Modern Advanced Accounting

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  • 8/9/2019 Modern Advanced Accounting



    The title of each problem is followed by the estimated time in minutes required for completion and by adifficulty rating. The time estimates are applicable for students using the partially filled-in working papers.

    Pr. 161 Seaside Hospital(30 minutes, easy)

    Preparation of statement of activities for a nonprofit hospital that has only a general fund.

    Pr. 162 Holley School(30 minutes, medium)

    Journal entries for transactions and events of a nonprofit private secondary school, inunrestricted fund, quasi-endowment fund, and plant fund.

    Pr. 163 Nonprofit Trade Association(30 minutes, medium)

    Preparation of a statement of activities and a statement of financial position for a nonprofittrade association that does not use fund accounting.

    Pr. 164 Suburban Welfare Services(50 minutes, medium)

    Working paper to compute original and revised equity percentages for funds of a nonprofitvoluntary health and welfare organiation in an investment pool. Journal entries forunrestricted fund for operations of the investment pool.

    Pr. 165 Harbor Hospital(50 minutes, medium)

    Journal entries for transactions and events of general fund, restricted fund, and annuity fund ofa nonprofit hospital.

    Pr. 166 Wigstaff Foundation(50 minutes, medium)

    Preparation of a statement of cash flows for a nonprofit research and scientific organiation, inthe indirect method format.

    Pr. 167 Mid-City Sports Club(50 minutes, medium)

    Preparation of !ournal entries "e#planations omitted$ for events and transactions of a nonprofitsocial club. %lso, preparation of a statement of activities and a statement of financial position.

    Pr. 168 State University(60 minutes, strong)

    Journal entries for transactions and events of a nonprofit university&s unrestricted fund,restricted fund, and endowment fund.

    Pr. 169 esthaven Hospital(60 minutes, strong)

    Journal entries for transactions and events of a nonprofit hospital&s general fund, plantreplacement and e#pansion fund, and endowment fund.

    Pr. 1610 !ibra College(60 minutes, strong)

    Journal entries for unrestricted fund and restricted fund of a nonprofit college' preparation ofstatement of changes in fund balances.

    Pr. 1611 "isadvantaged Children Association(60 minutes, strong)

    Preparation of financial statements, e#cluding a statement of cash flows, for a nonprofitvoluntary health and welfare organiation.

    The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2006

    ()* Modern Advanced Accountin, !0"e

  • 8/9/2019 Modern Advanced Accounting



    (. % nonproit organi!ationis an entity that is usually operated for the benefit of society as a whole,rather than for the benefit of an individual proprietor or a group of partners or stockholders. Theconcept of +net income+ is not meaningful for a nonprofit organiation.

    . %mong the types of nonprofit organiations in the nited tates are the following "only fourrequired$/0emetery organiations Private and community foundations

    0ivic organiations Private elementary and secondary schools0olleges and universities Professional associations0ultural institutions Public broadcasting stations1raternal organiations 2eligious organiations3ospitals 2esearch and scientific organiations4abor unions ocial and country clubs4ibraries Trade associations5useums 6oluntary health and welfare organiationsPerforming arts organiations 7oological and botanical societiesPolitical parties

    8. 9ach of the %:0P%Accounting and Auditing #uidesor$ndustry Audit #uidesdealing withnonprofit organiations contains a section that indicates that the accounting concepts includedtherein have the substantial authoritative support required for generally accepted accountingprinciples.

    *. 0haracteristics of nonprofit organiations resembling those of governmental entities include thefollowing "only three are required$/

    "($ #ervice to societ$. ;onprofit organiations render services to society as a whole.

    "$ %o pro&it motivation. ;onprofit organiations do not operate with the ob!ective of earning anet income.

    "8$ 'inancin ($ the citi)enr$. 5ost nonprofit organiations depend on the general population fora substantial portion of their support because revenues from services generally do not cover alltheir operating costs.

    "*$ #tewardship &or resources. .

  • 8/9/2019 Modern Advanced Accounting


    ?. a. % nonprofit organiation records contributed material in its accounting records at the currentfair value of the material when contributed. 1ailure to record contributed material wouldunderstate assets and revenues at the time of the contribution and would understate e#penseswhen the material was used in operations.

    (. % nonprofit organiation records contributed services in its accounting records only if theservices were rendered to the organiation under specified conditions. The contributed servicesare recorded as salaries e#pense and as revenues at an appropriate rate, less any meals orliving costs incurred by the organiation for the donor of the services.

