This document is downloaded from DR‑NTU (https://dr.ntu.edu.sg) Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Model for the phase separation of poly(N‑isopropylacrylamide)–clay nanocomposite hydrogel based on energy‑density functional Bao, Xuelian; Li, Hua; Zhang, Hui 2020 Bao, X., Li, H., & Zhang, H. (2020). Model for the phase separation of poly(N‑isopropylacrylamide)–clay nanocomposite hydrogel based on energy‑density functional. Physical Review E, 101(6), 062118‑. doi:10.1103/physreve.101.062118 https://hdl.handle.net/10356/146563 https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.101.062118 © 2020 American Physical Society (APS). All rights reserved. This paper was published in Physical Review E and is made available with permission of American Physical Society (APS). Downloaded on 17 Feb 2022 23:03:07 SGT

Model for the phase separation of poly(N

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Model for the phase separation ofpoly(N‑isopropylacrylamide)–clay nanocompositehydrogel based on energy‑density functional

Bao, Xuelian; Li, Hua; Zhang, Hui


Bao, X., Li, H., & Zhang, H. (2020). Model for the phase separation ofpoly(N‑isopropylacrylamide)–clay nanocomposite hydrogel based on energy‑densityfunctional. Physical Review E, 101(6), 062118‑. doi:10.1103/physreve.101.062118



© 2020 American Physical Society (APS). All rights reserved. This paper was published inPhysical Review E and is made available with permission of American Physical Society(APS).

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Page 2: Model for the phase separation of poly(N

PHYSICAL REVIEW E 101, 062118 (2020)

Model for the phase separation of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)–clay nanocompositehydrogel based on energy-density functional

Xuelian Bao*

School of Mathematical Sciences, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875, P.R. China

Hua Li†

School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 639798, Republic of Singapore

Hui Zhang‡

Laboratory of Mathematics and Complex Systems, Ministry of Education and School of Mathematical Sciences,Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875, P.R. China

(Received 29 December 2019; revised manuscript received 12 March 2020; accepted 28 April 2020;published 12 June 2020)

The time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau (TDGL) mesoscopic method is utilized to simulate the phase separationof the poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)–clay nanocomposite hydrogel in the three-dimensional case, where theCahn-Hilliard-Cook equation with a proposed free energy, which consists of the stretching and mixing energybased on Flory’s mean theory, is considered. The main features of the presently proposed model include thefollowing: (i) the proposed free energy consists of both the stretching and mixing energy; (ii) the processesof polymer chains detaching from and reattaching on crosslinks are considered in the proposed free energy;(iii) polymer chains have inhomogeneous chain lengths, which are divided into different types. A stabilizedsemi-implicit difference scheme is used to numerically solve the corresponding Cahn-Hilliard-Cook equation.Numerical results show the process of the phase separation and are consistent with morphology of thenanocomposite hydrogel.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.101.062118


Nanocomposite hydrogels are one kind of polymeric-basedsoft matter, using inorganic nanoparticles as crosslinks, suchas nanoclay, silica, and graphene oxcide [1].

The poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)–clay (PNIPA–clay)nanocomposite hydrogels and various modified hydrogelswere extensively studied recently, due to their well-knownthermal-stimulus responsive properties [2–7]. Haraguchi’sgroup investigated the syntheses, the properties and themechanism of PNIPA–clay nanocomposite hydrogelssystematically [3,8–10]. Precisely, the hydrogels canbe prepared by in situ free-radical polymerization ofN-isopropylacrylamide (NIPA) with the inorganic clayand the clay is extensively exfoliated with the clay plateletsdispersed uniformly throughout the polymer matrix, actingas effective multifunctional crosslinks. PNIPA chains aregrafted on the clay surfaces on one or both sides to formpolymer networks, as shown in Fig. 1. Compared with theconventional organic crosslinked hydrogels, the PNIPA–claynanocomposite hydrogels exhibit extraordinarily largeelongations before breaking, high equilibrium swellingratios and rapid deswelling rates with temperature changes.

*[email protected][email protected][email protected]

These properties indicate that the PNIPA chains in thenanocomposite hydrogels can be treated as long and flexiblechains with nearly random configurations [3].

In past decades, many studies were carried out for thePNIPA–clay nanocomposite hydrogels. However, most ofthem were experiment-based and few theoretical studies havebeen conducted. The purpose of this paper is to construct atheoretical model for the thermally induced phase separationof the PNIPA–clay nanocomposite hydrogel.

The time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau (TDGL) meso-scopic method is widely utilized to simulate the phase sep-aration of the binary mixtures. The well-known Cahn-Hilliardequation is one model of the TDGL method, describing theconserved dynamics. Furthermore, the Cahn-Hilliard-Cookequation [11], namely, the Cahn-Hilliard equation combinedwith a stochastic term representing a thermal noise, hasbeen proved to be one of the most appropriate models forsimulating the order-disorder phase separations and patternformations of a uniform thermodynamic system [12,13], sincethe phase separation process starts by the growth of the en-richment of local composition fluctuations toward the equilib-rium concentrations of the coexisting phases [14]. The Cahn-Hilliard and the Cahn-Hillard-Cook equations have been ex-tensively studied, where there exists a remarkable amount ofwork on both analysis and numerical schemes [13,15–17].

