THE SOCIAL WORLD. Resume of Recent Happenings in Society Circles. Engagement Announcements Wolfe-Weiss- bein Wedding— Home Parties— For Future Dates— Personals. The air Is full of reported matrimonial en- gagements. In the Eastern Stales, where it has become the recognized fashion to formally announce the assumption of these haprj ties, too much is often made of mere rumors. The wisdom and expediency of an authoritative announcement as soon as pos- sible i«, of course, admitted. But the young folks should bo allowed ample time to arrange matters themselves, and then the congratulations of friends follow naturally and agreeably. Parents and chaperones understand this and the matter can usually be sa'ely left with them. The announce- ment in this column guards against mis- takes in the future and prepares friends for an appropriate recognition of an important event. Such a summer as we are enjoying this year must be held responsible for numerous announcements of this nature and the end is not yet. The next event of general interest at San Rafael will be the garden party in aid of the Episcopal Church Fund, to be held next Saturday afternoon on the Tenni3 Club ground*. The recent concert netted some 53C0, and even mere is expected from this lawn party. The Mare Island hops on every other Fri- day evening are largely attended by the of- ficers ami ladies of trie navy-yard and other department stations in the neighborhood. Del Monte is having fine weather and a steady current of visitors. Preparations for the Country Club's visit on 21st, 2:2.1 and 231 inst. are expanding to include a fireworKs dis- play, Illumination of the grounds and an open-air luncheon. A grand ball and sup- per will wind up the much-anticipated visit. The bulls-head breakfast Riven Sunday at the Country Club-house in Bear Valley was attended by many of its members. The club's latest improvement is direct commu- nication with this city by telephone. Santa Cruz is given over to camp disci- I line once more, although the presence of numerous northern visitors of the fair sex affords a pleasant foil to the severity ol martial law. The ladles' camp, near the military quarter?, Is the center of attraction evenines. The i ulcers' wives are old cam- paigners, and know how to entertain visit- ors to perfection, 'i litre are many good singers in th« colony, also. Mrs. Colonel Gutlir c and family, Mrs. Colo:. el McKee and family, Mrs. Major Sherbnrn and fam- ily, Mrs. Captain Hall, Mrs. Captain Sey- mour, Mrs. Captain Cursnn of Woodland and Mrs. Captain Xihell of Nevada City, and Mrs. Lieutenant Simon'is are of lh« party. Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Lubosh cele- brated their silver wedding at 731 O'Farrell street. A large number of friends called and were hospitably entertained. A number of clubmen drove over to Bo- liiias from San Rafael one day last week. The party, to the number of fourteen, in- cluding Messrs. Louis Sloss Jr., D. de V. Graham and Charles Ho'.eo Peters, enjoyed the trip thorouehly. Miss Josephine Stewart tendered a very delightful dinner party on Thursday at her home in North Berkeley in honor of Miss Nellie Nelson, who is to be married shortly. The second annual tennis tournament for the ladies' championship and open tennis doubles of the Pacific Coast willcommence at Sun Rafael on Wednesday, the nth prox. (.Adm ssion day). The final* will be played off on the following Saturday, and on both Wednesday aDd Saturday evenings there will bo a ball at the big hotel. Miss Maud Wilkinson is the present lady champion. The second banquet of the Presbyterian Social Union will be held at the Albany Hotel, Oakland, on Tuesday evening: next. lie captain and officers of the Hanger gave a pleasant reception on board their ship Wednesday afternoon, between the hours of 3 and ti o'clock. Many of the navy- yard people v, ere in attendance and a num- ber 01 guests from Vallejo and lieiiieia. Mr. and Mr«. J. W. Raphael announce an informal reception in honor of the engage- ment of Mr. <icoree Raphael to Miss Etta Goldftein lo be held at their residence, 2422 Clay street, on Friday evening next. The Simpson Lyceum willgive us Ancu. t musical and literary entertainment In the parlors of the Simps M. E. Church, corner of Hayes and Buchanan streets, this even- ing. Among the vocal soloists will be Miss Sadie Forsyth, Miss G. Marrack and Miss K. O. >! i .. sky. Mr. W. A. 5. .Nicholson will give i. - vacation experience and the Lyceum lecture will be delivered by Rev. F. B. Pullan, D.D., who will take ns bis sub- ject: "Glimpses of Old England." KnfaffiiiEiit Notes. Tho innrris^e of Miss Isabella E., (laugh- ter if Mr. and Mr.<. I. D;;ngloda, ti Mr. John Lawrence Tieruey, will take place to- ni^M, i.t 6:30 o'clock, at Xuestra Senora de Gi idalupe Church, Broadway, above Masou street. 'Hip wedding of Mlsi Charlotte K. Miller and Major John B. Alhoon will take plac« at the residence of the br'de's parent:, on Wednesday next. Ouly relations and con- nections of t!io two contracting parties will be present. The wedding journey will be to Lake Tal:oe, and upon the return »f Mr. and Mrs. Mhoon iv the latter part of Sop- tember Mr. and Mrs. Albeit Miller will lender them a large reception, at 1204 Four- teenth street, Oakland, to which all their fnend3 will bs invited. The engagement is announced of Miss Lena Mcrrv, daughter of Cai.tain W. L. Merry, ex-Prrsldent of the Chamber of Commerce, to Mr. Jvrcme W. Wsitson, son cf Mr. M. V. B. Watson of Pacific avenue. The engagement of Mr. Henry yon Bergen of New York to Miss liuiilie Danzel of tnis city is announce 1. The engagement Is announced of Miss Jennie Marshall, formerly of Petalinua, the daughter of Mr. S. A. Alarslull, President of the American Bank and Trust Company of this city, to Mr. Pnilllp .S. Bates of Laud & Tiltou's Bauk of Portland. Oregon. The wedding of Miss Ireae Murray of Sacramento and Mr. A. B. Moran of Stock- ton will t»ke place at Sacramento next Wednesday at high noon. Card* are nut announcing the marriage of Miss Marie Howes, eldest daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Howls, to l)r. Hilt of Los Angeles, the wedding to occur to-morrow. '1 he engagement is anuouncod of Mr. Rn- dolf Schroder to Miss Irene yon Miguel of Santa Clara. The engagement Is announced of Miss Hel>-n A. Kdmondson to Mr. Carl B. Boniu. The marriage of Mr. Ktelkaii Mnrgan- steru of Seattle to Miss H. Cohen of this city will take place on Wednesday next The wedding of Mr. Giorge de Con of Philadelphia to Mi' 3Margaret Daniels of Pasadena will take piai-e there next Thurs- day. The engagement is announce! of Mr. George dimming to Misj Mary Eii'hbauio, boih of this city. The wedding will take place subtly. The weld ing of Miss Laura Foote of Sac- ramento Valley and Mr. William T. Ham- ilton of Oakland will take place at the bride's borne next Sunday. The BDgagement is announced of Mr. William F. Chipman of the Custom-house to Miss Sophie M. Koppitz, one of Ala- n.eita's attractive young ladies. The \\ ..If. -\> f^.lM-1,,v \u0084.I,|i:,s , Prominent among the weddings of the week was that of Miss Harriet B. Wolfe, daughter of Mrs. S. Wolfe of this city, to ilr. Joseph ft'eissbein of Grass Valley, which took place last Sunday evening at tho residence of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Greenberg. M 34 Golden Gate avenue, brother-in-law and •Utcr respectively of the bride. Tne entiry house was beautifully decor- ated and the affair was celebrated upou an elaborate scale. At G o'clock the orchestra played "Mendelssohn's Weddiug March" snd the bridal party appeared before the many invited guests. At the north end of the spacious parlors, beneath the vaulted ceilins, was the floral wedding b;ll formed of mmiiix anl roses, and from in center de- prnded a lovers' knot of fragrant bloom. Leading the bridal party was littleS.iuford Kotlienberg, nephew of the bride, carrying a rflvef salver with the two wed'ling ring's thereon, followed by Masters Alvin Hey- man, nrphew of the jtroutn, Walter H. L;vy Jr., Ml»s Miriam Wolfe and O-car Uey- in»n, Miss Clara Heyiuan and Joel Waeh- older, after whom came the croom escorting Krs. S. W< Ife. tho mother hi the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Heymati, sister and brother- in-law ot the groom, and the bride escurtea \>y Leon Greeuberg, her brother-in-law. Tlie ceremony was performed by the Key. Dr. Jacob Vocrsauger of San Francisco, as- sisted by the liev. Dr. M. S. Levy of Oak- laud. At the conclusion of tho ceremony the napiiy coi-.tilfc received the congratulations of ll.eir relatives ami friends, all of whom adjourned to the b.iaquet hall, where a sumptuous dinner was served amid the most pleasant suiiuundiin;-!. Mr. Edward L Wolfe, brother of the bride, acted as toast- master, and responses in the most eloquent ttyle were made by Dr. Voorsanger, Dr. M. S. Levy, Messrs. Jacob Hi-yinan, Leon Greenberg, Oscar Ue.yuian, B. Geltlpson, J. R K. NutUll. S. H. Rothenberg, Josepb Greenberg and others. After the dinner dancing followed and lasted until a late hour. A law Dumber ol te)tgraius a/jU C;)b(e- grams were received and the presents were most beautiful. \u25a0- The fcllowing day Mr. and Mrs. Weiss- bein left for a trip to the southern portion of the State. Poverty Party on Seventeenth Street. A very pleasant party was given re- cently at Mr. Barclay |J. Smith's home, 433 Seventeenth street. The invited guests donned all kinds of ludicrous costumes, from that of the dude tramp to the king of rag-pickers, and repaired to the large par- lors, where numerous games were indulged in. Prizes were offered for the most proficient and If or the ugliest costume. Among the gentlemen. Mr. Frank Hull received both prizes. Among the ladies. Miss Gertie Hntchlngs and Mis* May Parrel] received prizes respectively. Refreshments were served during the and the merry gathering broke up at midnight. Tile following persons were present: Mr. and Mrs. Barclay J. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Harper A. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Ridgway, Mr. and Mr?. George Turner, Miss Laura M. Smith, Miss Gertie Hutching!", Miss Grettio Godfrey, Miss May Farrell, Miss Hattie Whitney Miss Etta Godfrey, Miss Mary Brubaker, Miss Belle Abbott. Dr. Hydcr, Messrs. A. G. Smith, Charles Will- iams, Thomas Harrison, Frank Hull, Ed- ward Smith, Albert Heed aud £. L. O'Con- nor. Surprise Party on Brannan Street. A very enjoyable surprise party was ten- dered recently to Miss Lizzie Schwerin at the residence of her parents 487 Brannan street. The house was profusely decorated. Vocal selections, music and dancing, only interrupted by supper, furnished amuse- ment for the guests until a late hour. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Cbailes Sebwerin, Mr. and Mrs. J. Thier- back, Miss J. Dettmer, Mrs. W. Schnuten- hau.% Mrs. F. Calstrup. Mrs. N. Lilliljere, Miss Lizzie. Schwerin, Miss Lily Schwerin, Mi.-s Hose Schweiin, Miss Emma Tyson, Miss Lily Davis, Miss Alice Kiernan, Miss Mary Kiernan, .Miss T. Melsing. Miss Liz- zie Xeudeek, Miss Whitten. the Misses Hooper. Miss Burke, Miss Emma Ttaier- back, Miss Dora Thierback, Miss Maggie Hill. Party on Clara Street. On Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Woolnoueh gave a pleasant rarty at their residence on Clara street in honor of their little daughter's birthday anniversary. Inthe musical programme that look plaeo numbers were contributed by Miss Flor- ence Woolnoueh, Miss Seireu, Miss May Brandon ami Mrs. F. Bower. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Woolnough, Mr. and Mrs. F. Bower, Mr. Morris, Miss Florence Woolnouzh, Miss Il.iunnh Sesren, Miss Fiances Sullivan, Miss May Brandon and Miss Augusta Suiil. Parties to Take Place. "A Russian Romance," from the French of Eugene Scribe, will be produced by Alta Parlor, No. 3, N. D. G. \V., complimentary to California Parlor, No. 1. X. S. G. W., on Wednesday evening, the 19th inst., at Irving Hall. The excellence of previous work by the Alta Dramatic Company assures a full house. Young Ladles' Institute, No. 10, will give an entertainment and social at Pythian Cr.stle on Friday evening, the Hist inst., when the phonograph will be on exhibition. Young Ladies' Institute, Xo. 1, willcele- brate the fourth anniversary with a ball on Tuesday evening, September Ist, at Odd Fellows' Hall. Tlic Berlins will dance Tuesday evening, the 18th inst., at Odd Fellows' Hall. The Peerless Club will give their sixth hop at Odd Fellows' Hall on Tuesday even- inc. September 22d. The first annual nail given by Golden Gate Lvgion, No. 3. S. K. of A., will take place at Harmony Hall, 1749 Mission street, on Saturday evening, September 12th. '\u25a0 Allatoona," the American military drama, will be produced by the Del Monte Amateur Players at baratogi Hall .on Thursday evening, August 27in. Dancing willfollow the performance. The August meeting of the Native Sons of Vermont will be held at Old Fellows' Hall en Friday evening next. Miss Jeannie Winston will sin:;, and Boy In Bernard's Irish co i edy in two acts, entitled "O'Caila- ghan. the Irish Fakir," will be pUyed by professional talent. James A. Gurfield Corp?, No. 21, W. R. C, will hold an open meeting, £rab-bag so- cial and drawing for crochet skirt at their hall in Shield Building to-morrow evening. A baujn concert will be given at Irving Hall on Wednci-day next. Social Council, No. 4ii, O. C. F., will hold their usual monthly reunion at their hall in Ked Mi a's Building next Thursday evening. An entertainment and social illbe given by Empire L'<ii^'e. No. 832, K. and L. of 11., at St. George's Hall next Wednesday even- ing. The regular quarterly social and enter- tainment of the County Monughan Social and Benevolent Club will toku place at Metropolitan Hall to-morrow evening. Members and friends are invited to attend. Orinda Pallor, No. 50, X. 1). G. W., will give their first anniversary party at Odd Fel- lows' II ill to-morrow evening. Court Star of the West, No. ('.050, A. O. F., will give a reception, entertainment and bull at the court-room. I. 0. U. F. Building, ou Friday evening next. The Oleta Club have issued bright Invita- tions for their sixth anniversary and sou- venir ball, to take placa at Odd Fellows' Hall on Saturday evening next. The young ladies of Mrs. Ada Clark's Dancing Academy will give a banquet party ou Friday evening next at her hall, 211 Sut- ler street. Irvine's dancing classes will give a candy party at Academy Hall, 927 Mission street, on Wednesday evening next. A bon-bon party will be given by Cam- bria Circle, No. 101, C. O. V., at Cambria Hall, next Thursday ev-rnin.;. Tho LaV»ltas will hold an evening at home at La Voita Hall, Saratoga Building, next Friday pveuiiitr. Templar Bebekab Degree Lodge, No. 19, I.O. 0.X., will give an entertain and danca Saturday evening next, in Memorial Hall, Odd Fellows' Building, the occasion being their seventeenth anniversary. The third anniversary ball of Alcntrnz Circle, No. 08, C. O. 1". F. S., willtake place at Union-square Hall, Saturday evening noxt. The Ec'.ipse MinstreU will give their popu- lar monthly entertainment at Hamilton Hall, on thu corner of Geary and Steluor street?, next Friday evening. The St. Andrew's Society will celebrato the one hundred and twentieth anniversary of the birth of Sir Walter Scott with a special literary entertainment at Scottish ilallnext Friday evening. Society l'eraonnlg. Sirs. S. W. Sperry has gone down to Santa Barbara for a eeascn aud to sojourn at the Arlington. Mrs. William M. Stewart and Miss May. belle Stewart are visitine friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Adams are the guests of Governor and lirs. I'crkins of O.iklaud. Miss Lena Schell has returned home from Modesto. Mr. Frank Madison ha3 been visiting Mr, and Mis. Harry Madison at their hospitable Sonoma residence. Mr. Jacobs of tha 2ie- vsda Bank was a guest there recently. Mrs. B. U. Carr and Miss Mamie Carr have been spending a few weeks at ti.eir country home near St. Helena. Mr. and Mrs. J. Apuleton Maauirn have been enieiti.iuing Mr?. Maguire's mother, Mis. George J. Buckuall, at tliair cottage iv Hoss Vailey. Among the Sacran\en!ans who have en- gaged rooms at the Pope House for this week are Mr. and Mrs. Birdsall, Miss Etta Birdsall. Mr. and His. Dray. Mr. and Mrs. Ttiomas F. Meagher are speadinz tlie month ai Mrs. Winan's home, near Calist'ga. Their stay is made for the benefit of Mr«. Meagher's health. Miss Florence L.ickwood is the guest of the Misses Dimond at Del Monte. Mrs. H. M. Newuall and Mr. George A. Xewhall will go doun to Monterey ou Fri- day. The Misses Lillie and Maud O'Connor are the guests of Miss Hougiiton of Oakland. Mr. and Mrs. John Hey and daughter. Miss Isabel, have returned iroui an extended trip through the mountains of Southern Oregon. Colonel W. B. Sbafter an'l Mrs. Shafter have returned to Angel Island .from Klam- ath Springs, where they have been spending a fow weeks. Tin y were accompauied by Mr. and Mr*. McKittrick. Mrs. Ueorgo Hunt«mnn snd the Misses Huntsman have returned to the Bella Vista. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Badlini aud Miss Maudo Jiadlam are again sojourning at Arcadia. Lieutenant F. L.Winn, First United Stntes Infantry, and Mrs. Winn, nee Boardm in, hare returned to Angel lsl.iml from n very delightful visit at Del Monte Hotel, Mon- terey. Commander and Mrs. George W. Coffin, of Washington, D. C, will be at the Bella Vista next week on their way homo from Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Carleton, who intend making an extended Eistern trip, have ar- rived in Now York. Mr. and Mrs. W. 15. Brown and party have arrived from a pleasant trip to the Eastern State?. Mr. Sparks B. Johnson, eldest son of Gon- eral E. P. Johnson of Los Angeles, has been ill of typhoid fever for nearly three months. His condition is bo critical that General Johnson, now iv the East, has been tele- graphed for, and he left Chicago on Wednes- day for home. Among the recent visitors at Del Monte are: Mrs. O. VV. Childs, Misses Chllds, Mr. and Mrs. George A. Audenreid, Mrs. W. U. K-ed, Mrs. W. T. Ellis, Miss Hope Ellis, Allies Jtyyle, M.rs. T/h,oreßft Fair, MI3J Fair, Mr. and Mrs. Hermann Oelrlehs, Mr. and Mrs. A. Page Brown, Mr. A. B. Williamson. Among the guests at tho Colonial are: Judge mid Mrs. VV. 11. Deatty and family. Rev. and Mrs. Davis of St. Luke's, Mr. and Mrs. W. \V. Sanderson anil family, Mr. and Mrs. Horace \V. Ball, Colonel and Mrs. K. B. Parrott and famil}'. Mr. and Mrs. A. Powell and family, Dr. and Mrs. Kowand, Mrs. Kittredge, Miss Fdith Kittredfie, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Coombs, Mrs. Charles W. Kitts. Mr. and Mr=. 1,. L. Long, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. McKcr.zie, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Kiordon, Miss Kiordon. Mrs. N. R. Craven, Mrs. Ed«:tr L. lleriot, Mr.'. Ed- ward Cadwalader, Miss Edna Cadwalader, Miss Sutherland, Mis. M. J. Lawler, Miss Harrison, Miss M. D. Johnson; Messrs. \V. P. Treat, John P. Babcock, J. E. Freeman, Lansing P. Wood, F. P. Breed, E. Tnrner- Messersraith, S. M. Merrill, W. B. WVb.