Mn. T.an’o-t LSjpary Michigan State News Statori »• Abet /a H flitw llm t Auditorium. TI! KHI IA Y, JANUARY 2f,, |!.2<i S'liMHKR .il Wolverine Week To Open On Campus Wednesday cwniakes FOUL PLANS POR V0DV1L MTR ACE CHOSEN FOR ’TÎ3CNTATION. FEB I 5 AJO i Can’t Dance to Chin ” Music ANNUAL MILITARY BALL TO BE HELD Jimmie’s Voice FRIDAY IS A TWO O'CLOCK PARTY WKAR Favorite »he radio arid »here iI f mnel Ion*. id WTfjt.o I,'I* WOLVERINE FLYER TO BE DISTRIBUTED CAMPUS ORGANIZATIONS JOIN IN CONDUCTING SALES CAMPAIGN al «loqj TOUNVEIL STATUE Wolrrrin» Sponxon P rtm llliM of Vulplorinf M iil.rpim .hr,., tif i,y J-HOP BANQUET PLANNING BIGGER BURNHAM TO TO BE SERVED HORT SHOW FOR MEET SENIORS BY M. S. C. UNION FARMERS’ WEEK VOCATIONAL E X P E R T TO J. rut ., r DISCUSS LIFE-PLANNING ‘ ■•“ 'r ' “ *• •> F'* COUUSt FO« SENIORS Iwi for L iu lM Scrvicr |, Prrdkted. VARSITY OOARTETTE m twotnr BOOKEDINLANSING AMSKTRUCTOR ^ Gi»o E iliilii— u l Toaifkl Teacf B e - ta Sbart Ca- li Midiicia Armm IR. E. Cbarcb. r* rtf o f ‘ *.«• i ho * •>*“ *A«-.| ri il m h e r of *fi» r .*•*. l’ >rt building ha* made ided fsr-tlttle* for dlaplay- irlnr ’ h*- r roo pa »ha» afe %I«íi -Henal*» i»! »«r* >-;nr «• a p o n »!«• n om - <iegree VIr Burnham * • u<’ ¿Mo¡pal i « II» «ili dia'"»»*# plan* for a ‘ planning »our*» I' i* ««Id 'hat r* ha- long been « need for »»ffer '•«;.er» redan'*- *en!'»ra r*- dm* »heir life work Kor »hi* i, ! F-uir**- and ' »h» «en:or ' ia*« •Volver n* »lyer m»erei» among nd» md »nPRii*-« -lHge<t*«rii m-: •egtitiHRh* ír»»m Ia-n . ire*» uh. *t»e » e»-“ e*ar'* und e*«:hu»*a*n* >r nail **«Ht (j»*iraJ#H' in. ..h* ti**te iwu't. ’ < luj'i'* i v i »g tira- elafe »•* ;i**‘ TbrirtUEl* tei- «*■tb»' one I m »* hWtl |«JÎ 0*1 i -i .mfliira ia«e «.«h rn mi« a maii "f il -**ei ihTi»*' mihI fa«* a *~-v i*. *ia» Úam iwduatry. -ntEcn c a T » tm ranm « t i U d Steff Will Ile fo» EXTENSIONWORKERS MEET FARMERS’WEEK Coaatjr Agent« Will Givi Rnait* of Mitbadi a Ceoltc—tr. •nd ine* M ind lta«f:ng* The '»rganiia- iM n demand moat "f the lino due to »*ariy arrangement* fhe fig Vlen w HI hie U-I- *11 «bl# 10 nf Michigan »he Farmer« .See« uaft< able »h* ;,en date TTi* arm m l Friday id* ¡warwiur» 'be 0*W*CBM9KI a d i n-Jin-at-Dl ^ ffeaí>» i. ,*- 4 ** at t he Mir hi ■"Si* wax» miry Te«ari»er* ae- la t m*r. a- Ann Arbor .“tie# Tin lojMf die* u*»**d *- 1-HJ« •«ÿuAaiiMiii'we A nalyst* a-« ' 'ü*^-eeu:.b* the college A.«**»!, ii Frye. J. Ú. Hard- «-•»*¡par « s e H Ii Hibiod •-* 'i** tm~ versar y was id .t* (ijaeiiibg • - abd n -«f j t g u i i»»lege the .'ios- FIST fact ?hat *-avfa man in »he quart**' ¿« apabie of doing solo » ‘»r* .nd one is a reader of »orne repute ’ he ; ro*ram *ill be varied The men wiil <in* hoih henry and Ugh» quartet claaak*. inrludin* a group of r¡**gr»> spiritual* (Continuad on page 4) PHILOSOPHY LITERARY GROUP B ORGANIZED Maat Once • wmh Wi* Rni. Wmtct u f Dimw Clone. « 0*1 m«»'«rx rx».l „„I .Ii- "I >««rj Tk>ir«ta.i F.v a iin-up "f farnUr »»I •I'xtxol'- «h.. m.x-1 »1 I*.»- "» H»> Benoetf Weaver Iwateil "n I >or<»tb) lair. Itir* ..f rdilfa—ddiy. i«ieiry. drama, .ind 1 * 1* are read by Prof Wr«t»-r. Thewe are *upi*iem**nte*l with m f«ra *l di«. uwioo .Xi l«»i Thurwlay • *a'h*r .tog wla.«k.|x> rxa.I irxlti'lxij .*i<-xrpla fr..ui fix- Hxdilatl.'Iia '•< Marnia AnrHiua*. an*l ixlxn. !««'• Tlx. Makxr ut Itrrom*" morning The «.nf*r*-n'e *|U ,<« *r.r*'.*t» iatnrday and Monday Important «p»<k*r* from outiide »r.e .’ale tn^iude Prof J If Ko » - no»lology '¡»pAdment of *h- f'nireraity of sViseooHin *h*. »id hare hi* «ubje. » Kural Group* md Ti.eir < »rganl*a»i*>n and itire. tor John I» Willard of fh*- Sla«*.ifh .e?*i Agrtrtiltural rniiere. *ho *i 1 di*i >ih* some of the *»r*n*» h an 1 «•-AknffttM of 'he extenmon *ork A n*-* feature it 'hi* year • con- ■xr«ri* f « »hat «everai ounty Agent» fui*- in asatgned par* o ’ he program »«« *e-;i of '-ertain pha»ea -»f *he »»jr* ahtrh *hey hare sucre«-fuily ’ arriel thr<»u«h This »ill somewhat di>- plare the old method of general dis- USSiotl T he riiAM'ting« will als«> s.Jdr.