Making the Strategic Leap from Manager to Senior Leader Lou Ann Brubaker, President Brubaker Consulting www.brubakerconsulting.com [email protected] 301-535-5449

MOHCA Leap to Manager Handout - cdn.ymaws.com · Making the Strategic Leap from Manager to Senior Leader Lou Ann Brubaker, President Brubaker Consulting [email protected] 301-535-5449

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Page 1: MOHCA Leap to Manager Handout - cdn.ymaws.com · Making the Strategic Leap from Manager to Senior Leader Lou Ann Brubaker, President Brubaker Consulting brubak97@aol.com 301-535-5449

Making the Strategic Leap from Manager to Senior Leader

Lou Ann Brubaker, PresidentBrubaker Consulting

[email protected]


Page 2: MOHCA Leap to Manager Handout - cdn.ymaws.com · Making the Strategic Leap from Manager to Senior Leader Lou Ann Brubaker, President Brubaker Consulting brubak97@aol.com 301-535-5449

Copyright 2018 Brubaker Consulting. All rights reserved.


Where we’re going today

•  The 10 attributes of successful leaders •  how the mindset is different from being a manager

•  How your individual personality traits influence leadership style •  how over-reliance on manager traits can impede you

•  Why leaders don’t assume others are like them

•  How do leaders •  create stretch goals for direct reports?

• using the perfectly written performance objective •  ‘localize’ their vision into others’ tasks? •  use internal measurements to motivate staff to perform?

• everybody should understand their role in quality improvement!

10 leadership attributes that drive achievement & the right culture

1.  Be the most positive person in your facility.

2.  Embrace diversity - in experience, perspectives, and strengths.

3.  Own your mistakes - apologize when appropriate.

4.  Recognize that accountability is a two-way street.

5.  Be truthful and forthcoming with information - even if its bad news.

6.  Embrace & nurture change.

7.  Say the things that need to be said - get to the ground truth.

8.  Be decisive in your decisions.

9.  Be a people builder - invest in others.

10.  Appreciate others - say thanks.

Page 3: MOHCA Leap to Manager Handout - cdn.ymaws.com · Making the Strategic Leap from Manager to Senior Leader Lou Ann Brubaker, President Brubaker Consulting brubak97@aol.com 301-535-5449

Copyright 2018 Brubaker Consulting. All rights reserved.


Manager is a ____. Leader is an _________.

Making the Leap

•  Seeks ___________

•  Focus on ________ with existing systems to keep things running smoothly

•  Have more specific job-related skills

•  Says “I” or “You” will

•  Wields _________

•  Are served

•  ____________ responsibility

•  Facilitates ____________ (challenging existing systems)

•  Less niche-focused — possess a broader view

•  Says “We will"

•  ___________ others

•  Serves

Impetus to rethink roles

•  Strong leaders create a _______________ advantage •  There is a correlation between a facility’s success and

the relationship between leader and staff.

•  Strong leaders focus on _________________ •  has the ideal culture been created? •  do people have the tools to do their jobs? •  are managers competent?

Page 4: MOHCA Leap to Manager Handout - cdn.ymaws.com · Making the Strategic Leap from Manager to Senior Leader Lou Ann Brubaker, President Brubaker Consulting brubak97@aol.com 301-535-5449

Copyright 2018 Brubaker Consulting. All rights reserved.


First— know

yourself better.

How to view this opportunity

•  With the understanding that

•  the Myers Briggs Type Indicator does not PRESCRIBE


• there are no bad types

• your type doesn’t decide your limits — only your opportunities

• any type can be an effective leader

Page 5: MOHCA Leap to Manager Handout - cdn.ymaws.com · Making the Strategic Leap from Manager to Senior Leader Lou Ann Brubaker, President Brubaker Consulting brubak97@aol.com 301-535-5449

Copyright 2018 Brubaker Consulting. All rights reserved.


Understanding your tendencies can lead you to ‘flex’ to different


If the only tool you have is a

hammer, everything looks

like a nail.

Introverts Extroverts

The First Measure: I or E?

•  Reserved, private; prefer to share personal info with select few.

•  Play cards close to vest.

