modul kimia tingkatan 4

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kimia chapter 1-3

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    Con-Chem F4 (B).indd 3 12/9/2011 6:00:06 PM

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    PARTICLE THEORY OF MATTER / TEORI ZARAH JIRIM To state the particle theory of matter Menyatakan teori zarah jirim

    To differentiate and draw the three types of particles i.e. atom, ion and molecule Membezakan dan melukis tiga jenis zarah jirim iaitu atom, ion dan molekul

    To describe the laboratory activity to investigate the diffusion of particles in gas, a liquid and a solid. (To prove that matter is made up of tiny and discrete particles)

    Menghuraikan aktiviti makmal untuk mengkaji resapan zarah dalam gas, cecair dan pepejal (Untuk membuktikan bahawa jirim terdiri daripada

    zarah-zarah yang halus dan diskrit)

    KINETIC THEORY OF MATTER / TEORI KINETIK JIRIM To state the kinetic theory of matter Menyatakan teori kinetik jirim

    To relate the change of physical states of matters with energy change Menghubungkaitkan perubahan keadaan jirim dengan perubahan tenaga

    To relate the change of energy in the particles with kinetic particle theory of matter Menghubungkaitkan perubahan tenaga dalam zarah dengan perubahan tenaga kinetik zarah

    HISTORY OF ATOMIC MODELS DEVELOPMENT / SEJARAH PERKEMBANGAN MODEL ATOM To state the contribution of scientists in the atomic structure model such as the scientists who discovered electron, proton,

    nucleus, neutron and shell Menyatakan sumbangan ahli sains kepada perkembangan model struktur atom dan ahli sains yang menemui elektron, proton, nukleus, neutron dan


    SUBATOMIC PARTICLES / ZARAH-ZARAH SUBATOM To compare and differentiate subatomic particles i.e. proton, neutron and electron from the aspect of charge, relative mass

    and location Membanding dan membezakan zarah-zarah subatom iaitu proton, neutron dan elektron dari segi cas, jisim relatif dan kedudukan

    To state the meaning of proton number and nucleon number based on the subatomic particle Menyatakan maksud nombor proton dan nombor nukleon berdasarkan zarah subatom

    To write the symbol of elements with proton number and nucleon number Menulis simbol unsur yang mengandungi nombor proton dan nombor nukleon

    ISOTOPE / ISOTOP To state the meaning, examples and the use of isotopes Menyatakan maksud isotop, contoh-contoh isotop dan kegunaan isotop

    ELECTRON ARRANGEMENT / SUSUNAN ELEKTRON To know the number of electron shells and number of electrons in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd shell Mengetahui bilangan petala elektron serta bilangan elektron yang diisi dalam petala 1, 2 dan 3

    To write the electron arrangement of atoms based on proton number or number of electrons and state the number of valence electron

    Menulis susunan elektron bagi suatu atom berdasarkan nombor proton atau bilangan elektron dan seterusnya menyatakan bilangan elektron valens



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    Matter is any substance that has mass and occupies space.Jirim adalah sebarang bahan yang mempunyai jisim dan memenuhi ruang.

    The Particle Theory of Matter / Teori Zarah Jirim

    1 Matter is made up of tiny and discrete particles. Three types of tiny particles are atoms , ions and molecules . Jisim terdiri daripada zarah yang halus dan diskrit. Tiga jenis zarah tersebut ialah atom , ion dan molekul .

    2 Matter can be classified as element or compound. / Jirim boleh dikelaskan sebagai unsur atau sebatian.

    3 Complete the following: / Lengkapkan yang berikut:

    Elements can be identified as metal or non-metal by referring to the Periodic Table. Unsur boleh dikenal pasti sebagai logam atau bukan logam dengan merujuk kepada Jadual Berkala Unsur.

    Formation of molecule and ion will be studied in Chapter 4 (Chemical Bond). Pembentukan molekul atau ion akan dipelajari dalam Tajuk 4 (Ikatan Kimia).

    Types of particles / Jenis zarah Types of particles / Jenis zarah

    Atom / AtomThe smallest neutral particle of an element (Normally pure metals, noble gases and a few non-metal elements such as carbon and silicon).Zarah neutral yang paling kecil

    bagi suatu unsur (Biasanya logam

    tulen, gas adi dan beberapa unsur

    bukan logam seperti karbon dan



    Sodium metal, NaLogam natrium, Na

    Na Na Na Na Na

    Na Na Na Na Na

    Na Na Na Na Na Na

    Neon gas, NeGas Neon, Ne

    Ne Ne


    Molecule / MolekulA neutral particle consists of different non-metal atoms which are covalently-bonded.Zarah neutral terdiri daripada

    atom-atom bukan logam berlainan

    terikat secara ikatan kovalen.


    Carbon dioxide gas, CO2

    Gas karbon dioksida, CO2

    O OC

    O OC

    O OC

    Water, H2O

    Air, H2O

    H HO

    H HO

    H HO

    Molecule / MolekulA neutral particle consists of similar non-metal atoms which are covalently-bonded.Zarah neutral terdiri daripada

    atom-atom bukan logam serupa

    terikat secara ikatan kovalen.


    Oxygen gas, O2

    Gas oksigen, O2

    O O O O

    O O

    Hydrogen gas, H2

    Gas hidrogen, H2

    H H H H

    H H

    Ion / IonPositively or negatively charged particles, which are formed from metal atom and non-metal atom respectively. The force of attraction between the two oppositely charged ions forms an ionic bond.Zarah bercas positif atau negatif

    terbentuk dari logam dan bukan

    logam terikat secara ikatan ion.

    Daya tarikan antara dua ion yang

    berlawanan cas membentuk ikatan



    Sodium chloride, NaClNatrium klorida, NaCl
















    Calcium oxide, CaOKalsium oksida, CaO

















    A substance made from only satu type of atom.

    Bahan yang terdiri daripada satu jenis atom sahaja.


    A substance made from two or more different elements which are bonded together.

    Bahan yang terdiri daripada dua atau lebih

    unsur berbeza yang terikat secara kimia.


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    Diffusion in a gasResapan dalam gas

    Diffusion in a liquidResapan dalam cecair

    Diffusion in a solidResapan dalam pepejal



    The brown colour of bromine vapour,

    Br2 spreads far throughout

    the two jars.Warna perang wap bromin, Br

    2 merebak

    dengan cepat memenuhi kedua-dua

    balang gas.

    The purple colour of solid potassium manganate(VII), KMnO

    4 spreads

    slowly throughout the water.Warna ungu pepejal kalium manganat(VII),

    KMnO4 merebak dengan perlahan

    di dalam air.

    The blue colour of copper(II) sulphate,

    CuSO4 spreads very slowly

    throughout the gel. Warna biru kuprum(II) sulfat,

    CuSO4 merebak

    sangat perlahan

    di dalam agar-agar.


    Bromine vapour, Br2 and air are made

    up of molecules .Wap bromin, Br

    2 dan udara terdiri

    daripada molekul .

    Bromine molecules diffuse quickly between large

    space of air particles which is in gas

    form.Molekul bromin meresap pantas

    melalui ruang besar antara zarah-

    zarah udara yang berbentuk gas.

    Potassium manganate(VII) is made up of potassium ions and manganate(VII) ions. The ions

    diffuse slowly between close

    space of water particles which is in

    liquid form.Kalium manganat(VII) terdiri daripada

    ion kalium dan ion manganat(VII). Ion-ion ini meresap perlahan

    antara ruang rapat zarah air

    yang berbentuk cecair.

    Copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 is made

    up of copper(II) ions and

    sulphate ions . The ions

    diffuse very slow between closely packed space of gel particles

    which is in solid form.Kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO

    4 terdiri daripada

    ion kuprum(II) dan ion

    sulfat. Ion-ion ini meresap dengan

    sangat perlahan antara ruang padat zarah agar-agar yang

    berbentuk pepejal.

    4 Determine the type of particles in the following substances: Tentukan jenis zarah bagi setiap bahan berikut:


    Type of particleJenis zarah


    Type of particleJenis zarah


    Type of particleJenis zarah

    Hydrogen gas (H2)

    Gas hidrogen (H2)


    Sulphur dioxide (SO


    Sulfur dioksida(SO


    MoleculeTetrachloromethane (CCl


    Tetraklorometana (CCl4) Molecule

    Copper(II) sulphate (CuSO


    Kuprum(II) sulfat (CuSO

    4 )

    IonIron (Fe)

    Ferum (Fe) Atom

    Zink chloride (ZnCl2)

    Zink klorida (ZnCl

    2 )


    Argon (Ar)Argon (Ar) Atom

    Carbon (C)Karbon (C) Atom

    Hydrogen peroxide (H2O


    Hidrogen peroksida (H2O

    2) Molecule

    5 Diffusion Resapan

    (a) The tiny and discrete particles that made up matter are constantly moving. In gases, these particles are very far apart from each other, in liquids, the particles are closer together and in solids, they are arranged closely packed.

    Jirim terdiri daripada zarah-zarah halus dan diskrit yang sentiasa bergerak. Dalam gas, susunan zarah-zarahnya adalah berjauhan

    antara satu sama lain, dalam cecair, zarah-zarahnya disusun lebih rapat dan dalam pepejal, zarah-zarahnya disusun dengan sangat

    padat dan teratur.

    (b) Diffusion occurs when particles of a substance move between the particles of another substance. Resapan berlaku apabila zarah-zarah suatu bahan bergerak di antara zarah-zarah bahan lain.

    (c) Diffusion occurs in a solid, liquid and gas. Complete the following table: Resapan berlaku dalam pepejal, cecair dan gas. Lengkapkan jadual berikut:


    Kuprum(II) sulfat

    Copper(II) sulphate


    After a day

    Beberapa titiscecair bromin



    A few drops of bromine liquid

    After few minutes


    Selepas beberapa jam


    Kalium manganat(VII)

    Potassium manganate(VII)

    After a few hours

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    (d) Conclusions: Kesimpulan:

    (i) Diffusion occurs faster in gas than in liquid. There is larger space in between the particles of

    a gas than a liquid. Particles in a gas are further apart. The particles in the liquid

    are closer together.

