MINUTES of the ORDINARY MEETING CHAIRMAN: Cr MW Curran (Mayor) Held in the Boardroom Town Hall 2 Caledonian Hill Gympie Qld 4570 On Wednesday, 28 September 2016 At 9am

Minutes - Attachments€¦ · Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 3 . Gympie Regional Council . The meeting commenced at 9.01am. PRESENT: Mayor Cr MW Curran (Chairman), Crs

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Page 1: Minutes - Attachments€¦ · Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 3 . Gympie Regional Council . The meeting commenced at 9.01am. PRESENT: Mayor Cr MW Curran (Chairman), Crs


of the


CHAIRMAN: Cr MW Curran (Mayor)

Held in the Boardroom

Town Hall

2 Caledonian Hill

Gympie Qld 4570

On Wednesday, 28 September 2016

At 9am

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Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 1

Gympie Regional Council

Gympie Regional Council ORDINARY

Mayor MW Curran (Chairman)

Crs MA McDonald, GC Hartwig, MS Gear, DW Dodt, DH Stewart, HT Smerdon,

WR Leitch and JK Cochrane


DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS BY COUNCILLORS ............................................................................... 3

SECTION 1: OPEN WITH PRAYER .................................................................................................. 3

SECTION 2: APOLOGIES / LEAVE OF ABSENCE ............................................................................ 3

SECTION 3: CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES .................................................................................. 4

SECTION 4: PETITIONS ................................................................................................................... 5

4.1 OUR TOWNS PROGRAM - AMAMOOR ...................................................................................................................................... 5

SECTION 5: PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT .............................................................................. 6

5.1 BUILDING APPROVALS FOR AUGUST 2016 ............................................................................................................................... 6


MOTHAR MOUNTAIN .................................................................................................................................................................. 8

SECTION 6: CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES ........................................................... 17

SECTION 7: OFFICE OF THE CEO .................................................................................................. 18

7.1 OPERATIONAL PLAN 2015-2016 FOURTH QUARTER UPDATE AND ANNUAL REVIEW .................................................... 18


IN RELATION TO COUNCILLOR REMUNERATION ...................................................................................................................... 21

7.3 NOTIFIED MOTION - MEETING PROCESS / STANDING ORDERS .......................................................................................... 23

7.4 NOTIFIED MOTION - ENGAGEMENT OF CONSULTANTS ........................................................................................................ 24

SECTION 8: INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES ................................................................................... 27

8.1 BIOSECURITY SURVEILLANCE PROGRAM SEPTEMBER 2016 TILL DECEMBER 2017 ............................................................ 27

8.2 T140A REGISTER OF PRE-QUALIFIED SUPPLIERS - PLANT HIRE ........................................................................................... 29

8.3 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT AND MAIN ROADS - TENDER OFFER ................................................................................... 35

8.4 RFT: 2016-2017-T134-ROAD SURFACING SERVICES - PREFERRED SUPPLIER ARRANGEMENT .................................... 37

8.5 RAINBOW BEACH WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY OPENING HOURS ................................................................................ 40



LOCAL GOVERNMENT REGULATION 2012. ............................................................................................................................. 43

SECTION 9: ENGINEERING SERVICES .......................................................................................... 45

9.1 TENDER REPORT: CONTRACT 2016/17-T001A - MARY VALLEY WTP UPGRADES ......................................................... 45

9.2 NOTIFIED MOTION - JETTY AT NORMAN POINT .................................................................................................................... 48

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Gympie Regional Council

SECTION 10: IN COMMITTEE ......................................................................................................... 50

10.1 WATER AND SEWERAGE REVIEW .............................................................................................................................................. 50

10.2 PROPOSED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FACILITY ................................................................................................................. 51

10.3 NOTIFIED MOTION - ESTABLISHMENT OF A COMMITTEE ...................................................................................................... 52

SECTION 11: ATTACHMENTS......................................................................................................... 53

5.1 BUILDING APPROVALS FOR AUGUST 2016 ............................................................................................................................. 53

ATTACHMENT 1 BUILDING APPROVALS AUGUST 2016 55 ....................................................................................... 53

7.1 OPERATIONAL PLAN 2015-2016 FOURTH QUARTER UPDATE AND ANNUAL REVIEW .................................................... 53




8.1 BIOSECURITY SURVEILLANCE PROGRAM SEPTEMBER 2016 TILL DECEMBER 2017 ............................................................ 53


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Gympie Regional Council

The meeting commenced at 9.01am.

PRESENT: Mayor Cr MW Curran (Chairman), Crs MA McDonald, GC Hartwig,

MS Gear, DW Dodt, DH Stewart, HT Smerdon, WR Leitch and

JK Cochrane.

Also in attendance were Chief Executive Officer (Mr B.J. Smith), Director Corporate and Community Services (Mr M. Stanton), Director Planning & Development (Ms G. Vereker), Director Infrastructure Services (Mr D. Scordalides), Manager Development & Compliance (Mrs T. Stenholm), Manager Property (Mrs D. Jenkins), Manager Corporate Governance (Mr B. Hayes), General Manager Construction & Maintenance (Mr G. Curry), Manager Building & Plumbing Services (Mr R. Prout), Lands Protection Manager (Mr B. Curley), Manager Waste Services (Mr M. Pavlinic), Construction & Maintenance Engineer (Mr G. Bartlett) and Minutes Clerk (Mrs S Lowe). .


M16/09/16 – Cr James Cochrane - Material Personal Interest


Cr Daryl Dodt offered a Prayer for the advancement of the Region and

the true welfare of its people.

One Minute’s silence was observed for family and friends of deceased

residents of the Region.


2.1 Request for Leave of Absence

M12/09/16 Moved Cr MA McDonald Seconded Cr HT Smerdon

That Cr Bob Leitch be granted leave of absence from all council

meetings from 25 October to 2 November 2016.


FOR: Cr MW Curran, Cr MA McDonald, Cr WR Leitch, Cr JK Cochrane, Cr DW

Dodt, Cr MS Gear, Cr GC Hartwig, Cr HT Smerdon and Cr DH Stewart


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Gympie Regional Council


M13/09/16 Moved Cr MA McDonald Seconded Cr MS Gear

That the Minutes of the Gympie Regional Council Ordinary Meeting held

on 07 September 2016 be taken as read and confirmed.


FOR: Cr MW Curran, Cr MA McDonald, Cr WR Leitch, Cr JK Cochrane, Cr DW

Dodt, Cr MS Gear, Cr GC Hartwig, Cr HT Smerdon and Cr DH Stewart


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Gympie Regional Council


4.1 Our Towns Program - Amamoor

PORTFOLIO: Planning and Development

DIRECTORATE: Office of the CEO

DOC ID: 214997


Petition received with 68 signatories.

“We, the undersigned, are residents of Amamoor and would like to show our

support to Gympie Regional Council for the town beautification that is currently

in progress in Busby St, Amamoor. It is refreshing to see our rates being spent in

our little town to make it a more inviting place for visitors to come. We are

waiting in anticipation to see the outcome of stage one and also the

commencement of further stages that will enhance our street and make our

town more modern.”

M14/09/16 Moved Cr DW Dodt Seconded Cr GC Hartwig

That the Petition be received and noted.


FOR: Cr MW Curran, Cr MA McDonald, Cr WR Leitch, Cr JK Cochrane, Cr DW

Dodt, Cr MS Gear, Cr GC Hartwig, Cr HT Smerdon and Cr DH Stewart


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Gympie Regional Council


5.1 Building Approvals for August 2016

PORTFOLIO: Planning and Development

DIRECTORATE: Planning and Development




3. Governance - cohesive, responsible and transparent


A report detailing building activity within the Region for the month, with a

comparison over the last four years, is presented for Council’s information.


The Building Approvals Report and the Statistics Graph for August 2016 are

included as an attachment.

A total of 91 Building Approvals were issued for the month of August, of which

60 approvals were issued by Private Building Certifiers and 31 were issued by

Council Building Certifiers. The total number of approvals for August included

25 new dwellings.

In comparison a total of 61 Building Approvals were issued in August 2015

with a total of 23 new dwellings approved for that same period.

The graphs attached demonstrate that the total number of Building Approvals

issued for the month of August 2016 is significantly above the same period in

2013, 2014 and 2015.

The overall trend for the year is demonstrated when 2016 figures are

compared with the number of overall approvals issued for the year to date (as

at end of August), for the last three years:

• August 2016 total approvals year to date – 644

• August 2015 total approvals year to date – 609

• August 2014 total approvals year to date – 521

• August 2013 total approvals year to date – 539


Council’s Building Services Team is maintaining its increased market share in

the Region’s building certification business.

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There are no policy implications.


Director – Planning and Development


1. Building Approvals August 2016

M15/09/16 Moved Cr MA McDonald Seconded Cr DH Stewart

That Council notes the report.


FOR: Cr MW Curran, Cr MA McDonald, Cr WR Leitch, Cr JK Cochrane, Cr DW

Dodt, Cr MS Gear, Cr GC Hartwig, Cr HT Smerdon and Cr DH Stewart


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5.2 Reconfiguring a Lot - Subdivision to Create One (1) Additional Lot

at 58 Cullinane Road Mothar Mountain

MATERIAL PERSONAL INTEREST In accordance with Section 172 of the Local Government Act 2009; Cr Cochrane declared a Material Personal Interest in Minute M16/09/16 due to his parents having this property listed for sale with Gympie Regional Realty and left the meeting at 9.08am.

PORTFOLIO: Planning and Development

DIRECTORATE: Planning and Development

DOC ID: 2016-0526



3. Governance - cohesive, responsible and transparent


This application was discussed at Council’s Ordinary Meeting of 27 July 2016

where it was resolved to let the matter lay on the table pending further

discussions into Council’s position on subdivisions where the lot is separated

by a road.


FILE NO: 2016-0526


RPD: Lot 48 M371085

SITE ADDRESS: 58 Cullinane Road, Mothar Mountain


PROPOSAL: Subdivision to Create One (1) Additional Lot



Executive Summary

This application is for a subdivision to create one (1) additional rural


The existing lot is physically separated into two (2) parts by Cullinane


Cullinane Road is a Council maintained road and is constructed to a

gravel standard. The road is not a through road and services

approximately 12 lots. It is not considered that the road would

generate a high level of traffic.

