1 Mission Statement You have now started on a path in your life that will lead to many new experiences. These experiences in turn will give you added knowledge of yourself, which will enable you to create more harmony in this chaotic world. Vital to your growth is total understanding of all that takes place here at school. You must continuously seek for answers to all your questions, and at the same time, reflect upon that which you know, and formulate new questions. The fundamental key to your success for your path is your desire to know. Study, Practice, and expand on all the knowledge that has been given to you. Keep your mind clear and do not deviate from this knowledge, for the path you now tread is ancient and time tested. Remember, you have chosen with your own freewill to be part of this school. Respect the Eskrimadors who have come before you. Grow with your school, Eskrima brothers and sisters; and most of all, take the responsibility for the path you are about to take. Through this journey you will succeed to become a better human being and a true warrior of Pulahan-Derobio Eskrima. Our Logo, What does it mean? The two horse heads represent the literal meaning of Derobio, “Rhythm of the Horse.” They also symbolize the duality of a warrior: the Left Head - the aggressive nature of combat and to overcome your adversary at all costs to survive…the Right Head the compassion of ones heart to not let ego or hatred dictate the outcome of an encounter and lead one back to the virtues of the Eskrimador Creed. The two Sansibar blades, the very tools of combat used by the Pulahan Warriors of Leyte, guide the two horse heads to a balanced mindset of a true warrior. The blades meet at the center in which is represented by a depiction of the Philippine national flag. The flag is shown as a V or open reverse triangle representing the basic foundation of the combative footwork of Pulahan-Derobio Eskrima. The flag also symbolizes the Siangco Collective: The stars represent the Mentor, the Beacon and the Compass of the Siangco Collective. The sun represents the teachers, the mentors, and masters that influenced the Collective. The open triangle symbolizes the open mind and adaptive nature of the Siangco Collective and their belief to blend and adapt to all forms of combat through the guiding philosophy of Pulahan-Derobio Eskrima.

Mission Statement - Pulahan-Derobio Eskrima · Mission Statement You have now started ... Eskrima brothers and sisters; and most of all, take the responsibility for the path you are

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Mission Statement

You have now started on a path in your life that will lead to many new

experiences. These experiences in turn will give you added knowledge of yourself,

which will enable you to create more harmony in this chaotic world.

Vital to your growth is total understanding of all that takes place here at school. You

must continuously seek for answers to all your questions, and at the same time, reflect

upon that which you know, and formulate new questions. The fundamental key to your

success for your path is your desire to know.

Study, Practice, and expand on all the knowledge that has been given to you. Keep

your mind clear and do not deviate from this knowledge, for the path you now tread is

ancient and time tested.

Remember, you have chosen with your own freewill to be part of this

school. Respect the Eskrimadors who have come before you. Grow with your school,

Eskrima brothers and sisters; and most of all, take the responsibility for the path you are

about to take.

Through this journey you will succeed to become a better human being and a true

warrior of Pulahan-Derobio Eskrima.

Our Logo, What does it mean? The two horse heads represent the literal meaning of Derobio, “Rhythm of the

Horse.” They also symbolize the duality of a warrior: the Left Head - the aggressive

nature of combat and to overcome your adversary at all costs to survive…the Right Head

– the compassion of ones heart to not let ego or hatred dictate the outcome of an

encounter and lead one back to the virtues of the Eskrimador Creed.

The two Sansibar blades, the very tools of combat used by the Pulahan Warriors of Leyte,

guide the two horse heads to a balanced mindset of a true warrior. The blades meet at the

center in which is represented by a depiction of the Philippine national flag.

The flag is shown as a V or open reverse triangle representing the basic foundation of the

combative footwork of Pulahan-Derobio Eskrima.

The flag also symbolizes the Siangco Collective:

The stars represent the Mentor, the Beacon and the Compass of the Siangco Collective.

The sun represents the teachers, the mentors, and masters that influenced the Collective.

The open triangle symbolizes the open mind and adaptive nature of the Siangco

Collective and their belief to blend and adapt to all forms of combat through the guiding

philosophy of Pulahan-Derobio Eskrima.


Derobio Eskrimador Creed

by Batikan Eduardo James Pedoy

“An Escrimador(a) must have the wisdom and discretion to know when to use his/her

art. When forced to use it, he/she must show humanity against aggressors who cannot

defend against it and the humbleness not to boast about the power he/she holds. In doing

so, he/she will gain harmony both with his/her art and with his/her life.”

Wisdom: understanding of what is true, right, or lasting.

Humanity: humane quality, kindness, mercy.

Humbleness: deeply respectful.

Harmony: a pleasing combination of parts or elements.

Pulahan-Derobio Warrior Mindset by Master Chaz “Chief” Siangco NEVER SUBMIT: To not submit in combat, never fall prey to any form of oppression,

to always fight for your beliefs, your life and the lives of your family.

ALWAYS ADAPT: Never get boxed in by theory or tradition, always adapt your

technique and your view of combat for it is dynamic and constantly evolving.

COUNTER: For every block there is a corresponding attack, for every attack a block, for

every lock a counter. However, not only in the means of combat or technique but also in

the aspect of one's warrior mindset and spirituality.


Tools for Training: Minimum

Pair of Garrotes (Sticks) sized from armpit to fingertips generally 28” – 30”

Pair of Bolos (Machetes) 24” to 28”

Sibat (Staff) 4’ to 6’

Training Blade(s)

Sparring Helmet (WEKAF or Fencing)

Protective Gloves (MMA Type, Lacrosse, Hockey, etc.)

Eye Protection

Male / Female Protection (cup, chest guard)

Outside of the recommended gear above, protective gear is per the needs and wants of

the individual student.



Derobio Handshake: Pointer and Middle Finger extended in hand to feel pulse of

brother in the arts.

Greet highest rank first.

Begin and End each class with formal salutations. Students will line up according to rank

having the highest ranking student at the front right of formation.

Andam (Stand at Attention): Student to stand at a neutral position with feet shoulder

width apart. Garrote to be held across chest with Power-hand facing out and Live-hand

facing inward with fingers extended.

Saludo (Salute): From Andam position…

- Kajukenbo Cross block with Power-hand over Live-hand placed just above

forehead. (Honoring GM Julian “Blue” Generalao)

- Draw Power-hand to heart cupping the base (punyo) with Live-Hand.