    Resapan berlaku lebih cepat di dalam gas berbanding di dalam cecair. Terdapat ruang yang lebih besar

    antara zarah-zarah gas berbanding dengan cecair. Zarah-zarah gas adalah berjauhan

    antara satu sama lain. Zarah-zarah cecair adalah lebih rapat antara satu sama lain.

    (ii) Diffusion occurs faster in a liquid than in solid. There is larger space in between the particles

    of a liquid than a solid. The particles in the solid are very close together.

    Resapan berlaku lebih cepat di dalam cecair berbanding di dalam pepejal. Terdapat ruang yang lebih besar

    antara zarah-zarah cecair berbanding dengan pepejal. Zarah-zarah pepejal tersusun sangat rapat

    dan padat antara satu sama lain.

    (iii) Bromine gas, potassium manganate(VII) and copper(II) sulphate are made up of tiny and discrete

    particles that are constantly moving/constant motion .

    Gas bromin, kalium manganat(VII) dan kuprum(II) sulfat terdiri daripada zarah-zarah halus dan diskrit

    yang sentiasa bergerak .

    The Kinetic Theory of Matter / Teori Kinetik Jirim

    1 Matter exists in three different states which are solid , liquid and gas .

    Jirim wujud dalam tiga keadaan iaitu pepejal , cecair dan gas .

    2 Matter that made up of tiny and discrete particles which are always in constantly moving .

    Jirim terdiri daripada zarah-zarah halus dan diskrit yang sentiasa bergerak .

    3 As the temperature increases, the kinetic energy of particles increases and the particles move faster .

    Apabila suhu meningkat, tenaga kinetik zarah-zarah akan bertambah dan zarah-zarah akan bergerak dengan lebih cepat .

    4 Particles in different states of matter have different arrangement, strength of forces between them, movement and energy content.

    Zarah-zarah dalam keadaan jirim yang berbeza mempunyai susunan, daya tarikan antara zarah, pergerakan dan kandungan

    tenaga yang berbeza.

    5 Complete the following table: / Lengkapkan jadual di bawah:

    State of matterKeadaan jirim




    Draw the particles arrangement. Each particle (atom/ ion/molecule) is represented by Lukis susunan zarah. Setiap zarah

    (atom / ion / molekul) diwakili dengan

    Particles arrangementSusunan zarah

    The particles are arranged closely packed in orderly manner.

    Zarah-zarah tersusun padat

    dan teratur .

    The particles are arranged closely packed but not in orderly manner .

    Zarah-zarah tersusun padat

    tetapi tidak teratur .

    The particles are very widely separated from

    each other.Zarah-zarah terpisah jauh

    antara satu sama lain.

    Particles movementPergerakan zarah

    Particles can only vibrate

    and rotate about their fixed position.Zarah bergetar dan berputar

    pada kedudukan tetap.

    Particles can vibrate , rotate and move

    throughout the liquid.Zarah bergetar , berputar dan

    bergerak dalam cecair.

    Particles can vibrate , rotate and move

    freely.Zarah bergetar , berputar dan

    bergerak bebas.

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    Attractive forces between the particlesDaya tarikan antara zarah

    Very strong forces between the particles.Daya tarikan yang sangat kuat

    antara zarah-zarah.

    Strong forces between the

    particles but weaker than the forces in the solid.Daya tarikan yang kuat

    antara zarah-zarah tetapi

    lebih lemah berbanding di

    dalam pepejal.

    Weak forces between the perticlesDaya tarikan yang lemah

    antara zarah-zarah.

    Energy content of the particlesKandungan tenaga zarah

    Energy content is very low .Kandungan tenaga sangat

    rendah .

    Energy content is higher than solid but less than in a gas.Kandungan tenaga lebih tinggi

    daripada pepejal tetapi

    lebih rendah daripada gas.

    Energy content is very high.Kandungan tenaga sangat


    6 Changes in the state of matter Perubahan keadaan jirim

    (a) Matter undergoes change of state when heat energy is absorbed or released/lose :

    Jirim mengalami perubahan keadaan apabila tenaga haba di serap atau di bebaskan :

    (i) When heat energy is absorbed by the matter (it is heated), the kinetic energy of the particles

    increases and they vibrate faster.

    Apabila tenaga haba diserap oleh jirim (semasa dipanaskan), tenaga kinetik zarah bertambah

    dan zarah tersebut bergerak dengan lebih cepat.

    (ii) When matter releases heat energy (it is cooled), the kinetic energy of the particles decreases and they vibrate less vigorously.

    Apabila tenaga haba dibebaskan oleh jirim (semasa disejukkan), tenaga kinetik zarah berkurang dan

    zarah tersebut bergerak kurang cergas.

    (b) Inter - conversion of the states of matter: Perubahan keadaan jirim:

    7 Determination of melting and freezing points of naphthalene Penentuan takat lebur dan takat beku naftalena

    Materials / Bahan: Naphthalene powder, water

    Apparatus / Radas: Boiling tube, conical flask, beaker, retort stand, thermometer 0 100C, stopwatch,

    Bunsen burner and wire gauze

    Procedure / Prosedur:

    I. Heating of naphthalene / Pemanasan naftalena Set-up of apparatus: / Susunan radas:

    Thermometer / Termometer

    Boiling tube / Tabung didih

    Water / Air

    Naphthalene / Naftalena








    Melting / Peleburan Boiling/Evoporation / Pendidihan/Penyejatan

    Freezing / Pembekuan Condensation / Kondensasi

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    (a) A boiling tube is filled 3 - 5 cm height with naphthalene powder and a thermometer is

    placed into it.

    Tabung didih diisi dengan serbuk naftalena setinggi 3 5 cm dan termometer diletakkan

    di dalamnya.

    (b) The boiling tube is immersed in a water bath as shown in the diagram so that the water level in the water bath is higher than naphtalene powder in the boiling tube.

    Tabung didih dimasukkan ke dalam kukus air seperti di dalam gambar rajah dan pastikan aras air dalam kukus air lebih tinggi

    daripada aras naftalena dalam tabung didih.

    (c) The water is heated and the naphthalene is stirred slowly with thermometer .

    Air dipanaskan dan naftalena dikacau perlahan-lahan dengan termometer .

    (d) When the temperature of naphthalene reaches 60C , the stopwatch is started. The temperature of

    naphthalene is recorded at 30 seconds intervals until the temperature of naphthalene reaches 90C .

    Apabila suhu naftalena mencapai 60C , mulakan jam randik. Suhu naftalena dicatat setiap 30 saat

    sehingga suhunya mencapai 90C .

    II. Cooling of naphthalene / Penyejukan naftalena


    (a) The boiling tube and its content is removed from the water bath and put into a conical flask as shown in the diagram.

    Tabung didih dan kandungannya dikeluarkan daripada kukus air dan dipindahkan ke dalam kelalang kon seperti

    dalam gambar rajah.

    (b) The content in the boiling tube is stirred constantly with thermometer throughout cooling

    process to avoid supercooling (the temperature of cooling liquid drops below freezing point, without

    the appearance of a solid).

    Kandungan dalam tabung didih dikacau perlahan-lahan dengan termometer sepanjang proses penyejukan untuk

    mengelakkan penyejukan lampau (Suhu cecair yang disejukkan turun melepasi takat beku tanpa pembentukan


    (c) The temperature of naphthalene is recorded every 30 seconds interval until the temperature drops

    to 60C .

    Suhu naftalena dicatat setiap 30 saat sehingga suhunya mencapai 60C .

    (d) A graph of temperature against time is plotted for the heating and cooling process respectively.

    Graf suhu melawan masa dilukis untuk proses pemanasan dan penyejukan.

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    The Explanation of the Heating Process of Matter / Penerangan Proses Pemanasan

    1 The heating curve of naphthalene: Lengkung pemanasan naftalena:




    B C

    D E


    2 When a solid is heated, the particles absorb heat and move faster as its energy content increases. As the heat

    energy is absorbed , the state of matter will change.

    Apabila pepejal dipanaskan, zarah-zarah menyerap haba dan bergerak lebih cepat disebabkan kandungan tenaga bertambah.

    Tenaga haba diserap menyebabkan perubahan keadaan jirim.


    State of MatterKeadaan jirim


    A to BA ke B


    Heat energy is absorbed by the particles in the solid naphthalene causing their

    kinetic energy to increase and vibrate faster . The temperature


    Tenaga haba diserap oleh zarah-zarah pepejal naftalena menyebabkan tenaga kinetik akan

    bertambah dan zarah bergetar dengan lebih cepat . Suhu semakin meningkat .

    B to CB ke C

    Solid and Liquid

    Heat energy absorbed by the particles in the liquid naphthalene is used to

    overcome forces between particles so that the solid turn to liquid . The

    temperature remains constant .

    Tenaga haba yang diserap oleh zarah-zarah dalam pepejal naftalena digunakan untuk mengatasi

    daya tarikan antara zarah-zarah supaya pepejal berubah menjadi cecair . Suhu adalah tetap .

    C to DC ke D


    Heat energy absorbed by the particles in the liquid naphthalene causing their

    kinetic energy to increase and move faster . The temperature

    increases .

    Tenaga haba diserap oleh zarah-zarah cecair naftalena menyebabkan tenaga kinetik akan

    bertambah dan zarah-zarah bergerak dengan lebih cepat . Suhu semakin meningkat .

    D to ED ke E

    Liquid and Gas

    Heat energy absorbed by the particles in the liquid naphthalene is used to

    overcome the forces of attraction between particles. The particles begin to move freely

    to form a gas . The temperature remains constant .

    Tenaga haba diserap oleh zarah-zarah dalam cecair naftalena digunakan untuk mengatasi

    daya tarikan antara zarah-zarah. Zarah-zarah mula bergerak bebas untuk membentuk gas . Suhu

    adalah tetap .

    E to FE ke F


    Heat energy is absorbed by the particles in the gas causing their kinetic

    energy to incerease and move faster . The temperature increases .

    Tenaga haba diserap oleh zarah-zarah gas naftalena menyebabkan tenaga kinetik akan bertambah

    dan zarah-zarah bergerak dengan lebih cepat . Suhu semakin meningkat .

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    3 The constant temperature at which a solid completely changes to become a liquid is called the melting point .

    During the melting process, the temperature remains unchanged because heat energy absorbed by the particles

    is used to overcome the forces between particles so that the solid change to turn into a liquid .