-t-r. Dr. E. X. Lowry, Franli Eversou Kenney, Guslav Outsell, J. C. Stone. ITEMS OF INTEREST. New York has 20,000 colored Republican voters. Th« United States has 1,000,000 miles of telegraph wires. « In Texas there is a list of 957 fugitives under Indictment for murder. About 70,000 gallons of soda-water are drunk every day in Philadelphia. "Gemini" is the last name suggested for the consolidated cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul. During a disastrous conflagration at New- Dort News, Va., two women and two chil- dren died from sheer fright. A tiny mite of humanity at Chester, Pa., three weeks old, weighs exactly three pounds. The mother is of ordinary size. A Quincy (Illinois) girl, who was enticed from her home ten years ago, has been found by her brother and restored to her parents. A Toledo (Ohio) street-car company of- fered its striking conductors 40 per cent of its gross receipts as wages, aud the offer was rejected. Kentucky is waking up to the importance of public education, and the number of new schools and school buildings is rapidly In- creasing. A New York jockey has been offered $18,- --000 for I^9-.'. Yet lie is so well fixed with his present employers that lie hesitates about accepting. A Cinciuuati man who has been robbed of S'JiXiO by his dissolute father refuses to condone the offense aud has lauded the erring parent ia jail. If riches were the gifts with which God rewarded his children there would be a great shifting about iv the ownership of things of this world. A w-iman at Lexington, Ky., with whom marriage had not been a success, drowned herself in two feet of water by weighting her body with rocks. The best thing about life at summer rc- soits Is that people appreciate pood soft beds, airy rooms, and wholesome cooking when they get home. Samuel Segner of Saybrook, 111., probably tho oldest tailor in the country, is dean, aged 81. lie had been engaged iv tne business for more than 70 years. A small girl at Cadiz, Ohio, was recently frightened into spasms by a display of fire- Works and died ten days afterward without regaining consciousness. Mrs. Nancy Albion Frost, who lives near .Marietta, Ohio, is 107 years old, and has lived in one house, ninety-one years, remov- ing to it from the " block- house " at Mari- etta. Some of the most valuable property at Piue Bluff, Ark., is being undermined by the waters of the Arkausas River, which nave assumed the proportions of a raging tlo.id. A young Philadelphia girl who had been falsely accused of theft and locked up, be- came wiid with grief and mortification, was attacked with brain fever and died in great agony. A couple at Selma, Ala., were recently married immediately after the death of the bride's mother, in compliance with her earnest wish made a few hours before she expired. It is said that of 408 men who bore the titlo of Generni iv the Confederate service only 184 are left. G. T. Beauregard is the sole survivor of those who held tho highest r;;uk, that of fullGeneral. An Indignant Camden (N. J.) woman, whose husband threw a cup of Coffee iv her face, commanded hf r sons iv " hold tlio old man," which they did, when sho gave him a vigorous horsewhipping. A dog at Bern, Switzerland, crept into a counting-house when the owner's back was Inrned, and after stealthily appropriating ";.o Irancs In notes scampered otl with them and laid them at nis own master's feet. Investigations of the working of the Knn- s;is liquor law shows that a resident ol To- peka hud a cold one day and a fever the next for a year without a break, and that his medicine was invariably whisky or beer. ANewburyport (Mass.) j^irl is en route to Seattle. Wash., to marry a man she has never seen, the courtship having been conducted by correspondence. The marriage is the. result of a " wife wanted " advertisement. A Merna (Nebr.) man refused to pay for his mother's coffin on the ground that she had mistreated him while living. A de- cision was rendered against him and he was obliged to pay tho amount, with costs of the suit. liev. William Galoraith of Wilkinsonville, Mass., aged 63, is the oldest United Presby- terian clergyman in the United States, hav- ing craduated from Union College, Sclifi- nectady, X. V., In ltvxj. and being ordained tho following year. A Boston boy, after a week in London, writes hume in tlie true spirit of the Yankee sicht-seer: "1have already done the Tower, Westminster Abbey, tho British Museum, the House of Commons, aud several other places of amusement." Camp thieves at Dover, Del., are making life miserable for the women tenters, Six valuable dresses wore stolen in on« night, aud one woman Ija'd hardly discarded her gown when relirlnj when It was whisked away by mysterious hands. Widow Wilson, who has for. years been trying to earn a poor livingout of her small sandy farm tit Vlneland, N. J., has just discovered that the whole place is under- lain with a rich deposit of glass sand, and that the farm will readily bring 850,000. Sometimes names and circumstances fit each other with wonderful accuracy. A young man of Wcodhayeu, Long Island, slandered a girl who declined his attentions and then engaged in a fight with her, from which he emerged worsted. His name was Louso. The workings of prohibition are shown in Augusta, Jit., where a leading physician the other day expressed his indignation in a card because he could not have a prescrip- tion for four ounces of brandy filled at a single drug-store, although it was a cast) of life or death. The enlistment c* Indians as soldiers is said to progress to the satisfaction of the War Department. Six companies have been organized and four more are wanted. But all the young bucks want the cavalry, and it takes much persuasion to get them into Infantry commands. A large, quantity of human skulls and bones have been exhumed on Christie street, New York, while excavating for the foun- dation of a new building. From the posi- tion of the remains (all found in a space of Gx2 ftet) itis surmised that a pauper bury- ingground may have once existed in that locality. Thomas LKzenberjr of Indianapolis, a nephew of the late Vice-president lien- drick?, has been fatally shot in Chicago while committing a burglary. He was for- merly cashier of an Indianapolis bank, and afterward was appointed to a lucrative po- sition in the Chicago Postoffice, but lie proved a defaulter for $5000, which. It is understood, was made good by Sir. Ilen- drlcka. lie was then disinherited, having drifted downward until it was useless to hope for reformation. Very frequently a champagne bath lias been referred to in illustrating some freak of profligacy. Less tuaji a half-dozen years ago a Louisville man took a genuine cham- pagne bath in Rater's Hotel. His name was— is, for he is living— Crow, and he was a sporty man. A relative died near Lexington aud left him a big lump of prop- erty. He bought enough champagne to fill a bath-tub at Uufer's and plunged into it. On the side be bad champagne to drink and a dozen companions to drink it. Two years later lie was on his uppers and hadn't a nickel.— Louisville Commercial. Captivation. " Harry, dear," said Vere de Vere, . •• I met .1 girlto-day Whose saucy smile and natty style Just touk ruy breath away. " Her lovely hair was lone and fair, tier leelU were white as suoiv, Ami what seems (jueer, now, llany dear, Is bow slie uiaiie them so." " Why, Vere, my lad, you m.ike me mad; At your atie duu't you know Toal KOZODON'T, used night and morn, Will make icetu white as suow?" Pretty Girls and Plain Girls Both use SOZODONT, and some of the loveliest ol llielr sex have been heard to declare, when Hiked c l.at bcauiliied their teeth, that It was SOZODONT. Nature provides woman with beautiful teeth. SOZODONT, If used regularly, keeps thosfl pretly rows of pearls from decay- ing. This Is a statement which those who use the article always corroborate. If SOZODONT were not In veiy truth a preparation of stalling mci !• the public would lons aluce Lave discov- ered | ha fact aßd dlica(d,ed it, TO-DAY. .\u25a0- \u25a0 . Be swift to love your cwn, dears, Your own who nre I you so: . Buy to the spec liiii hour, dears, ••I willnot if thee co Eirept t:iou nivo a blesstaf"; For' c it to iille and stay. Love has no sure to-morrow, It ouiy has to-day. Oh. hasten to l>» kind, dears. Before the time shall come - When you are left behind, dean, In an all-lonely home; Beforo In into contrition Vainly you weep and pray. Love has un sure to-morrow. Itonly tin. tod iy. Swifter ttan sun and shade, dean. Move the fleet wine* <t pain. The cbauce we have to-day, dears. May never come agalu. Joy is a fickle rover, lie broofceth.uot delay. Love lias no sure to-morrow, It only has to-day. Too late to plead or grieve, dears. - Too iate to kiss or sigh. When death has laid tit; seal, dears, On tit: cold lip anil eye, Too late our giftsto lavish Upon the burial clay; Love lias no sure to-morrow. Itonly has to-day. —Congregational Ist. UNCLE JOB'S PLAN. BY ASA GI.ANXAI,. Uncle Job Forester was like a great many other American parents— he had perfect children. "Them boys," he was wont to say, "wouldn't marry ary woman in the county; uot hut what there's plenty good enough an' better, but they have other plans an' projee's!" But even perfect children sometimes give trouble, and Uncle Job's boys, at the ace of 20 and L'J, were no exception to tlie rule. A pretty school-teacher boarded at the Foresters', and it was her apparently inno- cent self that was making all the trouble. Lew Forester, the younger of the boy?, was hopelessly in love with her, and as he was young, with his life's work scarcely mapped out, and as May Doming was ucor, with an abundance of poor relations, the marriage was deemed highly inexpedient. Uncle Job ruminated upon the. subject as he followed his lazy, lat team along tiie corn-row^. "Seems to iuc," he soliloquized, "ef I'd jes' speak to her father— drat the weeds! 1 do wish I'd a check-rowed this! the cockle- burrs is a goin' to jes' plum teetotal!y take hit—he'd stop hit, ueing so poor and high- minded. But like's not Lewd get mail at my interfering an' marry her anyhow, jes' to teacli me a lesson and not a aimin' to marry hsr nt all, before. I've kuowed parents to put they foot in it mightily aforo this, an' I've wondered If Mahaly Ann Briggs would ii been a better chance than Mary Ann, though I wouldn't have nuther one of 'em a SUPPOSIn's that I riclectanv- thtng about them times. No, I reckiu I'd belter not call on Her pap for any help, see- ing as 1 spilt his prospec's in our young days. Oh, you get up there, you lazy heifer ! Looks liko the more you feed 'uiu tho lazier they git! No, but el I can't hatch up something 'thout showin' my hand, why, I'lljes' let 'em marry for heiu' a fool." "Lew," ssid Uncle Job, the followiug Saturday morning, "1 want you to tate the one-seated els an' go to Chillicothe on business, an' 1 want you to not pick up any passengers either goin' or comin', for that left wheel ain't any too strong, sin' watch an' don't go into any mts. I'd like for thtit eig to last till I feel able to get another one." "Can't Dan go?" Lew asked petulantly. "I do hato to ride to town all by myself over the hills an' through the red bresh. I'd ruther plow hard all day." "Well, plow, then," Uncle Job answered with a merry twiiiklo iv his eye. "That uiedder piece nerds plowin' monstrous bad. You and I ran plow an' l)an'lcnn go jes' as Well as not." "If I was him I wouldn't drivo no gig," Lew remarked, uttering the words before reflecting udoii what infant follow. "I ain't a-goin' to," Dan answered, with the confidence of a young man who owns a pood team of his own. "I'm a-going to drive Still and Grace— the buggy needs a little fixing up." Lew hitched up his team and went to work. lie despaired of having a chat with May so early in tbo morning, but he could come in at half-past 11; she was not busy then. Uncle Job hung around the barn and managed to engage Dan's attention, thus retarding his start until Lew had gone to work. "Now see here, Dan'l," he began as soon as Lew was out of earshot, "anybody can see that Lew is soft on the teacher, and the jilt will marry her ef he ain't stopped; not but what she's plenty good enough fur him, an' too pood, as to that, but yon know we've allus hud other plans for Lew. I never haw slch a bard-hearted creetur as he is. He can cut an' slash on live animal.«, an' 1 think had make a good doctor. Thai's what me an' your maw wants, an' of course ef he marries the school-teacher, be can't never be ncthiog but a farmer, for you know he can't niore'n write his name now, tlionch he's learnin' considerable from her, God bless her! She's a good little thine. Well, what I was (joing to say is this: you make up to her. You've cot your new horses and buggy and lots of nice clothes, and you can cut him out quick as wink." " Then s'pose I take her to town to-day," Dan suggested, not at all displeased at the prospect of a twenty-four mile ride with so pleasant a companion. " Yes, yes! You hitch up an' I willgo tell her. I'll fix It." With that ho hurried to the house, elated at the working of his plan. "Miss May," he said in a loud whisper from the fiont door, "you come here a minute." "Ina niomeut, uncle," a pleasant voico answered. "Come out Into the yard," he murmured. "I want you to do a favor for me. I want to ci't tlin old lad; two new Binglum dressi-s. Rn' I want Vtu to bo nice an' Inot nice an fitnice, :mu I want you topicl, them out au' p:<y for tlicin. I'll give you the money. X want you to bo with Dan'l." "Yes, certainly," May nnswprej with R suspicious pink innntlinglicr checks. '-'Cimld you tell me anytbiou about wliat klud of pincham you want?'' "You jest use your own judgment— get sonipthiiif; becomin' to old women— and yon cut it an' make it, an' I'll knock off a week's boaru for on«, au' nunllier week for an- otlier. We like to have mother look nice." At about 10 o'clock Mr. Forester went over to see how Lew was progressing with his work. Ho found him busy, aud cheerily Whistling "Jlarble Halls." "It's a plumb sliamu to teaso the boy," bis father eoliloquizt'd, as approached the grassy turning row. "But all the evils of life must bo keoved with gome suiYcriDc. 1 kuow I'd better keep lil;:i free to go on an' make Bomethtng out of hiss«lf than lo have him lied down to linrd work with a wife and a passel o' litilo children. I see you've b«e:i a-humpin' yersclf," he said, as J>ew approached. "Xo need to kill yersclf nnj the team, too." "We've taken It easy; nice dirt this; never seen belter; wish you'd give mn ivy sherr on this sido when you divide up." "Maybe— but you'll be a-selling yourn," his fathi-r answered, looUins; withpride upon his various fields stretching away in tho dis- tance, some with wheat, some with oatc, besides small patches of oastoi beans, fl;ix, cane, millet and tiasture and meadow. "No, I'm thinking of builain' au' settlin' right here," Lew replied, whilo n boyish blush dyed his downy cheek. "I've been thinking thatef you and maw was will in'— " "Ye?, a iiioutionin' of your maw puts me in mind that 1 sent by May this morning to get her a couple o' new dresses. Scums to mo we don't lay enough htore by tho way she looks." "Wliere'd May go?" Lew asked with a sinking of the lieart. "She went with pan'l," looking over his fields and mercifully turning his back. "May's ft mighty likely girl; there halu't none better." Without a word Lew turned his team Into the corn and began to plow. His father noticed that lie was umiMully couth- with the horses, and his conscience troubled him not a little as he walked toward tho house. " Kf I hadn't a-tole him," he said, contem- plating the varii-giited sod with unvoting e>e, "ho would a-cmuo iv at v, and when ho found sho want here, he'd n-went out agin j*s 's quick's hecotilil git his dinner an' a-plowed till dark, au' that's too much on the horses." Lew came iv at a quarter past 12, ate Ills dinner in siieuce, ana was for starting back to the field. "You ruiistn't take the hnrses out till 2 Lewie," his father said. "You gn lie down and sleep under a shado tiee—you'll feel lots better." '• 1 don't want no sleep," Low growled. Q "Ef you don't the horses does," said his father. "isut if you ain't sleepy let's go out hero under tho trees. 1 Jeel kinder rlA- less an' lonesonio with Dan an 1 May gone, and I know mother doesn't like to have men folks around till she gets her work done. You an' Dan is young aud free, an' I just saw Jim Lucas pas*, an' I couldn't help R-contrastiug ye. Jim was young about ten years ba<'k, an' so was bailie, and they had. ambitions. Jim was purty good sclwl- lared for tne countiy, nn' he wanted to be a Congressman or sometbin'. Sullie was purty and sweet, an' most any mau in his senses would ha' loved her •-J he did, an' they married, ««' now they have six children, and jfm cau't do nothin' but Je.' dig for lh en. Tie ain't ablei to hire a hand, „„' ho rents, aud he don t get ao richer igfay year, evon if Sal- lie does contrivo an' save. It looks turty hard, but in.