- Power-Right step back with Left Leg, Power-Left step back with Right Leg.

- Extend Power-hand while cupped with Live-hand in front of body.

Power-hand cupped with Live-hand represents “ No blood will be spilled”.

Orascion (Prayer): To follow Saludo

- Ampo: Prepare to pray.

- Pangajhe: Pray


Instructors should develop warm-ups to coincide with lesson.

- Figure 8 (w/ or w/out bounce step).

- Wrist Rotations: Front, Side, Above.

- Dynamic Tension Wrist Jabs: Front, Sides, Low Y, High Y.

- Big X: Static position, w/ Front/Back Pivot Step.

- Payong Lunge: Payong Block w/ side step, twirl and strike.

- Side Step Lateral Jumps utilizing Garrotes (w/ or w/out Sikiran).

- High Line Abaniko

- Wetiks

- Leg Lifts to Garrote extended in front of body.

- Leg Lift to Squat.

- Offense / Defense Variations.

- Footwork Pyramid Sayaw

- Dunggab Flows.

- Abecedario Variations.

- Basic 3 Variations.

- Basic 1-2-1 Range Drill

- Tres Tad-Tad Drill


A.R.M (Accelerated Response Movement) On-Boarding Fundamentals Program

Developed to introduce students to weapon use, functionality and preparation for training

in full PDE Curriculum. (Duration 2 – 4 week’s regular class setting or 8 hour Intensive

Course). Founded by Master Chaz “Chief” Siangco.

Pre-Phase Introductory Program (Non-Ranking Status) - Adults Only

Offensive Posturing for Stick and Blade

A.R.M I: Point Contact: Hit to target, Recoil back to cover position.

- Single Tap

- Double Tap

A.R.M II: Full Contact: Hit to target, follow thru to opposite target, draw back to cover position.

- Slash

- Slash / Tap

A.R.M III: Backlash: Hit to target w/follow thru, return backhand strike on to opposite target, cover.

A.R.M IV: Continuum: Hit flow to various targets using A.R.M I – II.

Defensive Posturing for Stick / Blade (Utilization of offensive posturing for defense).

Point Contact v. Point Contact

Point Contact v. Full Contact

Full Contact v. Point contact

Full Contact v. Full Contact

Unarmed Offensive Posturing

1 / 7) Hook to Head

2 / 8) Hook to Kidney

3 / 9) Kick

4 / 10) Jab / Cross

5 / 11) Uppercut

6 / 12) Kick

Unarmed Defensive Posturing

R.O.L.L.O.R Check (Right on Left, Left on Right)

w/ Body Check or “Bully Pass”

w/ Counter

Fundamental Stances

Abierta / “Open”

- Garrote held comfortably close to body on power-side rested on shoulder.

Serrada / “Closed”

- Garrote held comfortably close and across body, may rest on opposite off-side


Live-Hand Guard or Reinforced Cover

- Garrote in a cover/active position in front of body reinforced by Live/Checking

hand either in a Abierta or Serrada position.


Punyo Guard

- Active Close Quarter Combative position with punyo of garrote as major point

of contact with Live/Checking hand reinforcing the power-side/grip hand. May

position in Abierta or Serrada stances.


Doce Teros Target Zones / Strike Pattern:

< Lead from Power-side to

strike diagonal across body

from neck/shoulder to

opposite hip.

Lead from Off-side to strike >

diagonal across body from

neck/shoulder to opposite hip.

< Lead from Power-

side to strike across

body from hip to

opposite hip.

Lead from Power-side

to strike across body>

from hip to opposite


Thrust/Dunggab from >

Off-side shoulder.

Thrust/Dunggab from >

Powerside hip.

<Thrust/Dunggab from

Power-side shoulder.

< Lead from Power-side

to strike as an uppercut

diagonally from ground

to knee upward across


Lead from Off-side >

to strike as an uppercut

diagonally from ground

to knee upward across


< Lead from Power-side overhead strike from top

of opponents head straight down the centerline.

Lead from Power-side to strike parallel

< to opponents temple. Lead from Off-side to strike parallel

to opponents temple. >


Ranking Structure

[Incentive Base Ranking: By completion of rank requirements and exceptional display

of the skills defined in each phase of training, the student will be promoted to the next

rank and certified to teach prior curriculum. Certificate will define and detail status and

responsibilities of student in regards to their rank and instructorship. Instructor status

within the Maitum and Asul rankings ONLY allows students to teach within the main

school and with a sanctioned training group. Students holding this status cannot open a

PDE Branch school for profit and cannot add/change/augment anything within the PDE


*Belt system developed to honor Grandmaster Julian “Blue” Generalao. Mapute (White) – represents a void of knowledge, innocent view of the destination one

is seeking in Pulahan-Derobio Eskrima, the beginning of a long journey.

- Phase 1: Yellow Belt w/ White Stripe

- Phase 2: Orange Belt w/ White Stripe

- Phase 3: Purple Belt w/ White Stripe

Maitum (Black) – represents an initial inner conflict of learning to balance the teachings

and instructions of the art, the struggles of the journey.

- Phase 1: Blue Belt w/ Black Stripe

- Phase 2: Green Belt w/ Black Stripe

- Phase 3: Brown belt w/ Black Stripe

Asul (Blue) – Apprentice Maestro - represents the clearing and one finding balance and

harmony, one can now see the end of the journey. (Rank equivalent to 1st – 2nd Dan

Black Belt)

- Phase 1: Black Belt w/ 1 Blue Hash-Stripe

- Phase 2: Black Belt w/ 2 Blue Hash-Stripes

- Phase 3: Black Belt w/ 3 Blue Hash-Stripes

Full Instructorship Ranks:

Pulahan (Red) – the destination and end of the journey; however, the end is the

beginning of truly understanding what you have traveled through and culminating your

knowledge into the warrior mindset. Training ends and your learning begins.

