Model Exam2

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  • 7/24/2019 Model Exam2



    III B.Com Fundamental of C++ 3 H!


    An!"e an# FI$E of t%e follo"&n' (ue!t&on!

    1. a) Define Unary Operator b) What is a pointer c) What is an array?

    ) Define c!ass an ob"ect e) What is f#nction f) What is $etho? %) What is a conitiona! operator? h) Write the synta& for 'or !oop? i) Data type?

    ") Define soft(are re#sabi!ity?


    A)S*ER an# TE) ue!t&on, at lea!t T"o fom ea-% n&t.

    UNIT I

    *. Describe the OO+ concepts. A!so !ist the $erits of OO+? ,. Describe the concepts of inheritance?-.Describe the concepts of Operator an f#nction oer!oain%? /. Write Data Abstraction an +o!y$orphis$

    UNI II

    0. Write abo#t n#$eric atatypes in C? 2. Write abo#t o#tp#t state$ents #se in C?

    3. E&p!ain abo#t conitiona! an incre$ent operators? 4. Write a pro%ra$ to fin the roots of 5#aratic e6#UNIT III

    17. Write abo#t aanta%es an is aa of arrays? 11. Write a pro%ra$ to fin o#t transpose $atri&?

    1*. Write a pro%ra$ to print s#$ an a% of array e!e$ents? 1,. Write a pro%ra$ $atri& $#!tip!ication?UNIT I8

    1-. Write abo#t si$p!e if9 neste if an s(itch state$ents? 1/. What is !oop? E&p!ain abo#t !oopin% state$ents?

    10. Write a pro%ra$ to print %ien ran%e of pri$e n#$bers? 12. What is ifference bet(een (hi!e o(hi!e an for?UNIT 8

    13. Define constr#ctor an Destr#ctor? 14. Write abo#t str#ct#res in C?

    *7. Write a pro%ra$ to i$p!e$ent sin%!e inheritance? *1. E&p!ain the concept of en#$erate ata type in C?


    III B.Com Fundamental of C++ 3 H!


    An!"e an# FI$E of t%e follo"&n' (ue!t&on!1. a) Define Unary Operator b) What is a pointer c) What is an array?

    ) Define c!ass an ob"ect e) What is f#nction f) What is $etho? %) What is a conitiona! operator? h) Write the synta& for 'or !oop? i) Data type?

    ") Define soft(are re#sabi!ity?


    A)S*ER an# TE) ue!t&on, at lea!t T"o fom ea-% n&t.

    UNIT I

    *. Describe the OO+ concepts. A!so !ist the $erits of OO+? ,. Describe the concepts of inheritance?

    -.Describe the concepts of Operator an f#nction oer!oain%? /. Write Data Abstraction an +o!y$orphis$UNI II

    0. Write abo#t n#$eric atatypes in C? 2. Write abo#t o#tp#t state$ents #se in C?3. E&p!ain abo#t conitiona! an incre$ent operators? 4. Write a pro%ra$ to fin the roots of 5#aratic e6#UNIT III

    17. Write abo#t aanta%es an is aa of arrays? 11. Write a pro%ra$ to fin o#t transpose $atri&?

    1*. Write a pro%ra$ to print s#$ an a% of array e!e$ents? 1,. Write a pro%ra$ $atri& $#!tip!ication?

    UNIT I81-. Write abo#t si$p!e if9 neste if an s(itch state$ents? 1/. What is !oop? E&p!ain abo#t !oopin% state$ents?

    10. Write a pro%ra$ to print %ien ran%e of pri$e n#$bers? 12. What is ifference bet(een (hi!e o(hi!e an for?UNIT 8

    13. Define constr#ctor an Destr#ctor? 14. Write abo#t str#ct#res in C?

    *7. Write a pro%ra$ to i$p!e$ent sin%!e inheritance? *1. E&p!ain the concept of en#$erate ata type in C?

  • 7/24/2019 Model Exam2



    III B.S- /DB/S 3 H!


    An!"e an# TE) of t%e follo"&n' (ue!t&on!

    1. a) Define D:S b) Characteristics of ;D:S c) Write abo#t 'D:S?

    ) What is entity? e) Nor$a!iist o#t DD> Co$$ans h) What is $eant by 6#ery !an%#a%e i) Types of "oin operators?

    ") Database >ife Cyc!e? =) Sno(f!a=e Sche$a !) Centra!iA+SECTION

    A)S*ER an# EIGHT ue!t&on, at lea!t O)E fom ea-% n&t.

    UNIT I*. Write abo#t ata $oe!s an Inte%rity r#!es? ,. E&p!ain brief!y ab#t Database Syste$s?

