Moss Vale High P. O. Box 137 Moss Vale 2577 Tel: (02) 4868 1717 Fax: (02) 4868 2787 “Innovation, Opportunity, Connection Inspiring Success” E-mail : [email protected] 24 February 2012 This Newsletter can be viewed in colour on our website : www.mossvale-h.schools.nsw.edu.au Students Making a Difference Year 9 All of Year 9 for the mature and sensible way in which they helped with the roll out of the new computers Swimming Carnival 2012 Year 7 All of Year 7 for their enthusiastic participation in the Water Safety Day on Friday, 24 February Age Champions - Boys 12 Yrs Jayden Mullie-Locke 13 Yrs Luke Webb 14 Yrs Lachlan MacLean 15 Yrs Michael Miller 16 Yrs Jake Newbury 17+ Yrs Myles Emmerick Age Champions - Girls 12 Yrs Adelaide Mills 13 Yrs Hana Lavers 14 Yrs Olivia Wann 15 Yrs Shae Douglas 16 Yrs Mia Lavers 17+ Yrs Kate Makin

Moss Vale High · 2019-10-26 · Moss Vale High Newsletter Issue 2 Term 1 2012 1 Moss Vale High P. O. Box 137 Moss Vale 2577 Tel: (02) 4868 1717 Fax: (02) 4868 2787 “Innovation,

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Page 1: Moss Vale High · 2019-10-26 · Moss Vale High Newsletter Issue 2 Term 1 2012 1 Moss Vale High P. O. Box 137 Moss Vale 2577 Tel: (02) 4868 1717 Fax: (02) 4868 2787 “Innovation,

Moss Vale High Newsletter Issue 2 Term 1 2012


Moss Vale High

P. O. Box 137 Moss Vale 2577

Tel: (02) 4868 1717 Fax: (02) 4868 2787

“Innovation, Opportunity, Connection

Inspiring Success”

E-mail : [email protected]

24 February 2012

This Newsletter can be viewed in colour on our website : www.mossvale-h.schools.nsw.edu.au

Students Making a Difference

Year 9 All of Year 9

for the mature and sensible way in which they helped with the roll out of the new computers

Swimming Carnival 2012

Year 7 All of Year 7 for their enthusiastic participation in the Water

Safety Day on Friday, 24 February

Age Champions -


12 Yrs Jayden Mullie-Locke

13 Yrs Luke Webb

14 Yrs Lachlan MacLean

15 Yrs Michael Miller

16 Yrs Jake Newbury

17+ Yrs Myles Emmerick

Age Champions -


12 Yrs Adelaide Mills

13 Yrs Hana Lavers

14 Yrs Olivia Wann

15 Yrs Shae Douglas

16 Yrs Mia Lavers

17+ Yrs Kate Makin

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Moss Vale High Newsletter Issue 2 Term 1 2012



Throughout 2012 Moss Vale High will embark on four major areas of improvement, which I will briefly outline in this newsletter. Further detailed explanations will be given throughout the semester via the newsletter and email. Our email system is becoming an increasingly important form of information giving and I remind all parents that an accurate email is absolutely essential for us to have on our school system. If you change your email address please let us know immediately. The first is an improvement to the parent teacher night bookings system. In the past we have had paper bookings which would go home via the student who would be responsible to give the booking sheet to the parent, reminders were also given via email, newsletter and on the notice board. Inevitably there would be some parents who would not receive the information, or receive it when it was too late. There were also major issues when parents rang very late to request a booking with a teacher or teachers. We are now going to an on-line system of making bookings. The online booking system will be accessible from the school website. Your child will be bringing home a letter with your individual booking code a week prior to the night. There will still be a paper option for parents with no Internet connection. This system will be explained in more detail over the coming weeks. Explanations will also be on our new website. Parent teacher night will be Wednesday, 4 April for all students in Years 7-12. This will be held in B Block, both upstairs in TAS and downstairs in Science. The second major improvement we will embark on in 2012 will be the introduction of the PBS or Positive Behavior for Success program. This is a program which is now in 67 Schools in NSW and 20 years of data shows it to be highly successful and effective. Moss Vale High School is the first Southern Highlands school to be part of the PBS program. The basis of the program is about students gaining rewards for positive behaviour and the explicit teaching of expectations in the school reinforced