•  Perception of an ‘inner circle’ within the organization.

•  Internal processing can seem like slow decision-making.

•  Visibly wear moods; shares personal info readily.

•  Considered great communicators.

•  Perceived to have broader set of ‘relationships’ with people at work.

•  Thinking ‘out loud’ feels inclusive of others.

Page 6: MOHCA Leap to Manager Handout - cdn.ymaws.com · Making the Strategic Leap from Manager to Senior Leader Lou Ann Brubaker, President Brubaker Consulting brubak97@aol.com 301-535-5449

Copyright 2018 Brubaker Consulting. All rights reserved.


Sensors iNtuitives

The Second Measure: S or N?

•  Rooted in the fact-based •  with a value on realism and

common sense. •  trust what is certain and


•  Likes new ideas if practical

•  Uses data to predict future

•  Place value-emphasis upon imagination and innovation.

•  Enthusiasm for new ideas, regardless of practicality.

•  Intuitively predicts future.

Sensor addressing food expense variance

Classic S-N Difference

“Analyze what our current food PPD is vs last quarter. Evaluate our established vendor agreements with competitive companies to see if making a change offers a savings opportunity. Evaluate whether purchases of differently sized quantities, especially with canned goods, represents a way to cut expense.

Do a study in the kitchen to determine plate waste and correlate it to our most recent satisfaction survey. Retrain staff to ensure they’re fully complying with recipes.”

Page 7: MOHCA Leap to Manager Handout - cdn.ymaws.com · Making the Strategic Leap from Manager to Senior Leader Lou Ann Brubaker, President Brubaker Consulting brubak97@aol.com 301-535-5449

Copyright 2018 Brubaker Consulting. All rights reserved.


Intuitive addressing food expense variance

Classic S-N Difference

“Food expense is up. Something must be going on in the kitchen. Look into it.”

Thinkers Feelers

The Third Measure: T or F?

•  Step back; apply impersonal analysis to problems. •  Organization takes precedence over


•  Value logic, justice, & fairness; one standard for all. •  Less likely to seek exception to the rule.

•  May be seen as aloof, uncaring

•  Enmesh self in human side of situation.

•  People take precedence over organization.

•  Value empathy and harmony; justifies the exception to the rule.

•  May be seen as overemotional, illogical or weak

Page 8: MOHCA Leap to Manager Handout - cdn.ymaws.com · Making the Strategic Leap from Manager to Senior Leader Lou Ann Brubaker, President Brubaker Consulting brubak97@aol.com 301-535-5449

Copyright 2018 Brubaker Consulting. All rights reserved.


Judgers Perceivers

The Fourth Measure: J or P?

•  _________________ •  check staff against

•  Highest DEFINED goal orientation.

•  ____________ & move on.

•  Serious & focused work ethic

•  Viewed by staff (at times) as ______________.

•  Change & risk _________

•  Looser construct of task achievement; _______ are moving targets.

•  Happiest leaving their _______ open.

•  “Play ethic”: Joy seen as dividend.

•  Less likely to burn out staff

•  Change & risk ________

Culling Your Type to the 4 Influencers



Interpret information objectively --- T

Interpret information subjectively --- F

Organize/routinize the data --- J

Evaluate it to provide you

lots of options --- P

Gather information _________________

Gather information ____________

Page 9: MOHCA Leap to Manager Handout - cdn.ymaws.com · Making the Strategic Leap from Manager to Senior Leader Lou Ann Brubaker, President Brubaker Consulting brubak97@aol.com 301-535-5449

Copyright 2018 Brubaker Consulting. All rights reserved.


Overview of SJ Leader

• __________________, stabilizer • likes to surround self with other SJs

• Requires ___________, rules, schedules

• Staff know they can count on SJ leader when in charge • handles bumps in the road well

• Admires people who ______________

• Makes few ____________

Overview of SJ Leader

• Can ___________ to delays and complications • “Why didn’t you have a back-up plan?

