Modeling CO 2 Flow in Porous Media Ernst A. van Nierop, Antonio C. Baclig C12 Energy [email protected] RECS June 6 th , 2012, Birmingham AL.

Modeling CO2 Flow in Porous Media

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Page 1: Modeling CO2 Flow in Porous Media

Modeling CO2 Flow in Porous Media

Ernst A. van Nierop, Antonio C. Baclig

C12 Energy

[email protected]

RECS June 6th, 2012, Birmingham AL.

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Page 2: Modeling CO2 Flow in Porous Media

CO2 capture

no CO2 emissions clean,

abundant power to

homes and businesses

CO2 storage

enhanced oil recovery

burn convert

power plant

Page 3: Modeling CO2 Flow in Porous Media

• 13 storage sites in 9 states • Perpetual carbon dioxide storage rights at ~500k private acres

• 10 Gt+ of CO2 storage capacity – equivalent to 30 years of emissions from 15% of the US coal fleet

C12 Energy Project Locations

Page 4: Modeling CO2 Flow in Porous Media


C12 Energy Investors and Partners


Investors Partners

Page 5: Modeling CO2 Flow in Porous Media


• Short review of fluid mechanics

– From Navier-Stokes to Darcy’s Law.

• Upscaling multi-phase flow from pores to reservoirs

– Relative permeability, capillary trapping, and so forth.

• Demonstration with a commercial simulator

– Walk through set-up of simulation, play with results.

– Plume evolution with & without geologic structure

– Effect of gridding

– Effect of heterogeneity

– Long term fate of CO2, and “engineering” the reservoir

– Area of Review determination by pressure or CO2 plume size

Page 6: Modeling CO2 Flow in Porous Media

Short review of fluid mechanics

Acknowledgement: these slides are based on course notes by Prof. H.A. Stone.

Take groups of fluid molecules (the continuum approach)

Apply a stress or shear to them

Ask yourself: How will the parcel of fluid respond?

Will it deform? Expand? Move out of the way?

Five unknowns: density (r),

pressure (p),

velocity (u = [u,v,w]),

Five equations:

mass conservation (“continuity”)

momentum conservation (in [x, y, z])

equation of state (relates r to p, and other “state” variables)







Page 7: Modeling CO2 Flow in Porous Media

Mass conservation (“continuity”)

time rate of change

of the mass in V rate of mass flow

into V

rate of mass flow out of V =


@@t(½A¢x) = (½uA)jx¡ (½uA)jx+¢x

@ ½

@t+r¢ (½u) = 0In the limit of small Dx, and for flow in 3-D, this becomes:

flow flow p(x; t)

½(x; t)

u(x; t)

p(x+¢x; t)

½(x+¢x; t)

u(x+¢x; t)¢x



Page 8: Modeling CO2 Flow in Porous Media

Momentum conservation (1/2)

time rate of change of momentum in V

net flow of momentum into V

forces acting on

the surface of V = +

@@t(½A¢xu) = (½uAu)jx¡ (½uAu)jx+¢x+(pA)jx¡ (pA)jx+¢x

@ (½u)



@x= ¡@p


But something is missing.... what about other forces on the surface of V?

½¡@ u@t

+u @ u@x



, which, combined with continuity, gives:

flow flow p(x; t)

½(x; t)

u(x; t)

p(x+¢x; t)

½(x+¢x; t)

u(x+¢x; t)¢x



Page 9: Modeling CO2 Flow in Porous Media

Momentum conservation (2/2)

flow flow p(x; t)

½(x; t)

u(x; t)

p(x+¢x; t)

½(x+¢x; t)

u(x+¢x; t)¢x

More general formulation: Cauchy stress equation of motion


+u ¢ ru¢= ½ f +r¢T

body forces e.g. gravity, electric fields, etc.

surface forces e.g. pressure, friction (viscosity), etc.

T=¡pe I+ ¿for convenience, we write:

stresses that do NOT

depend on u

stresses that DO

depend on u

0 = ½g¡rp



(Remember, we had before.) ½¡@ u@t

+u @ u@x



For example, fluid statics: u = 0, f = g and = 0; so ¿

Page 10: Modeling CO2 Flow in Porous Media

Momentum conservation (2/2)

flow flow p(x; t)

½(x; t)

u(x; t)

p(x+¢x; t)

½(x+¢x; t)

u(x+¢x; t)¢x

More general formulation: Cauchy stress equation of motion


+u ¢ ru¢= ½ f +r¢T

body forces e.g. gravity, electric fields, etc.

surface forces e.g. pressure, friction (viscosity), etc.