The TDGL method has recently been used to investi-gate the phase separation of polymer nanocomposites andhydrogels. For instance, Kyu’s group has investigated the

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FIG. 1. The structure model for the PNIPA–clay nanocompositehydrogel: schematic representation of nanocomposite hydrogel con-sisting of uniformly exfoliated clay and polymer chains.

photopolymerization-induced phase separation by couplingthe photopolymerization kinetics with the TDGL method[18,19]. Zhang’s group has used the TDGL method to sim-ulate the phase separation process of macromolecule micro-sphere composite (MMC) hydrogel by solving the Cahn-Hilliard-Cook equation [20]. However, the free energies inthe previously published work include a major assumptionthat all polymer chains in the system have the same chainlength. Moreover, during the phase separation, there existsdeformation of polymer chains since water molecules wouldrun into and out of polymer networks, and thus polymer chainsmay detach from and reattach on crosslinks, which were notconsidered in the previous work.

The free energy is the vital part to simulate the phaseseparation of hydrogels since the Cahn-Hilliard equation isdeveloped by the variational derivative of the free-energyfunctional [15]. Theoretical models with respect to the freeenergy of the hydrogel system have been extensively studied.For instance, Hino [21] added the mixing, elastic, and elec-trostatic contribution into the total Helmholtz energy. Suo’sgroup [22] considered the free energy as the sum of themixing energy and the stretching energy. Li [23] expressedthe total change of free energy of the ionized thermal-stimulusresponsive hydrogels as the sum of the mixing, elastic defor-mation, and ionic contributions to the change of free energy.Otake [24] decomposed the free energy of a gel into the fourparts, the mixing energy, the elastic energy, the free energyarising from osmotic pressure, and the energy representing thehydrophobic interaction. Therefore, it is concluded that themixing energy, describing the interactions between polymersand solvents, and the stretching energy, describing the physi-cal deformation of polymer chains, are the necessary integralparts of the free energy of the hydrogels.

The models mentioned above for the free energy of thehydrogel systems are mostly concentrated on the states of thehydrogel in equilibrium with the aqueous environment, andon the mechanical forces by searching for the global mini-mum of the free-energy function. To the authors’ knowledge,up to data, a few researchers have utilized the free-energy

functionals to describe the dynamics of swelling and volumetransitions of gels based on the variational principle [25,26].

Motivated by the lack of theoretical studies on the PNIPA–clay nanocomposite hydrogels, the present work constructsa theoretical model for the thermally induced phase sep-aration of the PNIPA–clay nanocomposite hydrogel in thethree-dimensional domain and numerical experiments areconducted to simulate the process of the phase separation. Inthe present work, the theoretical models for the free energy ofhydrogel systems are combined with the TDGL method andthe free energy of the classical Cahn-Hilliard-Cook equationis adapted to simulate the time-dependent process of the phaseseparation of the hydrogels. It is noted that, in the adapted freeenergy, the assumption that all polymer chains in the systemhave the same chain length is removed, namely, the polymerchains in the present work are allowed with inhomogeneouschain lengths. Moreover, the chain detachment and reattach-ment are considered.

The adapted free-energy functional is inspired by the freeenergy induced by Q. Wang [27]. Nevertheless, there are twomain differences between the presently proposed model andthe model derived by Q. Wang. On one hand, the modelderived by Q. Wang is an analytical one to investigate thestress-strain behavior of the nanocomposite hydrogels, whichis concentrated on the states of the hydrogel in equilibrium.However, the adapted Cahn-Hilliard-Cook equation presentedhere is utilized to describe the time-dependent process of thethermally induced phase separation. On the other hand, themodel derived by Q. Wang does not give the exact expressionof the mixing energy since the mixing energy is assumed tobe constant throughout the mechanical deformation. However,in the present work, the mixing energy is derived based onFlory’s lattice theory. The mixing energy changes during thetime-dependent process and is relevant to the inhomogeneouschain lengths and polymer detachment/reattachment process.

An important contribution of the present work is on adapt-ing the free energy for the Cahn-Hilliard-Cook equation tosimulate the process of the phase separation of the PNIPA–clay nanocomposite hydrogels. Compared with the previouswork, the proposed free energy makes great improvements,not only allowing polymer chains with inhomogeneous chainlength, but also including both the mixing and stretchingenergy with the chain detachment and reattachment. Thederived Cahn-Hilliard-Cook equation is a good complementto the existing theories.

The main features of the present work include that (i) theproposed free energy consists of both the stretching and mix-ing energies, where the stretching energy reflects the physicaldeformation of polymer chains during the phase separationand the mixing energy describes the interaction between poly-mer chains and solvents; (ii) the process of polymer chainsdetaching from and reattaching on crosslinks is considered inthe proposed free energy; (iii) polymer chains have inhomo-geneous chain lengths, which are divided into different types;(iv) numerical results of this model are consistent with themorphology of the PNIPA–clay nanocomposite hydrogel.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II,we describe the Cahn-Hilliard-Cook equation and developthe model for the nanocomposite hydrogel. The free-energy-density functional is formulated in Sec. III. Several numerical


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results are presented and discussed in Sec. IV by solving theCahn-Hilliard-Cook equation with a stabilized semi-implicitdifference scheme and the fast Fourier transformation method.The numerical results demonstrate the pattern formation dur-ing the phase separation process and they are consistentwith the chemically experimental results of the PNIPA–claynanocomposite hydrogels. Conclusions are given in Sec. V.


