October 2016 Moorebank Precinct West (MPW) – Stage 2 Proposal Preliminary Operational Traffic Management Plan Part 4, Division 4.1, State Significant Development

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October 2016

Moorebank Precinct West (MPW) – Stage 2 Proposal Preliminary Operational Traffic Management Plan

Part 4, Division 4.1, State Significant Development

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Preliminary Operational Traffic Management Plan

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MICHAEL YONG Integrated Transport Planning Manager

T + 61 7 3337 0822 M+ 61 0 488 415 227 E [email protected]

Arcadis Level 25, 288 Edward Street, Brisbane, QLD 4000, Australia

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Moorebank Precinct West (MPW) Stage 2 Proposal – Preliminary Operational Traffic Management Plan

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MOOREBANK PRECINCT WEST - STAGE 2 PROPOSAL Preliminary Operational Traffic Management Plan

Author Kung Nigarnjanagool, Luke Goldsworthy

Checker Michael Yong

Approver Michael Yong

This report has been prepared for Qube Property Management Services Pty Ltd in accordance with the terms and conditions of appointment for 1113176601v8 Design and Planning Services Agreement dated 22 June 2016. Arcadis Australia Pacific Pty Limited (ABN 76 104 485 289) cannot accept any responsibility for any use of or reliance on the contents of this report by any third party.

REVISIONS Revision Date Description Prepared

by Approved by

A to B Sep 2016 Draft Final Including Rebranding KN, LG

C Oct 2016 Final - Internal Review KN, LG MY

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CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Report purpose.................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 Secretary environmental assessment requirements (SEARs) ........................................ 5 1.2 Report structure .................................................................................................................. 6 1.3 MPW Stage 2 Proposal Overview ....................................................................................... 6

2 SITE DESCRIPTION .............................................................................................................. 10 2.1 Operations overview ......................................................................................................... 11

2.2 Traffic implications ........................................................................................................... 13

3 OPERATIONAL TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT .......................................................................... 14 3.1 Overall principles for traffic management ...................................................................... 14

3.2 Proposal Operational Framework .................................................................................... 15

3.3 Proposal operational traffic .............................................................................................. 22

4 DESCRIPTION OF TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT CONTROLS ................................................ 23 4.1 Vehicle booking system ................................................................................................... 23

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4.2 Workplace and traffic safety training .............................................................................. 23

4.3 Traffic control .................................................................................................................... 23 4.4 Liaison with stakeholders ................................................................................................ 23

5 TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES ........................................................................... 24 5.1 Heavy Vehicle Movements ............................................................................................... 24 5.2 Safety and amenity of road users and public ................................................................. 24 5.3 Congestion management on Moorebank Avenue .......................................................... 24 5.4 Road user delay management ......................................................................................... 25 5.5 Information signage, distance information and advance warning................................ 25 5.6 Incident management ....................................................................................................... 26

6 INSPECTIONS AND MONITORING ...................................................................................... 27 6.1 Inspections ........................................................................................................................ 27 6.2 Monitoring .......................................................................................................................... 27 6.3 Corrective Actions ............................................................................................................ 27

7 REVIEW AND IMPROVEMENT ............................................................................................. 28

8 DOCUMENTATION ............................................................................................................... 28 8.1 Document Control ............................................................................................................. 28 8.2 Records .............................................................................................................................. 29

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1 INTRODUCTION On the 3 June 2016 Concept Plan Approval (SSD 5066) was granted, under Part 4, Division 4.1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act), to develop the Moorebank Precinct West Project (MPW Project) on the western side of Moorebank Avenue, Moorebank, in south-western Sydney (the MPW site).

The MPW Project involves the development of intermodal freight terminal facilities (IMT), linked to Port Botany, the interstate and intrastate freight rail network. The MPW Project includes associated commercial infrastructure (i.e. warehousing), a rail link connecting the MPW site to the Southern Sydney Freight Line (SSFL), and a road entry and exit point from Moorebank Avenue.

Under the Concept Plan Approval, the MPW Project is to be developed in four phases, being:

• Early Works development phase, comprising: - The demolition of existing buildings and structures - Service utility terminations and diversion/relocation - Removal of existing hardstand/roads/pavements and infrastructure

associated with existing buildings - Rehabilitation of the excavation/earthmoving training area (i.e. ‘dust bowl’) - Remediation of contaminated land and hotspots, including areas known to

contain asbestos, and the removal of: o Underground storage tanks (USTs) o Unexploded ordnance (UXO) and explosive ordnance waste

(EOW) if found o Asbestos contaminated buildings

- Archaeological salvage of Aboriginal and European sites - Establishment of a conservation area along the Georges River - Establishment of construction facilities (which may include a construction

laydown area, site offices, hygiene units, kitchen facilities, wheel wash and staff parking) and access, including site security

- Vegetation removal, including the relocation of hollow-bearing trees, as required for remediation and demolition purposes

• Development of the intermodal terminal (IMT) facility and initial warehousing facilities

• ‘Ramp up’ of the IMT capacity and warehousing • Development of further warehousing. Approval for the Early Works phase (MPW Concept Plan Approval) was granted as the first stage of the MPW Project within the Concept Plan Approval. Works, approved as part of this stage are anticipated to commence in the third quarter of 2016.

Commonwealth Approval (No. 2011/6086), under the Environmental Protection Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), was also granted in mid 2016 (soon after the Concept Plan Approval) for the MPW Project. In addition to this, the Planning Proposal (PP_2012_LPOOL_004_00) which provided a rezoning of part of the MPW site, and surrounds, was gazetted on 24 June 2016 into the Liverpool Local Environmental Plan 2008 (Amendment No. 62).

