MLK Visits St. Egwins Speech

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Ever wandered what it would be like if one of the most influential and icon human rights activists visited a small middle school in a sleepy english town? well now you can!

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Thank you for accepting me into your community for this past week,

Thank you for accepting me into your community for this past week,

I have witnessed both the just. And unjust, the positives and negatives of this school.

And I have a dream that even the year 8 boys toilets, riddled with the stench of oppression may be transformed into a sweet smelling oasis of hygene,

And I have a dream!that from the plains of the mobile, to the conjested year 6 area during lesson changeover may be soothed with the power of oneness, and unfair homework eradacated I have a dream today!

And pupils get a long like brothers and sisters, as if like their own brothers. And sisters.

I have a dream today! That even the unfastidious tuck hall, litterd with mess of our food shall be transformed into a sparkling, litter free tuck hall, and the year 8 cloakroom, engulped with remains of our carelessness shall commute into a cloakroom of loving care and tidyness. This is my dream today!

But from the ashes of dispair shall rise a pheniox of hope, from the grave yard of oppression shall give life to the cradle of justice. And that this school shall carry on with providing opportunities and numerous other clubs, that students are top priority and you did extremely good in your ofstead inspection! And that you are provided with the resources to enhance your journey of education

Only when the the wrongs have been righted shal this school flourish, like a flower blossoms in spring, and that my friends, is my dream.