Level 1 – Pulahan Maestro - Average 6 – 8 years of tutelage within Pulahan-Derobio

Eskrima, one is tested on all curriculum from Mapute to Asul- in accordance to not only

the physical but mental and spiritual aspects of the art as well. (Black w/ 1 Red Stripe)

Level 2 – Pulahan Chief Maestro – This rank is an introduction to those who wish to

open a school. Bearer of this rank must exhibit his knowledge and abilities to become a

efficient instructor and will hold the rank for up to 2 years before being considered for

full certification and right to open a school of their own. (Black Belt w/ 2 Red Stripes)

Level 3 – Pulahan High Chief - Mentor for all apprentice/full maestros. Certified to

open a school of their own. (Min. 8 - 10 years) (Black Belt w/ 3 Red Stripes)


Following ranks are appointed and awarded to those who truly embody the philosophies

and skills of a Pulahan-Derobio Eskrimador. One must be an active instructor. There are

no tests. Appointees have shown dedication and loyalty to the system and expressed the

abilities to efficiently instruct and have culmination of extensive training and tutelage

under the Siangco Collective Instructors. By obtaining these ranks the individual earns a

position within the Collective and become part of an eternal brotherhood. Appointees are

able to promote students within the ranks of Pulahan-Derobio Eskrima up to but not to

exceed 3rd Level Pulahan High Chief. Promotions to 4th Level Pulahan to 6th Level

Pulahan must be sanctioned, approved and overseen by the Siangco Collective Founders.

Level 4 – Pulahan Senior Chief - (Min. 10 - 12 years) (Black Belt w/ 4 Red Stripes)

Level 5 – Pulahan Master Chief - (Min. 12 - 14 years) (Black Belt w/ Red Border)

Level 6 – Pulahan Regional Master Chief - highest ranking one can achieve in the art

of Pulahan-Derobio Eskrima…a lifetime achievement (Min. 12 - 14 years). Oversees a

specific region and/or group of schools/training groups. (Red / White Belt)

Attainable only by Bloodline of Siangco Ohana or appointed by the Bloodline: Level 7 – Pulahan Master (Red / Black Belt)

Level 8 – Pulahan Grandmaster (Red Belt w/ Gold Border)


PHASE Curriculum

MAPUTE (Novice)

Phase 1 (Yellow w/ White stripe)

1. Doce Teros Offense (1-12) Power-Side with Footwork Progression Set 1-A.

- Full Contact Strike (Full Beat - Power Thru)

2. Doce Teros Defense (1-12) Power-Side with Footwork Progression Set 1-A.

3. Doce Teros Offense (1-12) Kamot sa Kamot (Panantukan).

4. Doce Teros Offense (1-12) Point Contact Strike (Half Beat - Jab)

5. Sagang Sa Gawas (1-12) Kamot sa Garrote, kamot sa kamot,. R.O.L.L.O.R Defense

(Single check/block/parry from the outside).

6. Footwork Pyramid Drill

Phase 2 (Orange w/ White Stripe)

1. Doce Teros Offense/Defense (Power-Side) Footwork Progression Set 1-A and 1-B.

2. Doce Teros Offense/Defense (Off-Side) Footwork Progression Set 1-A and 1-B

-(Off-Side) Point Contact Strike (Half Beat-Jab)

-(Off-Side) Full Contact Strike (Full Beat - Power Thru)

3. Wing and Payong Defense

4. 4-Corners Footwork Transitioning:

a) Avante

b) Retirada

5. Doce Teros Offense Doblecada Point Contact Strike from Abierta position

6. Basic Agaw (Palm on Thumb).

7. PDE Sayaw 1 – Garrote

8. PDE Sayaw 2 – Kamot

Phase 3 (Purple w/ White Stripe)

1. Doce Teros Defense with Footwork Progression Sets 2-A and 2-B.

2. Doce Teros Defense with Footwork Progression Set 3.

3. Doce Teros Power-to-Power Offense

a) Point-Point Transfer

b) Punyo-Punyo Transfer

4. Doce Teros Offense Doblecada Full Contact Strike from Serrada position

5. Basic 6 Count Sinawali – Heaven / Earth

6. Doblecada: Derobio R.O.L.L.O.R Defense (Sagang Sa Gawas)

6. 4-Corners Footwork Transitioning: Lateral

7. Basic 3 w/ garrote (Power-Side).

8. Sikiran (Front snap kick to groin).

9. Sikiran (Shin kick to the knee cap).

10. Basic 3 Kamot sa Kamot (Sagang Sa Gawas).

11. Panantukan (practice different punches right & left).

12. Abecedario (block and strike) with Footwork Progression 1-B, 2-A.

13. PDE Sayaw 3 – Garrote sa Kamot


Oral History 1. Who brought the art of Derobio to Hawaii? Great Grandmaster Braulio Tomada

Pedoy (maternal grandfather).

2. Where is the birthplace of GGM Pedoy? The city of Ormoc, on the Island of Leyte, in

the Southern Visayas.

3. Who was GGM Pedoy’s teacher? General “Papa” Faustino Ablen.

4. Who mentored the Siangco Ohana in the art of Panantukan? Their paternal

grandfather Elias "Battling Bolo" Cantere.

5. Who mentored the Siangco Ohana and gave them their current ranking in

Kajukenbo/Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu/Chinese Kenpo? Grandmaster Julian "Blue"


6. What is the birth date of GGM Pedoy? Oct. 16, 1900

7. How old was GGM Pedoy when he started training? 6 years old

8. How long did he train with Gen. “Papa” Faustino Ablen? 11 years

9. Describe the foundation of the Siangco Collective? Mentor, Beacon, and Compass

10. What is Pulahan-Derobio? What does the PDE logo represent?

11. What’s the purpose of the triangle as it relates to Pulahan-Derobio?

12. After 11 years of training under the Gen. Ablen, GGM Pedoy had to test for his

mastership of Derobio. How long did the test take? 2 Hours Did anyone get injured? Yes,

GGM Pedoy received cut to chin and nose. What weapons were used? Two Sharp Bolos

13. What did GGM Pedoy after the test? Traveled PI for 3 years What happened?

14. In Mindanao, what events led to GGM Pedoy being appointed as the personal

bodyguard of the local Datu (Chief)? Defeated the local champion. What was it that the

GGM did that greatly upset the local people in the village? Spared his life.


MAITUM (Intermediate)

Phase 1 (Blue w/ Black Stripe)

1. All previous material.

2. Doce Teros Defense with Footwork Progression Set 4 A-B-C.

3. Basic 3 (Off-Side).

4. Basic 3 Kamot - Sagang Sa Gawas y Sa Salud – Parry (Salikway) w/ Doble Tse’ke to

elbow (siko). Uno suntok.

5. GM Generalao's Grab Art Counters 1 - 5 (Two Hand High Grab)

1) Hammer Fist

2) Smash - Back Hand

3) Heaven and Earth

4) Head butt

5) Cross and Hammer

6. Doblecada: Derobio power to power defense and w/ Counterstrike (Sumbalik)

(Sagang Sa Gawas, Sagang Sa Salud)

7. Sinawali Drills (mayor/meynor, “Heaven and Earth”, “Doble Hapak”)

8. Abecedario with Sikaran (Power-Side).

9. Abecedario with Powerlead Counterstrike (Sumbalik) – Point/Point Transfer.

Footwork Progression Set 2-A and B (Medino and Largo Range)

10. A La Contra (Sagang Sa Gawas, Sagang Sa Salud).

11. Dunggab Flow Drills: w/ Two-Man Set

Numero UNO

Feeder: Strike Uno, Strike Seis, Wing Block, Strike Dos, Strike Siete.

Response: Block Derobio Uno, Payong block, Strike Uno, Wing Block,

Cut Block Derobio Dos.

Numero DOS

Feeder: Strike Dos, Strike Siete, Payong Block, Strike Uno, Strike Seis.

Response: Block Derobio Dos, Wing Block, Strike Dos, Payong Block,

Cut Block Derobio Uno.

Numero Cinco

Feeder: Strike Cinco, Payong Block, A La Contra Uno, Dos, Tres, Cuatro.

Response: Block Cinco A La Contra Sa Salud , Strike Dos, A La Contra

Uno, Dos, Tres, Cuatro.

12. PDE Sayaw 4 – Dunggab Flow

Phase 2 (Green w/ Black Stripe)

1. Doce Teros Defense using Shielding/Reinforced Block with Footwork Progression Set


2. Abecedario with Powerlead Counterstrike (Sumbalik) – Ala Contra (Payong and

Wing/Shield) Transfer. (Medino Range)

3. Doblecada: Diretsu (Block/Counterstrike)

4. Doblecada: Derobio/ A la Contra Combination

4. Sagang Sa Gawas y Sa Salud (Basic 3 with 3 punches / kick).

5. Mano vs. Daga (Cinco Teros).

- Slip Transfer Blade Retention


6. Basic Agaw Doce Teros (Mano against garrote).

7. Basic Agaw with garrote.

8. Garrote Agaw (Cinco Teros).

a) Cross-Arm Under Hook (Compression Lock)

b) Cross-Body Control

c) "Halas" Snake

9. Abecedario with checking moves.

10. “Halas” (Snake) Agaw (Doce Teros).

11. Sikiran – Hook Kick Variations

12. GM Generalao's Grab Art Counters 6 - 10

6) Right Arm Grab

7) One - Two Punch (L/R)

8) Swipe to Knee (Two Hand High Grab)

9) Cross Right Counterstrike (Two Hand High Grab)

10) Cross Right Counter Takedown (Two Hand High Grab)

13. PDE Sayaw 5 – Powerlead

Phase 3 (Brown w/ Black Stripe)

1. Offensive Posturing - Intercept Blitz

a) Blitz Cover

b) Blitz Powerlead Transfer

2. Doce Teros offense/defense using daga.

a) Extended Point

b) Reverse – Ice pick

c) Hidden Point

3. Kamot vs. Daga.

4. Daga vs. Daga.

5. Abecedario with checking moves with 1 strike and 4-Corner Footwork Transitioning.

(Power/Off Sides).

6. Numerado

7. Sumbrada (Cinco Teros).

8. Agaw disarms using garrote.

9. Agaw disarms using kamot.

10. Basic 12 Stick-Grappling Entries – Overhook Progressions 1 – 6

1) Overhook Triangle Choke: Initiative

2) Overhook Sweep

3) Overhook Rear Choke

4) Overhook Takedown

5) Overhook Cross-Body Control

6) Overhook Cross-Face (GM Chris’ Lock)

11. GM Generalao's Grab Art Counters 11 - 15

11) Left Jab Counter

12) Right Cross Counter

13) Jab / Cross Counter

14) Left Jab Counter Drag

15) Right Cross Counter Draw


12. PDE Sayaw 6 – Transition

Oral History 1. On what mountain did GGM Pedoy live with Gen. Ablen? Amandowin or Buraren

2. What does GGM Pedoy mean when he said, “You learn the art never to use it?”

3. What is GGM referring to by the four gates? Senses

4. What are the 3 Major Fundamentals of Movement as taught in Pulahan-Derobio


1) Timing 2) Rhythm 3) Fludity

5. What are the 3 Fundamentals of Defense as taught by Master Chaz in Pulahan-

Derobio Eskrima?

1) Deflection 2) Angle 3) Reciprocating Power (equal or greater force)

6. What does GGM Pedoy mean when he says, “I can give you all, but you can never

give back to me.”?

7. What does GGM Pedoy mean when he says, “What is it to believe?”

8. When GGM says, “If you are in a fight and the person is beating you, then die with

the cuts in front of you.” What does he mean?


ASUL (Apprentice Maestro)

Phase 1 (Black Belt w/ 1 Blue Hash-Stripe)

1. All previous material.

2. Punyo Guard Defense and Punyo Counterstrike (Sumbalik).

3. Mano Sagang Sa Gawas (Cinco Teros) Agaw-Dumog-Limb Destruction to takedown.

4. Mano Sagang Sa Salud (Cinco Teros) Agaw-Dumog-Limb Destruction to takedown.

5. Agaw Dakup (Grab) Defense 1 - 12: Right, left, and two-handed grabs.

6. Basic 12 Agaw Counters (Counter Basic Agaw/“Kindergarten Counters”)

1) Pedoy Elbow: Elbow to Face.

2) Sweep: Sweep Live-Hand around garrote to release Power-Hand.

3) Kili-Kili: Maneuver tip of garrote into opponent’s armpit.

4) Big C: Drive Live-Hand over opponent’s basic agaw.

5) Under-Over: Live-Hand under near hand, agaw far hand, drive elbow in chest.

6) Over-Under: Live-Hand over under snake release.

7) Aguila – Face: Eagle Claw to Face.

8) Aguila – Collarbone: Eagle Claw to collarbone.

9) Sikiran: Kick to groin.

10) Triangle Choke: Inverted Triangle carotid choke.

11) Sweep to Head Shot: Live-Hand sweep garrote into opponent’s head.

12) Punyo: Slide garrote into opponent’s throat.

7. Basic 12 Stick-Grappling Entries – Frontside Progressions 7 – 12

7) Frontside Choke: Initiative.

8) Frontside Sweep to Choke

9) Frontside Switch Arm hook

10) Frontside Shoulder Takedown

11) Frontside Arm Drag Takedown

12) Frontside Head and Arm Takedown

8. Counter4Counter - Uno (1) Series to Cuatro (4) Series.

Phase 2 ( Black Belt w/ 2 Blue Hash-Stripes)

Mano Bitik Gunting Block with Sinawali striking patterns, joint manipulation to limb


1. Doce Teros Offense/Defense using Retirada and Avante Footwork: Badlit Sumbalik

(In-Line Counter) – Hana (Draw/Feint).

2. Bitik Gunting w/elbow (Siko) break, back hand (Wetik) to the head (Ulo), agaw-

dumog-limb destruction to takedown - Doce Teros.

3. Dumog (Groundfighting) [Single Leg:Double Leg:Arm-Drag Takedown, Side-

Control:Forearm/Elbow/Knee Control Manipulation]

- (Mano) Stand-up to ground

- (Mano) From ground: 3-Point Base, Okole (Butt)

- (Garrote) Stand-up to ground

- (Garrote) From ground: 3-Point Base, Okole (Butt)

4. Defense against grabs from the back (Bear Hug, Choke).

5. Sumbrada w/ garrote y daga.

6. Counter4Counter: Cinco (5) Series to Ocho (8) Series


7. Sikiran (limb destruction, sweeps, and joint manipulation using legs).

8. Kamot Sagang Sa ilalum, Sa ibabaw (Cinco Teros) Agaw-Dumog-Limb Destruction to


9. Daga – Defense/Offense Deception (Hana, Ingganyo)

Phase 3 (Black Belt w/ 3 Blue Hash-Stripes)

1. Sumbrada (Off-Side).

2. Doblecada Sumbrada.

3. Ground Defense against stand-up attacker.

4. Sikiran from the ground.

5. Gunting Dakup (Power-Hand over Live-Hand) – Mano/Garrote/Daga/Bolo

6. Inner Gates strikes with different hand techniques and pocket stick (Dalo Dalo).

7. Wrist (Pulso) and Finger (Tudlo) agaws / takedowns.

8. Dumog ( Kamot, Garrote, Daga)

9. Multiple attacks (Empty hand and weapon).

10. Counter4Counter – Nueve (9) Series to Doce (12) Series.

11. Carenza

Oral History

1. When did GGM Pedoy arrive in Hawaii? 1924

2. What island did he live on first and where did he live? Big Island

3. Who was General “Papa” Faustino Ablen and why was he living in the mountains?

4. Who were the Pulahanes of Leyte and their relation to our art of Pulahan-Derobio


5. Describe the 3 Ranges of Combat as taught by Master Chaz? What is the dominate

range in Pulahan-Derobio Eskrima?

6. What is Derobio?

7. What is the essence of Derobio?

8. How do you practice breathing in class?

9. What is more important hand speed, foot speed or footwork?

10. Why does GM Chris say, “Always move your centerline with your opponent.”?

What is your centerline?

11. Why do we practice rhythm?

12. Why do we train both sides of the body? Its advantages?

13. What is the meaning of the Circle? Its importance?

14. Why all the repetition and drills?

15. Why do we begin training with weapons first? Specify.

16. What is the purpose of 4-Corners footwork?

17. What is the “Live Hand” how is it utilized in Derobio?

18. Why is it important to move behind the power?

19. If you cannot evade a strike what can you do to avoid the strike?

20. What is GGM Pedoy’s philosophy in a confrontation?

21. Why do Pulahan-Derobio Eskrimadors wait for movement?

22. Do we have to wait or can we be aggressive? At what point?

23. What was GGM Pedoy known for in Eskrima, FMA, and other Masters in Hawaii?

24. What is the ultimate challenge for a Derobio Eskrimador?


25. Creed. Explain in your own words and relation to life.


A La Contra = to against the power

Abaniko = To fan

Agaw A La Contra = To trap and cut

Alistro = Hurry, Quickly

Ampo = ready to pray

Andam = at the ready

Avante = To advance

Badlit = In-Line

Bali = reverse

Bankow = Spear

Bitik = To trap

Buhi Kamot = Alive Hand

Carenza = Movement with weapon, dance

Corto Mano = Close Range Fighting

Dakup = Seize suddenly

Doblecada = Double weapon

Dumog = Filipino Wrestling / Grappling

Dunggab = To thrust, stab

Espada y daga = Sword and Dagger

Gunting = Scissors block

Hana = A deceptive move, to faint

Hapak = Strike

Ingganyo = To fake

Kamot = hand

Katukma = Accuracy, Precision

Kris = A curved blade

Kusog = Force

Largo Mano = Long Range Fighting

Lihok = to move / begin

Likiran = to pivot, swivel

Lutuhan = joint

Medino Mano = Medium Range Fighting

Numerado = Non-pattern strikes

Orascion = to meditate

Paglakang = step

Panantukan = Filipino Boxing

Pangajhe = to pray

Patay = To kill


Payong = Umbrella Block (GGM Pedoy’s favorite


Pulso = wrist

Retirada = Move back, Retreat

Sagang = shield, block, ward off

-Sa Gawas = to the outside

-Sa Salud = to the inside

-Sa Ilalum = from the bottom

-Sa Ibabaw = from the top

Salamat = Thank You

Saludo = to salute

Salikway = to check/parry

Samad = To cut

Sayaw = Movement in time and with music

Sibat = Staff / Bo

Sikad = To kick back

Siko = elbow

Sumbalik = counter attack

Sumbrada = counter for counter moves

Suntok = To punch

Tindog = to stand

Tse’ ke = check

Tuhod Paghulog = Knee Drop

Tuuk = To choke

Unahan = forward

Wala’y sulud kamot = Empty Hand

Wetik = Whipping motion / back hand strike


Reference to GM Julian “Blue” Generalao’s Grab Art Counters in Maitum Phase I

- III:

Grab#1: Hammer Fist

Counter: Two Hands Grab High


1. Step Right Bali/Reverse Triangle.

2. Both hands cup strike underneath opponent’s elbows.

3. w/ both hands inside opponent’s elbows, spread apart opponent’s arms.

