1 archived as http://www.stealthskater.com/Documents/Bermuda_01.doc more of this topic at http://www.stealthskater.com/PX.htm#BermudaTriangle note: because important websites are frequently "here today but gone tomorrow", the following was archived on February 22, 2010. This is NOT an attempt to divert readers from the aforementioned website. Indeed, the reader should only read this back-up copy if the updated original cannot be found at the original authors' site. "Electronic Fog" (Bermuda Triangle) the strange flight of Bruce Gernon by Gian Quasar http://www.bermuda-triangle.org/index.html http://www.bermuda-triangle.org/html/bruce_gernon.html One of the most well-known encounters in the Bermuda Triangle happened to Bruce Gernon Jr. on December 4, 1970. Bruce and his father had built up a successful real estate brokerage in southern Florida. By his early 20s, Bruce already had about 600 hours flying time and was very familiar with Florida and the Bahamas. However, none of this prepared him for an encounter which over 30 years later still puzzles him. For those of you who are long-standing buffs of the Triangle’s evolving mythos, you have already heard versions of Bruce’s account -- the first in 1977 in Charles Berlitz’s sequel Without A Trace and from Arthur C. Clarke’s "Mysterious Universe", Discovery Channel and on a recent TLC documentary on the Bermuda Triangle (for which this webmaster was the consultant). This is, however, the first time it is told on the Internet. I had a chance to chat with Bruce over email several times plus to speak with him in person at the Flight 19 Memorial Service last December 5, 2000 when I was present with TLC’s film crew. Bruce is far from a “salesman” or publicity seeker. He strikes one as contemplative and non- aggressive. The only reason that his account became public was from his friendship with the late J. Manson Valentine who often cataloged the unexplained in the Bermuda Triangle and was the source for Charles Berlitz’s 2 books on the subject.

more of this topic at …stealthskater.com/Documents/Bermuda_01.pdfon the Bermuda Triangle (for which this webmaster was the consultant). This is, however, the first time it is told

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archived as http://www.stealthskater.com/Documents/Bermuda_01.doc

more of this topic at http://www.stealthskater.com/PX.htm#BermudaTriangle

note: because important websites are frequently "here today but gone tomorrow", the following was

archived on February 22, 2010. This is NOT an attempt to divert readers from the

aforementioned website. Indeed, the reader should only read this back-up copy if the updated

original cannot be found at the original authors' site.

"Electronic Fog" (Bermuda Triangle) the strange flight of Bruce Gernon

by Gian Quasar



One of the most well-known encounters in the Bermuda Triangle happened to Bruce Gernon Jr. on

December 4, 1970. Bruce and his father had built up a successful real estate brokerage in southern

Florida. By his early 20s, Bruce already had about 600 hours flying time and was very familiar with

Florida and the Bahamas. However, none of this prepared him for an encounter which over 30 years

later still puzzles him.

For those of you who are long-standing buffs of the Triangle’s evolving mythos, you have already

heard versions of Bruce’s account -- the first in 1977 in Charles Berlitz’s sequel Without A Trace and

from Arthur C. Clarke’s "Mysterious Universe", Discovery Channel and on a recent TLC documentary

on the Bermuda Triangle (for which this webmaster was the consultant).

This is, however, the first time it is told on the Internet. I had a chance to chat with Bruce over email

several times plus to speak with him in person at the Flight 19 Memorial Service last December 5, 2000

when I was present with TLC’s film crew.

Bruce is far from a “salesman” or publicity seeker. He strikes one as contemplative and non-

aggressive. The only reason that his account became public was from his friendship with the late J.

Manson Valentine who often cataloged the unexplained in the Bermuda Triangle and was the source for

Charles Berlitz’s 2 books on the subject.


Gernon was so amazed at his encounter that he wrote down details shortly after it happened and even

began to do some of his own investigating. Here he shares some of what he encountered and what he

has discovered over the last 30 years of flying the Triangle. His keen memory for detail has aided in the

production of pictures and maps, detailing what he experienced. In his own words:

My dad and I had been flying our own plane in the Bahamas since 1967 and had made at least a

dozen flights to-and-from Andros Island. Everything seemed normal on that fateful day in December,

just after 3 p.m. when my dad and I and Chuck Lafeyette (a business associate) lifted off the runway at

Andros town Airport in a brand new Beechcraft Bonanza A36.

It was shortly after takeoff when I noticed an elliptical cloud directly in front of us about a mile

away, hovering only about 500 feet above the ocean. It was a typical lenticular cloud. But I had never

seen one that low.

How the lenticular cloud appeared from

Gernon’s vantage point while flying over

Andros Island. (courtesy of Bruce Gernon)

Miami Flight Service reported over the

VHF radio that the weather was good, so we

continued. But the lenticular cloud quickly

changed into a huge cumulus cloud. We were

climbing at 1,000 feet/minute and the cloud

seemed to be building up at the same rate.

