^^^™^ w*^* 11 ' "ilPflliUL- 111 I WJ^^^^ J" 1 -•'•'.» Aiuusemi'uts, Meetings,&o., this Bieaing* . TABERNACLE, Fulton av.—MB8. J. M. ABBOTI' 8 CONCJUt. '••:'.- T>„„ TT M. E- CHURCH, DcXalb av.-r-LKmrBE pt REt- "• flf "\J -* y J* (J V V ' OHUBCH OF ST. CHAB. BOREOMEO, Sidney place. Lxpixe FAIK. ,- BUBTJB! VARIETIES, co«oer Fultoo and pineapple etroete.—CowoiAmxs. .; , •• ' w BABNU^B MUSEUM, New Yorfc^owxorioKO» JtOOX *VKM AJTWUtOOK A»I> EVKKW9. 4 _• _ Ktw BvWi.B'y, wew* Tir-iurr—TUB SIX DB- IALB OlJBIOSIT*—THU lrf*TEBY. ttCJLBT— i « « o^x CUBES ©» On*".. ' r •• . ;;: EfflOSM OF AS ACID STILL.. ! . - . . » •• MELANCHOLY LOSS OF LIFE. POSTPONEMENT.—Frof. Mitchell's lecture on astronomy,'announced to be delivered at the Atnen,eum last cveniDg did not come off as ex- pected, possibly on account of the snow 8torni. No doubt the citizens of Brooklyn will bo afford- ed eoon an .opportunity ,of hearing the distin- guished savant, • • CONCERT TO«NioziT,-~Okfre. J. M. Abbott—fa- vorably known lu the mu*Ic.a) world as Miss Couran,—gives a concert this evening at tho Ta- bernacle in Fulton avenue. The lady's reputa- tion as a vocalist, independently of the clever art- ists whoso services she has secured, is alone suf- ficient to draw a crowded house;;.and we fear no disappointment when we anticipate for this ta- lented lady a generous support. •- 1 LAUNCH.—The steamboat City of Boston, just completed at the yard of Messrs. Snceden & Co., for the New York and Newark Transportation Co., was launched from the yard of the builders at Green Point, at 10 o'clock yesterday moroing, Tbe dimensions of the City of Boston are as fol- lows, viz. : LeDgth of deck, 815 foet: breadth of beam, 89 feet; depth of hole 12 feet G Inches. "WIGS,—CAMERON'S INVISIBLE WIGS AND Tou- PBZS—Tbij new and novel intention Is Worthy the Inspection of all inter cited. Parting-!, never soils or m.\\ni, and pro- nounced by connolseurj to so closely resemble nature as to defy detection. Half Wig*, Bands, long Hair Braldi and - Hair Work generally, of every shade, size and color.—199 Fulton street. METROPOLITAN GIFT BOOK STOKE, No. 830 Fulton;street, Brooklyn—At this establishment, all Books are sold at the regular retail urlces, and a Gift, varying in value from 60 cents to #100, will be presented to each pur chaser (at the time of sale) of $1 and upwards. For partlcu lais we refer to the advertisement in another olauiaof. thl paper. _ HOLLIDAY PKBSENTS! HOIXIDAY PRESENTS lendid and choice goods. Cheap. T. W. Wooes, S89 Fulton street. AMUSEMENTS. ML 1 R8. J. M. ABBOTT WUifclVBA C O N C E K T , AT THE BROOKLYN TABERNACLE, ._ On THURSDAY EVENING, January 10th, ' ' Assisted by Mr. D. D. GRISWOLD. Tenor, Mr. J. K. THOMAS, Baritone, and others. Mr. J. M. ABBOTT wiU preside at the Piano Forte. Ticket* 26 cents each, to be procured at the MUAIO stores of J as. E. Lent, Esq., and Messrs. Grube A Adler, Fulton st., and at the door on the evening of the Concert. To commence at 8 o'clock. j9 2t* ROOKJuYN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. B FUKS ! FDRS !!—Fine Furs - selling oil at re- duced prices—BIQIOW'S old established Fur Store, 185 Fulio- treet. - Shortly after ten o'clock this morning, the real- dents of Nassau street, in tbe neighborhood or •Whltebonse <fc Co.'s glafi.9 cutting and enamelling eBtabiishment, situated at No. 5 and 7 ia that street, near Fulton Bt,,; were thrown into alarm by the report that an explosion had taken place at the premised referred to. The startling an- nouncement proved but too true : the still used for the distillation of fluoric acid, an artlclo used in the coloring of glass, exploded, and sad to re- late, Mr. Whltebonse tb^e senior partner of the firm, received such'Injuries as to result to his Bpeedy death. The facts of the inelancholly oc- carrance, by which a.fdnd family are. doprived of their head and.protector, arid the community of an eate^nied cltBeir, appeaFToT'biraa "foUowaTso" far, as our reporter could gather them In the cou- fusionand conflicting statements ever attending upon disasters of this character. About tbe time •we have abovestated, it appears EbatMr. 'White- house, Mr. Wmi Howard, hia partner, and the en. gineer, Mr. H. Coates Were In the front room of the third story of the building No. 7 : and in the jtear port of the same floor is a room in which vras the BtlU,set in a brick bed.the still being con- mected by a pipe to^bebobdenser which was plac- •dbutslde the window ion the roof of an adjoining .fcuBdw^Mr, Wbitehouie remarked to Mr. H,ow- •rdthat there w&san eseapetfrom the still, and Mr- W. being tjiepfirdon most familiar with the still, "went into the bapk roori^tC 1 'see what was the matter.: Within :a riilnufe oritwo. those in the outer room,'>heard a sllgn^hissing noise, like the escape of ;steam, and linnipdiately volumes of poisonous gas evolved iri^the distillation of the fluor acid - , rolled .on^ ^XrOm the" back room.. The ; engineer, Mr. Coatee,'tusked forward throusjh-the dense chocking fames to see what was the cause, audit appear* helped Mr. Whitehouse out of the | *tttl-rboi», 5n a dying condition. His appearance •Was perfectly indescribable, the acid which was scattered all over the room, having discolored bis face and hands, and burned all bJUuclothlBg. Med- |jcal assistance was promptly in attendance, and Mr. W. was removed on a board to bis residence No. 41 Tillary street, wb? re . ne expired shortly after reacting home.' Mr. Wbitehouse was abou,fe>| forty-five years of age, and leaves a wife and fami- ly to deplore his untimely end. r The engineer was burned about the arm, but not dangerously, in his endeavors to help Mr. Wbitehouse, coming in contact with tho acid which covered tbe latter's clothes.. There was no damage of property worth mentioning, and tho rumors that some five persons were seriously in- jured, are quite unfounded-. •..-, It was aome time after the accident that the still-room could be penetrated to examine as to the cause of the catastrophe, so dense and smffo. eating were the' noxious vapors with which It and the adjoining parts of the bnilding was fllledL An examination made by Mr. Howard, our re- porter and Others, with much- difficulty, for the above reason, disclosed;the fact that thegutta wrnc^!TFkiuTpi>etweec-the-mouth"Of4he-atllK Long Island College SAVAGE ASSAVLT VPON A'^VIFE.—Patrick Cos. grove, residing in Columbia street, near Warren ) imbibed too freely yesterday afternoon, and being quarrelsome in his cups, kicked up a row when he got home. His wife remonstrated, whereupon tho infuriated Patrick caught up a carving knife and with it inflicted a severe wound upon her arm; She was taken to the HoBoital by an officer. , ' • . » . r- GBHBBAL Dix.-'It is stated on what is consid- ered good authority that Gen, Dix, of New York, has been tendered the post of Postmaster-Gene- ral, and that he proceeded to Washington yester jday^tq e^ter^pon^the.d^sjharge of hisduties^^ VALDE OF A LITTLE DOG.—On Monday night the house No. 1G2 Washington Btreet, narrowly escaped being robbed. The burglars entered by theyaTd, and with the'aid of the grape arbor reached the hall window on the first floor, which they opened unknown to any of the Inmates ex- cept a little dog, who feeling indignant at having her quiet sleep disturbed, made known' her dis- pleasure by a few barks, which sent the visitors flying. A few barks of a little dog are worth an armOry full of Are arms, for what use are they if you are sound asleep ? And burglars frequently rob a house that is filled with sleepers, and no on* is the wiser till, day-light; Keep a little d o g i . / v . ' ••• ••'••- -• •'•••' :"* ; :• , :?. :> NEW YORK CITY NEWS. The Steamer Star of the West in Charles- ^IfllLgaiMtr^afejrrival^ftd, I«a,R4iq g gX ConiBs, TEAS AND SUOABS—Grocers, Board- ing House s and large consumers supplied on liberal terms at 92 Atlantic street, Brooklyn. . *. COMMEJiCB THE NEW YEAR WJTH A NEW HiT- d buy it of BIGLOW, Hatter, 186 Fulton street. -* "TnEiR NAME IS LEGION," may be applied to those who die annually of Consumption. "Science h « of late years sensibly diminished the number, and it U gratifying to kn"w that Dr. WUtar's Balsam of Wild Cherry hai created >• potent Influence lu attaining this end. Eor sale in Brook- anby Joseph W. Hayes, ^—-' jatw- "BTODAKT P I A.NO 6. JAMES E. LENT. Hiivmgbeen appointed by the manufacturers, Stodark A Momt, Sole Agent for the sale of the above justly celebrated Instrument for Brooklyn, begs to Inform his friends and the public that he is prepared at all times with a full assortment of all sites an* styles, which he is enabled to offer at the lowest manufacturers' prices. 1. B. I.., deems it quite unnecessary to refer to the merits of the 8TODART PIANO, as It ta weB known by allmakenj and dealers, as well as py thousands who own and have usedthtm for the last quarter of a cen- tury, whs will testify that they are beyond all doubt one of the best (11 not the very best) Piano Fortes ever taanufaetur- ed: justb known as the sweetest toned and the most durable; The manufacturers can with pride point to every Piano at an advertisement, and claim every owner as a friend. -Part UM desirous Of purchasing on time can beaccommodatcd by adding simple Interest. Also those who wish to hire can always be suited both In price and and style of Instrument. " - JAMES B, LENT, 859 Fulton street, - Pj-brV '• j . opposite City HaB. Mr'LocimT MOUNTAIN COAL.—We have now on bind a supply of the justly celebrated LOCCBT MODHTAH Ooix, received direct from the mines without transhipment, which we art prepared to deliver to families in Brooklyn or New YorkTba fine order, from under cover, guaranteed un- mixed with any other coaL The absence of clinker and small ouantlty of ashes or waste, render this Coal greatly superior to any other for Kisasa, FDKSAOZS or STOVKS' Orders re- ceived at our wharf, between FULTON XHD OATHKLISK Funnta, Brooklyn, and at 96 Beaver street, two doors from Wall, Hew ^Sabtf MARSTON k POWER. ; .:."'.' at^ftiEJD.' VAHDgavKaB—Ru'BLVK^-Jain. dttitothe Church of the Holy TrtoltribyKev. Or, tlttleiqhn, JOHS HIMRV VASDKRVMB, of Freeholdv New" Jersey, to Misa LKMMA RAPSLTS, daughter of Jacob RM*1T*,Esq, / -J OPENING ENTERTAINMENT On TUESDAY EVAN1NG, JAN. 16, AND v On THURSDAY EVENlNCl. JANUARY IT. 1861. On tbe First Evening will be given A GRAND VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT, under the direction of Mr. THEO. FISFELD. Conductor. The Committee of Arrangements take pleasure in announ- cing that tbe services of the following eminent artists have been secured. Madsme COLS0N. Soprano. ... Signor BRIUNOLI. Tenor, Bignor FERRI, Barytone, Slgnor SUSINL Basso, Wbo will sing selections from the most popular Operas with appropriate sceoery. Slgnor MUSIO, Director of Vocal Part, And the complete Orchestra of the Philharmonic Soolety, JOS. NOLL, Leader. FIRST EDITION. BROOKLYN DAILY KAGLB OFFICE. tX P M By Telegraph to Brooklyn Ualiy Eaglet From the South. AUCTION SALES. WILLIAM M. LITTLE, Auctioneer, EXCHANGE SALES ROOMS. No. 13 Court street. (Low's New Building.) On FBIOAT, ut 11 A. M., Consul le Sale of Clothi, Vesfr Patterns, Counter and Tall- orinit Oc< ds. IMPORTANT FROM WASHINGTON. THE TKEASURY LOAN. On the Second Evening A GRAND PROMENADE AND BALL Tickets of adml»ion to both evening!. Five Dollars, secu- ring a seat to the Concert without extra charge. .. ry9. Tickets may be obtained and seats secured at the Academy Toe sale January 9. "of Tickets'wm"c~o"!nme~n"ce on WEDNESDAY, fif^M"Blc. aiKiof thp. rommitt^e: I. B Wynian. 38. BurUiJg slip. N. Y.: S. B. Chittenden, Broadway, N. Y.; A. Cooke Hull, cor. Joralemon and Clinton ste., IlroosWn; Samuel Sloan, office Hudson River Railroad Co.; Wm. M. Richards, 80 Barclay s t , N. Y.; John Greenwood, P. O. Building, Brooklyn; JohnW. Degrauw. 60 Washington St.. N. Y. L. B. WYHAN. S. B. CdJTTENDEN', A, COOKE HULL, SAMUEL m.OAN } Committea. WM. M. RICHARDS. JOHN GREENWOOD, JOHN W. DEGRAUW, J jo td The Resignation of Secretary Thompson. THE STAR Of M WEST FIRED INTO. TAKING OF U. 8. FORTS IN NORTH CARO- LINA. The Ordinance of Secession in Mississippi made Unanimous. CENTRAL 8AL8B'iboAUJ, CORNER OF WILLOUQHBY AND PEARL Near theOtty HalL Brooklyn. STREETS. REGULAR SALES OF FURNITURE. Ao.. BYJUtY 1RIJPAY ' JOSEPH HEGEMAN. Auctioneer. PEED & COLE, Au^ToneeT^ CITY SALES ROOM. I No. 343 FULTON STREET, BROOKLYN, (OPPOSITE MONTACVK PIACK.) B URTI8' VARIETIES, AND PINEAPPLE BTS. COR. OF FULTON Manager. T~—Treasurer;^;; .ISAAO BURTI8. ;..-,;-.—^TtTISffK PACKARD. Stage M8naRer J. L. DAVIS. Musical Director ........ F R E D . YONKERS, OPEN EVBRY EVENING. MORE NEW NOVELTIES. AN ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAMME. Engagement of MISS LAURA BERNARD. MLLE. LOUD3E DAVIS. MISS EMILY LEMAIRE. LA PETITE ES1MA, BILL SMITHj Champion Bone Player. NEW HARRY TOMPSON, J. L. DAVIS. MASTER CHARLIE And a host ofothers. In AND ORIGINAL ACTS. and the cap was blown ont,-and hence the dead ly escape and - the lamentable result as before Btated. As Mr. Wbitehouse was alone in the Btillropm, no one can tell in what manner he found the still on going to examine it,' or how tbe accident took place, other than as we.have said Mr. W. perfectly understood the working of the still; and the gentlemen who were associated with him, and who were also more or less familiar with Its operations, are at a„ loss to account for the accident which has prbved so disastrously fatal to their unfortunate friend. the Government Troops^ Atelegaaph dispatch, was r^ceived-thia.morn^4 ing by the wife of Captain McGowan, Commander of the steamer Star of the West, stating that the steamer with the federal troops onboard arrived safely in Charleston Harbor. The troops were landed without opposition. The dispatch gives no particulars—in the ab- sence of which it may be presumed that the South Carollnana did not fire into the steamer, and even If they did that It amounted to nothing. BRUTALIY.—The returns of tbe lltn. precinct police of this morning contains the following: i "A woman named Mary Miller—whose husband had gone into the country to loot for work—was driven from a sick bed and turned into the "street yesterday with a child twe weeks old. She was; brought to the station house and supplied with food, which she had net tasted for two days, and notice sent to the Commissioners of Charities, who sent her to the Hospital this morning." Capt. Squires la immense on writing dispatches on the iniquity of drinking lager bier on Sunday. "Why did ho .not give the number of the-house, or the name of the street, even, if his dellcaoy; prohibited him from giving the name of the brutal agent or landlord ? CONVICTION or A TICKET SWINDLES..—Thetrial of'Selorer, the emigrant ticket swindler, resulted' yester- day m Ms conviction by the Court of Oyer and Terminer. Sentence was.reserved for tfiepresent. THE NEW'ARMORT F O B T H E SEVENTH REGI- JIBKT (over Tompkins Market in Third avenue), opposite -theJCooper Institute, was thrown open to •tho.wiMio yes- terday.—; : DIED. JOBSSOK—In Una city, on Wednesday, January 9th, after k short illness, MAMA AJJN JOHSSOH, wife of Jeremiah LMohnsoD. Jr., aged 86 years and 9 dan. Her relatives and friends are invited to attend her funeral Ttt her liiw WSIUKUUB wiuei' uf Lee aieuue am on Friday P. M. January lltb. at 3 o'clock without further notice. ^TBllSTlS^OrrWedaeTJsyTJ'SnTSthT' 1861. R A W ELOISB, onlV daughter of Abraham and Jennie A. Burtis, aged 2 years and 4 months. Relatives and friends Of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral at the residence of his parents. 816 State, street, Brooklyn, on Friday, the 11th Inst., at3>$ o'clock-without further Invitation. PRreTr-On January 9th. RICHARD PBESI, in the 43d ye.ar.of his age. . Uh, relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral on Friday afternoon, 11th Inst., at 2 o'clock from the First Reformed Dutch Ohurch, Joralemon street, Brook- lyn. HOOFER—On Wednesday night, of. dlptherla, JEKMBSOK WKLLS. son of John and Louisa K. Hooper, aged 6 yearj. Relations and friends are respectf-illy Invited to attend the funeral at their residence on Btrgen street, near Classon avenue, at 2 P. M. on Friday. WANTS. Admission..... „, 10 cents. Orchestra Seats ....... ;...', 20cent». Doorsopenat 7 o'clock—performance to commence at a quarter to *• o'clock precisely. *p6 tf ARNUM'B AMERICAN MUSEUM B MONDAY, JANUARY 7m FIVE SOUTH AFRH14N, ABORIGINES! WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. The Secretary of the Treasury has advertised for pro- posfllsfpr the taking of the five million Treasury notes, under the Act of December last. The bids will be opeu- ed on the 19th of January. The President has accepted Secretary. Thompson's re- signation. He, in a letter, says, that Thompson- is cer- tainly mistaken in alleging that no conclusion was reach- ed in the Cabinet as to sending troops to Fort Sumter without delay. The only documents transmitted with the message yes- terday were the Commissioner's first loiter and tho reply, both previously published. ' The reported firing into the Star of tho West at Char- leston is true, beyond doubt. [It will be seen that the above Is oontradicted inrano- Iher despatch, but we cannot tell which Is the most reli- able.] -•:. Seizure of Forts. YTILIUNGTON, N. C, Jan. 10. Forts Johnson and Caswell were 'taken possession of on the night of tho Stb, by the Smithvillo Guard. . Mississippi Convention. •:JAOXSON, MISS., Jan. 9. Delegations from South. Carolina and Alabama were Incit- ed to seats In the Convention. They were gretted with ap- plause. Efforts were made to postpone action, which were voted down. The fifteen delegates who opposed the ordinance will sign It to-morrow, making the vote unanimous. Fireworks were displayed at the CaWtoltlili^evening. The excitement is Intense, . :- Three Days Later from Europe. Rebec aj&ihig A HOTTENTOT, A KAFFIR, A Z00L00. A FLNQO, AND . A BUSHMAN. e African natives; "It gives me pleasure to testify that CapCDUliugbam went to Aigoa nay, (Africa,) and thence into the interior, where he obtained the •African natives heiasJwougbt-baek'wltb-hlm,—Lam further- ARRIVAL OF THE MA SCOTIAN. PAR TIES BREAKING UP HOUSEKEEPING. BUTLER, BCHULTZ~&~ MATHEWS, Auc'rs, No. 64 Cedar st, opposite the Post Office, N. Y., Are prepared to give their-personal attention to BALES OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE at the residences of faiai- lies removing or declining housekeeping, or at their «p»- clous Salesrooms for tbe convenience of those who mu ue- llrcthjs medio m of sale. qahMti INSTRUCTION. 1 EVENING INSTRUCTION -i IN CI1KM1STRY AND ITS APPLICATIONS. For circulars, apuly at this office, box 10, or at 55 Sands Btreet. _J3Jw*, ' A. J. NASH. C OLLEGE GRAMMAR SCHOOL AND GYM- NASICM, in Marble liloek. between Chy Hall a»d Packer Lutltute-RKV. LEVI WELLS HART. A. 11.. Heotor. iDttruction and culture of pupils most careful and thorough. Pupils admitted at any time. Terms MCCU LOWKR than else- where, for v.iiL'iL ADVASTAOKS. The utmast satisfaction guaranteed, lt> all ordinary cases. For circulars witi atoyle testimonials, references. et»., call as above. j2 Jin* BOARDING. P RIVATE AND ELEGANT ROOMS TO LET, with or wlillout board, en suite or singles gas, hot and cold baths, furnace, every comfort Ave minutes' walk from Wall and South ferries, one of the finest loc»tlons in Brook, lyn. Private table IX desired, and washing done lu house. 