MISO MODULE B FERC Electric Tariff TRANSMISSION SERVICE MODULES 30.0.0 Effective On: November 19, 2013

MISO MODULE B FERC Electric Tariff TRANSMISSION SERVICE ... B108023.pdf · The Transmission Customer taking Firm Point -To -Point Transmission Service may (1) change its Receipt and

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Page 1: MISO MODULE B FERC Electric Tariff TRANSMISSION SERVICE ... B108023.pdf · The Transmission Customer taking Firm Point -To -Point Transmission Service may (1) change its Receipt and



MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

The Transmission Provider shall provide Point-To-Point and Network Integration

Transmission Service pursuant to the applicable terms and conditions of this Tariff. Point-To-

Point Transmission Service is for the receipt of Capacity and Energy at designated Point(s) of

Receipt and the transmission of such Capacity and Energy to designated Point(s) of Delivery.

Network Integration Transmission Service allows the Network Customer to integrate,

economically dispatch and regulate its current and planned Network Resources to serve its

Network Load in a manner comparable to that in which Transmission Owners utilize the

Transmission System to serve their Native Load or other Network Customers.

Any Eligible Customer requesting Transmission Service under this Module B (other than

an Eligible Customer requesting HVDC Service) may be eligible to request and receive FTRs

associated with such request pursuant to the provisions of Module C of this Tariff. Any Eligible

Customer seeking to request or receive FTRs must be a Market Participant.

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MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: December 31, 9998


The Transmission Provider will provide Firm and Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission

Service pursuant to the applicable terms and conditions of this Tariff. An ITC may provide Firm

and Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service pursuant to the ITC Rate Schedule under

this Tariff where both the Point of Receipt and the Point of Delivery are on the ITC System,

provided that the Transmission Customer has executed an appropriate Service Agreement with

the Transmission Provider. Point-To-Point Transmission Service is for the receipt of Energy at

designated Point(s) of Receipt and the transmission of such Energy to designated Point(s) of

Delivery. Point-to-Point Transmission Service customers are not required to obtain

Transmission Service for the receipt of Energy and transmission of such Energy associated with

Electric Storage Resources when withdrawing Energy while providing Regulating Service or

Down Ramp Capability. Point-To-Point Transmission Service customers with Point(s) of

Receipt and Point(s) of Delivery located within the Transmission System (Michigan) may obtain

Point-To-Point Transmission Service under Schedule 7 – Michigan and Schedule 8 - Michigan

of this Tariff.

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FERC Electric Tariff Nature of Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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MISO 13.1

FERC Electric Tariff Term

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

The minimum term of Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service shall be

one (1) day and the maximum term shall be specified in the Service Agreement.

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MISO 13.2

FERC Electric Tariff Reservation Priority

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

(i)Long-Term Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service shall be

available on a first-come, first-served basis, i.e., in the chronological sequence in

which each Transmission Customer has reserved service.

(ii)Reservations for Short-Term Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service

will be conditional based upon the length of the requested transaction or

reservation. However, Pre-Confirmed Applications for Short-Term Point-To-

Point Transmission Service will receive priority over earlier-submitted requests

that are not Pre-Confirmed and that have equal or shorter duration. Among

requests or reservations with the same duration and, as relevant, pre-confirmation

status (pre-confirmed, confirmed, or not confirmed), priority will be given to an

Eligible Customer’s request or reservation based on the earliest date and time of

the request or reservation.

(iii)If the Transmission System becomes oversubscribed, requests for

service may preempt competing requests or reservations that involve the same

flowgate or up to the following conditional reservation deadlines: one day before

the commencement of daily service; one week before the commencement of

weekly service; and one month before the commencement of monthly service.

Before the conditional reservation deadline, if Available Transfer Capability is

insufficient to satisfy all requests and reservations, an Eligible Customer with a

reservation for shorter-term service or equal duration service has the right of first

refusal to match any longer-term request or equal duration service before losing

its reservation priority. A longer-term competing request for Short-Term Firm

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MISO 13.2

FERC Electric Tariff Reservation Priority

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Point-To-Point Transmission Service will be granted if the Eligible Customer with

the right of first refusal does not agree to match the competing request within

twenty-four (24) hours (or earlier if necessary to comply with the scheduling

deadlines provided in Section 13.8) from being notified by the Transmission

Provider of a longer-term competing request for Short-Term Firm Point-To-Point

Transmission Service. When a longer duration request preempts multiple shorter

duration reservations, the shorter duration reservations shall have simultaneous

opportunities to exercise the right of first refusal. Time of match confirmation

will be used to determine the order by which the multiple shorter duration

reservations will be able to exercise the right of first refusal. In the event the

match confirmations are submitted simultaneously, the original OASIS queue time

will be utilized to determine the order by which the multiple shorter duration

reservations will be able to exercise the right of first refusal. After the conditional

reservation deadline, service will commence pursuant to the terms of this Tariff.

(iv)Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service will always have a reservation

priority over Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service under the Tariff. All

Long-Term Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service will have equal reservation

priority with Native Load Customers and Network Customers. Reservation

priorities for existing firm service customers are provided in Section 2.2.

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MISO 13.3

FERC Electric Tariff [RESERVED]

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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MISO 13.4

FERC Electric Tariff Service Agreements

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

The Transmission Provider shall offer a standard form Firm

Point-To-Point Transmission Service Agreement to an Eligible Customer when it

submits a Completed Application for Long-Term Firm Point-To-Point

Transmission Service pursuant to this Tariff (Attachment A-1). The Transmission

Provider shall offer a standard form Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service

Agreement to an Eligible Customer when it first submits a Completed Application

for Short-Term Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service pursuant to this Tariff

(Attachment A). Executed Service Agreements that contain the information

required under the Tariff shall be filed with the Commission in compliance with

applicable Commission regulations. An Eligible Customer that uses Transmission

Service at a Point of Receipt or Point of Delivery that it has not reserved and that

has not executed a Service Agreement will be deemed, for purposes of assessing

any appropriate charges and penalties, to have executed the appropriate Service


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MISO 13.5

FERC Electric Tariff Obligations for Facility Additions or Redispatch Costs

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: August 2, 2017

In cases where the Transmission Provider or ITC determines that the

Transmission System is not capable of providing Firm Point-To-Point

Transmission Service without: (1) degrading or impairing the reliability of service

to Native Load Customers, Network Customers and other Transmission

Customers taking Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service; or (2) interfering

with the Transmission Provider’s or ITC’s ability to meet prior firm contractual

commitments to others, the relevant Transmission Owner(s) or ITC will be

obligated to expand or upgrade its (their) Transmission System(s) pursuant to the

terms of Section 15.4. The Transmission Customer must agree to pay the

Transmission Provider or ITC for any necessary transmission facility additions

pursuant to the terms of Section 27.

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MISO 13.6

FERC Electric Tariff Curtailment of Firm Transmission Service

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: January 2, 2019

In the event that a Curtailment on the Transmission System, or a portion

thereof, is required to maintain reliable operation of such system, and the systems

directly and indirectly interconnected with the Transmission System, Curtailments

will be made on a non-discriminatory basis to the transaction(s) that effectively

relieve the constraint. The Transmission Provider may elect to implement such

Curtailments pursuant to the Transmission Loading Relief Procedures specified in

NERC Reliability Standards and NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standards. If

multiple transactions require Curtailment, to the extent practicable and consistent

with Good Utility Practice, the Transmission Provider will curtail service to

Network Customers and Transmission Customers taking Firm Point-To-Point

Transmission Service on a non-discriminatory basis. If any Transmission Owners

have Native Load Customers, then the Transmission Provider will curtail service

on a comparable basis to Native Load Customers.

All Curtailments will be made on a non-discriminatory basis; however, Non-Firm

Point-To-Point Transmission Service shall be subordinate to Firm Transmission

Service. When the Transmission Provider determines that an electrical

Emergency exists on its Transmission System and implements Emergency

procedures to curtail Firm Transmission Service, the Transmission Customer shall

make the required reductions upon request of the Transmission Provider.

However, the Transmission Provider reserves the right to curtail, in whole or in

part, any Firm Transmission Service provided under the Tariff when, in the

Transmission Provider’s sole discretion, an Emergency or other unforeseen

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MISO 13.6

FERC Electric Tariff Curtailment of Firm Transmission Service

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: January 2, 2019

condition impairs or degrades the reliability of its Transmission System. The

Transmission Provider will notify all affected Transmission Customers in a timely

manner of any scheduled Curtailments. In the event that the Transmission

Customer fails to cease or reduce service in response to a directive by the

Transmission Provider, the Transmission Customer shall pay the following

penalties in addition to any other applicable changes: $10 per kW if the customer

fails to curtail service within ten (10) minutes of a directive by the Transmission

Provider; or $20 per kW if the customer fails to curtail service within twenty (20)

minutes of a directive by the Transmission Provider.

These charges shall apply only to the portion of the service that the

Transmission Customer fails to curtail in response to a Transmission Provider or

ITC directive. The Transmission Provider or ITC, where applicable, shall

compensate any affected Local Balancing Authority Areas or Generation

Resources for their actual costs up to the amount recovered by the Transmission

Provider or ITC, as applicable. Any revenues in excess of actual costs shall be

used to reduce the Transmission Provider’s costs (for other than the penalized

Transmission Customer) in Schedule 10 or, in the case of ITC Service, any

revenues in excess of actual costs shall be applied as specified in the ITC Rate


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MISO 13.7

FERC Electric Tariff Classification of Firm Transmission Service

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: May 1, 2015

a. The Transmission Customer taking Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service

may (1) change its Receipt and Delivery Points to obtain service on a non-firm

basis consistent with the terms of Section 22.1 or (2) request a modification of the

Points of Receipt or Delivery on a firm basis pursuant to the terms of

Section 22.3.

b. The Transmission Customer may purchase Transmission Service to make sales of

Capacity and Energy from multiple Generation Resources that are interconnected

to the Transmission System. For such a purchase of Transmission Service, the

Generation Resource will be designated as multiple Points of Receipt, except that

multiple Generation Resources interconnected to the Transmission System and

Interface points designated as Points of Receipt shall be treated as a single Point

of Receipt.

c. The Transmission Provider or ITC, as applicable, shall provide firm deliveries of

Capacity and Energy from the Point(s) of Receipt to the Point(s) of Delivery.

Each Point of Receipt at which firm transmission capacity is reserved by the

Transmission Customer shall be set forth in the Firm Point-To-Point Service

Agreement for Long-Term Firm Transmission Service along with a corresponding

capacity reservation associated with each Point of Receipt. Points of Receipt and

corresponding capacity reservations shall be as mutually agreed upon by the

Parties for Short-Term Firm Transmission. Each Point of Delivery at which firm

transfer capability is reserved by the Transmission Customer shall be set forth in

the Firm Point-To-Point Service Agreement for Long-Term Firm Transmission

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MISO 13.7

FERC Electric Tariff Classification of Firm Transmission Service

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: May 1, 2015

Service along with a corresponding capacity reservation associated with each

Point of Delivery.

d. Points of Delivery and corresponding capacity reservations shall be as mutually

agreed upon by the Parties for Short-Term Firm Transmission. The greater of

either (1) the sum of the capacity reservations at the Point(s) of Receipt, or (2) the

sum of the capacity reservations at the Point(s) of Delivery shall be the

Transmission Customer’s Reserved Capacity. The Transmission Customer will

be billed for its Reserved Capacity under the terms of the applicable Schedule 7.

The Transmission Customer may not exceed its firm capacity reserved at each

Point of Receipt and each Point of Delivery except as otherwise specified in

Section 22. In the event that MISO identifies that a Transmission Customer’s

delivered energy exceeds its firm reserved capacity at any Point of Receipt or

Point of Delivery, the Transmission Customer shall pay unreserved use penalties

as follows: (1) the unreserved use penalties shall be based on the period of

unreserved use; (2) the unreserved use penalty for a single hour of unreserved use

shall be the applicable rate for daily firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service, as

set forth in Schedule 7 of the Tariff; and (3) more than one assessment for a given

duration (e.g., daily) shall result in an increase of the penalty period to the next

longest duration (e.g., weekly).

e. Unreserved use penalties assessed using daily firm Point-to-Point Transmission

Service rates shall account for off-peak and on-peak usage, as set forth in

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MISO 13.7

FERC Electric Tariff Classification of Firm Transmission Service

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: May 1, 2015

Schedule 7 of the Tariff. A 200% multiplier shall be applied to all assessed


i. Unreserved use penalties will be calculated on a monthly basis, and

allocated to all Tariff Customers and/or Transmission Owners that were

not assessed any unreserved use penalties during the applicable month.

Unreserved use penalties will be allocated to all such non-penalized Tariff

Customers and/or Transmission Owners on a pro rata basis using their

total Network Load for the month and their total Reserved Capacity for

Point-to-Point Transmission Service for the month. Specifically, the

Transmission Provider will allocate unreserved use revenues as follows:

Each Customer’s “Unreserved Use Determinant” is determined by adding

the total Network Load for the month for each Tariff Customer or

Transmission Owner not charged with unreserved use during that month to

that Tariff Customer’s or Transmission Owner’s total Reserved Capacity

for Point-to-Point Transmission Service for the month.

The “Aggregate Unreserved Use Determinant” is determined by adding

the total Network Load for the month of all Tariff Customers and

Transmission Owners not charged with unreserved use during that month

and the total Reserved Capacity for Point-to-Point Transmission Service

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MISO 13.7

FERC Electric Tariff Classification of Firm Transmission Service

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: May 1, 2015

for the month for all Tariff Customers and Transmission Owners not

charged with unreserved use during the month.

MISO will divide each Customer’s Unreserved Use Determinant by the

Aggregate Unreserved Use Determinant, and will multiply that quotient by

the aggregate unreserved use revenues for the month in order to determine

the share of such unreserved use revenues to be allocated to each such

Tariff Customer or Transmission Owner not charged with unreserved use

for the month.

f. For interchange transactions, evaluation of Interchange Schedules (including

Third-Party Sales by a Transmission Owner) against firm reserved capacity will

be utilized to identify instances of unreserved use. For transactions internal to the

MISO footprint, MISO shall implement monitoring as described in detail in

Business Practice Manual 013, Module B, Transmission Service, to identify

instances of unreserved use.

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MISO 13.8

FERC Electric Tariff Scheduling of Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Interchange Schedules for the Transmission Customer’s Firm Point-To-Point Transmission

Service must be submitted in accordance with the terms in Attachment J. Interchange Schedules

submitted after the applicable time specified in Attachment J will be accommodated, if

practicable. Transmission Customers shall submit all hour-to-hour and intra-hour (four intervals

consisting of fifteen minutes) Interchange Schedules electronically in a form specified by the

Transmission Provider. Hour-to-hour Interchange Schedules of any capacity and energy that is

to be delivered must be stated in increments of 1,000 kW per hour. Transmission Customers

within a Transmission Owner’s service area (or Local Balancing Authority Area) with multiple

requests for Transmission Service at a Point of Receipt, each of which is under 1,000 kW per

hour, may consolidate their service requests at a common Point of Receipt into units of 1,000 kW

per hour for scheduling and billing purposes. Scheduling changes will be permitted in

accordance with Attachment J. However, in the event of a system contingency such as a

generation or an unplanned Transmission Outage, or Curtailment or Interruption of Transmission

Service, scheduling changes will be implemented as soon as practicable.

The Transmission Provider, or if ITC Service is taken, the ITC, will furnish to the

Delivering Party’s system operator, hour-to-hour Interchange Schedules and intra-hour

Interchange Schedules equal to those furnished by the Receiving Party (unless reduced for

losses) and shall deliver the Capacity and Energy provided by such schedules. Should the

Transmission Customer, Delivering Party or Receiving Party revise or terminate any Interchange

Schedule, such party shall immediately notify the Transmission Provider or, if appropriate, the

ITC, and the Transmission Provider shall have the right to adjust accordingly the schedule for

Capacity and Energy to be received and to be delivered.

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MISO 13.8

FERC Electric Tariff Scheduling of Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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FERC Electric Tariff Nature of Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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MISO 14.1

FERC Electric Tariff Term

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service will be available for

periods ranging from one (1) hour to one (1) month. However, a Purchaser of

Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service will be entitled to reserve a

sequential term of service (such as a sequential monthly term without having to

wait for the initial term to expire before requesting another monthly term) so that

the total time period for which the reservation applies is greater than one month,

subject to the requirements of Attachment J.

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MISO 14.2

FERC Electric Tariff Reservation Priority

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service shall be available from

transfer capability in excess of that needed for reliable service to Native Load

Customers, Network Customers and other Transmission Customers taking Long-

Term and Short-Term Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service. A higher

priority will be assigned first to requests or reservations with a longer duration of

service and second to Pre-Confirmed Applications. Eligible Customers that have

already reserved shorter-term service have the right of first refusal to match any

longer-term request before being preempted. A longer-term competing request

for Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service will be granted if the Eligible

Customer with the right of first refusal does not agree to match the competing

request: (i) immediately for hourly Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission

Service after notification by the Transmission Provider; and, (ii) within

twenty-four (24) hours (or earlier if necessary to comply with the scheduling

deadlines provided in Attachment J) for Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission

Service other than hourly transactions after notification by the Transmission

Provider. When a longer duration request preempts multiple shorter duration

reservations, the shorter duration reservations shall have simultaneous

opportunities to exercise the right of first refusal. Time of match confirmation

will be used to determine the order by which the multiple shorter duration

reservations will be able to exercise the right of first refusal. In the event the

match confirmations are submitted simultaneously, the original OASIS queue

time will be utilized to determine the order by which the multiple shorter duration

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MISO 14.2

FERC Electric Tariff Reservation Priority

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

reservations will be able to exercise the right of first refusal. Transmission Service

for Network Customers from Generation Resources other than designated

Network Resources will have a higher priority than any Non-Firm Point-To-Point

Transmission Service. Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service over

secondary Point(s) of Receipt and Point(s) of Delivery will have the second

lowest reservation priority under this Tariff, and Non-Firm Point-To-Point

Transmission Service used for Next-Hour-Transmission Service will have the

lowest reservation priority under this Tariff.

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MISO 14.3

FERC Electric Tariff [RESERVED]

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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MISO 14.4

FERC Electric Tariff Service Agreements

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

The Transmission Provider shall offer a standard form Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission

Service Agreement (Attachment B to this Tariff) to an Eligible Customer when it first submits a

Completed Application for Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service pursuant to this

Tariff. Executed Service Agreements that contain the information required under this Tariff

shall be filed with the Commission in compliance with applicable Commission regulations.

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MISO 14.5

FERC Electric Tariff Classification of Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: May 1, 2015

Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service shall be offered under terms and

conditions contained in Module B of this Tariff and any applicable ITC Rate Schedule for ITC

Service offered within an ITC System. The Transmission Provider, Transmission Owners, ITC,

and ITC Participants undertake no obligation under this Tariff to plan the Transmission System

in order to have sufficient capacity for Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service. Parties

requesting Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service for the transmission of firm power do

so with the full realization that such service is subject to availability and to Curtailment or

Interruption under the terms of this Tariff. In the event that MISO identifies that a Transmission

Customer’s delivered energy exceeds its non-firm reserved capacity at any Point of Receipt or

Point of Delivery , the Transmission Customer shall pay unreserved use penalties as follows: (1)

the unreserved use penalties shall be based on the period of unreserved use; (2) the unreserved

use penalty for a single hour of unreserved use shall be the applicable rate for daily firm Point-

to-Point Transmission Service, as set forth in Schedule 7 of the Tariff; and (3) more than one

assessment for a given duration (e.g., daily) shall result in an increase of the penalty period to the

next longest duration (e.g., weekly). Unreserved use penalties assessed using daily firm Point-

to-Point Transmission Service rates shall account for off-peak and on-peak usage, as set forth in

Schedule 7 of the Tariff. A 200% multiplier shall be applied to all assessed penalties.

These penalty revenues shall be allocated in the manner set forth in Section 13.7 of the

Tariff except, when ITC Service is taken, the penalty revenues shall be used as set forth in the

applicable ITC Rate Schedule. Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service shall include

transmission of Energy on an hourly basis and transmission of scheduled short-term capacity and

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MISO 14.5

FERC Electric Tariff Classification of Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: May 1, 2015

Energy on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, but not to exceed one month’s reservation for any

one Application, under the applicable Schedule 8 or the applicable ITC Rate Schedule.

For interchange transactions, evaluation of Interchange Schedules (including Third-Party

Sales by a Transmission Owner) against non-firm reserved capacity will be utilized to identify

instances of unreserved use. For transactions internal to the MISO footprint, MISO shall

implement monitoring as described in detail in Business Practice Manual 013, Module B,

Transmission Service, to identify instances of unreserved use.

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MISO 14.6

FERC Electric Tariff Scheduling Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Interchange Schedules for Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service, other than for Next-

Hour-Transmission Service, must be submitted to the Transmission Provider or, when

appropriate, the ITC, in accordance with the terms in Attachment J. Interchange Schedules

submitted after the time specified in Attachment J will be accommodated, if practicable.

Transmission Customers shall submit all Interchange Schedules electronically in a form

specified by the Transmission Provider or ITC, if applicable. Hour-to-hour and intra-hour (four

intervals consisting of fifteen minutes) Interchange Schedules of Energy that are to be delivered

must be stated in increments of 1,000 kW per hour. Transmission Customers within the

Transmission Owner’s service (or control) area with multiple requests for Transmission Service

at a Point of Receipt, each of which is under 1,000 kW per hour [MWh], may consolidate their

Interchange Schedules at a common Point of Receipt into units of 1,000 kW per hour [MWh].

Scheduling changes will be permitted in accordance with Attachment J. The Transmission

Provider or, when appropriate the ITC, will furnish to the Delivering Party’s system operator,

hour-to-hour and intra-hour Interchange Schedules equal to those furnished by the Receiving

Party (unless reduced for losses) and shall deliver the Capacity and Energy provided by such

schedules. Should the Transmission Customer, Delivering Party or Receiving Party revise or

terminate any Interchange Schedule, such party shall immediately notify the Transmission

Provider or, where appropriate the ITC, and the Transmission Provider or the ITC shall have the

right to adjust accordingly the schedule for Capacity and Energy to be received and to be

delivered. Schedules for Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service for Next-Hour

Transmission Service must be in accordance with Attachment J. Schedules submitted less than

twenty (20) minutes prior to the start of the schedule will be accommodated, if practicable.

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MISO 14.6

FERC Electric Tariff Scheduling Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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MISO 14.7

FERC Electric Tariff Curtailment or Interruption of Service

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: January 2, 2019

The Transmission Provider reserves the right to curtail, in whole or in part, Non-Firm

Point-To-Point Transmission Service provided under this Tariff for reliability reasons when, an

Emergency or other unforeseen condition threatens to impair or degrade the reliability of the

Transmission System or the systems directly and indirectly interconnected with the Transmission

System. The Transmission Provider may elect to implement such Curtailments pursuant to the

Transmission Loading Relief Procedures specified in NERC Reliability Standards and NAESB

WEQ Business Practice Standards. The Transmission Provider reserves the right to interrupt, in

whole or in part, Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service provided under this Tariff for

economic reasons in order to accommodate (i) a request for Firm Transmission Service; (ii) a

request for Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service of greater duration; (iii) a request for

Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service of equal duration with a higher price; or (iv)

Transmission Service for Network Customers from non-designated Resources. Point-To-Point

Transmission Service for Next-Hour-Transmission Service will always have the lowest priority.

The Transmission Provider also will discontinue or reduce service to the Transmission Customer

to the extent that deliveries for transmission are discontinued or reduced at the Point(s) of

Receipt. Where required, Curtailments or Interruptions will be made on a non-discriminatory

basis to the transaction(s) that effectively relieve the constraint; however, Non-Firm

Point-To-Point Transmission Service shall be subordinate to Firm Transmission Service. If

multiple transactions require Curtailment or Interruption, to the extent practicable and consistent

with Good Utility Practice, Curtailments or Interruptions will be made first to

Next-Hour-Transmission Service and then to remaining transactions beginning with those

transactions of the shortest term (e.g., hourly non-firm transactions will be curtailed or

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MISO 14.7

FERC Electric Tariff Curtailment or Interruption of Service

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: January 2, 2019

interrupted before daily non-firm transactions and daily non-firm transactions will be curtailed or

interrupted before weekly non-firm transactions). Transmission Service for Network Customers

from Resources other than designated Network Resources will have a higher priority than any

Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service under this Tariff. Non-Firm Point-To-Point

Transmission Service over secondary Point(s) of Receipt and Point(s) of Delivery will have a

higher priority than Next-Hour Transmission Service, but will have a lower priority than any

other Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service under the Tariff. The Transmission

Provider will provide advance notice of Curtailment or Interruption where such notice can be

provided consistent with Good Utility Practice. In the event that the Transmission Customer

fails to cease or reduce service in response to a directive by the Transmission Provider, the

Transmission Customer shall pay the following penalties in addition to any other applicable


a. $10 per kW if the Customer fails to curtail service within ten (10) minutes of a directive

by the Transmission Provider;

b. $20 per kW if the Customer fails to curtail service within twenty (20) minutes of a

directive by the Transmission Provider; or

c. $20 per kW if the customer fails to interrupt service at the beginning of the Hour for

which the Interruption is requested; provided that the customer is given a minimum of

forty (40) minutes notice before the beginning of such Hour; and provided further that the

customer may retain its service and avoid the penalty by agreeing pursuant to

Section 14.2 of this Tariff to match any longer-term reservation and/or higher price in a

competing request before being Interrupted.