Unexpectedly, it caught up and engulfed the

Bonanza. After 10 minutes of climbing in-and-

out of this cloud, the airplane finally broke free

at 11,500 feet and the sky was clear. I leveled

the Bonanza off and accelerated to its maximum

safe cruising speed of 195 miles/hour.

When I looked back at the cloud, I was

astonished. It now looked like an immense squall, abnormally shaped in the form of a giant semicircle

extending around us. Visibility was about 10 miles and the cloud continued beyond my perception. So

it must have been more than 20 miles long. After a few minutes, I lost sight of it.

Soon we noticed another cloud building directly in front of us near the Bimini Islands. It looked a

great deal like the cloud that we had just left except that its top was at least 60,000 feet high. When we

came with a few miles of it, we saw that it appeared to emanate directly from the surface of the Earth.

Upon entering the cloud, we witnessed an uncanny spectacle. It became dark and black, without

rain, and visibility was about 4-or-5 miles. There were no lightning bolts. Only extraordinarily bright

white flashes that would illuminate the entire surrounding area. The deeper we penetrated, the more


intense the flashes became. So we made a 135-degree turn to the left and headed due south out of the


13 miles later, I noticed a large U-shaped opening on the west side of the doughnut cloud. I had no

choice but to turn and try to exit through the opening. As we approached, we watched the top ends of

the U-gap join, forming a hole. The break in the cloud now formed a perfect horizontal tunnel 1-mile

wide and more than 10 miles long. We could see the clear blue sky on the other side.

We also saw that the tunnel was rapidly shrinking. I increased the engine RPM, bringing our speed

to the caution area of 230 miles/hour. When we entered the tunnel, its diameter had narrowed to only

200 feet.

I was amazed at what the shaft now looked like. It appeared to be only 1-mile long instead of 10-

plus as I had originally estimated. Light from the afternoon sun shone through the exit hole and made

the silky white walls glow. The walls were perfectly round and slowly constricting. All around the

edges were small puffs of clouds of a contrasting gray swirling counterclockwise around the airplane.

We were in the tunnel for only 20 seconds before we emerged from the other end. For about 5

seconds, I had the strange feeling of weightlessness and an increased forward momentum. When I

looked back, I gasped to see the tunnel walls collapse and form a slit that slowly rotated clockwise.

All of our electronic and magnetic navigational instruments were malfunctioning. The compass was

slowly spinning even as the airplane flew straight. I contacted Miami and told them we were about 45

miles southeast of Bimini heading east at 10,500 feet. The radar controller replied that he was unable to

identify us anywhere in that area.

Something bizarre had happened. Instead of the blue sky we expected, everything was a dull,

grayish white haze. Visibility seemed like more than 2 miles. And yet we could not see the ocean, the

horizon, or the sky. The air was very stable and there was no lightning or rain. I like to refer to this as

an “electronic fog” because it seemed to be what was interfering with our instruments. I had to use my

imagination to feel our way west.

We were in the electronic fog for 3 minutes when the controller radioed that he had identified an

airplane directly over Miami Beach flying due west. I looked at my watch and saw that we had been

flying for less than 34 minutes.

We could not yet have reached Miami Beach; we should have been approaching the Bimini Islands.

I told the controller that he must have identified another airplane and that we were approximately 90

miles southwest of Miami and still looking for Bimini.

Suddenly the fog started breaking apart in a weird sort of electronic fashion. Long horizontal lines

appeared in the fog on either side of us. The lines widened into slits about 4-or-5 miles long. We saw

blue sky through them. The slits continued expanding and joined together.

Within 8 seconds, all the slits had joined and the gray fog had disappeared. All I could see was

brilliant blue sky as my pupils adjusted to the abrupt increase in brightness. Then I saw the barrier

island of Miami Beach directly below.


The “electronic fog” dissipates and Miami

Beach comes into view. (courtesy of Bruce


After we landed at Palm Beach, I realized

that the flight had taken a little less than 47

minutes. I thought something must have been

wrong with the airplane's timer. Yet all three of

our watches showed that it was 3:48 PM.

I had never made it from Andros to Palm

Beach in less than 75 minutes. Even on a direct

route. Our course on this flight was quite

indirect and probably covered close to 250 miles.

How could the airplane travel 250 miles in 47


We taxied to customs, ending the fortuitous

flight. We didn't talk about it for a long time. I could not logically understand what had happened

during that flight although I felt it was significant and reviewed it in my mind several times a day.

In 1972, I heard about the so-called Bermuda Triangle and disappearances of boats and airplanes

because of a possible time warp. It was then that I realized that Time itself was the key.