On 5 December 2014, Moorebank Intermodal Terminal Company (MIC) and SIMTA announced their in-principle agreement to develop the Moorebank IMT Precinct on a whole of precinct basis. This agreement is subject to satisfying several conditions which both parties are currently working towards. SIMTA is therefore seeking approval to build and operate the IMT facility and warehousing under the MPW Project Concept Approval, known as the MPW Stage 2 Proposal (the Proposal).

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1.1 Report purpose This report has been prepared to support the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for approval of the Proposal. A summary of the works included in the Proposal is provided below.

This report has been prepared as part of a State Significant Development (SSD) Application for which approval is sought under Part 4, Division 4.1 of the EP&A Act. This report has been prepared in accordance with the Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) (ref: SSD 16-7709 and dated 14 July 2016) and revised environmental mitigation measures (REMMs) identified in the MPW Concept Plan Approval (SSD_5066).

Table 1-1 and Table 1-2 provides a summary of the SEARs and REMMs, respectively, and mitigation measures from the MPW Concept Plan Approval and the section where they have been addressed in this report.

The objectives of this POTMP, and ultimately the OTMP, are to:

• Develop a strategy which provides a safe environment for staff, visitors and the general public from traffic hazards that may arise as a result of the operational activity

• Minimise disruption, congestion and delays to road users throughout operational activities

• Maintain the network performance at an acceptable level throughout the operational period

• Eliminate or mitigate risks of damage or degradation to the road environment through appropriate operational traffic management practices

• Identify procedures, monitoring measures and corrective actions. Table 1-1 SEARs (SSD 16-7709) Compliance Table

Ref No. / SEARs Where Addressed

4. Traffic and Transport Document Section

A Traffic Impact Assessment that assesses intersection and road network impacts, including impacts on Cambridge Avenue. The traffic assessment shall;

o) provide an updated Traffic Management and Accessibility Plan for the operation of the facility including:

i. measures to prevent heavy vehicles accessing residential streets to maintain the residential amenity of the local community

ii. details of public transport services and facilities;

iii. details of cyclist facilities; and

iv. details of driver code of conduct.

Preliminary Operational Traffic Management Plan

Entire Document

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Table 1-2 REMMs Compliance Table

Ref No. / REMMs Where Addressed

Traffic, Transport and Access Document Section

4C) Install a variable message signage system within the Project site to direct heavy vehicles and facilitate safe and efficient access and navigation.

Preliminary Operational Traffic Management Plan

5.1 and 5.5

1.1 Secretary environmental assessment requirements (SEARs)

The diagram below illustrates the document structure established for Traffic and Transport related reporting for the MPW Stage 2 Proposal. Four standalone reports have been prepared to inform and support the required responses to the SEARs. They are:

1. Construction Traffic Impact Assessment

2. Preliminary Construction Traffic Management Plan

3. Operational Traffic and Transport Impact Assessment

4. Preliminary Operational Traffic Management Plan

This report forms the Preliminary Operational Traffic Management Plan prepared to address requirements for traffic management of operational activities associated with the Proposal.

This Preliminary Operational Traffic Management Plan should be read in conjunction with three remaining standalone traffic reports including:

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• Construction Traffic Impact Assessment;

• Preliminary Construction Traffic Management Plan; and

• Operational Traffic and Transport Impact Assessment.

1.2 Report structure This Preliminary Operational Traffic Management Plan (POTMP) contains the following chapters, outlining a strategy for the proposed Operational Traffic Management Plan (OTMP) that would be implemented during operations of the Proposal.

• Section 1 provides an overview of the Proposal, background information, report purpose and SEARs and REMMs requirements

• Section 2 outlines the site environment including road network, operations overview and the predicted implications to the traffic environment

• Section 3 outlines the operational framework and the access arrangements

• Section 4 provides an overview of traffic management controls proposed during operation of the Proposal

• Section 5 outlines traffic management procedures to ensure traffic during operations is managed accordingly

• Section 6 outlines procedural requirements for inspections and monitoring to ensure compliance with the operational traffic management plan

• Section 7 outlines the process for reviewing and improving the OTMP

• Section 8 outlines the documentation requirements for the OTMP.

1.3 MPW Stage 2 Proposal Overview The MPW Stage 2 Proposal (the Proposal) involves the construction and operation of an Intermodal terminal (IMT) facility and associated warehousing, as shown in Figure 1-1.

The IMT facility would have the necessary infrastructure to support a container freight throughput volume of 500,000 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) per annum. Specifically, the IMT facility within the Proposal site would include the following key components:

• Truck processing, holding and loading areas – with entrance and exit from Moorebank Avenue via an upgraded intersection and a round-about to distribute traffic between the warehousing precinct and the IMT

• Rail loading and container storage areas – installation of nine rail sidings, with an adjacent container storage area serviced by manual handling equipment

• Administration facility – office building with associated car parking and light vehicle access from Moorebank Avenue

• The Rail link connection – rail sidings within the IMT facility, which would be linked (to the south) to the Rail link (constructed as part of the MPE Project (SSD 14-6766)).

Also included within the Proposal are the following key components:

• Warehousing area – construction and operation of approximately 215,000 m2 GFA of warehousing, with warehouses ranging in size from 4,000 m2 to 71,000 m2. Included within the warehousing area would be ancillary offices, truck and light vehicle parking, associated warehouse access roads.

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• Freight village – construction and operation of approximately 800 m2 of retail premises, with access from the internal road.

• Upgraded intersection on Moorebank Avenue and internal road – including works to Moorebank Avenue, Anzac Road to accommodate the proposed site entrance to Moorebank Avenue, and construction of an internal road.