A. Cahn-Hilliard-Cook equation for hydrogels

For the incompressible system, the Cahn-Hilliard-Cookequation can be expressed as

∂φ(x, t )

∂t= ∇ ·

(M∇ δU [φ]


)+ θξ (x, t ), (1)

where φ is the unknown function subject to the periodicboundary conditions, representing the volume fraction ofpolymer segments, namely, φ = V0/V with V0 the volume ofthe dry hydrogel and V the volume of the whole system. Mis the mobility and U [φ] is the Ginzburg-Landau type energyfunctional,

U [φ]


∫ (W (φ)

kBT+ κ|∇φ|2

)dx, (2)

where W (φ) is the free-energy density of the nanocompositehydrogel and κ|∇φ|2 accounts for the surface energy. Thefunction ξ (x, t ) is a stochastic term representing a thermalnoise, whose strength is scaled by θ > 0.

In this paper, the mobility M is taken to be a constant forsimplicity. Then Eq. (1) turns into


∂t= H�

δU [φ]

δφ+ θξ (x, t ), (3)

where H = kBT M is the diffusion coefficient. The stochasticterm ξ (x, t ) satisfies the fluctuation-dissipation theorem,

E[ξ (x1, t1)ξ (x2, t2)] = −2H�δ(x1 − x2)δ(t1 − t2), (4)

where E denotes the mathematical expectation operator, kB

the Boltzmann constant and T the absolute temperature. It hasbeen proved that to satisfy the condition Eq. (4), ξ (x, t ) shouldhave the form [12]

ξ (x, t ) = −√

2H∇ · η(x, t ), (5)

where η = (η1, η2, η3) with η1, η2, η3 independent three-dimensional Gaussian white noises, satisfying E[ηl (x, t )] = 0and E[ηl (x1, t1)ηl (x2, t2)] = δ(x1 − x2)δ(t1 − t2), l = 1, 2, 3.

B. Model description

In this section, the model is developed to describe thenanocomposite hydrogels and the process of the phase sep-aration. Several necessary assumptions should be emphasizedfirst, and some of them are based on the properties of thePNIPA–clay nanocomposite hydrogels mentioned in Sec. I.

(1) The exfoliated clay sheets, connecting long and flexiblePNIPA chains with different types of lengths, act as crosslinksin the nanocomposite hydrogels. The crosslinks are such smallnanoparticles with the same structure that their volumes arenot counted in the model. The same distance is assumed

FIG. 2. The process of swelling and shrinking during the phaseseparation. During swelling, polymer chains stretch and some ofthem can be detached from the crosslinks (green and black chains).During shrinking, polymer chains gather together and some previ-ously detached polymer chains would be reattached on the samecrosslinks (yellow and black chains).

between every two crosslinks and the same bond is assumedbetween every polymer chain and crosslink.

(2) During the phase separation, the PNIPA–clay nanocom-posite hydrogels are not subjected to mechanical constraints,namely, they are isotropic and the deformations of polymerchains are the same in all directions.

(3) During the phase separation, some of the nanocompos-ite hydrogels would swell and some polymer chains wouldundergo stretching deformation, which requires equal andopposite chain forces acting on the chain ends. Polymer chainswould detach from crosslinks, namely, the clay sheets, if thechain forces are larger than the bonds between them.

Some of the nanocomposite hydrogels would shrink andthe detached polymer chains would gather together. Then,previously detached polymer chains would be reattached onthe same crosslinks. The case that chains graft on the middlecrosslinks during reattachment is not considered in the presentmodel.

The swelling and shrinking processes are shown in Fig. 2,where the grey circles denote the crosslinks and colored linesdenote the polymer chains.

According to Kuhn’s polymer theory, each polymer chainconsists of a number of Kuhn segments with b the Kuhnlength [28]. Polymer chains of inhomogeneous chain lengthcan be classified into m types and each type has the sameKuhn segment number. Here, n j denotes the number of theKuhn segments in every one of the jth (1 � j � m) type ofchains. Assume that n1 < n2 < · · · n j · · · < nm. Nj denotesthe number of the jth type of chains, N the number ofpolymer chains in the whole system and Pj (n j ) the probabilitydistribution of Nj . Obviously, N = ∑m

j=1 Nj and Pj (n j ) = Nj

N .According to Gaussian statistics, Pj (n j ) can be written as[27,29]

Pj (n j ) = P(n j )P,


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where the factor P is enforced to obtain∑m

j=1 Pj (n j ) = 1, and

P(nj ) ≈ ρ


2πn j

) 12


(−G − ρ√


[√6n je


+ 3√


berf (

√G) −


− 3√


berf (

√Gnj )

]). (6)

Here, D and d denote the distance between every twocrosslinks before and during the deformation, respectively.And G = 3D2

2n j b2 , er f (x) = 2√π

∫ x0 e−t2

dt . ρ is denoted as theprobability that the segment with length b can attach onthe crosslink, which is only related to the properties of thecrosslink. In the present work, ρ is equal to 1 for simplicity.The detailed derivation is in the Appendix.

