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Mission Letter

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Page 1: Mission Letter

Dear Friends and Family

I am slowly approaching the end of my first year here at Georgia Tech and, with it,

approaches my first summer of college. After thought and consideration, I will devote my very

first summer to go on missions with KCCC to Vietnam. Sounds exciting, doesn’t it?

During the last few years Vietnam has been closing its doors to missions. The majority of

the country identifies themselves with Buddhism, however, studies from 2005 postulate 81% of

the population DOES NOT BELIEVE IN GOD.1 When it comes to churches, only government

sanctioned institutions are allowed, and even those are repeatedly discriminated and often

harassed by the government. Within this year alone, at least 50 Christians have been arrested for

their faith, and it has been ranked as No. 21 on a list of the worst countries for religious


Our team will be leaving on May 30, and we will be traveling to the cities of Ho Chi

Minh and Toduc. We will be reaching out to the college students through the means of English

classes and other activities. My schedule will be as following:

*K-conference is a gathering in

Korea of all the mission teams

that are part of KC3. It involves

over 10,000+ college students

from all countries.

I am looking forward, very much, to doing all this. But why now—and why Vietnam?

Going on missions has always been merely a lofty ideal and although I considered participating

in missions trips in high school, scheduling conflicts prevented me of such opportunities.

However, I believe much has changed since I entered college. God has constantly been opening

my eyes to various aspects things that I had never glanced at before. Things such as the

importance and power of prayer and the necessity of having a daily relationship with God, and

the meaning of truly worshiping God, whether or not I wish to, has always been something I

have been aware of, but never truly understood.

Upon entering my freshman year, the meaning of “dying to myself” and devoting my life

to Christ has a profoundly new meaning. With this changed heart I wish to devote this small part

of my life to seeking my part in God’s plan as well as fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew

28:19). Though I may be inadequate and incapable, I believe that through God my small efforts

will be made into something greater than I can possibly imagine. Within the midst of persecution

1 http://www.adherents.com/largecom/com_atheist.html 2 http://www.worldmag.com/2013/10/vietnamese_christians_face_arrest_violence

May 30 Departure from Atlanta to Vietnam

May 31 – June 22 Missions in Vietnam

June 23 Departure from Vietnam to Korea

June 23 – June 27 K-Conference

June 28 – June 29 Mission Debriefing

June 30 – July 4 Staying in Korea

July 4 Departure from Korea to New Jersey

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and spiritual warfare, I truly seek to ask for your prayers for this mission trip as my supporter. I

desire to be used for God’s movement in this country.

However, for me to be a part of all this, I will need the support and prayers for the people

here. The price of the plane tickets, housing, transportation, and daily necessities for this trip

amounts to $3950. Please do not feel that you absolutely have to support me financially, but if

you wish to please send a check to KCCC ATL Headquarters at 5514 Stanfield CT, Norcross,

GA 30093 with a check payable to KCCC and for Joshua Song #202. Or you can support me

through my GoFundMe account through this link: http://www.gofundme.com/8hxjcg

Therefore, even more than the financial support, my team and I will be needing spiritual

support. I believe that beyond any human efforts that we can make, what will truly be changing

and shaping the nation will be God. Consequently, your prayers will be essential for our mission


Please pray for:

1. A movement and resurgence of the Gospel in the country of Vietnam.

2. The continual health and protection for our team, both physical and spiritual.

3. The unity of our mission team as well as for the communication between our team and

the staff there.

4. That we may always be filled and strong in the Holy Spirit and never lose sight of our

mission there.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration.


Joshua Song


[email protected]

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the

Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything

I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the

age.” – Matthew 28: 19-20