MODERN ADVANCES IN COMPUTATIONAL IMAGING AT MICROWAVE AND MILLIMETRE-WAVE FREQUENCIES Okan Yurduseven #1 , Thomas Fromentèze #2 #1 Queen’s University Belfast, UK #2 Xlim Research Institute, University of Limoges, France 1 [email protected], 2 [email protected] STh-01


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Okan Yurduseven#1, Thomas Fromentèze#2

#1Queen’s University Belfast, UK

#2Xlim Research Institute, University of Limoges, France

[email protected], [email protected]


New advances in computational imaging:Polarimetric imaging, phaseless imaging, and recent advances in antenna systemsand k-space reconstruction techniques

Okan Yurduseven#1, Thomas Fromenteze#2

#1Queen’s University Belfast, UK

#2Xlim Research Institute, University of Limoges, France

[email protected], [email protected]


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Outlines of the second part

• Acceleration of image reconstruction: k-space and Fourier processing

• Computational polarimetric imaging

• Computational phaseless imaging

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Accelerating computational imaging with Fourier processing

Some problems require the estimation of millions of voxels

Fromenteze, T., Yurduseven, O., Berland, F., Decroze, C., Smith, D. R., & Yarovoy, A. G. (2019). A Transverse Spectrum Deconvolution Technique for MIMO Short-Range Fourier Imaging.

IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.

Using MIMO apertures, the number of measured samples can also reach very large numbers


Transmitters × Receivers × Frequency samples

nbx × nby × nbz

Sensing matrix


Transmitters : 40× 40Receivers : 40 × 40Frequency points : 20nbx : 300nby : 200nbz : 300

size(H) = 51.10⁶× 18.10⁶

Raw memory consumption ~2200 Tb (single precision)

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What makes Fourier processing so efficient?

Note: Explanations are given for a set of2D examples. For the sake of simplicity,we use an asymptotic form of Hankel'sfunctions:

Propagation is modelled within a scalarmodel: waves progress from sourcepoints in a spherical manner.

© Walt Disney pictures

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Weyl's expansion:


Following an angular spectrumdecomposition, a spherical wave isanalogous to a sum of plane waves

What makes Fourier processing so efficient?

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Impact of a spatial Fourier transform

on measurements:

The transformation helps to identify

a set of angles of arrival

What makes Fourier processing so efficient?

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Impact of a spatial Fourier transform

on measurements:

The transformation helps to identify

a set of angles of arrival

What makes Fourier processing so efficient?

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What makes Fourier processing so efficient?

A fundamental concept for short-range Fourier imaging:the definition of a dispersion relation

An association of transmitted andreceived plane waves are considered:

Product of Tx and Rx Green's functions: sum of the arguments of their exponential functions(the rigorous demonstration is not that straightforward)

In the SIMO case:A single Tx plane wave interacts with a set of Rx plane waves

We choose an area to image whose center is called the stationary phase point.

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What makes Fourier processing so efficient?

Full process for image computation:

1. Fourier transform and variable change

2. Back-propagation

3. Inverse Fourier transform

Note:1. The back-propagation step can be greatly accelerated using Stolt interpolation instead of a summation.2. In this example, we add an additional phase shift to compensate for the offset of the transmit antenna.

This approach is often referred as the Range MigrationAlgorithm (RMA) or k-ω algorithm

Lopez-Sanchez, J. M., & Fortuny-Guasch, J. (2000). 3-D radar imaging using rangemigration techniques. IEEE Transactions on antennas and propagation, 48(5), 728-737.

Zhuge, X., & Yarovoy, A. G. (2012). Three-dimensional near-field MIMO array imagingusing range migration techniques. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 21(6), 3026-3033.

Code available herehttps://bit.ly/2XGCVbH

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Making Fourier techniques compatible with computational imaging

Problem: the use of frequency-diverse antenna doesnot grant us direct access to the spatial dimension

Measurement of a "compressed" signal:

Identification of signals in the radiating aperture

How to efficiently retrieve the signals in the aperture?

