MINUTES OF THE Seventh Annu al Session OF THE l CONVENED WITH MOUNT OLIVE CHURCH, MARION COUNTY, . ALABAMA, September 30tfp, and October 2nd, 1893 . . ., J f t I C• .. OFFICERS: W. A. XELSOS, - W. T. BCRLE ON, MonERA Ton. Cr .. ERK 'The next of this Association wut meet with Oak Grove f'hurch , Wn1kcr county , A labama, and wm convene on Saturday before the first Sunday in October. 1894 . PRINTED AT THE BAPTI 8T REVIEW JOB OFFICE, GOLDSBORO, N. C., 1893. ..

MINUTES - ONE, Inc. · ~l.nd l'ead, und I'Oil tell ts uoted as per statistical tahle. 2n

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Page 1: MINUTES - ONE, Inc. · ~l.nd l'ead, und I'Oil tell ts uoted as per statistical tahle. 2n

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Seventh Annua l Session


• l



September 30tfp, and October 2nd, 1893 .

. ., J f t I C• • .. OFFICERS:


MonERA Ton.

Cr .. ERK •

• 'The next se~osion of this Association wut meet with Oak Grove f'hurch ,

• Wn1kcr county, A labama, and wm convene on Saturday

• •

before the first Sunday in October. 1894 .


GOLDSBORO, N. C., 1893 .

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Page 2: MINUTES - ONE, Inc. · ~l.nd l'ead, und I'Oil tell ts uoted as per statistical tahle. 2n

s . I

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Presented By

Wayne Martin

- .. . ..



The ~~vcnth annual session of the .Jasper Fr·eewill Baptist A~sociation convL•ned \\'ith ~l ot111t Oli,·e Oh11rch. \larion cotlll ty, Ala, NL·pteru bc1· :lOth, 1893. The i 11 trod nctury ser­mon was preached by Her. G U. Elliott. 'I' he text useu was 211d clmpt(-.'1' I I a baku k, lt't. verst:>.

An intenuission of one hour WftS tllken for refreshments, after· whieh t,lle wini~tel'$ and delega.tes \\ere n•que~;h•d to meet; iu the house, organize and proceed to business.

The Associatiou lllt't pnrsuant to the reqnest of the Moder aror. ~inging l)y tht> congrl:'gHtion. <t.lld prayer by the ~Jod­erator HP\', J. ,J. Weoley. Br·other Wesley callt:'cl tht• body to ordt:'r·, a.nd hu~illt':o-3 was transacted. as follows, viz:

ht. Lettt•rs fro111 the churche8 were called for, handed iu ~l.nd l'ead, und I'Oil tell ts uoted as per statistical tahle.

2n<l. ('a. lied for pPti tionay ]etters and opened the door for the l't-'Ceptiou of llt'W chnrche:' into the body. Heceivecl the followi11g: l"11i011 Uhapel, Shady Grnve a.nd Salem.

3rd. Procet.'llt•cl to l'lect a. Moderator and Clerk; wherenpon Ht>\'. \\'. A. NL·Isnn wa8 elected :\InJerator, and Bro. W. 'I'. Btu·]e ... ou wa.s Pll'ct~d Clerk. '

4th. Cttllt>d for cotTe~:>ponueuce from sister Associations, nud ret!ei ve<l Bro D. E. li'lnny and Rev. M. R. Martin from the Bal' lll'svi I h~ Assoeiation . 'I' he Vernou Association was repl'l-'SCII tt.•d by Jrttt:r and delegates to wit: Rev. S. B. Gosey, Re,·. W. 'I' Butler·, He\'. J . A. Brown and W. B. Taylor. 'rhesc brethren were cot·dia11.v invited, and the right hand of fellowship extend<'<! and accepted seata with us .

Ou motion, it is agreed that the ~Ioderator appoint all the committ~:es. 'l'hH following are appointed, to wit:

Ox PRF.ACIIIt\G-BredHen P. R. McCaig, ,V. A. Sides, J. Jackson, with the clt·acons of ~lount Olive Church.

Ox DoCU)IEX'rs AND ORDER OF BUSINESS- Hev. J. J. We3le}, Rev. S. ~I. Perkin::~, Rev. G. C. Elliott, Rev. G. B . Haney, with the Moderator and Clerk .

