fftesaOnWfsf if - nfrnftsuesl T3"irsuBMni rair i di ai Highland Reckodkis LOCAL NEWS. TKltSCNAL Brief Items^of Interest to Home vi»lks About Their Friends And Acfiuaiiitaiiees. Mr Alie Arbogast ol' Crabbottom "tvi s over Mondol, IMr. Frank Wilson has gone to Staunton on bu luess* E A Dudley Esq,, was over Sat¬ urday for a short while. Mr I* Il McNulty made a busi- Ti< ss trip to town Monday. Mr Eugine Budgers made a busi Hiss trip to town recently. Mr and Mrs Hugh Ryder of Mt Grove were rn town Saturday. Mr Adam Stephenson (ame o\er Sunday to see his Monterey friend . Mr Scott Gum of Durbin came to Monterey Monday for supplies. We regret to learn that Mr G. . VV. Ileyener of Higbtowu is rignt ;n. Mr Adam Fleisher of Meadow Dale was here a short time Satur¬ day. Mr and Mrs Henry Slaven made this office an agreeable call on Sat¬ in day. Mr. Willis Gibson is borne again for a short while, from the West Va. hills. Mr Morgan Armstrong was up Tuesday making some purchases for his store. Mr John Pruitt and wife of Mc¬ Dowell anent Sunday at his home on the Iv iver. Miss Katie Pruitt went to Mc¬ Dowell this week to visit her broth¬ er, Mr John Pruitt. Prof W II Keister and wife of Harrisonburg are visiting relatives j.ear McDowell. Miss Bessie Bishop lms gone to Harrisonburg to spend sometime with friends. Miss Ednioni a Slaven arrived home on Thursday, last, to spend her summer vacation. Miss Edna Slaven of Meadow Dale spent a part of the wick with J.er cousins the Misses Campbell. Our entire stock of goods at prime cost for cash. L. S. Dickenson & Co. lion. Edward Echols has with¬ drawn from tlie race fur governor, which does not materially change the situation. Our entire stock of goods at cost. for SO clays, for cash. L. S. Dickenson & Co. Mrs L A Cariebon0 and Miss Sal¬ lie Campbell who were visiting friends at Staunton returned home lust Thursday. We believe it would be a good idta for the town to cut the thistles and weeds that grow so luxuriously by our side walks. Mrs Janies Cross, mother of our townsman, Mr C G .Cross, died at her home mar West Augusta on Flidav evening, aged 8*2 \ears. Mrs Joseph Skid more and daugh¬ ter, Mrs M Iv Beggs of Franklin aie visiting the family of Mr VV A Beverage and other relatives. Mr Jesse Waggoner started on July 1st to carry the ring mail Win Daugherty whose time just clofled performed excellent service on this route. Master Paul Slaven and sister Ilise Eisie are spending this week with their grand father. Mr. Sip le, near Ft. Seybert, Pendleton county. On July 1st oi.r merchants did some figuring on their tobacco, ci¬ gars &c. to get the two and one fourth cent fier pound rebate from Uncle Sam. The old firm of Hoover, Bear ft Co. Staunton, Va. was, on July 1st, succeeded by Sbreckhise& Bear who will continue the business at che same place. A pleasant feature of the 4th Was a social given to the young ladies of Monterey and vicinity by 11 iev young men, which took place kt tl*eNe\v Star Hotel. The question now is, will it be as hard to get out of the way of putting a stamp on checks as it was to get in the wav of doing it? We hardly think it. The action of the city council of Staunton in turning down its chief of police Capt. J. ll. Waters, after his long and faithful service as such is being severely criticised. Kev. Jacob S Garrison. President of Massanutten Academy, Wood¬ stock, Va., was in the county this wick in the interest of his flourish* lng school. His wife accompanied him. Mr. Walter Sevbert of the C ft I engineer corps, has recovered from measles and has gone to camp. The corps is at work on the Alleghanv. Two or three more of4he corns we learn have measles. E. W. Jackson, chief engineer of [the Che>apeak, \\ estern was at the [New Star Hotel Sunday a short awhile. He came rip Back Creek and [as on his way to Franklin. His :.re was with him. mWmmmmmmmmmmW NoiVrv::- I will be in Monterey .he lOlh aud ll th of July to re¬ pair and clean clocks All parkes haying such work to do will leave at the post-office. Remember the date. A. Lee Wimer. Dr. M. P. Jones of Churchville directs us to send his paper, for the present, to New Vork city. We suppose tly Dr. is there for the purpose of picking up the new things in the M. D. profession. The law against spitting on the floors of churches passed by our last legislature, has called forth this apt remark from one: '.Any one who expectorates on the floor need not expect to rate as a gentle¬ man.11 If you want a Verbatim report of the constitutional convention you can get it in the Richmond Dispatch. The Dispatch prints the proeodings in full without chiirge to the Slate, and for 83. you can get the daily sn; months. On Monday evening the mercurv stood at the 102 mark at McDowell On the same evening a heavy rain storm passed over the upper Bull- pasture during which lightning .