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MISO 14.7

FERC Electric Tariff Curtailment or Interruption of Service

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: January 2, 2019

These charges shall apply only to the portion of the service that the Transmission

Customer fails to curtail or interrupt in response to a Curtailment or Interruption directive. The

Transmission Provider or ITC where applicable, shall compensate any affected Local Balancing

Authority Areas or generators for their actual costs up to the amount recovered by the

Transmission Provider or ITC, as applicable. Any revenues in excess of actual costs shall be

used to reduce the Transmission Provider costs (for other than the penalized Transmission

Customer) in Schedule 10 or, in the case of ITC Service, any revenues in excess of actual costs

shall be applied as specified in an ITC Rate Schedule.

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FERC Electric Tariff Service Availability

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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MISO 15.1

FERC Electric Tariff General Conditions

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

The Transmission Provider will provide Firm and Non-Firm Point-To-

Point Transmission Service over, on or across its Transmission System to any

Transmission Customer that has met the requirements of Section 16.1.

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MISO 15.2

FERC Electric Tariff Determination of Available Transfer Capability

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

A description of the Transmission Provider’s specific methodology for

assessing available transfer capability posted on the Transmission Provider’s

OASIS (Section 4) is contained in Attachment C of the Tariff. In the event

sufficient transfer capability may not exist to accommodate a service request, the

Transmission Provider or as appropriate, the ITC, will respond by performing a

System Impact Study in accordance with Attachment D to this Tariff.

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MISO 15.3

FERC Electric Tariff Initiating Service in Absence of Executed Agreement

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

If the Transmission Provider and the Transmission Customer requesting Firm or Non-Firm

Point-To-Point Transmission Service cannot agree on all the terms and conditions of the Point-

To-Point Transmission Service Agreement, the Transmission Provider shall file with the

Commission, within thirty (30) days after the date the Transmission Customer provides written

notification directing the Transmission Provider to file, an unexecuted Point-To-Point Service

Agreement containing terms and conditions deemed appropriate by the Transmission Provider

for such requested Transmission Service.

The Transmission Provider shall commence providing Transmission Service subject to the

Transmission Customer agreeing to: (i) compensate the Transmission Provider at whatever rate

the Commission ultimately determines to be just and reasonable and (ii) comply with the terms

and conditions of the Tariff including posting appropriate security deposits in accordance with

the terms of Section 17.4.

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MISO 15.4

FERC Electric Tariff Obligation to Provide Service Requiring Expansion

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: August 2, 2017

If the Transmission Provider determines that it cannot accommodate a

Completed Application for Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service because of

insufficient capability on the Transmission System, the Transmission Provider

and the affected Transmission Owner(s) and ITC(s) will use due diligence to

expand or modify the Transmission System to provide the requested Firm

Transmission Service, consistent with its planning obligations in Attachment FF,

provided the Transmission Customer agrees to compensate the Transmission

Provider and ITC for such costs pursuant to the terms of Section 27. The

Transmission Provider and the affected Transmission Owner(s), ITC(s), and ITC

Participant(s), if applicable, will conform to Good Utility Practice and its

planning obligations in Attachment FF, in determining the need for new facilities

and in the design and construction of such facilities. The obligation applies only

to those facilities that the affected Transmission Owner(s), ITC(s), and ITC

Participant(s) have the right to expand or modify.

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MISO 15.5

FERC Electric Tariff Deferral of Service

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

The Transmission Provider may defer providing service until construction

is completed of new transmission facilities or upgrades needed to provide Firm

Point-To-Point Transmission Service whenever the Transmission Provider

determines that providing the requested service would, without such new facilities

or upgrades, impair or degrade reliability to any existing firm services.

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MISO 15.6

FERC Electric Tariff Other Transmission Service Schedules

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Eligible Customers receiving Transmission Service under Grandfathered

Agreements and ITC Grandfathered Agreements may continue to receive

Transmission Service under those agreements until such time as those agreements

may be modified by the Commission.

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MISO 15.7

FERC Electric Tariff Marginal Losses

MODULES 32.0.0

Effective On: March 1, 2015

System Losses are associated with all Transmission Service including

Transmission Service associated with Grandfathered Agreements. The

Transmission Provider shall assess to Market Participants the Marginal Losses

Component of Ex Post LMP, as specified in Sections 39.2.9, 39.3.3.c.ii, 40.2.11,

and 40.4.1.

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FERC Electric Tariff Transmission Customer Responsibilities

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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MISO 16.1

FERC Electric Tariff Conditions Required of Transmission Customers

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Point-To-Point Transmission Service shall be provided by the Transmission Provider, or,

as applicable, the ITC only if the following conditions are satisfied by the Transmission


a. The Transmission Customer has pending a Completed Application for service;

b. The Transmission Customer meets the creditworthiness criteria set forth in Attachment L;

c. The Transmission Customer will have arrangements in place for any other Transmission

Service necessary to effect the delivery from the Generating Source to the Transmission

Provider prior to the time service under Module B of this Tariff commences;

d. The Transmission Customer agrees to pay for any facilities constructed and chargeable to

such Transmission Customer under Module B of this Tariff, whether or not the

Transmission Customer takes service for the full term of its reservation;

e. The Transmission Customer provides the information required by the Transmission

Provider’s planning process established in Attachment FF; and

f. The Transmission Customer has executed a Point-To-Point Service Agreement or has

agreed to receive service pursuant to Section 15.3.

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MISO 16.2

FERC Electric Tariff Customer Responsibility for Third-Party Arrangements

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Any scheduling arrangements that may be required by other electric

systems shall be the responsibility of the Transmission Customer requesting

service. The Transmission Customer shall provide, unless waived by the

Transmission Provider, notification to the Transmission Provider identifying such

systems and authorizing them to schedule the Capacity and Energy to be

transmitted by the Transmission Provider pursuant to Module B of this Tariff on

behalf of the Receiving Party at the Point of Delivery or the Delivering Party at

the Point of Receipt. However, the Transmission Provider will undertake

reasonable efforts to assist the Transmission Customer in making such

arrangements, including without limitation, providing any information or data

required by such other electric system pursuant to Good Utility Practice.

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FERC Electric Tariff Arranging Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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MISO 17.1

FERC Electric Tariff Application

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

A request for Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service for

periods of one year or longer must contain a written Application to the

Transmission Provider submitted in accordance with the timelines set

forth in Attachment J. All Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service

requests should be submitted by entering the information listed below on

the Transmission Provider’s OASIS.

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MISO 17.2

FERC Electric Tariff Time Requirements

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Attachment J lists the time requirements applicable to when the

requests must be made, the evaluation of the requests, and the

Transmission Customer response. Requests for Firm Point-To-Point

Service that are subject to no earlier than submission timelines and that are

submitted during the first five minutes after the time when Firm Point-To-

Point Service can first be requested on the OASIS in accordance with

Attachment J, will be considered as if they were submitted simultaneously

during such window as set forth in Section 17.6 of this Tariff.

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MISO 17.3

FERC Electric Tariff Completed Application

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

A Completed Application shall provide all of the information

included in 18 C.F.R. § 2.20 including but not limited to the following:

(i) The identity, address, email address, telephone number and

facsimile number of the entity requesting service;

(ii) A statement that the entity requesting service is, or will be upon

commencement of service, an Eligible Customer under this Tariff;

(iii) The location of the Point(s) of Receipt and Point(s) of Delivery

and the identities of the Delivering Parties and the Receiving


(iv) The location of the Generation Resource(s) supplying the capacity

and Energy and the location of the Load ultimately served by the

capacity and energy transmitted. The Transmission Provider will

treat this information as confidential except to the extent that

disclosure of this information is required by this Tariff, by

regulatory or judicial order, for reliability purposes pursuant to

Good Utility Practice or pursuant to RTG transmission information

sharing agreements. The Transmission Provider shall treat this

information consistent with the standards of conduct contained in

Part 37 of the Commission’s regulations;

(v) A description of the supply characteristics of the capacity and

Energy to be delivered;

(vi) An estimate of the Capacity and Energy expected to be delivered

to the Receiving Party;

(vii) The service commencement date and the term of the requested

Transmission Service; and

(viii) The transmission capacity requested for each Point of Receipt and

each Point of Delivery on the Transmission Provider’s

Transmission System; customers may combine their requests for

service in order to satisfy the minimum transmission capacity

requirement. The Transmission Provider and, when ITC Service is

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MISO 17.3

FERC Electric Tariff Completed Application

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

requested, ITC shall treat this information consistent with the

standards of conduct contained in Part 37 of the Commission’s


(ix) A statement indicating that, if the Eligible Customer submits a pre-

confirmed Application, the Eligible Customer will execute a

Service Agreement upon receipt of notification that the

Transmission Provider can provide the requested Transmission

Service; and

(x) Any additional information required by the Transmission

Provider’s planning process established in Attachment FF.

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MISO 17.4

FERC Electric Tariff Deposit

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

A Completed Application for Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service

also shall include, at the discretion of Transmission Provider, a deposit of either

one month’s charge for Reserved Capacity, the full charge for Reserved Capacity

for service requests of less than one month, or a request for waiver of such

deposit, which request shall be accepted if the Eligible Customer is found by the

Transmission Provider to be creditworthy.

If the Application is rejected by the Transmission Provider because it does

not meet the conditions for service as set forth herein, or in the case of requests

for service arising in connection with losing bidders in a Request For Proposals

(“RFP”), said deposit shall be returned with interest less any reasonable costs

incurred by the Transmission Provider in connection with the review of the losing

bidder’s Application. The deposit also will be returned with interest less any

reasonable costs incurred by the Transmission Provider if the Transmission

Provider is unable to complete new facilities needed to provide the service.

If an Application is withdrawn or the Eligible Customer decides not to

enter into a Service Agreement for Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service,

any deposit shall be refunded in full, with interest, less reasonable costs incurred

by the Transmission Provider to the extent such costs have not already been

recovered by the Transmission Provider from the Eligible Customer. The

Transmission Provider will provide to the Eligible Customer a complete

accounting of all costs deducted from any refunded deposit, which the Eligible

Customer may contest if there is a dispute concerning the deducted costs.

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MISO 17.4

FERC Electric Tariff Deposit

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Deposits associated with construction of new facilities are subject to the

provisions of Section 19. If a Service Agreement for Firm Point-To-Point

Transmission Service is executed, any deposit, with interest, will be returned to

the Transmission Customer upon expiration or termination of the Service

Agreement for Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service. Applicable interest

shall be computed in accordance with the Commission’s regulations at 18 C.F.R.

§ 35.19a(a)(2)(iii) and shall be calculated from the day the deposit check is

credited to the Transmission Provider’s account.

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MISO 17.5

FERC Electric Tariff Notice of Deficient Application

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

If an Application fails to meet the requirements of this Tariff, the

Transmission Provider shall notify the entity requesting service within the

applicable time period set forth in Attachment J for responding to Applications.

The Transmission Provider will attempt to remedy minor deficiencies in the

Application through informal communications with the Eligible Customer. If

such efforts are unsuccessful, the Transmission Provider shall return the

Application, along with any deposit, with interest. Upon receipt of a new or

revised Application that fully complies with the requirements of Module B of this

Tariff, the Eligible Customer shall be assigned a new priority consistent with the

date of the new or revised Application.

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MISO 17.6

FERC Electric Tariff Response to a Completed Application

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Following receipt of a Completed Application for Firm Point-To-Point

Transmission Service, the Transmission Provider shall make a determination of

available transfer capability as required in Section 15.2. If sufficient

transmission capacity is not available to meet requests submitted during the five

minute window described in Section 17.2 of this Tariff, the system(s) will

implement a Customer Allocation Lottery methodology for awarding of

transmission capacity to the TSRs submitted. The Customer Allocation Lottery is

conducted for all TSRs submitted during the five minute window and establishes

the relative order for evaluation of SSW TSRs within the overall queue of

pending requests being processed within the system. The Customer Allocation

Lottery will sort the impacted TSRs by priority based on NERC curtailment

priority, request duration, and pre-confirmation status. TSRs within the tiers will

then be assigned a random queue position and responses to Completed

Applications (including AFC evaluations and grants of service) will occur in

accordance with this Tariff in the numerical order established using the queue

position assigned via the Customer Allocation Lottery. Transmission Customers

will not be allocated transmission capacity in excess of the capacity requested in

the TSR submitted; however, based on the queue position and the amount of

available AFC, each TSR shall be awarded the full amount of capacity requested,

a portion thereof or no capacity. During the conduct of each lottery, all of the

requested AFC will be allocated.

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MISO 17.6

FERC Electric Tariff Response to a Completed Application

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

The Transmission Provider shall notify the Eligible Customer in

accordance with the times in Attachment J either (i) if it will be able to provide

service without performing a System Impact Study or (ii) if such a study is needed

to evaluate the impact of the Application pursuant to Section 19.1. Responses by

the Transmission Provider must be made as soon as practicable to all completed

applications on a non-discriminatory basis.

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MISO 17.7

FERC Electric Tariff Execution of Service Agreement

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Whenever the Transmission Provider or, as applicable, ITC determines

that a System Impact Study is not required and that the service can be provided,

Transmission Provider shall notify the Eligible Customer consistent with the

applicable time period set forth in Attachment J. Where a System Impact Study is

required, the provisions of Section 19 will govern the execution of a Service

Agreement. Failure of an Eligible Customer to execute and return the Service

Agreement or request the filing of an unexecuted service agreement pursuant to

Section 15.3, within the times in Attachment J will be deemed a withdrawal and

termination of the Application and any deposit submitted shall be refunded with

interest. Nothing herein limits the right of an Eligible Customer to file another

Application after such withdrawal and termination.

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MISO 17.8

FERC Electric Tariff Extensions for Commencement of Service

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

The Transmission Customer can obtain, subject to availability, up to five

(5) one-year extensions for the commencement of service. The Transmission

Customer may postpone service by notifying the Transmission Provider or, as

applicable, ITC, 31 days prior to the commencement date of the service as

initially requested and paying a non-refundable annual reservation fee equal to

one (1) month’s charge for Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service for each

year or fraction thereof within fifteen (15) days of notification to the Transmission

Provider of its intent to extend the commencement of service. If during any

extension for the commencement of service an Eligible Customer submits a

Completed Application for Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service, and such

request can be satisfied only by releasing all or part of the Transmission

Customer’s Reserved Capacity, the original Reserved Capacity will be released

unless the following condition is satisfied. Within thirty (30) days, the original

Transmission Customer agrees to pay the Firm Point-To-Point transmission rate

for its Reserved Capacity concurrent with the new Service Commencement Date.

In the event the Transmission Customer elects to release the Reserved Capacity,

the reservation fees or portions thereof previously paid will be forfeited.

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FERC Electric Tariff Arranging Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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MISO 18.1

FERC Electric Tariff Application

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Eligible Customers seeking Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission

Service must submit a Completed Application to the Transmission Provider.

Applications should be submitted by entering the information listed below on the

Transmission Provider’s OASIS.

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MISO 18.2

FERC Electric Tariff Completed Application

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

A Completed Application shall provide all of the information included in

18 C.F.R. § 2.20 including but not limited to the following:

i. The identity, address, email address, telephone number and facsimile

number of the entity requesting service;

ii. A statement that the entity requesting service is, or will be upon

commencement of service, an Eligible Customer under the Tariff;

iii. The Point(s) of Receipt and the Point(s) of Delivery;

iv. The maximum amount of capacity requested at each Point of Receipt and

Point of Delivery; and

v. The proposed dates and hours for initiating and terminating Transmission

Service hereunder. In addition to the information specified above, when

required to properly evaluate system conditions, the Transmission

Provider also may ask the Transmission Customer to provide the

information indicated in (vi) and (vii) below.

vi. The electrical location of the initial source of the power to be transmitted

pursuant to the Transmission Customer’s request for service; and

vii. The electrical location of the ultimate Load. The Transmission Provider

and, when ITC Service is requested, the ITC will treat this information in

(vi) and (vii) as confidential at the request of the Transmission Customer

except to the extent that disclosure of this information is required by this

Tariff, by regulatory or judicial order, for reliability purposes pursuant to

Good Utility Practice, or pursuant to RTG transmission information

sharing agreements. The Transmission Provider and, as applicable, the

ITC shall treat this information consistent with the standards of conduct

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MISO 18.2

FERC Electric Tariff Completed Application

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

contained in Part 37 of the Commission’s regulations.

viii. A statement indicating that, if the Eligible Customer submits a pre-

confirmed Application, the Eligible Customer will execute a Service

Agreement upon receipt of notification that the Transmission Provider can

provide the requested Transmission Service.

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MISO 18.3

FERC Electric Tariff Requests and Responses for Non-Firm Point-to-Point Service

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Attachment J lists the time requirements applicable to when the requests

must be made, the evaluation of the requests, and the Transmission Customer

response. Requests for service received later than the applicable time prior to the

day service is scheduled to commence will be accommodated if practicable.

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MISO 18.4

FERC Electric Tariff Determination of Available Transfer Capability

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Following receipt of a tendered schedule the Transmission Provider will

make a determination on a non-discriminatory basis of available transfer

capability pursuant to Section 15.2. Such determination shall be made as soon as

reasonably practicable after receipt, but not later than the time periods specified in

Attachment J.

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FERC Electric Tariff Additional Study Procedures For Firm Point-To-Point TSRs

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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MISO 19.1

FERC Electric Tariff Notice of Need for System Impact Study

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: August 2, 2017

After receiving a request for service, the Transmission Provider or ITC, as

applicable, shall determine on a non-discriminatory basis whether a System

Impact Study is needed. Such review, to the extent reasonably feasible, shall rely

upon existing planning studies and System Impact Studies. A description of the

Transmission Provider’s and, as applicable, ITC’s methodology for completing a

System Impact Study is provided in Attachment D.

If the Transmission Provider or ITC, as applicable, determines that a

System Impact Study is necessary to accommodate the requested service, the

Transmission Provider shall so inform the Eligible Customer within the times

specified in Attachment J. The Transmission Provider shall within thirty (30)

days of receipt of a Completed Application tender a System Impact Study

Agreement in the form of Attachment D-1 of this Tariff, pursuant to which the

Eligible Customer shall agree to reimburse the Transmission Provider or ITC, as

applicable, for performing the required System Impact Study including any costs

of the Transmission Owner(s) and ITC Participant(s) where applicable. For a

service request to remain a Completed Application, the Eligible Customer shall

execute the System Impact Study agreement and return it to the Transmission

Provider within the time provided for in Attachment J. If the Eligible Customer

elects not to execute the System Impact Study agreement, its application shall be

deemed withdrawn and any deposit, pursuant to Section 17.4, shall be returned

with interest.

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MISO 19.1

FERC Electric Tariff Notice of Need for System Impact Study

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: August 2, 2017

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MISO 19.1.1

FERC Electric Tariff Exception to Need for System Impact Study

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: February 1, 2016

Generally, a System Impact Study is required to approve requests for Firm Point-to-Point

Service with a duration of one year or longer. There is one instance where a request can be

approved without an individualized System Impact Study.

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FERC Electric Tariff Withdrawal of Higher Queued Request on Same Path

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

If a request for long term Firm Point-to-Point service is studied in a System Impact

Study, but ultimately does not result in service being taken by the Transmission Customer, and

there is another request of equal or fewer MW next in queue, then the subsequent request can

utilize the higher queued request’s System Impact Study results and proceed with one of the

following two steps.

i) If there are no constraints identified in the System Impact Study, then the Eligible

Customer will be required to execute the Service Agreement within the

Attachment J timeline.

ii) If there are constraints that need to be mitigated by the transmission customer,

then the Transmission Provider will proceed with a Facilities Study, if that

Facilities Study was not completed by the higher queued request, and notify and

send a Facilities Study agreement within the Attachment J timeline.

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FERC Electric Tariff Pre-Certified Point to Point Transmission Drive-Out Paths

MODULES 32.0.0

Effective On: February 1, 2016

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MISO 19.2

FERC Electric Tariff System Impact Study Agreement and Cost Reimbursement

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

(i) The System Impact Study agreement will clearly specify the

Transmission Provider’s or, as applicable, ITC’s estimate of the

actual cost, and time for completion of the System Impact Study.

The charge shall not exceed the actual cost of the study. In

performing the System Impact Study, the Transmission Provider

or, as applicable, ITC shall rely, to the extent reasonably

practicable, on existing transmission planning studies. The

Eligible Customer will not be assessed a charge for such existing

studies; however, the Eligible Customer will be responsible for

charges associated with any modifications to existing planning

studies that are reasonably necessary to evaluate the impact of the

Eligible Customer’s request for service on the Transmission


(ii) If in response to multiple Eligible Customers requesting service in

relation to the same competitive solicitation, a single System

Impact Study is sufficient for the Transmission Provider or ITC, as

applicable, to accommodate the requests for service, the costs of

that study shall be pro-rated among the Eligible Customers.

(iii) Each Transmission Owner shall pay the Transmission Provider for

System Impact Studies that the Transmission Provider conducts on

the Transmission Owner’s behalf in instances where merchant

employees of the Transmission Owner, or as applicable the ITC,

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MISO 19.2

FERC Electric Tariff System Impact Study Agreement and Cost Reimbursement

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

have requested Transmission Service, the same as any non-

transmission owning customer.

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MISO 19.3

FERC Electric Tariff System Impact Study Procedures

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: August 2, 2017

Upon receipt of an executed System Impact Study Agreement in the form

of Attachment D-1 of this Tariff, the Transmission Provider or ITC, as applicable,

will use due diligence to complete the required System Impact Study in

coordination with the relevant Transmission Owners within sixty (60) days or as

soon as practicable. The System Impact Study shall identify (1) any system

constraints, identified with specificity by transmission element or flowgate, and

(2) additional Direct Assignment Facilities or Network Upgrades required to

provide the requested service.

In the event that the Transmission Provider or ITC is unable to complete

the required System Impact Study within such time period, it shall so notify the

Eligible Customer and provide an estimated completion date along with an

explanation of the reasons why additional time is required to complete the

required studies. A copy of the completed System Impact Study and related work

papers shall be made available to the Eligible Customer as soon as the System

Impact Study is complete. The Transmission Provider or ITC will use the same

due diligence in completing the System Impact Study for an Eligible Customer as

it uses when completing studies for Transmission Owners or ITC Participants.

The Transmission Provider or ITC, as applicable, shall notify the Eligible

Customer immediately upon completion of the System Impact Study if the

Transmission System will be adequate to accommodate all or part of a request for

service or that no costs are likely to be incurred for new transmission facilities or

upgrades. In order for a request to remain a Completed Application, within the

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MISO 19.3

FERC Electric Tariff System Impact Study Procedures

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: August 2, 2017

time period set forth in Attachment J for a customer response from the date of

completion of the System Impact Study the Eligible Customer must execute a

Service Agreement or request the filing of an unexecuted Service Agreement

pursuant to Section 15.3 or the Application shall be deemed terminated and


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MISO 19.4

FERC Electric Tariff Facilities Study Procedures

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

If a System Impact Study indicates that additions or upgrades to the Transmission System

are needed to supply the Eligible Customer’s service request, the Transmission Provider, within

thirty (30) days of the completion of the System Impact Study, shall tender to the Eligible

Customer a Facilities Study Agreement pursuant to which the Eligible Customer shall agree to

reimburse the Transmission Provider or, as applicable, ITC and any affected Transmission

Owner(s) for performing the required Facilities Study. For a service request to remain a

Completed Application, the Eligible Customer shall execute the Facilities Study Agreement in

the form of Attachment D-2 of this Tariff and return it to the Transmission Provider within

fifteen (15) days. If the Eligible Customer elects not to execute the Facilities Study Agreement,

its application shall be deemed withdrawn and any deposit, pursuant to Section 17.4, shall be

returned with interest. Upon receipt of an executed Facilities Study Agreement, the

Transmission Provider or ITC, as applicable, in coordination with the appropriate Transmission

Owner(s) and ITC Participant(s) will use due diligence to complete the required Facilities Study

within a one hundred and twenty (120) day period.

If the Transmission Provider or ITC, as applicable, together with the affected

Transmission Owner(s) and ITC Participant(s) are unable to complete the Facilities Study in the

allotted time period, the Transmission Provider or ITC, as applicable, shall notify the

Transmission Customer and provide an estimate of the time needed to reach a final determination

along with an explanation of the reasons that additional time is required to complete the study.