Ox RABBATH SonooLs-Brethren W. T, Keeton, J . Mor­ris and P. ('. Pike.


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ON LITEfiATURE-Brethreu J. ~1. OoE:'n, A. J. Ingle and J. R. DnLtou.

ON MINISTERIAL CREDENTLiLS-Brethren ,J. A. Keeton, G. W. Moore and J. W. Dose.

ON B,INANCE-Brethren J. J. Gibbs, N. 0. Williams and P. R. McCaig.

On motion, it was agreed tha.t the Moderator read the rules of the Decorum.

Uommittee on preaching report that ReY. G. B. Haney preach to-night ; Rev. J. A. Brown preach to·morrow uL 9 o'clock ; Rev. S. B. Gosey preach at 11 o'clock ; Rev. W. T. Butler aud W. B. Taylor preach at night; Rev. W. A. N elsou preach Monday at 11 o'clock.

W. A. SrnEt::, Chairman. On motion, the report is received and adopted and the

committee discharged.

On motion, the Association adjourned to meet Monday morning 8 o'clock. Prayer by Rev. S . .M. Perkins.

Saturday night Rev. G. B. Haney preachell from 3rd John ] st chapter 2nd verse.

Sunday morning at 9 o'clock, Rev. J. A. llrowu preached an interesting sermon from 1st Epistle of John. 5th chapter and 18th verse At 11 o'clock, Hev. S. B. Gosey pre·t.ched u.n ablP sermon to a la•·ge :.tnd attentive congregation. His text was Paul's 2nd letter to T_ ·noty, 4th chapter, 6th, 7th and 8th verses. After the sermon the Lord's Supper was administered and many partook of the emblems.

Sunda.y night Rev. W. T. Butler preached, fol1owed bv Rev. W. 13. 'raylor. The text was .John Gth chu.pter (l.nd 67th verse.

MoxnA Y Mon~rNG, Oct. 2nd., 18H3.

Tlw Aqsocit\tion met pnrstuant to adjournment. Prayer by Rev. J. A. Brown. The Moderator called Lhe body to order. 'rhe Clerk called the roll. and the ministers and uelegates answer to their names. ,

The proceedings of Satnruay are read and adopted,

In vi ta.tion was gi vP.n to ,·isitiog ministers to lake sen.ts with us. Rev. M. It Martin of the Barnesville Association came fonva.•·d and acrepted a seat with ns.

• •



Repo.rts of <'Olllmittees are called for and presented as fol­lows, nz:

0~ PoCU\iE~1R A:\'0 ORDER OF BUSINESS. \Ve. your <·rmmittct• 011 Dn<·ltroeuh nd Order of Busine!>l', beg lr-ave to ~ul;­

mit the following report: \\'p recommend that the next l>Cl>bion <1! tbls Associ­ation he belt) wllh Ottk Grovt! Church, \\' nlker county, Ala., and that il convene <>u S·JlUrtluy bofon· the tir~t Snhbnth in Oc.:tober, 1894. We furtbt'r recommend that our minute wr.rk be 1lone in the office of the BAPTIST R&\'lEW. Golds­b<>ro, ~. r . .\tso, th:tt ourCier" ~uperintenr'l the priotin~ of tbe o.dnutes, and that our members patroui1:e anti suppoJ t tLe REVIEW as it Is the only IIOWspa­per iu the !"loutb that advocates snd defeud!> ou.rdoctrine.

R e~o.pt:"ctfully su hmitted, J. J WESLEY, Chairman.

On motion, t.h .. rt>port 1; recPi tc•l, adopted , and the committee di~;chnrged. 0~ DJ£:"\OAUSATfONAL LlTl:!:RATURE.

We the cnmmittce on Donotaitmtional L iterature beg leave to submit the i'ollowwg t·eport: \Ve re<·ouamer d the prayerful read in!.\' and study of the Bible because it is the book or in:-.pird.tlou, aud the onlY sare guidtl to the soul In searub of cteruH.l !He Fl)r our Denominatioual Literature, we recommend the use of t.he HAPTts•r RE\'tEw and the Baptist Harmony.

HHle !fully eubn:itted, J M' COEN, 0hnirman.

O.a 111otion. the report Jq re •eived, udopted, and the committee discharged.

