Minnesota State Register (Pub!i::;hcd every Monday (Tuesday \Vhcn Monday is a holiday.) Proposed, Adopted, Emergency, Expedited, Withdrawn, Vetoed Rules; Executive Orders; Appointments; Commissioners' Orders; Revenue Notices; Official Notices; State Grants & Loans; State Contracts; Non-State Public Bids, Contracts &Grants Monday 4 November 2013 Volume 38, Number 19 Pages 573 - 600

Minnesota State Register

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Notice of HearingMinnesota
State Register (Pub!i::;hcd every Monday (Tuesday \Vhcn Monday is a holiday.)
Proposed, Adopted, Emergency, Expedited, Withdrawn, Vetoed Rules; Executive Orders; Appointments; Commissioners' Orders; Revenue Notices;
Official Notices; State Grants & Loans; State Contracts; Non-State Public Bids, Contracts &Grants
Monday 4 November 2013
Volume 38, Number 19 Pages 573 - 600
Minnesota State Register Judicial Notice Shall Be Taken of Material Published in the Minnesota State Register The i\iinnesota State Register is the official publication of the State of Minnesota's Executive Branch of govcrnn1cnt, published \Vcck!y
to fulfill the legislative numdatc set forth in i\linnesota Statutes, Chapter 14, and A,finnesota Rules, Chapter 1400. It contains: Proposed Rules • Adopted Ilulcs • Exc1npt Rules • Expedited Rulc-s • Withdnnvn Rules
• Vetoed Rules • Executive ()rdcrs of the (;ovcrnor • Appointincnts • Prochunations • Co1nn1issioncrs' ()rdcrs • Revenue Notices • ()fficial Notices • State (;rants and Loans • C:ontracts for Professional, Technical and Consulting Services • Non-State Public Bids, C'ontracts and (;rants
Printing Schedule and Submission Deadlines .. -···· --·-·­ - - . . . .
PUBLISll Deadline for: Emergency Rules, Exctutivc and Vol. 38 DATE Commissioner's Orders, Revenue nncl Official Notices, Deadline for Propo:;cd, Issue {BOLDFACE shows Stale Grants, Profc;;sional-'l'cchnical-Consulting Adopted and Exempt
Number altered publish date) Contracts, Non-State Bids and Public Contracts RULES
fl 20 TUESDAY 12 NOVEMBER Noon Tuesday 5 Nove1nber Noon Wednesday 30 ()ctober II 21 Monday 18 Novcn1bcr Noon Tuesday 12 Novcn1bcr Noon Wednesday 6 Novc1nbcr # 22 Monday 25 Novc1nber Noon Tuesday 19 Noven1bcr Noon Wednesday 13 Nove1nbcr # 23 Monday 2 Dcccn1bcr Noon Tuesday 26 Novc1nbcr Noon Wednesday 20 Novcinber
PUBLISHING NOTICES: We need to receive your submission ELECTHONICALLY in i\1icrosoft \VOHD format. Submit ONE COPY of your notice via e-mail to· robinpan!ener(f_!].stafe.11111.us State agency submissions must include a ",)'tale Rr:gister Printing Order" Corm, and, with contracts, a "Contract Certification" form. Non-State Agencies should submit ONE COPY in 1\'licrosoft \VOHD, with a letter on your lellcrhe<id stationery requesting publication and date to be published. Costs arc $10.20 per tenth of a page (columns arc seven inches wide). One typwrittcn, double-spaced page "" 411 Os of a page in the Stale Register, or $40.80. About 2- !/2 pages typed, double-spaced, on 8- l/2"x 11" paper "'one typeset page in the State Reg;.1·te1: Contact editor if you have questions (651) 297-7963, or c-11u1il: robi11.pa11lener({"i]..1·tate.11111.u.1·.
SUBSCHIPTION SERVICES: Copies arc available at Minnesota's Bookstore, 660 Olive Street, St. Paul, MN 55155. Order by phone: Metro area: (651) 297-3000 Toll free (800) 657-3757. TTY relay service phone number: (800) 627-3529. NO REFUNDS. E-mail subscriptions arc available by contacting (651) 297-8777. Send address changes to Minnesota's Bookstore, 660 Olive Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55155.
SEE THE A-1in11esota Stale Register free at website: h1tp:/lwww.mi1111esotasbookstore.co111 Mi1111esota State Register: ()11-line subscription - $180, includes links, index, special section "CONTRACTS & GRANTS," with Sidebar Table of Conlcnts, Eady View alter 4:30 pm Friday (instead of waiting for early Monday), and it's sent to you via E-mail.
Single issues are available for a limited time: Mi1111e,\·ota State Register $5.00. "Affidavit of Publiclltion" includes a notarized "Affidavit" and a copy of the issue: $15.00. Research Services - will look up, photocopy, and fr1x or send copies from past issues at $!.00 per page.
Govcn101·: Mark Dayton (65!) 29<1-3391 Administrnlion Commissiont•r: Editon Robin Panl,cncr Lieutenant Governor: Yvonne Pl'cUner Solon Spencer I~. Cronk (651) 201-2555 (651) 297-7963, robi11.prmle11el\fl)'f11fe.11111.11.1·
{651)296-3391 Phmt Mnnagcment Division; Assislant cdito1·: John Mikes Attorney Gencrnl: Lori Sw!lnson (651 )296-6196 Christopher A. Guevin (651) 201-2350 (651) 297-46 l 6, jo/m.1111kes(f_\l.1·trlfe.11111.11.1· Auditol": Rebecca Otto (651) 296-2551 Minncsotn's Booksto1·c: Sul.Jscri11tions Mnnager: Lnrctta .I. Diaz Secretary ofStlltc: Mark Ritchie (65!) 296-2803 Mmy Mikes {651) 297-3979 (651) 297-8777, /flretf11.rli<lz(!.1,slf1te.11111.11.\·
Co11yright «-J 2013 Pinnt Mnuagement Division, Department of Administnttion, Stntc of Minnesota. USPS Publication Number: 326-630 (ISSN: 0146-7751)
THI<: 1\1/NNHSOTA STA 11;' RE<.'!STER IS PUBLISllED by l'l11nt Mmrngemcnt Division, Department ofAdmi11i8tra1inn, State ofMi1me8o!a, pursuan1to1\1i1111e.1·0111S1<1t111es ~ l'l.46 and is nvai)ablc on-line at website: /1t1p:, ww11:1·om111.media..1·ta/('.11m.11.1·i/iook.l-1mv.)1111hooks1ore
Minnesota Legislative Information
Sena le Public Infonnation Office (651) 296-0504 House Public Information SC'!'vices (651) 296-2146 Slate Capitol, Room 23 l, St. Paul, MN 55155 State Office Building, Room !75, \Vebsite: www.senate.mn 100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Blvd., St. Paul, MN 55155
\Ve bsite: www. house. leg. state.11111.11slhi11fb!hil!fO. him
Minnesota State Court System Court Information Office (65 ! ) 296-6043 Federal Register MN Judicial Center, Rm. 135,
Office of the Federal Register (202) 5!2-1530; or (888) 293-6498 25 Rev. Dr. Marlin Luther King Jr Blvd., U.S. Government Printing Office -- Fax: (202) 512-1262 St. Pmil, MN 55155 \Vcbsitc: www.mncourts.gov \Ve bsi tc: http://www. access.gpo.govlsu__ docslaces/aces I 4 O.htm!
Proposed Rules Public Safety Department (DPS) Division of Driver and Vehicle Services: Proposed Permanent Rules Relating to Motorcycle
Road Guard Certificate ..
Official Notices Animal Health Board Quarterly Meeting of the Board 4 December 2013 ..
Higher Education Facilities Authority (MHEFA) Public llearing on Revenue Obligations
on behalf of the University of St. Thomas ..
Human Services Department (OHS) llcnlth Cnr·e Administration: Medical Assistance Alternative Bene-fit Plan .. ,.
Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) Adoption of Ordinance No. 118 ..
Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) \Vatershed Division: Availability of the Draft Sunrise River Watershed
Totnl Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Report and Request for Comment.
Transportation Department (Mn DOT) Engincel'ing Services Division,
Office of Construction nnd Innovative Coutrncting: Notices of Suspension and Debarment..
State Grants & Loans Health Department (MOH) Office of Rur·nl Health and Prim111·y Cllre: Loan Opportunity for the Minnesota Electronic
Health Record Revolving Loan Program ..
State Contracts Administration Department (Admin) Advertising of Solicitations through the Supplier Portal..
Administration Department (Admin) Request for Proposals for fnOucnza Vaccine from
Vaccine Distributors.
Contents 576
Health Department (MOH) 1\1N.IT S('1'vices nt the 1'1inu('sota Depat·tnHnt of ll<'nlth: Request for Proposals for Electronic Messaging Services. 593
Minnesota Historical Society (MHS) Request for Proposals for Consultant for Government577
Relations Services .. 593
Minnesota Judicial Branch Fourth ,Judidnl Distl'ict: Request for Proposals for Technology Infrastructure
585 Assessment.. 594
Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB) Request !'or Proposal for Master Equipment
585 Lease Purchase Financing Program .. 594
Minnesota State Lottery Request lOr Proposals !'or Sponsorship Agreements .. 594
586 Contracling Opportunities for a Variety of J-!ighway Related Technical Activities ("Consultanl Pre-Qualification Program") .. 595
Transportation Department (Mn/DOT) Engineering Services Division:
587 Professional/Technical Contract Opportunities and Taxpayers' Transportlltion Accountability Act Notices .. 596
Non-State Public Bids, 589 Contracts & Grants
Dakota County Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Sl-l!P Tobacco Initiative
for Smoke-Free Multi-Housing Units .. 597
Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) Minnea1Jolis-St. P11ul lntl'rnntional Airport:
590 Notice of Call for Bids for 2013 GSE Power Charger
Installation .. 597
A41111ie.w1a S1111e Uegi.1·1er infomrntion is available from tvlinncsota's BookstllrC (651) 297-3000, or (800) 657-3757, Web site: \1'\\'\1'.lllill!H',1·01asf){)ok.1101-e.co111
Siatcwidc !ntcgrntcd Financial Tools (S\VFTJ Supplier l'ortnl: hflp: ·>suppl1c1: .1wifi.stl/le, nm. us
Contract infornialion is available from the Materials Mnnagcmcnl (MMD) Helpline (65 l) 296·2600, or \Vcb site: 11·11•w.111111d.11d1111ns1me.11111.11.1·
For mlditional co11trnc1s go to· f111p:, .:wwu·. 1111111!.mfmin. stale.11111. us ·.w/icilalions. htm
For additional grnnts go to the Office orOrants Mnnagcmcn! (OG!'v!) at: h11p: ' w11'w.xn1111.1· .. 1'/111e. 11111. us, puht h ·
(Cite 38 SR 575) Afinnesota State Register, J\'Iond:-iy 4 Novcrnbcr 2013 Page 575
Minnesota Rules: Amendments and Additions NOTICE: How to Follow State Agency Rulemaking in the State Register
The S'tate Register is the official source, and only complete listing, lOr all state agency rulcmaking in its various singes. State agencies arc required to publish notice of their rulcmaking uction in the Stale Register. Published every Monday, lhc S~a/e Register makes it easy to follow and participate in the important rulcmaking process. Approximately 80 state agencies have the authority to issue rules. Each agency is assigned specific l\1innl'sot;i Ruic chapter numbers. Every odd-numbered year the l\:1i11uesotll Ruks nrc published. Supplements arc published to update this set of rules. Generally speaking, proposed and lldoptcd exempt rules <lo not appear in this set bccnusc of their short-term nature, but arc published in the .':.'tale Register.