-truck a large tree on the Sam Wilson lot in McDowell and the town received a terrific shock. Mr. Henry A. Slaven of Meadow- Dale, who has been spending some time lately prospecting, scads us some specimens that he considers yery line magnetic iron. He says this ore can be i'-.nud in great quan¬ tity on Back Creek mountain, from Meadow Dale to Capt. Gilmore's. A four-year-old ewe raised by Mr S G Deyer of Mill Gap and re¬ cently shipped to Bot Springs by Mr S B Kexrode, weighed 181 pounds at home and at market 174 pounds; net weight UM J. It was saki to have been one of the finest sheep ever butchered at the Springs. Our Postmaster, Mr H M Slaven has placed in the post ofHce a watch maker's regulator, a very fine and accurate timekeeper, which keep* Min time and rail road time. This will prove a convenience to the town for heretofore every fellow had his own time, and it was a rare (.hailee that two watches or clocks were caught within fifteen minutes of each other. One of the best organs made is manufactured very near us. We speak of the Putnam organ made at Staunton by W WPutnam k Co. This factory started in a very small way, but is growing every day, and now it. tdiips organs to almost every country in the world. Their merit sells them, and wherever introduced they go. See their excellent oiler iii this issue. Mrs E M Arbogast and children who have bceu boarding here dur¬ ing the winter left on Tuesday to join her husband in Pocahontas county, where they will make their home, lier brother, Mr CS Mc¬ Nulty. and sister, Miss Mamie Mc¬ Nulty accompanied her to Marlin* ton. Mr and Mrs Arbogast have many friends in Highland who re¬ gret tj see them leaye. W Boone Slaven, of Fairlie, Tex. arrived here on last Friday and is now with his brother Mr T H Slav¬ en. These tw.> and another broth¬ er, S C Slaven Esq. of Meadow Dale after a separation of 85 years sj eut last Sunda}' together. Mr Boone Slaven said as he came down the mountain and through the trees would catch occasional glimpses of Monterey and the surrounding yal ley, iie thought that during his absence of a generation his eyes had not beheld a prettier picture. A Good Show Coming. On Monday, July 15th. J. H. Behan's Vaudeville troupe will com¬ mence a series of performances at Monterey, lasting one week. Mr, Rohan's favorable show record here last season will be a suflicient guar¬ antee to the people that he will fur¬ nish them amusement of a clean and harmless sort. Besides this we have it from our exchanges, from places where he has been that Mr. Behan has with him a troupe oi* splendid performers. ''Jim" Crowley &o popular last season, is not dead yet, as was re¬ ported, for he is right along with the band wagon making laughable laughs and hitable hits. Miss Flora Wagner, an artist in song and dance is a pleasing feature of each performance, Tom Levanion as aerial artist, makes a hit. Prof. StaulrVr is a prestidigitor ot the up- to-dale sort, and Mr. Behan has a number of new juggling feats to present. The music, a very enter¬ taining feature of each, program, is furnished by Miss Thorne. The Grant County Press says: "throughout the show is one of refinement and merit, aud this with the honorable business niel hods car¬ ried out in its management, adds much to its drawing qualities." There will be two petforman.es in Crabbottom on thursday and Friday nights, 11th and 12th. Stuns the Cough : nd Works off the (old. Laxative Bromo-Q.afi.lQe Tablets care a cold in one day. *No cure, no Pay. .Price 25 cents. sis finns From Our Sister Village. McDowell, July 1,1001..Every¬ one is com plaining of the hot weath¬ er. Mrs. A. A. Alexander has gone to Kockbridge to visit hor mother, j Misses Lina Crowley and Minnie! Ervine returned home Saturday from Staunton, where they have Leen visiting friends. ^Misses Mary Clay and Ella Ilinrr accompanied by Supt. J. L. Jones left this morning for Staunton -to attend the S-hool cf Methods. Quite an excitement was raised here last Thursday morning when Mr. J . J. Hiller's store was discover¬ ed to b-> on fire. The fire w'as*sup¬ posed to have originated from matches. It did but little damage. Miss Lena Hull is home on a visit for a few days. Barn Bradshaw and Elmer Evick shirted yesterday for W. V*.. ti work at the lumber camp. Mr. John Rexrode has finished work on the S. & P. road. \JMiss Cosby Arm-trong is visit ing friends at the Warm Springs. Prof. Zeigled of Rock bridge will open a singing school here next week. . Mrs. Squire Wilson of Staunton made a flying visit horne yesterday. Mr. George Hook left last week for 111. The ladies of the Presbyterian church will give a lawn party Sat¬ urday eve July 0. All are invited to attend as it is a good cause. Wishing the Recorder success in the future. "Uno." Valley Center Notes. Valley Center, July 1,1901.. At his last appointment here, Rev. Il A Morrill preached a fine ser¬ mon. He is much ia favor with his people here. Miss Annie Ryder of Frost, vis¬ ited friends here recently. Mr Wm Curry of Iinntorsvillt. spent a night, not long since, with his daughter, Mrs Harry Wade. Mr Cliff Matheny and Miss Le¬ nore Bird passed through the Val¬ ley recently on a pleasure driye Miss Bird can claim kin with most every one she meets here. Messers E A Wade and W Prici Campbell were at Frost several days ago to see Mr Wise Harold who was very sick. Mr R L Matheny talks more than ever now. He is much pleased wit' his 'ph jne. Mr E L Matheny and Clarence Bird were caught in a severe storm on the Alleghany not long ago. A large number of trees were blown near them, but they escaped unhurt The litMe babe of Mr and Mrs R L Matheny, but little more than a day old, died ou last Thursday ni or n in g. X. Items from Strait Creek. Strait Creek, July, 1, 1901.. Our fruit crop is greatly damaged by rose bugs. Mr Wimer of Pendleton visited his brother Mr Steward Wimer of this place last week. Airs Janie Pallin of Green Hill is visiting relatives here. Bliss Clara Seybert has closed her school on Jackson's river and is now at home. Miss Nela Rexrode is visiting relatives and friends here. Mr Bert Skidmore