-'s tot to dig an' save an' scrimp until bo's old, and maybfi longer." "I suppose he loves Sallie," Lew sug- gested. •\u25a0_ "Oh, yes, kinder sorter: but his life ain't what he bargained for. Married life lacks a pood deal of b?in' a picnic when people looks -4iigh and is poor. This everlasting grind for sonielhin' to eat is awful hard on a fellar with ambitions. Your maw an' me vinnt you to be a doctor, an' I was a-thinkin'-" "Paw, I don't know enough." Lew sat no and looked resolute. "Yon know I never was fond of book*, an' 1 don't Ilka nothing but turning no dirt and handling stock. I'll never make a doctor nor aConEres<miin, nor nothing hut a plain farmer, and I wan: to marry May an' go to housekeeping a3 soon as I'm of age, which will be in ten months an' seventeen days." "Wait tillyou're 21, and then, ef yon want to marry her, why, nil right; but I'll tell you now that the day'll come when you will wiih you hadn't. May's as boikl a girl as over lived, but I'm afraid you'll be overrun by her kin. They're g*eat folks to come an' stay all night an' bring the whole family." Mr. Forester arose, brushed the whittliugs from his trousers, and remarking that he'd see to the "hitchin' of the horses," went off to the barn. That afternoon he confided his doubts and misgivings to his wife, and received somn very sharp advice about the advisability of attending to his own business. "Well, my heart Jest bleeds for other peo- ple's boys," Mr. Forester asseverated, "an' when it comes to my own it 'pears Ilko I would do anything to keep f «m from a-run- uina their heads in nooses that'll keep 'tin choked down the rest of their days." "You'll see, paw," Mrs. Forester replied with the coiifidence of an observing miud. "I've kuowed and beerd of a good many matches a-beiu' broke off, and very few of 'em ever come to any good." "Stuff 1" scornfully replied Uncle Job. "Youknow the glrN in this country are en- caged lots of times 'fore they marry. Why, I know a young fellar th:it'd jest set down ami write to a girlan' ast her to marry him an' he didn't have the least intentions that way. Don't you think that engagement ought to be broknn off?" "I'm not talkin' about that kind— l'm n- talkluK about where they love, an' want to marry." "Well, we wont quarl." And they didn't. During the rest of the term Dan paid May the most marked attention. Scarcely a day passed that he did not take her driving or horseback riding, and she sat on a horse witn the utmost grace. May brightened aud looked her prettiest during these happy days, wnlle Lew at fir.st sulked and then became genuinely indifferent. lie kept to his work in all weathers, and it began to he noticed that his pnrt of the crop looked much better than Dan's, although Lew had helped him more than once. "1 will plow this afternoon," he would say, "and you may help mother and May with their yarn," or "I'll go after the cattle and you and May can drive down to bpnu^- hill and get the mail." At first this indifference was assumed to hido his wounded pride, bat it soon camo to pass Unit he found himself happier and nearer real contentment than ever before. Not so with Uncla Job. At first ho rubbed his hands complacently, and smiled to think how easy it was to manage boys so well brought up as his were. But Dan was continuing his attentions too lone, and they were too marked and too ardent, lie re- solved to speak to him. "Look here, Dan!" he began, one day, when they were building the new rail-fence, around the pasture. "Don't you think you are carrying this thins too far? May might fall in love with you." "1hope she has, paw," Dan replied, with n sheepish laiiuh, "for we are going to marry whun her school is out, and if you will lot me, I'd like to build on the west eighty." " Yes, Dan'l, jes' as you like." meekly. "May s.i mighty fine girl, an' I've goto very- thing to be proud of. Thankee, Dau'l, fur briugia' us soch a nice darter." He turned away for some rails, and paused a moment, looking at their splintery cleanli- ness. * "Out of tho frying-pan into the fire,'" he muttered, "an* I done It, shore's fate!" A NOVEL COMPANY. Its Object i- to Secure Transportation to the World* Fair. Tho World's Fair Transportation Com- pany of this city filed article* of incorpora- tion yesterday with the Secretary of State. The object of this company is to furnish transportation from Minnesota and other Western points to Chicago at Hie time of the Ci.'luuibiau Exposition. It has a capital of £00,000, and is to continue for a period of five years. The head ollice of the company will bo in this city. The plan is to furnish a contract to patrons which calls for trans- portation to and from Chicago, good for a period of thirty days, including six days' board at a first-class hotel and six days' admission to tho grounds, upon the payment of a certain amount named in the contract. The payment of this amount is so arranged that there is scarcely any ona who will Dot be able to visit this great ex- position and take his wifu with him. Each patron is required to pay a fee of SI at 11 1 \u25a0- \u25a0 time the contract is made, and the balance in weekly payments of such a sum as will by May 1, 18'J3, ennui the amount called for in the contract In each city this contract price will vary according to the distance from Chicago. Other companies similar to this have been organized hi the East, but this is the first of the kind In Minnesota. Provision will be made for its patrons vis- iting the fair in excursion train?, and in this way the company will b* able to secure tuu lowest rates.— St. Paul Pioneer Press, HOTEL ARRIVALS. KUSS HOUSE. R Jones, Long Island r A Cowan. Stockton It SI Covert. Cal CC Kastiu, Newman A It Ileum. Nana Mrs Willis. Sacramento J S Roberts A w. Napa It Pitcher, Princeton E B Smith, Valiejo MISS Pitcher, Princeton YVNlcholls, Cal YV Slyrlck. Slen.locluo N W Sandercock.SanLuis G YYhiuaker. ciovenialo Obispo E 1) Stewart, Slsson R S Brown, Petaluma T YV Smith, San Jove T C Bisk, Stoney Ford J Roads. Philadelphia J Jeans A son. inters L Ketchatn. Philadelphia s V Hopkins, Washington sirs J 1. Watson, saujose Bliss Hopkins, Wash It Blake, San Jose I) S -Matthews. Stockton .1 C Kclley A- w, Man Jose Q 1. stone A- w. Pueblo BJonson, Tucsua It P Clement, Susanville it M Brown, Santa Cruz IfII Harlow, Tulare G Pair, Petaluma F" G Johnson, Lodl J A Barker, Fresno - - N Reld. Bath J Bishop, Slendoclno X Bock, San Lcandro T J Davis, Stockton J 11 Seal. Pleaxanton E Fischer, llaywards JSI Tyson, San Quentln 81, Usher, Byron M D Nichols, Nlles C W YVarneg, Byron P II .Mason, Cal P Kebard, Fresno P Bailey, Cal Jllss Weeks. Coiiiitlle Mrs C A Doe, Fernoale E L Marshall, Seattle Mrs E F Weeks, Coqullle - PALACE HOTEL. Abe Rosencranz. Cal J R Taylor**.Baltimore F; SI Williams, Vacavillo AStabler.YVasbington.D C Win Sanger Jr. Sao D It Lyman. Virginia City Peter Scwaub. Boston H ItLogan, Empire .1 yv Foss, San Anselmo TB Grlswold, Chicago Nl3 Fowler, Rochester W BBless, Sonoma I) SI Kelly, New York S Aaron. Los Angeles MPhillips, San Joso L A Grant A w. Los Ang X 1. Caluuw, Stockton SlKSeveranccAiv.l.osAng It A Blayhew, Nlles T B Rickey, Carson City II 11 Pitcher. Llvermore John A Heel, Pittsburg D C Ferris, New York Baron yon Schilling, St L Courses, Stexico Helena Sirs E Hodges. Detroit Win B Randnl, Alameda C J Hodges, Sllchlgan Sirs A X Potter, Helena T W Buzze, Alta, Utah SllssLtura li King, Helena SI Sheehan, Baltimore MrsC A Avery, Wisconsin J 31 Sheehan, Baltimore Dr Cluuess. Sacramento Walter S .Moss. Baltimore: J D Stephens, Woodland C II Yrrrlbower, Readinglll W Joues, USA I, Lamb A w, Clinton, BiolSirs Curtis A a, Woodland Sllss SI Lamb, Clinton,Bio] Manuel Lopez. Guatemala BllssGELamb, Clinton, SloiK A Meyer & NewYork Sam Ward, England I INTERNATIONAL HOTEL. W A Wlidey, Antioch Sliss Howard. Oakland A MGrecves, Antioch W LLaytou, San Jose It D Dnglas, Santa Rosa Wi| Tavlor, California II SSudolph.Charlcstown MShanlonsky, Russia FF Collins, Schenectady X Hcarby. sin Jose 11 Scgelke, New York W Bruel. .Minnesota P Commtngs. New Yark A Blassey, Tulare P (1 Siootie, New York c C Lamaret. Merced L B Brittan, Denver Sir Haley, Santa Barbara SI SI SI Innton, Baltimore Sir Stewart, U S N S Blullen. Eureka MrsEHrownAdau, N Mcx II G Hawthorne. Redßlult T BeallS, Montana NS Jones, Salt Springs C E Laffle, Idaho Sits H Laud. Monterey c E Cartcou, Santa Rosa G Turner, Coos Bay G Dyecon, Siberia L LRobinson A wt, Ohio E I) VounglOve, Tucson J LYoung. Siarysvllle c SI GreyAw.San Antonio LG Mackouzle.SpokaueF 1) Stiller, Stockton YV Smith, Philadelphia D V Slyers, Stockton ¥ Slerther. Sacramento Joe Rogers, East Oakland T Murphy, Hong-Kong JI. Frey, Slountaln View C a Metzger, San Joso YV Marseirew, Lathrop F Clark, Los Angeles C L Well. Manchester A Fliertez, Mountains' w GRAND HOTEL. I) B Moore. Tulare <) Talbot, San Jose J G DonarU, Cliluo .1 B Keddlek, Calaveras A A Lake. California Rev T G Watson, Spknc 0 do Cagway, California l" s YVatson, Spokane Miss A Graham, Alameda Sllss !•' T Watson, spkno E 11 Miller, Valiejo J P. YVhaleu, Seattle YV X Dargle, Oakland A I. Lincoln, Sta Barbara B Chadbourn. Oakland M Van Gorden. Sn Simon J B Lavery. Sausallto II It Bowie A w, Cal 0 1) Whittler, Riverside J Bryiion A fin, Grnwood 1 N llahu. St Louis ,1 Marshall, Y'acaviue 11 a Slay A w. Sacto J Gn.ver A w, Colusa W s Green, Colusa Bliss C Grover, Colusa J G Hodgen. wA c.YYdlud Sliss SI Grover, Colusa A Welter, Nebraska E SI lloux, Slaxwell Sirs J T Joy, Sacto C Traver. Sacramento P F Prael, Portland YV Morgan, Nevada City G1" Ruiiyon, Conrtiand GG Allan, Nevada City AMcFadyen, Santa Rosa V -\u25a0 BALDWIN HOTEL. E Berth, New York E w YVllbur. Eureka tv It Clark, Stockton J A Slorrlssey Stockton D VMaiioney, sun Jose T c Kearus, Victoria G X Graham, Newark T J Nolton, Pt Townsend James Lamb, San Jose ASearls, port Townsend MYVelss, San Joso C A Lllustsll. BO . J E Johnson, Napa B F' Smith, Seattle C II Brown, Oakland A .Mackintosh, Seattle V Jones, Sin D lego FP Hell. Stockton \u25a0\u25a0-. B YV Mai: in. Lorenzo J P Berry, Santa Rosa J Rlchl, Seattle R J X Aden, Valiejo r G Rosenslilne, New York John Smith, Valiejo Mark Kohn. Portland D Barberan A w, Cal £SS Mrs J A Garner, Los An H VBainsdall, St Louis Dr li Hue!!, Los Angeles I .-.'.,-. . LICK HOUSE. G Reed, Walnut Creek . i.overman, itanfcrd E Hamilton, Stockton Sirs Bl J llartau.S Ramon h X Nester, S*',ita Cruz Mrs Lewelliug.Sa Ramon L Ilernsr^'m, Reno GO Treat, Sau Kainon Ai, uagnall, w « '-'c.Ohlo o yv Warfleld, cuico . W 0 Root. New York Mrs F' Berringer.StHelna It J Andrews. Virginia Sirs E Becker, St Helena J L Barston, Vermont ,1- 11 Baxter, Seattle Bliss MLBanton. Vt HFrederick. Seattle E J O'Boyle, St Louis I Bins A Harlan, Victoria LHanson A w, Fresno Miss I. 31 Harlan. Victoria E MStarr A- w, Oregon - A S Morton Aw. Sulsun G C Alexander, llauford MTeed, Los Angeles . OCEAN STEAMERS. I Dates of Departure From San Francisco.*^ LIST OF LETTERS remaining unclaimed In the PostofSce at San Fran- cisco on MONDAY, August 10. 1891. . " IKe-Toobtain any of these letters the applicant must call for "Advertised Letters." anil Rive the date or the list, irnot called for within two weeks they willbe sent to the Dead-letter Office, Alira ins, Mrs Dan ' Anderson, Kll " V Abery, w \u25a0 Andres*, A E Abiluc, Wm Andrews, A Arkerman. Sirs C Andrews Sffg Co Adier. (has i Angllu. Miss Annie Aiken. Mathew Appei. Geo J Alexander, Mr(Taylor 4 Appev, Levi Turk sts) Armstrong. .Mrs Amelia Alexander, Edward Arthur/, Sirs .* Allen. L11 Asueltu, Sirs Johanna Allen. Kourad Ashman, J A Anderson, Anders Atkinson. Miss Clara Anderson, Anna Atlantic Marine las Co Anderson. Hon A P Auger, Mrs A Anderson. Herman Austin, Geo Auderssau, Hulda Au.tin. Dr J SI Anderson. J Avellanes. Sautleago Anderson, Jas Ayres, Harry I'.aetliiren. Dr Ernst ißornbelm. Mrs A Daer, Miss *. Boon, W 1) Bagshaw, I, SV Boothby, W T Balrd Dredglug Co Bootz, AJ Bailey, Sirs Sarah Borchert. Oliver Baker, II M Bourn, Wm Baker, Henry Jr 80-.vei. Miss (2105 Cal) Pater, Win 11 Bowler. Miss Ellen Baldwin. Miss SI P Boyd, Dr J Hamilton Baldwin, Rosanna Hoyer, Bliss Emma i Dalenslefer. vv F I!, .yea. Sllss Laura Baltic, .Miss Louisa Bradbury, Miss Helen Bsluiia, I" 51 Bradbury, JnoL Banks, C I, Branch, E Barclay, W O Brandt. A Barginann, C Brandt, 51 Barker A Partner Biausleiter, Chas M Barker. Juo F Hraun, C A Barlow &Barrett Brett nan Mrs (211Powell) Barney, Sirs C li Brennan. .Miss Maria Barrett. .1 A Brewer, Geo Barthelman. J F2 Bridge, X E Haskeviiie, D W Brldgt*. Edith "ass, I* Brlcx, Miss Mabel Bauer, Miss Emily Britt,Mary Bauman, Mrs Britt, Michael Baylor, Mrs (Black Pt) Itrliton. Elizabeth Bean. A E Brooks. Mrs Kate BearLiikeLandAVVatcrCo Brotbertou, Miss Ireno Betty, Oscar Browder, .1 W Becht, Sirs SI Brown, A O Becker, Fritz Brown, Miss Bessie 0 Beekwith. Wm Brown, Sirs C S Beecher, Henry B Brown, Duff Beidelman. Sirs Alice Brown, Miss Flossie Bell, Sirs Frank Brown, Harry Beitker, Geo J Brown, left 2 Bennett. Silas M B Brown, Miss Jessie Bennett, T Brown, .Miss LF Benson. Geo Brown, Sliss May Berderway, Soloman Brown, Titos F Beresford, W P Brown, S (i Merger, C o Brown, Dr Wallace Bcrgstrom, Sallle Browne, W S Denial, Juo Bryan, Annie L Bet Tin. an, Miss Alice Bryant, Sirs Bldner, X W Bryant, Dr Francis O Bierson, Sliss A Bueney, Sllss Lucy M Blerwirtli. Ernst Burke. Sliss Jennie 2 Bishop, Sirs E Burke, Sllss Maggie Black, ltobt Burke, .Mrs WP Blackley, W Burrls, Sirs Black. Jennie Burrls, W T Biancbard, Sirs L A Burroughs, Mrs Chat Dlapp A Zlillg Burroughs, Sirs MJ Block, O L Burton, Jus i' Block, ltobt Burton. Sllss M BotiKiulst, J A Bush, Sirs Annie I Blount. DonJ Bush, I- red Blum, Mrs Bush. Frank J Bordeman, Henry W Bushcy, Jno Bollinger, J 11 2 Cahecii. It.1 iClum & Connor Cal Farmers Slut Ins Co Clutterback, Thomas 0 Cal Freie Press Cohen, Slark A Cal Kitchen cabinet Co Conn. .Morltz Callahan, Sir Colby, Mrs Hattle A Calllgan, s Colby, II G Calnaii, sirs Uolman, Sirs Chas Cameron, Sllss Hattle Coleman, Thos I Campbell, Sirs John Coleman. Win J - Campbell, Sirs Mary Collins, Juo S Canute, Sliss Mary Collins. Win Canney, I- U Conlev. Jack Carahis, Francis Connolly, George Cauuudy, Miss EP Conner. A II A- Mrs Carpenter, DII Cook. Sirs Anna Carroll. Sliss l.aura Cook. Sirs Walter Carroll, ltobt I) Corbley, Hiss Katlo Carson, Sirs W T 2 Costello, Slary X Cartaym. Peter Cota, James Casey. Miss (Braunan st) Cotter, Bliss MO . ',' Casey, Bliss Mary Cram, Dr Leon II Carinas. Sirs J Crane. Barney Cates. W T Jr Crawford, Mrs Slarv Chance, Sliss .Myrtle Croctiesun, Mtss Esther Capln. Miss Lottie L Grace Chappie, John Crouln, D W Chevalller, Miss A A Crosette, Sirs G Christen, c Crouch, Miss Bessie Obrlstensen, Laurlsts Cryau, Bernard Church, Sirs .Margaret Cummins, Henry Clarke, George Cummins, Mrs 51 A Clark, Henry O Cunningham, Grove Clark, Jim Curtin, Sirs A P Clark. Sliss Lottie Curtis. I Clark, James Cushuian. HD Clayton. Miss Cora A Cushuian, Sliss Helen Cleans, Isaac X Cushuian, Miss Mary E Clendennln, J W B Dale, (has Weston DIHa, DNA Co Dales, Sllss Julia A Ditto. Karl Dalton, Patrick Duunigaii, Andro Darvllle, WTO Dlnsmore, Chas Davidson, W T Dorilti'iop, John Davis, sirs Dolan, SI C Davis. 51i:s Annie Dolan. Thos Davis, 11 Dollman, Albert Davis, Sliss Mamie Donaglu, Wm J Davis, Slerrltt Donald, W Davie*, Richard R Jr Donnelly, Bridget Day, Miss Slay L Donohue, Annie Dean, Sllss Ida Douoghue, Morgan Dean. Sirs ItC Dorr, sir and Mrs Dearitiger, Sits Maggie Dorothy, Sllss Annie I).-Bell, W II Doyle, Kiltie liefaul, W C Doyle. M Delery, J Duhring, Sirs Fred El Dtlbas, Sirs Dunbar, Sirs Jane Dillon. Miss Margie Dnnlop, Sliss X C Demurest, w Duncan, D Do Koran. Sirs Laura Duncan, Capt W L. li.mil/, James A Dunn, Win De Stlva, S It Duraud. Sirs 51 DO \e:.u. X W Dyer, Eilsha Diamond, Harrio 9 Kaule Box Factory ' Elicny,Mrs Charles Karl. Sirs Klro.l, J Eaton. Alfred Ellis,Miss Maria Eastou, P 11 Kniinous, J E Finer, .Max F.rwii.g A Ciafnn Edgecombe, Mrs J n Eugelmaun, Ernestine SI Elchelberger, John c Eriksoa, J II l-.i.-ke. A Erlckson, sirs Margaret Elffirt. .Miss Gretchen Erlaudson, Silas Jenny teatey, Sllss (Mission st) Fstette. .Mrs 9 E F:keborn, J A jßstes, Sliss C of Elnlnger. Emma Evarts, Nellie F:iectrozone Mfg Co Evin, Louisa I'uik, John iFlanlgan. Miss Ellen Fnik. David Foley, John A Sir* l'ahre. Sllss Louisa Fonteneau, Mrs Chas Fargo, SIIs*Nellie Foret, Joe Farmer, SVIII Foster, Sllss Ancio Parnsworth, wL Fouhy. Patrick F'arrell, Sllss Lizzy Fourth, v Farris, Mrs I) Fox. Sllss Dolly Farwell, Henry Frabizio, Sllcheie farrow. Mrs Jas Francis. Sirs Geo II Feenny, J c Frank, tie.) Ferdinand, Mr Franklin, Henry Perm, Sliss Lucy Franklin, Jas Ferguson, Dan Freei.m, Sllss Louisa Fiddler, FMw Frolsslnn. Otto L Field. E A Freytiott, Eugeuo Finn, Sliss H Freeman, A B -1 Fisher* Solomon Freeman, Sirs Harvey Fish. Sir Freeman, Walt F Fiske. C A French, .fas S Fitzgerald, 0 Fnsbie, Gen AMrs Fitzgerald. Jas It Furrer, V Fltzpatrick, Sliss Alces Furry, Sllss Hettle i. ..:'.. i > . S D Graham, Frank Gabrleisen, Frank Graham. Mrs CT Oaaes, J I) Graham, sirs c Tempest Galloway. J Graham, Sirs Geo Gardiner, ,1 Graham, Miss Khoda tiarcis, Bliss Cclena Graham, Chas Garrett, W V A Co Grallert. Paul Garcia. C Graut. Sirs Anita P •.laughter. .1 B Graves, JA Oay. .MissEL Grassman, E D L Gearn. V A Gray, Carlton Oearhart. Sirs Nettle Grey, li 31 Ccrnier. John C GreenUoods, (Mont- Gibson, Win 2 gomery aye) liibean, Sllss Eudorle Greenlaw, sirs M A dinger. Max GreKy, Mrs Oultcn Gobel. Wm Orlrno, J Godfrey. Sliss Stattle Grinin, Wm 3 Golden Gate Perlucicrr Grinin, S W Co Grlffls. J W Gootlfellow. J Guenther, Joe Genshorn, S Gundolphy Co Ooss, A 11 lla'eakala. ITenry nectar, Rev J II Ilaliey, Sirs Sarah M Hehemann, Sirs I Halphln. Mute C J Hciman Bros Hall, Sire Adeilna llegsr.l, Sirs Anna Hall, Sir A Sirs Helwlg. J It Hale. Jas F Helm, Slajor Geo M Hammond. John llelgeson. Mrs Lrua Hammer, I. II Henly, Sirs Flora Hamilton, (I D Henderson, Sirs Geo Hamilton, Dr W Henderson. Bliss Anne Bedford, Edwin Herbert, Titos Hansen. Sirs M Herring, Sir* E Uardwick, Fiddle Hen-Ruth, 6 F Hardwlcke, J P Heyin in, X B Harp, F' F Heydenaher. Sirs Harmon. Mis* Alice Hlliman, Henry Harper, Sirs Amanda Hlllebrandt. F &Co Haegse, John Hlrth, Herman llarrliuan. Sirs E Illrsti, A A Bro Hartrlvc. Aug Hoffmann, Geo Harris, Sirs Slary A Hoffmann, John H Harris, Sirs Annie C Hohl, J Hart, -Marlon Holden, Sirs Annie Hasagana. F Hollls, Mrs IraH Hatch. EL Hollls, Mrs Frank :-'.." llaupt. Geo Hartnett, O Haussinan, Geo ' Howard, John M Hayes, Patrick Humphreys. J llavniau. BW ' llughsnn, Wm Hazeltlne, >V E Hughes, Thomas J Hay, Win 11 liughos, Chas H.zlehurst. Dr O A Huntsman, Mrs G IT Heatherlng. Bliss Myrtle Hunt. Sirs A S liealey. Miss Kittle I Hutchinson, Mrs Theresa Hedqulst. Johu Hutchinson, C D Hedges. Geo Irelnn, Mrs Florence Isaacs, Sirs Ed Isaacs, Harry *s*ajg*MMSk r lverson. Slartln Jameson, WO Johnson, Frank Jarrls.JJ Jones, J 31 Jarvismi, WWW Jones, Sliss Maria A Johnson, August - Jong. Margery Johnson, Alex Joyce, Harvey Johnson, Sliss Amanda Kaiser, Mrs Lena Kendall, Geo *vV Kaiser. Mrs Keglua Keri.au. Rich Kaeglc. August Ketrhum, Sirs M Kane, James Kimball, E 2 Kastrovltch, Miss Irene Kingsbury, Dr W Kearny. Mis* ESI Kingswcil,J V Keef. Sliss Slag King, J L ..-..-\u25a0• t. Kalth, sliss Fiji ence King, Kelly, C King.Sirs C Kelly. Francis J Kittrcdee. A O Kelly, Sirs Eliza . Klein. PK Keller. Capt Win n Kllngelholer,L Kelly, Silas Slay Knox, Sirs Geo £1 Kelly, Sits .Michael Kohn. Sirs Chas Kennedy, G L Kober. Wilhelin Kennedy. Peter 2 Krauss. Sirs MJ Kendall, Sllss J Krauss, Sliss M Kermeson, Mrs Ell Krauss. Chas Kuhn, Kues. Herman Kunlzen, F Kyle, A O I.awlesH. Frank Logan, Jennie I. Lawson, Robert Logan, Lena i Leciio, Alex ' Lodden. Bert Lobrunn, O Lomsley, Seller Leder, Paul Lc.njstreet. Sirs Leek, J X Lorcnson, 3l T Lee, Vlrgle , , Lod, Eugene A Leabtnan, P Lorl ne. Sirs Sidoule I.emored, Annie Love, Alice Lenevew, Louise iLloyJ, Mattle Letitou, John J Lowrcy, James C Leughran. Mary Lowele, Sirs Juo Lewald, Abe j-S \u25a0»' Lotudos, A I' and family I.ewtn. Alaric \u25a0 I \u25a0 Luke, Eiizah 1! Levy, X Lucas, Harry 11 3 Lewis, J Hall Lucas, Hattio E Lewis, It .- Lineberg. Helnrlsh "-'*'« Livingston. Ben Lutiborz. Sirs A W. -"'•: * \u25a0\u25a0.:. I.tttlehtle. Aunie Lynch, Irene i'^ LoURUe. Jno ...:••. Lyon, Jno Loa;ue, James | Lyons. Maggie Vctfee.Jas Slalta, Sliss Anna MrAlplne, .Miss Slattsun.^l McCletlan. Mrs EL Slatsuoka. J \u25a0"" MrCurrle. Wlebcr » Co Median. Sliss H McCartney. Mrs Jas Mcl a Co, Messrs McCutcuan, G F Mck. Sir. SlcCrone, It \ Slehrllie, George* McCaine, It 3lcsserschml.it, 11 L Mc X COnjMll. W A : ' Meyer. Sirs CaptC McCracaeu, W F Slayer, A. McDonald. Jno - Meyers, Ulrlch McDonald, Wm 4 fam Michel, George Sic: arianil, Capt it Ml. l.l. eton, Mrs Thomas SlcGuwan, J ;,'_-,?\u25a0 ' Stiller, Sirs Mazuire, Peter J ' -'.. Sillier, SII»s Carrie , Mclntyre, Sirs Kittle Sillier, Sirs Sadie \u25a0r-'j'-'; Mclntlre, Capt Henry Minkowsky, Mclnarny, Joseph I Minds, Alex McKnl-ht, Mrs l)r C S . I Mitchell. Charley McKoy, Mr 3 Jno X " |Molarter, X Mclaughlin, Miss Sarah Molm. Mrs Margaret Mci aojihUn, Miss May Montell, Mrs H H Mi'M<miir!e,.losrpn Monroe. Oeo S McMullin. Mr< Win MonreJlllaril. Mrs Jennie McQunrrle, James Moody, Mrs T Macs, Mrs M A Moore, Miss Edna Maker. Mrs HaCtla Mo .re. Miss Kittle Mall, Mrs Susan \u25a0 Moore, U MaiiMir, Chas Cit Moore. Miss Mabel r : Mundon. A i; Moran, Wm Marovlch, Meula Morgan. Henry F Marc-lon, Louis Mortal, II Maroir. Fred Moroney. Miss Maggie Martloer. Louis Walter Moncarthy. D Marti, Jhcoo \u0084: -.-... Morrow,Jack Marsh, EII Mortenaen. I< Marshall, Jas Morson, Win Martin, W D Mailer, Win Martin, Samuel Markwhart. Mrs Sarah Matsuo. T s ' Masses, »MnT Mathews. Rosa " .'