An agency must first solicit Commrnts on Planned Ruh~s or Comments 011 Planned Ruh- Amendments from the public on the sul~jcct matter of a possible rulemaking proposal under active consideration within the agency (A1i11neso1a s:tatutes ** 14.101). It does this by publishing a notice in the State Register al lcnst 60 days before publication of a notice lo adopt or a notice of hearing, or wi!hin 60 days of the effective date or any new statutory grant of required rulcmaking
\:Vhen rules arc first drafted, stale agencies pub Iish them as Proposed Rules, along with a notice or hearing, or a notice of intent to adopt rules without a hearing in the case or noncontroversial rules. This notice asks for comment on !he rules as proposed. Proposed emergency rules, and withdrawn propo:;c<l rules, arc also published in the State Register. Afler proposed rules have gone through the comment period, and have been rewritten into their final form, they again appear in the State Register as Adopted Hules. These final adopted rules arc not printed in their entirety, but only the changes made since their publication as Proposed Rules. To sec the full rule, as adopted and in effect, a person simply needs two issues of the State Register, the issue the rule appeared m as proposed, and la!er as adopted.
The ,)'tale l?egister foatures partial and cumulative listings of rules in this section on the following schedule: issues # 1-13 inclusive; issues 1114-25 inclusive (issue f/26 cumulative for issues ll!-26); issues #27-38 inclusive (issue 1139, cumulative for issues fll-39); issues f/40-52 inclusive, with final index (fll-52, or 53 in some years). /\n annual subject matter index for rules was separately printed usually in August, but starting wilh Voh1mc 19 now appears in the final issue of e-ach volume. For copies or subscriptions to the State Registei; contact Minnesota's Bookstore, 660 Olive Street (one block cast of !-35E and one block north or University /\ve), St Paul, MN 55155, phone: (612) 297-3000, or toll-free 1-800 .. 657-3757. TTY relay service phone number: (800) 627-3529.
Volume 38 - Minnesota Rules Index for Rules in Volume 38 #15-19:
Monday 7 Oct. - Monday 4 Nov. 2013
Corrections Department
2911.0100; .0200; .0300; .0330; .0340; .0360; .0370; .0400; .0600; .0700; 0800; 0900; .1000; .1100; .1200; .1300; .1350; 1400; .1500; .1800; .1900; .2000; .2100; .2200; .2300; .2400; .2500; .2525; .2550; .2600; .2700; .2750; .2800; .2850; .2900; .3100; .3200; .3300; .3400; .3500; .3600; .3650; .3675; .3700; .3800; .3900; .4000; .4100; .4200; .4300; .4400; .4500; .4600; .4700; .4800; .4900; .4950; .5000; .5100; .5200; .5300; .5400; .5450; 5500; .5550; .5700; .5800; .5900; .6000; .6100; .6200; .6300; .6400; .6500; .6600; .6700; .6800; .6900; .7000; .7100; .7200; .7300; .7400; .7500; .7600 (adopted)... 523
2911.0200 s. 8, 18, 21, 33, 34, 37, 43, 47, 53, 54, 63; 65, 68, 69, 70, 72; .0300 s. 5; .0330 s. 1; .0340 s. 2; .0350; .0400 s. 3; .0900 s. 13, 16;
.2000; .2800 s. 3, 5; .3000; .3900 s. 5, 9; .4800 s. 2, 3, 4; .5000 $. 2; .5600; .6000 s. 1; .6200 s. 4; .6600 s. 13 {repealed).. 523
Gambling Control Board 7861.0210; .0215; .0260; .0270; .0280; .0285; .0290; .0300; .0310;
.0320; 7863.0210; .0220; .0250; .0260; .0270; 7864.0210; .0230; .0235; .0240; 7865.0240 (proposed).. 553
Health Department 4604,0200; .0410; .0420; .0430; .0600; .0810; .0815; .0820; .0900;
.1010; .1020 (adopted) .. 557
Labor & Industry Department 1309.0010; .0020; .0030; .0202; .0301; .0302; .0305; .0307; .0309;
.0310; .0311; .0312; .0303; .0314; .0315; .0323; .0402; .0403; .0404;
.0406; .0602; .0612; .7002; .0703: .0903; .0905 (proposed).. 555
1309.0010 s. 4; 1140; 0301 s. 1,4; .0317; .0318; .0404 s. 3,4,5; .0613; .0703 s. 3a; .0802; .0806; .4300 (proposed repealer).. 555
Natural Resources Department (DNR)
6216,0400; 6254.0600; 6262.0100; .0300; .0576; .0577 (adopted expedited emergency).. 475
6216.0400 s. 1; 6254.0600 s. 7; 6262.0100 s. 7; .0300 s. 5; .0576; .0577 published in the State Register, April 2, 2012, volume 36, page 1155 (repealed expedited emergency)... 475
6232.2500; 6240.0200 (adopted expedited emergency).,. 478
6232.2500, published in the srate Register, volume 38, page 169, August 5, 2013; and 6240.0200, published in the State Register, volume 38, page 300, Sep1ember 3, 2013 (repealed expedited emergency)... 478
Public Safety Department (DPS) 7422.0100; .0200; .0300; .0400; .0500: .0600; .0700; .0800; _0900; .1000;
1100; .1200; 1300 {pro110scd)... 577
Human Services Department
9533.0010; .0020; .0030; .0040; .0050; .0060; .0070; .0080; .0090; .0100; .0110; .0120; .0130; .0150; .0160; .0170; .0180 (adopted) .. 523
Page 576 Minnesota Stale Regi.\'fer, l\ilonclay 4 Novcn1bcr 2013 (Cite 38 SR 576)
Proposed Rules Commrnts 011 Plnnucd Hules or llulc Amendments, An agency must first solicit Comments 011 Planned Rules or Comments
on Planned Rule Arncnd111cnts from the public on the subject matter of a possible rulcmaking proposal under active consideration within the agency (A1innesota Swt11tes *§ 14.!01). It does this by publishing a notice in the State Register at least 60 days before publication of a notice to adopt or a notice of hearing, and within 60 days of the effective date of any new statutory grant of required
rulcmaking. Rules to be Adopted Aftc1· a lf('llring. After receiving comments and deciding to hold a public hearing on the rule, an agency
drafts its rule. It then publishes its rules with a no\ice or hearing. All persons wishing to make a statement musl register at the hearing. Anyone who wishes to submit wriHen comments may do so at the hearing, or within five working days of the close of Lhe hearing. Administrative law judges may, during the hearing, extend the period for receiving comments up Lo 20 calendar days. For five business days afler the submission period the agency and interested persons may respond to any new information submitted during the written submission period and the record !hen is closed. The administrative law judge prcpnrcs a report within 30 days, slating findings of foct, conclusions and recommendations. Aller receiving the report, the agency decides whether to adopt, withdraw or modify the proposed rule based on consideration or the comments made during the rule hearing procedure and the report of the administrative law judge. The agency must wait five days af\er receiving the report before taking any action.
Rules to be Adopted \Vithout 11 llelll'ing. Pursuant to A1i1111esota Statutes* 14.22, an agency may propose to adopt, amend, suspend or repenl rules without Jlrst holding a public hearing. An agency must first solicit Comments on Planned Rules or Comments on Planned Ruic Amendments from the public. The agency then publishes a notice of intent Lo fldopt rules without a public hearing, together with the proposed rules, in the S~ate Register. JI', during lhc 30-day commc.nt period, 25 or more persons submit to the agency a written request for a hearing of the proposed rules, Lhe agency rnust proceed under the provisions of** 14. 14­ 14.20, which state that if an agency decides to hold n public he<1ring, it must publish a notice of intent in the Swte Regis/er
KEV: Proposed Rules - \Jnderlining indicates additions to existing rule !nnguage. Strikemtt~ indicate deletions from existing rule language. If a proposed rule is !Otally new, it is designated "all new material." Adopkd l~ulcs - \Jndcdjning indicates additions to proposed rule language. Strikeout indicllles dc.lctions from proposed rule language
Minnesota Department of Public Safety (DPS) Division of Driver and Vehicle Services
Proposed Permanent Rules Relating to Motorcycle Road Guard Certificate DUAL NOTICE: Notice of Intent to Adopt Rules Without a Public Hearing Unless 25 or More
Persons Request a Hearing, and Notice of Hearing if 25 or More Requests for Hearing Are Received
Proposed Rules Governing Motorcycle Road Guard Certification and Qualification Requirements; Minnesota Rules, Parts 7422.0100, 7422.0200, 7422.0300, 7422.0400, 7422.0500, 7422.0600, 7422.0700, 7422.0800, 7422.0900, 7422.1000, 7422.1100, 7422.1200, 7422.1300
Introduction. The Departinent of' Public SalCty, Driver and Vehick: Services Division, intends to adopt rules \Vithout a public hearing f'ollo,ving the procedures of the Office ofAd1ninistrative Hearings, A!/innesota Rules, parts 1400.2300 to 1400.2310, and the Adtninistra­ tivc Procedure Act, 1\1innesota S'tatutes, sections 1422 to I4.28. I-lcnvever, if25 or n1ore persons each sub1nit a \Vritten request for a hearing on the rules by 4:30 p.n1. on Friday, l)ecen1ber6, 2013, the Department of Public Safety will hold a public hearing in Ro01n 300 South, in the State Office Building, 100 Reverend Martin Luther King Junior Boulevard, Saint Paul, MN 55155, starting at 9:00 a.ni., on Wednesday, Dcce1nber 18, 2013. To find out \Vhether the Department \Vil! adopt the rules \vitbout a bearing or if' it \vill ho!d the hearing, you should contact the agency contact person alter Dece1nber 6, 2013 and before December 18, 2013.
