MonkeySpeak Cover Art: Manikanth

MonkeySpeak Issue 5

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MonkeySpeak is an entirely student funded, student run, unedited, uncensored magazine dedicated to the unadulterated freedom of speech and expression. We hold these ideals to the highest pedestal, and as such, the board members act as mere facilitators, and not editors. We do not pose any restrictions in terms of language, form of expression, topics, or shock value. If you want to be heard, we will print it. Submissions can be completely anonymous, under an alias, or printed with a by-line, as the author/artist desires. You may submit prose, poetry, photographs, or artwork; original creations or the credited work of others; in any language you like. Please send your submissions to [email protected], with specifications on how you would like your work to be credited. Feel free to use any email account, if you would like to maintain anonymity.

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Cover Art: Manikanth

ContentsFrom The Monkeys Desk3The Truth And Nothing But The Truth Screwed Up Administration4Divine Intervention5Letter To The Beloved Jgu-Confessions Admin5Page From My Diary7Raajkarega?9Things Around Us.10Truth, When Far Away!10Asked11Secret Life Of Gulliver13"Do You Love Yourself? And Why?14Hero Worship15We The People Of India15Photography By Argha Basu16Growing Up The Hard Way17Humanity1921Artwork By Devika Sandill - A Humorous Take On The Common Stereotype Of The Typical Delhi Alpha Male21Fifty Seconds23Fuck Your Magnanimity24The Temptress25Waqt25So When Does It Stop?26The Big Void Between Indian Industry And Educational Institutions27Poetrie28Open Letter 2.028TheArtIKnow30

From The Monkeys DeskDear readers,Its been a while but we are back, to bring forth the unadulterated thoughts of the masses. Our role in this publication is simple call for articles, put them together, and thank our wonderful readers and contributors for their constant, rousing support. On that note, we would like to reiterate this could never have happened without you. We now live in a world of things left unsaid, of rules pressing down on our throats. MonkeySpeak is the cone of speech and expression. It is the bubble in which nothing holds you back. And so we let loose.

The Truth And Nothing But The Truth Screwed Up AdministrationWhile our college brags about human rights, signs MOUs with the leading universities across the world, with a view to promote its global tag, it silently suppresses the voices which constitute the backbone of our institution the workers. Resting their corrupt asses on leather couches, they dismiss any worker, who gathers the courage to approach them, at the very first hint of expenses. While they are glad to build a 50 lakh faculty room and keep themselves entertained, on the other hand they are as glad to mock the requests of hundred odd workers who ask for a 2000 rupee hike in their wages. As if to say if we cut off one head, two more shall take its place[footnoteRef:1] [1: Hail Hydra! Oh no, Hail Paisa]

In the month of March, the workers exhibited a rare sign of unity when they stood outside the college premises and protested and raised slogans. With a reputation to protect, the college took this matter up, suddenly, and heard them out, knowing very well that this movement too, shall die down and it was only a matter of time that they could handle the cards once again. Administrative bureaucracy took over, delay and complicated procedures which the workers found hard to understand were imposed and the workers stepped back. Student involvement was limited to the time when they felt for the cause and they too lost enthusiasm and gave in to the bureaucracy (although there are still a few working on it). The workers were coerced to sign resignation letters upon any request of leave/absence. The Sodexo management promised them various increments and benefits, for instance the employees state insurance (ESI) card and monthly bonus for full attendance, none of which were given. The paradox is worth noting. The workers believed that they would get a bonus (since it was merely 150 rupees) and would avail their services for the entire month despite their health situation (completely ignoring the fact that a days leave per 21 days is a legal right). While on the other hand, the ESI card as promised to them, which would enable them to waive off any expenses arising out of medical need, were never given. So neither would they get a bonus nor would they be given a sum to cover medical expenses. Exploitation at its best! Sodexo heads were called, workers travelled to Chandigarh workers office to learn about their stipulated salary, but nothing worked out. Why? So heres the deal. Firstly, they were told that their strike was illegal, since they had not given prior notice. And secondly, Sahni blatantly threatened the workers saying we wont increase your wage, do whatever you want to do. If you protest or demand anything more, we will kick you out and ensure that you do not get a job anywhere else. Coming from the top, the workers bowed down to this psychologist who had trained himself to get inside the head and use his power to impose orders. The workers gave up, resumed their daily routine and protested no more. They still wish that they get directly employed by the university and not be contractual workers, since the benefits arising out of direct employment are in sync with the schemes, welfare programmes provided by various laws. But the silence has re-emerged and the university is holding the cards, again (well-orchestrated moves).So why this article? To inform everyone about the ridiculous bureaucracy? No. The purpose of this article is to expose the harsh truths that surround us day in, day out and it yet, goes unnoticed. This is a desperate attempt to instigate a student community which feels for this cause, who raise their voice in union and voice their opinion which are against the policies adopted by the university, which will continue to implement rules that we will despise. So this is the time, the time to say no! No more.

Divine InterventionNight. The woods. A young guy, name of Richie, maybe thirty years old, running for his life. Chased by two bad men with guns. The chase leads out of the woods and into a backyard. Richie hides in a small tool shed. He is terrified, bewildered, trapped. Truly screwed. He looks up and says, "god, if you'll get me out of this, I promise Ill never steal drugs from drug dealers ever again. I'll never steal from anybody. I'll never lie again. I'll never cheat. I'll never bang a strange woman who may be underage... And the daughter of a drug dealer. Please god, just this one time, help me out of this jam and I will forever be your guy." a gentle voice in the darkness says, "okay." startled, Richie says, "what? Who's there?" the voice again, "okay." we hear his pursuers outside. They've reached the backyard. They're getting closer. Richie asks again, "hello? Who said that?" he looks around in the tiny shed. No one there but him. Bad guys get closer. They're in the backyard. Richie is frantic. He drops to his knees, clasps his hands together and whispers, "No no. Wait. I believe. I'll live up to the deal. I'll turn my life over to you, oh lord um god, just please get me out of this!" one of the bad guys shouts, "the shed, he's in the shed!" the other bad guy shouts, "no wait!" bursts of gunfire from opposite directions rip through the shed just above Richies head. Silence. More silence.