Obviously, according to the definitions, d = λD with λ thedeformation of each direction. Since the volume of crosslinksis not counted, D and d are approximated as the end-to-enddistance of each polymer chain before and during the defor-mation respectively. To hold a polymer chain at the end-to-enddistance d , equal and opposite chain forces are required to acton the chain ends. Denote f j as the chain force of the jthtype of chains. For a flexible polymer chain, the chain force isproportional to d , which can be written as [28]

f j = 3kBT

n jb2d = 3kBT

n jb2(λD). (7)

Denote f0 as the bond between each polymer chain andcrosslink. Then, the critical Kuhn segment number nc of apolymer chain connected by crosslinks in the hydrogel, bysolving the equation fc = f0, is written as

nc = 3kBT d

f0b2= 3kBT λD

f0b2, (8)

which can be seen as the Kuhn segment number of the cth typeof chains. It means that, if n j � nc, f j � f0, the bond cannothold the jth ( j � c) type of chains at the end-to-end distanced , then they are detached from the crosslinks. Meanwhile,for the jth (c < j � m) type of chains, f j < f0, the chainsare connected by crosslinks (even though some of the chainsmay be detached from the crosslinks before, they would bereattached on the same crosslinks).


In this section, the free-energy density is deduced, whichconsists of the stretching energy density and the mixingenergy density. Several necessary notes are provided first.

(1) The dry hydrogel is taken as the reference state.(2) The stretching energy comes from the deformation of

polymer chains, without considering the interaction or en-tanglement of them. All the polymer-solvent interactions areincluded in the mixing energy, namely, there is no polymer-solvent interaction in the stretching energy.

(3) When a polymer chain is detached from the crosslink,it becomes dangling and its stretching energy would not beincluded in the stretching energy of the hydrogel. And when

a polymer chain is reattached on the crosslink, its stretchingenergy is counted.

A. Mixing energy

Since the critical Kuhn segment number nc [Eq. (8)] isrelated to the deformation λ, there exists three possible cases.

(1) Case 1: When nc � nm, all m types of polymer chainsare detached from crosslinks. The whole system consists ofwater and free polymer chains.

(2) Case 2: When n1 � nc < nm, the jth ( j � c) type ofchains are detached from crosslinks and the jth (c < j � m)type of chains are connected by crosslinks and form networks.The whole system consists of water, free polymer chains andnetworks.

(3) Case 3: When nc < n1, no polymer chains are detached,namely, all polymer chains are connected by crosslinks andform networks. Thus the whole system consists of water andnetworks.

The mixing energy density, corresponding to the threecases mentioned above, is obtained on the basis of Flory’slattice theory [28,30]. It consists of two contributions, one isfrom the entropy, the other is from the interactions betweenspecies. According to the lattice theory, the number of latticesites that the nanocomposite hydrogel occupies is n = Ns +∑m

j=1 n jNj , where Ns denotes the number of water molecules.Then the volume of the whole system V = n · vm, with vm thevolume of one lattice. Therefore, the volume fraction of watermolecules φs = Ns/n and the volume fraction of the jth typeof polymer chains φp j = (Njn jvm)/V , which can be writtenas

φp j = Njn j∑ml=1 Nl nl

φ = Pj (n j )n j∑ml=1 Pl (nl )nl

φ. (9)


j=1 φp j = φ = 1 − φs.For each water molecule, the entropy change on mixing is

�Ss = kB ln mix − kB ln 0 = −kB ln φs,

where 0 = nφs and mix = n, which denote the numberof states of one water molecule before and during mixingrespectively. For each one of the jth type of polymer chains,the relation is similar. Then the entropy contributions fromeach molecule are summed to get the total entropy of mixing,and the contribution of entropy to the mixing energy can beobtained by Fmix = −T �Smix.

Assume that the interactions between polymer chains andwater molecules remain the same when polymer chains aredetached and reattached, namely, the term in the mixingenergy which comes from interactions between species is thesame in the above three cases. Combine the two contributions,the mixing energy density of Case 1, where there are m typesof free polymer chains in the system, can be written as

Wmix,1 = kBT


⎡⎣(1 − φ) ln(1 − φ) +


φp j

n jln φp j

+ χφ(1 − φ)

⎤⎦, (10)


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with χ the parameter describing the interactions of polymerchains and solvents.

In Case 2, where the network and individual polymermolecules both exist in the system, the mixing energy densityis

Wmix,2 = kBT


⎡⎣(1 − φ) ln(1 − φ) +


φp j

n jln φp j

+ χφ(1 − φ)

⎤⎦. (11)

In Case 3, due to the absence of individual polymer moleculesin the system, the mixing energy density can be written as

Wmix,3 = kBT

vm[(1 − φ) ln(1 − φ) + χφ(1 − φ)]. (12)

B. Stretching energy

The stretching energy density, also called the elastic en-ergy density, describes the deformation of the nanocompositehydrogel. It can be written as F = −T S with T the temper-ature and S the entropy [30], and the difference between thestretching energies is

�Fstre = (−T Sstre ) − (−T Sstre,0),

where Sstre,0 and Sstre represent the entropy before and duringthe deformation respectively and S = kB ln with thenumber of possible states.