When completed, the Facilities Study will include a good faith estimate of: (i) the cost of Direct

Assignment Facilities to be charged to the Transmission Customer; (ii) the Transmission

Customer’s appropriate share of the cost of any required Network Upgrades as determined

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MISO 19.4

FERC Electric Tariff Facilities Study Procedures

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

pursuant to the provisions of Module B of this Tariff; and (iii) the time required to complete such

construction and initiate the requested service. Unless the Transmission Provider determines that

the Transmission Customer already has a letter(s) of credit or other form(s) of security on file

with the Transmission Provider that is sufficient to cover its existing and proposed obligations,

the Transmission Customer shall be requested to provide the Transmission Provider with a letter

of credit or other reasonable form of security acceptable to the Transmission Provider or ITC, as

applicable, equivalent to the costs of new facilities or upgrades consistent with commercial

practices as established by the Uniform Commercial Code. Within the time set out on

Attachment J, the Transmission Customer shall execute a Service Agreement or request the filing

of an unexecuted Service Agreement and provide the required letter of credit or other form of

security or the request will no longer be a Completed Application and shall be deemed

terminated and withdrawn.

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MISO 19.4.1

FERC Electric Tariff Changes in Facilities Study Assumptions

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Any changes to the original assumptions, considered during the

System Impact Study, that arise during the Facilities Study, that can

materially impact the results of the Facilities Study, may require the

Transmission Provider to re-evaluate the results of the original System

Impact Study. If the Transmission Provider ascertains that the changes in

assumptions are material modifications to the original scope of the study,

that could change the outcome of the Facilities Study, then the

Transmission Provider shall temporarily stop work on the Facilities Study

until the results from the re-evaluation are available. After the re-

evaluation results are available, the Transmission Provider will make the

final determination whether the initial Facilities Study should proceed

based on the original scope or based on the revised scope. If the scope of

the initial Facilities Study needs to be revised, then the Transmission

Provider will reset the one hundred and twenty (120) day clock to perform

the revised Facilities Study. The Transmission Provider will take

appropriate steps to communicate to the customer the revised scope and

schedule the revised Facilities Study.

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MISO 19.4.1

FERC Electric Tariff Changes in Facilities Study Assumptions

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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MISO 19.5

FERC Electric Tariff Facilities Study Modifications

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Any change in design arising from inability to site or construct facilities as

proposed will require development of a revised good faith estimate. New good

faith estimates also will be required in the event of new statutory or regulatory

requirements that are effective before the completion of construction or other

circumstances beyond the control of the Transmission Provider, ITC, ITC

Participant(s), or the affected Transmission Owner(s) that significantly affect the

final cost of new facilities or upgrades to be charged to the Transmission

Customer pursuant to the provisions of Module B of this Tariff.

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MISO 19.6

FERC Electric Tariff Due Diligence in Completing New Facilities

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

The Transmission Provider or the ITC, as applicable, and the affected

Transmission Owner(s) shall use due diligence to add necessary facilities or

upgrade the Transmission System within a reasonable time. The Transmission

Provider will not allow the upgrade to the existing or planned Transmission

System in order to provide the requested Firm Point-To-Point Transmission

Service if doing so would impair system reliability or otherwise impair or degrade

existing firm service.

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MISO 19.7

FERC Electric Tariff Partial Interim Service

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: August 2, 2017

If the Transmission Provider or ITC determines that it will not have

adequate transfer capability to satisfy the full amount of a Completed Application

for Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service, the Transmission Provider

nonetheless shall be obligated to offer and provide the portion of the requested

Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service that can be accommodated without

addition of any facilities. However, the Transmission Provider shall not be

obligated to provide the incremental amount of requested Firm Point-To-Point

Transmission Service that requires the addition of facilities or upgrades to the

Transmission System until such facilities or upgrades have been placed in service.

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MISO 19.8

FERC Electric Tariff Expedited Procedures for New Facilities

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

In lieu of the procedures set forth above, the Eligible Customer shall have

the option to expedite the process by requesting the Transmission Provider to

tender at one time, together with the results of required studies, an expedited

Service Agreement pursuant to which the Eligible Customer would agree to

compensate the Transmission Provider or ITC and the affected Transmission

Owner(s) for all costs incurred pursuant to the terms of this Tariff. In order to

exercise this option, the Eligible Customer shall request in writing an expedited

Service Agreement covering all of the above-specified items within the time

limits set forth in Attachment J from the time it receives the results of the System

Impact Study identifying needed facility additions or upgrades or costs incurred in

providing the requested service.

While the Transmission Provider, ITC, as applicable, and the affected

Transmission Owner(s) agree to provide the Eligible Customer with their best

estimate of the new facility costs and other charges that may be incurred, such

estimate shall not be binding and the Eligible Customer must agree in writing to

compensate the Transmission Provider, ITC, and the affected Transmission

Owner(s) for all costs incurred pursuant to the provisions of the Tariff. The

Eligible Customer shall execute and return such an Expedited Service Agreement

within fifteen (15) days of its receipt or the Eligible Customer’s request for

service will cease to be a Completed Application and will be deemed terminated

and withdrawn.

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MISO 19.8

FERC Electric Tariff Expedited Procedures for New Facilities

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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MISO 19.9

FERC Electric Tariff Penalties for Failure to Meet Study Deadlines:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Sections 19.3 and 19.4 of this Tariff require a Transmission Provider to use due

diligence to meet sixty (60) day study completion deadlines for System Impact

Studies and a one hundred and twenty (120) day completion deadline for Facilities


(i) The Transmission Provider is required to file a notice with the Commission in the

event that more than twenty percent (20%) of non-Affiliates’ System Impact

Studies and Facilities Studies completed by the Transmission Provider in any two

(2) consecutive calendar quarters are not completed within the sixty (60) day

study completion deadlines for System Impact Study, and a one hundred and

twenty (120) day study completion deadline for and Facilities Study. Such notice

must be filed within thirty (30) days of the end of the calendar quarter triggering

the notice requirement.

(ii) For the purposes of calculating the percent of non-Affiliates’ System Impact

Studies and Facilities Studies processed outside of the sixty (60) and one hundred

and twenty (120) day study completion deadlines, respectively, the Transmission

Provider shall consider all System Impact Studies and Facilities Studies that it

completes for non-Affiliates during the calendar quarter. The percentage should

be calculated by dividing the number of those studies which are completed on

time by the total number of completed studies. The Transmission Provider may

provide an explanation in its notification filing to the Commission if it believes

there are extenuating circumstances that prevented it from meeting the sixty (60)

day study completion deadlines for System Impact Studies and the one hundred

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MISO 19.9

FERC Electric Tariff Penalties for Failure to Meet Study Deadlines:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

and twenty (120) day study completion times for the facilities study.

(iii)The Transmission Provider is subject to an operational penalty if it completes ten

percent (10%) or more of non-Affiliates’ System Impact Studies and Facilities

Studies outside of the sixty (60) and one hundred and twenty (120) day study

completion deadlines, respectively, for each of the two (2) calendar quarters

immediately following the quarter that triggered its notification filing to the

Commission. The operational penalty will be assessed for each calendar quarter

for which an operational penalty applies, starting with the calendar quarter

immediately following the quarter that triggered the Transmission Provider’s

notification filing to the Commission. The operational penalty will continue to be

assessed each quarter until the Transmission Provider completes at least ninety

percent (90%) of all non-Affiliates’ System Impact Studies and Facilities Studies

within the sixty (60) and one hundred and twenty (120) day deadline,


(iv) For penalties assessed in accordance with subsection (iii) above, the penalty amount for

each System Impact Study or Facilities Study shall be equal to $500 for each day the

Transmission Provider takes to complete that study beyond the sixty (60) and one hundred and

twenty (120) day deadline, respectively.

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MISO 19.9

FERC Electric Tariff Penalties for Failure to Meet Study Deadlines:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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FERC Electric Tariff Procedures if Unable to Complete New Facilities for Service

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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MISO 20.1

FERC Electric Tariff Delays in Construction of New Facilities

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

If any event occurs that will materially affect the time for completion of

new facilities, or the ability to complete them, the Transmission Provider shall

promptly notify the Transmission Customer. In such circumstances, the

Transmission Provider shall within thirty (30) days of notifying the Transmission

Customer of such delays, convene a technical meeting with the Transmission

Customer and the affected Transmission Owner(s) and ITC to evaluate the

alternatives available to the Transmission Customer. The Transmission Provider

also shall make available to the Transmission Customer studies and work papers

related to the delay, including all information that is in the possession of the

Transmission Provider and affected Transmission Owner(s) and ITC that is

reasonably needed by the Transmission Customer to evaluate any alternatives.

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MISO 20.2

FERC Electric Tariff Alternatives to the Original Facility Additions

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

When the review process of Section 20.1 determines that one or more

alternatives exist to the originally planned construction project, the Transmission

Provider together with the affected Transmission Owner(s) and ITC shall present

such alternatives for consideration by the Transmission Customer. If, upon

review of any alternatives, the Transmission Customer desires to maintain its

Completed Application subject to construction of the alternative facilities, it may

request the Transmission Provider to submit a revised Service Agreement for

Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service. If the alternative approach solely

involves Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service, the Transmission

Provider shall promptly tender a Service Agreement for Non-Firm Point-To-Point

Transmission Service providing for the service. In the event the Transmission

Provider concludes that no reasonable alternative exists and the Transmission

Customer disagrees, the Transmission Customer may seek relief under the dispute

resolution procedures pursuant to Section 12 or it may refer the dispute to the

Commission for resolution.

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MISO 20.3

FERC Electric Tariff Refund Obligation for Unfinished Facility Additions

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

If the Transmission Provider and the Transmission Customer mutually

agree that no other reasonable alternatives exist and the requested service cannot

be provided out of existing capability under the conditions of Module B of this

Tariff, the obligation to provide the requested Firm Point-To-Point Transmission

Service shall terminate and any deposit made by the Transmission Customer shall

be returned with interest pursuant to Commission regulations at 18 C.F.R. §

35.19a(a)(2)(iii). However, the Transmission Customer shall be responsible for

all prudently incurred costs by the Transmission Provider and the affected ITC

and Transmission Owner(s) through the time construction was suspended.

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FERC Electric Tariff Transmission Construction and Service on Other Utilities

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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MISO 21.1

FERC Electric Tariff Responsibility for Third-Party System Additions

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

The Transmission Provider, Transmission Owners, ITC, and ITC

Participants shall not be responsible for making arrangements for any necessary

engineering, permitting, and construction of transmission or Distribution Facilities

on the system(s) of any other entity or for obtaining any regulatory approval for

such facilities. The Transmission Provider and the affected ITC and Transmission

Owner(s) will undertake reasonable efforts to assist the Transmission Customer in

obtaining such arrangements, including without limitation, providing any

information or data required by such other electric system pursuant to Good

Utility Practice.

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MISO 21.2

FERC Electric Tariff Coordination of Third-Party System Additions

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

In circumstances where the need for transmission facilities or upgrades is

identified pursuant to the provisions of Module B of this Tariff, and if such

upgrades further require the addition of transmission facilities on other systems,

the affected Transmission Owner(s) and ITC in coordination with the

Transmission Provider shall have the right to coordinate construction on its (their)

own system(s) with the construction required by others. The Transmission

Provider together with the affected Transmission Owner(s), and ITC after

consultation with the Transmission Customer and representatives of such other

systems, may defer construction of new transmission facilities, if the new

transmission facilities on another system cannot be completed in a timely manner.

The Transmission Provider shall notify the Transmission Customer in writing of

the basis for any decision to defer construction and the specific problems which

must be resolved before construction of new facilities will be initiated or resumed.

Within sixty (60) days of receiving written notification by the Transmission

Provider of the intent to defer construction pursuant to this section, the

Transmission Customer may challenge the decision in accordance with the

dispute resolution procedures pursuant to Section 12 or it may refer the dispute to

the Commission for resolution.

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FERC Electric Tariff Changes in Service Specifications

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

All changes in service specifications shall be subject to reservation priority set forth in Sections

13.2 and 14.2 of this Tariff as if each change was an original request for transmission service.

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MISO 22.1

FERC Electric Tariff Modifications on a Non-Firm Basis

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

The Transmission Customer taking Firm Point-To-Point Transmission

Service may request the Transmission Provider to provide Transmission Service

on a non-firm basis over Receipt and Delivery Points other than those specified in

the Service Agreement (“Secondary Receipt and Delivery Points”), in amounts

not to exceed its firm capacity reservation, without incurring an additional Non-

Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service charge (except as provided in Section

22.2) or executing a new Service Agreement, subject to the following conditions.

a. Service provided over secondary Receipt and Delivery Points will be non-

firm only, on an as-available basis and will not displace any firm or non-

firm service reserved or scheduled by third-parties under this Tariff or by

the Transmission Owner on behalf of its Native Load Customers.

b. The sum of all Firm and Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service

provided to the Transmission Customer at any time pursuant to this

section shall not exceed the Reserved Capacity in the relevant Service

Agreement under which such services are provided.

c. The Transmission Customer shall retain its right to schedule Firm Point-

To-Point Transmission Service at the Receipt and Delivery Points

specified in the relevant Service Agreement in the amount of its original

capacity reservation.

d. Service over secondary Receipt and Delivery Points on a non-firm basis

shall not require the filing of an Application for Non-Firm Point-To-Point

Transmission Service under this Tariff. However, all other requirements

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MISO 22.1

FERC Electric Tariff Modifications on a Non-Firm Basis

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

of Module B of this Tariff (except as to transmission rates) shall apply to

Transmission Service on a non-firm basis over secondary Receipt and

Delivery Points.

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MISO 22.2

FERC Electric Tariff Additional Charge to Prevent Abuse

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

If a Transmission Customer making the modifications in Section 22.1

takes service over a transmission path that costs more than the path the

Transmission Customer initially reserved, then for the service the Transmission

Customer schedules, the Transmission Customer shall pay in addition to the

amounts based on its initial reservation the additional costs (i.e., the difference

between the zonal rates) associated with the new path. Such additional charge

shall be prorated to apply only for the period of time during which service is

scheduled over the secondary path. In addition, the Market Participant shall pay

for Marginal Losses and any congestion relief costs based on the actual

transmission path for which service is scheduled according to the provisions in

Module C.

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MISO 22.3

FERC Electric Tariff Modification on a Firm Basis

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Any request by a Transmission Customer taking Firm Point-To-Point

Transmission Service to modify Receipt and Delivery Points on a firm basis shall

be treated as a new request for service in accordance with Section 17 hereof,

except that such Transmission Customer shall not be obligated to pay any

additional deposit if the capacity reservation does not exceed the amount reserved

in the existing Service Agreement. While such new request is pending, the

Transmission Customer shall retain its priority for service at the existing firm

Receipt and Delivery Points specified in its Service Agreement.

a. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if a Receipt or Delivery Point is

modified on a short-term basis (i.e., daily, weekly or monthly for a

term less than 12 full months) resulting in a transmission path

(“redirect path”) for which the applicable transmission rate is lower

than the transmission rate in effect between the original Receipt and

Delivery Points (“original path”), the Transmission Customer shall

pay, in addition to the amounts associated with the redirect path, an

additional charge reflecting the difference in the firm transmission and

applicable ancillary services rates between the original path and the

redirect path for the duration its service is redirected pursuant to this

Section 22.3. The term “original Receipt and Delivery Points,” as

used in this subsection (a), shall mean the initial set of Receipt and

Delivery Points rather than any Receipt or Delivery Point modified

under Section 22.3.

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MISO 22.3

FERC Electric Tariff Modification on a Firm Basis

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Crediting Procedure

For purposes of this Crediting Procedure, the term “constrained path”

shall mean instances where a path between a Point of Receipt and a

Point of Delivery is comprised of a single or multi-element interface

for which transmission service is administered to the interface limit

and a single flowgate has been defined and which is fully subscribed

with firm Transmission Service at the time service is redirected

pursuant to this Section 22.3. If all or part of the transmission capacity

on the constrained path that becomes available as a result of a firm

redirect originating on that path is subsequently resold as new firm

service, the redirecting customer(s) will receive a credit on a pro-rata

MWh basis. The credit shall be for the same number of MWhs that

were resold on the original path and shall represent the per MWh

incremental charge that was collected from the redirecting customer

pursuant to this paragraph (a) of Section 22.3 of the Tariff.

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FERC Electric Tariff Sale or Assignment of Transmission Service

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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MISO 23.1

FERC Electric Tariff Procedures for Assignment or Transfer of Service

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

(a) A Transmission Customer may sell, assign, or transfer all or a portion of

its rights under its Service Agreement, but only to another Eligible Customer (the

“Assignee”). The Transmission Customer that sells, assigns or transfers its rights

under its Service Agreement is hereafter referred to as the “Reseller.”

Compensation to Resellers shall be at rates established by agreement between the

Reseller and the Assignee.

(b) The Assignee must execute a service agreement with the Transmission

Provider governing reassignments of transmission service prior to the date on

which the reassigned service commences. The Transmission Provider shall

charge the Reseller, as appropriate, at the rate stated in the Reseller’s Service

Agreement with the Transmission Provider or the associated OASIS schedule and

credit the Reseller with the price reflected in the Assignee’s Service Agreement

with the Transmission Provider or the associated OASIS schedule; provided that,

such credit shall be reversed in the event of non-payment by the Assignee. If the

Assignee does not request any change in the Point(s) of Receipt or the Point(s) of

Delivery, or a change in any other term or condition set forth in the original

Service Agreement, the Assignee will receive the same services as did the

Reseller and the priority of service for the Assignee will be the same as that of the

Reseller. The Assignee will be subject to all terms and conditions of this Tariff.

If the Assignee requests a change in service, the reservation priority of service

will be determined by the Transmission Provider pursuant to Section 13.2.

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MISO 23.1

FERC Electric Tariff Procedures for Assignment or Transfer of Service

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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MISO 23.2

FERC Electric Tariff Limitations on Assignment or Transfer of Service

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

If the Assignee requests a change in the Point(s) of Receipt or Point(s) of

Delivery, or a change in any other specifications set forth in the original Service

Agreement, the Transmission Provider will consent to such change subject to the

provisions of the Tariff, provided that the change will not impair the operation

and reliability of the Transmission Owners’, ITC’s, or ITC Participant’s

generation, transmission, or distribution systems. The Assignee also will pay

additional charges, if any, provided for by Section 22.2, and for any additional

charges, including Ancillary Services, or other Transmission Provider charges. In

addition, the Market Participant shall be financially responsible for any Energy,

Marginal Congestion Charge, and Marginal Losses associated with related Market

Participant’s transactions as set forth in Sections 39.3.1, 39.3.3, 40.3 and 40.4.

The Assignee shall compensate the Transmission Provider or ITC, as

applicable, for performing any System Impact Study needed to evaluate the

capability of the Transmission System to accommodate the proposed change and

any additional costs resulting from such change. The Reseller shall remain liable

for the performance of all obligations under the Service Agreement, except as

specifically agreed to by the Transmission Provider and the Reseller through an

amendment to the Service Agreement.

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MISO 23.3

FERC Electric Tariff Information on Assignment or Transfer of Service

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

In accordance with Section 4, all sales or assignments of capacity must be

conducted through or otherwise posted on the Transmission Provider’s OASIS on

or before the date the reassigned service commences and are subject to Section

23.l. Resellers may also use the Transmission Provider’s OASIS to post

transmission capacity available for resale.

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FERC Electric Tariff Metering and Power Factor Correction

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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MISO 24.1

FERC Electric Tariff Transmission Customer Obligations

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Unless otherwise agreed, the Transmission Customer shall be responsible

for the cost of installing and maintaining compatible metering and communications

equipment to accurately account for the Energy being transmitted under this Tariff

and to communicate the information to the Transmission Provider. Such equipment

installed on the Transmission Customer’s system shall remain the property of the

Transmission Customer. Such equipment installed on the Transmission Owner’s or

ITC’s system shall remain the property of the Transmission Owner or ITC.

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MISO 24.2

FERC Electric Tariff Transmission Provider Access to Metering Data

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

The Transmission Provider or its agent or, as applicable, ITC shall have

access to metering data, which may reasonably be required to facilitate

measurements and billing under the Service Agreement.

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MISO 24.3

FERC Electric Tariff Power Factor

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Unless otherwise agreed, the Transmission Customer is required to

maintain a power factor within the same range specified by the Transmission

Provider, in consultation with the appropriate Transmission Owners and ITC,

pursuant to Good Utility Practices. The power factor requirements are specified

in the Service Agreement where applicable.

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FERC Electric Tariff Compensation for Transmission Service

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Rates for Firm and Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service are provided

in the Schedules appended to this Tariff: Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service

(Schedule 7); and Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service (Schedule 8). In

addition to paying any applicable Operating Reserve costs and Other Ancillary Service

costs, the Transmission Customer also shall pay: (i) the Transmission Provider’s costs in

accordance with Schedule 10 and/or, if applicable; (ii) the ITC administrative fee plus

any other applicable charges in accordance with the applicable ITC Rate Schedule.

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FERC Electric Tariff Stranded Cost Recovery

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

This Tariff, including any ITC Rate Schedule, does not affect in any way the right

of any Transmission Owner or ITC Participant to seek and receive stranded cost recovery

or the right of anyone to oppose such stranded cost recovery. Thus, the Transmission

Owner(s) or ITC Participant(s) may seek to recover stranded costs from the User(s) in

accordance with the terms, conditions and procedures set forth in FERC Order No. 888.

However, the Transmission Owner(s) or ITC Participant(s) must separately file any

specific proposed stranded cost charge under Section 205 of the Federal Power Act. If

the Commission approves stranded cost charges to be recovered through schedules to be

implemented by the Transmission Provider, the Transmission Provider as agent shall

charge and collect the appropriate charge(s) from the relevant User(s) and distribute the

appropriate amounts directly to the relevant Transmission Owner(s) or ITC Participant(s).

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FERC Electric Tariff Compensation for New Facilities and Redispatch Costs

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: August 2, 2017

Whenever a System Impact Study performed by the Transmission Provider in

connection with the provision of Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service identifies the

need for new facilities, the recovery of such costs shall be governed by Attachment N.

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MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013



This Section 27A applies in lieu of Sections 13-27 of the Tariff to govern Point-

To-Point Transmission Service on HVDC Facilities (HVDC Service). The Transmission

Provider shall provide Firm and Non-Firm HVDC Service pursuant to the applicable

terms and conditions of this Section 27A and other applicable provisions of the Tariff for

Transmission Customers that have executed an HVDC Service Agreement with the

Transmission Provider. Service under this Section 27A is conditioned on the

Transmission Provider and the owner or operator of an HVDC Facility executing an

Agency Agreement or other suitable contractual arrangement permitting the

Transmission Provider to provide HVDC Service on such HVDC Facility, and such

HVDC Service shall be provided as long as such Agency Agreement or other contractual

arrangement remains in effect, unless otherwise provided by the parties thereto. All

requests for eligible HVDC Service during the first five minutes after the time when Firm

HVDC Service can first be requested on the OASIS in accordance with Attachment J

(except for hourly service to which this sentence does not apply), will be considered as if

they were submitted at the same time.

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MISO 27A.1

FERC Electric Tariff Nature of Firm High-Voltage Direct Current Service

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: December 20, 2013

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MISO 27A.1.1

FERC Electric Tariff Term of Firm High-Voltage Direct Current Service:

MODULES 32.0.0

Effective On: December 20, 2013

The minimum term of Firm HVDC Service shall be one (1) day and the maximum term shall be

that specified in the relevant Transmission Customer’s HVDC Service Agreement.

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MISO 27A.1.2

FERC Electric Tariff Reservation Priority for Firm High-Voltage Direct Current Se

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Reservation Priority for Firm High-Voltage Direct Current Service:

(i) Long-Term Firm HVDC Service shall be determined on a first-come, first-served basis,

i.e., in the chronological sequence in which each Transmission customer has reserved


(ii) Reservations for Short-Term Firm HVDC Service will be conditional based upon the

length of the requested transaction or reservation. However, Pre-Confirmed Requests for

Short-Term Firm HVDC Service will receive priority over earlier-submitted requests that

are not Pre-Confirmed and that have equal or shorter duration. Among requests with the

same duration and, as relevant, pre-confirmation status (pre-confirmed, confirmed, or not

pre-confirmed), priority will be given to an Eligible Customer’s request or reservation

based on the earliest date and time of the request or reservation.

(iii) If the HVDC Facilities become oversubscribed, requests for service may preempt

competing requests or reservations up to the following conditional reservation deadlines:

one day before the commencement of daily service, one week before the commencement

of weekly service, and one month before the commencement of monthly service. Before

the conditional reservation deadline, if Available Transfer Capability is insufficient to

satisfy all requests and reservations, an Eligible Customer with a reservation for shorter

term service or equal duration service has the right of first refusal to match any longer

term request or equal duration service before losing its reservation priority. A longer

term competing request for Short-Term Firm HVDC Service will be granted if the

Eligible Customer with the right of first refusal does not agree to match the competing

request within 24 hours (or earlier if necessary to comply with the scheduling deadlines

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MISO 27A.1.2

FERC Electric Tariff Reservation Priority for Firm High-Voltage Direct Current Se

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

provided in Section 27A.1.7) from being notified by the Transmission Provider of a

longer-term competing request for Short-Term Firm HVDC Service. When a longer

duration request preempts multiple shorter duration reservations, the shorter duration

reservations shall have simultaneous opportunities to exercise the right of first refusal.