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The application is impact assessable and public notification was

required. No submissions were received.

The site is included in the Rural Zone under the 2013 Gympie Regional

Council Planning Scheme.

The minimum lot size nominated in the Planning Scheme for

subdivision in the Rural Zone is 100 hectares.

The site is mapped as containing both classes A & B good quality

agricultural land (GQAL).

The proposal conflicts with the Planning Scheme in terms of minimum

lot size and fragmentation of good quality agricultural land.


2.1.1 The Proposal

This application seeks a development approval for reconfiguring a lot to

subdivide an existing rural lot into two (2).

The existing lot is 48.461 hectares in area and is separated into two parts by

Cullinane Road. The portion to the north of Cullinane Road (proposed lot 1)

has a proposed area of 10.8ha. The portion to the south of Cullinane Road

(proposed lot 2) has a proposed area of 37.66ha and will contain the existing


2.1.2 Proposal Plan

Image: Proposed Site Plan

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The subject site, described as Lot 48 M371085, is situated at 58 Cullinane

Road, Mothar Mountain. The site has frontage to both Noosa Road and

Cullinane Road and is improved by a dwelling and associated outbuildings on

the southern portion and outbuildings and cattle yards on the northern

portion. The site is fairly clear of vegetation apart from along the northern

boundary adjacent to Boundary Creek.

Image: aerial mapping

Building approval was issued 4 August 2016 for a second dwelling on the

property as ‘caretaker’s accommodation’ and building work for this has

commenced on-site. A copy of the approved site plan for this follows. The

approved dwelling is 250m2 in area and contains four (4) bedrooms.

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Caretaker’s accommodation is defined by the planning scheme as ‘a dwelling

provided for a caretaker of a non-residential use on the same premises’ and is

self-assessable in the rural zone, meaning no material change of use approval

is required subject to meeting the self-assessable provisions. The caretaker’s

accommodation complies with these provisions which currently do not limit

the size of a caretaker’s dwelling. This new dwelling is located within the

boundaries of the proposed new lot.


2.3.1 Framework for Assessment

Instruments for Statutory Assessment

Under the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 the application must be assessed

against each of the following statutory planning instruments to the extent they

are relevant to the development:

State Planning Policies;

the Planning Scheme for the local government area.

Of these, the statutory planning instruments relevant to this application are

discussed in the sections that follow.

2.3.2 State Planning Policy

The Queensland Government established the State Planning Policy (SPP) in

December 2013 to simplify and clarify matters of state interest in land use

planning and development. In accordance with Part E interim development

assessment provisions of the SPP, there is one (1) state interest triggered and

addressed below:

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Natural Hazards (flood hazard and bushfire hazard)

The subject site is identified as potentially being subject to a local government

flood mapping area. The Planning Scheme flood hazard overlay mapping does

indicate that portions of the lot are affected by flooding. There is adequate

area around the existing dwelling on proposed lot 2 and an approximate area

of 4.5 ha on proposed lot 1 outside of the flood hazard area. The flood overlay

mapping also indicates that Cullinane Road is partially inundated during a

Q100 flood event and as such egress from the lots will be restricted during

such an event. During these times physical access off the site to Noosa Road

would be able to be achieved through proposed lot 2 if necessary.

Image: Flood Hazard Overlay Mapping

The site is also mapped as Bushfire Hazard Area with small portions of medium

to very high potential bushfire intensity located predominantly in the road

reserves of Noosa Road and Cullinane Road and adjacent to the creek. The site

itself contains mapping of ‘potential impact buffer’ which surrounds these

areas. An area is available on proposed lot 1 outside of the hazard and buffer

areas and the approved caretaker’s accommodation appears to have been

sited outside this.

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Image: SPP mapping

2.3.3 Gympie Regional Council Planning Scheme 2013

The Development Application was lodged for assessment under the Gympie

Regional Council Planning Scheme 2013 (Planning Scheme).

Strategic Framework

Having regard to the Strategic Framework, a number of the provisions are

considered relevant including:

Part 3.4 – Rural Futures:

In part 3.4.3, the most relevant specific outcomes state:

(b) Good quality agricultural land is preserved;

(c) Consolidation of allotments containing good quality agricultural land is



Part 3.5 – Strong Economy:

In part 3.5.3, the most relevant specific outcome states:

(k) Rural areas, particularly good quality agricultural land, are protected to

maintain a productive role that reflects their existing characteristics and

future potential;

The site is mapped as containing classes A and B Good Quality Agricultural

Land (GQAL). As the site is already below the minimum lot size of 100 hectares

and contains GQAL, the proposal to subdivide the lot further into lots well

below the 100 hectare lot size is not consistent with the Strategic Framework.

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Image: GQAL Overlay Mapping

Reconfiguring a Lot Code

The following overall outcomes are considered particularly relevant to this


(a) Lots are of a size and dimension suitable for their intended use and have

due regard to local geographical constraints and identified hazards.

(h) Reconfiguring a lot contributes to good urban design outcomes, energy

efficiency, safe and attractive neighbourhoods and functional industrial

and commercial areas that are consistent with the intended character of

the particular locality.

(j) Reconfiguring a lot does not compromise the viability and productivity of

good quality agricultural land or extractive resources and maintains

appropriate buffers to these resources.

This proposal conflicts with the Planning Scheme due to inconsistency with lot

size and fragmenting of GQAL.

The site is unable to meet the minimum lot size of 100 hectares for subdivision

in the Rural Zone. It is acknowledged that the existing lot size, at 48.461

hectares, is already below the minimum required. In this instance it is

considered particularly relevant to retain good quality agricultural land as a

viable parcel and where below 100ha importance should be placed on

encouraging viable lots to be retained and consolidated.

The proposal is not considered to meet the outcomes sought for the

Reconfiguring a Lot Code for subdivision within a Rural Zone and the division

of the lot by Cullinane Road alone is not considered sufficient grounds to

justify approval despite the conflict.

Infrastructure and Operational Works (excluding advertising devices)


No conflicts are identified with the Code.

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Any new access point could be conditioned to be constructed to Council’s

required standard.

2.3.4 Infrastructure Charges

Council’s Adopted Infrastructure Charge Resolution allocates a charge for rural

subdivisions at a rate of $9,757 per additional lot, which should apply to any

approval issued for the development.


There are no budget implications.


The proposal is in conflict with the 2013 Gympie Regional Council Planning

Scheme and sufficient grounds are not considered to exist to justify approval

despite the conflict.


IDAS Referral Agencies

Other Referrals

The application was forwarded to the following internal Council specialists and

their assessment forms part of this report:

Design Services Division


This application is for a rural subdivision to create one (1) additional lot.

The existing lot is physically separated into two (2) parts by Cullinane Road

and the proposed lot boundaries use the road as the boundary of division.

The minimum lot size nominated in the Planning Scheme for the rural zone is

100 hectares and the proposed lot sizes are well below this.

The lot contains portions of good quality agricultural land and fragmentation

of this land is not consistent with the intentions of the planning scheme.

While it is appreciated that there may be difficulties associated with using both

parts of the lot as one (1) holding it is not considered to be prohibitive to the

intended use for rural pursuits.

It is not considered that sufficient grounds have been provided to overcome

the conflict.

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M16/09/16 Moved Cr MA McDonald Seconded Cr DW Dodt

That Council REFUSES development application 2016-0526 for

Reconfiguring a Lot – Subdivision to Create One (1) Additional Lot over

Lot 48 M371085 – 58 Cullinane Road, Mothar Mountain for the following


1. The proposed development is in conflict with the Strategic Framework

and the Reconfiguring a Lot Code of the 2013 Gympie Regional

Council Planning Scheme and sufficient grounds don’t exist to warrant


2. The subdivision does not preserve good quality agricultural land or

result in the consolidation of allotments containing good quality

agricultural land;

3. The subdivision compromises the long term use of the land for rural



FOR: Cr MW Curran, Cr MA McDonald, Cr DW Dodt and Cr DH Stewart

AGAINST: Cr WR Leitch, Cr MS Gear, Cr GC Hartwig and Cr HT Smerdon

Carried on the Chairman casting vote.

Cr Cochrane returned to the meeting at 9.39am.

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7.1 Operational Plan 2015-2016 Fourth Quarter Update and Annual


PORTFOLIO: Governance, Finance, Disaster Management

DIRECTORATE: Office of the CEO




3. Governance - cohesive, responsible and transparent


Council is required to prepare and adopt an annual operational plan for each

financial year period that is consistent with its 5-year corporate plan and

annual budget. The Operational Plan 2015-2016 was adopted by Council on

24 June 2015 via Minute M24/06/15.

The Local Government Regulation 2012 requires that the Chief Executive

Officer present Council with a written assessment on a quarterly basis of

progress being made by the local government in implementing its annual

operational plan. This fourth quarter update report covers the period from

1 April 2016 to 30 June 2016.

A report on the results of an annual review of the implementation of the

operational plan is further provided in accordance with the requirements of

s104 of the Local Government Act 2009 (Act).


A key responsibility imposed by s12(3)(a)(ii) and s13(2)(b)(iii) of the Act on

both Councillors and employees is to ensure that the local government

achieves its corporate plan.

The Operational Plan 2015-2016 directly links 97 activities planned across the

financial year period to the 31 five year actions identified in the Corporate Plan

2014-2019. These activities and actions align to the five key strategic themes

that form the overall framework for the corporate and operational plans.

The Fourth Quarter Performance Report (refer attached) highlights that at the

end of the period, 71 per cent of the operational activities referred to above

have been reported as being ‘complete’. The remaining 29 per cent activities

recorded a status of ‘delayed/ revised’.

For transparency in reporting, activities not regarded as being 100 per cent

complete as at 30 June 2016 have been shown as ‘delayed/revised’. In a

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number of cases substantial work has occurred on those activities during the

year yet they remain incomplete at the end of the reporting period. In other

cases, activities have been brought forward into the Operational Plan 2016-

2017 due to prerequisite requirements yet to be finalised, resourcing or other


In all cases where targets have not been met, an appropriate commentary

note has been provided in the Activities Update Fourth Quarter Report which

forms part of the attachments to this agenda item.

Council continues to fine tune its approach in reporting the progress being

achieved with operational plan target goals. The recently adopted Operational

Plan 2016-2017 represents a further evolution in the way activities are

identified, described, monitored, measured and reported through the

statutory public reporting process.