• May not be proactive to _________ on the horizon

• May preserve ___________ rules • may try to play new game by old rules

• May believe good people do good things; bad people do bad things (and we ________ the bad people)

• ____________ resistant — “why we can’t” vs “why we can”

• _________ — worst case scenario mentality

Page 10: MOHCA Leap to Manager Handout - cdn.ymaws.com · Making the Strategic Leap from Manager to Senior Leader Lou Ann Brubaker, President Brubaker Consulting brubak97@aol.com 301-535-5449

Copyright 2018 Brubaker Consulting. All rights reserved.


Interactions with Direct Reports

• Wants people to ____________________!

• Clear cut — direct reports always know where __________

• May focus on others’ weaknesses vs strengths

• Can withhold __________

•  isn’t that what the annual review is for?

•  likes symbolic honors vs. verbal recognition

Overview of SP Leader

• Natural ________________ — everything is moving target

• Highest sense of _________ (facts plus adaptability)

• Puts out _____ • but sometimes creates them

• Past & future expendable — here & now matters most

• Knows where system is working well or breaking down

• Embraces _________ — takes risks

Page 11: MOHCA Leap to Manager Handout - cdn.ymaws.com · Making the Strategic Leap from Manager to Senior Leader Lou Ann Brubaker, President Brubaker Consulting brubak97@aol.com 301-535-5449

Copyright 2018 Brubaker Consulting. All rights reserved.


Overview of SP Leader

• _______________ in leadership style — we can do it!

• Makes work ____

• May create climate of constant change/chaos • Not a tradition worshipper

• Bored by ________ — wants to DO

• Spurs people to action!

• Should ________________ when implementing change

Interactions with Direct Reports

• Can give people belief that something was ______________ • “Cool idea” gets misinterpreted

• Can make others feel ____________ because roles are seen as fluid

• Non-judgmental (bad decision doesn’t mean bad person)

• Can throw too many __________ at staff

• they lose sight of what real priorities are

• Viewed as open minded, accessible, ________ to __________________ •  Responds well to others’ ideas as long as practical

Page 12: MOHCA Leap to Manager Handout - cdn.ymaws.com · Making the Strategic Leap from Manager to Senior Leader Lou Ann Brubaker, President Brubaker Consulting brubak97@aol.com 301-535-5449

Copyright 2018 Brubaker Consulting. All rights reserved.


Overview of NT Leader

• _____________ — 30,000 foot view of world

• Inspiring to others — cannot ________

• Technologically _________

• Values ___________

• Will ___________________ antagonists regardless of price

• If SJ is a pessimist — NT is a ___________

• Good at analytical thinking

• Focuses on __________ (shaping the future to what’s ahead)

Interactions with Direct Reports

• Low tolerance of _____________

• Reluctance to state the ___________

• May be perceived as ____/_________

• Doesn’t want to get embroiled in staff _____________ issues

• Enthusiastic to others’ ______

• Reacts negatively to staff who have personal agendas

• Communication is a low priority—________________

• May focus more on the ___________ and less on the _______ •  ask one the time & they’ll tell you how to make a watch

Page 13: MOHCA Leap to Manager Handout - cdn.ymaws.com · Making the Strategic Leap from Manager to Senior Leader Lou Ann Brubaker, President Brubaker Consulting brubak97@aol.com 301-535-5449

Copyright 2018 Brubaker Consulting. All rights reserved.


Overview of NF Leader

• Most people-oriented and personable of all times • Everybody ______________

• People first; ___________ second

• Verbally fluent — great _____________ for an organization

• Huge emotional impact on others if they leave

• Popular

• Sees ____________ in people — nurturer

Overview of NF Leader

• Leads by ___________________ — wants personal contact

• Sometimes not accurate on organizational _______

• Can make decisions based on personal _____/_______

• Can get torn between higher authority & direct reports

• May internalize others’ _________________ — “if only……”

• Tends to _____ unpleasantness/confrontation • esp. HR related issues

Page 14: MOHCA Leap to Manager Handout - cdn.ymaws.com · Making the Strategic Leap from Manager to Senior Leader Lou Ann Brubaker, President Brubaker Consulting brubak97@aol.com 301-535-5449

Copyright 2018 Brubaker Consulting. All rights reserved.


