Tlie now Mediclnul Herb. The introduction of Canrlnlagua from Cali¬ fornia, lias been an inestimable blessing. ii» extract, conjointly with Liverwort and Tar, is tlic basis of Dr.'Rogers' Syrup of Liverwort, Tar and Canchnlagua, which is working won¬ ders in tlie euro of coughs and catarrhal offec- lion*. Wcro it used by all who Iwvo n predis- position to consumption, there would ho IVw deaths from that disease. See their advertise¬ ment in another column. Jan. 10.it DR. nor.KUS' SYHUP OK Liverwort, Tar and Canchnlagua. We might show logically whij this pruparn- lion should cure, but it would bo a needle*)' wasto of words, since we can summon hosts of witnesses to show that it does cure. The resto¬ red consumptives are the witnesses: ask ilicm. Ilcitd their testimony in the pamphlet in the A- gents1 hands. Head also the advertisement in another column. 4t JanuAry 15. Dll. GCYSOTT'S IMPllOVKD EX-TRACT of YELLOW DOCK and SAKSAPAHIfrLA is a surf. Rr.xr.DY for Hereditanj Taint. Thousands of individuals aro cursed with grievous complaints, which they inherit from their parents. The use of the Yettuw Dock and Sarsaparilla will prevent all this, and save a vast amount of misery, and many valuable lives, for it thoroughly expels from' the iystem the latent taint, which is the seed of disease, and so takes oir the curse by which the sins or misfortunes of the parents aro so often vis¬ ited upon the innocent offspring. Parents owe it to their children to guard tliem against the effects of maladies that may becom- inuuicatcd by descent, and children of parents that have at any time been iftTccted with Cow-1 sumption, Scrvfula. or Syphilis, owe it to them¬ selves to take precaution ayainsi the disease being revived in them. Ouysott's Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparillu is a sure antidote in such cases. IT7®Sce advertisement. AGENTS. fl.M. [lagans & Co., Hrandonville. A. Crixs and A. I*\ Barnes,Clarksburg. Campbell &. Watson, Kairmout. \Y. Mullin, Pruntytown. June 19, 1891 149-tf. KT Another Scientific Wonder.' Important to Dy*pnptics/.Dr J S Houoiiton's PEPSIN, the true Digestive Fluid, orliantric Juke, prepared from Henxet, or the Fourth Stomach of the Ox, after directions of Uaron Lir.air., the great Physiological Chemist, by J S Houghton, M D. Philadelphia. This is truly a wonderful remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Complaint, Constipation and Debility, curing alter Nature's own method, by Nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice. Pamphlets containing .Scientific cvidenco of its value, furnished by agents gratis. Sue notice among the medical advertisements. tf Bridge THE Animal Meeting ol the Stockhold¬ ers nf llie Moigantown Bridge Company will be held at the Courl-hou-e on Monday the 5th day of July next, at 3 o'clock, P. M. A general attendance of the Stock- h dders i* requested. By ouler of the President. June 21, 18*22. GEO. S.VRAY, Sec'y. LIST of LETTERS remaining in tlio Post-Ofliccot Morgnntown, Va. on the 1st day of July, 1852. Aulabaugh James; Bowman Dr.j BLney Catharine; Rarnhanl Abdon 2; Dritt Win. D.; Hrown George; Mrook K.; Cox B B, 2; Cox Hester A; Cobun Alfred; Crowley F; Cliipps David; Cowen RE; Curreii! James; Cox Emily; Dorsey Wm. C;" Drabcl! Harriett; Dorton John; Dent Maria; Griffith .; Evans G D; Evans Win. 2; Evans A J; Evcrly C D; Foglc Robert; Fulton Hannah; Frum II. ¦Wm.; Foster Jacob; Frazcc Jacob; Fordyce Dan, Gray J L ; Guseman John; Galliher Wm.; Gay M; Hen wood Abram; Henry Eli; Hill Re¬ becca; llanthorn Sarah; Hite Jennet; Hopkins Elizabeth; Hovattcr Henry; Hamifton Henry; Haney Wm.; Kelly-Henry T; Kramer Leroy; Knox L P; KnoxJas.; Keefover James; Lai- *er E C; Low Gustavus; Low P; Lashly John; Durbin Jno.; Morgan Drusilla; Michael Ann;' Michael Isnbella; Morris Levi; McGeorgo Ma¬ ry; McKcmcy E; Pool Asbv; Piles John; Price Wm.; Pool Wm.; Reed H St Co; Runner John; llavcnscraft Jno.; Rockwell Elijah; Shay Orlan do; Seniors Jacob ; Stewart D W ; Shackelford Samuel; Stewart Harvey; Sensaba Perry; Shafer' George Shetelsworth Joseph; Stewart Martin; Smith John S; Stuck Harrison; Zinn C C; Stew¬ art M II; Thompson G V; Taylor T 3 Rev.; Tlbbs llobort; Til ton M; Trowbridge John; Tar ton Eliza; Thomas .Enoch; Utt James; Withrow D C; Warring George; Waters John ; Wells Thos.; Wadsworth E; West John. Persons calling for Letters will please say thoy aro advertised, or they may not get thom. N. I). MADERA, P. M. i\ew store: To my old Friendr and the Public inj General: J I have a^ain commenced the Mercan¬ tile business at my old stand lately occu¬ pied by E. C. Lazier, and have associated with me in business John E. Fleming. We intend doing a plain, straight for¬ ward business, and expect to deal in ev¬ ery thinir (except pufl') that the people want. We intend to keep all kinds of .Goods that are kept in the New York, I'aris, Philadelphia and Baltimore Stores, and perhaps some things they do not keep. We shall not deal in Poetry either, altho' we can sing a lectle. OUR PLATFORM Will be to pell low for cash or country produce, and to prompt payers on credit. We shall furnish our customers with their bills for settlement about the first of Jan¬ uary und July. As we do not expect nor intend to make bad debit*, nor employ an extra clerk to look after slopers, we think we can aflbrd to sell a little less than some others, who necessarily have to make, in self defence, a provision for the same. Come, therefore, all who waul Goods at low prices, and look at our Slock of Goods before you purchase elsewhere. A penny saved is a penny made. WM. LAZIER, LAZIER & FLEMING. Morpantown, 1st July, 1852. 151 \f. PUBLIC SALE. ON the 4th Monday in Septembernexi, (il being the first day of September term of the County Court of Monongalia comity,) I will sell, in front of the Court House, 07 Acrcs of Land. Said Land situated in llie county of Monongalia, on the Morgnntown and Evansvillo Turn- Ciike Road, adjoining Lands of Jubez Irown nnd others, on which there are e* wet ml a Log Dwelling House, with shingle roof. Stable, Black, Siniili Shop, and there are are 25 Acres cleared, under goodj Fences and in good repair. Terms ok Sale..S200 ca«h in hand, mi.I the b.iljiicc in twelve months with interest, until paid. The title is indi-'pu- In Me, and a good general warranty Deed Itt-ill be given. HENRY BELL. July 3, 1S52. 151-ts. PRIED PBACHES, of an exccl- lint quality, for sa'e by 1 W. A. Cl'SEMAN k Co. \June 5. RAIL ROAD TO INDEPENDENCE! AND EXPRESS TRAIN THROUGH FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE NEW YORK CHEAP VARIETT STORK!! Just arrived in lime for the fourth of Julb / / CAUR, SMITH & CO., Art; ahead again as usual, hiii! are now exhibiting ai their store iiimnsui Morgan- town, Va., a very In we ami well hs.mii lt d stock of SUMMKR GOODS, of every »ricc. qmi'.i y unit de.-cript on. which ilioy mve concluded to run off tMs linn*, al- ".oj»l ill com. just Jt-r thr fun of Ihe thing] For iustiii.e tiny hive. hint sUill* I'urGj cents per wird. Fiji calicoes, good col«w. r6.| r yd. J .awns, worth 1els., for 8 and 10 cts. per >urd. Benige D'Laiiies.lu'UUtifiilstyles, for \2i cts. pet yard, and all other Good* in like l-ro|nntiiin us to chtvjmcss, such us Print.-*, U'Laines, pin in antl ligmed. Lawns very Wimp. bleached and blown Muslin-*, first rule, S Iks, Satins, mid oilier nice Drew (...oils lor ladies, with Fringes, Lores and trimming!* toHiit; ti larue dock of S.Ik Mitts and Hosiery; Bonnets and Ribbons very cheap ; cloths, cossiuieies mid vest- ings; Anderson's celebrated Hoot'* and Shoes; a large assortment of Hardware, huts and caps, ami their usual injection of Notions, without number. Their stock of Ready-Made Clothing has al.«o been iccruiied, which they offer ui pi ires so !ow as to astonish! Coffee, Sugar and Molasses, Tobacco, Pniuti*, Oils and Dye Stnfl's, Iron, Nails, Class, Stone-ware. Glass-ware, Queons- war.', Hour in Barrels and Bags, and \occuns of Sundries, alwajs in baud, and inviting purchasers at very tempting pri¬ ces. Call early and see1 Buy if you ld»e. We are anxious to si ll, but nol so anxious as to wish to control your pnichase else¬ where, either as to price or place. Keep loureje on ChcupSidc.us you pass np and down, and von will fiuil yourself in the fight place exact 1\ ! CARR, SMITH & CO. July 3«l, 1852. ID I if. SALE OF VALUABLE ESTATE, URSUANT to the provisions of a de¬ cree of the Circuit Court of Monongalia County, pronounced on he 13tli day of April, ill the year 1852, in the case of Thomas Wade vs. George Wade and otli- eis, 1 shall on MONDAY, the 2flth day of JULY next, (1852) the same being aConrt day, before the Court-]louse dnor iu Mor- gantown sell at public sale, on a credit of one, two and three yeuis. the nurchaser giving bond with security with interest from date, for the purchase money, the tract of land in the bill and proceedings mentioned, containing by estimation one [hundred Acres, more or less, being the same tiaci on wh:ch Surah Liming and her husband resided iu Muiongaliu county, for many years previous to their death ; and the same conveyed bv the heirs and devisees of Alexander Wade, deceas¬ ed. to the said Sarah Liming, late Sarnh Wade, by deed bearing date 28th March, 1S35, duly recorded in Monongalia county. ALKXANDER WADE, jr., June 17, 1852..ts Commissioner. |^"§500 Challenge! Wlmtevor conccrns the health anil happiness of a people is nt all times of the most valuable importance. 1 take it for granted that every person will do all in their power, to save the iives of their children, and that every person will endeavor to promote their own health at all sacrifices. I .eel it to be my duty to sol¬ emnly assure you that WORMS, according to the opinion of the most cclelirated Physician*, are the primary causes of a large majority o diseases to which children and adults are lia¬ ble ; if you havo an appetite continually chang- ablo from one kind of food to another, Had Hreath, Pain in the Stomach, Picking at the Nose, Hardness and fulness of the llelly, Dry Cough, Slow Fever, Pulse Irregular.remem¬ ber that all these denote WORMS, and you should at once npply the remedy:. ¦lobciisack's Worm Syrup. An article founded upon Scientific Principles, compounded with purely vegetable substances, being perfectly safe when taken, and can be given to the most tender Infant^'ith decided beneficial effect, where Bowel Complaints and Diarrhaa have made them weak and debilita¬ ted the Tonic properties of my Worm Syrup are such, that it stands without an equal in the catalogue of medicines, iu giving tone and strength to the Stomach, which makes itau In¬ fallible remedy for those afilicted with Dyspep¬ sia,, the astonishing cures performed by this Syrup f Her Physicians have failed, is the best evidence of its superior eflicacy overall others. THE TAPE WORM!! This is the most difficult Worm to detroy of all that infest the human system, it grows to an almost indefinite length, becoming so coiled and fastened in the Intestines and Stomach, af¬ fecting the health so badly as to cause St. Vitus Dance, Fits, &c., that those afflicted seldom if ever suspect that it is Tape Worm hastening them to an early grave. In order to destroy tliis Worm, a very energetic treatment must be pursued, it would therefore bo proper to tike G to S of my Liver Pills so as to remove all ob¬ structions, that the Worm Syrup may act direct upon the Worm, which must be taken in doses of 2 tablespooufuls 3 times a day these direc¬ tions followed have never beeh known to fail in curing the most obstinato case of Tape Worm. hobensack s"liver pills. No part of the system is more liable to dis¬ ease than the Livor, it serving as a ffltcrer to purify the blood, or giving tlio proper secretion to the bile; so that any wrong action of the Liv¬ er affects the other important parts of the sys¬ tem, and resulU variously, in Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, &c. We should, there¬ fore, watch every symptom that might indicate a wrong action of the Liver. These Pills be¬ ing composed of HOOTS and PLANTS furnish¬ ed by nature to heal the sick: Namely, 1st, An hxprxTonANT, which augments the secre¬ tion from the Pulmonary mucus membrane, or promotes the discharge of secreted matter.. 2d. An Alterative, which changes in some inexplicable and insensible manner the certain morbid action of the system. 3d. A To.xic, which gives tone and strength to tlio nervous system, reuewing health and vigor to nil parts of the body. 4th, A Cathartic, which acts in perfect harmony with the other ingredients,and operating on tho liowels. and expelling the whole mass of corrupt and vitiated matter,and purifying the Wood, which destroys disease and restores health. To IViiialiH. You will find these Pills an invaluable medi¬ cine in ninny complaints to which you nro sub¬ ject. In obstructions either total or partialf they have been funnd of inestimable benefit, restoring their functional arrangements to a healthy acliuii, purnV'nu the blood nnd other fluids so effectually as to put to flight all com¬ plaints which may arinn from female irregulari¬ ties, as headiche', gidd'org*, dimness of sight, pain in timaido, hack, ice. None guni|ij)e uiilajs signed J. N. llobonsack, all othjors being hasp j dilution. U7* Agents wishing now ju'ppliea, and Store Keepers desirous nf becoming Agents must' address tho Proprietor, J. N. llobemack, Phil¬ adelphia, Pa, Price, caVll 23 cimls. 0. W. Johnson. Baltimore, Wholesale Acent for Maryland and Virginia. Canon & MeClel- land,l'nfoiitown,Pa. IUI.Ciirr,Morpntoun. Hagan, Kingwood. J. A. Hale, Weston. S. & J. Hermans, Fellowfville. Meredith,Smith-1 field, and by every Merchant in the U. States. June 26,1852. 150-tf. FltESII AKKH^Lt AND ISaluclion in Prices!! AT D. H. CHADWICK & CO'S. JUST received from the Knst, Rich bor¬ dered Parasols, Queen's uray & black Si to, silk Friusie mid line Mitt's, Diaper, Diill, red Flannel, sprig'd Swiss, Bonnet jCord. Umbrellas, brown Muslin*. short I.nee and black lovo Veils, llolusfou's Shoes and Slippers, equally ns g"odasan\ made in our town, nUo u few Grass Hooks, We have concluded to run off some ! hi tigs without regard locost. Call and see, then, while bargains are going. 