The Fourth Quarter Performance Report confirms that Council has largely

completed the nominated operational activities planned for 2015-2016 which

directly further the five year actions of the Corporate Plan 2014-2019.

As required under s104(5)(b)(iv) of the Act, an Annual Performance Review

Report is attached which reviews the results of the overall implementation of

the operational plan across the 12 month period. This review confirms the

revised focus and format of Council’s Operational Plan 2015-2016 stemming

from the change to an action based corporate plan in 2014. The annual

review provides further commentary on Council’s ongoing commitment to

improve the identification, monitoring and reporting of relevant operational

activities that directly further the vision, key strategic objectives and five year

actions as presented in the Corporate Plan 2014-2019.


The operational plan must be consistent with the annual budget.


The operational plan helps guide policy development and implementation

across the financial year period based on the vision and key strategic

objectives outlined in Council’s 5-year corporate plan.


Office of the CEO

All Directorates


Council is required to review progress being made toward the implementation

of its annual operational plan on a quarterly basis. The Fourth Quarter

Performance Report highlights that Council has largely achieved the

performance targets set within its operational plan. An Annual Performance

Review Report further articulates Council’s ongoing commitment to improve

the way it identifies, monitors and reports on operational plan activities that

directly further the implementation of its 5-year corporate plan.

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1. Fourth Quarter Performance Report - Operational Plan 2015-2016

2. Activities Update Report Fourth Quarter - Operational Plan 2015-2016

3. Annual Performance Review Report - Operational Plan 2015-2016

M17/09/16 Moved Cr DW Dodt Seconded Cr MA McDonald

That the Fourth Quarter Performance and Activities Update Reports, and

the Annual Performance Review Report for the Operational Plan 2015-

2016, as presented, be received.


FOR: Cr MW Curran, Cr MA McDonald, Cr WR Leitch, Cr JK Cochrane, Cr DW

Dodt, Cr MS Gear, Cr GC Hartwig, Cr HT Smerdon and Cr DH Stewart


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7.2 Invitation from the Local Government Remuneration and Discipline

Tribunal for submissions in relation to Councillor remuneration

PORTFOLIO: Governance, Finance, Disaster Management

DIRECTORATE: Office of the CEO




3. Governance - cohesive, responsible and transparent


Council has received advice from the Local Government Remuneration and

Discipline Tribunal (Tribunal) that submissions are invited in relation to the

annual review of the remuneration to be paid to Mayors, Deputy Mayors and

Councillors from 1 July 2017.


The Tribunal is commencing its annual remuneration review program to

determine the remuneration to be paid to Mayors, Deputy Mayors and

Councillors from 1 July 2017, in accordance with the requirements of section

244 of the Local Government Regulation 2012.

The Tribunal is inviting submissions in relation to remuneration for Councillors

of local governments to inform the Tribunal’s deliberations.

Submissions can be emailed to [email protected]

or mailed to:

Local Government Remuneration and Discipline Tribunal

PO Box 15009


Further information about how to make a submission can be found at


The closing date for receipt of submissions is Friday 28 October 2016.

In addition, the Tribunal will also be taking deputations from council

representatives at the Local Government Association of Queensland’s 2016

annual conference at the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre, on

19 and 20 October 2016.

Delegates wishing to meet with the Tribunal at the conference can arrange

appointments by emailing the Tribunal at

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[email protected] or by telephoning the

Secretariat on 1800 030 114 before 30 September 2016.

Queries regarding the Tribunal’s remuneration program should be directed to

the Tribunal’s Secretariat on 1800 030 114.

Submissions are open to members of the public, individual Councillors and

formal submissions from Council itself. Details of submissions made are

generally included in the Appendices of the Tribunal’s public report.

Should Council wish to make a formal deputation to the Tribunal

arrangements need to be confirmed prior to 30 September 2016.

It is noted that this invitation does not extend to the consideration of any

proposed changes to the category to which individual councils have been

assigned. The legislation requires the Tribunal to review council categories

once prior to the start of each new quadrennial term of council. Gympie

Regional Council, together with 12 other local governments, was determined

to be a category 3 council effective from 1 July 2016.


Councillor remuneration forms part of annual Budget considerations.


There are no policy implications.


Mayor and Councillors


Manager Governance


Public submissions are invited from the Tribunal in relation to the

remuneration to be paid to Mayors, Deputy Mayors and Councillors from

1 July 2017. Various options are available as outlined in the report should

Councillors or the Council wish to make a formal submission or deputation to

the Tribunal on this matter.

M18/09/16 Moved Cr DH Stewart Seconded Cr DW Dodt

That the invitation for public submissions to the Tribunal in relation to

the remuneration to be paid to Mayors, Deputy Mayors and Councillors

from 1 July 2017 be noted.


FOR: Cr MW Curran, Cr MA McDonald, Cr WR Leitch, Cr JK Cochrane, Cr DW

Dodt, Cr MS Gear, Cr GC Hartwig, Cr HT Smerdon and Cr DH Stewart


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7.3 Notified Motion - Meeting Process / Standing Orders

PORTFOLIO: Governance, Finance, Disaster Management

DIRECTORATE: Office of the CEO




3. Governance - cohesive, responsible and transparent


Councillor James Cochrane has given notice of the following proposed

motion: “To reintroduce general business into standing orders for motions to be tabled

from the floor, without notice when discussion is supported by a mover and a

seconder. As it was prior to the first meeting of this elected council.”

M19/09/16 Moved Cr JK Cochrane Seconded Cr GC Hartwig

To reintroduce general business into standing orders for motions to be

tabled from the floor, without notice when discussion is supported by a

mover and a seconder, as it was prior to the first meeting of this elected



FOR: Cr JK Cochrane, Cr GC Hartwig, Cr HT Smerdon and Cr DH Stewart

AGAINST: Cr MW Curran, Cr MA McDonald, Cr WR Leitch, Cr DW Dodt and Cr

MS Gear

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7.4 Notified Motion - Engagement of Consultants

PORTFOLIO: Governance, Finance, Disaster Management

DIRECTORATE: Office of the CEO




3. Governance - cohesive, responsible and transparent


Councillor Glen Hartwig has given notice of the following proposed motion:

“I move that no further consultants be engaged without councils approval.”


The proposed motion has implications for Council and in particular Council’s

ability to operate its business in an efficient and effective manner. In its

deliberations on the motion the following issues are worthy of Council’s


Legislative Background

The term “consultant” is not defined in the Local Government Act 2009 (Act),

nor in the Acts Interpretation Act 1954. In the absence of a statutory definition,

the Merriam-Webster online dictionary definition of the term “consultant” is “a

person who gives professional advice or services to companies for a fee”.

Schedule 4 to the Local Government Act - Dictionary defines the term

“contractor” as below:

contractor, of a local government, means—

(a) a person who provides services under a contract with the

local government; or

(b) a person prescribed under a regulation.

Noting the absence of a definition for consultant within the legislation and the

definition of contractor within the Act, and it would be reasonable to assume

that consultants are by default also ‘contractors’ for the purpose of the


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Current Council Policy

The proposed motion would necessitate the amendment by resolution of

Council’s Procurement Policy and Procedures.

Council’s current Procurement Policy and Procedures are designed to ensure

that Council meets its significant contracting obligations under the legislation

including the need to obtain Council resolutions if the value of a planned

procurement is beyond the delegated limit of the CEO, or if for any reason the

normal procurement requirements can’t be achieved e.g. in instances where

only one suitable supplier exists. This policy is consistent with procurement

policy and limits across Qld local government and is fully compliant with


It should be noted there are frequent references to “contractors’ throughout

the Local Government Act which signifies that engaging contractors (and

consultants) is a necessary and normal part of local government operations. In

recognition of this the Act sets appropriate parameters and boundaries that

intervene at a level which enables the local government to operate efficiently.

From an operational perspective “business-as-usual” tasks may require

external expertise to ensure Council’s (and the community’s) interests are

protected. For example in the area of governance and planning there is an

operational need for access to legal advice. Council has no qualified legal

expertise within its staff. Where urgent matters of pollution/public health

issues are involved it would not be practical to gain Council’s approval prior to

engaging a legal expert.

Financial Implications

Currently (and historically) Council has developed its annual budget and

staffing level considerations based on the assumption that professional

consultants will continue to be engage where required to:

(i) Bring in expertise not currently available within the organisation;

(ii) Deal with one-off or specialised projects; and

(iii) Enable Council to operate effectively with substantially less FTE staff

costs than would otherwise be possible if all expertise was expected to

be available in-house.

While the motion does not necessarily propose a blanket ban on the use of

consultants, the net effect of ‘the Council’ determining on every occasion if it

is appropriate to engage a consultant raises concerns in relation to the impact

on operational matters, both timing and deliverability wise.

The annual budget has been adopted by Council on the basis of staff

submissions which included allowances to engage consultants as deemed

necessary across the 12 month period. It is the prerogative of Council to

amend its budget by resolution. However, as the current budget has been

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framed and adopted on the basis of engaging consultants and contractors

where necessary, should Council wish to review the role of consultants the

more appropriate time may reasonably be considered to be as part of the pre-

approval process of the 2017-2018 annual budget.

M20/09/16 Moved Cr GC Hartwig Seconded Cr JK Cochrane

That the matter lay on the table.


FOR: Cr MW Curran, Cr MA McDonald, Cr WR Leitch, Cr JK Cochrane, Cr DW

Dodt, Cr MS Gear, Cr GC Hartwig, Cr HT Smerdon and Cr DH Stewart


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8.1 Biosecurity Surveillance Program September 2016 till December


PORTFOLIO: Health and Environment

DIRECTORATE: Infrastructure Services




4. Environment - sustainable, managed and healthy


Effective from 1 July 2016, the Biosecurity Act 2014 replaced the Land

Protection (Pest and Stock Route Management) Act 2002 as the primary

legislation governing the control of declared pests in Queensland.

Under the previous Land Protection (Pest and Stock Route Management) Act

2002, Council had previously endorsed ‘Pest Survey Programs’, which enabled

‘authorised persons’ to enter land for the purpose of monitoring declared pest

presence and compliance of landholders. The proposed ‘Surveillance Program’

is similar in purpose and function to the previous ‘Pest Survey Programs’.


