Monday - Maths 1. Find the co-ordinates for these points. 2. Find the name spelt below. (1,4) (9,8) (5,5) (1,4) (2,8) (1,7) (8,6) Can you spell your own name?

Monday - Maths 1. Find the co-ordinates for these points. · and a bit like snot and a lot less tasty than either. ‘Hiccup will be in charge and that is an order!’ screamed Gobber,

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Page 1: Monday - Maths 1. Find the co-ordinates for these points. · and a bit like snot and a lot less tasty than either. ‘Hiccup will be in charge and that is an order!’ screamed Gobber,

Monday - Maths

1. Find the co-ordinates for these points.

2. Find the name spelt below.

(1,4) (9,8) (5,5) (1,4) (2,8) (1,7) (8,6)

Can you spell your own name?

Page 2: Monday - Maths 1. Find the co-ordinates for these points. · and a bit like snot and a lot less tasty than either. ‘Hiccup will be in charge and that is an order!’ screamed Gobber,

Monday activity

How to Train Your Dragon

Long ago, on the wild and windy isle of Berk, a smallish Viking

with a longish name stood up to his ankles in snow.

Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third, the Hope and Heir to the Tribe

of the Hairy Hooligans, had been feeling slightly sick ever since he

woke up that morning.

Ten boys, including Hiccup, were hoping to become full members of

the Tribe by passing the Dragon Initiation Programme. They were

standing on a bleak little beach at the bleakest spot on the whole

bleak island. A heavy snow was falling.

‘PAY ATTENTION!’ screamed Gobber the Belch, the soldier in

charge of teaching Initiation. ‘This will be your first military

operation, and Hiccup will be commanding the team.’

‘Oh, not Hic-cup,’ groaned Dogsbreath the Duhbrain and most of the

other boys. ‘You can’t put Hiccup in charge, sir, he’s USELESS.’

Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third, the Hope and Heir to the

Tribe of the Hairy Hooligans, wiped his nose miserably on his sleeve.

He sank a little deeper into the snow.

‘ANYBODY would be better than Hiccup,’ sneered Snotface Snotlout.

‘Even Fishlegs would be better than Hiccup.’

Fishlegs had a squint that made him as blind as a jellyfish, and an allergy to reptiles.

Page 3: Monday - Maths 1. Find the co-ordinates for these points. · and a bit like snot and a lot less tasty than either. ‘Hiccup will be in charge and that is an order!’ screamed Gobber,

‘SILENCE!’ roared Gobber the Belch. ‘The next boy to speak has

limpets for lunch for the next THREE WEEKS!’

There was absolute silence immediately. Limpets are a bit like worms

and a bit like snot and a lot less tasty than either.

‘Hiccup will be in charge and that is

an order!’ screamed Gobber, who

didn’t do noises quieter than

screaming. He was a seven-foot

giant with a mad glint in his one

working eye and a beard like

exploding fireworks. Despite the

freezing cold he was wearing hairy

shorts and a teeny-weeny deerskin

vest that showed off his lobster-red

skin and bulging muscles. He was

holding a flaming torch in one

gigantic fist.

‘Hiccup will be leading you, although he is, admittedly,

completely useless, because Hiccup is the son of the CHIEF,

and that’s the way things go with us Vikings. Where do you think

you are, the REPUBLIC OF ROME? Anyway, that is the least of

your problems today. You are here to prove yourself as a Viking

Hero. And it is an ancient tradition of the Hooligan Tribe that

you should’ – Gobbler paused dramatically – ‘FIRST CATCH


Ohhhhhh suffering scallops, thought Hiccup.

How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell

Page 4: Monday - Maths 1. Find the co-ordinates for these points. · and a bit like snot and a lot less tasty than either. ‘Hiccup will be in charge and that is an order!’ screamed Gobber,


Today we are focussing on art.

Your task is to make a painting using cotton buds rather than brushes.

You could use the following ideas: NHS, Rainbows, School, Family, Nature, Food.

Here are a few examples:

Page 6: Monday - Maths 1. Find the co-ordinates for these points. · and a bit like snot and a lot less tasty than either. ‘Hiccup will be in charge and that is an order!’ screamed Gobber,

3. Create your own co-ordinates and points for someone to try at home!

Page 7: Monday - Maths 1. Find the co-ordinates for these points. · and a bit like snot and a lot less tasty than either. ‘Hiccup will be in charge and that is an order!’ screamed Gobber,

Tuesday activity

1 Which of these words is not a synonym of ‘horrendous’?

horrible frightful appealing appalling

2 What position does Hiccup’s father hold in the tribe?

3 Dogsbreath the Duhbrain calls Hiccup useless. Find and write down the names of two

more people who share this opinion.

4 ‘bleak little beach at the bleakest spot on the whole bleak island’

Why has the writer repeated the word ‘bleak’?

5 The hero of the story is called Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third,

the Hope and Heir to the Tribe of the Hairy Hooligans. How does this

name support the idea that the story is meant to be funny?