T=¡pe I+ ¿for convenience, we write:

stresses that do NOT

depend on u

stresses that DO

depend on u

• must depend on gradients of fluid velocity, so in its simplest form, • Viscosity is just the coefficient that relates stress to velocity gradients. • Thus, in its most common form, the Navier-Stokes equations are:

@ ½

@t+r¢ (½u) = 0


½ (ut + u ¢ ru) = ¡rp+ ¹r2u+ ½g


¿ ¿ = ¹ru

Page 11: Modeling CO2 Flow in Porous Media

Navier-Stokes in words

@ ½

@t+r¢ (½u) = 0

½ (ut + u ¢ ru) = ¡rp+ ¹r2u+ ½g

“fluid particles are neither generated or destroyed, they just move around”

“fluids will move when subjected to pressure gradients and external foces, but viscosity will always resist the fluid motion”

Page 12: Modeling CO2 Flow in Porous Media

½ (ut +u ¢ ru) =¡rp+¹r2u+ ½g

Simple (but very relevant!) application

why you should watch your cholesterol

@ ½

@t+r¢ (½u) = 0

2. steady flow

4. uni-directional flow

3. incompressible

1. gravity neglected

) dp

dx= ¹




Integrate with respect to r : dudr

= r2¹


dx , and again: u =¡R2



³1¡ r2



A 10% reduction in R raises dp/dx (or reduces Q) by 35%!

Q=¡ ¼8¹



ut = 0

½= constant; )r¢u = 0

u= u )r¢u= dudx

= 0)u ¢ ru= 0

Integrate over tube cross section to get total flow:

Page 13: Modeling CO2 Flow in Porous Media

Spot the similarities...

u =¡R2



³1¡ r2


´Flow through a tube

Flow through a rock



¹u = ¡ kÁ¹



viscosity m

p1 p2




viscosity m

p1 p2

permeability k porosity f

Darcy’s Law

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Another approach: Darcy’s experiment

Page 15: Modeling CO2 Flow in Porous Media


• Short review of fluid mechanics

– From Navier-Stokes to Darcy’s Law.

• Upscaling multi-phase flow from pores to reservoirs

– Relative permeability, capillary trapping, and so forth.

• Demonstration with a commercial simulator

– Walk through set-up of simulation, play with results.

– Plume evolution with & without geologic structure

– Effect of gridding

– Effect of heterogeneity

– Long term fate of CO2, and “engineering” the reservoir

– Area of Review determination by pressure or CO2 plume size

Page 16: Modeling CO2 Flow in Porous Media

Darcy’s law for multi-phase flow (1/2)

water CO2

¾pg; ½g; ¹g pw; ½w; ¹w

Added challenges to incorporate: 1. surface tension (affects capillary pressure, and relative permeability) 2. density differences (affects buoyancy) 3. viscosity differences (affects relative permeability)

4. rock wettability (affects relative permeability)

ug = ¡k kr;g¹gÁ

(rpg +¢½g)

For example, within the gas phase....

¹u = ¡ kÁ¹


dx(For single phase flow, it was: )

Page 17: Modeling CO2 Flow in Porous Media

Darcy’s law for multi-phase flow (2/2)

uw = ¡k kr;w¹w Á

rPw = ¡k kr;w¹wÁ

(rpw ¡¢½g)

ug = ¡k kr;g¹g Á

rPg = ¡k kr;g¹gÁ

(rpg +¢½g)

¢½ = ½w ¡ ½g

pg ¡ pw = pc ¼ 2 ¾Rpore

water CO2

¾½g; ¹g ½w; ¹w

How do we go from flow at the pore scale, to flow at the reservoir scale?

The (imperfect, yet sort of useful) answer: relative permeability.

It is impractical to know and model all pores and channels perfectly.

Page 18: Modeling CO2 Flow in Porous Media

Relative Permeability

The more there is of stuff X, the easier it is for stuff X to flow.

Bachu & Bennion, Env. Geo. 54, (2008)


(CO2 injection) “imbibition”


Page 19: Modeling CO2 Flow in Porous Media

Capillary Trapping


Page 20: Modeling CO2 Flow in Porous Media

Capillary Trapping in Simulation

hysteresis in krelative

0 0.5 1 0


1 kr,i


Sw 1 0


kr,g connate water

saturation max. residual gas

Page 21: Modeling CO2 Flow in Porous Media

Capillary Pressure: the way it is presented

Water Saturation, Sw

Capillary Pressure

connate water


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Capillary Pressure: what it actually is

pg ¡ pw = pc ¼ 2 ¾Rpore

water CO2

¾½g; ¹g ½w; ¹w

Bachu & Bennion, Env. Geo. 54, (2008)

Page 23: Modeling CO2 Flow in Porous Media


• Short review of fluid mechanics

– From Navier-Stokes to Darcy’s Law.

• Upscaling multi-phase flow from pores to reservoirs

– Relative permeability, capillary trapping, and so forth.

• Demonstration with a commercial simulator

– Walk through set-up of simulation, play with results.

