist that deals with the digestive system like a GI doctor and have all the necessary tests done!


Gallstones are essentially like little stones, they tend to form in the gallbladder which is a little sac that hangs out under the liver. Stones can cause all sorts of issues like swelling, as well as stomach pain, the reason behind this is that the stones can actually block your duct that goes into the intestine, and it can in turn lead to that stomach pain. If you have gallstones, you tend to feel the pain in the upper right side of the abdomen, and may especially feel that pain after you eat fatty foods or meals.


When you have inflammation of the pancreas, this can cause symptoms like pain inside the abdomen in the upper or middle part of your stomach. Often when a person has Pancreatitis they might complain of things like shooting pains that drive upwards and through their back. If you have Pancreatitis you will definitely know it because its one of the most searing pains you could experience. If you have to do certain movements like lying on your back to relive the pain, or you have nausea, vomiting or a dull ache in your middle or upper abdomen this could be signs of Pancreatitis. One of the number 1 culprits of Pancreatitis is drinking too much alcohol.

GERD – Gastroesophageal reflux disease

Gastroesophageal reflux disease can actually cause pain and discomfort in the upper stomach, as well as the lower chest. Sometimes it may even feel like there is a certain tightness happening in the chest – some people may even think they are having a stroke or a heart attack because of the signs and symptoms! But, primarily, Gastroesophageal

reflux disease can cause things like stomach aches, acid reflux, heartburn, etc. There are various reasons why you may be experiencing these issues, some you know of – like knowing you shouldn’t be eating hot or spicy foods, while others have no clue why they are in such pain. Make sure that you stay away from fatty foods, fried foods, spicy foods and even things like caffeine which can make Gastroesophageal reflux disease worse. You should also try to lose weight, exercise, eat healthier and ask your doctor for a suggestion on a good antacid to take.

Gluten Sensitivity

When it comes to gluten, some people can take it and feel fine while others will eat certain foods with gluten and they feel incredibly sick. Gluten can unfortunately be found in ALL sorts of compounds and foods including; pizza dough, bread, pasta, wheat, barley, rye and more. You can actually find a list of ALL foods that contain gluten by doing a simple search online or taking a look at the celiac website. Gluten sensitivity or intolerance is putting it mildly – when people have a mild sensitivity it’s a type of digestive issue, but if you have a really bad intolerance, this is called celiac disease and it’s a real thing. In fact, over 18 million people in the world have experience some form of digestive issues in terms of gluten sensitivity or celiac disease. It’s definitely not a fun thing to go through. Some symptoms include things like stomach pain, bloating, gas, and fatigue. If not taken care of this can also cause issues like chronic diarrhea, massive weight loss and even malnutrition.

So what to you do if you have stomach pain and you have one of the issues above or one of the many other issues not listed here? First, make sure you see a doctor who is

qualified to diagnose you, specifically a GI doctor in Flushing. You can also start doing things on your own like exercising, eating healthier (watching what you eat!), medication and acupuncture and even things like probiotics can help with issues regarding the abdomen and certain diseases.