• Ancillary works – including vegetation clearing, earth works, drainage and on-site detention, utilities installation/connection, signage and landscaping.

Figure 1-1 Proposal overview

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1.2.1 Proposal components and key terms Table 1-3 provides a summary of key terms which are included within this report. Table 1-3 Key Terms

Term Definition

Moorebank Precinct West (MPW) Concept Plan Approval

(Concept approval and Early Works)

MPW Concept Plan and Stage 1 Approval (SSD 5066) granted on 3 June 2016 for the development of the MPW Intermodal terminal facility at Moorebank and the undertaking of the Early Works. Granted under Part 4, Division 4.1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. This reference also includes associated Conditions of Approval and Revised Environmental Management Measures, which form part of the documentation for the approval.

N.B. Previously the MIC Concept Plan Approval

Moorebank Precinct West (MPW) EPBC Approval

Commonwealth Approval (No. 2011/6086), granted in mid 2016 under the Environmental Biodiversity Protection Conservation Act 1999, for the impact of the MPW Project on listed threatened species and communities and impacts on the environment by a Commonwealth agency.

Moorebank Precinct West (MPW) Concept Plan EIS

The Environmental Impact Statement prepared to support the application for approval of the MPW Concept Plan and Early Works (Stage 1) under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

N.B. Previously the MIC Concept Plan EIS

Moorebank Precinct West (MPW) Planning Proposal

Planning Proposal (PP_2012_LPOOL_004_00) to rezone the MPW site from ‘SP2- Defence to ‘IN1- Light Industrial’ and ‘E3- Management’, as part of an amendment to the Liverpool Local Environmental Plan 2008 (as amended) gazetted on 24 June 2016.

Moorebank Precinct West (MPW) Project

The MPW Intermodal Terminal Facility as approved under the MPW Concept Plan Approval and the MPW EPBC Approval (2011/6086).

N.B. Previously the MIC Project

Moorebank Precinct West (MPW) site

The site which is the subject of the MPW Concept Plan Approval, MPW EPBC Proposal and MPW Planning Proposal (comprising Lot 1 DP1197707 and Lots 100, 101 DP1049508 and Lot 2 DP 1197707). The MPW site does not include the rail link as referenced in the MPW Concept Plan Approval or MPE Concept Plan Approval.

N.B. Previously the MIC site

MPW RtS MIC Response to Submissions Report (PB, May 2015)

MPW SRtS MIC Supplementary Response to Submissions Report (PB, August 2015)

Early Works

Works approved under Stage 1 of the MPW Concept Plan Approval (SSD 5066), within the MPW site, including: establishment of construction compounds, building demolition, remediation, heritage impact mitigation works and establishment of the conservation area.

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Early Works Approval

Approval for the Early Works (Stage 1) component of the MPW Project under the MPW Concept Plan Approval (SSD 5066) and the MPW EPBC Approval. Largely contained in Schedule 3 of the MPW Concept Plan Approval.

Early Works area Includes the area of the MPW site subject to the Early works approved under the MPW Concept Plan Approval (SSD 5066).

Moorebank Precinct West (MPW) Stage 2 Proposal/the Proposal

MPW Stage 2 Proposal (the subject of this EIS), namely Stage 2 of the MPW Concept Plan Approval (SSD 5066) (the subject of this EIS) including construction and operation of an IMT facility, warehouses, a Rail link connection and Moorebank Avenue/Anzac Road intersection works.

Moorebank Precinct West (MPW) Stage 2 site/Proposal site

The subject of this PEA, the part of the MPW site which includes all areas to be disturbed by the MPW Stage 2 Proposal (including the operational area and construction area).

Moorebank Precinct West (MPW) Intermodal Terminal Facility/IMT facility

The Intermodal terminal facility on the Proposal site, including truck processing, holding and loading areas, rail loading and container storage areas, nine rail sidings, loco shifter and an administration facility and workshop.

internal road Main internal road through the Proposal site which generally travels along the western perimeter of the site. Provides access between Moorebank Avenue and the IMT and warehouses.

Rail link connection Rail connection located within the Proposal site which connects to the Rail link included in the MPE Stage 1 Proposal (SSD 14-6766).

Proposal operational rail line

The section of the Rail link connection and Rail link between the SSFL and the Rail link connection (included in the MPE Stage 1 Proposal) to be utilised for the operation of the Proposal. and the Rail link connection

construction area Extent of construction works, namely areas to be disturbed during the construction of the Proposal.

operational area Extent of operational activities for the operation of the Proposal.

Moorebank conservation area/conservation area

Vegetated area to remain to the west of the Georges River, to be subject to biodiversity offset, as part of the MPW Project.

Moorebank Precinct Refers to the whole Moorebank intermodal precinct, i.e. the MPE site and the MPW site.

Moorebank Precinct East (MPE) Project

The Intermodal terminal facility on the MPE site as approved by the MPE Concept Plan Approval (MP 10_0913) and including the MPE Stage 1 Proposal (14-6766).

N.B. Previously the SIMTA Concept Plan Approval

Moorebank Precinct East (MPE) site

The site which is the subject of the MPE Concept Plan Approval, and includes the site which is the subject of the MPE Stage 1 Approval.

N.B. Previously the SIMTA site

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Moorebank Precinct East (MPE) Stage 1 Proposal

MPE Stage 1 Proposal (14-6766) for the development of the Intermodal terminal facility at Moorebank. This reference also includes associated conditions of approval and environmental management measures which form part of the documentation for the approval.

N.B. Previously known as the SIMTA Stage 1 Proposal

Rail link Part of the MPE Stage 1 Proposal (14-6766), connecting the MPE site to the SSFL. The Rail link (as discussed above) is to be utilised for the operation of the Proposal.