It should have taken about 4 minutes to travel through the tunnel since it appeared to be between 10-

to-15 miles long. Instead, this is precisely how long it took for us to leave the storm and reach clear

skies. The remarkable thing is that we did not come out of the storm 90 miles away from Miami as we

should have ... We had traveled through 100 miles of space and 30 minutes of time in a little more

than 3 minutes.

Gernon (today) on the right standing before an Avenger at

Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood Airport. He is collaborating on a

book with Rob McGregor (standing next to him) on time-

travel. McGregor is author of numerous books including the

Indiana Jones series.


Q&A with Bruce Gernon in April 2001

Question: Did you notice any blue-green glowing phosphoresce before during or after your experience?

Answer: I didn't notice any colors other than shades of gray. It was the color of fog. That is one of the

reasons I call it "Electronic Fog". I have seen what is known as the "Green Flash" in the

Florida Keys 3 times. It is a florescent lime color and it has lasted from about 10 seconds up

to 1 minute.

Question: Did you notice any turbulence associated with your experience?

Answer: I did notice some turbulence related to the Fog. When my airplane reached the end of the

Tunnel and made its exit from the Storm, I felt the sensation of zero gravity. I also felt as if

we were being given a boost in forward momentum. At the same time and length of this

feeling, contrails (see illustration below) formed on the edge of the wingtips for about 10


It was at this point that the

"Electronic Fog" attached itself

to the airplane. I believe the

airplane was flying in clear

weather. But it appeared to be

IMC because the Fog was

attached to the airplane. In

other words, I wasn't flying

through the fog -- I was flying

with the fog. It takes a different

perspective of the mind for a

pilot to realize this and this

could be the reason for a pilot to

become immediately spatially-


Question: Could you describe the “Green Flash”?

Answer: Like the "electronic fog", the Green Flash is very uncommon. It is well known in Key West

probably because they celebrate the sunset every day. It probably only happens a few times a

year. I have lived in the Keys 15 years and only saw it 3 times. The second and third times

that I saw it, I knew it was coming so I showed it to my family and some friends ... When the

Green Flash appears (always as the Sun is setting below the horizon), the Sun instantly turns

from orange to green.


The “Green Flash” -- a rare phenomena seen most frequently in the area of the Bermuda Triangle.

It is the reflection of light off of something that is otherwise invisible in the atmosphere. Whatever

this invisible element might be, it is only visible at certain moments when the rays of the setting Sun

reflect off of it.

Question. As an in situ observer and from your experience flying in the Bermuda Triangle, what other

phenomena have you observed?

Answer: I have seen many UFOs. But none in the last 20 years. The first one was in 1957 in Florida

and was spectacular. I witnessed it with eight other family members. It was spiracle in

shape and performed many maneuvers. We watched it for over 30 minutes and it came

within 1 mile from us. It was about 100 feet in diameter and white in color. I believe it was

a form of Ball lightning. [StealthSkater note: since the nuclear test worldwide

moratorium in the 1980s, UFO sightings have fallen dramatically decreased.]

I have seen UFOs that may have been associated with the storm that I flew through. The

first one was only a month after I flew through the storm. We were flying at night about 9:30

PM in February and the weather was CAVU. We were over Miami at 10,000 and headed due

East toward Bimini.

When we got a few miles offshore, we noticed an amber light far to the east of us.

Suddenly it came toward us at an incredible speed. It was on a collision course with us and

within seconds it was right in front of us. It was bright amber and shaped like a saucer with a

diameter of about 300 feet. It was massive and I felt that its mass was of a solid nature and not

just a form of light.

I banked to the left to avoid a certain collision. When I looked back to see where is was, it

had vanished. It may have been an illusion although we both saw the exact same thing. It is

interesting to note that the UFO was on the same flight path that I had traveled when I went

through the time tunnel and encountered the electronic fog. [StealthSkater note: is it possible

for EM/RF to affect human consciousness (and the perception of reality)? If so -- and if it

could be controlled -- that would be powerful weapon of war or civil security.]

I noticed the full Moon came up over the horizon about an hour later. I thought that there

must be a correlation. About a year later, I had a feeling I might see a UFO on a flight back

from the Carolinas. Sure enough, a UFO appeared and we even photographed it. It was the

same shape and size as the one I almost collided with. The full Moon came up about one hour

after we witnessed it.


Another year later, I had a feeling I might see some UFO's offshore again. So we drove to

the beach in Delray at night an hour before the full Moon would rise. We saw 5 UFOs in

formation traveling an incredible speed from north-to-south all heading toward Bimini. They

were all the same shape and color as the ones I had seen previously.

I thought I had discovered a correlation with UFOs and the Moon. But I have never seen

this happen again. It could be some form of reflection that creates an illusion. Or it could be a

form of lightning yet to be discovered. (I like to call them “Lightning Birds” because similar

to ball lightning they seem to have a mind of their own and they have aeronautical abilities that

only a bird could possess.)