Dcpartincnt (;ontact Person. You 1nay sub1nil any com111ents or questions on the rules or written requests for a public hearing to the agency contact person. The agency contact person is: I-Jelen J.M. Bassett, Driver and Vehicle Services, Minnesota Deparl1nent of Public Safoty, 445 Minnesota Street, Suite 195, Saint Paul, Minnesota 5510 l -5195, telephone: (65I)201 -7583, c-rnnil: JJVSRufes(~i]state.11111. us. TTY users 1nay call the departn1ent at (651) 0282-6555.
Subject of H.ulcs and Statutory Authority. The proposed llC\V rules arc permanent rules to govern the Motorcycle Road Gu<lrd Certification and Require111ent progn11n. The statutory authority to adopt the rules is !i1innesota Statutes, section 171.60, subdivision 5; and specific authority pursuant to LH\VS 2012, e, 287, art 3, s 43. A copy ol'the proposed rules is published in the State Registe1; attached to this notice as 111ailed, and copies \vii! be distributed according to the additional notice plan previously approved in advance. The proposed rules are also available on the departn1ent 's website at:
htfps: /idps. 111 n. go vi div isio 11s/dvslne1Fs/F agesl!no tor eye/ e-road-gua rd-cert ijica I e. aspx.
Cornrnenls. The Deparln1e11t is interested in receiving com1nents fro1n interested parties and those potentially affected by this rule. Individuals interested in the proposed rule have 30 days froin the date of' this Notice, until 4:30 p.111. on Deccn1bcr 6, 2013 to subn1it
(Cite 38 SR 577) A1i1111esota State Register, Monday 4 Novcn1bcr 2013 Pagt~ 577
Proposed Rules--·-...,-·=============== \Vrittcn con11nent in support ofor in opposition to the proposed ru!es or any part or subpart of' the rules. Con11nent must be in \Vriting <1nd received by the agency contact person by the due date. If you subn1it your con11ncnts by electronic n1ail, the dcparlmcnt requests that you use the phrase ·'Motorcycle Road Guard" in the subject !inc of your cw1nai!. Cominents should identi1)1 the portion of the proposed rules
addressed, the reason l'or the con11nent, and any change proposed. You arc encouraged to propose any change that you desire. You inust also make any co1nn1cnts about the legality of' the proposed rules during this c01nment period.
Request for a Ilea ring. Jn addition to sub1nitting co1nn1ents, you may also request that the Dcparl1ncnt hold a hearing on the rules. You 1nust make your request for a public bearing in \Vriting, \vhich the agency contact person 1nust receive by 4:30 p.111. on Decc1nber 6, 2013. You must include your nainc and address in your written request In addition, you 1nust identify the portion of'thc proposed rules that you objl.;!ct to or state that you oppose the entire set of rules. Any request that docs not co1np!y \Vith these rcquireincnts is not valid and the agency cannot count it when dctennining vvhether it n1ust hold a public hearing. You arc also encouraged to state the reason for the request and any changes you \Vant 1nade to the proposed rules. ,
\Vithdra,val of Requests, If25 or 1norc persons sub1nit a valid \\TiHcn request fbr a hearing, the Departincnt \vii! hold a public hearing unless a sufficient 1u1n1ber ofpersons \Vithdnnv their requests in writing. Ifenough requests !'or hearing arc 'vithdra\vn to reduce the nrnnber below 25, the agency 1nust give \Vrittcn notice of this to al! persons \vho rcqucslcd a hearing, explain the actions the agency took to effoct the withdnnval, and ask frlr \Vrittcn con1n1cnts on this action. I!' a public hearing is required, the agency \vii! fol!o\V the procedures in i\linnesola S1at11tes, sections 14. I .11 10 I 4.20.
Alternative Fonnat/Accon11nodatio11. Upon request, this information can be 1nade available in an alternative fonnat, such as large print, braille, or audio. To 1nakc such a request or ifyou need an accom1nodation to 1nake this hearing accessible, please contact the agency contact person at the address or telephone nrnnber listed above.
l\1odifications. The Dcpart1ncnt 1nay inodify the proposed rules, either as a result of public com111cnt or as a result of' the rule hearing process. It must support inodifications by data and vie\vs sub111ittcd to the agency or presented at the hearing. The adopted rules 1nay not be substantially diflCrent than these proposed rules unless the Dcparttncnt folknvs the procedure under 1\4innesota Rules, part 1400.2110. If the proposed rules alTect you in any way, the Dcpart1nent encourages you to participate in the ru!c1naking process.
Cancellation of Hearing. The Departn1cnt will cancel the hearing scheduled IOr Decc1nbcr 4, 2013, if the agency docs not receive requests fr)r a hearing fro111 25 or inore persons, If you requested a public hearing, the agency will notify you before the scheduled hearing \Vhether the hearing \Viii be held. You 111ay also call the agency contact person at: (651) 201~7583 aller Dece1nbcr 6, 2013 to find out whether the hearing will be held.
Notice ofllcaring. Tf25or1nore persons sub111it valid written requests l'or a public hearing on the rules, the Dcpart1ncnt \viii hold a hearing fiilknving the procedures in 1\4innesola Statutes, sections 14.131 to 14.20. The Dcpartinent \viii hold the hearing on the date and at the tilnc and place listed above. The hearing \vi!! continue until all interested persons have been heard. Ad111inistrative La\V Judge Eric L. Lipn1an is assigned to conduct the hearing . .Judge Lipman can be reached at the ()fficc ofAd1ninistrative Hearings, 600 North Robert Street, P.O. Box 64620, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55164~0620, telephone: (651) 361~7842,. and fax: (651) 361~7936.
IJcnl'ing Procedure. JI' the Dcpartlncnt holds a hearing, you and al! interested or affected persons, including representatives of associations or other interested groups, \vi!! have an opporlunity to participate. You 1nay present your vie\VS either orally at the hearing or in writing at any tiine before the hearing record closes. All evidence presented should relate to the proposed rules. You 1nay also sub1nit written rnaterial to the Ad1ninistrativc La\v Judge to be recorded in the hearing record f'or five \vorking days allcr the public hearing ends. At the hearing, the Ad1ninistrative L<l\V Judge 1nay order that this five·day co1n111ent period is extended for a longer period but not more than 20 calendar days.
Following the conuncnt period, there is a fivc~\vorking~day rebuttal period \Vhcn the agency and any interested person n1ay respond in writing to any llC\V infonnation subn1it1ed. No one 1nay subn1it additional evidence dul'ing the five·day rebuttal period. The Office of Achninistrativc Hearings n1ust receive all comments and responses subtnitted to the Ad1ninistrative La\v Judgc no later than 4:30 p.m. on the due date. All co1n1ncnts or responses received \\1ill be available for review at the Office ofAd111inistrativc Hearings. This rule hearing procedure is governed by i\4i1111esota Rules, parts 1400.2000 to 1400.2240, and 1\1linneso1a Statutes, sections J4.13 I to 14.20. You inay direct questions about the procedure to the Adn1i11istrativc La\v Judge.
The dcparllnent requests that any person subtnitting \Vrittcn vie,vs or dala to the Adininistrative L1nv Judge before the hcuring or during
Page 578 Mi1111esota State Regis/er, 1\'Ionday 4 Novc1nbcr 2013 (Cite 38 SR 578)
Proposed Rules the comment or rebuttal period also submit a copy of the written vie\VS or data to the agency contact person at the Hddrcss stated above.
Statcn1cnt of Need and Jlcasonablcncss. The statc111cnt of need and reasonableness su1nn1arizcs the justification for the proposed
rules, including n description of\vho \Vil I be affected by the proposed rules and an csti1natc of' the probable cost of the proposed rules. lt is llO\V available from the agency contact person. You 1nay rcvic\v or obtain copies for the cost of' reproduction by contncting the agency
contact person. The statc1ncnt of need and reasonableness and the proposed rules <lrC available on the dcpart1ncnt's \VCbsitc at: https:/ldps.1n11.gov/divisions/dvs1!7ews!Pageslinotorc)'Cle-road-l,,ruard-certi}lcate.aspx
Lobbyist Registration. Aiinnesota Statutes, chapter JOA, requires each lobbyist to register \Vitb the State Can1paign Finance and Public Disclosure Board. Ask any questions about this rcquil'c111ent or the Ca1npaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board nt Sui le #190,
Centcnninl Building, 658 Cedar Street, St. Paul, M inneso!a 55 I55, telephone: (65 l) 296-5148 or 1-800-657-3889.
Adoption Procedure if No Ilearing. I /"no hearing is required, the agency inay adopt the rules a Her the end of the comment period. The Depart1nent \Viii sub1nit the rt1les and supporting docuincnts to the 01Tice ofAd1ninistrative Hearings fbr revie'v for legality. You 1nay ask to be notified of the date the rules arc sub1nitted to the office. If' you \Vtlllt either to receive notice of this, to receive a copy of the adopted rules, or to register with the agency to receive notice of future rule proceedings, subinit your request to the agency contact person listed above.
Adoption Proccclurc1\ftcr a Ilea ring. Ifa hearing is held after the close of' the hearing record, thcAd1ninistrative L:l\v Judge \Vi!l issue a report on !he proposed rules. You 1nay ask to be notilied of' the date that the Administrative La\v Judge's report \Vil! become available, and can make this request at tile hearing or in \Vriting to the Administrative Linv Judge. You n1ay also ask to be noti!icd of the date that the agency adopts the rules and the rules are filed \Vith the Secretary of State by requesting this at the hearing or by \Vriting to the agency contact person stated above.
()rdcr. I order that the ru!ctnaking hearing be he!d at the date, tiinc, and location listed above.
Dated: 21 October 2013 Signed: Con11nissioner Rainona L. Doh1nun Minnesota Department or Public Safoty
7422.0100 DEFl.i'!I.!JONS. Subnan 1 Sco1>e. For thl' purposes of this chanter the tcnns defined in t!li;i_J2nrt have the 1neanings given the111.