Disclaimer: my words may not be enlightening but read them as a reflection of co-fellow being in your community. I do not promise it to be interesting or well-written but I promise each and every word is heartfelt. Letter To The Beloved Jgu-Confessions AdminConfession - Aconfessionis a statement made by a person acknowledging some personal fact that the person would prefer to keep hidden [Google it and the first result would show you this definition.] JGU Confessions, the name should be changed to JGU- 101 Ways to Public Harassment because the present name is quite misleading. We live in a constant state of insecurity. It is not that life in itself is easy. We all have our own troubles. We are trying to fight our troubles in our own heads and now there is an added burden of public humiliation. Every moment we are being judged by our people and those judgments are publicly posted by you. It wont be an exaggeration when I say that we are almost harassed by our own people through you. You might think that I am some random person ranting about something so irrelevant. Yes, I am a random person, but take a minute and think about the judgment calls being made by the people of the JGU community about people whom they dont even know from the same community. DominickCobb talks about the concept of an idea in the movie Inception in these words - Resilient, highly contagious. Once an ideas taken hold in the brain its almost impossible to eradicate. A person can cover it up, ignore it - but it stays there.[footnoteRef:2] [2: Christopher Nolan, Inception- the Shooting Script, 3 (2009). ]

The idea of belittling people was provided by you. THINK again now and keep thinking until you realize the relevance of my issue.Is this your idea of fun? If so, I am sorry to say that you need to do some introspection and re-define your idea of fun. We live in an enclosed area with the same people and we have to continue doing that for the next five years (in the extreme case). Try and make life easy for each other. When we come here we all are sixteen or seventeen years old. As time will pass you will go through a lot of phases in this place. During those phases what you will need are friends. Friends - People you can depend on and share ideas and fears of your lives with. God forbid if your JGU Confessions goes on to live then all our ideas and fears will die inside us. Every word which will be uttered would have a prayer along with it stating, Please dont make it to the wall of JGU-Confessions. Your idea of Confessions has enlisted a fear in everyone that their friends are making judgment calls. No one gave you the right to do that. You have caused distrust between people of the community you are a part of. While you came up with the idea you were not exercising any of your rights guaranteed by the Constitution of India. In reality, what you were doing was destroying a big family. Encouraging the act of scarring someone with personal judgments about something as irrelevant as physical features is incitement to harassment. After spending few years in this place you might realize that the person who always stood by you was not the prettiest person. I assure you this place demands you to have people standing by you. Everyone goes through trouble in this place at some point or the other. I would have chosen to write this article from the perspective of law and show you how you are committing defamation by publishing such statements. I chose to write from the perspective of a human being. I am baffled by how you think and other people who got so carried away. You have absolute disregard for the feelings of people and you do not care about crossing lines. I love my people on this campus and a lot of them are getting hurt by your idea of fun. I apologize for bursting you bubble but this is no Gossip Girl or Beverly Hills. We are real people with real feelings. If you have nothing interesting to do just pick up a book and read it. I assure you it is quite fun. I urge you to stop having fun at the expense of others and find some other masala in this college. If you stop it by your own volition I would feel that I could reach to your human self. Otherwise someone will make it stop via college authorities.Sincerely,#102: anonymous [as you seem to love this word so much] Page From My Diary I have been thinking for days to write down my thoughts in my hard copied dairy but every time It feel a tiring job to sit and write essentially because there is so much in mind and yes my lazy factor does prevail.So now its 12.43am in the night, I was in my room sitting on the laptop, as usual watching my serials, though fortunately the net stopped so was left with things great like moot reading and all to do but I preferred to write this diary.While I was listening to Ingrid Michaelsons song, everybody wants to love; my two roommates were talking and one of them was telling about Prof. Iyenger and how kind he was to her and how happy he is and all, I made me thing that in life what exactly do we need!!!! In all our busy life if ever someone gives us a little happiness, or is a bit kind to us, that little attitude of the person is enough for us to reduce all the stress we have in our hearts. If ever we lend an ear to someone in need, just that little effort could really help someone. This life itself is very short, I remember going home last week and I mumma told me that daddy has muscular cluster near his neck and it at times pain, and these people didnt reveal this thing for a long time but now that thing is growing so its put forth. And I was shocked for a moment for why cant they immediately get a operation done but due to societal image and all daddy dont want this thing to be known to all :/, how can they compromise there health to this societal concern. But I realized that things could ever be worse (god forbid me) for that muscular cluster is near the spinal cords starting point, through which the whole body works and that was the moment I realized that how granted we take everything around us, how casual am I for my studies or for anything else around and how uncertain is our lives you never know what will happen the next moment, every second you click your fingers a moment passes you; even our birthday celebration seems ironical to me at times that every year we are coming near to our death, am not being negative but somewhere if we or if I were to sit and realize that what exactly have I achieved in the past year, this thing even applies to new year resolution, rather then partying and celebrating, very few are the time when we really sit and introspect on all these thing. With respect to the education system also I have many questions in my mind, for me there are moments when I sit and think as to why am I studying law, why earning money is so essential in life; even if we think we can see how this little piece of paper, the currency has so much value and not just that, forget all the great rules, like Alexender, or Akbar for India; this currency for me has been the true ruler of the world and it is still ruling all our lifes, how tragic is that!! In law I like the subjects when of-course they are taught in an interesting fashion by good proffesors like, Amit Bindal, Ratna Kapoor, and others. But other then that when this idea of studying law to earn money is associated, I tend to dislike even perusing it, for me I think because I was privileged enough to have never lived the life of being deprived of money, may be so I dont value it so much :/ but I definitely have respects for those who are striving to make their ends meet for everything; one of my close friend, who has a poor financial situation in family, at times I sit and wonder that why is there so difference for she is definitely intelligent and more deserving then me to have all the educational facilities but still she isnt getting what she deserved more and I who am not as compatible as her to be here at this college and am availing the so called five star facility from Jindal. Again I see currency/money paying a big role and deciding our futures. So likewise those who believe they are living an independent life arent so independent for the ruler is still controls them. Now I dont mean we should all go to a state like animal farm and live lifes like adivasis, but even I dont have exact answer to this. My point somewhere is coming from my todays class on Caste system, wherein people from lower caste are forced to put in their labor at jobs they are not good at, for example there is Dalit boy who is not good at cleaning but he is good at memorizing, but he still is asked to do that cleaning job, on the other hand you have a Brahmin boy (these examples are with reference to old age, obviously today there a rare Brahmin boys to do the same) who is good at painting and all but is asked to memorize the mantras etc. so in both cases when we see labor is forced, in such a case there would be no innovation in the work , it would rather be a mundane work. I was sitting in the class and wondering that how true is the professor when she is saying all this. For even I dont imagine myself as a lawyer, wearing that suit and fighting mundane cases for people, with a internal instinct of earning money to have a living, NO!!! I rather want to become a socialist, I want to go out there and talk to the people, I want to counsel them, I want to become their next friend, with no intentions of mentor benefits, I want to document their lives. As a young child I wanted to become a singer but was told that its not a good career option, and also you wouldnt be able to eat ice-cream:/(how lame was that!!) so now when I am at law school, am no better, for the fact that I am not the class topper (as what my parents want me to be), this could the reason, as I am not a lawyer at heart. I am rather a social worker, an artist but not a lawyer who as I imagine are so calculative and so very professional towards their work. Yes I now am lazy but I know thats not the reason.So presently this is what I feel, I dont know if this world would around (my family being the first one in the list) me would let me carry forward these thoughts :/ again stupid money is hindering my path in doing so.Lastly I just want to say that take time to reflect at what are doing and what really is important and for humanity, if you cant lend a ear then just an effort to pass a Smile can sometimes, make someones day (I am aware that my writing is poor but I suppose its not wrong to be informal in your personal diary)Your friend!!