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Making Fourier techniques compatible with computational imaging

Problem: the use of frequency-diverse antenna doesnot grant us direct access to the spatial dimension

Measurement of a "compressed" signal

Identification of signals in the radiating aperture

The signals undergo a known distortion

In matrix form


Problem: a simple matrix inversion reconstructionrequires the sacrifice of a dimension


Pros: we just retrieved our lost spatial dimensionCons: our frequency dimension is now missing

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Making Fourier techniques compatible with computational imaging

Problem: the use of frequency-diverse antenna doesnot grant us direct access to the spatial dimension

An estimation is carried out using an equalization

The measurement can also be written as aHadamard product (element-wise multiplication)


The measured "compressed" signal is multipliedby each line of the pseudo-inverse matrix

The signals reconstructed in the radiatingaperture can finally be used to reconstruct imagesusing Fourier techniques.

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Performance comparison : Equalization+RMA VS full-matrix approach

Fromenteze, T., Kpré, E. L., Decroze, C., Carsenat, D., Yurduseven, O., Imani, M., ... & Smith, D. R. (2015, September). Unification of compressed imaging techniques in the microwave range and deconvolution strategy. In 2015 European Radar Conference (EuRAD) (pp. 161-164). IEEE.

Equalization+RMA Full-matrix approach

Pre-computation time

Computation time

Eq+RMA 4.8 s 2.4 s

Full-matrix 38 min 66 s

Data presented in 2015, significant progress has been madeon both methods since

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Examples of implementations

Fromenteze, T., Decroze, C., & Carsenat, D. (2014). Waveform coding for passive multiplexing: Application to microwave imaging. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 63(2), 593-600.

Frequency range: 2-4 GHz7 fps (limited by communication times between equipment)

From 4 antennas to 1 receiver

- 16 -STh-01Fromenteze, T., Kpré, E. L., Decroze, C., & Carsenat, D. (2015, September). Passive UWB beamforming: AN to M compression study. In 2015 European Radar Conference (EuRAD) (pp. 169-172). IEEE.

Frequency range: 2-4 GHz

From 16 antennas to 4 receivers

Examples of implementations

Fromenteze, T., Decroze, C., Abid, S., & Yurduseven, O. (2018). Sparsity-Driven Reconstruction Technique for Microwave/Millimeter-Wave Computational Imaging. Sensors, 18(5), 1536.

Improvement of the equalization technique by asparsity-driven technique based on Toeplitz matrices

- 17 -STh-01Fromenteze, T., Kpré, E. L., Carsenat, D., Decroze, C., & Sakamoto, T. (2016). Single-shot compressive multiple-inputs multiple-outputs radar imaging using a two-port passive device. IEEE Access, 4, 1050-1060.

Frequency range: 2-10 GHz

Going MIMO:From 24x24 antennas to 1 transceiver

Examples of implementations Image computation: 1.5 s with MIMO RMA

- 18 -STh-01Fromenteze, T., Yurduseven, O., Berland, F., Decroze, C., Smith, D. R., & Yarovoy, A. G. (2019). A Transverse Spectrum Deconvolution Technique for MIMO Short-Range Fourier Imaging. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.

Improving the MIMO RMA

Bottleneck of the RMA: interpolating the Tx and Rx plane waves

Plane wave fusion can be computationally intensive

Everything else can be done from Fast-Fourier transforms

- 19 -STh-01Fromenteze, T., Yurduseven, O., Berland, F., Decroze, C., Smith, D. R., & Yarovoy, A. G. (2019). A Transverse Spectrum Deconvolution Technique for MIMO Short-Range Fourier Imaging. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.

Improving the MIMO RMA

The initial approach is quite abstract and based on asymptotic developments of radiation integrals

- 20 -STh-01Fromenteze, T., Yurduseven, O., Berland, F., Decroze, C., Smith, D. R., & Yarovoy, A. G. (2019). A Transverse Spectrum Deconvolution Technique for MIMO Short-Range Fourier Imaging. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.

