MISSING TYPES Partner Messaging & Style Guide 2019

MISSING TYPES - Red Cross Blood

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MISSING TYPESPartner Messaging & Style Guide


American Red Cross | Missing Types Campaign 2019 1

IntroductionThank you for joining the American Red Cross in the Missing Types campaign, a movement to inspire new blood donors to roll up a sleeve and help save lives. The Red Cross continuously relies on the generosity of volunteer blood donors to help kids battling cancer, accident victims being raced into emergency rooms and new moms with complicated childbirths. The need for blood is constant, but there simply aren’t enough people donating blood. In fact, the problem is an alarming one:

• Every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood.

• Only 3 out of every 100 people donate blood in the U.S. in a given year.

Now in its second year, the Missing Types campaign will leverage an international movement to raise awareness of the need for blood donors through striking and unexpected (but non-controversial) visuals, illustrating the critical role blood donors fill. The Red Cross is asking for your help to fill the missing blood types. This summer, you can help us to inspire 325,000 people - including 50,000 who have never donated blood before—across the U.S. to help save lives by setting an appointment to donate blood.

You can access all of the resources in this guide and more through our online resource center at RedCrossBlood.org/Assets. If you have any questions, we’re just an email away at [email protected].

TonalityWhile the campaign addresses the serious issue of blood missing from hospital shelves, the concept of the campaign allows for creative options. If your brand platform is built on a fun, quirky or less serious tone, feel free to be your authentic and dynamic brand by infusing your own creativity into the partnership. The tone and images of the campaign don’t have to always be so serious.

Campaign DatesJune 11–30, 2019

Launch Day is Tuesday, June 11

World Blood Donor Day is Friday, June 14

Primary Headlines• Without A, B and O, we can’t save anybody.

• Only 3 out of 100 Americans donate blood - and that’s not enough.

• Not enough people are donating blood. Only you can fill the missing types.

American Red Cross | Missing Types Campaign 2019 2

Bringing the Campaign to Life

To keep momentum strong, we’re focusing on a different theme during each week of the campaign. Here are some ways during each week, you can help us bring the campaign to life:


Social & Traditional Media Employee & Customer Engagement Pay It Forward

• Update your logo or messaging to remove the A, B and O.

• Use your modified logo on your website, with a brief explanation as to why it looks different; invite people to take notice and take action. Get creative: animate the letters disappearing.

• Encourage others to join the movement by sharing on your social media sites using #MissingTypes.

• Send a press release about your engagement with the campaign to your local paper or ask them to join with you to support the campaign.

• Consider donating some of your advertising spend to the Red Cross or include a Missing Types themed ad in planned advertising to amplify your alignment with our blood services mission.

• If you have a prominent spokesperson or mascot, remove the A, B or O from their name and get creative with sharing the meaning behind the missing letters.

• Share the message with your employees and supporters. Encourage them to donate blood and ask their family and friends to do the same.

• Make your own video with the Missing Types theme, and/or employees supporting the cause and share through your social networks.

• Find an employee recipient or committed blood donor and recognize them as a way to rally your organization around the lifesaving power of A’s, B’s and O’s.

• Consider offering a matching challenge to engage employees and supporters to join you in supporting the campaign. Need an idea—for every blood donation appointment made through your company’s unique URL, make a matching financial contribution to support the Red Cross blood services mission.

• Place flyers featuring the Missing Types campaign theme and messaging in employee breakrooms, public areas or insert them into customer bags to help spread the word.

• Organize and promote a summer blood drive using the Missing Types theme to encourage blood donations throughout the summer.

• Encourage donors to make an appointment to donate during the 4th of July holiday when donors will get a special Missing Types T-shirt in recognition of their donation.

• Launch a “pay it forward” fundraiser using a special co-branded microsite to raise funds for a blood mobile.

• Host a virtual blood drive for your employees in offices around the country using our virtual blood drive system, SleevesUp.