-•\u25a0\u25a0 Murphy, Daniel X Matheson.D ! Murphy. .IE Matliewsou, s R Murray, Miss Katie iimura, H .11 &Co Neiiman, Josef Naraii^o. a c Nickers "i. Mrs Anala Nathan, Ike Norton, E A Neaine.4, Robert Norris. 7. J Newbro. FF . Nordlon. Rumhold Newman, H C % \u25a0 . : . , Nottingham, J D Newman, At ~ I -* \u0084Obcrinan, Miss Mas- O!s3n, X C tit- Omar, w c O'ilrien, Miss M longley. Fred O'Cailaghan, Timothy lO'Nell, Miss Maggie O'Connor. X -'no O'Rourke. Th3R F O'DonuHl. Miss Sarah F orplnela, Theodora Olson, Fred Osuorne. Satnl Olscn, .Nets Ounes, Mis Olsen, Thus ..:': .: I'ac Induction TVks (Peterson. Mrs I. rail, Mrs J Pedersen. P Palmer. B G |}ID) Phillip. MlS3 Maud Palmer. Th6s B Pike. Mrs W II Parks. Miss Clyde Ptaterea, Bart Parks, Herbert 0 Folia*. Alex Parker, Sowell A Pool, Jas F Parker, Miss .Nellie Porter, NH Pan-like, Mrs Mary Pier. Mrs 3 Patterson, Katie Post. A Z Patterson. H Pownlng, Tom Payne, .IK ;P. yz-r. Win 4 Co Pearl, Le Grand C I Post, Mrs G Howard \u25a0 Perkins, Mrs C 0 \u25a0 Post, A Perrlue, Louis .- \u25a0 Pratt, I)r Daniel Peters. J F Prescott, Merrill * Co Peterson, Cbas Prescner. Albion Peterson, Mrs Frank Prestiv eh, W H Peterson, Andreas Prlinozlc. Johaa Quinn. Miss lirlilcetlQulnn, Patrick (Juald.Jno Quinn. Miss Mary Quaker City Buggy Uouseiyuiuu, Mrs W It Quirk, John | line. 1>»tI<1 P Rlz. Mrs Belcr K-Klin, Floyd Klvct, Robt Ramsey, Miss Llta Roaob, Jas Haltray, Mrs A Rubens. Louisa KcdAeid, J B Kobliißu», Ed I, Redlngton, Mrs J II Robinson, Mcl Keed.l) V Rockwell. Fred Reid, Mrs Mary J Kuouey, Miss L Reeves, Edward Rosenberg. Mrs A A Reeves, Willy Rosankrans, Mrs M A Kevotovisky, Mr Rottineck, Fanulo Reynold.*, Judge J B Rou >tree. N Richards. Jo Rourke, J Hleily. Mrs Rose Russell, Mrs Mary Rlgenopoulos, Andrew Rutus. Cbas ii Riser. I' rank A Ryan, luu Riordan, Miss Maggie Stlii. .1. ... . I. Suiltb.JW Salton. Dr G Colton Smith, It I. S F Int3 Factory Smith, Thus Sargent, Mrs Kate Suiitii, \v J V Savase. II W Smith, Mrs \V I, - \u25a0 Sattler. Mine Sihrntd, Adolf •' Sawlet, W Sc-ninid, Augustus Sayle, Mrs Flora E Schuitd, Mrs Helene Schalch, UHF - Snider. Harry Schaiis, M Unell. Mrs E Schelle, Cha-s Somerville. Mrs JR Schilling. Herman Souieter, Mrs Schloss, Richard Sponcer, Gco Schinelz. Wllhdlul Spencer, R F Scbmolze. (ieo Staffington, Francis Sciinoaenberger, L Stanley, Mrs J F Scboeusausgruber, Gus Stark, Ml-* Anne Schroder, A A Starr, L B Schroder, R E Starratt. Mrs MJ Schwartz, Kaufman Stean. It Schweitzer, M steam, G B Sehwlncke, Joa Steams. Q B Scott, John I Steams. J V Sears, Alfred V StebWns, Miss Mazle Serra, Mrs Anne Steel, Miss May Keter, Leon Stein. M Shac Miss Mamie mtelnthar. warred M Shaffer, Wm stergls, Wallace L Sliarrar. F H Stevens. C L Sharps, Mrs Hamilton Steward, L A Shelly, M A Stewart, Mrs Nancy A Sbepfcerd, H C stllliuan, l)r J It Sherman, Mrs Minnie B Stone, A(1 Shernur, John II btorfy. Mrs Clara E Shetcb. Klchd II Strand, A Shibley, Albert strand, Mrs A Stilndel, Joe Strand, Jno Shirley, JC strand. J X Shockiey, Joan M Stnomao, Peter Shorn, Owen SuMvai. Ml M Shlreins. \u0084,.,. Suillvau. Miss Maggie Silvester, \\ F isulllvan. Michael Simmons, X V Sullivan, Miss Mamie Sliumous, Jos Sullivan, Miss Nellie Simpson, 1. C Sullivan. Miss Nora A Slnnus, .Mrs H A Surety Loan & Trust Co Sinclair. MrsO Swabb, Mrs Litter Slos-»en. Jus Swartz, JA .sin.th. l>r A C Swartz. Simon Smith, Miss Catherine Sweeney, N Slum., Miss Helen B Synuott, Win T Tonnoer, H O Thuesen, J Tardllf Thurbfr, Charlie Tarr, Miss Carabel Tiedseu. II Taylor, A X TimberUke, Miss L Taylor, ii W Turr, L.llle F Taylor, E w Toiiusly. Miss Carrie Taylor, John Wilson Towh"y, Miss MJ Teachers' Agency Townsend, A I* Tembr. Harry Tuwusend, Eduardo Terry, Will J Townsend, Mrs J X Tbaln, Win fTracy. Mrs b'turence Thlebeii, Miss Clara '.Tracy, w A Thomas, Alex iTranlr, M 'I bomp3on. XA Trapp, Miss Ii Thomsen, Mrs Francis Trask. H Tliuiiiiisun.Joliu Inmbly, Mrs Alpha Tblrson, Mrs Morcier |'l ucker, list) Thorpe, Mrs A Mi* Turner, Witt Thome. Miss Ella i:ienl>«-rc\ Wm ICrbaad, HK Upson, Jog F I Valeni I ne, Miss Annie I Vest, T A Van Alstlue, MrsCarollne Vlckrey. .Mrs Millie E Van Beal, A Yon iieyUeiiaber, Mrs Van Ucr Voo. Mr Emily Vanderllp. Mrs I)r .J T Yon Schmidt, Miss Ocr- Vau'.leukercliove, Ferdi- trute nand Valpy, Q Vedder, Ceo D Vogle, Will Vcuourt, Mrs Brigette Vorsheim, Hy Vorbaien. Mrs Mary Voss, J Wade, Wm X Whitney, Mrs Maria Water. TbO3 Wbitworth. Miss J Wahiquiit, Capt F Wike.lei, Mrs c has W,ken;ld. John Willcox. A It Wajner, Miss Lizzie L iviicox. D Wanner. Mrs \Y I wilcomb, Adolfo wuliln, Thos wild,Mrs Add Welch, J A Wililman, G Walsh, Win Wlilard. ItP Waller. Mrs ' Willey, MISS LoaUa Waiters. Clarence v Vililams. George Wauderlr, R a Williams, Jas M Wandtrly, Miss Rose Williamson, Mrs A Ward, Doing & Co Wlimerillug. Herbert Ward. I red A Wilson, Mr E Ward, Miss Minnie Wilson. Miss E A Ward. Thus Wilson, Mri F Warner. 11 M Wilson. J X Warner, John E Wllsoa, John Wlrrener, loha Wilson, Mrs LM Weber, Jonas Wilson, I.mlwet M Weaver, i) II Wilson, Mrs M k Weehnnan, Ernest Wilson. Walter L Welts, Mrs Annie C Wind, Anton Weils, Walter Wtaenbaeo, Eugene L Weston. J (I Wolf. David Wenfrfeld, FA Woolf, Josie WestUll. Miss Dora A j Word, Mrs Wm Wessel, S W | Wood, Wm It Wetmore, Mrs G A Wollben;, A S Wheeler Remedy Co IWoodchiiu, Daniel \> heeler. Miss Blanche j Woodward, Mrs C Wheeler, Mrs C 0 ,Woodmas, Jonathan Wheeler, D J Wootter, KeuUrlc Wbeeier, Mrs Fannie ; Wright, Ben White, rrank i Wright, Chauncoy Whlto, H I Wright, Miss Koran White, Mrs John A IWucst, Horin Jos Whitney, Mrs J Wylle, Mrs Grace Y.i li. Mill iVoiiiib, Miss O J ates, Robert I Yuung, Miss Georglana J yatcs, Mil > . Young. lit LETTRES 1-HANCAISES. Baque, Dom Marceilu, Joseph Canhape, Jean P Mot:e, Paul Castalng, Jean IMunie, Andre Daste, Moris [Peraonnai, Maurice HoiUm, r.tle:i:io Touvcney, Kaoul POUR I.ES TAMES. Achard. Miss Marie jDelaßoirde. Mad Delalaux, Mad Marie MiziuQue, Mad Anna (jrliuaud, Mclaute Pou, Julie L'rrere LETTERIi ITALIANE. Asratl, O Maiatesta, Anj» Arsco. Gius Martinolil, oitavlano Iferatll,John Mazlinino. Glac Blaja, Ciprlano Mltrovlce, May Borrone, Carlo Papale, A c.n::i ii.i. Eugenic Paroll, Tueod Cereghlno. Luigl Peuturarl. Vine Chiapelonl. Ant iParichl, Effemla Coliira, Gngllo Plccbl, Alex - Pall, Ougaro Frank Plstoiesl. Joseph Del Carlo, Felice iPollta, (iursa Demartlnl, Angelo Poiilna, Andaut9 DI Glorno, P.irmela ronz-. 1 , Glov Frederlßhl, Dom Raffael. l'aolino Gannlnl, Dan Koval, Glus (;igllatti. Mlchele Stantlul, Rob tiluvaulul, S Speinati, 8 Guldl, Franc '-;*"• : ,t Sjliota, (i L Laudissl. Augelo Scolarl. Fellpl Lusicl. Matteo iStotera, John A Lulgl, IT I Vent", 31 m CAKTAS ESPANOLAS. Anzuento. Manuel Machado. Jose F ATllez, Gulllermo Medina, E* Co Capuro, Stephen Outlverui, Pedro Caalltfts, Jose S iPocheco, M A Chavez. Manuel Rivas, Natale Delacuesta, Pedro Sunol, Jose Oavlta. Miguel ValdlTta, Ricardo Gomez. Cayetano Valdespina, X Losoya, Juan |Velaaoo, Heury P noioaua. Belchers, Heatrli |Oonz.->les. Victoria Contreras, riis:t Leonada, s Crossman, Ramuna C (Mate. obeilna V De Gross, Paz II Pineda, Crescencla Kllsondo. Sofia L Ruiz, Manuela- Fozada, Colestina Sanchez, Regina Flguerora. Antonia Sanchez, Ventura Foss.is. Horslno Sancedo. Leoul U Garcia, Dolores Vargas, Franc (i S. W. backus. Postmaster. SUN AND TIDE TABLE. ! In Pacific Standard Time. Compiled by Thomas Tknxknt, Chronometer and Instrument Maker, IS Market Street SHIPPINGINTELLIGENCE. Arrived. St'-snAY. August 9. Stmr Whitesboro, Johnson, 15 hours from Green- wood; 6000 railroad ties, M M It lumber, to L E White. Stmr Santa Cruz. Trlbble, days from Point . Uorrlta; 400 tons cypsum, to Lucas X- Co. Muir Los Angeles, Hannah, hours fromEureka: pass and mdse, to Goodall, Perkins a Co, Stmr Arago, Donahlson, 42 nours Iroin Coos Bay: pass and mdse, tune A N Co. *tf~ Stmr City of l'uehi ., Debney, 52 hours from Vic- toria; pass and mdse, to Uoodall. Perkins A Co. stmr Gipsy. .U'psen, 12 hours from Santa Cruz; produce, to Goodali. Perxtns A- 00. * Stmr Newport, wards, 24 hours from Eel Klrer; pass and mdse, to Goodall. Perkins .v Co. lir ship Australia. Korff, 130 days from Antwerp; mdse, to A c.-irurntler. \u25a0 " Ship John W Marr, Carter, 157 days from Balti- more ;1807 tons coal, to John Rosenfeld's Sons. Bark Richard 111, Conner. 11 days frm Departure Bay ; L 730 tons coal, to ItDunsmulr .v Co. Schr Mary Buhne, Jorgenson, 60 hours from De- parture Bay; lumber, to Unas Nelson. For up the river direct. schr Rio Rev. Islgkeir. 18 hours from Bowens Lauding; lUB Mit lumber, to Heywood * Hackley. Bear Lila and Mattie. Maitsu.i, 30 hours from Fort BriggRedwood Co. Scbr Sadie. Smith, 5 days from L'mpqiia; mdse, etc. to order. tichr Jennie Griffin, Low. 6 hours from Point Iteyes; UU bxa butter, to suattu<-k, Howard &Co. B'hr lialryon, Rice, 13 days from Port Gambles 375 Mtt lumber, to Sacramento Lumber Co. Schr Daisy Itowe, Jorzensen. 3 days from Ooos Bay; lumber, to Siinps-jii Lumber Co. schr Mary Gilbert. Ackerinan, 24 hours from Al- bion; 120 Mftlumber, to II Wctherbee. For Oak' ' laud direct. . Sailed. Sunday, August 9. Slinr Sailor Boy, Johnson. Grays Harbor. Stuir Euro™. Smith, Wilmington. Stmr Noyo. Drisko, Pact liragg. Br bark Wavertree. Toozes, DuaVlrk. bchr r..ecira, Knudsen, Mendociuo. TelcirrapUiß. POINT LOBOS— August 9-19 p. M.-Weatt« foggy : wind SW ; velocity £4 miles. •md Spoken. •,?/- July 17. 6 25 N, 120 i\ W, lirbark Scottish Las- sie, from Oregon for Havre. July 19, 8 58 N, 61 2 W.Br bark Cannoney, from Astoria for Havre. * July 2. >. 117 W,Br ship Golden Horn, hence Juno 12 for Queenstown. Memoranda. Per Whitesboro— Left In port at Greenwood stmra Greenwood ami Haggle i: is. loading. •---'. Per John W Marr— March 5, 80 55 >, 75 20 W, Carl lurzs. seaman, a native or Germany, aged in years. fell frem tho fureyard overboard and was drowned. I>ompMt!c Port?- PORT TOWN SLND—Arrived An,; 9—StinrLakuie, from uooalaaka, tacoma- Hailed Auj; 9—ship Two Brothers, for San Francisco. WJSSTFOKT- Arrived Aug 9-Stinr West Coast, hence Aug 7. SAN PEDRO—Sailed Aug 9-Brlg Tanner. Arrived Aug Stmr -Newsboy, from Navarro. ASTOKlA—Arrived Aug 9-Stinr Oregon, hence Aug 7. Sailed Aug9— Stmr Columbia, for San Francisco. PORT BLAKELEV—SaiIed Aui «-liar» Mount Washington, for San Francisco; bark Matilda, tor Honolulu; ship Kate Davenport, tor Melbourne. SAN DlEGO— Arrived Augtt- iirntinr Wellington, from Nanaumo; Nor bark Cyprian, from New- castle, NSW. 4 westi'OßT— Arrived Aug 9— Stmr Protection, ~ \u25a0 hence Aug 8. Sailed Aug9—Stmr West Coast for Fort Bragg. MENDOCINO— Aug9— Stuir Point Arena, hence Aug a. Zmnortetlons. COOS BAY— Per Arago-700 tons coal, 1 bx mdse, 11 bis cheese, 1 bdl sacks, 1 bx cartridges, 1 sic treasure. 2 cheats. EII'.KKA- Per Los Angeles— s Mftlumber. 343 V*' M shingles, 7 redwood doors, 10 bis peaches, 1 b 11 carpet, 7 pugs mdsa, 7 pegs household goods, 1bx oranges, 1 bx canned fruit, 3S roll) leather, i saw, 211 bis butter, 2 sks horns. 1Inlist, 8 pigs mower gears, '." chests. 1 It coin (s^3lo 83). Fields Laiidlue— l2s Mshingles, li' \u0084 sks wool. DMPQI A-I'er Sadie— lift lumber, 132 bales wool, 111 vi bis bark. POUT KKNYON— Per Newport— 4lß his butter. 33 bbls do. 126.- kegs do. 1 lot spruce lumber. tiJti bdls shakes, 1000 bdls shingles. 4 cs e^gs, 2 cs mdse, 128 hogs. shelter Cove—2s cords bark. MONTEREY- Per Gipsy— 4 bxs apples, Ibxsoap, 113 bales fish, 13 bx , do, 12rs honey. 1 cs beeswax. 3 bdls dry hide*, 1bdl dry pelts. Moss Landing— 94 sks iiac.-itjes, 19 pigs agricult- ural implements, 42 bis butter. Pnjtro Valley— 4oo sk* barley, 1 cross heal. S*n:a Cruz—6s pkgi household goods, 772 bbl« lime. 1bx batter, 1;: cs cheese. Amesport— llos sks barley, 0 bxs batter. V VICTORIA— Ier City of I'uu'.>!.i-177 cs whisky, 1 cs show cards, 6 ski turs, 2 bales do, 1 sealed b.i; (»8290 ii). ' ' ._^j. West of Fargo—669 b-lls green hides, 1 coil gar- ~ den hose, I ux stationery, 4 <.'s whisky, 2 bbls do 2 bbls kiandy, 1 bdl pelts, 5 bis dry Hides. East— 3 c 3 hardware. Tacoma— OS household goods. 4 bbls do 2>k^ tails. 193 green hides, 2 bbls scrap Iron, 2 pel do 3 " 1.. 11s do. 5 K(gs do, I3ii sksdo, 1lot loose do 4 bdu line, 9 sks rubber, 12 cs cheese, 752 sks ore, 75J bars bullion. Auacotei— l337 sis ore. rairuaven— bxs plates, lln camtr. Schome— l cs hardware, Ics circular saws. Whatcom— 350 sks oats. Seattle— l!) bxs plates. 3 horses, 1 tu^gy, 29 bbls ' scrap. I lot do, 4 cs household goods. 1 obis gre 1 cs castings, 2 cs dry goods. 3 cs fish, 3 bbls can lv' 1rollleather, 5 bdls Mats. 42 (ibis bottles, 2 bxi do, 933 tons cool, 34 sks wool, 3 odls shearings 3 colls rope, 2 full chests. 2 sealed bags 2507 57) Port Townseud 14it green hides. 10 loose dry hides, 100 tins tallow, 1 vise, 2 cs dru"i, 149 bdls Iron, 1bbl chain, 14 pkgs white lead, -/crate* tubs and palls. Douglass Island— 4 bxs bullion. Juneau— l sk gold dust, 1 bx bullion. Consignees. Per Arago—o CAN Co; Smith's Cash store- J L Howard; D Tledeman X Co; W c Price A Co-' Mer- chants' Ret Co; Wells. Fargo 4 Co. ' P«r Los An^oles— Hiselns * Collins: I F liviuee- Overland Freight and Transfer Co; Dalton Bros- vi. ABa^cow; Preston & McKlnnon: Kuwalsky 6c Co^B, X Miller;w w Brown; Cat Electrical Works- 8 j \u25a0 Bennett: Pauluccl * Casassa; Sherman, Clay i Co- A C Nichols A Co; Dodge, Sweeney * Co; simond Saw Co; Hills Itro3; Wheaton & Luhrs: American Fish Co: VerValln 4 Kowe; Norton. Teller ft Co- B M Atchlnson A Co: Sboobert, Beale & Co: will i Flnck; Wells. Fargo * Co. Per Newport-BrlKham, Hoppe ft Co; Chas Net- son: C L Dillirlev A- Co; Dodge, Sweeney * Co- C M Kutz &Co: De Hernardl i- Wastphal: J O'Connor- E 11 Stevens .S Co; Getz Bros &Co: Kowalsky* Co-' Hills Bros; Marshall, ieggart * Kronen; Wilson *• Irvine; Norton, Teller * Co: Kuss, Sandars * Co- Wheaton &Luhrs; Vervalln * Rowe; Shattuck Howard 4 Co: witzel & Baker: Mitchell * Peter- son; C FO'Callaghan i Bros: MT Freitas 4 Co- M, Kallsb &Co; Hlgglns 4- Collins. Per City or luebla-Hlsslngcr A Co; F Chevalier 4 Co; Cunningham, Curtlss ft Welch; (ireenbaum * Co: Sawyer Tanning Co; Cbas Hurley i Co; W (i Badger: Kowalsky ft Co: R FOsborne; A Harasttnr 4 Co; Selby Smeltiui! and Lead Works; Watson ,v- Co; Moore, Ferguson A Co; Wells, Fargo * Co: J M Kothchlld: Aroer Press Assn: Rogers Co; Tatuin 4 Bowen; Schroeder, Albrechl 4 Co: Bacon 4 Jen- nings: Glusti A: Autoula: Lowry A Stellar; Barn- stein * Co: Greenb.ium. Well * Michaels: Farmers' UM Co; Norton, Teller* Co; JWoltf « Co; I D Cross: M Fisher: Oregon Impt Co: B Greenburz * Co: S Koshland A Co; w Winter; D Mrskl; J II Smith & Co; Moore, Smith i Co: Michaelltschkl Bros: Goodall. Perkins i Co; A X Gold MtgCo: li F. Joucs 4. Co; Bar:k of Cal; HLlebesiCo; U s Mint. Per Gipsy— C E Whitney * Co: W C Price & Co: ' BMAtchlnson v Co; II Cowell A Co: II Dutard: H Joost: Dodge, Sweeney ACo; B levy £ Co: wolft 4 Son: Eveleth * Nash: II Levy & Co; J Taylor: Whlttler, Fuller 4 Co; Wetmoro i;ros; W F Burnett 4 Co: Ross A Hewlett. Per Sadie— Simpson Lumber Co; Huline 4 Hart; TUlmaun 4 Bendel. For Late Shipping Tauuivcnce Sre Eighth Page- ' THE MORNING CALL, SAN FRANCISCO. MONDAY. AUGUST 10. 1891-EIGIIT PAGES. 6 Destination. ! i .'.\u25a0_. '>...<\u25a0..\u25a0 « Cllyl'ekinz. China * \u25a0••man.. Ann; II, Ili-aiPM SS Australia..:. Honolulu Anglt. Si* Oceanta | Pomona..... Sao preyo Air; {}-Ji A 2 5?„T/ 3 U State or Car. Portland Aa *}J' 1 Sii 25?", i WllamctteV Vaqaiua it»y.... Anull. •* rM |^ e *" 1 * .; ; Sj Los AOOTIes Humboldt Hay.. AujU. .'ami Haw J 1 City fceola. ' Vic.1 Pit sound ; Ami:?. y ' M 5''™ J i City Sydney j Panama Ao «i* ISM f«; »fj Coos nay... | San Pedro Au..'14. 8Aii|BtlWr *-**] Columbia.... I Portland...... AngtS.lOAMIMpeir pi. llumiioldt ..illio.i'ioldt An.'15. 9AH|Uay Corona San Dlezo ! aujIS.IIam 3 JI. W. H. W. I LIT. L.YT. SuialL Large. | Large. Small. AM il.ili I'M! 5.59 AM 10 01 I'll \u25a0: I Small. | Urge. I AM 4.11) pm! 9.SS am 10.51) I'M, AM 4.45 PM 10.22 AM 11.5'J PUt mi 5.35 m11i.12 AM 0.00 AM AM i).:u fM| 0.1.1 I.OJaB AM 7.38 PM 1.20 KM vi.ol am ; ami H.:t:i ; m -.-1 PM '\u25a0! 53 am. II Jffijr TRADE ffvm nun £i\ %, MARK JW A BOOK cm the various hsps of KIHBONS will be sent FREE to any lady addressing "FAIR AND SQUAUK," G5 Greene St., New York. ' "~ . - mr29 SuMo 6p lyr '."<•'\u25a0'':'\u25a0..:' Weekly Call, $1 25 a Year HAIR ON THE FACE, NECK, ARMS OR ANY PART OF THE PERSGN Jt^P^r^ QUICKLY OISSOLVED AND REMOVED WITHTHE NEW SOLUTION #1 •* AOPSHS ? \S _ -7 AND THE UROATH »t)HKVt:aUESTRutED WITH'tVT TKK INJURY OK (CtK fTtSCV InCOHTormijia, an incomplete mixture wu»»cci>lc:.tally spilled on th» ly^hr vK\ tack of the hand, and on washing kin-, \iar.l itwajdiscoverod that the hair J^\V Vft -was completely removed. We pnrchased the new dlscovi-ry and named it IT/ \i \;i MODEM-.. Itis perfectly r'ire, free, from all injurious snbstances, and so 7i \\ \1? simple any one can n?e it. It acts mildly but surely, and you will b. sur- ffl Mia'VllWf^Ax prised and delighted with tho results. Apply for a few minutes and the '\u25a0'.".' «/l n^3irf v iL>l\\ lair disappears as if by tiacic. It ha» no ruiemblance whatever to any 0 t&VS^-liWi.- I \ »lh:r prt-par:iti"ti ever Deed for liko purpose, and no scientific discovery 7 fa?v->. 'SZPV'7 \ f"r attained inch wonderful rctultn. IT CANNOT FAIL. If th» 1 AftSS,S"<»R>.'/ \ ' prowth be light,ono application will remove it permanently; th« heavy I / \lxN^ I growth such as beard or hair on moics may require two or moreappli. I / Ni^MV'S.'/ )' / caticnsheforeall theroots are destroyed, although all hair will b* removed I \ jLISVi I.L at each application, and without thcsl!Shtc«t injuryer unpl.?afant feeling V V-^^*v3(' l^-i'^ '\J v " t ' na e afterward. MODf.sEsi'i-tucEuts electrolysis. . \ \f/Vjr^s^G^i^JiJ'^' RtcentmtniltJ by all «/*o In tntid Us mtnti—Uitd pntih •/ rtfiiHment.— >v e\f 'SlT^vSfiK^' «\u25a0' Tit;ei-.i. a who <lo not appreciate nature's rift of a benni. will finda /TytCjS I—iyi1 iyi Viv.'fißjipriceless boon in Modene, which doea away with \u25bahaving. It dissolves and Ik \ 'I /*^ "'^jg^^'-V^^W lifeprinciple of the hair, thereby rendering its future growth \^ l 'A^vxI iTL iil \\m"Aj^"3ss an utter impossibility, and is KUaraLt«^d to be as harmieM as water to lha ''iMrOISSiB tiistuMVwr^ ekin,- Younc persons who find an eml>arr««3ing growth of haircominjsr, *k!Wln! U p'lMv'W^ should use Modem- to destroy its growth- 91udene scut by mail, insafety, l v I 'In 11 sl'H l «4 ii^ mailing cases, poetaee paid, fH,cui--lv sealed from observation on receipt of price, SI. OO per bottle. Send monty by letter, with your full address written plainly. Cbrreapoudeftce > sacredly private. Postage titumpii received the same aaca^h. always mention YOVRCotNTTAsaTuisrAPEE.' j^ LOCAL AND 1MODENE MANUFACTURINQ CO., CINCINNATI, 0.. U.S. A. ( lITTUISCCT | '^* I GENtHAL AGENTS > - KAXUFACTURtRS OF THE HIGHEST DBASE HAIR PREPARATIONS.- < i:l IT MATNOT) -- WANTED. \u25a0\u25a0-- > Ye-j can „-,.'-. \u0084., r biter at nn* Potf-e»jTe» and Insure it* fit d'hvm. i AITKAR AOAlit H'« oirt-i- 61,000 m KIUBI 03 TiiLSIIBHTEST I»JU3T. KViiKV I.OTXI.K OVAUAXTEED.it »p2oMoeowtt INTERNATIONAL TIIr: «»m SO pam. llOtj^Xj. HUTKIi In San Fran- cisco. Kate-i $1 to SI 60 per Hay. Tin- home baa re- cently been remodeled at an axpenae of myß tf WeFrllo Kl.Mj, WABU i: to.. l'roj)r'i