Council is obliged to carry out a specified ‘main function’ in respect of the

Biosecurity Act 2014. Furthermore, the aim of the Lands Protection Branch is to

contribute to sustainable land use across the Gympie region by reducing the

economic, social and environmental impacts of invasive plants and animals on

the natural, peri-urban and primary production environments. This surveillance

program provides a critical mechanism for Council to achieve these outcomes

efficiently and effectively.

(Excerpt from Biosecurity Act 2014)

“Section 48 Main function of local government

(1) The main function under this Act of each local government is to ensure that

the following biosecurity matter (invasive biosecurity matter for the local

government’s area) are managed within the local government’s area in

compliance with this Act—“

In meeting this obligation, Council is required to undertake Biosecurity

Surveillance Programs to ensure that landholders are meeting their individual

obligations with regard to managing invasive biosecurity matter. Biosecurity

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Surveillance Programs are required to be authorised by the relevant Local

Authority through resolution of Council in accordance with section 235(2)(b)

of the Biosecurity Act 2014.

A Biosecurity Surveillance Program will facilitate the entry of Council’s Pest

Management Officers to private properties in order to check for compliance

and undertake surveillance, thus meeting Council’s obligations with regard to

the Biosecurity Act 2014.

The ‘Biosecurity Surveillance Program September 2016 till December 2017’ is



There are no budget implications.


There are no policy implications.


Council’s ‘Weeds and Pest Advisory Committee’ and the State Government

Director-General of Department of Agriculture and Fisheries have been


This program will be advertised as a Public Notice for at least 14 days prior to

commencement in accordance with the Act.


Sustainable land use (economic, environmental and social) is significantly

impacted by weeds and pest animals (invasive biosecurity matter). The intent

of this surveillance program is to enable Council’s Authorised Officers to

efficiently and effectively access lands in order to monitor for presence,

absence and compliance with the Act in relation to any invasive biosecurity



1. Biosecurity Surveillance Program September 2016 till December 2017

M21/09/16 Moved Cr JK Cochrane Seconded Cr DW Dodt

That Council endorses the Biosecurity Surveillance Program September

2016 till December 2017, as attached.


FOR: Cr MW Curran, Cr MA McDonald, Cr WR Leitch, Cr JK Cochrane, Cr DW

Dodt, Cr MS Gear, Cr GC Hartwig, Cr HT Smerdon and Cr DH Stewart


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ADJOURNMENT OF MEETING The Meeting adjourned for morning tea at 10.30am. RESUMPTION OF MEETING The Meeting resumed at 10.54am.

8.2 T140a Register of Pre-Qualified Suppliers - Plant Hire

PORTFOLIO: Infrastructure Services

DIRECTORATE: Infrastructure Services




1. Infrastructure - planned, connected and safe

3. Governance - cohesive, responsible and transparent


Council’s infrastructure operations requires the ability to access a variety of

heavy plant in addition to its own resources, to deliver the variety of

construction and maintenance activities that it must perform. In order to

accommodate this procurement task efficiently, Council manages a register of

prequalified suppliers (RPQS) for the supply of plant hire.

The benefit Council receives in establishing a RPQS is to enable procurement

of services in an efficient manner.

An open tender process was conducted to establish these supply

arrangements for a period of 12 months, with an option to extend the

arrangements for two 12 month periods at Council’s sole discretion. The

arrangements will be established so that frequently used services can be

sourced with a better value for money outcome.

An RPQS can be entered into under delegation by the CEO, however this RPQS

establishment will allow suppliers to be engaged for a variety of related

services and will result in expenditure for the term of the contract in excess of

$220,000. Therefore it is appropriate for the RPQS to be entered into by

Council resolution.


The tender Plant Hire (T140) was released on an “Open” tender basis on

6 June 2016 and closed for evaluation on 28 June, 2016. There were 58 tender

submissions received from suppliers.

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The tender sought a series of wet and dry hire rates for the supply of any

heavy plant items which Council could potentially require during its

operations. The evaluation focused on the tenderers responses, specifically the

insurances, evidence of competencies and compliance with the conditions of


The evaluation of the tenders was undertaken in accordance with the

evaluation criteria identified in the tender documents, these criteria being

compliance with contract conditions and provision of requested

documentation. All tenderers who met these two criteria are proposed to be

included in the RPQS.

Of the 59 submissions, 41 suppliers identified as meeting the evaluation

criteria and 18 suppliers identified as ‘non-conforming’ due to non-

conforming conditions (12) and a failure to adequately respond to requested

information (6). Eleven of the 18 non-conforming tender submissions were

provided by dry hire or specialist services which require special conditions in

order to do business.

The successful submissions are as follows:

• A Sims Truck Hire

• All Above Water Pty Ltd

• Aussie Hydrovac Services Pty Ltd

• Barcoo Plant Hire Pty Ltd

• Bebrok Excavations

• Campbell’s Truck & Bobcat & Landscape Supplies Pty Ltd

• CK’s Milling and Earthworks Pty Ltd

• Cooloola Excavations Pty Ltd

• Corwood QLD Pty Ltd

• D W Dirtworx Pty Ltd

• Damon’s Earthworks Pty Ltd

• Earthland Group Pty Ltd

• Exhausted Tipper Hire

• Fraser Earthworks Pty Ltd

• G & R Brown and Sons Pty Ltd

• Genrosa Truck and Plant Hire

• Gympie Golden Acres Mowing

• Googe’s Mini Excavations

• Goomboorian Landscape supplies and Earthworks

• Gympie Heavy Haulage

• Gympie Landscape Supplies

• Helltown Brothers Pty Ltd

• HTD Australia Pty Ltd

• Jenko’s Bobcat, Excavator and Tipper Hire

• Jet Vac Excavations

• McGarrell Earthworks Pty Ltd

• P G Excavations

• Pentacon Pty Ltd

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• Peter Dennehy and Sons Earthmoving

• RL & CL Pershouse

• Rainbow Plant Hire

• Roddau Brothers Water and Tip Truck Hire

• Sunrise Civil

• T J Tippers Pty Ltd

• Texas Earthmoving Pty Ltd

• Tim Spring Transport Pty Ltd

• Veolia Water Network Services Pty Ltd

• Vinto Tree Services and Vinton Plant Hire

• Warren Kopp Transport Pty Ltd

• Wildmans Earthworks

• Wilsons Commercial Services

Non-conforming tenderers who are not hire companies or specialist services


• Burnett Tipper Hire

• D&G Jones

• Humphreys Transport Pty Ltd

• Sniffers Plant Hire Pty Ltd

• Sun Coast Forestry and Mulching

• T&L Byrne Excavations Pty Ltd

• Tony Corbett Haulage

All tenderers who conformed with the conditions of contract are proposed to

be included on the register of prequalified suppliers while submissions that

were nonconforming will be retained and may be used where conforming

tenders cannot supply the appropriate service. Council is committed to

providing value for money services for the community and as such these

principles apply to the way resources will be selected from the T140

submissions. Selections from the list of suppliers will be based on two

weighted factors:

• Price/Availability - The price/availability data will be gathered directly from

the submissions and discussions with the business. If the business is

unavailable at the time required, the work will be offered to the next most

competitive tenderer.

• Performance – Performance data will be gathered using assessment sheets

completed by field supervisors directly responsible for delivering the on

ground outcomes. This data will be compiled and averaged to give a

performance rating. Where negative performance is scored, feedback will be

provided to the operator and owner of the business.

Tenderers who tendered under dry hire arrangements were excluded from the

RPQS due to the large variety of conditions stipulated and equipment types.

Infrastructure Services will utilise a separate procurement process when

engaging dry hire suppliers. These are:

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Downer EDI


Handy Hire

Hastings Deering

Quality Plant Hire

Rollers Queensland

Sherrin Rentals

Tutt Bryant Hire

For Councils information, the types of services offered under this arrangement

are as per the following table.

Company Name
















A. Sims Truck Hire X

All Above Water Pty Ltd X

Aussie Hydrovac Services Pty Ltd


Barcoo Plant Hire Pty Ltd X X

Bebrok Excavations X X


Campbell's Truck & Bobcat &

Landscape Supplies Pty Ltd X X

CK's Milling & Earthworks Pty Ltd X X

Cooloola Excavations Pty Ltd X X X

Corwood QLD Pty Ltd X X

D W Dirtworx Pty Ltd X

Damon's Earthworks Pty Ltd X X

Earthland Group Pty Ltd X X X

Exhausted Tipper Hire X


Fraser Earthworks Pty Ltd X X

G & R Brown and Sons Pty Ltd X X

Genrosa Truck and Plant Hire X X

Gympie Golden Acres Mowing


Googe's Mini Excavations X X

Goomboorian Landscape

Supplies and Earthworks X X X

Gympie Heavy Haulage X

Gympie Landscape Supplies X X


Helltown Brothers Pty Ltd X X

HTD Australia Pty Ltd


Jenko's Bobcat, Excavator and

Tipper Hire X X

Jet Vac Excavations


McGarrell Earthworks Pty Ltd X X

P G Excavations X X

Pentacon Pty Ltd X X

Peter Dennehy & Sons

Earthmoving X

RL & CL Pershouse X X

Rainbow Plant Hire X

Roddau Brothers Water & Tip X

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Truck Hire

Sunrise Civil X X

T J Tippers Pty Ltd X

Texas Earthmoving Pty Ltd X X

Tim Spring Transport Pty Ltd X X

Veolia Water Network Services

Pty Ltd X X


Vinto Tree Services and Vinton

Plant Hire X X X

Warren Kopp Transport Pty Ltd X

Wildmans Earthworks X X X

Wilsons Commercial Services


It should be noted that while an extensive list of suppliers is proposed it is

typical that generally a smaller group consisting of the lowest priced and

highest performing suppliers will be used on a regular basis. The larger list is

adopted to give Council flexibility of supply in times of high demand.


The T140 – Supply of Plant and Equipment is a RPQS and therefore no

financial commitment has been allocated to each individual supplier

nominated for the list.

The use of suppliers from the T140 RPQS will be funded from Council’s

existing operational and capital budgets, with no change required.


There are no policy implications in relation to this report.


Consultation occurred in relation to this RPQS with the following branches:-

Construction and Maintenance Branch

Parks Services Branch

In addition, two separate supplier information nights were run to set

expectations and provide advice and guidance on the contract and tendering

process. Suppliers were offered the opportunity to raise issues at these


The tender was assessed by a panel of evaluators from relevant areas.