    ). 9#penses of a nonprofit organiation that receives significant support from the public are classifiedon a un"tiona#basis that differentiates between program services e#penses and supportingservices e#penses.

    @. npaid amounts of grants that may be revoked by the board of trustees of a nonprofit performingarts organiation are not recognied as e#penses until they are paid.

    (A. 0ollections often are not assigned a value in the financial statements of a nonprofit museum.:nstead, the +0ollections+ caption in the statement of financial position is referenced to a note in thefinancial statements that describes the collections.

    ((. % nonprofit organiation&s annuity undrecords assets contributed with the requirement that theorganiation pay specified fi#ed amounts periodically to named recipients, for a stipulated timeperiod. % nonprofit organiation&s #ie in"ome undrecords assets contributed with the stipulationthat income from the assets be paid periodically to named recipients during their lifetimes.

    (. a. $esignated %und &a#an"eis a ledger account in a nonprofit organiation&s unrestricted fundthat is used to record the board of directors& earmarking of unrestricted fund resources for aspecific purpose.

    (. % t'irdparty payoris an organiation that is liable for payment of many hospital receivables,instead of the patients receiving the hospital&s services. 9#amples of third-party payors are the.. government "5edicare and 5edicaid programs$,

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    %ccounts 2eceivable =A,AAAPatient ervice 2evenues =A,AAA

    0ontractual %d!ustments (*A,AAA%ccounts 2eceivable (*A,AAA

    Eoubtful %ccounts 9#pense A,AAA%llowance for Eoubtful %ccounts A,AAA

    +. 163 1inancial statement presentation of 2edwood 3ospital for month of ept., AA>/

    -n statement o a"tiitiesPatient service revenues "net of contractual ad!ustments, B(),=AA$ B8,AAA

    -n statement o inan"ia# position%ccounts receivable "net of allowance for doubtful accounts, B(*,>AA$ BA),*AA

    +. 164 Journal entries for 2ecuperative 3ospital, Fct. 8(, AA>/

    %ccounts 2eceivable AA,AAAPatient ervice 2evenues AA,AAA

    %ccounts 2eceivable >,AAAPatient ervice 2evenues >,AAA

    0ontractual %d!ustments 8,AAA

    %ccounts 2eceivable 8,AAA

    Eoubtful %ccounts 9#pense *,AAA%llowance for Eoubtful %ccounts *,AAA

    +. 165 Journal entry for niversity of outh Park nrestricted 1und, June (=, AA>/

    4ibrary ,AAA0ontributions 2evenue (>,AAA

    To record contribution of library books by various publishers.

    +. 166 Journal entry for 0ordova 3ospital General 1und, 5ar. 8(, AA>/

    :nventories >,AA0ontributions 2evenue >,AA

    To record difference between current fair value "B>,*AA$ andnominal cost "BAA$ of medicine and drugs as support fromcontributed material.

    +. 167 Journal entry for Warner 0ollege nrestricted 1und, Fct. 8(, AA>/

    alaries 9#pense "B8,*AA C B()A$ 8,A0ontributions 2evenue 8,A

    To record contributed services at current fair value, less value ofmeals provided to donors. "Ta# withholdings are disregarded.$

    The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2006

    ()? Modern Advanced Accountin, !0"e

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    +. 168 Journal entries for 5odern 5useum, June 8A, AA>/

    alaries 9#pense >),AAA0ontributions 2evenue >),AAA

    To record contributed services of docents for the year.

    2ent 9#pense @>,AAA0ontributions 2evenue @>,AAA

    To record current fair value of rental of storage facilities whoseuse was contributed.

    +. 169 Journal entries for 0ommunity Welfare, :nc. nrestricted 1und, ;ov. 8A, AA>/

    Pledges 2eceivable =AA,AAA0ontributions 2evenue =AA,AAA

    Provision for Eoubtful Pledges "B=AA,AAA # A.A$ (AA,AAA%llowance for Eoubtful Pledges (AA,AAA

    %llowance for Eoubtful Pledges 8A,AAAPledges 2eceivable 8A,AAA

    0ash *A,AAAPledges 2eceivable *A,AAA

    +. 1610 %d!usting entry for Wabash 3ospital General 1und, June 8A, AA>/

    Pledges 2eceivable >A,AAAProvision for Eoubtful Pledges ?,AA

    %llowance for Eoubtful Pledges "B>A,AAA # A.($ ?,AA0ontributions 2evenue "B8AA,AAA C B?=,AAA$ =,AAA1und /

    :nvestments in ecurities "B(A,AAA # A.8=$ 8,=AAGains on ecurities :nvestments 8,=AA

    To record 8=H "B(>,AAA B8>A,AAA D 8=H$ of realied and

    unrealied gains of investment pool for the year.