6j cent Cai ro for4 cts. 124 eent Lawns for 8 and 10 els. 18J eent do for 12^ els. Berates veiv cheap. CofTee, While Sugar, Ten, &c. Kepn your eyes on the Red Tost if von want the bust ha renins \ ou ever purchased, June 20, 16D2. lolMf. Virginia, to wilt.At Rules held in the Clerk's Ollieu of the Circuit Court of Monongalia county, on the lirsl Mon¬ day in June, 1S52:. William M. Seir.ple, I'lnintijT, vs. John Tasscy, William Morrison, J land Siimucl W. Sriii/ile,late jmrt- , ners trading under th"firm fy style \ l*eol. nf 'l'assty, Morrison Co., Defts. ' The object of this suit is to recover 53354 67 els., with interest from the 1st of April, lS50, due to the plaiutift, from the defendant*,who nrennii residents of the Slate of Virginia, and to subject the estate and debts due lo the defendant* or some of them in the hands of Mat hew (Jnv, Ed¬ gar C. Wilson and Waitmau T. Willey to the payment of the same. And the deiendauis not having enteied their appearance and give-u security ac¬ cording to law and ilm rules of this court, a/id it appearing from a written affidavit filed in the cause, that they aieuot mhab- itants of this commonwealth J: is outer- e«l that they do appear within one mouth after due publication of this order, andtlo what is necessary to protect their interests; innd that this order be published once a week for four successive weeks, in the " Monongalia Mirror,*' a weekly newspa¬ per, printed in Morgauiowu, Monongalia county; and potted at the front door of the coutt-house of said county, on the first day of the next term of the. court of said county. A copv..Teste. \V. T. WILLEY. Clcik. G. R. C. Ali.es, PMs. Att'y. June 2C, 1852. I50-4t. ilFrTlSAAC IHOOiTe : YOU will please lake notice, that on Saturday the l4tli day of August, 1852,1 before William Price, Esq., at his house, in Monongalia county, I shall prcceed to take sundry deposi'ions lo be read as cvi-1 dence in a curtniu suit now nctuii"? and undetermined in the Circuit Court for said county of Monongalia, on the chnucerv sfde of said com I, wherein I am Plaintiff and you und others Defendants. And if from any cause the taking of said depo¬ sitions, should not be commenced, or be¬ ing commenced should not be completed on thai day, then the same shall be con¬ tinued from day to day (or lime to time) until completed. Given under mv hand this 23d day of June, 1802. JEREMIAH MOORE. [June 26, 1802..id.) MEDICAL "elm Dr. II. R. AKiVOMF, tTENDERS his services to the citizens of Fair view (Taylor- town) and vicinity, and lo the public generally, as a Physician and Surgeon. Huvius been for some time engaged in practice, he feels himself qual¬ ified to treat diseases successfully. Office iu the house of Mr. Lilman. in the room formerly occupied by Dr. Braden. I am partially a stranget, 1 deem it not improper (should auv wish to inquire particularly as to my qualifications and character) to direct them, as references, to II. B. Mullioit, M. D., Smitlifield, Fay¬ ette county, Ph. ^ Rev. A.G.Osboni, Oliphant's Furnace, Fayette county, Pa. Rev. Caleb Rossell, Smith field, do. do. II v.J. M. Purinton, do. do. do. I have iu my possession written recom¬ mendations from the above gentlemen, but think it unnecessary to publish them at length. Fairview, Greene co., Pa., June 15.1852. Waynesburg papers please copy Cm. Mrs. Elizabeth Anthony, Dav'ul An¬ thony, John Anthony and An¬ thony : YOU will please take notice that on Saturday the JOlh day of July, 1852, at the Store house of Hurrison Hagau, E*q., in Biandonville, Preston county, Va., be¬ tween the hours of 5 u. m. and p. m. of tha*. day, 1 will lake the depositions of Henry Kelly and Mnhlnn Bruomhall to be read in evidence for mo in a suit now pending in the Circuit Court of Preston county, Va., iu which I am complainant and you and others are defendants; and if from any cause the taking of said de¬ positions beiui; begun on that day should not be completed, their taking will be con¬ tinued from day today until completed. JAMES CRAWFORD. June 15,1852. 149.St. VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE. David Myers, et al, Plaintiffs, vs. Solomon Myers, et al, Defendants The undersigned was appointed a com¬ missioner at the last teim of the Circuit Court to sell the Laud in the bill and pro¬ ceedings mentioned in this case; being two separate traels one containing about fifty-two acres, the other about one hun¬ dred and twenty-two acres, which tracts were owned by John Myers, dee'd. The land is on the west side of the River, on the road to Blucksville, near the residence of Asa Lemley, and is valuable. It will be sol,I on the FOURTH MONDAY OF JULY,l Court-day,) before the Court-house in Morgantnwn. Terms of sale,.a credit of one and two years, with bond and se-| rurity. The title is said lo be good, but only such will be made as authorized iu like cases. AND. McDONALD. June 19, 1852.-ts. Commissioner. br, London's Celobraled FamiljMcd- lelnA*. Just received and for sale bv April 21. H. II. CARR ft CO. ii iii, 11 .. I Virginia, sh. A l Rules held in the Clerk's Office of the Cifcuit Court of Monongalia, on the iirst Monday in June, 1802: Elijuh Hinkins, Plaintiff, vs. Elijah Chulfon and others, Defendants. IN CHANCERY. The object of this suit is to impeach a paper writing purporting to be the lust will and tesiuineiil of Peter Hinkins, de- censed. and to have a trial by jury to as¬ certain whether any,and if any, how much of the same be thd will of the deceased. IV same bears date on the 10th iluv of April, in the year 1835, and was admit- ted to probate in the county court ol Mon¬ ongalia, at the September term of suid court, 1849. And the defendant?, Elijah Chalfan, Ol¬ iver Drock and Jemima his wife, William Clovi.suml Rebecca his wife, Jehu Long and Rebecca hi* wife, Abraham finikin*, Mercer Dawson and Cassandra his wife, Kmuimel Brnwu, Abrahum Brown. Peter Brown, William Brown, Adam Hrown,' .Teagardeu and Minerva his wife,late Minerva Brown, Enieriek and Cas- suudiii his wife* late Cussamlia Brown,not having entered theirnppenianre and given neurit) aceordini: to law, and it appearing from a written affidavit filed in the cause, that tfiey are not inhabitant* of this com¬ mon wealth, . It is ordered that they do appeur, within one mouth after duo publi- cm ion of thi.<* ouler, and do what is neres- l.-iirv to pioteet their interests, and that this order be published once a week for frtiir successive weeks in the *. Mononga¬ lia Mirror,*' a weekly newspaper, piintcd in MorL'aulown. Monongalia county. Vir¬ ginia, niid posted at the front door of the court house of the said county nn the first day of the next term of the court of said count v. A copv..Teste. W. T.' Wir.LKy, Clerk. G. R. C. Ai.le.v, Pl'fl's. At to. June 12. 1852. U8-4t. Virginia, stt. At rules held in the Clerk's office of the Circuit Court of Monongalia county, on the first Monday in June, 18-VJ: Daniel Miller, Adin'r. et ul, IMuiutiffs, vs. William P. Williams, Defendant, The object of this suit is to subject to sale a house and lot in Hamilton, Monon¬ galia county, Virginia, to the payment of the purchase money therefor, and other debts. The defendant William P. WillianTs not having enter *d his appearance nod given security according to law, and it ap|it ariiis from a written affidavit filed in the raute that hois not au inhabitant of this com¬ monwealth It is ordered that he do ap¬ pear within one month after due publica¬ tion of this order, and do what i> neces¬ sary lo protect his interests ami that this order be published once u week for four successive weeks in the '. Monongalia Mirror," a weekly newspaper printed in Morgantown, Monongalia county, Virgin¬ ia. andj posted at the front door of the eourt-hensc of said county, on the first ilay of the next leim of the court of said A COpv.. W.' 1. W1UKY, Clerk. E. C. Wiisosf, Alio. June 12, 1652. MS-tf. Virginia, sh.. Benjamin Shay tl al, PhiiUUtTs, rs. Ucbccca Smitli et »l, Defendants, iiV CHANCERY. Pursuant to a decree of flic Circuit Court of Monongalin county, rendered on the 12th day of April, 1S52, in tliis cauuc, I will, on the 4th Monriny in May next, in front of tho Court house door in Morgantown, proceed to sell the Lund in the Hill and pro¬ ceeding mentioned, on a credit tff six, twotve, and eighteen months, with iutRrebt from the da\ of sale, to the highest bidder. The pur¬ chaser or purchasers are required to give bond with approved security for tho payment of the purchase money,toml a title retained until the purchase money is paid. Said l.nud is situate in Cheat Neck,"Monongalia county, Vn.. a part of the same farm owned by Jacob Smith, do-1 ceased, containing by estimation about fib'f or CO Acres of Land, on the turnpike road lead¬ ing from Icc's Ferry to Uiiiuiitown, Pa. The titlf is saul to be good, hut selling as Cominis- sioner 1 will only convey such ti»li; as is vested in me. E. P. FITCH, Deputv, For Thomas Mebeditii, Sltfl' .\I. C. April 14, 1S52. Postponement..The above Sale is postponed until tho FOURTH MONDAY IN JUNK next, 1SS2. E. P. FITCH, Deputv for May 24, 1S52. Thomas Meredith. Fayette Springs, rpHIS highly attractive amrfashiouable wat- X enng place hats been leased, together with ' The Fayette Springs Hotel,' adjacent thereto, by the proprietor of the t( FARMINGTON HOTEL," on the National lload, who has secured the best Conks and the best Supplies of every kind, with a determina-1 tion to please all his visitors. Anew building with 40 rooms has recently been added to the establishment. These Springs arc surrounded by the most delightful and romantic Mountain Scaur;/, in a cool climate, where tho pure air and pure water.themselves tho true elements of health, God's greatest blessing to man on earth. The curative and purifying properties of the waters have been lullv established by the fact that they have NEVER FAILED to euro tho worst cases of Scrofula, the most inveterate sores, and other Diseases of the Mood, by drinking the water freely, and in cases of eruptions bathing and applying tho depositoi of tho streams ex¬ ternally. Tho waters are thoroughly chalybeate with portions of Magnesia, Sait*,i; c. Besides, these Springs are located in tho midst of Classical Ground*, within an hour's ride of Washington'* first Jlattic Field, at " Fort Necessity," whore the entrcnclunonts are still distinctly visible. Genebal Ha ad- dock's and JL'JI'i.vville's Graves, Dunbar's encampment. Washington's Spring and Mead¬ ows, which lie owned till he died. In the im¬ mediate vicinity, also arc soveriiI remarkable natural curiosiiics, among them . Dclmicy's Ciivc, which may be explored for miles under tho mountains, the celebrated OH 10 PILE FALLS, on tho Youghiogheny river, tho CUCUMUEIl CATARACT, descending from a shelving rock moro than forty feet pcrpcndicular. GAME and TROUT FISHING abound in the neighborhood. Horses, Saddles and Carriages will bo furnished for visiters. Stages and Hncks will arrive at nud loavetlio Steamboats at Drownsvillo daily, from whence visiters will pass in a drive of 4 or 6 hours to the Springs, about half tho distance through ono ol tho richest and most delightful agricul¬ tural rogious in tho country, to Uniontown and then S miles further ovor Laurel Mountain, presenting from its steeps and its summit,splen¬ did views of the great western Valley, with its rich, variegated and beautiful scenery. In short, it it confidently believed there is no watering place in tho country, presenting stronger attractions to those cocking health and i'leaicbe than "the Fayette Springs," and the undersigned is very certain they can no whoro find a greater disposition to pleaso, or moro accommodating torms. SEBASTIAN RUSH. May 29, 1802. 116-tf. OK. OUYSdTT'S IMPROVED EXTRACT OF FELLOW DOCK & SARSAPAR1LLA! Tho original and only genuine preparation for the permanent curn of Consumption, anu Diseases of the Lungs, when they aro supposed to be airected by the too True use of Mercury, iron. Quinine, &c., kc. It Will Cure, without Fall, Scrofula, ok Kino's Evil, Caiccehs, Tu mors, EicurTioSs of the Skin, Erysif- LLAS, CHRONIC SOUK EYES, RiNCWOBM or Tettrhi Scald Hf.ad, IIheuma- ti«m, Pains in the Howes on Joints, old Sores and Ulcers, Swellings of the Glands, Syphilis, Dyspep¬ sia, Salt Rheum, Diseaso of Kidneys, Loss of Appetite; Disease arising from the use of Mercury, Pain in tin- Side and Shoulders, General Debility, Dr»p.«yy Lilmbiigo', Jaundice nnd Costivonoss. The best Female Medicine known I THE SHAKER PltKI'ARKD "YELLOW DOCK" and the " KKI) HONDURAS SAKSA- PAIULLA," lirb the iavalratilo remedial agent, from which u Dr. Guysott's Improved hxtrnct ..f Yellow Dock and Ssrsaparilla" is formed { nnd ilie laboratory of Dr. Guysott has given us the virtues of these roots in their perfection. IIi!« preparation contains nil tho rcstoratite pro¬ perties of the roots, combined and concentra¬ ted in their utmost strength nnd efficacy. Kxpcrimonts were mndc in the manufacture of this medicine until it was found that it could n««t be further improved. Accordingly we lind it resorted to, almost u- niveosally, in cases of Hcpatic, Scorbutic and Cutaneous complaints, fur general prostration of nil the vital powers and all those tormenting diseases of the skin so trying to patieucc and so injurious to health. n n n Scrofula, Syphilis, Mercurial complaints, Can- cer, Gangrene, Rheumatism, and a vast va- riety of other disagreealls and dangerous dis¬ eases are speedily and perfectly cured by the use of this medicine. Saline, Mich. Oct. 6, 1S5I. Mn. John D. Park.Dear Sir: it is with un¬ utterable feelings of gratitude that 1 am able, through the Divine Providence of God, and by the wonder-working agency of that excellent medicine, ? Guysott's Yellow Dock and Sarsa¬ parilla,' to give you a few symptoms of my al¬ most hopeless case. In the winter of 1S50 I was attacked with a severe pain, which was gradually extending tho whole right side and leg; at the same time a total prostration of my physical system; also my leg had shrunk to about two-thirds of its common size. I procured the attendance of a skilful practitioner, who pronounccd my dis- ease one of the worst forms of liver complaint He said my case was one not easily handled, but prescribed for me. I remained under his treatment until 1 was satisfied he could not help me. I thed procured of your agent at this place, W. A. Beers, two bottles of Guysott's Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, from which I received a vast amount of benefit. After having taken four bottles more I was able to pursue my busi¬ ness without any inconvenience, and have been since tlmt time a well man, while but a short time since 1 was confined to my bed three- fourths of tho time; and I cannot ascribe the return of iny health to any other cause than by the ngciicy of tlmt truly valuable medicine, Guysott's Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla. IIASSEL VAIR1PKR. Saline, Oct. 14,1S51. Mm* J. D. Park.Dear Sir: I send you the foregoing certificate, and so far as I urn ac- qiiuiutcd with his case it is all true. I procured it, thinking it miiht bo a benefit to you and to the afflicted. You have the privilege of using it as you think best. Yours, \V. A. Beers. The following letter is from a highly respect¬ able Physician, who enjoys an extensive prac¬ tice : Navarre, Starke en. 0. Kov. 1,1S51. Db. John D. Pabk: DetirSir:1 Dr. Guysott's Extract of Sarsaparilla.' This medicine has been prescribed by mo for the last three years, with good eflect, in general debility, livercom- plaint, Jaundice, Dispepsia, chronic and nor-! vous diseases. Iu all Female Complaints it is certainly unequalled. In tho use of this medicine the patient con- stuntly gains strength and vigor, a fact worthy of great consideration. It is pleasant to the taste and smell, and can be used by persons j with the most delicate stomact.s, with safety, under any circumstances. 1 am speaking from experience, and to the afflicted I advise its use. | r DK. J. S. LKKPER. ^ 3 Extract of a Letter from an extensive Mer¬ chant in Neenali, II'is. Neenaii, Wis. Oct. 29th, 18.11. Mr. John D. Park.Dear Sir: 1 am out of vour * Wistar's ilalsam of Wild Cherry,' and '* Dr. Guysott's Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsapurilla.' Please forward a supply iminc- diatcly. Your Balsam of Wild Cherry workod to a charm here; not a bottlo failed of affording iin- mediate relief; and in every instance but one (an old gentleman of 11 years of age) it cured, and tho Yellow Dock has done equally well.. I took three bottles myself, last fall, and eu- joyed perfect health last winter, for the first winter for eleven years, being troubled with a severe eruption of tho skin which laid ine up from two weeks to four months every winter and spring until last winter. Henry E. Jones, a brother merchant and a particular friend of mine, took two bottles of thn Yellow Dock for n Scrofulo.us Eruption, which has worked an entire cure. My store is corner of Wisconsin avenue and Walnut street. Yours respectfully, CHARLES K. CASE. Iu quart bottles, $1 per bottle, or U buttles for live dollars. Sold by J. D. PARK, Cincinnati, 0. North-east corner of Fourth and Walnut sts^. entrance on Walnut St., to whom all ordora must be addressed; Also by H. H. Carr, Morgantown. Campbell & Watson, Fairmont. L. A. Hagan, JCingwood. April 10, ISA2. 