Bruce & Rob would appreciate any reader who has had an experience that may relate to Bruce’s

flight to please contact them at the following email: [email protected]



the Science behind Bruce Gernon’s Flight (December 4, 1970)

by David P. Pares


The archive records indicated a sunspot number of 84 and a large solar wind of 706 km/sec which

created a disturbance of the magnetosphere and energy flux transfer directly into the atmosphere. This

caused radio and navigation (spinning compass) problems on the day of Bruce Gernon’s flight.

Sunspot Numbers 1955 – 2008

In Bruce’s case this will do more than spin the compass. It will cause an "event" (as Bruce calls it,

Electronic Fog) and -- as we further explore the situation -- the warping of the fabric of space or linear



The weather forensic evidence indicated that by late afternoon, unstable air existed at the departure

point and along the flight route. Cumulus and Towering Cumulus clouds populated the flight path

generating late-afternoon thunderstorm activity. The events which begin to trigger the bi-directional

flow of energy from space on December 4, 1970 starts early in the morning east of Key West Florida.

Miami Flight Service gave a forecast that the weather would be clear between Andros Island and the

Florida coast with a few scattered, isolated thunderstorms of moderate intensity in South Florida. The

winds were light and variable and the temperature was 75 degrees.

Weather chart for December 4, 1970

Not unlike ordinary thunderstorms, the Mega Electric Thunderstorm tends to form in Ocean regions

where the wind speed and direction do not abruptly change with increasing height above the surface.

These conditions usually consist of winds of an Easterly component less than 10 mph and less than 6 oF

between ambient air and dew point. Which is confirmed on the daily surface weather map on that day


This scenario can usually be found in between High and Low pressure systems over Florida and

Caribbean area between the Nov–Feb timeframe when the Earth is closest to the Sun. These are the

major contributing factors in setting up the electrical conduits and connectivity for "Electronic Fog"

generation and -- in Bruce’s particular flight -- the possibility of the warping of space.


Figure A - Typical flight from Andros Island Town Airport to West Palm Beach


Flight distance 210 miles 75 minutes

Total Flight distance 250 miles

(This distance includes additional miles to avoid

thunderstorms near Bimini and Miami)

47 minutes

28 minutes Delta Time

Total fuel Capacity in Tanks 80 gals

Typical fuel used 38 gals in round trip

(No fuel at Andros Island Bruce always started with full

tanks 80 gals.)

Fuel use rate 15 gals/hr @180 cruise speed

Typical fuel used 38 gals in round trip

Fuel used 29 gals used Dec. 4, 1970

9 gals extra fuel

When initially looking at this -- a distance of 250 miles in 47 minutes -- you could make it if you

were going 319.14 mph. From the A-36's 1970 Aircraft Specifications; maximum structural cruising is

190 mph and never exceed 234 mph. That alone shows that the aircraft would have been ripped apart

from the stress. But this didn’t happen on his flight.

Let’s look at a tailwind. You would have to have a consistent 139 mph tailwind coupled with the A-

36 Bonanza's cruise speed of 180 MPH could have done it. Is this even possible from takeoff to

landing? We would have to have a Southerly low-level jet stream at 3,000 feet 139 mph and when we

came out of the circle of thunderstorms near Bimini Island, an Easterly low-level jet stream at 10,000 ft

at 139 mph.

These wind speeds and directions are unusual even at 35,000-40,000 feet over the North American

continent. The low-level presents of these winds would be a terrific meteorological discovery. But this

is not what happened in Bruce’s case.


The possibility of a linear displacement occurs when the A-36 enters a hole formed between 2 fast

growing thunderstorms as Bruce’s original flight path has been cut off from surrounding 65,000 foot

thunderstorms. The total time in the tunnel was approximately 20 seconds.

Now let’s look at this in detail. Typical thunderstorms will have electric potential field values of

100,000-to-200,000 volts/meter up through the cloud structure. The Mega Electric Thunderstorms met

or exceed measurements of 400,000 volts/ meter as per recent cloud study research and a current of over

200,000 Amps. This would produce a total power output per cloud at (65,000 feet in height or 19,810

m) over 1.5848x1012

kW per cell. To put this into perspective, a 13.5 kiloton small atomic bomb is

about 2.2x107 kW.

These thunderstorms would have punched up through the Stratosphere increasing the storms

strength. This would create a powerful conduit of energy between the Magnetosphere, Thermosphere,

Ionosphere, and the ground. The total energy flux from space would be in Terrawatts of energy.


Figure 1- Current Flow and Development of Thunderstorm

It is this situation that induced the thunderstorms and caused a warping or compression in the fabric

of space around Bruce Gernon’s aircraft as he enters his only escape route (i.e., the hole in the clouds).