4. w/ left or right hand strike w/ hammer fist (neck/collar/temple).

5. Right/Left front kick or knee to (shin/knee/groin).

6. 4-Corner Out.

Grab#2: Smash-Back Hand

Counter: Two Hands Grab High


1. Step Right Bali/Reverse Triangle.

2. Power Right parry/inward-downward smash on top opponent’s arms.

3. Right two knuckle strike to opponent’s temple.

4. Right/Left Kick or Knee to (shin/knee/groin).

5. 4-Corner Out.

Grab#3: Heaven and Earth

Attack: Two Hands Grab High


1. Step Right Bali/Reverse Triangle.

2. Power Right Parry Sagang Sa Salud/Upward Outward block.

3. Power Left Parry Sagang Sa Gawas/Downward Inward block.

4. Power Right Hammer Fist to (neck/collar/temple).

5. Right/Left Kick or Knee to (shin/knee/groin).

6. 4-Corner Out.

Grab#4: Head butt

Attack: Two Hands Grab High


1. Both hands circle upward crossing over to double wrist grab (right over left)

pinning opponent’s arms to your chest.

2. Step Right Bali/Reverse Triangle.

3. Head butt to opponent’s nose or temple.

4. Left hand continues to pin opponent’s arms.

5. Power Right back fist to opponent’s face.

6. Power Right elbow strike to head.

7. Right/Left Kick or Knee to (shin/knee/groin).

8. 4-Corner Out.


Grab#5: Cross and Hammer

Attack: Two Hands Grab High


1. Step Left Unahan/Forward Triangle to outside opponents lead leg.

2. Power Right crossover agaw (Palm on thumb) to opponent’s Right hand.

3. Step Right Bali/Reverse Triangle.

4. Power Left Hammer fist to assist agaw on opponent’s Right arm.

5. Power Left two knuckle strike to opponent’s temple.

6. Right/Left Kick or Knee to (shin/knee/groin).

7. 4-Corner Out.

Grab#6: Right Arm Grab

Attack: Right Arm Grab High


1. Step Right Bali/Reverse Triangle.

2. Power Right Sagang Sa Salud outward block to opponent’s Right hand.

3. Power Right agaw to opponent’s Right wrist.

4. Right hand circles clockwise throwing opponent’s arm to a 10:00 position.

5. Power Right leg kick to back of opponent’s Right knee.

6. Power Right back fist to opponent’s face.

7. Power Right elbow to opponent’s head.

8. 4-Corner Out.

Grab#7: One – Two Punch (L/R)

Attack: Left Punch followed by Right Punch


1. Step Right Bali/Reverse Triangle.

2. Power Right Parry/Single Check to Left Punch

3. Power Left Parry/Single Check to Right Punch

4. Power Right palm strike to opponent’s sternum.

5. Power Right kick to groin or knee to stomach.

6. 4-Corner Out.

Grab#8: Swipe to Knee

Attack: Two Hands Grab High


1. Step Right Bali/Reverse Triangle.

2. Power Right and Left hand simultaneous parry or swipe to opponent’s hands.

3. Power Left grab to back of opponent’s head.

4. Power Right Two-Finger pressure probe to opponent’s throat.

5. Power Right knee to groin or stomach.

6. 4-Corner Out.


Grab#9: Cross Right Counterstrike

Attack: Two Hands Grab High


1. Step Left Unahan/Forward Triangle to outside opponents lead leg.

2. Power Right crossover agaw to opponent’s Right hand.

3. Step Right Bali/Reverse Triangle.

4. Power Left Hammer fist to assist agaw on opponent’s Right hand.

5. Power Left two knuckle strike to opponent’s lower ribs.

6. Power Left two knuckle strike to opponent’s temple.

7. Power Left kick or knee to back of opponent’s knee/leg.

8. 4-Corner Out.

Grab#10: Cross Right Counter Takedown

Attack: Left Hand Grab High Left shoulder


1. Step Right Bali/Reverse Triangle.

2. Power Right crossover agaw to opponent’s Left hand.

3. Power Left hammer fist to strike to opponent’s (neck/collar/temple).

4. Power Left kick to (shin/knee/groin).

5. Follow through with takedown, pull/drag opponent’s Left arm and step back with

Right Leg.

6. Power Left stomp to opponent’s body.

7. 4-Corner Out.

Grab#11: Left Jab Counter

Attack: Left Jab


1. Power Left single check/parry with Bali/Reverse triangle with Right leg.

2. Power Right palm strike to opponent’s sternum.

3. Right hand slides up to agaw opponent’s.

4. Power Right kick to (shin/knee/groin).

5. 4-Corner Out.

Grab#12: Right Cross Counter

Attack: Right Cross


1. Power Right single check/parry with Bali/Reverse triangle with Left leg.

2. Power Left two knuckle strike to opponent’s sternum.

3. Power Right kick to (shin/knee/groin).

4. 4-Corner Out.


Grab#13: Jab/Cross Counter

Attack: Left Jab – Right Cross


1. Step Right Bali/Reverse Triangle.

2. Single Check/Parry R.O.L.L.O.R (Right on Left, Left on Right).

3. Power Right palm strike to opponent’s sternum.

4. Power Right kick to (shin/knee/groin).

5. 4-Corner Out.

Grab#14: Left Jab Counter Drag

Attack: Left Jab


1. Step Left Bali/Reverse Triangle.

2. Power Left single check/parry Sagang Sa Gawas.

3. Power Right hammer fist to opponent’s jaw.

4. Power Left agaw to opponent’s left arm, begin to pull opponent toward you with a


5. Takedown opponent to their stomach.

6. Retain agaw and Power Right stomp to opponent’s back or head.

7. 4-Corner Out.