157 Henry street; Brooklyn. Tern.s reasonable. References given. jlOSf A SSESSMENT NOTICE—Notice is beroby given that the following Assessments remain unpitd, and that the warrant for collecting said Assessments wlli expire on the 2id day of January. 1861, and that unless said Assessments* together with the expemse and per centags allowed by law, are paid on or before said date, I shall pro. ceed to advertise and sell the premises in the manner pointed out by Sections 24 and 86 of Title 4th, of the present Char terof the City of Brooklyn. . GRAHAM AVENUE OPENING AND GRADING. FROM BROOKLYN LINK TO THE BUSH WICK LINE John Henolger 12 \i\ J H Gaua 14 14; A J Conselye* W3 S3; A Beits 84918; Jacob Boerum 190 00; Wm Clarke 49 .65; Mr Hanford 69 89; L J Mell 15 2S: Joslah Blackwell 39 70;. W P Coleman 4 41; Jobu Mc Ardle VI SJ; R O McOormtck 8'47; Wm Hooker 14 34i Wm Tanner 6 64; James Furman i 64: Wm Tanner 5 04: A J Parker 10 44; Stephen F Richardson S 6\i John StrattoD. unknown 32 90. &TAGG STREET OPENING, REGULATING, PAYING, CURBING. GU1TERING, Ac. Ac, Georce Patttreon 88 65 J O Douohue 190 95; Jesse Bullock 63 65; Anthony: Betts 1508 60: Joslah Blackwell 33 65; J F Gouldlng 165 00, John Mott 86 00. SOUTH FOURTH STREET CURBING GUTTERING. BRIDGING AND FLAGGING FROM NINTH STREET TO UNION AVENUE. Patrick 8m\th 8; H Rankin 57 50: Joseph Davis 23 75; Fred- erick Hoy* 28 75; Abm Vermilye 28 75; John Vandervoort 36 46; Joseph Rogers 143 75; Wm Bradley 28 75; John Bolton 20 00: Robt Hancock 28 75; John Hayer & 75; Smith 2875; ¥ Scholes 28 75; F Scholes or J Caafleld 84 50; F Scholes 1175: CharlesZwick 40 75; Thomas Hlnes and Ed Orr 55 00: J F Rreenl67S5; RobtJBurton 82 50; J B PeUlfer23 75: Richard Coun>Wln Henry KanHff97^5rAimrMwrrttlei«ir^r DISTRESSING SDICIDE.—A poor lone womaui Mrs. McMullen, residing at 177 Hudson avenue learning tbe death of her husband who had gone into tho country in search of employment, com- bined with her destitute conditioo, so dishearten- ed her, that she resolved to end her troubles by taking* large doBe of laudanum on Tuesday night. The result of. course was fatal. Coroner Horton held anintiueit upon the body yesterday afternoon, at which tho particular" cir: lenmsfanocs under which the deceased woman came by her death were elicited. Sarah McMul- len, 81 years of nge, married, but without chil- dren, was irt.service with a family residing in Fort Greene Tlace, where she lea about 8 o'clock On Tuesday night, to visit her sister at -No;177- |-g w 4goa-*veuue-. At her sister's she complained of a sorefitierer,a felon or something of tliat na- ture, and said she would go out to tho doctor's and get something (or it. She proceeded to tho stove of Dr. Stowe in the avenue and purchased from Mrs. S^owe nine cents worth of laudtnum. She then returned to her sister's and swallowed the lautTniium. This wa3 about half-past 8 o'clock.' The sister, becoming alarmed, went for Dr, Stowe. but he being from homc.Mra. 8to wofrtmeand ad- minlstered. nt emetic. The drug, however^ IfacT done Its work, nnd at' half-past 9 o'clock she was dead.' The husband of tho deceased had gone to Ireland some time ago on business, and recently she received a letter apprising him of his dciuh, which intelligence natni-AUy exercised a most de- preeslng influence up~>n her mind and no doubt drove her to the commission ot'the rash preced- ing. Verdict, death by &uiclu>. W ANTED—BY A YOUNG AMERICAN girl, a situation to do lhjht housework, or to take care j92t* of chUdren. W ANTED—AY OUJSG LADY WOULD LIKE to obtain board with a widow lady orln a small private family, where there are no other boarders. Terms moderate. Location central. Address, stating- terms, Ac "F. B. F.,". Brooklyn P O. .. j92t* GIRL rTOr-DG—GENERAL housework; a good cook . and good washer and md well recommended. Apply at ooklyn. •- \ j83t» W ANTED—A housework; a , ... ironer, good disposition and well recommended. 176 Fort Greene place. Br< W ANTED—AN OPERATOR TO WORK ON Wheeler tc Wilson's Sewing Machine, at 106 Orange street. None but an experienced workman need apply. Call between 9-aad "It tfcloci^AjyE,. -IS^f WAIU-IKK.—Wilhiii the past few d»ya bars h-tvo been put around the window? of tho armory, on Iltniy Street, the doors have been lined with 8ht et Iron, and other precautions taken to pro- tect it from that mob, which lately frightened the pnrscn of Pljmonth church, and gave the Metro- politans an opportunity of showing their disci- pline and heroism in protecting ail concerned from the raW : head-nnd-bloody bones which their linsi&lnaUon created. The Hoard of Officers fud a meeting a few evenings ago; what occurred has WeTT"TfyprmTcTptrffiprttrrrtrr^ r good deal of surmising. One rumor ha? it that the I3th Reg't, bavo received orders from hod- <ltiarters to place thnn/elrcfl on a war footing, preparatory to taklog chftrgo of Fott Hamilton, on the withdrawal oY the United States troops from the fort to a point where needed by the government. The. Thirteenth Regiment Is com- posed of Ihe. following oompttrjlos:—Company "TvriJlKTISinvTX^-VMTnprn, MHmmr^oTriTrimy- -(Lltfl flank. Copt. ThorDfr,^ men^ Company D. Police. TnE PotiOE COURTS.—The total number of prisoners disposed of in Justice Cornwell's Police Court, during the month of December, was 529, of "which 52 were fo.~ assault and battery, 29 for petit larceny, 10 burglary, 2 Violation of ordinances, S15 intoxication, 5T vagranby, -i forgery, 4 fighting In the streets, 6 threats, 6 maliciou mischief, 1 attempted rape, 13 gambling, and 1 robbery. THE AJXEGED GIJAND STBKBT A-RSOK CASB.—Dennis Bhanfleld, Frank; Abrahams, and Solomon Newman,.who were arrested- on Sunday last on a charge of-arson, In setting fire to the premises No,211 Grand St., were brought before Justice Coiahan on Tuesday for examination. Tito complaining witness, Fire Marshal J. F. FarreL, gave his testimony, which by the ingenuity of tho lawyers was made to occupy four hours, and elicited precisely what was published before the examination was commenced. Yesterday it was resumed, nudJCapt. Waslom, of the 5th prectnetfwas examined. Tho investlgationjwill be con- tinued to-day, and may perhaps be terminated within tho lifetime of men now living. The case excites considera- ble interest, and the court-room is crowded with specta- tors; but thus far nothing differing materially from tho published accounts has been elicited. ASSAULT— CROOKKB vs. CROOKF.R.—The parties to this suit are man and wife, living separate and apart, the lady doing business at No. 261 Fulton street, and supporting by industry four children, the fruits of their ill-starred union—the defendant residing in New York. The lady complains of annoyance from" the defendant and of actual personal vlolenco at his hands.. Tho complaint has been heard In part ere now. and at tho time it was arranged that tho charge should not be pressed, on the understand- ing that he would restore a sewing-machine he had caused to be taken away from tho premises in Fulton street. This, it appears, he has not compiled with, and hencio tho .renewal of the complaint. A.t.noo'n, the further-hearing. - was adjourned for one hour, to procure .a^wJlness who was present st the tlmo of the alivgeu^assavilt, A BAI.AKT.AVA HERO.—Alfred Sladdox, a man of sol- dierly bearing, with muslacho and flowing board, accom- panied by quite.a grnteel-looking boy of fonr or five 5care, who bears the name of "Balaklava" Mnddox, was presented this morning as an Idle person. The poor fel- low, it appears, sought a lodging at one of tho sta- tion honpes for self and child last night, and looked as if he had bet n recently laboring undor an attack of deliri- vm trevMnt, Justice Cornwell dismissed Maddox with a camion lor which Indulgence he expressed his thanks. MmMox, is supposed to be an Englishman who has seen service in tho "Crimen. . A llAfLTiiiBTFTruoHTrv PUNrsHKD.—Thomas Duffy, a' typo of the gemiB loafer, was this morning arraigned on the charge of stealing an overcoat, the property of Henry Whittftker. No. 105 Dean street, last evening. The c.iat did not puftice to appease Tom's rapacity—another of the same sort hanging beside it, Bliarcd the same fate. Ser- geant Rogers, of the 10th Precinct, fell in with Duffy, and seeing two coats upon his arm, it struck tho officer that this was more than fell to his share, these hard times. Duffy owned op and was transferred with tho recently acquired property, to the station house He pleaded guilty to the charge and blubbered like a whipped school boy, bogging to be let off this lime, The Justice toll him he bsrt a narrow escape, for if tho two coats had belonged to One perf on, the offence would have amounted to grand lam ny. He considered he was dealing leniently with l4uvi>:4cn<llnK-htm-laUif.J?cnilciHtl»rjr..fc.r-ihirtji_diy^. Tho dials we're restored to rtio owners. VAOKA>.TY.--Mftry Arm Birmingham was sent to tho Penitentiary for twenty-nine days on the charge of lK>lng nn idle and disorderly person. Mary described her abt- ding plfcee as somewhere In Twenty-fourth street, New York. r<he crossed over to Hrookljn yesterday to visit a friend, and of cotmc took a glass of wlno or two, IT hot Svttictiilng stronger, but as to the lltUe she took hatln? had snv effect upon her, the Idea was perfectly ridlcu- lovs. The officer swore ".hst Ann was decidedly drunk ami that seakd her fate. Up she went. W ANTED—TO TUROHASE A SMALL house and low the vicinity of a railroad track, south of Myrtle avenue. Price not to exceed :*2000, for which cash and city lots will be given in exchange. State price, location and'particulars. Address PURCHASER at this office. t . ,_ 37 3t* W ANTED—AGENTS TO SELL A NEWLY TT patented POVTABI* OOPTWQ PRKS3 ASH BOOK, con- taining one and a halt QUIT, S of paper, and weighing only eight ounces. Sells readily at large profits. Exclusive tirlvf. leses will be granted by early application to J. K. 0OOLBY k CO.. Poughkeepsle, N. T. The sale of the above Press and Books gives a remvmera- ive employment to those that require a light, out door exer- lse, by canvassing for the sale of them, it being a respectable rticle. and used by business and liteT&ry men. iyistf LOST AND FOUND. (CO REWARD-LOST, ON SATURDAY, JAN. tFO 5th. from. 153 Henry street, Brooklyn; a large yellow SETTER. DOG, .wlth._w.hlte., face and>reast. Had on a informed these natives were shipped with the knowledge and consent of the local authorities, and that nothing was done in securing them that would be objectionable either in a moral point of view, or with referenced) the laws of nations." 8fgned Louis Agasslz. Dated OambrJ^ge, Mass., Dec. 18th, ' These Wild African Savages are to be seen here at all hours, all or whom wUl appear in their wild Barbarian Costumes, made up of ; :. ; SKINS OF WILD BEA8TS AND BIRDS, . i . And go throuRh their native untutored . . WAR AND FESTIVE DANCES AND SONGS! TWO LIVING AZTEO OllTLDREN, A c , 4 c . THE LIVING "WHAT IS IT?" OR MAN MONKEY. ,.-.:••• THIRTY LIVING MONSTER SNAKES! . . THE AQUARIA GARDEN. . LIVING SEAL, HAPPY FAMILY, WAX FIGURES, 850.000 CURIOSITIES, FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WOULD. EVERY AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock, will be produced the fairy spectacle of the MAGIC WELX,. EVENING, at 7K o'clock, the splendid drama SEA OF IOE. This Is the last week of Its production here. Admission only 25 cents; Children under ten, 15 cents. Parquette 16 cents extra. Children under ten, 10 cents extra, EW BOWERY THEATRE— Between Canal and Hester streets. __ Proprietors.. Messrs.G. L.FoxandJ. W.Llngard. Orchestra Seats 50 cents; Boxes 35 ceats; Pit 12 cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock; to commence M to 8 o'clock. . THIS EVENING the performances' wUl commence with BLUJBBEARD^OJa.FEMALE CURIOSITY. ie'Spanisl Quit Gaeta, with Bullets. kmbassaH6r~CoinpeH»jrl txr his Palace being riddled .ounWk 1 enry; ""aCTawSwTtT Hector of Taxes and Assessment N To be followed by THE LOTTERY TICKET. , To conclude with _ THE SLY. DEGREES OF CRIME. . ' y " , LECTURES. w* inew-tEen*! • POBTLAJTD, Jan. 10. The steamship Nova JSootian, Capt. McMasters, from Liverpool 2Ttb, via ILondonderry 2Sth, arrived here at a quarter past eleven last night. . t • Her'mails will be due In New York at midnight. The steamship Bremen was detained at [Southampton until the 29th. Great Britain. Nothing of moment had transpired since the departure of tho Palestine. The weather continuedunusually cold throughout IJng- \am\, Mio u,oTmomoUv la somo localities sinking below zero. • • '• • ' Princo Alfred was on a visit to Berlin. He is to em- bark January 5th in the line of battleship St. George, which proceeds to the North American and West India Btalion. v.- !. France. . , .'.); The connection of Count De Morny with "financial speculations in mines, and the occurrences which had taken place in connection therewith, were attracting con- siderable attention in Paris. Cabinet, councils had been -j heM^po"ntliotobje«t,-and4tl9HlrcmgfeXegi3latire inqui- ry woujd result. •• .. -'•:;•"• . ^ARIB CORN MARKET.—The price of flour advanced dhring the week, two frapes per sack. Wheat was also dearer. - The winter throughout France had sot In with, frost and snow. ; REV. NEWLECTURE HENRY WARD BBEOHER, Win Lecture in the DEKALB AVENUE' M. B. CHURCH. •- ON THURSDAY EVENING, At a quarter to 8 o'clock. Subject—"COMMERCIAL AND SOCIAL EXTBAVAQASCB." ' Tickets at the door. Twenty-five cents. j8 3t* E BAIVL SEASON. ME R A L D BALL. TWENTY THIRD ANNUAL BALL OP TITK EMERALD BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION. AT MONTAGUE HALL, "* "CefCRT STREST, BROOKLTH, TUESDAY EVENING. JANUARY 22, 1861. The proceeds, as usual, will be appropriated for the benefl of the R. C. Orphan Asylum. TICKETS TWO DOLLARS EACH. ' A SSESSMENT NOTICE—Notice Is hereby given, that the following Assessments, remain unpaid, and that the warrant for collecting said Assessments will expire on the 2d day of January 1S61. a n d that unless said Assessments, together with the expense and pec centage allowed by law, are paid on or before said date, I shall proceed to advertise and sell the premises in the manner pointed out by Sections 24 and 36, of Title 6th, of the present Charter of the City of Brooklyn: NOSTRAND AVENUE GAS LAMPS AND POSTS BETWEEN PACIFIC AND WYCKOFF STREETS. WnvMorrison 25 SI; Wm H Cami>b;U. 1938; James E Mor- row 30M; Benjamin Flanders 3230. PUTNAM AVENUE GAS LAMPS AND POSTS. BETWEEN CLASON AND FRANKLIN AVENUES. Ellr-abetrr wife of W R Robinson. 19 00; Gilbert R Terrett 6 50: Ed Donnelly 7 56; Geo H Slngley 26 70; Wm Donnelly 7 56; Andrew Mercelne lfo. GATES AVENUB GAS LAMPS AND POSTS. BET WEEN BEDFORD \NS NOSTRAND AVRNUE3. Richard L Wyckoff 9 76: Alex Studwell 19 26; Margaret EK- berttS*. J CR\ker4S2: Thos F Green 9 76; Wm M Wilson 9 64: Geo F Taylor 192ft E J Danforth 9 61: S D Wilmot 9 61; D O Calkins 2 41; Gilbert Sayere 7 23; E J Danforth 9 87. QUINCY STREET GAS LAMP3 AND POSTS. BETWEEN BEDFORD AND NOSTRAND AVENUES . John Glbb 7 92; H B Cornwell 4 86; Gilbert Sayers 7 92; Ed- ward Mcllvalne 4S6; Sarah H Abbey 4 86: H B Dyer 14 53: F D Mason 4 86; R S Wyckoff 9 73: Alex Studwell 33 89. SANFORD STREET.GAS LAMPS AND P08TS, BETWEEN DtKALB AND WILLOUGHBY AVENUES. Abraham Bancker 4 27: Geo Barclay 3 14: John Fitzsim- mons 820; Joseph W Benden 6,^8; Robt A Hood S 14: Thos Keeaan 314; Farmers' Loan'irtKt Trust Co 314; John Clark? 1 57; Thos P C<ybaUvjj7; Wm D CampT 57. : ORMOND STREET. GAS LAMPS AND POSTS, BETWEEN FULTON AND PUTNAM AVENUES. GeoH JIngley 13 40; WmDowdeSO; Mary A Carlisle 3 4C; New leather collar, abo^e reward. Whoever will return him Wili receive ffis" jl0 2t* I OST—'IUBSDAY EVENING,TIIESrn IN8T, J In Columbia or MonUgue street, a MINK TIPPET or VICTOIUNE. By sending the same- to No. 116 Columbia street, the finder will oblige the owner and be rewarded. •j91t» T OST-1N BROOKLYN, XJ NING last,.a gentleman's BEAVER ON FRIDAY EVS- COLLAR; The finder will be suitably rewarded, upon rrstorlng it to the owner. Rev. Dr. LOCKE, i'3 Hecry, cor. Clark street, Brook- ITP.. . ._ __, j9 2t*. FOB SALE. VOR A. tto F OR SALE IN BROOKI.YN—A 3 STORY trick house, No. 14K Little street. Also the three ad- joining. Lots en United States street; the corner lot, with a two ttory and attic frame house The above will be sold nt a motlprrttebHce: the Hr(re3t portion ctn remain on bond and mortgager -Ir^ulre-©£40HN^-KMRSlVH-Gatb«!4oe-eV comer of Water street. New York. jalO 8m l SALE—THE STOCK OF GOODS IN store 14R Atlantic street. Brooklyn, ceinsistlng of Hosie- ty. Small Wares. Ribbons, F a n e Goods. Ac. Buyers are In- vited to examine the same and make their offers to th'^ a^lgnee. Thestoek will be open for Inspection until Satur- d»y the 12th Inst. Terms c u b . ROBERT MORRISON. Asslimee, jioat' Ho Chambers street, Now York-., l^OK SALE CHEAP—THE STOCK, FIXTURES I. and good will of ft small Confectionery and Variety Store, situated at No. 433 Hudson avenue, near Fulton. For forther particulars enquire on the premises. _ jo u» -T^l^~AXl^OJaE.AlR^ A? Roc.Vaway, one Cart Sled, one Bob Sleigh, suitable for a grocer i r expre»so!»ii. Also a very fine fanrsiiy Horse. To bo sctp until sold at 163 Atlantlo street, Brooklyn. jiOlw* F OR 8ALE-3 SLEW US, 1 ONE SEAT, 1 two seats, 1 three scats; will be sold cheas. as the owner has no lite for them. C. D. WILLIT3. jl03t* Fulton avenue, cor. Clermont avenue. THE FIREMEN. INDEPENDENT (JA^DfoATE-- ^' M. For Asslstarrt Engineer, WILLIAM H . SMITH. Of Lafayette Hook,and.Ladder Compaoy, No. 1. j a»tlU18U> i ' ( ^ ViRE DEPARTMENT FUND—THE UNDER- J? sign'ed-TKrewrfhTriankTuJTy ScSHStTIcdsres t h e m a t p t of of firfcliunJrM dollars from W. N. Degrauw, Esq., Cashier of the fnlon Fcn-y Comi>aoy. belci a donation from »*ld Com- p.iny Inaldof the Wwows'ani* OrHiansT Fund of the Fire Dep*rtrrt*iit ol the Clly of Itroogjyn. i«lt* WM. BURRKT.IHTreasurer. COHMtTTRBOr ARRAMOKMENRS: Michael J. Deega'n, P. W. Derham, Edward J. Maher, Thcnias A. O'Neil, James McConnlck, Peter J. Morphy, Martin E. Deegan, Henry B. Johnson, John J. Cummins. Chas. Tinney. Matthew Deegan, Thomas M. Norton, John P. Victory, Kleran Easan, Cornelius Biggins, MlcblH. Hagirty, Edward Glacken. Arthur SIcAvoy, Timothy Desmond, Joseph Hussey. - Wm. Dougherty, Patrick Campbell, Bernard B. Hagcity,John Duane, Patrick Leach, Hugh McCrossin, John O'Mahony. Edward Frlel. Domlnick Colgan, Patrick 'Moortey, .TohnFlynn, Wm. II, Turner, . James Collins, James L.Grant. — — ll. urr - - James Downey, Peter McCoy. Martin Gormley, John Wallace, John EagaD, John J. Clancy, Philip McDermott, Chas. Kerrigan, H. F. Coyle, John Harvey, Wm. McGInley. John Furey, Chris. Connor, John Daly, PhlL'p . Jrcgan, Lawrence J. Uillick.Jercmlah Qululan, RIchdMoDermott, JohnT. Brady, Martin JFlnnegan. Jalin Geary, Bernard c/orK, ( llAIULES DOHKIITY: Preslaent... i President. Parish but-they were contradicted. It was' hinjied that the Emperor's address on Year's day would be eminently pacific. The Nuncio being absent, the Russian Ambassador will bo spokesman for the corps diplomatique. The Journal desDei/ats animadverts on the Inappli- cable policy of France, and earnestly advocates tho with- drawal of the French fleet from Gaeta. The Paris Bourse on the 26th was a shade firmer. Rentes closed'at 6Sf. 35c." Italy. Reports relative to the state of affairs at Gaeta, contin- ue contradictory. A dispatch from Gaeta, 22d, says: The bombardment of the city is continued with vigor. The Spanish Ambas- sador left his palaco,on account of its being riddled with bullets. Two officers had been struck while standing near the king. New Sardinian batteries can bo seen and arc evidently ready to take part in tho bombardment. A deputation has arrived here from Calabria, and pro- Tul3e~d 16 raise SB Insurrection In favor of the king. Tho Turin correspondent of tho Dally News asserts that the commencement of hostile operaiions against Gaeta from the seaside is thought to be at hand, as order3 have been sont to the gunboats at Ancona to leave immediate- ly for Naples, and the ships of war stationed at Genoa and Spezzia have been sent to tho samo destination; The Italian correspondent of tho Times says that year 1661 will not perhaps grow very old before French troops are in possession of Gaeta, and possibly Naples itself. Considerable quantities of provisions were being des- patched from Rome to Gaeta, A decree dated Naples Dec. '.Otb, calls out tho classes of the last four years. These classes are to .''sseniblo at the end of February. King Victor Emnnual had had a reception of tho no- bility, <kc, at Naples on the 24th, which was numerously attended. An enthusiastic demonstration in favor of His -iwri-nrrtynj .1 I YVm"Parker 3 45;"Mary 0 Brush 10 60;' James K°tchum 1050; ^ >aa ^ mYe<t ^ t "T r RobTUtchueldiu W; IVmBohiieUy aWi UW HSiUgley I443? JOHN MOATEE. V:c¥ p f T^^S^c K ^tsll! H51 ''—Tll^otHlll^nT-td—^^e.hallQt.thsjlaJionaLGuard --------- The garrison at Gaeta has been diminished "MaJtstVTooK"place fa the evening. _ The Khi^ would quit Naples ofi triov1th, afler attend- A CADBMY OF MUSIC— FIREMAN'S BALL. THE TWENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL BALL Is AID or TDK WIDOWS AND ORPHANS FUND OF raa BROOKLYN FIRE DEPARTMENT, Will be held at the ACADEMY OF MUSIC, On MONDAY, Feb. 4th, lSfll. Tickets can be procured ot the following MANAGKRSI P. n. AfideTson. J. B. T.eggett, J. C. Roach, P. H.Taw», —Jr;wpn'Reci'c; A. M. Underbill, Edwin HlUvcr. R. A. Williams, I. D. Velsor. It. R. Story, j. W. Underbill, John Cashow, A. F. Campbell, Vincent Tilyou, Jr., Felix Campbell, --T.