Revised Environmental Management Measures (REMMs)

The environmental management measures for the MPW Concept Plan Approval as presented within the MIC Supplementary Response to Submissions (SRtS) (PB, 2015) and approved under the MPW Concept Plan Approval.

2 SITE DESCRIPTION The Proposal site is generally bounded by the Georges River to the west, Moorebank Avenue to the east, the East Hills Railway Line to the south and the M5 Motorway to the north. It is located on Moorebank Avenue, Moorebank and forms Lot 1 in Deposited Plan (DP) 11977071. The Proposal site also contains Lots 100 and 101 DP1049508, which are located north of Bapaume Road and west of Moorebank Avenue. The Proposal site is located wholly within Commonwealth Land.

The Proposal would also require works to upgrade the intersection of the MPW site with Moorebank Avenue and would therefore be undertaken on the following parcels of land:

• Moorebank Avenue, owned by the Commonwealth Government, south of Anzac Road Lot 2, DP 1197707 (formerly part of Lot 3001, DP 1125930)

• Moorebank Avenue, owned by Roads and Maritime Services, north of Anzac Road • A portion of Bapaume Road, a public road that is the responsibility of Liverpool

City Council • A portion of Anzac Road, owned by Liverpool City Council, to the east of

Moorebank Avenue The key existing features of the site are:

• Relatively flat topography, with the western edge flowing down towards the Georges River, which forms the western boundary to the MPW site

• A number of linked ponds in the south-west corner of the Proposal site, within the existing golf course, that link to Anzac Creek, which is an ephemeral tributary of the Georges River

• An existing stormwater system comprising pits, pipes and open channels • Direct frontage to Moorebank Avenue, which is a publicly used private road, south

of Anzac Road and a publicly owned and used road north of Anzac Road • The majority of the site has been developed and comprises low-rise buildings

(including warehouses, administrative offices, operative buildings and residential buildings), access roads, open areas and landscaped fields for the former School of Military Engineering (SME) and the Royal Australian Engineers (RAE) Golf Course and Club. Defence has since vacated and all buildings on the site are currently unoccupied and will be removed during the Early Works

1 Previously legally described as “Lot 3001, DP 1125930” in the MPW Concept Plan Approval (SSD 5066), however has since been subdivided.

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• Native and exotic vegetation is scattered across the Proposal site • The riparian area of the Georges River lies to the west of the Proposal site and

contains a substantial corridor of native and introduced vegetation. The riparian vegetation corridor provides a wildlife corridor and a buffer for the protection of soil stability, water quality and aquatic habitats. This area has been defined as a conservation area as part of the MPW Concept Plan Approval

• As stated above, the majority of the Proposal site has been developed, however heritage and biodiversity values still remain on the site

• A strip of land (up to approximately 250 metres wide) along the western edge of the MPW site lies below the 1% annual exceedance probability (AEP) flood level

• The site is privately owned by the Commonwealth and leased by SIMTA. A number of residential suburbs are located in proximity to the Proposal site, including:

• Wattle Grove, located approximately 1,000 m from the Proposal site and 1,000 m from the Rail link connection to the east. The Rail link, which will be used during operation of the Proposal is 1,260 m to the west of Wattle Grove at its closest point

• Moorebank, located approximately 630 m from the Proposal site and more than 1,400 m from the Rail link connection to the north. The Rail link is 2,500 m to the south of Moorebank at its closest point

• Casula, located approximately 330 m from the Proposal site and 1,200 m from the Rail link connection to the west. The Rail link is approximately 290 m to the east of Casula at the closest point

• Glenfield, located approximately 820 m from the Proposal site and 1,100 m from the Rail link connection to the south-west. The Rail link is approximately 750 m to the east of Glenfield at its closest point.

2.1 Operations overview The Proposal would involve the operation of the IMT facility, Rail link connection, Rail link and warehousing. The Proposal would provide a freight transport facility to support the transport of freight by rail between Victoria, Queensland, regional NSW and NSW Ports, with freight distributed through one of the following container flows:

• Transferred directly between trains within the Proposal site • Temporarily stored in the IMT facility • Transferred directly to warehousing within the Proposal site • Transferred directly to the MPE site • Loaded directly on to heavy vehicles for distribution to markets via the nearby

major road network. Once operational, the IMT facility would handle an annual container freight volume of 500,000 TEU.

Access (entrance and exit) to the Proposal site for heavy and light vehicles would be via the new site access off Moorebank Avenue. Trucks accessing the warehousing area of the Proposal site would continue to the internal road on the western perimeter of the Proposal site and onto the warehouse access roads to the warehousing.

2.1.1 IMT facility The main vehicle entrance to the IMT facility would be controlled through the use of truck processing gates. Truck processing gates would include gantry structures which would be located over the extent of the entrance and exit lanes.

The circulation of trucks through the IMT facility would be as follows:

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• Trucks would enter the site via the main entrance off Moorebank Avenue and would be processed at the truck processing gates. Only authorised/cleared trucks would be permitted to proceed into the IMT facility. Non authorised trucks would be instructed to turn around and exit via the main access to the Proposal site.

• Authorised trucks would be held within the truck holding area and/or progress to the loading areas.

• Once in location these trucks would be loaded/unloaded using manual container handling equipment.

• Once loaded/unloaded, trucks would exit the IMT facility via weighbridges (as necessary). Subject to being determined to be at the approved weight, trucks would proceed via the truck processing gates onto Moorebank Avenue.