0 'oil SABBA'l'H SCHOOL$. We your committee on ~nbl.tu.th :lchools l'leg leave to submit the Collow·ing

l'CJ.IOrt: \\'e tlttd thttt there it~l.tut liUle interef>t taken in the chor<·ht<S of our .1\S!'ocialion iu tht> Snbbuth ~c·hool cause We urge that the pastors of all our churcbc« usc tht>i iutlueucl' to build up S11bbalh Scboo1s 1n all our churches. We regret to sur we lind ouly four in the churches oftbe Assoc.iation.

Respectfully mbmitted. W. T. KEEToN, Chairman.

Oo molioa, tlw report is rec<!i.ved. adopted, and the committee •lillcharged.

0~ MIN'LSTERIAL CIIAIIUIJTER. We rour committee on mlul~;lerial CbA.racter beg leave to report. We find a.ll

the ministers or this ARl:>Oc·iation to be of good standing, and our prayer is that they m~:~y r<•uutlll so.

Respectfully sn bmitted, J. A. KEETON, Chairman,

On lll(,)tiou, the report is rl·ct'ived, adopted, and the committee discharged.

0~ FINANCE We your comm!Jtce on Finnncc find in the hands of the Treasurer as minute

funds Sl5 SO: Flft~en dollnrs and eighty cents. ReRpecLfully submitted,

J J. GmBS On motion, the report 1._ rccdved, adopted, aud the committee discharged.

On moti?n, the Association adjourns for preaching, and to meet at 2 o clock. Rev. W. A Nelson preached a sympathetic sermon frum the 13th chapter of Numbers, and 30th 'ferse. After services refreshments were taken.


The Association met pursuant to adjournment. Called to order by the Moderator. Roll was called and delegates an­swer to their names.


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Miscellaneous busin~~~ wao called for anJ rcBJlOII<h·d to H-3

follows, viz: Whereas the .Jasper .:\ s5ociation is wi th~u t propl'l' rt'}H'esen­

tation with her sister Associations,auu fee tug th~ uecd of. thu.t spiri t of nni?n which is essential LO tht• furthel'lllt<.:G uf the cause of Chr1st;

I) 1 d 1st '"hat we fa,·or ~.;he .,t>:st)iOJI of tht ~outheru \.eso ve · .L • • • · Ul · l Baptist Assnciatiou whieb is to mu:t wlth ~lt. OllvL l.lllC.l , in Marion county, Ala., anu thttt '~e el~et dl•lcgates to 1 E'pl r ­seu t this Association i u that nH:ettng.

Delegates are elected t1S follows: Rev. ~V. , A_ N elsou, 1Rev.

J J Wesley Rev. G. li. Haut>v, H.ev. G. U. hlllott., Re,. H: M. ' . . ' : \\' '1' f7 t J 0 U 1 b bt:~ Perkins and brethren P. C. Ptk e, . . .) . .l'e ou . · · u.nd RobHt Franks.

0 t. Rev J J V\7eslev Hev. ~. M. P erkins, and u mo wu, · · · · J' B brother J . ,V, Bnrleso.l are elected uelegatt>S fo I he at'lll'S-

ville AssocitLtion. On motion, brother ltobet·t Fr:m ks is clcc·t<•d eol'rcsponuing

:-'ecl·dary for this Al:lsociatiou.

0 Otiou Rev. G. C. Elliott, .J. ,J. \V eo1t•y uml hrot~er n m , t l \ · Assocw Uobert Fmn ks were electeu de1<·gnl~s to H.' eruo11 • -

tion. On motion , broth~t· \''· T. KeelOII au.cl ~. U. l )utton \v~.:~·c

(~lt•cted delegates to the Cull nwn A~ ·ocmtwn.. . . 0 motion it was u Fcled Lhat '~ l' elect u. mtsswn:Lt'Y to trav-

1 iln the bon;tds of thfq Assoeia t.ion antl organi:t.t· m·w chureh-r.

1 1 R s B ('•>sey was elvctl•d u ud ac•ceptNl the eS; \\ ICl'ell pOll t>V, • · r,

service. On motion it W~1S aal'eed thu.t the c lerk Sll}lt'l'ill( ~lld t.be ·intill O' of tile minu t~4, nuu t hat he ha\c HS lllilii Y t•opws

~:·mlt>d,..,ns the fu nus in lHl.lld \\ ill p<t y fot•, a Tl d Lha~ the ~' ~ 1:~ lisher be r·equestf'<l to distribute thl•m alllollg the, c.hu~c ~M ·~ccordinCY to their ccunributions. .\ l~o. that till• Olet k H a­low eel th~t'e dollars fur his ser"ice3.