Laura Frum @ 2009


If you look at the surrounding cloud charge field propagation resultant, you will begin to see the

warp or compression of the space-time field. I have calculated the total influence of the electric vector

field from the surrounding thunderstorms at 3.22282x1015

Watts of power. In order to demonstrate this

example, we will use graphics from an electric field software package

(http://www.ph.unimelb.edu.au/~mkl/efield/efield.html ).


Gernon’s navigation chart showing the flight path Dec. 4, 1970


This type of situation would have not only compressed space but also provided the electrical energy

to ionize the surrounding air and create conditions known as the "Electronic Fog". What’s even more

intriguing is that ionized particles are attracted to the carbon emissions of the aircraft engine. So no

matter where you go right, left, up, or down, the ionized field just follows you until it surrounds your


Figure 2 - Resultant Ionized Field Around Aircraft

So with the combination of the engine exhaust and the aircraft being made of aluminum, an ionized

field can wrap up around the aircraft and form a resultant donut shaped field pattern. This also works

for cloth-covered metal-framed aircraft and carbon fiber aircraft since this material is conductive as


Carbon in a microwave showing the energy coalescing to the carbon atoms


In addition, now put into motion a circle of these clouds surrounding a small aircraft and you have a

tremendous electropotential force that will yield an ionized field that can attach itself to an aircraft.

As per documents from the FAA, fixed wing aircraft can be subjected to electric potentials in flight

that can cause engine stoppage and instrument failure. Based on where Bruce entered the cloud at

10,000 feet, the frequencies of the fields within the cloud would have been somewhere between the 400-

to-700 MHz range based on research and our flight into the Triangle on Feb. 14, 09.

The FAA chart for fixed winged aircraft indicates a 4,000 V/M potential. This means that the

surrounding field around the aircraft was at-or-below this field potential. This would explain the

electronic instruments going off-line but not shutting down the engine due to the additional shielding in

the engine compartment. This also explains why the radio still worked because of its location in the

instrument panel. It was shielded by the surrounding instruments.

I believe we are looking at a 2-step process. (1) compress the fabric of space using the surrounding

vectored energy of the circle of thunderstorms. And (2), "Electronic Fog" attaches to the aircraft just

prior to exiting the tunnel and continues to adhere for about 3 minutes and then dissipates as A-36

Bonanza approaches land.


a Plane in "Electronic Fog"

The time difference and linear displacement in the overall flight is gained in the last 1-2 seconds of

the 20 seconds in the cloud tunnel. Bruce said as he exited the tunnel, he had a slight sense of

acceleration (hydroplaning) and finally a sensation of being weightless for several seconds.

Another important point. He enters the cloud tunnel at 10,000 feet and when he appears over Miami

Beach, he is also at 10,000 feet. The point here is that if this is a real example of a local space warp

metric, it followed the curvature of the Earth.

The warp metric appears to be influenced by mass. If we could artificially induce this situation, one

could travel vast distances on the Earth in just a few seconds and still maintain flight levels for

separation of commercial traffic. Obviously the potential for space travel also has some real possibilities

here as well.

I have calculated the total electric vector field resultant from the surrounding thunderstorms at


Watts of power. This resulting electric field would influence the aircraft from behind

while a forward electric field at 1.5848x1012

kW from the clouds in front of the aircraft would have less

energy causing a situation of a collapsing field.

I believe that the theory of the Alcubierre warp metric has an interesting similarity with Gernon’s

flight through the shrinking cloud tunnel. Those who are familiar with the rules of Special Relativity, if

this was to account for Gernon’s event through the cloud tunnel, they would have expected a Lorentz

contraction, mass increase, and time dilation as a possible explanation of his account for his last 100



Coming Out

But as I looked at his account, it just did not fit. He dropped from radar but still had radio

communications and was able to use the radio with no apparent delay between Miami and the A-36

Bonanza. He would have needed to go over 360,000 mph to make an 80-mile distance in 1- second.

Which would have ripped the airplane apart.


That’s why we are looking at a localized warping of space created by the energy of the surrounding

clouds that blocked his flight path and the opposing weaker energy field (the cloud tunnel) which he

flew into creating a local flat space warp bubble containment field.

Using the concept of the Alcubierre warp field theory, Gernon’s aircraft would entered and

overcome the forward field by the push of the large resultant rear field and ended up at the center of the

moving volume of local flat space where there are no relativistic mass increases or time dilation effects.

This is another point of the Alcubierre metric. While in local flat space, there is no speed for the object.

The space is moved with no effect on the object.


Also while in transit, the on-board clock runs at the same speed as the clock of an external observer.

The crew of the airplane would not have experienced any accelerational g-forces once inside the field.

This may explain why he could use the radio since the transit was only a linear displacement and time

dilation was not a consideration.

