Module six Leading a Nature- based Tour This publication has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of SNV/ ILO and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union. For more information on EuropeAid, please visithttp://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/

Module six

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Module six. Leading a Nature- based Tour. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Module  six

Module sixLeading a Nature- based Tour

This publication has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of SNV/ ILO and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union. For more information on EuropeAid, please visithttp://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/

Page 2: Module  six

Module introduction

Topic 1 – Planning a nature based tourTopic 2 – Leading a nature based tour

- Field work


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Natural tourism & Ecotourism

Natural tourism is a type of tourism that

is based on nature (landscape sightseeing, mountain trekking, bird



Eco tourism is a type of natural tourism that connected with the local identity and with the participation of local communities for the sake of sustainable development.

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What is nature guiding?

• Escort visitors • Provide information, interpretation and insight • Educate visitors• Protect natural resources • Ensure tourists’ safety• Manage logistics.


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Activity 1: Identify natural tourism attractions

Divide into 3 groups. Working in your groups:• Identify natural attractions in the categories of landscape,

ecology, fauna and flora.• Describe and identify the location of each attraction• Present discussion outcome of the group to the rest of the



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Learn more about nature 6

What to learn?

Learning resources in Vietnam Global learning resources

Forests Handbook: MARD (2006), Natural forest ecosystems of Vietnam, Hanoi, available at: http://www.vietnamforestry.org.vn/libraryfolder/He%20sinh%20thai%20rung%20tu%20nhien%20Viet%20Nam.pdf

Not relevant

Plants Vietnam forest biological portal: Plantshttp://www.vncreatures.net/tracuu.php?loai=2

Wildlife field guide at eNature.com (Trees, native plants and wildflowers) at: http://www.enature.com/fieldguides/

Animals Nguyen Xuan Dang (chief editor, 2009), A practical guide for quick identification of some wild animals protected by Vietnamese laws and CITES, TRAFFIC SEA, available at http://thuviensinhhoc.com/ebook/sinh-hoc/2211-nhan-dang-nhanh-mot-so-loai-dong-vat-hoang-da.html

Wildlife field guide at eNature.com (Mammals) at: http://www.enature.com/fieldguides/

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Learn more about nature 7

What to learn?

Learning resources in Vietnam Global learning resources

Birds Birdlife International Vietnam Programme (http://www.birdlifeindochina.org/ ): Book 1: “Chim Viet Nam” (2000), Book 2: Expedition Field Guide Techniques, available from BirdLife International Vietnam Programme.

Butterflies Vietnam forest biological portal:Classis “Buterflies” with 404 species: http://www.vncreatures.net/kqtracuu.php?ID=1&tenloai=&Submit=Tra+c%E1%BB%A9u&type=nhom&ch=&loai=3&radio=V

Butterlies Website: http://butterflywebsite.com/index.htm

Insects Vietnam forest biological portal: Insectshttp://www.vncreatures.net/tracuu.php?loai=3

Wildlife field guide at eNature.com (Insects) at http://www.enature.com/fieldguides/

Oceans Textbook: Typical marine ecosystems, HCMC agro-forestry university, available at: www2.hcmuaf.edu.vn/data/nguyenvantrai/CHUONG%202.pdf

Interactive diagram to learn about life in the sea, availbale at: http://www.sciencelearn.org.nz/Contexts/Life-in-the-Sea/Sci-Media/Animations-and-Interactives/Marine-ecosystem

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Natural History

Natural history is about past history of the natural environment, e.g.:• Former oceans, forests• Extinct flora and fauna species• How lakes, waterfalls, valleys, were formed


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Information sharing techniques (using five senses) 9




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Activity 2. Demonstration on briefing tourists

1. Watch your Trainer demonstrate a briefing of a short local natural tour to a group of tourists on:

• What to bring• Difficulty level of the trails• Fitness• Safety instructions• Main places of interest along the trails• Traveling time and key deadlines• Contact details of the escort and relevant people

2. Practice natural tour briefing in small groups


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Activity 3 – ID test on supplies

Participate in an Identification Test on supplies for a nature-based tourist experience.


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Supplies to carry with you 12

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What are ‘Natural Attractions’?

• Things created by the nature• Outdoor environment• Outstanding beauty or natural features• Attract visitors to spend their holidays/

vacations or undertake outdoor activities


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Types of Natural Attractions

Land-based• topography• weather and climate

Water-based• lakes, rivers, springs• sea, beaches and islands

Living things• flora, fauna, insects, reptiles• marine life


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How to identify ‘Natural Attractions’?