-H. ghanVlAllJ;— O. L. HalRht, A l e r . MVilr, C. 8. Lansdon. Wm. Brown, E. Underbill, O. IF. HAVWAFO. Secretary. WM. DURRELL. Chairman. j3td "l?lUT*~Tl : Children's Fan streft. "ITT—TVTCTTIinr'-Tm*;" Csrrs -wd Straw Hats can't b« »*c*Iled-^^3 !"rdton Capt. Siiragnc, 40 men ; Company A, Capt. Smith 40 rnfcti;. Company D, Oapt. Baldson, 40 jrxH|a (Jompftny B, CflpU SitfUfan, 45 men. Wo have made Inquiries, but aro tumble to trace this war. ince Itftiti t'6 any reliable tiourco, and conclude therefore that there I* nothing In it. HATS, C A M AMD Kims.—J. D. WILLIAM*, of * » Fulton ttnrrt, has taken the new store No.SW Fulton, cor. Oourt itr&i which he will open. In addition to hit prment itand. on or about the 1st of September, with »l»r*<and cholcertoc* ef Osnt's RHk H*t« «n<! Oat»*» OhHdrtw's »*ney Date, i •,!!(•«• P a n c r f "• A - commerrce fU SrTth AttSMPTRD Boioins,—Maria Spain, a resident of IHcKs fttrceij tie.tr Paelno, undeterred by tho pblllsophlc admonition, "better be*r tho Ills we suffer than fly to others that wo know not of," took an over done of laudanum list evening. Her anlcldsl Intention was discovered In time and of- ficer MsRulrc took her to Long Inland College Hospital, but being refused' Admission there, she Was conveyed to her residence, snd Attended to !>y Dr. Smith. This morning Marls was doing Well. . , Iftgaa strwt, (n»«rOoticord.) will V«TH, BotidayTHSr. TSOT This School Is denlfned for Rori under twelr* re«rt of *t*. and WpropsmUryUUM Oolkwlate and I'obteohule ln«tl ot« of tit. rt«». New Otrcnlim for tM* r»»r '••n b» obtain M at U>« store of O. P. Miln». *17 Fulton mreet, And Also o Dr. J. H. RaytnAtia, si the Polytechnic Initltnt^. •J— lit- il*|i • i DOMIKIO* COLOAN'S new c^tAbltshniPnt tt'39 rierrepont atreet. U rl*Uu A «*od bostnsK*. Th* newly opened Saloon fcrLtMlten »nd r«miile« ts weB »»U»nded *r.>ry eventng. tu r .i..-.:.-. Wit rv>n<l OnUn are «Ve»l del- caele*. wh*th« »n*t, fr« o,« t ) ^ , M«d ot ronUcA. 11AKERIE8. SCOTCH BAKKRY-THE aUTiSCniBKRlCK"- v spot tfully solicits the notlC« of Families to his Establish- ment, favorahli known M the SCOTCH .BAKERY SPKCIAL AOTICE8. M EMBER*! AND FRIENDS OFTHR"BROOK- LYN SKATING CLUB TAKE NOTICEr-Lcok.out for l'ostcrt. on SATURDAY next, at the Ferries, when to meet at the Pond. infoymlo* you" JlOlt* BORROMRp, J. 1 ).A r»iUtwl iup.1 ii p.fiii'.riiuIr.H'iit U lh.,UiUalllv. 111.'. '" (hehan'so good tradesmen U eertali-.; tfie b-«t »i. rtsultlr. . . tlr.Iels rroduced; which cannoV for parltr And netieralercel- ltrjc'e, be surpassed. Special attcntlori Is Invited to oric Article CONSTITUTION B11EA1), MADE FROM ORAHAM FLOUR. PrepAred expteaaly for thl* lirevi. The Tlr.eU »ha Jpurcrt »f »ln only li U««MV, ll*e Bread Is f, imf iiii-d. and Its nourishing propcnlea xreatlr in- creaned by a tare* absorption o( Milk. The very irenenu ntrruTAl which na«ni»rke.itlw introduction of this 8r«ad. li»»»cndtre<l It »n article of constat t dem*>,d «nd Inereaa- ln« n>e. To tho»A afflicted with nrriepuln, \ihimo*tlnv«lu TTT~ let-..«,. ,7 LJ ..... s. ,,,, ,i V.i l^« WAah. I able-lnvsri»bl>sweet, n*rer sour, and ot e**y<JI««»Uon. U Trm tftmt!»n.-»- HiAH-s*i*a<M^-.Xii... i.aU-Ytas.0i_|^ # ^, luWv _ tuUaU: jL .to t Jrfirioaa.ofxc.ll.cMs._!Vim«ch. or «u I6vers ol Orabarn tirendln whatever Sirm. C^ONKtlTO«» Fn»»>ii r n i,«<t*KrASf, 4 dim JAM»S MORTON, m <)r>u»t Krrrt. BrAoVlyn, » - ^ ^ ^ . - . . w ^ OiP"»lteSt.raur».Cl»ur«i... P. St-STOlTH (1 AT MTAL always on hand, and Imported bj the Miboerlber. )A<»ly riliURCH OF ST; CHARLES Yj SlDNCT.PLACE-A FAll\ la now btlnx.hcll. In the l-.tfemenl or Vfi.- nbove tTinrch. by lheli\,lv memhers of the ciTgreKatlon. Music will he farm shed each evening by the Klfthth Keglraent Itand, The Fair will continue till Satur- day evtning itcluslve. the ladies pron.lse to all who honor them (by thtlr patronage) a very pleasant time. Admission 10 c. n*«. UHJlL WIL/U AMBON is ACADEMY OF DRAWING AND PAIS'TTNO, . Mr. W. respectfully announces to amateurs and tiftie Indies snd jcnllemen desirous of DRAWING AND PAINT- ING FROM LIFE, that he has completed his arrangement*, nrd will, during the comlnt week, open A class In Drawing nr .dl'amt'ngfre,m the "LlViNO MODEL" Those SUhlfi/ lo loin will ple-aue leave their names Number limited. Tenm wW-1» »Wn on appltcttU'-r.. Studio W- ManUlMA- pUee. _ )10 3t', "/Sm CLEHK'S "oWlCE, BROOKLYN, \J .Tsn. Hh, 1861. , t ' . Notice U be>eby rrlven.' that a meeting of the Water C-n mittee will b« held at the Committee Itoom. City Hall, on rRlDAY, Jan. 11th. ISfil. ar7M o'clock V. M.. when tho'elntereated in the temp, rarr newer* In Franklin, 1 ot- nam »nd Qatei Av«nuetk are Invited to attend. «r order or tt J$r n T'" WM. G. BISHOP City CTerlr._ G ALLKRT, ^240 FULTON " 8TREBV—THE puWIe »r* ciutloned against crediting anything on acccuM of thU e.Ubllshment, wlthoot a written order from In number by the dismissal of a portion of the Royal Guards whose fidelity was doubtful. The remaining defenders were in. a deplorable state, but their resistance could be carried on still further for a considerable period. Austria. The Times correspondent at Vienna is conlMcnt that nothing but brute force can induce tho Austrian govern- ment to quit the quadrilateral. There was a report Hint England and Prance had como loan understanding with regard to Venct'a, and that a joint commission would shortly be sent to Vienna, urging "tho te^Vll Of'Voiictla fftttout any territorial recompense. It Is slattd that Austria had opened negotiations vtM\ Rome for the complete abolition of the Concordas. Accounts from Hungary are very unsatisfactory. No tuxes were being paid. China E x c h a n g e At S h a n g h a o & i f>>{'; g o o d silk wan a shade higher; other sorts unchanged: freights were dull; tea ia quoted rattier higher. [We will publish the details InVur Second Edition.] FINANC IAL. Nnw Yor.K. Jan. I ', 1SCI. I!ndf r lh" tnd'""ice of the political news from Charles- t n ai,d Washington, stocks open at a Jitllo decline tr-m the quotAiiona of yesterday ; before the close, however, there was more .Imposition to buy, and generally closed firm at Hie nunlation of jeslcrday. After the Hoard, it bedng announced that the Star of tho West landed the troops Al Fort Sura'pter, the market ro?o from X to 1 per cent. - There is no change In the money market. Call Loans fr?,m fi to 7 per cent, according to the security offered, The curtailment Of business transactions, the compara- tive decrease. In lmnortMkms, tha IncrcMtng JemAnd fr.mi Kngland for our gurplOAbrcadstutTsAhdcoltoTlTTnlS l.rge ex).orl» weekly recorded amonnling lo about |^ 000 i-MXI for la«t Tcek, all point to low ral<m of Interest roI.lTIOAIi. OttTTA PRRCHA t'UMvst ROOFISO Applied to Roof* Of all kind*. I*»ky Tin Roof* eeiai^l and rAn»l>ed with Ontu Perch A Cement by Jrmwa A OAC««V, «»U mar.u- faetnrer*. 840 Pulton street. Pee. AAt«nl««m«*>i «, _^. Oold And Silver Belts and R-in- ,-, Notts RueMea, ltatr Pint, Head Dr««e«, Fancy Oomba, »Hh •rest variety of choice Fancy and Toilet Artw-v« f or ne.«day and Rrldal pre**nu. jo»\ rfCflvti hy T W. Woot**, MA •lUvn »tr*«*. D EMOCRATIC CONSTITUTIONAL CON- Vl'NTION-Th* ?el«ot Ommllt^* »o wh->mtheOtm- •tiinllonnf He Deieoeratle General Cownyttee e.f tbe? Ofty of I roeklyn »nd ««• ConntJ <•* Kln« w»« referred, f'vrtho i.urtjii.-'-.oi pteparlp* *mrndmetrt«1h<;retc to be reported to it,o t W c t tvn «lll m«*> At the ' CAPITOL" In Jor«|em>n Uuet A t t S o ' e f x - k w MONDAY KVF.N1NG, »b»t«Mn.V All Dem.->cTaM who di«h-c to pfop<yie amsndmenta are Invit edton.bnv.ltl.em tOlh«C-mmlil^i>lo wrtilng. . ;4 (4 halrman e.f the C^mmUlee. \'< ION A i, ni-.MooR A vie OK'NKRA L COM- ( Ol RINPS CXMJVT? will meet HMONtA- Gl H U L L , e n WF:DNV.si>AY KVkNtNU. Jan. Iftth. \V<\, at rented rui*hfi6«d fo n (Icalratde party, i rice. Abpty pry u»e prem!.«e»._ 1 ^ROOKLYN ATI1ENEU M AN I) 1* Ml Ji.V'Sfk I utineta e>( mitting. R> ' Imi.oiUncc ulet. will 1># brought be'ore the O. B. Wtt.t«. 6ccrc<arf. B F. AAWYKfLOtiairmao. r r o rJWjtthWTL. nr 'Mr NEXT, iWusE l.Ho..7iJOD4ty«hby i , corner of Dnffield^lreet JJinjj jv» tw" READING ROOM-JThe annual eUetion f«^f »«een Trnst^es of the "Bnr.eklrnAlhtne.um ar.d Reading R-«om.'wdl be held at tbe rcomlftf Wi« InslltuUon, on tL'lWDAY, J^n. Hth. lWi. b#tweenthehcnr» of 9 and 11 o'clock In the forenoon, par- »uat:i to article 6 of the bylaws. „~.„ , o .... »«. ]t 5'awfdliA.^, fvVft.BLACKWKLU Secretary. aKOAWnSROA'HS ! ! SSOAKS ! ! I vl^'N ~ CIS MKNTFLK will re open 1.1.. store No ^1 Fulcn .Ircet, on »,t Hb of Jar.uaty. with a y-vct stock of I nip M ted HAVANA SKGAHS. Give Mm a call. . . . „ J' l " for capftat for montba to come. Nothing doing In Foreign V.x SPENCER STREET GAS TAMPS AND POSTS. BETWEEN DEKALB AND FLUSHING AVENUES. , ' Jeremiah Kelley 6 04; Philip McEntee 4 C& Bernard Glllen 2 04; John Reed 3 04; Samuel Dawson 204; Martin Shultz 2 04: JobnDalley6 12; James Lynch 2 04: Peter Nefeldt 610; 1^1 Kelley 2 04; Michael Donnelly 3 04: Patrick Dougherty 2 04; John McGowan 612; John Oesan 2 04: John Dalley 4 OS; Jas SIcKennon 4 OS; Margaret Hughes 2 04:. Jane Devlin 2 04; Washington Townscnd 2 04; Pat McHaffery 2 01; John H Cook 2 04; Samuel Baisley, 2 04; Mark Alexander 2 04; KHz*- betb Serrell 2 04; Matilda nolT 2 04; Est of John M HotT 9 06; Michael Murphy 4 08; Samuel Ratbbone 4 OS; Wm L Shuttle- worth 4 OS; Rosannab Lynch 10 20; Martin Evans 6 50; Martha M Hoff 6 60; Wm Lyle 2 04; PaUc Kane 4 OS; Conrad B Smith 201; Thomas Dowllng 5 10; 3amuel Rathbone 4 08; Wm Mc- Laughlin 2 04; Adam Walker2 04; Jeremiah Reagan 2 04: Samuel Pearsall 4 14; tdmon Grundy 4 08; Daniel We0b4 08; John J Davis 4 08; Benjamin W Geare 4 03: ThaddenS Hy Ut 816; George Sloan 19 32; Jahn Maxwells 12; John D G Seilor 230; David Hoyall 3 G7; Peter Kraus 510; George Heman 2 67. * OLENARD STREET GASLAMPS AND POSTS, RETWEEN J0HNSON-3TREETAND BROADWAY. Eliza J Jones2056; David Westervelt 5 14; David Denlseo 14; Mary Wells 680: valen'ine Rhelnhsrd 2 03; Isaic D Wal- ters 6 77; Georee Colb J&I: I.»aac D Walters 9 4->; Chas Win- shell 5 14: John Van Tine 2 87; Samuel Johnson 2 *7. THIRD STREET GAS LAMPS AND POSTS, BETWEUt GRAND STREET AND BROADWAY. Ardrow SBerry 364; Wm Curry 679; Geo Bell 4 36; David Statt&rant 3 50; Gabriel W Coit 6 53; James Deralsmes 1 00; John'A.Armour2 66; WmH Gaylor 15o; Geo W Smith 643; Clock A Miller 8 62: John Uayer 5 75; J 3 Hyatt 3 15: John B HjatmS! Roswtll G Alton 1 4?: John B Hyatt 110; James rrlce20>'>; Martin Vanc'erhoostl 80: Estof Chas Lewis 1 80; Austin D Green 1 80; D«vid Downing 1 80; Win C Brown 5 21; Abraham MorrelI332: Edward Forrcser2b7; Julia Bennett 2 87: Geo W SmltlnS 50: Joseph Day 2 32; David Sellcck 5 78; John S Young 2 62; David'Hoyt 3 64; John Berrv, 4 36: Peter McAvoj 1 80; Pcttr Murrajvi^: Daniel EajKfn"*T 84; Francis Forrester 1 45; Evauder Berryi-S2jdci>ls7 NINTH STREET GAS LAMPS AND POSTS, BETWEEN SOUTH THIRD AND NORTH SECOND STREETS, Jnmes K(rgusr,n2 58: Henry Aiftstle5 86; John '51 grlffarj 1 50j Hev Martin Evans 4 60: Thas Cleaveland 6 ($1; John H Walters 6 75; Graham I'olley 13 64: James Jackson 10 80; Sam! Wilmot 41 47; Jarms Hatfield 6 74; Cha* Meder 3 37; S.imuel Baxter 3 37; Martin Fink 6 61; Lutheran Church 6 6t J lines Wade 1 8<>, almy Slack 1 80; John Y Green 1 68; Boorman Smith 1 67; Frederick Fitzgerald 418 EDMUND DRIGG3, nl31awflwTu Collector of Taxes and Assessments. SUPREME COURT—narriette E. Crary against k5 Watrcn Bcman and others. G. T. STRO*O. Pill's Atty.68 Wallst. In rursuance of a judgment order of thlsCourt,^ia<leln th# above entitled action, bearina date the 14th 6\j of December IJK'.l wilMeHt>ypublloanctlon-at-th»Comm«rcl«l Krehange>_ No 369 Fulton st..(opposite the City HalDIn the City of Brook, lyn, on the Pth day of January. ISol. at V2 o'clock noon.th* following described land and premises: AUtho>e two certain lots, pieces or parcels o( land, with tbe buildings and Im- provements thereon, situate, lying and being on the westerly side of Hamilton avenue, extending through to .Summit street. In the Sixth Ward of the City of Brooklyn, known on a map or property belonging to the estate of Nathaniel L. Orls- wold. r"ecra<ed. dated Brooklyn, September. 1.84S surveyed by Millard Day ard Sors. CHy Purveyors, br the number* iKn and three, containing togtther on Hamilton avenue, fifty *ect; on Summit street fifty fret: on the southerly side along lot numhr-r one, twenty seven feet [our Inchea. and on tho northerly side along lot number four, torty seyt n feet four Irenes according to tbesal lm»n and thediagTam In the said mortgage and complaint.—Dated Brooklyn. Deo. 14. I860. dLVlawSwS (KiO) GEO. REMSKN.Sheriff. ThC ftbovosale Is oos-ponel until tbe 6th day of Fcb^ btuary. l'el, at >h« same i our ai.,1 place. Dated Brooklyn. ''T"('2al^!r S Thr~ "crEOiuilTREMSEN! Sheriff" I N THE MATTER "OK AN ATTACHMENT a.-ain.«t tli" propeller or vessel called the DE WITT CLINTON. 1^ l ni.tii e be ptil/Ish' d one a week for one montb In tbe lin.okljn Uaiiy Kagle. a newspaper prlnUMl In the City of PiooUvn. Kltigs Connly, that a warrant hv< been lnuod bv me, directed to tbe Sheriff of aald County of Kings, com n.andlno lilm to a'lacb, seine and safely keop the propel'er or vcsrelcalled the DcWItt CIInt,in, belonclng to the Port of New York, attd that all pf-rsor.s who claim to hare any de- mands agalml the said TC»»CI, her tackle, apparel and rami ture, under the provision of the 8th title of the Mb ehaptor of the third part of tho Revised PtAluloa, are required to de- U-'-in «.-<••-i.nt ... t!., ',r ;u,.i'. Iivr Claims t o . IUC At mtf Chambers. Oily HAH, CIIT of Brooklyn, within one mjfttfi, from the f.ral publication of such notice, or that their remo- dy agalnH the said v e n d will be forfeited; and that the aah> "~sr xebange. StocK KxchnnRO Sales—FirAt Ilonrd. 74 000 T*nne»*t6'l'90. „_ ir<X0 Va StK'a ........ . 70 jfnYO Brooklyn M 'f L'n I ^ H 2it0 Ktle rr convb'Ji >3 10.0 Hud Rlv Mm .... 97 ijoniiailcmljlm.^.- ^H »fi 0 i'fanvi 1000 TlArlemSdtm b .... jA 1000 Mich p.'gr»>.,.. ti 8..X1 t>* i Tol r so f. b ,0 nOOCBAO rrApctb 89 50 National Bank .... 91 10 BankcWomme.r e J>IM 17 de M 17$ Pacific M » Co .... MJt W dn 150 do 20 Harlem rr.. loo R>«dlng rr. \M Mich 0«n rr 6 do .bM ..blO Iwet^y Iht h orsof it elvoVeloek 11 b, tin afurnoon. Drtird Brcnk jt, .'v >.M<i »:. W. a-ld tw.-» u.rr?) 1«'. BKrrs. Pecrtttry. PH1NT1NO l-XV.l'i'Tni Nf .MIA .\NI> 0,i» ofree |(<H PH1NT P aeeotatelrat 10 do 30 N J On M> N VOenrt.- A* do do 00 do... do rlerr GO do do .... .. do 10 Hnl rivrr. M0 do )t«! do 650 do. M do m 200 150 400 '.-Ml MI ! to »20 alO .Sl0 ,»lf '.?io il'X'.'.!'. '..' ..•10 bfiO 8AH lift 75 ^ 7&S 75H 7AH 75 7 » ( n\ 3tS :.'. M »V 4'<H la «A 45 1SKI 100 do •» 100 Mlcb ft A Nlrr .... SO lit O n > twlp ... 75 do e ion do n'.n a<<> do a«o 60 do 500 OalACMrr W do 100 do 100 do 60 do... t>G0 «0o OlerATolrr ...... WO An sT9 (#•. do 300 .V) HO 9M do ... 100 do..„.. 500 (^1 A R tt'T M do ROO do 10) do W d<l *l CM Bor AOMn rt 50 JO alO NIMHAMW l <io .... eltcd; anrlW Vf»u I will b« »oM for the raytnent of Uie elaluu agalftsl het nt less tbe owner, rnnslitiee (>r comroaodef tHercof, or aome Pi ra.ui Interested there in. appear ami <U.*eharge the said warrant according to law, wlttun the sald.one tnontk. Daloa t*c '.Tth day of November, I wo SAMUEL GARRISON. dtlawlniTn Kir.ga County JnXjKs. X Y. sV.i'KKME""COURT, COUNTY OE 1^1 « KINO?—John UOVrts against William Jarvl*. B«n belt II. Hlil. .to«b»a Webb, Samuel Wilklnaoiv. Kec^iver of the llendr'ok llodson Fire Insnraaco Company; Ann Me Mai-.Vin. John Kiook, Mlrhael A Vtyera, P e f r P. Yai Zant, and .Andrew Ftevtna, To tarb of the defrT>daiit« awova named : Vou are hereby summoned and rcqaired to antwee the comrlaiiit In this action, tbU day filed In the office et the Clerk of the County of King*, al the Cllr Gall. In th* rlly «f Brooklm. In aald Count? of Ktnea. and State of N*w \otk, and to tetve a c%pv of your arower to lh» >- I ctvnplalnl on tho subscriber, at bla office at No. S Front M, in tbe #*'d City of Brooklyn. «i»Mn twenty .l»jni afWr Uw servleA of tois(«arrmion« on yo«. exclusive pf the l i j of mrh sftvice: and If yoo fall to ao«wer lb<- AAld eoniptalM' wlthWilkeUme aforesaid, the |.la!n«ifflnth»AACflnfi willappry to th<- (Vnrt f T t b r rrllef lems.rde.1 In tht con\pIalnt. I)*- -ABKAJIAM tuiT, nalritir* Attemet. : dll la«rwTn No. > P r o o n t . , HrookV N m KM WK.l.l O. Kwm«: N,'ee-.< 1. -..o) «Hen, acc»T\V.rf t.Th* ; aviOKvUlm--a*»'n«t ANN N. RAYMOND l»t»of »W fV'y , '. ftV.iokljn. d-. raaec. tb*% they art- rwjnlred to ekhiblt tb» !»n," *.t)i l? •<• loih'heTH tl.eroof, to t!,. sobreriber Ui« «>»e ntor. a' bl* residence. 14^ SVillmigl.ljr sreet. In th" Oft» of Hr.-.Vlj... on or before Vie 1st oav r>' Dr«cemb<-r ne\k IHt—t '•- 1 JMh.WMl mv»Uw'6«iV* WILLIAM A. PIGOT, tailor. I Itr.ioklyn. \M K (iF AN ORDER OF ROS»- p.RAlNARD, fc»4.,Surrogate ->f the CooirtTof to all fi>n»n« Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

