Modeling to Revise Coastal Modeling to Revise Coastal Estimates in Georgia a Estimates in Georgia a February Ashley Naim Christopher Bende William Mille l Inundation and Flooding l Inundation and Flooding and Northeast Florida and Northeast Florida 9, 2012 master, EI er, PhD, PE, D.CE er, PhD, PE

Modeling to Revise Coastal Inundation and Flooding

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Modeling to Revise Coastal Inundation and Flooding Modeling to Revise Coastal Inundation and Flooding Estimates in Georgia and Northeast FloridaEstimates in Georgia and Northeast FloridaEstimates in Georgia and Northeast FloridaEstimates in Georgia and Northeast Florida

February 9, 2012

Ashley Naimaster, EIChristopher Bender, PhD, PE, D.CE

William Miller, PhD, PE

Modeling to Revise Coastal Inundation and Flooding Modeling to Revise Coastal Inundation and Flooding Estimates in Georgia and Northeast FloridaEstimates in Georgia and Northeast FloridaEstimates in Georgia and Northeast FloridaEstimates in Georgia and Northeast Florida

February 9, 2012

Ashley Naimaster, EIChristopher Bender, PhD, PE, D.CE

William Miller, PhD, PE

OverviewOverview• Project background• About SWAN+ADCIRC• Model mesh development• Model mesh development• Validation results• Production runs• Conclusions


Model mesh developmentModel mesh development

Project BackgroundProject Background• FEMA multiyear coastal engineering analysis and

mapping effort• 100-year storm surge elevations• Model winds, hydrodynamics, offshore and nearshore

waves• Georgia and northeast Florida• Update DFIRMs

Project BackgroundProject BackgroundFEMA multiyear coastal engineering analysis and

year storm surge elevationsModel winds, hydrodynamics, offshore and nearshore

Georgia and northeast Florida

Project BackgroundProject Background

Storm suite Wind forcing

Regional climatology

Other forcing

Project BackgroundProject Background


100 year still-water elevations


Wave setup

Flood maps

SWAN+ADCIRCSWAN+ADCIRC• Water levels + currents + waves• Parallelized code• Forcing

• Wind speed, barometric pressure•• Tides• Riverine flow

• Output• Water surface elevation• Velocity• Wave height, peak period, mean period, direction

• Tightly-coupled

SWAN+ADCIRCSWAN+ADCIRCWater levels + currents + waves

Wind speed, barometric pressure

Wave height, peak period, mean period, direction

Input DataInput Data

• Recent LiDAR data captured for the State with FEMA funds

• Aerial photography• Land use with national, regional, • Land use with national, regional,

local scale• Field investigations

Input DataInput Data

Recent LiDAR data captured for the

regional, and regional, and

Model Mesh DevelopmentModel Mesh Development

• Surface-water Modeling System

• Need to digitize:• Need to digitize:• Obstructions to flow• Flow paths

• Mesh quality

Model Mesh DevelopmentModel Mesh Development

Model Mesh Model Mesh DD

Elevation (ft-NAVD)


Model Mesh DevelopmentModel Mesh Development

• 2.9 million nodes• Minimum nodal spacing = 50 m

Model Mesh DevelopmentModel Mesh Development

Minimum nodal spacing = 50 m

Spatially Variable Nodal AttributesSpatially Variable Nodal Attributes

Manning’s n

Spatially Variable Nodal AttributesSpatially Variable Nodal Attributes

Wind reduction roughness length

Mesh ResolutionMesh Resolution

Average nodal spacing (ft)

Mesh ResolutionMesh Resolution

Bathymetric MeshBathymetric Mesh

University of Central Florida CHAMPS Lab

Bathymetric MeshBathymetric Mesh

University of Central Florida CHAMPS Lab

Storm ValidationStorm Validation

• Hurricane Dora• Hurricane David• Hurricane Frances• Tropical Storm Tammy• Tropical Storm Tammy• Tropical Storm Fay

Storm ValidationStorm Validation

Hurricane DoraHurricane DoraHurricane DoraHurricane Dora

• September, 1964• Landfall near St. Augustine, FL

Hurricane DavidHurricane DavidHurricane DavidHurricane David

• September, 1979• Initial landfall near West Palm

Beach, FL. Exited near New Smyrna Beach, FL, and made Smyrna Beach, FL, and made final landfall near Savannah, GA

• Results presented do not include waves

Tropical Storm TammyTropical Storm TammyTropical Storm TammyTropical Storm Tammy

• October, 2005• Landfall near Atlantic Beach, FL

Tropical Storm FayTropical Storm FayTropical Storm FayTropical Storm Fay

• August, 2008• Four Florida landfalls, including

Flagler Beach

Production RunsProduction Runs

• ~ 200 storms• Liveoak – Worldwinds, Inc.

• 528 cores• 1 MB RAM per core• 1 MB RAM per core• Handles post-processing plots

Production RunsProduction Runs

Worldwinds, Inc.

processing plots


• Preliminary results appear reasonable• Next steps:• Investigate amplitude issue in St. John’s River• Address stability problems in Caribbean • Address stability problems in Caribbean • Incorporate further DEM revisions• Wave data comparison• Sensitivity testing with ADCIRC and SWAN parameters• Tide validation


Preliminary results appear reasonable

Investigate amplitude issue in St. John’s RiverAddress stability problems in Caribbean - DavidAddress stability problems in Caribbean - DavidIncorporate further DEM revisions

Sensitivity testing with ADCIRC and SWAN parameters