by clear signage around our core values. This program will be overseen by Deputy Principal Patricia Holmes who is excited about the potential of the program. We had our first team meeting on Wednesday which included: myself and Ms Holmes, David Sanders from Special Education, Jose Davidson from English, Helen Campbell from Mathematics, Lauren Cordingley from CAPA, Janeen Pepping and Rob Berman from TAS, Jenny Wells from PDHPE, Bill Zsigmond from Science and Michelle Virtue from HSIE. The representation from every faculty is crucial in this program’s success. We also hope to see students and parents become part of this vital process. The third program for change in 2012 is tied very closely to the PBS program, and that is the renewal and revamping of the merit system for Students. Ms Holmes has explained the new system which has already begun, on page 6 of this newsletter. Lastly, as I explained in our last newsletter we are about to start a process of evaluation of the Moss Vale High school uniform. By Term 4 we will have opened our own uniform shop in the school. The "Daylight Sportswear" company presented at the P&C meeting on Tuesday night where it was voted and decided to have them make and supply us the school uniform. This is the perfect time to revisit the uniform and make some decisions about improving the overall look of Moss Vale High. Uniform changes are always slowly introduced and parents will not be forced to purchase any new items until the old ones need replacement. There is no intention of altering the colours or the tartan of the skirt. We will have a uniform committee overseen by Mr Deitz, and teachers, students and some parents have also indicated their interest in being involved.

Congratulations to the senior girls swimming team who won at Zone, as well to the junior boys cricket team who defeated Crookwell High this week. Suzi Williams


Swimming Carnival 2012

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Moss Vale High Newsletter Issue 2 Term 1 2012


Congratulations to Jodie Donovan on an outstanding achievement in Science.

Jodie is a talented and diligent student. She has excelled in her studies of Biology, Chemistry and Primary Industries. Jodie is a self-motivated, independent learner and an example to other students.

The Victor Chang Awards for Excellence in Science reward students of Jodie’s calibre with deserved recognition. The awards are presented to Year 11 students who are selected by their school as having excelled in their studies during the year. Awardees are presented with framed Certificates of Achievement at presentation ceremonies and are given the opportunity to visit the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute for some hands on experience. Their names are also placed on the Victor Chang School Science Awardees Honour Roll which can be viewed on their website.

Our regional awards ceremony took place at the University of Wollongong’s Technology Campus on 5 December 2011. Unfortunately, Jodie had been seriously injured in a horse riding accident the weekend before the ceremony and was not able to attend and receive her award from Mrs Chang. I had the privilege of attending the ceremony on Jodie’s behalf to collect the award.

Jodie is now well on the way to a full recovery and will be receiving her award from Mrs Williams at our next school assembly. Congratulations, Jodie. Mrs Heather Kemp

Science Faculty

Victor Chang Awards for Excellence in

Science 2011




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Moss Vale High Newsletter Issue 2 Term 1 2012



Telephone: (02) 48681717 – (02) 48681788 – Fax: (02) 48682787 Email:[email protected] Website:www.mossvale-h.schools.nsw.edu.au/index.htm

20 February 2012

Dear Parent/Guardian,

HSC Information Night

You are invited to the HSC Information Night on Thursday, 15 March, 2012 between 6.00-8pm in the

school library. During this session you will hear from our South Coast Board of Studies officer, Cheryl

Russell about the HSC, the university ATAR and have an opportunity to ask questions.

There will be a light supper provided.

If you are able to attend, please let me know by the end of Week 7, Term 1 by returning the RSVP slip


If you have questions, please contact me on 4868 1717.

Yours faithfully

J. Wells M Norris S. Williams



HSC Information Night

Please complete and return to the Front office by Friday, 9th March, 2012

Student’s name………………………………………………….……………..

