Contents Introduction Geometry cfMesh Modelling of rotation Implementaion of scalar transport equation Tutorial Modelling of chemical batch reactor for the course CFD with OpenSource Software Rajukiran Antham Applied Mechanics/Fluid Dynamics, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden December 8, 2015 Rajukiran Antham Modelling of chemical batch reactor December 8, 2015 1 / 16

Modelling of chemical batch reactor for the course CFD ...hani/kurser/OS_CFD_2015/... · Modelling of Chemical batch reactor using available techniques in OpenFOAM. Generation of

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Contents Introduction Geometry cfMesh Modelling of rotation Implementaion of scalar transport equation Tutorial

Modelling of chemical batch reactorfor the course

CFD with OpenSource Software

Rajukiran Antham

Applied Mechanics/Fluid Dynamics,Chalmers University of Technology,

Gothenburg, Sweden

December 8, 2015

Rajukiran Antham Modelling of chemical batch reactor December 8, 2015 1 / 16

Contents Introduction Geometry cfMesh Modelling of rotation Implementaion of scalar transport equation Tutorial





Modelling of rotation

scalar transport equation


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Contents Introduction Geometry cfMesh Modelling of rotation Implementaion of scalar transport equation Tutorial


Modelling of Chemical batch reactor using availabletechniques in OpenFOAM.

Generation of Mesh using cfMesh.

Physical Modelling of rotation is done by using MRFand mesh motion.

Implementation of scalar transport equation to checkmixing statistics.

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Contents Introduction Geometry cfMesh Modelling of rotation Implementaion of scalar transport equation Tutorial


Figure: Geometry of batch reactor

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Contents Introduction Geometry cfMesh Modelling of rotation Implementaion of scalar transport equation Tutorial


cfMesh is a open source library for automatic meshgeneration.

It uses inside out meshing strategy.

supports all recent versions of OpenFOAM and foamextend

It supports four meshing Work flows.

carteisanMesh can be run using MPI parallelisation.

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Contents Introduction Geometry cfMesh Modelling of rotation Implementaion of scalar transport equation Tutorial

Input geometry and meshDict file

File formats suggested for input geometry are fms, ftrand .stl files.

Generates mesh based on the settings given inmeshDict filetwo mandatory settings are required to initializemeshing.


Various refinement settings are available.

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Contents Introduction Geometry cfMesh Modelling of rotation Implementaion of scalar transport equation Tutorial


Cannot generate Mesh if we have multipledisconnected domains.

Will delete all the cells in the region which has lessnumber of cells.

Individual .stl files for surface and edge refinements.

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Contents Introduction Geometry cfMesh Modelling of rotation Implementaion of scalar transport equation Tutorial

Individual patches vs single patch

a) with individual patches b) with single patch

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Contents Introduction Geometry cfMesh Modelling of rotation Implementaion of scalar transport equation Tutorial

Final Mesh

Figure: Final Mesh

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Contents Introduction Geometry cfMesh Modelling of rotation Implementaion of scalar transport equation Tutorial

Modelling of rotation

This is done by using two techniques MRF and meshmotion.

MRF - equations are solved in multiple reference frame

mesh motion- it includes mesh motion (Sliding meshmethod)

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Contents Introduction Geometry cfMesh Modelling of rotation Implementaion of scalar transport equation Tutorial


• Implemented in different ways in OpenFOAM and foam extend.

OpenFOAM foam extendsimpleFoam + fvOptions MRFsimpleFoam + MRFZones

fvOptions is present in system/fvOptions

MRFZones is present in constant/MRFZones

Does not account for interaction between stator and rotor.

type of mesh interface between stator and rotor can be chosenfrom AMI, GGI and mixing plane.

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Contents Introduction Geometry cfMesh Modelling of rotation Implementaion of scalar transport equation Tutorial

mesh motion

Accounts for the transient stator-rotor interaction.

mesh motion is defined usingconstant/dynamicMeshDict.

AMI interface is used between stator and rotor.

pimpleDyMFoam is used.

larger computational time.

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Contents Introduction Geometry cfMesh Modelling of rotation Implementaion of scalar transport equation Tutorial

Implementaion of scalar transport equation





∂(DC · ∂C∂xi


∂xi+ s

C is concentration and s is source term.

DC is diffusion term.

Tracer is implemented after the solution is converged.

Nacl is used as tracer.

Probes are located at point locations to plot concentration over timeto check mixing statistics.

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Contents Introduction Geometry cfMesh Modelling of rotation Implementaion of scalar transport equation Tutorial

Tutorial MRF


cd ProjectMRF

mergeMeshes stator rotor

rm -r rotor

cd stator

rm -r constant/polyMesh

mv 0.005/polyMesh constant/

transformPoints -scale ’(0.001 0.001 0.001)’



• boundary file and boundary conditions should to be changed beforegoing to next step


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Contents Introduction Geometry cfMesh Modelling of rotation Implementaion of scalar transport equation Tutorial

Tutorial AMI

It is similar to MRF, since same interface and same mesh is used.

mesh motion is defined in dynamicMeshDict file.

It is time consuming so tutorial is not done here.

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Contents Introduction Geometry cfMesh Modelling of rotation Implementaion of scalar transport equation Tutorial

That’s it

Thank you!


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