1. Identify natural assets and places of interest in the destination, including parks, gardens, forests, mountain, river, marine or other attractions.

2. Sources of knowledge:

from books, on maps, national park’s authority, tourist information center, exploring areas, talking with elderly people and experts

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Land-based attractions

1. Beautiful views 2. Landscapes of plains, mountains, valleys3. Mountains4. Caves5. Rock formations6. What else….?


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Examples of land-based attractions


Rice terracesMountains

Primitive forestLandscapes

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Information on land based attractions

TopographyTypes of soil, how the landscape was created, erosion, sedimentary deposits, human activity (rice terraces)

Climate and weatherTemperature, sunlight, humidity, rain, wind, extreme weathers such as storm, hurricane, flood, tsunami, drought.


LandscapePlainMountainCaveLakeforest vegetation Temperature sunlight humidity rainWindStormflood drought

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Water-based attractions

1. Hot springs2. Rivers3. Streams4. Lakes5. Ponds


Hot springsRiverStreamLakePondWaterfallWetlandLagoonSea and beach

6. Waterfalls7. Wetlands8. Lagoons9. Sea and beaches

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Examples of water-based attractions


Bang hot spring resort Ban Gioc waterfall

Tam Giang Lagoon Ba Be Lake

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Information on water-based attractions

WaterQuality of water, where water comes from (e.g. underground spring, glacier, rainfall), current, water flow, other tributaries or related water systems,

Other infoUse of water source: irrigation, leisure, fishing, transport, etc.Other interesting info: significant floods, flooded forests, effect of rain or drought, etc.



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Ecosystems and biodiversity

1. Animals2. Flora3. Birds4. Insects


1. Reptiles and invertebrates2. Water and marine3. Forests4. Other….?

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Info on biodiversity

Animals• Types, e.g. mammals including

bats, forest animals.• Behaviour, habits, breeding,

eating habitsFlora• Trees, flowers, fungi, fruits• Types, uses, conditions fro

growthBirds• Local types• Habits, interesting behavior,

food sources, migration


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Info on biodiversity

Insects• Types: crawling, flying

(butterflies)• Behaviour, habits, breeding,

eating habits, (e.g. cicada lives for up to 17 years)

Reptiles and invertebrates• Types: snakes, lizards, frogs,

snails• Poison, habits, food sources


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Info on biodiversity

Water & Marine• Types: fish, turtles, water

plants, invertebrates• Behaviour, habits, breeding,

eating habitsForests• Types: evergreen tropical

rainforests, limestone rainforests, pine forests, mangrove forests, cajuput forests

• Ecosystems, biodiversity in forests


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Examples of ecosystems & biodiversity


Mangrove forest




A thousand-year tree

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Examples of living nature: biodiversity 27

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Examples of living nature: biodiversity (continued) 28

Dugong – Queen of Sea Corals

Starfish Seahorse

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An engaging short tour

Route identification• Starting and ending points• Main locations in the trip

Key natural attractions• Both accessible and inaccessible ones• Determining required time for visiting each attractions

Main activities• Walking, sightseeing, taking photo• Resting and listening to interpretation and so on

Write guiding scripts for main attractions• Opening • Development• Closing

Group management• Leading the group on the way• Selecting standing/ sitting locations• Time allocation and management• Group gathering techniques• Dealing with distractions and the unexpected


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Activity 4: Prepare an engaging natural tour

Group work: • Divide into 4 teams of 6 – 7 members• Each group must prepare an engaging natural

tour in the local area• Groups make presentation and comparison.


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Conduct a practical natural tour

• The group goes on a nature-based tour of the local area, with each participant having an opportunity to be the tour guide and speak about an natural heritage using the skills they have learned about guiding.

• The other participants play the role of tourists and must behave like typical tourists (e.g. asking questions). At the end peer feedback is provided to assess the success points of the tour and where improvements could be made.


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Thank You

for your attention


The HITT Programme and its Contributors This series of materials has been produced in collaboration between the High Impact Tourism Training for Jobs and Income Programme (HITT) funded by the European Union and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) in Vietnam. These programmes and organisations contributed to the development and printing of this material and will be using these training materials to deliver High Impact Tourism Training to their respective target beneficiaries. The programme supports informal workers and potential workers from the tourism sector of Vietnam to enhance their productivity and professionalism, and to increase their employability and income opportunities. The HITT programme is implemented by the Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV) through the financial assistance of the European Commission (EC) Investing in People programme. This publication has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of the publication are the sole responsibility of the HITT Programme and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union. For more information on Europe Aid, please visit http://ec.europa.er/europeaid/