The establishment of the RPQS for the supply of Plant Hire (2015-2016T-140A)

will benefit Council by enabling efficiency of procurement for relevant services.

The use of forty-one supplier options aligned with Council’s process for

ranking suppliers based on price and performance within the RPQS supports

the principle of value for money. This process will assist Council officers to

efficiently and effectively procure services, to provide an appropriate level of

service to the community.

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M22/09/16 Moved Cr WR Leitch Seconded Cr MA McDonald

That the tenders for 2015/2016-T140 Plant Hire from the following

suppliers form the T140a Register of Pre-Qualified Suppliers – Plant Hire:

• A Sims Truck Hire

• All Above Water Pty Ltd

• Aussie Hydrovac Services Pty Ltd

• Barcoo Plant Hire Pty Ltd

• Bebrok Excavations

• Campbell’s Truck & Bobcat & Landscape Supplies Pty Ltd

• CK’s Milling and Earthworks Pty Ltd

• Cooloola Excavations Pty Ltd

• Corwood QLD Pty Ltd

• D W Dirtworx Pty Ltd

• Damon’s Earthworks Pty Ltd

• Earthland Group Pty Ltd

• Exhausted Tipper Hire

• Fraser Earthworks Pty Ltd

• G & R Brown and Sons Pty Ltd

• Genrosa Truck and Plant Hire

• Gympie Golden Acres Mowing

• Googe’s Mini Excavations

• Goomboorian Landscape supplies and Earthworks

• Gympie Heavy Haulage

• Gympie Landscape Supplies

• Helltown Brothers Pty Ltd

• HTD Australia Pty Ltd

• Jenko’s Bobcat, Excavator and Tipper Hire

• Jet Vac Excavations

• McGarrell Earthworks Pty Ltd

• P G Excavations

• Pentacon Pty Ltd

• Peter Dennehy and Sons Earthmoving

• RL & CL Pershouse

• Rainbow Plant Hire

• Roddau Brothers Water and Tip Truck Hire

• Sunrise Civil

• T J Tippers Pty Ltd

• Texas Earthmoving Pty Ltd

• Tim Spring Transport Pty Ltd

• Veolia Water Network Services Pty Ltd

• Vinto Tree Services and Vinton Plant Hire

• Warren Kopp Transport Pty Ltd

• Wildmans Earthworks

• Wilsons Commercial Services


FOR: Cr MW Curran, Cr MA McDonald, Cr WR Leitch, Cr JK Cochrane, Cr DW

Dodt, Cr MS Gear, Cr GC Hartwig, Cr HT Smerdon and Cr DH Stewart


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8.3 Department of Transport and Main Roads - Tender Offer

PORTFOLIO: Infrastructure Services

DIRECTORATE: Infrastructure Services

DOC ID: 1864995



1. Infrastructure - planned, connected and safe


Gympie Regional Council has a long standing affiliation with the Department

of Transport and Main Roads (TMR), delivering road maintenance on the

federal and state road network in the Gympie region.


Council has received an invitation (as a Sole Invitee) from TMR to submit an

offer to carry out various upgrading and maintenance activities of facilities at

Six Mile Creek rest area and Gunalda Driver Reviver rest area.

Proposed works include building and access improvements as agreed with

TMR. The TMR allocated budget for the project is $273,670 (excluding GST).

TMR required that the offer from Council be received by 16 September 2016

and accordingly an offer has been prepared and submitted.


The works can be undertaken using a combination of Council staff and

contractors/subcontractors for the tendered amount.


There are no policy implications.


Director Infrastructure Services

General Manager Construction and Maintenance

Manager Contracts

Manager - Parks

Senior Officer - Facilities


The proposed works will provide improvements to both popular rest areas on

the Bruce Highway.

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M23/09/16 Moved Cr MS Gear Seconded Cr DH Stewart

That Council enters into a contractual arrangement with Department of

Transport and Main Roads for the Upgrading of Rest Areas on the Bruce

Highway at Six Mile Creek and Gunalda Driver Reviver for $273,670.00

(GST Exc).


FOR: Cr MW Curran, Cr MA McDonald, Cr WR Leitch, Cr JK Cochrane, Cr DW

Dodt, Cr MS Gear, Cr GC Hartwig, Cr HT Smerdon and Cr DH Stewart


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8.4 RFT: 2016-2017-T134-Road Surfacing Services - Preferred Supplier


PORTFOLIO: Infrastructure Services

DIRECTORATE: Infrastructure Services




1. Infrastructure - planned, connected and safe


The contract for the Supply of Road Surfacing Services BUS 242-1013 expired

31 May 2016. To assist in works delivery, tender documents have been

prepared for a Preferred Supplier Arrangement for Road Surfacing Services.

RFT: 2016-2017 -T134 Road Surfacing Services – Preferred Supplier

Arrangement has been structured as 12 month contract with the option of a

further two 12 month extensions.


RFT: 2016-2017 -T134 Supply of Road Surfacing Services – Preferred Supplier

Arrangement was advertised in the Gympie Times, Saturday 30 July 2016.

The Tender Documents were placed on the Queensland Government’s

QTenders website on Monday 1 August 2016 and the tender closed Tuesday

23 August, 2016. The procurement process was open for all qualified

respondents to apply. Tenderers were required to submit a pricing schedule of

rates for various bituminous products and road surfacing services. A total of

seven tenders were received as follows:

• Allens Asphalt Pty Ltd

• Boral Asphalt

• Downer Infrastructure

• RPQ Spray Seal Pty Ltd

• SRS Roads Pty Ltd (subject to rise and fall)

• SRS Roads Pty Ltd (not subject to rise and fall)

• Tropic Asphalt Pty Ltd

All tenders were assessed by an evaluation panel, against pre-determined

tender evaluation criteria. The criteria and relevant weightings were:

1. Relevant Experience (10%);

2. Key Personnel Skills and experience (20%);

3. Tenderers Resources (10%);

4. Demonstrated Understanding (10%); and

5. Price (50%).

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The price criterion was assessed on a per square metre rate for the full activity

of haul, spread and roll aggregate and supply, load, transport, mix, heat and

spray bitumen using a weighting factor for common daily quantities and spray

rates. The resultant standardised rates enabled the evaluation panel to identify

the company who will provide best value for money across a range of

commonly used seal designs and production quantities. From this evaluation

the suppliers were ranked.

Rank NAME OF TENDERER Total weighted score of

price and non-price

elements 1. SRS Roads (subject to rise and fall) 100.00

2. SRS Roads (not subject to rise and fall) 97.02

3. RPQ Spray Seal Pty Ltd 91.51

4. Boral Asphalt 90.93

5. Allens Asphalt Pty Ltd 86.98

6. Tropic Asphalt Pty Ltd 85.98

7. Downer Infrastructure 82.54

Where necessary, emails were sent to respondents for clarification on items

submitted in their tender on pricing.

SRS Roads Pty Ltd was the highest ranking tenderer and was the preferred

contractor under the previous contract.


Road surfacing services will be funded as a part of both the capital and

operational budgets.


There are no policy implications.


The Tender evaluation was undertaken by a panel consisting of: Infrastructure

Engineer, Manager - Road Asset Construction, Manager – Contracts, and

Technical Officer – Capital.


SRS Roads Pty Ltd has been used previously for its road surfacing services

under BUS 242-1013. The company offers Council the best value for money

and have proven to be a reliable contractor who meets Council’s expectations

for quality and safety.

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M24/09/16 Moved Cr WR Leitch Seconded Cr GC Hartwig

That Council accepts the tender of SRS Roads Pty Ltd (subject to rise and

fall) and its tendered Schedule of Rates as the Preferred Supplier for RFT:

2016-2017 -T134 Supply of Road Surfacing Services.


FOR: Cr MW Curran, Cr MA McDonald, Cr WR Leitch, Cr JK Cochrane, Cr DW

Dodt, Cr MS Gear, Cr GC Hartwig, Cr HT Smerdon and Cr DH Stewart


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8.5 Rainbow Beach Waste Management Facility Opening Hours

PORTFOLIO: Water and Sewerage and Waste Management

DIRECTORATE: Infrastructure Services




1. Infrastructure - planned, connected and safe

4. Environment - sustainable, managed and healthy


The Rainbow Beach Waste Management Facility has until relatively recently

operated as an unsupervised landfill. The site was open 24hr per day,

unsupervised and daily cover applied 2-3 times a week. The facility was

converted into a transfer station in March 2016 has been operated as semi

supervised site opened from 8am to 5pm 7 days per week. Domestic waste is

collected via 3m3 bins. The site also accepts recyclables, green waste, bulky

waste and scrap steel. The site is only supervised during some of its opening

hours, which presents a high risk for public safety.

The Rainbow Beach community has almost 100% coverage of kerbside

collection of refuse and recyclables, including an increased frequency during

holiday seasons. Commercial entities are also provided with kerbside

collection service by Council. There is also commercial bulk bin service

provided by private enterprise.

The site effectively is only required for the receipt of waste generated in excess

of the standard 240 litre bin service.


Data over the 6 months shows that site is mainly used for green waste and

scrap steel disposal. Initially operation started with emptying bins three times

a week and recently it was reduced to two per week.

The site is currently open 63 hours per week and it is randomly supervised for

40 hours per week. The current budget provision for staffing of the site is for

40 hours per week. While the current partial supervision arrangement has

worked without any significant incident the public safety risks remains. The

lost commercial revenue during the unsupervised period is also an issue. The

cost of supervision for the 23 hour gap per week would be approximately

$54,000 per year.

Daily traffic was monitored over the past 3 months. The minimum number of

entries in one day was 6 entries and this occurred twice on Sundays and twice

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on Saturdays. The maximum number of entries was 37 and this occurred on

Monday after a wet weekend. Due to the nature of the waste disposed volume

of traffic weather dependant. Table 1 shows the average number of entries for

each day of the week.

Table 1 Average Number of Vehicles Entries for Each of Day of the Week.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

16 20 18 18 18 15 17

The average use per hour is less than 2 entries.

If the site was fully supervised, the supervision cost alone per each entry would

be approximately $23.00 (without the cost of bin emptying stockpiles

maintenance and shredding of green waste).