Suhp 2 AunJ.icant. "Applicm11" n1cans a person \yho js m2.J21x.illg1Qumml!Jncn1 in the 1notorcyclc road puard certification course
Subp 3 c:o1nniissioncr~Co1nn1issioner" n1cansJ.l:igs.illJl!Jllis.ioncr of' public snfcly actjnq directly or through authorized officQJS..m·
Suhp 4 Disqu»lification or disqualify. "12.ifillualilication" or "disqw-1lify" n1cans the con1n1issioncr's rescission of a~ J.llQjQ.[cyc!e road ~11ard certiGcatc
fuillp 5 Daytime. ~Daylimc.. has lhe JllcJl!llngJ,\iYen in Mjnne.1·0/C/ Slatules,_g;"1iillLlJ).2JlU~~\lhdivisio.n2b
Subp. 6. Entity. ''Entitv'' basJllQ.111.Q.llning given in A4innesota Statutes,. section 12.03. suhdivision 4c.
Suhp 7 Instructor »fU!Hrunt. "Instructor mm.!lc.illlt'' 1ncans a person who is applying for a n1otorc)'.Clc_ road guard instr1J£l.Qr certifica!C'.
Subp 8 !Vfinncsota Mo1ill:mlc Safety {~enter. "Minnesota Motorcycle Safety Center" 1ncans 1hc 1notorcyc!c safety l'(lli\.lli.l.iillJ. program qndcr Aijnnesota Statute\' section 121 A 36
Sqbp 9 Motorcycle ro»d_g11anl. "Motorcycle road guard'' means a person who holds a valid 1no1orcyclc road guard certil!clJte
Subp JO. IVlotorcyclc roru.lg11ard certification l'oursc. "Motorcycle road guard certiliea1ion __QQl~'..'.Jn£llilsJ!.J2IQgJam authorized by the commissioner!()!' 1hc instruction and cer!il!caJion ol'a 1notorcycle road guard
(Cilc 38 SR 579) A:Jinnesota State Register, l\'londay 4 Novcn1bcr 2013 Page 579
a motorcycle road guard instructor certificate
Suhp 12 ()ualificd prior iinpaircd drivjnp incidcnt..:'()ualilicd prior iinpajrcd drivin!§ incident'' has the 111cm1ing given in Mirn1Q.:
sota Stah11es ,s.c_ction 162A.03 subdivision 22
2.u.b.JLl.l Valid n1otorcyt.~lc road guard ccrtifi<:.111c.. "Valid 11101orcyclc road fnard certificate." 1ncans a ccrtill.c.a.t~uJJ.lQJjz~s the UQISQUJQ.. \Vhom it is issued tQ pcrf(H'l11 the d111je~undcr narl 7422 0200 and is:
A issued h)' the con1n1jssioncr:
_n not expir!.lli;_ffild
169.011 subdivision 94 and includes cclhill!!'..Phones as definedJn..Minnesota Statutes. section 169 0 I I subdivision 15 .
.S11.bp,J~Qlnr~..)'Clc Road (;uar!l. Field (~uidc... ~~O,\ill:Qvclc Road Ciuard Field Guide" .L'L1.LQ~JJ,!JJIT..dQ.\:..Ulll~.llL.Jll)..!21:0i1:.~
[1Qpartn1ent of Public Sal'e1y for use by inotorcycl.Q.x.Qil.d~
Subp 16 AN~l/ISEA l 07-2004 standard. For the purposes of !his clrn1lic.r ''A NSJ/JSEA 107-2004 sjandard" ineans the stHndard for
the design ond_pcrlbrmance of high visibility safety apparel 1\u11 is dcvdopcd by the lnternaliona! Saf'cl)' Fquipinent.,Assocja!ion and
published by the An1erican National S1andards '111.tiH1tc required under Jlli.[t 7422 JJJlQ.,
S..ubpart 1. Statutory authority....A motorcycle road guard \Vho is certified by the co1nn1issioncr is authorized under Aiinnesofa Statutes.
section 169.06 subdivision 4 and successor rcqulrcincnts. to:
A. stop and hold vehicles in place until it is safe for vehicles to proc~
13 act as a Hagger cscortingJl n1otorc)1dc group ride·
C direct oncrators oftnotorcycles \Vithin a 1notorcycle group ride or other ychick: traffic notwithstanding any contrrny indication
orn lniCTic.control device includirn] slop signs or traff'ic-con!rol signals·
D obtain con~.Q_nt J'ron1 the chicfofpolice or the chiqfli,dcsignee ofany city ol'thc frrfil class through \vhich the groqp i"'<> nrocecdin~
Su.Q.n. 2. Rcquircn1cnt to carry certificate. In addition to the rcquirc1ncnts in subpart I a n1qJo.!."!;y_G.le road guard must C\lrry a valid
111oto19.)'..9iC road guard certificate at all _tin.Jes and 1nust produce proof of such certificate on de1nand of a_pcacc officer,.
S.l.!b.Jk.l Rcstricti9ns. In order Cor.a_111Qtorcycle road f'Ullrd to escort a molorcyde Qrouru:i.ilih.ili9-1I!.QiorcxclQ...group ride 1nu~
Q1¥1l.U.iZ£KL&ll1.b..cri.!lg_of n1otorcycl is1s o1Jil !casl 20 111o1orcyc1 istill.l.a.h
A js sponsored hy an cnti1y tha.thas liabili1y ins11n1ncc in force /()r all par[ici11llil.!!iJl!Hii!ll'Jlllil:crs._i1fJlle rnotorc)1Cle g.nlliJ2.Ii.ili;.;.
B folknys a route in accordance \Vith the notification !llliY.idcd under 1\iit111e~ota Statutes sec1iO!J 169 OQ.,..s1!.l)division 4·
r is ridinr only in daytime !Jou.rs.;.Jl!ld
D con1plies \Vith the T\1inn~ta Manual on llnifr>rm TralHc~Control Devices ai1tho.d&d . .illl9.~r A1!iJ.1arJi21a Statutes section !69 06
subdivision 1.
Suhp 4 Rcquirc1ncnt to 1u·oducc proof of !iahi!it)'.insura1.~
Page 580 Nlinnesota State J?egister, l\rlond:t)' 4 Novc1nbcr 2013 (Cite 38 SR 5811)
(])carry proof9fliabilitv insurance required under subnart 3: and
{2) produce progf'of'such insurance on dc1n<1nd of'a peace olljccr
ILA motorC)1cl.!.Ullild g11ard \Vho foils lo !lillffiJcc proof'of'jnsurancc mu1;! withillJQ!Ld.i:!Yfil1LillL.Qi'll@r's request under this s11bpar!
produce the required prQQ[Qfinsurancc stating that the security had bccn_J21QYj_QQJlfurJhc 111Q1.nrcy£k.g.cQUP.Iidc a1 the lime of the dc1nm1d 1() the con1mjssjo11cr..
C The cmn1.ni_ssioncr shall suspend the motorcycle roadz1IBIIJ.J<.9IliJJs111rn1tperson \\1ho does not con1pl)1 \Vi!h itcn1 B until J2J.:Q.Qf of insurance js recQivcd by the con11nissiQllQL.
Subp. 5. Appeal. A person \vhosc n1otorcyclc road guard ccrtificntc is suspended under this pnrt llHlV aJ}l)Cal the comn1iss.Loner's ac1ion 1!.!19er the contcsied case procedures of Minnesota Statutes chapter 14.
7422.0300 MOTORCYCLE ROAD Gl!ARil Cl<:RTTFICATE: OllAl.IFICAJ'IONS, Subparl 1 Stalutory rcuui1:~n1cnts. An applicant for a motorcycle road g1iard cS'rti1l£ilklllil.5lJJJQC1!htlQs;JJiire1nen1s under AfjnnewJta
SJlffutes s('ction 171 60 s1thili.Yifililll2.
Suhp 2 Rcvic_\y ofdriviiig_r~cord. The con11nissioncr shall reyic\V Jhe driving [9J~Sl!1l...Uf.illJ_l.l!2JJ1i£m1lJQr a 11101orcy.s;_k road g11ar.d s;_i;;rtjfica1e upon initial app!icatiQlL
A An am1licanJ who d<t_Qs not have a Minncsotfl driver's license shall sobmi1101.[1Q_g2n11nissioncr a certified copy of' the appljcanLJi
drivine recQrd fron1 lhe Unit~ States s!a1e vvhcrc the applicant js [jcenscd,
1i An applicant \.vhosc Mjnneso1a driving record dates back less than five yem·s fron1 the date oflhc application must s.uhm.ii.a c<'rlificd copy of the applicynl's driving record fron1 the previous jurisdiction in which the applicant \Vas licensed so that the conunissioner
cnn revic\v five years of yn npplicant 's driving record.
C The c01nn1jssioner shall accept and reyie\v a driving record yvilh fcv,,er lhan five years in the case yvhere an <l12J1licant's HflC at till;:
time ofnn ap_plicant's driver's license isswincQ.,_,rcsu!ts in a drivin2 record that contuins /C\ver than live years
D A certified copy ofa driving record sub1ni{1ed pndcr this part 1nust be dated no earlier than JJ.Ldays bc/'orc the ro1nmjssioner
receives ii
A.....!.l.lll.NJhan two 12\illy 1nisdc111eanor convictions f'or all)' moving.Yillhtt.i.QllJill.d.IT.k/innesota Statutes cbap1cr 169 or an ci;i!JiyJ!kni
violation from another s1a1c (Qr 24 1nnnths preceding the dale of app!ica1jo1r
B. any qualified prior in1paired drivin2 incident. or an equivalent violation from another state !'or five years preceding the Q.atc or application:
C. any conviclicJJ.Lll.Oder At/innesota_Sf[Jtutes section 16.2,13 or an equivulent vjola1ion fro1n ano1hcr slate. for live yenrS...l)~
llli:.J1Jje o [ app Iicatiill4Jl11.d
D any conviction pndcr At/jnnesota Statuffy section 609 21 or flll equivalent violation fron1 another state
Subp 4 Hearing. An applicant 111ns1 be able to .speyk and hear well enoullh 10 conduct a nonnal verbal convcrsati.nn with another
person al a distance of five ICct \vjth or \vjtbont_n hearing aid
Subp 5 Vision. An applicant n1us1 he able to 1nect the vision requirements to obtain an unrestricted class D licensg.s.xcept that the
rcsiriction o[ corrective lenses enabling th.IU!)2plicant to 1neet the vision requirc111cnt is an acceptable restriction
Subp 6. Vchidc insurance coverage. An applicant 11111.~t nuiintain vehicle insurance coverage pursua!l!Jo Afii111esota ,\'tatutes section
