Monday 28th November 2016 Newsleer No. 37 PRINCIPAL JUSTINE SMYTH DATES FOR THE DIARY DATE EXCURSION COST DUE/CLOSED Tuesday 29th November Extra Kurnai Churchill Transion 1.45pm-2.45pm Wednesday 30th November Extra Kurnai Transion– 9.00am-10.30am Thursday 1st December Prep Transion PAC– 9.00-10am Friday 2nd December CRPS Musical DVD order and money, No late orders $25.00 02/12/16 Friday 2nd December JSC Combined School Disco Free Monday 5th December CRPS School Council Meeng– 6.00pm Tuesday 6th December Statewide Transion Day/ Preps 2017 PAC 9.00-10.30am Wednesday 7th December Orientaon Day For Kurnai Enrolled Students Thursday 8th December Orientaon Day For Kurnai Enrolled Students Monday 12th December Carols at Bunnings 3/4 Lucky and Recorder Group Thursday 15th December Grade 6 Graduaon/ Last CRPS Assembly Friday 16th December End Of School Excursion– Inverloch Tuesday 20th December Very Last Day of Term 4 at CRPS- Finish at 1.00pm Aachment Enclosed School Magazine Order Form

Monday 28th November 2016 Newsletter No. 37 DATES FOR THE ... · DATES FOR THE DIARY DATE EXURSION OST DUE/LOSED Tuesday 29th November Extra Kurnai hurchill Transition 1.45pm-2.45pm

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Page 1: Monday 28th November 2016 Newsletter No. 37 DATES FOR THE ... · DATES FOR THE DIARY DATE EXURSION OST DUE/LOSED Tuesday 29th November Extra Kurnai hurchill Transition 1.45pm-2.45pm

Monday 28th November 2016 Newsletter No. 37




Tuesday 29th November Extra Kurnai Churchill Transition 1.45pm-2.45pm

Wednesday 30th November Extra Kurnai Transition– 9.00am-10.30am

Thursday 1st December Prep Transition PAC– 9.00-10am

Friday 2nd December CRPS Musical DVD order and money, No late orders $25.00 02/12/16

Friday 2nd December JSC Combined School Disco Free

Monday 5th December CRPS School Council Meeting– 6.00pm

Tuesday 6th December Statewide Transition Day/ Preps 2017 PAC 9.00-10.30am

Wednesday 7th December Orientation Day For Kurnai Enrolled Students

Thursday 8th December Orientation Day For Kurnai Enrolled Students

Monday 12th December Carols at Bunnings 3/4 Lucky and Recorder Group

Thursday 15th December Grade 6 Graduation/ Last CRPS Assembly

Friday 16th December End Of School Excursion– Inverloch

Tuesday 20th December Very Last Day of Term 4 at CRPS- Finish at 1.00pm

Attachment Enclosed

School Magazine Order Form

Page 2: Monday 28th November 2016 Newsletter No. 37 DATES FOR THE ... · DATES FOR THE DIARY DATE EXURSION OST DUE/LOSED Tuesday 29th November Extra Kurnai hurchill Transition 1.45pm-2.45pm

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GRADUATION TICKETS For parents of grade 6 students who are graduating , this is your last reminder to get your graduation tickets from the office as we need to finalise numbers. Thank-you STATEWIDE TRANSITION DAY Statewide Transition day is Tuesday 6th December. All enrolled Preps for 2017 will attend this session at the Performing Arts Centre on McDonald St. All Grade 6 students will attend their High School of choice. They will need to be dropped off and picked up by Parents. No grade 6 student will attend Commercial Rd on this day. BREAKFAST CLUB

Breakfast Club will resume this week. Come along and join us for some yummy pancakes. This will be the final breakfast club for the year.


