From a very young age, I had aspirations of becoming an engineer, because I wanted to build machines that did not require direct human energy inputs to operate. I achieved this for the first time a few weeks later, designing a vehicle that carried it's energy stored in rubber-bands; it wasn't a roaring success, but the fact that it wasn't perfect only increased my desire to learn more about engineering. Soon afterwards, I became a serious motor sport enthusiast, and to understand the sport more, I began assisting my dad and his mechanic in the maintenance of our family cars and electricity generator. I quickly learnt and understood the function of every part of the generator and before long, my dad ran out of answers to my questions, like: 'Why do high performance engines often have up to six valves per cylinder when two would do the job?'. He therefore encouraged me to read further about engineering, and a few books later, I knew what I was devoting my life to. The more I learn about mechanical engineering, the more assured I become that a career as a mechanical engineer is suited to me. A few years ago whilst researching for a physics assignment, I discovered that most cars are 20 to 30 percent efficient at best. This statistic is unacceptable, and it had a big influence on my decision to study mechanical engineering, with my focus being engine design. In addition, learning subsequently of the rotary engine, continuously variable transmission (cvt), pneumatic and desmodromic valve control, hydraulics and many other interesting concepts has further trengthened my decision to study mechanical engineering, and it is my belief that I really can make a mark in the automobile industry. After deciding to become an engineer, I set out to find the qualities necessary for success. In the process, I read about Heinrich Maybach, Thomas Edison, Isambard Brunel, Ernst von Siemens, and a host of others. Of all the great engineers I have learnt about, the one that inspires me the most is Thomas Edison. This is because unlike all the others, he not only was talented as an engineer; he was also a brilliant businessman. I believe that success, as an engineer in this day and age, requires technical competence and a combination of management, leadership,


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sample motivation letter for engineering

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From a very young age, I had aspirations of becoming an engineer, because I wanted to build machines that did not require direct human energy inputs to operate. I achieved this for the first time a few weeks later, designing a vehicle that carried it's energy stored in rubber-bands; it wasn't a roaring success, but the fact that it wasn't perfect only increased my desire to learn more about engineering.

Soon afterwards, I became a serious motor sport enthusiast, and to understand the sport more, I began assisting my dad and his mechanic in the maintenance of our family cars and electricity generator. I quickly learnt and understood the function of every part of the generator and before long, my dad ran out of answers to my questions, like: 'Why do high performance engines often have up to six valves per cylinder when two would do the job?'. He therefore encouraged me to read further about engineering, and a few books later, I knew what I was devoting my life to.

The more I learn about mechanical engineering, the more assured I become that a career as a mechanical engineer is suited to me. A few years ago whilst researching for a physics assignment, I discovered that most cars are 20 to 30 percent efficient at best. This statistic is unacceptable, and it had a big influence on my decision to study mechanical engineering, with my focus being engine design. In addition, learning subsequently of the rotary engine, continuously variable transmission (cvt), pneumatic and desmodromic valve control, hydraulics and many other interesting concepts has further trengthened my decision to study mechanical engineering, and it is my belief that I really can make a mark in the automobile industry.

After deciding to become an engineer, I set out to find the qualities necessary for success. In the process, I read about Heinrich Maybach, Thomas Edison, Isambard Brunel, Ernst von Siemens, and a host of others. Of all the great engineers I have learnt about, the one that inspires me the most is Thomas Edison. This is because unlike all the others, he not only was talented as an engineer; he was also a brilliant businessman.

I believe that success, as an engineer in this day and age, requires technical competence and a combination of management, leadership, communication and business skills. Leadership is something that I have naturally and my school recognised this by appointing me a senior prefect, which I believe has further improved my leadership and communication skills. In addition, I recently set up a maths club in my school where sixth-formers who are good at maths help pupils from the junior school with their study and homework. This has improved my communication and presentation skills tremendously.Reading Robert Kiyosaki's book, 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad', taught me the importance of having financial and business skills. To improve these skills, I volunteered at my local British Heart Foundation shop for a few months, to understand how charities make money. This turned out to be a very valuable educational experience.

