1 MosaStore -A Versatile Storage System Lauro Costa, Abdullah Gharaibeh, Samer Al-Kiswany, Matei Ripeanu , Emalayan Vairavanathan, (and many others from UBC, ANL, ORNL) Networked Systems Laboratory (NetSysLab) University of British Columbia

MosaStore -A Versatile Storage System Lauro Costa, Abdullah Gharaibeh , Samer Al-Kiswany,

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MosaStore -A Versatile Storage System Lauro Costa, Abdullah Gharaibeh , Samer Al-Kiswany, Matei Ripeanu , Emalayan Vairavanathan, (and many others from UBC, ANL, ORNL) Networked Systems Laboratory ( NetSysLab ) University of British Columbia http://n etsyslab.ece.ubc.ca . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: MosaStore -A Versatile Storage System Lauro Costa, Abdullah  Gharaibeh , Samer  Al-Kiswany,


MosaStore -A Versatile Storage System

Lauro Costa, Abdullah Gharaibeh, Samer Al-Kiswany,

Matei Ripeanu, Emalayan Vairavanathan,(and many others from UBC, ANL, ORNL)

Networked Systems Laboratory (NetSysLab)University of British Columbia


Page 2: MosaStore -A Versatile Storage System Lauro Costa, Abdullah  Gharaibeh , Samer  Al-Kiswany,


A golf course …

… a (nudist) beach

(… and 199 days of rain each year)

Networked Systems Laboratory (NetSysLab)University of British Columbia

Page 3: MosaStore -A Versatile Storage System Lauro Costa, Abdullah  Gharaibeh , Samer  Al-Kiswany,

The Landscape

Storage System Middleware

Supercomputers Desktop GridsCloud Computing

Workflows CheckpointingData Analysis

Diverse platform capabilities

Diverse workload characteristics

Challenge: Design an efficient storage system middleware


Page 4: MosaStore -A Versatile Storage System Lauro Costa, Abdullah  Gharaibeh , Samer  Al-Kiswany,


Motivation: Underprovisioned storage systems on manyHPC platforms (e.g., BlueGene/P at ANL)

10 Gb/s Switch



24 servers

IO rate : 8GBps = 51KBps / core

2.5K IO Nodes

850 MBps per 64 nodes

160K coresH

i-Speed Netw


2.5 GBpsper node

The shared storage is a bottleneckThere are underutilized resources close to application

Page 5: MosaStore -A Versatile Storage System Lauro Costa, Abdullah  Gharaibeh , Samer  Al-Kiswany,


Solution: a temporary shared datastore

10 Gb/s Switch



24 servers

IO rate : 8GBps = 51KBps / core

2.5K IO Nodes

850 MBps per 64 nodes

160K coresShared data-store

2.5 GBpsper node

Nodes dedicated to an applicationStorage system coupled with the application’s execution

Page 6: MosaStore -A Versatile Storage System Lauro Costa, Abdullah  Gharaibeh , Samer  Al-Kiswany,



10 Gb/s Switch



24 servers

IO rate : 8GBps = 51KBps / core

2.5K IO Nodes

850 MBps per 64 nodes

160K coresShared data-store

2.5 GBpsper node

Storage closer to the application. Ability to specialize

Page 7: MosaStore -A Versatile Storage System Lauro Costa, Abdullah  Gharaibeh , Samer  Al-Kiswany,

Evaluation: Harnessing ‘Close to Application’ Underutilized Resources

Overall: 1.52x

Workflow Stages(DOCK6)

Read input, compute, and write temporary results

Summarize, sort, and select


Storage Optimizations

Cache the input data

Cache temporary files

Asynch. flush results to GPFS

Results (8K cores)




Exploiting the underutilized resources can critically improve the storage system performance

Zhang et. al., “Design and Evaluation of a Collective I/O Model for Loosely-coupled Petascale Programming”, MTAGS ’08.

Page 8: MosaStore -A Versatile Storage System Lauro Costa, Abdullah  Gharaibeh , Samer  Al-Kiswany,

Evaluation: Specialization








16 32 80 160 240 320 400 480 560Number of clients





th (M

B/s) Lustre Average

stdchk Average

MosaStore throughput at larger scale (pool of 35 nodes)Experiment by: Henry Monti (VirginiaTech) on Cray XT4 cluster at ORNL

Deduplication benefits a checpointing workload• 3x higher throughput• 25-70% less storage

space and network effort

• Scales to hundreds of clients

Specialization can critically improve the storage system performance

[S. Al-Kiswany, M. Ripeanu, S. Vazhkudai, A. Gharaibeh, “stdchk: A Checkpoint Storage System for Desktop Grid Computing”, ICDCS ‘08]

Page 9: MosaStore -A Versatile Storage System Lauro Costa, Abdullah  Gharaibeh , Samer  Al-Kiswany,

Summary so far• MosaStore: versatile storage architecture, that :

Exploits underutilized resources ‘close`to the application. Supports specialization and configurability

• System is Configured at deployment time Deployment lifetime coupled with that of the target application.