It is proposed that the site only operate while supervised and based on the

level of use recorded it is considered that the opening hour can be reduced to

32 hours per week without unreasonable inconvenience to residents. With the

32 hour per week proposal the average number of entries would increase to 4

entries per hour. Table 2 presents the proposed new opening times for

Rainbow Beach Waste Management Facility.

Table 2 Proposed opening times for Rainbow Beach Waste Management


Day Opening time Total Hours

Sunday 9 am to 1 pm 4

Monday 8 am to 4 pm 8

Tuesday 8 am to 4 pm 8

Wednesday Closed

Thursday 8 am to 4 pm 8

Friday Closed

Saturday 9 am to 1 pm 4


It should be noted that the Tin Can Bay Waste Management Facility (within a

30 minute drive) will be open on the days the Rainbow Beach Facility is closed

if waste needed to be disposed on that day.


The proposed change in opening hours will generate a saving of $ 18,000 per


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There are no policy implications.


The change needs to be communicated to public via newsletter, fliers and

signs at the Rainbow Beach Waste Management Facility.


It is proposed to implement new opening hours at the start of November

2016. The proposed change in opening hours will generate a saving of

$18,000 per year and importantly the public safety risk arising from operating

unsupervised waste management facility will be significantly reduced.

M25/09/16 Moved Cr HT Smerdon Seconded Cr DW Dodt

That Council adopts the following opening hours for the Rainbow Beach

Waste Management Facility to commence from 1 November 2016:

Sunday 9 am to 1 pm

Monday 8am to 4 pm

Tuesday 8 am to 4 pm

Thursday 8 am to 4 pm

Saturday 9 am to 1 pm

With the facility is closed Wednesday, Friday, Christmas Day, Good

Friday and ANZAC Day.


FOR: Cr MW Curran, Cr MA McDonald, Cr WR Leitch, Cr JK Cochrane, Cr DW

Dodt, Cr MS Gear, Cr GC Hartwig, Cr HT Smerdon and Cr DH Stewart


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8.6 Request for approval to enter into a contract for the supply and

installation of the Stravault System in the Smithfield Street CBD

Revitalisation project under Section 234 of Queensland's Local

Government Regulation 2012.

PORTFOLIO: Infrastructure Services

DIRECTORATE: Infrastructure Services




1. Infrastructure - planned, connected and safe

3. Governance - cohesive, responsible and transparent


This report seeks a Council resolution to enter directly into a contractual

arrangement for the supply of Stratavault System for the Smithfield Street CBD

Revitalisation Project. This is a system that utilises reinforced plastic members

to form a modular system to be filled with planting media for mature trees,

and enables concrete to be placed over the top. The Stratavault System

reduces the footprint of a large tree to travelling pedestrians, without

compromising the tree or the pavement.

Section 235 of the Local Government Regulation 2012 provides Council with an

exemption from obtaining quotes or requesting tenders for medium sized and

large sized contractual arrangements where the local government is satisfied

that there is only one supplier reasonably available or because of the

specialised nature of the services makes it impractical to do so.


The Stratavault system, made by Citygreen is designed as a load-bearing

engineered plastic module with vertical and lateral interlocks, for creating void

space beneath pavements. These cells have been incorporated into both the

engineering and landscape design for Smithfield Street. A search of the

internet has not located an alternative product. In exploring options to achieve

the same outcomes as the Stratavault system, discussions were held with the

landscape architect/ urban designer to the project, PLACE Design, who are

responsible for delivering similar streetscape renewal projects throughout

Australia. Based on these discussions and a thorough search for potential

suppliers advertising online, a suitable alternative product capable of

achieving the same outcome has not been identified.

The contract value for supply and installation of the Stratavault system is

estimated at $81,000.00 (exc. GST).

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The activity as described is included in the detailed design estimate for the

2016/2017: Streetscape Works Program – CBD Revitalisation Smithfield Street,



There are no policy implications.


General Manager – Construction and Maintenance

General Manager – Design Services

Manager – Design Services

Manager – Road Asset Construction


The establishment of a contractual arrangement with Citygreen and its

Stravault System for landscaping purposes in the Smithfield Street Project

without first obtaining tenders falls within the exemptions under s 235 of

Queensland’s Local Government Regulation 2012 and Council is asked to

consider entering directly into a contract with Citygreen for the supply and

installation of the Stravault System.

M26/09/16 Moved Cr WR Leitch Seconded Cr DW Dodt

That Council:

1. Resolves in accordance with s 235 of Queensland’s Local

Government Regulation 2012, that because of the specialised

nature of the services that are required, it would be impractical

and offers no advantage to invite alternate quotes for the supply

and install of the Stravault System.

2. Enters into a contractual arrangement with Citygreen for supply

and installation of the Stravault System for the Smithfield Street

CBD Revitalisation Project for $81,000.00 (exc GST).


FOR: Cr MW Curran, Cr MA McDonald, Cr WR Leitch, Cr JK Cochrane, Cr DW

Dodt, Cr MS Gear, Cr GC Hartwig, Cr HT Smerdon and Cr DH Stewart


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9.1 Tender Report: Contract 2016/17-T001a - Mary Valley WTP


PORTFOLIO: Infrastructure Services

DIRECTORATE: Engineering Services




1. Infrastructure - planned, connected and safe


Council’s capital works budget for 2016/17 includes works for the replacement

of pressure filters, disinfection equipment, pipework, valves, instruments and

controls at Amamoor and Kandanga water treatment plants. The equipment at

Amamoor and Kandanga has come to the end of its useful service life (circa

1985). In addition to these works, Imbil Water Treatment Plant will be

retrofitted with an ultraviolet disinfection system so all three plants operate on

the same philosophy.

The upgrade of the equipment and water treatment process will be done to

ensure the treatment process meets the required Health Based Targets (HBTs)

for microbial water in accordance with the Water Services Association of

Australia (WSAA) guidelines.


Tenders were requested for the “Supply and Installation of Contact Pressure

Filters, Disinfection Systems and Associated Pipework, Valves, Instruments and

Controls” at Amamoor WTP, Kandanga WTP and Imbil WTP.

Each Water Treatment Plant was priced as a separable portion under the

Contract. Namely:

Separable Portion A – Amamoor Water Treatment Plant Upgrade

Separable Portion B – Kandanga Water Treatment Plant Upgrade

Separable Portion C – Imbil Water Treatment Plant Upgrade

For probity purposes, the tender process was administered by Council’s

Procurement branch and tenders requested through the Queensland

governments eTender website.


Tenders were submitted electronically through the eTender website by the

closing date of 25/08/2016. Twelve (12) offers were received.

The following table presents all the tenders as received.

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Tenderers Offer (ex GST)

Akwa-Worx $ 1,281,962.30

Allara Energy $ 1,147,517.28

AquaManage $ 1,089,748.80

Aquapure $ 1,815,000.00

Aquatec-Maxon $ 1,248,625.69

Dioxide pacific $ 1,224,141.00

Dowdens Pumping $ 1,219,145.00

Hunter Alliance $ 772,320.00

MAK Industrial Water Solutions $ 794,489.48

Sort It Water $ 860,283.86

WestWater $ 857,512.50

Xylem Water Solutions $ 699,381.00

Table 1 - Tenders Price (listed alphabetically)

The tenders have been adjusted for comparison purposes where Tenderers

have not priced items that are required to be provided or included provisional

items to complete the project. The adjustments included any discounts offered

if awarded.

Tenderers Offer (ex GST)

Akwa-Worx $ 1,281,962.30

Allara Energy $ 1,147,517.28

AquaManage $ 1,147,556.80

Aquapure $ 1,815,000.00

Aquatec-Maxon $ 1,248,625.69

Dioxide pacific $ 1,226,317.78

Dowdens Pumping $ 1,236,095.64

Hunter Alliance $ 789,270.64

MAK Industrial Water Solutions $ 880,875.78

Sort It Water $ 864,475.81

WestWater $ 859,634.87

Xylem Water Solutions $ 733,760.00

Table 2 – Comparative Price (listed alphabetically)


Each Tender was assessed on the information provided in the Tender

documents. Five (5) offers were shortlisted for consideration as a result of the

assessment. The scores and values are presented below.

Tenderer Score (%) Value (ex GST)

Xylem Water Solutions 96.23 $ 733,760.00

Hunter Alliance 92.38 $ 789,270.64

Sort It Water 92.31 $ 864,475.81

MAK Industrial Water Solutions 91.51 $ 880,875.78

WestWater 90.47 $ 859,634.87

Table 3 – Evaluation Scores

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Xylem Water Solutions has the highest score and offers a solution that meets

all the technical requirements of the project.

Xylem is prominent water and wastewater treatment company offering

specialised water treatment products and market presence.

The cost of the work is in line with budget estimates.


A budget of $700,000 ex GST was originally allocated for this work in the

2015/2016 financial year with an additional $350,000 allocated in 2016/2017

made up of the following project budgets:

Ledger Account


Project Description Allocated Budget

4304146 Amamoor WTP filter replacement $ 525,000

4304147 Kandanga WTP Filter replacement $ 525,000

TOTAL $ 1,050,000

Table 4 – Budget

Sufficient funds are available to complete the work this financial year.


The proposed works are in accordance with Council’s strategic goals to

provide infrastructure which is planned, connected and safe.


The tender assessment was carried out internally by members of the Water

and Sewerage Branch.


Based on the panel’s tender assessment Xylem Water Solutions received the

highest tender score. This company is considered capable of carrying out the


M27/09/16 Moved Cr HT Smerdon Seconded Cr JK Cochrane

That Council accepts the tender of Xylem Water Solutions for Contract

2016/17 T001a Mary Valley Water Treatment Plants Upgrades for the

value of $733,760.00 (ex GST).


FOR: Cr MW Curran, Cr MA McDonald, Cr WR Leitch, Cr JK Cochrane, Cr DW

Dodt, Cr MS Gear, Cr GC Hartwig, Cr HT Smerdon and Cr DH Stewart


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9.2 Notified Motion - Jetty at Norman Point

PORTFOLIO: Environmental Sustainability and Special Projects

DIRECTORATE: Engineering Services




1. Infrastructure - planned, connected and safe


Minute M27/06/14 states:-

M27/06/14 Moved Cr M.A. McDonald Seconded Cr W.W. Sachs

That the KBR report Norman Point Jetty Feasibility Study May 2014

be received and adopted for planning and fundraising purposes.

