Moriah School Manual Final

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  • 8/14/2019 Moriah School Manual Final


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    The Moriah School

    Teacher IT Manual

  • 8/14/2019 Moriah School Manual Final


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    Table of Contents

    Getting to Know IT ................................................................................ 3

    LAPTOP LENDING PROGRAM ...................................................................... 4

    Moriah School Favorites on your web browser .............................................. 6

    Printing Policies .................................................................................... 7 Color Printing Policy .................................. ............................................ 7 Laminating ........................................................................... ............... 7

    Help Desk ........................................................................................... 8

    Remote Assistance ............................................................................... 10

    Using Remote Assistance via e-mail ........................................................... 10 PC Basics .......................................................................................... 12

    Logging into The Moriah School Network ...................................................... 12 PC Basics ............................................................................. .............. 13

    Creating Folders .................................................... .............................. 14

    Open Office ....................................................................................... 15

    Email ............................................................................................... 16

    Smart Notebook .................................................................................. 18

    To download SMART Software at Home ........................... ............................ 18 Edline .............................................................................................. 19

    Online Help.. ............................................................................ .......... 19 If you forget your screen name or password (or both) ...................................... 19

    AP Webteacher ................................................................................... 20

    Connecting to APWebTeacher ...................................... ............................ 20 Options ............................................................................................. 21 Student View ............................................................................... ....... 22 Enter ............................................................................ .................... 23 Begin Entering Grades by Student .............................................................. 23

    Ubuntu ............................................................................................. 27

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    | Getting to Know IT 3

    Getting to Know IT

    Nancy Miller (Lower School Computer Teacher) is also the General Studies Coach.Regardless of your grade if you are a general studies teacher with a technicalquestion (not educational) then Nancy is your Coach.

    Rachel Kaminetzky (Middle School Computer Teacher) is also the Judaic StudiesCoach. As such, Rachel is available to help Judaic Studies teachers with technicalsoftware questions.

    Marguret Wohlrab (Copying Support Staff) is available as the Coach for the EarlyEducation Department assisting with technical questions whenever possible.

    Ken Harris (Network Administrator) is available for any hardware issues you mayhave in your classroom. Ken does not have hours posted for helping you and is not

    allowed to respond to your hallway requests. However, he will speedily respondto any Help Desk (Dude IT. You will see Ken wearing his Just Dude IT Button!)requests you make through .

    Lisa Fusco (Director of IT) is available for one-on-one training, preparation for newtechnology, curriculum questions and any problems, issues, etc. that you are unableto get assistance with from your Coach. She will have hours posted for one-on-onetraining.
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    Computer equipment, software and Internet services provided by The Moriah School for useby teachers in conducting school business is supplied on the following terms and conditions:

    1. GENERALThis protocol may be modified from time to time, in response to changing circumstances of anoperational, legislative or technological nature.

    The Moriah School Board, technology staff or administration, may make periodic checks toensure compliance with these Conditions. If during your loan period it is deemed necessary torecall the equipment you must return it to the school immediately.

    2. OWNERSHIPThe computer equipment, software and services provided are the property of The MoriahSchool. They are provided on loan to you for the duration of your period as described above.At the end of that period the computer equipment and software must be returned to the ITDepartment in full working condition. If equipment has been lost or damaged, a charge maybe made for its replacement or repair if necessary.

    3. LOAN PERIODLoan periods are as described and lending periods NEVER exceed 3 days without prior writtenagreement from your supervisor. No consecutive loans will be granted. Loans must beseparated by at least 1 week.

    Same day - laptop must be returned by 4:30 PM the same day to the ITDepartment.

    1 night - laptop must be returned to the IT Department by 8:30 AM the nextday. (Monday loan returned on Tuesday morning)

    2 night - laptop must be returned to the IT Department by 8:30 AM thesecond day (Monday loan returned on Wednesday morning)

    3 night - laptop must be returned to the IT Department by 8:30 AM the thirdday (Monday loan returned on Thursday morning)

    Lateness will be billed to your salary at $10.00 per day.

    4. INSTALLATIONThe equipment and software has been prepared for your use by the IT Department of TheMoriah School and they are the only people who may repair, update or install anything onthis equipment. They will be responsible for supplying the equipment and any plugs, etc.necessary to operate the equipment. The machine has been equipped with email softwareand Internet Explorer V8 for Internet service.This laptop remains the property of The MoriahSchool .