Quotes like this generation has no respect, you have no value, these people have no idea about ethics and norms, they have no shame, and they have no idea of our customs and no respect for them. And many more of these taunts. We (our generation especially) is on receiving end of these This leads to the question of looking at ethics and morals from the modern day lenses. Why is it that there is a preconceived notion about our generation? I have heard these taunts and lot more about my generation But the only reason we are subjected to these is because we simply ask the reason for following something. We dont blindly follow something. We want a logical reasoning to follow any customs. Does the mere knowledge of a certain practice make us a shameless bunch of people. Or is it that our elders themselves dont know and hence put us in front of the gun. The Night WriterRaajkarega? Andhijantaka SantaKaya toh tu raaj karega,Sala kale dhande ka sartaz banega,Janta tereko safed kagaz se chune gi,Kale kagaz se tu apni chaal chalega,Janta ke samne tu haj karega,Lekin piche se toh tu haram ke panno par naach karega.Tax ki chori kar tu kahan se bachega.Sochta he tu ki tu duniya ke age ek sach rakhega,Bhadh me jaa sale tu kale dhande hi kar wohi tera naam karega.Leader bann tu bada khush rahega,Lekin un badd dua ka soch joh terko milegi jabh yehi janta tereko kosegi.Jannat ki sair toh dur he tujhe toh narak ka naukar banne ko bhi nahi milega.Kaya toh tu raaj karega.

Things Around Us.It appears as if roughly half the people in this country think that they're in mortal danger from their own government. That's a lot of people sensing a lot of malice and threat. I worry that I don't see it. Sure, I see inefficiency and incompetence, but Ive always seen that - regardless of which party's in office. And frankly, Ive always welcomed it. I don't like my big bureaucracies to be cold, calculating, profit-making enterprises driven by a steely, clear-headed singular vision. A cursory glance through history would indicate that well-organized governments tend to enjoy well-organized parades, followed by well-organized ethnic cleansing. This is why I celebrate the magnificent, muddle-headed ineptitude of our democracy. As far as Im concerned, a little confusion and waste may keep the trains from running on time, but it also keeps people like me from getting a one-way ticket in a cattle car. Are our tax dollars being misspent on poorly run social programs? You bet! Do we get more buck for our bang at the local post office, metro station, nuclear submarine or methadone clinic? Of course we do! But keep in mind that bureaucrats who can't find their ass with a flashlight and a hand mirror are not likely to find you either. To paraphrase bobby McGee:"freedom's just another word for who the hell's in charge here?!"

Truth, When Far Away! Shourya Bari"From the depth of truth....Emanated words, I would never gather the courage...To confront, bear or tolerate!What roamed around in my suspicion-Has emerged in this cold darkness...A harsh blow, may be I ignored...Did I? Or I just refused to believe...?You uttered your words of caution...But I refused to believe..Why?.. Now when I question myself...!A blank, that was left to be filled..A turn, that was bound to dislodge...Yes, yes! I was aware of such...But now, that I have landed in nowhere...Now that, only a fistful of sand remains...Now that, I have to tread a path...Walked down by many, but one-That never lost an opportunity to isolate...Has anyone ever rescued themselves from here?And when you spot me, left with nothing...You question why, in sheer disregard...I laugh at myself, I was foolish...I was foolish my friend... I fell in love!"

Asked Paul The PlatypusI sit, cross my legs on the cool, damp grass. She sits down beside me. We face the open expanse. It is a carpet of green dreams. There is only the land, serine, dotted by a few trees in the distance. Away from city, away from noise, this land was ours; we are isolated in our love. Why have I come here? Here, of all places where we first made love.The sun bleeds in the rounded sky, its time is close and clouds make shapes that intrigue my imagination. She looks at me. Bereft of language only the visual images and sensations in my mind and body could explain what beauty I saw in those hazel eyes. I take a sip of water from a bottle I have brought; then take out a joint and a lighter from the pocket of the jeans Im wearing. I play fiddle with it for a while, toying with it.its not fair, Shaiyra.I speak unexpectedly; she is surprised when the silence breaks like glass. dont say it, my heart. Those words are cursed.I did not understand then, I do not understand now. Words echo in my thoughts. there was nothing we could do. I still cant get done with this book. I speak in a conversational tone, almost just to speak again, to hear her voice, to see her move. its the most fascinating war writing a book, you fight, but in many ways the author is bleeding onto the pages. She wrote, like me. We had different styles but she was always the better writer. Words came out efficiently with her, daggers with discernible targets. I was lazy or wasteful with my words, at best. Im not quite sure if you can say that, love, each writer may write differently, thats the beauty of it that is why its still art. Definitions are limitations. The river of our conversation flows, and flows fast, our love rains down lending to the might of the currents. We are artists, making plans to change the world while the world is changing us. I am absorbed in her, my eyes drink in the shapes of her face that I know so well, that I know so dearly. A book, a precious instrument of knowledge charged and infused with the purpose of a life beyond life. She speaks the words slowly; an attentive observer might have noticed the escaped passion in the manner. Life beyond life.The confidence of my ambition blinded me to the possibility of a twist. I had always proceeded with the assumption there was purpose to my life. We are in a chaotic pool of madness making normative statements. No morality informs vicissitude. There is only luck. The man wore a blue shirt underneath his doctors coat. The white of his coat shined of meticulous attention to detail. He had a hooked nose that jutted out of a rounded face. His balding head glistened in the blue light of the waiting room. He had come to speak to me about my wife, haiyra, its this unnatural heat, son. I dont know what else to say. It seems that while was walking back from work, she fainted of dehydration. By the time she reached here, there there was nothing we could do.The eschatology of the moment stabbed me. This was not the truth, he had power over me, he had the power that I was ignorant of the sequence of events, ignorant of the esotericism of medicine, I was confused, the headlights of the oncoming train blinding, paralyzing me on the tracks. The terrible shriek that echoed in the room was not my own. My lips were stretched back, taunt, I lay on the ground trembling with rage, somebody stabbed me with a sedative and the lights became angels who would save me.Killed by the heat, lay slain by the sky. She was my wife; does that not affect the caprice of fate? The characteristic mortal yearning: is there no exception for me? I sit, my eyes glazed by memory. The smoke rises slowly from my mouth. Numb to outside world, they will never care. will you live on? She asks me suddenly, she sits sweetly in a beautiful dress; she could be at a picnic laughing and drinking wine. This is my imagination, my craving. how can I? How will I bear it without you? My eager eyes fill. My speech is slurred. Ill be right here, my darling, you must do it, you must change the world for us both. Then it will be even.It will never be even. We are both shocked by my vicious tone. As we watch the sun set, I think of justice. Justice is the sun. Its rays ever call to us, beseeching the imagination for something better. Where is the justice in the deep endless night of my existence? What will I now name justice? What will I accept as truth? I am shrivelled in mediocrity and alone in hate. The frightening solitude is an unbearable thought. please? She says it, even as we know I could never deny her.There is no justice here. I am enraged as a hurricane that will not allow anything out alive. The walls of the present have enclosed me in the possible. I am aware that she is dead. I am aware even as I stare into her eyes. Please. How can she ask me not to take my life, she is my life, it has been taken already. She is holding my gaze. Please. I cannot live without a heart, I cannot exist with such cruelty, too much has been inflicted upon me, this misery is without boundary. Please. My thoughts move to the imagined future, beyond the lived present. I cannot leave her here, as something so insignificant as my past. Please. She has asked, hazel eyes, hazel heart. I stand and she stands up after me. Please. Still she holds my gaze. She smiles, and I walk away.

Secret Life Of GulliverI was two (I think) or maybe three, but not older and I already knew what happened when you played with yourself 'down there'. It was my uncle who introduced me to it, my dad's cousin.Sexual pleasure was not a discovery for me. Not like it is for most people at least. I remember growing up with it, I was introduced to it at such a minor age that I do not even have a memory of when exactly. Yes, now I know what it's called - child abuse.I remember a room in our old house behind the first factory my family owns. It was pretty run down compared to present standard, those were hard days. But the garden was beautiful. Cemented walls with the cement scraping off at some corners, I can't recall the paint color - it's always grey in my mind. I remember lying on my back next to my uncle who spoke to me in endearing terms full of love I was his princess you see, his life. I loved my uncle, he was the best. He used to bring me Barbies and chocolates whenever he visited, used to take me out for long drives and buy me ice cream against my mom's restrictions...we shared so many secrets. Among these secrets were the ice creams licked clandestinely (in exchange for him licking me), the colorful balloons bought and our alone-time in that room. I have this vivid memory of his hands in my panties. "Shhh...don't tell anyone, it's our secret." he used to play with me 'down there'. I remember him inserting his finger too deep once, I told him it hurt. I remember being guilty. I remember feeling like a bad, unthankful girl for complaining. I once held his huge thing in my tiny little hands. One hand couldn't encircle it, I had to use both. "Play with it!" - he had said that with such a loving smile, how could I suspect anything was wrong? There was also one long drive at night, he bought me candy floss. Then we went to some deserted place and with my car seat pushed back, he touched me 'down there'. Uncle was the best.I don't remember how long all this lasted. He used to pick me up from school whenever he came to stay with us I looked forward to seeing him. My tiny li'l fingers found their way 'down there' soon, I didn't need him to make me feel like that - his fingers were too big and hurt anyway. I remember playing with myself so many times. Once, in our new house, mom found me with my hand in my panties when she was checking on me at night. She was furious, I remember her screaming at me - ''you'll die if you that!" that was the first time I got a hint that it was wrong, forbidden. Well, uncle did help me get a lot of good things that were forbidden by mum - chocolates, ice cream, expensive toys and our secret time. She took me to a doctor to get me checked coz I told her I felt itchy. Yeah, that was my childish excuse and it worked well for me. From then on, I waited for mum to leave the room after she tucked me in. The closest I came to meeting that boy in Mrs. Tilscher's class was when I was 6. I was in an all-girls, missionary Christian school. The teacher was away and the girl sitting next to told me that she'll tell me a secret. With sparkling eyes, she drew a small triangle on her notebook in pencil. "if you touch yourself there, it feels good. Have you ever tried it?" I remember being taken aback. It wasn't a secret? Why did my mum ask me not to do it then? But before I could reply, there was a crowd around our table and everyone was disgusted with that girl because she was a "dirty little girl". Horrified, they complained to our teacher and she took her to the head mistress. I was filled with tears, it was such a bad thing?From then on, I remember feeling dirty. I hated myself. I felt impure. No number of praises, smileys and stars next to my name in school succeeded in making me feel less guilty. I was a dirty girl. It was my dark secret no one would ever know. Uncle's visits made me feel awkward after that. He was still very good to me, I was still his princess. How could I complain to him? Even asking him if it was a bad thing would mean that I am disrespecting him, doubting him. How could I do that to my best uncle? I don't want to know how it is to anger him. ***I continued fingering myself 'down there' intermittently. It was such a good feeling, I was sure I won't die from just a few times. As I grew up, I learned the name for it - masturbation. Friends discovered it as late as their mid-teens. Every time someone showed amusement, shock, disgust or anyone out of the myriad of reactions I have seen, I tried to replicate them. No one had the same reaction as me - guilt. I already knew it! I have known it! I do it! I felt like a dirty criminal all my childhood. I hated myself. My best uncle I loved so much made me hate myself for so many years of my life.Thanks uncle, for all those gifts.***"Do You Love Yourself? And Why?

- While growing up , you realise there's rules for everything. And you cannot NOT follow. You have to earn money. It becomes more important than other factors in life.

- You make mistakes and sometimes you have to bear the burden of your mistakes for a long time.- You have dreams like travel the world, make art, learn classical dance, obtain degrees ; somehow you won't be able to do it all or you're not good enough.- Sometimes you might think you love somebody. And that someone is the best - loving, vibrant, good looking, and crazy person. And somehow it does not work out, some family, religion, or different cities after college. How do you still live with it?In spite of all that you realise in life, when life lays all rules in front of you. And you wish you could just laugh - no rules, no boundaries. The question is do you give that up when you grow up?"A call to that 'you', who has silently smiled while reading the above questions to take a minute and mail me your thoughts @[email protected]

Signing Out,From A Dreamer To A Dreamer. "

Hero WorshipI have long believed that we as human beings are genetically inclined to elevate and worship those of us we deem to be very beautiful or very talented. We do this because we are somehow comforted by our adoration. It makes us feel good. As children we sleep beneath the images of movie, tv, music and sports stars and dream about the mystery and grandeur of their lives. As adults, the posters come off the wall, only to be replaced by a steady, noxious stream of tabloid culture. But perhaps most enjoyable of all is watching the fall from grace. Nothing beats a good ol' public crucifixion especially when it's self-inflicted. My theory for why this is considered entertainment is, again, a genetic one. DNA, even if it's mediocre, wants to ensure its own survival. The existence of superior DNA is viewed as a threat. When beautiful and talented people screw up, we can't help but feel that this somehow improves the chances for our mediocre descendants to eat meat.

In other words, evolution my ass.

We The People Of IndiaWe the people of India take a pledge to be the as hypocritical as we canWe take the pledge to be immune to any human right violation We take a pledge to keep our mouth shut and always be ruled by the authorityWe take a pledge to behave like sheeps and follow one anotherWe take a pledge to not to help anyone in need and stand for them after the damage is doneWe the people of India The night writer.

Photography By Argha Basu

The cool breeze in the mountains swiftly blows towards the eastWhile the devil of sorrow quickly comes and feastsOn the happiness and contentment that exists in life at that moment On the laughter and joy that is experienced at that momentJust like the breeze the devil comes and goesBut just like the breeze the devil promises to strike backAt a time when no one expects it.

He looks at all this and wonders,About the mysteries and secrets that life beholdsHe wonders as to why these secrets take years to be discovered by us allHe feels privileged for quitting the worldly pleasures of life and becoming a saintHe feels he is away from the emotional sensations that life has to offer He feels that they are of no importance to him anymore as he is now only in search of the eternal truth, which though unknown to him is far from any emotion experienced by man.

Consumed by his thoughts, while walking through the himalayas, he abruptly comes across a lambThe look on the innocent and docile lamb makes him want to keep it as a petBut then he remembers the quest and the life he has chosen, and shuns the lamb and moves onThe lamb follows himHe tries to drive it away by distracting it.The lamb follows him still.it shall soon get tired and wander off, he thinks to himself.

However, the lamb has a mind of its ownIt becomes his constant companion, always there somewhere behind in the shadows

After, what seems like many months,He suddenly looks back and does not find the lambHe gets worried, because after so many days of companionship, suddenly he realises the presence of a bond between them bothHe goes back on the path, and finds the lamb deadened by exhaustion

He feels a piercing pain in his heartAnd the thought dawns upon him that his pursuit of overcoming emotions is unachievableThis disheartens him and decides to give up and go back home.

But there is no home,He realises that he had started this journey to get away from people and emotions that betrayed his own selfThere was no looking back any more as there was nothing left behindHe continues his journey now, with no aim or objectiveHe decides to take life just as it comes, without any plans, without any predictions,As the eternal truth of happiness lies in living each day unpredictably, like the last.

AnonymousGrowing Up The Hard Way IyerNothing In The World Is More Dangerous Than Sincere Ignorance And Conscientious Stupidity. -Martin Luther King, Jr.My ambitions were like any other 18 year old kid. To ace the 12th grade and join a decent undergraduate institution where I would be living the famous quote my father has so fondly repeated every now and then to me, my college days were the most beautiful days in life. So it turned out that I had to pay a handsome amount of 6.5 lakhs for my under graduation, which is approximately 13 times the current per capita income of the country, and then began on a journey to attain enlightenment. Happily enough, i did see myself go in that direction, though it was short lived for about hardly a month. After this period of bliss, where I was just settling in this huge Bigg Boss house, the administration began to destroy our happiness. Men who assured me that they are approachable at any time of the day for any problem whatsoever during my time of the admission, ironically did not seem to listen even when 300 people had something to say to them. The fine administration houses a fascist like him to generate more admissions. What followed was the most frightening lesson in autocratic and authoritarian control. Whether or not Jindal offers scope for academic success, kudos to them, the fact is that it will be at the cost of violation of student rights, citizen rights and even ethical values. So it was not the fancy auditoria or the state-of-the-art classrooms that mattered anymore. It was the lack of supportive administration, lack of logic from the administration, the blatant stripping of 18-19 year old youngsters, lack of due process in so-called disciplinary committees, lack of sympathy and incredible arrogance that mattered. The fascists were, as with all fascists, scared of the strength of the people and dividing them, threatening them, ruling them with an iron fist. I write this piece not to tell you a tale or a fable. I write this to you in order for you to understand the importance of unity in the student body. When hundreds of first year kids in their first semester could join hands for a cause, then the student body can unite for a simple purpose: to improve the place you are in. To knock up some sense into arrogant fascists who think they ought to treat us like infantilized monsters. We should be prepared to protest when our basic rights are taken away from us. Either the peaceful way or the other way (if it comes to it). For some reason, the authorities in this country think they have to be draconian and fascist in dealing with young people. For some reason, our parents allow this. But we will not let this continue. This has to stop. We are adults and we know our rights and we have to be treated like human beings. We are not unruly animals who have to be beaten into submission.Across the country, law school students are protesting against this (http://www.lawctopus.com/?s=lasgra). It is high time we joined the fight.