When I have time outside my curricular and club activities, I am a very enthusiastic sportsperson. My main sporting interests are football and the high jump. Presently, I am in the process of starting up a football team for the sixth-formers in my school, to improve general physical fitness and to foster a

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sense of belonging among the new sixth-formers in my school. I am also working towards a sports leadership award. In addition, I am involved in Greenwich council's Gifted and Talented program called 'xtrahot', and I have attended a number of seminars and workshops as part of the program.

It is my hope that a degree from your university would serve as a solid base for a successful career in engineering, where hopefully, I would be involved in the development of new technology for cleaner and more efficient transportation systems.

My choice of career was initially difficult. My interests are widely varied, covering everything from biology to philosophy and from art to technology. I have come to see engineering as a discipline that can satisfy and further develop my interests. I have enjoyed studying Maths and Physics at A-Level, and this has helped me to refine my problem-solving skills as well as increasing my theoretical knowledge. I am especially interested how maths reveals parallels between separate branches of physics. My studies, and my wide experience of engineering from a work perspective has shown me that my career choice is correct.Over Christmas 2003, I worked in a cycle shop, dealing with assembly, maintenance and repair. This first taste of engineering as work rather than a hobby whetted my appetite for more.Every weekend since November 2003, I have worked in the warehouse at a Comet store, where one of my responsibilities is to deal with returned products. Working with faulty electrical goods has shown me first-hand what opportunities for improvement exist across the field.After finishing GCSEs, I participated in a 12-week training placement at Chromogenex, a local medical engineering firm. The experience was fascinating, and I accepted an offer of employment with the company until I started college, and have been asked to return whenever I am available in the future. My work at Chromogenex was varied, including production and service, and I was given significant quality control duties. One of my most interesting responsibilities was to write the Work Instructions and Procedures, which production and service engineers will refer to as guidance to ensure that all products are of the highest standard.In October 2006, I took a week's work placement at a Rhos Designs, a design engineering firm whose main client is 3M. I enjoyed the CAD work, and the chance to take part in real projects, which will soon be put to use at 3M's various sites across Britain.I also like to use CAD for projects of my own, which recently included drawing up a design for a competition in which I participated. The competition involved planning and designing a home-made potato launcher to a deadline and a tight budget. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and am already working on my next design!During 2005, I was part of a four-person team working on a project on the EESW scheme run by the

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Royal Academy of Engineering. The project was an exciting task set by Corus at Trostre Tinplate Works. We were asked to design and build a solution to the problem of split edges in the cold rolling line. Our solution was effective and economical, and if adopted by Corus, could save the company thousands of pounds per hour, as the line would no longer need to be stopped in order to carry out emergency repairs. We designed and built a prototype solution, and a mock-up of Trostre's SCADA system to demonstrate the solution's potential. Our project received a prize for 'Most effective use of IT' at the Welsh National Convention of Excellence in Engineering.Before starting my degree course, I intend to enrol on the YinI scheme, which should give me an in-depth experience of engineering work, and help ground my subsequent studies.In my spare time, I enjoy computing, and am fluent with several operating systems and specific software packages. I have attended part-time courses in programming, graphics, CAD and Programmable Controllers for my own interest.Another important interest for me is linguistics, and I intend to continue my study of French to the highest level as well as beginning to learn other languages alongside engineering.For me, studying at this university would be as much about the experience as the qualification. I believe that engineering is a discipline that will offer me a chance to make a tangible difference in the world, and I am certain I will enjoy the opportunity to fully reach this potential.

I personally feel that there is substantial cachet to be gained by pursuing the field of Mechanical Engineering. The diversity present in this field has attracted me and it is consistent with my enthusiasm for Mathematics and Science. It has a lot of scope as well. I have gone through the entire gist of the course and the specific areas which interested me were Mechatronics, Robotics and Project Design. I know what a career in Engineering is like, since I come from a third generation family of Engineers. I have been quite impressed by the teamwork involved in Mechanical Engineering; how people work in groups, in order to complete a project e.g. produce a machine which would curtail the load on laborers and would generate results more quickly and efficiently.