Morning call (San Francisco, Calif.) (San Francisco, Calif ... · Resume of Recent Happenings ... cluding Messrs. Louis Sloss Jr., D.de V. Graham and Charles Ho'.eo Peters, enjoyed

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Page 1: Morning call (San Francisco, Calif.) (San Francisco, Calif ... · Resume of Recent Happenings ... cluding Messrs. Louis Sloss Jr., D.de V. Graham and Charles Ho'.eo Peters, enjoyed


Resume of Recent Happenings

in Society Circles.

Engagement Announcements—

Wolfe-Weiss-bein Wedding— Home Parties— For

Future Dates— Personals.

The air Is fullof reported matrimonial en-gagements. In the Eastern Stales, whereit has become the recognized fashion toformally announce the assumption of thesehaprj ties, too much is often made of mererumors. The wisdom and expediency ofanauthoritative announcement as soon as pos-sible i«, of course, admitted. But the youngfolks should bo allowed ample time toarrange matters themselves, and then thecongratulations of friends follow naturally

and agreeably. Parents and chaperonesunderstand this and the matter can usuallybe sa'ely left with them. The announce-ment in this column guards against mis-takes in the future and prepares friends foran appropriate recognition of an importantevent. Such a summer as we are enjoyingthis year must be held responsible fornumerous announcements of this natureand the end is not yet.

The next event of general interest at SanRafael willbe the garden party in aid of theEpiscopal Church Fund, to be held nextSaturday afternoon on the Tenni3 Clubground*. The recent concert netted some53C0, and even mere is expected from thislawn party.

The Mare Island hops on every other Fri-day evening are largely attended by the of-ficers ami ladies of trie navy-yard and otherdepartment stations in the neighborhood.

Del Monte is having fine weather and asteady current of visitors. Preparations forthe Country Club's visiton 21st, 2:2.1 and 231inst. areexpanding to include a fireworKs dis-play, Illumination of the grounds and anopen-air luncheon. A grand ball and sup-per will wind up the much-anticipated visit.

The bulls-head breakfast Riven Sunday atthe Country Club-house in Bear Valley wasattended by many of its members. Theclub's latest improvement is direct commu-nication with this city by telephone.

Santa Cruz is given over to camp disci-Iline once more, although the presence ofnumerous northern visitors of the fair sexaffords a pleasant foil to the severity olmartial law. The ladles' camp, near themilitary quarter?, Is the center of attractionevenines. The iulcers' wives are old cam-paigners, and know how to entertain visit-ors to perfection, 'i litre are many goodsingers in th« colony, also. Mrs. ColonelGutlir c and family, Mrs. Colo:. el McKeeand family, Mrs. Major Sherbnrn and fam-ily, Mrs. Captain Hall, Mrs. Captain Sey-mour, Mrs. Captain Cursnn of Woodlandand Mrs. Captain Xihell of Nevada City,and Mrs. Lieutenant Simon'is are of lh«party.

Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Lubosh cele-brated their silver wedding at 731 O'Farrellstreet. A large number of friends calledand were hospitably entertained.

A number of clubmen drove over to Bo-liiias from San Rafael one day last week.The party, to the number of fourteen, in-cluding Messrs. Louis Sloss Jr., D. de V.Graham and Charles Ho'.eo Peters, enjoyedthe trip thorouehly.

Miss Josephine Stewart tendered a verydelightful dinner party on Thursday at herhome in North Berkeley in honor of MissNellie Nelson, who is to be married shortly.

The second annual tennis tournament forthe ladies' championship and open tennisdoubles of the Pacific Coast willcommenceat Sun Rafael on Wednesday, the nth prox.(.Adm ssion day). The final* willbe playedoff on the following Saturday, and on bothWednesday aDd Saturday evenings therewillbo a ball at the big hotel. Miss MaudWilkinson is the present lady champion.

The second banquet of the PresbyterianSocial Union will be held at the AlbanyHotel, Oakland, on Tuesday evening: next.

lie captain and officers of the Hangergave a pleasant reception on board theirship Wednesday afternoon, between thehours of 3 and ti o'clock. Many of the navy-yard people v,ere in attendance and anum-ber 01 guests from Vallejo and lieiiieia.

Mr. and Mr«. J. W. Raphael announce aninformal reception in honor of the engage-ment of Mr.<icoree Raphael to Miss EttaGoldftein lo be held at their residence, 2422Clay street, on Friday evening next.

The Simpson Lyceum willgive us Ancu. tmusical and literary entertainment In theparlors of the Simps M. E. Church, cornerof Hayes and Buchanan streets, this even-ing. Among the vocal soloists willbe MissSadie Forsyth, Miss G. Marrack and MissK. O. >! i .. sky. Mr. W. A. 5. .Nicholsonwill give i.

-vacation experience and the

Lyceum lecture willbe delivered by Rev. F.B.Pullan, D.D., who will take ns bis sub-ject: "Glimpses of OldEngland."

KnfaffiiiEiitNotes.Tho innrris^e of Miss Isabella E., (laugh-

ter if Mr. and Mr.<. I.D;;ngloda, ti Mr.John Lawrence Tieruey, will take place to-ni^M, i.t 6:30 o'clock, at Xuestra Senora deGi idalupe Church, Broadway, above Masoustreet.

'Hip wedding of Mlsi Charlotte K. Millerand Major John B. Alhoon will take plac«at the residence of the br'de's parent:, onWednesday next. Ouly relations and con-nections of t!io two contracting parties willbe present. The wedding journey willbeto Lake Tal:oe, and upon the return »f Mr.and Mrs. Mhoon iv the latter part of Sop-tember Mr. and Mrs. Albeit Miller willlender them a large reception, at 1204 Four-teenth street, Oakland, to which all theirfnend3 willbs invited.

The engagement is announced of MissLena Mcrrv, daughter of Cai.tain W. L.Merry, ex-Prrsldent of the Chamber ofCommerce, to Mr. Jvrcme W. Wsitson, soncf Mr. M. V. B. Watson of Pacific avenue.

The engagement of Mr. Henry yon Bergenof New York to Miss liuiilie Danzel of tniscity is announce 1.

The engagement Is announced of MissJennie Marshall, formerly of Petalinua, thedaughter of Mr. S. A. Alarslull, Presidentof the American Bank and Trust Companyof this city, to Mr. Pnilllp .S. Bates of Laud&Tiltou's Bauk of Portland. Oregon.

The wedding of Miss Ireae Murray ofSacramento and Mr. A. B. Moran of Stock-ton will t»ke place at Sacramento nextWednesday at high noon.

Card* are nut announcing the marriage ofMiss Marie Howes, eldest daughter ot Mr.and Mrs. F. C. Howls, to l)r. Hilt of LosAngeles, the wedding to occur to-morrow.

'1he engagement is anuouncod of Mr. Rn-dolf Schroder to Miss Irene yon Miguel ofSanta Clara.

The engagement Is announced of MissHel>-n A. Kdmondson to Mr. Carl B. Boniu.

The marriage of Mr. Ktelkaii Mnrgan-steru of Seattle to Miss H. Cohen of thiscity willtake place on Wednesday next

The wedding of Mr. Giorge de Con ofPhiladelphia to Mi'3Margaret Daniels ofPasadena will take piai-e there next Thurs-day.

The engagement is announce! of Mr.George dimming to Misj Mary Eii'hbauio,boih of this city. The wedding willtakeplace subtly.

The weld ing of Miss Laura Foote of Sac-ramento Valley and Mr. William T. Ham-ilton of Oakland will take place at thebride's borne next Sunday.

The BDgagement is announced of Mr.William F. Chipman of the Custom-houseto Miss Sophie M. Koppitz, one of Ala-n.eita's attractive young ladies.

The \\ ..If. -\> f^.lM-1,,v \u0084.I,|i:,s,Prominent among the weddings of the

week was that of Miss Harriet B. Wolfe,daughter of Mrs. S. Wolfe of this city, toilr. Joseph ft'eissbein of Grass Valley,which took place last Sunday evening at thoresidence of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Greenberg.M34 Golden Gate avenue, brother-in-law and•Utcr respectively of the bride.

Tne entiry house was beautifully decor-ated and the affair was celebrated upou anelaborate scale. AtG o'clock the orchestraplayed "Mendelssohn's Weddiug March"snd the bridal party appeared before themany invited guests. Atthe north end ofthe spacious parlors, beneath the vaultedceilins, was the floral wedding b;ll formedof mmiiix anl roses, and from incenter de-prnded a lovers' knotof fragrant bloom.

Leading the bridal party was littleS.iufordKotlienberg, nephew of the bride, carryinga rflvef salver with the two wed'ling ring'sthereon, followed by Masters Alvin Hey-man, nrphew of the jtroutn, Walter H. L;vyJr., Ml»s Miriam Wolfe and O-car Uey-in»n, Miss Clara Heyiuan and Joel Waeh-older, after whom came the croom escortingKrs. S. W< Ife. tho mother hi the bride, Mr.and Mrs. Jacob Heymati, sister and brother-in-law ot the groom, and the bride escurtea\>y Leon Greeuberg, her brother-in-law.Tlie ceremony was performed by the Key.Dr. Jacob Vocrsauger of San Francisco, as-sisted by the liev. Dr. M. S. Levy of Oak-laud.

At the conclusion of tho ceremony thenapiiy coi-.tilfc received the congratulationsof ll.eir relatives ami friends, all of whomadjourned to the b.iaquet hall, where asumptuous dinner was served amid the mostpleasant suiiuundiin;-!. Mr. Edward LWolfe, brother of the bride, acted as toast-master, and responses in the most eloquentttyle were made by Dr. Voorsanger, Dr. M.S. Levy, Messrs. Jacob Hi-yinan, LeonGreenberg, Oscar Ue.yuian, B. Geltlpson, J.R K. NutUll. S. H. Rothenberg, JosepbGreenberg and others. After the dinnerdancing followed and lasted until a late hour.

Alaw Dumber ol te)tgraius a/jU C;)b(e-

grams were received and the presents weremost beautiful. \u25a0-

The fcllowing day Mr. and Mrs. Weiss-bein left for a trip to the southern portionof the State.

Poverty Party on Seventeenth Street.

A very pleasant party was given re-cently at Mr.Barclay |J. Smith's home, 433Seventeenth street. The invited guestsdonned all kinds of ludicrous costumes,from that of the dude tramp to the king ofrag-pickers, and repaired to the large par-lors, where numerous games were indulgedin.

Prizes were offered for the most proficientand Ifor the ugliest costume. Among thegentlemen. Mr. Frank Hull received bothprizes. Among the ladies. Miss GertieHntchlngs and Mis* May Parrel] receivedprizes respectively. Refreshments wereserved during the and the merrygathering broke up at midnight.

Tile followingpersons were present: Mr.and Mrs. Barclay J. Smith, Mr. and Mrs.Harper A. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Ridgway,Mr. and Mr?. George Turner, Miss LauraM. Smith, Miss Gertie Hutching!", MissGrettio Godfrey, Miss May Farrell, MissHattie Whitney Miss Etta Godfrey, MissMary Brubaker, Miss Belle Abbott. Dr.Hydcr, Messrs. A. G. Smith, Charles Will-iams, Thomas Harrison, Frank Hull, Ed-ward Smith, AlbertHeed aud £. L.O'Con-nor.

Surprise Party on Brannan Street.

A very enjoyable surprise party was ten-dered recently to Miss Lizzie Schwerin atthe residence of her parents 487 Brannanstreet. The house was profusely decorated.

Vocal selections, music and dancing, onlyinterrupted by supper, furnished amuse-ment for the guests untila late hour.

Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs.Cbailes Sebwerin, Mr. and Mrs. J. Thier-back, Miss J. Dettmer, Mrs. W. Schnuten-hau.% Mrs. F. Calstrup. Mrs. N. Lilliljere,Miss Lizzie. Schwerin, Miss Lily Schwerin,Mi.-s Hose Schweiin, Miss Emma Tyson,Miss Lily Davis, Miss Alice Kiernan, MissMary Kiernan, .Miss T. Melsing. Miss Liz-zie Xeudeek, Miss Whitten. the MissesHooper. Miss Burke, Miss Emma Ttaier-back, Miss Dora Thierback, Miss MaggieHill.

Party on Clara Street.

On Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs.Woolnoueh gave a pleasant rarty at theirresidence on Clara street in honor of theirlittle daughter's birthday anniversary.

Inthe musical programme that look plaeonumbers were contributed by Miss Flor-ence Woolnoueh, Miss Seireu, Miss MayBrandon ami Mrs. F. Bower.

Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs.Woolnough, Mr. and Mrs. F. Bower, Mr.Morris, Miss Florence Woolnouzh, MissIl.iunnh Sesren, Miss Fiances Sullivan,Miss May Brandon and Miss Augusta Suiil.

Parties to Take Place."ARussian Romance," from the French

of Eugene Scribe, will be produced by AltaParlor, No. 3, N. D. G. \V., complimentaryto California Parlor, No. 1. X. S. G. W., onWednesday evening, the 19th inst., at IrvingHall. The excellence of previous work bythe AltaDramatic Company assures a fullhouse.

Young Ladles' Institute, No. 10, will givean entertainment and social at PythianCr.stle on Friday evening, the Hist inst.,when the phonograph willbe on exhibition.

Young Ladies' Institute, Xo. 1, willcele-brate the fourth anniversary with a ballon Tuesday evening, September Ist, at OddFellows' Hall.

Tlic Berlins will dance Tuesday evening,the 18th inst., at Odd Fellows' Hall.

The Peerless Club will give their sixthhop at Odd Fellows' Hall on Tuesday even-inc. September 22d.

The first annual nail given by GoldenGate Lvgion,No. 3. S. K. of A., will takeplace at Harmony Hall, 1749 Mission street,on Saturday evening, September 12th.

'\u25a0 Allatoona," the American militarydrama, will be produced by the Del MonteAmateur Players at baratogi Hall .onThursday evening, August 27in. Dancingwillfollow the performance.

The August meeting of the Native Sonsof Vermont will be held at Old Fellows'Hall en Friday evening next. Miss JeannieWinston will sin:;, and BoyIn Bernard'sIrish co iedy in two acts, entitled "O'Caila-ghan. the Irish Fakir," will be pUyed byprofessional talent.

James A. Gurfield Corp?, No. 21, W. R.C, will hold an open meeting, £rab-bag so-cial and drawing for crochet skirt at theirhall in Shield Building to-morrow evening.

A baujn concert will be given at IrvingHall on Wednci-day next.

Social Council, No. 4ii, O. C. F., willholdtheir usual monthly reunion at their hall inKed Mia's Buildingnext Thursday evening.

An entertainment and social illbe givenby Empire L'<ii^'e. No. 832, K. and L. of 11.,at St. George's Hall next Wednesday even-ing.

The regular quarterly social and enter-tainment of the County Monughan Socialand Benevolent Club will toku place atMetropolitan Hall to-morrow evening.Members and friends are invited to attend.

Orinda Pallor, No. 50, X. 1). G. W., willgive their first anniversary party at Odd Fel-lows' IIill to-morrow evening.

Court Star of the West, No. ('.050, A. O. F.,will give a reception, entertainment andbull at the court-room. I.0. U. F. Building,ou Friday evening next.

The Oleta Club have issued bright Invita-tions for their sixth anniversary and sou-venir ball, to take placa at Odd Fellows'Hall on Saturday evening next.

The young ladies of Mrs. Ada Clark'sDancing Academy willgive a banquet partyou Friday evening next at her hall, 211 Sut-ler street.

Irvine's dancing classes willgive a candyparty at Academy Hall, 927 Mission street,on Wednesday evening next.

A bon-bon party will be given by Cam-bria Circle, No. 101, C. O. V., at CambriaHall, next Thursday ev-rnin.;.

Tho LaV»ltas will hold an evening athome at La Voita Hall, Saratoga Building,next Friday pveuiiitr.

Templar Bebekab Degree Lodge, No. 19,I.O. 0.X., will give an entertain anddanca Saturday evening next, in MemorialHall, Odd Fellows' Building, the occasionbeing their seventeenth anniversary.

The third anniversary ball of AlcntrnzCircle, No. 08, C. O. 1". F. S., willtake placeat Union-square Hall, Saturday eveningnoxt.

The Ec'.ipse MinstreU willgive their popu-lar monthly entertainment at HamiltonHall, on thu corner of Geary and Steluorstreet?, next Friday evening.

The St. Andrew's Society will celebratothe one hundred and twentieth anniversaryof the birth of Sir Walter Scott with aspecial literary entertainment at Scottishilallnext Friday evening.

Society l'eraonnlg.

Sirs. S. W. Sperry has gone down to SantaBarbara for a eeascn aud to sojourn at theArlington.

Mrs. William M. Stewart and Miss May.belle Stewart are visitine friends in town.

Mr.and Mrs. Ed Adams are the guests ofGovernor and lirs. I'crkins of O.iklaud.

Miss Lena Schell has returned home fromModesto.

Mr.Frank Madison ha3been visiting Mr,and Mis. Harry Madison at their hospitableSonoma residence. Mr. Jacobs of tha 2ie-vsda Bank was a guest there recently.

Mrs. B. U. Carr and Miss Mamie Carrhave been spending a few weeks at ti.eircountry home near St. Helena.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Apuleton Maauirn havebeen enieiti.iuing Mr?. Maguire's mother,Mis. George J. Buckuall, at tliair cottage ivHoss Vailey.

Among the Sacran\en!ans who have en-gaged rooms at the Pope House for thisweek are Mr. and Mrs. Birdsall, Miss EttaBirdsall. Mr. and His. Dray.

Mr. and Mrs. Ttiomas F. Meagher arespeadinz tlie month ai Mrs. Winan's home,near Calist'ga. Their stay is made for thebenefit of Mr«. Meagher's health.

Miss Florence L.ickwood is the guest ofthe Misses Dimond at Del Monte.

Mrs. H. M. Newuall and Mr. George A.Xewhall willgo doun to Monterey ou Fri-day.

The Misses Lillieand Maud O'Connor arethe guests of Miss Hougiiton of Oakland.

Mr. and Mrs. John Hey and daughter.Miss Isabel, have returned iroui an extendedtrip through the mountains of SouthernOregon.

Colonel W. B. Sbafter an'l Mrs. Shafterhave returned to Angel Island .from Klam-ath Springs, where they have been spendinga fow weeks. Tin y were accompauied byMr. and Mr*.McKittrick.

Mrs. Ueorgo Hunt«mnn snd the MissesHuntsman have returned to the Bella Vista.

Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Badlini aud MissMaudo Jiadlam are again sojourning atArcadia.

Lieutenant F. L.Winn, First United StntesInfantry, and Mrs. Winn, nee Boardm in,hare returned to Angel lsl.iml from n verydelightful visit at Del Monte Hotel, Mon-terey.

Commander and Mrs. George W. Coffin,of Washington, D. C, will be at the BellaVista next week on their way homo fromAlaska.

Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Carleton, who intendmaking an extended Eistern trip, have ar-rived in Now York.

Mr. and Mrs. W. 15. Brown and party havearrived from a pleasant trip to the EasternState?.

Mr.Sparks B. Johnson, eldest son of Gon-eral E.P. Johnson of Los Angeles, has beenillof typhoid fever for nearly three months.His condition is bo critical that GeneralJohnson, now iv the East, has been tele-graphed for, and he left Chicago on Wednes-day for home.

Among the recent visitors at Del Monteare: Mrs. O. VV. Childs, Misses Chllds, Mr.and Mrs. George A. Audenreid, Mrs. W. U.K-ed, Mrs. W. T. Ellis, Miss Hope Ellis,Allies Jtyyle, M.rs. T/h,oreßft Fair, MI3J Fair,

Mr. and Mrs. Hermann Oelrlehs, Mr. andMrs. A. Page Brown, Mr. A.B.Williamson.

Among the guests at tho Colonial are:Judge mid Mrs. VV. 11. Deatty and family.Rev. and Mrs. Davis of St. Luke's, Mr. andMrs. W. \V.Sanderson anil family, Mr. andMrs. Horace \V. Ball, Colonel and Mrs. K.B. Parrott and famil}'. Mr. and Mrs. A.Powell and family,Dr. and Mrs. Kowand,Mrs. Kittredge, Miss Fdith Kittredfie, Mr.and Mrs. A. L. Coombs, Mrs. Charles W.Kitts. Mr. and Mr=. 1,. L.Long, Mr. andMrs. Charles J. McKcr.zie, Mr. and Mrs.Thomas D. Kiordon, Miss Kiordon. Mrs. N.R. Craven, Mrs. Ed«:tr L. lleriot, Mr.'. Ed-ward Cadwalader, Miss Edna Cadwalader,Miss Sutherland, Mis. M. J. Lawler, MissHarrison, Miss M.D. Johnson; Messrs. \V.P. Treat, John P. Babcock, J. E. Freeman,Lansing P. Wood, F. P. Breed, E. Tnrner-Messersraith, S. M. Merrill, W. B. WVb.-t-r.Dr. E. X. Lowry, Franli Eversou Kenney,Guslav Outsell, J. C. Stone.


New York has 20,000 colored Republicanvoters.

Th« United States has 1,000,000 miles oftelegraph wires. «

In Texas there is a list of 957 fugitivesunder Indictment for murder.

About 70,000 gallons of soda-water aredrunk every day in Philadelphia.

"Gemini" is the last name suggested forthe consolidated cities of Minneapolis andSt. Paul.

During a disastrous conflagration at New-Dort News, Va., two women and two chil-dren died from sheer fright.

A tiny mite of humanity at Chester, Pa.,three weeks old, weighs exactly threepounds. The mother is of ordinary size.

A Quincy (Illinois) girl,who was enticedfrom her home ten years ago, has beenfound by her brother and restored to herparents.

A Toledo (Ohio) street-car company of-fered its striking conductors 40 per cent ofits gross receipts as wages, aud the offer wasrejected.

Kentucky is waking up tothe importanceof public education, and the number of newschools and school buildings is rapidly In-creasing.

A New York jockey has been offered $18,---000 for I^9-.'. Yet lie is so well fixed with hispresent employers that lie hesitates aboutaccepting.

ACinciuuati man who has been robbedof S'JiXiO by his dissolute father refuses tocondone the offense aud has lauded theerring parent ia jail.If riches were the gifts with which God

rewarded his children there would be agreat shifting about iv the ownership ofthings of this world.

A w-iman at Lexington, Ky., with whommarriage had not been a success, drownedherself in two feet of water by weightingher body with rocks.

The best thing about lifeat summer rc-soits Is that people appreciate pood softbeds, airy rooms, and wholesome cookingwhen they get home.

Samuel Segner of Saybrook, 111., probablytho oldest tailor in the country, is dean, aged81. lie had been engaged ivtne businessfor more than 70 years.

A small girl at Cadiz, Ohio, was recentlyfrightened into spasms by a display of fire-Works and died ten days afterward withoutregaining consciousness.

Mrs. Nancy Albion Frost, who lives near.Marietta, Ohio, is 107 years old, and haslived in one house, ninety-one years, remov-ingto it from the

"block- house

"at Mari-

etta.Some of the most valuable property at

Piue Bluff, Ark., is being undermined bythe waters of the Arkausas River, whichnave assumed the proportions of a ragingtlo.id.

Ayoung Philadelphia girl who had beenfalsely accused of theft and locked up, be-came wiid with grief and mortification, wasattacked with brain fever and died ingreatagony.