Improving the MIMO RMA

Introducing the transverse spectrum deconvolution (TSD RMA)

Core idea: it's all about radiation patterns

Main advantages:- more intuitive and visual approach- k-space patterns depend only on the spatial sampling not on the frequency

- 21 -STh-01Fromenteze, T., Yurduseven, O., Berland, F., Decroze, C., Smith, D. R., & Yarovoy, A. G. (2019). A Transverse Spectrum Deconvolution Technique for MIMO Short-Range Fourier Imaging. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.

Improving the MIMO RMA

Core idea: it's all about radiation patterns

Main advantages:- more intuitive and visual approach- k-space patterns depend only on the spatial sampling not on the frequency

Interrogation of a spectrum through known radiation patterns

Tx radiation patterns Rx radiation patterns

Target spectrum

Expression in matrix form and separation of spatial variables

Reconstruction of transverse spectral data by pseudo-inversion

1. Interpolation calculations are replaced by matrix multiplication2. These calculations are made without any frequency dependence3. RAM consumption is greatly reduced4. Reconstructions are more accurate

- 22 -STh-01Fromenteze, T., Yurduseven, O., Berland, F., Decroze, C., Smith, D. R., & Yarovoy, A. G. (2019). A Transverse Spectrum Deconvolution Technique for MIMO Short-Range Fourier Imaging. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.

Improving the MIMO RMADefinition of a new state of the art of range-migration algorithms

Application to large and densely populated MIMO arrays

Validation with a MIMO array of 71⁴ radiating elementsmore than 25 million interactions at each frequency

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Polarimetric computational imaging

Motivation: Study of anisotropic/multiple-bounce scattering

Far-field: Estimation of soil parameters Short-range: Threat detection

Unsupervised Terrain Classification Preserving Polarimetric Scattering Characteristics"J-S Lee, M.R. Grunes, E. Pottier, L. Ferro-Famil - IEEE TGRS, 2004

Holographic arrays for multi-path imaging artifact reduction"D.L. McMakin, D.M. Sheen, T.E. Hall - US Patent, 2005

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Polarimetric computational localization

Conventional approach Computational approach

Doubles the hardware constraints compared to scalar systems

Fromenteze, T., Boyarsky, M., Yurduseven, O., Gollub, J., Marks, D. L., & Smith, D. R. (2017, July). Computational polarimetric localization with a radiating metasurface. In 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting (pp. 407-408). IEEE.

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Polarimetric computational localization

Measured signal

Fromenteze, T., Boyarsky, M., Yurduseven, O., Gollub, J., Marks, D. L., & Smith, D. R. (2017, July). Computational polarimetric localization with a radiating metasurface. In 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting (pp. 407-408). IEEE.

Polarized sources

Dyadic Green's function

Transfer function of the cavity(3 polarizations on its surface)

We now get out of the scalar approximation

To lighten the notation, frequencies are implicit


in the polarization space:

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Polarimetric computational localization

Measured signal

Fromenteze, T., Boyarsky, M., Yurduseven, O., Gollub, J., Marks, D. L., & Smith, D. R. (2017, July). Computational polarimetric localization with a radiating metasurface. In 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting (pp. 407-408). IEEE.

We now get out of the scalar approximation

To lighten the notation, frequencies are implicit

Discrete model


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Polarimetric computational localization

Fromenteze, T., Boyarsky, M., Yurduseven, O., Gollub, J., Marks, D. L., & Smith, D. R. (2017, July). Computational polarimetric localization with a radiating metasurface. In 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting (pp. 407-408). IEEE.

Near field scans Cavity quality factorQ~12 000

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Polarimetric computational imaging

Fromenteze, T., Boyarsky, M., Yurduseven, O., Gollub, J., Marks, D. L., & Smith, D. R. (2017, July). Computational polarimetric localization with a radiating metasurface. In 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting (pp. 407-408). IEEE.

Near field scans Spatial correlations:

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Polarimetric computational localization

Fromenteze, T., Boyarsky, M., Yurduseven, O., Gollub, J., Marks, D. L., & Smith, D. R. (2017, July). Computational polarimetric localization with a radiating metasurface. In 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting (pp. 407-408). IEEE.