    Suhu tetap di mana suatu pepejal berubah kepada keadaan cecair dipanggil takat lebur .

    Semasa proses peleburan, suhu tidak berubah kerana haba yang diserap oleh zarah-zarah digunakan untuk

    mengatasi daya tarikan antara zarah supaya pepejal berubah menjadi cecair .

    4 The constant temperature at which a liquid completely changes to become a gas is called the boiling point .

    During the boiling process, the temperature remains unchanged because heat energy absorbed by the particles

    is used to overcome the forces between particles so that the liquid change to turn into a gas.

    Suhu tetap di mana suatu bahan dalam keadaan cecair berubah kepada keadaan gas dipanggil takat didih .

    Semasa proses pendidihan, suhu tidak berubah kerana haba yang diserap oleh zarah-zarah digunakan untuk

    mengatasi daya tarikan antara zarah supaya cecair berubah menjadi gas.

    The Explanation for the Cooling Process of Matter: / Penerangan Proses Penyejukan Bahan:

    1 The cooling curve of naphthalene: Lengkung penyejukan naftalena:

    2 When the liquid is cooled, the particles in the liquid release energy and move slower as its energy content

    decreases. As the energy is released to the surrounding, the state of matter will change.

    Apabila cecair disejukkan, zarah cecair membebaskan tenaga dan bergerak semakin perlahan. Keadaan jirim

    berubah semasa tenaga dibebaskan ke persekitaran.


    State of matterKeadaan jirim


    P to QP ke Q


    Heat is released/given out to the surrounding by the particles in the liquid naphthalene.

    The particles in the liquid lose their kinetic energy and move slower. The

    temperature decreases .

    Haba dibebaskan ke persekitaran oleh zarah-zarah dalam cecair naftalena. Zarah-zarah dalam

    cecair kehilangan tenaga kinetik dan bergerak semakin perlahan. Suhu semakin menurun .

    Q to RQ ke R

    Liquid and Solid

    The heat released to the surrounding by the particles in liquid naphthalene is balanced

    by the heat energy released as the particles attract one another to form a solid .

    The temperature remains constant .

    Haba dibebaskan ke persekitaran oleh zarah-zarah dalam cecair naftalena diimbangi oleh

    tenaga haba yang terbebas apabila zarah-zarah tertarik antara satu sama lain untuk membentuk

    pepejal . Suhu adalah tetap .

    R to SR ke S


    The particles in the solid naphthalene releases heat and vibrate slower . The temperature

    decreases .

    Zarah-zarah dalam pepejal naftalena membebaskan tenaga dan bergetar dengan lebih perlahan .

    Suhu semakin menurun .




    Q R


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    3 The constant temperature at which a liquid changes to a solid is called freezing point . During the freezing

    process, the temperature remains unchanged because the heat released to the surrounding is balanced by the

    heat released when the liquid particles rearrange themselves to become a solid .

    Suhu tetap di mana suatu cecair berubah kepada keadaan pepejal dipanggil takat beku . Semasa proses

    pembekuan, suhu tidak berubah kerana haba yang dibebaskan ke persekitaran diimbangi oleh haba yang terbebas

    apabila zarah-zarah cecair menyusun semula untuk membentuk pepejal .

    Keadaan Fizik Bahan pada Sebarang Suhu: / Physical State Of A Substance At Any Given Temperature:

    1 A substance is in solid state if the temperature of the substance is below melting point

    Suatu bahan berada dalam keadaan pepejal jika suhu bahan tersebut lebih rendah daripada takat leburnya.

    2 A substance is in liquid state if the temperature of the substance is between melting and boiling points.

    Suatu bahan berada dalam keadaan cecair jika suhu bahan tersebut berada antara takat lebur dan takat didihnya.

    3 A substance is in gas state if the temperature of the substance is above boiling point.

    Suatu bahan berada dalam keadaan gas jika suhu bahan tersebut lebih tinggi daripada takat didihnya.


    1 The table below shows substances and their chemical formula. Jadual di bawah menunjukkan bahan dan formula kimia masing-masing.

    Substance / Bahan Chemical formula / Formula kimia Type of particle / Jenis zarah

    Silver / Argentum Ag Atom

    Potassium oxide / Kalium oksida K2O Ion

    Ammonia / Ammonia NH3


    Chlorine / Klorin Cl2


    (a) State the type of particles that made up each substance in the table. Nyatakan jenis zarah yang membentuk bahan dalam jadual di atas.

    (b) Which of the substances are element? Explain your answer. Yang manakah antara bahan tersebut merupakan suatu unsur? Jelaskan jawapan anda.

    Silver and chlorine. Silver and chlorine are made up of one type of atom

    (c) Which of the substance are compound? Explain your answer. Yang manakah antara bahan tersebut merupakan suatu sebatian? Jelaskan jawapan anda.

    Potassium oxide and ammonia. Potassium oxide and ammonia are made up of two different elements

    2 The table below shows the melting and boiling points of substance P, Q and R. Jadual di bawah menunjukkan takat lebur dan takat didih bagi bahan P, Q dan R.

    Substance / Bahan Melting point / Takat lebur / C Boiling point / Takat didih / C

    P 36 6

    Q 18 70

    R 98 230

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    (a) (i) What is meant by melting point? Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan takat lebur?

    The constant temperature at which a solid charges to a liquid at particular pressure

    (ii) What is meant by boiling point? Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan takat didih?

    The constant temperature at which a liquid changes to a gas at particular pressure

    (b) Draw the particles arrangement of substances P, Q and R at room condition. Lukis susunan zarah P, Q dan R pada keadaan bilik.

    Substance P / Bahan P Substance Q / Bahan Q Substance R / Bahan R

    (c) (i) What is the substance that exist in the form of liquid at 0C. Nyatakan bahan yang wujud dalam keadaan cecair pada suhu 0C.

    P, Q

    (ii) Give reason to your answer. Jelaskan jawapan anda.

    The temperature 0C is above the melting point of Q and below the boiling point of Q

    (d) (i) Substance Q is heated from room temperature to 100C. Sketch a graph of temperature against time for the heating of substance Q.

    Bahan Q dipanaskan dari suhu bilik hingga 100C. Lakarkan graf suhu melawan masa bagi pemanasan bahan Q terhadap masa

    untuk pemanasan bahan Q.

    (ii) What is the state of matter of substance Q at 70C? Apakah keadaan zik bahan Q pada 70C?

    Liquid and gas

    (e) Compare the melting point of substances Q and R. Explain your answer. Bandingkan takat lebur bahan Q dan R. Terangkan jawapan anda.

    The melting point of substance R is higher than subtance Q. The attraction force between particles in substance R

    is stronger than Q. More heat is needed to overcome the force between particles in substance R.




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    3 The melting point of acetamide can be determined by heating solid acetamide until it melts as shown in the diagram below. The temperature of acetemide is recorded every three minutes when it is left to cool down at room temperature.

    Takat lebur asetamida boleh ditentukan dengan memanaskan pepejal asetamida sehingga lebur seperti dalam rajah di bawah. Suhu asetamida

    dicatatkan setiap tiga minit semasa disejukkan pada suhu bilik.

    (a) What is the purpose of using water bath in the experiment? Apakah tujuan menggunakan kukus air dalam eksperimen ini?

    To ensure even heating of acetemide. Acetamide is easily combustible.

    (b) State the name of another substance which its melting point can also be determined by using water bath as shown in the above diagram.

    Namakan satu bahan lain yang mana takat leburnya boleh ditentukan dengan menggunakan kukus air seperti rajah di atas.


    (c) Sodium nitrate has a melting point of 310C. Can the melting point of sodium nitrate be determined by using the water bath as shown in the diagram? Explain your answer.

    Natrium nitrat mempunyai takat lebur 310C. Bolehkah takat lebur natrium nitrat ditentukan dengan menggunakan kukus air seperti

    yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah di atas? Jelaskan jawapan anda.

    No, because the melting point of water is 100C which is less than the melting point of sodium nitrate.

    (d) Why do we need to stir the acetemide in the boiling tube in above experiment? Mengapakah asetamida dalam tabung didih itu perlu dikacau sepanjang eksperimen?

    To make sure the heat is distributed evenly

    (e) The graph of temperature against time for the cooling of liquid acetamide is shown below. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan graf suhu melawan masa untuk penyejukan cecair asetamida.

    Temperature / Suhu/ C

    Time / Masa/sT1



    Q R

    (i) What is the freezing point of acetamide? Apakah takat beku asetamida?


    (ii) The temperature between Q and R is constant. Explain. Suhu antara titik Q dan R adalah tetap. Jelaskan.

    The heat lost to the surrounding is balanced by the heat released when the liquid particles

    rearrange themselves to become solid.

    (f) Acetemide exists as molecules. State the name of another compound that is made up of molecules. Asetamida wujud sebagai molekul. Namakan sebatian lain yang terdiri daripada molekul.


    (g) What is the melting point of acetamide? Apakah takat lebur asetamida?


    Thermometer / Termometer

    Water / AirAcetamide / Asetamida

    Boiling tube / Tabung didih

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    The Atomic Structure / Struktur Atom

    1 History of the development of atomic models: Sejarah perkembangan model atom:


    Atomic ModelModel atom



    (i) Matter is made up of particles called atoms .

    Jirim terdiri daripada zarah-zarah dipanggil atom .

    (ii) Atoms cannot be created , destroyed or divided .

    Atom tidak boleh dicipta , dimusnah atau dibahagi .

    (iii) Atoms from the same element are identical .

    Atom daripada unsur sama adalah sama .


    (i) Discovered the electrons , the first subatomic particle.

    Menjumpai elektron , zarah subatom yang pertama.

    (ii) Atom is sphere of positive charge which embedded with

    negatively charged particles called electrons .

    Atom adalah sfera yang bercas positif yang mengandungi zarah

    bercas negatif dipanggil elektron .


    (i) Discovered the nucleus as the centre of an atom and

    positively charged .

    Menjumpai nukleus yang merupakan pusat bagi atom dan

    bercas positif .

    (ii) Proton is a part of the nucleus.

    Proton adalah sebahagian daripada nukleus.

    (iii) Electron move outside the nucleus.

    Elektron bergerak di sekeliling nukleus.

    (iv) Most of the mass of the atom found in the nucleus .