Councillor Mark McDonald has given notice of the following proposed motion:

“That Council, as a matter of urgency, addresses the planning and fundraising

options for construction of a jetty at Norman Point in follow up to Minute


Further that a deputation from Council be authorised to speak with the Hon

Jacklyn Trad, Deputy Premier/Minister for Infrastructure, Local Government and

Planning at the LGAQ Conference to be held in October 2016 to further funding

options available from the State Government for the planning and construction

of the jetty.”

M28/09/16 Moved Cr MA McDonald Seconded Cr DW Dodt

That Council, as a matter of urgency, addresses the planning and

fundraising options for construction of a jetty at Norman Point in follow

up to Minute M27/06/14.

Further that a deputation from Council be authorised to speak with the

Hon Jacklyn Trad, Deputy Premier/Minister for Infrastructure, Local

Government and Planning at the LGAQ Conference to be held in October

2016 to further funding options available from the State Government for

the planning and construction of the jetty.


FOR: Cr MW Curran, Cr MA McDonald, Cr WR Leitch, Cr JK Cochrane, Cr DW

Dodt, Cr MS Gear, Cr GC Hartwig, Cr HT Smerdon and Cr DH Stewart


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The Mayor advised the meeting that Council was going “Into Committee” to


1. Water and Sewerage Review

2. Proposed Community Development Facility

3. Notified Motion - Establishment of a Committee

M29/09/16 Moved Cr DH Stewart Seconded Cr DW Dodt

That Pursuant to the provisions of Section 275 of the Local Government

Regulation 2012, Council resolves to close the meeting to the public and

move “into committee” to consider the following matter/s:-

1. Water and Sewerage Review

2. Proposed Community Development Facility

3. Notified Motion - Establishment of a Committee

Further that in relation to the provisions of Section 171 of the Local

Government Act 2009, Council resolves that following the closing of the

meeting to the public and the moving ‘into committee’ that all matters

and all documents (whether in hard copy, electronic, optical, visual or

magnetic form) discussed, raised, tabled and/or considered whilst the

meeting is closed and ‘in committee’, are confidential to the Council and

the Council wishes to keep them confidential.


FOR: Cr MW Curran, Cr MA McDonald, Cr WR Leitch, Cr JK Cochrane, Cr DW

Dodt, Cr MS Gear, Cr GC Hartwig, Cr HT Smerdon and Cr DH Stewart



M30/09/16 Moved Cr JK Cochrane Seconded Cr MS Gear

That proceedings be resumed in Open Council.


FOR: Cr MW Curran, Cr MA McDonald, Cr WR Leitch, Cr JK Cochrane, Cr DW

Dodt, Cr MS Gear, Cr GC Hartwig, Cr HT Smerdon and Cr DH Stewart


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10.1 Water and Sewerage Review

PORTFOLIO: Water and Sewerage and Waste Management

DIRECTORATE: Office of the CEO


This item is in-committee in accordance with s275(1)(b) of the Local

Government Regulation 2012 - industrial matters affecting employees.

M31/09/16 Moved Cr DW Dodt Seconded Cr MA McDonald

That Council:

1. Applies the principles of commercialisation as outlined in S28 of the

Local Government Act Regulations to its Water and Sewerage


2. Adopts the structure as described in the report.

3. Advises the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection of

its actions.

4. Develops terms of reference for the establishment of a Water and

Sewerage Technical Advisory Board.


FOR: Cr MW Curran, Cr MA McDonald, Cr WR Leitch, Cr DW Dodt, Cr MS Gear

and Cr DH Stewart

AGAINST: Cr JK Cochrane, Cr GC Hartwig and Cr HT Smerdon

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10.2 Proposed Community Development Facility

PORTFOLIO: Tourism, Sport and Recreation

DIRECTORATE: Corporate and Community Services


This item is in-committee in accordance with s275(1)(e) of the Local

Government Regulation 2012 - contracts proposed to be made by it.

M32/09/16 Moved Cr MS Gear

The motion LAPSED for want of a Seconder.

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10.3 Notified Motion - Establishment of a Committee

PORTFOLIO: Governance, Finance, Disaster Management

DIRECTORATE: Office of the CEO


This item is in-committee in accordance with s275(1)(b) of the Local

Government Regulation 2012 - industrial matters affecting employees.

M33/09/16 Moved Cr GC Hartwig Seconded Cr JK Cochrane

I move that a committee be established comprising of Cr Stewart,

Smerdon, Cochrane, Hartwig and Mc Donald to facilitate an inquiry to

evaluate the matters surrounding the Water and Sewage report and the

subsequent restructure proposal presented to council.

The terms of reference and direction taken will be determined by the

above committee.


FOR: Cr JK Cochrane, Cr GC Hartwig and Cr HT Smerdon

AGAINST: Cr MW Curran, Cr MA McDonald, Cr WR Leitch, Cr DW Dodt, Cr MS

Gear and Cr DH Stewart

10.4 Suspend Standing Orders

M34/09/16 Moved Cr MW Curran Seconded Cr MA McDonald

That Council suspends standing orders for a briefing on a legal



FOR: Cr MW Curran, Cr MA McDonald, Cr WR Leitch, Cr JK Cochrane, Cr DW

Dodt, Cr MS Gear, Cr GC Hartwig, Cr HT Smerdon and Cr DH Stewart


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5.1 Building Approvals for August 2016

Attachment 1 Building Approvals August 2016.................................... 54

7.1 Operational Plan 2015-2016 Fourth Quarter Update and

Annual Review

Attachment 1 Fourth Quarter Performance Report -

Operational Plan 2015-2016 ............................................ 64

Attachment 2 Activities Update Report Fourth Quarter -

Operational Plan 2015-2016 ............................................ 78

Attachment 3 Annual Performance Review Report -

Operational Plan 2015-2016 ............................................ 93

8.1 Biosecurity Surveillance Program September 2016 till

December 2017

Attachment 1 Biosecurity Surveillance Program September

2016 till December 2017 ................................................. 108

There being no further business the meeting closed at 1.02pm.

Confirmed this TWENTYSIXTH day of OCTOBER 2016


Cr MW Curran


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Item 5.1 Building Approvals for August 2016

Attachment 1 Building Approvals August 2016

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Item 5.1 Building Approvals for August 2016

Attachment 1 Building Approvals August 2016

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Item 5.1 Building Approvals for August 2016

Attachment 1 Building Approvals August 2016

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Item 5.1 Building Approvals for August 2016

Attachment 1 Building Approvals August 2016

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Item 5.1 Building Approvals for August 2016

Attachment 1 Building Approvals August 2016

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Item 5.1 Building Approvals for August 2016

Attachment 1 Building Approvals August 2016

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Item 5.1 Building Approvals for August 2016

Attachment 1 Building Approvals August 2016

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Item 5.1 Building Approvals for August 2016

Attachment 1 Building Approvals August 2016

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Item 5.1 Building Approvals for August 2016

Attachment 1 Building Approvals August 2016

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Item 5.1 Building Approvals for August 2016

Attachment 1 Building Approvals August 2016

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Item 7.1 Operational Plan 2015-2016 Fourth Quarter Update and Annual Review

Attachment 1 Fourth Quarter Performance Report - Operational Plan 2015-2016

Gympie Regional Council

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Item 7.1 Operational Plan 2015-2016 Fourth Quarter Update and Annual Review

Attachment 1 Fourth Quarter Performance Report - Operational Plan 2015-2016

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Item 7.1 Operational Plan 2015-2016 Fourth Quarter Update and Annual Review

Attachment 1 Fourth Quarter Performance Report - Operational Plan 2015-2016

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Attachment 1 Fourth Quarter Performance Report - Operational Plan 2015-2016

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Attachment 1 Fourth Quarter Performance Report - Operational Plan 2015-2016

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Attachment 1 Fourth Quarter Performance Report - Operational Plan 2015-2016

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Attachment 1 Fourth Quarter Performance Report - Operational Plan 2015-2016

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Attachment 1 Fourth Quarter Performance Report - Operational Plan 2015-2016

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Attachment 1 Fourth Quarter Performance Report - Operational Plan 2015-2016

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Attachment 1 Fourth Quarter Performance Report - Operational Plan 2015-2016

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Attachment 2 Activities Update Report Fourth Quarter - Operational Plan 2015-2016

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Attachment 2 Activities Update Report Fourth Quarter - Operational Plan 2015-2016

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Item 7.1 Operational Plan 2015-2016 Fourth Quarter Update and Annual Review

Attachment 2 Activities Update Report Fourth Quarter - Operational Plan 2015-2016

Gympie Regional Council

Page 83: Minutes - Attachments€¦ · Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 3 . Gympie Regional Council . The meeting commenced at 9.01am. PRESENT: Mayor Cr MW Curran (Chairman), Crs

Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 81

Item 7.1 Operational Plan 2015-2016 Fourth Quarter Update and Annual Review

Attachment 2 Activities Update Report Fourth Quarter - Operational Plan 2015-2016

Gympie Regional Council

Page 84: Minutes - Attachments€¦ · Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 3 . Gympie Regional Council . The meeting commenced at 9.01am. PRESENT: Mayor Cr MW Curran (Chairman), Crs

Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 82

Item 7.1 Operational Plan 2015-2016 Fourth Quarter Update and Annual Review

Attachment 2 Activities Update Report Fourth Quarter - Operational Plan 2015-2016

Gympie Regional Council

Page 85: Minutes - Attachments€¦ · Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 3 . Gympie Regional Council . The meeting commenced at 9.01am. PRESENT: Mayor Cr MW Curran (Chairman), Crs

Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 83

Item 7.1 Operational Plan 2015-2016 Fourth Quarter Update and Annual Review

Attachment 2 Activities Update Report Fourth Quarter - Operational Plan 2015-2016

Gympie Regional Council

Page 86: Minutes - Attachments€¦ · Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 3 . Gympie Regional Council . The meeting commenced at 9.01am. PRESENT: Mayor Cr MW Curran (Chairman), Crs

Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 84

Item 7.1 Operational Plan 2015-2016 Fourth Quarter Update and Annual Review

Attachment 2 Activities Update Report Fourth Quarter - Operational Plan 2015-2016