-5dB isosurfaces

- Frequency range : 18.5-26 GHz- 801 Frequency samples- 134 × 36 × 134 ~ 650 000 voxels- Volume of 0.8 × 0.75 × 0.8 m³- Computed in less than a second using Fourier processing


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Polarimetric computational imaging

Scalar imaging forward model measured frequency-domain signal

scalar Tx electric field

scalar Rx electric field

scalar reflectivity function (Δε(r))

If our target exhibits anisotropic/depolarizing behavior:

polarization conversion

Each point in space must be defined as a susceptibility tensor

The scattered field then interacts with the Rx aperture

xx xy xz

yx yy yz

zx zy zz


Fromenteze, T., Yurduseven, O., Boyarsky, M., Gollub, J., Marks, D. L., & Smith, D. R. (2017). Computational polarimetric microwave imaging. Optics express, 25(22), 27488-27505.

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Polarimetric computational imaging

Forward model of the polarimetric imaging problem

Fromenteze, T., Yurduseven, O., Boyarsky, M., Gollub, J., Marks, D. L., & Smith, D. R. (2017). Computational polarimetric microwave imaging. Optics express, 25(22), 27488-27505.

Operating with two panels

Operating with a single two-ports panel

Tx E-field

Rx E-field

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Polarimetric computational imaging

Forward model of the polarimetric imaging problem

Fromenteze, T., Yurduseven, O., Boyarsky, M., Gollub, J., Marks, D. L., & Smith, D. R. (2017). Computational polarimetric microwave imaging. Optics express, 25(22), 27488-27505.

Understanding the physics behind the susceptibility tensors:The electrons within the target medium are represented by a simple mechanical model

Rotation matrix

Diagonalized tensor

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Polarimetric computational imaging

Fromenteze, T., Yurduseven, O., Boyarsky, M., Gollub, J., Marks, D. L., & Smith, D. R. (2017). Computational polarimetric microwave imaging. Optics express, 25(22), 27488-27505.

Eigendecompositions helps to identify thedirections of the main axis of the tensors(eigenvectors) and the associated eigenvaluesdefine the anisotropic behavior of each voxel

Isotropic scattering Anisotropic scattering

Understanding the physics behind the susceptibility tensors:The electrons within the target medium are represented by a simple mechanical model

Rotation matrix

Diagonalized tensor

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Polarimetric computational imaging

Fromenteze, T., Yurduseven, O., Boyarsky, M., Gollub, J., Marks, D. L., & Smith, D. R. (2017). Computational polarimetric microwave imaging. Optics express, 25(22), 27488-27505.

Analogy with diffusion tensor imaging Magnetic Resonance Imaging


The main axis analysis of the tensors reconstructed in eachvoxel makes it possible to reconstruct the path of thefibers in the brain

Understanding the physics behind the susceptibility tensors:The electrons within the target medium are represented by a simple mechanical model

Rotation matrix

Diagonalized tensor

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Polarimetric computational imaging

Forward model of the polarimetric imaging problem Solving the inverse problemThe Tx and Rx vector fields are inversed to reveal the interaction between each couple of polarization states

Criteria to be met to ensure successful reconstruction

The radiated fields in transmission and reception must be simultaneously orthogonal in three domains:

- in frequency- in polarization- spatially

Fromenteze, T., Yurduseven, O., Boyarsky, M., Gollub, J., Marks, D. L., & Smith, D. R. (2017). Computational polarimetric microwave imaging. Optics express, 25(22), 27488-27505.

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Polarimetric computational imaging

Computing the spatial correlation for each pair of ports and polarizations

Fromenteze, T., Yurduseven, O., Boyarsky, M., Gollub, J., Marks, D. L., & Smith, D. R. (2017). Computational polarimetric microwave imaging. Optics express, 25(22), 27488-27505.

