Helping Students Make Wiser Choices Since 1992 © Project Wisdom, Inc. All rights reserved www.ProjectWisdom.com/ERS Monthly Theme: September through June Elementary Level Series 1 November: Keeping a Positive Attitude Daily broadcast message pages Special 7, 4, 8, 9, 12, 17, 21, 23, 34, 37, 43, 47, 55, 56, 63, 135, 153, 124, 1, Special 8, Special 9, and Special 10. * *As much as possible, narrate the messages in order listed for the best flow of ideas. We have provided more messages than necessary for a typical month so you can choose those messages best suited for your campus. Also available for Educator Resource Site (ERS) Premium Subscribers “Never Enough”, “No More Whine”, “Count Your Blessings”, and “Big House/Little House” These ERS lesson plans and additional broadcast messages correspond to this monthly theme.

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Helping Students Make Wiser Choices Since 1992

© Project Wisdom, Inc. All rights reserved www.ProjectWisdom.com/ERS

Monthly Theme: September through June Elementary Level Series 1

November: Keeping a Positive Attitude

Daily broadcast message pages Special 7, 4, 8, 9, 12, 17, 21, 23, 34, 37, 43, 47, 55, 56, 63, 135, 153, 124, 1, Special 8, Special 9, and Special 10. *

*As much as possible, narrate the messages in order listed for the best flow of ideas. We have provided more messages than necessary for a typical month

so you can choose those messages best suited for your campus.

Also available for Educator Resource Site (ERS) Premium Subscribers

“Never Enough”, “No More Whine”, “Count Your Blessings”, and “Big House/Little House”

These ERS lesson plans and additional broadcast messages correspond to this monthly theme.


Good morning, name of school . This is name of narrator with a few words of wisdom.

This coming (day of the week)* is Veterans Day, a day when we show respect to those who have served in the American armed forces. That's the Navy, Army, Air Force, Marine Corps, or maybe the National Guard or Coast Guard.

So do you know someone who has served in the American armed forces . . . a parent or other relative, a teacher or neighbor? Now is a great time to thank them for their service to our nation. You might ask them where they served and for how long. How did their time in the armed forces affect them? What was good about their time in the armed forces? What did they learn from it?

On this Veterans Day, remember this: Honoring a veteran on Veterans Day can mean nothing more than a sincere thank you, one human being to another.

With something to think about, this is name of narrator . Make it a great day . . . or not. The choice is yours.

*November 11

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Good morning, name of school . This is name of narrator with a few words of wisdom.

Has everybody here heard of Dr. Seuss? His Cat in the Hat and Green Eggs and Ham have made us laugh and smile. Dr. Seuss liked to joke around and have fun. He kept a positive attitude in life. He once said,

Whenever things go a bit sour, . . . I always tell myself:"You can do better than this."

So the next time things are going badly with your schoolwork, remember Dr. Seuss and the way he has made us smile. Then keep a positive attitude and tell yourself, "I can do better."

With something to think about, this is name of narrator . Make it a great day . . . or not. The choice is yours.

4© Project Wisdom, Inc. All rights reserved

Elementary Series 1www.ProjectWisdom.com/ERS

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Good morning, name of school . This is name of narrator with a few words of wisdom.

Dr. Ruth Simmons was the daughter of poor African-American farmers. Listen to what she has to say to us today:

I grew up in [a way] that really should have [kept] me from being here today, but I knew my mind could take me anywhere.

And her mind did take her to many exciting places. She grew up and went to Harvard University, and later became the president of one of the most respected colleges* in the nation.

Today, remember Dr. Simmons' words: Your mind can take you anywhere. The question is: Where do you want to go in life? What are your goals and dreams? Write them down and share them with someone who encouragesyou to be your best.

With something to think about, this is name of narrator . Make it a great day . . . or not. The choice is yours.

*Smith College

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Good morning, name of school . This is name of narrator with a few words of wisdom.

How many of you are Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts? Did you know that when young people become Scouts they make a promise? That's right. Theypromise to do their best. That's a very important promise. Why? Because everyone can't make the best grade and everyone can't be the best ball player, but everyone can choose to do his or her very best.

Choosing to do our best is a special power we all have within us.

Today, make a promise to yourself. Promise to do your best. You don't have to be perfect, and you don't have to be Number One. Just be the best you know how to be, and you'll be a winner.

With something to think about, this is name of narrator . Make it a great day . . . or not. The choice is yours.

9© Project Wisdom, Inc. All rights reserved

Elementary Series 1www.ProjectWisdom.com/ERS

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Good morning, name of school . This is name of narrator with a few words of wisdom.