(Cite 38SR 581) A1innesota S"'tate Register, l\1onday 4 Novcrnbcr 2013 Page 581
A. Once ccrtificcl a motorcycle road .£,1!.fil.<:L.n1us.1;.
(I) rc1nain in con1pliancc with. s1th.il<l!1$_LtQ. 6:
(2) authorize the co1n1nis.si.@l.":Lill.J1!l!lllilil)1 revje,v the 1no!orcycle road guard's driving record· and
Q.l..s.u.12.ini1.1LQ..~J:ilii~':Q.PV of the n1olorcyc!e road puard's drivin!,' record 10 lhe com1nissioncr one year af'l_gr the date of ini1ial certification ifth.c.1notorcycle road guard is not a Minncsola n'sidcnt
lL6m: _ _physical or inental disability.J.l..(ll.lllQ.t.QI0'...clc road guard that intcrl'ercs \Vith the sci.f~__Q.O.\,~ration of'a 1no!or vehicle Lill.dcr .Mi.JJJJg:Qto Statute\' section 171 04 or 171 11 is governed under parts 7410 2100 to 74 J0 3000
Jn order to instruct the n1otorcvcle road guard certi!"ication course. an i.ns1ructor u11plica11t inust be a current instructor authorized by
!hk.M.inncsota Mo1orcyclc Safct.y Center nrogram and nH1st meet qualifications under parts 7411 0620 and 7411.0{130. cxccn.Lilia.Lilll
in.s.truct0Lllill2licant is not subject lo nart 7411 0620 sub1lli!:1Jt if the instructor applicmit had a cri1ninal history chcck_pcrformcd v,rithin
l&.!lyi;.m:s...preeedjng lhc date ofuplication and the outcome of1he check ofJhe nalional cri1ninal da1a repository did not indicate a crimjna!
l'.Q~ord \Vhere 1!Je ap1fil~.illll...lY.il5..QOlJVicted ofa gross mis(lfill.~J.UlQU./J.:...G;cl.illl)::,
7422.0500 MOTORCYCJ,lj ROAD Qlli\Jli)£.K!ff!E!CATE ISSI I AN CE: lllliQ!lALIFICAT)!)l'!, Subpart 1 Issuance.
A.Jli2on successful comp!Qtion of' the motorcycle road !Jitard course and ptl)'Jllen! hy an applicant of the program course f'ee tinder
tllitl 742.2 0900 the con1n1_(.s.sjfillQLfillalt issue a motorcycle nrnd p-llill.d certificate for a period of two years Ther.Q is no al!ton1atic rcne\val
fuL!.! 1notorcycle road ~wll'cl cerlilicatc
B A person \vho \Vas previously certified as a motorcycle road guard and \vhosc certification has expired 11111st re-enroll as an
anplicant by 1neeting the qualifications under part 7422.0300 and successfully co1nplcting the nrogran1 curriculum in order lo perform the
duties ofn n1otorcycle road gunrd under part 7422.0200
fu1bp 2 DjS(jlli!lification.
A ()nee cerlificd failure of'a person 1vho holds n motc~_.I9.llii.g1J.ar.d_ccrti.IJ~D~.i;..Luny oflhc requjren1entSJ!1ldQwmri
illl.0300 is cause for lhc con11njssjoner to disqualify the pcr~<um.'.s n1oto1};;)~tlQlli.Uw.;.ull.QQr.LlfilillQ,
11. The co1nn1issio1wr shall djsqua!il)1 the 11101orcycle road..gun1:dJ::.9I.tilli.:.a1.!;<.Q.[.a_p..!~I~-® \vi.lo fails to SL!hnli1...a.J;-1lllrul.dtl_vJ11g.I.Q.Q{llil
illU:QJJllired under parl 7422 0300 subpart 7 \yithjn !1 months of iniii.a.l.m..rti.fi.£ll.1irul.
.fuilli2 3 Appeal. A person \Vhose 1no1orcycle ro<HL.g_un.1.1.Lccrtilicatc js disqll.illi.fu:..d.llllilcr this !2illilllliY.J.UW_~.a.Lili.c.sJJ.Bllnissioner's
.d.lli.ulm IiIication 11 nd.£.L1h~_..QQH1SllillcliQaS!,;:__J1[Q.Q~.d.U!1<.1..0.fA.iia11esota Statute y cha11kLl.1,.
Subpart l. Prohibition of alcohol consu1nption and controlled substances use. A person 'vho holds a n1otorcyc!c road guard
~n11 the d111ics of' a n1otorc)1''k road gui.ird. either \vllik_gJlITilliJ.lg u 1notor vehicle or \vhik standing in or jn
proxin1ity to an inters''.!lliQn. under parl 7422 0200:
/!.. \Vhilc CQnsrnning alcoboljc beverages or \vhilc using contro!lcd substances: or
.lLn.1.kr..having consun1ed alcoholie.lli<Y.GJ.l.lg£.,'> or_a1lcr having used controlled s11bs1a11ces
Subp 2 IJs.rJ1f.preljn1inary screening test. When a peace of'l1cer has reason to believe that a 1notorcyclc road guard 111ay be violating
or has violiltecl subpart I the officer 1nay require the driver to provide n sainp!e of' the 1notorcycle rond guard's breath for a prelin1i11ary
screening using a deyjce approved by the eon11uissjoner filr this purpose
Subp. 3. Use of nrclirninarx screening test result. lJ12Q!1JLP-ositivQ test administered under sub.part 2 of a motorcycle road guard.
.QIJL1QfilE.flrn.aLofa n1otorcyclc roacl_ru.rnrd. a ncacc of'Jicer shall: Lb..£illljiscatc the road g.uard's certificate: and
A1i1111esota State Register, i\1onday 4 Novcrnbc1· 2013 (Cite 38 SR 582)
Suhp. 4. Ad1ninistrativc c!isqualific!l!ijln. When the connnissioner is notified under subnart 3 that a person \vho holds n motorcycle
road guard certificate has violated this pm:LQJ.Jhat a person vvho holds a n1otorcyc!c road guard certificate has refused a test under s\!hpart
2 the com1nissioncr shall: A. disqualil'y 1hc rnoton;-X£k..IQJJ1Lguard certificate· and
B not issue a 1110.JQrcyclc road guard ccrtilicatc to the person described in this subpart for a period of' ten years fron1 the date of'
disqualjOcal io1LQ_L~ 1notorcyclc road guard ccrl ifiqilc
Subp S llc.lliilln to hclic\'C. For purposes oft!illi_part. "reason to believe'' means fron1 the n1anncr in \Vhich a 111otorcyclc road Qll!ll"ci
is driving. 01wmting con1rolling....Q.Lllijj.!.U,U!J1Q1u!.Qlmtll!!~J.h.111UWJ01or vehicle or hasWs:.n..i2pcratQd_. . .QL£.llil.\IQ!!cd a motQr vehiclc-&t:
grounds p111 fi)rlh in good faith 'vhich are not arbi1niry. irrational unreasonable or irrelevant and \Vhich 1nukc the proJ1ositjon asseJ'[ed morq
likclv than not..JJ...rQunds upon \vhich reason to bclicvc_prc based include·
~.J.?.L<lin1en1cnts Stlpp!icd by the 1llQillJ:£Y..CJ.Q.JD.ns,Lg.Y.lll:d,;
B. driver's license record and accident records·
C court dOQ!J.!JlQJ.llS and police recQrds·
D facts of \vhich the peace ollice1:llli:.tl1JillQJia! knowledge: and/or
F a blood brealh or q1iu.Q~s!l!1dlc.a.ti~rescnce of alcohol or conlrollccl sqbstanccs or a test rchisnl.
SJ1bp 6 Appeal. A person \vhose n1otorcyclc road btuard certificate is disqualified under this part n1ay HJ1pcal the con11njssioner's
ilifiliualificatjon under the contested case procedures of A1j1111e\'ota Statute~. chmll.ITl.1..
7422.0700 CQIJRSE INSTRllCTION; FREQllENCY. A. The con11nissioncr shall offer the 1notorcyclc road guard certification QOt1rJ?.QJ]lrqgg.!1 the_Mint~..S.Q11t Motorc~le Safetv Center at
least once per year.
ill1,J!Jl00 DATA CLASSIFICATION: !ISEOFINFORMATI())';, S11Q1mrt I J)ata ('las,'iifk_d,_f)ata 011 i11djyjd11als provided t\[email protected].!lbc treDtcd as p11blic data
QllJ!ldividtmls. exceptJhat the individual's driyjnq rQ.Q.Quli5_gQ~lDdcr kfjnnesota ,)'tatutes section 17 I 1.2.....Eill' purposes of this pm1•
.'..'..P.ll.blic data on individuals'' has the ineanjng given jn AliJ.?11.f..SI2111 S'1a1111es section 13 02 subdivision 15
Subp 2 Ilcquircd list. The con1111issioncr shill I maintain a list of' all persons \vho are certified as a tnotorcycle road !f!lard on the
cleparl111ent's Wl'b site The list 1nust contai1LQDly the filllowjng inj{innation· A full nmne·
B. 1notorcyck; road_guanl certificate nun1bcr· and
G,Jb.Q expiration da1e of thc.JJllilill:cy.ele road guard certi ficale
lli2.Jl200 COllllSE FEIC. Il.1.c.£mu1nissioncr ofpublic salCty shall assess a ICe to each applicant I()!' a motorcycle road gun rd cer1il1ca1e as providc.dl.zy..M.ll.111fil:QlQ
S'tatuff\' scc1io11171 60 subdivision 3
7422.11100 VEHICLE REOlllREMENTS: RESTRICTIONS, Subpart I Rccu!irn.Lcuuipn1cnt. A 111otorcyclc or_~y.J.iliiQjgJbnLis used_h,)'..JL!llQill!~JJ.llid gnarcl in accordance \vith par!
1122 0200 must be in...s.uiiLopcratjng condition and n11!&JK.Q.Qillt212.clli.J.Y.i!b.JJ.JY.illdQSJLQ.Qill1llil!lkilli~insslevice 1hat can b~JiLCOntac! la\v cnJOrcQn1ent in the event of' a roadside emergency,_
(Cite 38 Sil 583) A.Ji1111esota State Register, l\1onday 4 Novc1nbcr 2013 Page 583
B cany equipmcrtUllil.t reduces the visibility of'the driver or otherwise res1ricts the driver's abi\i1y lo safCly operate !he vehicle· .illltl
C contain any pa"iS.~U~QrS under the age of 18
fulbpart 1 Fhu_r1_rin1J cql!.i.Jrn.~!tl A n1otorcyclc roud vuurd \vbo is perfrirm inr tnllTic con1rol in accordance \Vith par! 7422 0200 must
illillJJS.ill.illJllii.bJ c STOP/S I,f)_\Y.Jlfil!.dJ.c.J.lli!.L A has an ocl<!Qonal slH!Jl\4
B is at least 18 inches wide \Vith letters at leas! six inches hi Ph:
C on the STOP focc. has \Vhlte letters and \vhitc border on a red background:
E is retro-re/lectivc
.s..ub.Jh2.,..Jkqujred high-yisU1Jli.U: safety apparel. A n101orc)'c!c road guard .!.lliL'it \Vear the hjg h-visibili1y safoty apparel in itc1ns A
to D \vhen acting as a flugg!;J.:.11n~Lperlhr111inl;,i traffic con1rol in ac£Qrdance \vjthnn.tl::?J.122..JJlQ_O and 7422.1100.