139 If K. J. CAPItOX, Commission Merchant. No. 04, Boichj's Wharf, Baltimore. Liberal advances made on consignments «f Grain nnd all othor sountry produco. Refer to Bartholow 8c Tiffany, Baltimore, Md. J. H. Haymond, Fairmont, Va. May 29, ISoJ. 146-3mo. ESTH.1V: A BAY MARE, was found and taken up Mi the lands of the subscriber living in Pres¬ ton county. Virginia, ami was appmised ac-cordinir lohiwon lite 10th day of June, 1S52. The Mare is a bar, and supposed to be six years old; a small white star in her forehead, uu.I u lump under her eye, and is appraised ul forty-five dollars. II there be any owner for said mare, let him come forwurd. prove property, pav the legal exiienses and take her a way. ' JOHN GOOHE. June 19,1952. l49-.1t. READ TUIST rpHE subscriber has aev. X cral good COWS and CALVES fnr sale. Come on, boys, anil some, or nil of you. will enable me to pav the Printer. ELIJAH TARLETON. Pleasant Valley, near Julin Jones's. June 12, 1892. 14S-U. WINDOW GLASS AND NAILSi For Sale by H. H. CARR&CO. Llnserd Oil, (Superior,) For Sale. at the Drug anu Tobacco Store of April 21, H. H.CARItiCO \B*A'ew Advertisement: let every body read h! \o. i. it. K. II. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF, Is thefirst and only remedy ever recorded In Ihe Medical History of the World that has a!opt the most violent pains in a few seconds! it will STOP THE MOST SEVERE PAIN'S IK A FEW MINUTES) AND CURE THE HOST OBSTii KATE AND TORMENTING RHEUMATIC, NEURALGIC k NERVOUS COMPLAINTS IN A FEW HOURS. Interim I ai:<l I'xli'rnal IT WII.L STOP THE MOST EXCRUCIATING PAINS IN PROM THREE TO POUR MINUTES.' AND HAS CURED Rheumatism In Four Hours; Neuralgia In One Hour; Croup In Ten Minutes; Diarrhrea In Fifteen Minutes; Toothache In One Second; Spasm In Five Minutes; Cramps In Five Minutes,' Sick Ucadnclie In Fifteen Minuter; Chill Fever In Fifteen Minutes; Chilblains In Five Minutes; Sore Throat In Four Hours; Influenza In Ono Hour. Spinal Complaints, Stiff Joints, Strains, Bruises, Cuts, Wounds, Frost IJites, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Tic Doloreux, and all oth¬ er complaints where there is severe pains.. RADWAY'S READY RKLIKF will instantly stod this pains and quickly cure the disease. the human frame Is the most perfect masterpiece of mechanis in the universe. F.veryartery, muscle, ligamer and bono exhibits in its formulion the wisdoi of the Deity. Kvcry joint and sinew works har¬ moniously with each other, and upon the uatu-1 ral performance of every function depends the healthful action of the whole. A 1 IV disorganizes the whole system; it prostrates the nerves; it relaxes the muscles; it weakens the joints; it interferes with the functions of every organ ; it checks the free and healthy circula¬ tion of the blood; it paralyzes the absorbents, and renders them unable to take up and replete the wasted form with sound material. For th« very moment that this beautiful masterpiece ol (iod becomes ntilicted with pain, the influence is experienced throughout the whole system, no matter in what particular locality the pain may originate; whether in the Head, the Feet, the Back, the Knee Joints, the Klbows, the Teeth, the Gums or the Stomach; whether it arises from internal derangement, or is the re¬ sult of external injuries, still the pain exercises its influence throughout every portion of the human system ;.not a nerve or muscle escapes the prostrating influence. INSTANT RELIEF FROM PAIN Is the great Desideratum of ovcry individual who suffers its tortures, no matter how light or severe its paroxysms may be. No one can feel happy while suffering its torments. HADWAY's READY RELIEF In a feu Seconds vill slop the most dis-1 t resting pains. ' Its effects arc like electricity.it arrests the most distressing pangs in a low second*.its soothing, neutralizing and healthful influence thrills through every minute cell, membrane, and establishes the secretion of every gland in the system, subduing the most excruciating par oxysin of pain, and imparting strength and vi¬ tality to every organ. Neuralgia. Pain Stopped linlanthj ! Radway's Ready Relief possesses an almost miraculous influence over the sharp darting pangs of pain of this cruel complaint. In a few minutes the pain-stricken sufferer experiences the most delightful sensations of departing pain. It lias cured thousands of cases in the city of New York, where many of them had been bro't almost to death's door. The effects of the Ready Relief is to stop the pain immediately, to strengthen the nervous system and supply the nerves with energy and vitality, the loss of which is the chief cause of nervous pains. DANGEROUS PRACTICE. The use of Morphine, S trychine, Aconite, Belladonna, Arnica and other poisons, are not only dangerous but cruel. The effect of these poisons is not to cuje the disease, or to remove from the system the pains, but to Deaden the nerves, to weaken and stop the ner¬ vous energy, to paralyze the functions of the nervous system & destroy sensation. If this practice is continued for any longth of time the patient will not only waste away, but the brain will become paralyzed and the intel¬ lect destroyed. It A DW AY'S READY RELIEF Is Free from Morphine, and all other dangerous and narcotic influence. To the weak and paralysed nervous system it imparts life instead of death, and the pain is stopped by tho healthy influence which Rad- way's Ready Relief imparts to the nerves; in¬ stead of the lifeless, sleepy and paralysing ef¬ fect which Morphine aud a'li other preparations containing this poison produce on the system. SICK HEAD ACHE. badwat's ready relief will stop the MOST DISTRESSING PAINS IN A FEW MIWUTES AND PREVENT RENEWED ATTACKS. It will cleanse and sweeten tho stomach and neutralize tho pernicious acids of the system. ALL BOWEL COMPLAINTS, Dinrrhma, Dysentery, Bloody Flux, Cholera Morbus, Painful Discharges: It relieves tho most severe pains in a fow min¬ utes.checks the most distressing discharges k SPEEDILY BEHOVES THE CAUSE. RHEUMATISM. Pain Relieved in Five Minnies! Rudway's Ready Relief will stop the moit sevcte and excruciating pains of Rheumatism almost instantly. Persons ore living in this city who, for mnnths, were confined to their bed's by Rheumatic pains, whose bones were un¬ sound from top to toe, whose joints were dis¬ torted with painful swollings, that were reliev¬ ed from all pain in 15 minutes by the use of Had way's Ready Relief. This i* truth and thou¬ sands in the city of Now York, and hundreds of thousands in the United States, can answer for the truth of this assertion.we need no cer¬ tificates of Cures.wo publish no long list of names to prove the efficacy of Radway's Rea¬ dy Relief, for the citizens of almost every town in the Union, for the last four years, have test¬ ed it themselves. CHILL FEVER. Chills stopped in a few minutes: pain relieved instantly. Radway's Ready Relief actsliko a charm in all cases of chills and fever: it breaks the chills Immediately, warms up and invigorates with health and strength every organ and secretion of the system. PAINS OK ALL KINDS. t> W.l,0n0,(?r.^ou /L'°' Prtin> n?P'y Radway's Itcnuy Relief. It is suro to relievo you in a few minutes. If you have nains in the stomach, in* tcstincs, in tho liver, kidnevs, bowels, joints, and bones, Radway's Ready" Relief, taken in- (ternally orjajjplled externally, will in a few miuutes slop pain and quickly remove its cause. Price 25 and 50 cents per boltle. radway's medicated soap, Coinposod of tho inost delicious, rure and fra¬ grant gums. Of cxtiacts, oils and costly essences. Of flowers, roots, trees and oriental plants, Possessing wondrous virtues o'er skin diseases. Railway's Circassian Balm: Imparts nutriment to tho hair, makes it strong, glossy, rich and luxuriant, cleanses the scalp from dandruff, fastens the hair & makes it grow.' *#* Prico 25 cents a bottle. RADWAY & CO. Principal Office, 102 Fulton st. N. Y. AftKNTS: H. II. Crr, Morgantown and Fairmont; W. Fear & Son, Laurel Point; J. I). Yeager k Co. Indian creek. February 28, IS52. 133tf SUPERIOR 121 CENT TOBACCO. A frw.h lot, jnnt rcceitcd nnil far .ale bv »!«, so, ism. ii. ||. cam iffcoi CONSUMPTION CUKiu i ¦9 and CANCHALAGUA; _..p i-hiip!.i:ti: L'PKl: or r0R tuk comtletk cbhk Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Asthma, Bronchitis, spitting of Blood, and' all other Lung Complaints tending to CONSUMPTION. IYO OPIUM. This syrup contain. no Opium, any mineral whatever, but i. compoitj cnurclj .f those lloot«, Herbs, and vegetable cca whicb liavc a .peclllc influence WotItho Lungs, nnil llieir conncctcd organs. It. imme¬ diate effect ia to allay all irrilallon, nnd Scn")' remove the phlegm and other morbid secretin. Irom the Throat and air-pauagesi; tlui« rtletT- init the Cough, h iMuIng thi Inflammattm aid other cauaea which give to !«. It alao stimulate!, and impart, t health; tone to the Lungs them- aclvea, thereby enabling them moro thoroi ghly to remove from the blood thoac impurities and diaeaaed particle, which, if retafnedj do ,o much mischief in the ayatem, and lay the Toon-1 dation fur incurable CONSUMPTION, ttnln | eicru a decided action upon the akin, and aa aiata hiture in expelling, through the j^Wcnts, much of that morbid matter which would other- »iae be thrown back upon the Lung., thus' re¬ lieving them of a part of their work , and rcn- .leriiig the ayatem pure and healthy. When tuberculcs are forming, it check, thatr d°velop- mcntand further progre.s| or if ulceration baa taken place it aaai.U the Lung. "f the corrupted matter, aoothea the irritation, heals the ulcerated cavitiea, and re.tores lliein again to healthv action. Thi. Medicine, there¬ fore, is not a palliative merely, which only re¬ lieve. for the time being, but u »thorough cura¬ tive. a. it strikes at the very root of the ili.ca«c, and by removing it remove, at once all it. re-1 mom and altrndant eonsoi|uencos. 1 In. i. it. I diflinguiihinp charaetcrittic.* property po.-1 .essed, in equal power, by no other uicdic.ne I of like nature now before the public. CIRCULARS, &»'. As no ordinary-vised advertisement can fully explain the nature and merits of thin article, the Proprietors have published a. new Circular, giv¬ ing the history of this Medicine, the </«(."/>//».** nature. 1,-c. of its principal ingredients; the er- f.cl tliev are designed to have upen the Lungs and Liver, and a copious reference to the per¬ sons who have been cured by ,it.giving their names and residences, even'to the street and the number. Those who are troubled with a cough, or whose lungs are in the least aliccteu, aro earnestly desired to call upon the Agents named below, and procure one of these Pam¬ phlets. It can be had gratis, and will well re- pav a perusal. The " Hints on Uralth." ami '?about taking cold" may be worth to yuuneli and f-^DRE1)s QF J)OLIiAUS, in the shape or Doctor'. Bills saved, beside, being the infant of prolonging many a valua- ble life. WARRANTY. Such is our confidence in it* virtues th.it we are willing to warrant this medicine in every case oC recent Cold, (where used according to the Directions on page 7th of'tho pamphlet, in- E sido the wrapper of bach bottle) and where the I person is not satisfied that he is deriving benefit I from it, by returning the bottle within 24 hours' ^ time, THE MONEV will be returned. See page 3d of tho pam¬ phlet inside the wrapper of each bottle. AGENTS: II. H. CARR, Wholesale and Retail Agent for Northwestern Virginia, MorgahtoWn; Dr. A. H. Barnes, Clarksburg, Vn. 11. Jnckson, Jane Lew, Lewis county; Dr. J. A; Hall, Weston, do. William Asbury, Pruntytown, Taylor county; Thoiiias W; Brooks, Knottsville, do Shinn Kirklolnek, Harrison county; L. A. I lagan, Kingwbnd, Preston county j G. M. Ilagan & Co., Dramlonville, do Burn&Tutt, Kvansville, do Samuel Strickler, Philippi, Barbour countv ; Thomas Meredith, Smalltown, Monongalia co. John Yeager, Indian Creek, do II. II. Carr, Fairmont, Marion county, Janudry 15, 1S52. 127 3m DR. ROGERS' SYIIUP OF Liverwort, Tar and Cauchaia^iia- Nothing can be more safe, congenial or heal¬ ing to the membranes of the Throat and Lungs, yet it the same time more cnergttic S,-thorough in its cfleets than this great remedy for CO.V SUMPTION, lironchitis and all other diseases which have their seat in the Lungs,or their aui-I iliarv orenns. It seems to fall like balm upon I their irritated surfaces. The dry cough becomes I loose, expectoration removes the causeol the! disease, and the expectoration removes the I cause of the disease, and the tonic properties ¦ of the Canchalagua keep up the strength under | the salivary discharge. Liverwort, fur andm Canchalagita possess in their separate substaii- ¦ ces all the elements requisite lor the cure ol I coughs, colds and diseases ol the liver, null com¬ bined they are irresistible. See pamphlbt. January 15. Into Three SpccMcs nicnrird. Liverwort and Tar have both been held to be sure remedies for coughs, colds, cronpj asthma, bronchitis, and nlmost every other vMety ol disease that assails the breathing apparatus. Hut the compound was imperfect, until the great California 'I onic and febrifuge, which strength¬ ens without exciting, was added to the first na¬ med ihgredfrntr. When, under the skilful ma¬ nipulations of Dr. Ilugrrs) 'M \riplicate of veg¬ etable curatives became one in his Syrup y Liverwort, Tar and Canchalapua, the absolute euro of all Lung complaints tending to and ter¬ minating in consvapthn, became a thing or certainty. As vet thire have been few failures, but the cures, well attested, are of ample record. Kvidencc of the highest chancer is offered in lie pamphlets in the hands of Agents. January 15. 127 lul° THE PERILS OF THE LUNGS. Tlir.o delicate or«an« iro always In peril, and life is in peril when they do nut properly perform thrir functions. II inflammation inter¬ fere. with their regular action, the blo.nl I. nn- nerfeclly purified, the circulation I. irregular, Snd the'wholc Kvsfeui suffers. I m Ilia combined tonic, expectorant, and healing Pfoportic. of Dr. liogcrt' Syrup 4 Uctrvrl, Jar ami tan- chalagua lie. the remedy for all line mischief. OKI AY IN DANCKIIIIUS. While .'.« pntient i. 'coiMdering, lubetcles may bo Ibrtniug, or ,vor.c still, may bo bursting in the Lung.. Hut if thi. remedy be promptly applied, the cough, cold or catarrh i. nt bnco removed, and In u.c the words of Daniel Webster, the sufferer ?breathes freer and deeper.' The only thiug required is promptitude. Sen pamphlet in the hands of Agents, and advertisement in another column. 127 Im January 16,1852, REMOVAL. W!H. E. GROVE, Has removeil his Tailor shop lo Tailor's Row, two doors east of Dcmaiu't Groce¬ ry, ami immediately opposite the juil where he will be happy to see all who may fuVor him with their patrunosie. All work intrusted into hi'hjmds will be done up according to Genio C. Scott's latest Re port of Fashions, or to your own tastes young or old. No work shall leave my shop without grn»'ral satisfaction. Thniiful lor past favors, I hope a conlin uunepMif the snmu. Alwavs »n receipt of Genio C. Scott* f.nletl Pushions. Morgantown, May 15,1852. U4»tf.