Gympie Regional Council

Page 87: Minutes - Attachments€¦ · Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 3 . Gympie Regional Council . The meeting commenced at 9.01am. PRESENT: Mayor Cr MW Curran (Chairman), Crs

Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 85

Item 7.1 Operational Plan 2015-2016 Fourth Quarter Update and Annual Review

Attachment 2 Activities Update Report Fourth Quarter - Operational Plan 2015-2016

Gympie Regional Council

Page 88: Minutes - Attachments€¦ · Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 3 . Gympie Regional Council . The meeting commenced at 9.01am. PRESENT: Mayor Cr MW Curran (Chairman), Crs

Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 86

Item 7.1 Operational Plan 2015-2016 Fourth Quarter Update and Annual Review

Attachment 2 Activities Update Report Fourth Quarter - Operational Plan 2015-2016

Gympie Regional Council

Page 89: Minutes - Attachments€¦ · Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 3 . Gympie Regional Council . The meeting commenced at 9.01am. PRESENT: Mayor Cr MW Curran (Chairman), Crs

Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 87

Item 7.1 Operational Plan 2015-2016 Fourth Quarter Update and Annual Review

Attachment 2 Activities Update Report Fourth Quarter - Operational Plan 2015-2016

Gympie Regional Council

Page 90: Minutes - Attachments€¦ · Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 3 . Gympie Regional Council . The meeting commenced at 9.01am. PRESENT: Mayor Cr MW Curran (Chairman), Crs

Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 88

Item 7.1 Operational Plan 2015-2016 Fourth Quarter Update and Annual Review

Attachment 2 Activities Update Report Fourth Quarter - Operational Plan 2015-2016

Gympie Regional Council

Page 91: Minutes - Attachments€¦ · Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 3 . Gympie Regional Council . The meeting commenced at 9.01am. PRESENT: Mayor Cr MW Curran (Chairman), Crs

Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 89

Item 7.1 Operational Plan 2015-2016 Fourth Quarter Update and Annual Review

Attachment 2 Activities Update Report Fourth Quarter - Operational Plan 2015-2016

Gympie Regional Council

Page 92: Minutes - Attachments€¦ · Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 3 . Gympie Regional Council . The meeting commenced at 9.01am. PRESENT: Mayor Cr MW Curran (Chairman), Crs

Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 90

Item 7.1 Operational Plan 2015-2016 Fourth Quarter Update and Annual Review

Attachment 2 Activities Update Report Fourth Quarter - Operational Plan 2015-2016

Gympie Regional Council

Page 93: Minutes - Attachments€¦ · Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 3 . Gympie Regional Council . The meeting commenced at 9.01am. PRESENT: Mayor Cr MW Curran (Chairman), Crs

Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 91

Item 7.1 Operational Plan 2015-2016 Fourth Quarter Update and Annual Review

Attachment 2 Activities Update Report Fourth Quarter - Operational Plan 2015-2016

Gympie Regional Council

Page 94: Minutes - Attachments€¦ · Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 3 . Gympie Regional Council . The meeting commenced at 9.01am. PRESENT: Mayor Cr MW Curran (Chairman), Crs

Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 92

Item 7.1 Operational Plan 2015-2016 Fourth Quarter Update and Annual Review

Attachment 2 Activities Update Report Fourth Quarter - Operational Plan 2015-2016

Gympie Regional Council

Page 95: Minutes - Attachments€¦ · Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 3 . Gympie Regional Council . The meeting commenced at 9.01am. PRESENT: Mayor Cr MW Curran (Chairman), Crs

Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 93

Item 7.1 Operational Plan 2015-2016 Fourth Quarter Update and Annual Review

Attachment 3 Annual Performance Review Report - Operational Plan 2015-2016

Gympie Regional Council

Page 96: Minutes - Attachments€¦ · Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 3 . Gympie Regional Council . The meeting commenced at 9.01am. PRESENT: Mayor Cr MW Curran (Chairman), Crs

Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 94

Item 7.1 Operational Plan 2015-2016 Fourth Quarter Update and Annual Review

Attachment 3 Annual Performance Review Report - Operational Plan 2015-2016

Gympie Regional Council

Page 97: Minutes - Attachments€¦ · Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 3 . Gympie Regional Council . The meeting commenced at 9.01am. PRESENT: Mayor Cr MW Curran (Chairman), Crs

Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 95

Item 7.1 Operational Plan 2015-2016 Fourth Quarter Update and Annual Review

Attachment 3 Annual Performance Review Report - Operational Plan 2015-2016

Gympie Regional Council

Page 98: Minutes - Attachments€¦ · Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 3 . Gympie Regional Council . The meeting commenced at 9.01am. PRESENT: Mayor Cr MW Curran (Chairman), Crs

Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 96

Item 7.1 Operational Plan 2015-2016 Fourth Quarter Update and Annual Review

Attachment 3 Annual Performance Review Report - Operational Plan 2015-2016

Gympie Regional Council

Page 99: Minutes - Attachments€¦ · Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 3 . Gympie Regional Council . The meeting commenced at 9.01am. PRESENT: Mayor Cr MW Curran (Chairman), Crs

Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 97

Item 7.1 Operational Plan 2015-2016 Fourth Quarter Update and Annual Review

Attachment 3 Annual Performance Review Report - Operational Plan 2015-2016

Gympie Regional Council

Page 100: Minutes - Attachments€¦ · Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 3 . Gympie Regional Council . The meeting commenced at 9.01am. PRESENT: Mayor Cr MW Curran (Chairman), Crs

Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 98

Item 7.1 Operational Plan 2015-2016 Fourth Quarter Update and Annual Review

Attachment 3 Annual Performance Review Report - Operational Plan 2015-2016

Gympie Regional Council

Page 101: Minutes - Attachments€¦ · Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 3 . Gympie Regional Council . The meeting commenced at 9.01am. PRESENT: Mayor Cr MW Curran (Chairman), Crs

Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 99

Item 7.1 Operational Plan 2015-2016 Fourth Quarter Update and Annual Review

Attachment 3 Annual Performance Review Report - Operational Plan 2015-2016

Gympie Regional Council

Page 102: Minutes - Attachments€¦ · Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 3 . Gympie Regional Council . The meeting commenced at 9.01am. PRESENT: Mayor Cr MW Curran (Chairman), Crs

Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 100

Item 7.1 Operational Plan 2015-2016 Fourth Quarter Update and Annual Review

Attachment 3 Annual Performance Review Report - Operational Plan 2015-2016

Gympie Regional Council

Page 103: Minutes - Attachments€¦ · Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 3 . Gympie Regional Council . The meeting commenced at 9.01am. PRESENT: Mayor Cr MW Curran (Chairman), Crs

Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 101

Item 7.1 Operational Plan 2015-2016 Fourth Quarter Update and Annual Review

Attachment 3 Annual Performance Review Report - Operational Plan 2015-2016

Gympie Regional Council

Page 104: Minutes - Attachments€¦ · Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 3 . Gympie Regional Council . The meeting commenced at 9.01am. PRESENT: Mayor Cr MW Curran (Chairman), Crs

Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 102

Item 7.1 Operational Plan 2015-2016 Fourth Quarter Update and Annual Review

Attachment 3 Annual Performance Review Report - Operational Plan 2015-2016

Gympie Regional Council

Page 105: Minutes - Attachments€¦ · Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 3 . Gympie Regional Council . The meeting commenced at 9.01am. PRESENT: Mayor Cr MW Curran (Chairman), Crs

Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 103

Item 7.1 Operational Plan 2015-2016 Fourth Quarter Update and Annual Review

Attachment 3 Annual Performance Review Report - Operational Plan 2015-2016

Gympie Regional Council

Page 106: Minutes - Attachments€¦ · Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 3 . Gympie Regional Council . The meeting commenced at 9.01am. PRESENT: Mayor Cr MW Curran (Chairman), Crs

Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 104

Item 7.1 Operational Plan 2015-2016 Fourth Quarter Update and Annual Review

Attachment 3 Annual Performance Review Report - Operational Plan 2015-2016

Gympie Regional Council

Page 107: Minutes - Attachments€¦ · Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 3 . Gympie Regional Council . The meeting commenced at 9.01am. PRESENT: Mayor Cr MW Curran (Chairman), Crs

Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 105

Item 7.1 Operational Plan 2015-2016 Fourth Quarter Update and Annual Review

Attachment 3 Annual Performance Review Report - Operational Plan 2015-2016

Gympie Regional Council

Page 108: Minutes - Attachments€¦ · Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 3 . Gympie Regional Council . The meeting commenced at 9.01am. PRESENT: Mayor Cr MW Curran (Chairman), Crs

Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 106

Item 7.1 Operational Plan 2015-2016 Fourth Quarter Update and Annual Review

Attachment 3 Annual Performance Review Report - Operational Plan 2015-2016

Gympie Regional Council

Page 109: Minutes - Attachments€¦ · Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 3 . Gympie Regional Council . The meeting commenced at 9.01am. PRESENT: Mayor Cr MW Curran (Chairman), Crs

Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 107

Item 7.1 Operational Plan 2015-2016 Fourth Quarter Update and Annual Review

Attachment 3 Annual Performance Review Report - Operational Plan 2015-2016

Gympie Regional Council

Page 110: Minutes - Attachments€¦ · Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 3 . Gympie Regional Council . The meeting commenced at 9.01am. PRESENT: Mayor Cr MW Curran (Chairman), Crs

Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 108

Item 8.1 Biosecurity Surveillance Program September 2016 till December 2017

Attachment 1 Biosecurity Surveillance Program September 2016 till December 2017

Gympie Regional Council

Page 111: Minutes - Attachments€¦ · Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 3 . Gympie Regional Council . The meeting commenced at 9.01am. PRESENT: Mayor Cr MW Curran (Chairman), Crs

Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 109

Item 8.1 Biosecurity Surveillance Program September 2016 till December 2017

Attachment 1 Biosecurity Surveillance Program September 2016 till December 2017

Gympie Regional Council

Page 112: Minutes - Attachments€¦ · Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 3 . Gympie Regional Council . The meeting commenced at 9.01am. PRESENT: Mayor Cr MW Curran (Chairman), Crs

Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 September 2016 110

Item 8.1 Biosecurity Surveillance Program September 2016 till December 2017

Attachment 1 Biosecurity Surveillance Program September 2016 till December 2017

Gympie Regional Council