Morality and Ethics Chapter 2 Chapter 3

Morality and Ethics

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Morality and Ethics. Chapter 2 Chapter 3. Morality. A set of rules for right conduct A system used to modify and regulate behavior Quality system in human acts by which we judge them right or wrong 3 Definitions Descriptive Normative/universal Synonymous with ethics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Morality and EthicsChapter 2Chapter 3

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A set of rules for right conduct A system used to modify and regulate behavior Quality system in human acts by which we judge them right or

wrong 3 Definitions

Descriptive Normative/universal Synonymous with ethics

Concerns set of shared rules, principles, and duties Independent of religion Applicable to all in a group or society Has no reference to the will or power of one individual

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Descriptive Definition of Morality

A set of rules or codes of conduct that governs human behavior in matters of right or wrong.

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Normative Definition of Morality

An ideal code of conduct that would be observed by all rational people, under specified conditions.

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Definition synonymous with Ethics

The systematic philosophical study of the moral domain.

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Why Do We Have Moral Theories

MacDonnell: Moral theories “seek to introduce a degree of rationality and rigor into our moral deliberations.”

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Moral Decision Making Considerations

Facts surrounding the situations Taking into account the interests of all parties involved Taking into account the moral principles involved Take into account how the decisions will affect others.

Helps us perceive moral principles Use reason to determine the best way to achieve

the highest moral good Distinguish between primary and secondary moral

principles Primary – general Secondary – more specific

Make rational calculations of the consequences of our actions

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Definitions of Moral Codes Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Rules or norms within a group for what is proper behavior for the members of that group.

Rules or norms provide the measure Complex definitions of right and wrong

Different cultures have different codes Morality is relative to time Some are timeless and culture-free

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Moral Standard

Standard by which we compare human actions to determine their goodness or badness.

Morality sets standards of virtuous conduct Mechanisms to self-regulate through enforcement

and self-judge through guilt

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Law Webster’s Dictionary

Rule of conduct or an action recognized by custom or decreed by a formal enactment, community, or group.

Black An art we can create and model

Contemporary critics Instrument of exercising power

Bryan Bourn An art and an instrument for exercising power.

Fagothey Rule and measure of actions directing them to proper ends

Physical Moral

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Natural Law

Unwritten but universal Theory

Eternal Absolute moral law Can be discovered by reason Derivable from reason

Applies to all rational creatures Exists independently of human preference and

inclinations Applied cross-culture Anchor of right of self-preservation, liberty, and property

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Conventional Law

Created for and by humans Usually created in public deliberations Derived from moral code that is enforceable Varies society to society Takes 2 forms

Declarative Simply restates what the natural law declares

Forbidding murder theft

Determinative Fixes ways of acting in accordance with natural laws

Contracts, taxes, traffic

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Penal Code

Laws useless without punishment Three functions of punishment system

Retributive – pay back the criminal Corrective – improve the offender Deterrent – prevention of similar actions

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Morality and the Law

Serve the purpose of keeping society stable and secure

Used in making judgments about people’s actions Judgments are justifiable by reason Means to achieve purpose is different

The process of making codes and laws Enforcement Nature of punishment Conflict resolution Types of judgement

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Origins – Greeks Greeks studied themselves, human life and society Lead to study of human conducts Definition: a study of right and wrong in human

conduct Another definition: Theoretical examination of

morality Solomon: a set of “theories of value, virtue, or of

right (valuable) action. Johnson: set of theories “that provide general rules

or principles to be used in making those rules”

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“Ethics helps us not only in distinguishing between right and wrong but also in knowing why and on what grounds our judgment of human actions is justified.”

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Purpose of Ethics

Interpret human conduct Acknowledging and distinguishing between right

and wrong. Interpretation is done based on a consisting of a

mixture of inductions and deductions. Uses process of argumentation Argumentation consists of a mixture of inductions and

deductions Generally based on historical schools of thoughts or

ethical theories

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Human actions are judged good or bad depending on the results of the actions

Thee general types of Consequentialism Egoism: Individual interests and happiness above

everything else Utilitarianism: Group interests and happiness above

individual Act Utilitarianism: Consider the consequences of an action for

the ones which will benefit the most Rule Utilitarianism: Obey the rules that brings max happiness

to max people Altruism: Action is right if the results of the action is good

for everyone but the actor

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Does not concern itself with the consequences of an action rather the will of act

If a person committing an act had a good reason for doing so

Example: An armed person comes into your house You shoot the intruder You did it because you had a duty to your protect your

family and your property. Action was good

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Human Nature

All human beings are endowed with all faculties and capabilities to live in happiness.

Humans are supposed to discover the develop those capabilities.

The capabilities become the benchmark for actions Actions judged on how much they measure up to


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There is no existence of universal moral norm Right and wrong are relative to society, culture, or

the individual. Moral norms are not fixed in time.

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One of the oldest ethical theories Pleasure is the only good thing in human life End of life is the highest good Maximize pleasure or minimize pain 2 types

Psychological – what people seek each day is pleasure Ethical – people ought to seek pleasure & pleasure is

the moral good Modern hedonism pleasure = happiness

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Ethical statements are neither true nor false Ethical statements cannot be proven Ethical statements are really only statements about

how someone feels

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Developed by German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804)

People’s actions ought to be guided by universal moral laws

Moral laws are derived from reason Should be able to cite why an action is right or


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Ethical Reasoning

Reasoning – human cognitive process of looking for ways to generate or affirm a proposition

Cognitive processes – mental processes Logic – tool for distinguishing between truth and

falsehood Ethical Reasoning – integrating ethical principles in

the reasoning process

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Ethical Decision Making Process Recognize inherent ethical conflict through

Comprehension Appreciation Evaluation of all ethical dimensions of problem

Know the parties involved Being aware of alternatives Demonstrating knowledge of ethical practices Understanding how the decision will be implemented Understanding who will be affected Understand and comprehend the impact

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Information Resulting from the Ethical Decision Making

Confirmation that the problem is really an ethical problem Additional facts are or are not needed to resolve the problem Key ethical theories, principles, and values identified Strength and validity of the ethical theory chosen

To make an ethical decision you must “weigh” the argument against the alternatives and chose the “best”

Often must layer the reasoning.

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Code of Ethics

Regiment rules or guidelines followed by members of a respective group.

Can take any of the following forms Principles which may act as guidelines for some

document Public policies including aspects of acceptable

behavior, norms, and practices of a society or group Codes of conduct which may include ethical principles Legal instruments which enforce good conduct through


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ACM Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct 8 general moral imperatives 8 more specific professional responsibilities 6 organizational leadership imperatives Affirmation of compliance with the code

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Objectives of Code of Ethics Disciplinary: ensures professionalism and integrity Advisory: good source of tips and offer advice Educational: educational tools Inspirational Publicity

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Ethical Issues Associated with Changing Technology Different Temptations

Speed Privacy and anonymity Nature of medium Aesthetic attractions Increased availability of potential victims International scope The power to destroy

Different Means of Delivery Complacent Society