The anticipated daily truck and car numbers associated with operation of the Proposal are provided in Table 2-1. Table 2-1: Operational truck and car trips

Trip type Vehicle number (weekday)

Truck movements External truck trips via external road network 1,458

Car movements

IMT facility 292

Warehouses/freight village 2,378

Total Daily Employee Car Trip Generation (IMT facility and warehouses) 2,670

The IMT facility would accommodate 12 train movements per day (6 in each direction). It is anticipated that, subject to unloading, trains would be processed within two and a half hours of entering the IMT facility. The IMT facility would operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

2.1.2 Warehousing Heavy and light vehicles would access the warehouses via the main site access off Moorebank Avenue. Light vehicles would park in the allocated parking area adjacent to each warehouse, and heavy vehicles would progress to the truck loading/unloading areas alongside each warehouse. Once in location these trucks would be loaded/unloaded via manual handling equipment. Once loaded the trucks would then be distributed to markets via the nearby major road network, transported to the adjacent MPE site, or transported directly to the IMT facility for dispatch via rail.

The warehouses on the Proposal site would generally be operational for 24 hours a day, and 5 to 7 days a week.

2.1.3 Freight village (Precinct Amenities) Vehicles would access the precinct amenities area via the main site access off Moorebank Avenue and the internal road. Light vehicles would access and egress the area directly via the allocated parking area adjacent to the precinct amenities area. Whereas service vehicles would enter the area via the one-way service road, which loops around the rear of the precinct amenities area and exits via the car park.

The operational hours of the freight village would be 7am to 6pm, seven days per week, and there would be a total of 25 staff members during operation.

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2.2 Traffic implications

2.2.1 Proposal Traffic Generation The Proposal is expected to generate approximately 1,458 truck trips (2-way) and 2,670 car trips (2-way) to and from the Proposal site each week day. In the cumulative scenario with the addition of traffic from MPE Stage 1, approximately 2,778 truck trips (2-way) and 2,815 car trips (2-way) are estimated to and from the precinct each week day.

2.2.2 Proposal Site Access Two access points are proposed for the Proposal site, including via an upgraded Moorebank Avenue/Anzac Road signalised intersection and the Moorebank Avenue/Bapaume Road intersection.

Trucks would enter the Proposal site via the main entrance at the upgraded Moorebank Avenue/Anzac Road intersection and continue along the internal road on the western perimeter of the Proposal site.

Once in the warehousing area, trucks would be loaded/unloaded via manual handling equipment. Once loaded the trucks would then travel to intended markets via the nearby major road network, or to the adjacent terminal on the MPE Stage 1 site, or directly to the IMT facility for dispatch to interstate, intrastate or port shuttle destinations via rail.

2.2.3 Impact at Key Road Sections In the opening year (2019), the highest traffic increase attributable to the Proposal is forecast on Moorebank Avenue (north of Anzac Road) with an increase of 17%. The Proposal traffic would also increase traffic on Anzac Road (east of Moorebank Avenue) by approximately 1.9%. The analysis indicates minor traffic increases (less than 0.5%) along Moorebank Avenue (south of Anzac Road) and Cambridge Avenue attributable to the Proposal.

In the 10-year design horizon (2029), the traffic increase attributable to the Proposal is expected to be reduced to 14% on Moorebank Avenue (north of Anzac Road) and 1.6% on Anzac Road (east of Moorebank Avenue). This is due to the growth in background traffic between 2019 and 2029. The analysis indicates minor traffic increases (less than 0.5 %) along Moorebank Avenue (south of Anzac Road) and Cambridge Avenue attributable to the Proposal by 2029.

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3.1 Overall principles for traffic management The overall principles for traffic management during the operational phase of the Proposal are to:

• provide a convenient and appropriate environment for pedestrians

• minimise effects on pedestrian movements and amenity

• manage and control vehicular movements to and from the site

• maintain traffic capacity at intersections and mid-block in the vicinity of the site

• maintain access to other properties adjacent to the site

• restrict vehicle activity to designated truck routes through the area

• maintain safety for workers

• provide appropriate access to the site for operational traffic

• manage and control vehicle activity in the vicinity of the site.

3.1.1 Objectives The key objectives of the OTMP are to:

• Protect the safety of on-site personnel, pedestrians and motorists;

• Manage operational activities so that they do not adversely compromise safe traffic flow within and surrounding the site;

• Minimise environmental impacts due to operational traffic; and

• Manage operational traffic so that it does not interrupt traffic on the adjacent road network.

3.1.2 Regulatory requirements The following regulatory requirements must be addressed within the OTMP that would be developed by the operator for the Proposal:

• Minister’s Conditions of Approval for the Proposal

• Any conditions of licenses or permits under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and Regulations

• Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999

• Roads Act 1993

• Work Health and Safety Act 2011

• Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011.

3.1.3 Performance criteria The performance criteria that the OTMP would be assessed against include:

• No safety incidents;

• Adherence to any relevant permits and/or licence conditions;

• Minimal delays to traffic on the road sections affected by the operations;

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• No complaints in relation to on-site operational traffic from neighbouring property owners or residents in the local area;

• Level of access afforded through the use of designated access and egress points;

• Responses to all issues, queries and concerns; and

• Compliance with all standards, regulations and codes.

3.1.4 Implementation and Operation The OTMP will form part of the suite of environmental management documents developed under the OEMP. The implementation of the Operational Traffic Management Plan will occur prior to the commencement of the Proposal operation and will conform to the processes identified within this document and those identified within the OEMP.

3.2 Proposal Operational Framework

3.2.1 Operations overview The Proposal would involve the operation of the IMT facility, Rail link connection and warehousing. The Proposal would provide a freight transport facility to support the transport of freight by rail between Victoria, Queensland, regional NSW and NSW Ports, with freight distributed through one of the following container flows:

• Transferred directly between trains within the Proposal site

• Temporarily stored in the IMT facility

• Transferred directly to warehousing within the Proposal site

• Transferred directly by truck to the MPE site

• Loaded directly on to heavy vehicles for distribution to markets via the nearby major road network.