The other confirming event of linear displacement is the radar. Just as he exited the cloud, they

make a call to Miami control to try and find out their position. But radar can’t see them. They are gone

from the Bimini area. After several calls back-and-forth of "what do you mean you can’t see us?", radar

control then says "I have one aircraft south of the field". Bruce is baffled: "it can’t be me! I am over 80

miles from Miami"

As the Fog started to dissipate from the aircraft, there he was over Miami Beach. I figured they lost

him at the first 15-second sweep of the radar as he exited the cloud and then picked him up on the next

sweep of the Miami Radar antenna which then put him over Miami Beach. The rotation of the radar

antenna is about 4 rpm. That gives a return to return time lapse of about 15 seconds per complete


The entire transit of nearly 80 miles took just a few seconds. The transit started near Bimini Island

and ended over Miami Beach. The field dissipated as the A-36 Bonanza approached land.

This could be the first real documented case of a natural warping of the fabric of space and an

external Ionized Confinement Field around the aircraft produced from Mega Electric Thunderstorm


activity. This may also explain why he could be seen on radar but could not be seen physically in the

sky until the containment field dissipated around his plane as he approached land.

Laura Frum @2009

The cloaking or invisibility was due to the Compton Effect of a negative index of refraction where

the outer edge of the containment field generates a transverse wave form which causes a destructive

interference with light. (See Compton effect at the bottom.) The end result is that you can’t see the

aircraft against the sky. Then pop! they have him on radar and after the containment field dissipates

they can see him over Miami Beach. And as the story goes, the controller does not see any fog in the

area just clear skies and Bruce -- with a sense of disbelief of where he had been seconds earlier to where

he ends up over Miami Beach -- then clears with Miami Radar control and then flies an additional 30

miles to vector around a local thunderstorm and lands at his final destination West Palm Beach Airport.




A linear displacement of nearly 80 miles. Plus he covers the 250 mile even with the additional miles

due in flight course changes in the trip in only 47 minutes and ends up with 9 extra gallons of unspent

fuel. A trip that normally takes 75 minutes (Figure A above).

Then begins his nearly 40+ year journey begins to try and understand what happened on this flight.

SPACE WEATHER Dec. 4, 1970)

Sunspot number: 84

Solar wind: 706 km/sec


Forecast DEC. 4, 1970

7 AM East of Key West Florida. Miami Flight Service gives a forecast that the weather would be clear

between Andros Island and the Florida coast with a few scattered, isolated thunderstorms of moderate

intensity in South Florida.

WX Observations

7 AM Actual, Miami, Cumulus and Towering Cumulus developing

Winds Easterly light and variable

Temperature 66 F

Dewpoint 64 F


(Weather Continued)

7 AM Actual, Key West, Cumulus and Towering Cumulus developing

Winds Easterly light and variable

Temperature 70 F

Dewpoint 64 F

Grand Bahamas Area Thunderstorms morning ending early afternoon

Winds Easterly light and variable

Temperature 61 F

Dewpoint 61 F

Andros Island Area Thunderstorms morning ending early afternoon

Winds Easterly light and variable

Temperature 61 F

Dewpoint 61 F


Surrounding resultant energy from thunderstorms …………… 3.22282x1012


Individual Thunderstorm energy …(@ 65,000 ft. tops) ……….. 1.58480x1012


Frequency at 10,000 ft. (400-to-700MHz)


High-Intensity Radiated Fields (HIRF)

Frequency Peak (V/M) Average (V/M)

400-to-700 MHz 4,020 935


Local Space Warp DEF Time in the Tunnel Remarks

For those familiar with the rules

of Special Relativity with its

Lorentz contraction, mass

increase, and time dilation, the

Alcubierre warp metric has

some rather peculiar aspects.

(Take off time from Andros

Island was 3:00 pm)

Pilot levels off from descending

dive as A-36 enters the cloud

tunnel at 10,000 feet. The air

speed decreases from 230 to 210

mph during the first few seconds.

Notices that the cloud tunnel

looks like a sucker hole, smooth

all the way through, and can see

blue sky at the end. The tunnel

is about 1,000 feet wide and 10

miles long. The A-36 is about

100 miles away from Miami.

The aircraft is transitioning

between heavy electric potential

fields which will generate a

local space warp metric at the

end cloud tunnel. The outside

High-Intensity Radiated Fields

(HIRF) can cause basic

functions such as engines,

electronic instruments, and

flight controls to be inoperative.

Research indicates that aircraft

electrical and electronic

systems that perform critical

functions may not be able to

During the next 8 seconds. Pilot experiences a feeling of

deceleration. He also notes that

the clouds that make up the

walls of the tunnel are rotating

in a counterclockwise direction.

Bruce can see blue sky at the

end of the tunnel. No

obstruction to visibility nor any

notice of any cabin temperature



withstand the electromagnetic

fields generated by HIRF and

could become inoperable.

Since a ship at the center of the

moving volume of the metric is

at rest with respect to locally

flat space, there are no

relativistic mass increase or

time dilation effects.