O n motion, the FntancP ?O II1111lt tet· h; unle~·, ~1 In ya .. ~ on~t· t:: the Ull'l'k the fuuds in t beu· hu.utb to pay tm pllll tmg t l

minutes, . f tl · Ou motion it wus UI.YJ't•t-d that. tilt• JH·xt :-e .... SIOII o llS

A "ociution b~ lll·ld wnh Oak 1 :nHe ()hun·b, Wul~<·r· couuty, Al:.; aud th 1 it Ct>u,cne 011 Suturda._y hL·fore the llrbt :--unda.y i 11 Oct ober 1 89+. .

0 t . })"''' S \I Perkiu~ j;;; t>]eNed to prea<;h t lw m-u mo 1011, \\;; • ~ • • • ~

lrodnctory bel'lllOll ~ H£>\'. n. H. llaill'Y• nlll•l'naiP.


On motion, it was agt·eed that the Articles of Fuith, Con­stitution and Hules of Decorum be appended to the minutes.

Ou motiou, a. vote of thanks is given to ~ft. Oli vc Ohurch and tbt> citizens of this community for kindness and hospi­Lality shown to members and visitors of the AssoCiation.

On motion, ~vote of tbauks is given to the officers of the A~socia.tion for the fa.i thful manner in which they have dis­charged thPir duty duriug the session.

On motio11, the .Assochttion adjour11s to meet with Oak Grove Ohtll'ch, Walker county, Ala.; on Saturday before the first Su nuay in October, 1894. The Moderator made some appropriate remar·ks, after which a hymn was sung and all took the par Ling band in love and great joy.

W. rr. BURLESON, Clerk. W. A. NELSON, Moderator.

RULES OF DECORUAL ARTICLE 1. The Association shall be called to order by

the ~lodera.tor who presided at the last session. Former Clerk a] so officiating nn til the body is fully organized.

2. The Association shall be opened and closed with sing­ing and prayt·r,

3. The Moderator and Clerk shall be chosen by ballot at each session of the Association. A majority of votes by the delegates present t:lects,

4. Tbe names of delegates from the different churches shall be enrolled and called as often as necessary during the session.

5. A majority of delegates p1·esent shall rule in a11 cases, except in the reception of churches, then it shall be una.uimous.

6. 'rhe Moderator shall not be entitled to vote, except in cases of a tie; and then he shall give the deciding vote.. He shall be entitled to speak on any question after others have spoken, proviuing he appoint some one to the chair w bile he is speakmg.

7. Only one person shall speak at the same time, who shall arise and address the Moderator.

8. No brother shall be interrupted while speaking, unless he depart from the subject under discussion, or use words of personal reflection.

9. No person shall be allowed to speak more tha11 twice on the same subject, without leave from the Association nor more than fifteen minutes at a time.

10. No member shall laugh or talk during the time the debates are going on.

11. No member shall absent himse1f from the Association without leave of the Moderator.

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( 6)


OF GOD. - .\R'rtCLE 1. We believe there is onu, a net but nne II \'lug and true God. Who Is in pen.onaliry the Father, Sou and Holy I. host. Equal and bar­moutons in every Dhine perfection.

OF THE llOLY SCRIPTURES-ART. 2. We belie,·e thttt God is the Author of the Holy BIIJle; and that it.s teachings constitute the only infallible doc­t.rlne t'or the govemmeot of His chnr.ch.

OF ORIGINAL APOSTA8Y-A&T. 3. We believe that Atltun was areaterl holy; but by voluntary transgression fell into cleprn.vlty, and con11equently ill· volvecl his posterity in sin.

OF FREE AGENCY-ART. 4.-We believe that the ~trace or God comprehends all spiritual blessings. 'l'hR.t the Go.sp~l is the power of God unto Salvation. That the Holy Spit· it not only reproves the world of sin, but is the means whereby stoners are com·erted nnd ,made wise unto Sal ,•ntlon.