A. The Hagger 1nus1 \Vear a salCty vest nnd safety pants during lo\v visibility situations kl\v light conditiQJJlh_Q[_inclcn1ent weal her
B The apparel in i1en1 A must be orange-red fluorescent yc!lo\v-grecn~..illll co1nhinaliml..ill1he t\vo as defi.!Jpd in !he ANSI standurd
C. The retro-rctlecJive 111aterial of the apparel in ite111A1nust be orange,_)'.cllcnv \vhite. silvc1.:w:'.Cll<ny:.g~c,a1,_or a lluoreseent version of these colors and 111nst he visible at a n1ini1nwn distance of 1 000 ICet
D A shirt or jackel lJ.lliY be substitu1ed for a vest provided that it 1neets the color and visibilit)'..J.'.QQ.u.i@Jncnts of this subparl
Suhn 3 ANSI/ISICA 107-2004 rcquirc1ncnl A n1otorcycle road guard who is acting as q Oagger and performing traffic conlruLi!l
accordance Yvi1h_J2<1rt 7422 0200 mus1 \V~Lb.igh-visihility salCty apparel that 1nec1s the Perl'on1umce Class 2 or 3 requiremct11;LQ.fJlJ.£.
ANSJ/J SEAJQ.7.:.2.illi:Lpub!ication e.!.11i1lcd ''A1nerican Na1ional Standm·d for !--ljgh-Vis.illi.li.1x.Llunarel and I Jeadvvear" and labe!.~JlJ.\~JL~ting
the ANSl/lSJiA 107-2004 standard performance t<ir Cluss 2 or 3 tlsk_Ql\Jl\lli\.lJ:e. Thi_s..11ill!.ld.1r.d. is notJiJJ.~ill!llillilll.\lli.LQlll1ngc. A copy of
the slandnrd js available (11 lhc United States Departn1en! of.Iranti11ill1fil.i.9JJ.,,..l:~.lli<ra.Lll.igjny1u:..L\dn1lnistratiq1LJ..2.DiLNc\v)crsey Aven11c SE. W,'lshington DC. 20590 or on the lnten1e1 al ht!p·/IJJJ..Y.tc..d.Jlnva.dot goy/rcsources/jntcrpretatio!1.SLJ2.d..IZQ.....Q9~.ll.J2.tlL
fu!.!.m:art 1. Curricuhun l'C{1J1irc1nents. The classroon1 curriculum presented and de!ivcrc<] 10 eac!J.Jii212!icant enrolled in the progran1 for motorcycle road guard c~.tification 1nust include·
-~U.!LQ.llPDr1uni1y for thc_ilJ]_p!icanJ !o analyze and assess s~_cjsion-nul.!dng models and factors.i11ilurn9iug high\vay-usc !kcisions·
B. instruction on the fi1n£liQ.!l.S...ilDsJ use orrequiu,;d safety equipment includi.ng_provisions llndcr parls 7422 1000 and 7422 1UlQ.. subpnr!s I and 2: and
~' ofsalCty principles and guidelines in the n1otorcyclc road g1rnrd field guide and the practical application including;_
illJ.u2J2nrtunj1ics 1(2r 11N.applicun1 to identif)r and Hll<Jl)'zc in1erscc1ion l)1pcs and road types·
(2) the prin}jj1les and purpose o(lll.gh~visibility safctv anparcl:
Page 584 Mi1111esota State Register, Mond11y 4 Novcruher 2013 (Cite 38 SR 584)
Subp 2 ()pcn1to1:.Ju.:.illk.i!;JJS.)'..._l:iJ.nillQr~lQ...~ffilmllild~JJHI!lStrate:
J\ j) !'O 11 ci cDC)' i11 .:itilP..lJ..illg_traflikJUldlntQL'iQ.Q.tiQ!lJJJill)1!£,.QJ.J.1Q.!1Lm1d
11.J.L11.lliIQJlgl1JJntl..full kno\v[cdg~visions of this part
.7422.1300 PENAITY.
~wovidedl!lll1ill11.~'.Q.fil.S.illl1.IJ~~J,Ji~11Ll1.LQ.Cl.n..ucrsoo \vho v.Jnlulc..s Hll.Y...l)rovisions or rcquircn1cnts nJJlllli chapter is guilty or a nfil1D1isdcmeanor.
Official Notices Pursuant to A1innesota Statutes ** 14.101, an agency must first solicit comments from the public on the subject matter of a
possible rulcmaking proposal under active consideration within the agency by publishing a notice in the State Register at least 60 says before pub!ica{ion of a notice to adopt or a notice of hearing, and within 60 days or the ellCctive date of any new statutory grant of required ru!cmaking.
The State Register also publishes other official notices or state agencies and non-state agem:ies, including notices of meetings, and matters of public interest, state grants and loans, and slate contracts
Minnesota Board of Animal Health Notice of Quarterly Meeting of the Board 4 December 2013
N()TJC:E IS llEREBV GIVEN that the Minnesota Bonrd o!'Anin1al l·lcalth 'vi!I ho!d i1s quarterly 1nccting on \Vcdncsday, Dcccrnbcr
4, 2013. The 1nceting \vii! lake place at 9:30 a.n1. in roo1n 280 of' the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, 1333 Gortncr Ave, St. Paul,
Minnesota Higher Education Facilities Authority Notice of Public Hearing on Revenue Obligations on behalf of the University of St.
NC)TJ{~E IS lIEREBY (;J\'EN 1hat a public hearing \viii be held by the Minnesota Higher Education Facilities Authority (the
(Cite 38 SR 585) A1i1111esota State Register, l\1ondny 4 Novcrnbcr 2013 Page 585
Official Notices "Authority") \Vith respect to a proposal to issue revenue bonds or other obligations on behalf of the University of St. Thotnas (the
"University''), ns O\vncr and operator of' University of St. Tho1nas, at the Authority's olTicc al 380 Jackson Street, Suite 450, St. Paul,
l\1inncsota on Noven1ber 20, 20 l 3 at 2:00 p.1n. Under the proposal, the Authority \Vould issue its revenue bonds or other obligations in
an original principal ainount of' up to approximately $26,500,000 to finance a project (the "Project") consisting of the refunding of the
Authority's outstanding Revenue Bonds, Series FivcwY (University of St. Thonu1s), dated August 1, 2004, \Vhicb \Vere issued in the
original principal amount of$30,000,000 (the ·'Series Five-Y Bonds").
The Series Fivc-Y Bonds \vere issued to provide funds to finance the construction, equipping and furnishing of'F!ynn Residence I-la!! (f'orrncrly kno\Vll as Selby Residence Hall), a seven-story student residential hall and related parking facility o\vned and operated by the University and located on the University's St. Paul, Minncsot<i cainpus, the principal street address of vvhich is 2115 Surn1nit Avenue, SI. Paul, Minnesota.
At said ti1nc and place the Authority shall give all parties \Vho appear or have subrniucd \Vritten con11nents an opportunity to express their vievvs vvith respeet to the proposal to undertake and finance the Project.
Dated: November 4, 2013. By Order of' the Minnesota 1-ligher Education Facilities Authority Marianne Re1ncdios, Execu1ivc Director
Minnesota Department of Human Services (OHS) Health Care Administration
Public Notice of Medical Assistance Alternative Benefit Plan
N()TICE IS 1-IEllEBY c;IVEN to recipients, providers of services, and to the public of changes to the l\1edica! Assistance prograin.
El1Cctive January l, 2014, the Dcpartn1ent intends to enroll in inanaged care on a n1andatory basis the IOl!ovving individuals eligible for
iVlcdical Assistance: aduhs eligible under Section 1902(a)(10)(A)(i)(VIJI) of the Act and Conner fristcr children eligible under I 902(a)(l O)(A)(i)(IX) of the Act (these arc individuals under the age of' 26, 'vho are not otherwise 1nandatorily eligible, who V•ierc on Medicaid and in !Oster care when they turned age 18 or aged out of foster care).
Also cJTcctive January 1, 2014, the Dcpart1ncnt intends to expand its usage of' co1npetitivc price bidding to contract with 1nanaged cure organizations to provide coverage l'or children and adults \Vho arc not elderly or disabled, in Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare. The expansion encompasses the 27 counties in northern Minnesota listed on the Deparltncnt's \vcbsite:
http://www.dhs.state.11u1.11sldhsJ6.... J3 9282.pl(l
Written co1nn1cots and requ(:!sts IOr infonnation 1nay be sent to Scan Barrett, Health Care Adn1inistration, Minnesota Deparl111ent or Hu1nan Services, P.O. Box 64983, St. Paul, Minnesota 55164-0983, or by l~-1nail at: sean.harrett@}stale.11111.11s
Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) Notice of Adoption of Ordinance No. 118
Please take notice that on the 21st day of October, 2013 at a regular Coininission 1neeting, the Metropolitan Airports Co1nn1ission adopted Ordinance No. 118.
Reliever Airports M ininunn Standards f'or Oencral Aviation Co1n1ncrcial Acronauticul ()perations ()rdinancc No. 118
An ordinance of the Metropolitan Airports Co1nn1ission an1c1Hling and specifying Mini1nu1n Standards, by an1c11ding and restating Ordinance No. 78, JOr Ci enera I Aviation Con1n1crcial Aeronautical ()pcrations
P;tgc 586 Alinnesota State Register, Monday 4 Novcnibcr 2013 (Cite 38 SR 586)
Official Notices and Flying Clubs at the ConHnission 's Reliever Airports.
Copies ofOrdinance No. 118 as adopted \Vill be on file \Vith the Secretary of' State and n1ay be obtained clcctronical!y through accessing the Metropolitan Airports Co1n1nission \Vebsite at
hftp: l!www.1neIroairports. org/ Airport-A 11 I hor i~v/i\,fetropoIi{(1n-A irports-Co111111issi011/.A d111 inis IraIio11/Byla1 !'s-and-0rdi nances. aspx
or may be obtained fro1n the Metropolitan Airports Co1n1nission offices.