of Franklin, spent Sunday with his uncle W. P. Rexrode. Mr A W Beverage and wife ris ited her uncle, Mr Hull of High- town, Saturday and Sunday. Mrs Ben Varner of Crabbottom spent last week with Mr Jacob Varner. Mr Jesse Wagener of this place is carrying the mail between Mon¬ terey and Crabbottom, we wish him much success. Mrs I M Waggoner visited ber parents in Crabbottom last week. Wi 1.1.IK, Notice. We will sell our entire stock of goods at cost, for 80 days, for cash. Come while you can get your goods cheap. L. S. DlCKZXaox & Co Alass Meeting. On next Court dav, Thursday, daly 18, 1901, the Republicans of Highland will hold a mass meeting for the purpose of selecting a dele¬ gate from each of the three mag¬ isterial districts to represent the county at the Republican State Convention, which convenes at Charlottesville on August 21, 1901 G. D. Dudley, Chairman of Rep. Co., Committee. ? * ?- For Sale. Our Entire Stock of Merchandise. And Building fur Rent. In the town of Frost, W. Va. No other store here, nearest one 8 miles. Good location and surround¬ ing country. 10 milts from R. R. ".'I! on or address Hannah & Harper, Frost W. Va. \ Some Reasons Why You Should Insist on Having EUREK* f-^PMISS OSL Unequalee. lier. Renders hard ftuutez Soft. Especially prepared. Keeps out water. /J heavy bodied oil. Harness /*4n excellent preservative. Reduces cost of your harness. Never burns the leather ; its Efficiency is increased. Secures best service. Stitches kept from breaking. Oil la sold in all Localities Manufactured hr Standard Oil Company. TFE-E Hassan utten Academy A PREPARATORY SCHOOL THAT PREPARES FOE. THE COLLEGES THE UNIVERSITIES FOR PRACTICAL LIFE Send for Catalogue and in ike in¬ quiries about the School if you are not already acquainted wit ls its strong points. Address all communications to J. B1LOB GARRISON, A. B., President, WOODSTOCK, VIRGINIA Rando!ph41acon Academy for Boys a branch of Rahdolph-Macon Sys¬ tem located iu northern end of Val¬ ley of Va., 80 miles west of Wash¬ ington, D. (J. Represented by graduates from Randolph-Macon College, Washington and Lee Uni¬ versity, University of West Vu., Columbia University; Uniyersit\ of Va., and Vanderbilt University. Complete modern equipment at cost of 8100,000.00; gymnasium. field sports. Tenth session opens September 17. 1901. Postal card for catalogue. CHAS. L MELTON A. M Principal, Front Royal, Va. Special Sales. Mrs. Crummett is selling at cost what millinery she has yet in stock also shirt waists and a few other slimmer articles at a bargain. The DssiGNXB, one of the most popular of women's magazines, de- aeryes its position as favorite not only because of the charming and appropriate styles in garments and millinery which it presents, but because of its literary features, which are chosen with especial ref¬ erence to the home circle. The August number is brimming oyer with good things, among which may be mentioned the commence¬ ment of a Kentucky love story, '"Faint Heart and Fair Lady," by Henry Cleveland Wood, "Uncle Sam's Feminine Workers," by Wal¬ don Fawcett, "My Lady in Dis¬ guise, by L O Lennart ftc. The styles pictured in the most artistic manner in this number are just what are required for warm weather wear, and typify all that is refined, up-to-date and effective for ladies and juveniles. Sale of Valuable Grazing Land. Tract of Ja id lying in Rig Val¬ ley, Highland Co., known as the Bussard Land containing about 112 acres well watered and fertile. For further information aud price address L. 0. Stephenson", Box 48 Staunton, Va. July 7-11. Administrator's Sale. Charles M. Pullin, Admr. of H. M. Pullin deed, will sell publicly, on the 25th day of July, at the late residence of said Pullm, the person¬ al property belonging to said estate consisting of horses, sheep, cows, cattle, farming implements &C "Maker or Breaker!" Some are called Watch-Maker, some Watch-Tinker, and some are appropriately called Watch-Breaker and it's an inherent privilege of every American citizen to have any one they choose to repair their Watches. Added to a practical Ap¬ prenticeship and years' ei per lenee- on watches, is our guarantee to give satisfaction on every watch accepted for repairs. I!. L.LANG, Staunton. Va. AJree Trip to Paris: T.pliftble persona of ain'-clmiicel orlBYenth desiring a trip to tlie Puris ivxnosilion, with go^u salary and expense* patdTslmi ',''. write The .PATENT iiEVOMD, Bultiinorf*, Md. m*mmmm&00m0»0a*mA*m)smmmmm*0mmm0m»wmm ^Do You Know That there are more people hum¬ buged in buying jewelry than in any other line? That in its se.le through the regu¬ lar retail store, larger profits are made than on any other line? That lately I haye completed an ar¬ rangement by which I can fur¬ nish you anything in the Jewelry line from tbe smallest scarf pin to the finest watch or clock? That I haye from 8 or 1 leading wholesale jewelry houses of this county, their latest catalogues, which represent so accurately the immense.line carried by each, that to look through tnem is equal toa personal visit to the most elegant jewelry store in the land? That if you will loo!; at my catalo¬ gues, give me your order for ans article von desire, you will be con¬ vinced that it i< a satisfactory, safe aild cheap way to buy jewelry? That I can buy as cheaply as the retail man, that I have no store to keep up. no money invested in stock,no clerks to pay, am satisfied with o small profit, and for these reasons can make you prices