-«- -d by Pre*iUent Butterfield. Tiean Pheian R J Baldwin, director ot extension. Itean Hha» sad Mi«< Gt*ch Krysinger. Kay Turner and Georg« K Farrell of ’he T'nltwd .State« department of agriculture. General sessions " ,i: earh half day tor an hour or two. and men the varions group*, county a* eats and «;eriali*ti. cl jb workers and home eeonomles egtenaion aer- tion. will hold tbwlr «penal meeting» .f . r.g premium* of fruì» . f ■- . 'I- »offer *'»r ' old *»or- -e r. tr;e hor*tn»lfure - old «»orage ..n» At »he pr*«-nf *,m«- .ha* er t.0 bushel« F.f MO),an t tfnlt ii* alone would make . ;<rr*-r fruì» *piay ’ tmn ha« erer held oe- \ II Tlake 'hairman of fhe »ege- r<iia -ri'»-« «tate* »hat hi* depart •>n» «hfiild t-as* id prerlotj« mark « 'he preaent rat»* of *-n*r “ « « on lied The rtoser department. i t i« a new »hing »hl« year »bow« '.n.i*e of 'a*ing a prominent place or.» *i»h 'he older i.ne* B G «'err out i a - hairman of »hi* corn- FIRSTSECRETARY’S DESK ADDEDTOOLDCURIOS Bn «— GaW D -b at fir* Ci lli i i SacwWry Aa Cam. r:ne ,n - oncer ft« .nd ’he 'onditloa of .f :«*» year «arrant« very ndiv;!uu! of ’he > J Mtouff er ,n *ar or * -*r*e attendance A -tat * ari j k »hat v»«* 11 *»••! in f the »-»»liege t.«* (♦*•»! r«*»«-btlf ?»* the »*dle*** »^f t uri*— The »lenk w*-. 'he profwrfy "f .«Aiifiir<l Howard. flr«i ««v-retary . *»f Mxhtgan Agrfa-tiittiral -«»Ifage in »he •lax« Xfa*-n tl*e fnewiry m inier»*! ‘ *»it threw. I*rof W it Ifedrw k has "*w*l •he for the U«t .“W r»*«ra The i (»llega- ttilteetlU) W ill le the «urbi'« future faottae The 'leak. ii th*NAgfa leiug »ine of the flr»l to ie itaeil by a college rttM jfirr. ha« »omI the ravages of time and hn* 1»tue through in good -ondition ft hi n«»w nn - Id-faehiooed battered remnant *-f »he flru «lay* **f the rd ltg r Ne rdarj II. II Halladay has seat the dnk to the «o!lege sttddsip for retoorhing CHARLES BAKER MEETS TRUSTEES Bi wi CamSttM Award« Lifbt- iaf Caatrid I« Eaat Lae •wf Fina. « bar -« H Baser of he Natioaai » t.o*r»-¿n» >-.ai Botidtri* A**»*bat;»o. .,f New York » iff »»et *ttn the rru-teea - f »he I*« ,.i»- - » hwr. fa at »im rw?r Kr.'lav -.i »■- fa^-k in »tie fr»;*»n t-otiding II** brought w'ífh falta a |*M|*-r wfaofi »he íiíle '»fi the old •hur» h i»t»»t#f*» lie ;h#* *» •■-n»*;-»n » f «f.kh l»e i * <*•* retar? ha*» alesi a '#•*. . fi»eri-w»e*| 0 'be t •bur* fa » nd f he in* » - fa ur» b en gag«*** ’ Vor .t»r«*fif<»>r. r »»(A)Hb *• 'he ruake« .**«fi« »o -«»agrega , Mr B ak er <*■ t»t<ed .if t*ere -»*» hi* » « i ' .*» k ‘ i *'**» York ?r».tn » M* sgo a ten* Iht ï a a »en a»’eiwiir«g a na r onai ^«^etoi.Uge He a«« ».rMlmre»! *hr«etch »he -e » » burefc «nd ah^»wett Tb»' ï '»»¡fe« ./iu <(l it tei- a*er *| f-«jf b -» Friday n »he burrh to -on • -« 1er e«ttng 'he irtri»-'« for *he » »»«tra* ’ • f*r the '.ght-'ng <f ‘he w « -■her* I, T V i re*«4 »n>eftd*d *.» »he intAtw« «hat the <».fttraet aw»r-led »•* 'b e Fast IgMint l> i trk- pany «brer bbl was approvimsfely Ft.wd> Ir i« *-x|sM-te«f that a fat»»,oe**» meeting --f ihe »r»t»*#ww will he held rh'» w**ek to award the »«»ntraet WELLS LECTURES BEFORE SOCIETIES Lar|i Aaditac* Hun Laclan 0« "Tb* Chemutry at Is- K* 4*m * « iOji-'l i’.rr of 5re •»I tii<t*r*4 t ¡re* of WHl GIVETWOWEEKS COURSEIN BEEKEEPING Carni ia Bai Callan W S I« Giara Fra* Fibraary Eâgbah ta NiaatnWb. ■«fra* 1 i ad t-" TAXICABS FOR THE M ILITARY BALL A apacial cab nerviee w ill be paovidad by the Madwy Cab Company. Then w ill ba a dispatcbin« serxice at the Un-on Buildin« at «;30 p. m. and cabs wiH ba atatioM d there from tin t boor until | g ) p m Call £1-444 in orders before 6:30 p. m. and tbo Union pbooe. SOW after tbat hour. Plenty of caba at 119th Fkld ArUBaay Araaory dnrteg tba party. No char«e for extra pas—ncera. 4*1 arf me* make »he haHHkial pw ii fate Tber»- Hill te» a me-tiog of the etfwatwn - lui» in 'he l.ltf le Thentnt «•f th e II K building WtdftMÉg at 5 »« p tn