Dated this 29 day of ()ctober 2013. Jeffrey W. 1-luinie!, Executive Director and CJ_.;o Metropolitan Airports Co1n1nission 6040 - 28th Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55450
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) Watershed Division
Notice of Availability of the Draft Sunrise River Watershed Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Report and Request for Comment
Public comment period begins: November 4, 2013 Public comment period ends: December 4, 2013
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) is requesting coinmcnts on the drafl Report for the Draft Sunrise River Water
TMDL. The dran TMDJ. Report for the Sunrise River Watershed is available fOr review at http:llwww.pca.s1a1e.1nn.us/zihyaOJ. Fol!ovving the conuncnts, the MPCA \Vill revise the dran TMDL Report and subn1it it to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) fr)r approval. Co111n1cnts n1usl be received by the MPCA contact person by the public con1n1cnt period end date shown above.
Required by the federal Clean \Vatcr Act, a TMDL is a scientific study calculates the 1naxin1un1 mnount of a pollutant that a \Valcrbody can receive and still meet ·water quality ;:;tandards frir that pollutant. Jt is a process that identifies all the sources of' the pollutant causing an i1npainnent and allocates necessary reductions among then1. This inulti-year eHOrt results in a pollution reduction plan and engages stakeholders and the genera! public. An approved TMDI, is follo\ved by i1nple1ncntation activities !()r achieving the necessary reductions. That plan \Vil! be released fi.)r public con1n1ent at a later date.
The Sunrise River Watershed is located in east-ccntrul Minnesota, cast oJ'thc St. Croix River. Portions of four counties {Anoka, Chisago, lsanti, and Washington) arc included in the project area ofapproxin1ately 381 square n1ilcs. This report addresses nine (9) iinpairments on three streain reaches und four lakes in the S1rnkc River 'A1atershed. fJnpainncnts included in this report arc 4 nutrient i1npaircd lakes (Linwood Lake, Second Lake, Vibo Lake, and White Stone Lake), three E. Coli iinpaired reaches (Sunrise River frotn the confluence ofthe North Branch of the Sunrise to the confluence of the St. Croix River, and 1-ILly Creek), one fish bio-assessmcnt, 111acroinvertebrate bio­ assess1ncnt i1npainncnt, and turbidity iinpainnent fi:lr the West Branch of' the Sunrise River.
V•/hilc this public notice is for the TMDLs only, the MPCA and Local Partners are developing a Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategics (WRAPS) docuinent that \Vill be public noticed on its O\Vn on a later date. The reason f'or this is that the TMDLs IOr this \VHlershed \Vere already in dcve!op1nent beff.wc the MPCA transitioned to the new \VRAPS process.
Prclirninary Dctcnnination on the Draft 'L\'lDL Report: The MPCA Co1111nissioner has 1nade a prcli1ninary detennination to subn1it this draft TMDL report to the U.S. Environ1ncntal Protection Agency (EPA) for final approval. A drall TMDL report is available for review at the MPCA office at the address listed beknv and at the MPCA \Vcbsitc; hflp:llwww.pca.state.11utuslzihyaOJ.
\Vritten Con11ncnts: You 1nay sub111it \.vrittcn comments on the drafl TMDL report or on the l\1PCA Conunissioncr's prelin1inary c!etennination. Written co1nn1cnts n1ust include the JOllo\ving:
l. A staten1ent of your interest in the drafl TMJ)L report; 2. A statcn1ent of' the action you \Vish the MPCA to take, including specific relCrenccs to sections of the draH Tl\!lDL report
that you believe should be changed; and
(Cite 38 SR 587) A1i1111esota Stale Register, J\1011di1y 4 Nove1nbcr 2013 Page 587
the 111crits or your position.
\Vrittcn comments on the drafl Tl\1DL report must be sent to the MPCA contact person listed bclo\v and received by 4:30 p.111. on December 4, 2013. The MPCA \Viii prepare responses to co1n1ncnts received, make any necessary revisions oftbe drah TMl)L report and submit it to the EPA fi.lr approval.
Agency Contact Pcrsou: Written co1nmcnts and requests IOr 1norc in/'ormation should be directed to:
Christopher K!ucas
J\1inncsota Pollu1 ion Control Agency 520 Lal'ayctte Road
SL Paul, Minnesota 55 !55 Phone: (651) 757-2498 (direct) 1\1inncsota '1(111 Free: 1-800-657-3864
Fax: (651) 297-8676 E-1na ii: christop!w1: klucas@state. m11.11s TTY users 1nay call the MPCA telctype\vritcr at (651) 282-5332 or 1-800-657-3864.
Petition for Public Infonnatioual l\1ccting: You 1nay request that the MPCA Co1n1nissioncr hold a public inforinational 111ccting. J\ public informational 1nccting is an infOrmal meeting the MPCA 1nay hold to solicit public con11ncnt and statcincnts on 1nattcrs pertaining to the Tl\1DL study and process, <ind to help clarify and resolve issues.
J\ petition requesting H public informatioiuil meeting n1ust include the IOll<Hving infOnnation: 1. A state1ncnt identifying the 1nattcr of concern; 2. The infonnution required under iten1s I through 3 of"\Vrittcn Con11ncnts,'' identified above; 3. A statement of the reasons the MPCA should hold a public infonnational 1nceting; and 4. The issues that you \vould like the MPCA to address at the public infonnational 1neeting.
Petition for (~ontcstcd (~asc Hearing: You also 1nay submit a petition for a contested case hearing. A contested case hearing is a IOnnal evidentiary hearing before an admini!:itrative hnv judge. Jn accorchincc \Vilh i\1innesota Rules 7000.1900, the MPCA \vi!! grant a petition to hold a contested case hearing if it finds that: 1) there is a material issue of fact in dispute concerning the draft TMDL report; 2) the MPCA has the jurisdiction to 1nHkc a determination on the disputed 1naterial issue of l'act; and 3) there is a reasonable basis underlying the disputed 1naterial issue ofll1ct or fhcts such that the holding of the contested case hearing would al!ovv the introduction of infOrmation that \vould aid the MPCA in resolving the disputed facts in 1naking a final decision on the draft TMDL report. A 1nalerial issue of ll1ct 1neans a fact question, as distinguished fro1n a policy question, \Vhose resolution could have a direct bearing on a final MPCA decision.
A petition for a contested case hearing n1ust include the IOl!c)\ving information: I. A staten1ent of reasons or proposed findings supporting an MPCA decision !o hold a contested case hearing according to the
criteria in 1\!finnesota Rules 7000.1900, as discussed above; and 2. A statc1nent of the issues to be addressed by a contested case hearing and the specific relief' requested or resolution of the
In addition and to the extent kncnvn, a petition for a contested case hearing should also include the follcnving information; I. A proposed list of prospective \Vitncsscs to be called, including experts, with a brief description of proposed testimony or
srnnmary ofevidence to be presented at a contested case hearing; 2. J\ proposed list of publications, refCrcnces, or studies to be introduced and relied upon at a contested case hearing; and 3. An estin1ate oftiinc required fbr you to present the 1nattcr at a contested case hearing.
l\'1PCA Decision: You 1nay also subinit a petition to the Co1nmissioner requesting that the MPCA Citizen's Board consider the TMDL report approval. To be considered ti1nc!y, the petition n1ust be received by the MPCA by 4:30 p.n1. on the date the public comment period ends, identified on page I of this notice. According to 1\Jinnesota Statutes ~ I I 6.02 subd 6( 4 ), the decision \Vhether to submit the TMDL report and, if so, under \vhat tcnns, \viii be presented to the Board for decision if: (I) the Con1111issioner grants the petition requesting the 1natter be presented to the Board; (2) one or 1nore Board 1nc1nbcrs request to hear the 1nattcr before the time the
Page 588 Jl.fi1111e..;;ota S'tate Register, l\·Jonday 4 Novcrnbcr 2013 (Cite 38 SR 588)
Official Notices Commissioner 1nakcs a final decision on the TMDL report; or (3) a tiincly request for a contested case hearing is pending. You 1nay participate in the activities of' the MPCA Board as provided in A4innesota Rules 7000.0650.Tbc \vritten co1n1nent, requests, and petitions submitted on or before the last day of the con1n1e11t period \Vi!J be considered in the final decision on this TMDI. report. IJ'thc MPCA does not receive \VriUcn con11nents, requests, or petitions during the public comment period, MPCA stun: as authori;-:cd by the Board, \Vil I make the final decision on the draft TMDL report.
Dated: Novc1nbcr, 2013
Office of Construction and Innovative Contracting Notices of Suspension and Debarment
N()TICE IS HEH.EBY (;JVEN that the Depart1nent of Transportation ("MnD()l'') has ordered that the fr)l!owing vendors be debarred for a period of thirty (30) months, el1Cctive August 22, 2011 until February 22, 2014:
Marlon Louis Danner and his al'filialcs, South St. Paul, MN Danner, Inc. and its affiliates, South St. Pau!, MN Bull Dog Leasing, Inc. and its affiliates, Inver Grove Heights, MN Danner Fmnily Li1nited Partnership and its affiliates, South St. Pau!, MN Ell~Z Trucking, Inc. and its an1liates, South St. Paul, MN Danner Environmental, Inc. and its affiliates, South St. Paul, MN
N()Tl(~E IS HEREBY (;IVEN that Mn DOT has ordered that the fol!o\ving vendors be debarred f<Jr a period of three (3) years, e!fcclive March 25, 2011 until March 25, 201,l:
Philip Joseph Franklin, Leesburg, VA Franklin Dry\va!l, Inc. and its affiliates, Little Canada, MN Master Dry\va!l, Inc. and its affiliates, Little Canada, MN
N()Tl{J~ JS HEREBY (;JVEN that MnDOT has ordered that the f'olknving vendors be debarred for a period of' three (3) years, effective May 6, 2013 until May 6, 2016:
Gary Francis Baucrly and his al'fi!iates, Rice, t\1N Gary Baucrly, LLC and its affiliates, Rice, MN Watab Hauling Co. and its aHiliates, Rice, MN
klinnesota Sla/11/e section 161.315 prohibits the Con1111issioner, counties, towns, or hon1e rule or statutory cities frorn a\varding or approving the a\vard ora contract for goods or services to a person \vho is suspended or debarred, including:
I) any contract under which a debarred or suspended person \viii serve as a subcontractor or 1natcria! supplier, 2) any business or a!liliatc \vhich the debarred or suspended person exercises substantial influence or control, and 3) any business or entity, \vhich is sold or transfCrrcd by a debarred person to a relative or any other party over \vhose actions
the debarred person exercises substantial influence or control, re111ains ineligible during the duration of the seller's or transfer's debannent.