Monongalia mirror (Morgantown, Va. [W. Va.]).(Morgantown, Va. … · 2017. 12. 17. · Tlie now Mediclnul Herb. Theintroduction of Canrlnlagua from Cali¬ fornia, lias been an inestimable

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Page 1: Monongalia mirror (Morgantown, Va. [W. Va.]).(Morgantown, Va. … · 2017. 12. 17. · Tlie now Mediclnul Herb. Theintroduction of Canrlnlagua from Cali¬ fornia, lias been an inestimable

Tlie now Mediclnul Herb.The introduction of Canrlnlagua from Cali¬

fornia, lias been an inestimable blessing. ii»extract, conjointly with Liverwort and Tar, istlic basis of Dr.'Rogers' Syrup of Liverwort,Tar and Canchnlagua, which is working won¬ders in tlie euro of coughs and catarrhal offec-lion*. Wcro it used by all who Iwvo n predis-position to consumption, there would ho IVwdeaths from that disease. See their advertise¬ment in another column. Jan. 10.it


Liverwort, Tar and Canchnlagua.We might show logically whij this pruparn-

lion should cure, but it would bo a needle*)'wasto of words, since we can summon hosts ofwitnesses to show that it does cure. The resto¬red consumptives are the witnesses: ask ilicm.Ilcitd their testimony in the pamphlet in the A-gents1 hands. Head also the advertisement inanother column. 4t JanuAry 15.


is a surf. Rr.xr.DY for Hereditanj Taint.Thousands of individuals aro cursed with

grievous complaints, which they inherit fromtheir parents. The use of the Yettuw DockandSarsaparilla will prevent all this, and save avast amount of misery, and many valuablelives, for it thoroughly expels from' the iystemthe latent taint, which is the seed of disease,and so takes oir the curse by which the sinsor misfortunes of the parents aro so often vis¬ited upon the innocent offspring.