    -.Disc#ss abo#t Co@s re!ations atabase r#!es?

    UNI II

    /. What is E; ia%ra$? Dra( an E; Dia%ra$ for st#ent infor$ation syste$?0. E&p!ain abo#t aance ata $oe!in%? 2.E&p!ain hi%h !ee! nor$a! for$s?


    3. E&p!ain abo#t #patab!e ie(s an proce#ra! S5>? 4. E&p!ain abo#t re!ationa! set operators in a S5>?17. Write abo#t 8irt#a! tab!es an "oinin% atabase tab!es?

    UNIT I8

    11. E&p!ain conc#rrency contro! (ith !oc=in% $ethos? 1*. E&p!ain abo#t SD>C?1,. E&p!ain abo#t conc#rrency contro! (ith opti$istic $ethos?

    UNIT 81-. E&p!ain abo#t star sche$a in ata (areho#se (ith e&a$p!e? 1/. Write o(n the ario#s f#nctions perfor$e by DA?

    10. Write abo#t ata as a corporate asset?


    III B.S- /DB/S 3 H!


    An!"e an# TE) of t%e follo"&n' (ue!t&on!1. a) Define D:S b) Characteristics of ;D:S c) Write abo#t 'D:S?

    ) What is entity? e) Nor$a!iist o#t DD> Co$$ans h) What is $eant by 6#ery !an%#a%e i) Types of "oin operators? ") Database >ife Cyc!e? =) Sno(f!a=e Sche$a !) Centra!iA+


    A)S*ER an# EIGHT ue!t&on, at lea!t O)E fom ea-% n&t.

    UNIT I

    *. Write abo#t ata $oe!s an Inte%rity r#!es? ,. E&p!ain brief!y ab#t Database Syste$s?-.Disc#ss abo#t Co@s re!ations atabase r#!es?

    UNI II/. What is E; ia%ra$? Dra( an E; Dia%ra$ for st#ent infor$ation syste$?

    0. E&p!ain abo#t aance ata $oe!in%? 2.E&p!ain hi%h !ee! nor$a! for$s?UNIT III

    3. E&p!ain abo#t #patab!e ie(s an proce#ra! S5>? 4. E&p!ain abo#t re!ationa! set operators in a S5>?

    17. Write abo#t 8irt#a! tab!es an "oinin% atabase tab!es?UNIT I8

    11. E&p!ain conc#rrency contro! (ith !oc=in% $ethos? 1*. E&p!ain abo#t SD>C?

    1,. E&p!ain abo#t conc#rrency contro! (ith opti$istic $ethos?UNIT 8

    1-. E&p!ain abo#t star sche$a in ata (areho#se (ith e&a$p!e? 1/. Write o(n the ario#s f#nctions perfor$e by DA?

    10. Write abo#t ata as a corporate asset?

  • 7/24/2019 Model Exam2



    I B.S- 0C Soft"ae and 0o'amm&n' "&t% C 3 H!


    An!"e an# TE) of t%e follo"&n' (ue!t&on!

    1. a) Define D:S b) Characteristics of ;D:S c) Write abo#t 'D:S?

    ) What is entity? e) Nor$a!iist o#t DD> Co$$ans h) What is $eant by 6#ery !an%#a%e i) Types of "oin operators?

    ") Database >ife Cyc!e? =) Sno(f!a=e Sche$a !) Centra!iA+SECTION

    A)S*ER an# EIGHT ue!t&on, at lea!t O)E fom ea-% n&t.

    UNIT I*. Write abo#t ata $oe!s an Inte%rity r#!es? ,. E&p!ain brief!y ab#t Database Syste$s?

    -.Disc#ss abo#t Co@s re!ations atabase r#!es?

    UNI II

    /. What is E; ia%ra$? Dra( an E; Dia%ra$ for st#ent infor$ation syste$?0. E&p!ain abo#t aance ata $oe!in%? 2.E&p!ain hi%h !ee! nor$a! for$s?


    3. E&p!ain abo#t #patab!e ie(s an proce#ra! S5>? 4. E&p!ain abo#t re!ationa! set operators in a S5>?17. Write abo#t 8irt#a! tab!es an "oinin% atabase tab!es?

    UNIT I8

    11. E&p!ain conc#rrency contro! (ith !oc=in% $ethos? 1*. E&p!ain abo#t SD>C?1,. E&p!ain abo#t conc#rrency contro! (ith opti$istic $ethos?

    UNIT 81-. E&p!ain abo#t star sche$a in ata (areho#se (ith e&a$p!e? 1/. Write o(n the ario#s f#nctions perfor$e by DA?

    10. Write abo#t ata as a corporate asset?