Interactions with Direct Reports

• Can be too __________ with underperforming staff

• Can give staff too much __________

• Will sometimes ___________ people — move to another unit or shift to try to find a place they’ll fit

• May develop ____________________ relationships with staff

• Has a hard time dealing with ‘_____________’

Take a few minutes

• Using your personality type ID 2 things you might want to go in the opposite direction in regarding your tendencies.

• For example, if you’re an SJ (and most of you are!) who likely always knows the right answer to a problem— it may be valuable for you to step back from always telling people how to fix things and ASK THEM what they think they should do.

Page 15: MOHCA Leap to Manager Handout - cdn.ymaws.com · Making the Strategic Leap from Manager to Senior Leader Lou Ann Brubaker, President Brubaker Consulting brubak97@aol.com 301-535-5449

Copyright 2018 Brubaker Consulting. All rights reserved.



• Back in the facility

• think about what may be the probable personality types of your direct reports AND

• how you might want to approach them in a different way to drive greater success.

When you assume……..

• Two types of ___________ assumptions can impact your leadership: •  you assume that people want to be led by you in the way

YOU feel ______________________ leading • and you haven’t ask them how you can be more valuable

•  you assume __________ people don’t have • which impacts how you assign goals and evaluate them

Page 16: MOHCA Leap to Manager Handout - cdn.ymaws.com · Making the Strategic Leap from Manager to Senior Leader Lou Ann Brubaker, President Brubaker Consulting brubak97@aol.com 301-535-5449

Copyright 2018 Brubaker Consulting. All rights reserved.


As an example

•  You need to assign who will take the lead on your Facility Assessment development •  you’ve heard that other facilities are having the DN

lead that process

•  however, while your DN is clinically exceptional, pulling together disparate information is not a strength

•  but your AIT is exceptional at it.

Leaders set


Page 17: MOHCA Leap to Manager Handout - cdn.ymaws.com · Making the Strategic Leap from Manager to Senior Leader Lou Ann Brubaker, President Brubaker Consulting brubak97@aol.com 301-535-5449

Copyright 2018 Brubaker Consulting. All rights reserved.


That cause people to


Leaders who write objectives well…

•  Assure the team knows the ________________

•  Provides reasons to _____________ accomplishment

•  Can compensate for personality tendencies

•  Enable ________________ of what’s important

•  Facilitate easier ________________ discussions •  discipline AND annual reviews

•  Give staff a sense of __________

Page 18: MOHCA Leap to Manager Handout - cdn.ymaws.com · Making the Strategic Leap from Manager to Senior Leader Lou Ann Brubaker, President Brubaker Consulting brubak97@aol.com 301-535-5449

Copyright 2018 Brubaker Consulting. All rights reserved.


The perfect objective contains four elements

•  ______ •  _______ •  ________ •  _____

do you want achieved? the area of impact should it be achieved? should it be accomplished?

You can use the format for ANY type of objective

•  What •  Where •  How well •  When

Staff will _______________ on _____ for __________________ starting August 30, 2018

Page 19: MOHCA Leap to Manager Handout - cdn.ymaws.com · Making the Strategic Leap from Manager to Senior Leader Lou Ann Brubaker, President Brubaker Consulting brubak97@aol.com 301-535-5449

Copyright 2018 Brubaker Consulting. All rights reserved.


Five performance areas that your managers should excel in.

•  How they • ___________________ with front line staff • make _____________/know when to involve you • think ________________ • manage ________ (staff/staff, customer related) • address ____________________ of their own staff

Write an objective for a direct report targeting 1 of the 5 previous competencies.

•  What •  Where •  How well •  When

Page 20: MOHCA Leap to Manager Handout - cdn.ymaws.com · Making the Strategic Leap from Manager to Senior Leader Lou Ann Brubaker, President Brubaker Consulting brubak97@aol.com 301-535-5449

Copyright 2018 Brubaker Consulting. All rights reserved.


Leaders keep their facilities heading in the right direction.