Parents owe it to their children to guard tliemagainst the effects of maladies that may becom-inuuicatcd by descent, and children of parentsthat have at any time been iftTccted with Cow-1sumption, Scrvfula. or Syphilis, owe it to them¬selves to take precaution ayainsi the diseasebeing revived in them. Ouysott's Extract ofYellow Dock and Sarsaparillu is a sure antidotein such cases.

IT7®Sce advertisement.AGENTS.

fl.M. [lagans & Co., Hrandonville.A. Crixs and A. I*\ Barnes,Clarksburg.Campbell &. Watson, Kairmout.\Y. Mullin, Pruntytown.June 19, 1891 149-tf.

KT Another Scientific Wonder.' Important to

Dy*pnptics/.Dr J S Houoiiton's PEPSIN, thetrue Digestive Fluid, orliantric Juke, preparedfrom Henxet, or the Fourth Stomach of theOx, after directions of Uaron Lir.air., the greatPhysiological Chemist, by J S Houghton,M D.Philadelphia. This is truly a wonderful remedyfor Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, LiverComplaint, Constipation and Debility, curingalter Nature's own method, by Nature's own

agent, the Gastric Juice. Pamphlets containing.Scientific cvidenco of its value, furnished byagents gratis. Sue notice among the medicaladvertisements. tf

BridgeTHE Animal Meeting ol the Stockhold¬

ers nf llie Moigantown Bridge Companywill be held at the Courl-hou-e on Mondaythe 5th day of July next, at 3 o'clock,P. M. A general attendance of the Stock-h dders i* requested.

By ouler of the President.June 21, 18*22. GEO. S.VRAY, Sec'y.

LIST of LETTERS remaining intlio Post-Ofliccot Morgnntown, Va.on the 1st day of July, 1852.Aulabaugh James;Bowman Dr.j BLney Catharine; Rarnhanl

Abdon 2; Dritt Win. D.; Hrown George; MrookK.; Cox B B, 2; Cox Hester A; Cobun Alfred;Crowley F; Cliipps David; Cowen RE; Curreii!James; Cox Emily; Dorsey Wm. C;" Drabcl!Harriett; Dorton John; Dent Maria; Griffith .;Evans G D; Evans Win. 2; Evans A J; EvcrlyC D; Foglc Robert; Fulton Hannah; Frum II.¦Wm.; Foster Jacob; Frazcc Jacob; FordyceDan, Gray J L ; Guseman John; Galliher Wm.;Gay M; Hen wood Abram; Henry Eli; Hill Re¬becca; llanthorn Sarah; Hite Jennet; HopkinsElizabeth; Hovattcr Henry; Hamifton Henry;Haney Wm.; Kelly-Henry T; Kramer Leroy;Knox L P; KnoxJas.; Keefover James; Lai-*er E C; Low Gustavus; Low P; Lashly John;Durbin Jno.; Morgan Drusilla; Michael Ann;'Michael Isnbella; Morris Levi; McGeorgo Ma¬ry; McKcmcy E; Pool Asbv; Piles John; PriceWm.; Pool Wm.; Reed H St Co; Runner John;llavcnscraft Jno.; Rockwell Elijah; Shay Orlando; Seniors Jacob ; Stewart D W ; ShackelfordSamuel; Stewart Harvey; Sensaba Perry; Shafer'George Shetelsworth Joseph; Stewart Martin;Smith John S; Stuck Harrison; Zinn C C; Stew¬art M II; Thompson G V; Taylor T 3 Rev.;Tlbbs llobort; Tilton M; Trowbridge John;Tar ton Eliza; Thomas .Enoch; Utt James;Withrow D C; Warring George; Waters John ;Wells Thos.; Wadsworth E; West John.Persons calling for Letters will please say

thoy aro advertised, or they may not get thom.N. I). MADERA, P. M.

i\ew store:To my old Friendr and the Public inj

General: JI have a^ain commenced the Mercan¬

tile business at my old stand lately occu¬

pied by E. C. Lazier, and have associatedwith me in business John E. Fleming.We intend doing a plain, straight for¬

ward business, and expect to deal in ev¬

ery thinir (except pufl') that the peoplewant. We intend to keep all kinds of.Goods that are kept in the New York,I'aris, Philadelphia and Baltimore Stores,and perhaps some things they do not keep.We shall not deal in Poetry either, altho'we can sing a lectle.

OUR PLATFORMWill be to pell low for cash or countryproduce, and to prompt payers on credit.We shall furnish our customers with theirbills for settlement about the first of Jan¬uary und July. As we do not expect norintend to make bad debit*, nor employ an

extra clerk to look after slopers, we thinkwe can aflbrd to sell a little less thansome others, who necessarily have tomake, in self defence, a provision for thesame. Come, therefore, all who waulGoods at low prices, and look at our Slockof Goods before you purchase elsewhere.A penny saved is a penny made.


Morpantown, 1st July, 1852. 151 \f.


ON the 4th Monday in Septembernexi,(il being the first day of September

term of the County Court of Monongaliacomity,) I will sell, in front of the CourtHouse, 07 Acrcs of Land. Said Landsituated in llie county of Monongalia, on

the Morgnntown and Evansvillo Turn-

Ciike Road, adjoining Lands of JubezIrown nnd others, on which there are e*

wet ml a Log Dwelling House,with shingle roof. Stable, Black,Siniili Shop, and there are are

25 Acres cleared, under goodjFences and in good repair.Terms ok Sale..S200 ca«h in hand,

mi.I the b.iljiicc in twelve months withinterest, until paid. The title is indi-'pu-InMe, and a good general warranty Deed

Itt-ill be given. HENRY BELL.July 3, 1S52. 151-ts.

PRIED PBACHES, of an exccl-lint quality, for sa'e by

1 W. A. Cl'SEMAN k Co.\June 5.



Just arrived in lime for the fourth of Julb / /

CAUR, SMITH & CO.,Art; ahead again as usual, hiii! are now

exhibiting ai their store iiimnsui Morgan-town, Va., a very Inwe ami well hs.mii lt dstock of SUMMKR GOODS, of every»ricc. qmi'.i y unit de.-cript on. which ilioymve concluded to run off tMs linn*, al-".oj»l ill com. just Jt-r thr fun of Ihe thing]For iustiii.e tiny hive.

hint sUill* I'urGj cents per wird.Fiji calicoes, good col«w. I« r6.| p« r yd.J.awns, worth 1els., for 8 and 10 cts.

per >urd.Benige D'Laiiies.lu'UUtifiilstyles, for \2i

cts. pet yard, and all other Good* in likel-ro|nntiiin us to chtvjmcss, such us Print.-*,U'Laines, pin in antl ligmed. Lawns veryWimp. bleached and blown Muslin-*, firstrule, S Iks, Satins, mid oilier nice Drew(...oils lor ladies, with Fringes, Lores andtrimming!* toHiit; ti larue dock of S.IkMitts and Hosiery; Bonnets and Ribbonsvery cheap ; cloths, cossiuieies mid vest-

ings; Anderson's celebrated Hoot'* andShoes; a large assortment of Hardware,huts and caps, ami their usual injectionof Notions, without number.Their stock of Ready-Made Clothing has

al.«o been iccruiied, which they offer ui

pi ires so !ow as to astonish!Coffee, Sugar and Molasses, Tobacco,

Pniuti*, Oils and Dye Stnfl's, Iron, Nails,Class, Stone-ware. Glass-ware, Queons-war.', Hour in Barrels and Bags, and

\occuns of Sundries, alwajs in baud, andinviting purchasers at very tempting pri¬ces. Call early and see1 Buy if you ld»e.We are anxious to si ll, but nol so anxiousas to wish to control your pnichase else¬where, either as to price or place. Keeploureje on ChcupSidc.us you pass np anddown, and von will fiuil yourself in thefight place exact 1\ !

CARR, SMITH & CO.July 3«l, 1852. ID I if.

SALE OF VALUABLE ESTATE,URSUANT to the provisions of a de¬

cree of the Circuit Court of MonongaliaCounty, pronounced on he 13tli day ofApril, ill the year 1852, in the case ofThomas Wade vs. George Wade and otli-eis, 1 shall on MONDAY, the 2flth day ofJULY next, (1852) the same being aConrtday, before the Court-]louse dnor iu Mor-gantown sell at public sale, on a credit ofone, two and three yeuis. the nurchasergiving bond with security with interestfrom date, for the purchase money, thetract of land in the bill and proceedingsmentioned, containing by estimation one[hundred Acres, more or less, being thesame tiaci on wh:ch Surah Limingand her husband resided iu Muiongaliucounty, for many years previous to theirdeath ; and the same conveyed bv the heirsand devisees of Alexander Wade, deceas¬ed. to the said Sarah Liming, late SarnhWade, by deed bearing date 28th March,1S35, duly recorded in Monongalia county.

ALKXANDER WADE, jr.,June 17, 1852..ts Commissioner.

|^"§500 Challenge!Wlmtevor conccrns the health anil happiness

of a people is nt all times of the most valuableimportance. 1 take it for granted that everyperson will do all in their power, to save theiives of their children, and that every personwill endeavor to promote their own health atall sacrifices. I .eel it to be my duty to sol¬emnly assure you that WORMS, according tothe opinion of the most cclelirated Physician*,are the primary causes of a large majority o

diseases to which children and adults are lia¬ble ; if you havo an appetite continually chang-ablo from one kind of food to another, HadHreath, Pain in the Stomach, Picking at theNose, Hardness and fulness of the llelly, DryCough, Slow Fever, Pulse Irregular.remem¬ber that all these denote WORMS, and youshould at once npply the remedy:.¦lobciisack's Worm Syrup.An article founded upon Scientific Principles,

compounded with purely vegetable substances,being perfectly safe when taken, and can begiven to the most tender Infant^'ith decidedbeneficial effect, where Bowel Complaints andDiarrhaa have made them weak and debilita¬ted the Tonic properties of my Worm Syrupare such, that it stands without an equal in thecatalogue of medicines, iu giving tone andstrength to the Stomach, which makes itau In¬fallible remedy for those afilicted with Dyspep¬sia,, the astonishing cures performed by thisSyrup f Her Physicians have failed, is the bestevidence of its superior eflicacy overall others.

THE TAPE WORM!!This is the most difficult Worm to detroy of

all that infest the human system, it grows to an

almost indefinite length, becoming so coiledand fastened in the Intestines and Stomach, af¬fecting the health so badly as to cause St. VitusDance, Fits, &c., that those afflicted seldom ifever suspect that it is Tape Worm hasteningthem to an early grave. In order to destroytliis Worm, a very energetic treatment must bepursued, it would therefore bo proper to tikeG to S of my Liver Pills so as to remove all ob¬structions, that the Worm Syrup may act directupon the Worm, which must be taken in dosesof 2 tablespooufuls 3 times a day these direc¬tions followed have never beeh known to failin curing the most obstinato case of Tape Worm.

hobensack s"liver pills.No part of the system is more liable to dis¬

ease than the Livor, it serving as a ffltcrer to

purify the blood, or giving tlio proper secretionto the bile; so that any wrong action ofthe Liv¬er affects the other important parts of the sys¬tem, and resulU variously, in Liver Complaint,Jaundice, Dyspepsia, &c. We should, there¬fore, watch every symptom that might indicatea wrong action of the Liver. These Pills be¬ing composed of HOOTS and PLANTS furnish¬ed by nature to heal the sick: Namely, 1st,An hxprxTonANT, which augments the secre¬tion from the Pulmonary mucus membrane, or

promotes the discharge of secreted matter..2d. An Alterative, which changes in some

inexplicable and insensible manner the certainmorbid action of the system. 3d. A To.xic,which gives tone and strength to tlio nervous

system, reuewing health and vigor to nil partsof the body. 4th, A Cathartic, which acts inperfect harmony with the other ingredients,andoperating on tho liowels. and expelling thewhole mass of corrupt and vitiated matter,andpurifying the Wood, which destroys disease andrestores health.

To IViiialiH.You will find these Pills an invaluable medi¬

cine in ninny complaints to which you nro sub¬ject. In obstructions either total or partialfthey have been funnd of inestimable benefit,restoring their functional arrangements to a

healthy acliuii, purnV'nu the blood nnd otherfluids so effectually as to put to flight all com¬

plaints which may arinn from female irregulari¬ties, as headiche', gidd'org*, dimness of sight,pain in timaido, hack, ice.None guni|ij)e uiilajs signed J. N. llobonsack,

all othjors being hasp j dilution.U7* Agents wishing now ju'ppliea, and Store

Keepers desirous nf becoming Agents must'address tho Proprietor, J. N. llobemack, Phil¬adelphia, Pa,

Price, caVll 23 cimls.0. W. Johnson. Baltimore, Wholesale Acent

for Maryland and Virginia. Canon & MeClel-land,l'nfoiitown,Pa. IUI.Ciirr,Morpntoun.Hagan, Kingwood. J. A. Hale, Weston. S.

& J. Hermans, Fellowfville. Meredith,Smith-1field, and by every Merchant in the U. States.June 26,1852. 150-tf.


ISaluclion in Prices!!AT D. H. CHADWICK & CO'S.

JUST received from the Knst, Rich bor¬dered Parasols, Queen's uray & black

Si to, silk Friusie mid line Mitt's, Diaper,Diill, red Flannel, sprig'd Swiss, BonnetjCord. Umbrellas, brown Muslin*. shortI.nee and black lovo Veils, llolusfou'sShoes and Slippers, equally ns g"odasan\made in our town, nUo u few Grass Hooks,We have concluded to run off some

!hi tigs without regard locost. Call andsee, then, while bargains are going.

6j cent Cai ro for4 cts.124 eent Lawns for 8 and 10 els.18J eent do for 12^ els.Berates veiv cheap.CofTee, While Sugar, Ten, &c.Kepn your eyes on the Red Tost if von

want the bust ha renins \ ou ever purchased,June 20, 16D2. lolMf.

Virginia, to wilt.At Rules held inthe Clerk's Ollieu of the Circuit Courtof Monongalia county, on the lirsl Mon¬day in June, 1S52:.

William M. Seir.ple, I'lnintijT, vs.John Tasscy, William Morrison, Jland Siimucl W. Sriii/ile,late jmrt- ,

ners trading under th"firm fy style \ l*eol.

nf 'l'assty, Morrison Co., Defts. '

The object of this suit is to recover

53354 67 els., with interest from the 1stof April, lS50, due to the plaiutift, fromthe defendant*,who nrennii residents of theSlate of Virginia, and to subject the estateand debts due lo the defendant* or someof them in the hands of Mat hew (Jnv, Ed¬gar C. Wilson and Waitmau T. Willeyto the payment of the same.

And the deiendauis not having enteiedtheir appearance and give-u security ac¬

cording to law and ilm rules of this court,a/id it appearing from a written affidavitfiled in the cause, that they aieuot mhab-itants of this commonwealth J: is outer-e«l that they do appear within one mouthafter due publication of this order, andtlowhat is necessary to protect their interests;

innd that this order be published once a

week for four successive weeks, in the" Monongalia Mirror,*' a weekly newspa¬per, printed in Morgauiowu, Monongaliacounty; and potted at the front door ofthe coutt-house of said county, on thefirst day of the next term of the. court ofsaid county. A copv..Teste.

\V. T. WILLEY. Clcik.G. R. C. Ali.es, PMs. Att'y.June 2C, 1852. I50-4t.


YOU will please lake notice, that on

Saturday the l4tli day of August, 1852,1before William Price, Esq., at his house,in Monongalia county, I shall prcceed to

take sundry deposi'ions lo be read as cvi-1dence in a curtniu suit now nctuii"? andundetermined in the Circuit Court for saidcounty of Monongalia, on the chnucervsfde of said com I, wherein I am Plaintiffand you und others Defendants. And iffrom any cause the taking of said depo¬sitions, should not be commenced, or be¬ing commenced should not be completedon thai day, then the same shall be con¬tinued from day to day (or lime to time)until completed.Given under mv hand this 23d day of

June, 1802. JEREMIAH MOORE.[June 26, 1802..id.)


tTENDERS his services to thecitizens of Fairview (Taylor-town) and vicinity, and lo thepublic generally, as a Physician

and Surgeon. Huvius been for some timeengaged in practice, he feels himself qual¬ified to treat diseases successfully. Officeiu the house of Mr. Lilman. in the room

formerly occupied by Dr. Braden.A« I am partially a stranget, 1 deem it

not improper (should auv wish to inquireparticularly as to my qualifications andcharacter) to direct them, as references, to

II. B. Mullioit, M. D., Smitlifield, Fay¬ette county, Ph.


Rev. A.G.Osboni, Oliphant's Furnace,Fayette county, Pa.

Rev. Caleb Rossell, Smith field, do. do.II v.J. M. Purinton, do. do. do.I have iu my possession written recom¬

mendations from the above gentlemen,but think it unnecessary to publish themat length.

Fairview, Greene co., Pa., June 15.1852.Waynesburg papers please copy Cm.

Mrs. Elizabeth Anthony, Dav'ul An¬

thony, John Anthony and An¬thony :

YOU will please take notice that on

Saturday the JOlh day of July, 1852, atthe Store house of Hurrison Hagau, E*q.,in Biandonville, Preston county, Va., be¬tween the hours of 5 u. m. and p. m. oftha*. day, 1 will lake the depositions ofHenry Kelly and Mnhlnn Bruomhall tobe read in evidence for mo in a suit now

pending in the Circuit Court of Prestoncounty, Va., iu which I am complainantand you and others are defendants; andif from any cause the taking of said de¬positions beiui; begun on that day shouldnot be completed, their taking will be con¬

tinued from day today until completed.JAMES CRAWFORD.

June 15,1852. 149.St.

VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE.David Myers, et al, Plaintiffs,

vs.Solomon Myers, et al, DefendantsThe undersigned was appointed a com¬

missioner at the last teim of the CircuitCourt to sell the Laud in the bill and pro¬ceedings mentioned in this case; beingtwo separate traels one containing aboutfifty-two acres, the other about one hun¬dred and twenty-two acres, which tractswere owned by John Myers, dee'd. Theland is on the west side of the River, onthe road to Blucksville, near the residenceof Asa Lemley, and is valuable. It willbe sol,I on the FOURTH MONDAY OFJULY,l Court-day,) before the Court-housein Morgantnwn. Terms of sale,.a creditof one and two years, with bond and se-|rurity. The title is said lo be good, butonly such will be made as authorized iulike cases. AND. McDONALD.June 19, 1852.-ts. Commissioner.

br, London's Celobraled FamiljMcd-lelnA*. Just received and for sale bv

April 21. H. II. CARR ft CO.

ii iii, 11 ..

I Virginia, sh.A l Rules held in the Clerk's Office of the

Cifcuit Court of Monongalia, on the iirstMonday in June, 1802:Elijuh Hinkins, Plaintiff,

vs.Elijah Chulfon and others, Defendants.

IN CHANCERY.The object of this suit is to impeach a

paper writing purporting to be the lustwill and tesiuineiil of Peter Hinkins, de-censed. and to have a trial by jury to as¬

certain whether any,and if any, how muchof the same be thd will of the deceased.IV same bears date on the 10th iluv ofApril, in the year 1835, and was admit-ted to probate in the county court ol Mon¬ongalia, at the September term of suidcourt, 1849.And the defendant?, Elijah Chalfan, Ol¬

iver Drock and Jemima his wife, WilliamClovi.suml Rebecca his wife, Jehu Longand Rebecca hi* wife, Abraham finikin*,Mercer Dawson and Cassandra his wife,Kmuimel Brnwu, Abrahum Brown. PeterBrown, William Brown, Adam Hrown,'.Teagardeu and Minerva his wife,lateMinerva Brown, Enieriek and Cas-suudiii his wife* late Cussamlia Brown,nothaving entered theirnppenianre and givenneurit) aceordini: to law, and it appearingfrom a written affidavit filed in the cause,that tfiey are not inhabitant* of this com¬monwealth,. It is ordered that they doappeur, within one mouth after duo publi-cm ion of thi.<* ouler, and do what is neres-

l.-iirv to pioteet their interests, and thatthis order be published once a week forfrtiir successive weeks in the *. Mononga¬lia Mirror,*' a weekly newspaper, piintcdin MorL'aulown. Monongalia county. Vir¬ginia, niid posted at the front door of thecourt house of the said county nn the firstday of the next term of the court of saidcount v. A copv..Teste.

W. T.' Wir.LKy, Clerk.G. R. C. Ai.le.v, Pl'fl's. At to.June 12. 1852. U8-4t.

Virginia, stt.At rules held in the Clerk's office of the

Circuit Court of Monongalia county, on

the first Monday in June, 18-VJ:Daniel Miller, Adin'r. et ul, IMuiutiffs,

vs.William P. Williams, Defendant,The object of this suit is to subject to

sale a house and lot in Hamilton, Monon¬galia county, Virginia, to the payment ofthe purchase money therefor, and otherdebts.The defendant William P. WillianTs not

having enter *d his appearance nod givensecurity according to law, and it ap|it ariiisfrom a written affidavit filed in the rautethat hois not au inhabitant of this com¬monwealth It is ordered that he do ap¬pear within one month after due publica¬tion of this order, and do what i> neces¬

sary lo protect his interests ami that thisorder be published once u week for foursuccessive weeks in the '. MonongaliaMirror," a weekly newspaper printed inMorgantown, Monongalia county, Virgin¬ia. andj posted at the front door of theeourt-hensc of said county, on the firstilay of the next leim of the court of said

A COpv..W.' 1. W1UKY, Clerk.E. C. Wiisosf, Alio.June 12, 1652. MS-tf.

Virginia, sh..Benjamin Shay tl al, PhiiUUtTs,

rs.Ucbccca Smitli et »l, Defendants,

iiV CHANCERY.Pursuant to a decree of flic Circuit Court of

Monongalin county, rendered on the 12th dayof April, 1S52, in tliis cauuc,

I will, on the 4th Monriny in May next, infront of tho Court house door in Morgantown,proceed to sell the Lund in the Hill and pro¬ceeding mentioned, on a credit tff six, twotve,and eighteen months, with iutRrebt from theda\ of sale, to the highest bidder. The pur¬chaser or purchasers are required to give bondwith approved security for tho payment of thepurchase money,toml a title retained until thepurchase money is paid. Said l.nud is situatein Cheat Neck,"Monongalia county, Vn.. a partof the same farm owned by Jacob Smith, do-1ceased, containing by estimation about fib'f or

CO Acres of Land, on the turnpike road lead¬ing from Icc's Ferry to Uiiiuiitown, Pa. Thetitlf is saul to be good, hut selling as Cominis-sioner 1 will only convey such ti»li; as is vestedin me. E. P. FITCH, Deputv,

For Thomas Mebeditii, Sltfl' .\I. C.April 14, 1S52.Postponement..The above Sale is

postponed until tho FOURTH MONDAY INJUNK next, 1SS2.