ML FIRST EDITION. - Fultonhistory.com 7/Brooklyn NY Daily... · 2008. 9. 30. · Fulton;street, Brooklyn—At this establishment, all Books are sold at the regular retail urlces,

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Page 1: ML FIRST EDITION. - Fultonhistory.com 7/Brooklyn NY Daily... · 2008. 9. 30. · Fulton;street, Brooklyn—At this establishment, all Books are sold at the regular retail urlces,

^ ^ ^ ™ ^ w*^* 11 ' " i lPf l l iUL- 111 • I W J ^ ^ ^ ^ J"1 - • ' • ' . » •

Aiuusemi'uts, Meet ings ,&o. , th is Bieaing*

. TABERNACLE, Fulton av.—MB8. J. M. ABBOTI'8

CONCJUt. '••:'.- T>„„ TT • • M. E- CHURCH, DcXalb av.-r-LKmrBE pt REt- "•

flf "\J -* y J* (J V V

' OHUBCH OF ST. CHAB. BOREOMEO, Sidney place. Lxpixe FAIK. ,-

BUBTJB! VARIETIES, co«oer Fultoo and pineapple etroete.—CowoiAmxs. .; , •• ' w

B A B N U ^ B MUSEUM, New Y o r f c ^ o w x o r i o K O »


