More Jack and Lily Notes

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  • 7/28/2019 More Jack and Lily Notes


    Jack & Lily

    First/Starting Scene: - Establishing Shot introduces the audience to a rural setting.- Shared Experience: You two used to bathe together ~ Reminiscing tone.

    Establishment of connection. Foreshadowing the idea of them belonging


    - Perception of Lily is stereotypical. Perception is influenced by mums

    knitting. Esaspirated tone Girls are boring.

    Second Scene

    (Jack going out): - Jacks clothing portrays belonging to rural environment (Jeans, Boots, Baggy clothes. - Mother is very conservative (Feminity: knitting)

    - Monologue demonstrates his isolation when he talks on the radio headset to

    himself. Jack to Base

    - Applying mud to his face, symbolises the connection between himself and

    the earth/nature/environment. Portrays belonging to rural environment.

    - Camoflauge demonstrates idea of blending in to his environement.

    - Ive seperated from my unitMilitary terminology symbolises isolation.

    (Jargon) Jack is familiar with this form of communication, allowing himself

    to communicate with ease, which demonstrates isolation in which no one is

    there to support him - Im going in alone

    Third Scene: (Jack first sees Lily) - Looks at Lily through the cross hairs; she is his target. There is a camera shot through the gunshot which is superimposed.

    - Jacks hostility towards her is beacuse of the differences in their identities.

    - Lilys costuming (a book and a blanket) and her red coat alludes to little red

    riding hood.

  • 7/28/2019 More Jack and Lily Notes


    - Small size of the scope demonstrates narrow mindedness of Jacks

    perceptions of Lily.

    - The way Lily is dressed is very stereotypical (the colour red which is a girly

    colour). Her identity is perceived as stereotypically female.

    - The red foreshadows to her independant character.

    - Enemy Base ahead is a metaphor towards Lily.

    Fourth Scene

    (Approaching Lily): - Long shot of hey bales is symbolic of barriers Jack must overcome.- Jack moves past these to eventually form a relationship with Lily.

    - Clouds symbolise unease. This links in with Shaky hand held styled


    - The lighter clouds symbolise hope (pathetic fallacy)

    - Onomatapieoa POW- This links their interests/identities of guns.

    - She is subverting her traditional role of being a girl.

    - The Checkered shirt that they are both wearing connect them both to the


    Fifth Scene

    (Friendship occurs): - Close up shot of thier hands symbolises the connection they have made.- The music is positive sound portraying a major tonality.

    - Lily says a dead wombat, jack replies with the exclamation Cool!

    - Weather is shifter to a calmer lighter positive connotations.

    - Jack dropping the gun presents a barrier dropped. He has overcome the

    barrier to belonging. (Barrier of hostility and prejudice).

    - More light and less wind (pathetic fallecy); Wind representing unease has

    died down.

  • 7/28/2019 More Jack and Lily Notes


    - The low angle shot of them climbing the hill. The hill is a metaphor of a

    barrier, in which them both are overcoming and climbing through the

    barrier together (Shared experience)

    - Their silhoutes become one at the end hahahha lol!