For the jth type of polymer chains, the probability thatany given chain has the coordinate (xi, yi, zi ) within the range(�x,�y,�z), can be written as

wi = W (xi, yi, zi, n j )�x�y�z,


W (xi, yi, zi, n j ) =(


2πn jb2

) 32


(− 3


i + y2i + z2


)2n jb2


is a three-dimensional random walk by the Gaussian function.During the phase separation, the deformation of poly-

mer chains occurs. If a chain has the coordinate (xi, yi, zi )after the deformation, then it must have the coordinate(xi/λx, yi/λy, zi/λz ) before the deformation, where λx, λy

and λz denote the deformation in the x, y and z directionrespectively. Then the number of possible states of the jth typeof polymer chains is

j = Nj!∏



vii /vi!



vi = vi(xi, yi, zi, n j ) = NjW (xi/λx, yi/λy, zi/λz, n j )

× �x�y�z/(λxλyλz )

represents the number of the jth type of polymer chains,which have end-to-end vector components from xi to xi + �x,yi to yi + �y, and zi to zi + �z after deformation. Introduce

Stirling’s approximation for the factorials,

ln j =∑


vi ln(wiNj/vi )

= −Nj[(

λ2x + λ2

y + λ2z − 3

)/2 − ln(λxλyλz )


During the phase separation, the polymer chains with nomore than nc Kuhn segments are detached in the nanocom-posite hydrogel, and thus the entropy can be written as

Sstre =m∑


Sstre, j =m∑


kB ln j




λ2x + λ2

y + λ2z − 3

)/2 − ln(λxλyλz )


Since Sstre,0 = 0 with λx = λy = λz = 1 before the deforma-tion, the difference between the stretching energies is

�Fstre = (−T Sstre) − (−T Sstre,0)



kBT Nj[(

λ2x + λ2

y + λ2z − 3

)/2 − ln(λxλyλz )


= kBT[(

λ2x + λ2

y + λ2z − 3

)/2 − ln(λxλyλz )

] m∑j=c+1


= kBT N[(

λ2x + λ2

y + λ2z − 3

)/2 − ln(λxλyλz )


Pj (n j ).

Assume that the volume of the nanocomposite hydrogel is V ,then the stretching energy density is

Wstre = �Fstre/V

= kBT N



x + λ2y + λ2

z − 3)/2 − ln(λxλyλz )




Pj (n j )

= kBT N

V0· V0



x + λ2y + λ2

z − 3)/2 − ln(λxλyλz )




Pj (n j ),

where V0 is the volume of the dry hydrogel. Obviously, φ =V0/V , λxλyλz = 1/φ, and λx = λy = λz = (1/φ)

13 due to the

isotropy.To simplify the parameters, the volume of one Kuhn seg-

ment is assumed to be equal to vm. Then V0 can be approxi-mated as

V0 ≈ vm


n jNj = vmNm∑


n jPj (n j ),



V0≈ N


j=1 n jPj (n j )= 1


j=1 n jPj (n j ).


Page 7: Model for the phase separation of poly(N


Then the stretching energy density can be written as afunction of φ,

Wstre = kBT φ


j=1 n jPj (n j )





) 23

− 3

2+ ln φ




Pj (n j )

= kBT


j=1 n jPj (n j )


13 − 3

2φ + φ ln φ




Pj (n j ). (13)


A. Solving the model

In this section, the free-energy density is smoothed and reg-ularized, then the stabilized semi-implicit difference schemeis presented to solve the TDGL equation.

Since chemical experiments[8] indicated that the chainlengths in the PNIPA–clay nanocomposite hydrogel are witha narrow distribution, the value of m should not be very large.Thus, the case that there are two types of polymer chains inthe hydrogel is considered in this paper for simplicity, namely,m = 2. Other cases with larger m are similar and the strategyused in this section is suitable for all cases of m taking discretefinite values.

According to Eq. (8) with λ = λx = λy = λz = (1/φ)13 , nc

can be rewritten as a function of φ,

nc = 3kBT λD

f0b2= 3kBT D

f0b2φ− 1

3 .

In the case m = 2, compare nc with the Kuhn segment numbern1 and n2, there are three cases, corresponding to the cases inSec. III and the critical cases are that nc = n j , namely, φ =[(3kBT D)/( f0b2)]3/n3

j � Aj , ( j = 1, 2).(1) Case 1: When n1 < n2 � nc, namely, φ � A2, all poly-

mer chains are detached from crosslinks.(2) Case 2: When n1 � nc < n2, namely, A2 < φ � A1,

only the polymer chains with n1 Kuhn segments are detachedfrom crosslinks, and the polymer chains with n2 Kuhn seg-ments are connected by crosslinks and form networks.

(3) Case 3: When nc < n1 < n2, namely, φ > A1, all poly-mer chains are connected by crosslinks and form networks.