Grab#15: Right Cross Counter Drag

Attack: Right Cross


1. Step Right Bali/Reverse Triangle.

2. Power Right single/check/parry Sagang Sa Gawas.

3. Power Right agaw to opponent’s right arm.

4. Complete to full agaw. Take opponent down to their knee’s.

5. Power Right kick to stomach or head.

6. Finish Takedown.

7. 4-Corner Out.


Reference to Agaw Dakup Defense 1 – 12 in ASUL Phase I Curriculum by

Grandmaster Chris Siangco:

1) Attack: Right Hand High Grab to chest (shirt, jacket, shoulder, etc.).


1. Left Hand Agaw, palm on thumb wrist dislocation.

2. Step Left Bali/ Reverse Triangle.

3. Takedown and Cover.

2) Attack: Right Hand Grab High to chest (shirt, jacket, shoulder, etc.).


1. Right Hand Agaw, palm on fingers to small joint manipulation.

2. Step Right Bali /Reverse Triangle.

3. Takedown and Cover.

3) Attack: Right Hand Grab to chest (shirt, jacket, shoulder, etc.).


1. Dumog Right Agaw/Left hand to limb destruction.

2. Step Right Bali/Reverse Triangle.

3. Takedown and Cover.

4) Follow 1 to 3 with Left Hand High Grab.

5) Attack: Two Hand High Grab.


1. Weave Left Hand over opponents Right Hand, Agaw opponents Left


2. Step Left Bali/Reverse Triangle.

3. Right Hand agaw opponents Right wrist and use opponents Right Arm to

lock and break opponents Left Elbow, takedown.

6) Repeat 5. Agaw counter with weave using Left Hand only with follow up and

limb destruction with Right Hand.

7) Attack: Two Hand High Grab


1. Step Right Bali/Reverse Triangle.

2. Palm strike with both hands to opponent’s hands and hold to chest

3. Slightly bend forward with agaw to both thumbs.

4. Break opponent’s thumbs forcing opponent to ground.

5. Follow up with sikiran to body/groin/head.

6. 4-Corner Out.


8) Attack: Two Hand High Grab


1. Both hands palm strike under opponent’s elbows.

2. Agaw elbows/arms and with sikiran to opponents groin.

3. Knee to head and palm strikes to head/ears.

4. 4-Corner Out.

9) Attack: Two Hand High Grab


1. Bring both elbows over opponents arms, strike down.

2. Follow through with palm strikes to face and sikiran to groin.

3. 4-Corner Out.

10) Attack: Right Arm Rear Naked Choke


1. Tuck Chin Inward.

2. Right Hand Agaw, Palm on Thumb.

3. Side Step with Left Leg, draw right to rear across opponent.

4. Wrist manipulation to takedown.

5. Cover

11) Attack: Right Arm Rear Naked Choke


1. Tuck Chin Inward.

2. Left Hand Agaw, Palm on Thumb.

3. Right Hand reinforced agaw to opponents elbow.

4. Right Leg reverse draw step across opponent to knee.

5. Takedown and Cover.

12) Attack: Bear Hug from Rear


1. Quickly and with Force raise both arms and side step to left.

2. Right Hand elbow and hammer fist to groin.

3. Agaw opponents Right Hand.

4. Takedown and Cover.


Reference to Basic 12 Stick-Grappling Entries in Maitum Phase III and Asul Phase

I Curriculum by Master Chaz “Chief” Siangco:

*Entries can be made off basic Derobio Defense, Abecedario, Basic 3 or offensively.

Overhook Progressions 1 – 6

1) Initiative:

1. Enter opponent in Corto/Close Range.

2. Overhook opponents neck/head.

3. w/ Live-Hand grip tip of garrote behind opponents head palm facing to head.

4. Secure clinch/carotid choke w/ Live-Hand and garrote tight against body.

2) Sweep:

1. Initiative.

2. Opponent reacts and tries to pull out.

3. Follow opponents momentum by sweeping Live-Hand over head while

maintaining grip on garrote.

4. w/ two handed grip, push opponents neck away.

5. Follow up with strikes.

3) Rear Choke:

1. Initiative.

2. Opponent reacts and drives into you.

3. Follow opponent’s momentum by transferring Live-Hand elbow around

Opponent’s shoulder while maintaining grip on garrote.

4. Now maneuvered behind opponent, guide tip of garrote under Power-side

Armpit, clinch into rear naked choke utilizing your garrote.

5. w/ Live-Hand reach under opponent’s arm securing punyo of garrote.

6. Sikiran to opponent’s base leg to Takedown and Cover.

4) Takedown:

1. Initiative.

2. Opponent reacts and tries to shoot for a takedown.

3. Secure clinch/carotid choke.

4. Step back with rear base leg while pulling in towards your Power-side hip.

5. Takedown and Cover.

5) Cross-Body Control:

1. As you attempt to enter, opponent covers high.

2. w/ Live-Hand check opponent’s cover hand and enter w/ overhook under

Opponent’s lead cover hand.

3. Secure overhook deep across opponent’s neck and body.

4. w/ Live-Hand secure tip of garrote locking against the back/spine.

5. Cinch in body lock by pulling your elbows together.

6. Sikiran to opponent’s base leg to Takedown and Cover.


6) Cross-Face (GM Chris’ Lock):

1. Initiate Cross-Body Entry.

2. w/ Live-Hand reach across tip of garrote and secure tip in crook elbow.

3. Reach behind of head secure a rear naked choke utilizing garrote.

4. w/ Live-Hand reach across face using Live-Hand as a fulcrum push face away

From body while pulling garrote towards body.

5. Sikiran to opponent’s base leg to Takedown and Cover.

Frontside Progessions 7 – 8

7) Initiative:

1. Enter opponent in Corto/Close Range.

2. Strike/Cover Guard to opponents neck/head (near side).

3. Secure Frontside control by placing Live-Hand arm on top of garrote and grip

the back of opponent’s head pulling towards you and against garrote.

8) Sweep to Choke

1. Initiative.

2. Opponent reacts and tries to drive into you.

3. Follow opponent’s momentum and use Live-Hand to guide head and sweep

around garrote while maintaining control and position on neck.

4. Secure double grip on garrote and cinch choke around neck with garrote.

9) Switch Arm hook

1. Initiative.

2. Opponent checks with near side arm, shift Live-Hand from head to outside of

opponent’s near side arm switch punyo grip with Power-Hand.