Sometimes, life is very hard. We have a problem at home or with friends. Life isn't always fair. It can feel dark and gloomy like a stormy day.

The Mexicans have an old saying:

Despues de la lluvia sale el sol.(After the storm comes the sunshine.)

In other words, after we go through a hard or stormy time, things get better __ the sun shines again.

Sometimes we need help getting through a hard time. It's important to ask for help when we need it. There are people here at school who care.

Remember to look for the good in your life __ good people and good friends __ and tell yourself that after the storm, the sun will shine.

With something to think about, this is name of narrator . Make it a great day . . . or not. The choice is yours.

12© Project Wisdom, Inc. All rights reserved

Elementary Series 1www.ProjectWisdom.com/ERS

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Good morning, name of school . This is name of narrator with a few words of wisdom.

You've heard the saying, Every cloud has a silver lining.

In other words, behind every problem is something good, but sometimes we have to take a good, hard look behind, around, and over the dark cloud in order to see what good might come out of a bad situation.

Someone wise once said:

Good people are good because they've cometo wisdom through failure.

In other words, good people are good because they learn something from their mistakes. They let each failure and each mistake be an opportunity to learn and to grow. Today, keep a positive attitude and look for the good, even in bad situations.

With something to think about, this is name of narrator . Make it a great day . . . or not. The choice is yours.

*William Saroyan

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Good morning, name of school . This is name of narrator with a few words of wisdom.

Many times we look at a situation and think "This is impossible." Louis Brandeis, former Supreme Court judge, once said:

Most of the things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.

Did you know that it took Thomas Edison approximately one thousand tries to create the light bulb? He persevered. He kept trying and trying. He didn't give up even though some people thought that what he was doing wasimpossible.

Today, remember this: It doesn't always take a thousand tries to reach a goal, but it may take a lot of perseverance. So if you have a dream or a vision or a goal, remember Thomas Edison and keep at it!

With something to think about, this is name of narrator . Make it a great day . . . or not. The choice is yours.

21© Project Wisdom, Inc. All rights reserved

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Note to educators: These materials are for use at your licensed Project Wisdom school only. Please help us protect the viability of our small business by respecting the copyright agreement.


SUCCESSGreat Expectations

Good morning, name of school . This is name of narrator with a few words of wisdom.

Listen to the words of Booker T. Washington:

It makes a great deal of difference in the life of a person, whether the world expects much or little of that person.*

Mr. Washington is saying that if everyone around you expects you to fail, you are more likely to fail, but if those around you expect you to succeed, you are more likely to succeed. What do you think? Do you think it makes a difference whether or not the people around you expect you to fail or to succeed?

Today, think about this: It's smart to choose friends who expect only the best for you. And it's good to remember that here at school we want you to succeed and we expect you to succeed. So do your personal best because if you are doing the very best you know how to do, you're already a big success!

With something to think about, this is name of narrator . Make it a great day . . . or not. The choice is yours.

* Original quote: It makes a great deal of difference in the life of a race, as it does in the life of an individual, whether the world expects much or little of that individual or of that race.

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Good morning, name of school . This is name of narrator with a few words of wisdom.

A Man-With-No-Shoes was feeling very sorry for himself, walking through the streets, full of self-pity and anger. He thought life was so unfair! Why didn't he have shoes like the others?

He came upon a man who was sitting on a blanket, playing a flute. The music was so beautiful that it lifted the spirits of the Man-With-No-Shoes, and he began to dance. "Come dance with me!" he said to the man sitting on the blanket. The man replied, "I can't, brother. I have no feet."

That brings me to an old Irish proverb:

Be happy with what you have and you will haveplenty to be happy about.

With something to think about, this is name of narrator . Make it a great day . . . or not. The choice is yours.

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Good morning, name of school . This is name of narrator with a few words of wisdom.

Nancy Lopez is a world-class golfer. When she first started playing golf, people began to notice her hard work and positive attitude. She became a big winner at a young age and went on to win many important championships in her long career.

This highly-respected Hispanic-American woman once said this about winning:

You can't win all the time. As long as you are doing the best you can, that's important.

That's good advice. Ask yourself today: Am I doing my best? If the answer is "yes": Congratulations! You'll wind up a winner.

With something to think about, this is name of narrator . Make it a great day . . . or not. The choice is yours.

37© Project Wisdom, Inc. All rights reserved

Elementary Series 1www.ProjectWisdom.com/ERS

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PATIENCEDreams/Work Ethic

Good morning, name of school . This is name of narrator with a few words of wisdom.