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Polarimetric computational imaging

Experimental validationImaging targets made with thin copper wires

Fromenteze, T., Yurduseven, O., Boyarsky, M., Gollub, J., Marks, D. L., & Smith, D. R. (2017). Computational polarimetric microwave imaging. Optics express, 25(22), 27488-27505.

Number of frequency samples: 3601Frequency range: 17.5-26.5 GHz

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Polarimetric computational imaging

Results with the letter DReconstructed from the measurement of a single frequency-domain signal

For each voxel- 9 tensor elements (only 6 are independent)- each tensor element is a complex valueThe diversity of representations of such tensorsremains unexplored for these applications

x and z are the transverse axis, y is the longitudinal (propagation) axis

Special feature of the short-range polarimetric imagingWe obtain projections on the propagation axis

Fromenteze, T., Yurduseven, O., Boyarsky, M., Gollub, J., Marks, D. L., & Smith, D. R. (2017). Computational polarimetric microwave imaging. Optics express, 25(22), 27488-27505.

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Polarimetric computational imaging

Results with the letter DReconstructed from the measurement of a single frequency-domain signal

x and z are the transverse axis, y is the longitudinal (propagation) axis

Extraction of a cross-section planThe phase is included in the reconstructions andcan be color-coded to reveal more information

The results are still based Born first approximationwe must keep a critical eye on the analysis of theresults

Fromenteze, T., Yurduseven, O., Boyarsky, M., Gollub, J., Marks, D. L., & Smith, D. R. (2017). Computational polarimetric microwave imaging. Optics express, 25(22), 27488-27505.

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Polarimetric computational imaging

Improvements with basic processingCorrelation of transverse components

Optimized SNR noise reduced by the coherent sum of the useful parts of the tensorAnisotropic behavior orientation of copper wires revealed by the phase information

Fromenteze, T., Yurduseven, O., Boyarsky, M., Gollub, J., Marks, D. L., & Smith, D. R. (2017). Computational polarimetric microwave imaging. Optics express, 25(22), 27488-27505.

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Polarimetric computational imaging

Going further with eigendecompositions

The diagonalization of the tensors is computed for each voxel on the real and imaginary parts separately

Fromenteze, T., Yurduseven, O., Boyarsky, M., Gollub, J., Marks, D. L., & Smith, D. R. (2017). Computational polarimetric microwave imaging. Optics express, 25(22), 27488-27505.

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Polarimetric computational imaging

Going further with eigendecompositionsRGB color-coding according to the orientation of the main axis of each ellipsoid

Fromenteze, T., Yurduseven, O., Boyarsky, M., Gollub, J., Marks, D. L., & Smith, D. R. (2017). Computational polarimetric microwave imaging. Optics express, 25(22), 27488-27505.

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Polarimetric phaseless imaging

In conclusion of this work

Conventional MIMO polarimetric system Computational MIMO polarimetric system

Double the hardware constraints compared tosystems based on the scalar approximation

Very few applications in short range imagingdue to these limitations

Requires a single measurement chain provided that afull scan of the near fields is carried out

Paves the way for volumetric reconstruction ofsusceptibility tensors

Fromenteze, T., Yurduseven, O., Boyarsky, M., Gollub, J., Marks, D. L., & Smith, D. R. (2017). Computational polarimetric microwave imaging. Optics express, 25(22), 27488-27505.

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Phaseless computational imaging

Conventional MIMO system

Phase measurement also creates heavyhardware constraints on each measurementchain

Motivation for this work

is it possible to reconstruct images from theintensity measurement of signals thatinteracted with a target?

In other words, can we replace our VNAs withspectrum analyzers and a little mathematics?

Are computational systems compatiblewith/supportive of these objectives?

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Phaseless computational imaging

First concern: phase information is crucial

Phase swap

2D Fourier transform

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Phaseless computational imaging

First concern: phase information is crucial

After the phase swap and an inverse 2D Fourier transform

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Phaseless computational imaging

Key element: phase information can however be encoded in the intensity information

Signals received in an aperture in the presence of two isotropic point sources

Interferences of complex contributions:Transformation of phase information into intensity fluctuation

Inverse problem solving: Phase retrieval algorithms

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Phaseless computational imaging

Objective: Application to microwave imaging

Expression of the measured signals

Matrix formalism

Reconstruction by pseudo-inversion

Intensity measurement: Reflectivity reconstruction?