On Friday 2nd December, JSC will be holding a combined schools disco at the Performing Arts Centre on McDonald St. Times for students to attend are as follows:

Prep-Grade 2- 4.00pm-5.00pm

Grade 3-4- 5.15pm-6.15pm

Grade 5-6- 6.30pm-7.30pm

Entry is free. There will be a small range of drinks and chips available to purchase on the night. Drinks will be $1.50 and Chips will be $1.00. Students will be supervised by staff on the night but it will be par-ents/carers responsibility to drop and pick up children after the timeslots have finished.


Our School Magazine is underway again this year. Please fill in form attached with today’s newsletter and return to school with $7.00 by Friday, 9th December to secure your Magazine.

SEMESTER 2 REPORTING Progress report comments for Term 3 and Term 4 can be accessed online through uEducateUs at any time during term 3 and 4. Final end of year reports will be available to view on uEducateUs from Mon-day 14th of December. All reports will be on line and no paper copies will be sent home. Parent and Carer log on details were sent earlier this year. If you have misplaced your log on details please contact the office. To support parents accessing their child’s report we will again have two uEducateUs open sessions on Monday 12th and Thursday 15th December. Parents will be able to come into school between either 8:30am and 10:30am. During these sessions we will help you log onto uEducateUs and assist you to navigate through report comments. A preference selection time went home last week. If you know how to use our on line re-porting system we also have two computers set up for parent use in the Parent Room. LEADERSHIP DAY AND STATE WIDE TRANSITION Our 4/5 Leadership Day will be held again this year on Statewide Transition Day, which is the 6th Decem-ber. This will be held at the Performing Arts Centre. Students will be involved in a variety of activities and workshops that will help build their capacity as school leaders. No Grade 6 students will attend school at Commercial Road Primary as they will all go to their high school transition program.

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Congratulations to everyone for such an amazing effort to create a fabulous Celebration Day last Tuesday. Many people commented on the fantastic job students and staff had done to present the history of our school to the wider community. We had many visitors from as far as Bairnsdale and Melbourne. Some past students even brought along their own photos to share and there were lots of interesting school yard stories told. We even had a great segment on Win News to highlight the event. A huge thank you to everyone involved in the very special day.

GOING OUT IN STYLE: KIDS IN PARADISE (2016) Written By Kevin Bechaz (Past Student 1991-1997)

Commercial Road Primary School in Morwell closes its doors later this month after 137 years. During a week in which students and staff celebrated the school’s long history, festivities were capped off this past Thursday with a night of musical theatre. Free for the general public to enjoy, pupils from Prep to Grade 6 performed Kids in Para-dise from Bushfire Press for the first time in 24 years. Written by Bartlett-Leehy-O’Mara, the island musical re-volves around a would-be witch-doctor, Bomba, who must save the magic Bongo tree from corporate developers.

As a past student from Commercial Road who watched the show all those years ago, I found the experience to be very nostalgic, allowing me to feel it was like to be a child again, if only for a moment. The cast of youngsters gave it their all, extravagantly dressed in fluorescent clothing matching the production’s multi-coloured pallet. Despite an oddly random style, an important message of natural conservation is conveyed throughout. Full advantage was taken of the Performing Arts Centre, located at the newly built Morwell Central Primary School, with the modern venue giving kids a taste of both the technical aspects and theatrics of live performing.

Kids in Paradise was a spectacular last hoorah for Commercial Road Primary and while it’s many classrooms will soon fall silent, occasions such as these will live on in the memories of those who once attended.

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JPQ-Quinn JPQ-Quinn Paige Rota

JPM– Mendez Shooting Stars in JPM Xavier Killoran

JPS-Indemon Amber McGhee Whole Class

2/3A– Anton The Scouts of 2/3 Anton Brodie Mackus

3/4B–Bloomfield Amelia Riddle Karlee Caldwell

3/4L-Lucky Max Van Vliet Kade Hebbard

5/6P– Perkins Amelia Schulz, Jesse Fischer, Maddi Price, Adam Stevens, Stephanie Greening

Isaac Hollis

5/6R-Ryan Tahlia Bloomfield Hayden Warford

5/6S–Smethurst Jada Fischer Riley Richardson