Page 8: Monday - Maths 1. Find the co-ordinates for these points. · and a bit like snot and a lot less tasty than either. ‘Hiccup will be in charge and that is an order!’ screamed Gobber,

6 ‘“PAY ATTENTION!” screamed Gobber the Belch …’

Why has the writer used capital letters for what Gobber the Belch says?

7 Gobber is seven foot tall. Find and copy another phrase that supports

the idea that he is very big.

8 ‘a beard like exploding fireworks’

What do these words suggest about Gobber’s beard?

9 Why does Gobbler pause ‘dramatically’ before he tells the boys they

are going to catch a dragon?

10 ‘Ohhhhhh suffering scallops’

What does this suggest about how Hiccup feels about catching a


Page 9: Monday - Maths 1. Find the co-ordinates for these points. · and a bit like snot and a lot less tasty than either. ‘Hiccup will be in charge and that is an order!’ screamed Gobber,


Today we are focussing on ICT!

We are going to be looking at algorithms – you need to use this website to help.


An algorithm is a sequence of instructions or a set of rules that are followed to complete a task.

This task can be anything, so long as you can give clear instructions for it.

Your task is to create an algorithm for something in your home, this could be

something as simple as doing the washing up. Be creative.

My algorithm for………………………………………………………………………………………………….………..

Page 10: Monday - Maths 1. Find the co-ordinates for these points. · and a bit like snot and a lot less tasty than either. ‘Hiccup will be in charge and that is an order!’ screamed Gobber,

Wednesday – Maths

1. Describe the direction in which the following shapes have been translated.

Remember to use right, left, up and down. The first one has been done for you.

Page 11: Monday - Maths 1. Find the co-ordinates for these points. · and a bit like snot and a lot less tasty than either. ‘Hiccup will be in charge and that is an order!’ screamed Gobber,

2. Follow the directions and write the colour of the shape you find. The first one has

been done for you.

Page 12: Monday - Maths 1. Find the co-ordinates for these points. · and a bit like snot and a lot less tasty than either. ‘Hiccup will be in charge and that is an order!’ screamed Gobber,

Wednesday activity 1

Brainstorm your different senses from what you see in the image

Page 13: Monday - Maths 1. Find the co-ordinates for these points. · and a bit like snot and a lot less tasty than either. ‘Hiccup will be in charge and that is an order!’ screamed Gobber,

Wednesday activity 2

Page 14: Monday - Maths 1. Find the co-ordinates for these points. · and a bit like snot and a lot less tasty than either. ‘Hiccup will be in charge and that is an order!’ screamed Gobber,


Today we are focussing on science


What plants need to live – this is what we are focussing on. Use the link above to

help, (BBC bitesize, daily lessons, year ¾, science, what plants need to live)

Page 15: Monday - Maths 1. Find the co-ordinates for these points. · and a bit like snot and a lot less tasty than either. ‘Hiccup will be in charge and that is an order!’ screamed Gobber,

Thursday – Maths

1. Translate the following shapes by drawing them in their position.

Page 16: Monday - Maths 1. Find the co-ordinates for these points. · and a bit like snot and a lot less tasty than either. ‘Hiccup will be in charge and that is an order!’ screamed Gobber,

2. Translate the following vertex (purple dot) by drawing the new shape and its co-ordinate.

Page 17: Monday - Maths 1. Find the co-ordinates for these points. · and a bit like snot and a lot less tasty than either. ‘Hiccup will be in charge and that is an order!’ screamed Gobber,

Thursday activity 1

Page 18: Monday - Maths 1. Find the co-ordinates for these points. · and a bit like snot and a lot less tasty than either. ‘Hiccup will be in charge and that is an order!’ screamed Gobber,

Thursday activity 2

Page 19: Monday - Maths 1. Find the co-ordinates for these points. · and a bit like snot and a lot less tasty than either. ‘Hiccup will be in charge and that is an order!’ screamed Gobber,


Today we are focussing on design and technology and maths. We are going to make

rockets and see how far they travel.

Your first task is to create a rocket, you can use anything available in your house (ask

an adult).

Your second task is to stand outside and throw the rocket, you then need to work out

how far it has travelled. Use a ruler or tape measure to help you do this. Make sure you

measure from where you stood to throw the rocket.

Here are some examples of rockets you could make:

Make sure your put pictures and your results on seesaw.

Page 20: Monday - Maths 1. Find the co-ordinates for these points. · and a bit like snot and a lot less tasty than either. ‘Hiccup will be in charge and that is an order!’ screamed Gobber,

Maths – Friday

Page 21: Monday - Maths 1. Find the co-ordinates for these points. · and a bit like snot and a lot less tasty than either. ‘Hiccup will be in charge and that is an order!’ screamed Gobber,
Page 22: Monday - Maths 1. Find the co-ordinates for these points. · and a bit like snot and a lot less tasty than either. ‘Hiccup will be in charge and that is an order!’ screamed Gobber,


Today we are focussing on art.

Your task is to design a book cover for ‘The Rocketeer’

You need to think about: the audience (who is going to read the book), the storyline

(what is the book about), the characters, the setting and making it eye catching.

Draw your front cover below: