Mitochondrial Function Is an Inducible Determinant of Osmotic Stress Adaptation in Yeast * Received for publication, July 30, 2009 Published, JBC Papers in Press, August 31, 2009, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M109.050682 Mar Martínez Pastor, Markus Proft 1 , and Amparo Pascual-Ahuir From the Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Plantas, Universidad Polite ´cnica de Valencia-CSIC, 46022 Valencia, Spain Hyperosmotic stress triggers a great variety of adaptive responses in eukaryotic cells that affect many different physio- logical functions. Here we investigate the role of the mitochon- dria during osmostress adaptation in budding yeast. Mitochon- drial function is generally required for proper salt and osmotic stress adaptation because mutants with defects in many differ- ent mitochondrial components show hypersensitivity to increased NaCl and KCl concentrations. Mitochondrial protein abundance rapidly increases upon osmoshock in a selective manner, because it affects Calvin cycle enzymes (Sdh2 and Cit1) and components of the electron transport chain (Cox6) but not the ATP synthase complex (Atp5). Transcription of the SDH2, CIT1, and COX6 genes is severalfold induced within the first minutes of osmotic shock, dependent to various degree on the Hog1 and Snf1 protein kinases. Mitochondrial succinate dehy- drogenase enzyme activity is stimulated upon osmostress in a Snf1-dependent manner. The osmosensitivity of mitochondrial mutants is not caused by impaired stress-activated transcription or by a general depletion of the cellular ATP pool during osmo- stress. We finally show that the growth defect of mitochondrial mutants in high salt medium can be partially rescued by supple- mentation of glutathione. Additionally, mitochondrial defects cause the hyperaccumulation of reactive oxygen species during salt stress. Our results indicate that the antioxidant function of the mitochondria might play an important role in adaptation to hyperosmotic stress. All living cells dynamically respond to environmental stress to adapt and survive. A fundamental challenge for the cell is a change in the osmolarity of the surrounding medium. Hyper- osmotic and salt stress cause the rapid loss of water from the cell, and the resulting intracellular ion imbalances interfere with many vital functions. The hyperosmotic stress response has been intensively studied in the budding yeast Saccharomy- ces cerevisiae (1). A complex picture is emerging from these studies where many diverse physiological functions of the cell have to be coordinately modulated to efficiently adapt to the stress. The major signal transduction pathway in yeast that is specifically activated upon hyperosmotic stress is the high osmolarity glycerol MAPK 2 pathway with its terminal MAPK Hog1 (2, 3). The adaptive responses orchestrated by the high osmolarity glycerol pathway in response to osmostress are complex and involve the direct regulation of plasma membrane cation transporters (4), the modulation of translation efficiency (5, 6), the controlled cell cycle arrest during stress (7–9), the transcriptional activation of more than 150 genes in the nucleus (10, 11), and the production of osmolytes as a long term adap- tation (12). Our work identifies the mitochondrial function as an important physiological determinant of the efficient adapt- ive response to osmostress. Mitochondria are the main ATP-generating organelles in eukaryotic cells. In addition to their function as the cell power supply via oxidative phosphorylation, mitochondria play fundamental roles in secondary metabolism, Ca 2 signaling, homeostasis of redox equivalents, and apoptosis. Recent research has characterized the mitochondria as a much more dynamic organelle than anticipated, because they continuously and dynamically change their metabolic activity, biomass, and morphology (13, 14). In S. cerevisiae, the mitochondrial func- tion is regulated over a large range, being repressed as long as sufficient ATP can be produced by the fermentation of sugars, and activated in the presence of nonfermentable carbon sources. This phenomenon is known as glucose repression and affects the nuclear and mitochondrial transcription of many components of the mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation machinery (15–18). The central activator of respiratory metab- olism is the evolutionarily conserved Snf1 protein kinase, which is essential for the metabolic adaptation upon glucose starva- tion (19, 20). Snf1 is necessary to activate the transcription of a large set of genes in response to nutrient limitation, which include many mitochondrial functions (21). Activation of glu- cose-repressed genes encoding respiratory functions is globally controlled by the Hap2,3,4,5 transcriptional activator complex (22–24). Additionally, Snf1 affects the tolerance to salt stress and is necessary for the salt-induced transcription of the ENA1 gene (25); however, the reason why snf1 mutants fail to adapt to salt stress remains elusive (26). Apart from their up-regulation during the switch from fer- mentation to respiration, signal transduction pathways exist to monitor mitochondrial function and to trigger compensatory adaptation upon mitochondrial dysfunction. This is the so-called retrograde signaling pathway, which transmits signals * This work was supported by Ministerio de Educacio ´ n y Ciencia Grant BFU2005-0174, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacio ´ n Grant BFU2008-00271, and Generalitat de Valencia Grant ACOMP07-198. 1 To whom correspondence should be addressed: Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Plantas, Ingeniero Fausto Elio s/n, 46022 Valencia, Spain. Tel.: 34-96-3879932; Fax: 34-96-3877859; E-mail: mproft@ibmcp. upv.es. 2 The abbreviations used are: MAPK, mitogen-activated protein kinase; ROS, reactive oxygen species; GFP, green fluorescent protein; SDH, succinate dehydrogenase; HPLC, high pressure liquid chromatography; TAP, tandem affinity purification. THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 284, NO. 44, pp. 30307–30317, October 30, 2009 © 2009 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Printed in the U.S.A. OCTOBER 30, 2009 • VOLUME 284 • NUMBER 44 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 30307 by guest on August 19, 2020 http://www.jbc.org/ Downloaded from

MitochondrialFunctionIsanInducibleDeterminantof ... · (10, 11), and the production of osmolytes as a long term adap-tation (12). Our work identifies the mitochondrial function as

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Page 1: MitochondrialFunctionIsanInducibleDeterminantof ... · (10, 11), and the production of osmolytes as a long term adap-tation (12). Our work identifies the mitochondrial function as

Mitochondrial Function Is an Inducible Determinant ofOsmotic Stress Adaptation in Yeast*

Received for publication, July 30, 2009 Published, JBC Papers in Press, August 31, 2009, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M109.050682

Mar Martínez Pastor, Markus Proft1, and Amparo Pascual-AhuirFrom the Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Plantas, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia-CSIC, 46022 Valencia, Spain

Hyperosmotic stress triggers a great variety of adaptiveresponses in eukaryotic cells that affect many different physio-logical functions. Here we investigate the role of the mitochon-dria during osmostress adaptation in budding yeast. Mitochon-drial function is generally required for proper salt and osmoticstress adaptation because mutants with defects in many differ-ent mitochondrial components show hypersensitivity toincreased NaCl and KCl concentrations. Mitochondrial proteinabundance rapidly increases upon osmoshock in a selectivemanner, because it affects Calvin cycle enzymes (Sdh2 andCit1)and components of the electron transport chain (Cox6) but notthe ATP synthase complex (Atp5). Transcription of the SDH2,CIT1, and COX6 genes is severalfold induced within the firstminutes of osmotic shock, dependent to various degree on theHog1 and Snf1 protein kinases. Mitochondrial succinate dehy-drogenase enzyme activity is stimulated upon osmostress in aSnf1-dependent manner. The osmosensitivity of mitochondrialmutants is not causedby impaired stress-activated transcriptionor by a general depletion of the cellular ATP pool during osmo-stress. We finally show that the growth defect of mitochondrialmutants in high salt medium can be partially rescued by supple-mentation of glutathione. Additionally, mitochondrial defectscause the hyperaccumulation of reactive oxygen species duringsalt stress. Our results indicate that the antioxidant function ofthe mitochondria might play an important role in adaptation tohyperosmotic stress.

All living cells dynamically respond to environmental stressto adapt and survive. A fundamental challenge for the cell is achange in the osmolarity of the surrounding medium. Hyper-osmotic and salt stress cause the rapid loss of water from thecell, and the resulting intracellular ion imbalances interferewith many vital functions. The hyperosmotic stress responsehas been intensively studied in the budding yeast Saccharomy-ces cerevisiae (1). A complex picture is emerging from thesestudies where many diverse physiological functions of the cellhave to be coordinately modulated to efficiently adapt to thestress. The major signal transduction pathway in yeast that isspecifically activated upon hyperosmotic stress is the high

osmolarity glycerol MAPK2 pathway with its terminal MAPKHog1 (2, 3). The adaptive responses orchestrated by the highosmolarity glycerol pathway in response to osmostress arecomplex and involve the direct regulation of plasmamembranecation transporters (4), themodulation of translation efficiency(5, 6), the controlled cell cycle arrest during stress (7–9), thetranscriptional activation ofmore than 150 genes in the nucleus(10, 11), and the production of osmolytes as a long term adap-tation (12). Our work identifies the mitochondrial function asan important physiological determinant of the efficient adapt-ive response to osmostress.Mitochondria are the main ATP-generating organelles in

eukaryotic cells. In addition to their function as the cell powersupply via oxidative phosphorylation, mitochondria playfundamental roles in secondary metabolism, Ca2� signaling,homeostasis of redox equivalents, and apoptosis. Recentresearch has characterized the mitochondria as a much moredynamic organelle than anticipated, because they continuouslyand dynamically change their metabolic activity, biomass, andmorphology (13, 14). In S. cerevisiae, the mitochondrial func-tion is regulated over a large range, being repressed as long assufficient ATP can be produced by the fermentation of sugars,and activated in the presence of nonfermentable carbonsources. This phenomenon is known as glucose repression andaffects the nuclear and mitochondrial transcription of manycomponents of the mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylationmachinery (15–18). The central activator of respiratorymetab-olism is the evolutionarily conserved Snf1 protein kinase, whichis essential for the metabolic adaptation upon glucose starva-tion (19, 20). Snf1 is necessary to activate the transcription of alarge set of genes in response to nutrient limitation, whichinclude many mitochondrial functions (21). Activation of glu-cose-repressed genes encoding respiratory functions is globallycontrolled by the Hap2,3,4,5 transcriptional activator complex(22–24). Additionally, Snf1 affects the tolerance to salt stressand is necessary for the salt-induced transcription of the ENA1gene (25); however, the reasonwhy snf1mutants fail to adapt tosalt stress remains elusive (26).Apart from their up-regulation during the switch from fer-

mentation to respiration, signal transduction pathways exist tomonitor mitochondrial function and to trigger compensatoryadaptation upon mitochondrial dysfunction. This is theso-called retrograde signaling pathway, which transmits signals

* This work was supported by Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia GrantBFU2005-0174, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion Grant BFU2008-00271,and Generalitat de Valencia Grant ACOMP07-198.

1 To whom correspondence should be addressed: Instituto de BiologíaMolecular y Celular de Plantas, Ingeniero Fausto Elio s/n, 46022 Valencia,Spain. Tel.: 34-96-3879932; Fax: 34-96-3877859; E-mail: [email protected].

2 The abbreviations used are: MAPK, mitogen-activated protein kinase; ROS,reactive oxygen species; GFP, green fluorescent protein; SDH, succinatedehydrogenase; HPLC, high pressure liquid chromatography; TAP, tandemaffinity purification.

THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 284, NO. 44, pp. 30307–30317, October 30, 2009© 2009 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Printed in the U.S.A.


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Page 2: MitochondrialFunctionIsanInducibleDeterminantof ... · (10, 11), and the production of osmolytes as a long term adap-tation (12). Our work identifies the mitochondrial function as

from mitochondria to the nucleus to effect changes in nucleargene expression to accommodate cells to defects in mitochon-dria (27). The key transcriptional activators of the retrogradepathway are the Rtg1 and Rtg3 proteins (28, 29). Specifically,the Hap and Rtg regulators can activate the same target genes,for example the first enzymes of the citric acid cycle, inresponse to diauxic shift or compromised mitochondrial func-tion, respectively (30).Mitochondria are considered to be the major source of reac-

tive oxygen species (ROS) in eukaryotic cells because of leakageof electrons from their electron transport chains (31, 32).Mutants in mitochondrial functions have been shown to resultin altered production of ROS in a number of eukaryotic orga-nisms including yeast (33). Moreover, ROS production is inti-mately linked to aging and apoptosis (32, 34).Mitochondria areboth the source and the site for the detoxification of reactiveoxygen species in yeast. The importance of the antioxidantfunction of the mitochondria is reflected by the fact that themajority of mitochondrial mutants in yeast are hypersensitiveto hydrogen peroxide (35, 36). The implication of the mito-chondria in ROSproduction has beenmainly derived by in vitrostudies or by the use of artificial uncouplers ormutants inmito-chondrial functions. However, it is crucial to understand howmitochondrial metabolism is regulated under physiologicalconditions upon environmental challenges that cause oxidativestress. In the present work we show that the up-regulation ofthe mitochondria is an essential and novel feature of the adap-tation to hyperosmotic stress, which involves the reduction ofthe levels of reactive oxygen species.


Yeast Strains and Plasmids—S. cerevisiae strains used in thisstudy were: wild type BY4741 (MATa; his3�1; leu2�0; met15�0;ura3�0) and the mutant alleles aco1::KanMX4, atp5::KanMX4,atp7::KanMX4, cox6::KanMX4, rpo41::KanMX4, abf2::Kan-MX4, fzo1::KanMX4, snf1::KanMX4, hog1::KanMX4, rtg1::KanMX4, rtg3::KanMX4, hap2::KanMX4, hap3::KanMX4,sdh1::KanMX4 (37). All of the mutants were rho� as determinedby the isolation of mitochondrial DNA as described in Ref. 38.Yeast strains expressing chromosomally tagged GFP fusion pro-teins were: BY4741 (MATa; his3�1; leu2�0; met15�0; ura3�0)with SDH2-GFP(S65T)-His3MX, COX6-GFP(S65T)-His3MX,CIT1-GFP(S65T)-His3MX, ATP5-GFP(S65T)-His3MX, IDP1-GFP(S65T)-His3MX (39).Yeast strainsexpressingchromosomallytaggedTAPfusionproteinswere:BY4741 (MATa;his3�1; leu2�0;met15�0; ura3�0) with SDH1-TAP-His3MX, SDH2-TAP-His3MX, or ATP5-TAP-His3MX (40). Yeast cultures were grownin yeast extract-peptone containing 2% dextrose (YPD) with orwithout the indicated supplementation of NaCl, KCl, or glutathi-one.Forcontinuousgrowthexperiments, yeast strainsweregrowninmicrotiter plates in a Bioscreen C system (Thermo). For osmo-stress-inducible �-galactosidase expression, we used plasmidpMP224 (CYC1prom-(2xCREENA1)-lacZ;2�;URA3). It contains atandem insertion of the binding site for the transcription factorSko1 (CRE) into theCYC1 corepromoter fused to lacZ, conferringvery low expression levels under normal growth conditions andhigh inducibility upon hyperosmotic stress (41).

Screening for Osmosensitive Yeast Strains—Our originalscreen aimed at identifying novel proteins involved in transportprocesses necessary for the adaptation to hyperosmotic stress.We focused at the subset of the haploid yeast deletion straincollection with an annotated function in transport. All of thestrains were individually spotted in serial dilutions onto YPDplates containing 1MNaCl or 1.5MKCl.Growthwas scored andcomparedwith theBY4741wild type parent.We identified ninemutant strains with significantly reduced growth at high osmo-larity media. The genes involved encoded either mitochondrialFe2� or Cu2� transporters/chaperones (SCO1, MRS4, ISA1,ISA2, and COX19) or Fe2� transporters of the plasma mem-brane and their transcriptional activator (FET3, FTR1, andRCS1). Additionally, amutant in theCa2�/Mn2�ATPase Pmr1was identified as hypersensitive to osmotic stress.Western Blot—Total protein extracts were produced by glass

bead lysis of yeast cells in buffer A (50mMTris/HCl, pH 7.5, 150mM NaCl, 15 mM EDTA, 0.1% Triton X-100, 2 mM dithiothre-itol, 1 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride) with a Mini Bead-beater (Biospec Products). An equal total amount of proteinwas separated on 8% SDS-PAGE and analyzed by immunoblot-ting using anti-GFP antibody (Roche Applied Science) or anti-peroxidase-anti-peroxidase (anti-PAP) antibody (Sigma). Thebands were visualized with ECL Plus (Amersham Biosciences).Northern Blot—Total RNA was isolated by acid phenol

extraction from YPD-grown yeast cells that were eitheruntreated or subjected to the indicated osmotic stress condi-tions. Approximately 30 �g of RNA/lane were separated informaldehyde gels and blotted onto nylonmembranes (HybondN; Amersham Biosciences). Radioactively labeled probes werehybridized in PSE buffer (300mMNaH2PO4/Na2HPO4, pH 7.2,7% SDS, 1 mM EDTA) at 65 °C. The probes used were PCRfragments spanning nucleotides 66–740 of SDH2, 56–443 ofCOX6, 96–1380 ofCIT1, and 519–1182 ofACT1. Signal inten-sities were quantified using a Fujifilm BAS-1500 phosphorim-aging device.Succinate Dehydrogenase (SDH) Assay—Mitochondria en-

riched extracts were prepared in TSB buffer (10 mM Tris/HCl,pH 7.5, 0.6 M sorbitol) according to Ref. 42. SDH assays wereperformed with p-iodonitrotetrazolium violet as an artificialelectron acceptor for the SDH complex. Extracts were incu-bated in 300 �l of succinate buffer (10 mM succinic acid hexa-hydrate in 50 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.4) with 100 �l ofp-iodonitrotetrazolium violet solution (2.5 mg of p-iodon-itrotetrazolium violet in 50 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.4). Thereactions were stopped with 1 ml of Stop solution (10 g of tri-chloroacetic acid in 100 ml of ethyl acetate/ethanol (1:1 v/v)),and the absorbancewasmeasured in the supernatant at 490nm.

�-Galactosidase Assay—Transformed yeast strains weregrown selectively until saturation in synthetic dextrose-uracilmedium and were then diluted in YPD. Logarithmically grow-ing cells were treated or not with the indicated salts and perme-abilized by ethanol/toluene treatment, and �-galactosidaseactivity was determined as described in Ref. 43.Quantification of AMP/ATP Pools—7.5 ml of YPD grown

yeast culture (OD660 of 0.6) was rapidly quenched in 30 ml of60% methanol-water solution at �20 °C. After centrifugationthe pellet was extracted twice by the addition of 1 ml of 100%

Mitochondrial Function in Osmostress Adaptation


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methanol. The collected supernatant was vacuum-dried, andthe samples were kept at �20 °C for HPLC analysis. Just beforeanalysis the samples were resuspended in 100 �l of water, fil-tered throughMillipore HV filters (0.45�m), and injected ontoa reversed phase C18 column (LiChrosphere 100, 4 � 250 mm,5-�m particle size; Merck)), eluted, and detected as described(44). Detection of nucleotides was performed byHPLC (Waters600E) coupled to a photo diode array (PDA996). ATP andAMPpeaks were identified by co-injection with standards.ROS Measurements—The yeast cells were grown in YPD to

0.5–0.8 � 107 cells/ml. Culture aliquots were incubated for 30min with 2�,7�-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate (Sigma) ata final concentration of 10 �M. The cells were washed withwater and resuspended in 1ml of 50mMTris/HCl, pH 7.5. Afterthe addition of 10 �l of chloroform and 5 �l of 0.1% SDS, thecells were extracted by rigorous agitation (Mini Beadbeater).Fluorescence was quantified in the supernatant in a TecanGenios microplate reader at 492-nm excitation and 525-nmemission wavelengths. For microscopic visualization of ROSproduction, the cells were incubated with dihydroethidium(Sigma) at a final concentration of 20 �M. The cells were visu-alized at 518-nm excitation and 605-nm emission wavelengthswith a Nikon Eclipse E600 fluorescence microscope.


Defects inManyMitochondrial FunctionsCause Sensitivity toHyperosmotic Stress—In an attempt to characterize new deter-minants involved in the tolerance to osmotic stress, wescreened a subset of the yeast deletion mutant collection forstrains, which showed hypersensitivity to elevated concentra-tions of NaCl or KCl (see “Experimental Procedures” fordetails). Because we found a strong bias toward mutants affect-ing mitochondrial and cytoplasmatic Fe2� and Cu2� transport(“Experimental Procedures”), we wanted to know whetherdefects in mitochondrial function generally cause osmosensi-tivity. Therefore we individually tested selected strains withnuclear mutations in mitochondrial functions for their growthunder highNa� orK� conditions. As shown in Fig. 1A, deletionmutants in citric acid cycle enzymes (ACO1 encoding aconi-tase), ATP synthase subunits (ATP5, 7), enzymes of the mito-chondrial electron transport chain (COX6 encoding cyto-chrome c oxidase subunit 6), the mitochondrial RNApolymerase (RPO41), or factors involved in mitochondrialDNA replication (ABF2) showed a clear hypersensitivity toosmotic stress. All of themutants were severely affected by highNa� concentrations and to a minor extent by high K� concen-trations. We next addressed the question whether mitochon-drial biogenesis was needed for the efficient adaptation toosmostress. We tested a yeast fzo1 mutant strain, which hasimpaired mitochondrial fusion activity because of the lack ofthe mitofusin function (45, 46). We found that the loss of Fzo1function causes a severe sensitivity to both Na� and K� stress(Fig. 1B). The observed sensitivities are comparable with theosmostress phenotype caused by the loss of the Snf1 kinase (Fig.1C), the key activator of respiratory metabolism in the absenceof fermentable carbon sources.

Osmotic Stress Causes the Selective Up-regulation of Mito-chondrial Proteins—We next addressed the question ofwhether adaptation to osmostress involved the activation of themitochondria. We tested by Western blot whether the proteinabundance of several GFP-tagged mitochondrial proteins wasaffected by treatment of the cells with 0.4 M NaCl. As depictedin Fig. 2A, the protein levels of mitochondrial succinate dehy-drogenase subunit 2 (Sdh2), cytochrome c oxidase subunit 6(Cox6), and mitochondrial citrate synthase (Cit1) were rapidlystimulated upon NaCl shock. Two other mitochondrial com-ponents, subunit 5 of the ATP synthase complex (Atp5) andisocitrate dehydrogenase (Idp1), did not show changes alongthe same stress treatment (Fig. 2A). In contrast, the amount ofall five mitochondrial proteins was stimulated when the cellswere shifted from fermentative (glucose) to respiratory (etha-nol) growth (Fig. 2B). To visualize protein changes in the earlyphase of osmotic induction, we employed yeast strains express-ing TAP-tagged Sdh1, Sdh2, or Atp5. The more sensitiveimmunological detection of the TAP fusion proteins revealedthat an increase of succinate dehydrogenase can be observedalready at 30 min of osmotic treatment (Fig. 2C). Takentogether, our data suggested that NaCl stress caused a partialand selective up-regulation of mitochondrial proteins, whichoccurs rapidly after the osmotic insult.

FIGURE 1. Mutations in many mitochondrial functions lead to osmoticand salt stress sensitivity. Isogenic yeast strains BY4741 (wild type, wt) anddeletion mutants aco1�, atp5�, atp7�, cox6�, rpo41�, abf2� (A); fzo1� (B);and snf1� and hog1� (C) were spotted onto YPD plates (control) and YPDplates containing 1 M NaCl or 1 M KCl.

Mitochondrial Function in Osmostress Adaptation


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Transcriptional Control of SDH2, CIT1, and COX6 uponNaCl Stress—We next tested whether the induction of themitochondrial Sdh2, Cox6, and Cit1 proteins was the conse-quence of the transcriptional activation of the correspondingnuclear genes. We quantified the expression levels of all threegenes by Northern blot before and during the brief exposure toNaCl stress. We found that SDH2, COX6, and CIT1 were rap-idly and transiently activated by 0.4 M NaCl treatment in wildtype cells (Fig. 3). The expression levels increased 5–12-fold inthe first 10 min of the osmoshock. We next assayed for theparticipation of several signaling kinases and specific transcrip-tion factors in this transcriptional activation. Deletion of theHog1 MAPK or the Snf1 kinase completely abolished thestress-activated transcription ofCOX6 andpartially diminishedthe induction of SDH2 and CIT1 (Fig. 3). The transcriptionalactivator complexes Rtg1/3 andHap2/3/4/5 are known to stim-ulate transcription of genes encoding mitochondrial functionsupon dysfunction of the organelle or glucose limitation, respec-tively.We testedwhether rtg1,3 or hap2,3mutants displayed analtered transcriptional response of SDH2, CIT1, and COX6upon NaCl stress. As shown in Fig. 3, mutations in the Hap2/3/4 complex resulted in a complete loss of COX6 induction,whereas CIT1 and SDH2 expression upon salt shock was onlyvery slightly reduced. The loss of Rtg1/3 function mainlyaffected the NaCl induced expression of CIT1, which was�2-fold reduced and much more transient as compared withwild type. SDH2 or COX6 transcription upon salt shockappeared to be largely independent on Rtg1/3. Taken together,

we show that a rapid transcriptional activation of mitochon-drial functions occurs in response to hyperosmotic shock andthat increased expression depends on multiple signalingkinases (Snf1 and Hog1) and specific transcriptional activators(Hap2/3/4 and Rtg1/3).Regulation ofMitochondrial SDHActivity in Response to Salt

Stress—Having seen that components of the citric acid cycleand the mitochondrial respiratory chain are immediately up-regulated at the transcriptional level, we aimed at quantifyingmitochondrial enzyme activity in response to osmotic stress.We measured succinate dehydrogenase activity in yeast wildtype cells before and after osmoshock. A brief treatment with0.4 M NaCl caused a 2.5-fold increase in SDH activity in wildtype cells (Fig. 4). We compared this induction with severalregulatory mutants. The loss of Hog1 MAPK function did notalter the induction of SDH activity. However, in the absence ofSnf1, the induction of SDH upon salt shock was completelyabsent. A significant reduction of SDH stimulation wasobserved in rtg1 and rtg3 mutants, whereas mutants in theHap2/3/4 complex showed levels of SDH induction compara-ble with the wild type (Fig. 4).The Transcriptional Response to Osmostress in Mutants with

Mitochondrial Defects—We have characterized the inductionof mitochondrial functions as a component of the adaptiveresponse to hyperosmotic stress. We next wanted to identifypossible protective functions of themitochondria thatwould benecessary to properly adapt to the stress. Because transcrip-tional activation of many defense genes is one of the majorphysiological responses of the yeast cell to osmoshock, weaddressed the question of whether transcriptional stimulationwas impaired by the loss ofmitochondrial function. Tomonitoractivated transcription during exposure to osmostress in a sen-sitive manner, we employed a highly osmoresponsive lacZreporter gene (for details see “Experimental Procedures”).Exposure of yeast wild type cells to 1 M KCl leads to a rapidinduction of lacZ expression, which reaches its maximal levelwithin 60min (Fig. 5).Whenwe tested variousmutants inmito-chondrial functions, which cause strong hypersensitivity toosmotic stress (Fig. 1), we observed a slight delay of the induc-tion profile as compared with wild type (Fig. 5, 30-min timepoint). However, all strains tested were able to reach very sim-ilar fully induced expression levels after 60 min of KCl treat-ment. We performed a second set of expression analysis undermore severe conditions using 1 M NaCl. The higher toxicity ofNa� as compared with K� ions results in a slower inductionprofile of the lacZ reporter. Maximal induction occurs in wildtype cells at 120 min (Fig. 5). Again, the strains with variousmitochondrial defects revealed a slight delay in �-galactosidaseinduction (Fig. 5, 60- and 120-min time points) but were notdefective for high expression levels at longer time points. Weconclude that mitochondrial function might be necessary forthe efficient transcriptional response to osmostress. However, adefect in transcriptional activation caused by the lack of mito-chondrial function cannot explain the severe growth defectunder hyperosmotic stress.AMP/ATP Ratios in Mutants with Mitochondrial Defects

upon Osmotic Shock—We next addressed the question ofwhether mitochondrial function was essential for the energy or


0 30 60 120 240 min







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FIGURE 2. The abundance of the mitochondrial proteins Sdh1, Sdh2,Cox6, and Cit1 is stimulated upon salt stress. A, yeast strains expressing theindicated C-terminal GFP fusion proteins under control of their endogenouspromoter were treated with 0.4 M NaCl for the indicated times in YPDmedium. Immunoblot analysis was performed on equal amounts of total pro-tein extract using anti-GFP antibody. B, the same yeast strains were grown inYPD (2% dextrose) or YPEtOH (3% ethanol) to mid-log phase, and immuno-detection was performed as described above. C, yeast strains expressing theindicated C-terminal TAP fusion proteins under control of their natural pro-moter were treated as in A. TAP fusion proteins were detected using anti-peroxidase-anti-peroxidase (anti-PAP) antibody.

Mitochondrial Function in Osmostress Adaptation


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wt ∆hog1 ∆snf1 ∆rtg1 ∆rtg3 ∆hap2 ∆hap3





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FIGURE 3. Transcriptional regulation of SDH2, COX6, and CIT1 in response to salt stress. Yeast wild type (BY4741, wt) and the indicated isogenic deletionstrains were treated for the indicated times with 0.4 M NaCl. A, transcript levels of the indicated genes were monitored by Northern blot. B, the mRNA levels werequantified, normalized for the ACT1 loading control, and depicted in the graphs. The value obtained for the uninduced mRNA level in the wild type wasarbitrarily set to 1 for each gene. The results shown come from the same original blot, which was probed with the indicated genes.

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ATP supply during osmostress. We therefore quantified theintracellular ATP and AMP levels by HPLC before and duringosmotic stress (1MNaCl) and comparedwild typewithmutantsin mitochondrial enzymes (aco1, cox6, and sdh1), mitochon-drial biogenesis (fzo1) and regulation (snf1). As shown in Fig. 6,yeast wild type cells are able tomaintain lowAMP toATP ratioseven under acute osmotic stress caused by 1 M NaCl. No differ-encewas observed for theaco1 and cox6mutant strains. Slightlyelevated AMP/ATP ratios were detected in snf1 and fzo1mutants, whereas the sdh1 deletion strain showed the highestAMP/ATP ratio comparable with wild type cells in stationarygrowth phase. In none of the cases, however, was a depletion ofATP observed, and the severe osmosensitivity of themutants inmitochondrial functions was not generally accompanied byincreases in the AMP/ATP ratios.The Growth Defect on Hyperosmotic Media of Mutants

Involved in Mitochondrial Functions Is Rescued by AntioxidantSupplementation—One of the growth inhibitory effects ofhyperosmotic stress is the formation of ROS. In an attempt todefine the role of ROS formation in the protective function ofthe mitochondria under hyperosmotic growth conditions, weinvestigated the effect of antioxidant supplementation on thegrowth kinetics under osmostress of mutants with impairedmitochondrial function. As shown in Fig. 7, mutants in mito-chondrial metabolism (aco1, sdh1), biogenesis (fzo1), orregulation (snf1) showed a marked delay and lower growthefficiency under high salt conditions.Mutants in themitochon-

drial ATP synthase complex (atp7; Fig. 7) showed amore subtlegrowth defect in this continuous liquid culture assay. The addi-tion of glutathione to the growth medium significantlyimproved growth of all of the mitochondrial mutants tested,almost exclusively by shortening the lag phase in response tothe salt shock.Defects in Mitochondrial Functions Increase ROS Production

upon Osmotic Stress—Our supplementation experiments withantioxidants indicated that ROS detoxification was an impor-tant determinant of the adaptation to hyperosmotic stress andthat it was deficient in mutants with impaired mitochondrialfunction. We next measured directly the levels of ROS in dif-ferent mitochondrial mutant strains compared with wild typecells along the osmotic shock. We first quantified ROS by thefluorescence generated by the oxidation of dichlorodihy-drofluorescein to dichlorofluorescein. Salt stress caused by 1 M

NaCl resulted in an�2-fold increase in intracellular ROS levelsin wild type cells (Fig. 8A). In aco1, sdh1, and fzo1 mutants,which are defective for mitochondrial energy metabolism andbiogenesis, respectively, ROS levels were about 2-fold increasedunder normal growth conditions and 3–5-fold increased undersalt stress conditions as compared with wild type (Fig. 8A).Additionally, the regulatory mutant snf1 showed moderatelyelevated ROS levels under both normal and salt stress condi-tions (Fig. 8A). We finally visualized ROS production in livingcells by the oxidation of hydroethidine to ethidium by fluores-cence microscopy. We confirm that snf1, aco1, and fzo1mutants display an overproduction of ROS upon exposure tosalt stress (Fig. 8B).Growth in Nonfermentable Carbon Sources Prepares Yeast

Cells for Salt Stress Adaptation—We have shown that activa-tion of mitochondrial function is an important feature of saltstress adaptation. We reasoned that a preactivation of mito-chondria prior to the salt shock could be advantageous to with-stand the stress. We therefore compared growth on high salin-ity plates (1 M NaCl or 1.5 M KCl) of yeast wild type cells thatwere grown to exponential phase with glucose (repression ofmitochondrial metabolism) or galactose, glycerol, or ethanol(partially or fully activating mitochondrial metabolism) as thesole carbon source. As shown in Fig. 9, the preculture in eithergalactose, glycerol, or ethanol conferred salt stress resistanceover the glucose grown yeast cells.


Herewe investigate the regulation and function ofmitochon-dria in the adaptive response of budding yeast to hyperosmoticstress. We define a positive role for the mitochondria in theosmostress adaptation based on the sensitivity phenotype ofmutants in diverse mitochondrial functions, the selective up-regulation of mitochondrial proteins, and the stimulated tran-scription of genes encoding mitochondrial enzymes uponexposure to hyperosmotic conditions. To understand osmo-stress tolerance, mitochondrial metabolism has therefore to beconsidered as an important physiological parameter that ismodulated in a stress-dependent fashion.Activation of Mitochondrial Functions as a Strategy for

Osmostress Adaptation—A broad range of mitochondrialdefects leads to sensitivity to hyperosmotic stress. This phe-

















0 1 h 2 h



e SD




FIGURE 4. SDH enzyme activity is activated by salt stress. A, yeast wild type(BY4741) cells were grown in YPD (0) or subjected to a salt shock (0.4 M NaCl)for 1 and 2 h. The specific SDH enzyme activity was measured in mitochondriaenriched extracts, and basal SDH activity was arbitrarily set to 100 for eachstrain. SDH activity was measured in duplicate in three independent cultures.B, yeast wild type (BY4741, wt) and the indicated deletion strains were grownin YPD (�NaCl) or subjected to a brief salt shock (0.4 M NaCl for 2 h). SDHactivity was measured as in A.

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nomenon is not restricted to spe-cific enzymatic activities like citricacid cycle enzymes, proteinsinvolved in the mitochondrial elec-tron transport chain, or ATP syn-thase subunits (Fig. 1A) but alsoapplies for a defect inmitochondrialbiogenesis caused by the deletion ofthe yeast mitofusin Fzo1 (Fig. 1B).These phenotypes suggest that yeastcells employ an up-regulation of theorganelle in general to efficientlycope with hyperosmolarity. Thisactivation has an important tran-scriptional component because wefind genes like SDH2, COX6, orCIT1 to be induced by acute osmo-shock. Transcriptional activation(5–12-fold) occurs rapidly uponmild osmostress (0.4 M NaCl), andits transient kinetics resembles theone typically found for other stressdefense genes (10, 11). Thus mito-chondrial activation at the level ofthe expression of nuclear genes istargeted immediately during theadaptation to hyperosmotic insult.However, mitochondrial functionhas not been identified as a func-tional category by several transcrip-tion profiling experiments per-formed under the same osmoticstress conditions (10, 11, 47). Thismight be due to the moderateinduction rate observed for osmo-stress for the mitochondrial mark-ers shown here. Also, the fullyinduced mitochondrial protein lev-els observed for nonfermentativegrowth are significantly higher thanfor salt induction (Fig. 2, A and B).

This leads to the conclusion that although necessary for theproper adaptation to the stress, the up-regulation of mitochon-dria upon osmotic stress is weaker as comparedwith itsmassiveactivation during the diauxic shift. This interpretation is con-firmed by our unpublished observation that mitochondrialmorphology only moderately changes upon acute or chronicsalt stress, whereas a much more extensive tubular network isfound in cells growing with a nonfermentable carbon source.Here we have tested the function of two signaling kinases,

Hog1 and Snf1, for osmostress-activated transcription ofgenes encoding mitochondrial functions. Hog1 MAPK is thedominant regulator of the yeast transcriptional osmostressprogram (2), and Snf1 is the master activator of cellular func-tions needed for the switch from fermentative to respiratorymetabolism (19, 48). Both kinases contribute to the activatedtranscription of the SDH2, COX6, and CIT1 genes uponosmoshock (Fig. 3). Specifically, the activated transcription

FIGURE 5. The transcriptional response to osmoshock is only minimally affected in mitochondrialmutants. A reporter gene (CYC1-(2xCRE)-lacZ; pMP224) was used to monitor transcriptional induction by KCl orNaCl treatment. Yeast wild type (BY4741) and the indicated null mutant strains, transformed with pMP224,were subjected to osmotic stress caused by 1 M KCl or 1 M NaCl, and the specific �-galactosidase activity wasdetermined. The values were obtained by duplicate measurements of three independent transformants.










FIGURE 6. AMP/ATP ratios in yeast wild type and mutants with mitochon-drial defects. Yeast wild type (BY4741, wt) and the indicated mutant strainswere grown in YPD and subjected or not to a brief osmotic shock with 1 M

NaCl for 2 h. The cells were immediately quenched, and the extracted nucle-otides were analyzed by HPLC. The AMP/ATP ratio was calculated for eachstrain in triplicate. A stationary wild type yeast culture (wt stat.) was grown for2 days in YPD medium.

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Page 8: MitochondrialFunctionIsanInducibleDeterminantof ... · (10, 11), and the production of osmolytes as a long term adap-tation (12). Our work identifies the mitochondrial function as

of COX6 was completely absent in snf1, hap2, and hap3mutants. COX6 is known to be positively regulated by Snf1and the Hap2,3,4,5 transcriptional activator upon glucosestarvation (49, 50), which suggests that similarly upon osmo-stress the Snf1 kinase activates COX6 expression via theHap2,3,4,5 transcription factor complex.The Snf1 Protein Kinase Is a Potential Functional Link between

MitochondrialUp-regulation and Salt Stress Resistance—Herewepresent evidence for a much broader implication of the Snf1kinase in the adaptation to salt stress via the activation of mito-chondrial metabolism. Deletion of Snf1 results in reducedresistance to elevated Na� and K� concentrations (Fig. 1),impaired transcriptional control of mitochondrial markers

(Fig. 3), and absent activation of mitochondrial SDH enzymeactivity upon salt stress (Fig. 4). The sensitivity of snf1mutantsto salt stress has been previously reported (25, 51). However,the only functional link between Snf1 activity and the adaptiveresponse to salt stress has been identified with the carbonsource-regulated ENA1 gene (25, 52, 53), which encodes a Na�

extrusion ATPase of yeast (54). We propose that a major con-tribution of Snf1 to salt stress adaptation is the activation ofmitochondrial function. It has been shown that salt stressindeed rapidly activates the catalytic activity of Snf1 but doesnot promote its accumulation in the nucleus (55, 56). The roleof Snf1 in transcriptional activation upon salt stress mighttherefore be less pronounced and not reflected by a massive

FIGURE 7. Growth in high salinity of mutants with mitochondrial defects is rescued by addition of glutathione. The growth of the indicated wild type(BY4741, wt) and mutant strains was monitored. The cells were grown in YPD, YPD � 5 mM glutathione, YPD � 1 M NaCl, or YPD � 5 mM glutathione � 1 M NaCl.The growth curves are derived from the mean values of three independent cultures for each time point.