Number attending (including Year 12 student)……………

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Moss Vale High Newsletter Issue 2 Term 1 2012


Year 8 Artwork

Year 8 have been using Picasso as inspiration for a series of artworks in different media. These are examples of printmaking and digital art using picassohead.com

Sonya Thorpe, Year 8

Chantelle Philipse, Year 8

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Moss Vale High Newsletter Issue 2 Term 1 2012


At Moss Vale High School, we want you to achieve success in all areas of school life and to be respectful, responsible young people who value the opportunities offered at our school. We strongly believe that success at school will lead to even greater success in life beyond school. In an effort to build a positive school culture and to encourage positive behaviour for success, we are introducing a new merit system that will reward student achievement and effort in the following areas: academic, cultural, sporting, community service, school service and for outstanding, positive behaviour. Merits are NOT issued for simply complying with normal school rules and general instructions. Merit certificates will be awarded by teachers to reward and recognise effort, improvement or achievement in any of the above areas. The first stage of the merit system is comprised of the red and green awards. Each time a student collects TEN merit certificates, he/she simply takes them to the Deputy Principal where the appropriate award will be organised for the next school assembly. The first TEN merits lead to a RED award and a total of 25 merits lead to a GREEN award. The award recipients will be issued tickets for the assembly draw, where various prizes can be won (canteen vouchers, Empire cinema tickets). A letter of commendation will be mailed home on completion of Stage 1, the Green award. When students collect a total of 50 merits they move into the next phase of the merit system, where greater rewards can be earned. This is the Bronze, Silver and Gold stage. 50 merits lead to a BRONZE award, 75 merits lead to a SILVER award and 100 lead to the GOLD award. Each Bronze, Silver and Gold award recipient will also be invited to a special lunch or morning tea with the Principal and Deputy Principal. Silver and Gold award holders will be permitted to also use the DP area during recess/lunch and will be involved in an end of year Merit Reward. Gold award holders will receive a gold card that affords them additional privileges. A faculty merit is equal to two of the yellow merit certificates. The merits accumulate over one calendar year, so you do NOT have to start again after reaching a particular award. Award holders are expected to comply with school rules and meet our expectations of

respectful, safe and positive behaviour. Therefore, award holders will lose privileges if they are

placed on the school’s level system for unsatisfactory behaviour.

Merit certificates can be handed to the Deputy Principal at recess or lunch each day for collation.

Patricia Holmes Deputy Principal

Moss Vale High School Merit System

Positive Behaviour for Success

As I mentioned in our last newsletter, our entire school community is embarking on an exciting program which is designed to create a school environment that actively encourages positive behaviour. As part of this new program, ‘Positive Behaviour for Success’, we have implemented a new merit system that will trial throughout 2012, and review its effectiveness towards the end of term four this year. The new merit system will be part of a whole school approach to encouraging positive behaviour in our students, and a focus on striving to do their personal best in all areas of school life.

Below is an outline of the merit system, that has also been issued to our students at recent Year meetings :

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Moss Vale High Newsletter Issue 2 Term 1 2012



10 Merits

25 Merits

50 Merits

75 Merits

100 Merits


Award Award presented at assembly 1 ticket in assembly draw









Letter of commendation (stage 1) Award presented at assembly 2 tickets in assembly draw

Letter of commendation

Award presented at assembly

Merit lunch at end of term

3 tickets for assembly draw

Letter of commendation

Award presented at assembly

4 tickets in assembly draw

Merit lunch at end of term

Use of DP area at recess/lunch

Letter of commendation

Award presented at assembly

Merit lunch at end of term

Use of DP area at recess/lunch

Gold card privileges

Moss Vale High School Merit System

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Moss Vale High Newsletter Issue 2 Term 1 2012


School Photo Day

Tuesday March 13, 2012

Once again it is time for Photo Day. These photos have become an important event in

our school calendar. Individual photos of students are used for their Library Cards,

which also can be used in some circumstances as an photo ID and proof of enrolment.

For our Year 12 students these individual photos are used for their ID when sitting

their Higher School Certificate exams. If for any reason Year 12 students are not

present on the day, they will be required to supply a passport size photograph to the

Front Office for this purpose.


Dress : Clean, tidy and as per school uniform guidelines. (see over)

Children are to wear summer uniform, clean black shoes, no

jewellery, and no makeup. If your child has Sport this day, please

bring sports uniform to change into after the photo, as per school


Hair : Clean, neat and tidy.

Payment : Payment envelopes will be sent home approximately 2 weeks prior to

the day. Please complete all details on the envelope and ensure the

correct money or payment details are completed. The photographers

deal with all money on the day, the school cannot give change or

accept money for the photography company. Your child is to return

the envelope on the day and hand it to the photographer .