During the next 6 seconds. Pilot notices that the tunnel is

beginning to decrease in

diameter. He tries to keep the

aircraft to the dead center of the

shrinking tunnel.

The local space warp field is

about to be formed around the

aircraft over the next few


During the next 4 seconds. The tunnel has now closed in

from 40 feet to 30 feet which is

now at the wingtips of the A-36

Bonanza. The pilot is nearing

the end of the tunnel.

Since a ship at the center of the

moving volume of the metric is

at rest with respect to locally

flat space, there are no

relativistic mass increase or

time dilation effects. The on-

board spaceship clock runs at

the same speed as the clock of

an external observer and that

observer will detect no increase

in the mass of the moving ship

even when it travels at Faster-

Than-Light (FTL) speeds.

Moreover, Alcubierre has

shown that even when the ship

is accelerating, it travels on a

free-fall geodesic. In other

words, a ship using the warp to

accelerate and decelerate is

always in free fall and the crew

would experience no

accelerational g-forces.

Enormous tidal forces would be

present near the edges of the

flat-space volume because of

the large space curvature there.

But by suitable specification of

the metric, these would be made

very small within the volume

occupied by the ship.

Over the next 3 minutes.

The aircraft settles back to its

maneuvering speed of 180 mph.

Exiting the tunnel, the pilot

looks back to see the tunnel

collapse and experiences a

feeling of slight forward

acceleration (hydroplaning) and

a sense of weightlessness. This

is also when the "Electronic

Fog" surrounds and adheres to

the aircraft. The electronic

instruments are all off-line

except the radio. The compass

is slowly spinning.

The pilot's visibility is now

limited. He indicates that it

looks to be about 2 miles thick

in and around the aircraft. The

pilot states that everything

looks very strange, surreal. The

color of the Electronic Fog is a

bright gray with a hint of


The aircraft is not visible in the

air until the electronic fog

dissipates from around the

aircraft which is due to the

Compton effect. Also no tidal

effects from the local space

warp. No unusual wave heights

are noticed on the surface of the

ocean, nor any other noticeable

disturbances in the atmosphere.

If anything had happened it was

contained close to the local

space warp bubble.


Other noted effects: the aircraft

went in at 10,000 feet and

appears over Miami Beach at

10,000 feet. It appears that a

Local Space Warp Bubble

follows the curvature of the

Earth and is influenced by its


Radio communications does not

appear to be disrupted. The

electric potential is at-or-less

then 4,000 volts/ meter and the

frequencies range between 400-

to-700 MHz while in the cloud

tunnel and the Local Space

Warp Bubble.

( 3 minutes continued )

This is another indication that

this is not a time warp since that

radio traffic is in sync with the

normal time of the ground.

No time delays

Now in the "Fog", radio calls

are made to Miami Control to

ask if they have a fix on the

airplane. Several exchanges go

back-and-forth. Miami says

they don’t have anyone on radar

80 miles out from Miami but

have an aircraft over Miami

Beach. Bruce says it can’t be

him. But when the Fog

dissipates, that’s exactly where

he is.

Note: The radio comm. is

normal. Nothing unusual no

delay in transmission and

receiving voice comm. The

radio is located in the middle of

the console which is

additionally shielded by the

other equipment. The antenna

is just behind the cockpit. The

engine has additional shielding

from the cowling and all the

flight control systems are


The on-board clock runs at the

same speed as the clock of an

external observer. And that

observer will detect no increase

in the mass of the moving ship

even when it travels at Faster-

Than-Light (FTL) speeds.

As the "Electronic Fog" clears

from the A-36, Bruce notes that

he is directly over Miami

Beach. At this point he clears

with Approach Control and

continues to West Palm Beach.

During this part of the flight he

goes around local

thunderstorms in the area.

Bruce then touches down at

3:47 pm at West Palm Beach

Airport where he notices that

his clocks onboard the aircraft

and also the watches they are

wearing match the ground time

at the airport. The total flight


time from Andros Island to

West Palm Beach was only 47


Bruce then proceeds to refuel

the aircraft and then notices that

he used nine fewer gallons than

normal. In addition, he traveled

an extra 40 air miles for a total

of 250 miles.

And so begins the journey over

the next 40 years to try and

explain what happened on this

flight. The quest continues …



High-Intensity Radiated Fields (HIRF)

With the trend toward increased power levels from ground-based transmitters plus the advent of

space and satellite communications coupled with electronic command and control of the airplane, the

immunity of critical digital avionics systems to HIRF must be established.

It is not possible to precisely define the HIRF to which the airplane will be exposed in service.