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    5. USE OF COMPUTER EQUIPMENT, SOFTWARE AND SERVICESThe equipment, software and services are provided for use in respect of school business. Youare required to comply your contractual obligations to The Moriah School and you mustobserve the acceptable use policy of the school.

    Private use of the equipment provided is permitted within the guidelines provided above. TheMoriah School accepts no liability for any consequences (including financial or other loss),

    which may arise through private use of the facilities provided. You should also note that thesecurity of private information and data is your responsibility. You are advised that simplydeleting files does not permanently remove them from a computer.

    6. COMPUTER SECURITYAll computers at The Moriah School are installed with Anti-Virus Software. You are required tolet that program run its updates and not bypass them.

    Where a virus is suspected/detected, the matter must be repaired and you must refrain fromsending electronic mail and exchanging information via computer media with others. Virusrepair must be undertaken only by an IT specialist.

    Any loss of, or damage to, the equipment should be reported as soon as possible to thePrincipal and the Director of Technology in the first instance and any criminal damage shouldbe reported to the Police.

    7. INTERNET ACCESS AND ELECTRONIC MAILYou are reminded that The Moriah School equipment may only be used for lawful purposesand you must respect the schools code of conduct while using electronic devices. Viewing ortransmitting any material, which may be regarded as offensive or in violation of any US law orlegislation, is not permitted. Such material may include copyright material, material judgedto be threatening, pornographic, obscene or sexually explicit and material protected by trade

    secret.8. SUPPORTShould you experience any problems with this laptop during the loan period you must report itimmediately. You may return the equipment to swap for a working laptop once you notifyIT.

    Any computer equipment or software problems which occur during the period of this loanshould be reported immediately through and an attempt should bemade to contact IT where necessary.
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    | Moriah School Favorites on your web browser 6

    Moriah School Favorites on your web browser

    Located in Internet Explorer or Firefox you will find under favorites the following:

    Moriah Educational Links is a collection of websites that you can find wonderful educationaltools. Please find the time to check these out:

    Moriahs Wiki is provided to you from the IT Department. A wiki is a website where peopleshare ideas. Moriahs Wiki is designed for the technology department to share with facultyand administration about IT issues, products and ideas..

    For information about APWeb Teacher; go to page 15.

    For more information about Moriahs Email; turn to page 10.

    Moriahs Help Desk is discussed in detail on page 4 of this manual.

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    | Printing Policies 7

    Printing Policies

    Color Printing Policy1. Print a black & white version to give to their Administrator for approval.2. Email an electronic copy of the project (as an attachment) to their admin and cc:

    [email protected] 3. Assuming that the administrator approves the project he/she will forward the email

    Marguret and in the Subject Line will write Approved.4. Each color project must have at least three days lead time and are completed on a

    first come, first serve basis.5. Each emergency situation will be handled through your administrator.6. All print jobs (both black & white and color) MUST BE EMAILED or they will not be


    Laminating1. Teachers that require laminating should be aware that all lamination is done on

    Tuesdays and Thursday.2. Each project that is dropped off with the teachers name and class attached. This will

    be confirmed by an email from Marguret with a due date.

    Teachers are required to pick up their lamination on the due date. Second notices will beccd to the appropriate Administrator

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    | Help Desk 8

    Help Desk1) Login to

    2) After you enter your email click Submit. You will come to the next window whichsays that they cannot find your email address this is not a mistake please enter your lastname and click Submit.
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    | Help Desk 9

    3) Select your name from the list and click Submit. This will bring you to the Help Deskform. Confirm that your name is in the top boxes and then begin the input for your request.YOU MUST SELECT A LOCATION AND TYPE YOUR ROOM NUMBER.

    4) As you complete the form you will be prompted for certain information. Please completethat information as best as you can so we can help you more easily; Each month the submittalpassword changes. Each school year our password starts off as m0r1ah and you will getnotices at the beginning of each month regarding the new password.

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    | Remote Assistance 10

    Remote Assistance

    Using Remote Assistance via e-mail

    If you need help with your computer or a dialog box appears informing you that youmust contact a network administrator in order to install software on your computeryou can use Remote Assistance to help.