K t w B v W i . B ' y , w e w * Tir- iurr—TUB S I X D B -IALB OlJBIOSIT*—THU lrf*TEBY. ttCJLBT— i « « o^x

CUBES ©» O n * " . . ' r •• .

;;: E f f l O S M OF AS ACID STILL.. ! • . • • • - . . » ••


POSTPONEMENT.—Frof. Mitchell's lecture on astronomy,'announced to be delivered at the Atnen,eum last cveniDg did not come off as ex­pected, possibly on account of the snow 8torni. No doubt the citizens of Brooklyn will bo afford­ed eoon an .opportunity ,of hearing the distin­guished savant, • •

CONCERT TO«NioziT,-~Okfre. J. M. Abbott—fa­vorably known lu the mu*Ic.a) world as Miss Couran,—gives a concert this evening at tho Ta­bernacle in Fulton avenue. The lady's reputa­tion as a vocalist, independently of the clever art­ists whoso services she has secured, is alone suf­ficient to draw a crowded house;;.and we fear no disappointment when we anticipate for this ta­lented lady a generous support.

• - 1 LAUNCH.—The steamboat City of Boston, just

completed at the yard of Messrs. Snceden & Co., for the New York and Newark Transportation Co., was launched from the yard of the builders at Green Point, at 10 o'clock yesterday moroing, Tbe dimensions of the City of Boston are as fol­lows, viz. : LeDgth of deck, 815 foet: breadth of beam, 89 feet; depth of hole 12 feet G Inches.

"WIGS,—CAMERON'S INVISIBLE WIGS AND Tou-PBZS—Tbij new and novel intent ion Is Worthy the Inspection of all inter cited. Parting-!, never soils or m.\\ni, and pro­nounced by connolseurj to so closely resemble nature as to defy detection. Half Wig*, Bands, long Hair Braldi a n d -

Hair Work generally, of every shade, size and color.—199 Fulton street.

METROPOLITAN GIFT BOOK STOKE, No. 830 Fulton;street, Brooklyn—At this establishment, all Books are sold at the regular retail urlces, a n d a Gift, varying in value from 60 cents to #100, will be presented to each pur chaser (at the time of sale) of $1 and upwards. For partlcu l a i s we refer to the advertisement in another o l a u i a o f . thl paper. _

HOLLIDAY PKBSENTS! HOIXIDAY PRESENTS — lendid and choice goods. Cheap.

T. W. Wooes , S89 Fulton street.


ML1 R8. J. M. ABBOTT WUifclVBA •


On THURSDAY EVENING, January 10th, ' ' Assisted by

Mr. D. D. GRISWOLD. Tenor, Mr. J. K. THOMAS, Baritone, and others.

Mr. J. M. ABBOTT wiU preside at the Piano Forte. Ticket* 26 cents each, to be procured at the MUAIO stores

of J as. E. Lent, Esq., and Messrs. Grube A Adler, Fulton st., and at the door on the evening of the Concert. To commence at 8 o'clock. j9 2t*


F U K S ! F D R S ! !—Fine Furs - sel l ing oil at re­duced prices—BIQIOW'S old established Fur Store, 185 Fulio-treet.

- Shortly after ten o'clock this morning, the real-dents of Nassau street, in tbe neighborhood or •Whltebonse <fc Co.'s glafi.9 cutting and enamelling eBtabiishment, situated at No. 5 and 7 ia that street, near Fulton Bt,,; were thrown into alarm by the report that an explosion had taken place at the premised referred to. The startling an­nouncement proved but too true : the still used for the distillation of fluoric acid, an artlclo used in the coloring of glass, exploded, and sad to re­late, Mr. Whltebonse tb̂ e senior partner of the firm, received such'Injuries as to result to his Bpeedy death. The facts of the inelancholly oc-carrance, by which a.fdnd family are. doprived of their head and.protector, arid the community of an eate^nied cltBeir, appeaFToT'biraa "foUowaTso" far, as our reporter could gather them In the cou-fusionand conflicting statements ever attending upon disasters of this character. About tbe time •we have abovestated, it appears EbatMr. 'White-house, Mr. Wmi Howard, hia partner, and the en. gineer, Mr. H. Coates Were In the front room of the third story of the building No. 7 : and in the jtear port of the same floor is a room in which vras the BtlU,set in a brick bed.the still being con-mected by a pipe to^bebobdenser which was plac-•dbutslde the window ion the roof of an adjoining .fcuBdw^Mr, Wbitehouie remarked to Mr. H,ow-•rdthat there w&san eseapetfrom the still, and Mr-W. being tjiepfirdon most familiar with the still, "went into the bapk roori^tC1 'see what was the matter.: Within :a riilnufe oritwo. those in the outer room,'>heard a sllgn^hissing noise, like the escape of ;steam, and linnipdiately volumes of poisonous gas evolved iri^the distillation of the fluor acid-, rolled .on^ X̂rOm the" back room.. The;

engineer, Mr. Coatee,'tusked forward throusjh-the dense chocking fames to see what was the cause, audi t appear* helped Mr. Whitehouse out of the

| *tttl-rboi», 5n a dying condition. His appearance •Was perfectly indescribable, the acid which was scattered all over the room, having discolored bis face and hands, and burned all bJUuclothlBg. Med-

| j c a l assistance was promptly in attendance, and Mr. W. was removed on a board to bis residence No. 41 Tillary street, wb? r e . n e expired shortly after reacting home.' Mr. Wbitehouse was abou,fe>| forty-five years of age, and leaves a wife and fami­ly to deplore his untimely end. r

The engineer was burned about the arm, but not dangerously, in his endeavors to help Mr. Wbitehouse, coming in contact with tho acid which covered tbe latter's clothes.. There was no damage of property worth mentioning, and tho rumors that some five persons were seriously in­jured, are quite unfounded-. •..-,

It was aome time after the accident that the still-room could be penetrated to examine as to the cause of the catastrophe, so dense and smffo. eating were the' noxious vapors with which It and the adjoining parts of the bnilding was fllledL An examination made by Mr. Howard, our re­porter and Others, with much- difficulty, for the above reason, disclosed;the fact that thegutta


Long Island College

SAVAGE ASSAVLT VPON A'^VIFE.—Patrick Cos. grove, residing in Columbia street, near Warren)

imbibed too freely yesterday afternoon, and being quarrelsome in his cups, kicked up a row when he got home. His wife remonstrated, whereupon tho infuriated Patrick caught up a carving knife and with it inflicted a severe wound upon her arm; She was taken to the HoBoital by an officer.

, ' • . » . r -

GBHBBAL Dix.- 'It is stated on what is consid­ered good authority that Gen, Dix, of New York, has been tendered the post of Postmaster-Gene­ral, and that he proceeded to Washington yester jday^tq e^ter^pon^the.d^sjharge of hisduties^^

VALDE OF A LITTLE DOG.—On Monday night the house No. 1G2 Washington Btreet, narrowly escaped being robbed. The burglars entered by theyaTd, and with the'aid of the grape arbor reached the hall window on the first floor, which they opened unknown to any of the Inmates ex­cept a little dog, who feeling indignant at having her quiet sleep disturbed, made known' her dis­pleasure by a few barks, which sent the visitors flying. A few barks of a little dog are worth an armOry full of Are arms, for what use are they if you are sound asleep ? And burglars frequently rob a house that is filled with sleepers, and no on* is the wiser till, day-light; Keep a little d o g i . / v . ' • • • • ••'••- -• • ' • • • ' • : " * ;

• • :• , : ? . : >


The Steamer Star of the West in Charles-^ I f l l L g a i M t r ^ a f e j r r i v a l ^ f t d , I«a,R4iqg gX

C o n i B s , T E A S A N D SUOABS—Grocers , Board­ing House s and large consumers supplied on liberal terms at 92 Atlantic street, Brooklyn.


d buy it of BIGLOW, Hatter, 186 Fulton street. - * —

"TnEiR N A M E IS L E G I O N , " may be applied to those who die annually of Consumption. "Science h « of late years sensibly diminished the number, and it U gratifying to kn"w that Dr. WUtar's Balsam of Wild Cherry hai created >• potent Influence lu attaining this end. Eor sale in Brook-anby Joseph W. Hayes, ^ — - ' jatw-


Hiivmgbeen appointed by the manufacturers, Stodark A Momt, Sole Agent for the sale of the above justly celebrated Instrument for Brooklyn, begs to Inform his friends and the public that he is prepared at all times with a full assortment of all sites an* styles, which he is enabled to offer at the lowest manufacturers' prices. 1. B. I.., deems it quite unnecessary to refer to the merits of the 8TODART PIANO, as It ta weB known by allmakenj and dealers, as well as py thousands who own and have usedthtm for the last quarter of a cen­tury, whs will testify that they are beyond all doubt one of the best (11 not the very best) Piano Fortes ever taanufaetur-ed: justb known as the sweetest toned and the most durable;

The manufacturers can with pride point to every Piano at an advertisement, and claim every owner as a friend. -Part UM desirous Of purchasing on time can beaccommodatcd by adding simple Interest. Also those who wish to hire can always be suited both In price and and style of Instrument.

" - JAMES B, LENT, 859 Fulton street, - Pj-brV '• j . opposite City HaB.

Mr'LocimT MOUNTAIN COAL.—We have now on bind a supply of the justly celebrated LOCCBT MODHTAH Ooix, received direct from the mines without transhipment, which we art prepared to deliver to families in Brooklyn or New YorkTba fine order, from under cover, guaranteed un­mixed with any other coaL The absence of clinker and small ouantlty of ashes or waste, render this Coal greatly superior to any other for Kisasa, FDKSAOZS or STOVKS' Orders re­ceived at our wharf, between FULTON XHD OATHKLISK Funnta, Brooklyn, and at 96 Beaver street, two doors from Wall, Hew

^ S a b t f MARSTON k POWER. ; . : . " ' . '

at^ftiEJD.' VAHDgavKaB—Ru'BLVK^-Jain. dtti to the Church of the Holy

T r t o l t r i b y K e v . Or, t l t t le iqhn, J O H S H I M R V V A S D K R V M B , of Freeholdv New" Jersey, to Misa LKMMA R A P S L T S , daughter of Jacob R M * 1 T * , E s q , / -J



On tbe First Evening will b e given A GRAND VOCAL A N D INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT, under the direction of

Mr. THEO. FISFELD. Conductor. The Committee of Arrangements take pleasure in announ-

cing that tbe services of the following eminent artists have been secured.

Madsme COLS0N. Soprano. . . . Signor BRIUNOLI. Tenor,

Bignor FERRI, Barytone, Slgnor SUSINL Basso,

Wbo will sing selections from the most popular Operas with appropriate sceoery.

Slgnor MUSIO, Director of Vocal Part, A n d the complete Orchestra of the Philharmonic Soolety,

JOS. NOLL, Leader.


B y Telegraph to Brooklyn Ualiy Eaglet

From the South.


E X C H A N G E SALES ROOMS. No. 13 Court street. (Low's New Building.)

On FBIOAT, ut 11 A. M., C o n s u l le Sale of Clothi, Vesfr Patterns, Counter and Tall-

orinit Oc< ds.


On the Second Evening A G R A N D P R O M E N A D E A N D B A L L

Tickets of adml» ion to both evening!. Five Dollars, secu­ring a seat to the Concert without extra charge. W£

.. ry9 . Tickets may be obtained and seats secured at the Academy

Toe sale January 9.

"of Tickets'wm"c~o"!nme~n"ce on WEDNESDAY,

fif^M"Blc. aiKiof thp. rommitt^e: I. B Wynian. 38. BurUiJg slip. N . Y.: S. B. Chittenden, Broadway, N. Y.; A. Cooke Hull, cor. Joralemon and Clinton ste., IlroosWn; Samuel Sloan, office Hudson River Railroad Co.; Wm. M. Richards, 80 Barclay s t , N. Y.; John Greenwood, P. O. Building, Brooklyn; J o h n W . Degrauw. 60 Washington St.. N. Y.


jo td

The Resignation of Secretary Thompson.



The Ordinance of Secession in Mississippi made Unanimous.


Near theOtty HalL Brooklyn. STREETS.


' J O S E P H H E G E M A N . Auctioneer. P E E D & COLE, Au^ToneeT^





Manager. T~—Treasurer;^;;


Stage M8naRer J. L. DAVIS. Musical Director . . . . . . . .FRED. YONKERS,


M O R E N E W N O V E L T I E S .




BILL SMITHj Champion Bone Player.



MASTER CHARLIE And a host ofothers. In

A N D O R I G I N A L A C T S .

and the cap was blown ont,-and hence the dead ly escape and - the lamentable result as before Btated. As Mr. Wbitehouse was alone in the Btillropm, no one can tell in what manner he found the still on going to examine it,' or how tbe accident took place, other than as we.have said Mr. W. perfectly understood the working of the stil l ; and the gentlemen who were associated with him, and who were also more or less familiar with Its operations, are at a„ loss to account for the accident which has prbved so disastrously fatal to their unfortunate friend.

the Government Troops^

Atelegaaph dispatch, was r^ceived-thia.morn^4 ing by the wife of Captain McGowan, Commander of the steamer Star of the West, stating that the steamer with the federal troops onboard arrived safely in Charleston Harbor. The troops were landed without opposition.

The dispatch gives no particulars—in the ab­sence of which it may be presumed that the South Carollnana did not fire into the steamer, and even If they did that It amounted to nothing.

BRUTALIY.—The returns of tbe lltn. precinct police of this morning contains the following: i

"A woman named Mary Miller—whose husband had gone into the country to loot for work—was driven from a sick bed and turned into the "street yesterday with a child twe weeks old. She was; brought to the station house and supplied with food, which she had net tasted for two days, and notice sent to the Commissioners of Charities, who sent her to the Hospital this morning."

Capt. Squires la immense on writing dispatches on the iniquity of drinking lager bier on Sunday. "Why did ho

.not give the number of the-house, or the name of the street, even, if his dellcaoy; prohibited him from giving the name of the brutal agent or landlord ?

CONVICTION or A TICKET SWINDLES..—Thetrial of'Selorer, the emigrant ticket swindler, resulted' yester­day m Ms conviction by the Court of Oyer and Terminer. Sentence was.reserved for tfiepresent.

T H E N E W ' A R M O R T F O B T H E S E V E N T H R E G I -JIBKT (over Tompkins Market in Third avenue), opposite

-theJCooper Institute, was thrown open to •tho.wiMio yes­terday.—; : —

D I E D . JOBSSOK—In Una city, on Wednesday, January 9th, after

k short illness, MAMA AJJN JOHSSOH, wife of Jeremiah LMohnsoD. Jr., aged 86 years and 9 dan.