    Nukleus mempunyai hampir semua jisim atom.

    Neils Bohr

    (i) Discovered the existence of electron shells .

    Menjumpai kewujudan petala elektron.

    (ii) Electrons move in the shells around the nucleus.

    Elektron bergerak di dalam petala mengelilingi nukleus .

    James Chadwick

    (i) Discovered the existence of neutron .

    Menjumpai kewujudan neutron .

    (ii) Nucleus of an atom contains neutral particles called

    neutron and positively charged particles called

    proton .

    Nukleus mengandungi zarah-zarah neutral dipanggil neutron dan

    zarah-zarah bercas positif dipanggil proton .

    (iii) The mass of a neutron and proton is almost the same.

    Jisim neutron dan proton adalah hampir sama.

    Positively charged sphere

    Sfera bercas positif

    Electron charges negativeElektron bercas negatif

    Electron moves outside the nucleus

    Elektron bergerak di luar


    Nucleus that contain proton

    Nukleus mengandungi




    Nucleus that contain proton

    Nukleus mengandungi




    Nucleus that contain proton and neutron

    Nukleus mengandungi

    proton dan neutron


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    2 The structure of an atom: / Struktur Atom:

    (a) An atom has a central nucleus and electrons that move in the shells around the nucleus.

    Atom mempunyai nukleus di tengahnya dan elektron bergerak di dalam petala mengelilingi nukleus tersebut.

    (b) The nucleus contains protons and neutrons.

    Nukleus mengandungi proton dan neutron.

    (c) Each proton has charge of +1 . Each electron has an electrical charge of 1 . The neutron has no

    charge (it is neutral ). An atom has the same number of protons and electrons, so the overall charge

    of atom is zero . Atom is neutral . (If an atom loses or gains electrons it is called an ion formation of ion will be studied in Chapter 4)

    Setiap proton bercas +1 . Setiap elektron bercas 1 . Neutron tidak mempunyai cas (ianya adalah neutral ).

    Setiap atom mempunyai bilangan proton dan elektron yang sama, oleh itu cas keseluruhan bagi atom adalah sifar . Atom

    adalah neutral . (Suatu atom akan membentuk ion apabila ia kehilangan atau menerima elektron pembentukan ion akan

    dipelajari dalam Tajuk 4.)

    (d) The relative mass of a neutron and a proton which are in the nucleus is 1. The mass of an atom is obtained mainly

    from the number of proton and neutron .

    Jisim relatif proton dan neutron di dalam nukleus ialah 1. Jisim suatu atom diperoleh daripada jumlah bilangan proton

    dan bilangan neutron .

    (e) The mass of an electron can be ignored as the mass of an electron is about 1

    1 840 times the size of a proton or


    Jisim elektron boleh diabaikan kerana ia terlalu kecil iaitu 1

    1 840 daripada jisim proton dan neutron.

    3 Complete the following table: Lengkapkan jadual di bawah:

    Subatomic particlesZarah subatom



    Relative atomic massJisim atom relatif


    Electron/Elektron e (negative)1

    1 840 = 0 In the shells

    Proton/Proton p + (positive) 1 In the nucleus

    Neutron/Neutron n neutral 1 In the nucleus

    4 Atom is the smallest neutral particle of an element. Atom adalah zarah neutral paling kecil dalam suatu unsur.

    Complete the following diagram: / Lengkapkan yang berikut:

    Na Na Na Na Na

    Na Na Na Na

    Na Na Na Na


    Sodium element

    Unsur natrium

    Sodium element

    Unsur natrium

    Sodium element

    Unsur natrium

    Sodium atom

    Atom natrium

    Shell / Petala

    Electron / Elektron

    Nucleus that contain proton and neutron Nukleus yang mengandungi proton dan neutron

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    5 Proton number of an element (Refer to Periodic table of an element) Nombor proton sesuatu unsur (Rujuk Jadual Berkala Unsur)

    (a) Proton number of an element is the number of proton in its atom .

    Nombor proton sesuatu unsur adalah bilangan proton yang terdapat dalam atom .

    (b) The number of proton of an atom is also equal to the number of electrons in the atom because atom is neutral . Bilangan proton sesuatu atom adalah sama dengan bilangan elektron dalam atom kerana atom adalah neutral .

    (c) Every element has its own proton number: Setiap unsur mempunyai nombor protonnya tersendiri:

    Proton number of potassium, K is 19. Potasium atom has 19 protons in the nucleus and 19 electrons in the shells.

    Nombor proton untuk kalium, K ialah 19. Atom kalium mempunyai 19 proton di dalam nukleus dan

    19 elektron di dalam petala.

    Proton number of oxygen, O is 8. Oxygen atom has 8 protons in the nucleus and 8 electrons in the shells.

    Nombor proton untuk oksigen, O ialah 8. Atom oksigen mempunyai 8 proton di dalam nukleus dan

    8 elektron di dalam petala.

    6 Nucleon number of an element (Refer to Periodic table of an element) Nombor nukleon sesuatu unsur (Rujuk Jadual Berkala Unsur)

    (a) Nucleon number of an element is the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of its atom .

    Nombor nukleon sesuatu unsur adalah jumlah bilangan proton dan neutron di dalam nukleus sesuatu atom .

    (b) Nucleon number is also known as a mass number. Nombor nukleon juga dikenali sebagai nombor jisim.

    (c) Nucleon number = number of proton + number of neutron. Nombor nukleon = bilangan proton + bilangan neutron.

    Symbol of Element And Standard Representation For An Atom of Element Simbol Unsur dan Perwakilan Piawai bagi Atom Sesuatu Unsur

    1 The symbol of an element is a short way of representing an element. If the symbol has only one letter, it must be a capital letter. If it has two letters, the first is always a capital letter, while the second is always a small letter.

    Simbol unsur adalah cara mudah untuk mewakilkan unsur. Jika simbol hanya terdiri daripada satu huruf, maka ia mesti ditulis dengan huruf

    besar. Tetapi jika simbol terdiri daripada dua huruf, maka huruf pertama merupakan huruf besar dan huruf kedua merupakan huruf kecil.

    Example: / Contoh:







    Oxygen/Oksigen O Nitrogen/Nitrogen N Calcium/Kalsium Ca

    Magnesium/Magnesium Mg Sodium/Natrium Na Copper/Kuprum Cu

    Hydrogen/Hidrogen H Potassium/Kalium K Chlorine/Klorin Cl

    The first letter of each element is capitalised to show that it is a new element. This is helpful when writing a chemical formula.

    For example KCl. There are two elements chemically bonded in KCl because there are two capital letters represent potassium and chlorine.

    Huruf yang pertama bagi setiap unsur ditulis dengan huruf besar untuk menunjukkan ia adalah unsur yang baru. Ini sangat berguna semasa menulis formula

    kimia. Contohnya KCl. Terdapat dua unsur yang terikat secara kimia dalam KCl kerana adanya dua huruf besar yang mewakili kalium dan klorin.

    2 Standard representation symbol represents one atom of an element. It can be written as:

    Simbol perwakilan piawai mewakili satu atom sesuatu unsur. Ianya boleh ditulis sebagai:

    Nucleon number/Nombor nukleon

    Proton number/Nombor protonSymbol of an element/Simbol unsur



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    Example: / Contoh:


    A1 The element is Aluminium. Unsur itu adalah Aluminium.

    The nucleon number of Aluminium is 27 .

    Nombor nukleon Aluminium adalah 27 .

    The proton number of Aluminium is 13 .

    Nombor proton Aluminium adalah 13 .

    Aluminium has 13 protons , 14 neutrons and 13 electrons.

    Atom Aluminium mempunyai 13 proton , 14 neutron dan 13 elektron.

    3 Isotope / Isotop(a) Isotopes are atoms of the same element with same number of protons but different number of neutrons. Isotop ialah atom-atom unsur yang mempunyai bilangan proton yang sama tetapi bilangan neutron yang berbeza.

    Or / Atau

    Isotopes are atoms of the same element with same proton number but different nucleon number.

    Isotop ialah atom-atom unsur yang mempunyai nombor proton yang sama tetapi nombor nukleon yang


    Example: / Contoh:

    11 H

    21 H

    Nucleon number/Nombor nukleon = 1 Nucleon number/Nombor nukleon = 2

    Proton number/Nombor proton = 1 Proton number/Nombor proton = 1

    Number of neutron/Bilangan neutron = 0 Number of neutron/Bilangan neutron = 1

    Hydrogen-1 and Hydrogen-2 are isotopes. Hydrogen-1 and Hydrogen-2 atoms have the same proton number or the same

    number of protons but different in nucleon number because of the difference in the number of neutron .

    Atom Hidrogen-1 dan Hidrogen-2 mempunyai nombor proton atau bilangan proton yang sama tetapi nombor nukleon yang berbeza

    kerana perbezaan bilangan neutron .

    Isotopes have the same chemical properties but different physical properties because they have the same electron arrangements.

    Isotop mempunyai sifat kimia yang sama kerana mempunyai susunan elektron yang sama tetapi sifat zik yang berbeza.

    (b) Examples of the usage of isotopes: Contoh kegunaan isotop:

    i. Medical field Bidang perubatan

    To detect brain cancer. Untuk mengesan barah otak.

    To detect thrombosis (blockage in blood vessel). Untuk mengesan trombosis (saluran darah tersumbat).

    Sodium-24 is used to measure the rate of iodine absorption by thyroid gland. Untuk mengukur kadar penyerapan iodin oleh kelenjar tiroid. Contoh: Natrium-24

    Cobalt-60 is used to destroy cancer cells. Untuk memusnahkan sel barah. Contoh: Kobalt-60

    To kill microorganism in the sterilising process. Untuk membunuh mikroorganisma semasa proses pensterilan.

    ii. In the industrial field Bidang industri

    To detect wearing out in machines. Untuk mengesan kehausan enjin.

    To detect any blockage in water, gas or oil pipes. Untuk mengesan saluran paip air, gas atau minyak yang tersumbat.

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    To detect leakage of pipes underground. Untuk mengesan kebocoran paip bawah tanah.

    To detect defects/cracks in the body of an aeroplane. Untuk mengesan keretakan atau kecacatan pada badan kapal terbang.

    iii. In the agriculture field Bidang pertanian

    To detect the rate of absorption of phosphate fertilizer in plants. Untuk mengesan kadar penyerapan baja fosfat oleh tumbuhan.