Mn. T.an’o-t Michigan State News · 2014. 11. 19. · Mn. T.an’o-t LSjpary Michigan State News Statori »• Abet /a Hflitwllmt Auditorium. TI! KHI IA Y, JANUARY 2f,, |!.2

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Page 1: Mn. T.an’o-t Michigan State News · 2014. 11. 19. · Mn. T.an’o-t LSjpary Michigan State News Statori »• Abet /a Hflitwllmt Auditorium. TI! KHI IA Y, JANUARY 2f,, |!.2

Mn. T.an’o-t LSjpary

Michigan State News Statori »• Abet /a HflitwllmtAuditorium.

T I ! KHI IA Y , J A N U A R Y 2f,, |!.2<i S 'liM H K R .il

Wolverine Week To Open On Campus Wednesdayc w n ia k e s



I 5 AJO i

Can’t Dance to Chin ” Music ANNUAL MILITARY BALL TO BE HELD Jimmie’s Voice

FRIDAY IS A TWO O'CLOCK PARTY WKAR Favorite»he radio arid »here

■i I f m nel Ion*.

id WTfjt.o I,'I*




al «loq j

TO UNVEIL STATUEWolrrrin» Sponxon Prtm llliM

of Vulplorinf M iil.rpim

. h r , . , t i f i , y


BY M. S. C. UNION FARMERS’ WEEK VOCATIONAL E X P E R T TOJ. rut . , r „ DISCUSS LIFE-PLANNING‘ ■ •“ ' r ' “ *• •> F' * COUUSt FO« SENIORSIwi for L iu lM Scrvicr |, Prrdkted.


A M S K T R U C T O R ^ Gi»o E iliilii— u l Toaifkl

Teacf B e ­ta Sbart Ca­

l i Midiicia Armm IR. E. Cbarcb.

r* rtf of ‘ *.«• i ho * •>*“

*A«-.| ri il m h e r of *fi» r .*•*.l’>rt b u ild in g ha* made ided fsr-tlttle* fo r d la p la y - irlnr ’ h*- r roo pa »ha» afe

%I«íi -H enal*» i»! »«r* >-;nr « • a p o n » !«• n o m - <iegree

VIr Burnham * • u<’ ¿Mo¡pal i « II» «ili dia'"»»*# plan* for a ‘ planning »our*» I' i* ««Id 'hat

r* ha- long been « need for »»ffer '•«;.er» redan '*- *en!'»ra r*-

dm* »heir life work Kor »hi*

i, ! F-uir**- and ' »h» «en:or ' ia*«

•Volver n* » ly e r

m»erei» am ong nd» md »nPRii*-«

-lHge<t*«rii m -:•egtitiHRh* ír»»m Ia-n

. ire*» u h . *t»e» e»-“e*ar'* und e*«:hu»*a*n*

>r nail **«Ht (j»*iraJ#H' in. ..h* ti**te iwu't. ’ < luj'i'* i v i »g tira- elafe »•* ;i**‘

TbrirtUEl* te i- «*■ tb»' o n e Im»* hWtl |«JÎ 0*1 i -i .m fliira ia « e ■ «.«h rn — mi« a maii "f

il -**ei ihTi»*' mihI fa«* a *~-v i*. *ia» Úam iwduatry.

-ntEcn c a T »t m r a n m« t i U d Steff Will

Ile fo»


Coaatjr Agent« Will Givi Rnait* of Mitbadi a Ceoltc—tr.

• ndine*

M ind lta«f:ng* The '»rganiia- iM n demand moat " f the lin o due to »*ariy arrangement* fhe

f ig V le n w H I h ie U - I- * 1 1 « b l# 10nf Michigan

»he Farmer« .See«uaft< able »h* ;,en


arm ml Friday


¡ w a r w i u r » o í 'b e0*W*CBM9KI a d i n-Jin-at-Dl

ffeaí>» i. ,*-4** at t he Mir hi ■"Si* wax» miry Te«ari»er* ae-

• la t m*r. a- Ann Arbor ..“tie# T in lojMf die* u*»**d *- 1-HJ« •«ÿuAaiiMiii'we Analyst* a -« ' 'ü*^-eeu:.b* the college

A.«**»!, ii Frye. J. Ú. Hard- «-•»*¡par « s e H Ii H ibiod•-* 'i** tm~ versar y was id.t* (ijaeiiibg • - abd

n -«f j tg u i i »»lege th e .'ios-


fact ?hat *-avfa man in »he quart**' ¿« apabie of doing solo » ‘ »r* .nd one is a reader of »orne repute ’ he ; ro*ram *ill be varied The men wiil <in* hoih henry and Ugh» quartet claaak*. inrludin* a group of r¡**gr»> spiritual*

(Continuad on page 4)


Maat Once • wmh Wi* Rni. Wmtct u f Dimw Clone.

« 0*1 m « » '« r x rx».l „„I .Ii- "I > ««rj Tk>ir«ta.i F.v a iin-up " f farnUr » » I •I'xtxol'- «h.. m.x-1 »1 I*.»- "» H»>Benoetf Weaver Iwateil "n I >or<»tb) la ir .