    You begin by clicking Start menu, and click the Remote Assistance link.

    1. Invite someone to help you and enter the e-mail address [email protected] Click Invite this person and the e-mail an invitation page appears. Enter yourname in the From text box, types a message summarizing your problem, andclick Continue . The next page appears showing options for setting anexpiration time for the session and specifying a password.

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    | Remote Assistance 11

    2. Leave the default expiration time at 1 hour. Do not set a password.Click Send Invitation , as shown in the figure below.

    The wizard will confirm that the invitation was sent successfully.

    3. When the Helpdesk receives your e-mail request for assistance and clicks theattached file we can now remotely connect to your computer. You will receivea notification that we are trying to connect.

    4. When the Remote Assistance screen opens showing your desktop, Helpdeskclicks the Take Control button. With your consent, we can now control yourcomputer to diagnose his problem of not being able to install antivirussoftware.

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    | PC Basics 12

    PC Basics

    Logging into The Moriah School Network1. Press and hold Control + Alt, then tap Delete

    2. Enter your login name ex. nmiller and your password

    3. A screen will appear to change your password, you can ignore this screen or change your


    4. Go to My Computer . Here you will find My Documents this folder is your home folder.

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    | PC Basics 13

    PC BasicsWhen you double click onMy Computer, all of the drives available to you are visible.

    They should be:

    A: \Floppy disk drive

    C: \Local Hard DriveD: \CD-RW DriveG: \GraphicsFolder (many graphics can be found)

    H: \This will have your name as it is always the drive for the person that logged onto thecomputer.

    M: \Student_Shared (Shared by grade)S: \STUDENTS (Student home folders)Y: \ Shared_Folders (Shared by various people)Z: \How To (Very valuable resource instructions for many things, see below)

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    Creating Folders1. When you click on a drive, you will see all ofthe folders and files contained behind that drive.

    2. Click : File>New>Folder

    3. Right click on the New Folder to Renamethe folder

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    | Open Office 15

    Open OfficeClick on the icon on thedesktop for Open Office

    Double Click on TextDocument

    A blank textdocument will appear.

    (The Open Office versions of Powerpoint is called Presentation andthe open Office version of Excel is called Spreadsheet and can beaccessed from the main menu as well

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    | Email 16

    EmailTo get email access from home, go to

    http s://

    Please note some of the settings are lost if using Firefox

    1. Type in first initial last name (no spaces) and password

    2. Start a new mail message and if there is an attachment, click Attachments and skip tosteps 4-6.

    3. If not Type in the email address, subject line and message and click Send

    4. For an attachment, Click Browse

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    5. Popdown to the drive and folder where the file is saved and click Open . The fileappears, and then you click Attach.

    6. Enter the Email address. If you are sending from home to school or vice-versa, enteryour own Outlook Email address.

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    | Smart Notebook 18

    Smart Notebook

    Every classroom that has a Smartboard or airliner is equipped with Smart Notebook Softwarein its main computer. If you need Coaching on Smart Software, please contact your coach

    to schedule training.

    There are many great resources you can use on your own for your SMART Board:

    To download SMART Software at Home

    Go to:

    When prompted for Key Code Use: NB-AEASA-B2FNI-3U3S2-2ICSB
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    | Edline 19


    Go to

    If you have not yet activated your Edline account, we recommend you print the AccountSetup Guide for instructions. Go to Click the "Help" button at the top of thepage. Then, click the "print the setup account link.

    Online Help..Click the "Help" button, located at the top of any page, to learn how to use that page.

    Whenever you are logged into Edline , you can find answers too many of your questions in theHelp Index.

    Click on the "Index" button at the top of any Help page to see a full listof help topics.

    If you forget your screen name or password (or both) Click the "I forgot my screen name or password link on the Edline loginpage. To use this link, you need to know either your screen name or youremail address (so Edline can find your account). You will also need toknow the answer to the security question that you entered when you firstactivated your account.

    IMPORTANTEdline cannot send your screen name and temporary password to you if

    you have never entered an e-mail address on Edline your email address has changed or is invalid you have not chosen to answer a security questionIn cases like this, you will need to ask Rachel Kaminetzky (ext. 319) or Marguret Wohlrab (ext.354) for help.