    To sterile insect pests for plants. Untuk memandulkan serangga perosak tumbuhan.

    iv. In the archeology field Bidang arkeologi

    Carbon-14 can be used to estimate the age of artifacts. Karbon-14 untuk menentukan usia sesuatu artifak.

    4 Electron Arrangement Susunan elektron

    (a) The electrons are filled in specific shells. Every shell can be filled only with a certain number of electrons. For the elements with atomic numbers 1-20:

    Elektron diisi dalam petala tertentu. Setiap petala hanya boleh diisi dengan bilangan elektron tertentu. Bagi unsur-unsur yang

    mempunyai nombor proton 120:

    First shell can be filled with a maximum of 2 electrons.

    Petala pertama boleh diisi dengan bilangan maksimum 2 elektron.

    Second shell can be filled with a maximum of 8 electrons.

    Petala kedua boleh diisi dengan bilangan maksimum 8 elektron.

    Third shell can be filled with a maximum of 8 electrons.

    Petala ketiga boleh diisi dengan bilangan maksimum 8 elektron.

    First shell is filled with 2 electrons (duplet)Petala pertama diisi 2 elektron (duplet)

    Second shell is filled with 8 electrons (octet)Petala kedua diisi 8 elektron (oktet)

    Third shell is filled with 8 electrons (octet)Petala ketiga disi 8 elektron (oktet)

    (b) Valence electrons are the electrons in the outermost shell of an atom. Elektron valens: Elektron yang diisi dalam petala paling luar suatu atom.

    5 Complete the following table: Lengkapkan jadual berikut:

    (a) Draw the electron arrangement and complete the description for each element: Lukis susunan elektron bagi atom dan penerangan bagi setiap unsur berikut:

    Standard representationof an element

    Perwakilan piawai


    Electron arrangementof an atom

    Lukiskan susunan elektron

    bagi atom




    Hydrogen AtomAtom Hidrogen


    Number of protons/Bilangan proton 1

    Number of eletrons/Bilangan elektron 1

    Number of neutrons/Bilangan neutron 0

    Proton number/Nombor proton 1

    Nucleon number/Nombor nukleon 1

    Electron Arrangement/Susunan elektron 1

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    Sodium AtomAtom Natrium


    Number of protons/Bilangan proton 11

    Number of electrons/Bilangan elektron 11

    Number of neutrons/Bilangan neutron 12

    Proton number/Nombor proton 11

    Nucleon number/Nombor nukleon 23

    Electron Arrangement/Susunan elektron 2.8.1

    (b) Choose the correct statement for the symbol of element X. Pilih pernyataan yang betul bagi simbol unsur X.




    Tick ( / )Tanda ( / )

    Element X has 11 proton number.Unsur X mempunyai 11 nombor proton.

    The proton number of element X is 11.Nombor proton unsur X ialah 11.

    The proton number of atom X is 11.Nombor proton atom X ialah 11.

    The number of proton of element X is 11.Bilangan proton unsur X ialah 11.

    The number of proton of atom X is 11.Bilangan proton atom X ialah 11.

    Nucleon number of element X is 23.Nombor nukleon unsur X ialah 23.

    Nucleon number of atom X is 23.Nombor nukleon atom X ialah 23.

    Number of nucleon of element X is 23.Bilangan nukleon unsur X ialah 23.

    Atom X has 23 nucleon number.Atom X mempunyai 23 nombor nukleon.

    Neutron number of atom X is 12.Nombor neutron atom X ialah 12.

    Number of neutron of atom X is 12.Bilangan neutron atom X ialah 12.

    Number of neutron of element X is 12.Bilangan neutron unsur X ialah 12.

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    1 Complete the following table: Lengkapkan jadual berikut:


    Symbol of element

    Simbol unsur

    Number of proton



    Number of electronBilangan


    Number of neutronBilangan


    Proton numberNombor


    Nucleon numberNombor


    Electron arrangement


    elektron atom

    Number of valence electronBilangan

    elektron valens



    H 1 1 0 1 1 1 1



    He 2 2 2 2 4 2 2



    B 5 5 6 5 11 2.3 3



    C 6 6 6 6 12 2.4 4



    N 7 7 7 7 14 2.5 5



    Ne 10 10 10 10 20 2.8 8



    Na 11 11 12 11 23 2.8.1 1



    Mg 12 12 12 12 24 2.8.2 2



    Ca 20 20 20 20 40 2

    2 The diagram below shows the symbol of atoms P, R and S. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan simbol atom P, R dan S.





    (a) What is meant by nucleon number / Apakah maksud nombor nukleon?

    Nucleon number of an element is the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of its atom

    (b) What is the nucleon number of P / Apakah nombor nukleon atom P?


    (c) State the number of neutron in atom P / Nyatakan bilangan neutron atom P.


    (d) State number of proton in atom P / Nyatakan bilangan proton atom P.


    (e) (i) What is meant by isotope / Apakah maksud isotop?

    Isotopes are atoms of the same element with same number of proton but different number of neutrons

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    (ii) State a pair of isotope in the diagram shown / Nyatakan sepasang isotop dalam rajah yang ditunjukkan.

    P and S

    (iii) Give reason for your answer in (e)(ii) / Berikan sebab bagi jawapan di (e)(ii).

    Atom P and S have same proton number but different nucleon number//number of neutron

    (f) An isotope of R has 8 neutron. Write the symbol for the isotope R. Isotop bagi atom R mempunyai 8 neutron. Tuliskan simbol bagi isotop R.



    3 The table below shows the number of proton and neutron of atoms of elements P, Q and R. Jadual di bawah menunjukkan bilangan proton dan neutron bagi atom unsur P, Q dan R.


    Number of protonBilangan proton

    Number of neutronBilangan neutron

    P 1 0

    Q 1 1

    R 6 6

    (a) Which of the atoms in the above table are isotope? Explain your answer. Berdasarkan jadual di atas, atom yang manakah merupakan isotop? Terangkan jawapan anda.

    P and Q. Atom P and Q have same number of proton but different number of neutron // nucleon number.

    (b) (i) Write the standard representation of element Q. Tuliskan perwakilan piawai untuk unsur Q.



    (ii) State three information that can be deduced from your answer in (b)(i). Nyatakan tiga maklumat yang boleh didapati daripada jawapan anda di (b)(i).

    The proton number of element Q is 1 // Number of proton of atom Q is 1

    Nucleon number of element Q is 2 // Atomic mass of atom Q is 2

    Number of neutron of atom Q is 1

    Nucleus of atom Q contains 1p and 1n

    (c) (i) Draw atomic structure for atom of element R. Lukiskan struktur atom bagi atom unsur R.

    6 protons + 6 neutrons

    (ii) Describe the atomic structure in (c)(i). Huraikan struktur atom di (c)(i).

    The atom consists of 2 parts: the centre part called nucleus and the outer part called electron shell.

    The nucleus consists of 6 protons which are positively charged and 6 neutrons which are neutral.

    The electrons are in two shells, the first shell consists of two electrons and the second shell consists of

    four electrons.

    Electrons move around nucleus in the shells.

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    (d) Element R react with oxygen and to produce liquid Z at room temperature. The graph below shows the sketch of the graph when liquid Z at room temperature, 27C is cooled to 5C.

    Unsur R bertindak balas dengan oksigen dan menghasilkan cecair Z pada suhu bilik. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan lakaran graf

    apabila cecair Z pada suhu bilik, 27C disejukkan sehingga 5C.

    Temperature /CSuhu /C

    Time /sMasa /s



    t1 t2

    (i) What is the state of matter of liquid Z from t1 to t

    2? Explain why is the temperature remain unchanged from

    t1 to t


    Apakah keadaan jirim Z daripada t1 hingga t

    2? Terangkan mengapa suhu tidak berubah daripada t

    1 hingga t


    Liquid and solid. Heat lost to the surrounding is balanced by the heat released when the particles at 0 C

    (ii) Draw the arrangement of particles of Z at 20C. Lukiskan susunan zarah-zarah Z pada suhu 20C.

    (iii) Describe the change in the particles movement when Z is cooled from room temperature to 5C. Nyatakan perubahan dalam pergerakan zarah-zarah apabila cecair Z disejukkan daripada suhu bilik ke 5C.

    The particles move slower

    1 The diagram shows the arrangement of particles for a type of matter that undergoes a change in physical state through process X.

    Rajah di bawah menunjukkan susunan zarah sejenis bahan yang

    mengalami perubahan keadaan zik melalui proses X.


    What is process X? Apakah proses X ?

    A Melting C Freezing Peleburan Pembekuan

    B Boiling D Sublimation Pendidihan Pemejalwapan

    2 Which of the following substances can undergo sublimation when heated?

    Antara bahan berikut, yang manakah mengalami pemejalwapan apabila


    A Sulphur C Glucose Sulfur Glukosa

    B Ammonium chloride D Sodium chloride Ammonium klorida Natrium klorida

    3 The diagram below shows the heating curve for substance X. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan lengkung pemanasan bahan X.

    Temperature / Suhu C

    Time (m)Masa (m)






    Which region of the graph does boiling process occur? Bahagian manakah pada graf berlaku proses pendidihan?


    4 Which of the following information is true? Antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah adalah betul?

    Change of statePerubahan keadaan


    Heat energyTenaga haba

    A Solid LiquidPepejal Cecair



    B Liquid GasCecair Gas



    C Gas SolidGas Pepejal



    D Gas LiquidGas Cecair



    Objective Questions / Soalan Objektif

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    5 The diagram below shows the graph of temperature against time when a liquid Y is cooled.

    Rajah di bawah menunjukkan graf suhu melawan masa apabila cecair Y


    Temperature / Suhu C

    Time (m)Masa (m)


    Q R





    Which of the following statements are true about the curve? Antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah adalah betul tentang lengkung


    I At Q, liquid Y begins to freeze. Pada Q, cecair Y mula membeku.

    II At PQ, particles in Y absorb heat from the surroundings. Pada PQ, zarah dalam Y menyerap haba dari persekitaran.

    III Liquid Y freezes completely at S. Cecair Y membeku dengan lengkap pada S.

