MLA Documentation

MLA Documentation. Research Paper Format Paper: –S–Standard typeface (Times New Roman) –S–Standard type size (12 point) –L–Left alignment –8–8 1/2-by-11-inch

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Page 1: MLA Documentation. Research Paper Format Paper: –S–Standard typeface (Times New Roman) –S–Standard type size (12 point) –L–Left alignment –8–8 1/2-by-11-inch

MLA Documentation

Page 2: MLA Documentation. Research Paper Format Paper: –S–Standard typeface (Times New Roman) –S–Standard type size (12 point) –L–Left alignment –8–8 1/2-by-11-inch

Research Paper Format


– Standard typeface (Times New Roman)– Standard type size (12 point)– Left alignment– 8 1/2-by-11-inch paper– One inch margins (top, bottom, sides)– Double-spaced throughout– Indent first word of paragraph

Page 3: MLA Documentation. Research Paper Format Paper: –S–Standard typeface (Times New Roman) –S–Standard type size (12 point) –L–Left alignment –8–8 1/2-by-11-inch

Research Paper Format

Heading: – Flush Left on first page ONLY

• Your name • Instructor’s name• Course number • Date

Title:– Center

• Do not underline

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Research Paper Format

Page Numbers—in the header:– Right-hand corner of page– One-half inch from top– Flush with right margin

• Your last name and page number– Consecutive numbers

• No hyphen, period, “page” separations

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Page 6: MLA Documentation. Research Paper Format Paper: –S–Standard typeface (Times New Roman) –S–Standard type size (12 point) –L–Left alignment –8–8 1/2-by-11-inch

Parenthetical Citation


Paul Bunyan is an American folklore hero whose blue ox was a menace (Stout 65).

Works cited list:

Stout, Avery. American Folklore. New York: Collins, 1968.

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Page 8: MLA Documentation. Research Paper Format Paper: –S–Standard typeface (Times New Roman) –S–Standard type size (12 point) –L–Left alignment –8–8 1/2-by-11-inch

Works Cited

• The last page(s) of the paper

• Center the title

• One inch from top of page

• Double-space throughout

• Begin entry flush with left margin

• Hanging indent if entry more than one line

• Alphabetical listing

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Page 10: MLA Documentation. Research Paper Format Paper: –S–Standard typeface (Times New Roman) –S–Standard type size (12 point) –L–Left alignment –8–8 1/2-by-11-inch

Documenting Sources

Book by a single author:Author’s last name, first name. Title of book.

Place of publication: Name of Publisher,


For example:

Smith, John. Red Cars at Dawn. Cincinnati: Harper, 2005.

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Documenting Sources

Book by two or more authors:Author’s last name, first name and 2nd author’s first

and last name. Title of book. Place of

Publication: Name of Publisher, Date.

For example:

Smith, John, and Mary Johnson. Unicorns and Purple Palaces. Cincinnati: Harper, 2005.

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Documenting Sources

Two or more books by same author:Author’s last name, first name. Title of book.

Date of publication: Name of Publisher, Date.For example:

Smith, John, ed. Red Cars in the Evening. Cincinnati: Harper, 2005. ---, Why Black Cars Hide at Dawn. Cincinnati:

Harper, 2005.

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Documenting Sources

Book by an editor:Editor's last name, first name, and abbreviation for

editor. Title of book. Place of publication: Name of publisher, date.

For example:

Lopate, Philip, ed. American Indians on the Wild West. Chicago: Doubleday, 1989.

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Documenting Sources

An article in a magazine:Author’s last name, first name. “Title of article.”

Magazine name. The complete date: page numbers of the article.

For example:

Mrehta, Poual. “Pigs Fly First Class.” Comic Weekly. 4 Oct. 1999: 14-21.

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Documenting Sources

Electronic publications:Author’s last name, first name (if known). “Title of

the document.” Information about electronic publication. Date site was last updated. Date of access. <URL>.

For example:

Rosen, Ron. “Computers Can Fly.” Electronic City. 2003. 5 Aug. 2004. <www.pigsfeet.org>.

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Documenting Sources

Electronic publication with no author:“Title of the document.” Information about

electronic publication. Date of site update. Date of access. <URL>.

For example:

“When the Elephants Sang.” AnimalsOnline. 2003. 5 Aug. 2004. <www.Animalsonline.com>.

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Documenting Sources

An article in a journal:Author’s last name, first name. “Title of the

article.” Publication Information.

For example:

Trumpeter, Jane. “Widgeons Are Loose in the Mall.” Children’s Digest. Philadelphia, 2004.

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Documenting Sources

An anthology:Editor’s last name, first name, ed. Title of book.

Publication information.

For example:

Smith, John, ed. Red Cars at Dawn. Cincinnati: Harper, 2005.

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Documenting Sources

A work in an anthology:Author, title, and (if relevant) translator of the part

of the book being cited, title of anthology, editor/translator/compiler, publication information, page numbers of the cited

piece.For example:

Smith, Isabel. “Frog’s Friend.” Trans. Andrew Marshall. Children’s Mythology. Ed. Tim Tottleberry. Pittsburg, 1979. 41-50.

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Documenting Sources

An anonymous article:[Omit any initial, A, An, or The in the group name]

“Title of article.” Publication and complete date: pages of article.

For example:

“Beyond the Power Rangers: Forecasting New Heroes.” Highlights 15 Mar. 2001: 13-18.

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Documenting Sources

Television or radio program:“Title of episode.” Title of program. Title of series.

Name of the network. Call letters, and city (if any). Complete broadcast date.

For example:

“Pigs In Space.” Muppets Live. Jim Henson’s Muppets. Universal. NBS, New York. 3 May 1987.

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Documenting Sources

A lecture:Speaker’s last name, first name. “Title of the

presentation (or appropriate descriptors.” Sponsoring organization (if applicable). Location. Date.

For example:

Thergel, Suttud. “Shock-Proofing Your Semester.” PSA Student Senate. Rose Grounds, New

Delhi. 29 Dec. 1978.

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Works CitedGibaldi, Joseph, ed. MLA Handbook for Writers of

Research Papers. New York, 2003.

OWL Online Writing Lab. 28 Nov. 2005. http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/research/r_mla.html#Works-Cited.

Stith, Becca. “Citing Sources.” Blue Valley West High School. 28 Nov. 2005. www.bv.229.k12.ks.us/bvw_lmc/citing.htm.

Student Resource Center. Stong College. 28 Nov. 2005. http://www.yorku.ca/stong/production/.