Humanity Tarun Eric Rosario My mind is ablaze with thoughts, images, scenarios some more implausible than others.My mind is never at rest Constantly at play, wandering, scheming, reveling.

You could call me a dreamerOr a recluse, an escapist evenWhat more can you say of one who finds solace In the labyrinths of the mind?

A languid pace propels me into the delirium Of the world, accosted by a multitude of sensations,at the threshold of the stairs that lead me below the surface.A sensory overload, such is the chaotic life we all lead.The bustle of the crowd, to whom you are nothing but a ghost.till convenient.

The constant drone of prerecorded messages that give you a sense of place.The muffled hum of the engine that brings a sigh of relief to the horde.The beam of piercing yellow that announces its arrival, Its long steel body of gray with a streak of purple running across.

Then the doors are flung open and the crowd surges inwardAnd you with it, into your conduit that funnels you,to your destination be it what it may.Never shut off your mind. For you shall hear it.

The somber mourn of humanityOur lament for all is uncertain, All is changeDo not dally on it too long or it shall drive you to The darkest recesses of your mind.

The delirium around you that will destroy you.Call me whatever pleases you,but in the solace of the mind tranquility awaits.We all need anchors to our sanity.

I see all sorts of all people.Some with expressions gaunt that suffice to get them through the day,Some blissfully happy, perhaps in ignoranceSome on the tethers of life with only their drive holding them,Couples newly in love.

All prisoners in the vast network that is our worldThat drives us to an endless stream of open ended objectives,endless pit stops with no destination.Each with their own anchors, some more lasting than others.

But I have a smile on my faceFor the voice chimes on and tells me my destination is nearfor you see I no longer need anchors to my sanityfor I have found the anchor to my happiness.

And she awaits me with her smile That envelops me with its warmth.that makes everything else fade to the background that gives me courage to listen to cry of our raceA little longer each day.

Even though I dont normally write stuff like this, I think its officially time to impose the death penalty for rape.I am well aware of the nature of law as being oriented to deterrence and not retribution. Neither retribution, nor the need of the victim and her family for catharsis can be legal justifications.think about it, the death penalty is to be awarded for the 'rarest of rare' cases of homicide. Now fair is foul and foul is fair, society has spiralled to the point where heinous crimes of an unprecedented nature are so commonplace that we are getting desensitized to them. What once qualified as 'rarest of the rare' now no longer is. This can be no truer than in the cases of rape perpetrated on a daily basis in Delhi, as if the rapist seem to be enjoying their notoriety, rising to the occasion.In most cases these incidences of rape are also or accompanied by an attempt at murder. In more cases than not, such attempts come to fruition. The rash and negligent disregard for life of these victims is attended by no less culpable an intent as that for murder.Can there be any justification for giving an impetus to raise the bar of what is known as a gruesome crime?Disgusted By Delhi.

Artwork By Devika Sandill - A Humorous Take On The Common Stereotype Of The Typical Delhi Alpha MaleKis soch mein doobey ho, zara sar toh uthao....Is banjar zamee par...ek chaman tum khilao,Kis soch mein doobey ho, zara sar toh uthao.

Zulm ki duniya...insaaf yahan kahan hai,Khoon se lathpath, rota saara jahan hai..

Hukam Ke saath insaaf Bikta hai is desh meBaith te hai bhakshaq...rakshaq k bhesh mein.Sunai deti hai pukaar, us gareeb ki bhookh ki...Kamar tod kar jiski, bhari netaaon ne Sandookchi

Roz ki madeera mein, ik. Junoo tum milao....Kis soch mein doobey ho, zara sar toh uthao..

Kanoon ki padhai...kar toh rahen hai hazaar,Na jaane kyun phir bhi....devi dikhti Mujhe laacharKahin par Khap, kahin bahu betiyon k balaatkarPatrakarita bhi ban gayisansad ki karoobar

Ab nahin toh kab....tum desh ko bachaoge....Is bujhti hui lau ko...chingari kab pahunchaoge.....Chaar paise kama kar...zindagi toh jee jaaogeyPar Bhagat Singh, Azad ko...kya jawaab de paaoge????

Dil mein jo aag hai, us se shola bhadkaoKis soch mein doobey ho, zara sar to uthao

Us nirbhaya ki aankh ki nami.kab sukhaeynge hum?Bhai bhai ko maarne ka kaunsa hai yeh anokha dharam?Chahe ho Chaurasi (84) yaa phir 2 (do) ka Godhra kaandKhoon to bahaya humne, aur kehte hai ki Bharat Mahan.

Bas ab chup baithe nahin rehna hai..Bharat Maa par zulm aur nahin sehna hai,Chahe ho sarkaari, yaa phir Jindal jaise vyapaari..Mita kar rahenge, Yeh sab Bhrasthachaari

Lekar swapn krantikariyon ka.... Navin Ghar tum banaoZara sar toh uthao...kuch kar k dikhaao

By: Jadoogar Phakir

Fifty Seconds

Embellished With Wide Eyed Chagrin, My Elder Brother's FaceJust Could Not Stop Disclosing Tiny Glints Of ExcitementMe? I was Just Excited.Like Any Eight Year Old Voyager Of The Dangerous UnknownI Began With A Little Prayer, Aimed At Expressly Appearing EarnestTo My Maker So That I Could Capture Him In My Little Bottle Of FancyAnd Make Him My Bitch.But Anyways, I Digress From The Point At Hand:My Brother Made A Step-Ladder By Interlocking His PalmsAnd I Prepared To Climb For My Allotted Time Of 50 SecondsI Slowly Arose. The Anticipation Began Subjecting My Heart To A Dull Irregular Thump.But As I Saw The Makeshift, Thin Cardboard Murals Of The Topmost Window Of The StudyI Felt Karmic Peace.Like A Calm Warrior Hermit, I Maneuverered My Head To The Coordinates Precisely Calculated And Recited To Me By My Brother Below.I Am At The Vantage Point.

-Start-I Can See Exactly What Is Going Near The Gate.The Dark, Cruel Looking Man Is Still Shouting At My Mother.My Mother Is Still Standing Defiantly, Proudly. But She Is Scared.He Rattles The Gate Violently From Outside. He Makes An Evil Face At Her.