OF CHRISTIAN FAITH-AR'l'.5. -We believe that Christian Faith is t>ellef; tn Jesus Christ a!'i the Son of God and Redeemer of the world, and the divlnily of the Holy Scriptures That "Faith comes by hellring, and henring by the Word of God."

<W REPENTANCE-.\RT. 6. We believe tba.t repentance is sorrow for sin and the kind of sorrow which constitutes gortJy repentance, must be preced­ed by effectual conviction for sin.

OF FREt<; AGE~CY-A&T. 7. We belieYe that the human will is free. And that men have ability to accept or reject the conditions of salvation as they are revealed in the Iloly Scriptures.

OF PERSEVERA~CE.-AB.T. g \\'e do not believe under tLe Gospel dis­pensation, that any soul 1s elected to eternalli!~, unconditionally. Hot that tho e who by Faith perse\"ere to tbe end will be saved. That 1t is possible for men who ba\'e been l·Onverte.G- to ")lake shipwreck of the Faith," turn again to iln a.nd be ttna.lly lost. •

Oil' GOOD WORK-ART. 9. We believe that good work is the result of Faith and not of necessity. That those wbo have l<'a.ltb will <lo works of right­eousness; while those who h11.Ve uo Faith, cannot do IUlYthlng pleasing or ac­ceptable unto God

OF CHRISTI AN HA.PT18M---.\RT. 10. We believe tba.L Christian Ba!JtlSm is the immersion in water of a believer in the names of the !<'ather. Son and HolyGhost. That Baptism cannot be scripturally ttdministet·ed without Faith In the subject who receives it.

01<' THE LORD'S SUPPER--ART. 11. We believe the Supper was Instituted by our saviour a s a. commemor:tth·e ordinance. That the bread and wine represent His body ann blood That it wa~:t instituted tor Christians, and that all Cbrlstlnns should unlre in obsen·ing thnt tu1cred service, rt<gardless of names of dt:mo m inatioual distinctions.

Ol·' THI!; !oo,OUL---ART. 12. We believe tllat ma.n is n living l>Oul. That the body will die, bnt that the soul is immortal. Thn,ttlenth is tht' separation of the mortal and immort.ll parts of human beings.

OF THE RESURRECTIOX-ART. 13. \Ve belie,·e in the resurrection of the dead. When the resurrection shall take place th e soul and body will reunite and form an Immortal being. That the righteous will ue recei"''ed into o. a tate of ever Jasti ng happiness, to reign wltb God forever •wd ever. "But the wicked will be bound hand and foot, and cast into outer darkness. The wicked are driven n.way in their wickedness. but the ri)!hteons have hope iu their d eath."

----- ---~--~~~--~======~====•


Rev. W. A. KELSON, Twin, Marion county, Ala. " J. J. WESLJi~Y, Twin, .\ larion county, Al:t. '' G. 0. ELLIOT'l', Twin, .\larion county, Ala. " H. B. Ji'OWLER, \Vinfieltl, Marion county, Ala. " P. DUBOIER, Eatonton, F1·auklin county, Ala. '' G. B. H ANEY, ,Philcampuell, Fra.n klin couut.v, Ala. u P . S. S WINDLE, Beech Grove, \V'alke1· oounty AI~ " J. A. GRACE, Garnblemiues, Walk<:>r couuty f\la. :J T. 'f. GRIFFIN, Gamblemines, Walker county, Ala.. ·· 0 W. B. NEWMAN, Ualowa~·, Wal ker couuty Ala. ~· G. P. BA'GGHN~ Na.voo, Walker county, AI~. " S. M. PERKINS, Wtufi.eld, Marion county, Ala.


00NSTITUTION. ARTICLE 1. T his Association shall be known as the

J' as per Freewi 11 Baptist Asso~iation, of Ala., and hei ng corn­posed of delPgates from the dtfferent churches formin~ the same, e~c~ church bPi ng en t~ tie~ to three delegat~s.

2. 'I. h1s body shal.l ue cons1de1·ed an advisory council, but havtng no authortty over the affairs of the churches.

3: Each ch nrch in this Association shall be considered an advtsor.r body, and shall control its own internal affairs in matte.rs of dis~ipline, &c. It ma.v however in extreme <->ases, call ;ud from stster eh u rches.