Exceptional leaders

•  Articulate ____ we’re heading toward a specific goal

•  Act as ________ —they monitor the variance between desired and actual

•  Establish frameworks of ____________

•  Hold people ______________

•  They make it seem ___________ to each person

Page 21: MOHCA Leap to Manager Handout - cdn.ymaws.com · Making the Strategic Leap from Manager to Senior Leader Lou Ann Brubaker, President Brubaker Consulting brubak97@aol.com 301-535-5449

Copyright 2018 Brubaker Consulting. All rights reserved.


Localize your vision

•  At 30,000 feet up, you may have a goal of ‘achieving positive customer satisfaction’ OR ‘meeting financial margin goals’ but that’s not a ___________________________ of it.

•  You have to bring things down to Earth.

You start localizing when you assure

•  Staff know • what the ______________ is • how performance will be ______________ • what they will do _____________________.

Page 22: MOHCA Leap to Manager Handout - cdn.ymaws.com · Making the Strategic Leap from Manager to Senior Leader Lou Ann Brubaker, President Brubaker Consulting brubak97@aol.com 301-535-5449

Copyright 2018 Brubaker Consulting. All rights reserved.


Your opportunity to localize

Facility leadership

Dept. heads/supervisors


We will meet our financial margin goals this month.

Nursing: Overtime will not exceed $_____ this month.

Nursing staff will _______________________in advance.No staff ______________________________

Bring it to Earth

Facility leadership

Dept. heads/supervisors


We will meet our financial margin goals this month.

Food Services:

Kitchen staff will

Page 23: MOHCA Leap to Manager Handout - cdn.ymaws.com · Making the Strategic Leap from Manager to Senior Leader Lou Ann Brubaker, President Brubaker Consulting brubak97@aol.com 301-535-5449

Copyright 2018 Brubaker Consulting. All rights reserved.


Using Internal Measurements to Drive Your Achievement

First, leaders make certain everybody understands ____

•  Every person’s job can be ____________. •  Every employee can impact _________ and

_________ achievement •  The first step is always

• collect meaningful _____

•  ask if anyone has ever had ___________ and whether they ________________

Page 24: MOHCA Leap to Manager Handout - cdn.ymaws.com · Making the Strategic Leap from Manager to Senior Leader Lou Ann Brubaker, President Brubaker Consulting brubak97@aol.com 301-535-5449

Copyright 2018 Brubaker Consulting. All rights reserved.


Weed killer, Mongolian BBQ and a cat

_____ ___

_____ _____

QA doesn’t enable excuses; it drives process/solutions

•  When the undesired happens, start by asking why it happened — the cause.

• was it an ‘_______________’ cause? • was it a ‘_________' cause?

•  Ex: a piece of equipment fails •  Product is 3 years old and had ________________________

• Assignable or chance cause?

•  Product ______________ by new employee with no training

• Assignable or chance cause?

Page 25: MOHCA Leap to Manager Handout - cdn.ymaws.com · Making the Strategic Leap from Manager to Senior Leader Lou Ann Brubaker, President Brubaker Consulting brubak97@aol.com 301-535-5449

Copyright 2018 Brubaker Consulting. All rights reserved.


Reduce falls in the facility: involve staff in your target AND your data

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Uh-oh….we’ve got a ____________

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Page 26: MOHCA Leap to Manager Handout - cdn.ymaws.com · Making the Strategic Leap from Manager to Senior Leader Lou Ann Brubaker, President Brubaker Consulting brubak97@aol.com 301-535-5449

Copyright 2018 Brubaker Consulting. All rights reserved.


Did we make a decision impacting this?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12






Make certain the staff know what to do when

•  ________ a process in control •  celebrate

•  ___________________________when a special cause (sudden spike) occurs •  celebrate

•  ________ when a continued run above average occurs (more than 7 measurement points). •  celebrate

Page 27: MOHCA Leap to Manager Handout - cdn.ymaws.com · Making the Strategic Leap from Manager to Senior Leader Lou Ann Brubaker, President Brubaker Consulting brubak97@aol.com 301-535-5449

Copyright 2018 Brubaker Consulting. All rights reserved.


Lastly, leaders get the ____________ they create.

Your cultural values are defined by who you ____, ________, and ____________.

Your leadership values drive your culture of excellence.

• Managers and employees who repeatedly _____________________________ shouldn’t last •  Regardless of their work performance.