    0ash "B(),AAA # A.8=$ >,8AA:nterest and Eividends 2evenue >,8AA

    To record 8=H share of earnings of investment pool for the year.

    Journal entry for Wilmington 0ollege %nnuity 1und, June 8A, AA>/

    :nvestments in ecurities "B(A,AAA # A.*A$ *,AAA0ash "B(),AAA # A.*A$ ?,AA

    %nnuity Payable ((,AA

    The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2006

    #olutions Manual, Chapter !6 ())

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    To record *AH share "B(**,AAA B8>A,AAA D *AH$ of realied

    and unrealied gains and earnings of investment pool for the year.

    +. 1612 Journal entries for %rtistry nlimited/

    AA>July ( 0ash =A,AAA

    0ontribution 2evenue =A,AAATo record gift restricted to scholarships for students ofballet.

    ept. ( Grants 9#pense *=,AAA0ash *=,AAA

    To record grants awarded to nine students of ballet.

    +. 1613 Journal entry for Technology pecialists, July l, AA>/

    Grants 9#pense (A,AAA0ash (A,AAA

    To record payment of first installment of revocable three-yeargrant to 5artin Grey.

    +. 1614 /P% P-tatement o %inan"ia# Position

    une 30, 2006(amounts in t'ousands)


    0ash and cash equivalents B (AA%ccounts receivable "net$ @AA:nventory of supplies AAhort-term prepayments =A0ash and investments restricted to acquisition of plant assets >AAPlant assets "net$ 8,(AA

    Total assets B*,@=A

    iai#ities /et ssets


    ;otes payable B 8AA%ccounts payable and accrued liabilities ==A%dvances from third-party payors AAEeferred revenues (AA3ousing and mortgage bonds payable @AA

    Total liabilities B,A=A

    ;et %ssets "unrestricted$/1und balance designated for plant assets B >AAndesignated fund balance ,8AA

    Total net assets B,@AATotal liabilities and net assets B*,@=A


    ase 161 The action by the board of directors of 2oakdale %ssociation is unsupportable' it might beinterpreted as a deliberate attempt to mislead users of the organiation&s financial statements.%ll unrestricted revenues, regardless of source, must be recorded in the nrestricted 1und of2oakdale %ssociation.

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    purpose, the directors may designatea portion of the ndesignated 1und

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    report e#penses by their natural classification, in accordance with paragraph > of FAS%State&ent No' ((+,+1inancial tatements of ;ot-for-Profit Frganiations.+ "ee alsoparagraph l=@, ;ote 1, thereof.$

    The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2006

    (@( Modern Advanced Accountin, !0"e

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    8A 5inutes, 9asySeaside Hospita P!" 16#1

    Seaside Hospita

    State$e%t o& A'ti(ities

    Fo! )ea! E%ded *+%e ,-. /--6

    0a$o+%ts i% to+sa%ds2


    Patient service revenue (net) $ 1 4 2 0

    Other operating revenue 1 8 0

    Contributions 3 8 0

    Investent revenue 2 8 0

    !ota" revenues $ 2 2 # 0


    &ursing services $ ' # 0

    Other proessiona" services 2 # 0

    enera" services 3 # 0

    *isca" services 1 8 0

    +,inistrative services 2 8 0

    -epreciation 3 4 0

    -oubtu" accounts 8 0

    !ota" e%penses 2 0 # 0Increase in unrestricte, net assets $ 2 0 0

    The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2006

    #olutions Manual, Chapter !6 (@

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    8A 5inutes, 5ediumNo%p!o&it T!ade Asso'iatio% P!" 16#,

    No%p!o&it T!ade Asso'iatio%

    State$e%t o& A'ti(ities

    Fo! )ea! E%ded *+%e ,-. /--6

    Revenues an, gains

    6ebership ,ues $ 1 8 4 0 0 0

    Conerences an, eetings 3 2 1 0 0 0

    Pub"ication an, a,vertising sa"es 1 4 3 0 0 0

    .pecia" assessents ' 0 0 0 0

    Investent revenue an, net gains 1 1 0 0 0

    !ota" revenues an, gains $ 7 0 ; 0 0 0


    6eber services $ ' # 0 0 0

    Conerences an, eetings 1 # # 0 0 0

    !echnica" services 2 1 8 0 0 0

    Counications # 1 0 0 0

    enera" a,inistration 1 ' 4 0 0 0

    6ebership ,eve"opent 2 7 0 0 0

    !ota" e%penses # 8 2 0 0 0

    Increase in unrestricte, net assets $ 2 7 0 0 0

    &et assets beginning o /ear 2 8 ' 0 0 0&et assets en, o /ear $ 3 1 2 0 0 0

    No%p!o&it T!ade Asso'iatio%

    State$e%t o& Fi%a%'ia Positio%

    *+%e ,-. /--6


    Current assets:

    Cash $ 7 0 0 0

    .hortter investents in securities 2 1 7 0 0 0

    +ccounts receivab"e "ess a""oance or ,oubtu" accounts

    $3000 2 ' 0 0 0Pub"ications inventor/ # 1 0 0 0

    !ota" current assets $ 3 1 0 0 0 0

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    =A 5inutes, 5ediumS++!a% We&a!e Se!(i'es P!" 16#8

    a. 012 S++!a% We&a!e Se!(i'es

    Co$p+tatio% o& O!i9i%a E:+it3 Pe!'e%ta9es &o! I%(est$e%t Poo

    *+3 1. /--;

    C+!!e%t O!i9i%a

    Cost &ai! (a+e e:+it3. ($1'000 % 033) ? $84;'0

    (4) $300000 % 033 ? $;;000(') $100000 > ($1'000 % 03;) ? $10'8'0

    (#) $300000 % 03; ? $117000

    The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2006

    (@= Modern Advanced Accountin, !0"e

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    S++!a% We&a!e Se!(i'es 0'o%'+ded2 P!" 16#8

    b. S++!a% We&a!e Se!(i'es U%!est!i'ted F+%d

    *o+!%a E%t!ies

    20 0'

    -ec 31 Investents in .ecurities 1 ' 0 0 0

    Cash 2 ' 0 0 0

    ains on .ecurities Investents ($1'000 % 022) 3 3 0 0

    Interest an, -ivi,en,s Revenue ($2'000 % 022) ' ' 0 0

    Pa/ab"e to Restricte, *un, @($1'000 > $2'000)

    % 00#A 2 4 0 0

    Pa/ab"e to P"ant *un, @($1'000 > $2'000) % 033A 1 3 2 0 0

    Pa/ab"e to +rno", $#0000) %027'0A 2 7 ' 0 0

    Pa/ab"e to +rno",

    $#0000) % 032'0A 3 2 ' 0 0

    Pa/ab"e to ,ar,s n,oent *un, @($40000 >

    $#0000) % 021#7A 2 1 # 7 0

    !o recor, rea"iBe, an, unrea"iBe, gains an, earnings

    o investent poo" or si% onths en,e, une 30

    200# an, "iabi"ities to other un,s

    30 Pa/ab"e to P"ant *un, 2 7 ' 0 0

    Pa/ab"e to +rno",

  • 8/9/2019 Modern Advanced Accounting


    =A 5inutes, 5ediumHa!o! Hospita P!" 16#;

    a. Ha!o! Hospita Ge%e!a F+%d

    *o+!%a E%t!ies

    O'toe!. /--6

    (1) +ccounts Receivab"e 8 0 0 0 0

    Patient .ervice Revenues 8 0 0 0 0

    !o recor, gross patient service revenue or onth o

    October at u"" rates

    +ccounts Receivab"e 2 ' 0 0

    Patient .ervice Revenues 2 ' 0 0

    !o recor, aount receivab"e ro 5ovar, Fe"are

    OrganiBation or charit/ care

    Contractua" +,Gustents # 0 0 0

    +ccounts Receivab"e # 0 0 0

    !o recor, contractua" a,Gustents a""oe, to 6e,icai,

    or October

    -oubtu" +ccounts %pense 8 0 0 0

    +""oance or -oubtu" +ccounts 8 0 0 0!o provi,e or ,oubtu" accounts or October

    (2) .a"aries %pense ; 8 0 0

    Contributions Revenue ; 8 0 0

    !o recor, ,onate, services b/ vo"unteer nurses or

    October at going sa"ar/ rates ($10000) "ess cost o

    ea"s serve, to vo"unteer nurses at no charge ($200)