Time of match confirmation will be used to determine the order by which the multiple

shorter duration reservations will be able to exercise the right of first refusal. In the event

the match confirmations are submitted simultaneously, the original OASIS queue time will be

utilized to determine the order by which the multiple shorter duration reservations will be

able to exercise the right of first refusal. After the conditional reservation deadline, service

will commence pursuant to the terms of this Section 27A.

(iv) Firm HVDC Service will always have a reservation priority over Non-Firm HVDC

Service under this Section 27A. Reservation priorities for existing firm service

customers are provided in Section 2.2 of this Tariff.

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MISO 27A.1.3

FERC Electric Tariff Firm High-Voltage Direct Current Service Agreements:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

The Transmission Provider shall offer a standard form Firm

HVDC Service Agreement to an Eligible Customer when it submits a

Completed Application for Long-Term HVDC Service pursuant to this

Tariff. The Transmission Provider shall offer a standard form Firm

HVDC Service Agreement to an Eligible Customer when it first submits a

Completed Application for Short-Term Firm HVDC Service pursuant to

this Tariff. Executed HVDC Service Agreements that contain the

information required under this Tariff will be reported and/or filed by the

Transmission Provider with the Commission in compliance with

applicable Commission regulations. The standard form of Service

Agreements for Firm HVDC Service is provided in Attachment A-3 of the

Tariff. An Eligible Customer that uses HVDC Service at a Point of

Receipt or Point of Delivery that it has not reserved and that has not

executed a HVDC Service Agreement will be deemed, for purposes of

assessing any appropriate charges and penalties, to have executed the

appropriate Service Agreement.

If offered pursuant to an Agency Agreement, a Service Agreement

shall be executed by the Transmission Provider as agent for the relevant

Transmission Owner. In the event that the relevant Agency Agreement

terminates, the Transmission Provider will make a filing under section 205

of the Federal Power Act requesting that any HVDC Service offered by

the Transmission Provider under such a Service Agreement revert to the

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MISO 27A.1.3

FERC Electric Tariff Firm High-Voltage Direct Current Service Agreements:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

relevant Transmission Owner and the Transmission Provider be released

from all obligations and responsibilities under such Service Agreement.

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MISO 27A.1.4

FERC Electric Tariff Obligations for Facility Additions or Redispatch Costs

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: August 2, 2017

In cases where the Transmission Provider determines that the

HVDC Facilities are not capable of providing Firm HVDC Service

without: (1) degrading or impairing the reliability of service to

Transmission Customers taking Firm HVDC Service; or (2) interfering

with the Transmission Provider’s ability to meet prior firm contractual

commitments to others, the relevant Transmission Owner(s) will be

obligated to expand or upgrade its (their) HVDC Facilities pursuant to the

terms of Section 27A.3.4 of this Tariff.

The Transmission Customer must agree to pay the Transmission

Provider for any necessary transmission facility additions pursuant to the

terms of Section 27A.15 of this Tariff.

Any HVDC Facility Upgrades or Direct Assignment Facilities

costs to be charged to the Transmission Customer on an incremental basis

under this Tariff will be specified in the HVDC Service Agreement prior

to initiating service.

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MISO 27A.1.5

FERC Electric Tariff Curtailment of Firm High-Voltage Direct Current Service

MODULES 32.0.0

Effective On: January 2, 2019

In the event that a Curtailment on the HVDC Facilities, or a portion thereof, is required to

maintain reliable operation of such system, and the systems directly and indirectly

interconnected with the HVDC Facilities, Curtailments will be made on a non-discriminatory

basis to the transaction(s) that effectively relieve the constraint. The Transmission Provider may

elect to implement such Curtailments pursuant to the Transmission Loading Relief Procedures

specified in NERC Reliability Standards and NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standards. If

multiple transactions require Curtailment, to the extent practicable and consistent with Good

Utility Practice, the Transmission Provider will curtail service on a non-discriminatory basis.

All Curtailments will be made on a non-discriminatory basis; however, Non-Firm HVDC

Service shall be subordinate to Firm HVDC Service. Long-Term Firm HVDC Service subject to

conditions described in Section 27A.3.4 shall be curtailed with secondary service in cases where

the conditions apply, but otherwise will be curtailed on a pro rata basis with other Firm HVDC


When the Transmission Provider determines that an electrical Emergency exists on its

Transmission System or the HVDC Facilities and implements Emergency procedures to curtail

Firm HVDC Service, the Transmission Customer shall make the required reductions upon

request of the Transmission Provider. However, the Transmission Provider reserves the right to

curtail, in whole or in part, any Firm HVDC Service provided under the Tariff when, in the

Transmission Provider’s sole discretion, an Emergency or other unforeseen condition impairs or

degrades the reliability of its Transmission System or the HVDC Facilities. The Transmission

Provider will notify all affected Transmission Customers in a timely manner of any scheduled

Curtailments. In the event that the Transmission Customer fails to cease or reduce service in

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MISO 27A.1.5

FERC Electric Tariff Curtailment of Firm High-Voltage Direct Current Service

MODULES 32.0.0

Effective On: January 2, 2019

response to a directive by the Transmission Provider, the Transmission Customer shall pay the

following penalties in addition to any other applicable charges: $10 per kW if the customer fails

to curtail service within ten (10) minutes of a directive by the Transmission Provider; or $20 per

kW if the customer fails to curtail service within twenty (20) minutes of a directive by the

Transmission Provider.

These charges shall apply only to the portion of the service that the Transmission

Customer fails to curtail in response to a Transmission Provider directive. The Transmission

Provider, where applicable, shall compensate any affected Control Areas or Generation

Resources for their actual costs up to the amount recovered by the Transmission Provider, as

applicable. Any revenues in excess of actual costs shall be used to reduce the Transmission

Provider’s costs (for other than the penalized Transmission Customer) in Schedule 35.

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MISO 27A.1.6

FERC Electric Tariff Classification of Firm High-Voltage Direct Current Service

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: May 1, 2015

i. The Transmission Customer taking Firm HVDC Service may (1) change its Receipt and

Delivery Points to obtain service on a non-firm basis consistent with the terms of Section

27A.10.1 or (2) request a modification of the Points of Receipt or Delivery on a firm

basis pursuant to the terms of Section 27A.10.2.

ii. The Transmission Provider shall provide firm deliveries of capacity and energy from the

Point(s) of Receipt to the Point(s) of Delivery. Each Point of Receipt at which firm

transmission capacity is reserved by the Transmission Customer shall be set forth in the

Firm HVDC Service Agreement for Long-Term Firm HVDC Service along with a

corresponding capacity reservation associated with each Point of Receipt.

Points of Receipt and corresponding capacity reservations shall be as mutually agreed

upon by the Parties for Short-Term Firm HVDC Service. Each Point of Delivery at

which firm transfer capability is reserved by the Transmission Customer shall be set forth

in the Firm HVDC Service Agreement for Long-Term Firm HVDC Service along with a

corresponding capacity reservation associated with each Point of Delivery. Points of

Delivery and corresponding capacity reservations shall be as mutually agreed upon by the

Parties for Short-Term Firm HVDC Service. The greater of either (1) the sum of the

capacity reservations at the Point(s) of Receipt or (2) the sum of the capacity reservations

at the Point(s) of Delivery shall be the Transmission Customer’s Reserved Capacity.

The Transmission Customer will be billed for its Reserved Capacity under the terms of

the Schedule 7. The Transmission Customer may not exceed its firm capacity reserved at

each Point of Receipt and each Point of Delivery.

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MISO 27A.1.6

FERC Electric Tariff Classification of Firm High-Voltage Direct Current Service

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: May 1, 2015

In the event that MISO identifies that a Transmission Customer’s delivered energy

exceeds its firm reserved capacity at any Point of Receipt or Point of Delivery, the

Transmission Customer shall pay unreserved use penalties as follows: (1) the unreserved

use penalties shall be based on the period of unreserved use; (2) the unreserved use

penalty for a single hour of unreserved use shall be the applicable rate for daily Firm

HVDC Service, as set forth in Schedule 7 of the Tariff; and (3) more than one assessment

for a given duration (e.g., daily) shall result in an increase of the penalty period to the

next longest duration (e.g., weekly). Unreserved use penalties assessed using daily Firm

HVDC Service rates shall account for off-peak and on-peak usage, as set forth in

Schedule 7 of the Tariff. A 200% multiplier shall be applied to all assessed penalties.

These penalty revenues shall be allocated in the manner set forth in Section 13.7 of the


iii. Evaluation of Interchange Schedules (including Third-Party Sales by a Transmission

Owner) against firm reserved capacity will be utilized to identify instances of unreserved


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MISO 27A.1.7

FERC Electric Tariff Scheduling Associated with Firm High-Voltage Direct Current

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Scheduling Associated with Firm High-Voltage Direct

Current Service

Interchange Schedules for the Transmission Customer’s

Firm HVDC Service must be submitted in accordance with the

terms in Attachment J.

Interchange Schedules submitted after the time

specified in Attachment J will be accommodated, if practicable.

Transmission Customers shall submit all Interchange

Schedules electronically in a form specified by the

Transmission Provider. Hour-to-hour Interchange Schedules of

any capacity and energy that is to be delivered must be stated

in increments of 1,000 kW per hour and shall be subject to the

minimum scheduling requirements of the relevant HVDC

Facilities. Transmission Customers within a Transmission

Owner’s service (or control) area with multiple requests for

HVDC Service at a Point of Receipt, each of which is under

1,000 kW per hour, may consolidate their service requests at a

common Point of Receipt into units of 1,000 kW per hour for

scheduling and billing purposes.

Scheduling changes will be permitted in accordance

with Attachment J. However, in the event of a system

contingency such as a generation or an unplanned

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MISO 27A.1.7

FERC Electric Tariff Scheduling Associated with Firm High-Voltage Direct Current

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Transmission Outage, or Curtailment or Interruption of

Transmission Service, scheduling changes will be implemented

as soon as practicable.

The Transmission Provider will furnish to the

Delivering Party’s system operator, hour-to-hour Interchange

Schedules equal to those furnished by the Receiving Party and

shall deliver the capacity and energy provided by the

Delivering Party. Should the Transmission Customer,

Delivering Party or Receiving Party revise or terminate any

Interchange Schedule, such party shall immediately notify the

Transmission Provider, and the Transmission Provider shall

have the right to adjust accordingly the schedule for capacity

and Energy to be received and to be delivered.

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MISO 27A.2

FERC Electric Tariff Nature of Non-Firm High-Voltage Direct Current Service

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: December 20, 2013

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MISO 27A.2.1

FERC Electric Tariff Term

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Non-Firm HVDC Service will be available for periods ranging

from one (1) hour to one (1) month. However, a Purchaser of Non-Firm

HVDC Service will be entitled to reserve a sequential term of service

(such as a sequential monthly term without having to wait for the initial

term to expire before requesting another monthly term) so that the total

time period for which the reservation applies may be greater than one

month, subject to the requirements of Attachment J.

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MISO 27A.2.2

FERC Electric Tariff Reservation Priority

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Non-Firm HVDC Service shall be available from transfer

capability in excess of that needed for reliable service to Transmission

Customers taking Long-Term and Short-Term Firm HVDC Service.

A higher reservation priority will be assigned first to Non-Firm

HVDC Service requests or reservations with a longer duration of service

than those reservations with a shorter duration and second to Pre-

Confirmed Requests.

Eligible Customers that have already reserved shorter-term service

have the right of first refusal to match any longer-term request before

being preempted. A longer-term competing request for Non-Firm HVDC

Service will be granted if the Eligible Customer with the right of first

refusal does not agree to match the competing request: (i) immediately for

hourly Non-Firm HVDC Service after notification by the Transmission

Provider; and, (ii) within twenty-four (24) hours (or earlier if necessary to

comply with the scheduling deadlines provided in Attachment J) for Non-

Firm HVDC Service other than hourly transactions after notification by

the Transmission Provider. When a longer duration request preempts

multiple shorter duration reservations, the shorter duration reservations

shall have simultaneous opportunities to exercise the right of first refusal.

Time of match confirmation will be used to determine the order by which

the multiple shorter duration reservations will be able to exercise the right

of first refusal. In the event the match confirmations are submitted

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MISO 27A.2.2

FERC Electric Tariff Reservation Priority

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

simultaneously, the original OASIS queue time will be utilized to

determine the order by which the multiple shorter duration reservations

will be able to exercise the right of first refusal. After the conditional

reservation deadline, service will commence pursuant to the terms of this


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MISO 27A.2.3

FERC Electric Tariff Non-Firm High-Voltage Direct Current Service Agreements

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: December 20, 2013

The Transmission Provider shall offer a standard form Non-Firm HVDC Service

Agreement (Attachment B-1 of this Tariff) to an Eligible Customer when it first submits a

Completed Application for Non-Firm HVDC Service pursuant to this Tariff. Executed HVDC

Service Agreements that contain the information required under this Tariff shall be filed with the

Commission in compliance with applicable Commission regulations.

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MISO 27A.2.4

FERC Electric Tariff Classification of Non-Firm High-Voltage Direct Current Servi

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: May 1, 2015

Classification of Non-Firm High-Voltage Direct Current Service:

Non-Firm HVDC Service shall be offered under terms and conditions contained in

Section 27A and other applicable provisions of this Tariff. The Transmission Provider and

Transmission Owners undertake no obligation under this Tariff to plan the HVDC Facilities in

order to have sufficient capacity for Non-Firm HVDC Service. Parties requesting Non-Firm

HVDC Service for the transmission of firm power do so with the full realization that such service

is subject to availability and to Curtailment or Interruption under the terms of this Tariff. In the

event that MISO identifies that a Transmission Customer’s delivered energy exceeds its non-firm

reserved capacity at any Point of Receipt or Point of Delivery, the Transmission Customer shall

pay unreserved use penalties as follows: (1) the unreserved use penalties shall be based on the

period of unreserved use; (2) the unreserved use penalty for a single hour of unreserved use shall

be the applicable rate for daily Firm HVDC Service, as set forth in Schedule 7 of the Tariff; and

(3) more than one assessment for a given duration (e.g., daily) shall result in an increase of the

penalty period to the next longest duration (e.g., weekly).

Unreserved use penalties assessed using daily Firm HVDC Service rates shall account for

off-peak and on-peak usage, as set forth in Schedule 7 of the Tariff. A 200% multiplier shall be

applied to all assessed penalties. These penalty revenues shall be allocated in the manner set

forth in Section 13.7 of the Tariff. Non-Firm HVDC Service shall include transmission of

Energy on an hourly basis and transmission of scheduled short-term capacity and Energy on a

daily, weekly or monthly basis, but not to exceed one month’s reservation for any one

Application, under Schedule 8.

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MISO 27A.2.4

FERC Electric Tariff Classification of Non-Firm High-Voltage Direct Current Servi

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: May 1, 2015

Evaluation of Interchange Schedules (including Third-Party Sales by a Transmission

Owner) against non-firm reserved capacity will be utilized to identify instances of unreserved


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MISO 27A.2.5

FERC Electric Tariff Scheduling of Non-Firm High-Voltage Direct Current Service:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Interchange Schedules for Non-Firm HVDC Service must be

submitted to the Transmission Provider in accordance with the terms in

Attachment J.

Interchange Schedules submitted after the time specified in

Attachment J will be accommodated, if practicable. Transmission

Customers shall submit all Interchange Schedules electronically in a form

specified by the Transmission Provider. Hour-to-hour Interchange

Schedules of Energy that is to be delivered must be stated in increments of

1,000 kW per hour and shall be subject to the minimum scheduling

requirements of the relevant HVDC Facilities. Transmission Customers

within the Transmission Owner’s service (or control) area with multiple

requests for HVDC Service at a Point of Receipt, each of which is under

1,000 kW per hour [MWh], may consolidate their schedules at a common

Point of Receipt into units of 1,000 kW per hour [MWh]. Scheduling

changes will be permitted in accordance with Attachment J.

The Transmission Provider will furnish to the Delivering Party’s

system operator, hour-to-hour Interchange Schedules equal to those

furnished by the Receiving Party (unless reduced for losses) and shall

deliver the Energy provided by the Delivering Party. Should the

Transmission Customer, Delivering Party or Receiving Party revise or

terminate any Interchange Schedule, such party shall immediately notify

the Transmission Provider, and the Transmission Provider shall have the

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MISO 27A.2.5

FERC Electric Tariff Scheduling of Non-Firm High-Voltage Direct Current Service:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

right to adjust accordingly the schedule for Energy to be received and to

be delivered. Schedules for Non-Firm HVDC Service for Next-Hour

Transmission Service must be submitted to the Transmission Provider no

later than twenty (20) minutes and no earlier than sixty (60) minutes

before the start of the schedule. Schedules submitted less than twenty (20)

minutes prior to the start of the schedule will be accommodated, if


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MISO 27A.2.6

FERC Electric Tariff Curtailment or Interruption of Non-Firm High-Voltage Direct

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: January 2, 2019

Curtailment or Interruption of Non-Firm High-Voltage Direct

Current Service:

The Transmission Provider reserves the right to curtail, in whole or

in part, Non-Firm HVDC Service provided under this Tariff for reliability

reasons when, an Emergency or other unforeseen condition threatens to

impair or degrade the reliability of the HVDC Facilities or the systems

directly and indirectly interconnected with the HVDC Facilities. The

Transmission Provider may elect to implement such Curtailments pursuant

to the Transmission Loading Relief Procedures specified in NERC

Reliability Standards and NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standards. The

Transmission Provider reserves the right to interrupt, in whole or in part,

Non-Firm HVDC Service provided under this Tariff for economic reasons

in order to accommodate (i) a request for Firm HVDC Service; (ii) a

request for Non-Firm HVDC Service of greater duration; (iii) a request

for Non-Firm HVDC Service of equal duration with a higher price; or (iv)

transmission service for Firm HVDC Service during conditional

curtailment periods as described in Section 27A.3.4.

The Transmission Provider also will discontinue or reduce service to the

Transmission Customer to the extent that deliveries for transmission are

discontinued or reduced at the Point(s) of Receipt.

Where required, Curtailments or Interruptions will be made on a

nondiscriminatory basis to the transaction(s) that effectively relieve the

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MISO 27A.2.6

FERC Electric Tariff Curtailment or Interruption of Non-Firm High-Voltage Direct

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: January 2, 2019

constraint; however, Non-Firm HVDC Service shall be subordinate to

Firm HVDC Service. If multiple transactions require Curtailment or

Interruption, to the extent practicable and consistent with Good Utility

Practice, Curtailments or Interruptions will be made to transactions

beginning with those transactions of the shortest term (e.g., hourly non-

firm transactions will be curtailed or interrupted before daily non-firm

transactions and daily non-firm transactions will be curtailed or

interrupted before weekly non-firm transactions).

The Transmission Provider will provide advance notice of Curtailment or

Interruption where such notice can be provided consistent with Good

Utility Practice. In the event that the Transmission Customer fails to cease

or reduce service in response to a directive by the Transmission Provider,

the Transmission Customer shall pay the following penalties in addition to

any other applicable charges:

i. $10 per kW if the Customer fails to curtail service

within ten (10) minutes of a directive by the

Transmission Provider;

ii. $20 per kW if the Customer fails to curtail service

within twenty (20) minutes of a directive by the

Transmission Provider; or

iii. $20 per kW if the customer fails to interrupt service

at the beginning of the Hour for which the

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MISO 27A.2.6

FERC Electric Tariff Curtailment or Interruption of Non-Firm High-Voltage Direct

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: January 2, 2019

Interruption is requested; provided that the customer

is given a minimum of forty (40) minutes notice

before the beginning of such Hour; and provided

further that the customer may retain its service and

avoid the penalty by agreeing pursuant to Section

27A.2.2 of this Tariff to match any longer-term

reservation and/or higher price in a competing

request before being Interrupted.

These charges shall apply only to the portion of the service

that the Transmission Customer fails to curtail or

interrupt in response to a Curtailment or Interruption

directive. The Transmission Provider shall

compensate any affected Control Areas or generators

for their actual costs up to the amount recovered by

the Transmission Provider. Any revenues in excess

of actual costs shall be used to reduce the

Transmission Provider costs (for other than the

penalized Transmission Customer) in Schedule 35.

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MISO 27A.3

FERC Electric Tariff Service Availability

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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MISO 27A.3.1

FERC Electric Tariff General Conditions

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

The Transmission Provider will provide HVDC Service over, on or

across its HVDC Facilities to any Transmission Customer that has met the

requirements of Section 27.A.4.1.

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MISO 27A.3.2

FERC Electric Tariff Determination of Available Transfer Capability

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

A description of the Transmission Provider’s specific methodology for assessing

ATC posted on the Transmission Provider’s OASIS is contained in

Attachment C of the Tariff. In the event sufficient transfer capability may

not exist to accommodate a service request, the Transmission Provider

will respond by performing a System Impact Study.

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MISO 27A.3.3

FERC Electric Tariff Initiating Service in Absence of an Executed Agreement

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

If the Transmission Provider and the Transmission Customer

requesting HVDC Service cannot agree on all the terms and conditions of

the HVDC Service Agreement, the Transmission Provider shall file with

the Commission, within thirty (30) days after the date the Transmission

Customer provides written notification directing the HVDC Service

Provider to file, an unexecuted HVDC Service Agreement containing

terms and conditions deemed appropriate by the Transmission Provider for

such requested HVDC Service. The Transmission Provider shall

commence providing HVDC Service subject to the Transmission

Customer agreeing to (i) compensate the Transmission Provider at

whatever rate the Commission ultimately determines to be just and

reasonable, and (ii) comply with the terms and conditions of the Tariff

including posting appropriate security deposits in accordance with the

terms of Section 27A.5.4.

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MISO 27A.3.4

FERC Electric Tariff Obligation to Provide High-Voltage Direct Current Service

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

If the Transmission Provider determines that it cannot

accommodate a Completed Application for Firm HVDC

Service because of insufficient capability on the HVDC

Facilities, the Transmission Provider and the affected

Transmission Owner(s) will use due diligence to expand or

modify the HVDC Facilities to provide the requested Firm

HVDC Service, consistent with its planning obligations in

Attachment FF of this Tariff, provided the Transmission

Customer agrees to compensate the Transmission Provider and

Transmission Owner(s) for such costs pursuant to the terms of

Section 27A.14 of this Tariff. The Transmission Provider and

the affected Transmission Owner(s) will conform to Good

Utility Practice and its planning obligations in Attachment FF

of this Tariff, in determining the need for new facilities and in

the design and construction of such facilities. The obligation

applies only to those facilities that the affected Transmission

Owner(s) have the right to expand or modify.

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MISO 27A.3.5

FERC Electric Tariff Deferral of Service:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

The Transmission Provider may defer providing service until it

completes construction of new transmission facilities or upgrades needed

to provide HVDC Service whenever the Transmission Provider determines

that providing the requested service would, without such new facilities or

upgrades, impair or degrade reliability to any existing firm services.

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MISO 27A.3.6

FERC Electric Tariff Transmission Losses on High-Voltage Direct Current Facilitie

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Transmission Losses on High-Voltage Direct Current Facilities:

Transmission losses are associated with HVDC Service. The

Transmission Provider is not obligated to provide transmission losses.

Transmission Customers taking HVDC Service are responsible for losses

associated with that service, as calculated by the Transmission Provider

in accordance with applicable business practices and procedures and

agreements with the applicable owner or operator of HVDC Facilities.

Such losses shall be apportioned to all Transmission Customers taking

service over HVDC Facilities in accordance with procedures developed

by the Transmission Provider and the owner or operator of those HVDC


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MISO 27A.4

FERC Electric Tariff Responsibilities of Customers Taking High-Voltage Direct Cur

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Responsibilities of Customers Taking High-Voltage Direct Current Service

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MISO 27A.4.1

FERC Electric Tariff Conditions Required of Customers Taking High-Voltage Direct

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Conditions Required of Customers Taking High-Voltage Direct Current


HVDC Service will be provided by the Transmission Provider under this

Section 27A and other applicable provisions of the Tariff only if the following

conditions are satisfied by the Transmission Customer:

i. The Transmission Customer has submitted a Completed

Application for HVDC Service in accordance with this Section


ii. The Transmission Customer meets the creditworthiness criteria set

forth in Attachment L of this Tariff;

iii. The Transmission Customer agrees to have arrangements in place

for any other transmission service necessary to effect the delivery

from the generating source to the Transmission Provider prior to

the time service commences;

iv. The Transmission Customer agrees to pay for HVDC Service

Charges, and for any facilities constructed and chargeable to such a

Transmission Customer under this Section 27A, and the Tariff,

whether or not the Transmission Customer takes service for the full

term of its HVDC Service reservation;

v. The Transmission Customer provides the information required by

the Transmission Provider’s planning process established in

Attachment FF; and

vi. The Transmission Customer and the Transmission Provider have

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MISO 27A.4.1

FERC Electric Tariff Conditions Required of Customers Taking High-Voltage Direct

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

executed a HVDC Service Agreement pursuant to this Section


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MISO 27A.4.2

FERC Electric Tariff Customer Responsibility for Third-Party Arrangements

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Any scheduling arrangements that may be required by other

electric systems shall be the responsibility of the Transmission Customer

requesting HVDC Service. The Transmission Customer shall provide,

unless waived by the Transmission Provider, notification to the

Transmission Provider identifying such systems, and authorizing them to

schedule the capacity and energy to be transmitted by the Transmission

Provider pursuant to Module B of this Tariff on behalf of the Receiving

Party at the Point of Delivery or the Delivering Party at the Point of

Receipt. The Transmission Provider will undertake reasonable efforts to

assist the Transmission Customer in making such arrangements, including

without limitation, providing any information or data required by such

other electric system pursuant to Good Utility Practice.