    IV The freezing point of Y is t2C.

    Takat beku bagi Y adalah t2C.

    A I and III only C II and III only I dan III sahaja II dan III sahaja

    B I and IV only D II and IV only I dan IV sahaja II dan IV sahaja

    6 The diagram below shows the graph of temperature against time when solid Z is heated.

    Rajah di bawah menunjukkan graf suhu melawan masa apabila pepejal Z


    Temperature / Suhu C

    Time (m)Masa (m)


    10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    Which of the following is true during the fourth minute? Antara berikut, yang manakah adalah benar pada minit keempat?

    A All the molecules are in random motion. Semua molekul bergerak secara rawak.

    B All the molecules are closely packed and in random motion.

    Semua molekul sangat rapat dan bergerak secara rawak.

    C All the molecules are vibrating at fixed positions. Semua molekul bergetar pada kedudukan tetap.

    D Some of the molecules are vibrating at fixed positions but some are in random motion.

    Sebahagian molekul bergetar pada kedudukan tetap dan

    sebahagian bergerak secara rawak.

    7 The table shows the melting points and boiling points of substances S, T, U, V and W.

    Jadual di bawah menunjukkan takat lebur dan takat didih bahan S, T, U,

    V dan W.


    Melting point/CTakat lebur/C

    Boiling point/CTakat didih/C

    S 182 162

    T 23 77

    U 97 65

    V 41 182

    W 132 290

    Which substance exists as liquid at room temperature? Bahan yang manakah wujud sebagai cecair pada suhu bilik?

    A S only C T and U only S sahaja T dan U sahaja

    B S and T only D V and W only S dan T sahaja V dan W sahaja

    8 The diagram below shows standard representation of an atom copper.

    Rajah di bawah menunjukkan perwakilan piawai atom kuprum.



    Which of the following is correct based on the symbol the diagram?

    Antara berikut, yang manakah betul berdasarkan rajah di atas?

    Proton numberNombor proton

    Nucleon numberNombor nukleon

    Number of electronBilangan elektron

    A 29 64 29

    B 35 29 64

    C 64 35 29

    D 29 64 35

    9 The diagram below shows the standard representation of beryllium atom.

    Rajah di bawah menunjukkan perwakilan piawai atom berillium.



    What is the number of valence electrons of beryllium atom? Apakah bilangan elektron valens bagi atom berillium?

    A 2 C 4 B 3 D 7

    10 The table below shows the proton number and the number of neutrons for atoms of elements W, X, Y and Z.

    Jadual di bawah menunjukkan nombor proton dan bilangan neutron bagi

    atom unsur W, X, Y dan Z.


    Proton numberNombor proton

    Number of neutronsBilangan neutron

    W 7 7

    X 8 8

    Y 8 9

    Z 9 10

    Which of the following pair of elements is isotope? Antara pasangan berikut, yang manakah adalah isotop?

    A W and X C X and Y W dan X X dan Y

    B W and Y D Y and Z W dan Y Y dan Z

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    RELATIVE ATOMIC MASS / JISIM ATOM RELATIF (JAR) To state the meaning of relative mass and solve numerical problems Menyatakan maksud jisim atom relatif dan menyelesaikan masalah pengiraan

    RELATIVE FORMULA MASS / JISIM FORMULA RELATIF (JFR) To state the meaning of RAM, RMM and RFM based on carbon-12 scale Menyatakan maksud JAR, JMR dan JFR berdasarkan skala karbon-12

    RELATIVE MOLECULAR MASS / JISIM MOLEKUL RELATIF (JMR) To calculate RAM, RMM and RFM using the chemical formulae of various substances Menghitung JAR, JMR dan JFR menggunakan formula kimia beberapa bahan

    MOLE AND THE NUMBER OF PARTICLES / MOL DAN BILANGAN ZARAH To solve numerical problems involving mole and the number of atoms/ ions/ molecules Menyelesaikan masalah pengiraan melibatkan mol dan bilangan atom, ion dan molekul

    MOLE AND THE MASS OF SUBSTANCES / MOL DAN JISIM BAHAN To solve numerical problems involving mole and the mass of substances, number of particles and volume of gas using mole

    concept Menyelesaikan masalah pengiraan melibatkan mol, jisim bahan, bilangan zarah dan isipadu gas menggunakan konsep mol

    MOLE AND THE VOLUME OF GAS / MOL DAN ISIPADU GAS To solve numerical problems involving mole and the mass of substances, number of particles and volume of gas using mole

    concept Menyelesaikan masalah pengiraan melibatkan mol, jisim bahan, bilangan zarah dan isipadu gas menggunakan konsep mol

    EMPIRICAL FORMULA / FORMULA EMPIRIK Stating the purpose and describe the empirical formula laboratory activities to determine the formula empirical Menyatakan maksud formula empirik dan menghuraikan aktiviti makmal untuk menentukan formula empirik

    MOLECULAR FORMULA / FORMULA MOLEKUL Solve calculation problems involving empirical formula Menyelesaikan masalah pengiraan melibatkan formula empirik

    CHEMICAL FORMULAE / FORMULA KIMIA To write formula of anion and cation and to write chemical formula for ionic compounds Menulis formula kation dan anion dan menulis formula kimia untuk sebatian ion

    CHEMICAL EQUATIONS / PERSAMAAN KIMIA Write a balanced chemical equation and solve problems arrangements involving the mole concept Menulis persamaan kimia seimbang dan menyelesaikan masalah pengiraan yang melibatkan konsep mol

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    1 A single atom is too small and light and cannot be weighed directly. Satu atom adalah terlalu ringan, kecil dan tidak dapat ditimbang secara langsung.

    2 The best way to determine the mass of a single atom is to compare its mass to the mass of another atom of an element that is used as a standard.

    Cara yang paling sesuai untuk menentukan jisim satu atom ialah dengan membandingkan jisimnya dengan jisim suatu atom unsur lain

    yang dianggap sebagai piawai.

    3 Hydrogen was the first element to be chosen as the standard for comparing mass because the hydrogen atom is the lightest atom with a mass of 1.0 a.m.u (atomic mass unit).

    Hidrogen adalah unsur pertama dipilih sebagai piawai untuk membandingkan jisim kerana atom hidrogen adalah unsur yang paling

    ringan dengan jisim 1.0 u.j.a (unit jisim atom).

    Example: Contoh:

    The mass of one helium atom is four times larger than one hydrogen atom. Jisim satu atom Helium adalah 4 kali lebih besar daripada satu atom hidrogen.

    RAM for He is 4. JAR untuk He ialah 4.

    4 On the hydrogen scale, the relative atomic mass of an element means the mass of one atom of the element compared to the mass of a single hydrogen atom:

    Pada skala hidrogen, jisim atom relatif suatu unsur ditakrifkan sebagai jisim satu atom unsur berbanding jisim satu atom hidrogen:

    Relative atomic mass of an element (RAM) / Jism atom relatif suatu unsur (JAR)

    = The average mass of one atom of the element / Jisim purata satu atom unsur

    Mass of one hydrogen atom / Jisim satu atom hidrogen

    RAM has no unit. JAR tiada unit.

    The new standard used today is the carbon-12 atom. Piawai yang digunakan sekarang adalah berdasarkan atom karbon-12.

    RAM based on the carbon-12 scale is the mass of one atom of the element compared with 1

    12 of the mass of an

    atom of carbon-12: JAR berdasarkan skala atom karbon-12 adalah jisim satu atom unsur berbanding dengan


    12 jisim satu atom karbon-12:

    Relative atomic mass of an element (RAM) / Jisim atom relatif suatu unsur (JAR)

    = The average mass on one atom of the element / Jisim purata satu atom unsur


    12 The mass of an atom of carbon-12 / Jisim satu atom karbon-12

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    1 RMM / JMR = The average mass on one atom of the element / Jisim purata satu molekul


    12 The mass of an atom of carbon-12 / Jisim satu atom karbon-12

    2 RMM is obtained by adding up the RAM of all the atoms that are present in the molecule. JMR diperoleh dengan menambahkan JAR semua atom yang terdapat dalam satu molekul.

    Molecular substanceBahan molekul

    Molecular formulaFormula molekul

    Relative molecular massJisim molekul relatif

    Oxygen / Oksigen O2

    2 16 = 32

    Water / Air H2O 2 1 + 16 = 18

    Carbon dioxide / Karbon dioksida CO2

    12 + 2 16 = 44

    Ammonia / Ammonia NH3

    14 + 3 1 = 17

    [Relative atomic mass / Jisim atom relatif : O = 16, H = 1, C = 12, N = 14]

    3 For ionic substances, RMM is replaced with Relative Formula Mass (RFM). Untuk sebatian ion, JMR digantikan dengan Jisim Formula Relatif (JFR).


    Chemical formulaFormula kimia

    Relative molecular massJisim formula relatif

    Sodium chloride / Natrium klorida NaCl 23 + 35.5 = 58.5

    Potassium oxide / Kalium oksida K2O 2 39 + 16 = 94

    Copper(II) sulphate / Kuprum(II) sulfat CuSO4

    64 + 32 + 4 16 = 160

    Ammonium carbonate / Ammonium karbonat (NH4)


    32 [14 + 4 1] + 12 + 3 16 = 96

    Aluminium nitrate / Aluminium nitrat Al(NO3)

    327 + 3 [14 + 3 16] = 213

    Calcium hydroxide / Kalsium hidroksida Ca(OH)2

    40 + 2 [16 + 1] = 74

    Lead(II) hydroxide / Plumbum(II) hidroksida Pb(OH)2

    207 + 2 [16 + 1] = 241

    Hydrated copper(II) sulphate / Kuprum(II) sulfat terhidrat CuSO45H

    2O 64 + 32 + 4 16 + 5 [2 1 + 16] = 250

    [Relative atomic mass / Jisim atom relatif : Na = 23, Cl = 35.5, K = 39, O = 16, Cu = 64, S = 32, N = 14, H = 1, C = 12, Al = 27, Ca = 40, Pb = 207]

    (i) The formula of metal oxide of M is M2O

    3. Its relative formula mass is 152. What is the relative atomic mass of

    metal M? Oksida logam M mempunyai formula M


    3. Jisim formula relatif ialah 152. Apakah jisim atom relatif logam M?

    M = RAM for M 2M + 3 16 = 152 M = 52

    (ii) Phosphorus forms a chloride with a formula PClx. Its relative molecular mass is 208.5. Calculate the value of x. Fosforus membentuk sebatian klorida dengan formula PClx. Jisim molekul relatifnya adalah 208.5. Hitungkan nilai x.