– Plume evolution with & without geologic structure

– Effect of gridding

– Effect of heterogeneity

– Long term fate of CO2, and “engineering” the reservoir

– Area of Review determination by pressure or CO2 plume size

Page 24: Modeling CO2 Flow in Porous Media

With and Without Structure

• 5 degree dip • 0.5 Mt/yr for 15 years • ~ 1,400 m depth

• T = 40oC • Salinity = 15,000 ppm TDS • Grid block sizes: 100 m x 100 m x 10 m

• Parabolic anticline • 0.5 Mt/yr for 15 years • ~ 1,450 m depth • T = 40oC

• Salinity = 15,000 ppm TDS • Grid block sizes: 100 m x 100 m x 5 m

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Without structure, top-view

5 years (post injection)

10 years

50 years 15 years

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With structure, top-view

5 years (post-injection)

10 years

50 years 15 years

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Effect of Gridding: coarse vs. telescopic

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Effect of Gridding: coarse vs. telescopic

50% increase in R

so 125% increase in footprint

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Effect of Gridding: coarse

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Effect of Gridding: telescopic

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l C

O2 P



Homogeneous Permeability

Heterogeneous Permeability Channels

Effect of Heterogeneity

Slope of 8% 100 kt/yr for 5 years “no-flow” boundary conditions

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Long term fate of CO2



residually trapped

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Long term fate of CO2: reservoir engineering



residually trapped



residually trapped

Page 34: Modeling CO2 Flow in Porous Media

Calculating Area of Review

• Area of Review is defined as the area within which the CO2

sequestration project could cause endangerment to a USDW.

• Endangerment comes from presence of mobile CO2, and

from increased pressure that can push brine into the nearest

USDW through leakage pathways.

“MESPOP” maximum extent of separate phase or pressure

• Conservatively, guidance recommends assuming that there is

an open borehole somewhere, and calculating the maximum

pressure rise in the injection reservoir that would just prevent

brine from reaching the USDW through that open borehole....

Page 35: Modeling CO2 Flow in Porous Media

Area of Review: example




injection formation





well abandoned

open borehole

Pressure rise required to push column of brine up from injection formation to USDW (assuming open frictionless borehole, and initially hydrostatic pressures):

Dp = (rb-rw) g H

or, in normalized form:

Dp/p = ((rb-rw)/ rw) (H/D)


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Area of Review: two examples

Dp/p = ((rb-rw)/ rw) (H/D)




injection formation




injection well

abandoned open borehole


1. High salinity & large H/D (Illinois)

rb = 1200 kg/m3, H = 2000 m, D = 2050 m

Dp/p = 19.5%

2. Low salinity & small H/D (North Dakota)

rb = 1005 kg/m3, H = 1000 m, D = 1500 m

Dp/p = 0.3%

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Area of Review: two examples

1. High salinity & large H/D (Illinois) rb = 1200 kg/m3, H = 2000 m, D = 2050 m

Dp/p = 19.5%

2. Low salinity & small H/D (North Dakota)

rb = 1005 kg/m3, H = 1000 m, D = 1500 m Dp/p = 0.3%

3.5 yrs into injection End of Injection

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Points for further thought

• Types of Modeling

– Finite difference

– Streamlines

– Vertical equilibrium

– Invasion percolation

• What to look for as a regulator

– how are uncertainties accounted for? (statistics, ensembles, deterministic worst-case scenarios, etc.)

– technical merits of simulations (numerical settings, gridding,

boundary conditions, etc.)

• Geochemistry, geomechanics, well design, etc.

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Contact Information:

Ernst A. van Nierop

[email protected]

tel: 617-849-8006

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Additional Slides

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The continuum assumption

Continuum = averaging. This is OK if the length scale and time scale of the averaging is much smaller than the scales of the motion we are interested in.

If the flow occurs over the “macro” length scale, it will be described well by fluid properties that are averaged on a smaller “ave” scale. This length scale

needs to be larger again than the molecular scale on which stuff actually happens.

1 ¹m3 contains about 3 £ 1010 water molecules or 1010 benzene mols., or 107

gas molecules. Even if it is 100 times smaller on each side (10 nm £ 10 nm £10 nm), there are still 104 molecules in a liquid. Typical collision time scales

are 10¡12s, so the time scale is not a problem in most cases.

Statistical physics tells us that thermal fluctuations scale as dN ≈ N1/2 so if we require the average to work well, i.e. be within 10% of the fluctuations, then we require dN/N ≈ N-1/2 <0.1; or N ≈ 100 particles!


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Name Position Experience

Kurt Zenz House, Ph.D. President Ph.D., Geoscience, Harvard; post doctoral research, MIT; Bain and Company; National Science Foundation

Justin Dawe Chief Executive Officer Horizon Wind Energy; MBA, Harvard; MS, Stanford

Tony Meggs

Chairman Talisman Energy; BP; Exxon; visiting scientist, MIT

Charles Brankman, Ph.D. Director of Geosciences Ph.D., Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard; William Lettis & Associates

Jill Daniel Director of Finance SteelRiver Infrastructure Partners; Babcock & Brown; The Carlyle Group; Bechtel ; MBA, Stanford

Daniel Enderton, Ph.D. Director of External Affairs

MIT Energy Initiative; Ph.D., Climate Physics and Chemistry, MIT

Barclay Rogers Director of Development Chapman Tripp; Sierra Club; MBA, University of Cambridge; JD, Lewis & Clark

Ernst van Nierop, Ph.D. Director of Engineering Ph.D., Engineering, Harvard; MS, Applied Physics, University of Twente, Netherlands; Akzo Nobel

C12 Energy Leadership Team