Itir* ..f rdilfa—ddiy. i«ieiry. drama, .ind 1* 1* are read by Prof Wr«t»-r. Thewe are *upi*iem**nte*l with m f«ra*ldi«. uwioo .Xi l«»i Thurwlay • *a'h*r ■.tog wla.«k.|x> rxa.I irxlti'lxij .*i<-xrpla fr..ui fix- Hxdilatl.'Iia '•< MarniaAnrHiua*. an*l ix lxn . !««'•Tlx. Makxr ut Itrrom*"

m o r n i n g T h e « . n f * r * - n ' e * | U ,<«

*r.r*'.*t» iatnrday an d Monday Important «p»<k*r* from outiide

»r.e . ’ a le tn^iude Prof J If K o » ,» - no»lology '¡»pAdment of *h-f'nireraity of sViseooHin *h*. » id h a re hi* «u b je . » Kural Group* md Ti.eir < »rganl*a»i*>n and itire. tor John I» Willard o f fh*- Sla«*.ifh .e?*i Agrtrtiltural rniiere. *ho * i 1 di*i >ih* some of the * » r*n*» h an 1 «•-AknffttM o f 'he extenmon *ork

A n*-* feature it 'hi* year • co n- ■xr«ri* f « »hat «everai ounty Agent» fui*- in asatgned par* o ’ he program »«« *e-;i of '-ertain pha»ea -»f *he »»jr* ahtrh *hey hare sucre«-fuily ’ arriel thr<»u«h This » ill somewhat di>- plare the old method of general dis- USSiotlThe riiAM'ting« will als«> s.Jdr.-«- -d by Pre*iUent B utterfield. Tiean

Pheian R J Baldwin, d irec to r ot extension. Itean Hha» sad Mi«< Gt*ch K rysinger. Kay T u rn er and Georg« K F arre ll of ’he T'nltwd .State« d ep a rtm en t of agricu ltu re .

General sessions " ,i: earhhalf day tor an hour or two. and men the varions group*, county a* eats and «;eriali*ti. cl jb workers and home eeonomles egtenaion aer- tion. will hold tbwlr «penal meeting»

. f . r.g premium* of fruì»

. f ■- . 'I- »offer *'»r ' old *»or--e r. tr;e hor*tn»lfure - old «»orage ..n» At »he pr*«-nf *,m«- .ha* er t.0 bushel« F.f M O),an t tfn lt i i* alone would make . ;<rr*-r fruì» *piay ’ tmn ha« erer held oe-

\ II Tlake 'hairm an o f fhe »ege- r<iia -ri'»-« «tate* »hat hi* depart •>n» «hfiild t-as* id prerlotj« mark « 'he preaent rat»* of *-n*r “ « « on lied The rtoser department.i t i« a new »hing »hl« year »bow«

'.n.i*e of 'a*ing a prominent place or.» *i»h 'he older i.ne* B G «'err out i a - hairman o f »hi* corn-


Bn «— GaW D -b at fir* Ci ll i i i SacwWry Aa Cam.

r:ne ,n - oncer ft«.nd ’ he 'onditloa of .f :«*» year «arrant«

very ndiv;!uu! o f ’ he > J Mtouff er ,n *ar or * -*r*e attendance

A-tat *

ari j— k »hat v»«* 11 *»••! in f the »-»»liege t.«* (♦*•»! r«*»«-btlf ?»* the »*dle*** » f

t uri*— The »lenk w*-. 'he profwrfy "f .«Aiifiir<l Howard. flr«i ««v-retary . *»f Mxhtgan Agrfa-tiittiral -«»Ifage in »he •lax« Xfa*-n tl*e fnewiry minier»*! ‘*»it threw. I*rof W i t Ifedrw k has "*w *l •he for the U«t .“W r»*«ra

The i (»llega- ttilteetlU) W ill le the «urbi'« fu tu re faottae The 'leak. ii th*NAgfa le iug »ine of the flr»l to ie itaeil by a college r t tM jf ir r . ha« »omI the ravages of time and hn* 1 »tue through in good -ondition ft hi n«»wnn - Id-faehiooed battered rem nant *-f »he f lru «lay* **f the r d l tg r Ne r d a r j II. II Halladay has seat the dnk to the « o!lege s t t d d s i p for retoorhing


Bi —w i CamSttM Award« Lifbt- iaf Caatrid I« Eaat Lae

•wf Fina.

« bar -« H Baser of he Natioaai » t.o*r»-¿n» > -.ai Botidtri* A**»*bat;»o. .,f New York » i f f »»et *ttn the rru-teea - f »he I*« ,.i»- - » hwr. fa at »im rw?r Kr.'lav - .i »■ - fa -k in »tie fr»;*»n t-otiding II** brought w'ífh falta a |*M|*-r wfaofi »he íiíle '»fi theold • hur» h i»t»»t#f*» lie ;h#* *» •■-n»*;-»n » f «f.kh l»e i * <*•* retar? ha*» a l e s i a '#•*. . fi»eri-w»e*| 0 'b e t• bur* fa » nd f he in* » - fa ur» b engag«*** ’ Vor .t»r«*fif<»>r. r »»(A)Hb *• 'he• ruake« .**«fi« »o -«»agrega ,

Mr Baker <*■ t»t<ed .if t*ere -»*» hi* » « i ' .*» k ‘ i *'**» York ?r».tn » M* sgo a ten* Iht ï a a »en a»’eiwiir«g a na r onai ^«^etoi.Uge He a«« ».rMlmre»! *hr«etch »he -e » » burefc «nd ah »wett

T b » ' ï ' » » ¡ f e « . /iu <(l i t t e i- a * e r * | f - « j f

b - » Friday n »he burrh to -on• -«1er e«ttng 'he irtri»-'« for *he» »»«tra* ’ • f*r the '.ght-'ng <f ‘ he w « -■her* I, T V i re*«4»n>eftd*d *.» »he intAtw« «hat the < ».fttraet aw»r-led »•* 'be Fast IgM int l> i trk- pany «b rer bbl was approvimsfely Ft.wd> Ir i« *-x|sM-te«f that a fat»»,oe**» meeting --f ihe »r»t»*#ww will he held rh'» w**ek to award the »«»ntraet


Lar|i Aaditac* H un Laclan 0« "Tb* Chemutry at Is-

K* 4*m*« iO ji-'l i ’.rr of

5re •»Itii<t*r*4 t ¡re* of


Carni ia Bai Callan W S I« Giara Fra* Fibraary Eâgbah

ta NiaatnWb.