There is also uncertainty concerning the effectiveness of airframe shielding for HIRF. Furthermore,

coupling of electromagnetic energy to cockpit-installed equipment through the cockpit window

apertures is undefined. Based on surveys and analysis of existing HIRF emitters, an adequate level of

protection exists when compliance with the HIRF protection special condition is shown with either

paragraphs 1 or 2 below:

1. A minimum threat of 100 volts/meter peak electric field strength from 10 KHz to 18 GHz.

a. The threat must be applied to the system elements and their associated wiring harnesses

without the benefit of airframe shielding.

b. Demonstration of this level of protection is established through system tests and analysis.

2. A threat external to the airframe of the following field strengths for the frequency ranges



Frequency Peak (V/M) Average (V/M)

10 KHz-100 KHz 50 50

100 KHz-500 KHz 60 60

500 KHz-2 MHz 70 70

2 MHz-30 MHz 200 200

30 MHz-100 MHz 30 30

100 MHz-200 MHz 150 33

200 MHz-400 MHz 70 70

400 MHz-700 MHz 4,020 935

700 MHz-1GHz 1,700 170

1 GHz-2 GHz 5,000 990

2 GHz-4 GHz 6,680 840

4 GHz-6 GHz 6,850 310

6 GHz-8 GHz 3,600 670

8 GHz-12 GHz 3,500 1,270

12 GHz-18 GHz 3,500 360

18 GHz-40 GHz 2,100 750




Compton Effect From http://physics.bu.edu/~duffy/semester2/c35_compton.htm

Convincing evidence that light is made up of particles (photons) and that photons have momentum

can be seen when a photon with energy hf collides with a stationary electron. Some of the energy and

momentum is transferred to the electron (this is known as the Compton effect). But both energy and

momentum are conserved in this elastic collision. After the collision, the photon has energy hf/ and the

electron has acquired a kinetic energy K.

Conservation of Energy: hf = hf/ + K

Combining this with the momentum conservation equations, it can be shown that the wavelength of the

outgoing photon is related to the wavelength of the incident photon by the equation

∆λ = λ/ - λ = (h/mec) (1 - cos) .

The combination of factors h/mec = 2.43x10-12

m where me is the mass of the electron is known as the

Compton wavelength. The collision causes the photon wavelength to increase by somewhere between 0

(for a scattering angle of 0°) and twice the Compton wavelength (for a scattering angle of 180°).

Compton Effect Example

A photon with a wavelength of 6.00x10-1

2 m collides with an electron. After the collision, the photon's

wavelength is found to have been changed by exactly one Compton wavelength (2.43x10-12



(a) What is the photon's wavelength after the collision?

1. 3.57x10-12


2. 8.43x10-12


3. It could be either one of the above

The photon gives up some of its energy to the electron. If its energy goes down its frequency

decreases and its wavelength increases.

(b) Through what angle has the photon been deflected in this collision?

1. less than 90°

2. 90°

3. more than 90° but less than 180°

4. 180° = (h/mec) (1 - cos)

In this situation, we have (1 - cos) = 1. So cos = 0 and must be 90°.

(c) What is the angle for the electron after the collision?

1. less than 90°

2. 90°

3. more than 90° but less than 180°

4. 180°

To keep the total momentum the same, the electron has both x and y momentum. So its angle

must be less than 90°.

(d) What is the electron's kinetic energy (in eV) after the collision?

Energy is conserved in the collision. So:

hf = hf/ + K

K = hf - hf/ = hc/λ - hc/λ

/ = hc [1/λ - 1/λ


K = (6.63x10-34) (3x108) [1/6.00x10

-12 - 1/8.43x10


K = 9.56x10-15

J = 59,700 eV


University of Oxford team. Governed by Quantum physics, entangled particles have much stronger

correlations (or interrelationships) than anything allowed in Classical physics.

For example, measuring one entangled particle instantly influences its partner's state, even if the two

particles are separated by great distances. Entangled particles are the bread&butter of quantum

information schemes such as quantum cryptography, quantum computing, and quantum teleportation.

But they are notoriously difficult to create in bulk.

To create entangled photons, for example, researchers can send laser light through a barium borate

crystal. Passing through the crystal, a photon sometimes splits into two entangled photons (each with

half the energy of the initial photon). However, this only occurs for one in every 10 billion incoming


To increase the yield, the Oxford researchers added a step. They put mirrors beyond the crystal so

that the laser pulse and entangled pair could reflect, and have the chance to interact. Since the entangled


pair and reflected laser pulse behave as waves, Quantum Mechanics says that they could interfere

constructively to generate 4-fold more 2-photon pairs or interfere destructively to create zero pairs.

Following these steps, the researchers increased production of 2-photon entangled pairs and also of

rarer states such as four-photon entangled quartets. This achievement could represent a step towards an

entangled-photon laser which would repeatedly amplify entangled particles to create greater yields than

previously possible and also towards the creation of new and more complex kinds of entangled states.

(Lamas-Linares et al., Nature, 30 August 2001.)

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