    (3) P"e,ges Receivab"e ' 0 0 0

    Contributions Revenue ' 0 0 0

    !o recor, p"e,ges receive, ro ,onors ,uring


    Cash 3 ' 0 0

    P"e,ges Receivab"e 3 ' 0 0

    !o recor, p"e,ges co""ecte, in cash ,uring October

    Provision or -oubtu" P"e,ges 8 0 0

    +""oance or -oubtu" P"e,ges 8 0 0

    !o provi,e or ,oubtu" p"e,ges or October

    (4) Receivab"e ro +r"ine Fa"ters +nnuit/ *un, ' 0 0

    Cash ' 0 0

    !o recor, pa/ent o +r"ine Fa"ters annuit/ or


    0Co%ti%+ed o% pa9e 8;8"2

    The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2006

    (@? Modern Advanced Accountin, !0"e

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    Ha!o! Hospita 0'o%'+ded2 P!" 16#;

    Ha!o! Hospita Ge%e!a F+%d

    *o+!%a E%t!ies 0'o%'+ded2

    O'toe!. /--6

    (') Cash 3 0 0 0

    *un, 5a"ance 3 0 0 0

    !o recor, receipt o cash ro Char"es Fatson

    Restricte, *un, or ne surgica" euipent

    P"ant +ssets 3 0 0 0

    Cash 3 0 0 0

    !o recor, acuisition o ne surgica" euipent

    b. Ha!o! Hospita A!i%e E" Wate!s A%%+it3 F+%d

    *o+!%a E%t!3

    O'toe!. /--6

    +nnuit/ Pa/ab"e ' 0 0

    Pa/ab"e to enera" *un, ' 0 0

    !o recor, "iabi"it/ to enera" *un, or pa/ent o

    +r"ine Fa"ters annuit/ or October

    Ha!o! Hospita Ca!es Watso% Rest!i'ted F+%d

    *o+!%a E%t!3

    O'toe!. /--6

    *un, 5a"ance 3 0 0 0

    Cash 3 0 0 0

    !o recor, pa/ent to enera" *un, or acuisition o

    ne surgica" euipent

    The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2006

    #olutions Manual, Chapter !6 (@)

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    =A 5inutes, 5ediumWi9sta&& Fo+%datio% P!" 16#6

    Wi9sta&& Fo+%datio%

    State$e%t o& Cas Fo5s 0i%di!e't $etod2

    Fo! )ea! E%ded *+%e ,-. /--6

    &et cash provi,e, b/ operating activities 0E=iit 12 $ 2 # # 0 0 0

    Cas &o5s &!o$ i%(esti%9 a'ti(ities>

    +cuisition o urniture an, euipent $ 2 2 0 0 0

    +cuisition o "ongter investents in securities # 0 0 0 0

    &et cash use, in investing activities ( 8 2 0 0 0 )

    Cas &o5s &!o$ &i%a%'i%9 a'ti(ities>

    Pa/ent o "ongter ,ebt $ 1 # 4 0 0 0 H

    &et cash use, in inancing activities ( 1 # 4 0 0 0 )

    &et increase in cash $ 2 0 0 0 0

    Cash beginning o /ear # 3 0 0 0 0

    Cash en, o /ear $ # ' 0 0 0 0

    H($1#4000 > $7;4000) ($17#000 > $#18000) ? $1#4000

    E=iit 1Cash "os ro operating activities:

    Increase in unrestricte, net assets $ 1 8 8 0 0 0

    +,Gustents to reconci"e increase in unrestricte, net assets to net cash

    provi,e b/ operating activities:

    -epreciation e%pense 1 4 8 0 0 0

    Increase in accounts receivab"e (net) ( 3 2 0 0 0 )

    Increase in unbi""e, contract revenue an, reibursab"e grant costs ( 1 ; # 0 0 0 )

    Increase in shortter prepa/ents ( 4 0 0 0 )

    Increase in accounts pa/ab"e an, accrue, "iabi"ities # 0 0 0 0

    Increase in restricte, grant a,vances 1 0 2 0 0 0

    &et cash provi,e, b/ operating activities $ 2 # # 0 0 0

    The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2006

    (@@ Modern Advanced Accountin, !0"e

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    ?id4Cit3 Spo!t C+ 0'o%'+ded2 P!" 16#@

    b. ?id4Cit3 Spo!ts C+

    State$e%t o& A'ti(ities

    Fo! )ea! E%ded *+%e ,-. /--6

    Revenues an, gains:

    -ues $ 2 0 0 0 0

    .nacJ bar an, so,a ountain 2 8 0 0 0

    Interest # 0 0 0

    its an, contributions ($10000 > $'000) 1 ' 0 0 0

    !ota" revenues an, gains $ # ; 0 0 0


    C"ubhouse ($17000 > $;000) $ 2 # 0 0 0

    .nacJ bar an, so,a ountain ($2000 > $30000) 3 2 0 0 0

    enera" an, a,inistrative ($11000 > $1000) 1 2 0 0 0

    !ota" e%penses $ 7 0 0 0 0

    (-ecrease) in unrestricte, net assets $ ( 1 0 0 0 )