E. P. FITCH, Deputv forMay 24, 1S52. Thomas Meredith.

Fayette Springs,rpHIS highly attractive amrfashiouable wat-

X enng place hats been leased, togetherwith' The Fayette Springs Hotel,'

adjacent thereto, by the proprietor of thet( FARMINGTON HOTEL," on the Nationallload, who has secured the best Conks and thebest Supplies of every kind, with a determina-1tion to please all his visitors. Anew buildingwith 40 rooms has recently been added to theestablishment.These Springs arc surrounded by the most

delightful and romanticMountain Scaur;/,

in a cool climate, where tho pure air and purewater.themselves tho true elements of health,God's greatest blessing to man on earth. Thecurative and purifying properties of the watershave been lullv established by the fact thatthey have NEVER FAILED to euro tho worstcases of Scrofula, the most inveterate sores,and other Diseases of the Mood, by drinking thewater freely, and in cases of eruptions bathingand applying tho depositoi of tho streams ex¬

ternally. Tho waters are thoroughly chalybeatewith portions of Magnesia, Sait*,i; c.

Besides, these Springs are located in thomidst of Classical Ground*, within an hour'sride of Washington'* first Jlattic Field,at " Fort Necessity," whore the entrcnclunontsare still distinctly visible. Genebal Ha ad-dock's and JL'JI'i.vville's Graves, Dunbar'sencampment. Washington's Spring and Mead¬ows, which lie owned till he died. In the im¬mediate vicinity, also arc soveriiI remarkablenatural curiosiiics, among them. Dclmicy's Ciivc,which may be explored for miles under thomountains, the celebrated OH 10 PILE FALLS,on tho Youghiogheny river, tho CUCUMUEIlCATARACT, descending from a shelving rockmoro than forty feet pcrpcndicular.GAME and TROUT FISHING abound in the

neighborhood. Horses, Saddles and Carriageswill bo furnished for visiters.

Stages and Hncks will arrive at nud loavetlioSteamboats at Drownsvillo daily, from whencevisiters will pass in a drive of 4 or 6 hours to

the Springs, about half tho distance throughono ol tho richest and most delightful agricul¬tural rogious in tho country, to Uniontown andthen S miles further ovor Laurel Mountain,presenting from its steeps and its summit,splen¬did views of the great western Valley, with itsrich, variegated and beautiful scenery.

In short, it it confidently believed there is nowatering place in tho country, presentingstronger attractions to those cocking health

and i'leaicbe than "the Fayette Springs,"and the undersigned is very certain they can

no whoro find a greater disposition to pleaso,or moro accommodating torms.

SEBASTIAN RUSH.May 29, 1802. 116-tf.


FELLOW DOCK & SARSAPAR1LLA!Tho original and only genuine preparation forthe permanent curn of Consumption, anu

Diseases of the Lungs, when they aro

supposed to be airected by the tooTrue use of Mercury, iron.

Quinine, &c., kc.It Will Cure, without Fall,

Scrofula, ok Kino's Evil, Caiccehs, Tumors, EicurTioSs of the Skin, Erysif-LLAS, CHRONIC SOUK EYES, RiNCWOBMor Tettrhi Scald Hf.ad, IIheuma-ti«m, Pains in the Howes on Joints,old Sores and Ulcers, Swellings of

the Glands, Syphilis, Dyspep¬sia, Salt Rheum, Diseaso

of Kidneys, Loss ofAppetite; Disease arising

from the use of Mercury, Pain intin- Side and Shoulders, General Debility,

Dr»p.«yy Lilmbiigo', Jaundice nnd Costivonoss.The best Female Medicine known I

THE SHAKER PltKI'ARKD "YELLOWDOCK" and the " KKI) HONDURAS SAKSA-PAIULLA," lirb the iavalratilo remedial agent,from which u Dr. Guysott's Improved hxtrnct..f Yellow Dock and Ssrsaparilla" is formed {nnd ilie laboratory of Dr. Guysott has given us

the virtues of these roots in their perfection.IIi!« preparation contains nil tho rcstoratite pro¬perties of the roots, combined and concentra¬ted in their utmost strength nnd efficacy.

Kxpcrimonts were mndc in the manufactureof this medicine until it was found that it couldn««t be further improved.

Accordingly we lind it resorted to, almost u-

niveosally, in cases of Hcpatic, Scorbutic andCutaneous complaints, fur general prostrationof nil the vital powers and all those tormentingdiseases of the skin so trying to patieucc andso injurious to health.

n n nScrofula, Syphilis, Mercurial complaints, Can-

cer, Gangrene, Rheumatism, and a vast va-

riety of other disagreealls and dangerous dis¬eases are speedily and perfectly cured by theuse of this medicine.

Saline, Mich. Oct. 6, 1S5I.Mn. John D. Park.Dear Sir: it is with un¬

utterable feelings of gratitude that 1 am able,through the Divine Providence of God, and bythe wonder-working agency of that excellentmedicine, ? Guysott's Yellow Dock and Sarsa¬parilla,' to give you a few symptoms of my al¬most hopeless case.

In the winter of 1S50 I was attacked with a

severe pain, which was gradually extendingtho whole right side and leg; at the same timea total prostration of my physical system; alsomy leg had shrunk to about two-thirds of itscommon size. I procured the attendance of askilful practitioner, who pronounccd my dis-ease one of the worst forms of liver complaintHe said my case was one not easily handled,but prescribed for me. I remained under histreatment until 1 was satisfied he could not helpme. I thed procured ofyour agent at this place,W. A. Beers, two bottles of Guysott's YellowDock and Sarsaparilla, from which I receiveda vast amount of benefit. After having takenfour bottles more I was able to pursue my busi¬ness without any inconvenience, and have beensince tlmt time a well man, while but a shorttime since 1 was confined to my bed three-fourths of tho time; and I cannot ascribe thereturn of iny health to any other cause than bythe ngciicy of tlmt truly valuable medicine,Guysott's Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla.


Saline, Oct. 14,1S51.Mm* J. D. Park.Dear Sir: I send you the

foregoing certificate, and so far as I urn ac-

qiiuiutcd with his case it is all true. I procuredit, thinking it miiht bo a benefit to you and tothe afflicted. You have the privilege of usingit as you think best. Yours, \V. A. Beers.

The following letter is from a highly respect¬able Physician, who enjoys an extensive prac¬tice : Navarre, Starke en. 0. Kov. 1,1S51.Db.John D. Pabk: DetirSir:1 Dr. Guysott's

Extract of Sarsaparilla.' This medicine hasbeen prescribed by mo for the last three years,with good eflect, in general debility, livercom-plaint, Jaundice, Dispepsia, chronic and nor-!vous diseases. Iu all Female Complaints it iscertainly unequalled.

In tho use of this medicine the patient con-

stuntly gains strength and vigor, a fact worthyof great consideration. It is pleasant to thetaste and smell, and can be used by persons

j with the most delicate stomact.s, with safety,under any circumstances. 1 am speaking fromexperience, and to the afflicted I advise its use.

| r DK. J. S. LKKPER.

^ 3Extract of a Letter from an extensive Mer¬

chant in Neenali, II'is.Neenaii, Wis. Oct. 29th, 18.11.

Mr. John D. Park.Dear Sir: 1 am out ofvour * Wistar's ilalsam of Wild Cherry,' and'* Dr. Guysott's Extract of Yellow Dock andSarsapurilla.' Please forward a supply iminc-diatcly.Your Balsam of Wild Cherry workod to a

charm here; not a bottlo failed of affording iin-mediate relief; and in every instance but one

(an old gentleman of 11 years of age) it cured,and tho Yellow Dock has done equally well..I took three bottles myself, last fall, and eu-

joyed perfect health last winter, for the firstwinter for eleven years, being troubled with asevere eruption of tho skin which laid ine upfrom two weeks to four months every winterand spring until last winter.Henry E. Jones, a brother merchant and a

particular friend of mine, took two bottles ofthn Yellow Dock for n Scrofulo.us Eruption,which has worked an entire cure.My store is corner of Wisconsin avenue and

Walnut street. Yours respectfully,CHARLES K. CASE.

Iu quart bottles, $1 per bottle, or U buttlesfor live dollars.Sold by J. D. PARK, Cincinnati, 0.North-east corner of Fourth and Walnut sts^.

entrance on Walnut St., to whom all ordoramust be addressed;

Also by H. H. Carr, Morgantown.Campbell & Watson, Fairmont.L. A. Hagan, JCingwood.

April 10, ISA2. 139 If

K. J. CAPItOX,Commission Merchant.

No. 04, Boichj's Wharf, Baltimore.Liberal advances made on consignments «f

Grain nnd all othor sountry produco.Refer to Bartholow 8c Tiffany, Baltimore, Md.

J. H. Haymond, Fairmont, Va.May 29, ISoJ. 146-3mo.

ESTH.1V:A BAY MARE, was found

and taken up Mi the lands ofthe subscriber living in Pres¬ton county. Virginia, ami wasappmised ac-cordinir lohiwon

lite 10th day of June, 1S52. The Mare isa bar, and supposed to be six years old; asmall white star in her forehead, uu.I u

lump under her eye, and is appraised ulforty-five dollars. II there be any ownerfor said mare, let him come forwurd. proveproperty, pav the legal exiienses and takeher away.


JOHN GOOHE.June 19,1952. l49-.1t.

READ TUISTrpHE subscriber has aev.X cral good COWS and

CALVES fnr sale. Come on, boys, anilsome, or nil of you. will enable me to pavthe Printer. ELIJAH TARLETON.

Pleasant Valley, near Julin Jones's.June 12, 1892. 14S-U.


Llnserd Oil, (Superior,) For Sale.at the Drug anu Tobacco Store ofApril 21, H. H.CARItiCO

\B*A'ew Advertisement: let everybody read h!


Is thefirst and only remedy ever recorded In IheMedical History of the World that has a!opt

the most violent pains in a few seconds!it will STOP



Interim I ai:<l I'xli'rnalIT WII.L STOP THE


AND HAS CUREDRheumatism In Four Hours;Neuralgia In One Hour;Croup In Ten Minutes;Diarrhrea In Fifteen Minutes;Toothache In One Second;Spasm In Five Minutes;Cramps In Five Minutes,'Sick Ucadnclie In Fifteen Minuter;Chill Fever In Fifteen Minutes;Chilblains In Five Minutes;Sore Throat In Four Hours;Influenza In Ono Hour.

Spinal Complaints, Stiff Joints, Strains,Bruises, Cuts, Wounds, Frost IJites, CholeraMorbus, Dysentery, Tic Doloreux, and all oth¬er complaints where there is severe pains..RADWAY'S READY RKLIKF will instantlystod this pains and quickly cure the disease.

the human frameIs the most perfect masterpiece of mechanisin the universe. F.veryartery, muscle, ligamerand bono exhibits in its formulion the wisdoiof the Deity. Kvcry joint and sinew works har¬moniously with each other, and upon the uatu-1ral performance of every function depends thehealthful action of the whole.

I» A 1 IVdisorganizes the whole system; it prostrates thenerves; it relaxes the muscles; it weakens thejoints; it interferes with the functions of everyorgan ; it checks the free and healthy circula¬tion of the blood; it paralyzes the absorbents,and renders them unable to take up and repletethe wasted form with sound material. For th«very moment that this beautiful masterpiece ol(iod becomes ntilicted with pain, the influenceis experienced throughout the whole system,no matter in what particular locality the painmay originate; whether in the Head, the Feet,the Back, the Knee Joints, the Klbows, theTeeth, the Gums or the Stomach; whether itarises from internal derangement, or is the re¬

sult of external injuries, still the pain exercisesits influence throughout every portion of thehuman system ;.not a nerve or muscle escapesthe prostrating influence.