    Detailed directions are in the Teacher Guide in How To on Drive P in My Computer or in theIT Office.
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    | AP Webteacher 20

    AP Webteacher

    Connecting to APWebTeacher

    When connecting from home:

    When connecting from school:

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    | AP Webteacher 21

    When you select Remember my ID on this computerit will remember your name NOT yourpassword and ONLY ON THE PHYSICAL COMPUTER WHERE YOU SAVED IT.Exploring the Screen

    OptionsChanging your password this is done on your initial login ONLY. If you misplace or forget yourpassword please contact the Lisa Fusco at ext. 325 for a reminder or by email [email protected] type PASSWORD REMINDER in the subject line.

    Change your password NOW!!

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    | AP Webteacher 22

    Setting the preferences for PopUps and Marking periods:

    Student ViewTo view information about your students you will use the Student View, by clicking on themenu choice on the left side of the screen.

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    | AP Webteacher 23

    EnterWhen you need to enter information about your students like grades, attendance or incidentreports you will use the Enter menu.

    Begin Entering Grades by StudentAfter Selecting Enter Grades by Student you can begin populating the students report card.

    1. Select Enter Grades by Student from the Enter menu.

    2. Select a Course which is a subject from the report card.3. Select Next Student to begin entering data. (Student names are in alphabeticalorder)Each course allows you to enter a Grade, complete the skill set grades and write anarrative. You decide what is required.

    For example, if your grades are strictly skill based, then you will NOT be entering acourse grade and if your student does not require a narrative, dont add one.

    4. After you have completed the entry for your student you should click SAVE. (This is agood practice, but not essential. If you are putting in grades and you are not stoppingyou can just click DONE when you are finished and all your data will be saved).

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    | AP Webteacher 24

    5. After entering grades for the student you can select Next Student.

    When editing grades you can use the drop down list to select a studentyou do nothave to click Next Student from Abrams to Weiss.Begin Entering Grades by Roster

    After Selecting Enter Grades by Roster you can begin populating grades for your classes.Select Enter Grades by Roster from the Enter menu.

    1. Select a Course which is a subject from the report card. YOU MUST SELECT A COURSEBEFORE THE ROSTER WILL FILL THE SCREEN. Enter a grade for each student.

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    | AP Webteacher 25

    2. A nice feature in this view is that the Skills and Narrative can be listed in a separate easilyviewable window. (See Below)

    3. When the Skills window opens, for example, there is a view that is easy to read andnavigate. Simply click Next Student See the diagram below.

    To work on your Narratives, you can use this method, also. The narrative window thatopens is wide and navigates the same way as the Skills window.

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    | There is no way to use Hebrew typing on the report cards. When you are Done 26

    Special Notes about Narratives

    When creating narratives for Grades 1 5, you must be consistent about typing them inone place. Therefore, ALL NARRATIVES MUST BE WRITTEN UNDER THE STUDY SKILLSSECTION; which is the first section of the report card for both General Studies andHebrew Studies. This consistency will assure accurate printing of your studentsinformation.

    There is no way to use Hebrew typing on the report cards. When you are Done

    After you have completed all your students grades:

    1. Be sure to click Save after the last student.

    2. Select Done.3. Log out.

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    Ubuntu is a community developed operating system that is perfect for laptops, desktops andservers. Whether you use it at home, at school or at work Ubuntu contains all the applicationsyou'll ever need, from word processing and email applications, to web server software andprogramming tools.

    Ubuntu is and always will be free of charge . You do not pay any licensing fees. You candownload, use and share Ubuntu with your friends, family, school or business for absolutelynothing.

    Ubuntu is designed with security in mind. You get free security updates for at least 18 months on the desktop and server. With the Long Term Support (LTS) version you get three yearssupport on the desktop, and five years on the server. There is no extra fee for the LTSversion, we make our very best work available to everyone on the same free terms. Upgradesto new versions of Ubuntu are and always will be free of charge.

    Everything you need comes on one CD, providing a complete working environment.Additional software is available online.

    The graphical installer enables you to get up and runningquickly and easily . A standard installation should take less than

    25 minutes.Once installed your system is immediately ready-to-use . On thedesktop you have a full set of productivity, internet, drawingand graphics applications, and games.

    Check out ubuntu on computers throughout the school. Contactyour coach for one-on-one training in Ubuntu.