    Cuu"ative increase in net assets beginning o /ear 1 2 0 0 0

    Cuu"ative increase in net assets en, o /ear $ 1 1 0 0 0

    ?id4Cit3 Spo!ts C+

    State$e%t o& Fi%a%'ia Positio%

    *+%e ,-. /--6


    Current assets:

    Cash ($;000 > $20000 > $28000 > $#000 $''000 > $'000) $ 1 3 0 0 0

    Investents in securities ' 8 0 0 0

    +ssessents receivab"e 1 0 0 0 0

    Inventories 1 0 0 0

    !ota" current assets $ 8 2 0 0 0

    P"ant assets:

    $'4000 $''000) $ 1 1 0 0 0

    &et assets:

    6ebership certiicates 100 at $1000 each (no change ,uring the /ear) $ 1 0 0 0 0 0

    Cuu"ative increase in net assets 1 1 0 0 0

    !ota" net assets (unrestricte,) $ 1 1 1 0 0 0

    !ota" "iabi"ities = net assets $ 1 2 2 0 0 0

    The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2006

    A( Modern Advanced Accountin, !0"e

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    >A 5inutes, trongState U%i(e!sit3 P!" 16#

    State U%i(e!sit3

    *o+!%a E%t!ies

    Fo! )ea! E%ded *+%e ,-. /--6

    U%!est!i'ted Rest!i'ted E%do5$e%t

    T!a%sa'tio% F+%d F+%d F+%d

    %o" Led9e! a''o+%ts d! 0'!2 d! 0'!2 d! 0'!2

    (1) Cash ' 0 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 0

    *un, 5a"ance ( ' 0 0 0 0 ) ( ' 0 0 0 0 )

    Investent in .ecurities ' 0 0 0 0

    Cash ( ' 0 0 0 0 )

    (2) Cash 1 # 8 # 0 0 0

    -eerre, Revenue # # 0 0 0

    +ccounts Receivab"e @$1;00000

    ($1#8#000 > $##000)A 1 4 8 0 0 0

    Revenues (1 ; 0 0 0 0 0 )

    Cash 1 ' 8 0 0 0

    -eerre, Revenues ( 1 ' 8 0 0 0 )

    (3) Cash 3 4 ; 0 0 0

    +""oance or -oubtu" +ccounts 1 0 0 0

    +ccounts Receivab"e ( 3 ' 0 0 0 0 )

    %penses 3 0 0 0

    +""oance or -oubtu" +ccounts ( 3 0 0 0 )

    (4) Cash # 0 0 0

    Revenues ( # 0 0 0 )

    (') Cash 7 ' 0 0 0

    .tate +ppropriation Receivab"e ( 7 ' 0 0 0 )

    .tate +ppropriation Receivab"e ' 0 0 0 0

    Revenues ( ' 0 0 0 0 )

    (#) Cash 2 ' 0 0 0

    Revenues ( 2 ' 0 0 0 )

    (7) Cash 2 # 0 0 0

    Investents in .ecurities ( 2 1 0 0 0 )

    *un, 5a"ance ( ' 0 0 0 )

    Cash 1 ; 0 0

    *un, 5a"ance ( 1 ; 0 0 )

    (8) %penses 1 7 7 7 0 0 0

    Cash ($1777000 $';000) (1 7 1 8 0 0 0 )

    +ccounts Pa/ab"e ( ' ; 0 0 0 )

    0Co%ti%+ed o% pa9e 8;B"2

    The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2006

    #olutions Manual, Chapter !6 A

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    State U%i(e!sit3 0'o%'+ded2 P!" 16#

    State U%i(e!sit3

    *o+!%a E%t!ies 0'o%'+ded2

    Fo! )ea! E%ded *+%e ,-. /--6

    U%!est!i'ted Rest!i'ted E%do5$e%t

    T!a%sa'tio% F+%d F+%d F+%d

    %o" Led9e! a''o+%ts d! 0'!2 d! 0'!2 d! 0'!2

    (;) %pen,itures 1 3 0 0 0

    Cash ( 1 3 0 0 0 )

    *un, 5a"ance 1 3 0 0 0

    Revenues ( 1 3 0 0 0 )

    (10) +ccounts Pa/ab"e 4 ' 0 0 0

    Cash ( 4 ' 0 0 0 )