In my opinion, supervising, problem solving and decision making play an important role in most of the Engineering firms. Studying Accounting till AS level has helped me to further add to these skills. A level Physics and Chemistry, through finely planned syllabi, have provided me a beneficial educational experience. They have equipped me with adequate knowledge and understanding so that I could become a confident member of the advanced world of technology. I have the zeal to develop self inspiration and the talent to work in a consistent manner. I believe that Science and Mathematics are cohesive. By studying Mathematics, I have gained the skills which help me solve real life problems and such skills, more importantly, have been useful in the Science subjects as well. I analyze everything in depth and once I have spotted my goal, I keep on aiming for it until I succeed. Because of my interest in

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these subjects and some others, I scored excellent grades in O levels and as a result, I got 100% scholarship for my entire AS and A level course.

At school, I have participated in many extracurricular activities. I am a member of numerous clubs and societies, which include Science, Journalism, Music and Community Service. I am the head of the Mathematics society and my task is to design quizzes. I have a keen interest in photography and as a member of the journalism society, I have the responsibility for taking pictures at various school events. Because of the charisma I possess, I was selected as the house leader of the school.

Last year I received the Duke of Edinburgh Gold award for 4 activities i.e. social service at Darul-Sakun (home for special children), outstanding performances in soccer, creative writing (English) and for completing a project by working with the Agha Khan University Library as a volunteer. I am currently doing community service at S.I.U.T (Sind Institute of Urology and Transplant). I have also played cricket for the school team. In my free time, I go out for swimming, bowling and sometimes fishing, or I get involved in indoor activities such as chess or modeling kits, constructing plastic airplane models, in particular.

The reason I have chosen England for higher education is that I am aware of the environment and the fact that quality education is found there. Besides that, I will not have communication problems because my English Language skills are of the required standard. I have relished my school life and now I hope to be warmly welcomed by the more challenging, independent and competitive university lifestyle. Once I enter professional life, I would go the extra mile and will try to come out with a cutting edge over others working in the same capacity as mine. These small achievements in the ultimate analysis would give a new impetus to the corporation where I will work by galvanizing it.

My interest in technology began at a young age when I became curious about how the television worked. I didn't believe there were tiny people inside, as explained by my father, and with other appliances like the radio, I found myself eager to understand how they functioned. I was particularly intrigued by the less tangible concepts like electricity and signals, and inquiring about such things increased my awareness of the technology around me. As a result, I have taken a keen interest in technology and its application in the modern world.I began researching robotics after watching the movie Iron Man in 2008 that explored robotics, applied in bio-enhancement and notably flight. Though unrealistic for the most part, it was an eye opener to the field which is relatively unexplored. Finding out about robots like ASIMO and DER2 really inspired me to delve into this engineering field; ASIMO has the best walking motion in any robot ever, and the smoothness of DER2's body movements and facial expressions is absolutely astonishing. ASIMO in particular impressed me as I found out it maintained balance by shifting its weight in response to turning moments at different points in its anatomy. I studied moments in maths and physics and this was the first major application I saw of a subject I learnt.Robotics is in its very early stages and requires a lot of research and development to be on par with the likes of aviation or automobile engineering. It poses a fresh engineering challenge as it requires the synergy of fields like mechanical and electronic engineering, and by studying this course I hope to contribute to robotics.