A couple at Selma, Ala., were recentlymarried immediately after the death of thebride's mother, in compliance with herearnest wish made a few hours before sheexpired.It is said that of 408 men who bore the

titlo of Generni iv the Confederate serviceonly 184 are left. G. T. Beauregard is thesole survivor of those who held tho highestr;;uk, that of fullGeneral.

An Indignant Camden (N. J.) woman,whose husband threw a cup of Coffee iv herface, commanded hf r sons iv

"hold tlio old

man," which they did, when sho gave hima vigorous horsewhipping.

A dog at Bern, Switzerland, crept into acounting-house when the owner's back wasInrned, and after stealthily appropriating";.o Irancs Innotes scampered otl with themand laid them at nis own master's feet.

Investigations of the working of the Knn-s;is liquor law shows that a resident ol To-peka hud a cold one day and a fever thenext for a year without a break, and thathis medicine was invariably whisky or beer.

ANewburyport (Mass.) j^irlis en route toSeattle. Wash., to marry a man she has neverseen, the courtship having been conductedby correspondence. The marriage is the.result of a

"wife wanted


A Merna (Nebr.) man refused to pay forhis mother's coffin on the ground that shehad mistreated him while living. A de-cision was rendered against him and hewas obliged to pay tho amount, withcostsof the suit.

liev. William Galoraith of Wilkinsonville,Mass., aged 63, is the oldest United Presby-terian clergyman in the United States, hav-ing craduated from Union College, Sclifi-nectady, X. V., In ltvxj.and being ordainedtho followingyear.

A Boston boy, after a week in London,writes hume in tlie true spirit of the Yankeesicht-seer: "1have already done the Tower,Westminster Abbey, tho British Museum,the House of Commons, aud several otherplaces of amusement."

Camp thieves at Dover, Del., are makinglife miserable for the women tenters, Sixvaluable dresses wore stolen in on« night,aud one woman Ija'd hardly discarded hergown when relirlnj when It was whiskedaway by mysterious hands.

Widow Wilson, who has for. years beentrying to earn a poor livingout of her smallsandy farm tit Vlneland, N. J., has justdiscovered that the whole place is under-lain with a rich deposit of glass sand, andthat the farm willreadily bring 850,000.

Sometimes names and circumstances fiteach other with wonderful accuracy. Ayoung man of Wcodhayeu, Long Island,slandered a girl who declined his attentionsand then engaged in a fight with her, fromwhich he emerged worsted. His name wasLouso.

The workings of prohibition are showninAugusta, Jit., where a leading physicianthe other day expressed his indignation in acard because he could not have a prescrip-tion for four ounces of brandy filled at asingle drug-store, although it was a cast) oflifeor death.

The enlistment c* Indians as soldiers issaid to progress to the satisfaction of theWar Department. Six companies have beenorganized and four more are wanted. Butall the young bucks want the cavalry, andit takes much persuasion to get them intoInfantry commands.

A large, quantity of human skulls andbones have been exhumed on Christie street,New York, while excavating for the foun-dation of a new building. From the posi-tion of the remains (all found in a space ofGx2 ftet) itis surmised that a pauper bury-ingground may have once existed in thatlocality.

Thomas LKzenberjr of Indianapolis, anephew of the late Vice-president lien-drick?, has been fatally shot in Chicagowhile committing a burglary. He was for-merly cashier of an Indianapolis bank, andafterward was appointed to a lucrative po-sition in the Chicago Postoffice, but lieproved a defaulter for $5000, which. Itisunderstood, was made good by Sir. Ilen-drlcka. lie was then disinherited, havingdrifted downward until it was useless tohope for reformation.

Very frequently a champagne bath liasbeen referred to inillustrating some freakof profligacy. Less tuaji a half-dozen yearsago a Louisville man took a genuine cham-pagne bath in Rater's Hotel. His namewas— is, for he is living—Crow, and hewas a sporty man. A relative died nearLexington aud left him a big lump of prop-erty. He bought enough champagne to filla bath-tub at Uufer's and plunged into it.On the side be bad champagne to drink anda dozen companions to drink it. Two yearslater lie was on his uppers and hadn't anickel.— Louisville Commercial.


Harry, dear," said Vere de Vere,. ••Imet .1 girlto-day

Whose saucy smile and natty styleJust touk ruy breath away.

"Her lovely hair was lone and fair,

tier leelU were white as suoiv,Ami what seems (jueer, now, llany dear,

Is bow slie uiaiie them so.""Why, Vere, my lad, you m.ike me mad;

At your atie duu't you knowToal KOZODON'T, used night and morn,

Willmake icetu white as suow?"

Pretty Girls and Plain GirlsBoth use SOZODONT, and some of the loveliestol llielr sex have been heard to declare, whenHiked c l.at bcauiliied their teeth, that ItwasSOZODONT. Nature provides woman withbeautiful teeth. SOZODONT, If used regularly,keeps thosfl pretly rows of pearls from decay-ing. This Is a statement which those who usethe article always corroborate. IfSOZODONTwere not In veiy truth a preparation of stallingmci !• the public would lons aluce Lave discov-ered |ha fact aßd dlica(d,ed it,


\u25a0 .Be swift to love your cwn, dears,

Your own who nre Iyou so: .Buy to the spec liiiihour, dears,

••I willnotif thee coEirept t:iou nivo a blesstaf";

For' c itto iilleand stay.Love has no sure to-morrow,Itouiy has to-day.

Oh. hasten to l>» kind,dears.Before the time shall come

-When you are left behind, dean,Inan all-lonely home;

Beforo Ininto contritionVainly you weep and pray.

Love has unsure to-morrow.Itonly tin. tod iy.

Swifter ttan sun and shade, dean.Move the fleet wine* <t pain.

The cbauce wehave to-day, dears.May never come agalu.Joy is a fickle rover,

lie broofceth.uot delay.Lovelias no sure to-morrow,Itonly has to-day.

Too late to plead or grieve, dears.-

Too iate to kiss or sigh.When death has laid tit;seal, dears,

On tit:cold lipanil eye,Toolate our giftsto lavish

Upon the burial clay;Love lias no sure to-morrow.Itonly has to-day. —Congregational Ist.


Uncle Job Forester was like a great manyother American parents— he had perfectchildren.

"Them boys," he was wont to say,"wouldn't marry ary woman in the county;uot hut what there's plenty good enoughan' better, but they have other plans an'projee's!"

But even perfect children sometimes givetrouble, and Uncle Job's boys, at the aceof 20 and L'J, were no exception to tlie rule.

A pretty school-teacher boarded at theForesters', and it was her apparently inno-cent self that was making all the trouble.Lew Forester, the younger of the boy?, washopelessly inlove withher, and as he wasyoung, with his life's work scarcely mappedout, and as May Doming was ucor, with anabundance of poor relations, the marriagewas deemed highly inexpedient. Uncle Jobruminated upon the. subject as he followedhis lazy, lat team along tiie corn-row^.

"Seems to iuc," he soliloquized, "ef I'djes' speak to her father— drat the weeds! 1do wish I'd a check-rowed this! the cockle-burrs is a goin' to jes' plum teetotal!y takehit—he'd stop hit, ueing so poor and high-minded. But like's not Lewd get mail atmy interfering an' marry her anyhow, jes'to teacli me a lesson and not a aimin' tomarry hsr nt all, before. I've kuowedparents to put they foot init mightily aforothis, an' I've wondered If Mahaly AnnBriggs would iibeen a better chance thanMary Ann, though Iwouldn't have nutherone of 'em a SUPPOSIn's that Iriclectanv-thtng about them times. No, Ireckiu I'dbelter not call on Her pap for any help, see-ing as 1 spilt his prospec's in our youngdays. Oh, you get up there, you lazy heifer !Looks liko the more you feed 'uiu tholazier they git! No, but el Ican't hatch upsomething 'thout showin' my hand, why,I'lljes' let 'em marry for heiu' a fool."

"Lew," ssid Uncle Job, the followiugSaturday morning, "1want you to tate theone-seated els an' go to Chillicothe onbusiness, an' 1 want you to not pick up anypassengers either goin' or comin', for thatleft wheel ain't any too strong, sin' watchan' don't go into any mts. I'd like for thtiteig to last tillIfeel able to get anotherone."

"Can't Dan go?" Lew asked petulantly."Ido hato to ride to town all by myselfover the hills an' through the red bresh. I'druther plow hard all day."

"Well, plow, then," Uncle Job answeredwith a merry twiiiklo iv his eye. "Thatuiedder piece nerds plowin' monstrous bad.You and Iran plow an' l)an'lcnn go jes' asWell as not.""IfIwas him Iwouldn't drivo no gig,"

Lew remarked, uttering the words beforereflecting udoii what infant follow."Iain't a-goin' to," Dan answered, with

the confidence of a young man who owns apood team of his own. "I'ma-going todrive Still and Grace— the buggy needs alittle fixingup."

Lew hitched up his team and went towork. lie despaired of having a chat withMay so early in tbo morning, but he couldcome inat half-past 11; she was not busythen.

Uncle Job hung around the barn andmanaged to engage Dan's attention, thusretarding his start until Lew had gone towork.

"Now see here, Dan'l," he began as soonas Lew was out of earshot, "anybody cansee that Lew is soft on the teacher, and thejiltwillmarry her ef he ain't stopped; notbut what she's plenty good enough fur him,an' too pood, as to that, but yon know we'veallus hud other plans for Lew. Inever hawslch a bard-hearted creetur as he is. Hecan cut an' slash on live animal.«, an' 1thinkhad make a good doctor. Thai's what mean' your maw wants, an' of course ef hemarries the school-teacher, be can't neverbe ncthiog but a farmer, for you know hecan't niore'n write his name now, tlionchhe's learnin' considerable from her, Godbless her! She's a good little thine. Well,what Iwas (joing to say is this: you makeup to her. You've cot your new horsesand buggy and lots of nice clothes, and youcan cut him out quick as wink.""

Then s'pose Itake her to town to-day,"Dan suggested, not at all displeased at theprospect of a twenty-four mile ride with sopleasant a companion."

Yes, yes! You hitch up an' Iwillgo tellher. I'llfix It."

With that ho hurried to the house, elatedat the working of his plan.

"Miss May," he said in a loud whisperfrom the fiont door, "you come here aminute."

"Ina niomeut, uncle," a pleasant voicoanswered.

"Come out Into the yard," he murmured."Iwant you to do a favor for me. Iwantto ci't tlin old lad; two new Binglumdressi-s.Rn' Iwant Vtu to bo nice an' Inot nice anfitnice, :mu Iwant you topicl, them out au'p:<y for tlicin. I'll give you the money. Xwant you to bo with Dan'l."

"Yes, certainly," May nnswprej with Rsuspicious pink innntlinglicr checks. '-'Cimldyou tell me anytbiou about wliat klud ofpincham you want?''

"You jest use your own judgment— getsonipthiiif; becomin' to old women—and yoncut it an' make it, an' I'llknock off a week'sboaru for on«, au' nunllier week for an-otlier. We like to have mother look nice."

At about 10 o'clock Mr. Forester wentover to see how Lew was progressing withhis work. Ho found him busy, aud cheerilyWhistling "Jlarble Halls."

"It's a plumb sliamu to teaso the boy,"bis father eoliloquizt'd, as h« approachedthe grassy turning row. "Butall the evilsof life must bo keoved with gome suiYcriDc.1 kuow I'd better keep lil;:i free to go onan' make Bomethtng out of hiss«lf than lohave him lied down to linrd work with awife and a passel o' litilo children. Iseeyou've b«e:i a-humpin' yersclf," he said, asJ>ew approached. "Xo need to killyersclfnnj the team, too."

"We've taken It easy; nice dirt this;never seen belter; wish you'd give mn ivysherr on this sido when you divide up."

"Maybe— but you'll be a-selling yourn,"his fathi-r answered, looUins; withpride uponhis various fields stretching away in tho dis-tance, some with wheat, some with oatc,besides small patches of oastoi beans, fl;ix,cane, millet and tiasture and meadow.

"No, I'm thinking of builain' au' settlin'right here," Lew replied, whilo n boyishblush dyed his downy cheek. "I'vebeenthinking thatef you and maw was willin'—

""Ye?, a iiioutionin' of your maw puts me

in mind that 1sent by May this morning toget her a couple o' new dresses. Scums tomo we don't lay enough htore by tho wayshe looks."

"Wliere'd May go?" Lew asked with asinking of the lieart.

"She went with pan'l," looking over hisfields and mercifully turning his back."May's ft mighty likely girl; there halu'tnone better."

Without a word Lew turned his team Intothe corn and began to plow. His fathernoticed that lie was umiMully couth- withthe horses, and his conscience troubled himnot a little as he walked toward tho house."

KfIhadn't a-tole him," he said, contem-plating the varii-giited sod with unvotinge>e, "ho would a-cmuo iv at v, andwhen ho found sho want here, he'd n-wentout agin j*s 's quick's hecotililgit his dinneran' a-plowed till dark, au' that's too muchon the horses."

Lew came iv at a quarter past 12, ate Illsdinner in siieuce, ana was for starting backto the field.

"You ruiistn't take the hnrses out till2Lewie," his father said. "You gn lie downand sleep under a shado tiee—you'll feel lotsbetter."'•1don't want no sleep," Low growled. Q"Ef you don't the horses does," said hisfather. "isut if you ain't sleepy let's goout hero under tho trees. 1Jeel kinder rlA-less an' lonesonio with Dan an1May gone,and Iknow mother doesn't like to have menfolks around till she gets her work done.You an' Dan is young aud free, an' Ijustsaw Jim Lucas pas*, an' Icouldn't helpR-contrastiug ye. Jim was young about tenyears ba<'k, an' so was bailie, and they had.ambitions. Jim was purty good sclwl-lared for tne countiy, nn' he wanted to be aCongressman or sometbin'. Sullie was purtyand sweet, an' most any mau inhis senses would ha' loved her •-Jhe did, an' they married, ««' nowthey have six children, and jfm cau'tdo nothin' but Je.' dig for lhen. Tie ain'tablei to hire a hand, „„'ho rents, aud hedon t get ao richer igfay year, evon if Sal-

lie does contrivo an' save. It looks turtyhard, but in.-'s tot to dig an' save an'scrimp until bo's old, and maybfi longer.""Isuppose he loves Sallie," Lew sug-

gested. •\u25a0_

"Oh, yes, kinder sorter: but his life ain'twhat he bargained for. Married lifelacks apood deal of b?in' a picnic when peoplelooks -4iigh and is poor. This everlastinggrind for sonielhin' to eat is awful hard on afellar with ambitions. Your maw an' mevinnt you to be a doctor, an' Iwasa-thinkin'-"

"Paw, Idon't know enough." Lew satno and looked resolute. "Yonknow Ineverwas fond of book*, an' 1don't Ilkanothingbut turning no dirt and handling stock. I'llnever make a doctor nor aConEres<miin, nornothing hut a plain farmer, and Iwan: tomarry May an' go to housekeeping a3 soonas I'm of age, which will be in ten monthsan' seventeen days."

"Wait tillyou're 21, and then, ef yon wantto marry her, why, nil right; but I'll tellyou now that the day'll come when you willwiihyou hadn't. May's as boikl a girl asover lived, but I'm afraid you'll be overrunby her kin. They're g*eat folks to come an'stay all night an' bring the whole family."

Mr. Forester arose, brushed the whittliugsfrom his trousers, and remarking that he'dsee to the "hitchin' of the horses," went offto the barn.

That afternoon he confided his doubts andmisgivings to his wife, and received somnvery sharp advice about the advisability ofattending to his own business."Well, my heart Jest bleeds for other peo-ple's boys," Mr.Forester asseverated, "an'when it comes to my own it'pears IlkoIwould do anything to keep f«m from a-run-uina their heads in nooses that'll keep 'tinchoked down the rest of their days."

"You'll see, paw," Mrs. Forester repliedwith the coiifidence of an observing miud."I've kuowed and beerd of a good manymatches a-beiu' broke off, and very few of'em ever come to any good."

"Stuff1" scornfully replied Uncle Job."Youknow the glrN in this country are en-caged lots of times 'fore they marry. Why,Iknow a young fellar th:it'd jest set downami write to a girlan' ast her to marry himan' he didn't have the least intentions thatway. Don't you think that engagementought to be broknn off?"

"I'm not talkin' about that kind—l'm n-talkluK about where they love, an' want tomarry."

"Well, we wont quarl." And theydidn't.

During the rest of the term Dan paid Maythe most marked attention. Scarcely a daypassed that he did not take her driving orhorseback riding, and she sat on a horsewitn the utmost grace. May brightenedaud looked her prettiest during these happydays, wnlle Lew at fir.st sulked and thenbecame genuinely indifferent. lie kept tohis work in all weathers, and itbegan to henoticed that his pnrt of the crop lookedmuch better than Dan's, although Lew hadhelped him more than once.

"1will plow this afternoon," he wouldsay, "and you may help mother and Maywith their yarn," or "I'llgo after the cattleand you and May can drive down to bpnu^-hilland get the mail."

At first this indifference was assumed tohido his wounded pride, bat it soon camo topass Unit he found himself happier andnearer real contentment than ever before.

Not so with Uncla Job. At first horubbed his hands complacently, and smiledto think how easy it was to manage boys sowell brought up as his were. But Dan wascontinuing his attentions too lone, and theywere too marked and too ardent, lie re-solved to speak to him.

"Look here, Dan!" he began, one day,when they were building the new rail-fence,around the pasture. "Don't you think youare carrying this thins too far? May mightfall inlove with you.""1hope she has, paw," Dan replied, with

n sheepish laiiuh, "forwe are going to marrywhun her school is out, and if you willlot me, I'd like to buildon the west eighty.""

Yes, Dan'l, jes' as you like." meekly."May s.i mighty fine girl,an' I've gotovery-thing to be proud of. Thankee, Dau'l, furbriugia' us soch a nice darter."

He turned away for some rails, and pauseda moment, looking at their splintery cleanli-ness. *

"Out of tho frying-pan into the fire,'" hemuttered, "an*Idone It, shore's fate!"

A NOVEL COMPANY.Its Object i- to Secure Transportation to

the World* Fair.Tho World's Fair Transportation Com-

pany of this city filed article*of incorpora-tion yesterday with the Secretary of State.The object of this company is to furnishtransportation from Minnesota and otherWestern points to Chicago at Hie time ofthe Ci.'luuibiau Exposition. Ithas a capitalof £00,000, and is to continue for a period offive years. The head ollice of the companywill bo in this city. The plan is to furnisha contract to patrons which calls for trans-portation to and from Chicago, good for aperiod of thirty days, including six days'board at a first-class hotel and sixdays' admission to tho grounds, uponthe payment of a certain amount named inthe contract. The payment of this amountis so arranged that there is scarcely any onawho willDot be able to visit this great ex-position and take his wifuwith him. Eachpatron is required to pay a fee of SI at 111\u25a0- \u25a0

time the contract is made, and the balancein weekly payments of such a sum as willby May 1, 18'J3, ennui the amount called forin the contract In each city this contractprice will vary according to the distancefrom Chicago. Other companies similar tothis have been organized hi the East, butthis is the first of the kind InMinnesota.Provision will be made for its patrons vis-iting the fair in excursion train?, and in thisway the company will b*able to secure tuulowest rates.— St. Paul Pioneer Press,


R Jones, Long Island r A Cowan. StocktonIt SI Covert. Cal C C Kastiu, NewmanA It Ileum. Nana Mrs Willis. SacramentoJ S Roberts A w. Napa It Pitcher, PrincetonE BSmith, Valiejo MISS Pitcher, PrincetonYVNlcholls, Cal YV Slyrlck.Slen.locluoN W Sandercock.SanLuis G YYhiuaker. ciovenialoObispo E 1) Stewart, SlssonR S Brown, Petaluma T YV Smith,San JoveT C Bisk, Stoney Ford J Roads. PhiladelphiaJ Jeans A son. inters LKetchatn. Philadelphias V Hopkins, Washington sirs J 1. Watson, saujoseBliss Hopkins, Wash It Blake, San JoseI)S -Matthews. Stockton .1C Kclley A- w,Man JoseQ 1. stone A- w.Pueblo BJonson, TucsuaIt P Clement, Susanville it M Brown, Santa CruzIfIIHarlow, Tulare G Pair, PetalumaF" G Johnson, Lodl J A Barker, Fresno - -N Reld. Bath J Bishop, SlendoclnoX Bock, San Lcandro T J Davis, StocktonJ 11 Seal. Pleaxanton E Fischer, llaywardsJSI Tyson, San Quentln 81, Usher, ByronM D Nichols, Nlles C W YVarneg, ByronP II.Mason, Cal P Kebard, FresnoP Bailey, Cal Jllss Weeks. CoiiiitlleMrs C A Doe, Fernoale E L Marshall, SeattleMrs E F Weeks, Coqullle-

PALACE HOTEL.Abe Rosencranz. Cal J R Taylor**.BaltimoreF;SI Williams, Vacavillo AStabler.YVasbington.D CWin Sanger Jr. Sao D It Lyman. VirginiaCityPeter Scwaub. Boston HItLogan, Empire.1 yv Foss, San Anselmo T B Grlswold, ChicagoNl3 Fowler, Rochester W BBless, SonomaI)SI Kelly,New York S Aaron. Los AngelesMPhillips, San Joso LA Grant A w. Los AngX 1. Caluuw, Stockton SlKSeveranccAiv.l.osAngIt A Blayhew, Nlles TB Rickey, Carson CityII11 Pitcher. Llvermore John A Heel, PittsburgD C Ferris, New York Baron yon Schilling, StLCourses, Stexico HelenaSirs E Hodges. Detroit Win B Randnl, AlamedaCJ Hodges, Sllchlgan Sirs A X Potter, HelenaT W Buzze, Alta, Utah SllssLtura liKing,HelenaSI Sheehan, Baltimore MrsC A Avery, WisconsinJ 31 Sheehan, Baltimore DrCluuess. SacramentoWalter S .Moss. Baltimore: J D Stephens, WoodlandC II Yrrrlbower, Readinglll W Joues, USAI,Lamb A w,Clinton, BiolSirs Curtis A a, WoodlandSllss SI Lamb, Clinton,Bio]Manuel Lopez.GuatemalaBllssGELamb, Clinton,SloiK A Meyer & NewYorkSam Ward, England I

INTERNATIONAL HOTEL.W A Wlidey, Antioch Sliss Howard. OaklandAMGrecves, Antioch W LLaytou, San JoseItD Dnglas, Santa Rosa Wi| Tavlor, CaliforniaIISSudolph.Charlcstown MShanlonsky, RussiaFF Collins, Schenectady X Hcarby. sin Jose11 Scgelke, New York W Bruel. .MinnesotaP Commtngs. New Yark A Blassey, TulareP (1 Siootie,New York c C Lamaret. MercedLBBrittan, Denver Sir Haley, Santa BarbaraSI SI SI Innton, Baltimore Sir Stewart, U S NS Blullen. Eureka MrsEHrownAdau, N McxIIG Hawthorne. Redßlult T BeallS, MontanaN S Jones, Salt Springs C E Laffle, IdahoSits H Laud. Monterey c E Cartcou, Santa RosaG Turner, Coos Bay G Dyecon, SiberiaL LRobinson A wt, Ohio E I)VounglOve, TucsonJ LYoung. Siarysvllle c SI GreyAw.San AntonioLG Mackouzle.SpokaueF 1) Stiller, StocktonYV Smith, Philadelphia D V Slyers, Stockton¥ Slerther. Sacramento Joe Rogers, East OaklandTMurphy,Hong-Kong JI. Frey, Slountaln ViewC a Metzger, San Joso YV Marseirew, LathropF Clark, Los Angeles C LWell. ManchesterA Fliertez, Mountains' w

GRAND HOTEL.I)B Moore. Tulare <) Talbot, San JoseJ G DonarU, Cliluo .1 B Keddlek, CalaverasA A Lake. California Rev T G Watson, Spknc0 do Cagway, California l"s YVatson, SpokaneMiss AGraham, Alameda Sllss !•' T Watson, spknoE 11 Miller, Valiejo J P. YVhaleu, SeattleYV X Dargle, Oakland A I.Lincoln, Sta BarbaraB Chadbourn. Oakland M Van Gorden. Sn SimonJ B Lavery. Sausallto IIItBowie A w,Cal0 1) Whittler, Riverside J Bryiion A fin, Grnwood1N llahu. St Louis ,1Marshall, Y'acaviue11 a Slay A w.Sacto J Gn.ver A w, ColusaW s Green, Colusa Bliss C Grover, ColusaJ G Hodgen. wA c.YYdlud Sliss SI Grover, ColusaA Welter, Nebraska E SI lloux, SlaxwellSirs J T Joy, Sacto C Traver. SacramentoP F Prael, Portland YV Morgan, Nevada CityG1" Ruiiyon,Conrtiand G G Allan, Nevada CityAMcFadyen, Santa RosaV -\u25a0 BALDWIN HOTEL.E Berth, New York E w YVllbur. Eurekatv ItClark, Stockton J A Slorrlssey StocktonD VMaiioney, sun Jose T c Kearus, VictoriaG X Graham, Newark T J Nolton, Pt TownsendJames Lamb, San Jose ASearls, port TownsendMYVelss, San Joso C ALllustsll. BO .J E Johnson, Napa B F' Smith, SeattleC IIBrown, Oakland A .Mackintosh, SeattleVJones, Sin Dlego • FP Hell. Stockton \u25a0\u25a0-.B YV Mai:in. Lorenzo J P Berry, Santa RosaJ Rlchl, Seattle R J X Aden, Valiejo rG Rosenslilne, New York John Smith, ValiejoMark Kohn. Portland D Barberan A w,Cal £SSMrsJ A Garner, Los An H VBainsdall, St LouisDr liHue!!, Los Angeles I.-.'.,-. . LICK HOUSE.