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Phaseless computational imaging

Intensity measurement: Reflectivity reconstruction? Solving an optimization problem

Convex programmingExample: CVX and Matlab

Iterative algorithmExample: Truncated Wirtinger Flow

Candes, E. J., Li, X., & Soltanolkotabi, M. (2015). Phase retrieval via Wirtinger flow: Theory and algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 61(4), 1985-2007.

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Phaseless computational imaging

Experimental validation: SAR PhaseLess imaging

Complex measurements Intensity measurements

Aperture size: 60 × 60 cm²Number of samples: 61 × 61 = 3721Background measurement (without marbles)

The results converge towards those obtained withphase measurement

Once again, the hardware constraint is transferredto the software layer

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Phaseless computational imaging

Fromenteze, T., Liu, X., Boyarsky, M., Gollub, J., & Smith, D. R. (2016). Phaseless computational imaging with a radiating metasurface. Optics express, 24(15), 16760-16776.

Cavity-based phaseless localizationFirst step: localizing a source from an intensity measurement

ν1 = 23 GHz - ν2 = 23.002 GHz

The diversity of the magnitudes of near-field scans is the basis for encoding information

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Phaseless computational imaging

Fromenteze, T., Liu, X., Boyarsky, M., Gollub, J., & Smith, D. R. (2016). Phaseless computational imaging with a radiating metasurface. Optics express, 24(15), 16760-16776.

Cavity-based phaseless localizationFirst step: localizing a source from an intensity measurement

The diversity of the magnitudes of near-field scans is the basis for encoding information

Reconstruction from the measurement of two signals on the output ports of the cavity

Algorithm: Truncated Wirtinger FlowNumber of spatial samples: 20 × 20 × 10Number of frequency samples: 3601Frequency range: 17.5-26.5 GHz

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Phaseless computational imaging

Cavity-based phaseless imaging

Switching to the interrogation of a reflectivity function

Yurduseven, O., Fromenteze, T., Marks, D. L., Gollub, J. N., & Smith, D. R. (2017). Frequency-diverse computational microwave phaseless imaging. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 16, 2808-2811.

Small object for the determination of the point spread function

Use of a more advanced technique based on the sparsity of the scene to be imaged

Yuan, Z., Wang, H., & Wang, Q. (2019). Phase retrieval via sparse wirtingerflow. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 355, 162-173.

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Phaseless computational imaging

Cavity-based phaseless imaging

Switching to the interrogation of a reflectivity function

Yurduseven, O., Fromenteze, T., Marks, D. L., Gollub, J. N., & Smith, D. R. (2017). Frequency-diverse computational microwave phaseless imaging. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 16, 2808-2811.

Key parameter: ratio M/NM number of measurements N number of voxels

M/N = 0.3 M/N = 0.8

Complex measurement



M/N = 0.6

Comparison of the performances achieved by the different approaches

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Phaseless computational imaging

Complex-based reconstructionPhaseless reconstruction

Yurduseven, O., Fromenteze, T., Marks, D. L., Gollub, J. N., & Smith, D. R. (2017). Frequency-diverse computational microwave phaseless imaging. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 16, 2808-2811.

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Interesting feature of phaseless imaging:relaxes the phase coherency requirements for applications where large apertures are needed


Phaseless computational imaging



Yurduseven, O., Fromenteze, T., & Smith, D. R. (2018). Relaxation of alignment errors and phase calibration in computational frequency-diverse

imaging using phase retrieval. IEEE Access, 6, 14884-14894.

Without phase error

With phase error

Without phase error

With phase error

Without phase error

With phase error


Okan Yurduseven#1, Thomas Fromentèze#2

#1Queen’s University Belfast, UK

#2Xlim Research Institute, University of Limoges, France

[email protected], [email protected]