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Key aspects like automation are studied in-depth within the systems and control module, which is vital for robots in making human interaction minimal. Methods of control are studied and assessed, involving the use of algorithms in programming different tasks and commands. Algorithms particularly interest me as I studied matrices in further mathematics, and I hope to explore its use in programming and CAD. Many other useful subjects like materials and mechanics are studied, therefore providing a solid base for a future in robotics. I am a very keen mathematician and have taken part in the UKMT mathematics challenge since year 10, achieving a Silver Certificate in last year's competition. My interest in the subject has aided my understanding of physics and should support study at degree level. Sports-wise, I am a very keen player; through year 10 and 11, I played badminton, basketball and practiced judo. I play football more regularly now for my school team and started kickboxing last year, which I have practiced every week since.During my GCSEs, I had a work placement at Spence, Harris and Hogan (SHH), an architectural and interior design Company. I worked with a team on ideas for a major design project and had to think critically to assess the ideas brought up. For example, while planning the master bedroom, we had to consider the range of colours and artwork to be used, comparing with the types and angle of lighting available. We evaluated the contrast of all these components, working out what bits went well together based on the effects and emotions they conveyed. It was thoroughly challenging and enjoyable, and helped me appreciate the aesthetic values of creation whilst learning the essence of teamwork, extensive planning and hard work, all of which are important for any successful business.I am very keen to learn the art of robotics, and hope to make a mark in this world in the way of robots that would be helpful in diverse ways; for use in search and rescue for instance, or aiding fire-fighters and excavation teams after disasters. I am very passionate about robotics and it motivates to study this course. I really hope that by accepting me in your university, it serves as a catalyst to achieving my goal in life as a renowned robot researcher and designer.

I had discovered it in the early years of life, the solution to quench my thirst for knowledge, is to pursue Mechanical Engineering as my career. Opting for such a degree will not only ease my frustration, but will facilitate me in accomplishing my passion, and following my dreams. Someone who is fortified with the art of manipulating numbers, in a useful way, can conquer any problem - even 1+1=11. Mathematics has justified my belief as a main facet in Mechanical Engineering. Analyzing different problems has broadened my thinking perspective, and amplified my scrutinizing powers.As a child I was fascinated by the subject of mathematics, was never quite able to grasp the complexities but was attracted to it none the less, but as I grew older my understanding of the subject increased and so did its charm for me. I took mathematics as a principle subject in my O level and chose Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Further Mathematics as my A level subjects. These subjects broadened my horizons and enhanced my analytical skills. Furthermore, they fulfill the pre-requisite of engineering.During my work experience, I have learnt skills which would guide me in the years to come. My work experience at Digital World Pakistan (DWP) Pvt. Ltd. has taught me to cope with real life situations and problems. I learnt essential time management skills that will help me in my future life. Through my experience at my father’s company, Crown Winding Wires, I learnt to draw and enamel copper wires,

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and helped my fellow employees in the laboratory. This direct interaction with engineering science has given me the necessary practical experience to understand scientific concepts at a practical level.Apart from my academic achievements, I took part in diversified co-curricular activities. I am a member of the student council and hold the office of the General Secretary of the Science Society. I have been part of designing and constructing many workable models and have organized various science fairs at the college campus. A membership in the council has enabled me to develop leadership qualities and a sense of responsibility. At the moment, I am helping our community services society, IRTIQA, to raise funds for earthquake victims of Baluchistan.I believe sports play an integral role in character building. It can teach one many lessons implicitly that can never be taught explicitly by any institution. Due to this belief I actively participated in almost all sports related activities that were provided at my school. These activities made me feel relieved from my hectic college routine. I was enlisted for my college cricket team and it helped me in relaxing after the tiring academic schedule. In my leisure, I also play table tennis and football. I have represented my college at various sport galas.In the coming years, I see myself graduating as a Mechanical Engineer. Excelling in the field of mechanical engineering is challenging and a life-long career; it would give me a sense of self-actualization and satisfaction of my intellectual cravings. Studying in the British system would not only develop my personality but would enrich me with cultural values that the British institutions are known for. Through planned academic management, I see myself graduating from a world-class university, in the coming bright and enlightening years.