Ben Franklin tells us that

Patience is a virtue.

Virtue means goodness. Ben Franklin is saying that being patient is good.

When you're a young person, it's hard to be patient, especially in a world filled with computers and remote controls and fast food. It's easy to get spoiled, to expect fast results. Order a burger, drive up to the window, and it's there waiting for you.

But some things just take time, like learning to play a violin or becoming a great swimmer or making a dream come true. Epictetus (ep ik TEE tus), a Greek philosopher, tells us:

No great thing is created suddenly.

In other words, it can take time to do great things.

So here's my bulletin: If you're trying to create something good and wonderful in your life, set goals, work hard, and then be patient.

With something to think about, this is name of narrator . Make it a great day . . . or not. The choice is yours.

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Good morning, name of school . This is name of narrator with a few words of wisdom.

We all know the story of Peter Pan. It's a story that is loved by people of all ages. Why do you suppose that is? Maybe it's because all of us, from time to time, wish we could fly away from life's problems, just like Peter Pan.

Flying away usually isn't the answer. Next time life seems too heavy, you might remember these words:

Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly.

Maybe that was Peter Pan's trick! So lighten up today! Look for the good in yourself and others or you might wind up permanently grounded.

With something to think about, this is name of narrator . Make it a great day . . . or not. The choice is yours.

47© Project Wisdom, Inc. All rights reserved

Elementary Series 1www.ProjectWisdom.com/ERS

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Good morning, name of school . This is name of narrator with a few words of wisdom.

Albert Einstein was one of the world's greatest scientific geniuses. He was also a person who had a difficult time with reading. In fact, when he was a young boy, one of his teachers told his father, "It doesn't matter what he does; he will never amount to anything."

Sometimes how smart we are isn't clear to those around us. Whether it's obvious or not, we all have something smart to add. Genius isn't always about brainpower. For example, Mother Teresa's genius was in her ability to love. Listen to her words:

Each individual person has been created to love and be loved __ Hindu, Muslim, Jew, Christian __ doesn't matter race __ doesn't matter religion . . . .

Mother Teresa loved all human beings. Her brand of genius made a difference in the lives of hundreds of thousands of sick and starving people. So don't ever listen to anyone who says you won't amount to anything, because somewhere inside you is genius. With something to think about, this is name of narrator . Make it a great day . . . or not. The choice is yours.

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Good morning, name of school . This is name of narrator with a few words of wisdom.

Four centuries ago, Zacharias Janssen asked this question: Are there forms of life on our planet that cannot be seen by the human eye?

For most people, the answer was "no", but Zacharias Janssen did not accept that answer. He invented the microscope and discovered a huge world of microscopic life forms. Zacharias Janssen had big thoughts, and the entire world as people knew it got bigger.

So today, think big, then have the courage to think bigger and beyond bigger! Your world might open up in surprising ways!

With something to think about, this is name of narrator . Make it a great day . . . or not. The choice is yours.

56© Project Wisdom, Inc. All rights reserved

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Good morning, name of school . This is name of narrator with a few words of wisdom.

There's an old story about two stonecutters. When asked what they were doing, the first stonecutter replied, "I'm cutting this stone into blocks." When asked the same question, the second stonecutter replied, "I'm building a great church."

The way we see the world can change in an instant with a simple change in our thinking. For example: If your attitude toward school is negative, guess what. Your time spent at school will be negative. If you see school as a chance to learn and grow and meet great people, guess what. You will be happy with going to school.

The English say it this way:

All happiness is in the mind.

It's simple, but true. Today, notice how you think about school and the world around you. With something to think about, this is name of narrator . Make it a great day . . . or not. The choice is yours.

63© Project Wisdom, Inc. All rights reserved

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Good morning, name of school . This is name of narrator with a few words of wisdom.

Everyone gets angry. The question is: How do we deal with our anger?

Now listen to these words about anger:

There are few if any occasions when we have lost ourtempers on which we look back without regret.*

In other words, most of the time, when we lose our tempers, we feel bad about it later.

Anger is a normal emotion that we all feel from time to time, but if you are always angry or losing your temper, ask yourself this: Am I angry, or am I really just hurt about something? Am I angry, or am I afraid? . . . frustrated?

Remember: Uncontrolled anger can be dangerous. If you have a problem with anger, talk to someone you trust, and get to the bottom of your anger.

With something to think about, this is name of narrator . Make it a great day . . . or not. The choice is yours.

*Ashley Montaque

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Good morning, name of school . This is name of narrator with a few words of wisdom.

