Camila E. Sotomayor Tutor . Shaun Murray Masters in Architecture [email protected] term three MIRROR |

Mirror.Mirror | Term Three

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Master's In Architecture Term One Book

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Page 1: Mirror.Mirror | Term Three

Cami la E. SotomayorTutor . Shaun Murray

M a s t e r s i n A r c h i t e c t u r e

c . s o t o m a y o r @ u c l . a c . u k

term threeMIRROR |

Page 2: Mirror.Mirror | Term Three



///\\\UNDERSTANDING THE SMEARS///\\\ .............................................................................. 3

///\\\THE SMEARS AS EPHEMERA///\\\............................................................................................ 7

///\\\THE KETTLE GRAB///\\\........................................................................................................... 10

///\\\THE KETTLE GRAB | merengue smear model///\\\......................................................................11

///\\\MAKING BREAKFAST | buildup on drawings///\\\..................................................................... 14

///\\\VIRTUAL SMEAR PRODUCTION///\\\...................................................................................... 18

///\\\VIRTUAL SMEAR ACCUMULATION | daybed///\\\................................................................... 20

///\\\APT. 35b ACCUMULATION | virtual smears on occupant///\\\.................................................. 22

///\\\VIRTUAL SMEAR ACCUMULATION | living + dining room///\\\................................................. 24

///\\\ANIMATING THE EXTRAORDINARY WITHIN THE BANAL///\\\................................................ 26


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\\\Understanding the Smears///

+ Understanding the materiality, composition, the rules of the Virtual Smear via models. The objective with this experimentation is to create a surface that explains the accummulation over time within a space through use. The contracting and eventual depressing of Virtual smears as they buildup over surfaces.


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+ Manufactured “fabric”, burning and layering of a surface made from plastic garbage bags.+ Testing the pliancy and porosity of a synthetic surface in order to build a flexible smear structure.

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\\\The Smears as Ephemera///

+ This experimentation led to a more ephemeral material. Soap foam hung from a wire structure.As surface residues the accumulation would occur rapidly, so a quick buildup was necessary. The objective was to capture the buildup in an animation.

[left] Adapted Tea Kettle with Virtual smears of a handle grab. Post 2 min.

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\\\The Kettle grab | post 0.1 min///

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\\\The Kettle grab | post 0.9 min///

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\\\The Kettle grab | merengue smearmodel///

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\\\Making Breakfast | post 0 min///

+ Drawings began to accumulate on their own through a buildup within the production process. Using cat hair, watercolor pigments, foam, soap and water, time and smear creation is shown as crusted and layered to weave model and drawing. [here + next page] Watercolor with buildup of cat hair, salt, foam and ink.

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\\\The Cliff | take two///

A redrawing of the first cliff idea. Continuing with the focus on verticality and sheer drop of the ice floes [inuit relocating to cliff faces bypassing the melting glaciers], playing with the possibility of either hanging structures or actually interfering withthe volume of the cliff by digging perpendicularly.

\\\Making Breakfast | post 2 min///

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\\\Apt. 35b occupant | virtual smears///

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\\\Animating the Extraordinary Within the Banal/// Datamoshed virtual smears

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\\\Morning Cup of Coffee | Datamosh///

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Sotomayor, Camila E,. 2008-2009. Mirror Mirror. <http://vasavoircamille-theteaparty.blogspot.com/>


Without the insight of tutors, friends, colleaguesand family one risks a project's core decaying into

monocromatic tunnel-vision.

Here I thank my tutor Shaun Murray for providingtireless intelligence and understanding

with my work.

Doron, Shin, Aubrey, Dave and Rikard for their humor, friendship and loyalty.

Finally I dedicate this project to my parents, Monica + Cristian Sotomayor and my sister Gabriela you make projects like this possible. Thank You.

2008 . 2009MIRROR |