that when compared with the figures at the regular jewelry store, are rediculously low ? If you do not know call at the Postoffice and I will lie pleased to inform you of these Money Saving Facto. cn Jewelry. I can furnish you with field glasses autoharps and phonograph records ti. M. Slaven jeweler. Commissioner's Sale Of Valua¬ ble Land. Pursuant to a decree of the Cir¬ cuit ('wurt of Highland county, pro¬ nounced at its May term 1901, in the chancery cause of R L Telford vs. A T Stephenson's Ad mr. ftc. we will, an commissioners therein Hum¬ ed for the purpose on THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1901. (County Court day) offer for Bale by public auction, in front of the Court House of said county, the following valuable lands, (or so much thereof as may be accessary:) First:- that tract, lying in the Big Valley, containing 70-J acres, which is valuable and desirable grazing property, and Second;- that'part .of the A. T. Stephenson Home place, lying on Jackson's River, remaining there¬ after the assignment of tin* widow's dower, containing 400$ acres, more or less. Terms:- Costs of suit and sale cash in hand on the day of sale, and the residue on credits of nine, eigh¬ teen and twenty-seven months from the day of sale, with interest from that day, the purchaser exe¬ cuting bonds with good and ap¬ proved security for the deferred payments, and a lien being retain¬ ed as further security. Chas. P. Jonis, Jno. W. Stephenson, ComVs, I, J. C. Matheny, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Highland ("ounty. do bert by certify, that Charles P. Jones, Com'r has executed the bond required by the decree above men¬ tioned. J. C. Matheny, Clerk. June 15, 1901. t. d. s. Preaching Appointments. First and third Sundays, Beniah ll a. m. Campbell's s. ll. 4 p. m. Thiid Sunday, Zion's Hill, 7 p. m. Second Sunday, Stony Mun ll' a. m. nolar 4 p. m. Fi mtii Sunday, Stony, Run ll a. rn; Star Chapel 4 i>. m. Charles J. noppel Appointments for June. Rehobeth Ut Sabbath ll Green Hill " " 3.30 Monterey 2nd " ll .St. Creek " '" 8.30 Hightown 3rd " ll Trfnitj.3.30 Pine Grove " " H Rehobeth 4th " ll Green Hill " " 3.80 Monterey 5th " ll si. Creek " " jj.:;:) II. A. Murrill. Preaching in Monterey every Ut Sabbath at li a.m., and st Pisgah at 3.30 p. rn; Pis gah every 3rd Sunday at lla.ui.,Monterey 7.80 p,m.;Crab- bottom every 2nd Sabbath at 1! a. m., Hightown 3.o0 p.m.; Hightown 4th Sabbath, ll a. m., Crabbottom 7 p.m. Jno. Ruff. Bf«««»SEi'2sas«3ia-a:iasE=,ii2s-2S£3c:bai.^j*4J5ssi;5c'SJ>aei2 i When Com ing' I To Staunton, don't forget to call on us | when in need of a Good I WATCH OR CLOCK, i ir your old one needs Repairing | I (tinga and Jewelry too. 1 Spectacles for eye trouble-; wo guar- sj s antee that we eau aid your sigh! I .jj by our improved method of Pit- | j ting Spectacle* to each eye Sep- jj) tl srately. Come once and you jg h will become a satisfied customer 5 lld Gold and Silver bought. J FKANK DEMIL, Jeweler and Optician, j 28 Augusta St., sj Opposite Augusta Nat1! Bank, j! ft "I w s i Then the baby is most like- \ nervous, and fs-etfo!, and j i doesn't tea.;; b weight J O" Mi's Emulsion \ \ ts the best food and medicine j j for teething babies. Tiley j ;: gajn from the start. Bend for* fre« sample. -Ir& BOWNE, Cheml-it*, H 400-415 l'carl SOca, gbc. nnd r»i.oo; ll tiru © o We Sell our Shoes (IZZZ^ Squarely on their Merit WThey .'it well, they wear well v J - f you will do well to buy then*, /. f ' because I will help you to save your money, in foot apparel. L // ^ A- LEE KNOWLES, THE SHOE 1^JL2>T ' 21 W. Mainstreet Staunton, Va, rVatch For New Ad 'E Phone No. :3(> , BEAR & GO. Staunton, Vjbu ow ."Prices air Treatment Best Accommodations These are the advantages assured the customers of thc Clifton Forge Grocery Co Clifton Forge, Virginia. They protect the Licensed Mer¬ chant hy not selling; consumers. Send them your orders: (hey stain) by their friends. " What Constitutes the Best Paint. j* The life and durability of any paint is Pure Load, Pur*; Linseed Oil and pure colors properly blended and finely ground together. '"Wilson Bros. Gloss White Lead" man¬ ufactured for US by Jno, \V. Masury & Son is the purc.-i. Lead on the market today. lt will cover one-third more surface than any other brand, stand longer, gloss up prettier and will not crack or chalk off. Willson Bros., Wholesae and Retail Druggist, Staunton, Va IF ll ly Send Ai ey For lu Organ? When You can get a Petler One at Home for Lo** Money. $39.50 Cash $4*5.00 on payment* ft $5.00 down, 18.00 per month. If' Sl.o.d and book included. No interest charged on time Kales, freight paid to nearest li. R. Station in Va. and VV. Va. WARRANTED I OR IO YEARS. MGREATRPUCTION In Price of IDEAL OKGAN.Style HM) I (.OLDEN OAK OAHE-Elevwi MtlRTJM HT) Hi SIP ..Y7,e Pen m d for ann Article h the Best Proof of its Merit" Our business has moro (han trebled in the last two year* and we aro making improvements this season that will nearly double the capacity of our factory. This, with Wu) latest improved machinery and perfect¬ ed organization and bv stem, has enabled ii-j to make quite % saving in the Cftfi of our instruments. We are glad to give our patrons the lu i.- efil of this aavius as it still leaven us r fair mai gin of profit. VVe haye ihirlv two different htyles Irom which to make selection fnuu $25. up¬ wards. Please call and ermine our stock or -end for illustrated cata¬ logue. W. W, Putnam & ita* Staunton Va.

