1 MOBILE BASED DRUNK DRIVING DETECTION INTRODUCTION: Road accidents get increase day by day. Those accidents are happening main the carelessness and rash driving. Driving the vehicle over the speed limit of t zone leads to un-control of vehicle. This leads to accidents. Apart from rash dr consciousness is more important for driving but drunken drive to the imbalance m hence resulting accidents while driving. Therefore an efficient system is needed the display drunken drive.

Mobile Based Drunk Driving Detection

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INTRODUCTION:Road accidents get increase day by day. Those accidents are happening mainly due to the carelessness and rash driving. Driving the vehicle over the speed limit of the particular zone leads to un-control of vehicle. This leads to accidents. Apart from rash driving the consciousness is more important for driving but drunken drive to the imbalance mentality hence resulting accidents while driving. Therefore an efficient system is needed to indicate the display drunken drive. Nowadays almost most of the countries are forcing the motor riders to wear the helmet and not to use the vehicles when the person is in drunken condition. But still in many places, the rules are being violated by the users. In order to overcome this problem, an intelligent system has been embedded in the helmet itself. The signal detected by IR sensor from the earlobe region and an alcohol sensor will be transmitted to the vehicle control circuit. It will not turn on the vehicle, when the user is without helmet or in drunken condition. The system containing the GPS receiver will provide the geometric coordinates to the control unit. Based on this coordinates the user cannot drive the vehicle into no entry or no parking areas. If he enters into the restricted area, buzzer will get activated and vehicle speed also gets controlled. In addition to the above, when an accident occurs the system will start alarm and if the user tries to suppress the warning alarm then SMS will not be sent else it will be sent to the users relatives/friends. This contact information coded in the system can also be modified as per the users need. During the theft, the current location of the vehicle can be identified by sending the message from the user to the intelligent incorporated system. By this way the recovery of the vehicle is also possible by GPS-GSM communication.

CONFIRMATION OF HELMET WEARING & ALCOHOL DETECTION:MQ-3 gas sensor (alcohol sensor) is suitable for detecting alcohol content from the breath. So it can be placed just below the face shield and above the additional face protection. The surface of the sensor is sensitive to various alcoholic concentrations. It detects the alcohol from the riders breath; the resistance value drops leads to change in voltage (Temperature variation occurs).Generally the illegal consumption of alcohol during driving is 0.08mg/L as per the government act. But for demonstration purpose, we programmed the threshold limit as 0.04 mg/L. Threshold can be adjusted using variable resistor. Earlobe detector senses which is fitted with the helmet unit senses the blood flow in the earlobe region. So that the wearing of helmet is confirmed by our system and similarly alcohol sensor fitted in the mouth piece of the helmet detects the alcohol in the breath and sends the level of alcohol to controller. If both of the criterias are met in an acceptable manner then the two control signals are sent from the helmet unit to the vehicle control unit. The decoded RF signal is sent to the controller in the vehicle unit shown in fig. 2 to start / stop the vehicle. If the signal from the earlobe region and no control signal from alcohol sensor is detected then the vehicle will start, otherwise the vehicle will not start.ACCIDENT INTIMATION & THEFT DETECTION :

GSM is used in the case of accident detection and theft detection application. In case of any accident the alarm will get activated, if the rider is in conscious stage he would suppress the alarm; if not a short message service will be sent to the friends mobile number. Various mobile numbers can be programmed in the microcontroller.GSM and GPS do not communicate directly with each other. Microcontroller acts as an intermediate between them. To know the location of the vehicle soon after the theft, rider has to send an SMS to the modem present in the vehicle unit. GSM set up in the vehicle unit consists of subscribers identity module (SIM) whereby it receives the SMS and communicates with GPS regarding the cur-rent location of the vehicle position and sends the message to the pre defined mobile number programmed in the micro-controller. For the detection of accident, the sensor is attached to the body of the vehicle. When the vehicle meets any crashes, the buzzer will get activated due to activation / damage of the sensor. If the rider is in conscious condition, he/ she can suppress the buzzer. Otherwise the message will be sent to the friends/relatives continuously till the help reaches the rider.