Her relatives and friends are invited to attend her funeral Ttt her liiw WSIUKUUB wiuei' uf Lee aieuue am on Friday P. M. January lltb. at 3 o'clock without further notice.

^TBllSTlS^OrrWedaeTJsyTJ'SnTSthT' 1861. R A W ELOISB, onlV daughter of Abraham and Jennie A. Burtis, aged 2 years and 4 months.

Relatives and friends Of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral at the residence of his parents. 816 State, street, Brooklyn, on Friday, the 11th Inst., at3>$ o'clock-without further Invitation.

PRreTr-On January 9th. RICHARD PBESI, in the 43d ye.ar.of his age. .

Uh, relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral on Friday afternoon, 11th Inst., at 2 o'clock from the First Reformed Dutch Ohurch, Joralemon street, Brook­lyn.

HOOFER—On Wednesday night, of. dlptherla, JEKMBSOK WKLLS. son of John and Louisa K. Hooper, aged 6 yearj.

Relations and friends are respectf-illy Invited to attend the funeral at their residence on Btrgen street, near Classon avenue, at 2 P. M. on Friday.

W A N T S .

Admission..... „ , 10 cents. Orchestra Seats . . . . . . . ; . . . ' , 20cent».

Doorsopenat 7 o'clock—performance to commence a t a quarter to *• o'clock precisely. *p6 tf




The Secretary of the Treasury has advertised for pro-posfllsfpr the taking of the five million Treasury notes, under the Act of December last. The bids will be opeu-ed on the 19th of January.

The President has accepted Secretary. Thompson's re­signation. He, in a letter, says, that Thompson- is cer­tainly mistaken in alleging that no conclusion was reach­ed in the Cabinet as to sending troops to Fort Sumter without delay.

The only documents transmitted with the message yes­terday were the Commissioner's first loiter and tho reply, both previously published. '

The reported firing into the Star of tho West at Char­leston is true, beyond doubt.

[It will be seen that the above Is oontradicted inrano-Iher despatch, but we cannot tell which Is the most reli­able.] -•:.

Seizure of Forts . YTILIUNGTON, N. C , Jan. 10.

Forts Johnson and Caswell were 'taken possession of on the night of tho Stb, by the Smithvillo Guard.

. Mississippi Convention. •:JAOXSON, MISS . , Jan. 9.

Delegations from South. Carolina and Alabama were Incit­ed to seats In the Convention. They were gre t ted with ap­plause.

Efforts were made to postpone action, which were vo ted down.

The fifteen delegates who opposed the ordinance will sign It to-morrow, making the vo te unanimous.

Fireworks were displayed a t the CaWtoltlili^evening. The excitement is Intense, . :-

• •

Three Days Later from Europe .

Rebec aj&ihig A HOTTENTOT, A KAFFIR, A Z 0 0 L 0 0 . A FLNQO, AND

. A BUSHMAN. e African nat ives; "It gives me

pleasure to testify that CapCDUliugbam went to Aigoa nay , (Africa,) and thence into the interior, where he obtained the •African nat ives heiasJwougbt-baek'wltb-hlm,—Lam further-



BUTLER, BCHULTZ~&~ MATHEWS, Auc'rs, N o . 64 Cedar st, opposite the Post Office, N. Y . ,

Are prepared to give their-personal attention to BALES OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE at the residences of faiai-lies removing or declining housekeeping, or at their «p»-clous Salesrooms for tbe convenience of those who m u ue-l lrcthjs medio m of sale. qahMti


1EVENING INSTRUCTION -i IN CI1KM1STRY AND ITS APPLICATIONS. For circulars, apuly at this office, box 10, or at 55 Sands

Btreet. _J3Jw*, ' A. J. NASH.

COLLEGE GRAMMAR SCHOOL A N D GYM-NASICM, in Marble liloek. between Chy Hall a»d

Packer Lutltute-RKV. LEVI WELLS HART. A. 11.. Heotor. iDttruction and culture of pupils most careful and thorough. Pupils admitted at any time. Terms MCCU LOWKR than else­where, for v.iiL'iL ADVASTAOKS. The utmast satisfaction guaranteed, lt> all ordinary cases. For circulars witi atoyle testimonials, references. et»., call as above. j2 Jin*

B O A R D I N G .

PRIVATE AND ELEGANT ROOMS TO LET, with or wlillout board, en suite or singles gas, hot and

cold baths, furnace, every comfort Ave minutes' walk from Wall and South ferries, one of the finest loc»tlons in Brook, lyn. Private table IX desired, and washing done lu house. 157 Henry street; Brooklyn. Tern.s reasonable. References given. jlOSf

AS S E S S M E N T NOTICE—Not ice is beroby given that the following Assessments remain unpitd,

and that the warrant for collecting said Assessments wlli expire on the 2id day of January. 1861, and that unless said Assessments* together with the expemse and per centags allowed by law, are paid on or before said date, I shall pro. ceed to advertise and sell the premises in the manner pointed out by Sections 24 and 86 of Title 4th, of the present Char terof the City of Brooklyn. . GRAHAM AVENUE OPENING AND GRADING. FROM

BROOKLYN LINK TO THE BUSH WICK LINE John Henolger 12 \i\ J H Gaua 14 14; A J Conselye* W3

S3; A Beits 84918; Jacob Boerum 190 00; Wm Clarke 49 .65; Mr Hanford 69 89; L J Mell 15 2S: Joslah Blackwell 39 70;. W P Coleman 4 41; Jobu Mc Ardle VI SJ; R O McOormtck 8'47; Wm Hooker 14 34i Wm Tanner 6 64; James Furman i 64: Wm Tanner 5 04: A J Parker 10 44; Stephen F Richardson S 6\i John StrattoD. unknown 32 90.


Georce Patttreon 88 65 J O Douohue 190 95; Jesse Bullock 63 65; Anthony: Betts 1508 60: Joslah Blackwell 33 65; J F Gouldlng 165 00, John Mott 86 00. SOUTH FOURTH STREET CURBING GUTTERING.


Patrick 8m\th 8; H Rankin 57 50: Joseph Davis 23 75; Fred­erick Hoy* 28 75; Abm Vermilye 28 75; John Vandervoort 36 46; Joseph Rogers 143 75; Wm Bradley 28 75; John Bolton 20 00: Robt Hancock 28 75; John Hayer & 75; Smith 2875; ¥ Scholes 28 75; F Scholes or J Caafleld 84 50; F Scholes 1175: CharlesZwick 40 75; Thomas Hlnes and Ed Orr 55 00: J F Rreenl67S5; RobtJBurton 82 50; J B PeUlfer23 75: Richard Coun>Wln Henry KanHff97^5rAimrMwrrttlei«ir^r

DISTRESSING SDICIDE.—A poor lone womaui Mrs. McMullen, residing at 177 Hudson avenue learning tbe death of her husband who had gone into tho country in search of employment, com­bined with her destitute conditioo, so dishearten­ed her, that she resolved to end her troubles by taking* large doBe of laudanum on Tuesday night. The result of. course was fatal.

Coroner Horton held anintiueit upon the body yesterday afternoon, at which tho particular" cir:

lenmsfanocs under which the deceased woman came by her death were elicited. Sarah McMul­len, 81 years of nge, married, but without chil­dren, was irt.service with a family residing in Fort Greene Tlace, where she lea about 8 o'clock On Tuesday night, to visit her sister at -No;177-

|-gw4goa-*veuue-. At her sister's she complained of a sore fitierer, a felon or something of tliat na­ture, and said she would go out to tho doctor's and get something (or it. She proceeded to tho stove of Dr. Stowe in the avenue and purchased from Mrs. S^owe nine cents worth of laudtnum. She then returned to her sister's and swallowed the lautTniium. This wa3 about half-past 8 o'clock.' The sister, becoming alarmed, went for Dr, Stowe. but he being from homc.Mra. 8to wofrtmeand ad-minlstered. n t emetic. The drug, however^ IfacT done Its work, nnd at' half-past 9 o'clock she was dead.' The husband of tho deceased had gone to Ireland some time ago on business, and recently she received a letter apprising him of his dciuh, which intelligence natni-AUy exercised a most de-preeslng influence up~>n her mind and no doubt drove her to the commission ot'the rash preced­ing. Verdict, death by &uiclu>.

WANTED—BY A YOUNG AMERICAN girl, a situation to do lhjht housework, or to take care

j92t* of chUdren.

WA N T E D — A Y OUJSG L A D Y W O U L D L I K E to obtain board with a widow lady orln a small private

family, where there are no other boarders. Terms moderate. Location central. Address, stating- terms, A c "F. B. F.,". Brooklyn P O. .. j92t*

G I R L r T O r - D G — G E N E R A L housework; a good cook . and good washer and

md well recommended. Apply at ooklyn. •- \ j83t»

WA N T E D — A housework; a , „ ...

ironer, good disposition and well recommended. 176 Fort Greene place. Br<

WANTED—AN OPERATOR TO WORK ON Wheeler tc Wilson's Sewing Machine, at 106 Orange

street. None but an experienced workman need apply. Call between 9-aad "It tfcloci^AjyE,. - I S ^ f

WAIU-IKK.—Wilhiii the past few d»ya bars h-tvo been put around the window? of tho armory, on Iltniy Street, the doors have been lined with 8ht et Iron, and other precautions taken to pro­tect it from that mob, which lately frightened the pnrscn of Pljmonth church, and gave the Metro­politans an opportunity of showing their disci­pline and heroism in protecting ail concerned from the raW:head-nnd-bloody bones which their linsi&lnaUon created. The Hoard of Officers fud a meeting a few evenings ago; what occurred has WeTT "TfyprmTcTptrffiprttrrrtrr^ r good deal of surmising. One rumor ha? it that the I3th Reg't, bavo received orders from hod-<ltiarters to place thnn/elrcfl on a war footing, preparatory to taklog chftrgo of Fott Hamilton, on the withdrawal oY the United States troops from the fort to a point where needed by the government. The. Thirteenth Regiment Is com­posed of Ihe. following oompttrjlos:—Company

"TvriJlKTISinvTX^-VMTnprn, MHmmr^oTriTrimy--(Lltfl flank. Copt. ThorDfr,^ men^ Company D.

P o l i c e . TnE PotiOE COURTS.—The total number of prisoners

disposed of in Justice Cornwell's Police Court, during the month of December, was 529, of "which 52 were fo.~ assault and battery, 29 for petit larceny, 10 burglary, 2 Violation of ordinances, S15 intoxication, 5T vagranby, -i forgery, 4 fighting In the streets, 6 threats, 6 maliciou mischief, 1 attempted rape, 13 gambling, and 1 robbery.

T H E AJXEGED GIJAND STBKBT A-RSOK CASB.—Dennis Bhanfleld, Frank; Abrahams, and Solomon Newman,.who were arrested- on Sunday last on a charge of-arson, In setting fire to the premises No,211 Grand St., were brought before Justice Coiahan on Tuesday for examination. Tito complaining witness, Fire Marshal J. F. FarreL, gave his testimony, which by the ingenuity of tho lawyers was made to occupy four hours, and elicited precisely what was published before the examination was commenced. Yesterday it was resumed, nudJCapt. Waslom, of the 5th prectnetfwas examined. Tho investlgationjwill be con­tinued to-day, and may perhaps be terminated within tho lifetime of men now living. The case excites considera­ble interest, and the court-room is crowded with specta­tors; but thus far nothing differing materially from tho published accounts has been elicited.

ASSAULT— CROOKKB vs. CROOKF.R.—The parties to this suit are man and wife, living separate and apart, the lady doing business at No. 261 Fulton street, and supporting by industry four children, the fruits of their ill-starred union—the defendant residing in New York. The lady complains of annoyance from" the defendant and of actual personal vlolenco at his hands.. Tho complaint has been heard In part ere now. and at tho time it was arranged that tho charge should not be pressed, on the understand­ing that he would restore a sewing-machine he had caused to be taken away from tho premises in Fulton street. This, it appears, he has not compiled with, and hencio tho

.renewal of the complaint. A.t.noo'n, the further-hearing. -was adjourned for one hour, to procure .a^wJlness who was present st the tlmo of the alivgeu^assavilt,

A BAI.AKT.AVA HERO.—Alfred Sladdox, a man of sol­dierly bearing, with muslacho and flowing board, accom­panied by quite.a grnteel-looking boy of fonr or five 5care, who bears the name of "Balaklava" Mnddox, was presented this morning as an Idle person. The poor fel­low, it • appears, sought a lodging at one of tho sta­tion honpes for self and child last night, and looked as if he had bet n recently laboring undor an attack of deliri-vm trevMnt, Justice Cornwell dismissed Maddox with a camion lor which Indulgence he expressed his thanks. MmMox, is supposed to be an Englishman who has seen service in tho "Crimen. .

A llAfLTiiiBTFTruoHTrv PUNrsHKD.—Thomas Duffy, a' typo of the gemiB loafer, was this morning arraigned on the charge of stealing an overcoat, the property of Henry Whittftker. No. 105 Dean street, last evening. The c.iat did not puftice to appease Tom's rapacity—another of the same sort hanging beside it, Bliarcd the same fate. Ser­geant Rogers, of the 10th Precinct, fell in with Duffy, and seeing two coats upon his arm, it struck tho officer that this was more than fell to his share, these hard times. Duffy owned op and was transferred with tho recently acquired property, to the station house He pleaded guilty to the charge and blubbered like a whipped school boy, bogging to be let off this lime, The Justice toll him he bsrt a narrow escape, for if tho two coats had belonged to One perf on, the offence would have amounted to grand lam ny. He considered he was dealing leniently with l4uvi>:4cn<llnK-htm-laUif.J?cnilciHtl»rjr..fc.r-ihirtji_diy^. Tho dials we're restored to rtio owners.

VAOKA>.TY.--Mftry Arm Birmingham was sent to tho Penitentiary for twenty-nine days on the charge of lK>lng nn idle and disorderly person. Mary described her abt-ding plfcee as somewhere In Twenty-fourth street, New York. r<he crossed over to Hrookljn yesterday to visit a friend, and of cotmc took a glass of wlno or two, IT hot Svttictiilng stronger, but as to the lltUe she took hatln? had snv effect upon her, the Idea was perfectly ridlcu-lovs. The officer swore ".hst Ann was decidedly drunk ami that seakd her fate. Up she went.

WANTED—TO TUROHASE A SMALL house and l o w the vicinity of a railroad track, south

of Myrtle avenue. Price not to exceed :*2000, for which cash and city lots will be given in exchange. State price, location and'particulars. Address PURCHASER at this office. t . ,_ 37 3t* W ANTED—AGENTS TO SELL A NEWLY

TT patented POVTABI* OOPTWQ PRKS3 ASH BOOK, con­taining one and a halt QUIT, S of paper, and weighing only eight ounces. Sells readily at large profits. Exclusive tirlvf. leses will be granted by early application to

J. K. 0OOLBY k CO.. Poughkeepsle, N. T. The sale of the above Press and Books gives a remvmera-

ive employment to those that require a light, out door exer-lse, by canvassing for the sale of them, it being a respectable rticle. and used by business and liteT&ry men. iyistf

LOST AND F O U N D . (CO REWARD-LOST, ON SATURDAY, JAN. t F O 5th. from. 153 Henry street, Brooklyn; a large yellow SETTER. DOG, .wlth._w.hlte., face a n d > r e a s t . Had on a

informed these natives were shipped with the knowledge and consent of the local authorities, and that nothing was done in securing them that would be objectionable either in a moral point of view, or with referenced) the laws of nations." 8fgned Louis Agasslz. Dated OambrJ^ge, Mass., Dec. 18th,

' These Wild African Savages are to be seen here at all hours, all o r whom wUl appear in their wild Barbarian Costumes, made up of ; :. ;

• SKINS OF WILD BEA8TS AND BIRDS, . i . And go throuRh their native untutored • . . WAR AND FESTIVE DANCES AND SONGS!




850.000 CURIOSITIES, FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WOULD. EVERY AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock, will be produced the

fairy spectacle of the MAGIC WELX,.

EVENING, a t 7K o'clock, the splendid drama SEA OF IOE.

This Is the last week of Its production here. Admission only 25 cents; Children under ten, 15 cents.

Parquette 16 cents extra . Children under ten, 10 cents extra,

EW BOWERY THEATRE— Between Canal and Hester streets. __

Proprietors. . Messrs .G. L . F o x a n d J . W.Llngard. Orchestra Seats 50 cents; Boxes 35 ceats; Pit 12 cents. Doors open a t 7 o'clock; to commence M to 8 o'clock.

. T H I S EVENING t h e performances' wUl commence with


ie 'Spanis l Qui t Gae ta , w i th Bul le ts .

kmbassaH6r~CoinpeH»jrl—txr his P a l a c e being riddled

.ounWk1 enry;

""aCTawSwTtT Hector of Taxes and Assessment


To be followed by THE LOTTERY TICKET. ,

To conclude with _ THE SLY. DEGREES OF CRIME.

. ' y " , — L E C T U R E S . w* i n e w - t E e n * !