m*mmmm&00m0»0a*mA*m)smmmmm*0mmm0m»wmm … · Siple, near Ft. Seybert, Pendleton county. ... Wagner, an artist in song and ... Mrs. A. A. Alexander has gone to Kockbridge to visit

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fftesaOnWfsf if - nfrnftsueslT3"irsuBMni rair i diai

Highland Reckodkis


Brief Items^of Interest to Homevi»lks About Their Friends

And Acfiuaiiitaiiees.Mr Alie Arbogast ol' Crabbottom

"tvi s over Mondol,IMr. Frank Wilson has gone to

Staunton on bu luess*

E A Dudley Esq,, was over Sat¬urday for a short while.Mr I* Il McNulty made a busi-

Ti< ss trip to town Monday.Mr Eugine Budgers made a busi

Hiss trip to town recently.Mr and Mrs Hugh Ryder of Mt

Grove were rn town Saturday.Mr Adam Stephenson (ame o\er

Sunday to see his Monterey friend .

Mr Scott Gum of Durbin cameto Monterey Monday for supplies.We regret to learn that Mr G.

. VV. Ileyener of Higbtowu is rignt;n.Mr Adam Fleisher of Meadow

Dale was here a short time Satur¬day.Mr and Mrs Henry Slaven made

this office an agreeable call on Sat¬in day.Mr. Willis Gibson is borne again

for a short while, from the WestVa. hills.Mr Morgan Armstrong was up

Tuesday making some purchasesfor his store.

Mr John Pruitt and wife of Mc¬Dowell anent Sunday at his homeon the Iv iver.

Miss Katie Pruitt went to Mc¬Dowell this week to visit her broth¬er, Mr John Pruitt.

Prof W II Keister and wife ofHarrisonburg are visiting relativesj.ear McDowell.Miss Bessie Bishop lms gone to

Harrisonburg to spend sometimewith friends.Miss Ednioni a Slaven arrived

home on Thursday, last, to spendher summer vacation.

Miss Edna Slaven of MeadowDale spent a part of the wick withJ.er cousins the Misses Campbell.

Our entire stock of goods atprime cost for cash.

L. S. Dickenson & Co.lion. Edward Echols has with¬

drawn from tlie race fur governor,which does not materially changethe situation.Our entire stock of goods at cost.

for SO clays, for cash.L. S. Dickenson & Co.

Mrs L A Cariebon0 and Miss Sal¬lie Campbell who were visitingfriends at Staunton returned homelust Thursday.We believe it would be a good

idta for the town to cut the thistlesand weeds that grow so luxuriouslyby our side walks.

Mrs Janies Cross, mother of our

townsman, Mr C G .Cross, died ather home mar West Augusta on

Flidav evening, aged 8*2 \ears.

Mrs Joseph Skid more and daugh¬ter, Mrs M Iv Beggs of Franklinaie visiting the family of Mr VV ABeverage and other relatives.

Mr Jesse Waggoner started on

July 1st to carry the ring mailWin Daugherty whose time justclofled performed excellent serviceon this route.

Master Paul Slaven and sisterIlise Eisie are spending this weekwith their grand father. Mr. Sip le,near Ft. Seybert, Pendleton county.On July 1st oi.r merchants did

some figuring on their tobacco, ci¬gars &c. to get the two and one

fourth cent fier pound rebate fromUncle Sam.

The old firm of Hoover, Bear ftCo. Staunton, Va. was, on July 1st,succeeded by Sbreckhise& Bear whowill continue the business at chesame place.A pleasant feature of the 4th

Was a social given to the youngladies of Monterey and vicinity by11 iev young men, which took placekt tl*eNe\v Star Hotel.

The question now is, will it beas hard to get out of the way ofputting a stamp on checks as itwas to get in the wav of doing it?We hardly think it.

The action of the city council ofStaunton in turning down its chiefof police Capt. J. ll. Waters, afterhis long and faithful service as suchis being severely criticised.Kev. Jacob S Garrison. President

of Massanutten Academy, Wood¬stock, Va., was in the county thiswick in the interest of his flourish*lng school. His wife accompaniedhim.

Mr. Walter Sevbert of the C ft Iengineer corps, has recovered frommeasles and has gone to camp. Thecorps is at work on the Alleghanv.Two or three more of4he corns we

learn have measles.E. W. Jackson, chief engineer of

[the Che>apeak, \\ estern was at the[New Star Hotel Sunday a shortawhile. He came rip Back Creek and

[as on his way to Franklin. His:.re was with him.


NoiVrv::- I will be in Monterey.he lOlh aud ll th of July to re¬

pair and clean clocks All parkeshaying such work to do will leaveat the post-office. Remember thedate. A. Lee Wimer.

Dr. M. P. Jones of Churchvilledirects us to send his paper, for thepresent, to New Vork city. Wesuppose tly Dr. is there for thepurpose of picking up the new

things in the M. D. profession.The law against spitting on the

floors of churches passed by our

last legislature, has called forththis apt remark from one: '.Anyone who expectorates on the floorneed not expect to rate as a gentle¬man.11

If you want a Verbatim reportof the constitutional conventionyou can get it in the RichmondDispatch. The Dispatch prints theproeodings in full without chiirgeto the Slate, and for 83. you can

get the daily sn; months.On Monday evening the mercurv

stood at the 102 mark at McDowellOn the same evening a heavy rainstorm passed over the upper Bull-pasture during which lightning.-truck a large tree on the SamWilson lot in McDowell and thetown received a terrific shock.

Mr. Henry A. Slaven of Meadow-Dale, who has been spending some

time lately prospecting, scads us

some specimens that he considersyery line magnetic iron. He saysthis ore can be i'-.nud in greatquan¬tity on Back Creek mountain, fromMeadow Dale to Capt. Gilmore's.A four-year-old ewe raised by

Mr S G Deyer of Mill Gap and re¬cently shipped to Bot Springs byMr S B Kexrode, weighed 181pounds at home and at market 174pounds; net weight UM J. It was

saki to have been one of the finestsheep ever butchered at the Springs.