[S. Al-Kiswany, A. Gharaibeh, M. Ripeanu, “The Case for a Versatile Storage System”, HotStorage’09]

Page 10: MosaStore -A Versatile Storage System Lauro Costa, Abdullah  Gharaibeh , Samer  Al-Kiswany,

MosaStore - Storage System PrototypeGoals: (1) exploration platform, and (2) support for large-scale computational science research projects.

Versatile Storage

Configurable and extensible storage system that can be specialized for a broad set of apps.

[ICDCS ’08, HotStorage ’09]

How to harness massively multicore processors to support storage system operations?

[HPDC ’08, JoCC‘09, IPCCC’09, HPDC`10]

StoreGPU Cross-layer Optimizations

Can one enable cross-layer optimizations?

[HPDC HotTopics ’08, CCGrid`12, WSLF`11]


Automatingconfig. choice

How I choose a good configuration for my application?

[ERSS`11¸ GRID`10]

Page 11: MosaStore -A Versatile Storage System Lauro Costa, Abdullah  Gharaibeh , Samer  Al-Kiswany,

• Application Storage SystemApplications can present hints on the desired

use of the data: e.g., desired replication levels, caching, data importance, etc

• Storage System Application Storage can expose storage-level attributes

e.g., file location characteristics, file health status,

Today: applications and storage systems treat data items uniformly

Opportunity: additional information can enable differentiated treatment of data items

POSIX API CustomMetadata

Our use-case: A workflow aware file system

Page 12: MosaStore -A Versatile Storage System Lauro Costa, Abdullah  Gharaibeh , Samer  Al-Kiswany,


Workflow Applications

Montage workflow

File based communication

Irregular and application-dependant data access

100000s of process, runs for weeks

Generate large I/O volumes (100TB cumulative).


Data managt30%

Scheduling, Idle41%

Source [Zhao et. al, 2012]512 BG/P cores, GPFS intermediate file system

Page 13: MosaStore -A Versatile Storage System Lauro Costa, Abdullah  Gharaibeh , Samer  Al-Kiswany,


I/O patterns in Workflow Applications

• Pipeline

• Broadcast

• Reduce

• Scatter

• Gather

Case studies in storage access by loosely coupled petascale applications , Wozniak et al, PDWS, 2009

Page 14: MosaStore -A Versatile Storage System Lauro Costa, Abdullah  Gharaibeh , Samer  Al-Kiswany,

Application: Montage

14• <

Stages 6, 7,8Pipeline pattern

Stage - 10Reduce pattern

Stage - 9Pipelinepattern

Stage - 5Reduce pattern

Page 15: MosaStore -A Versatile Storage System Lauro Costa, Abdullah  Gharaibeh , Samer  Al-Kiswany,


I/O Patterns and Storage Optimizations

Pipeline Locality aware scheduling

Broadcast Replication

Reduce Data placementLocality-aware scheduling

Scatter Block-level placement Locality-aware scheduling

Gather Block level co-placementLocality-aware scheduling

Pattern Optimizations

Data-item specific patterns and optimizations! Need for information flows in both directionsIdea: Cross-layer communication to support this

Page 16: MosaStore -A Versatile Storage System Lauro Costa, Abdullah  Gharaibeh , Samer  Al-Kiswany,


A workflow-aware file system

Thesis: cross-layer communication supported by file-level metadata the key mechanism to enable a workflow-aware file system

Progress so far: promising evaluation of potential gains (CCGrid`12)

Next step: build the system and evaluate it with applications (?SC`12)

Page 17: MosaStore -A Versatile Storage System Lauro Costa, Abdullah  Gharaibeh , Samer  Al-Kiswany,

MosaStore - Storage System PrototypeGoals: (1) exploration platform, and (2) support for large-scale computational science research projects.

Versatile Storage

Configurable and extensible storage system that can be specialized for a broad set of apps.

[ICDCS ’08, HotStorage ’09]

Harnessing massively multicore processors to support storage system operations.

[HPDC ’08, JoCC‘09, IPCCC’09, HPDC`10]

StoreGPU Cross-layer Optimizations

Enabl bidirectional cross-layer optimizations.

[HPDC HotTopics ’08, CCGrid`12, WSLF`11]


Automatingconfig. choice

How I choose a good configuration for my application?

[ERSS`11¸ GRID`10]

Page 18: MosaStore -A Versatile Storage System Lauro Costa, Abdullah  Gharaibeh , Samer  Al-Kiswany,

Thank you