Then the free-energy density, as a function of φ, can bewritten as a piecewise function. To simplify the expressions,let Kj = Pj (n j )n j/[P1(n1)n1 + P2(n2)n2], ( j = 1, 2), thenφp1 = K1φ, φp2 = K2φ. Combine Eq. (13) with Eqs. (10),(11), and (12), the normalized piecewise free-energy densitycan be written as

W vm

kBT= G(φ) +



n1ln K1 + α2(φ)


n2ln K2







13 − 3




G(φ) = (1 − φ) ln(1 − φ) + K (φ)φ ln φ,

with K (φ) = α1(φ) K1n1

+ α2(φ) K2n2

+ β1(φ) K1n1

+ β2(φ) K2n2


αi(φ) and βi(φ) are piecewise functions of φ with

αi(φ) = {0 if φ > Ai

1 if φ � Aiand βi(φ) = { 1 if φ > Ai

0 if φ � Ai,(i = 1, 2).

However, the processes of chain detachment and reattach-ment are actually not abrupt and they should be continuousin the statistical sense, since it is impossible that all thepolymer chains of one type are detached or reattached atthe same time. To model this continuous process, an infinitedifferentiable function is used to smooth the discontinuitypoint of the free-energy density approximately. Namely, theinfinite differentiable functions αi(φ) and βi(φ) are used toreplace αi(φ) and βi(φ), where

αi(φ) = 1


(5(−φ + Ai )


)+ 1



βi(φ) = 1


(5(φ − Ai )


)+ 1

2. (16)

Obviously, αi(φ) and βi(φ) are smooth and satisfies

αi(φ) ≈{

0 if φ > Ai + ε

1 if φ � Ai − ε


βi(φ) ≈{

1 if φ > Ai + ε

0 if φ � Ai − ε,

where the smoothing parameter ε > 0. Following Zhu’s work[31] and references therein, the logarithmic terms in W can beregularized from domain (0,1) to (−∞,+∞), namely, G(φ)can be regularized as

G(φ) =


K (φ)φ ln φ + (1−φ)2


(1 − φ) ln ξ − ξ

2, when φ � 1 − ξ,

G(φ), when ξ � φ � 1 − ξ,

(1 − φ) ln(1 − φ) + K (φ)(



φ ln ξ − ξ


), when φ � ξ,

where the parameter ξ > 0. Obviously, when ξ → 0, G(φ) →G(φ).

Thus, the smoothed and regularized free-energy density Wis written as

W vm

kBT= G(φ) +



n1ln K1 + α2(φ)


n2ln K2

+ χφ(1 − φ) +[β1(φ)


n1+ β2(φ)





13 − 3

). (17)


Page 8: Model for the phase separation of poly(N


FIG. 3. The evolution of the piecewise energy density(W vm )/(kBT ) with φ.

Substitute the energy functional Eq. (17) into Eqs. (2) and (3)with Eq. (5), then the TDGL equation is written as


∂t= H�

δU [φ]

δφ− θ

√2H∇ · η, (18)

where U [φ] is the energy functional given by Eq. (2), namely,

U [φ]


∫ (W (φ)

kBT+ κ|∇φ|2


The variational derivative of U [φ] with respect to φ can bewritten as

δU [φ]

δφ= f (φ) − 2κ�φ, (19)

where f (φ) = ( WkBT )′(φ).

FIG. 4. The evolution of the smoothed and regularized free-energy density (W vm )/(kBT ) with φ.

FIG. 5. The local magnification of (W vm )/(kBT ).

Treating the linear part of φ implicitly and the nonlinearpart explicitly, the time-discretized form is

φn+1 − φn

�t= H�[ f (φn) + s(φn+1 − φn) − 2κ�φn+1]

− θ√

2H∇ · ηn

= H[� f (φn) + s�(φn+1 − φn) − 2κ�2φn+1]

− θ√

2H∇ · ηn,

(20)where the stabilization term s�(φn+1 − φn) is added toenhance the stability [32]. Furthermore, due to the peri-odic boundary conditions, the fast Fourier transformationmethod is applied to solve the equation and accelerate thecomputation [33].

B. Numerical results

In this section, the numerical results of the proposed Cahn-Hilliard-Cook equation are presented to show the process ofthe phase separation. We consider the proposed equation in a

FIG. 6. Evolutions of φ at time t = 0.


Page 9: Model for the phase separation of poly(N


FIG. 7. Evolutions of φ at time t = 20.

dimensionless form and the parameters are set as H = 1, κ =0.5, χ = 1.35, vm = 1, b = 1, ε = 0.02, s = 400, ξ = 0.002,n1 = 11, n2 = 15, and D = √

13b. The bonding strengthis chosen as ( f0b)/(kBT ) = 1.8, according to Rubinstein’stheory [28].

Then we compare the piecewise free-energy density(W vm)/(kBT ) [Eq. (14)] with the smoothed and regular-ized free-energy density (W vm)/(kBT ) [Eq.(17)] in Figs. 3and 4, which shows that the discontinuity points aresmoothed and the smoothed and regularized free-energy den-sity (W vm)/(kBT ) has two minimums from Fig. 4 and the lo-cal magnification in Fig. 5, in which case the phase separationwould occur.