How many of you grew up watching Sesame Street? We all love Big Bird and Cookie Monster and all the other Muppets. Do you know who dreamed up all the Muppets? It's a man named Jim Henson. People have called him a "gentle genius" because he was so smart and so kind. Jim Henson wanted to teach children to . . .

Enjoy life, be kind to one another, and take care of our planet.

He gave the world a special gift. He gave us the Muppets. You have a special gift inside you, too __ something only you can give to the world. What do you think that might be?

With something to think about, this is name of narrator . Make it a great day . . . or not. The choice is yours.

153© Project Wisdom, Inc. All rights reserved

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GRATITUDEOvercoming Greed

Good morning, name of school . This is name of narrator with a few words of wisdom.

When you crave something, you want it badly. Have you ever had a craving for something that just wouldn't go away . . . like a craving for chocolate or a craving for pizza? We all get cravings from time to time, and that's okay. What's not okay is when we constantly crave things we don't have . . . when we spend too much time craving more clothes or craving new shoes or craving a new video game or the latest cell phone.

Now listen to these words:

It is not the man who has too little, but the man who craves more, that is poor.*

To be poor means not to have enough. So in other words, if you are always wishing you had more, no matter how much you have, you will never think you have enough and will think you are poor.

Today, focus on what you have instead of what you don't have. You may be surprised to discover that you really do have enough. With something to think about, this is name of narrator . Make it a great day . . . or not. The choice is yours.


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Good morning, name of school . This is name of narrator with a few words of wisdom.

How many of you have heard the story about the plain tree? It goes like this: One hot, hot day, two children stopped to rest beneath a big, shady tree. It was a plain tree. The little boy said, "What a useless tree. It has no fruit."

The little girl said, "Yeah. And it litters the ground with its old leaves."

Suddenly, a voice within the tree replied, "You ungrateful creatures! You lie here enjoying my cool shade and complain that I am useless!"

So what is the moral of the story? Sometimes we're so busy complaining about what's wrong that we forget to be grateful for what's good and right. Today, write down five things for which you are thankful.

With something to think about, this is name of narrator . Make it a great day . . . or not. The choice is yours.

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Good morning, name of school . This is name of narrator with a few words of wisdom.

When life seems really difficult . . . when your dad has lost his job, or your mom has grounded you for two weeks, or you've argued with a close friend . . . it can be hard to think about what's good and right in the world and it can be hard to be grateful for anything.

But think about this: Things could always be worse, and it can be a good idea to stop and think about what's right and good in your world . . . like the roof over your head, the clothes on your back, and the gift of getting an education.

Today, I want you to take a moment right now and think about three things you are grateful for. (Long pause) That's what Thanksgiving is all about.

Have a great-full holiday, kids!

With something to think about, this is name of narrator . Make it a great day . . . or not. The choice is yours.

Special 08© Project Wisdom, Inc. All rights reserved

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Good morning, name of school . This is name of narrator with a few words of wisdom.

This week the whole nation will set aside a few days to celebrate Thanksgiving, which is, of course, a time for giving thanks . . . showing gratitude for all our blessings.

Gratitude is an attitude __ a very important attitude according to some people. Let's take Samuel Johnson, for instance. He was one of the first English writers to write a dictionary, and he took gratitude very seriously. Samuel Johnson said:

Gratitude is a fruit of a great civilization; you do not find it among gross people.

In other words, he is saying that great people have grateful attitudes __ they are thankful for what they have. Gross people aren't.

We don't have any gross people here, do we? I didn't think so. So today, let's have a little attitude . . . gratitude attitude. I'd be so grateful.

With something to think about, this is name of narrator . Make it a great day . . . or not. The choice is yours.

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Good morning, name of school . This is name of narrator with a few words of wisdom.

Thanksgiving is a time when we give thanks for all that we have: the clothes that we wear, the food that we eat, the hugs and smiles we receive from others.

So here's a holiday idea: Think of someone you care about who won't be with you on Thanksgiving. If you can, call that person on the telephone. Ask what she is most thankful for. It will give her a chance to think about what is good in her life, and it will give you a chance to get to know her better. If you can't call, write a letter.

If it is someone special who has passed away, write down a list of all the things you appreciated most about that person. Maybe he was funny, or maybe he helped you learn to read. Share your list with someone you love. It will give you both a special chance to think about all the goodness we can be thankful for.

This Thanksgiving, be thankful for the good in your life, the good you can share, and the good that is yet to come.

With something to think about, this is name of narrator . Make it a great day . . . or not. The choice is yours.

Special 10© Project Wisdom, Inc. All rights reserved

Elementary Series 1www.ProjectWisdom.com/ERS

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