INSTANT RELIEF FROM PAINIs the great Desideratum of ovcry individualwho suffers its tortures, no matter how light or

severe its paroxysms may be. No one can feelhappy while suffering its torments.HADWAY's READY RELIEF

In a feu Seconds vill slop the most dis-1tresting pains. '

Its effects arc like electricity.it arrests themost distressing pangs in a low second*.itssoothing, neutralizing and healthful influencethrills through every minute cell, membrane,and establishes the secretion of every gland inthe system, subduing the most excruciating paroxysin of pain, and imparting strength and vi¬tality to every organ.

Neuralgia.Pain Stopped linlanthj !

Radway's Ready Relief possesses an almostmiraculous influence over the sharp dartingpangs of pain of this cruel complaint. In a fewminutes the pain-stricken sufferer experiencesthe most delightful sensations ofdeparting pain.It lias cured thousands of cases in the city ofNew York, where many ofthem had been bro'talmost to death's door. The effects of theReady Relief is to stop the pain immediately,to strengthen the nervous system and supplythe nerves with energy and vitality, the loss ofwhich is the chief cause of nervous pains.

DANGEROUS PRACTICE.The use of Morphine, Strychine, Aconite,

Belladonna, Arnica and other poisons, are not

only dangerous but cruel. The effect of thesepoisons is not to cuje the disease, or to removefrom the system the pains, but toDeaden the nerves, to weaken and stop the ner¬vous energy, to paralyze the functions ofthe nervous system & destroy sensation.

If this practice is continued for any longth oftime the patient will not only waste away, butthe brain will become paralyzed and the intel¬lect destroyed.

ItA DWAY'S READY RELIEFIs Free from Morphine,

and all other dangerous and narcotic influence.To the weak and paralysed nervous system itimparts life instead of death, and the pain isstopped by tho healthy influence which Rad-way's Ready Relief imparts to the nerves; in¬stead of the lifeless, sleepy and paralysing ef¬fect which Morphine aud a'li other preparationscontaining this poison produce on the system.



It will cleanse and sweeten tho stomach andneutralize tho pernicious acids of the system.

ALL BOWEL COMPLAINTS,Dinrrhma, Dysentery,Bloody Flux, Cholera Morbus,

Painful Discharges:It relieves tho most severe pains in a fow min¬utes.checks the most distressing discharges k


RHEUMATISM.Pain Relieved in Five Minnies!

Rudway's Ready Relief will stop the moitsevcte and excruciating pains of Rheumatismalmost instantly. Persons ore living in this citywho, for mnnths, were confined to their bed'sby Rheumatic pains, whose bones were un¬

sound from top to toe, whose joints were dis¬torted with painful swollings, that were reliev¬ed from all pain in 15 minutes by the use ofHadway's Ready Relief. This i* truth and thou¬sands in the city of Now York, and hundredsof thousands in the United States, can answer

for the truth ofthis assertion.we need no cer¬tificates of Cures.wo publish no long list ofnames to prove the efficacy of Radway's Rea¬dy Relief, for the citizens of almost every townin the Union, for the last four years, have test¬ed it themselves.

CHILL FEVER.Chills stopped in a few minutes: pain relieved

instantly.Radway's Ready Relief actsliko a charm in

all cases of chills and fever: it breaks the chillsImmediately, warms up and invigorates withhealth and strength every organ and secretionof the system.

PAINS OK ALL KINDS.t> W.l,0n0,(?r.^ou /L'°' Prtin> n?P'y Radway'sItcnuy Relief. It is suro to relievo you in a fewminutes. If you have nains in the stomach, in*tcstincs, in tho liver, kidnevs, bowels, joints,and bones, Radway's Ready" Relief, taken in-

(ternally orjajjplled externally, will in a fewmiuutes slop pain and quickly remove its cause.

Price 25 and 50 cents per boltle.radway's medicated soap,

Coinposod of tho inost delicious, rure and fra¬grant gums.

Of cxtiacts, oils and costly essences.Of flowers, roots, trees and oriental plants,Possessing wondrous virtues o'er skin diseases.

Railway's Circassian Balm:Imparts nutriment to tho hair, makes it strong,glossy, rich and luxuriant, cleanses the scalpfrom dandruff, fastens the hair & makes it grow.'*#* Prico 25 cents a bottle.

RADWAY & CO.Principal Office, 102 Fulton st. N. Y.

AftKNTS:H. II. Crr, Morgantown and Fairmont;W. Fear & Son, Laurel Point;J. I). Yeager k Co. Indian creek.

February 28, IS52. 133tf

SUPERIOR 121 CENT TOBACCO.A frw.h lot, jnnt rcceitcd nnil far .ale bv»!«, so, ism. ii. ||. cam iffcoi




CANCHALAGUA;_..p i-hiip!.i:ti: L'PKl: orr0R tuk comtletk cbhk

Coughs, Colds, Influenza,Asthma, Bronchitis, spitting ofBlood, and' all other LungComplaints tending toCONSUMPTION.

IYO OPIUM.This syrup contain. no Opium,

any mineral whatever, but i. compoitj cnurclj.f those lloot«, Herbs, and vegetablecca whicb liavc a .peclllc influence WotIthoLungs, nnil llieir conncctcd organs. It. imme¬diate effect ia to allay all irrilallon, nnd Scn")'remove the phlegm and other morbid secretin.Irom the Throat and air-pauagesi; tlui« rtletT-init the Cough, h iMuIng thi Inflammattm aidother cauaea which give to !«. It alao stimulate!,and impart, t health; tone to the Lungs them-aclvea, thereby enabling them moro thoroi ghlyto remove from the blood thoac impurities anddiaeaaed particle, which, if retafnedj do ,omuch mischief in the ayatem, and lay the Toon-1dation fur incurable CONSUMPTION, ttnln |eicru a decided action upon the akin, and aa

aiata hiture in expelling, through the j^Wcnts,much of that morbid matter which would other-»iae be thrown back upon the Lung., thus' re¬

lieving them of a part of their work , and rcn-

.leriiig the ayatem pure and healthy. Whentuberculcs are forming, it check, thatr d°velop-mcntand further progre.s| or if ulceration baataken place it aaai.U the Lung. '»"fthe corrupted matter, aoothea the irritation,heals the ulcerated cavitiea, and re.tores llieinagain to healthv action. Thi. Medicine, there¬fore, is not a palliative merely, which only re¬

lieve. for the time being, but u »thorough cura¬tive. a. it strikes at the very root of the ili.ca«c,and by removing it remove, at once all it. re-1mom and altrndant eonsoi|uencos. 1 In. i. it. Idiflinguiihinp charaetcrittic.* property po.-1.essed, in equal power, by no other uicdic.ne Iof like nature now before the public.

CIRCULARS, &»'.As no ordinary-vised advertisement can fully

explain the nature and merits of thin article, theProprietors have published a. new Circular, giv¬ing the history of this Medicine, the </«(."/>//».**nature. 1,-c. of its principal ingredients; the er-f.cl tliev are designed to have upen the Lungsand Liver, and a copious reference to the per¬sons who have been cured by ,it.giving theirnames and residences, even'to the street andthe number. Those who are troubled with a

cough, or whose lungs are in the least aliccteu,aro earnestly desired to call upon the Agentsnamed below, and procure one of these Pam¬phlets. It can be had gratis, and will well re-pav a perusal. The " Hints on Uralth." ami'?about taking cold" may be worth to yuuneliand f-^DRE1)s QF J)OLIiAUS,in the shape or Doctor'. Bills saved, beside,being the infant of prolonging many a valua-ble life.

WARRANTY.Such is our confidence in it* virtues th.it we

are willing to warrant this medicine in everycase oC recent Cold, (where used according tothe Directions on page 7th of'tho pamphlet, in- Esido the wrapper of bach bottle) and where the Iperson is not satisfied that he is deriving benefit Ifrom it, by returning the bottle within 24 hours' ^time,

THE MONEVwill be returned. See page 3d of tho pam¬phlet inside the wrapper of each bottle.

AGENTS:II. H. CARR, Wholesale and Retail Agent for

Northwestern Virginia, MorgahtoWn;Dr. A. H. Barnes, Clarksburg, Vn.11. Jnckson, Jane Lew, Lewis county;Dr. J. A; Hall, Weston, do.William Asbury, Pruntytown, Taylor county;Thoiiias W; Brooks, Knottsville, doShinn Kirklolnek, Harrison county;L. A. I lagan, Kingwbnd, Preston county jG. M. Ilagan & Co., Dramlonville, doBurn&Tutt, Kvansville, doSamuel Strickler, Philippi, Barbour countv ;Thomas Meredith, Smalltown, Monongalia co.John Yeager, Indian Creek, doII. II. Carr, Fairmont, Marion county,Janudry 15, 1S52. 127 3m

DR. ROGERS' SYIIUP OFLiverwort, Tar and Cauchaia^iia-Nothing can be more safe, congenial or heal¬

ing to the membranes ofthe Throat and Lungs,yet it the same time more cnergttic S,-thoroughin its cfleets than this great remedy for CO.VSUMPTION, lironchitis and all other diseaseswhich have their seat in the Lungs,or their aui-Iiliarv orenns. It seems to fall like balm upon Itheir irritated surfaces. The dry cough becomes Iloose, expectoration removes the causeol the!disease, and the expectoration removes the Icause of the disease, and the tonic properties ¦of the Canchalagua keep up the strength under |the salivary discharge. Liverwort, fur andmCanchalagita possess in their separate substaii- ¦ces all the elements requisite lor the cure ol I

coughs, colds and diseases ol the liver, null com¬bined they are irresistible. See pamphlbt.January 15. Into

Three SpccMcs nicnrird.Liverwort and Tar have both been held to be

sure remedies for coughs, colds, cronpj asthma,bronchitis, and nlmost every other vMety oldisease that assails the breathing apparatus.Hut the compound was imperfect, until the greatCalifornia 'I onic and febrifuge, which strength¬ens without exciting, was added to the first na¬med ihgredfrntr. When, under the skilful ma¬

nipulations of Dr. Ilugrrs) 'M \riplicate of veg¬etable curatives became one in his Syrup yLiverwort, Tar and Canchalapua, the absoluteeuro of all Lung complaints tending to and ter¬minating in consvapthn, became a thing orcertainty. As vet thire have been few failures,but the cures, well attested, are of ample record.Kvidencc of the highest chancer is offered in

lie pamphlets in the hands of Agents.January 15. 127 lul°

THE PERILS OF THE LUNGS.Tlir.o delicate or«an« iro always In peril,

and life is in peril when they do nut properlyperform thrir functions. II inflammation inter¬fere. with their regular action, the blo.nl I. nn-

nerfeclly purified, the circulation I. irregular,Snd the'wholc Kvsfeui suffers. Im Ilia combinedtonic, expectorant, and healing Pfoportic. ofDr. liogcrt' Syrup 4 Uctrvrl, Jar ami tan-chalagua lie. the remedy for all line mischief.OKI AY IN DANCKIIIIUS. While .'.« pntienti. 'coiMdering, lubetcles may bo Ibrtniug, or,vor.c still, may bo bursting in the Lung.. Hutif thi. remedy be promptly applied, the cough,cold or catarrh i. nt bnco removed, and In u.cthe words of Daniel Webster, the sufferer?breathes freer and deeper.' The only thiugrequired is promptitude. Sen pamphlet in thehands of Agents, and advertisement in anothercolumn. 127 Im January 16,1852,


Has removeil his Tailor shop lo Tailor'sRow, two doors east of Dcmaiu't Groce¬ry, ami immediately opposite the juilwhere he will be happy to see all who mayfuVor him with their patrunosie. Allwork intrusted into hi'hjmds will be doneup according to Genio C. Scott's latest Report of Fashions, or to your own tastesyoung or old. No work shall leave myshop without grn»'ral satisfaction.

Thniiful lor past favors, I hope a conlinuunepMif the snmu.Alwavs »n receipt of Genio C. Scott*

f.nletl Pushions.Morgantown, May 15,1852. U4»tf.