In the past the school had a small number of school ties available, but unfortunately

these were not returned therefore this part of our uniform is no longer available for

special group photos. All students will be expected to

be well presented and dressed in full school uniform on

the day, otherwise students may not be able to be

included in the photography sessions.

The photography company is Advancedlife

photography from Brookvale. Their contact details are

on the bottom of the payment envelope.

To enable you to work out your finances prior to receiving the

photograph envelope below is listed the costs of packages.

There are 5 different Photograph package options :

Option A : The Ultimate Photobook Pack.$40.

Option B: The Regular Photobook Pack $35.

Option C : The Basic Photobook Pack $31.

Option D : Photobook Only $29.

Option E : Group Presentation $25.

Upon receiving payment envelope please see enclosed flyer for

further details relating to each package.

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Moss Vale High Newsletter Issue 2 Term 1 2012


Uniform Requirements ALL items should have the Moss Vale High logo Moss Vale High has two uniform providers : ● Whytes Clothing ● NSW Uniforms (By Term 4 we will have a uniform shop in the school)


white school polo shirt or white school blouse with logo

navy blue pleated skirt, navy blue shorts

plain navy blue slacks (no trackpants)

white socks with skirt & shorts

COOL / WET WEATHER plain navy blue jumper

plain navy blue beanie, scarf

school blazer

plain navy blue zipper jacket (sports jacket)

plain navy fleecy MVH jacket

Senior Year Jersey / Jumpers are not part of junior uniform.

SENIOR GIRLS ( Years 10, 11 & 12)

blue blouse

Senior checked pleated or straight, short or long skirt or navy blue shorts

plain navy blue slacks (no trackpants)

white socks with skirt & shorts

Year Jersey / Jumper

SPORTS UNIFORM A new sports uniform was introduced in 2011. It is mandatory for Year 7 and 8 and optional for Years 9-11 for 2012. The uniform can be purchased from NSW Uniforms. The uniform consists of:

Navy blue tracksuit with red piping and logo

Navy blue shorts

Red/Navy blue shirt with logo. Suitable Sports Shoes must be worn to avoid injury.

SHOES For Occupational, Health and Safety reasons enclosed leather shoes MUST be worn at Moss Vale High . This includes solid leather top and tongue (this is requirement even on mufti days). The school colour for shoes is black. REQUIREMENTS 1. NO LOGOS ON ANY ITEM OF CLOTHING OTHER THAN Moss Vale High School. 2. Red school tie is required for Formal occasions - Presentations, Debating, School

Photographs etc. 3. Plain means no logos or stripes.

JUNIOR BOYS white school polo or dress shirt with logo

grey plain school pants (not tracksuits)

white socks with shorts

SENIOR BOYS white school shirt no polo styles grey plain school pants or shorts (ie not tracksuit) white socks with shorts Year Jersey / Jumper

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Swimming Carnival 2012

Swimming Carnival 2012

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Moss Vale High Newsletter Issue 2 Term 1 2012



Date : ___________________ Address : ________________________________


Roll Class : ______________ Year : ___________

Please excuse the absence of my son/daughter : _____________________________________

on (dates) _____________________________________________________________________

Total number of days absent : ______________

The reason for the absence/s (this reason must be specific, not just "he/she was sick") : ________________


Parent Name : ______________________________

Parent Signature : ___________________________ Date sent : _______________


Date : ___________________ Address : ________________________________


Roll Class : ______________ Year : ___________

Please excuse the absence of my son/daughter : _____________________________________

on (dates) _____________________________________________________________________

Total number of days absent : ______________

The reason for the absence/s (this reason must be specific, not just "he/she was sick") : ________________


Parent Name : ______________________________

Parent Signature : ___________________________ Date sent : _______________







CHANGE OF ADDRESS / CONTACT DETAILS NAME :................................................................... Roll Class : ........ .... Year : …. .......

NEW ADDRESS : ............................................................................... PO BOX .....................


New Phone No's : Home : ...................................... Work (M) : .........................................

Mobile (M) : .......................... Work (F) : ............................ Mobile (F) : ..............................

DATE YOU CHANGED ADDRESS : .......................................................................................


................................................................................................................................................................................ Do you currently have a bus pass? …………………………………………………………

NOTE : A new bus pass application must be completed when a student has : a change of address, a change of

name, change of school, change of details or comes under joint custody.