IMPLEMENTATION: We develop the prototype of the drunken driving detection system on Android G1 phone. The G1 phone provides an accelerometer sensor and an orientation sensor. In the following part, we describe the implementation details of the prototype. We implement the prototype in Java, with Eclipse and Android 1.6 SDK. It consists of 7 class files, which include 4 Activities, 1 View, 1 Service and 1 Resource. They can be divided into five major components: user interface, systemConfiguration, monitoring daemon, data processing and alert notification. After the system is started, it finishes the configuration automatically. The monitoring daemon keeps running inbackground as a Service in Android, collecting and recording the readings of sensors. These readings are processed andUsed to detect drunk driving. In data processing component, according to real situations, the time windows are set to 5seconds. When drunk driving is detected, the alert notification component works to alarm and remind the driver of dangerousDriving or call the police for help.We compile and build the system project, create and sign the .apk file and install it onto G1 phone by ADB tool. Thesize of the .apk application file is about 215KB. Ultimately, we may create the .apk file in release mode, sign it with ourrelease private key and publish it on Android Market, making it available to Android mobile device users for download.

CAMERA: Most mobile phones are equipped with a camera with tolerable quality, e.g., 2 Megapixel resolution probably with other functionalities such as auto focus and exposure compensation. So a mobile phone is usually capable of acquiring visual information. It can be a great help to remedy some weaknesses of the solution presented above. For example, cameras can be used to follow drivers sight line and capture distinctive road signs or marks to help analyze driving patterns. However, several factors prevent us from adopting this option. First, in order to capture useful visual information, there are many requirements on the position and posture of the phone. A mobile phone must be meticulously set in a vehicle to face the front at an appropriate angle. A little position shift or sliding can totally ruin the camera view [19]. So it is not feasible even to ask normal drivers to maintain an accurate position of his mobile phone, not to say a drunk driver. Second, the algorithm behind the visual identification must be very complicated toAccommodate various and changeable traffic conditions. A lot of intensive computations must be performed in a real time fashion and, hence, a potential high false positive/negative rate is possible given the limited computation capability ofmobile phones. Third, camera operations and intensive image processing consume a lot of energy, particularly if the visualmonitoring is conducted with a relatively high frequency. So in short, we think it is impractical at present to include camera and visual monitoring into our solution. However, it is a potential extension to our system with the fast development of Mobile phone hardware in the future.

PRESENT SCENARIO:At present drunken drivers have increased enormously and so is the deaths due to drunken drivers. The main reason for driving drunk is that the police are not able to check each and every car and even if they catch any one the police can be easily bribed. So there is a need for a effective system to check drunken drivers. In our alcohol detection system the ignition of the fuel is regulated by a sensor circuit. The sensor circuit is used to detect whether alcohol was consumed by the driver recently. Our design also consists of a blood pulse rate sensor which is used to check whether alcohol is consumed while driving.SIEMENS DEVELOPS MOBILE PHONES WITH ALCOHOL SENSOR:One that can not only tell you when you're over the blood alcohol limit, but also tell you when you've got bad breath. Indeed, we could easily use this device to measure the efficiency of our breathing and track it alongside the heart rate, calorific input and output and location to micromanage our health. Rumors have it that Siemens plans the installation of tiny gas analysis sensors into a future mobile telephone and perhaps other handheld devices. Time to market is estimated at mid-2006 and one can only imagine what technologies might be seeking a home in your pocket by then.ADVANTAGE: HEART HEALTHThe cardiovascular system includes your heart, circulatory and neurological systems, and cardiovascular disease is the primary killer of American men and women. Cardiovascular diseases can impact your arteries and heart, blood vessels leading to major organs or your brain, and include damage to any of these systems that can lead to stroke or heart attack. People free of cardiovascular complications actually can protect this system with moderate alcohol consumption. According to Harvard Health Publications, moderate alcohol use raises the high-density lipoprotein, or good cholesterol, level in your bloodstream, which plays a role in reducing the risk of clots in your blood vessels.DISADVANTAGE: HEART-HEALTH RISKModerate alcohol consumption in healthy adults can be cardio-protective, but excessive alcohol consumption or alcohol use if you have existing heart disease increases your risk of heart complications. Continued alcohol use if you have high blood pressure can lead to blockage in the arteries from the brain, causing a sudden or severe disruption in the brain blood supply, or stroke. Excess alcohol consumption also increases the chance of chronic high blood pressure, which impacts the functionality of your heart.CONCLUSION & FUTURE WORK :

Our system efficiently checks the wearing of helmet and drunken driving.By implementing this system a safe two wheeler journey is possible which would decrease the head injuries during accidents and also reduce the accident rate due to drunken driving. This system also indicates No parking area which would reduce the crowd of the vehicle in those areas. No entry area is mainly allocated during the construction or repairing of the road, if the rider enters in such area this system would immediately intimate as No entry area and vehicle will stop automatically. In case of any accident it would send the messages to the friends continuously about the location of the accident happened till the first aid reaches the rider. Our system helps to know the location of the vehicle for rescuing in the case of theft incidents.