Miscellaneous Writings Emilie Cady

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  • 8/12/2019 Miscellaneous Writings Emilie Cady


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    Miscellaneous Writings



    Author of "Lessons in Truth" God a

    Present Help,'' etc.

    RE!E# A$# A%TH&R!E#

    %$!T( )H&&L &* )HR!T!A$!T(

    +A$A )!T(, !&%R!


  • 8/12/2019 Miscellaneous Writings Emilie Cady


  • 8/12/2019 Miscellaneous Writings Emilie Cady


    TABLE OF CONTENTS*indin2 the )hrist in &ursel1es /

    $either #o ! )onde0n Thee 45!n His $a0e .... 46Loose Hi0 and Let Hi0 Go 77All ufficiency in All Thin2s 84God's Hand .... 66!f Thou +ne3est /7Trustin2 and Restin2 97The po:en ;ord /%nadulterated Truth -57&neness ;ith God --4

  • 8/12/2019 Miscellaneous Writings Emilie Cady



    Respondin2 to the oftine articlesof the author, it has see0ed best to publishthe0 all under one co1er as a 0ore con1enarene "suffered bein2 te0pted," or tried,

    Bust as 0uch as you and ! suffer today becauseof te0ptations and trials, and in e?actly thesa0e 3ay.

    ;e :no3 that durin2 His public 0inistryCesus spent hours of e1ery day alone 3ith God @and none of us :no3 3hat He 3ent throu2h inall the years of His early 0anhood F Bust as youand ! are doin2 today F in o1erco0in2 the

    0ortal. His fleshly desires. His doubts andfears, until He ca0e into the perfect reco2nition

  • 8/12/2019 Miscellaneous Writings Emilie Cady


    - iscellaneous ;ritin2s

    of this ind3ellin2 Presence, this "*ather in0e," to 3ho0 He e1er ascribed the credit of allHis 3onderful 3or:s. He had to learn as 3eare ha1in2 to learn@ He had to hold fast as3e are ha1in2 today to hold fast@ He had totry o1er and o1er a2ain to o1erco0e as 3e are

    doin2, or else He 3as not "te0pted in allpoints li:e as 3e are."

    ;e 0ust all reco2ni>e, ! thin:, that it 3asthe )hrist 3ithin 3hich 0ade Cesus 3hat He3as@ and our po3er no3 to help oursel1es andto help others, lies in our 2ettin2 to co0prehendthe truth, for it is a truth, 3hether 3e reali>e itor not, that this sa0e )hrist li1es 3ithin us asit li1ed in Cesus. !t is the part of Hi0self3hich God has put 3ithin us, and 3hich e1erli1es there 3ith an ine?pressible lo1e and desireto sprin2 to the circu0ference of our bein2, or

    to our consciousness, as our sufficiency in allthin2s. "The Lord thy God in the 0idst ofthee is 0i2hty@ He 3ill sa1e Ior He willstosa1eJ @ He 3ill reBoice o1er thee 3ith Boy@ He3ill rest in His lo1e@ He 3ill Boy o1er thee3ith sin2in2" eph. 4D-/. This )hrist

    3ithin us is the "3ell belo1ed on," the sa0e

  • 8/12/2019 Miscellaneous Writings Emilie Cady


    *indin2 the )hrist -4

    as it 3as in Cesus. !t is the "! in the0, andthou in 0e, that they 0ay be 0ade perfect," of3hich Cesus spo:e.

    !n all this 3e 3ould detract nothin2 fro0Cesus. He is still our a1ior in that He 3ent

    throu2h sufferin2 unutterable, throu2h the per

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    -7 iscellaneous ;ritin2s

    ceaseless acti1ity, that He usually spo:e fro0that part.

    ;hen He said, ")o0e unto e, and ! 3ill2i1e you rest," He could not ha1e 0eant co0eunto His personal, 0ortal self, for He :ne3 of

    the 0illions of 0en and 3o0en 3ho couldne1er reach Hi0. He 3as then spea:in2 fro0the )hrist self of Hi0, 0eanin2 not ")o0eunto 0e, Cesus," but ")o0e unto the )hrist."$or did He 0ean, ")o0e unto the )hrist li1ed that

    He had any ri2ht to see: the o1er

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    65 iscellaneous ;ritin2s

    co0in2, and our trust F the hi2hest for0 offaith F sets the ti0e and de2ree.

    Abundant supply by the 0anifestation ofthe *ather in us, fro0 3ithin out3ard, is as0uch a le2iti0ate outco0e of the )hrist life or

    spiritual understandin2 as is bodily healin2.

    The ;ord F or pirit F is 0ade flesh orclothed 3ith 0ateriality in both cases, andboth are e=ually in God's order. The la3 of3or:

  • 8/12/2019 Miscellaneous Writings Emilie Cady


    All ufficiency 6-

    itself as such. Reco2ni>e it. Rec:on it. estill and :no3 it. #o not stru22le and 3or:and 3orry 3hile you :no3 it, but Bust be still."e still, and :no3 that ! a0" 3hatK part ofGodK $o. "+no3 that ! a0 God" F all ofGod, Good, all of Good. ! a0 Life. ! a0

    Health. ! a0 Lo1e. ! a0 upply. ! a0 theubstance of all that hu0an souls or bodies canneed or 3ant.

    The la3 says, "!n the s3eat of thy faceshalt thou eat bread." The Gospel brin2s"2lad tidin2s of 2reat Boy 3hich shall be to allpeople." The la3 says, ;or: out your sale and accept.

    #oes anyone atte0pt to hide a3ay fro0others, li:e a talent hidden deep in the earth,the ne3

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    All ufficiency 64

    ishly. !f you atte0pt it, the flo3 of di1ine oil3ill be stayed.

    !n )hrist, or in the consciousness of the inin2 that 3henhe placed less confidence in the 0ortal he had0ore help fro0 the #i1ine, saidD ";hen !Ithe 0ortalJ i0 3ea:, then a0 ! stron2."

    Trustin2 0eans restin2 confidently. ;eare to rest confidently, sayin2, "God is 0ystren2th, God is 0y po3er, God is 0y assured1ictory. ! 3ill trust in Hi0, and He 3illbrin2 it to pass."

    "They that trust in the Lord shall, not beconfounded. lessed is he 3hose trust is in the

    God of Cacob."

    "!t is better to trust in the Lord Iin this inance of cired no hu0an help.

    &ne day she 3rote an ordinary businessletter to a friend in the country. This friend,on receipt of the letter, i00ediately replied.

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    sayin2D ";hat is this stran2e thin2 about thisletter of yoursK ;hen ! too: it fro0 the poste the#i1ine, or, 3orse still, shall 3e run here andthere to borro3 so0e 0easure our nei2hborhas 0ade of hi0self and hold it as our 0easureunder the 2reat rushin2 3aters of !nfinite ;is