■«fra* 1 i ad t-"

T A X IC A B S F O R T H E M IL IT A R Y B A L LA apacial cab nerviee w ill be paovidad by the Madwy Cab Company. Then w ill ba a dispatcbin«

serxice at the Un-on Buildin« at «;30 p. m. and cabs wiH ba atatioM d there from tin t boor until | g ) p m Call £1-444 in orders before 6:30 p. m. and tbo Union pbooe. SOW after tbat hour.

Plenty of caba at 119th Fk ld ArUBaay Araaory dnrteg tba party. No char«e for extra pas—ncera.

4*1 arf me* make »he haHHkial pw ii fateTber»- Hill te» a m e-tiog of the

etfwatwn - lui» in 'h e l.ltf le Then tnt «•f the II K building W tdftM É g a t 5 »« p tn

Page 2: Mn. T.an’o-t Michigan State News · 2014. 11. 19. · Mn. T.an’o-t LSjpary Michigan State News Statori »• Abet /a Hflitwllmt Auditorium. TI! KHI IA Y, JANUARY 2f,, |!.2

frrafe two

Michigan Stale NewsI'iiMImIk««! twice woukl.v «luring the rollugi* .wm by Mn* attirlenrh .»r the

Michigan HImic <‘«»llt'gt*. Kntcrcil iim mtuimI Hums unifier ni Hi* (MMtofrit'e, Khm I .»iiin lug, Mbtilgiiii. Ailvcrilnliig mien fur-

nlulled U|M*n it|»|*l 1«*ntion in Hit* IIuhIiicmh M u i i i 'i s c i

F IH T O K IA I H T \ r V IIOIIKKT II. POWKIIH. ‘2*11. Ilcr hi in o llouae, Cits. IMflf IIIKI* W i l A UK. '¡Mi. Ilennlan IIoiimi*M A Iti:I. A. URTTJ9F....................M * iiii Hurt un. '2HI(iuoigiit I .lulit foolRrvi Crewntt, ’2Th iHilnlhy Bum 'll .

Editor I I i ih I i ic m n U h i m k m

Co-ed Kill I or Hporfp Editor

Feature* Houlefy Kdllnr

I.Ilcrn rvAm M m iI A litor»

I'iiiiI II. Rtiglc, * W. Kiel simili, I*. It tilmni. tl t*org<- Woodbury T. I. Chrlntle. K 11 inn Ini nuli

John ItrlNliln Note ItnllbiiekW A CallM * ‘In rl*M Cerne J. Ken I on

W n i l l H - t i ! H l l l i n l l ,

K K I'O K T K K S r ft, Hill ffenrge If. MMm inn tlcnnett .1 I» ilcitiiC. Kntkoskl V; I AndcrnoiIt. Melttnln M K fin iium'Win. MnHer It Meme.ver( leu « ole Itiifh OnSIM I F T Y K F I'O K T F K N

Itntli 11 n rii. Mil li li Mlninnfuti. Pli.vl Alice limili r. Aimes Trmnlitill


I I I HINKSH H lA f f Ad veri IhIiik fi. T Wlilllnirn. *27: I*. Nynder. *2H: Vie Anderson. ’UN

Itein imi li. J 7 : Telilo Spili lt*. ’2* : IcwIn Hnliler, ‘2H: filmiti, 211 Circolilil<iti M i \ fìnnilwlii, '¡ili

(ifT H 'K ftAHBMIOST NEW f «f Ufi A II V MIMI.IMNHl'i Inteil ut lite Cnnipll'* I*i«-" Climie *.M.II"

FillimitiIm ijppciiiiiiK In Mie M H IfM lW HTATK NEWH are wrtflen l»y t h è editor III utile! ì m i In* itMHlotntilM. whn tire «imlcTlt*» They rati In no wily Ite Inleipieted le* repretn’llllini Mie ufTli ini vieU'|iolnt " t tic College, ur nf eullege offldlllM.

HtMtHf'HICTHIN fi* T.*i THE H( ll( m i. VKAIt

N f l 'H la iX HT.VTE NKWs Tl'KSIMV. JAKt'ARY » , IM I.

CLASH M EETINGS Here’« hoping thut Wednesday morning will sfi every student

on the campus flock to his kind. Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, anil seniors need to develop a greater consciousness of their ic i- low classmates. Go to your class meeting and get acquainted with the activities of your class.

<-°t%KAMP EdnaR.1 KUE5TI


\bUnder College Drug Store

if im ifirr r

Tinse lil si few cold nlglllH, the l i n e s v here the si lltlili t.H -leep in I in >nii think Ifn* metb«»d* of fro

et ioli til H int Ion*» are tiwi nepere?

Hni campi

vindow 'Mickey'* f win, 271.I i ! ;, ! r I. ih in l< there is ¡i n y harm lit

i (i,, mit intintili. If fh<y are limited (>,,ri■ >1 duration

I. j. ftatiiMlfll, gel.I',-.,ni >h, «lumi|,olili o f III,! Ira

, liner tornii» I do not Tho plr-(l(to appro

Taxicabs for the Military Ball,\ -1 a f * in I seivlee will in- provided by Mm* Maekey r„|,

i '< nipaiiy. There will bu n dfi*pat«*hlhg -erviee frum the I nit.n Building at MI p »« »»"I «•*»*« ,H> «tafI*.nedthere from that hour itwlH v.'bi |». iti. ( ’all 21-111 in placing order« la-fore p. m and Mn* ruion Bulbillo.* pin »tie. fNir.fl after that hour

plenty of Cat* at lltfh Field Artillery Armory During the Party.