•  You can’t create the environment you want with •  Brilliant _________ •  ____________ soul-suckers. •  Talented ___________.

• ANYBODY can be __________ —some should be.

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Leadership Profile

Answer the questions according to your first impression. There are no wrong answers – just ones that are right for you. You will confidentially score your own answers.

1) At a party, you a) interact with many, including strangers b) interact with a few known to you

2) Are you more

a) realistic than speculative b) speculative than realistic

3) Is it worse to

a) have your head in the clouds b) be in a rut

4) Are you more impressed by

a) principles b) emotions

5) Are you more drawn towards the

a) convincing b) touching

6) Do you prefer to work

a) to deadlines b) just whatever

7) Do you tend to choose

a) rather carefully b) somewhat impulsively

8) At parties, do you

a) stay late, with increasing energy b) leave early, with decreasing energy

9) Are you more attracted to

a) sensible people b) imaginative people

10) Are you interested in

a) what is actual b) what is possible

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11) In judging others, are you more swayed by a) laws than circumstances b) circumstances than laws

12) In approaching others, is your inclination to be somewhat

a) objective b) personal

13) Are you more

a) punctual b) leisurely

14) Does it bother you to have things

a) incomplete b) completed

15) In social groups, do you

a) keep abreast of other’s happenings b) get behind in the news

16) In doing ordinary things, are you more likely to

a) do it the usual way b) do it in your own way

17) Writers should

a) say what they mean and mean what they say b) express things more by the use of analogies

18) Which appeals to you more

a) consistency in thought b) harmonious human relationships

19) Are you more comfortable in making

a) logical judgements b) value judgements

20) Do you want things

a) settled and decided b) unsettled and undecided

21) Would you say you are more

a) serious and determined b) easy-going

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22) In phoning, do you a) rarely question that it will all be said b) rehearse what you’ll say

23) Facts

a) “speak for themselves” b) illustrate principles

24) Are visionaries

a) somewhat annoying b) somewhat fascinating

25) Are you more often

a) a cool-headed person b) a warm-hearted person

26) Is it worse to be

a) unjust b) merciless

27) Should one usually let events occur

a) by careful selection and choice b) randomly and by chance

28) Do you feel better about

a) having purchased b) having the option to buy

29) In company, do you

a) initiate conversation b) wait to be approached

30) Common sense is

a) rarely questionable b) frequently questionable

31) Children often do not

a) make themselves useful enough b) exercise their fantasy enough

32) In making decisions, do you feel more comfortable with

a) standards b) feelings

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33) Are you more a) firm than gentle b) gentle than firm

34) Which is more admirable:

a) the ability to organize and be methodical b) the ability to adapt and make do

35) Do you put more value on the

a) definite b) open-ended

36) Does new and non-routine interaction with others

a) stimulate and energize you b) tax your reserves

37) Are you more frequently

a) a practical sort of person b) a fanciful sort of person

38) Are you more likely to

a) see how others are useful b) see how others see

39) Which is more satisfying

a) to discuss an issue thoroughly b) to arrive at agreement on an issue

40) Which rules you more

a) your head b) your heart

41) Are you more comfortable with work that is

a) contracted b) done on a casual basis

42) Do you tend to look for

a) the orderly b) whatever turns up

43) Do you prefer

a) many friends with brief contact b) a few friends with more lengthy contact

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44) Do you go more by a) facts b) principles

45) Are you more interested in

a) production and distribution b) design and research

46) Which is more of a compliment

a) “There is a very logical person.” b) “There is a very sentimental person.”