    (11) Cash 7 0 0 0

    *un, 5a"ance ( 7 0 0 0 )

    The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2006

    A8 Modern Advanced Accountin, !0"e

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    >A 5inutes, trongResta(e% Hospita P!" 16#B

    Resta(e% Hospita

    *o+!%a E%t!ies

    Fo! )ea! E%ded e'e$e! ,1. /--6


    Ge%e!a Repa'e$e%t a%d E%do5$e%t

    T!a%sa'tio% F+%d E=pa%sio% F+%d F+%d

    %o" Led9e! a''o+%ts d! 0'!2 d! 0'!2 d! 0'!2

    (1) +ccounts Receivab"e 1 1 0 1 0 0 0

    Patient .ervice Revenues (1 1 0 1 0 0 0 )

    (2) -oubtu" +ccounts %pense 3 0 0 0 0

    Contractua" +,Gustents 1 ' 0 0 0

    +""oance or -oubtu" +ccounts ( 3 0 0 0 0 )

    +ccounts Receivab"e ( 1 ' 0 0 0 )

    (3) 6ortgage 5on,s Pa/ab"e 1 8 0 0 0

    Cash ( 1 8 0 0 0 )

    (4) Cash ' # ' 0 0

    nrestricte, it Revenue ( ' 0 0 0 0 )nrestricte, Revenue ro

    n,oent *un, ( # ' 0 0 )

    Cash # ' 0 0

    *un, 5a"ance ( # ' 0 0 )

    *un, 5a"ance # ' 0 0

    Cash ( # ' 0 0 )

    (') *un, 5a"ance 2 # 0 0 0

    Cash ( 2 # 0 0 0 )

    uipent 2 # 0 0 0

    *un, 5a"ance -esignate, or

    P"ant +ssets ( 2 # 0 0 0 )

    Cash ' 0 0

    +ccuu"ate, -epreciation o

    uipent ($24000 $2400) 2 1 # 0 0

  • 8/9/2019 Modern Advanced Accounting


    Resta(e% Hospita 0'o%'+ded2 P!" 16#B

    Resta(e% Hospita

    *o+!%a E%t!ies 0'o%'+ded2

    Fo! )ea! E%ded e'e$e! ,1. /--6


    Ge%e!a Repa'e$e%t a%d E%do5$e%t

    T!a%sa'tio% F+%d E=pa%sio% F+%d F+%d

    %o" Led9e! a''o+%ts d! 0'!2 d! 0'!2 d! 0'!2

    (7) Cash ; 8 ' 0 0 0

    +ccounts Receivab"e ( ; 8 ' 0 0 0 )

    +""oance or -oubtu" +ccounts 1 1 0 0 0

    +ccounts Receivab"e ( 1 1 0 0 0 )

    (8) +ccounts Pa/ab"e 8 2 ' 0 0 0

    Cash ( 8 2 ' 0 0 0 )

    (;) &ursing .ervices %pense 3 7 0 0 0

    Inventor/ o .upp"ies ( 3 7 0 0 0 )

    (10) Interest Receivab"e 8 0 0*un, 5a"ance ( 8 0 0 )

    (11) -epreciation %pense 1 1 7 0 0 0

    +ccuu"ate, -epreciation o

    5ui",ings ( 4 4 0 0 0 )

    +ccuu"ate, -epreciation o

    uipent ( 7 3 0 0 0 )

    (12) Interest %pense # 1 0 0


  • 8/9/2019 Modern Advanced Accounting


    >A 5inutes, trongLi!a Coe9e P!" 16#1-

    Li!a Coe9e

    *o+!%a E%t!ies

    Fo! )ea! E%ded *+%e ,-. /--6

    U%!est!i'ted Rest!i'ted

    T!a%sa'tio% F+%d F+%d

    %o" Led9e! a''o+%ts d! 0'!2 d! 0'!2

    (1) Cash 3 0 0 0 0 0 0

    +ccounts Receivab"e !uition an, *ees ( 3 # 2 0 0 0 )

    !uition an, *ees Revenue (2 ' 0 0 0 0 0 )

    -eerre, Revenues ( 1 3 8 0 0 0 )

    (2) -eerre, Revenues 2 ' 0 0 0

    !uition an, *ees Revenue ( 2 ' 0 0 0 )

    (3) +""oance or -oubtu" +ccounts ($3#0000 > $1'000

    $3#2000) 1 3 0 0 0

    +ccounts Receivab"e !uition an, *ees ( 1 3 0 0 0 )