No Charge for Extra Passengers


BONES! BONKS!“ Any rags, any Is,11 les, any hones bwlay ?"- the cry of I hr* ped­

dler is still in my ears. Hut it has taken new meaning since that long ago time. “ Any bones today?" Then it meant real hones, white horny things lhal a small liny could pile together and sell. It meant money wilh which to hoy fish hooks anil steel traps anil shells for the twenty-two. Now it means many things: human heads, certain lank traditions, and, among other things, words, wonls. words.

Words from which all flesh has withered away! Dry words, horribly I,rown words, niumihed things, shriveled with the aridity of time,- - things like the discovered bodies of ditF dwellers that I oner saw on show in the store windows of Denver. Once there was life in them, and about them swept swift muscles. Over them ran hoi pulses, and through them hil and lire ,I the pains and thrills of flesh, liut not, lames, bones.

The flesh is the lienuty alid meaning and purpose o f the bone And connotations ipnrdnn me, you must look it up) connotations Hf^TttP twjmey- nrfit meaning and purpose of words. Hut they like flesh, dry and wither away. The language of some people, then, is nothing but lames. Living meaning is no longer attached to the tibia of Ihelr sentences. When they speak one sees grey skeltniis ill slow Charleston parade.

Hut institutions—-institutions are more likely to have a lan­guage of death than are individuals. We shall not s|a‘«k of col­leges, nor use that thigh-lame of the saurian known as education. For the moment campus connotations most'stay w’ilh those who have the zest, the mirth, the hardihood to deal with them.

The church, however, the church! What a variety of miaiilica liens of lamy matter meets you at the door and conducts you through the service. "Dead, dead, long dead!” you murmur to yourself as you Iluten. Here are the vast (ioliiTIONS. 1st, they sit in the congregations themselves! And they over-bend even the dcnommuTIONH. lad a paleontologist of language hunt for these lames of Adam, and he will llnd strata of TH INS in Greece and It lay—the vast sauriana of the past.

Hut the TH INS an* not the hones that most suggest death. There is the monster ain. And la*side him , in imagination, you can *ec the great man'he-etepper, SALVATIO N . Hones! Their meaning is withered and sen*. Back of them still we see roaming the mesas of Ihe agone anil the plateaus of the pnlcontologcnl past such giant rcpitles as H K I.I. and IIKAVF.N . What an* these, we say. What is Their meaning or their beauty? They arc lames, lames. Hut Ihe gn*al TH IN , DamnaTlON, rattles his mandibles, and we grow silent with awe and fear.

This, of course. Is pleasantry. To tie-plain, we need to freshen up our wonls, or language. Especially in churches we need new. raw, large words that will carry nothing of the connotations of the past, but will carry the meaning and the imagination of the present. Until we get a language that will be lively with meaning for college melt and women, we can not expect them to listen They are not philologists. And still worse, they lack humor and imagination. In time the new language will grow. W'c should culture it with courage.


W O LV ER IN E W EEKIn order to make any publication on the campus a success, stu­

dent financial support is necessary. Tomorrow, the W O LV ER IN E subscription campaign tiegms. This year the annual is an all college yearlxHik making its success of equal importance to nil classes.

It is o b v io u s then, that your money as well as your picture is needed to make this very wnrthwhnle Ismk a successful enter­prise.

SO U VEN IR H UNTERSHuman nature changes very little as man's march through time

points out. The trophy hunting habit or instinct is still with ua. However, instead of collecting the skulls of our enemies, we dabble in street car hangers, dance programs, and posters.

Tip artista who paint posters advertising dances, yearbooks,! and special events should certainly feel Aattered on seeing their creations so highly appreciated by the collegiate connoisseurs. Bu t then art of this kind is rather for the masses than for the "eofleetor*. ,

| 4 posters serve their purpose before removing them to your H W apnlftin art gallery.

Mr liol.U w i ii„n il mul

I M O \ VI I K K » I IV VI.I* t .v x » l i u t v o l t i i l .

i ( ’ » » m u t u o v i f r o n t ;<itsrt> 1 >

PHth iti uhi *if (ht* mi» ■!»•* < hairtitatìo f th<* i n . t u .i r m n u o t n m i ' i m * ¡ i i u . u u i t u

«•«I inda) ni «hi w ill lw*kut>svi» ti* Siali* lH»{iartftu>nt tilshl, a t v v h i r l i t i n i * * ( ì t » i * * M u » r Vi \ J (¡riH**trt‘«'k .ubi ni*■!!»!><•!> ni iti. «**<»!*. { » • I m I n i M r a ' t v « * b o a t t i v t i i i I».* m v i t e d

i n a ! (« ' »< ! a 8 « i n - ’ •* o f h o o o r F r i

J. W. Edmonds' SonsT K t M i * imi t 'IV K L K A T H K K liINHM t

I 107 W M hk i|kN i A tw u e ¡fru lli 14111*1*10. Mici».

KMinlilluhtHl 71 >t*Mni


The Lansing CafeLaaslag's Mesi Up-te-Uale

gsslsn rsa l

M I S ta l l i W srttag tsa .U sane

aaaaaaaa*aaaae • e « e g „ f

f. » tu fitMtilw'n. 2*f IIF

i t M i i i I h ' U « , 2MIII


I M i c h i g a n S t a t e Au t o S a l e s< K t m i l . K K S O F I t t 'W t W V E S S K X

j I IS VV. fim tul Klvt-r tvs.

| » ; v **t i . t v t i M i . m i i i m . v n1| “ Quality cars at quantity prices ”4 Mr. f»iit*m-cy cordially invites the inspect ion nf thi* < - -4 plete line of dosed models heinjf displayed at this time.