• POBTLAJTD, Jan. 10. The steamship Nova JSootian, Capt. McMasters, from

Liverpool 2Ttb, via ILondonderry 2Sth, arrived here at a quarter past eleven last night. . t • Her'mails will be due In New York at midnight.

The steamship Bremen was detained at [Southampton until the 29th.

Great B r i t a i n . Nothing of moment had transpired since the departure

of tho Palestine. The weather continuedunusually cold throughout IJng-

\am\, Mio u,oTmomoUv la somo localities sinking below zero. • • '• • '

Princo Alfred was on a visit to Berlin. He is to em­bark January 5th in the line of battleship St. George, which proceeds to the North American and West India Btalion. v.- !.

France . . , .'.); The connection of Count De Morny with "financial

speculations in mines, and the occurrences which had taken place in connection therewith, were attracting con­siderable attention in Paris. Cabinet, councils had been

-j heM^po"ntliotobje«t,-and4tl9HlrcmgfeXegi3latire inqui­ry woujd result. • •• .. - ' • : ; • " • . ^ARIB CORN MARKET.—The price of flour advanced dhring the week, two frapes per sack. Wheat was also dearer. -

The winter throughout France had sot In with, frost and snow. ;


HENRY WARD BBEOHER, Win Lecture in the


At a quarter to 8 o'clock. Subject—"COMMERCIAL AND SOCIAL EXTBAVAQASCB."

' Tickets at the door. Twenty-five cents. j8 3t*


M E R A L D B A L L .




The proceeds, as usual, will be appropriated for the benefl of the R. C. Orphan Asylum.


ASSESSMENT NOTICE—Notice Is hereby given, that the following Assessments, remain unpaid,

and that the warrant for collecting said Assessments will expire on the 2d day of January 1S61. and that unless said Assessments, together with the expense and pec centage allowed by law, are paid on or before said date, I shall proceed to advertise and sell the premises in the manner pointed out by Sections 24 and 36, of Title 6th, of the present Charter of the City of Brooklyn: NOSTRAND AVENUE GAS LAMPS AND POSTS BETWEEN

PACIFIC AND WYCKOFF STREETS. WnvMorrison 25 SI; Wm H Cami>b;U. 1938; James E Mor­


CLASON AND FRANKLIN AVENUES. Ellr-abetrr wife of W R Robinson. 19 00; Gilbert R Terrett

6 50: Ed Donnelly 7 56; Geo H Slngley 26 70; Wm Donnelly 7 56; Andrew Mercelne l f o .


Richard L Wyckoff 9 76: Alex Studwell 19 26; Margaret EK-b e r t t S * . J CR\ker4S2: Thos F Green 9 76; Wm M Wilson 9 64: Geo F Taylor 192ft E J Danforth 9 61: S D Wilmot 9 61; D O Calkins 2 41; Gilbert Sayere 7 23; E J Danforth 9 87.


. John Glbb 7 92; H B Cornwell 4 86; Gilbert Sayers 7 92; Ed­ward Mcllvalne 4S6; Sarah H Abbey 4 86: H B Dyer 14 53: F D Mason 4 86; R S Wyckoff 9 73: Alex Studwell 33 89.


Abraham Bancker 4 27: Geo Barclay 3 14: John Fitzsim-mons 820; Joseph W Benden 6,^8; Robt A Hood S 14: Thos Keeaan 314; Farmers' Loan'irtKt Trust Co 314; John Clark? 1 57; Thos P C<ybaUvjj7; W m D CampT 57. :


G e o H JIngley 13 40; WmDowdeSO; Mary A Carlisle 3 4C;


leather collar, abo^e reward.

W h o e v e r will return him Wili receive ffis" j l0 2t*

I OST—'IUBSDAY EVENING,TIIESrn IN8T, J In Columbia or MonUgue street, a MINK TIPPET or

VICTOIUNE. By sending the same- to No. 116 Columbia street, the finder will oblige the owner and be rewarded.


T OST-1N BROOKLYN, XJ N I N G las t , .a gentleman's BEAVER


finder will be suitably rewarded, upon rrstorlng it to the owner. Rev. Dr. LOCKE, i'3 Hecry, cor. Clark street, Brook-I T P . . . ._ __, j9 2t*.

F O B S A L E .

V O R A. t to

FOR S A L E IN BROOKI.YN—A 3 STORY trick house, No. 14K Little street. Also the three ad-

joining. Lots en United States street; the corner lot, with a two ttory and attic frame house The above will be sold nt a motlprrttebHce: the Hr(re3t portion ctn remain on bond and mortgager -Ir^ulre-©£40HN^-KMRSlVH-Gatb«!4oe-eV comer of Water street. New York. jalO 8m l

SALE—THE STOCK OF GOODS IN store 14R Atlantic street. Brooklyn, ceinsistlng of Hosie-

ty. Small Wares. Ribbons, F a n e Goods. Ac. Buyers are In­vited to examine the same and make their offers to th'^ a^lgnee. Thestoek will be open for Inspection until Satur-d»y the 12th Inst. Terms c u b .

ROBERT MORRISON. Asslimee, j ioat' Ho Chambers street, Now York-., l^OK SALE CHEAP—THE STOCK, FIXTURES I . and good will of ft small Confectionery and Variety Store, situated at No. 433 Hudson avenue, near Fulton. For forther particulars enquire on the premises. _ jo u»

- T ^ l ^ ~ A X l ^ O J a E . A l R ^ A? Roc.Vaway, one Cart Sled, one Bob Sleigh, suitable for a grocer i r expre»so!»ii. Also a very fine fanrsiiy Horse. To bo sctp unt i l sold at 163 Atlantlo street, Brooklyn. jiOlw*

FOR 8ALE-3 SLEW US, 1 ONE SEAT, 1 two seats, 1 three scats; will be sold cheas. as the owner

has no lite for them. C. D. WILLIT3. jl03t* Fulton avenue, cor. Clermont avenue.

T H E F I R E M E N . INDEPENDENT (JA^DfoATE-- ^ ' M. For Asslstarrt Engineer,

W I L L I A M H . S M I T H . Of Lafayette Hook,and.Ladder Compaoy, No. 1.

j a»tlU18U> i ' ( ^ V i R E DEPARTMENT FUND—THE UNDER-J ? sign'ed-TKrewrfhTriankTuJTy ScSHStTIcdsres the m a t p t of of firfcliunJrM dollars from W. N. Degrauw, Esq., Cashier of the f n l o n Fcn-y Comi>aoy. b e l c i a donation from »*ld Com-p.iny I n a l d o f the Wwows'ani* OrHiansT Fund of the Fire Dep*rtrrt*iit ol the Clly of Itroogjyn.

i « l t * WM. B U R R K T . I H T r e a s u r e r .

COHMtTTRBOr A R R A M O K M E N R S : Michael J. Deega'n, P. W. Derham, Edward J. Maher, Thcnias A. O'Neil, James McConnlck, Peter J. Morphy, Martin E. Deegan, Henry B. Johnson, John J. Cummins. Chas. Tinney. Matthew Deegan, Thomas M. Norton, John P. Victory, Kleran Easan, Cornelius Biggins, MlcblH. Hagirty, Edward Glacken. Arthur SIcAvoy, Timothy Desmond, Joseph Hussey. - Wm. Dougherty, Patrick Campbell, Bernard B. Hagcity,John Duane, Patrick Leach, Hugh McCrossin, John O'Mahony. Edward Frlel. Domlnick Colgan, Patrick 'Moortey, .TohnFlynn, Wm. II, Turner, . James Collins, James L.Grant. — — ll. urr - -

James Downey, Peter McCoy. Martin Gormley, John Wallace, John EagaD, John J. Clancy, Philip McDermott,

Chas. Kerrigan, H. F. Coyle, John Harvey, Wm. McGInley. John Furey, Chris. Connor, John Daly,

PhlL'p . Jrcgan,

Lawrence J. Uillick.Jercmlah Qululan, RIchdMoDermott, JohnT. Brady,

Martin JFlnnegan. Jalin Geary, Bernard c/orK, ( llAIULES DOHKIITY: Preslaent...

i President.

Parish but-they were contradicted. It was' hinjied that the Emperor's address on

Year's day would be eminently pacific. The Nuncio being absent, the Russian Ambassador

will bo spokesman for the corps diplomatique. The Journal desDei/ats animadverts on the Inappli­

cable policy of France, and earnestly advocates tho with­drawal of the French fleet from Gaeta.

The Paris Bourse on the 26th was a shade firmer. Rentes closed'at 6Sf. 35c."

I t a ly . Reports relative to the state of affairs at Gaeta, contin­

ue contradictory. A dispatch from Gaeta, 22d, says: The bombardment

of the city is continued with vigor. The Spanish Ambas­sador left his palaco,on account of its being riddled with bullets. Two officers had been struck while standing near the king. New Sardinian batteries can bo seen and arc evidently ready to take part in tho bombardment.

A deputation has arrived here from Calabria, and pro-Tul3e~d 16 raise SB Insurrection In favor of the king.

Tho Turin correspondent of tho Dally News asserts that the commencement of hostile operaiions against Gaeta from the seaside is thought to be at hand, as order3 have been sont to the gunboats at Ancona to leave immediate­ly for Naples, and the ships of war stationed at Genoa and Spezzia have been sent to tho samo destination; •

The Italian correspondent of tho Times says that year 1661 will not perhaps grow very old before French troops are in possession of Gaeta, and possibly Naples itself.

Considerable quantities of provisions were being des­patched from Rome to Gaeta,

A decree dated Naples Dec. '.Otb, calls out tho classes of the last four years. These classes are to .''sseniblo at the end of February.

King Victor Emnnual had had a reception of tho no­bility, <kc, at Naples on the 24th, which was numerously attended. An enthusiastic demonstration in favor of His

-iwri-nrrtynj .1 I YVm"Parker 3 45;"Mary 0 Brush 10 60;' James K°tchum 1050; ^ > a a ^ m Y e < t ^ t "T r RobTUtchueld iu W; IVmBohiieUy aWi UW HSiUgley I443?

JOHN MOATEE. V:c¥ p f T ^ ^ S ^ c K ^ t s l l ! H 5 1 ' ' — T l l ^ o t H l l l ^ n T - t d — ^ ^ e . h a l l Q t . t h s j l a J i o n a L G u a r d - - - - - - - - -

The garrison at Gaeta has been diminished

"MaJtstVTooK"place fa the evening. _ The Khi^ would quit Naples ofi triov1th, afler attend-




A C A D E M Y O F M U S I C , On MONDAY, Feb. 4th, lSfll.

Tickets can be procured ot the following MANAGKRSI

P. n. AfideTson. J. B. T.eggett, J. C. Roach, P. H.Taw»,

—Jr;wpn'Reci'c; A. M. Underbill, Edwin HlUvcr. R. A. Williams, I. D. Velsor. It. R. Story,

j . W. Underbill,

John Cashow, A. F. Campbell, Vincent Tilyou, Jr., Felix Campbell,

--T.-H. ghanVlAllJ;— O. L. HalRht, Aler . MVilr, C. 8. Lansdon. Wm. Brown, E. Underbill,

O. IF. HAVWAFO. Secretary. WM. DURRELL. Chairman.

j 3 t d

" l ? l U T * ~ T l :

Children's Fan streft.

"ITT— TVTCTTIinr'-Tm*;" Csrrs -wd Straw Hats can't b« »*c*Iled-^^3 !"rdton

Capt. Siiragnc, 40 men ; Company A, Capt. Smith 40 rnfcti;. Company D, Oapt. Baldson, 40 jrxH|a • (Jompftny B, CflpU SitfUfan, 45 men. Wo have made Inquiries, but aro tumble to trace this war. ince Itftiti t'6 any reliable tiourco, and conclude therefore that there I* nothing In it.

HATS, CAM AMD Kims.—J. D. WILLIAM*, of * » Fulton ttnrrt, has taken the new store No.SW Fulton, cor. Oourt i t r & i which he will open. In addition to hit prment itand. on or about the 1st of September, with » l » r * < a n d cholcer toc* ef Osnt's RHk H*t« «n<! Oat»*» OhHdrtw's »*ney Date, i •,!!(•«• Pancr f • "• A -

commerrce fU SrTth

AttSMPTRD Boioins,—Maria Spain, a resident of IHcKs fttrceij tie.tr Paelno, undeterred by tho pblllsophlc admonition, "better be*r tho Ills we suffer than fly to others that wo know not of," took an over done of laudanum list evening. Her anlcldsl Intention was discovered In time and of­ficer MsRulrc took her to Long Inland College Hospital, but being refused' Admission there, she Was conveyed to her residence, snd Attended to !>y Dr. Smith. This morning Marls was doing Well. . ,

Iftgaa strwt, (n»«rOoticord.) will V«TH, BotidayTHSr. TSOT

This School Is denlfned for Rori under twelr* re«rt of *t*. and WpropsmUryUUM Oolkwlate and I'obteohule ln«tl ot« of tit. rt«». New Otrcnlim for tM* r»»r '••n b» obtain

M at U>« store of O. P. Miln». *17 Fulton mreet, And Also o Dr. J. H. RaytnAtia, si the Polytechnic Initltnt^.

•J— l i t - i l * | i • i •

DOMIKIO* COLOAN'S new c^tAbltshniPnt tt'39 rierrepont atreet. U rl*Uu A «*od bostnsK*. Th* newly opened Saloon fcrLtMlten »nd r«miile« ts weB »»U»nded *r.>ry eventng. tur.i..-.:.-. Wit rv>n<l O n U n are «Ve»l del-caele*. wh*th« »n*t, f r « o,« t ) ^ , M«d ot ronUcA.

11AKERIE8 . SCOTCH BAKKRY-THE aUTiSCniBKRlCK"-v spot tfully solicits the notlC« of Families to his Establish­ment, favorahli known M the

S C O T C H . B A K E R Y

S P K C I A L A O T I C E 8 .


l'ostcrt. on SATURDAY next, at the Ferries, when to meet at the Pond.

infoymlo* you" JlOlt*



1 ).A r»iUtwl iup.1 ii p.fiii'.riiuIr.H'iit U lh.,UiUalllv. 111.'. '" (hehan'so good tradesmen U eertali-.; tfie b-«t »i. rtsultlr. . .

tlr.Iels rroduced; which cannoV for parltr And netieralercel-ltrjc'e, be surpassed.

Special attcntlori Is Invited to oric Article CONSTITUTION B11EA1),

MADE FROM ORAHAM FLOUR. PrepAred expteaaly for thl* l irevi .

The Tlr.eU »ha Jpurcrt »f »ln only l i U««MV, ll*e Bread Is f, imf iiii-d. and Its nourishing propcnlea xreatlr in-creaned by a tare* absorption o( Milk. The very irenenu ntrruTAl which na«ni»rke. i t lw introduction of this 8r«ad. li»»»cndtre<l It »n article of constat t dem*>,d «nd Inereaa-ln« n>e. To tho»A afflicted with nrriepuln, \ ih imo*t lnv« lu

T T T ~ l e t - . . « , . ,7 LJ ..... s . ,,,, ,i V . i l ^ « W A a h . I able - lnvsr i»b l>sweet , n*rer sour, and ot e**y<JI««»Uon. U Trm tftmt!»n.-»- HiAH-s*i*a<M^-.Xii... i.aU-Ytas.0i_|^#^,luWv_tuUaU:jL .totJrfirioaa.ofxc.ll.cMs._!Vim«ch. or «u I6vers ol Orabarn tirendln whatever Sirm.

C^ONKtlTO«» Fn»»>ii r n i,«<t*KrASf, 4 d i m JAM»S MORTON, m <)r>u»t Krrrt. BrAoVlyn,

» „ - ^ ^ ^ . - . . w ^ OiP"»lteSt .raur».Cl»ur«i . . . P. S t - S T O l T H (1 AT MTAL always on hand, and Imported

bj the Miboerlber. )A<»ly

r i l i U R C H OF ST; C H A R L E S Yj SlDNCT.PLACE-A FAll\ la now btlnx.hcll. In the l-.tfemenl or Vfi.- nbove tTinrch. by lheli\,lv memhers of the ciTgreKatlon. Music will he farm shed each evening by the Klfthth Keglraent Itand, The Fair will continue till Satur-day evtning itcluslve. the ladies pron.lse to all who honor them (by thtlr patronage) a very pleasant time. Admission 10 c. n*«. UHJlL


Mr. W. respectfully announces to amateurs and t i f t ie Indies snd jcn l l emen desirous of DRAWING AND PAINT­ING FROM LIFE, that he has completed his arrangement*, nrd will, during the comlnt week, open A class In Drawing n r .dl 'amt'ngfre,m the " L l V i N O M O D E L " Those SUhlf i / lo loin will ple-aue leave their names Number limited. T e n m wW-1» » W n o n appltcttU'-r.. Studio W- ManUlMA-pUee. _ )10 3t', " / S m CLEHK'S " o W l C E , BROOKLYN, \J .Tsn. Hh, 1861. , t ' .