• Include Missing Types messaging in direct mail or email messages that you send about summer promotions and activities.

American Red Cross | Missing Types Campaign 2019 3

Campaign Messaging

• Only 3 out of 100 Americans donate blood. That’s it. Alarming, right? There simply aren’t enough people donating to help patients in need. We need your help this summer to fill what’s missing from hospital shelves.

• You might not realize how important certain letters are until they’re gone. A, B and O are our main blood groups, and when not enough people donate blood, hospital shelves may be empty when a critical patient arrives.

• Only 3 out of 100 Americans donate blood, yet every two seconds, someone needs it. There simply aren’t enough people donating blood to help patients in need. Change the statistics and change lives.

• Kids battling cancer, accident victims being raced into emergency rooms, new moms with complicated childbirths. They all may need lifesaving blood right now. What if their blood type wasn’t available?

• We’re missing some letters, and only you can bring them back. Without more donors, patients will not have the type A, B or O blood they need.

• When the letters A, B and O vanish from everyday life, the gaps are striking. And when A, B and O blood types are missing from hospital shelves, lives could be changed forever. Inspire more people to donate blood and help save lives.

• Where would we be without A, B and O? A, B and O are also our main blood groups. Your support of the Missing Types campaign will help ensure patients never get stuck asking that question.

• A few missing letters may not seem like a big deal, but for a hospital patient who needs type A, B or O blood, these letters mean life.

• Imagine if someone you love needed a blood type that was missing from hospital shelves. You can help keep loved ones alive.

Calls to Action

• Without A, B and O, we can’t save anybody. Visit RedCrossBlood.org/MissingTypes to schedule your blood donation appointment today.

• Only 3 out of 100 Americans donate blood - and that’s not enough. Visit RedCrossBlood.org/MissingTypes to schedule your blood donation appointment today.

• You can help fill the #MissingTypes patients need. Visit RedCrossBlood.org/MissingTypes to schedule your blood donation appointment today.

• Every two seconds, someone needs blood. Visit RedCrossBlood.org/MissingTypes to schedule your blood donation appointment today.

• Only you can help fill the #MissingTypes so a patient can survive. Visit RedCrossBlood.org/MissingTypes to schedule your blood donation appointment today.

American Red Cross | Missing Types Campaign 2019 4

Hashtag & Social Media


Example partner uses:

• Proud to be a part of the #MissingTypes

• We’re helping to fill the #MissingTypes

Example Social Media Content:

We’re missing some letters, and only you can bring them back. Without more A, B and O blood donations, patients can’t get the critical help they need. Schedule a blood donation appointment today at RedCrossBlood.org. #MissingTypes

One letter can change everything, and no one gets that more than the Red Cross. They’re running low on A, B and O blood types. Schedule a blood donation appointment today at RedCrossBlood.org. #MissingTypes

We can spare a letter or two from our name and logo, but patients who need blood can’t. A, B and O blood types are missing. Schedule a blood donation appointment at RedCrossBlood.org. #MissingTypes

No, it’s not a typo. Our logo is missing some letters. The Red Cross is missing A, B and O blood, and we’re joining forces to help replace the #MissingTypes. Schedule your blood donation appointment today at RedCrossBlood.org.

Notice something missing? A few letters may not seem like a big deal, but for patients who need A, B and O blood types—it’s life and death. We’ve partnered with the Red Cross to help replace the #MissingTypes. Schedule a blood donation at RedCrossBlood.org.



Color Palette


Deep Red

PMS 7622

CMYK 0, 97, 89, 45

Cool Gray

PMS Cool Gray 11

CMYK 0, 0, 0, 70

Deep Red 70%

PMS 7622

CMYK 0, 97, 89, 45

Note: Use only for “faded blood types” on lettering treatments

American Red Cross | Missing Types Campaign 2019 5

Campaign Elements

Without A, B and O, we can’t save anybody.

Primary Header

The primary graphics in this campaign should be color images of people paired with a deep red color bar containing the campaign approved headlines.

Red Cross Logo: Please make sure that the Red Cross logo is properly scaled. We want to make sure it isn’t too large on smaller items but maintains a presenece on larger pieces. Also use the special Missing Types logo that has been created for this campaign.

Color Bar:The color bar should appear at the bottom of each image and contain the headline with the appropriate color treatment for all print pieces when appropriate.. In instances, such as, web banners, were space is fixed/limited, the color bar still containing the appropriate headline treatment can move to a different location adjacent to the image.

Headline: The headline should always be in a deep red bar located at the bottom of the photo treamtent.The A’s, B’s and O’s should be deep red (70%) The other letters should be white.

American Red Cross | Missing Types Campaign 2019 6

Campaign Elements

Icon Options

A major goal of the campaign is to amplify the viral interest and educational touchpoints surrounding the need for blood.  Here are some examples of easy graphics to use as resources for partnership messaging.

Sample Infographic Execution

When the deep red color bar doesn’t work for the layout needed, a gray headline treatment may be used instead. A 25% fade of Cool Gray 11 should be used for the blood types (A, B and O).

Blood Donor 1 Blood RecepientBlood Donor 2

Blood Drop BloodmobileBlood Bag Blood Drive Sign

Without A, B and O, we can’t save anybody.

Every two seconds,someone needs blood.

Only 3 out of 100 people

donate blood in the U.S.

Blood types typically go

missing during the summer.

#MissingTypes RedCrossBlood.org/MissingTypes

American Red Cross | Missing Types Campaign 2019 7

Campaign Elements

Photo Options: Stock Photography

These stock photography options may be used throughout the Missing Types campaign. Please ensure all photos are color and with enough visual “white space” for the Missing Type Red Cross logo. We do not want anything to compete with our branding. Focus on striking stock photography. It shows children, sisters, brothers, mothers and fathers who depend on blood donations, allowing the viewer to make an emotional connection. While photos show patients in need, they never lose their hope. If you’d like to use an image below, please email us at [email protected].












Key Images

Secondary Images

American Red Cross | Missing Types Campaign 2019 8

Sample Executions

© 2019 The American National Red Cross | 220001

Download the Blood Donor App | 1-800-RED CROSS | RedCrossBlood.org/MissingTypes

Without A, B and O, we can’t save anybody.

Not enough people donate blood. Only you can fill the #MissingTypes.

Print Collateral

Specs and type sizes are provided for an 8.5” x 11” and 3-up page layout. Elements should be scaled proportionately for different sized executions. On all pieces where there is a need to add a sponosor logo. Please place above the footer and make sure the additional logos are not larger than the Red Cross logo already on the piece.

Without A, B and O, we can’t save anybody.

Not enough people donate blood. Only you can fill the #MissingTypes.Download the Blood Donor App | 1-800-RED CROSS


© 2019 The American National Red Cross | 220001

American Red Cross | Missing Types Campaign 2019 9

Sample Executions

Email Template and Web Banner


A few videos are being developed by the Red Cross for the campaign and can be used as a resource to share on your social channels. Find more information at RedCrossBlood.org/Assets or email us at [email protected].


You can access all of these resources and more through our online resource center at RedCrossBlood.org/Assets. If you have any questions, we’re just an email away at [email protected].


“Without the blood transfusions, Emily will not survive.”

– Emily’s mother, Jennifer

Emily is a resilient 5 year old who’s been battling thalassemia major since she was diagnosed at just two weeks old. This rare blood disorder causes life-threatening anemia due to the body’s inability to

produce normal red blood cells.

Regular blood transfusions have been significant in sustaining Emily’s life. Her mother shares, “There is currently no cure and Emily must receive

blood transfusions every three to four weeks.”

Without A, B and O, we can’t save anybody.

Only you can help fill the #MissingTypes we need.

Without A, B and O, we can’t save anybody.