Our Postmaster, Mr H M Slavenhas placed in the post ofHce a watchmaker's regulator, a very fine andaccurate timekeeper, which keep*Min time and rail road time. Thiswill prove a convenience to thetown for heretofore every fellowhad his own time, and it was a rare(.hailee that two watches or clockswere caught within fifteen minutesof each other.

One of the best organs made ismanufactured very near us. Wespeak of the Putnam organ madeat Staunton by W WPutnam k Co.This factory started in a very smallway, but is growing every day, andnow it. tdiips organs to almost everycountry in the world. Their meritsells them, and wherever introducedthey go. See their excellent oileriii this issue.Mrs E M Arbogast and children

who have bceu boarding here dur¬ing the winter left on Tuesday tojoin her husband in Pocahontascounty, where they will make theirhome, lier brother, Mr CS Mc¬Nulty. and sister, Miss Mamie Mc¬Nulty accompanied her to Marlin*ton. Mr and Mrs Arbogast havemany friends in Highland who re¬

gret tj see them leaye.W Boone Slaven, of Fairlie, Tex.

arrived here on last Friday and isnow with his brother Mr T H Slav¬en. These tw.> and another broth¬er, S C Slaven Esq. of Meadow Daleafter a separation of 85 years sj eutlast Sunda}' together. Mr BooneSlaven said as he came down themountain and through the treeswould catch occasional glimpsesof Monterey and the surroundingyalley, iie thought that during hisabsence of a generation his eyeshad not beheld a prettier picture.

A Good Show Coming.On Monday, July 15th. J. H.

Behan's Vaudeville troupe will com¬

mence a series of performances atMonterey, lasting one week. Mr,Rohan's favorable show record herelast season will be a suflicient guar¬antee to the people that he will fur¬nish them amusement of a cleanand harmless sort. Besides thiswe have it from our exchanges,from places where he has been thatMr. Behan has with him a troupeoi* splendid performers.

''Jim" Crowley &o popular lastseason, is not dead yet, as was re¬

ported, for he is right along withthe band wagon making laughablelaughs and hitable hits. Miss FloraWagner, an artist in song anddance is a pleasing feature of eachperformance, Tom Levanion as

aerial artist, makes a hit. Prof.StaulrVr is a prestidigitor ot the up-to-dale sort, and Mr. Behan has a

number of new juggling feats topresent. The music, a very enter¬taining feature of each, program, isfurnished by Miss Thorne.The Grant County Press says:

"throughout the show is one ofrefinement and merit, aud this withthe honorable business niel hods car¬

ried out in its management, addsmuch to its drawing qualities."There will be two petforman.es

in Crabbottom on thursday andFriday nights, 11th and 12th.

Stuns the Cough : nd Works offthe (old.

Laxative Bromo-Q.afi.lQe Tablets care acold in one day. *No cure, no Pay..Price 25 cents.

sis finns

From Our Sister Village.McDowell, July 1,1001..Every¬

one is com plaining ofthe hot weath¬er.

Mrs. A. A. Alexander has goneto Kockbridge to visit hor mother, j

Misses Lina Crowley and Minnie!Ervine returned home Saturdayfrom Staunton, where they haveLeen visiting friends.^Misses Mary Clay and Ella Ilinrraccompanied by Supt. J. L. Jonesleft this morning for Staunton -toattend the S-hool cf Methods.

Quite an excitement was raisedhere last Thursday morning whenMr. J . J. Hiller's store was discover¬ed to b-> on fire. The fire w'as*sup¬posed to have originated frommatches. It did but little damage.

Miss Lena Hull is home on a visitfor a few days.Barn Bradshaw and Elmer Evick

shirted yesterday for W. V*.. tiwork at the lumber camp.Mr. John Rexrode has finished

work on the S. & P. road.\JMiss Cosby Arm-trong is visiting friends at the Warm Springs.

Prof. Zeigled of Rock bridge willopen a singing school here next

week.. Mrs. Squire Wilson of Stauntonmade a flying visit horne yesterday.

Mr. George Hook left last weekfor 111.The ladies of the Presbyterian

church will give a lawn party Sat¬urday eve July 0. All are invitedto attend as it is a good cause.

Wishing the Recorder success inthe future. "Uno."

Valley Center Notes.Valley Center, July 1,1901..

At his last appointment here, Rev.Il A Morrill preached a fine ser¬

mon. He is much ia favor withhis people here.Miss Annie Ryder of Frost, vis¬

ited friends here recently.Mr Wm Curry of Iinntorsvillt.

spent a night, not long since, withhis daughter, Mrs Harry Wade.Mr Cliff Matheny and Miss Le¬

nore Bird passed through the Val¬ley recently on a pleasure driyeMiss Bird can claim kin with mostevery one she meets here.

Messers E A Wade and W PriciCampbell were at Frost severaldays ago to see Mr Wise Haroldwho was very sick.Mr R L Matheny talks more than

ever now. He is much pleased wit'his 'ph jne.

Mr E L Matheny and ClarenceBird were caught in a severe stormon the Alleghany not long ago.A large number of trees were blownnear them, but they escaped unhurtThe litMe babe of Mr and Mrs R

L Matheny, but little more than a

day old, died ou last Thursdayni orn in g. X.

Items from Strait Creek.Strait Creek, July, 1, 1901..

Our fruit crop is greatly damagedby rose bugs.Mr Wimer of Pendleton visited

his brother Mr Steward Wimer ofthis place last week.

Airs Janie Pallin of Green Hillis visiting relatives here.

Bliss Clara Seybert has closedher school on Jackson's river andis now at home.