3. Power-Hand will transfer and gain control of tip of garrote, hooking arm.

4. Adjust grip on garrote to maintain control.

10) Shoulder Takedown

1. Enter into Progression 9: Switch Arm Hook.

2. Use garrote against opponent’s arm/shoulder to execute Takedown.

3. Either use Right Leg to sweep. Left step back to drag Takedown.

11) Arm Drag Takedown

1. Enter into Progression 9: Switch Arm Hook.

2. Maintain double grip on garrote parallel to ground and pull/drag opponent’s

arm towards you.

3. Step right Bali/Reverse while maintaining tight grip a garrote and opponent’s


4. You can cinch grip on garrote and bring hands close together while extending

garrote across opponent’s back to assist Takedown and Cover.


12) Head and Arm Takedown

1. Enter into Progression 11. Arm Drag Takedown.

2. While securing arm, drag opponent down exposing the back opponent’s head.

3. With Power-Hand maneuver garrote behind opponent’s head.

4. Garrote should weave under opponent’s arm and opponent’s head.

5. Maintain Head and Arm control, step back and drag opponent towards you.

6. Follow up with knee to face/head.

7. Takedown and Cover.


Pulahan-Derobio Eskrima

Sayaw 1 GARROTE – Structured in the Footwork Pyramid Drill Footwork

Step 1 – Offense #1

Step 2 – Offense #2

Step 3 – Defense #1

Step 4 – Defense #2

Step 5 – Wing Block

Step 6 – Offense #12 to the ground

Step 7 – Payong Block

Transition with Offense #5 to

Step 8 – Payong Block

Step 9 – Offense #12 to the ground

Step 10 – Wing Block

Step 11 – Defense # 1 with Basic 3 K/S/K

Step 12 – Defense #2 with Basic 3 K/S/K

Pulahan-Derobio Eskrima

Sayaw 2 KAMOT – Structured in the Footwork Pyramid Drill Footwork

Step 1 – Right Jab

Step 2 – Left Jab

Step 3 – Left Check

Step 4 – Right Check

Step 5 – Double Check Defense on #1 Offense

Step 6 – Right Hand Uppercut

Step 7 – Mano Payong

Step 8 – Double Check Defense on #2 Offense

Step 9 – Left Hand Uppercut

Step 10 – Mano Payong

Step 11 – Basic 3 Check on #1 Offense with Right Hand Cross

Step 12 – Basic 3 Check on #2 Offense with Left Hand Cross


Pulahan-Derobio Eskrima

Sayaw 3 GARROTE sa KAMOT– Structured in the Footwork Pyramid Drill


Step 1 – Offense #1 with Left Hand Cross and Left Leg Push Kick

Step 2 – Offense #2 with Left Hand Hammer Fist and Right Leg Push Kick

Step 3 – Defense #1 with Offense #8 to Offense #9

Step 4 – Defense #2 with Offense #9 to Offense #8

Step 5 – Defense #3 Abecedario with GGM Element #1

Step 6 – Offense #6

Step 7 – Offense #7

Step 8 – Defense #4 Abecedario with GGM Element #1

Step 9 – Offense #7

Step 10 – Offense #6

Step 11 – Wing Block to Offense #2 – Offense #10 to Offense #11

Step 12 – Payong Block to Offense #1 – Offense #11 to Offense #10

Pulahan-Derobio Eskrima

Sayaw 4 Dunggab Flow Drill – Structured in the Footwork Pyramid Drill Footwork

Step 1 – Dunggab Flow Drill #1

Step 2 – Dunggab Flow Drill #2

Step 3 – Defense #1 with Basic 3 K/S/K

Step 4 – Defense #2 with Basic 3 K/S/K

Step 5 – Abecedario #1 Strike to ground

Step 6 – Wing Block

Step 7 – Payong Block

Step 8 – Abecedario #2 Strike to ground

Step 9 – Payong Block

Step 10 – Wing Block

Step 11 – Reinforced Defense #1 – Wetik to Offense #2 Stick Jab

Step 12 - Reinforced Defense #2 – Offense #2 Stick Jab to Wetik


Pulahan-Derobio Eskrima

Sayaw 5 POWER TRANSFER – Structured in the Footwork Pyramid Drill


Step 1 – Dunggab Flow Drill #1 Power Right

– Point Transfer to Power Left

Step 2 – Dunggab Flow Drill #1 Power Left

Step 3 – Power Left Defense #1 with Offense #2 Stick Jab

– Wing Transfer to Power Right to Offense #9 to Offense #7

Step 4 – Power Right Defense #2 with Offense #2 Stick Jab

– Wing Transfer to Power Left to Offense #9 to Offense #7

Step 5 – Payong Block (Left) - Payong Transfer to Power Right to Offense #11

– Wing Transfer to Power Left

Step 6 – Payong Block (Left) with Right Hand uppercut

Step 7 – Payong Transfer to Power Right

Step 8 – Payong Block (Right) – Payong Transfer to Power Left to Offense #11

– Wing Transfer to Power Right

Step 9 – Payong Block (Right) with Left Hand Uppercut

Step 10 – Payong Transfer to Power Left

Step 11 – Wing Transfer to Power Right – Reinforced Defense #1 Corto Offense #1

Step 12 – Gallup Payong x2 (GGM Element #2)

Pulahan-Derobio Eskrima

Sayaw 6 TRANSITION – Structured in the Footwork Pyramid Drill Footwork

Element 1: Doce Teros Offense w/ Forward Triangle Footwork

Element 2: Doce Teros Defense w/ Reverse Triangle Footwork

Element 3: Basic 3 on Offense #1 and #2

Element 4: Basic 3 “Meyor Menor” w/ 4-Corners Footwork on #3 and #4

Element 5: Defense #5 w/ Lateral 4-Corner Transition Step

Step 6: Payong followed w/ upward #5 Dunggab

Step 7: w/ Reverse Shoot Roll

Element 8: Defense #6 w/ Lateral 4-Corner Transition Step

Step 9: Payong followed w/ upward #5 Dunggab

Step 10: w/ Reverse Shoot Roll

Element 11: Defense #10 w/ Retirada Transition follow up #2 Jab Strike

Element 12: Defense #11 w/ Retirada Transition follow up #1 Power Strike