G Reed, Walnut Creek . i.overman, itanfcrdE Hamilton, Stockton Sirs BlJ llartau.S RamonhXNester, S*',ita Cruz Mrs Lewelliug.Sa RamonLIlernsr^'m, Reno GO Treat, Sau KainonAi,uagnall, w« '-'c.Ohlo o yv Warfleld, cuico .W 0 Root. New York Mrs F' Berringer.StHelnaItJ Andrews. Virginia Sirs E Becker, St HelenaJ L Barston, Vermont ,1- 11 Baxter, SeattleBliss MLBanton. Vt HFrederick. SeattleE J O'Boyle, St Louis IBins A Harlan, VictoriaLHanson A w, Fresno Miss I.31 Harlan.VictoriaEMStarr A- w,Oregon - A S Morton Aw. SulsunG C Alexander, llauford MTeed, Los Angeles .


IDates of Departure From San Francisco.*^LIST OF LETTERS

remaining unclaimed Inthe PostofSce at San Fran-cisco on MONDAY,August 10. 1891. ."

IKe-Toobtain any of these letters the applicantmust call for "Advertised Letters." anil Rive thedate or the list, irnot called for within two weeksthey willbe sent to the Dead-letter Office,Alirains, Mrs Dan '

Anderson, Kll"

VAbery, w \u25a0 Andres*, A EAbiluc, Wm Andrews, AArkerman. Sirs C Andrews Sffg CoAdier. (hasi Angllu. Miss AnnieAiken. Mathew Appei. Geo JAlexander, Mr(Taylor 4 Appev, LeviTurk sts) Armstrong. .Mrs AmeliaAlexander, Edward Arthur/, Sirs .*

Allen.L11 Asueltu, Sirs JohannaAllen. Kourad Ashman, J AAnderson, Anders Atkinson. Miss ClaraAnderson, Anna Atlantic Marine las CoAnderson. HonAP Auger, Mrs AAnderson. Herman Austin, GeoAuderssau, Hulda Au.tin. Dr J SIAnderson. J Avellanes. SautleagoAnderson, Jas Ayres, HarryI'.aetliiren. DrErnst ißornbelm. Mrs ADaer, Miss *. Boon, W 1)Bagshaw, I,SV Boothby, W TBalrd Dredglug Co Bootz, AJBailey, Sirs Sarah Borchert. OliverBaker, II M Bourn, WmBaker, Henry Jr 80-.vei. Miss (2105 Cal)Pater, Win 11 Bowler. Miss EllenBaldwin. Miss SI P Boyd,Dr J HamiltonBaldwin, Rosanna Hoyer, Bliss Emma iDalenslefer. vv F I!,.yea. Sllss LauraBaltic, .Miss Louisa Bradbury, Miss HelenBsluiia, I" 51 Bradbury, JnoLBanks, C I, Branch, EBarclay, W O Brandt. ABarginann, C Brandt, 51Barker A Partner Biausleiter, Chas MBarker. Juo F Hraun, C ABarlow &Barrett Brettnan Mrs (211Powell)Barney, Sirs C li Brennan. .Miss MariaBarrett. .1A Brewer, GeoBarthelman. J F2 Bridge, X EHaskeviiie, D W Brldgt*.Edith"ass, I* Brlcx,Miss MabelBauer, Miss Emily Britt,MaryBauman, Mrs Britt, MichaelBaylor, Mrs (Black Pt) Itrliton. ElizabethBean. A E Brooks. Mrs KateBearLiikeLandAVVatcrCo Brotbertou, Miss IrenoBetty, Oscar Browder, .1 WBecht, Sirs SI Brown, AOBecker, Fritz Brown, Miss Bessie 0Beekwith. Wm Brown, Sirs C SBeecher, Henry B Brown,DuffBeidelman. Sirs Alice Brown, Miss FlossieBell, Sirs Frank Brown,HarryBeitker, Geo J • Brown, left 2Bennett. Silas M B Brown, Miss JessieBennett, T Brown, .Miss LFBenson. Geo Brown, Sliss MayBerderway, Soloman Brown, Titos FBeresford, W P Brown, S (iMerger, C o Brown, Dr WallaceBcrgstrom, Sallle Browne, W SDenial, Juo Bryan, Annie LBetTin.an, Miss Alice Bryant, SirsBldner, X W Bryant, Dr Francis OBierson, Sliss A Bueney, Sllss Lucy MBlerwirtli.Ernst Burke. Sliss Jennie 2Bishop, Sirs E Burke, Sllss MaggieBlack, ltobt Burke, .Mrs WPBlackley, W Burrls, SirsBlack. Jennie Burrls, W TBiancbard, Sirs LA Burroughs, Mrs ChatDlapp A Zlillg Burroughs, Sirs MJBlock, OL Burton, Jus i'Block, ltobt Burton. Sllss MBotiKiulst, J A Bush, Sirs AnnieIBlount. DonJ Bush, I-redBlum,Mrs Bush. Frank JBordeman, Henry W Bushcy, JnoBollinger,J 11 2Cahecii. It.1 iClum & ConnorCal Farmers Slut Ins Co Clutterback, Thomas 0Cal Freie Press Cohen, Slark ACal Kitchen cabinet Co Conn. .MorltzCallahan, Sir Colby, Mrs Hattle ACalllgan, s Colby, II GCalnaii, sirs Uolman, Sirs ChasCameron, Sllss Hattle Coleman, Thos ICampbell, Sirs John Coleman. Win J

-Campbell, Sirs Mary Collins, Juo SCanute, Sliss Mary Collins. WinCanney, I- U Conlev. JackCarahis, Francis Connolly, GeorgeCauuudy, Miss E P Conner. AII A- MrsCarpenter, DII Cook. Sirs AnnaCarroll. Sliss l.aura Cook. Sirs WalterCarroll, ltobt I) Corbley, Hiss KatloCarson, Sirs W T 2 Costello, Slary XCartaym. Peter Cota, JamesCasey. Miss (Braunan st) Cotter, Bliss MO •. ','Casey, Bliss Mary Cram, DrLeon IICarinas. Sirs J Crane. BarneyCates. W T Jr Crawford, MrsSlarvChance, Sliss .Myrtle Croctiesun, Mtss EstherCapln. Miss Lottie L GraceChappie, John Crouln, D WChevalller, Miss A A Crosette, Sirs GChristen, c Crouch, Miss BessieObrlstensen, Laurlsts Cryau, BernardChurch, Sirs .Margaret Cummins, HenryClarke, George Cummins, Mrs 51 AClark,Henry O Cunningham, GroveClark, Jim Curtin, Sirs A PClark. Sliss Lottie Curtis.IClark, James Cushuian. HDClayton. Miss Cora A Cushuian, Sliss HelenCleans, Isaac X Cushuian, Miss Mary EClendennln, J W BDale, (has Weston DIHa,DNA CoDales, Sllss Julia A Ditto.KarlDalton, Patrick Duunigaii, AndroDarvllle, WTO Dlnsmore, ChasDavidson, W T Dorilti'iop,JohnDavis, sirs Dolan, SI CDavis. 51i:s Annie Dolan. ThosDavis, 11 Dollman, AlbertDavis, Sliss Mamie Donaglu, Wm JDavis, Slerrltt Donald, WDavie*, Richard R Jr Donnelly,BridgetDay, Miss Slay L Donohue, AnnieDean, Sllss Ida Douoghue, MorganDean. Sirs ItC Dorr, sir and MrsDearitiger, Sits Maggie Dorothy, Sllss AnnieI).-Bell, W II Doyle, Kiltieliefaul, W C Doyle. MDelery, J Duhring, Sirs Fred ElDtlbas, Sirs Dunbar, Sirs JaneDillon. Miss Margie Dnnlop, Sliss XCDemurest, w Duncan, DDo Koran. Sirs Laura Duncan, Capt W L.li.mil/,James A Dunn, WinDe Stlva, S It Duraud. Sirs 51DO \e:.u. X W Dyer, EilshaDiamond, Harrio 9Kaule Box Factory

'Elicny,Mrs Charles

Karl. Sirs Klro.l, JEaton. Alfred Ellis,Miss MariaEastou, P 11 Kniinous, J EFiner, .Max F.rwii.g A CiafnnEdgecombe, Mrs J n Eugelmaun, Ernestine SIElchelberger, John c Eriksoa, J IIl-.i.-ke. A Erlckson, sirs MargaretElffirt. .Miss Gretchen Erlaudson, Silas Jennyteatey, Sllss (Mission st) Fstette. .Mrs 9 EF:keborn, J A jßstes, Sliss C ofElnlnger.Emma Evarts, NellieF:iectrozone Mfg Co Evin,LouisaI'uik,John iFlanlgan. Miss EllenFnik. David Foley, John A Sir*l'ahre. Sllss Louisa Fonteneau, Mrs ChasFargo, SIIs*Nellie Foret, JoeFarmer, SVIII Foster, Sllss AncioParnsworth, wL Fouhy.PatrickF'arrell, Sllss Lizzy Fourth, vFarris, Mrs I) Fox. Sllss DollyFarwell, Henry Frabizio, Sllcheiefarrow. Mrs Jas Francis. Sirs Geo IIFeenny, J c Frank, tie.)Ferdinand, Mr Franklin, HenryPerm, Sliss Lucy Franklin, JasFerguson, Dan Freei.m, Sllss LouisaFiddler, FMw Frolsslnn. Otto LField. E A Freytiott,EugeuoFinn, Sliss H Freeman, A B -1Fisher* Solomon Freeman, Sirs HarveyFish. Sir Freeman, Walt FFiske. C A French, .fas SFitzgerald, 0 Fnsbie, Gen AMrsFitzgerald. Jas It Furrer, VFltzpatrick, Sliss Alces Furry, Sllss Hettlei...:'.. i> . S D Graham, FrankGabrleisen, Frank Graham. Mrs CTOaaes, J I) Graham, sirs c TempestGalloway. J Graham, Sirs GeoGardiner, ,1 Graham, Miss Khodatiarcis, Bliss Cclena Graham, ChasGarrett, W VA Co Grallert. PaulGarcia. C Graut. Sirs Anita P•.laughter. .1 B Graves, J AOay. .MissEL Grassman, E DLGearn. V A Gray, CarltonOearhart. Sirs Nettle Grey, li31Ccrnier. John C GreenUoods,

—(Mont-Gibson, Win2 gomery aye)

liibean, Sllss Eudorle Greenlaw, sirs M Adinger. Max GreKy, Mrs OultcnGobel. Wm Orlrno, JGodfrey. Sliss Stattle Grinin, Wm 3Golden Gate Perlucicrr Grinin, S W

Co Grlffls.J WGootlfellow. J Guenther, JoeGenshorn, S Gundolphy CoOoss, A 11lla'eakala. ITenry nectar, Rev J IIIlaliey,Sirs Sarah M Hehemann, Sirs IHalphln.Mute C J Hciman BrosHall, Sire Adeilna llegsr.l,Sirs AnnaHall,Sir A Sirs Helwlg. J ItHale. Jas F Helm, Slajor Geo MHammond. John llelgeson. Mrs LruaHammer, I.II Henly, Sirs FloraHamilton, (ID Henderson, Sirs GeoHamilton, Dr W Henderson. Bliss AnneBedford, Edwin Herbert, TitosHansen. Sirs M Herring, Sir* EUardwick, Fiddle Hen-Ruth, 6 FHardwlcke, J P Heyin in,X BHarp, F'F Heydenaher. SirsHarmon. Mis* Alice Hlliman, HenryHarper, Sirs Amanda Hlllebrandt. F &CoHaegse, John Hlrth, Hermanllarrliuan. Sirs E Illrsti,A A BroHartrlvc. Aug Hoffmann, GeoHarris, Sirs Slary A Hoffmann, John HHarris, Sirs Annie C Hohl, JHart, -Marlon Holden, Sirs AnnieHasagana. F Hollls, Mrs IraHHatch. EL Hollls, Mrs Frank :-'.."llaupt.Geo Hartnett, OHaussinan, Geo ' Howard, John MHayes, Patrick Humphreys. Jllavniau. B W

'llughsnn, Wm

Hazeltlne, >V E Hughes, Thomas JHay, Win 11 liughos,ChasH.zlehurst. Dr O A Huntsman, Mrs GITHeatherlng. Bliss Myrtle Hunt. Sirs A Sliealey. Miss Kittle IHutchinson, Mrs TheresaHedqulst. Johu Hutchinson, C DHedges. GeoIrelnn, Mrs Florence Isaacs, Sirs EdIsaacs, Harry *s*ajg*MMSkr lverson. SlartlnJameson, WO Johnson, FrankJarrls.JJ Jones, J 31Jarvismi, WWW Jones, Sliss Maria AJohnson, August - Jong. MargeryJohnson, Alex Joyce, HarveyJohnson, Sliss AmandaKaiser, Mrs Lena Kendall, Geo *vVKaiser. Mrs Keglua Keri.au. RichKaeglc. August Ketrhum, Sirs MKane, James Kimball,E 2Kastrovltch, Miss Irene Kingsbury, Dr WKearny. Mis*ESI Kingswcil,J VKeef. Sliss Slag King,J L ..-..-\u25a0• t.Kalth, sliss Fijience King,

—Kelly,C King.Sirs CKelly.Francis J Kittrcdee. A OKelly,Sirs Eliza . Klein. PKKeller. Capt Win n Kllngelholer,LKelly,Silas Slay Knox, Sirs Geo £1Kelly,Sits .Michael Kohn. Sirs ChasKennedy, G L Kober. WilhelinKennedy. Peter 2 Krauss. Sirs MJKendall, Sllss J Krauss, Sliss MKermeson, Mrs Ell Krauss. ChasKuhn,

—Kues. Herman

Kunlzen, F Kyle,AO

I.awlesH. Frank Logan, Jennie I.Lawson, Robert Logan, Lena iLeciio, Alex

'Lodden. Bert

Lobrunn, O Lomsley, SellerLeder, Paul Lc.njstreet. SirsLeek,J X Lorcnson, 3l TLee, Vlrgle , , Lod, Eugene ALeabtnan, P Lorlne. Sirs SidouleI.emored, Annie Love, AliceLenevew, Louise iLloyJ,MattleLetitou, John J Lowrcy, James CLeughran. Mary Lowele, Sirs JuoLewald, Abe j-S \u25a0»' Lotudos, A I'and familyI.ewtn. Alaric \u25a0I\u25a0 Luke, Eiizah 1!Levy, X Lucas, Harry 11 3Lewis, J Hall Lucas, Hattio E

• Lewis,It .- • Lineberg. Helnrlsh • "-'*'«Livingston. Ben Lutiborz. Sirs A W.-"'•:


I.tttlehtle. Aunie Lynch, Irene i'^LoURUe. Jno ...:••. Lyon, JnoLoa;ue, James |Lyons. MaggieVctfee.Jas Slalta, Sliss AnnaMrAlplne,.Miss Slattsun.^lMcCletlan. MrsEL Slatsuoka. J \u25a0""MrCurrle. Wlebcr » Co Median. Sliss HMcCartney. Mrs Jas Mcl a Co, MessrsMcCutcuan, G F Mck. Sir.SlcCrone, It \ Slehrllie, George*McCaine, It 3lcsserschml.it, 11 LMc X COnjMll. W A :' Meyer. Sirs CaptCMcCracaeu, W F Slayer, A.McDonald. Jno

-Meyers, Ulrlch

McDonald, Wm 4 fam Michel, GeorgeSic: arianil, Capt it Ml.l.l.eton, Mrs ThomasSlcGuwan, J ;,'_-,?\u25a0

'Stiller, Sirs

Mazuire, Peter J'

-'.. Sillier, SII»s Carrie ,Mclntyre, Sirs Kittle Sillier, Sirs Sadie \u25a0r-'j'-';Mclntlre, Capt Henry Minkowsky,

Mclnarny, Joseph IMinds, AlexMcKnl-ht, Mrs l)rC S .IMitchell. CharleyMcKoy, Mr3Jno X " |Molarter, XMclaughlin, Miss Sarah Molm. MrsMargaretMciaojihUn, Miss May Montell, Mrs HHMi'M<miir!e,.losrpn Monroe. Oeo SMcMullin. Mr< Win MonreJlllaril. Mrs JennieMcQunrrle, James • Moody, Mrs TMacs, Mrs MA Moore, Miss EdnaMaker. Mrs HaCtla Mo .re. Miss KittleMall, Mrs Susan \u25a0 Moore, UMaiiMir,Chas Cit Moore. Miss Mabel r :Mundon. A i; Moran, WmMarovlch, Meula Morgan. Henry FMarc-lon, Louis Mortal, IIMaroir. Fred Moroney. Miss MaggieMartloer. Louis Walter Moncarthy. DMarti, Jhcoo \u0084: -.-... Morrow,JackMarsh, EII Mortenaen. I<Marshall, Jas Morson, WinMartin, W D Mailer, WinMartin, Samuel Markwhart. Mrs SarahMatsuo. Ts

'Masses, »MnT

Mathews. Rosa" .'-•\u25a0\u25a0 Murphy, Daniel X

Matheson.D !Murphy..IEMatliewsou, s R Murray, Miss Katieiimura, H .11 &Co Neiiman, Josef

Naraii^o. a c Nickers "i.Mrs AnalaNathan, Ike Norton,E ANeaine.4, Robert Norris. 7. JNewbro. F F . Nordlon. RumholdNewman, HC % \u25a0.:., Nottingham, J DNewman, At ~


\u0084Obcrinan, Miss Mas- O!s3n, X Ctit- Omar, w c

O'ilrien, Miss M longley. FredO'Cailaghan, Timothy lO'Nell,Miss MaggieO'Connor. X -'no O'Rourke. Th3R FO'DonuHl. Miss Sarah F orplnela, TheodoraOlson, Fred Osuorne. SatnlOlscn, .Nets Ounes, MisOlsen, Thus ..:': .:I'ac Induction TVks (Peterson. Mrs I.rail, Mrs J Pedersen. PPalmer. B G |}ID) Phillip.MlS3 MaudPalmer. Th6s B Pike. Mrs W IIParks. Miss Clyde Ptaterea, BartParks, Herbert 0 Folia*.AlexParker, Sowell A Pool, Jas FParker, Miss .Nellie Porter, NHPan-like, Mrs Mary Pier. Mrs 3Patterson, Katie Post. A ZPatterson. H Pownlng, TomPayne, .IK ;P. yz-r. Win 4 CoPearl, Le Grand C IPost, Mrs GHoward \u25a0Perkins, Mrs C 0 \u25a0 Post, APerrlue, Louis .- \u25a0 Pratt, I)r DanielPeters. J F Prescott, Merrill*CoPeterson, Cbas Prescner. AlbionPeterson, MrsFrank Prestiv eh, W HPeterson, Andreas Prlinozlc. JohaaQuinn. Miss lirlilcetlQulnn, Patrick(Juald.Jno Quinn. Miss MaryQuaker City Buggy Uouseiyuiuu, Mrs W ItQuirk,John |line. 1>»tI<1 P Rlz. Mrs BelcrK-Klin,Floyd Klvct, RobtRamsey, Miss Llta Roaob, JasHaltray, Mrs A Rubens. LouisaKcdAeid, J B Kobliißu», Ed I,Redlngton, Mrs J II Robinson, MclKeed.l) V Rockwell. FredReid, Mrs Mary J Kuouey, Miss LReeves, Edward Rosenberg. Mrs A AReeves, Willy Rosankrans, Mrs MAKevotovisky, Mr Rottineck, FanuloReynold.*, Judge J B Rou >tree. NRichards. Jo Rourke, JHleily.Mrs Rose Russell, Mrs MaryRlgenopoulos, Andrew Rutus. Cbas iiRiser. I'rank A Ryan, luuRiordan, Miss MaggieStlii. .1. ... . I. Suiltb.JWSalton. Dr G Colton Smith, It I.S F Int3 Factory Smith, ThusSargent, Mrs Kate Suiitii, \v J VSavase. IIW Smith, Mrs \VI,


Sattler. Mine Sihrntd, Adolf•'