5 A personal or phone «'all will brinff «i demonstrator to \ >2 door without any «»1 »1 ijr;*tinn«.

We also an* curry ini? a very hijfh j?rade line of atitomobiles. with prices that are very attractive. A -r down payment and convenient monthly installments, th* after, will buv Im»th new and used cars.

c Mir present stock of used cars is as follows:

Krtil:* \ h i .I Si

I !• : ; ||ni|w»fi i-«mrli. I?*.* * H m laiiil xrtliin.

After the dance

. . . a pipe

and P. A.WHEN you've kicked off the pump* and toaaad the collar on the table, while the muaic u «rill tinging in your brain and memories of one dancing deb in particular crowd your thoughts, fill your pipe with Prince Albert and Ugh* up. Make it a night of night*.

P- A. is *o genuinely friendly. It hit* your •moke-spot in deep center right off the bat. Doesn't bite your tongue or porch your throat, because the Prince Albert process mid "nig on the rough Muff" at the very beginning. Ju« cool contentment in every perfect puff.

Don t put off till tomorrow what vou «*■*» «moke today. Get a tidy red tin of P. A. now. Snap back the hinged lid and release that won­derful fragrance. Tamp a load into the bowl of your jimmy-pipe and light up. Now you've got it . . . that tame. Say— isn’t that the goods now?

Pr in c e a l b e r t

0- A. M •mlé rimymèmm tm f r » » f r m u . fmmmé m é M * Pon od ira ig n id a t i , and M n fr m u d ginn »■■idee» • f r ' S — » • ■ ■ I H M M f f f r o m n i M l m r t M » o t •••• ond Poe« è r r n a r f r I f •w “ riar» dfPeer p tw rti.

— no o th e r to b e cco it lik e k t

Page 3: Mn. T.an’o-t Michigan State News · 2014. 11. 19. · Mn. T.an’o-t LSjpary Michigan State News Statori »• Abet /a Hflitwllmt Auditorium. TI! KHI IA Y, JANUARY 2f,, |!.2

The Social Whirl.il initiations are giving way for

K dltrd by K l » A rK K N C O T T

H aw m l i d i a l lo u ...

ih** r* gular rollini • ,r muiu shuli charartem e winter term. This week t *‘id», lb «»« » ' the PI Kapim Ph.. «tiri Cimnmian.' Prirt«. .. fit rliinr e Klv«n by the Alpha (Jama Imita» in n ,„ i , ,

Kunomlan open house. Saturday night ushered »uumngdari'** at Morrill hall, an informal parly staged | t ind an open Iioijh*: held at tin- P by Jean hou>and th** girl« in Practice ho •d w i t h

a Un fo r m a I h e I ' o l u i n h t a l i T i t . T h e m i a f i * «* • Hat urti a y


I aiTr* tVoman’i Building Gaily Decorat­ed for Event; More then

100 Couplet Attend.


Enthuiaitt Include Many Co-edt.

improving I'll I Kappa Tail

Woodbury «tee»

stto iiK Hou«e for, j Flottai« Dough. Cayle F< r gne# JluVnea and Lee-Irene ( r«* hostesses at a dinner glv-

i;i- botine laht Sunday evening following girls spent the week th**lr reHpef'tlve homes: T hen I .«da Sprinkle, Dorothy Port/ ftoroH».• Kann. I«tira Shdnmclx, ak Mrs F y \f;i, y*«,

rnes and Mabel Clreenouglt week < -nd a« th, cu, .Roth o f Mt. Piemen* s u m a Dorothy

at the house over îhe week- A!l' ' M* Wood

n d i n I »,-1

mi- in Vii-n d i : T I . in

l*y filim i » of the society are having initiation ihis week For Itlon will he held Saturday

with a formal dinner lowing.

Webber underwent a non al operation this Week eyes, who has le -n confined

M a d e l i n e A l g * Olga Hlrd .î t <

Kern- Ma

if II JiaMrs 'I

n o t M r -

(Cite ï jm t t Tim i» iÿlni})'I l.i.f L ast b r a n d K lt e r \ «erm e l ast I ..tositi^

J r l r p b ' i r 2313


Make the Downey Your Headquarters When Downtown

We Are Now Established in Our New Home at 130 K. Allegan street. Ready to Ite

of Service to You

Towle Optical Co.i « t a h i .i * h *:i i i v I . a n s i v i , m o k a : i i i a v i n i v r t u a k «

S l k s i f t m s rk J ) l i b i s i iSÜÜ iA/SCm m ul K

T IIB IT L A Ft S K A T K SW e H.i t « I t o »


Skates K\pert ly Sharpened

Younè Bros. Hardware Co.

N eat to I l ’re*«

Rouser’sMalted MilkFamous for its Excellence

C.J.R0USER DRUG GO.Three Rexall Stores

id l-.ws *>li a I dinne

S a t u r d a i

Amphion •I d ir t ;*

Michigan S t a t e » new Rating rink î- Vieiiig -.a it h th*. gymnasium for p re m ie r honors in t ime .-pent for the u-e of S he si Ui'u-ltt S Fourteen hour« * * ern It» be long enough to atiilxe '•io. hui Illing on th. ■ a ru pu* - o h a-

II! gli? !!:•• fîorn h ,t» d a t in g


Gave Program at Charlotte Thon- day Night.

■..iti11*.i.. < In v 11.(,.