    [Relative atomic mass / Jisim atom relatif : P = 31, Cl = 35.5]

    31 + x 35.5 = 208.5 35.5x = 208.5 31 35.5x = 177.5 x = 5

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    Mole and the Number of Particles / Bilangan Mol dan Bilangan Zarah

    1 To describe the amount of atoms, ions or molecules, mole is used. Untuk menyatakan jumlah atom, ion atau molekul, unit mol digunakan.

    2 A mole is an amount of substance that contains as many particles as the number of atoms in exactly 12 g of carbon-12. Satu mol ialah jumlah bahan yang mengandungi bilangan zarah seperti mana yang terdapat dalam 12 g atom karbon-12.

    3 A mole of a substance is the amount of substance which contains a constant number of particles (atoms, ions, molecules), which is 6.02 1023.

    Satu mol bahan adalah jumlah bahan yang mengandungi bilangan zarah yang tetap (atom, molekul, ion) iaitu 6.02 1023.

    4 The number 6.02 1023 is called the Avogadro Constant or Avogadro Number (NA).

    Nombor 6.02 1023 dikenali sebagai Pemalar Avogadro atau Nombor Avogadro (NA


    5 For compounds that exist as molecules/ions, the number of atoms/ions in that compound must be known. Bagi sebatian yang wujud dalam bentuk molekul/ion, bilangan atom/ion dalam sebatian itu mestilah diketahui.

    6 The symbol of mole is mol. Simbol untuk mol ialah mol.

    7 Complete the following table: Lengkapkan jadual berikut:



    Type ofparticlesJenis zarah

    Model / FigureModel / Rajah

    Number of atom per molecule/ Number of

    positive and negative ionBilangan atom per molekul/

    Bilangan ion positif dan negatif

    Chlorine / Klorin Cl2

    Molecule Cl Cl Cl : 2

    Water / Air H2O Molecule O HH

    H : 2

    O : 1

    Ammonia / Ammonia NH3


    N HH

    N : 1

    H : 3

    Sulphur dioxide / Sulfur dioksida SO2

    Molecule S OOS : 1

    O : 2

    Magnesium chloride / Magnesium klorida MgCl2

    Ion [Cl] [Mg]2+ [Cl]Mg2+ : 1

    Cl : 2

    Aluminium oxide / Aluminium oksida Al2O

    3Ion [O]2 [A1]3+ [O]2 [A1]3+ [O]2

    Al3+ : 2

    O2 : 3

    8 Relationship between number of moles and number of particles (atoms/ions/molecules): Hubungan bilangan mol dan bilangan zarah (atom/ion/molekul):

    Number of molesBilangan mol

    Number of particlesBilangan zarah

    Avogadro Constant / Pemalar Avogadro

    Avogadro Constant / Pemalar Avogadro

    9 Complete the following: [Differentiate between mole dan molecule] Lengkapkan yang berikut: [Bezakan antara mol dan molekul]

    6.02 1023 molecules of ammonia, NH3 / molekul ammonia, NH


    4 mol atoms / mol atom

    (b) 1 mol of NH3

    [Ammonia gas] 1 mol NH


    [Gas ammonia]

    1 mol of nitrogen atom, N / mol atom nitrogen, N

    3 mol of hydrogen atoms, H / mol atom hidrogen, H

    6.02 1023 molecules of chlorine, Cl2 / molekul klorin, Cl


    2 6.02 1023 atoms of chlorine, Cl / atom klorin, Cl

    (a) 1 mol of Cl2

    [Chlorine gas] 1 mol Cl


    [Gas klorin]

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    0.25 6.02 1023 molecules of ammonia, NH3 / molekul ammonia, NH


    1 mol of atoms

    1 mol atom

    (c) 14

    mol of NH3

    [Ammonia gas]


    4 mol NH


    [Gas ammonia]

    0.25 mol of N atoms / mol atom N, number of N atoms / bilangan atom N = 0.25 6.02 10


    0.75 mol of H atoms / mol atom H, number of H atoms / bilangan atom H = 0.75 6.02 10


    2 6.02 1023 molecules of SO2 / molekul SO


    3 2 = 6 mol of atoms

    3 2 = 6 mol atom

    (e) 2 mol of SO2

    [Sulphur dioxide] 2 mol SO


    [Sulfur dioksida]

    2 mol of S atoms / mol atom S, number of S atoms / bilangan atom S = 2 6.02 10


    4 mol of O atoms / mol atom O, number of O atoms / bilangan atom O = 4 6.02 10


    2 mol of Mg2+ ions / mol ion Mg2+, number of Mg2+ ions / bilangan ion Mg2+ = 2 6.02 10


    4 mol of Cl ions / mol ion Cl, number of Cl- ions / bilangan ion Cl = 4 6.02 10


    (d) 2 mol of MgCl2

    [Magnesium chloride] 2 mol MgCl


    [Magnesium klorida]

    10 Complete the table below: Lengkapkan jadual berikut:

    Number of molesBilangan mol

    Number of particlesBilangan zarah

    0.5 mole of carbon, C0.5 mol atom karbon, C

    3.01 1023 atoms of carbon 3.01 1023 atom karbon

    0.2 moles of hydrogen gas, H2

    0.2 mol gas hidrogen, H2

    (i) 0.2 6.02 1023

    molecules of hydrogen / molekul hidrogen

    (ii) 2 0.2 6.02 1023

    atoms of hydrogen / atom hidrogen

    1 mole of carbon dioxide molecules, CO2

    1 mol molekul karbon dioksida, CO2

    6.02 1023 molecules of carbon dioxide contains:6.02 1023 molekul karbon dioksida mengandungi:

    6.02 1023 atoms of C and 2 6.02 1023

    atoms of O.6.02 1023

    atom C dan 2 6.02 1023

    atom O.


    1 Molar mass / Jisim molar (a) Molar mass is the mass of one mole of any substance / Jisim molar adalah jisim satu mol sebarang bahan.(b) Molar Mass is the relative atomic mass, relative molecular mass and relative formula mass of a substance in

    g mol1. Jisim molar adalah jisim atom relatif, jisim molekul relatif dan jisim formula relatif suatu bahan dalam g mol1.

    (c) Molar mass of any substance is numerically equal to its relative mass (Relative atomic mass/ relative formula mass/relative molecular mass).

    Jisim molar sebarang bahan mempunyai nilai yang sama dengan jisim relatif (Jisim atom relatif/ jisim formula relatif/ jisim molekul


    2 Example / Contoh: Molar mass of H

    2O = 18 g mol1

    Jisim molar H2O = 18 g mol1

    Mass of 1 mol of H2O = 18 g

    Jisim 1 mol H2O = 18 g

    Mass of 2 mol of H2O = 2 mol 18 g mol1 = 36 g

    Jisim 2 mol H2O = 2 mol 18 g mol1 = 36 g

    Mass of 2.5 mol of H2O = 45 g

    Jisim 2.5 mol H2O = 45 g

    Number of moles

    Bilangan mol

    Mass in gramJisim dalam gram



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    3 Complete the following table: Lengkapkan jadual berikut:




    Formula kimia




    Cu RAM/JAR = 64(a) Mass of 1 mol of Cu / Jisim 1 mol Cu : 1 mol 64 g mol

    1 = 64 g

    (b) Jisim 2 mol / Jisim 1 mol : 2 mol 64 g mol1 = 128 g

    (c) Jisim 12

    mol / Jisim 1

    2 mol:


    mol 64 g mol1 = 32 g

    (d) Mass of 3.01 1023 Cu atoms / Jisim 3.01 1023 atom Cu: 32 g

    Sodium hydroxideNatrium hidroksida

    NaOH RFM/JFR = 40(a) Mass of 3 mol of sodium hydroxide: 120 g

    Jisim 3 mol natrium hidroksida: 120 g

    (b) Number of moles in 20 g sodium hydroxide: 0.5 mol

    Bilangan mol natrium hidroksida dalam 20 g: 0.5 mol

    Oxygen gasGas oksigen

    O2 RMM/JMR = 32 (a) Mass of 2.5 mol of oxygen gas: 2.5 mol 32 g mol

    1 = 80 g

    Jisim 2.5 mol gas oksigen: 2.5 mol 32 g mol1 = 80 g

    (b) Number of moles is 1.5 mol oxygen gas: Bilangan molekul dalam 1.5 mol gas oksigen:

    1.5 mol 6.02 1023

    (c) Number of molecules in 12

    mol of oxygen gas:

    Bilangan molekul dalam 1

    2 mol gas oksigen:

    0.5 mol 6.02 1023

    (d) Number of atoms in 2 mol of oxygen gas: Bilangan atom dalam 2 mol gas oksigen:

    2 2 6.02 1023

    Sodium chlorideNatrium klorida

    NaCl RFM/JFR = 58.5 Mass of 0.5 mol of NaCl / Jisim bagi 0.5 mol NaCl:

    0.5 mol 58.5 g mol1 = 29.25 g

    Zinc nitrateZink nitrat


    2 RFM/JFR = 189 Number of moles in 37.8 g of zinc nitrate:Bilangan mol dalam 37.8 g zink nitrat:

    37.8 g/189 g mol1 = 0.2 mol

    [Relative atomic mass / Jisim atom relatif: Cu = 64, Na = 23, O = 16, H = 1, Cl = 35.5, Zn = 65, N = 14]


    1 Molar volume of a gas: Volume occupied by one mole of any gas is 24 dm3 at room conditions and 22.4 dm3 at standard temperature and pressure (STP).

    Isi padu molar gas: Isipadu yang dipenuhi oleh satu mol sebarang gas iaitu 24 dm3 pada keadaan bilik dan 22.4 dm3 pada suhu dan

    tekanan piawai (STP).

    2 The molar volume of any gas is 24 dm3 at room conditions and 22.4 dm3 at STP. Isi padu molar sebarang gas adalah 24 dm3 pada keadaan bilik dan 22.4 dm3 pada STP.