The numerical experiments are carried out on the domain = [0, 30] × [0, 30] × [0, 30] with 128 × 128 × 128 meshnodes, strength of the thermal noise is set as θ = 10−3 and thetime step δt = 0.005. We first give the initial data as

φ(x, 0) = φ(x, y, z, 0)

= 0.4 + 0.05 cos(2x/30)

× cos(2y/30) cos(2z/30). (21)

FIG. 8. Evolutions of φ at time t = 50.

FIG. 9. Evolutions of φ at time t = 70.

The evolutions of φ at different times during the phase separa-tion are shown in Figs. 6–10, revealing that the polymer chainsget together and merge into bigger blocks, which indicatesthe process of the phase separation. In Figs. 6–10, only theisosurfaces of φ > 0.4 are plotted, namely, the concentratedpolymer segments are shown (the red or the gray domain), andφ with smaller values, approximately, the solvent moleculesare neglected (the vacant domain). The time evolution of thefree-energy functional U [φ]/kBT is shown in Fig. 11, and thecorresponding local magnification is shown in Fig. 12, whichdemonstrates that the stabilized semi-implicit scheme Eq. (20)satisfies the discrete energy dissipation law in this case and thesystem is in the equilibrium state when t = 100.

C. Comparison with experimental results

In this section, the proposed Cahn-Hilliard-Cook equationis utilized to simulate the phase separation of the PNIPA–claynanocomposite hydrogels when the system is cooled downsufficiently. The energy evolution is studied and the numericalresults are compared with the chemical experimental results.

The morphology of the PNIPA–clay nanocomposite hydro-gels was investigated by scanning electron microscope (SEM)[7]. For SEM analysis, the swollen hydrogels are cooled down

FIG. 10. Evolutions of φ at time t = 100.


Page 10: Model for the phase separation of poly(N


FIG. 11. Time evolution of the free energy U [φ]/kBT with theinitial data [Eq. (21)].

sufficiently, where the hydrogels become thermodynamicallyunstable and tend to separate into two phases of the polymer-poor phase and the polymer-rich phase, namely, the thermallyinduced phase separation occurs. The quenching processcauses the solvent to crystallize and the crystallized solventis further removed by freeze-drying. After that, the polymer-rich phase solidifies to a porous structure. Haraguchi’s group[8] has shown that the swollen PNIPA–clay nanocompositehydrogels were uniform and exhibited high transparency at theroom temperature. Thus, to describe the phase separation, wechoose the initial condition for φ as φ(x, 0) ≡ φ0 to simulatethe initial uniform system. And other parameters are the sameas those in Sec. IV B.

Since the SEM micrograph shows the state of thenanocomposite hydrogel after the phase separation, it makessense to compare the equilibrium state of our numericalresults with the SEM micrograph. From the energy evolutionin Figs. 13 and 14, the system is in the equilibrium statewhen t = 5 000. Figure 15 shows the SEM micrograph of

FIG. 12. The local magnifications of Fig. 11.

FIG. 13. Time evolution of the free energy U [φ]/kBT with theinitial volume fraction of the polymer φ0 = 0.4.

the PNIPA–clay nanocomposite hydrogel with the scale of50 μm, given by Ma [7], and Figs. 16, 17, and 18 show thenumerical simulation results at t = 5000 observed from dif-ferent angles. The isosurfaces of φ > 0.4 are plotted, namely,the concentrated polymer segments are shown (the red orthe gray domain), and the solvent molecules are neglected(the vacant domain). It is shown that the pattern revealsporous microstructure, which is consistent with the SEMmicrograph.

We can compare our numerical results with the SEMmicrograph by estimating the porosity. Porosity is a measureof the void spaces in a material and is defined as a fraction ofthe volume of voids over the total volume. Namely,

Porosity Pr = volume of voids

total volume.

We first estimate the porosity of the PNIPA–claynanocomposite hydrogel from the SEM micrograph.It can be seen from Fig. 15 that the pores with

FIG. 14. The local magnification of Fig. 13.


Page 11: Model for the phase separation of poly(N


FIG. 15. The SEM micrograph of the PNIPA–clay nanocompos-ite hydrogel. (Reproduced from Ref. [7] with permission.)

average diameter approximately 50 μm were formedand the average thickness of the polymer-richphase was about 16.7 μm. Approximating that the wholehydrogel system is composed of hollow cylinders, theporosity of the PNIPA–clay nanocomposite hydrogel, roughlyestimated from the SEM micrograph, is equal to

PSEMr = volume of the pores

volume of hollow cylinders

= π (25 μm)2

π (25 μm + 16.7 μm)2

≈ 0.3594,

since the radius of the pores are about 25 μm and the radius ofthe whole cylinders are about 25 μm + 16.7 μm = 41.7 μm.

For the equilibrium state of our numerical simulationresults, we define the polymer-poor phase as the phases

FIG. 16. The isosurface plot of φ > 0.4 at t = 5 000.