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Page 9: MitochondrialFunctionIsanInducibleDeterminantof ... · (10, 11), and the production of osmolytes as a long term adap-tation (12). Our work identifies the mitochondrial function as

nuclear accumulation as observed under nutrient starvation(57).Mitochondria Do Not Serve as ATP Supply under Osmo-

stress—We further tested whether a higher ATP demand dur-ing the adaptation to salt stress was the reason for the partialup-regulation of the mitochondria. Specifically, the involve-ment of the Snf1 kinase, which is activated generally by nutrientand energy depletion, prompted us to test this hypothesis. Salt

stress does not appear to increasethe cellular AMP/ATP ratio in wildtype yeast (Fig. 6). Also cox6 andaco1 mutants, which display severegrowth defects on high salt media,maintain very low AMP/ATP ratiosidentical to wild type. Althoughother defects linked to mitochon-drial function or activation, likesdh1, fzo1, or snf1mutants, seem topartially increase the AMP/ATPratio, these results exclude ATPdepletion as the driving force for theobservedmitochondrial stimulationupon salt stress. Consistent withthis interpretation, it was found thatyeast cells actually adapt morequickly to salt stress under anaero-bic conditions, i.e. in the absence ofATP generation via oxidative phos-phorylation (58). Accordingly wefind that the efficiency of transcrip-tional activation upon salt stress,one of the major energy consumingprocesses instigated by salt stress, isonly minimally affected by mito-chondrial defects. We additionallyfound that intracellular accumula-tion of glycerol, the main osmolyteproduced by budding yeast inresponse to salt shock, is notaffected by mitochondrial defects.3

Amino acid starvation is anotherpotential link between salt stressand mitochondrial function. Mito-chondrial metabolism is essentialfor the biosynthesis of the majorityof amino acids, and amino acid star-vation can be caused by salt stress

(59–61). Specifically, the supplementation with an excess ofamino acids improves the adaptation of yeast cells to salinestress (60). However, external feeding of amino acids to mito-chondria-deficient strains did not rescue the salt-sensitivegrowth.3Mitochondrial Function Is Necessary to Keep Low Intracellu-

lar ROS Levels upon Salt Stress—Here we present experimentalevidence that supports a model in which mitochondrial activa-tion is needed to counteract ROS production upon salt stress.External addition of the antioxidant glutathione generally res-cues the growth defect of mitochondrial mutants in the pres-ence of high NaCl concentrations (Fig. 7), and mitochondrialdeficiency results in higher intracellular ROS concentrations,especially upon exposure to Na� shock (Fig. 8). Although it iswell documented that saline and osmotic stress cause increasesin toxic ROS production (62) and transcriptional activation of

3 M. Martínez Pastor, M. Proft, and A. Pascual-Ahuir, unpublished results.


















-NaCl +NaCl




e Fl




Wt ∆snf1 ∆aco1 ∆sdh1 ∆fzo1

FIGURE 8. Mitochondrial defects and loss of Snf1 function cause hyperaccumulation of ROS upon saltstress. Yeast wild type (BY4741, Wt) and isogenic �snf1, �aco1, �sdh1, and �fzo1 strains were grown in YPDand subjected or not to a brief osmotic shock with 1 M NaCl for 2 h. A, ROS was quantified by the oxidation ofdichlorodihydrofluorescein as described under “Experimental Procedures.” Fluorescence of the wild typebefore stress was arbitrarily set to 1. Fluorescence was determined for three independent cultures in duplicate.B, ROS was visualized by the oxidation of hydroethidine using fluorescence microscopy as indicated under“Experimental Procedures.” wt, wild type.

FIGURE 9. Growth with galactose or nonfermentable carbon sourcesmakes yeast cells more resistant to osmotic stress. Wild type (BY4741)cells were pregrown in YPD (2% glucose), YPGal (2% galactose), YPGlyc (3%glycerol), or YPE (3% ethanol) to mid log growth phase and then spotted ontoYPD plates (control) and YPD plates containing 1 M NaCl or 1.5 M KCl.

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Page 10: MitochondrialFunctionIsanInducibleDeterminantof ... · (10, 11), and the production of osmolytes as a long term adap-tation (12). Our work identifies the mitochondrial function as

oxidative stress defense genes (10, 11, 63, 64), it is not knownhow ROS is formed under those conditions. Electron leakagefrom the mitochondrial electron transport chain upon saltchallenge is one candidate but most probably not the onlyexplanation (34). Mitochondrial dysfunction can result in bothan increase and a decrease in ROS production (reviewed in Ref.33). In S. cerevisiae, mitochondrial function is generallyrequired for oxidative stress resistance (36), and a very recentreport shows that in Schizosaccharomyces pombe mitochon-drial dysfunction causes intrinsic oxidative stress (65). On theother hand, although mitochondrial respiration is the majorsource of ROS under physiological conditions (66, 67), a con-trolled stimulation of themitochondrial respiratory capacity bycalorie restriction or mild uncouplers has been found to pro-mote decreases in ROS and increases in life span both in yeastand in human fibroblasts (68, 69). Thus it seems likely that in S.cerevisiae signaling pathways that operate upon salt stress (highosmolarity glycerol and glucose repression pathways) stimulatemitochondrial function. The enhanced respiratory capacity isneeded to more efficiently eliminate ROS after the exposure tosaline stress. This is of special relevance in S. cerevisiae wheremitochondrial biogenesis and metabolism are generallyrepressed by fermentative carbon sources.

Acknowledgments—We thank Jose María Belles and María PilarLopez Gresa for help with the HPLC measurements of ATP/AMPpools.

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Mar Martínez Pastor, Markus Proft and Amparo Pascual-Ahuirin Yeast

Mitochondrial Function Is an Inducible Determinant of Osmotic Stress Adaptation

doi: 10.1074/jbc.M109.050682 originally published online August 31, 20092009, 284:30307-30317.J. Biol. Chem. 

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