47) Do you value yourself more than you are

a) unwavering b) devoted

48) Do you more often prefer the

a) final and unalterable statement b) tentative and preliminary statement

49) Are you more comfortable

a) after a decision b) before a decision

50) Do you

a) speak easily and at length with strangers b) find little to say to strangers

51) Are you more likely to trust your

a) experience b) hunch

52) Do you feel

a) more practical than ingenious b) more ingenious than practical

53) Which person is more to be complimented: one of

a) clear reason b) strong feeling

54) Are you inclined more to be

a) fair-minded b) sympathetic

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55) Is it preferable mostly to a) make sure things are arranged b) just let things happen

56) In relationships, should most things be

a) re-negotiable b) random and circumstantial

57) When the phone rings, do you

a) hurry to get to it first b) hope someone else will answer

58) Do you prize more in yourself

a) a strong sense of reality b) a vivid imagination

59) Are you drawn more toward

a) fundamentals b) overtones

60) Which seems to be the greater error

a) to be too passionate b) to be too objective

61) Do you see yourself as basically

a) hard-headed b) soft-hearted

62) Which situation appeals to you more:

a) the structured and scheduled b) the unstructured and unscheduled

63) Are you a person that is more

a) routinized than whimsical b) whimsical than routinized

64) Are you more inclined to be

a) easy to approach b) somewhat reserved

65) In writings, do you prefer

a) the more literal b) the more figurative

Page 34: MOHCA Leap to Manager Handout - cdn.ymaws.com · Making the Strategic Leap from Manager to Senior Leader Lou Ann Brubaker, President Brubaker Consulting brubak97@aol.com 301-535-5449

1. Add down so that the total number of “a” answers is written in the box at the bottom of each column. Do the same for “b” answers you have checked. Each of the 14 boxes should have a number in it.

2. In the first column pair (a & b), youʼll simply drop your total into the bottom box (above the E and I).

3. Your next step is to add the total from the second, fourth and sixth a & b columns to the column to its right. Simply follow the arrow below the second, fourth and sixth columns. They will guide you to where you enter the totals a second time

4. Now add all the pairs of numbers and enter the total in the boxes below the answer sheet. Each box will have only one number.

5. Circle the letter below the larger number of each of the four pairs. You have now identified your “type”. It should be one of the following. if in the bottom sets of boxes you have an equal number in both boxes (ex., 10 and 10), raise your hand and alert your presenter.

Directions for Scoring

a b a b a b a b a b a b a b

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30 31 32 33 34 35

36 37 38 39 40 41 42

43 44 45 46 47 48 49

50 51 52 53 54 55 56

57 58 59 60 61 62 63

64 65 66 67 68 69 70

7 3 8 2 7 3 2 8 4 6 3 7 4 6

2 8 3 7






7 3

8 2

15 5

✔ ✔

6 14

✔ ✔

7 13

Page 35: MOHCA Leap to Manager Handout - cdn.ymaws.com · Making the Strategic Leap from Manager to Senior Leader Lou Ann Brubaker, President Brubaker Consulting brubak97@aol.com 301-535-5449

1. Add down so that the total number of “a” answers is written in the box at the bottom of each column. Do the same for “b” answers you have checked. Each of the 14 boxes should have a number in it.

2. In the first column pair (a & b), youʼll simply drop your total into the bottom box (above the E and I).

3. Your next step is to add the total from the second, fourth and sixth a & b columns to the column to its right. Simply follow the arrow below the second, fourth and sixth columns. They will guide you to where you enter the totals a second time

4. Now add all the pairs of numbers and enter the total in the boxes below the answer sheet. Each box will have only one number.

5. Circle the letter below the larger number of each of the four pairs. You have now identified your “type”. It should be one of the following. if in the bottom sets of boxes you have an equal number in both boxes (ex., 10 and 10), raise your hand and alert your presenter.

Directions for Scoring





a b a b a b a b a b a b a b

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30 31 32 33 34 35

36 37 38 39 40 41 42

43 44 45 46 47 48 49

50 51 52 53 54 55 56

57 58 59 60 61 62 63

64 65 66 67 68 69 70


Page 36: MOHCA Leap to Manager Handout - cdn.ymaws.com · Making the Strategic Leap from Manager to Senior Leader Lou Ann Brubaker, President Brubaker Consulting brubak97@aol.com 301-535-5449


66) Is it harder for you to a) identify with others b) utilize others

67) Which do you wish more for yourself

a) clarity of reason b) strength of compassion

68) Which is the greater fault

a) being indiscriminate b) being critical

69) Do you prefer the

a) planned event b) unplanned event

70) Do you tend to be more

a) deliberate than spontaneous b) spontaneous than deliberate