Once operational, the IMT facility would handle an annual container freight throughput of 500,000 TEU.

Access (entrance and exit) to the Proposal site for heavy and light vehicles would be via the new site access off Moorebank Avenue. Trucks accessing the warehousing area of the Proposal site would continue to the internal road on the western perimeter of the Proposal site and onto the warehouse access roads to the warehousing.

Traffic associated with the Proposal would access the site via Moorebank Avenue. The overall access arrangement on Moorebank Avenue is shown in Figure 3-1.

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Figure 3-1 Moorebank Avenue Access Strategy for MPW Stage 2 Operation

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3.2.2 Hours of operation The intermodal terminal facility would operate 52 weeks a year, 7 days a week and 24 hours a day. The warehouses would generally be operational for 24 hours a day, and 5 to 7 days a week.

3.2.3 Proposed site access The access point for the Proposal is consistent with the MPW Concept Plan Approval (refer to Figure 3-1 for access point).

IMT facility The main vehicle entrance to the IMT facility would be controlled through the use of truck processing gates. Truck processing gates would include gantry structures which would be located over the extent of the entrance and exit lanes.

The circulation of trucks through the IMT facility would be as follows:

• Trucks would enter the site via the main entrance off Moorebank Avenue and would be processed at the truck processing gates. Only authorised/cleared trucks would be permitted to proceed into the IMT facility. Non authorised trucks would be instructed to turn around and exit via the main access to the Proposal site

• Authorised trucks would be held within the truck holding area and/or progress to the loading areas

• Once in location these trucks would be loaded/unloaded using manual container handling equipment

• Once loaded/unloaded, trucks would exit the IMT facility via weighbridges (as necessary). Subject to being determined to be at the approved weight, trucks would proceed via the truck processing gates onto Moorebank Avenue.

The IMT facility would accommodate 12 train movements per day (six in each direction). The on-site rail operation for the Proposal is as follows:

• A train arrives to the IMT facility via the Rail link connection and enters one of the available rail sidings

• The locomotive is detached and shifted to an empty rail road using the locomotive shifter

• The locomotive is then unloaded and reloaded

• The locomotive is shunted back to the entry road (southern part of the IMT facility) and is attached to a set of wagons that is ready to depart

• The locomotive attaches to the set of wagons and departs the proposed IMT facility when a train path is available.

Warehousing Heavy and light vehicles would access the warehouses via the main site access off Moorebank Avenue. Light vehicles would park in the allocated parking area adjacent to each warehouse, and heavy vehicles would progress to the truck loading/unloading areas alongside each warehouse. Once in location these trucks would be loaded/unloaded via manual handling equipment. Once loaded the trucks would then be distributed to markets via the nearby major road network, transported to the adjacent MPE site, or transported directly to the IMT facility for dispatch via rail.

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3.2.4 Public transport access In general, the Proposal site can be accessed by bus public transport via a feeder bus service (route no. 901) to the train stations at Liverpool and Holsworthy. The existing service arrangements suggest poor service frequencies for the feeder bus service outside peak times and only one service during peak periods servicing Moorebank Avenue to the south of Anzac Road.

The walking distance to the ‘full-time’ bus stops at Moorebank Road and Anzac Road intersection from the Proposal site has an acceptable walking distance for the northern part of the site (as shown in Figure 3-2), however, due to the proposed location of the Rail link connection, direct accessibility to the warehouses from Moorebank Avenue is not possible. To improve bus transport access to the precinct, additional bus stops are proposed on the internal road in order to ensure a 400 m walking distance (“as the crow flies”) to all proposed warehouses and offices.

Whilst there would be additional heavy vehicles on Moorebank Avenue, the service frequencies of the buses are considered low and as such the Proposal is not anticipated to have any substantial impacts on bus public transport services.

Overall it is considered that the existing public transport supply arrangements are suitable for accommodating the expected demand associated with the Proposal, however, additional stops would be required to ensure adequate accessibility to all proposed warehouses and offices.

The location of these bus stops would be further discussed with TfNSW as part of the detailed design of the Proposal.

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Figure 3-2 Existing Bus Stop Locations

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3.2.5 Cycle access Generally, the existing cycling infrastructure in the area is considered adequate i.e. on-road cycle facilities are currently available along Moorebank Avenue. As the Proposal does not involve any alterations to the Moorebank Avenue carriageway, cycling along the sealed and marked shoulders of Moorebank Avenue remains suitable. The Proposal would not result in any adverse impact to cycle accessibility. It is proposed that off-road pedestrian/cycle paths and on-road cycle provisions will be provided within the Proposal site along the internal perimeter road. Figure 3-3 shows the proposed connectivity between the Proposal site and the surrounding network.

3.2.6 Pedestrian access Generally, the existing pedestrian infrastructure in the area is considered adequate i.e. a sealed footpath is provided on one side of Moorebank Avenue (the western side) with pedestrian crossing facilities located at signalised T-intersections along Moorebank Avenue. A direct connection to the surrounding pedestrian paths on Moorebank Avenue and Anzac Road from the Proposal site is proposed to be through the signalised intersection at Moorebank Avenue/ Anzac Road. The Proposal is considered to have minimal impact on pedestrian links in the area. However, the location of the proposed Railway link connection restricts pedestrian movements directly to the Proposal site from Moorebank Avenue. This restriction facilitates operational safety and security for the Proposal. However, pedestrians can only access the Proposal site via the internal perimeter road, as identified in Figure 3-3.