Mathematics and Physics have always been my favourite subjects throughout my schooling career, mostly due to the implications on the real world. By taking Mechanical Engineering at university, I have the opportunity to continue with these two passions of mine. I have enjoyed carrying out practical experiments which can then be proved using mathematical calculations. I took part in a Combined Cadet Force (CCF) and specialised in the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (REME) section. In this, five pupils maintained and repaired old cars then use them to practise driving skills on the school grounds. This has given me an insight of the engineering behind everyday cars and has increased my enthusiasm to study engineering at university and then possibly begin a career in this field. Over the summer, I arranged for an expert to take me out to see a nodding donkey and explain how they worked. Nodding donkeys are structures used to collect oil from the ground using fairly simple techniques and mechanical gears

Sport has led a major role in my life over the recent years. I have regularly taken part in inter-house matches in rugby, basketball, hockey, and five a side indoor football and represented my school in rugby. I also enjoy running and have taken part in two long distance races, one of which was sponsored

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and for charity. Music has also been a large influence on my life as I have been playing the Alto Saxophone since I was nine years of age. I feel music is essential as it can be used to relax from the hectic school days. There are frequent Political Society and Science Society meetings that I regularly attend which greatly helped me as they expand my knowledge and showed me how theories learnt in lessons were put into practice in real life situations. I find these societies to be very intriguing because they offer me the chance to talk in depth to experts about subjects that they specialize in and have come to talk at the meetings about, thus broadening my knowledge and interest in the subjects I take part in

As an Upper Sixth House Prefect, I have had to take on many new responsibilities and have learnt a lot about myself. My main role around house as a prefect was to organise chores and jobs that needed to be done. This has taught me a lot about organising things well in advance and making sure everyone can do what they are asked efficiently. In Lower 6th, I was on a team of seven pupils elected to run a fête during a school sports day. On this committee, I found that much planning needs to be done in preparation for such large scale events and even the smaller tasks needed to be done well in advance

When things needed done, leadership skills came into place to delegate tasks and bring all of the events together. On the day, the seven pupils had to perform under pressure which we did and the fête was a success.

I grew up as a boy who loves robots and motorbikes very much. Thus, I love things that moveespecially those that are related to engines.

I started to be really passionate about mechanical engineering when I learned about thecontrol system when I was in high school. I simply enjoyed learning about the hydraulics andpneumatics system. Though it is only a small branch of mechanical engineering, it utterlygrabbed my attention. From then onwards, I always dreamed of handling massive machinery thatinvolves hydraulics and pneumatics as I found it irresistible. In fact, I have always wantedto study things that involved movement, coordination and are visible with my bare eyes.

Besides that, I believe that I can apply my mathematical knowledge very well and with my truepassion towards physics, I believe that being an engineer is the perfect career for me.I have always described myself as an inquisitive person. I am very curious to learn somethingnew. In fact, I can speak and write French quite well. I had taken DELF A2 which is theproficiency test for non-native speaker. Gratefully, I passed it with flying colours. Besidesthat, I used to be active outside the classroom. I had represented my school for NationalEnglish Camp and National French Carnival in 2005 and 2006. Basically, these two events

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involved many activities such as quizzes, presentations, debates, group activities and so on.These activities had made me more outspoken.

Plus, I am aware that a first-class engineer needs to have excellent teamwork spirit, greatleadership and able to work under pressure. In fact, the skill to work in groups will be thecore for a good result in university. I am confident that I can always collaborate withothers. For your record, I was involved in a marching band and orchestra when I was in highschool. I was the assistant conductor for 2 years and the conductor for about 6 months. Thisexperience taught me how to act as a team and get rid of my egocentricity and selfishness. Italso taught me to be emphatic and prepared me for the job of an engineer which can beextremely challenging. In addition, being the conductor had heightened my leadership andcommunication skills tremendously. Thus, it is an advantage for the latter stage of my life.For fact, my hobby is cooking. I love to try different menus. However, recently I have startedlearning a few magic tricks from my friend and my growing interest in it has made it my newhobby. These two hobbies actually represent my true colours. I am a willing learner and Ialways challenge myself with something new.

