ALL CREDIT REPAIR COMPANIES ARE ALIKE Not when you have a former member of Experian’s legal department running the show!

Mortgage Booklet

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Not when you have a former member of Experian’s legal department running the show!

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Here’s the di!erence:

EXPERIENCE: CRE Credit Services is co-owned and operated by James Charlet, a former member of Experian’s prestigious Consumers A!airs Special Services Department (CASS). It’s that experience and insight the translates into the excellent results everyone has been looking for.

A GUARANTEE: We’re so con!dent about our ability to get excellent results and have a high level of client satisfaction that we o"er a MONEY BACK GUARANTEE.

EDUCATION: We know there’s more than just a score involved in getting a loan done. As a standard part of our program we educate the client on how to manage their !nances so DOWN PAYMENT AND CLOSING COSTS DON’T BECOME AN ISSUE.

GREAT SERVICE: Because of our commitment to our referral sources, our credit analysts are REQUIRED to not only be in contact with the client regularly thoroughout the process, but also to be in contact with the referral source to make sure they know where their client stands.

“Better Credit…Better Options”

Experience the di!erence. Refer a client today.

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So now you can REALLY…

Sell MoreHomes...

How Much Commission do YOU make per closed loan?

Close MoreLoans…

Make MoreMoney!

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We do the work…You and Your client reap the bene"ts!

HOW DO WE DO IT? Erase non-provable charge-o!s & late pays Remove unveri"able collections Correct bankruptcy inaccuracies Help Client Establish Positive Lines of Credit Teach Client How to Create, Keep and live within a Budget

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We O!er More than Just Deletions

At CRE, we believe there is more to improving someone’s "nancial condition than just getting deletions o! the credit report.

That’s why we educate our clients about money management, budgeting and how to keep their credit scores high. We also provide a no cost Client Financial Maintenance Program that helps them to get to their down payment goals and DTI ratios as well.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does it Take?We typically start seeing results in as little as 30 days. For maximum results we plan on 90-180 days.

Why CRE?In a word – RESULTS. We usually experience a 50+% deletion rate in 30-45 days. Over the course of our entire program we average a 70+% deletion rate. This along with client education and helping clients get the best positive trade line reporting translates into maximum score improvement in the shortest period of time.

How Do You Do It?Most credit repair companies simply send out disputes to the credit bureaus. Experience and knowledge about the credit reporting and scoring industries has taught us that to get the best results you have to be communicating with those reporting to the bureaus in addition to the bureaus themselves. Having a COO whose background includes being a member of Experian’s elite Consumer A!airs Unit gives us the inside knowledge of how the credit reporting and scoring process really works, and how to utilize the laws that govern the credit reporting and scoring process to help our clients get the best results. Knowledge is power, and we have the knowledge.

What’s In It For Me?The opportunity to turn turndowns into closed loans and sold homes. At CRE we place utmost emphasis on getting referred clients back to whomever referred them after the scores are improved. In addition to getting an additional loan done, going above and beyond to help the client achieve their goals typically leads to additional referrals as well. In the end, it means more income for you!

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How Much Does it Cost?The client’s investment is determined by how many items on their credit report need to be addressed. There is a two part investment by the client – an $89 monthly processing charge (not to exceed 6 months) and a retainer that is based on the number of derogatory items on the tri-merge credit report. The client has the opportunity to negate some or all of their monthly processing charges by referring others to us, and CRE provides the client with a no cost Financial Maintenance Program with bene!ts and cost savings of up to $1,400. We believe the client’s Return on their Investment will be nothing short of fantastic.

Who is a Good Referral – and Who is Not?CRE does not sign up just anyone. The client has to meet certain criteria and commit to doing their part to make this work. They have to be able to stay current on all their current bills, forward results received promptly and manage their existing revolving credit balances (or take steps to get new positive lines of credit if they don’t have any) in order to get maximum results. We only want clients who get great results, and that means they have to commit to doing what is necessary to get those results.

What Do I Have to Do?Taking a proactive role in the referral process is critical to our mutual success. If the client does not get into the program, everyone loses. To that end, rather than just pass our information to the client and hope they make the call, you have the opportunity to direct them down the right path. Tell the client that credit score improvement is not only doable, but is very common in today’s !nancial climate and in many cases is just another step in the loan approval process. Then get their permission to forward their credit report and contact information so we can call them to begin our dialog with them. We will take it from there and get them signed up. Once they are a client, we keep you updated and in touch with them as they go through the program. This helps insure that as soon as their credit scores are where they need to be, you will be the one to get the loan done or the home sold. YOU will be the one that has provided the value added service, and YOU along with the client will be the one to bene"t from the credit score improvement they enjoy.

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For more information, visit our web sitewww.crecreditservices.com