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Figure 3-3 Proposed Pedestrian and Cyclist Connectivity

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3.3 Proposal operational traffic An assessment of operational traffic generation was undertaken as part of the traffic impact assessment and is documented in “Operational Traffic & Transport Impact Assessment”, prepared for the Proposal. A summary of the key findings is outlined below.

• The Proposal is expected to generate approximately 1,458 truck trips (2-way) and 2,670 car trips (2-way) to and from the Proposal site each week day. In the cumulative scenario with the addition of traffic from MPE Stage 1, approximately 2,778 truck trips (2-way) and 2,815 car trips (2-way) are estimated to and from the precinct each week day

• Two access points are proposed for access to the Proposal site, including via an upgraded Moorebank Avenue/Anzac Road signalised intersection and the Moorebank Avenue/Bapaume Road intersection. Trucks would enter the Proposal site via the main entrance at the upgraded Moorebank Avenue/Anzac Road intersection and continue along the internal road on the western perimeter of the Proposal site. Once in the warehousing area, trucks would be loaded/unloaded via manual handling equipment. Once loaded the trucks would then travel to intended markets via the nearby major road network, or to the adjacent terminal on the MPE Stage 1 site, or directly to the IMT facility for dispatch to interstate, intrastate or port shuttle destination via rail

• In the opening year (2019), the highest traffic increase attributable to the Proposal is forecast on Moorebank Avenue (north of Anzac Road) with an increase of 17%. The Proposal traffic would also increase traffic on Anzac Road (east of Moorebank Avenue) by approximately 1.9%. The analysis indicates minor traffic increases (less than 0.5%) along Moorebank Avenue (south of Anzac Road) and Cambridge Avenue attributable to the Proposal

• In the 10-year design horizon (2029), the traffic increase attributable to the Proposal is expected to be reduced to 14% on Moorebank Avenue (north of Anzac Road) and 1.6% on Anzac Road (east of Moorebank Avenue). This is due to the growth in background traffic between 2019 and 2029. The analysis indicates minor traffic increases (less than 0.5 %) along Moorebank Avenue (south of Anzac Road) and Cambridge Avenue attributable to the Proposal by 2029

• Capacity improvements are required at various intersections and are discussed further in the “Operational Traffic and Transport Impact Assessment”

Overall, the impact of the operation of the Proposal is anticipated to be minor and appropriate operational management plans would be applied to mitigate the impact.

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4.1 Vehicle booking system A Vehicle Booking System will be established to control the arrival of authorised vehicles so that queueing is minimised and vehicles are directed to an assigned location within the terminal. This system will regulate and manage truck arrivals to the site and prevent queueing and waiting on Moorebank Avenue.

This booking system will also provide a system for monitoring expected arrivals and provide information on timing of travel.

4.2 Workplace and traffic safety training

4.2.1 Induction safety training Site inductions, including site layout and emergency procedures, will be carried out as soon as new staff and visitors arrive on site. All workers, staff and visitors to the site will be made aware of site protocols, traffic management system, and traffic hazards of the operations during site inductions.

4.2.2 Accredited work zone traffic controllers and management training

Only trained and accredited traffic control personnel will be used for traffic control works on public roads. Traffic controllers will undergo appropriate training and be certified as competent prior to their assignment to undertake traffic management at work sites. The minimum requirement is to have satisfactorily completed the RMS’s training package – Traffic Control Using a STOP/SLOW bat.

4.3 Traffic control When site operational activities call for special arrangements in the use of Moorebank Avenue at or near the access points to the site, traffic control procedures will be put in place.

Appropriate Traffic Control Plans based on the RMS’ Traffic Control at Work Sites Guidelines (2010) and Australian Standard 1742.3 Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Part 3: Traffic Control Devices for Works on Roads will be produced in consultation with the relevant authority.

4.4 Liaison with stakeholders Written notification would be provided to likely and potentially affected receivers prior to commencement of site operations. This would include local residents, local businesses and relevant authorities. The manner of notification would be confirmed in the final OTMP and will align with the Community Engagement Plan.

This POTMP has been developed as the initial discussion document for consultation (where appropriate) with the relevant stakeholders and authorities.

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5.1 Heavy Vehicle Movements Heavy vehicle movements would be managed through a Vehicle Booking System to regulate and manage truck arrivals to/from the site and to prevent trucks queuing and waiting on Moorebank Avenue. The monitoring and control of truck movements in relation to potential adverse traffic conditions on M5 Motorway and Moorebank Avenue will be managed through the following measures:

• Measures utilising short-range radios, GPS and wireless communications would be recommended to maximise the efficiency of access and circulation of vehicles

• Provision of adequate truck holding capacity on site should congestion or major incidents occur on either M5 Motorway or Moorebank Avenue

• Information dissemination system using Variable Message Signs (VMS) will be in place to exchange information with truck drivers on live traffic conditions.

5.2 Safety and amenity of road users and public To maintain the amenity of road users and the general public, the following procedures shall be adopted within the OTMP:

• All complaints involving vehicle movements relating to operations of the site will be responded to within 48 hours

• Safe pedestrian access will be provided to the site and pedestrian thoroughfare will be maintained on Moorebank Avenue for through traffic.

A driver code of conduct shall be developed and implemented prior to the commencement of the site operation to ensure all users of the site are aware of preferred haulage routes and driving practices both within the site and on the surrounding road network. As a guide, the driver code of conduct would consider the following, as relevant:

• General measures (to ensure drivers maintain a high level of professional conduct and respect for other road users and the public in general).

• Workplace safety

• Licences

• Traffic routes and access

• Vehicle maintenance

• Vehicle noise emissions

• Non-conformance

• Misconduct.