I ’l k.i|.|>i I'M

t Hfiumun


■nsive plans are being m ade • regular spring vacation tour' varsity glee club, which has

» started giving entertain and is making plans for other ment* in the vicinity o f Dan uring ’ he winter term Thursday night the glee club program for a Masonie ban charlotte whir-h was attended

I.tiers of-.aII Masonic lodges In inff v

t the glee club and th** varsity ' have a distinct advantage -ar in I hat nearly all *»f last member* an- in these organ!

thia year There are only '•» members in the glee club e new member of the quartet .;»! numbers are given by !• K Tayl»»r on the xylophone .»(•ion with the glee *luh en men»s and he is uccompanied ’ * - i»r Taylor on the piano. \;»rwlty quartet, composed of

T«>ax. I. t; Morse Fr«M“*t llu o’ Harold Kdwards gave their


first con* so last S;i

The pe as follow. I . t W i tenors I, M< I Af u II .« Hair WM. c î s e * ond h a S F d w a d ford and

•rt o f the season at Owos- turday night.r-otine! of the glee d u b Is

F irs t tenors. P Kenyon. !*on and It Toaz, second L y o n s . I« <; Morse. W . It.

nd It Kggert; first baae, K Butterfield. V Stockman.

• ' ' r o t i w H . Spurrier.• I. Htrolei. It. Dixon I. 1 H Sweet. .1 K Craw

}•■ H u b e rt

\ pair >iT gtases within n H K building and

T h u r s d a y . J a n u a r y • • Marian Hennett at

C. Reward

■ f Sin ¡titer Lifetime -of Hoad and Ag build-

‘ • M S an fo rd .

M AKK M il It ( IIK IS T M A H M T O I v n i l - A T S I A K I V


1X3*4 I f t Druml K lte r Avenue P lltts i: iilfil


Pravi»*#* Hoi»«..

Why Not Stop for

A “ B i t e ” a n d C h a tWITH YOUR CHUMS



On ton Way Ta and From Clan


Service Our Motto



Washburn’sVKXT TO I M I O f M C I

Eat HereH e S e rv e th e K T ftT %l

l .w y t lm sMy lam I 'r tm .


FOR PARTIESsmnll or l arge

Chop S a c yr m i p u t o m

EAST INNu i » » m n

Wolverine FlyerTomorrow, Jan. 27,1926


Read It and Then




Page 4: Mn. T.an’o-t Michigan State News · 2014. 11. 19. · Mn. T.an’o-t LSjpary Michigan State News Statori »• Abet /a Hflitwllmt Auditorium. TI! KHI IA Y, JANUARY 2f,, |!.2

Kagt» F w

í í m r i r - r"% % m

M U IIK .IV HTATK NRWH, T I K SIH V , JA N I VRV a i . tua».


!.. E. HORTON Sfwjct* Editor A PAGE OF SPORTS



“ IT HOCKEY TEAM ritianiTiEfl it in u v e a aurnurauitti


for Eearly ¿core

I'm I h i ih '¡i - > • » I

, i n . I I t . - d . i i I . in .uni I»

• • t i k l i n . M i f i i l e t i i 8 i ; tl i • n u r h I ú Ú ' T a n d h o l d

' i«'- hm»»m in -pi'iil i n g e v e n t s . lof i F r u l l iIl A i H, ( .1 tllldll ‘A l ief

I arid W h i l o - d o r .

, unt i l m y o v e r u n! W h ite H


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a f t e t t i n o t i i n r i i t i l i i U K u p ; i m p h n O y n r i l t u n l l e m l r i . kit •ni i* OV 1*1* (I II- s o p h s 1 11 I l i o i l l - d ' l . I l a . - l i n v i F I . T i m .

- n inni i»ô 2 1 . I l ie I r e s i t W U f * I I«* > il i «I r e i n : W o i l I -r ' l a t n s a l n i l l jo k t * In** i m o t t l l t w ith L o h t i . 1 1 * x n i ; i n . a n di i i j i i h e i i n k o n i in* -• • • • .m l j e n r T i n t o . 5 2 : 1

I » i l lc r . \ e n r l J n g t r u c k I t i i n i n n r > . ( ( M a t ' d h i g h h u r d l e - M ,e o n t s f n m l u m i h • i I m in ei il i III. I »ill«-! i F I . s . h a n r i F t

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a d d e d t o t h e W . A A I o f I ' e l o - k e y h l - t k e t l i e A d a m * * WHH e l e e t e d v i d e - t a i d i.-ln*i| i ll l i tl . il b> M l - l a s t 1 1 1 . - t i n g T i l 111

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N.|H Of

game the drurn I ml¡ RA I


Brrqniit Only Statar lo Win Malrh.




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hurdle»--Miller tH i, K I rune.

m it F nilotMUO

I'ooles Alito Laundryf W m h t M i r n * S m o k e S i m p

l ar* W idlietl. d inm n/«-«I .uni i ml \ h-nni »<1 M a in lin e (Ml*

I To I»

I p.mi od . la Hi

■ rid Mb ken-

We Arc Not Satisfied Fnless You Are


'IW \ It hot Knud

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I M -w s vî>*Aey4

V> W V ' ’ «* s -V*/-ry f o * *


Shot* Repairingli«ute My

Par rat t Shoe Repair Shop

Ilitdenteiti I inter KieltiiHt slmj*

M i l s H l . M S n t N \ M t :t * .

U K K . I I M l \ \ l • 1*1(11 I I I


J I I I ' l N M N i . t l l N M At m a e t

as« O COKE» %m i h u m .

W i n I H I M I » V I l i

I M I I I | I | S I ICI I I I I I |l

RADIOM l N i l F M l l l l \ui n %\rHENKEL’S

RADIO SHOPI J j \\ I I . i d l t l e t c i n

l A l N I V ,




N e \ l i n l l u n l F i m n I S h o p



I ’l lt t M M.K I l ’IM t H M h H IM i

24-Hour Servicei l l thh.il

K W t O N K I V i . M l . l i l t , t s



T h e C a m p u s G rillThe l a t è a t I U V I M l IONKKY and KKSTAI HANT

in t j - l laakinii

I n h r . M m m * » — *■ »I M h ( . la Make ThU M orr TImIt

U . « k u r k n . .

M.&C. CafeteriaU M I M i


tlH 'i South WaahtawlM Avenue


T h e W o l v e r i n e L u n c hl-ANhlMi, MICHIGAN