FIG. 17. Isosurface plot of φ > 0.4 at t = 5 000 from a differentangle.

with φ < 0.05. Since the polymer-poor phase is removed byfreeze-drying after the quenching process, we can estimate thevoid space as the polymer-poor phase, namely, the porosity ofthe PNIPA–clay nanocomposite hydrogel estimated from thenumerical results is equal to

PNumRr = volume of the polymer-poor phase

volume of the whole hydrogel system

≈ 0.3596.

It is very close to the porosity estimated from the SEMmicrograph. Thus, the numerical results are consistent withthe chemical experiments.

The proposed Cahn-Hilliard-Cook equation simulates thetime-dependent process of the phase separation when thePNIPA–clay nanocomposite hydrogel is cooled down suffi-ciently. Here, we plot the cross sections of x = 15, y = 15,

and z = 15 to show evolutions of φ at different times duringthe phase separation in Figs. 19–23, where the red (dark gray)

FIG. 18. Isosurface plot of φ > 0.4 at t = 5 000 from a differentangle.


Page 12: Model for the phase separation of poly(N


FIG. 19. Evolutions of φ for the initial volume fraction of thepolymer φ0 = 0.4 at time t = 5.

domains indicate the larger values of φ, corresponding to thepolymer-rich phase. The time evolutions of φ reveal that thehydrogel separates into two phases, namely, the polymer-poorphase and the polymer-rich phase, indicating the process ofthe phase separation.


In this work, the phase separation of the PNIPA–claynanocomposite hydrogel in the three-dimensional case hasbeen investigated using the Cahn-Hilliard-Cook equation.

The contribution of the present work is on proposing a newfree-energy functional to the classical Cahn-Hilliard-Cookequation. It consists of the stretching energy and the mixingenergy, describing the physical deformation of polymer chainsduring the phase separation and the interactions betweenpolymer chains and solvents respectively. The processes ofpolymer chains with inhomogeneous chain lengths detachingfrom and reattaching on crosslinks during the phase separationare considered in the proposed free-energy functional. Com-

FIG. 20. Evolutions of φ for the initial volume fraction of thepolymer φ0 = 0.4 at time t = 10.

FIG. 21. Evolutions of φ for the initial volume fraction of thepolymer φ0 = 0.4 at time t = 20.

pared with the previous work, the proposed free energy in thederived Cahn-Hilliard-Cook equation makes great improve-ment. It is a good complement to the existing theories.

A stabilized semi-implicit difference scheme is utilized tonumerically solve the Cahn-Hilliard-Cook equation. Numeri-cal results reveal the porous microstructure in the equilibriumstate, consistent with the SEM micrograph of PNIPA–claynanocomposite hydrogels. The proposed model simulates thetime-dependent process of the phase separation, which showsthat the hydrogel separates into two phases of the polymer-poor phase and the polymer-rich phase.

The novelty of the present work is that some adaptationshave been made to the classical free energy of the Cahn-Hilliard-Cook equation. The processes of polymer chains withinhomogeneous chain lengths detaching from and reattachingon crosslinks during the phase separation are considered,such that the proposed model is a good extension to theexisting theories. However, the deformations of the hydrogel

FIG. 22. Evolutions of φ for the initial volume fraction of thepolymer φ0 = 0.4 at time t = 40.


Page 13: Model for the phase separation of poly(N


FIG. 23. Evolutions of φ for the initial volume fraction of thepolymer φ0 = 0.4 at time t = 50.

during the phase separation is assumed to be isotropic here.According to Doi’s work [25], the anisotropic deformationsare essential to describe the phase coexistence, leading toimportant effects, such as hysteresis and incubation. Thestretching energy will be generalized in our future work totake the anisotropic deformation into consideration.


This article is partly supported by the National NaturalScience Foundation of China under Grants No. 11971002 andNo. 11471046.


According to Gaussian statistics, when one end of a chainis attached to one crosslink, the chance that the n j th Kuhnsegment along the chain is at the position D within a distance�D can be considered as a 1D random-walk problem. The

probability is

P1 =(



) 12


(− 3D2



Here, we assume that the perturbation �D can be approxi-mated as a circle with radius b, namely, �D ≈ b.

Denote ρ as the probability that the n j th segment withlength b can attach on the crosslink and ρ is only related to theproperties of the crosslink. The probability that the nj th Kuhnsegment attach on another crosslink (with one end attached onone crosslink) can be written as

P2 = P1ρ = bρ



) 12


(− 3D2



Similarly, the probability that the 1st to the (nj − 1)th Kuhnsegments cannot attach on the crosslink is

P3 =n j−1∏s=1

[1 − bρ



) 12


(− 3D2



Then the probability that the polymer chain with nj Kuhnsegments is bridged by two crosslinks with distance D can bewritten as

P(n j ) = P2P3.


P3 = exp


n j−1∑s=1


[1 − bρ



) 12


(− 3D2



≈ exp


{−√n je

−G + e−Gnj − √πGnj[erf (


− erf (√

Gnj )]})


with G = 3D2

2n j b2 and er f (x) = 2√π

∫ x0 e−t2

dt .Thus,

P(nj ) = ρ


2πn j

) 12


{− G − ρ√


[√6n je


+ 3√


berf (

√G) −


− 3√


berf (

√Gnj )


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