Sawlet, W Sc-ninid, AugustusSayle, Mrs Flora E Schuitd, Mrs HeleneSchalch, UHF

-Snider. Harry

Schaiis, M Unell. Mrs ESchelle, Cha-s Somerville. Mrs JRSchilling. Herman Souieter, MrsSchloss, Richard Sponcer, GcoSchinelz. Wllhdlul Spencer, R FScbmolze. (ieo Staffington, FrancisSciinoaenberger, L Stanley, Mrs J FScboeusausgruber, Gus Stark, Ml-*AnneSchroder, A A Starr, L BSchroder, R E Starratt. MrsMJSchwartz, Kaufman Stean. ItSchweitzer, M steam, G BSehwlncke, Joa Steams. Q BScott, John ISteams. J VSears, Alfred V StebWns, MissMazleSerra, Mrs Anne Steel, Miss MayKeter, Leon Stein. MShac Miss Mamie mtelnthar. warred MShaffer, Wm stergls, Wallace LSliarrar. F H Stevens. C LSharps, Mrs Hamilton Steward, L AShelly, M A Stewart, Mrs Nancy ASbepfcerd, H C stllliuan, l)rJ ItSherman, MrsMinnie B Stone, A(1Shernur, John II btorfy. Mrs Clara EShetcb. Klchd II Strand, AShibley, Albert strand, Mrs AStilndel, Joe Strand, JnoShirley, JC strand. J XShockiey, Joan M Stnomao, PeterShorn, Owen SuMvai. Ml3» MShlreins. \u0084,.,. Suillvau. Miss MaggieSilvester, \\ F isulllvan. MichaelSimmons, X V Sullivan, Miss MamieSliumous, Jos Sullivan, Miss NellieSimpson, 1. C Sullivan. Miss Nora ASlnnus, .Mrs H A Surety Loan & Trust CoSinclair. MrsO Swabb, Mrs LitterSlos-»en. Jus Swartz, JA.sin.th. l>r A C Swartz. SimonSmith, Miss Catherine Sweeney, NSlum., Miss Helen B Synuott, Win TTonnoer, H O Thuesen, JTardllf Thurbfr, CharlieTarr, Miss Carabel Tiedseu. IITaylor, A X TimberUke, Miss LTaylor, iiW Turr, L.llle FTaylor, E w Toiiusly.Miss CarrieTaylor, John Wilson Towh"y,Miss MJTeachers' Agency Townsend, AI*Tembr. Harry Tuwusend, EduardoTerry, Will J Townsend, Mrs J XTbaln, Win fTracy. Mrs b'turenceThlebeii, Miss Clara '.Tracy, w AThomas, Alex iTranlr, M'Ibomp3on. XA Trapp, Miss IiThomsen, Mrs Francis Trask. HTliuiiiiisun.Joliu Inmbly,Mrs AlphaTblrson, MrsMorcier |'lucker, list)Thorpe, Mrs A Mi* Turner, WittThome. Miss Ellai:ienl>«-rc\ Wm ICrbaad, HKUpson, Jog F IValeniIne,MissAnnieIVest, TAVan Alstlue, MrsCarollne Vlckrey. .Mrs Millie EVanBeal, A Yon iieyUeiiaber, MrsVan Ucr Voo. Mr EmilyVanderllp. Mrs I)r.J T Yon Schmidt, Miss Ocr-Vau'.leukercliove, Ferdi- trute

nand Valpy, QVedder, Ceo D Vogle, WillVcuourt, MrsBrigette Vorsheim, HyVorbaien. Mrs Mary Voss, JWade, Wm X Whitney, Mrs MariaWater. TbO3 Wbitworth. Miss JWahiquiit, Capt F Wike.lei, Mrs chasW,ken;ld. John Willcox. A ItWajner, Miss Lizzie L iviicox.DWanner. Mrs \YI wilcomb, Adolfowuliln, Thos wild,Mrs AddWelch, J A Wililman, GWalsh, Win Wlilard. ItPWaller. Mrs

'Willey,MISS LoaUa

Waiters. Clarence vVililams. GeorgeWauderlr, R a Williams, Jas MWandtrly,Miss Rose Williamson, Mrs AWard, Doing &Co Wlimerillug.HerbertWard. Ired A Wilson, MrEWard, Miss Minnie Wilson. Miss E AWard. Thus Wilson, MriFWarner. 11 M Wilson. J XWarner, John E Wllsoa, JohnWlrrener, loha Wilson, Mrs LMWeber, Jonas Wilson, I.mlwet M •Weaver, i)II Wilson, MrsMkWeehnnan, Ernest Wilson. Walter LWelts, Mrs Annie C Wind, AntonWeils, Walter Wtaenbaeo, Eugene LWeston. J (I Wolf. DavidWenfrfeld, FA Woolf, JosieWestUll. Miss Dora A jWord, Mrs WmWessel, S W |Wood, Wm ItWetmore, Mrs G A Wollben;, ASWheeler Remedy Co IWoodchiiu, Daniel\> heeler. Miss Blanche jWoodward, Mrs CWheeler, Mrs C 0 ,Woodmas, JonathanWheeler, D J Wootter, KeuUrlcWbeeier, Mrs Fannie ;Wright, BenWhite, rrank iWright, ChauncoyWhlto, H IWright, Miss KoranWhite, Mrs John A IWucst, Horin JosWhitney, Mrs J Wylle,Mrs GraceY.ili.Mill iVoiiiib,Miss OJ

ates, Robert IYuung, Miss Georglana Jyatcs, Mil > . Young. lit

LETTRES 1-HANCAISES.Baque, Dom Marceilu, JosephCanhape, Jean P Mot:e, PaulCastalng, Jean IMunie, AndreDaste, Moris [Peraonnai, MauriceHoiUm,r.tle:i:io Touvcney, Kaoul

POUR I.ES TAMES.Achard. Miss Marie jDelaßoirde. MadDelalaux, Mad Marie MiziuQue, Mad Anna(jrliuaud,Mclaute Pou, Julie L'rrere

LETTERIiITALIANE.Asratl,O Maiatesta, Anj»Arsco. Gius Martinolil,oitavlanoIferatll,John Mazlinino. GlacBlaja, Ciprlano Mltrovlce, MayBorrone, Carlo Papale, Ac.n::i ii.i.Eugenic Paroll, TueodCereghlno. Luigl Peuturarl. VineChiapelonl. Ant iParichl, EffemlaColiira, Gngllo Plccbl, Alex

-Pall, Ougaro Frank Plstoiesl. JosephDel Carlo, Felice iPollta, (iursaDemartlnl, Angelo Poiilna, Andaut9DIGlorno, P.irmela ronz-.1,GlovFrederlßhl, Dom Raffael. l'aolinoGannlnl, Dan Koval, Glus(;igllatti.Mlchele Stantlul, Robtiluvaulul, S Speinati, 8Guldl, Franc '-;*"•:,t Sjliota, (iLLaudissl. Augelo Scolarl. FellplLusicl. Matteo iStotera, John ALulgl,IT IVent", 31m

CAKTAS ESPANOLAS.Anzuento. Manuel Machado. Jose FATllez,Gulllermo Medina, E*CoCapuro, Stephen Outlverui, PedroCaalltfts, Jose S iPocheco, M AChavez. Manuel Rivas,NataleDelacuesta, Pedro Sunol, JoseOavlta. Miguel ValdlTta, RicardoGomez. Cayetano Valdespina, XLosoya, Juan |Velaaoo, Heury P

noioaua.Belchers, Heatrli |Oonz.->les. VictoriaContreras, riis:t Leonada, sCrossman, Ramuna C (Mate. obeilna VDe Gross, Paz II Pineda, CrescenclaKllsondo. Sofia L Ruiz, Manuela-Fozada, Colestina Sanchez, ReginaFlguerora. Antonia Sanchez, VenturaFoss.is. Horslno Sancedo. Leoul UGarcia, Dolores Vargas, Franc (i

S. W. backus. Postmaster.

SUN AND TIDE TABLE.!InPacific Standard Time. Compiled by Thomas

Tknxknt, Chronometer and InstrumentMaker, IS Market Street


St'-snAY. August 9.Stmr Whitesboro, Johnson, 15 hours from Green-

wood; 6000 railroad ties, MMItlumber, to L EWhite.

Stmr Santa Cruz. Trlbble, —days from Point .

Uorrlta; 400 tons cypsum, to Lucas X- Co.MuirLos Angeles, Hannah,

—hours fromEureka:

pass and mdse, to Goodall, Perkins a Co,Stmr Arago, Donahlson, 42 nours Iroin Coos Bay:

pass and mdse, tune A N Co. *tf~Stmr City of l'uehi ., Debney, 52 hours from Vic-

toria; pass and mdse, to Uoodall. Perkins A Co.stmr Gipsy. .U'psen, 12 hours from Santa Cruz;

produce, to Goodali. Perxtns A- 00. *

Stmr Newport, wards, 24 hours from Eel Klrer;pass and mdse, to Goodall. Perkins .v Co.

lirship Australia. Korff,130 days from Antwerp;mdse, to A c.-irurntler. \u25a0


Ship John W Marr, Carter, 157 days from Balti-more ;1807 tons coal, to John Rosenfeld's Sons.

Bark Richard 111, Conner. 11days frm DepartureBay ;L730 tons coal, to ItDunsmulr .v Co.

Schr Mary Buhne, Jorgenson, 60 hours from De-parture Bay; lumber, to Unas Nelson. For up theriver direct.

schr Rio Rev. Islgkeir. 18 hours from BowensLauding; lUB Mitlumber, to Heywood *Hackley.

Bear Lila and Mattie. Maitsu.i, 30 hours fromFort BriggRedwood Co.

Scbr Sadie. Smith, 5 days from L'mpqiia; mdse,etc. to order.

tichr Jennie Griffin, Low. 6 hours from PointIteyes; UU bxa butter, to suattu<-k, Howard &Co.

B'hr lialryon,Rice, 13 days from Port Gambles375 Mttlumber, toSacramento Lumber Co.

Schr Daisy Itowe, Jorzensen. 3 days from OoosBay; lumber, to Siinps-jiiLumber Co.

schr Mary Gilbert. Ackerinan, 24 hours from Al-bion; 120 Mftlumber, to IIWctherbee. For Oak'

'laud direct. .

Sailed.Sunday, August 9.

Slinr Sailor Boy,Johnson. Grays Harbor.Stuir Euro™. Smith, Wilmington.Stmr Noyo. Drisko, Pact liragg.

Br bark Wavertree. Toozes, DuaVlrk.bchr r..ecira, Knudsen, Mendociuo.

TelcirrapUiß.POINT LOBOS— August 9-19 p. M.-Weatt«

foggy:windSW ;velocity £4 miles. •mdSpoken. •,?/-

July 17. 625 N,120 i\W, lirbark Scottish Las-sie, from Oregon for Havre.

July 19, 8 58 N,61 2 W.Br bark Cannoney, fromAstoria for Havre.

*July 2. >. 117 W,Br ship Golden Horn, hence

Juno 12 for Queenstown.Memoranda.

Per Whitesboro— Left In port at Greenwood stmraGreenwood ami Haggle i: is. loading. •---'.

Per John W Marr—March 5, 80 55 >, 75 20 W,Carl lurzs. seaman, anative or Germany, aged inyears. fell frem tho fureyard overboard and wasdrowned.

I>ompMt!c Port?-PORT TOWNSLND—Arrived An,;9—StinrLakuie,

from uooalaaka,tacoma- Hailed Auj;9—ship Two Brothers, for

San Francisco.WJSSTFOKT- Arrived Aug 9-Stinr West Coast,

hence Aug 7.SAN PEDRO—Sailed Aug 9-Brlg Tanner.Arrived Aug Stmr -Newsboy, from Navarro.ASTOKlA—Arrived Aug 9-Stinr Oregon, hence

Aug7.Sailed Aug9— Stmr Columbia, for San Francisco.PORT BLAKELEV—SaiIed Aui «-liar» Mount

Washington, for San Francisco; bark Matilda, torHonolulu; ship Kate Davenport, tor Melbourne.

SAN DlEGO—Arrived Augtt-iirntinr Wellington, •

from Nanaumo; Nor bark Cyprian, from New-castle, NSW. 4

westi'OßT— Arrived Aug 9—Stmr Protection,~


hence Aug8.Sailed Aug9—Stmr West Coast for Fort Bragg.MENDOCINO— Aug9— Stuir Point Arena,

hence Aug a.Zmnortetlons.

COOS BAY—Per Arago-700 tons coal, 1bx mdse,11bis cheese, 1 bdl sacks, 1bx cartridges, 1 sictreasure. 2 cheats. •

EII'.KKA-Per Los Angeles— s Mftlumber. 343 V*'M shingles, 7 redwood doors, 10 bis peaches, 1 b 11carpet, 7 pugs mdsa, 7 pegs household goods, 1bxoranges, 1bx canned fruit, 3S roll) leather, isaw,211 bis butter, 2sks horns. 1Inlist, 8 pigs mowergears, '." chests. 1It coin (s^3lo 83).

Fields Laiidlue— l2s Mshingles, li'\u0084 sks wool.DMPQI A-I'er Sadie— liftlumber, 132 baleswool, 111 vi bis bark.POUT KKNYON—Per Newport— 4lß his butter.

33 bbls do. 126.- kegs do.1lot spruce lumber. tiJtibdls shakes, 1000 bdls shingles. 4 cs e^gs, 2 cs mdse,128 hogs.

shelter Cove—2s cords bark.MONTEREY-Per Gipsy— 4 bxs apples, Ibxsoap,

113 bales fish, 13 bx, do, 12rs honey. 1cs beeswax.3 bdls dry hide*,1bdl dry pelts.

Moss Landing—94 sks iiac.-itjes, 19 pigs agricult-ural implements, 42 bis butter.

Pnjtro Valley—4oo sk* barley,1cross heal.S*n:a Cruz—6s pkgi household goods, 772 bbl«

lime. 1bx batter, 1;: cs cheese.Amesport— llos sks barley, 0 bxs batter. VVICTORIA—Ier City of I'uu'.>!.i-177 cs whisky, 1cs show cards, 6ski turs, 2 bales do, 1 sealed b.i;

(»8290 ii).''

._^j.West of Fargo—669 b-lls green hides, 1 coil gar-

~den hose, Iux stationery, 4 <.'s whisky,2 bbls do 2bbls kiandy,1bdlpelts, 5 bis dry Hides.

East— 3c3hardware.Tacoma— lß OS household goods. 4 bbls do 2>k^

tails. 193 green hides, 2 bbls scrap Iron, 2 peldo 3"

1..11s do. 5 K(gs do, I3iisksdo, 1lot loose do 4 bduline, 9 sks rubber, 12 cs cheese, 752 sks ore, 75Jbars bullion.

Auacotei— l337 sis ore.rairuaven— bxs plates, llncamtr.Schome— lcs hardware, Ics circular saws.Whatcom— 350 sks oats.Seattle— l!) bxs plates. 3 horses, 1 tu^gy, 29 bbls


scrap. Ilotdo, 4 cs household goods. 1 obis gre1cs castings, 2cs dry goods. 3 cs fish, 3 bbls can lv'1rollleather, 5 bdls Mats. 42 (ibis bottles, 2 bxido, 933 tons cool, 34 sks wool, 3 odls shearings 3colls rope, 2 fullchests. 2 sealed bags 2507 57)

Port Townseud—

14it green hides. 10 loose dryhides, 100 tins tallow, 1 vise, 2 cs dru"i, 149 bdlsIron,1bbl chain, 14 pkgs white lead, -/crate* tubsand palls.

Douglass Island— 4 bxs bullion.Juneau— lsk gold dust, 1 bxbullion.

Consignees.Per Arago—o CANCo; Smith's Cash store- J LHoward; D Tledeman X Co; W c Price A Co-' Mer-

chants' Ret Co; Wells. Fargo 4 Co.'

P«r Los An^oles— Hiselns *Collins: IF liviuee-Overland Freight and Transfer Co; Dalton Bros- vi.ABa^cow; Preston &McKlnnon: Kuwalsky 6c Co^B,

X Miller;w w Brown; Cat Electrical Works- 8 j\u25a0

Bennett: Pauluccl *Casassa; Sherman, ClayiCo-AC Nichols ACo; Dodge, Sweeney *Co; simondSaw Co; Hills Itro3; Wheaton &Luhrs: AmericanFish Co: VerValln 4 Kowe; Norton. Teller ft Co-BMAtchlnson ACo: Sboobert, Beale & Co: williFlnck; Wells. Fargo *Co.

Per Newport-BrlKham,Hoppe ft Co; Chas Net-son: C L DillirlevA- Co; Dodge, Sweeney *Co- C MKutz &Co: DeHernardl i- Wastphal: J O'Connor-E 11 Stevens .S Co; Getz Bros &Co: Kowalsky* Co-'Hills Bros; Marshall, ieggart *Kronen; Wilson *•Irvine; Norton, Teller *Co: Kuss, Sandars *Co-Wheaton &Luhrs; Vervalln * Rowe; ShattuckHoward 4 Co: witzel &Baker: Mitchell *Peter-son; C FO'Callaghan iBros: MT Freitas 4 Co- M,Kallsb &Co; Hlgglns 4- Collins.

Per City or luebla-Hlsslngcr A Co; F Chevalier4 Co; Cunningham, Curtlss ft Welch; (ireenbaum*Co: Sawyer Tanning Co; Cbas HurleyiCo; W (iBadger: KowalskyftCo: R FOsborne; A Harasttnr4 Co; Selby Smeltiui! and Lead Works; Watson ,v-Co; Moore, Ferguson A Co; Wells, Fargo *Co: J MKothchlld: Aroer Press Assn: Rogers Co; Tatuin4 Bowen; Schroeder, Albrechl 4 Co: Bacon 4Jen-nings: Glusti A: Autoula: LowryAStellar; Barn-stein *Co: Greenb.ium. Well *Michaels: Farmers'UM Co; Norton, Teller* Co; JWoltf « Co; IDCross: M Fisher: Oregon Impt Co: B Greenburz *Co: S Koshland A Co; w Winter; D Mrskl; J IISmith & Co; Moore, SmithiCo: MichaelltschklBros: Goodall. Perkins iCo; A X Gold MtgCo: liF. Joucs 4. Co; Bar:k of Cal; HLlebesiCo; U sMint.

Per Gipsy— C E Whitney *Co: W C Price &Co:'

BMAtchlnson v Co; IICowell A Co: IIDutard: HJoost: Dodge, Sweeney ACo; Blevy £ Co: wolft4 Son: Eveleth *Nash: IILevy &Co; J Taylor:Whlttler, Fuller 4 Co; Wetmoro i;ros; W F Burnett4 Co: Ross A Hewlett.

Per Sadie— Simpson Lumber Co; Huline 4 Hart;TUlmaun 4Bendel.

For Late Shipping Tauuivcnce Sre Eighth Page-'


Destination.! i

— .'.\u25a0_. '>...<\u25a0..\u25a0 «Cllyl'ekinz. China *\u25a0••man.. Ann;II,Ili-aiPM SSAustralia..:. Honolulu Anglt.Si* Oceanta |Pomona..... Sao preyo Air;{}-JiA2 5?„T/3 UState or Car. Portland Aa*}J'1Sii 25?", iWllamctteV Vaqaiua it»y.... Anull. •*rM|^e*"1* .; ;SjLos AOOTIes Humboldt Hay.. AujU..'ami Haw J1City fceola. 'Vic.1 Pit sound ;Ami:?. y 'M 5''™JiCity Sydney jPanama Ao«i* ISM f«;»fjCoos nay... |San Pedro Au..'14. 8Aii|BtlWr*-**]Columbia.... IPortland...... AngtS.lOAMIMpeir pi.llumiioldt ..illio.i'ioldt An.'15. 9AH|UayCorona San Dlezo !aujIS.IIam 3

JI.W. H. W. ILIT. L.YT.SuialL Large. | Large. Small.

AM il.iliI'M! 5.59 AM 10 01 I'll\u25a0:

I Small. | Urge. IAM 4.11) pm! 9.SS am 10.51) I'M,AM 4.45 PM 10.22 AM11.5'J PUtmi 5.35 m11i.12 AM 0.00 AMAM i).:u fM| 0.1.1 I.OJaBAM 7.38 PM 1.20 KM vi.ol am ;ami H.:t:i ;m -.-1PM '\u25a0! 53 am.


Jffijr TRADE

ffvmnun £i\


A BOOK cm the various hsps ofKIHBONS will be sent FREEto any lady addressing

"FAIRAND SQUAUK,"G5 Greene St., New York.'"~. - mr29 SuMo 6p lyr '."<•'\u25a0'':'\u25a0..:'




(CtK• fTtSCV InCOHTormijia, an incomplete mixture wu»»cci>lc:.tally spilled on th»

ly^hr vK\ tack of the hand, and on washing kin-, \iar.l itwajdiscoverod that the hairJ^\V Vft -was completely removed. We pnrchased the new dlscovi-ry and named itIT/ \i \;i MODEM-.. Itisperfectly r'ire, free, fromall injurioussnbstances, and so7i \\ \1? simple any one can n?e it. Itacts mildlybut surely, and you willb. sur-ffl Mia'VllWf^Ax prised and delighted with tho results. Apply for a few minutes and the '\u25a0'.".'«/l n^3irf viL>l\\ lair disappears as if by tiacic. Itha» no ruiemblance whatever to any0 t&VS^-liWi.- I\ »lh:r prt-par:iti"tiever Deed for liko purpose, and no scientific discovery7 fa?v->. 'SZPV'7 \ f"r attained inch wonderful rctultn. IT CANNOT FAIL. Ifth»1 AftSS,S"<»R>.'/ \

'prowth be light,ono application will remove it permanently; th« heavy

I / \lxN^—I growth such as beard orhair on moics may require two ormoreappli.

I / Ni^MV'S.'/ )' / caticnsheforeall theroots are destroyed, although all hair willb*removedI \ jLISVi I.L at each application, and without thcsl!Shtc«t injuryer unpl.?afant feelingV V-^^*v3('l^-i' '̂\J v "

t'na e afterward. MODf.sEsi'i-tucEuts electrolysis. .

\ \f/Vjr^s^G^i^JiJ'^' RtcentmtniltJ by all«/*oIntntidUs mtnti—Uitdk»pntih•/rtfiiHment.—>v e\f'SlT^vSfiK^' «\u25a0' Tit;ei-.i.a who <lo not appreciate nature's riftof abenni. willfinda/TytCjSI—iyi1

—iyiViv.'fißjipriceless boon inModene, which doea away with \u25bahaving. Itdissolves and

—Ik\'I /*^ "'^jg^^'-V^^W lifeprinciple of the hair, thereby rendering its future growth \^l'A^vxIiTL iil\\m"Aj^"3ss an utter impossibility, and is KUaraLt«^d to be as harmieM as water to lha''iMrOISSiB tiistuMVwr^ ekin,- Younc persons who find an eml>arr««3ing growthof haircominjsr,

*k!Wln! U p'lMv'W^ should use Modem- to destroy its growth- 91udene scut by mail, insafety,lv I'In 11 sl'Hl«4ii^ mailingcases, poetaee paid, fH,cui--lv sealed from observation on receipt

ofprice, SI.OO per bottle. Send monty byletter, withyour fulladdress written plainly. Cbrreapoudeftce >sacredly private. Postage titumpiireceived the same aaca^h. always mention YOVRCotNTTAsaTuisrAPEE.' j^



Ye-j can „-,.'-. \u0084., r biter at nn* Potf-e»jTe» and Insure it*fitd'hvm. iAITKAR AOAlitH'« oirt-i-61,000 mKIUBI03 TiiLSIIBHTEST I»JU3T. KViiKVI.OTXI.KOVAUAXTEED.it



llOtj^Xj. HUTKIiIn San Fran-cisco. Kate-i $1 to SI 60 per Hay. Tin- home baa re-cently been remodeled at an axpenae ofmyß tf WeFrllo Kl.Mj,WABUi:to.. l'roj)r'i