8/14/2019 monthlyreport080803 http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/monthlyreport080803 1/8 Monthly Report - Kanga Primary School  August 3, 2008 Construction Progress The villagers at Kanga collected many hard core rocks to be used in the laying of the foundation for the buildings.  Rocks collected by the villagers The construction of classroom block 1 was started in July. The following are some pictures showing the progression of the building, starting with the laying of the foundation, which is filled with the rocks from the previous picture.


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Monthly Report - Kanga Primary School

 August 3, 2008

Construction Progress

The villagers at Kanga collected many hard core rocks to be used in the laying of the foundation for

the buildings.

 Rocks collected by the villagers

The construction of classroom block 1 was started in July. The following are some pictures showing

the progression of the building, starting with the laying of the foundation, which is filled with the

rocks from the previous picture.

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Due to the sloped nature of the site, classroom block 1 is terraced. The following pictures show the

build up of the terraced foundations.

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And then the walls went up!

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 The pit for the new latrine has been fully dug by the parents and is awaiting the addition of the

latrine structure. The pit is 45 feet deep and 15 feet long, and estimated to be able to last 40 years.

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Agricultural Progress

The crops are coming along nicely and are kept well weeded by the parents and students.

The maize planting

 Bean plot 

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Tomato plants

The rice has also now been planted and has germinated, and some additional tomato seedlings have

been planted. Plans are also underway to plant more maize in an empty field as a 'between season'

crops as the weather has been conducive to this.

Student Progress

As part of their agricultural education, the students help with weeding in the plant crops, and are

also now learning how to make compost manure. To participate in the construction, the students

have also helped in collecting water for use in the building, as well as helped in leveling land,

outside of class time. They have also started training in handicrafts and had some music, drama and

dance lessons, which they very much enjoyed. The primary seven class also reviewed for theirmock examinations which took place at the end of July and the students thought the exams were

fair. Everyone is preparing for their end of term exams (to take place in early August). The students

break for holidays on August 15.

The school lost one teacher who has gone on to further studies, but has already lined up a

replacement for the next term (since this one is nearly over).

Some students had become infested with jigger parasites, but the school had the jiggers removed

from the students' feet to prevent spread to other students and has been emphasizing proper hygiene

with the pupils.

A government inspector came to visit Kanga at the end of July and for the first time, left withoutmuch to complain about. He was very happy with the changes so far at the school.

Upcoming tasks

•  Roofing and interior finishing of classroom block 1

•  Building of latrine structure

•  Additional planting of 'between season' crops