    3 Generalisation: One mole of any gas always occupies the same volume under the same temperature and pressure: Umumnya: satu mol sebarang jenis gas menempati isi padu yang sama pada suhu dan tekanan yang sama.

    Example / Contoh:(i) 1 mol of oxygen gas, 1 mol ammonia gas, 1 mol helium gas dan 1 mol sulphur dioxide gas occupy the same

    volume of 24 dm3 at room conditions. 1 mol gas oksigen, 1 mol gas ammonia, 1 mol gas helium dan 1 mol gas sulfur dioksida menempati isi padu yang sama iaitu 24 dm3

    pada keadaan bilik.

    (ii) 2 mol of carbon dioxide gas occupies 44.8 dm3 pada STP.

    2 mol gas karbon dioksida menempati 44.8 dm3 pada STP.

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    (iii) 16 g of oxygen gas = 0.5 mol of oxygen gas. Therefore, 16 g of oxygen gas occupies a volume of 12 dm3 at room conditions [Relative atomic mass: O =16]

    16 g gas oksigen = 0.5 mol gas oksigen. Oleh itu, 16 g gas oksigen menempati isi padu 12 dm3 pada keadaan bilik.

    [Jisim atom relatif; O = 16]

    Formula for conversion of unit: Formula untuk penukaran unit:

    Volume of gas in dm3

    Isi padu gas dalam dm3

    24 dm3 mol1/ 22.4 dm3 mol1 24 dm3 mol1/ 22.4 dm3 mol1

    Mass in gram (g)Jisim dalam gram (g)

    (RAM/ /RFM/RMM) g mol1

    (JAR/JFR/JMR) g mol1

    (RAM/ /RFM/RMM) g mol1

    (JAR/JFR/JMR) g mol1

    Number of moles



    Number of particlesBilangan zarah

    (6.02 1023)

    (6.02 1023)


    1 Relative atomic mass of calcium is 40 based on the carbon-12 scale. Jisim atom relatif kalsium berdasarkan skala karbon-12 ialah 40.

    (a) State the meaning of the statement above. Nyatakan maksud penyataan di atas.

    Mass of calcium atom is 4 times greater than 1

    12 mass of carbon-12 atom.

    (b) How many times is one calcium atom heavier than one oxygen atom? [Relative atomic mass: O = 16] Berapa kalikah satu atom kalsium lebih berat daripada satu atom oksigen? [JAR: O = 16]

    Relative atomic mass of calcium

    Relative atomic mass of oxygen =


    16 = 2.5 times

    (c) How many calcium atoms have the same mass as two atoms of bromine? [RAM Br = 80] Berapakah bilangan atom kalsium yang mempunyai jisim yang sama dengan dua atom bromin? [Jisim atom relatif: Br = 80]

    Number of calcium atom 40 = 2 80

    Number of calcium atom = 2 80

    40 = 4

    2 A sampel of chlorine gas weighs 14.2 g. Calculate / Suatu sampel gas klorin berjisim 14.2 g. Hitungkan: [Relative atomic mass / Jisim atom relatif : Cl = 35.5]

    (a) Number of moles of chlorine atoms / Bilangan mol atom klorin.

    Number of mol of chlorine atoms, Cl = 14.2

    35.5 = 0.4 mol

    (b) Number of moles of chlorine molecules (Cl2) / Bilangan mol molekul klorin (Cl


    Number of mol of chlorine molecule, Cl2 =


    71 = 0.2 mol

    (c) Volume of chlorine gas at room conditions / Isi padu gas klorin pada keadaan bilik. [Molar volume of gas = 24 dm3 mol1 at room temperature and pressure] [Isi padu molar gas = 24 dm3 mol1 pada suhu dan tekanan piawai]

    Volume of chlorine gas = 0.2 mol 24 dm3 mol1 = 4.8 dm3

    Number of moles of gasBilangan mol gas

    Volume of gas in dm2

    Isi padu gas dalam dm3

    24 dm3 mol1/ 22.4 dm3 mol1

    24 dm3 mol1/ 22.4 dm3 mol1

    02-Chem F4 (3P).indd 28 12/9/2011 5:59:06 PM

  • Chemistry Form 4 MODULENil

    am P



    ion S

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    3 (a) Calculate the number of atoms in the following substances / Hitungkan bilangan atom yang terdapat dalam bahan berikut: [Relative atomic mass: N = 14; Zn = 65; Avogadro Constant = 6.02 1023]

    [Jisim atom relatif: N = 14; Zn = 65; Pemalar Avogadro = 6.02 1023]

    (i) 13 g of zinc / 13 g zink

    Number of mol of zinc atom = 13

    65 = 0.2 mol

    Number of zinc atom = 0.2 6.02 1023

    = 1.204 1023

    (ii) 5.6 g of nitrogen gas / 5.6 g gas nitrogen

    Number of mol of N atom = 5.6

    14 = 0.4 mol

    Number of N atom = 0.4 6.02 1023

    = 2.408 1023

    (b) Calculate the number of molecules in the following substances / Hitungkan bilangan molekul dalam bahan berikut: [Relative atomic mass: N = 14, H = 1, Cl = 35.5, Avogadro Constant = 6.02 1023] [Jisim atom relatif: N = 14, H = 1, Cl = 35.5, Pemalar Avogadro = 6.02 1023]

    (i) 8.5 g of ammonia gas, NH3 / 8.5 g gas ammonia, NH



    17 6.02 1023

    = 2.408 1023

    (ii) 14.2 g of chlorine gas, Cl2 / 14.2 g gas klorin, Cl



    71 6.02 1023

    = 1.2 1023

    4 A gas jar contains 240 cm3 of carbon dioxide gas. Calculate: Suatu balang gas berisi 240 cm3 gas karbon dioksida. Hitungkan:

    [Relative atomic mass: C = 12, O = 16; Molar volume of gas = 24 dm3 mol1 at room conditions] [Jisim atom relatif: C = 12, O = 16; Isi padu molar gas: 24 dm3 mol1 pada keadaan bilik]

    (a) Number of moles of carbon dioxide gas / Bilangan mol gas karbon dioksida:

    Number of moles of CO2 =


    24 000 = 0.01 mol

    (b) Number of molecules of carbon dioxide gas / Bilangan molekul gas karbon dioksida:

    Number of molecules of CO2 = 0.01 6.02 1023

    = 6.02 1021

    (c) Mass of carbon dioxide gas / Jisim gas karbon dioksida: Mass of CO

    2 = 0.01 mol [12 + 2 16] g mol1

    = 0.44 g

    5 What is the mass of chlorine molecules (Cl2) that contains twice as many molecules as that found in 3.6 g of water?

    Berapakah jisim molekul klorin (Cl2 ) yang mengandungi dua kali ganda bilangan molekul yang terdapat dalam 3.6 g air?

    [Relative atomic mass / Jisim atom relatif : H = 1, O = 16, Cl = 35.5]

    Number of moles of chlorine molecule = 2 no of mol in H2O

    = 2 3.6

    18 = 0.4 mol

    Mass of Cl2 = 0.4 71= 28.4 g

    6 Calculate the mass of carbon that has the same number of atoms as found in 4 g of magnesium. Hitungkan jisim karbon yang mempunyai bilangan atom yang sama seperti yang terdapat dalam 4 g magnesium.

    [Relative atomic mass / Jisim atom relatif : C = 12, Mg = 24]

    2 g

    02-Chem F4 (3P).indd 29 12/9/2011 5:59:06 PM

  • MODULE Chemistry Form 4N


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    7 Compare the number of molecule in 32 g of sulphur dioxide (SO2) with 7 g of nitrogen gas (N

    2). Explain your answer.

    Bandingkan bilangan molekul dalam 32 g sulfur dioksida (SO2 ) dengan 7 g gas nitrogen (N

    2 ). Terangkan jawapan anda.

    [Relative atomic mass / Jisim atom relatif : S = 32, O = 16, N = 14]

    Number of moles of molecules in 32 g SO2 =


    = 0.5 mol

    Number of moles of molecules in 7 g N2 =


    = 0.25 mol

    Number of molecule in 32 g SO2 is two times more than 7 g N


    Number of mole in sulphur dioxide molecule is two times more than number of mole of nitrogen molecule.

    8 Compare number of atoms in 1.28 g of oxygen to the number of atoms in 1.3 g of zinc. Explain your answer. Bandingkan bilangan atom dalam 1.28 g oksigen dengan bilangan atom dalam 1.3 g zink. Terangkan jawapan anda.

    [Relative atomic mass / Jisim atom relatif : O = 16, Zn = 65]

    Number of mol of O atoms in 1.28 g SO2 =


    = 0.08 mol

    Number of mol of Zn atoms in 1.3 g Zn = 1.3065

    = 0.04 mol

    Number of oxygen atoms in 1.28 g oxygen is 2 times more than number of zinc atoms in 1.3 g zinc.

    Number of mol of oxygen atom is 2 times more than zinc atom.


    1 Symbol of elements use capital letters for the first alphabet and use small letters if there is a second alphabet. Simbol unsur gunakan huruf besar untuk huruf pertama dan huruf kecil jika ada huruf kedua.

    Example / Contoh: Potassium / Kalium K, Sodium / Natrium Na Calcium / Kalsium Ca, Nitrogen / Nitrogen N Iron / Ferum Fe, Fluorine / Fluorin F

    Chemical Formula A set of chemical symbols for atoms of elements in whole numbers representing chemical substances.

    Formula kimia Satu set simbol kimia bagi atom-atom unsur dengan gandaan nombor bulat yang mewakili bahan kimia.

    Chemical substanceBahan kimia

    Chemical formulaFormula kimia




    2 atoms of H combines with 1 atom of O. 2 atom H bergabung dengan 1 atom O.



    3 atoms of H combines with 1 atom of N.3 atom H bergabung dengan 1 atom N.




    3 atoms of C combines with 8 atoms of H.3 atom C bergabung dengan 8 atom H.

    2 Information that can be obtained from the chemical formula / Maklumat yang diperoleh daripada formula kimia:(i) All the elements present in the compound / Jenis unsur yang terdapat dalam sebatian,(ii) Number of atoms of each element in the compound / Bilangan atom setiap unsur yang terdapat dalam sebatian,(iii) Calculation of RMM/RFM of the compound / Peng