5.3 Congestion management on Moorebank Avenue Truck arrivals at the facility that are unauthorized (not registered through the Vehicle Booking System) will not be processed and will be asked to turn around. Adequate space will be provided on site to allow trucks to turn around within the Proposal site.

In the unlikely event that partial road closures are required on Moorebank Avenue for access management, stakeholders will be given prior notice of closure times with a

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minimum of 48 hours in advance. Temporary road closures, single-lane access and relocations will be subject to coordination with the appropriate authorities. All traffic-related issues and changes will be presented to stakeholders as part of the consultation process, and will be carried out, wherever possible, in non-peak periods. The following requirements shall also be adopted within the OTMP, to minimise impacts on local amenity during operation:

• Speed limits will be set and observed at the site to minimise noise generation

• Appropriate directional signage and traffic control will ensure vehicles enter and exit the Proposal with minimal disturbance to other road users and advise of any changes in road conditions.

5.4 Road user delay management Delays to road users during operations will be minimised through the design of safe truck entry and exit points which will ensure trucks entering the Proposal would not impact on through traffic.

5.5 Information signage, distance information and advance warning

All signage including project identification signs, traffic management signs, information signs and regulatory signs shall be established prior to commencement of operation of the Proposal and will be maintained during and throughout the operations of the Proposal.

Signposting covers information, regulatory, warning and guide signs, as defined in national and RMS standards all of which contribute to safety to road users. The types and classes of signs are:

• VMS will be implemented at the site entrance to direct heavy vehicles and facilitate safe and efficient access and navigation. The size and location of the VMS will be determined during detailed design

• Information Signs – used for project identification to provide advice and notification to the public

• Regulatory Signs – used to prohibit dangerous traffic movements

• Warning Signs – used to provide advance notice of road hazards ahead

• Guide Signs – used to guide drivers to make driving safer and easier

Safety principles for these signs are:

• Before approval is given for a new sign a demonstrated need should be established

• All signs should convey a clear message to all users under all conditions

• The sign support structure should not create a safety hazard in itself.

All signs will be manufactured and erected in accordance with Australian Standards AS1742, AS1742.1 to 1742.13, AS1743 and AS1744.

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5.6 Incident management In the event of a site safety incident relating to traffic, the following procedures shall be implemented:

• Undertake an investigation to determine the cause of the problem

• Undertake monitoring, if possible

• Modify transportation practices as necessary to reduce the duration or level of impact

• Report the results of the investigation to relevant authorities, if necessary.

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6.1 Inspections Inspections will be undertaken at the commencement of operations and at an agreed frequency to ensure the safe movement of traffic and the protection of persons and property in and around the worksite.

6.2 Monitoring Monitoring of the following traffic-related aspects shall be undertaken to confirm compliance with the OTMP and regulatory requirements:

• Visual monitoring of all traffic movements on site will be carried out to ensure the safe movement of traffic and the protection of persons and property through and around the site

• Access roads will be inspected to ensure road conditions support a safe working environment

• Following periods of adverse environmental conditions, access roads will be inspected prior to heavy vehicle traffic use to ensure driver and vehicle safety

• The site will be inspected to ensure signage and traffic barriers are in place, clearly visible, and performing their function in directing traffic and alerting drivers of safety issues. The traffic control inspection shall be used every week in the early period of operations and fortnightly thereafter. Signs will need to remain appropriate for changing circumstances during the operations phase.

6.3 Corrective Actions Non-conformances are to be recorded by way of a system notification process. The facilities manager will review and analyse the cause of non-conformance and develop a corrective action to prevent recurrence. Details of the non-conformance, including any immediate corrective actions undertaken are to be recorded, reviewed and accepted by the terminal operator. It will be the responsibility of a nominated member of the operational staff to immediately initiate corrective actions if required. The non-conformance and corrective action must include details of the action proposed and an appropriate close out date.

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7 REVIEW AND IMPROVEMENT An effective OTMP includes processes that allows for continual improvement. The OTMP must identify the processes for providing effective feedback on the environmental performance of operation and updates or amendments of the OTMP should it be recognised where mitigation strategies are not achieving compliance. Continual improvement through planning, implementing, acting and monitoring the environmental performance of the project will occur during the operation phase.

8 DOCUMENTATION The OTMP must include a section to identify the documentation requirements for operational traffic management of operation of the Proposal. The section must identify the responsibilities of the project team for capturing and keeping data and documents.

The operator is required to develop and implement a system for document control for documents relating to operational traffic management and compliance. This must be documented within the OTMP.

8.1 Document Control The operator would coordinate the preparation, review and distribution of operational traffic management documents, as appropriate. Operational traffic management documents would be stored at the Proposal site for ready reference.

The operator is required to develop and implement a document control procedure to control the flow of documents within and between the Principal Representative, stakeholders and subcontractors.

The procedure must also ensure that documentation is:

Developed, reviewed and approved prior to issue.

Issued for use.

Controlled and stored for the legally required timeframe.

Removed from use when superseded or obsolete.


A register and distribution list must identify the current revision of particular documents or data. Document control would be in accordance with ISO 14001.

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8.2 Records The operator would be responsible for maintaining all operational traffic management documents as current at the point of use.

The operator is required to develop and implement a process for control of all operational traffic records, including:

All monitoring, inspection and compliance reports/records.

Correspondence with relevant authorities.

Induction and training records.

Reports on traffic incidents, other traffic non-conformances, complaints and follow-up action.

Community complaints information.

Minutes of OTMP management system review meetings and evidence of any action taken.

Review and update of documents in accordance with changes to legislation and activities on site.