4. All questions of doctrine and matters of general inter­est shall be s~ttled by a two-th il'ds vote of the Association and the decision shall be final, '

5. 'fhe officers of this AsAociation shall be a 1\l oderator, Oler~ a~d Trensur·er, who shaH bf' chosen at each session by a maJonty of votes. ' 6. This Association shall meet annually at such time and place as may be agreed upon by a previous annual session and shall not adjourn finally until all the business is trans~ ucted.

7. Churches wishing to become members of this Associa­tion must adopt its Articles of Faith and conform to its usages.

8. We agt·ee as churches of this Association to use our best it~flu~nce. to promote the interest of all moral and benev­olent mstttutiOns, su<>h as the Temperance Cause Sabbath Schools. Missionary work, &c. '

~· No member of this Association shall be eligible to the office of Mo<lerator more than two successive sessions unless no other member be competent to aet in that capacitj.

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------·-----·1-- --------------1-- ------- ---------------1-------- ---1---l\lount OUve, Marion county. J W. Burleson.J. Maddox, E Smitl\ G. C. ElUott. ...... Robert Franks, Twin, Ala.. . .. .. 8 .. . . . . . . 3 66 $ 1 55 Mount Joy, Marion county .. J E Kendrick, J J Gibbs, J E Cockb.1.nv. A. Nelson .. •. W. A. Waters. Pt-a.rces MJll, Alo.. 4 S 6 . . . . 2 4 1 116 2 00 Beecb Grove. Walker county W. A. Sides P. C. Pike ............. . J. A Grace ...... W. A. Sides, Beecl:l Grove. A111 .• ... 2 . • . . . • 3 . . ~ 127 1 40 Blue Spring!l, Franklin co . . • J . 0. Wood. J. McCa.Uster.J. M. Coen H. B. FGlwler .... J M. f'oen, Waco, Ala. .............. 3 . ... l .. 3 'l. 6i 1 00 Mount Pleasant, .Marion co .. G. W. and G. M. '\foore,E. D Warren J J. Wesley ....... D. 0. Warren, Twin, Ala......... 2 t; l1 1-- . . .. 1 4 ~l 1 50 Oak Grove, Walker county .. l A. Keeton, B. C Sldes.J. R. l>utton G.<:. Elliott ....... &. W Sides. Prospect, Alt\ ...... 4 ~ 2 .... ··1·· 1 46 GO Plea.ao.nt Hill. Walker c,ounty J, R Brown, J. H. Mason ............ 0. B Haney . ..... w. J . Baugbn. Eldridge, Ala. .... 7 t • 1 .. 1 .. .. 24 1 00 Friendship, Marion county . . W. Cantrell, R. Bllnister, T . Terrell S. M. Perkins ... L B. Terrell, Pikeville. Al~~o.... 2 .. .. . . .. ... (;2 1 00 Hopewell. Winstonc!lunty ... J CTh~mo.s.J.Jackson, WTKeetou W. A N~lson ... J. M . .A.dis~~· ~a."oo, Ala ...... I< " ... ......... 3 t9 155 Pleasant Grove, MariOn co ... A. Perkms, J. W. Doss,N C \\ lllia.nu; G. C. Elliott ..... W. Page, \Hnfield, Ala ............. 7 0 ........ 2 56 60 Blooming GrOve, Walker co .. Not B.epresented ................................................... ··········· ............... ... . . .. ...... ·.·. ~· .. · .... 1.<'• .... 1·,·, B~tbel, Franklin county ......... B F. Tidwell. W. P. Scott .............................. B F. Tidwtll, Bear 0re~k, Ala. .... . ...... .. g~~~¥rlft~,; ~\'i~~~~~~;>:: lfo1 ~~~':'.':;~." ~~'."'~~~.' ~ ~ '~··'~ \V ·. ~: .".~~.~~:: : "'.: ~:. ~~~.~~~?~· Gold.~.'~~: :":'~::. . 2 .7 .. : :·: I::. : : :·: . : .... :~ .. ~. ~ Union Cbapel, Marion co ....... W H Warren. J. Eades, J. Ma.ddocks H. B. Fowler .... . Jas. Eades. <Heunallen, Ala.... .. 6 . . ... . . .. ... 13 1 00 Sbady Grove. Franklin co ... P.R. McCaig. T. P . Jackson ........ Porter uuboise . . 1' . J Jackson, Pnilcampbell. Alo. .. .. ··J·. . . .. .. 12 50

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