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MISO 27A.5

FERC Electric Tariff Procedures for Arranging Firm High-Voltage Direct Current Se

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Procedures for Arranging Firm High-Voltage Direct Current Service

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MISO 27A.5.1

FERC Electric Tariff Application:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

A request for Firm HVDC Service for periods of one year or

longer must contain a written Application to the Transmission Provider

pursuant to the schedule contained in Attachment J. All Firm HVDC

Service requests should be submitted by entering the information listed

below on the Transmission Provider’s OASIS.

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MISO 27A.5.2

FERC Electric Tariff Time Requirements:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Attachment J lists the time requirements applicable to when the

requests must be made, the evaluation of the requests, and the

Transmission Customer response. Requests for service received later than

the applicable time prior to the day service is scheduled to commence will

be accommodated if practicable. Requests for Firm HVDC Service that

are subject to no earlier than submission timelines and that are submitted

during the first five minutes after the time when Firm HVDC Service can

first be requested on the OASIS in accordance with Attachment J, will be

considered as if they were submitted at the same time as provided for in

Section 17.6 of this Tariff.

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MISO 27A.5.3

FERC Electric Tariff Completed Application:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

A Completed Application for Firm HVDC Service shall provide all

of the information included at 18 C.F.R. § 2.20 of the Commission’s

regulations, including but not limited to the following:

i. The identity, address, email address, telephone number and

facsimile number of the entity requesting service;

ii. A statement that the entity requesting service is, or will be upon

commencement of service, an Eligible Customer under this Tariff;

iii. The location of the Point(s) of Receipt and Point(s) of Delivery

and the identities of the Delivering Parties and the Receiving


iv The location of the Generation Resource(s) supplying the capacity

and Energy and the location of the Load ultimately served by the

capacity and energy transmitted. The Transmission Provider will

treat this information as confidential except to the extent that

disclosure of this information is required by this Tariff, by

regulatory or judicial order, for reliability purposes pursuant to

Good Utility Practice or pursuant to RTG transmission information

sharing agreements. The Transmission Provider shall treat this

information consistent with the standards of conduct contained in

Part 37 of the Commission’s regulations;

v. A description of the supply characteristics of the capacity and

Energy to be delivered;

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MISO 27A.5.3

FERC Electric Tariff Completed Application:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

vi. An estimate of the capacity and Energy expected to be delivered to

the Receiving Party;

vii. The service commencement date and the term of the requested

HVDC Service;

viii. The transmission capacity requested for each Point of Receipt and

each Point of Delivery on the HVDC Facilities. Customers may

combine their requests for HVDC Service in order to satisfy the

minimum transmission capacity requirement. The Transmission

Provider shall treat this information consistent with the standards

of conduct contained in part 37 of the Commission’s regulations;

ix. A statement indicating that if the Eligible Customer submits a pre-

confirmed Application, then the Eligible Customer will execute a

HVDC Service Agreement upon receipt of notification that the

Transmission Provider can provide the requested HVDC Service;


x. Any additional information required by the Transmission

Provider’s planning process established in Attachment FF.

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MISO 27A.5.4

FERC Electric Tariff Deposit:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

A Completed Application for HVDC Service by a Transmission

Customer shall also include, at the discretion of the Transmission

Provider, a deposit of either one (1) month’s charge for Reserved Capacity

over the relevant HVDC Facilities for service requests of one (1) month or

greater, the full charge for Reserved Capacity over the relevant HVDC

Facilities for service requests of less than one (1) month, or a request for

waiver of such deposit, which request shall be accepted if the Eligible

Customer is found by the Transmission Provider to be creditworthy.

If the Application for HVDC Service is rejected by the

Transmission Provider because it does not meet the conditions for service

as set forth herein, or in the case of requests for service arising in

connection with losing bidders in a request for proposals (RFP), the

deposit will be returned with interest, less any reasonable costs incurred by

the relevant Transmission Provider in connection with the review of the

Application for HVDC Service. The deposit also will be returned with

interest less any reasonable costs incurred by the Transmission provider if

the Transmission Provider is unable to complete new facilities needed to

provide the service.

If an Application for HVDC Service is withdrawn or the Eligible

Customer decides not to enter into a HVDC Service Agreement, the

deposit will be refunded in full, with interest, less reasonable costs

incurred by the Transmission Provider, to the extent such costs have not

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MISO 27A.5.4

FERC Electric Tariff Deposit:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

already been recovered from the Eligible Customer. The Transmission

Provider will provide to the Eligible Customer a complete accounting of

all costs deducted from the refunded deposit, which the Eligible Customer

may contest if there is a dispute concerning the deducted costs. If an

HVDC Service Agreement is executed, any deposit, with interest, will be

returned to the Transmission Customer upon expiration or termination of

the HVDC Service Agreement. Applicable interest will be calculated in

accordance with Commission regulations at 18 C.F.R. § 35.19a(a)(2)(iii)

and shall be calculated from the day the deposit is credited to the

Transmission Provider’s account.

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MISO 27A.5.5

FERC Electric Tariff Notice of Deficient Application:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

If an Application for HVDC Service fails to meet the requirements

of this Tariff, the Transmission Provider will notify the entity requesting

service within the applicable time frame set forth in Attachment J for

responding to Applications. The Transmission Provider will attempt to

remedy minor deficiencies in the Application for HVDC Service through

informal communications with the Eligible Customer. If such efforts are

unsuccessful, the Transmission Provider will return the Application for

HVDC Service, along with any deposit (less the reasonable costs incurred

by the HVDC Service Provider, in connection with the Application for

HVDC Service), with interest, to the Eligible Customer. Upon receipt of a

new or revised Application for HVDC Service that fully complies with the

requirements of this Tariff, the Eligible Customer will be assigned a new

reservation priority consistent with the date of the new or revised


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MISO 27A.5.6

FERC Electric Tariff Response to a Completed Application:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Following receipt of a Completed Application for Firm HVDC

Service, the Transmission Provider shall make a determination of

available transfer capability as required in Section 27A.3.2 of this Tariff.

The Transmission Provider shall notify the Eligible Customer in

accordance with the time periods set forth in Attachment J either (i) if it

will be able to provide service without performing a System Impact Study

or (ii) if such a study is needed to evaluate the impact of the Application

pursuant to Section 27A.7.1. Responses by the Transmission Provider

must be made as soon as practicable to all completed applications on a

non-discriminatory basis.

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MISO 27A.5.7

FERC Electric Tariff Execution of High-Voltage Direct Current Service Agreement:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Whenever the Transmission Provider determines that a System

Impact Study is not required and that the requested service can be

provided, the Transmission Provider will notify the Eligible Customer

consistent with the applicable time period set forth in Attachment J.

Where a System Impact Study is required, the provisions of Section 27A.7

will govern the execution of a HVDC Service Agreement. Failure of an

Eligible Customer to execute and return the HVDC Service Agreement or

request the filing of an unexecuted HVDC Service Agreement pursuant to

Section 27A.3.3, within the time periods set forth in Attachment J shall be

deemed a withdrawal and termination of the Application for HVDC

Service and any deposit (less the reasonable costs incurred by the

Transmission Provider, in connection with the Application for HVDC

Service) submitted will be refunded with interest. Nothing herein limits

the right of an Eligible Customer to file another Completed Application

for HVDC Service after such withdrawal and termination.

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MISO 27A.5.8

FERC Electric Tariff Extensions for Commencement of Firm High-Voltage Direct Curr

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Extensions for Commencement of Firm High-Voltage Direct Current


The Transmission Customer can obtain, subject to availability, up

to five one-year extensions for the commencement of service. The

Transmission Customer may postpone service by notifying the

Transmission Provider or, as applicable, ITC, 31 days prior to the

commencement date of the service as initially requested and paying a non-

refundable annual reservation fee equal to one-month’s charge for Firm

HVDC Service for each year or fraction thereof within 15 days of

notifying the Transmission Provider it intends to extend the

commencement of service. If during any extension for the

commencement of service an Eligible Customer submits a Completed

Application for Firm HVDC Service, and such request can be satisfied

only by releasing all or part of the Transmission Customer’s Reserved

Capacity over the HVDC Facilities, the original Reserved Capacity over

the HVDC Facilities will be released unless the following condition is

satisfied: within thirty (30) days, the original Transmission Customer

agrees to pay the applicable rate for Firm HVDC Service for its Reserved

Capacity over the HVDC Facilities concurrent with the new HVDC

Service Commencement Date. In the event the Transmission Customer

elects to release the Reserved Capacity over the HVDC Facilities, the

reservation fees or portions thereof previously paid will be forfeited.

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MISO 27A.5.8

FERC Electric Tariff Extensions for Commencement of Firm High-Voltage Direct Curr

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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MISO 27A.6

FERC Electric Tariff Procedures for Arranging Non-Firm High-Voltage Direct Curren

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Procedures for Arranging Non-Firm High-Voltage Direct Current Service

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MISO 27A.6.1

FERC Electric Tariff Application:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Eligible Customers seeking Non-Firm HVDC Service must submit

a Completed Application for HVDC Service to the Transmission Provider.

Applications should be submitted by entering the information on the

Transmission Provider’s OASIS.

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MISO 27A.6.2

FERC Electric Tariff Completed Application:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

A Completed Application for Non-Firm HVDC Service shall

provide all of the information included at 18 C.F.R. § 2.20 of the

Commission’s regulations, including but not limited to the following:

i. The identity, address, email address, telephone number and

facsimile number of the entity requesting service;

ii. A statement that the entity requesting service is, or will be upon

commencement of service, an Eligible Customer under this Tariff;

iii. The Point(s) of Receipt and Point(s) of Delivery;

iv. The maximum amount of capacity requested at each Point of

Receipt and Point of Delivery;

v. The proposed dates and hours for initiating and terminating HVDC

Service hereunder;

vi. The electrical location of the initial source of the power to be

transmitted pursuant to the Transmission customer’s request for

service, and

vii. The electrical location of the ultimate Load. The Transmission

Provider will treat this information as confidential except to the

extent that disclosure of this information is required by this Tariff,

by regulatory or judicial order, for reliability purposes pursuant to

Good Utility Practice or pursuant to RTG transmission information

sharing agreements. The Transmission Provider shall treat this

information consistent with the standards of conduct contained in

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MISO 27A.6.2

FERC Electric Tariff Completed Application:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Part 37 of the Commission’s regulations;

viii. A statement indicating that if the Transmission Customer submits a

pre-confirmed Application, then the Eligible Customer will

execute a HVDC Service Agreement upon receipt of notification

that the Transmission Provider can provide the requested HVDC


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MISO 27A.6.3

FERC Electric Tariff Requests and Responses for Reservation of Non-Firm High-Volt

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Requests and Responses for Reservation of Non-Firm High-Voltage

Direct Current Service

Attachment J lists the time requirements applicable to when the

requests must be made, the evaluation of the requests, and the

Transmission Customer response. Requests for service received later than

the applicable time prior to the day service is scheduled to commence will

be accommodated if practicable.

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MISO 27A.6.4

FERC Electric Tariff Determination of Available Transfer Capability:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Following receipt of a tendered schedule the Transmission

Provider will make a determination on a non-discriminatory basis of

available transfer capability pursuant to Section 27A.3.2. Such

determination shall be made as soon as reasonably practicable after

receipt, but not later than the time periods specified in Attachment J.

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MISO 27A.7

FERC Electric Tariff Additional Study Procedures for Firm High-Voltage Direct Cur

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Additional Study Procedures for Firm High-Voltage Direct Current Service Requests

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MISO 27A.7.1

FERC Electric Tariff Notice of Need for System Impact Study:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

After receiving a request for HVDC Service, the Transmission

Provider shall determine on a non-discriminatory basis whether a System

Impact Study is needed. A description of the Transmission Provider’s

methodology for completing a System Impact Study is provided in

Attachment D. If the Transmission Provider determines that a System

Impact Study is necessary to accommodate the requested service, the

Transmission Provider shall so inform the Eligible Customer within the

times specified in Attachment J. The Transmission Provider shall within

thirty (30) days of receipt of a Completed Application, tender a System

Impact Study Agreement in the form of Attachment D-1 of this Tariff,

pursuant to which the Eligible Customer shall agree to reimburse the

Transmission Provider for performing the required System Impact Study

including any costs of the Transmission Owner. For a service request to

remain a Completed Application, the Eligible Customer shall execute the

System Impact Study Agreement and return it to the Transmission

Provider within the time provided for in Attachment J. If the Eligible

Customer elects not to execute the System Impact Study Agreement, its

application shall be deemed withdrawn and any deposit shall be returned

with interest.

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MISO 27A.7.1

FERC Electric Tariff Notice of Need for System Impact Study:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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MISO 27A.7.2

FERC Electric Tariff System Impact Study Agreement and Cost Reimbursement

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: December 20, 2013

i. The System Impact Study Agreement will clearly specify the

Transmission Provider’s estimate of the actual cost, and time for

completion of the System Impact Study. The charge shall not exceed the

actual cost of the study. In performing the System Impact Study, the

Transmission Provider shall rely, to the extent reasonably practicable, on

existing transmission planning studies. The Eligible Customer will not be

assessed a charge for such existing studies; however, the Eligible

Customer will be responsible for charges associated with any

modifications to existing planning studies that are reasonably necessary to

evaluate the impact of the Eligible Customer’s request for service on the

relevant HVDC Facilities.

ii. If in response to multiple Eligible Customers requesting service in relation

to the same competitive solicitation, a single System Impact Study is

sufficient for the Transmission Provider to accommodate the requests for

service, the costs of that study shall be pro-rated among the Eligible


iii. Each Transmission owner shall pay the Transmission Provider for System

Impact Studies that the Transmission Provider conducts on the

Transmission Owner’s behalf in instances where merchant employees of

the Transmission Owner have requested transmission service, the same as

any non-transmission owning customer.

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MISO 27A.7.2

FERC Electric Tariff System Impact Study Agreement and Cost Reimbursement

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: December 20, 2013

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MISO 27A.7.3

FERC Electric Tariff System Impact Study Procedures:

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: August 2, 2017

Upon receipt of an executed System Impact Study Agreement in the form

of Attachment D-1 of this Tariff, the Transmission Provider will use due diligence

to complete the required System Impact Study in coordination with the relevant

Transmission Owners within sixty (60) days or as soon as practicable. The

System Impact Study shall identify (1) any system constraints, identified with

specificity by transmission element or flowgate, and (2) additional Direct

Assignment Facilities or Network Upgrades required to provide the requested


In the event that the Transmission Provider is unable to complete the

required System Impact Study within such time period, it shall so notify the

Eligible Customer and provide an estimated completion date along with an

explanation of the reasons why additional time is required to complete the

required studies. A copy of the completed System Impact Study and related work

papers shall be made available to the Eligible Customer as soon as the System

Impact Study is complete. The Transmission Provider will use the same due

diligence in completing the System Impact Study for an Eligible Customer as it

uses when completing studies for Transmission Owners.

The Transmission Provider shall notify the Eligible Customer immediately

upon completion of the System Impact Study if the HVDC Facilities will be

adequate to accommodate all or part of a request for service or that no costs are

likely to be incurred for new transmission facilities or upgrades. In order for a

request to remain a Completed Application, within fifteen (15) days of completion

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MISO 27A.7.3

FERC Electric Tariff System Impact Study Procedures:

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: August 2, 2017

of the System Impact Study the Eligible Customer must execute an HVDC

Service Agreement or request the filing of an unexecuted HVDC Service

Agreement pursuant to Section 27A.3.3, or the Application shall be deemed

terminated and withdrawn.

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MISO 27A.7.4

FERC Electric Tariff Facilities Study Procedures:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

If a System Impact Study indicates that additions or upgrades to

certain HVDC Facilities are needed to supply the Eligible Customer's

service request, the Transmission Provider, within thirty (30) days of the

completion of the System Impact Study, shall tender to the Eligible

Customer a Facilities Study Agreement pursuant to which the Eligible

Customer shall agree to reimburse the Transmission Provider and any

affected Transmission Owner(s) for performing the required Facilities

Study. For a service request to remain a Completed Application, the

Eligible Customer shall execute the Facilities Study Agreement in the

form of Attachment D-2 of this Tariff and return it to the Transmission

Provider within fifteen (15) days. If the Eligible Customer elects not to

execute the Facilities Study Agreement, its application shall be deemed

withdrawn and any deposit shall be returned with interest. Upon receipt of

an executed Facilities Study Agreement, the Transmission Provider, in

coordination with the appropriate Transmission Owner(s) will use due

diligence to complete the required Facilities Study within a one hundred

and twenty (120) day period.

If the Transmission Provider, together with the affected

Transmission Owner(s) is unable to complete the Facilities Study in the

allotted time period, the Transmission Provider shall notify the Eligible

Customer and provide an estimate of the time needed to reach a final

determination along with an explanation of the reasons that additional time

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MISO 27A.7.4

FERC Electric Tariff Facilities Study Procedures:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

is required to complete the study. When completed, the Facilities Study

will include a good faith estimate of (i) the cost of Direct Assignment

Facilities to be charged to the Transmission Customer, (ii) the

Transmission Customer’s appropriate share of the cost of any required

Network Upgrades as determined pursuant to Module B of this Tariff and

cost of HVDC Facility Upgrades to be charged to the Transmission

Customer, and (iii) the time required to complete such construction and

initiate the requested service. The Eligible Customer shall be requested to

provide the Transmission Provider with a letter of credit or other

reasonable form of security acceptable to the Transmission Provider

equivalent to the costs of new facilities or upgrades consistent with

commercial practices as established by the Uniform Commercial Code

unless the Transmission Provider determines that the Eligible Customer

already has a letter(s) of credit or other form(s) of security on file with the

Transmission Provider that is sufficient to cover its existing and proposed

obligations. Within the time set out in Attachment J, the Transmission

Customer shall execute a Service Agreement or request the filing of an

unexecuted Service Agreement and provide the required letter of credit or

other form of security or the request will no longer be a Completed

Application and shall be deemed terminated and withdrawn.

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MISO 27A.7.4.1

FERC Electric Tariff Changes in Facilities Study Assumptions

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Any changes to the original assumptions, considered during the

System Impact Study, that arise during the Facilities Study, that can

materially impact the results of the Facilities Study, may require the

Transmission Provider to re-evaluate the results of the original System

Impact Study. If the Transmission Provider ascertains that the changes in

assumptions are material modifications to the original scope of the study,

that could change the outcome of the Facilities Study, then the

Transmission Provider shall temporarily stop work on the Facilities Study

until the results from the re-evaluation are available. After the re-

evaluation results are available, the Transmission Provider will make the

final determination whether the initial Facilities Study should proceed

based on the original scope or based on the revised scope. If the scope of

the initial Facilities Study needs to be revised, then the Transmission

Provider will reset the one hundred and twenty (120) day clock to perform

the revised Facilities Study. The Transmission Provider will take

appropriate steps to communicate to the customer the revised scope and

schedule the revised Facilities Study.

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MISO 27A.7.4.1

FERC Electric Tariff Changes in Facilities Study Assumptions

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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MISO 27A.7.5

FERC Electric Tariff Facilities Study Modifications:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Any change in design arising from inability to site or construct

facilities as proposed will require development of a revised good faith

estimate. New good faith estimates also will be required in the event of

new statutory or regulatory requirements that are effective before the

completion of construction or other circumstances beyond the control of

the Transmission Provider or the affected Transmission Owner(s) that

significantly affect the final cost of new facilities or upgrades to be

charged to the Transmission Customer pursuant to the provisions of

Module B of this Tariff.

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MISO 27A.7.6

FERC Electric Tariff Due Diligence in Completing New Facilities:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

The Transmission Provider and, as applicable, the affected

Transmission Owner(s) shall use due diligence to add necessary facilities

or upgrade the HVDC Facilities within a reasonable time. The

Transmission Provider will not upgrade its existing or planned HVDC

Facilities in order to provide the requested HVDC Service if doing so

would impair system reliability or otherwise impair or degrade existing

firm service.

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MISO 27A.7.7

FERC Electric Tariff Partial Interim Service:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

If the Transmission Provider determines that it will not have

adequate transfer capability to satisfy the full amount of a Completed

Application for HVDC Service, the Transmission Provider nonetheless

shall be obligated to offer and provide the portion of the requested Firm

HVDC Service that can be accommodated without addition of any

facilities. However, the Transmission Provider shall not be obligated to

provide the incremental amount of requested Firm HVDC Service that

requires the addition of facilities or upgrades to the HVDC Facilities until

such facilities or upgrades have been placed in service.

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MISO 27A.7.8

FERC Electric Tariff Penalties for Failure to Meet Study Deadlines:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Sections 27A.7.3 and 27A.7.4 of this Tariff require a Transmission

Provider to use due diligence to meet study completion deadlines for

System Impact Studies and Facilities Studies.

i. The Transmission Provider is required to file a notice with

the Commission in the event that more than twenty (20) percent of

non-Affiliates’ System Impact Studies and Facilities Studies

completed by the Transmission Provider in any two consecutive

calendar quarters are not completed within the 60-day or 120-day

study completion deadlines. Such notice must be filed within

thirty (30) days of the end of the calendar quarter triggering the

notice requirement.

ii. For the purposes of calculating the percent of non-

Affiliates’ System Impact Studies and Facilities Studies processed

outside of the 60-day or 120-day study completion deadlines, the

Transmission Provider shall consider all System Impact Studies

and Facilities Studies that it completes for non-Affiliates during

the calendar quarter. The percentage should be calculated by

dividing the number of those studies which are completed on time

by the total number of completed studies. The Transmission

Provider may provide an explanation in its notification filing to the

Commission if it believes there are extenuating circumstances that

prevented it from meeting the 60-day or 120-day study completion

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MISO 27A.7.8

FERC Electric Tariff Penalties for Failure to Meet Study Deadlines:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013


iii. The Transmission Provider is subject to an operational

penalty if it completes ten (10) percent or more of non-Affiliates’

System Impact Studies and Facilities Studies outside of the 60-day

or 120-day study completion deadlines for each of the two calendar

quarters immediately following the quarter that triggered its

notification filing to the Commission. The operational penalty will

be assessed for each calendar quarter for which an operational

penalty applies, starting with the calendar quarter immediately

following the quarter that triggered the Transmission Provider’s

notification filing to the Commission. The operational penalty will

continue to be assessed each quarter until the Transmission

Provider completes at least ninety (90) percent of all non-

Affiliates’ System Impact Studies and Facilities Studies within the

60-day or 120-day deadline.

iv. For penalties assessed in accordance with subsection (iii)

above, the penalty amount for each System Impact Study or

Facilities Study shall be equal to $500 for each day the

Transmission Provider takes to complete that study beyond the 60-

day or 120-day deadline.

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MISO 27A.7.8

FERC Electric Tariff Penalties for Failure to Meet Study Deadlines:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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MISO 27A.8

FERC Electric Tariff Procedures if Unable to Complete New Facilities for Service

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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MISO 27A.8.1

FERC Electric Tariff Delays in Construction of New Facilities:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

If any event occurs that will materially affect the time for

completion of new facilities, or the ability to complete them, the

Transmission Provider shall promptly notify the Transmission Customer.

In such circumstances, the Transmission Provider shall within thirty (30)

days of notifying the Transmission Customer of such delays, convene a

technical meeting with the Transmission Customer and the affected

Transmission Owner(s) to evaluate the alternatives available to the

Transmission Customer. The Transmission Provider also shall make

available to the Transmission Customer studies and work papers related to

the delay, including all information that is in the possession of the

Transmission Provider and affected Transmission Owner(s) that is

reasonably needed by the Transmission Customer to evaluate any


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MISO 27A.8.2

FERC Electric Tariff Alternatives to the Original Facility Additions:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

When the review process of Section 27A.8.1 determines that one

or more alternatives exist to the originally planned construction project,

the Transmission Provider together with the affected Transmission

Owner(s) shall present such alternatives for consideration by the

Transmission Customer. If, upon review of any alternatives, the

Transmission Customer desires to maintain its Completed Application

subject to construction of the alternative facilities, it may request the

Transmission Provider to submit a revised HVDC Service Agreement for

Firm HVDC Service. If the alternative approach solely involves Non-

Firm HVDC Service, the Transmission Provider shall promptly tender a

Service Agreement for Non-Firm HVDC Service providing for the

service. In the event the Transmission Provider concludes that no

reasonable alternative exists and the Transmission Customer disagrees, the

Transmission Customer may seek relief under the dispute resolution

procedures pursuant to Section 12 or it may refer the dispute to the

Commission for resolution.

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MISO 27A.8.3

FERC Electric Tariff Refund Obligation for Unfinished Facility Additions

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

If the Transmission Provider and the Transmission Customer

mutually agree that no other reasonable alternatives exist and the

requested service cannot be provided out of existing capability under the

conditions of Module B of this Tariff, the obligation to provide the

requested Firm HVDC Service shall terminate and any deposit made by

the Transmission Customer shall be returned with interest pursuant to

Commission regulations 35.19a(a)(2)(iii). However, the Transmission

Customer shall be responsible for all prudently incurred costs by the

Transmission Provider through the time construction was suspended.

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MISO 27A.9

FERC Electric Tariff Transmission Construction and Service on Other Utilities

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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MISO 27A.9.1

FERC Electric Tariff Responsibility for Third-Party System Additions:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

The Transmission Provider shall not be responsible for making

arrangements for any necessary engineering, permitting, and construction

of transmission or Distribution Facilities on the system(s) of any other

entity or for obtaining any regulatory approval for such facilities. The

Transmission Provider will undertake reasonable efforts to assist the

Transmission Customer in obtaining such arrangements, including without

limitation, providing any information or data required by such other

electric system pursuant to Good Utility Practice.

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MISO 27A.9.2

FERC Electric Tariff Coordination of Third-Party System Additions:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

In circumstances where the need for transmission facilities or

upgrades is identified pursuant to the provisions of this Section 27A, and

if such upgrades further require the addition of transmission facilities on

other systems, the affected Transmission Owner(s) in coordination with

the Transmission Provider shall have the right to coordinate construction

on its own HVDC Facilities with the construction required by others. The

Transmission Provider together with affected Transmission Owner(s),

after consultation with the Transmission Customer and representatives of

such other systems, may defer construction of its new transmission

facilities, if the new transmission facilities on another system cannot be

completed in a timely manner. The Transmission Provider shall notify the

Transmission Customer in writing of the basis for any decision to defer

construction and the specific problems which must be resolved before it

will initiate or resume construction of new facilities. Within sixty (60)

days of receiving written notification by the Transmission Provider of its

intent to defer construction pursuant to this section, the Transmission

Customer may challenge the decision in accordance with the dispute

resolution procedures pursuant to Section 12 or it may refer the dispute to

the Commission for resolution.

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MISO 27A.10

FERC Electric Tariff Changes in Service Specifications

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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MISO 27A.10.1

FERC Electric Tariff Modifications On a Non-Firm Basis:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

The Transmission Customer taking Firm HVDC Service may

request the Transmission Provider to provide transmission service on a

non-firm basis over Receipt and Delivery Points on HVDC Facilities other

than those specified in the HVDC Service Agreement ("Secondary Receipt

and Delivery Points"), in amounts not to exceed its firm capacity

reservation, without incurring an additional Non-Firm HVDC Service

charge or executing a new HVDC Service Agreement, subject to the

following conditions.

i. Service provided over Secondary Receipt and Delivery Points will

be non-firm only, on an as-available basis, will not displace any firm or

non-firm service reserved or scheduled by third-parties under the Tariff or

by the Transmission Provider on behalf of its Native Load Customers, and

will be provided only on HVDC Facilities.

ii. The sum of all Firm and non-firm HVDC Service provided to the

Transmission Customer at any time pursuant to this section shall not

exceed the Reserved Capacity in the relevant HVDC Service Agreement

under which such services are provided.

iii. The Transmission Customer shall retain its right to schedule Firm

HVDC Service at the Receipt and Delivery Points specified in the relevant

HVDC Service Agreement in the amount of its original capacity


iv. Service over Secondary Receipt and Delivery Points on a non-firm

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MISO 27A.10.1

FERC Electric Tariff Modifications On a Non-Firm Basis:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

basis shall not require the filing of an Application for Non-Firm HVDC

Service under the Tariff. However, all other requirements of Section 27A

of the Tariff (except as to transmission rates) shall apply to transmission

service on a non-firm basis over Secondary Receipt and Delivery Points.

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MISO 27A.10.2

FERC Electric Tariff Modification On a Firm Basis:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Any request by a Transmission Customer taking Firm HVDC

Service to modify Receipt and Delivery Points on a firm basis shall be

treated as a new request for service on HVDC Facilities in accordance

with Section 27A.6 hereof, except that such Transmission Customer shall

not be obligated to pay any additional deposit if the capacity reservation

does not exceed the amount reserved in the existing HVDC Service

Agreement. While such new request is pending, the Transmission

Customer shall retain its priority for service at the existing firm Receipt

and Delivery Points specified in its HVDC Service Agreement. Service

under this Section 27A.10.2 will be provided only on HVDC Facilities.

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MISO 27A.11

FERC Electric Tariff Sale, Assignment, or Transfer of High-Voltage Direct Current

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Sale, Assignment, or Transfer of High-Voltage Direct Current Service

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MISO 27A.11.1

FERC Electric Tariff Procedures for Sale, Assignment or Transfer of Service:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Subject to Commission approval of any necessary filings, a

Transmission Customer may sell, assign, or transfer all or a portion of its

rights under its HVDC Service Agreement, but only to another Eligible

Customer (the “Assignee”). The Transmission Customer that sells,

assigns, or transfers its rights under its HVDC Service Agreement is

hereafter referred to as the “Reseller.” Compensation to the Reseller shall

be at rates established by agreement between the Reseller and the


The Assignee must execute a service agreement with the

Transmission Provider governing reassignments of transmission service

prior to the date on which the reassigned service commences. The

Transmission Provider shall charge the Reseller, as appropriate, at the rate

stated in the Reseller’s Service Agreement with the Transmission Provider

or the associated OASIS schedule and credit the Reseller with the price

reflected in the Assignee’s Service Agreement with the Transmission

Provider or the associated OASIS schedule; provided that such credit shall

be reversed in the event of non-payment by the Assignee. If the Assignee

does not request any change in the Point(s) of Receipt or the Point(s) of

Delivery, or a change in any other term or condition set forth in the

original HVDC Service Agreement, the Assignee shall receive the same

services as did the Reseller and the transmission priority of service for the

Assignee shall be the same as that of the Reseller. The Assignee shall be

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MISO 27A.11.1

FERC Electric Tariff Procedures for Sale, Assignment or Transfer of Service:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

subject to all terms and conditions of this Tariff. If the Assignee requests

a change in service, the reservation priority of service will be determined

by the Transmission Provider pursuant to section 27A.1.2 of this Tariff.

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MISO 27A.11.2

FERC Electric Tariff Information on Resale of Service:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

In accordance with Section 4 of this Tariff, all sales or assignments of capacity must be

conducted through or otherwise posted on the Transmission Provider’s OASIS on or before the

date the reassigned service commences and are subject to Section 27A.12.1. Resellers may also

use the Transmission Provider's OASIS to post transmission capacity available for resale.

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MISO 27A.12

FERC Electric Tariff Metering and Power Factor Correction:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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MISO 27A.12.1

FERC Electric Tariff Transmission Customer Obligations:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Unless otherwise agreed, the Transmission Customer shall be

responsible for the cost of installing and maintaining compatible metering

and communications equipment to accurately account for the Energy

being transmitted under this Tariff and to communicate the information to

the Transmission Provider. Such equipment installed on the Transmission

Customer’s system shall remain the property of the Transmission

Customer. Such equipment installed on the Transmission Owner’s system

shall remain the property of the Transmission Owner.

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MISO 27A.12.2

FERC Electric Tariff Transmission Provider Access to Metering Data:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

The Transmission Provider or its agent shall have access to

metering data, which may reasonably be required to facilitate

measurements and billing under the Service Agreement.

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MISO 27A.13

FERC Electric Tariff Compensation for High-Voltage Direct Current Service:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Rates for Firm and Non-Firm HVDC Service are provided in the

Schedules appended to this Tariff: Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service

(Schedule 7); and Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service (Schedule 8).

In addition to paying any applicable Ancillary Service costs, the Transmission

Customer also shall pay applicable charges under Schedule 35.

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MISO 27A.14

FERC Electric Tariff Stranded Cost Recovery:

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

The Transmission Provider may seek to recover stranded costs from the

Transmission Customer pursuant to this Tariff in accordance with the terms,

conditions and procedures set forth in FERC Order No. 888. However, the

Transmission Provider must separately file any specific proposed stranded cost

charge under Section 205 of the Federal Power Act.

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MISO 27A.15

FERC Electric Tariff Compensation for New Facilities Costs

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: August 2, 2017

Whenever a System Impact Study performed by the Transmission

Provider in connection with the provision of Firm HVDC Service identifies the

need for new facilities, the costs of such facilities shall be recovered from the

Transmission Customer, as provided in the appropriate section of Attachment FF.

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MISO 27A.16

FERC Electric Tariff [RESERVED]

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013


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MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013


The Transmission Provider will provide Network Integration Transmission Service pursuant to

the applicable terms and conditions contained in the Tariff and Service Agreement. Network

Integration Transmission Service allows the Network Customer to integrate, economically

dispatch and regulate its current and planned Network Resources to serve its Network Load in a

manner comparable to that in which the Transmission Owners utilize the Transmission System to

serve their Native Load or other Network Customers. Network Integration Transmission Service

also may be used by the Network Customer to deliver economy Energy purchases to its Network

Load from non-designated Resources on an as-available basis without additional charge.

Transmission Service for sales to non-designated Loads will be provided pursuant to the

applicable terms and conditions of Module B of this Tariff and/or any applicable ITC Rate


An ITC may provide Network Integration Transmission Service pursuant to an ITC Rate

Schedule to the extent both the Network Loads and the Network Resources are within the ITC

System, provided that the Network Customer has an appropriate Service Agreement with the

Transmission Provider. Network Resources located outside of the Transmission System

(Michigan) will be required to obtain services under Schedule 9 of this Tariff in order to import

such Network Resource(s) to the Transmission System (Michigan). Network Customers with

Loads and Resources physically and directly interconnected with the Transmission System

(Michigan) may also obtain Network Integration Transmission Service under Schedule 9 -

Michigan of this Tariff. Network Customers with Loads and Resources located both inside and

outside (and vice versa) of the Transmission System (Michigan) may also obtain Network

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MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Integration Transmission Service under Schedule 9 of this Tariff. In addition, Transmission

Service for sales to non-designated Loads that are not on the Transmission System (Michigan)

will be provided pursuant to the applicable terms and conditions of Module B of this Tariff.

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FERC Electric Tariff Nature of Network Integration Transmission Service

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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MISO 28.1

FERC Electric Tariff Scope of Service

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Network Integration Transmission Service is a Transmission Service that allows Network

Customers to efficiently and economically utilize their Network Resources (as well as other non-

designated Generation Resources) to serve their Network Load located in a Transmission

Owner’s, ITC, or ITC Participant(s) Local Balancing Authority Area or pricing zone and any

additional Load that may be designated pursuant to Section 31 of this Tariff. The Network

Customer taking Network Integration Transmission Service must obtain or provide Ancillary

Services pursuant to Section 3 or any applicable ITC Rate Schedule.

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MISO 28.2

FERC Electric Tariff Transmission Provider Responsibilities

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

The Transmission Provider will plan, operate, and cause to be maintained

the Transmission System in accordance with Good Utility Practice and its

planning obligations in Attachment FF in order to provide the Network Customer

with Network Integration Transmission Service over the Transmission System.

The Transmission Owners and ITC Participants, on behalf of Native Load

Customers, shall be required to designate Resources and Loads in the same

manner as any Network Customer under Module B of this Tariff. This

information must be consistent with the information used by the Transmission

Provider to calculate available transfer capability. The Transmission Provider and

ITC shall include the Network Customer’s Network Load in Transmission System

planning and shall, consistent with Good Utility Practice and Attachment FF,

endeavor to cause to be constructed and placed into service sufficient transfer

capability to deliver the Network Customer’s Network Resources to serve its

Network Load on a basis comparable to the Transmission Owner(s’) and ITC

Participant(s’) delivery of electric generating and purchased Resources to Native

Load Customers.

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MISO 28.3

FERC Electric Tariff Network Integration Transmission Service

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

The Transmission Provider and, as applicable, ITC will provide Firm

Transmission Service over the Transmission System to the Network Customer for

the delivery of Capacity and Energy from its designated Network Resources to

service its Network Loads on a basis that is comparable to the Transmission

Owner(s’) and ITC Participant(s’) use of the Transmission System to reliably

serve Native Load Customers.

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MISO 28.4

FERC Electric Tariff Secondary Service

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

The Network Customer may use the Transmission System to deliver

energy to its Network Loads from Generation Resources that have not been

designated as Network Resources. Such Energy shall be transmitted, on an as-

available basis, with no additional charges imposed under Schedules 7, 8, or 9, or

the applicable ITC Rate Schedule. Secondary service shall not require the filing

of an Application for Network Integration Transmission Service under this Tariff.

However, all other requirements of Part III of this Tariff (except for transmission

rates) shall apply to secondary service. Deliveries from Generation Resources

other than Network Resources will have a higher priority than any Non-Firm

Point-To-Point Transmission Service under Module B of this Tariff or under any

applicable ITC Rate Schedule.

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MISO 28.5

FERC Electric Tariff Marginal Losses

MODULES 32.0.0

Effective On: March 1, 2015

System Losses are associated with all Transmission Service including

Transmission Service associated with Grandfathered Agreements. The

Transmission Provider shall assess to Market Participants the Marginal Losses

Component of Ex Post LMP in Sections 39.2.9, 39.3.3.c.ii, 40.2.11, and 40.4.1.

The Transmission Provider, ITC, Transmission Owners, and ITC Participant(s)

are not obligated to provide Marginal Losses.

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MISO 28.6

FERC Electric Tariff Restrictions on Use of Service

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

The Network Customer shall not use Network Integration Transmission

Service for (i) sales of Capacity and Energy to non-designated Loads, or (ii) direct

or indirect provision of Transmission Service by the Network Customer to third

parties. All Network Customers taking Network Integration Transmission Service

shall use Point-To-Point Transmission Service under Module B of this Tariff for

any Third-Party Sale which requires use of the Transmission Provider’s

Transmission System except for service where the purchaser is a Network

Customer of the Transmission Provider.

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FERC Electric Tariff Initiating Service

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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MISO 29.1

FERC Electric Tariff Condition Precedent for Receiving Service

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Subject to the terms and conditions of Module B of this Tariff, the

Transmission Provider or ITC will provide Network Integration Transmission

Service to any Eligible Customer, provided that (i) the Eligible Customer

completes an Application for service as provided under Module B of this Tariff,

(ii) the Eligible Customer and the Transmission Provider in coordination with the

affected Transmission Owner(s), and ITC complete(s) the technical arrangements

set forth in Module B, Sections 29.3 and 29.4, (iii) the Eligible Customer executes

a Service Agreement pursuant to Attachment F for service under Module B of this

Tariff or requests in writing that the Transmission Provider file a proposed

unexecuted Service Agreement with the Commission, and (iv) the Eligible

Customer executes a Network Operating Agreement with the Transmission

Provider pursuant to Attachment G, or requests in writing that the Transmission

Provider file a proposed unexecuted Network Operating Agreement.

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MISO 29.2

FERC Electric Tariff Application Procedures

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

An Eligible Customer requesting service under Module B of this Tariff must

submit an Application, and at the discretion of Transmission Provider, a deposit

approximating the charge for one month of service or a request for waiver of such

deposit, to the Transmission Provider as far as possible in advance of the month in

which service is to commence. The Transmission Provider shall accept the request

for waiver of the deposit if the Eligible Customer is creditworthy. Unless subject to

the procedures in Section 2, Completed Applications for Network Integration

Transmission Service will be assigned a priority according to the date and time the

Application is received, with the earliest Application receiving the highest priority.

Applications should be submitted by entering the information listed below on the

Transmission Provider’s OASIS; however, any additional supplemental information

may also be requested to be provided by the Transmission Provider pursuant to the

Transmission Provider’s Business Practices Manuals. A Completed Application

shall provide all of the information included in 18 C.F.R. § 2.20 including but not

limited to the following:

(i) The identity, address, email address, telephone number and

facsimile number of the party requesting service;

(ii) A statement that the party requesting service is, or will be upon

commencement of service, an Eligible Customer under this Tariff;

(iii) A description of the Network Load at each delivery point. This

description should separately identify and provide the Eligible

Customer’s best estimate of the total Loads to be served at each

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MISO 29.2

FERC Electric Tariff Application Procedures

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

transmission voltage level, and the Loads to be served from each

Transmission Provider substation at the same transmission voltage

level. The description should include a ten (10) year forecast of

summer and winter Load and Generation Resource requirements

beginning with the first year after the service is scheduled to


(iv) The amount and location of any Interruptible Loads included in the

Network Load. This shall include the summer and winter Capacity

requirements for each interruptible Load (had such Load not been

interruptible), that portion of the Load subject to Interruption, the

conditions under which an Interruption can be implemented and

any limitations on the amount and frequency of interruptions. An

Eligible Customer should identify the amount of interruptible

customer Load (if any) included in the ten (10)-year Load Forecast

provided in response to (iii) above;

(v) A description of Network Resources (current and 10-year

projection). For each on-system Network Resource, such

description shall include:

- Unit size, location and amount of Capacity from that unit to

be designated as Network Resource

- Whether the unit is or will be an internal Resource

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MISO 29.2

FERC Electric Tariff Application Procedures

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

- Whether the unit is capable of receiving or responding to

AGC signals

- Whether the unit is capable of providing Regulation

- Whether the unit is capable of becoming a Spin

Qualified Resource

- VAR capability (both leading and lagging) of all


- Operating restrictions

- Any periods of restricted operations throughout the


- Maintenance schedules

- Minimum loading level of unit

- Normal operating level of unit

- Any must-run unit designations required for system

reliability or contract reasons

- Approximate variable generating cost ($/MWH) for

redispatch computations

- Arrangements governing sale and delivery of power to third

parties from generating facilities located in the MISO

Balancing Authority Area, where only a portion of unit

output is designated as a Network Resource;

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MISO 29.2

FERC Electric Tariff Application Procedures

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

For each off-system Network Resource, such description

shall include:

- Identification of the Network Resource as an off-system


- Amount of power to which the customer has rights

- Identification of the Control Area from which the power

will originate

- Delivery point(s) to the Transmission Provider’s

Transmission System

- Transmission arrangements on the external transmission


- Operating restrictions, if any

- Any periods of restricted operations throughout the


- Maintenance Schedules

- Minimum loading level of unit

- Normal operating level of unit

- Any must-run unit designations required for system

reliability or contract reasons

- Approximate variable generating cost ($/MWH) for

redispatch computations;

(vi) Description of Eligible Customer’s transmission system:

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MISO 29.2

FERC Electric Tariff Application Procedures

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

- Load flow and stability data, such as real and reactive parts

of the Load, lines, transformers, reactive devices and Load

type, including normal and Emergency ratings of all

transmission equipment in a Load flow format compatible

with that used by the Transmission Provider

- Operating restrictions needed for reliability

- Operating guides employed by system operators

- Contractual restrictions or committed uses of the Eligible

Customer’s transmission system, other than the Eligible

Customer’s Network Loads and Resources

- Location of Network Resources described in subsection (v)


- 10-year projection of system expansions or upgrades

- Transmission System maps that include any proposed

expansions or upgrades

- Thermal ratings of Eligible Customer’s Local Balancing

Authority Area ties with other Local Balancing Authority

Areas or Balancing Authority Areas; and

(vii) Service Commencement Date and the term of the requested

Network Integration Transmission Service. The minimum term for

Network Integration Transmission Service is one year.

(viii) A statement signed by an authorized officer from or agent of the

Network Customer attesting that all of the Network Resources

listed pursuant to Section 29.2(v) satisfy the following conditions:

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MISO 29.2

FERC Electric Tariff Application Procedures

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

(1) the Network Customer owns the Resource, has committed to

purchase generation pursuant to an executed contract, or has

committed to purchase generation where execution of a contract is

contingent upon the availability of Transmission Service under

Part III of the Tariff; and (2) the Network Resources do not include

any Resources, or any portion thereof, that are committed for sale

to non-designated third party load or otherwise cannot be called

upon to meet the Network Customer's Network Load on a non-

interruptible basis, except for purposes of fulfilling obligations

under a reserve sharing program; and

(ix) Any additional information required of the Transmission Customer

as specified in the Transmission Provider’s planning process

established in Attachment FF.

Unless the Parties agree to a different time frame, the Transmission Provider must

acknowledge the request within ten (10) days of receipt. The acknowledgment must include a

date by which a response, including a Service Agreement, will be sent to the Eligible Customer.

If an Application fails to meet the requirements of this section, the Transmission Provider shall

notify the Eligible Customer requesting service within fifteen (15) days of receipt and specify the

reasons for such failure. Wherever possible, the Transmission Provider will attempt to remedy

deficiencies in the Application through informal communications with the Eligible Customer. If

such efforts are unsuccessful, the Transmission Provider shall return the Application without

prejudice to the Eligible Customer filing a new or revised Application that fully complies with

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MISO 29.2

FERC Electric Tariff Application Procedures

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

the requirements of this section. The Eligible Customer will be assigned a new priority

consistent with the date of the new or revised Application. The Transmission Provider shall treat

this information consistent with the standards of conduct contained in Part 37 of the

Commission’s regulations.

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MISO 29.3

FERC Electric Tariff Arrangements to be Completed Prior to Service

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Network Integration Transmission Service shall not commence until the

Transmission Provider, the affected Transmission Owner, ITC, and the Network

Customer, or a third party, have completed installation of all equipment specified

under the Network Operating Agreement consistent with Good Utility Practice

and any additional requirements reasonably and consistently imposed to ensure

the reliable operation of the Transmission System. The Transmission Provider

and the affected Transmission Owner(s) and ITC shall exercise reasonable efforts,

in coordination with the Network Customer, to complete such arrangements as

soon as practicable taking into consideration the Service Commencement Date.

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MISO 29.4

FERC Electric Tariff Network Customer Facilities

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

The provision of Network Integration Transmission Service shall be

conditioned upon the Network Customer’s constructing, maintaining and

operating the facilities on its side of each Delivery Point or interconnection

necessary to reliably deliver Capacity and Energy from the Transmission System

to the Network Customer. The Network Customer shall be solely responsible for

constructing or installing all facilities on the Network Customer’s side of each

such delivery point or interconnection.

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MISO 29.5

FERC Electric Tariff Filing of Service Agreement

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

The Transmission Provider will file Service Agreements with the

Commission in compliance with applicable Commission regulations.

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FERC Electric Tariff Network Resources

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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MISO 30.1

FERC Electric Tariff Designation of Network Resources

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Network Resources shall include all generation owned, purchased or

leased by the Network Customer designated to serve Network Load under the

Tariff. Network Resources may not include Generation Resources, or any portion

thereof, that are committed for sale to non-designated third party Load or

otherwise cannot be called upon to meet the Network Customer’s Network Load

on a non-interruptible basis, except for purposes of fulfilling obligations under a

reserve sharing program. Any owned or purchased Generation Resources that

were serving the Network Customer’s Loads under firm agreements entered into

on or before the Service Commencement Date shall initially be designated as

Network Resources until the Network Customer terminates the designation of

such Generation Resources.

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MISO 30.2

FERC Electric Tariff Designation of New Network Resources

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

The Network Customer may designate a new Network Resource by

providing the Transmission Provider with as much advance notice as practicable

and under any procedures established by the Transmission Provider. A

designation of a new Network Resource must be made through the Transmission

Provider’s OASIS by a request for modification of service pursuant to an

Application under Section 29. This request must include a statement that the new

Network Resource satisfies the following conditions: (1) the Network Customer

owns the Resource, has committed to purchase generation pursuant to an executed

contract, or has committed to purchase generation where execution of a contract is

contingent upon the availability of Transmission Service under Part III of this Tariff;

and (2) the Network Resources do not include any Resources, or any portion thereof,

that are committed for sale to non-designated third party Load or otherwise cannot

be called upon to meet the Network Customer's Network Load on a non-interruptible

basis, except for purposes of fulfilling obligations under a reserve sharing program.

The Network Customer’s request will be deemed deficient if it does not include this

statement and the Transmission Provider will follow the procedures for a deficient

application as described in Section 29.2 of this Tariff.

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MISO 30.3

FERC Electric Tariff Termination of Network Resources

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

The Network Customer may terminate the designation of all or part of a Generation

Resource as a Network Resource by providing notification to the Transmission

Provider through OASIS and, as appropriate, the ITC as soon as reasonably

practicable, but not later than the firm scheduling deadline for the period of

termination. Any request for termination of Network Resource status must be

submitted on OASIS, and should indicate whether the request is for indefinite or

temporary termination. A request for indefinite termination of Network Resource

status must indicate the date and time that the termination is to be effective, and the

identification and Capacity of the Resource(s) or portions thereof to be indefinitely

terminated. A request for temporary termination of Network Resource status must

include the following:

i. Effective date and time of temporary termination;

ii. Effective date and time of redesignation, following period of temporary


iii. Identification and Capacity of Resource(s) or portions thereof to be

temporarily terminated;

iv. Resource description and attestation for redesignating the Network

Resource following the temporary termination, in accordance with

Section 30.2; and

v. Identification of any related Transmission Service requests to be

evaluated concomitantly with the request for temporary termination,

such that the requests for undesignation and the request for these

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MISO 30.3

FERC Electric Tariff Termination of Network Resources

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

related Transmission Service requests must be approved or denied as a

single request. The evaluation of these related Transmission Service

requests must take into account the termination of the Network

Resources identified in (iii) above, as well as all competing

Transmission Service requests of higher priority.

As part of a temporary termination, a Network Customer may only

redesignate the same Resource that was originally designated, or a portion

thereof. Requests to redesignate a different Resource and/or a Resource with

increased Capacity will be deemed deficient and the Transmission Provider will

follow the procedures for a deficient application as described in Section 29.2 of

the Tariff.

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MISO 30.4

FERC Electric Tariff Operation of Network Resources

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: May 1, 2015

The Network Customer shall not operate its designated Network Resources located

within the Midwest ISO Balancing Authority Area(s) such that the output of those facilities

exceeds its designated Network Load, plus Non-Firm Sales delivered pursuant to Module B of

this Tariff, plus net sales of Energy into the Energy Markets under this Tariff, plus Marginal

Losses, plus power sales under a reserve sharing program, plus sales that permit curtailment

without penalty to serve its designated Network Load. This limitation shall not apply to changes

in the operation of a Transmission Customer’s Network Resources at the request of the

Transmission Provider to respond to an Emergency or other unforeseen condition which may

impair or degrade the reliability of the Transmission System. For all Network Resources not

physically connected with the Transmission System, the Network Customer may not schedule

delivery of Energy in excess of the Network Resource’s capacity, as specified in the Network

Customer’s Application pursuant to Section 29, unless the Network Customer supports such

delivery within the Transmission System by either obtaining Point-to-Point Transmission Service

or utilizing secondary service pursuant to Section 28.4.

In the event that a Network Customer’s schedule at the delivery point for a Network

Resource not physically connected with the Transmission System exceeds the Network

Resource’s designated capacity, excluding Energy delivered using secondary service or Point-to-

Point Transmission Service, the Transmission Provider will assess unreserved use penalties as

follows: (1) the unreserved use penalties shall be based on the period of unreserved use; (2) the

unreserved use penalty for a single hour of unreserved use shall be the applicable rate for daily

firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service, as set forth in Schedule 7 of the Tariff; and (3) more

than one assessment for a given duration (e.g., daily) shall result in an increase of the penalty

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MISO 30.4

FERC Electric Tariff Operation of Network Resources

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: May 1, 2015

period to the next longest duration (e.g., weekly). Unreserved use penalties assessed using daily

firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service rates shall account for off-peak and on-peak usage, as

set forth in Schedule 7 of the Tariff. A 200% multiplier shall be applied to all assessed penalties.

These penalty revenues shall be allocated in the manner set forth in Section 13.7 of the Tariff.

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MISO 30.5

FERC Electric Tariff [RESERVED]

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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MISO 30.6

FERC Electric Tariff Arrangements for Network Resources Not Interconnected

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

The Network Customer shall be responsible for any arrangements

necessary to deliver Capacity and Energy from a Network Resource not

physically interconnected with the Transmission System. The Transmission

Provider and ITC, if applicable, will undertake reasonable efforts to assist the

Network Customer in obtaining such arrangements, including without limitation,

providing any information or data required by such other entity pursuant to Good

Utility Practice.

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MISO 30.7

FERC Electric Tariff Limitation on Designation of Network Resources

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

The Network Customer must demonstrate that it owns or has committed to

purchase generation pursuant to an executed contract in order to designate a

Generation Resource as a Network Resource. Alternatively, the Network

Customer may establish that execution of a contract is contingent upon the

availability of Transmission Service under Module B of this Tariff.

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MISO 30.8

FERC Electric Tariff Use of Interface Capacity by the Network Customer

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

There is no specific limitation upon a Network Customer’s use of the

Transmission System at the Interface(s) to the MISO Balancing Authority Area

(where the Network Customer’s Load is located) to integrate the Network

Customer’s Network Resources (or substitute economy purchases) with its

Network Loads. However, a Network Customer’s use of the Transmission

Provider’s or ITC’s total Interface capacity with other transmission systems may

not exceed the Network Customer’s Load or the applicable Interface capacity;

provided, however, that the usage restriction related to Load shall not limit an

entity's ability to use Interface capacity to schedule a quantity of Energy in excess

of Load to the extent such Energy is scheduled to meet the Network Customer's

must offer requirements set forth in RAR of this Tariff. The Transmission

Provider shall post on its OASIS or otherwise no later than sixty days before the

date this Tariff becomes effective and thereafter (1) the process Network

Customers will use to reach Generation Resources that are located in other

Balancing Authority Areas beyond the boundaries of the Transmission System,

and (2) how competing requests among Network Customers and between

Network Customers and Transmission Customers taking Point-To-Point

Transmission Service will be resolved. Before implementing or changing its

procedures, the Transmission Provider shall submit a filing to the Commission.

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MISO 30.8

FERC Electric Tariff Use of Interface Capacity by the Network Customer

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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MISO 30.9

FERC Electric Tariff Network Customer Owned Transmission Facilities

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: March 1, 2016

The Network Customer that owns existing transmission facilities that are integrated with

the Transmission System may be eligible to receive consideration either through a billing credit

or some other mechanism. In order to receive such consideration the Network Customer must

demonstrate that its transmission facilities are integrated into the plans or operations of the

Transmission Provider or ITC to serve its power and transmission customers. For facilities

added by the Network Customer subsequent to July 13, 2007, the Network Customer shall

receive credit for such transmission facilities added if such facilities are integrated into the

operations of the Transmission Provider’s facilities; provided however, the Network Customer’s

transmission facilities shall be presumed to be integrated if such transmission facilities, if owned

by the Transmission Provider, would be eligible for inclusion in the Transmission Provider’s

annual transmission revenue requirement as specified in Attachment O. Calculation of any credit

under this subsection shall be addressed in either the Network Customer’s Service Agreement or

any other agreement between the Parties. This crediting provision does not apply to Network

Customer transmission facilities that are reflected in the rates for service under this Tariff.

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FERC Electric Tariff Designation of Network Load

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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MISO 31.1

FERC Electric Tariff Network Load

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

The Network Customer must designate the individual Network Loads on

whose behalf the Transmission Provider or ITC will provide Network Integration

Transmission Service. The Network Loads shall be specified in the Service

Agreement. Network Loads taking service under Schedule 9 – Michigan must be

directly interconnected with the Transmission System (Michigan) or through

Distribution Facilities in the Transmission System (Michigan).

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MISO 31.2

FERC Electric Tariff New Network Loads

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

The Network Customer shall provide the Transmission Provider or ITC

with as much advance notice as reasonably practicable of the designation of new

Network Load that will be added to its Transmission System. A designation of

new Network Load must be made through a modification of service pursuant to a

new Application submitted using the Transmission Provider’s OASIS. The

Transmission Provider together with affected Transmission Owner(s) or ITC will

use due diligence to install any transmission facilities required to interconnect a

new Network Load designated by the Network Customer. The costs of new

facilities required to interconnect a new Network Load shall be determined in

accordance with the procedures provided in Module B, Section 32.4 and shall be

charged to the Network Customer in accordance with Commission policies.

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MISO 31.3

FERC Electric Tariff Location of Network Loads

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: July 19, 2015

All Network Load must meet at least one of the following location requirements:

(a) Network Load is physically interconnected with a Transmission Owner or ITC

within the geographic area in which facilities subject to this Tariff are located. All Network

Load taking service pursuant to Schedule 9 – Michigan must be physically and directly

interconnected with the Transmission System (Michigan) or through Distribution Facilities in the

Transmission System (Michigan).

(b) Network Load is not physically interconnected with a Transmission Owner or

ITC within the geographic area in which facilities subject to this Tariff are located but meets all

of the following conditions:

(i) Non-interconnected Network Load must have been either: (1) part of a

Transmission Owner’s bundled or native load prior to that Transmission Owner joining MISO, or

(2) a network customer’s network load under a Transmission Owner’s or ITC’s open access

transmission tariff in effect prior to that Transmission Owner or ITC joining MISO. The non-

interconnected Network Load must be part of the pricing zone of that MISO Transmission Owner

or ITC and the Network Customer must have coordinating arrangements in place with the host

Transmission Owner or ITC for reporting of the Network Load;

(ii) The non-interconnected Network Load is reported in a MISO Local

Balancing Authority Area;

(iii) The Network Customer takes Network Integration Transmission Service

for delivery of its Network Resources or other non-designated Generation Resources to the

Transmission Provider’s geographic area border to serve the non-interconnected Network Load;


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MISO 31.3

FERC Electric Tariff Location of Network Loads

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: July 19, 2015

(iv) The non-interconnected Network Load is served by firm transmission

service on the adjacent non-MISO transmission provider’s system.

(c) Network Load is not physically interconnected with a Transmission Owner or ITC

within the geographic area in which facilities subject to this Tariff are located, but is physically

located within the boundaries of the MISO Balancing Authority Area and balanced by the MISO

Balancing Authority. This does not include load that is Pseudo Tied into MISO Balancing


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MISO 31.4

FERC Electric Tariff New Interconnection Points

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

To the extent the Network Customer desires to add a new Delivery Point

or interconnection point between the Transmission System and a Network Load,

the Network Customer shall provide the Transmission Provider and ITC with as

much advance notice as reasonably practicable.

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MISO 31.5

FERC Electric Tariff Changes in Service Requests

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Under no circumstances shall the Network Customer’s decision to cancel

or delay a requested change in Network Integration Transmission Service (e.g.,

the addition of a new Network Resource or designation of a new Network Load)

in any way relieve the Network Customer of its obligation to pay the costs of

transmission facilities caused to be constructed by the Transmission Provider or

ITC and charged to the Network Customer as reflected in the Service Agreement.

The Network Customer must provide to the Transmission Provider, via the

OASIS, any request to defer the start of the long term service at least 31 days

prior to the beginning of service. The Transmission Provider must treat any

requested change in Network Integration Transmission Service in a non-

discriminatory manner.

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MISO 31.6

FERC Electric Tariff Annual Load and Resource Information Updates

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

The Network Customer shall provide the Transmission Provider and ITC

with annual updates of Network Load and Network Resource forecasts consistent

with those included in its Application for Network Integration Transmission

Service under Module B of this Tariff including, but not limited to, any

information provided under Section 29.2(ix) pursuant to the Transmission

Provider’s planning processes in Attachment FF. The Network Customer also

shall provide the Transmission Provider and ITC with timely written notice of

material changes in any other information provided in its Application relating to

the Network Customer’s Network Load, Network Resources, its transmission

system or other aspects of its facilities or operations affecting the Transmission

Provider’s or ITC’s ability to provide reliable service.

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FERC Electric Tariff Additional Study Procedures for Network Integration Transmis

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Additional Study Procedures for Network Integration Transmission Service Requests

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MISO 32.1

FERC Electric Tariff Notice of Need for System Impact Study

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

After receiving a request for service, the Transmission Provider or ITC, as

applicable, shall determine on a non-discriminatory basis whether a System

Impact Study is needed. A description of the Transmission Provider’s

methodology for completing a System Impact Study is provided in Attachment D.

If the Transmission Provider or ITC determines that a System Impact Study is

necessary to accommodate the requested service, it shall so inform the Eligible

Customer, as soon as practicable. In such cases, the Transmission Provider shall

within thirty (30) days of receipt of a Completed Application, tender a System

Impact Study agreement pursuant to which the Eligible Customer shall agree to

reimburse the Transmission Provider or ITC, as applicable, for performing the

required System Impact Study. For a service request to remain a Completed

Application, the Eligible Customer shall execute the System Impact Study

agreement in the form of Attachment D-1 of this Tariff and return it to the

Transmission Provider within fifteen (15) days. If the Eligible Customer elects

not to execute the System Impact Study agreement, its Application shall be

deemed withdrawn and any deposit shall be returned with interest.

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MISO 32.2

FERC Electric Tariff System Impact Study Agreement and Cost Reimbursement

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

(i) The System Impact Study agreement will clearly specify the

Transmission Provider’s or, as applicable, ITC’s estimate of the

actual cost, and time for completion of the System Impact Study.

The charge shall not exceed the actual cost of the study. In

performing the System Impact Study, the Transmission Provider

or, as applicable, ITC shall rely, to the extent reasonably

practicable, on existing transmission planning studies. The

Eligible Customer will not be assessed a charge for such existing

studies; however, the Eligible Customer will be responsible for

charges associated with any modifications to existing planning

studies that are reasonably necessary to evaluate the impact of the

Eligible Customer’s request for service on the Transmission


(ii) If in response to multiple Eligible Customers requesting service in

relation to the same competitive solicitation, a single System

Impact Study is sufficient for the Transmission Provider or, as

applicable, ITC to accommodate the service requests, the costs of

that study shall be pro-rated among the Eligible Customers.

(iii) Each Transmission Owner shall pay the Transmission Provider for

System Impact Studies that the Transmission Provider conducts on

the Transmission Owner’s behalf, the same as any non-

Transmission Owner.

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MISO 32.2

FERC Electric Tariff System Impact Study Agreement and Cost Reimbursement

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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MISO 32.3

FERC Electric Tariff System Impact Study Procedures

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: August 2, 2017

Upon receipt of an executed System Impact Study agreement, the

Transmission Provider or ITC, as applicable, will use due diligence to complete

the required System Impact Study within a sixty (60)-day period. The System

Impact Study shall identify (i) any system constraints, identified with specificity

by transmission element or flowgate, (ii) available options for installation of

automatic devices to curtail service (when requested by an Eligible Customer),

and (iii) additional Direct Assignment Facilities or Network Upgrades required to

provide the requested service. In the event that the Transmission Provider or ITC

is unable to complete the required System Impact Study within such time period,

it shall so notify the Eligible Customer and provide an estimated completion date

along with an explanation of the reasons why additional time is required to

complete the required studies. A copy of the completed System Impact Study and

related work papers shall be made available to the Eligible Customer as soon as

the System Impact Study is complete.

The Transmission Provider and ITC, as applicable, will use the same due

diligence in completing the System Impact Study for an Eligible Customer as it

uses when completing studies for Transmission Owners or ITC Participants.

The Transmission Provider, or ITC, as applicable, shall notify the Eligible

Customer immediately upon completion of the System Impact Study if the

Transmission System will be adequate to accommodate all or part of a request for

service or that no costs are likely to be incurred for new transmission facilities or

upgrades. In order for a request to remain a Completed Application, within

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MISO 32.3

FERC Electric Tariff System Impact Study Procedures

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: August 2, 2017

fifteen (15) days of completion of the System Impact Study the Eligible Customer

must execute a Service Agreement or request the filing of an unexecuted Service

Agreement, or the Application shall be deemed terminated and withdrawn.

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MISO 32.4

FERC Electric Tariff Facilities Study Procedures

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

If a System Impact Study indicates that additions or upgrades to the

Transmission System are needed to supply the Eligible Customer’s service

request, the Transmission Provider, within thirty (30) days of the completion of

the System Impact Study, shall tender to the Eligible Customer a Facilities Study

agreement pursuant to which the Eligible Customer shall agree to reimburse the

Transmission Provider or ITC, as applicable, and any affected Transmission

Owner(s) for performing the required Facilities Study. For a service request to

remain a Completed Application, the Eligible Customer shall execute the

Facilities Study agreement in the form of Attachment D-2 of this Tariff and return

it to the Transmission Provider within fifteen (15) days. If the Eligible Customer

elects not to execute the Facilities Study agreement, its Application shall be

deemed withdrawn and any deposit shall be returned with interest.

Upon receipt of an executed Facilities Study agreement, the Transmission

Provider or ITC, as applicable, in coordination with the affected Transmission

Owner(s) will use due diligence to complete the required Facilities Study within a

one hundred and twenty (120) day period. If the Transmission Provider or, as

applicable, ITC together with the affected Transmission Owner(s) are unable to

complete the Facilities Study in the allotted time period, the Transmission

Provider or ITC, as applicable, shall notify the Eligible Customer and provide an

estimate of the time needed to reach a final determination along with an

explanation of the reasons that additional time is required to complete the study.

When completed, the Facilities Study will include a good faith estimate of (i) the

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MISO 32.4

FERC Electric Tariff Facilities Study Procedures

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

cost of Direct Assignment Facilities to be charged to the Eligible Customer, (ii)

the Eligible Customer’s appropriate share of the cost of any required Network

Upgrades, and (iii) the time required to complete such construction and initiate

the requested service.

The Eligible Customer shall be requested to provide the Transmission

Provider with a letter of credit or other reasonable form of security acceptable to

the Transmission Provider, and ITC, as applicable, equivalent to the costs of new

facilities or upgrades consistent with commercial practices as established by the

Uniform Commercial Code unless the Transmission Provider determines that the

Eligible Customer already has a letter(s) of credit or other form(s) of security on

file with the Transmission Provider that is sufficient to cover its existing and

proposed obligations. The Eligible Customer shall have thirty (30) days to

execute a Service Agreement or request the filing of an unexecuted Service

Agreement and provide the required letter of credit or other form of security or

the request no longer will be a Completed Application and shall be deemed

terminated and withdrawn.

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MISO 32.4.1

FERC Electric Tariff Changes in Facilities Study Assumptions

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Any changes to the original assumptions, considered during the

System Impact Study, that arise during the Facilities Study, that can

materially impact the results of the Facilities Study, may require the

Transmission Provider to re-evaluate the results of the original System

Impact Study. If the Transmission Provider ascertains that the changes in

assumptions are material modifications to the original scope of the study,

that could change the outcome of the Facilities Study, then the

Transmission Provider shall temporarily stop work on the Facilities Study

until the results from the re-evaluation are available. After the re-

evaluation results are available, the Transmission Provider will make the

final determination whether the initial Facilities Study should proceed

based on the original scope or based on the revised scope. If the scope of

the initial Facilities Study needs to be revised, then the Transmission

Provider will reset the one hundred and twenty (120) day clock to perform

the revised Facilities Study. The Transmission Provider will take

appropriate steps to communicate to the customer the revised scope and

schedule the revised Facilities Study.

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MISO 32.4.1

FERC Electric Tariff Changes in Facilities Study Assumptions

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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MISO 32.5

FERC Electric Tariff Penalties for Failure to Meet Study Deadlines

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Section 19.9 defines penalties that apply for failure to meet the sixty (60) day study

completion due diligence deadlines for System Impact Studies and one hundred and twenty (120)

day study completion deadlines for Facilities Studies under Part II of this Tariff. These same

requirements and penalties apply to service under Part III of this Tariff.

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FERC Electric Tariff Load Shedding, Curtailments and Manual Redispatch

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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MISO 33.1

FERC Electric Tariff Procedures

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Prior to the Service Commencement Date, the Transmission Provider, in

coordination with the affected Transmission Owner(s) and ITC, and the Network

Customer shall establish Load Shedding and Curtailment procedures pursuant to

the Network Operating Agreement with the objective of responding to

contingencies on the Transmission System and on systems directly and indirectly

interconnected with the Transmission Provider’s Transmission System. The

Parties, including the affected Transmission Owner(s) and ITC, will implement

such programs during any period when the Transmission Provider or the ITC

determines that a system contingency exists and such procedures are necessary to

alleviate such contingency. The Transmission Provider will notify all affected

Network Customers, and affected Transmission Owners, and ITCs in a timely

manner of any scheduled Curtailment.

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MISO 33.2

FERC Electric Tariff Transmission Constraints

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

During any period when the Transmission Provider determines that a

transmission constraint exists on the Transmission System, and such constraint

may impair the reliability of the Transmission Provider’s system, the

Transmission Provider or ITC, as applicable, will take whatever actions,

consistent with Good Utility Practice, that are reasonably necessary to maintain

the reliability of the Transmission Provider’s or the ITC system. To the extent the

Transmission Provider or ITC determines that the reliability of the Transmission

System can be maintained by redispatching Resources, the procedures in Module

C shall apply.

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MISO 33.3

FERC Electric Tariff Cost Responsibility for Relieving Transmission Constraints

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

The cost of relieving transmission constraint is the cost of redispatch of

Resources pursuant to the provisions of Module C. The cost of redispatch is the

responsibility of Market Participants and is assessed to each Market Participant’s

transactions pursuant to Sections 39.3.1, 39.3.3, 40.3 and 40.4.

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MISO 33.4

FERC Electric Tariff Curtailments of Scheduled Deliveries

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: January 2, 2019

If the Transmission Provider or ITC, as applicable, determines that it is

necessary to curtail scheduled deliveries, the Parties and the affected

Transmission Owner(s) and ITC shall curtail such schedules in accordance with

the Network Operating Agreement and any applicable ITC Rate Schedule or this

Tariff, or pursuant to the Transmission Loading Relief Procedures specified in

NERC Reliability Standards and NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standards .

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MISO 33.5

FERC Electric Tariff Allocation of Curtailments

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

The Transmission Provider shall, on a non-discriminatory basis, identify

and curtail transaction(s) in order to effectively relieve the constraint. However,

to the extent practicable and consistent with Good Utility Practice, any

Curtailment will be shared by the affected Transmission Owner(s), or ITC

Participant(s), and Network Customer in proportion to their respective Load Ratio

Shares. The Transmission Provider shall not direct the Network Customer to

curtail schedules to an extent greater than the Transmission Provider would curtail

the Transmission Owner’s, or ITC Participant schedules under similar


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MISO 33.6

FERC Electric Tariff Load Shedding

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

To the extent that a system contingency exists on the Transmission System

and the Transmission Provider or ITC determines that it is necessary for the

affected Transmission Owner(s), ITC Participant(s) and the Network Customer to

shed Load, the Parties shall shed Load in accordance with previously established

procedures under the Network Operating Agreement, and any applicable ITC

Rate Schedule or tariff, or the ISO Agreement whichever is applicable.

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MISO 33.7

FERC Electric Tariff System Reliability

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Tariff, the Transmission

Provider reserves the right, consistent with Good Utility Practice and on a not

unduly discriminatory basis, to curtail Network Integration Transmission Service

without liability on the Transmission Provider’s or Transmission Owner’s, ITC’s,

or ITC Participant’s part for the purpose of making necessary adjustments to,

changes in, or repairs on the Transmission Owner’s and ITC’s lines, substations

and facilities, and in cases where the continuance of Network Integration

Transmission Service would endanger persons or property. In the event of any

adverse condition(s) or disturbance(s) on the Transmission System or on any

other system(s) directly or indirectly interconnected with the Transmission

System, the Transmission Provider, consistent with Good Utility Practice, also

may curtail Network Integration Transmission Service in order to (i) limit the

extent or damage of the adverse condition(s) or disturbance(s), (ii) prevent

damage to generating or transmission facilities, or (iii) expedite restoration of

service. The Transmission Provider will give the Network Customer as much

advance notice as is practicable in the event of such Curtailment.

a) $10 per kW if the customer fails to respond within the required

response period set forth in the Network Operating Agreement; or

b) $20 per KW if the customer fails to respond within a period of

time equal to two times the response period set forth in the

Network Operating Agreement. These charges shall apply only to

the portion of the service that the Transmission Customer fails to

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MISO 33.7

FERC Electric Tariff System Reliability

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

curtail in response to a directive. The Transmission Provider shall

compensate any affected Local Balancing Authority Areas or

Generators for their actual costs up to the amount recovered by the

Transmission Provider. Any revenues in excess of actual costs

shall be used to reduce the Transmission Provider’s costs (for other

than the penalized Transmission Customer) in Schedule 10, or, in

the case of ITC Service, any revenues in excess of actual costs

shall be applied as specified in the ITC Rate Schedule.

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MISO 33.8

FERC Electric Tariff Manual Redispatch

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: December 20, 2013

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MISO 33.8.1

FERC Electric Tariff Circumstances Requiring Manual Redispatch

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: December 31, 9998

Generation Resources, Demand Response Resources-Type II, or Electric Storage

Resources may be manually redispatched by the Transmission Provider in order to maintain the

reliability of the Transmission System only in circumstances where automated Real-Time

Energy and Operating Reserve Market generation dispatch procedures set forth in Module C are

inadequate to maintain reliability. Such circumstances arise when the five-minute dispatch

process utilized in Real-Time Energy and Operating Reserve Market operations is unable to


During these situations, the Transmission Provider may manually redispatch Generation

Resources, Demand Response Resources-Type II, or Electric Storage Resources until such time

as the automated Real-Time Energy and Operating Reserve Market generation dispatch

procedures set forth in Module C of this Tariff are deemed adequate to maintain reliable

operations of the Transmission System. The circumstances that may require Manual Redispatch

include, but are not limited to, any Transmission System condition that requires immediate

action to avoid or mitigate system operating limit violations, or to avoid exceeding an

interconnection reliability operational limit.