Miss Nela Rexrode is visitingrelatives and friends here.Mr Bert Skidmore of Franklin,

spent Sunday with his uncle W. P.Rexrode.Mr A W Beverage and wife ris

ited her uncle, Mr Hull of High-town, Saturday and Sunday.Mrs Ben Varner of Crabbottom

spent last week with Mr JacobVarner.Mr Jesse Wagener of this place

is carrying the mail between Mon¬terey and Crabbottom, we wish himmuch success.

Mrs I M Waggoner visited berparents in Crabbottom last week.

Wi 1.1.IK,

Notice.We will sell our entire stock of

goods at cost, for 80 days, for cash.Come while you can get your goodscheap. L. S. DlCKZXaox & Co

Alass Meeting.On next Court dav, Thursday,

daly 18, 1901, the Republicans ofHighland will hold a mass meetingfor the purpose of selecting a dele¬gate from each of the three mag¬isterial districts to represent thecounty at the Republican StateConvention, which convenes atCharlottesville on August 21, 1901

G. D. Dudley, Chairman ofRep. Co., Committee.

? * ?-

For Sale.Our Entire Stock of Merchandise.

And Building fur Rent.In the town of Frost, W. Va.No other store here, nearest one 8miles. Good location and surround¬ing country. 10 milts from R. R.

".'I! on or addressHannah & Harper,

Frost W. Va.


Some ReasonsWhy You Should Insist on HavingEUREK* f-^PMISS OSLUnequalee. lier.Renders hard ftuutez Soft.Especially prepared.Keeps out water.

/J heavy bodied oil.

Harness/*4n excellent preservative.Reduces cost of your harness.Never burns the leather ; itsEfficiency is increased.Secures best service.Stitches kept from breaking.Oilla sold in allLocalities Manufactured hr

Standard Oil Company.





Send for Catalogue and in ike in¬

quiries about the School if youare not already acquainted wit ls

its strong points.Address all communications to

J. B1LOB GARRISON, A. B.,President,


Rando!ph41aconAcademy for Boys

a branch of Rahdolph-Macon Sys¬tem located iu northern end of Val¬ley of Va., 80 miles west of Wash¬ington, D. (J. Represented bygraduates from Randolph-MaconCollege, Washington and Lee Uni¬versity, University of West Vu.,Columbia University; Uniyersit\of Va., and Vanderbilt University.Complete modern equipment atcost of 8100,000.00; gymnasium.field sports. Tenth session opensSeptember 17. 1901. Postal cardfor catalogue. CHAS. L MELTONA. M Principal, Front Royal, Va.

Special Sales.Mrs. Crummett is selling at cost

what millinery she has yet in stockalso shirt waists and a few otherslimmer articles at a bargain.

The DssiGNXB, one of the mostpopular of women's magazines, de-aeryes its position as favorite notonly because of the charming andappropriate styles in garments andmillinery which it presents, butbecause of its literary features,which are chosen with especial ref¬erence to the home circle. TheAugust number is brimming oyerwith good things, among whichmay be mentioned the commence¬ment of a Kentucky love story,'"Faint Heart and Fair Lady," byHenry Cleveland Wood, "UncleSam's Feminine Workers," by Wal¬don Fawcett, "My Lady in Dis¬guise, by L O Lennart ftc.The styles pictured in the most

artistic manner in this number are

just what are required for warm

weather wear, and typify all thatis refined, up-to-date and effectivefor ladies and juveniles.Sale of Valuable Grazing Land.

Tract of Ja id lying in Rig Val¬ley, Highland Co., known as theBussard Land containing about 112acres well watered and fertile.

For further information audprice address

L. 0. Stephenson",Box 48

Staunton, Va.July 7-11.

Administrator's Sale.

Charles M. Pullin, Admr. of H.M. Pullin deed, will sell publicly,on the 25th day of July, at the lateresidence of said Pullm, the person¬al property belonging to said estateconsisting of horses, sheep, cows,

cattle, farming implements &C


Breaker!"Some are called Watch-Maker,

some Watch-Tinker, and some are

appropriately called Watch-Breakerand it's an inherent privilege of

every American citizen to have any

one they choose to repair their

Watches. Added to a practical Ap¬

prenticeship and years' eiperlenee-on watches, is our guarantee to

give satisfaction on every watch

accepted for repairs.I!. L.LANG,

Staunton. Va.

AJree Trip to Paris:T.pliftble persona of ain'-clmiicel orlBYenth

desiring a trip to tlie Puris ivxnosilion, with go^usalary and expense* patdTslmi ',''. writeThe .PATENT iiEVOMD, Bultiinorf*, Md.


^Do You KnowThat there are more people hum¬buged in buying jewelry than inany other line?That in its se.le through the regu¬lar retail store, larger profits are

made than on any other line?That lately I haye completed an ar¬

rangement by which I can fur¬nish you anything in the Jewelryline from tbe smallest scarf pin tothe finest watch or clock?That I haye from 8 or 1 leadingwholesale jewelry houses of thiscounty, their latest catalogues,which represent so accurately theimmense.line carried by each, thatto look through tnem is equal toapersonal visit to the most elegantjewelry store in the land?That if you will loo!; at my catalo¬gues, give me your order for ans

article von desire, you will be con¬vinced that it i< a satisfactory, safeaild cheap way to buy jewelry?That I can buy as cheaply as theretail man, that I have no storeto keep up. no money invested instock,no clerks to pay, am satisfiedwith o small profit, and for thesereasons can make you prices thatwhen compared with the figuresat the regular jewelry store, are

rediculously low ?If you do not know call at thePostoffice and I will lie pleased toinform you of these

Money Saving Facto.cn Jewelry.