Regarding my interest, I really admire Ernst Werner Von Siemens. For me he is the epitome ofwhat an engineer should be. His contribution in the field of telecommunications and powergeneration was astounding. I really hope that one day; I will be able to direct my ownengineering firm like Siemens did. Besides, I have always dreamed to have a chance tospecialize in the field of instrumentation. My aspiration is to learn about the Micro-ElectroMechanical System (MEMS). Personally, I think that this new technology has a bright prospectahead. Therefore, having the qualification from your university is the very first step for meto achieve my goal.

Despite all the cutting-edge technology in this modern world today, we are actually consumingan enormous amount of natural resources. This scenario will consequently lead to problemsrelated to waste material and pollutant which makes the world less sustainable. In accordancewith this situation, I think that engineer should take charge to solve this environmentalissue and find the best alternative as a solution. Therefore it is in my passion to studymechanical engineering to help make Earth a greener world so that our next generation willinherit the planet in superb condition.

Lastly, I hope that a degree from your university will be the ultimate foundation for myjourney to becoming a superior engineer.

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These days, we are surrounded by engineering marvels. From radios to space shuttles, everything involves a vital feat of engineering. That is what I find most attractive about this field as its application is everywhere. Engineering is the only field which relates to my interests as it involves a lot of maths and physics and some design. Being part of this field will not only allow me to explore the practical world of my favourite subjects but also give me the opportunity to be part of a field that affects our lives in countless ways.

Since the age of 5, I have always been inquisitive about how things worked; my toys have constantly been the victim of this curiosity. I once placed the motor of a remote control car in a normal push car making it radio controlled, this made me really excited and since then my enthusiasm and motivation towards engineering has only increased. During my weeks work experience at HLM Architects, I realised the involvement of engineering even in the design stage of construction and how it influences the architects’ choices. This also taught me that as a successful designer; you not only need to be imaginative but also technical in terms of your creations. This first occurred to me when I created a rocking chair as my G.C.S.E Design Technology project, one wrong angle calculation made the whole chair unstable. Studying engineering at university would be an ideal way to combine my passion for designing with my eagerness of physical and mathematical principles to be a successful and imaginative mechanical engineer.

I thoroughly enjoy Physics as it uses mathematical theories to prove physical experiments and vice versa. However the element that intrigues me most is Thermal equilibrium and how this simple concept works so well in our everyday life. During my AS level, I got exposure to various new branches of Mathematics including Algebra, Trigonometry, Mechanics and Calculus. Out of all these branches, Algebra really fascinates me as it makes complex problems so simple and straightforward. The addition of Computing to my science subjects has enhanced my computational skills and broadened my choices in the field of engineering. I am currently blending Computing with Maths by creating a program that teaches students a certain aspect of Mathematics. I also believe that studying Design Technology to an AS level has given me a little insight to the design involved in engineering and the stages in product manufacture. I initially chose Maths, Physics, Design Technology (Graphics) and Computing as I thought these subjects will give me a wider range of options in the field of engineering. This year I have dropped Design Technology and chose Further Maths to be able to cope with the maths involved in Engineering.

I have always been enthusiastic about cross-curriculum activities. As a captain of my school’s cricket team, I managed to lead the team to the semi-finals. This experience taught me a lot about team work and responsibility. Talent aside, these qualities are essential to produce positive results. I organize my time to accommodate a range of hobbies especially painting. A lot of my art work is still kept in my school as an example for the future students. In 2007 I took part in Peugeot design Contest to design a city car for the future. I really enjoyed the time I spent in designing the concept but the lack of CAD skills made me no match against professional worldwide designers. To overcome this variance, I took a short

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course in Auto CAD which taught me the basics of CAD. I really enjoy watching "How Stuff Works, Mythbusters and Richard Hammond's Engineering Connections". These programmes are very engaging and present science in a very exciting manner.

I believe I am ready to embrace university life and the challenges I face ahead. This degree would not only act as a solid base in my future career but also allow me to play a key role in developing new machines and technology.

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