If operational factors permit, the Transmission Provider will attempt to inform the Market

Participant and provide it an opportunity to cure behavior that can lead to Manual Redispatch.

Manual Redispatch may be ordered irrespective of any TLR level prevailing at the time. In the

event that the Transmission System is experiencing conditions that exceed an interconnection

reliability operating limit or other conditions that could lead to cascading outages of the

Transmission System, the Transmission Provider shall implement Emergency procedures,

pursuant to Section 40.2.20 of this Tariff.

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MISO 33.8.2

FERC Electric Tariff Manual Redispatch Compensation and Eligibility

MODULES 42.0.0

Effective On: December 31, 9998

As a result of following Manual Redispatch instructions, Generation Resources, Demand

Response Resources–Type II, or Electric Storage Resources that are manually redispatched by

the Transmission Provider, either directly or as a Transmission Provider instruction

communicated through a Local Balancing Authority, may not fully recover their real-time

Incremental Energy Cost from the Hourly Real-Time Ex Post LMP during the period the

Transmission Provider has directed the Generation Resources, Demand Response Resources–

Type II, or Electric Storage Resources to operate at Energy levels above the Resource’s Day-

Ahead Schedule for Energy, or may have Day-Ahead Margins eroded during the period the

Transmission Provider has directed the Generation Resource, Demand Response Resource-

Type II, or Electric Storage Resource to operate at Energy levels below the Resource’s Day-

Ahead Schedule for Energy. In such circumstances, the Market Participant owning the

Generation Resource, Demand Response Resource– Type II, or Electric Storage Resource shall

be compensated pursuant to Schedule 27 of this Tariff only if the following eligibility criteria

and requirements are satisfied.

a. A Generation Resource, Demand Response Resource-Type II, or Electric Storage

Resource manually redispatched pursuant to this Section of this Tariff, is only eligible for Real-

Time Offer Revenue Sufficiency Guarantee Payments (“RTORSGP”) under Schedule 27 in

Hours in which it has been committed by the Transmission Provider in the Day-Ahead Energy

and Operating Reserve Market, or received a commitment from the Transmission Provider in the

Real-Time Energy and Operating Reserve Market as must-run. In addition, the following

requirements must be met for a Generation Resource, Demand Response Resource-Type II, or

Electric Storage Resource to be eligible for RTORSGP under Schedule 27:

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MISO 33.8.2

FERC Electric Tariff Manual Redispatch Compensation and Eligibility

MODULES 42.0.0

Effective On: December 31, 9998

1) Day-Ahead committed Hours must comply with the following requirements:

(a) The Generation Resource, Demand Response Resource-Type II, or Electric

Storage Resource must offer flexibly for the Hour pursuant to the following


i. All ramp rates used in the Real-Time Energy and Operating Reserve

Market within the Dispatch Interval must be greater than one-half MW per


ii. The Up and Down Ramp Capability Dispatch Status must be submitted as

Economic in the Real-Time Energy and Operating Reserve Market; and

iii. If four or more consecutive Dispatch Intervals fail eligibility, the Resource

will be ineligible for compensation.

(b) The as-committed day-ahead Offers must remain unchanged when submitted as

Real-Time Offers pursuant to the following criteria:

i. For a given day-ahead committed Hour, the following Offers must be the

same as the Offers that the day-ahead commitment was based on, and the

Real-Time Offers at the close of the Real-Time Energy and Operating

Reserve Market Hour as submitted by the Market Participant:

1. Hourly Economic Minimum Limit, Hourly Emergency Minimum

Limit and Hourly Regulation Minimum Limit must be equal to the

day-ahead Hourly Economic Minimum Limit, Hourly Emergency

Minimum Limit and Hourly Regulation Minimum Limit, respectively.

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MISO 33.8.2

FERC Electric Tariff Manual Redispatch Compensation and Eligibility

MODULES 42.0.0

Effective On: December 31, 9998

For Electric Storage Resources, applicable real-time hourly minimum

limits must be equal to the hourly day-ahead minimum limits.

2. The real-time Regulating Capacity Offer must be equal to the day-

ahead Regulating Capacity Offer, the real-time Regulating Mileage

Offer must be equal to the day-ahead Regulating Mileage Offer, the

real-time Spinning Reserve Offer must be equal to the day-ahead

Spinning Reserve Offer, and the real-time Supplemental Reserve Offer

must be equal to the day-ahead Supplemental Reserve Offer.

3. The real-time Up and Down Ramp Capability Dispatch Status must be

equal to the day-ahead Up and Down Ramp Capability Dispatch


2) Real-time must-run committed Hours must meet the following requirements:

(a) The Generation Resource, Demand Response Resource-Type II, or Electric

Storage Resource must offer flexibly for the Hour, pursuant to the following


i. All ramp rates used in the Real-Time Energy and Operating Reserve

Market within the Dispatch Interval must be greater than one-half MW per


ii. The Up and Down Ramp Capability Dispatch Status must be submitted as

Economic in the Real-Time Energy and Operating Reserve Market; and

iii. If four or more consecutive Dispatch Intervals fail eligibility, the Resource

will be ineligible for compensation.

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MISO 33.8.2

FERC Electric Tariff Manual Redispatch Compensation and Eligibility

MODULES 42.0.0

Effective On: December 31, 9998

(b) All Offers must be the same for each consecutive real-time must-run Hour within

the Manual Redispatch period and the first Hour of the Manual Redispatch period

must be the same as the previous Hour, if committed, pursuant to the following


i. The following Offer parameters must be the same for each consecutive

real-time must-run committed Hour in the Manual Redispatch period:

1. Regulating Capacity, Regulating Mileage, Spinning Reserve and

Supplemental Reserve Offers;

2. Hourly Economic Minimum Limit, Hourly Emergency Minimum

Limit and Hourly Regulation Minimum Limit or applicable hourly

minimum limits for Electric Storage Resources; and

3. Up and Down Ramp Capability Dispatch Status.

ii. The following Offer parameters must be the same for the first Hour of the

real-time must-run committed Hour in the Manual Redispatch period, and

the previous Hour, if committed:

1. Regulating Capacity, Regulating Mileage, Spinning Reserve and

Supplemental Reserve Offers;

2. Hourly Economic Minimum Limit, Hourly Emergency Minimum

Limit and Hourly Regulation Minimum Limit or applicable hourly

minimum limits for Electric Storage Resources; and

3. Up and Down Ramp Capability Dispatch Status.

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MISO 33.8.2

FERC Electric Tariff Manual Redispatch Compensation and Eligibility

MODULES 42.0.0

Effective On: December 31, 9998

Failure to meet any of these requirements will result in the Generation Resource,

Demand Response Resource-Type II, or Electric Storage Resource being

disqualified for RTORSGP in the Hour during which such failure occurs and each

subsequent Hour of the Manual Redispatch period.

b. A Generation Resource, Demand Response Resource-Type II, or Electric Storage

Resource manually redispatched pursuant to this Section 33.8 is only eligible for DAMAP under

Schedule 27 in Hours in which its Day-Ahead Margin has been eroded.

1) In addition, the following requirements must be met for a Generation Resource,

Demand Response Resource-Type II, or Electric Storage Resource to be eligible

for DAMAP under Schedule 27:

The Generation Resource must offer flexibly for the Hour, pursuant to the

following criteria:

a. All ramp rates used in the Real-Time Energy and Operating Reserve

Market within the Dispatch Interval must be greater than one-half MW per

minute; and

b. The Up and Down Ramp Capability Dispatch Status must be submitted as

Economic in the Day-Ahead and Real-Time Energy and Operating

Reserve Market.

If four or more consecutive Dispatch Intervals fail eligibility, the Resource will be

ineligible for compensation.

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MISO 33.8.2

FERC Electric Tariff Manual Redispatch Compensation and Eligibility

MODULES 42.0.0

Effective On: December 31, 9998

Failure to meet any of these requirements will result in the Generation Resource,

Demand Response Resource-Type II, or Electric Storage Resource being

disqualified for DAMAP in the Hour during which such failure occurs.

2) A Generation Resource, Demand Response Resource-Type II, or Electric Storage

Resource manually redispatched to zero is only eligible for DAMAP under

Schedule 27 in the Hours in which the resource is manually redispatched plus the

Hours for any applicable Minimum Down Time requirement.

3) A Generation Resource will also be reimbursed any start-up costs incurred to

return to online status after being manually redispatched to zero only to the extent

such costs have not been recovered through the clearing and commitment of the

Generation Resource in the Day-Ahead Energy and Operating Reserve Market

and/or the Real-Time Energy and Operating Reserve Market. The reimbursed

start-up costs shall be funded through an assessment of debits on all Market

Participants on a pro rata basis, based on their Market Load Ratio Share.

c. During any period in which a Generation Resource and Electric Storage Resource is

Manually Redispatched, the Generation Resource and Electric Storage Resource shall be exempt

from paying Revenue Sufficiency Guarantee Distribution charges and shall be exempt from

Excessive/Deficient Energy Deployment Charges under Section 40.3.4. If the period of Manual

Redispatch includes any partial Hour, then that entire Hour will be exempt from paying Revenue

Sufficiency Guarantee Charges and shall be exempt from Excessive/Deficient Energy

Deployment Charges under Section 40.3.4.

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MISO 33.8.3

FERC Electric Tariff Manual Redispatch Cost Recovery

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: December 31, 9998

Payments associated with Manual Redispatch will be allocated based upon the methods specified

in Sections and of this Tariff.

Payments relating to Manual Redispatch may be directly assigned to an individual Transmission

Customer(s), or a Market Participant(s) owning any Generation Resource(s), Demand Response

Resource(s)-Type II, or Electric Storage Resource(s), where circumstances conclusively

demonstrate that the action or inaction of one or more such Transmission Customer(s) or Market

Participant(s), in violation of a Transmission Provider directive and in contravention of Good

Utility Practices, proximately caused the circumstances necessitating Manual Redispatch,

provided that, prior to any such direct assignment of costs, the Transmission Provider must

receive approval from the Commission pursuant to a filing under Section 205 of the Federal

Power Act. The cost allocation set forth in the preceding paragraph shall not apply to any costs

directly assigned hereunder.

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MISO 33.8.4

FERC Electric Tariff Notice and Posting

MODULES 31.0.0

Effective On: December 31, 9998

The Transmission Provider will notify the appropriate Local Balancing Authority(ies)

and Market Participant(s) and provide the appropriate Generation Resource(s), Demand

Response Resource(s)-Type II, or Electric Storage Resource(s) with Manual Redispatch

instructions to return the Transmission System within operating limits. Such notice will specify

the nature of the occurrence giving rise to the need for the Manual Redispatch instruction, the

times at which the Manual Redispatch is to commence and cease, and the MW level at which the

Generation Resource, Demand Response Resource(s)-Type II, or Electric Storage Resource shall

operate during the period of Manual Redispatch. Each time a Generation Resource, Demand

Response Resource(s)-Type II, or Electric Storage Resource is manually redispatched, the

Transmission Provider shall promptly post afterwards on its OASIS the existence and nature of

the conditions requiring the Manual Redispatch and the period of time that the Generation

Resource, Demand Response Resource(s)-Type II, or Electric Storage Resource was manually

redispatched. When the Transmission Provider directly assigns Incremental Energy Costs

pursuant to Section 33.8.3 above and with appropriate Commission approval, the Transmission

Provider shall post on its OASIS the entity being directly allocated Incremental Energy Costs

associated with Manual Redispatch of a Generation Resource, Demand Response Resource(s)-

Type II, or Electric Storage Resource.

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FERC Electric Tariff Rates and Charges

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

The Network Customer shall pay the Transmission Provider for any Direct Assignment

Facilities, Ancillary Services, and applicable study costs, consistent with Commission

policy, along with the following:

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MISO 34.1

FERC Electric Tariff Monthly Demand Charge

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

The Network Customer, shall pay a monthly demand charge pursuant to

the applicable Schedule 9 which reflects its Load Ratio Share calculated on a

calendar year basis. The charge will be calculated by multiplying the

Transmission Customer’s monthly Network Load determined in accordance with

Module B, Section 34.2 by the applicable firm monthly zonal rate except for

Transmission Customer’s taking service pursuant to the provisions specified

under Schedule 9 – ATC.

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MISO 34.2

FERC Electric Tariff Determination of Network Customer’s Monthly Network Load

MODULES 33.0.0

Effective On: December 31, 9998

A Network Customer’s monthly Network Load is its hourly Load (60 minute, Hour);

provided, however, the Network Customer’s monthly Network Load will be its hourly Load

coincident with the monthly peak of the pricing zone where the Network Customer’s Load is

physically located or as otherwise located as defined in Section 31.3 (b) or (c). A Network

Customer’s monthly Network Load shall exclude any withdrawals of Energy by Electric Storage

Resources while providing Regulating Service or Down Ramp Capability.

Transmission losses refer to the loss of energy during the transmission of electricity from

generation resources to Load, which is dissipated as heat through transformers, transmission

lines, and other transmission facilities that are under the functional control of the Transmission

Provider. When reporting monthly network coincident peak loads to MISO for billing purposes,

load reporting entities will adjust Network Load to account for Transmission losses in

accordance with MISO Business Practice Manual – 012.

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MISO 34.3

FERC Electric Tariff [RESERVED]

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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MISO 34.4

FERC Electric Tariff Redispatch Charge

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

The Market Participant shall pay redispatch costs for their transactions in

accordance with Module C.

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MISO 34.5

FERC Electric Tariff Stranded Cost Recovery

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

This Tariff, including any ITC Rate Schedule, does not affect in any way

the right of any Transmission Owner or ITC Participant to seek and receive

stranded cost recovery or the right of anyone to oppose such stranded cost

recovery. Thus, the Transmission Owner(s) and ITC Participant(s) may seek to

recover stranded costs from the User(s) in accordance with the terms, conditions

and procedures set forth in FERC Order No. 888. However, the Transmission

Owner(s) and ITC Participant(s) must separately file any specific proposed

stranded cost charge under Section 205 of the Federal Power Act. If the

Commission approves stranded cost charges to be recovered through schedules to

be implemented by the Transmission Provider and ITC, the Transmission

Provider and ITC, as agreed, shall charge and collect the appropriate charge(s)

from the relevant User(s) and distribute the appropriate amounts directly to the

relevant Transmission Owner(s) and ITC Participant(s).

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MISO 34.6

FERC Electric Tariff ISO Costs

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

The Network Customer shall pay ISO costs in accordance with Schedule

10 or, where applicable, ITC costs pursuant to the ITC Rate Schedule.

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FERC Electric Tariff Operating Arrangements

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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MISO 35.1

FERC Electric Tariff Operation Under The Network Operating Agreement

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

The Network Customer shall plan, construct, operate and maintain its

facilities in accordance with Good Utility Practice and in conformance with the

Network Operating Agreement, or, if applicable, the ITC transmission operating

requirements specified in the ITC Rate Schedule.

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MISO 35.2

FERC Electric Tariff Network Operating Agreement

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

The terms and conditions under which the Network Customer shall

operate its facilities and the technical and operational matters associated with the

implementation of Module B of the Tariff shall be specified in the Network

Operating Agreement. For ITC, the ITC transmission operating requirements as

specified in the ITC Rate Schedule shall apply. The Network Operating

Agreement shall provide for the Parties, including the affected Transmission

Owner(s), to (i) operate and maintain equipment necessary for integrating the

Network Customer within the Transmission System (including, but not limited to,

remote terminal units, metering, communications equipment and relaying


(ii) transfer data between the Transmission Provider and the Network

Customer (including, but not limited to, heat rates and operational characteristics

of Network Resources, generation schedules for units outside the Transmission

System, Interchange Schedules, unit outputs for redispatch required under Section

33, voltage schedules, loss factors and other real time data), (iii) use software

programs required for data links and constraint dispatching, (iv) exchange data on

Load Forecasts and Resources necessary for long-term planning, and (v) address

any other technical and operational considerations required for implementation of

Module B of this Tariff, including scheduling protocols.

The Network Operating Agreement will recognize that the Network

Customer shall either (i) operate as a Local Balancing Authority Area under the

Applicable Reliability Standard, (ii) satisfy its Local Balancing Authority Area

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MISO 35.2

FERC Electric Tariff Network Operating Agreement

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

requirements, including all necessary Operating Reserve and Other Ancillary

Services, by contracting with the Transmission Provider and/or participating in

the Energy and Operating Reserve Markets, or (iii) satisfy its Local Balancing

Authority Area requirements, including all necessary Operating Reserves and

Other Ancillary Services by contracting with another entity, consistent with Good

Utility Practice, which satisfies the Applicable Reliability Standard. The

Transmission Provider shall not unreasonably refuse to accept contractual

arrangements with another entity for Operating Reserves or Other Ancillary

Services; provided however, that any Operating Reserve not purchased from the

Energy and Operating Reserve Markets shall be self-scheduled through that

market consistent with the terms of Module C. The Network Operating

Agreement is included in Attachment G.

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MISO 35.3

FERC Electric Tariff [RESERVED]

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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FERC Electric Tariff Scheduling

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Each Network Customer and/or Market Participant shall submit an Interchange Schedule

daily for flows consistent with the times for Energy scheduling for Firm Point-To-Point

Transmission Service shown on Attachment J and the applicable scheduling provisions

set forth in Module C when the associated Transmission Service Request is an

Interchange Transaction.

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MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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FERC Electric Tariff Applicability

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

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MISO 37.1

FERC Electric Tariff Applicability to Transmission Owner Load

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Each Transmission Owner and ITC Participant, to the extent it is a Load

Serving Entity, shall take Network Integration Transmission Service or Point-To-

Point Transmission Service from the Transmission Provider or ITC, as applicable,

in accordance with this Tariff, subject to the limitations in Section 37.3, for (1)

Bundled Load served by a Load Serving Entity; and (2) Load being served at

wholesale under a Grandfathered Agreement. Each Transmission Owner and ITC

Participant that is a Load Serving Entity shall enter into a service agreement(s)

under this Tariff with the Transmission Provider for such Transmission Service.

A Transmission Owner or ITC Participant, making contractual arrangements to

act as agent on behalf of another Transmission Owner(s) or ITC Participant with

Load located in the same pricing zone subject to Grandfathered Agreements, will

be permitted to make arrangements for Network Integration Transmission Service

or Point-To-Point Transmission Service with the Transmission Provider for Load

served by the other Transmission Owner(s) or ITC Participant.

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MISO 37.2

FERC Electric Tariff Applicability to Other Load Serving Entities

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

All other Load Serving Entities not covered under Section 37.1 shall take Network Integration

Transmission Service or Point-To-Point Transmission Service from the Transmission Provider in

accordance with this Tariff and shall enter into a service agreement(s) under this Tariff with the

Transmission Provider for such Transmission Service Any Load Serving Entity serving Load in

the Real-Time Energy and Operating Reserve that is found to have exceeded its capacity

reservations under Sections 13.7, 14.5, 27A.1.6 and/or 27A.2.4 shall pay unreserved use

penalties in accordance with Sections 13.7, 14.5, 27A.1.6 and/or 27A.2.4 as applicable.

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MISO 37.3

FERC Electric Tariff Limitations on Charges and Cost Responsibilities

MODULES 32.0.0

Effective On: March 1, 2015

a. Bundled Load: Transmission Owners and ITC Participants taking

Network Integration Transmission Service to serve their Bundled

Load shall not pay charges pursuant to Schedules 1, 3 through 6

and Schedule 9. After the Transition Period ends, beginning

February 1, 2008, the total Schedule 9 revenues to be distributed to

Transmission Owners and ITC Participants under the ISO

Agreement shall include the Schedule 9 charges that would be

payable by any Transmission Owners and ITC Participants covered

by the above exclusion or by a similar exclusion in a Service

Agreement with the Transmission Provider (“imputed revenues”).

In distributing Schedule 9 revenues to Transmission Owners and

ITC Participants, the Transmission Provider shall deduct the

imputed revenues attributed to each such Transmission Owner and

ITC Participant from the total Schedule 9 revenues that are due to

that Transmission Owner or ITC Participant. Notwithstanding the

first sentence of this section, Ameren Service Company, acting as a

Transmission Customer taking Transmission Service to serve

Ameren Energy, Inc., as agent for and on behalf of Union Electric

Company (d/b/a AmerenUE and Ameren Energy Generating

Company), for serving their Bundled Load in the State of Missouri

shall not pay charges pursuant to Schedule 2.1

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MISO 37.3

FERC Electric Tariff Limitations on Charges and Cost Responsibilities

MODULES 32.0.0

Effective On: March 1, 2015

The Market Participant shall be financially responsible for

payment of the Marginal Congestion Component of Ex Post LMP

and Marginal Loss Component of Ex Post LMP related to their

transactions as specified in Sections 39.2.9, 39.3.3.c, 40.2.11, and

40.4.1 for those Transmission Owners and ITC Participants taking

Network Integration Service to serve their Bundled Load.

Notwithstanding the foregoing in this Section 37.3.a, the following

rules apply in instances in which there are multiple Transmission

Owners within a pricing zone or Local Balancing Authority Area.

Specifically, a Transmission Owner located in a pricing zone or

Local Balancing Authority Area with one or more other

Transmission Owners shall remain obligated to pay for

Transmission and/or Other Ancillary Services it receives within

that pricing zone or Local Balancing Authority Area that it does

not provide itself unless the transmission and/or ancillary services

are provided pursuant to a Grandfathered Agreement. Any

disputes as to the amount to be paid, or the services to be provided

or received shall be resolved through the ADR process set forth in

Section 12 of this Tariff.

b. Grandfathered Agreements for Load Inside of the ISO: For the

Transmission Service provided as a result of or pursuant to

Grandfathered Agreements for Load inside of the ISO, each GFA

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MISO 37.3

FERC Electric Tariff Limitations on Charges and Cost Responsibilities

MODULES 32.0.0

Effective On: March 1, 2015

Responsible Entity which is a party to that Grandfathered

Agreement shall not be obligated to pay charges under Schedules 1

through 9, but it shall be responsible for Transmission Usage

Charges as specified in Sections 40.2.11 and 40.4.1. Each GFA

Responsible Entity shall remain responsible for payment of the

applicable Schedule 10 charges for the services taken pursuant to

Section 37.1 for its Load, which may include wholesale Loads

under Grandfathered Agreements.

c. Grandfathered Agreements for Load Outside of the ISO: For

the Transmission Service provided as a result of or pursuant to

Grandfathered Agreements for Load outside of the ISO, the GFA

Responsible Entity shall be exempt from rates under this Tariff for

services provided pursuant to the existing agreements, except for

charges under Schedule 10, and the Transmission Usage Charge as

specified in Sections 40.2.11 and 40.4.1 to the Interface at the

boundary of the Transmission System.

d. Exception to Section 37.3 (b) and (c): Notwithstanding the

provisions of Section 37.3(b) and (c), (i) if ancillary services are

not taken or provided under the Grandfathered Agreement, in

whole or in part, then such Ancillary Services which are not

provided under such Grandfathered Agreement shall be provided

and charged for under this Tariff; and (ii) if Marginal Losses are

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MISO 37.3

FERC Electric Tariff Limitations on Charges and Cost Responsibilities

MODULES 32.0.0

Effective On: March 1, 2015

not provided or paid for under the Grandfathered Agreement, then

the Market Participant will be financially responsible for the

charges attributable to Marginal Losses as assessed for these

related transactions in accordance with the provisions of

Module C, Sections 39.3.1, 39.3.3, 40.3 and 40.5.

e. Imputed Revenues Associated with Grandfathered

Agreements. After the Transition Period ends, beginning

February 1, 2008, the total Schedule 7, 8, and 9 revenues to be

distributed to Transmission Owners and ITC Participants under the

ISO Agreement shall include the Schedule 7, 8, and 9 charges that

would otherwise be payable by any GFA Responsible Entity

covered by the exclusions in Section 37.3(b) or Section 37.3(c)

(“GFA imputed revenues”), provided, however, that GFA imputed

revenues shall not include any Schedule 7, 8, and 9 charges

associated with a Grandfathered Agreement with respect to which

the revenues are reflected as a credit in the calculation of the

Transmission Owner’s or ITC Participant’s revenue requirement

pursuant to Attachment O. In distributing Schedule 7, 8, and 9

revenues to those Transmission Owners and ITC Participants, the

Transmission Provider shall deduct the GFA imputed revenues

attributed to each such Transmission Owner or ITC Participant

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MISO 37.3

FERC Electric Tariff Limitations on Charges and Cost Responsibilities

MODULES 32.0.0

Effective On: March 1, 2015

from the total Schedule 7, 8, and 9 revenues that are due to that

Transmission Owner or ITC Participant.

1 Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator, Inc., 106 FERC ¶ 61,293


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MISO 37.4

FERC Electric Tariff Grandfathered Agreements

MODULES 30.0.0

Effective On: November 19, 2013

Transmission provided pursuant to Grandfathered Agreements shall

continue according to their terms. The Grandfathered Agreements are listed in

Attachment P.