    -oubtu" !uition an, *ees %pense @$10000

    ($1'000 $13000)A 8 0 0 0

    +""oance or -oubtu" +ccounts ( 8 0 0 0 )

    (4) .tate +ppropriation Receivab"e # 0 0 0 0

    overnent rants Revenue ( # 0 0 0 0 )

    (') Cash 8 0 0 0 0

    Private its Revenue ( 8 0 0 0 0 )

    *un, 5a"ance 3 0 0 0 0

    Cash ( 3 0 0 0 0 )

    (#) Cash 1 8 0 0 0

    *un, 5a"ance ( 1 8 0 0 0 )

    Cash 3 1 0 0 0

    Investent in .ecurities ( 2 ' 0 0 0 )

    *un, 5a"ance ( # 0 0 0 )

    Investents in .ecurities 4 0 0 0 0

    Cash ( 4 0 0 0 0 )

    (7) ,ucationa" an, enera" %penses 2 ' 0 0 0 0 0

    +ccounts Pa/ab"e (2 ' 0 0 0 0 0 )

    +ccounts Pa/ab"e ($100000 > $2'00000 $7'000) 2 ' 2 ' 0 0 0

    Cash (2 ' 2 ' 0 0 0 )

    0Co%ti%+ed o% pa9e 86,"2

    The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2006

    #olutions Manual, Chapter !6 A>

  • 8/9/2019 Modern Advanced Accounting


    Li!a Coe9e 0'o%'+ded2 P!" 16#1-

    Li!a Coe9e

    *o+!%a E%t!ies 0'o%'+ded2

    Fo! )ea! E%ded *+%e ,-. /--6

    U%!est!i'ted Rest!i'ted

    T!a%sa'tio% F+%d F+%d

    %o" Led9e! a''o+%ts d! 0'!2 d! 0'!2

    (8) +ccounts Pa/ab"e ' 0 0 0

    Cash ( ' 0 0 0 )

    (;) Pa/ab"e to Other *un,s 4 0 0 0 0

    Cash ( 4 0 0 0 0 )

    (10) ,ucationa" an, enera" %penses ($40000 % K) 1 0 0 0 0

    .hort!er Prepa/ents ( 1 0 0 0 0 )

    The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2006

    A? Modern Advanced Accountin, !0"e

  • 8/9/2019 Modern Advanced Accounting


    >A 5inutes, trongisad(a%ta9ed Cid!e% Asso'iatio% P!" 16#11

    isad(a%ta9ed Cid!e% Asso'iatio%

    State$e%t o& A'ti(ities

    Fo! )ea! E%ded *+%e ,-. /--6

    Changes in unrestricte, net assets:

    Revenue an, gains:

    Contributions $ 3 2 0 0 0 0

    6ebership ,ues 2 ' 0 0 0

    Progra service ees 3 0 0 0 0

    Investent revenue an, gains 1 0 0 0 0

    !ota" unrestricte, revenues an, gains $ 3 8 ' 0 0 0


    Progra $ 2 7 0 0 0 0

    6anageent an, genera" ($4'000 > $2000) 4 7 0 0 0

    *un, raising 8 0 0 0

    !ota" e%penses $ 3 2 ' 0 0 0

    Increase in unrestricte, net assets $ # 0 0 0 0

    Changes in teporari"/ restricte, net assets:

    Contributions $ 1 ' 0 0 0

    6anageent an, genera" e%penses ( 4 0 0 0 )

    *un,raising e%penses ( 1 0 0 0 )Increase in teporari"/ restricte, net assets $ 1 0 0 0 0

    Increase in net assets $ 7 0 0 0 0

    &et assets beginning o /ear ($12000 > $2#000 >

    $3000) 4 1 0 0 0

    &et assets en, o /ear $ 1 1 1 0 0 0

    isad(a%ta9ed Cid!e% Asso'iatio%

    State$e%t o& Fi%a%'ia Positio%

    *+%e ,-. /--6


    Cash ($40000 > $;000) $ 4 ; 0 0 05euest an, interest receivab"e ($'000 > $1000) # 0 0 0

    P"e,ges receivab"e (net) ($12000 $3000) ; 0 0 0

    Investents in securities at air va"ue 1 0 0 0 0 0

    !ota" assets $ 1 # 4 0 0 0

    Liaiities 7 Net Assets

    $10000) 1 3 0 0 0!ota" net assets $ 1 1 1 0 0 0

    !ota" "iabi"ities = net assets $ 1 # 4 0 0 0