Notice U be>eby rrlven.' that a meeting of the Water C-n mittee will b« held at the Committee Itoom. City Hall, on rRlDAY, Jan. 11th. ISfil. ar7M o'clock V. M.. when tho'elntereated in the temp, rarr newer* In Franklin, 1 ot-nam »nd Qatei Av«nuetk are Invited to attend. «r order or ttJ$rnT'" WM. G. BISHOP City CTerlr._

G ALLKRT, ^240 FULTON " 8TREBV—THE puWIe »r* ciutloned against crediting anything on

acccuM of thU e.Ubllshment, wlthoot a written order from

In number by the dismissal of a portion of the Royal Guards whose fidelity was doubtful. The remaining defenders were in . a deplorable state, but their resistance could be carried on still further for a considerable period.

A u s t r i a . The Times correspondent at Vienna is conlMcnt that

nothing but brute force can induce tho Austrian govern­ment to quit the quadrilateral.

There was a report Hint England and Prance had como loan understanding with regard to Venct'a, and that a joint commission would shortly be sent to Vienna, urging "tho te^Vll Of'Voiictla fftttout any territorial recompense.

It Is slattd that Austria had opened negotiations vtM\ Rome for the complete abolition of the Concordas.

Accounts from Hungary are very unsatisfactory. No tuxes were being paid.

China E x c h a n g e At Shanghao&i f>>{'; good silk wan a shade

higher; other sorts unchanged: freights were dull; tea ia quoted rattier higher.

[ W e will publish the details InVur Second Edit ion. ]

F I N A N C I A L . N n w Yor.K. Jan. I ', 1SCI.

I!ndf r lh" tnd'""ice of the political news from Charles-t n ai,d Washington, stocks open at a Jitllo decl ine tr -m the quotAiiona of yesterday ; before the close, however , there was more .Imposition to b u y , and general ly closed firm at Hie nunlation of jes lcrday .

After the Hoard, it bedng a n n o u n c e d that the Star of tho W e s t landed the troops Al Fort Sura'pter, the market ro?o from X to 1 per c e n t . - There is no change In the money market. Call Loans

fr?,m fi to 7 per cent , according to the security offered, T h e curtai lment Of business transactions, the compara­t ive decrease. In lmnortMkms, tha IncrcMtng JemAnd fr.mi Kngland for our gurplOAbrcadstutTsAhdcoltoTlTTnlS l . r g e ex).orl» weekly recorded a m o n n l i n g lo about |^ 000 i-MXI for la«t Tcek, all point to low ral<m of Interest

r o I . l T I O A I i .

OttTTA PRRCHA t'UMvst ROOFISO Applied t o Roof* Of all kind*. I*»ky Tin Roof* eeiai^l and rAn»l>ed with Ontu Perch A Cement by Jrmwa A OAC««V, «»U mar.u-faetnrer*. 840 Pulton street. Pee. AAt«nl««m«*>i

«, _^. Oold And Si lver Belts and R-in- ,-, Notts

RueMea, ltatr Pint, Head Dr««e«, Fancy Oomba, »Hh • •rest variety of choice Fancy and Toilet Artw-v« for ne.«day and Rrldal pre**nu. jo»\ rfCflvti hy T W. Woot**, MA

•lUvn »tr*«*.

DEMOCRATIC CONSTITUTIONAL CON-Vl 'NTION-Th* ?el«ot O m m l l t ^ * »o wh->mtheOtm-

•t i inl lonnf H e Deieoeratle General Cownyttee e.f tbe? Ofty of I roeklyn »nd ««• ConntJ <•* K l n « w»« referred, f'vrtho i.urtjii.-'-.oi pteparlp* *mrndmetrt«1h<;retc to be reported to it,o t W c t t v n «lll m«*> At the ' CAPITOL" In Jor«|em>n U u e t A t t S o ' e f x - k w MONDAY KVF.N1NG, » b » t « M n . V All Dem.->cTaM who di«h-c to pfop<yie amsndmenta are Invit ed ton .bnv . l t l . em tOlh«C-mmli l^i>lo wrtilng. .

;4 (4 halrman e.f the C^mmUlee.

\'< ION A i, ni-.MooR A vie OK'NKRA L COM-( Ol RINPS CXMJVT? will meet H M O N t A -

Gl H U L L , e n WF:DNV.si>AY KVkNtNU. Jan. Iftth. \V<\, at

rented rui*hfi6«d fo n (Icalratde party, i rice. Abpty pry u»e prem!.«e»._ 1 ^ROOKLYN ATI1ENEU M AN I)

1* Ml Ji.V'Sfk

I utineta e>( mit t ing . R> '

Imi.oiUncc ulet.

will 1># brought be'ore the

O. B. Wtt.t«. 6ccrc<arf. B F. AAWYKfLOtiairmao.

rro rJWjtthWTL. nr 'Mr NEXT, iWusE l.Ho..7iJOD4ty«hbyi, corner of Dnffield^lreet J J i n j j

jv» tw" READING

ROOM-JThe annual eUetion f«̂ f »«een Trnst^es of the "Bnr.eklrnAlhtne.um ar.d Reading R-«om.'wdl be held at tbe rcomlftf Wi« InslltuUon, on tL'lWDAY, J^n. Hth. lWi. b#tweenthehcnr» of 9 and 11 o'clock In the forenoon, par-»uat:i to article 6 of the bylaws. „ ~ . „ , o . . . .»« .

]t 5'awfdliA.^, fvV ft. BLACKWKLU Secretary. a K O A W n S R O A ' H S ! ! SSOAKS ! ! I v l ^ ' N ~ CIS MKNTFLK will re open 1.1.. store No ^1 Fulcn .Ircet, on »,t Hb of Jar.uaty. with a y-vct stock of I nip M ted HAVANA SKGAHS. Give Mm a call. . . . „ J' l "

for capftat for montba to come. Nothing doing In Foreign V.x


Jeremiah Kelley 6 04; Philip McEntee 4 C& Bernard Glllen 2 04; John Reed 3 04; Samuel Dawson 204; Martin Shultz 2 04: JobnDalley6 12; James Lynch 2 04: Peter Nefeldt 610; 1̂ 1 Kelley 2 04; Michael Donnelly 3 04: Patrick Dougherty 2 04; John McGowan 612; John Oesan 2 04: John Dalley 4 OS; Jas SIcKennon 4 OS; Margaret Hughes 2 04:. Jane Devlin 2 04; Washington Townscnd 2 04; Pat McHaffery 2 01; John H Cook 2 04; Samuel Baisley, 2 04; Mark Alexander 2 04; KHz*-betb Serrell 2 04; Matilda nolT 2 04; Est of John M HotT 9 06; Michael Murphy 4 08; Samuel Ratbbone 4 OS; Wm L Shuttle-worth 4 OS; Rosannab Lynch 10 20; Martin Evans 6 50; Martha M Hoff 6 60; Wm Lyle 2 04; PaUc Kane 4 OS; Conrad B Smith 201; Thomas Dowllng 5 10; 3amuel Rathbone 4 08; Wm Mc­Laughlin 2 04; Adam Walker2 04; Jeremiah Reagan 2 04: Samuel Pearsall 4 14; tdmon Grundy 4 08; Daniel We0b4 08; John J Davis 4 08; Benjamin W Geare 4 03: ThaddenS Hy Ut 816; George Sloan 19 32; Jahn Maxwells 12; John D G Seilor 230; David Hoyall 3 G7; Peter Kraus 510; George Heman 2 67. *


Eliza J Jones2056; David Westervelt 5 14; David Denlseo 14; Mary Wells 680: valen'ine Rhelnhsrd 2 03; Isaic D Wal­ters 6 77; Georee Colb J&I: I.»aac D Walters 9 4->; Chas Win-shell 5 14: John Van Tine 2 87; Samuel Johnson 2 *7.


Ardrow SBerry 364; Wm Curry 679; Geo Bell 4 36; David Statt&rant 3 50; Gabriel W Coit 6 53; James Deralsmes 1 00; John'A.Armour2 66; WmH Gaylor 15o; Geo W Smith 643; Clock A Miller 8 62: John Uayer 5 75; J 3 Hyatt 3 15: John B H j a t m S ! Roswtll G Alton 1 4?: John B Hyatt 110; James rrlce20>'>; Martin Vanc'erhoostl 80: Estof Chas Lewis 1 80; Austin D Green 1 80; D«vid Downing 1 80; Win C Brown 5 21; Abraham MorrelI332: Edward Forrcser2b7; Julia Bennett 2 87: Geo W SmltlnS 50: Joseph Day 2 32; David Sellcck 5 78; John S Young 2 62; David'Hoyt 3 64; John Berrv, 4 36: Peter McAvoj 1 80; Pcttr Murrajvi^: Daniel EajKfn"*T 84; Francis Forrester 1 45; Evauder Berryi-S2jdci>ls7


Jnmes K(rgusr,n2 58: Henry Aiftstle5 86; John '51 grlffarj 1 50j Hev Martin Evans 4 60: Thas Cleaveland 6 ($1; John H Walters 6 75; Graham I'olley 13 64: James Jackson 10 80; Sam! Wilmot 41 47; Jarms Hatfield 6 74; Cha* Meder 3 37; S.imuel Baxter 3 37; Martin Fink 6 61; Lutheran Church 6 6t J lines Wade 1 8<>, almy Slack 1 80; John Y Green 1 68; Boorman Smith 1 67; Frederick Fitzgerald 418

EDMUND DRIGG3, nl31awflwTu Collector of Taxes and Assessments.

S U P R E M E COURT—narr i e t t e E. Crary against k5 Watrcn Bcman and others.

G. T. STRO*O. Pill's Atty.68 Wallst. In rursuance of a judgment order of thlsCourt,^ia<leln th#

above entitled action, bearina date the 14th 6\j of December IJK'.l wilMeHt>ypublloanctlon-at-th»Comm«rcl«l Krehange>_ No 369 Fulton st..(opposite the City HalDIn the City of Brook, lyn, on the Pth day of January. ISol. at V2 o'clock noon.th* following described land and premises: AUtho>e two certain lots, pieces or parcels o( land, with tbe buildings and Im­provements thereon, situate, lying and being on the westerly side of Hamilton avenue, extending through to .Summit street. In the Sixth Ward of the City of Brooklyn, known on a map or property belonging to the estate of Nathaniel L. Orls-wold. r"ecra<ed. dated Brooklyn, September. 1.84S surveyed by Millard Day ard Sors. CHy Purveyors, br the number* iKn and three, containing togtther on Hamilton avenue, fifty *ect; on Summit street fifty fret: on the southerly side along lot numhr-r one, twenty seven feet [our Inchea. and on tho northerly side along lot number four, torty seyt n feet four Irenes according to tbesal lm»n and thediagTam In the said mortgage and complaint.—Dated Brooklyn. Deo. 14. I860.

dLVlawSwS (KiO) GEO. REMSKN.Sheriff. ThC ftbovosale Is oos-ponel until tbe 6th day of Fcb^

btuary. l'el, at >h« same i our ai.,1 place. Dated Brooklyn.

''T"('2al^!rSThr~ "crEOiuilTREMSEN! Sheriff"

I N THE MATTER "OK AN ATTACHMENT a.-ain.«t tli" propeller or vessel called the DE WITT

CLINTON. 1^ l ni.tii e be ptil/Ish' d o n e a week for one montb In tbe

l in.okljn Uaiiy Kagle. a newspaper prlnUMl In the City of PiooUvn. Kltigs Connly, that a warrant hv< been lnuod bv me, directed to tbe Sheriff of aald County of Kings, com n.andlno lilm to a' lacb, seine and safely keop the propel'er or vcsrelcal led the DcWItt CIInt,in, belonclng to the Port of New York, attd that all pf-rsor.s who claim to hare any de­mands aga lml the said TC»»CI, her tackle, apparel and rami ture, under the provision of the 8th title of the Mb ehaptor of the third part of tho Revised PtAluloa, are required to de-U - ' - i n «.-<••-i.nt ... t!., ',r ; u , . i ' . I ivr Cla ims t o . IUC At mtf Chambers. Oily HAH, CIIT of Brooklyn, within one mjfttfi, from the f.ral publication of such notice, or that their remo-dy agalnH the said v e n d will be forfeited; and that the aah>

"~sr xebange.

StocK KxchnnRO Sales—FirAt I lonrd. 74 • 000 T*nne»*t6 ' l '90 . „_

ir<X0 Va StK'a . . . . . . . . . 70 jfnYO Brooklyn M 'f L'n I ^ H 2it0 Ktle rr c o n v b ' J i >3 10.0 Hud Rlv M m . . . . 97 ijoniiailcmljlm.^.- ^H »fi 0 i'fanvi 1000 TlArlemSdtm b.... jA 1000 Mich p.'gr»>.,.. ti 8..X1 t > * i Tol r so f. b ,0 n O O C B A O r r A p c t b 89

50 National B a n k . . . . 91 10 BankcWomme.r e J>IM 17 de M

17$ Pacific M » Co. . . . MJt

W dn 150 do 20 Harlem rr. . loo R>«dlng rr. \M Mich 0«n rr

6 do

.bM ..blO

Iwet^y Iht h orsof it e lvoVeloek 11 b, tin afurnoon. Drtird Brcnk jt, . 'v

>.M<i »:. W.

a-ld tw.-» u . r r ? ) 1 « ' . BKrrs. Pecrtttry.

PH1NT1NO l - X V . l ' i ' T n i Nf . M I A .\NI> 0,i» ofree

| ( < H PH1NT • P aeeotatelrat

10 do 30 N J O n M> N VOenrt.-

A* do do 00 do.. . do d«

rlerr GO do do. . . . .. do

10 Hnl rivrr. M0 do )t«! do 650 do.

M do

m 200 150



MI !to

»20 alO


,»lf '.?io

il'X'.'.!'. '..' . . • 1 0


8AH lift 75 ̂ 7&S 75H 7AH 75 7 » (

n\ 3tS :.'. M » V 4'<H la «A 45 1SKI

100 do • » 100 Mlcb ft A N l r r . . . . SO lit O n > twlp . . . 75 do e

ion do n'.n a<<> do a«o 60 do

500 O a l A C M r r W do

100 do 100 do 60 d o . . . t>G0

«0o O l e r A T o l r r . . . . . . WO An sT9 ( # • . do 300 .V) HO 9M do . . . 100 d o . . „ . . 500 (^1 A R tt'T

M do ROO do 10) do W d<l *l CM Bor AOMn rt 50 JO alO NIMHAMW



.... „ eltcd; anrlW Vf»u I will b« »oM for the raytnent of Uie elaluu agalftsl het nt less tbe owner, rnnslitiee (>r comroaodef tHercof, or aome Pi ra.ui Interested there in. appear ami <U.*eharge the said warrant according to law, wlttun the sald.one tnontk. Daloa t*c '.Tth day of November, I wo

SAMUEL GARRISON. dtlawlniTn Kir.ga County JnXjKs.

X Y. sV.i'KKME""COURT, COUNTY OE 1^1 « KINO?—John UOVrts against William Jarvl*. B«n belt II. Hlil. .to«b»a Webb, Samuel Wilklnaoiv. Kec^iver of the llendr'ok l lodson Fire Insnraaco Company; Ann Me Mai-.Vin. John Kiook, Mlrhael A Vtyera, P e f r P. Y a i Zant,

and .Andrew Ftevtna, To tarb of the defrT>daiit« awova named :

Vou are hereby summoned and rcqaired to antwee the comrlaii it In this action, tbU day filed In the office et the Clerk of the County of King*, al the Cllr Gall. In th* rlly «f Brooklm. In aald Count? of Ktnea. and State of N*w \ o t k , and to t e t v e a c%pv of your arower to lh» >- I ctvnplalnl on tho subscriber, at bla office at No. S Front M, in tbe #*'d City of Brooklyn. «i»Mn twenty .l»jni afWr Uw servleA of tois(«arrmion« on yo«. exclusive pf the l i j of m r h sftvice: and If yoo fall to ao«wer lb<- AAld eoniptalM' wlthWilkeUme aforesaid, the |.la!n«ifflnth»AACflnfi willappry to th<- (Vnrt f T t b r rrllef lems.rde.1 In t h t con\pIalnt. I)*-

- A B K A J I A M t u i T , n a l r i t i r * Attemet . : dl l la«rwTn No. > P r o o n t . , HrookV

N m KM WK.l.l O.

Kwm«: N , ' e e - . < 1. - . . o ) «Hen, acc»T\V.rf t . T h *

; aviOKvUlm--a*»'n«t ANN N. RAYMOND l» t»of »W fV'y , '. ftV.iokljn. d-. raaec. tb*% they art- rwjnlred to ekhiblt tb» !»n," *.t)il?•<• loih'heTH tl.eroof, to t!,. sobreriber Ui« «>»e ntor. a' bl* residence. 14̂ SVillmigl.ljr sreet. In th" Oft» of

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mv»Uw'6«iV* WILLIAM A. PIGOT, tailor.

I Itr.ioklyn.

\ M K (iF A N O R D E R OF ROS»-p.RAlNARD, fc»4.,Surrogate ->f the CooirtTof

to all fi>n»n«

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