She Does Not Budge.He Spits In Her Direction. He Walks Away, Cursing Loudly.My Mother Makes Sure He Has Left.She Crumbles Down On The Pavement And Cries.I Fall Into An Endless Void.-Stop-

"Fifty Seconds Up, Kid" Said My Brother As He Helped Me Up From The Floor.

Fuck Your Magnanimity Yo Daddy Mr. Vice Chancellor,I hate you. Let me substantiate. I promise not to abuse you throughout this letter, youve taught us to have a dignified dialogue with whomsoever it is were talking to. Actually I will. Bear with it. Itll remind you of your Hansraj days.Your magnanimous presence, your swanky office, your charming smile, your international collaborations, yup, all of that is a farce. You and your army of respected individuals, all very well read and experienced know really well how to attract all those dreamy eyed confused young people. Your minions showed me and my parents around the college when I first joined, you know, a tour of sorts. The amazing academic block with that brilliant French designer ware superstructure, the amazing dorm rooms with 24 hours of air conditioning, campus wide wi-fi coverage, Harvard/Oxford educated adjunct faculty members, the sports facilities, the gym and all that jack. You promised to make global interdisciplinary and talented young lawyers out of all of us. That massive flag towering over that entire camp of yours, all that glass, oh ma gawd I thought, so cool, Ill probably live a good life over here.But you know what, all this is jargon, what most people say, let me come to the bone contention. You managed to enslave the imagination of my family with your overflowing Harvard educated swag, they still think Im having a good time, theyre convinced that I should go for that J.D shit that you figured out. Theyre so convinced that Im gonna be a good lawyer that they dont get it.Heres a list of what they dont know, and what your prospective students dont know, and what most parents dont know, and have my word, Ill make sure those 700 soldiers youre gonna recruit will read this. They dont know that you and your army have been on a campaign to discipline the student body. They dont know you hire snitches; you buy them off to break student unity. They dont know your army of wardens still raid our cells when we expect to chill in peace. They dont know that your security force consists of evil eyed potential rapists who dont let us live in peace. They dont know you have been treating the cleaners/workers in your own college like shit. They dont know that the constitutional law experts that sit in the disciplinary committees fuck around with innocent students and sentence them even before giving them a chance to explain themselves. They dont know that in your ambition to create the perfect crop of neo-liberalised blue eyed soldiers you charge five grand for every exam they fail. They dont know that you charge an equally outrageous amount for mere retotalling of marks. They dont know that all this money goes to the crony capitalist that runs this system so that he can further the cause of the khap panchayats in jagdishpur. Oh sorry, kurukshetra. They dont know that your army allots the randomest of stupid indoctrinating courses to unassuming batches of students without the slightest semblance of consultation. They dont know that you are on a mission to fuck around with the initial few batches to establish the camp that is what were all in. They dont know that behind all that is shiny, youve been propagating evil. They dont know anything.And do you know how you break all this anger down. By announcing the establishment of swimming pools, common rooms, new faculty inductions. High time you settle your shit down and have a long look at whats actually happening around you.

The Temptress Tarun Eric Rosario.Sleep is a cruel mistressEver does she taunt me.She teases me with the lease of new lifeBut always leaves me wanting.

That accursed blare stirs me from my reverieWhereican escape without care.Butionly permitted a taste.Am thrust to wakefulness and to the world.

The sordid sun sends me on my wayTo face another dayMy eyes half closed red veined, surrounded byThe half circles of darkness wander everywhere But belong nowhere.

The sultry sun burns on And I like a specter watch the world go byPassersby proclaim that man needs more sleep!They quote a magic figure and go on their way.And I left to my own devices drift through it all.

Night is upon us and it chokes the life out of the dayAnd I as well whatever little spark had i.The city lights up and I pray for reprieve for tonight she shall return With her smile and her giggle she shall call to me.

But she always a tease And I a fool.

Waqt Mayaaik IndrajaaliphakirYeh waqt guzar jaayega,Yeh waqt bhi guzar jaayegaAndheere ko cheerta huaPhir se ek naya, Saveera aayegaYeh waqt guzar jaayega,Yeh waqt bhi guzar jaayega

Kyun hai tu neerash.Chupchap kar raha sab bardaasht,Aise jee kar bhi, tu kab ka mar jaayegaDekh zara, nazar uthaUska Ghamand bhi bhikar jaayegaYeh waqt guzar jaayega,Yeh waqt bhi guzar jaayega

Yeh moh yeh maaya, yeh ambar ki chakachaundKuch nahin rehna, aakhir mitti degi usse bhi raundAaj taqht par who haikal khud ko wahan paayegaChahe ho kathinyeh samay kuch sikhaayegaYeh waqt guzar jaayega,Yeh waqt bhi guzar jaayega

Aakhon se neeraise mat girney deBhikre hue mann ko, ek nayi seema chooney deIn sab adchan setu khud ko mazboot banayegaRakh bharosa khuda par, Us se kai meel aage nikal jaayegaYeh waqt guzar jaayega, yeh waqt bhi guzar jaayega

Sar chak kar aaj bolta hai uska ahankar.Bana diya tujhe ttuch, par nahin hai tu laacharRakh aadarsh buland apne,Usse bhi nazar aayega.. Hai agar imaan, har kasauti pe khara utar jaayegaYeh waqt guzar jaayega, yeh waqt bhi guzar jaayega

Zindagi hai ek kaafila, chalta chala jaayegaMilenge musafir had modh par, koi ek hi saath nibhayegaHai agar nirasha, use aasha mein badal jaayegaAaaj hai koi dwaar band, kal koi aur khul jaayegaYeh waqt guzar jaayega, yeh waqt bhi guzar jaayega