I can furnish you with field glassesautoharps and phonograph records

ti. M. Slaven jeweler.Commissioner's Sale Of Valua¬

ble Land.Pursuant to a decree of the Cir¬

cuit ('wurt of Highland county, pro¬nounced at its May term 1901, inthe chancery cause of R L Telfordvs. A T Stephenson's Admr. ftc. we

will, an commissioners therein Hum¬ed for the purpose on

THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1901.(County Court day) offer for Baleby public auction, in front of theCourt House of said county, thefollowing valuable lands, (or so

much thereof as may be accessary:)First:- that tract, lying in the

Big Valley, containing 70-J acres,which is valuable and desirablegrazing property, and

Second;- that'part .of the A. T.Stephenson Home place, lying on

Jackson's River, remaining there¬after the assignment of tin* widow'sdower, containing 400$ acres, moreor less.

Terms:- Costs of suit and salecash in hand on the day of sale, andthe residue on credits of nine, eigh¬teen and twenty-seven monthsfrom the day of sale, with interestfrom that day, the purchaser exe¬

cuting bonds with good and ap¬proved security for the deferredpayments, and a lien being retain¬ed as further security.Chas. P. Jonis,

Jno. W. Stephenson, ComVs,I, J. C. Matheny, Clerk of the

Circuit Court of Highland ("ounty.do bert by certify, that Charles P.Jones, Com'r has executed the bondrequired by the decree above men¬

tioned. J. C. Matheny, Clerk.June 15, 1901. t. d. s.

Preaching Appointments.First and third Sundays, Beniah ll a.

m. Campbell's s. ll. 4 p. m.

Thiid Sunday, Zion's Hill, 7 p. m.

Second Sunday, Stony Mun ll' a. m.

nolar 4 p. m.Fi mtii Sunday, Stony, Run ll a. rn;

Star Chapel 4 i>. m. Charles J. noppel

Appointments for June.Rehobeth Ut Sabbath llGreen Hill " " 3.30Monterey 2nd " ll.St. Creek " '" 8.30Hightown 3rd " llTrfnitj.3.30Pine Grove " " HRehobeth 4th " llGreen Hill " " 3.80Monterey 5th " llsi. Creek " " jj.:;:)

II. A. Murrill.

Preaching in Monterey every UtSabbath at li a.m., and st Pisgahat3.30 p. rn; Pisgah every 3rd Sundayat lla.ui.,Monterey 7.80 p,m.;Crab-bottom every 2nd Sabbath at 1! a.

m., Hightown 3.o0 p.m.; Hightown4th Sabbath, ll a. m., Crabbottom7 p.m. Jno. Ruff.Bf«««»SEi'2sas«3ia-a:iasE=,ii2s-2S£3c:bai.^j*4J5ssi;5c'SJ>aei2

i When Com ing'I To Staunton,don't forget to call on us |when in need of a Good IWATCH OR CLOCK,

i ir your old one needs Repairing |I (tinga and Jewelry too.1 Spectacles

for eye trouble-; wo guar- sjs antee that we eau aid your sigh! I.jj by our improved method of Pit- |j ting Spectacle* to each eye Sep- jj)tl srately. Come once and you jgh will become a satisfied customer 5

lld Gold and Silver bought. JFKANK DEMIL,

Jeweler and Optician,j 28 Augusta St.,sj Opposite Augusta Nat1! Bank, j!ft "I

w si Then the baby is most like- \nervous, and fs-etfo!, and j

i doesn't tea.;; b weight

J O" Mi's Emulsion \\ ts the best food and medicine jj for teething babies. Tiley j;: gajn from the start.

Bend for* fre« sample.-Ir& BOWNE, Cheml-it*,

H 400-415 l'carl SOca,*¦ gbc. nnd r»i.oo; ll tiru

© oWeSell our Shoes (IZZZ^Squarely on

their MeritWThey .'it well, they wear well

vJ - f

you will do well to buy then*, /.f '

because I will help you

to save your money,

in foot apparel.



21 W. Mainstreet Staunton, Va,

rVatch For New Ad

'EPhone No. :3(>

, BEAR & GO.Staunton, Vjbu

ow ."Pricesair Treatment

Best AccommodationsThese are the advantages assuredthe customers of thc

Clifton Forge Grocery CoClifton Forge, Virginia.

They protect the Licensed Mer¬chant hy not selling; consumers.

Send them your orders: (hey stain)by their friends.

"What Constitutesthe Best Paint. j*

The life and durability of any paint is Pure Load, Pur*;Linseed Oil and pure colors properly blended and finelyground together. '"Wilson Bros. Gloss White Lead" man¬ufactured for US by Jno, \V. Masury & Son is the purc.-i.Lead on the market today.lt will cover one-third more surface than any other brand,stand longer, gloss up prettier and will not crack or chalkoff.

Willson Bros.,Wholesae and Retail Druggist,

Staunton, Va

IFll ly Send Aiey For lu Organ?When You can get a Petler One at Home for Lo** Money.

$39.50 Cash

$4*5.00 on payment*ft $5.00 down, 18.00 per month.If' Sl.o.d and book included. No

interest charged on time Kales,freight paid to nearest li. R.Station in Va. and VV. Va.





..Y7,e Pen m d for ann Article h the Best Proof of its Merit"Our business has moro (han trebled in the last two year* and we aro

making improvements this season that will nearly double the capacityof our factory. This, with Wu) latest improved machinery and perfect¬ed organization and bvstem, has enabled ii-j to make quite % saving inthe Cftfi of our instruments. We are glad to give our patrons the lu i.-

efil of this aavius as it still leaven us r fair mai gin of profit. VVe hayeihirlv two different htyles Irom which to make selection fnuu $25. up¬wards. Please call and ermine our stock or -end for illustrated cata¬logue.W. W, Putnam & ita* Staunton Va.