So When Does It Stop? Iyer

Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially. At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance. It is fitting that at this solemn moment we take the pledge of dedication to the service of India and her people and to the still larger cause of humanity.These were the words of none other than our first Prime Minister Jawarhalal Nehru. He refers to, in this speech, that India has come out of its long suppression, how true is it?After 65 years of independence, our democracy is yet to be moulded. Starting from the bofors scandal to 2g, India has stood witness to scams plethora. And has our esteemed judiciary been able to occlude this vociferous blow to democracy?Yes, no doubt it has brought to book many culprits, but what about the ones who are in the top echelons? As a wise man once said, a nation's culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people.No matter how pure our men may seem, the game of politics still has the face of India in the bad books. Be it the CAG revealing discrepancies in the resource allocation or top politicians finding themselves in a vortex of misdemeanour such as source of their income and questionable quid pro quo transactions. The main question in everyones mind is so when does it stop?The aforementioned quote is of Mahatma Gandhi. The man who gave struggle an altogether different perspective. What Gandhi had in mind for India was something totally different than in existence today. He had said that, India is considered to be independent only when a woman can freely walk on the road, with pounds of jewellery on her neck, even at midnight, unhindered.But these days even pregnant women are gruesomely molested in a few states. Another unprecedented concern in our nation is its economy. With standard and poor rating our nation negative and further threatening to rate it junk, it makes the government pass hard and fast norms such as the FDI! With all sectors of our country gradually deteriorating, one has a cynical forecast for Indias future and makes him think:

So when does it stop?

The Big Void Between Indian Industry And Educational Institutions Rohit Rajpal

Once a while in every speech addressing students, the industry leaders point out the very fact of tie-up requirements between the industry and the educational institutes for better grooming of the students before they actually join the industry. Although, some steps have been taken up by both, but at a very small level and thus the need arose to take it to a bigger level that will take time.Educational institutes have however put up the internships in their curriculum for the undergraduate and graduate students so as to work in this direction. Industry is also welcoming the arrival of the interns to make them learn how things work in the industry and how they should mould themselves to fit in the place. Some of the organizations have now made proper training centres for the interns so as to give them proper training and the required industry exposure.So, if everything is picture perfect, where lays the void!! bad dish served well make a good impression at a first glance, its only when a person starts eating; get to know what lies beneath!! most of the organizations in our country do not have proper training centres for the students as they do not feel the need to disturb their daily routine or putting extra effort in this direction. Getting interns in their daily routine is a problem since they have to make them learn about the organization and at the same time has to do their job. They actually do not know what to do and how to do to make interns learn by letting them do some productive work in organization. The problem persists in all types of industry and the effects are that internships become a holiday package for the students no matter if they are interested in learning or not.Another major void in the system occurs when students with different types of background are put in the organizations. Differentiating the work and knowledge for the students becomes a daunting task and students end up getting some silly work which is actually not required by them to learn in the training. For say, there is no criteria in the industry on how the learning module be differ for an engineering student and for an mba. What type of works should be assigned and what knowledge should be imparted to both that is common and uncommon. Who is responsible for this gap, organizations? Because their structuring for the guiding of interns is not worthy or the educational institutions who actually cannot set the curriculum for the interns since industry may not allow that! This big void among the industry and the educational institutes needs to be looked on and the solution can be found out if both of them try to bridge this gap by taking more interest in this matter for the betterment of future leaders who will run the industry. If at the nascent stage, students will be getting better training then surely they will acquire the required competencies and will serve the industry better.

Poetrie - Anwesha OburaiTossed Tales, Turning Tours,Scream At A Broken Distance,Wailing Tunes Forgotten,As Smoked Minds Lay Alas.

Churning Melodies To The Wise,Raw Less Thoughts Do Suffice,Shedding Tears On Broken Days,A Tainted Memory Unfolds More.

Snore, My Lord, Snore Tonight,For Luncheons Crave An Existence Rotten.As Chimes Above Shake My Ground,A Tear Dripped Shall Cry -To No Bound,Swim,IShall In Oceans Unknown,Purge,IWill Of Thoughts Not Required.Yet In The Dungeons Of Bethlehem,A Corpus Strings,With Hands Of Bones And Minds Of Jelly,The Dark Shall Unfold,Those Lost In Query.Searching In Palates Tasted,A Limbo Of Words Shall Now Shine.To Drench A State,And Drill A Stake,A Killer In Strain,Shall Never Refrain,For In These Scribbles,No Truth Does Lie,But Futures Unridden,Whistle To Supply.

Open Letter 2.0

Dear Jindal Brats,

Youre were all idiots. And there are just some things we have to learn, before we can learn. So try to keep up, yes?

Your teachers are professors. They might be a mere five years your senior, but they are in charge of your education, they are far more experienced, with degrees from Universities that are far more established Universities many of us only dream about. Speaking of which the assets available to this University are meagre, but one thing that we thought we could count on was the brilliant faculty. If for nothing else than the love of good placements, do not alienate them. You will be screwing all of us over. We will hate you. We will be passive aggressive. We will call you stupid. Life will suck. Simple enough? Show a basic modicum of professionalism. Learn to use your words. Be polite! Whether youre representing your class, or your uber-tight BFF-dom with a Professor, stop making us cringe hearing your rudeness is jarring.

We know about the Rich Spoilt Jiggles Brat tag attached to us. We know, because we hear about it from friends, at tournaments, and during internships. Stop reinforcing it. Youre at least an undergraduate student NOT a play-schooler. Do not mock each other in class, stop constantly picking on the same people, and for fucks sake, do not belittle a professor when they are trying to whittle you into a legal scholar, impossible as the task may seem to them. What they are doing is monumental they wake up, face a room full of sleepy, uninterested, entitled idiots, and try to knock sense into their audience. So what are you meant to do? RESPECT IT. Dont feel like it? Pretend. Too much to ask of an 18-24 year old? I dont wanna live on this planet anymore -_- A lot of us have lost hope already, hearing professors bemoan the quality of class discussions. Weve been begging them not to leave us, to no avail. Gee, thanks, idiots.

Which reminds us respect: JGBS, JSIA, JWhateverTheFuckElse isnt inferior to JGLS. Youre nothing yet. BA LLB dont mean shit yet, yo. Respect these people.

And finally, more on respect: JGU is so freaking AWESOME, cause we have no ragging here! So what does that mean, little juniors? It means: Stop taking your seniors for granted. Were giving you leeway. We are granting you (undeserved) respect. Reciprocate, idiots.

Also, seniors? You guys are cool and all, but please no more patronizing us, no more bossiness, enough with the arrogance. Yay, you were born before us. YES, youve built this institution; you guys did get here before us. Can we not promote an environment where seniors give space and respect to the juniors where the latter appreciate that and not go overboard? Is that really asking too much?