(Cite 38 SR 589) A1innesota State Regi.\'fer, Monday 4 Novc1nbcr 2013 Page 589
State Grants & Loans !n addition lo requests by state agencies for tcclmical/profossional services {published in the State Contracts Section}, the S1a1e
Register also publishes notices about grants and loans available through any agency or branch of stale government. Although some grant and loan programs specifically require printing in a statewide publication such as the Stale Register, there is no requirement for publication in the State Regis/er itself Agencies arc encouraged to publish grant and loan notices, and to provide financial estimates as well as sufficient time for interested parties lo respond.
SEE ALSO: Office of Grants Management (OGf\1) at: hllp:Jlwwl1',gra11ts.sta1e.11111.11slpublii:I
Minnesota Department of Health (MOH) Office of Rural Health and Primary Care
Notice of Loan Opportunity for the Minnesota Electronic Health Record Revolving Loan Program
The Minnesota Dcpartinent of Health (f\1DH) is seeking applications for the Minncsotn l~lci.:tronic J lealth Record (EHR) Revolving Loan Prognun lo support expanded adoption and cl1Cctivc use or interoperable electronic health record (EHR) syste1ns and electronic health in/'onnnlion exchange (I-IJE) io i1nprovc health care outco1ncs and the providcr~paticnt rclationship, and to increase health service delivery efficiencies.
The total mnount or funding f'or the EHR Loan Progran1 is estilnaled at $2,500,000. The JH>wintcrcst loan is for a six~year period beginning allcr !oan fund disbursen1ent, \Vith the first year dcfCJ'l'cd.
A copy of the full Application \vi!! be online Nove1nbcr 4, 2013, athttp:Jlwww.hea!th.state.11111.11s/divslorhpclfirndingli11dex.ht111/llehr. A copy 1nay also be obtained by contacting Anne Schlocgel at (651) 20 Iw3850 or c~1nail: anne.sch!oege!G!J,state.11111.us. Applications must be n1ai!ed to Anne Sehloegel, Minn~sota Dcpartn1c11t oJ'He'alth, Division ol'I-lea!th Policy, Office of Rural Health and Priinary Care, P.O. Box 64882, St. Paul, MN 55164-0882. Courier address fr>r delivery oJ' applications is 85 East T11 Place, Suite 220, St. Paul, t\1N 5510 I. Applications nn1st be received by 4:30 p.111. on Deccn1ber 19, 2013.
Page 590 A1innesota State Register, !\'fonday 4 Novc1nbcr 2013 (Cite 38 SR 590)
(SW!FT) Supplier Portal at: ht1p:l!s11pplie1:swiji.state.m11.11s as wefl as 1he q({ice r~(Grants /\l!anageme11/ (OG!d) al. htIp:!lwwwgl'ants. state. 11111. 11slp11blic/
Informal Solicit:iiions: Informal solicialions for professional/technical (consultant) contracts valued al over $5,000 through $50,000, may either be advertised in the Supplier Porlal (sec link above) or posted on the Department of Administration, Materials Mam1gcme11t Division's (MMD) \Vcb site at: htrp:/lwww.111111d.ad111in.s/ate.m11.11s/solicitatio11s.llf111.
Formal Solicihition~: Department of Administrntion procedures require that formal soliciations (announccmcnls for contracts with an estimated value over $50,(JOO) for professional/technical contracts musl be advertised in the SWIFT Supplier Portal or nlternalivcly, in the lvfi11nesota State Register if the procwncnts is not being conducted in the SWFT syskm
Minnesota Department of Administration (Admin) Advertising of Solicitations through the Supplier Portal
N()TICE IS 1-IEJ~EBV (;}VEN that a nc\V accounting and procurc111cnt systc1n, cnl!cd State\ vide Integrated Financial Tools (SWJ F I') bas been i1nplcn1ented by the state of Minnesota \vhich \viii alter the 1nanncr in \Vbich state contracts arc advertised. Vendors will interact with the state through the nc\v Supplier Porta!, which is part of SV/IFT. The Supplier Portal serves as an entry point for vendors to
perform a variety of (unctions related to participation in the state's procurement activities such as vendor registration, rcvievv or contn1cting opportunities and sub111ission of bids and proposals.
The Supplier Portal is found at hffp:l/supp/ie1:swlft.state.n111.us. Solicitations that arc announced in the Supplier Portal arc not required to be announced clsc\vhere.
To see details ofthe solicitations announced in the Supplier Portal, or to respond to those solicitations, you n1ust be a registered vendor. To becoinc a registered vendor, go to the Vendor Registration Link in the Supplier Portal.
After a transition period, it is expected that inost solicitations fOr profCssional/technical services \vii! be announced in the Supplier Portal. In the n1eanti1ne, solicitations may continue to be announced in any of' these locations:
The State Register The Depar!n1ent ofAdn1inistration's website at: http://www.1111nd.ad111in.state.111n.us/solicitations)1tm On individual agency \VCbsites
During this transition period, vendors arc encouraged to check frn solicitations in the Supplier Portal and all of' these locations.
Minnesota Department of Administration (Admin) Notice of Request for Proposals for Influenza Vaccine from Vaccine Distributors
The Dcpartn1cnt ofAd111inistration, on behalf' of the Minnesota Mu!iistate Contracting Alliance f'or Phannacy (MM CAP), is request· ing responses froin in!luenza vaccine distributors in order to establish a 1\.vo year contract, \Vith the option to extend for three additional one·yem··tenns frH· supplying influenza vaccine to MM CAP Participating Facilities.
MMCAP is a voluntary group purchasing organization n1adc up of govcrrnncntal entities \\1hich contracts J()r pharmaceuticals. MMCAP 1ncn1bers currently purchase over $1.2 billion per year. For n1ore infonnation, go to www.111111cap.org (no password necessary).
To request a copy of the RFP, send an c·1nail to: 1n11.1nultistate(j__Dstate.n1n. us
Or \Vrite to; Jnflucnzn Vnccinc fro1n Vaccine Distributol's RFP Request MM CAP e/o Minnesota Deparl1nent or Ad1ninistration
(Cite 38 SR 591) !rli1111esota State Register, l\;londay 4 Novc1nhcr 2013 Pngc 591
St. PauL MN 55155
Proposals sub111it10d in response to the Request f'or Proposals in this notice inust be received at the address specified in the Request for Proposals no later than Dcce1nber 16, 2013, 2 p.nl. Central Time. Late proposals will not be considered.
The State reserves the right to cancel this solicitation. All expenses incurred in responding to this notice is solely the responsibility of' the responder.
Minnesota Department of Health (MOH) Notice of Availability of Contract for Encounter Database Administrator
The Minnesota Depart1nent of' llca!th is requesting proposals from vendors to collect m1d appropriately aggregate data fr01n health
claim payers in Minnesota to 1naintain and continue to build the state's all payer clai1ns database, starting Decc111ber 23, 2013. The claiins data n1ust be collected fro1n approxi1nate!y 60 data sub1ni11crs; collection aggregation and storage of'data tnust n1eet the highest standards of con1pletcncss, quality, titne!incss, and security to support quality and cost transparency cfl<.wts, such as Provider Peer Grouping and
studies authorized by the Minnesota legislature. The process of col!ccting, aggregating, and storing data must explicitly rncet all state and federal data security requirements, including the federal Dcparllncnt ofHealth and Hu1nan Services' standards under the Qualified Entity Certification Program. Processed data 111ust be 1nade Hvailablc to MDH and its designecs on a periodic basis through regular data extracts ofprocessed and consolidated data files that 1nini1nizc data lags and under security provision specified by MDI-I. The selected vendor inust \Vork \Vith MDH and any assigned rv1DH contractors on tasks related to dctcnnining the co1nplctcness and quality of data, as well as the feasibility of using the data f'or certain authorized projects. This process 1nay include selective auditing of data; co1nparing of' enrol\111ent and claiins counts by payers, inarket characteristics, and over ti1nc; troubleshooting of data aggregation 111cthodo!ogy, and preparing smnnuiry data \Vitbin sufficient tin1clincs.
Throughout the contract, the vendor \viii co1n1nunicate \Vith MDI-I, reporters, and other 1\1DI I designecs on a regular basis to 1naintain the database and ensure appropriate access to data for official use by authorized researchers.
Work is proposed to start on Deee1nber 23, 2013.
A Request HH· Proposals \viii be avai!ab!e by 1nail or email from this ollice through Noveinber 20, 2013. A written 01· electronic request is required to receive the Request for Proposal. Aller November 20, 2013, the Request f'or Proposal 1nust be picked up in person or n1ay be requested clcctronically.
The Request Cor Proposal can be obtained fro1n: Sue Manning Health Eeonon1ics Progrmn Minnesota Depart1ncnt of I-lcalth
<Joldcn Rule Building, Suite 220 85 East 7th Place St. Paul, MN 55101 E~n1ail: Sue.111an11i11g~!3state.11111. us Fax: (651) 201-3561
Proposals sub1nitted in response to the Request fi.w Proposals in this advertisen1cnt 1nust be received at the address above no later than 4:30p.m., Central Tin1c, Novcn1bcr 25, 201.J. Late pro1>osnls 'viii not be considered. Fax or·cinai!cd proposals \vii! not be considered.
This request docs not obligate the State to coinplete the \\'ork conte1nplated in this notice. The Stale reserves the right to cancel this solicitation. All expenses incurred in responding to this notice arc solely the responsibility of the responder.
Page 592 A-1innesota State Register, l\1onday 4 Noventbcr 2013 (Cite 38 SR 592)
================State Contracts Minnesota Department of Health (MOH)
MN.IT Services at the Minnesota Department of Health Notice of Request for Proposals for Electronic Messaging Services
N<>TJCE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Minnesota Deparln1ent ofl-lealth (l\1Dl--I) is requesting proposals for the purpose of' having a vendor provide the agency \Vi th a subscription service !Or secure electronic infOrrnation exchange based on a directed push approach using the Direct Project specifications and standards (Direct). The vendor/service provider n1ust also have the capability or be \Villing to develop the capability to provide f'uture secure electronic inf'orn1ation exchange service to MDI l, via subscription, based on a query & response approach using the C<)NNECT open source software solution (CONNECT). The vendor/service provider \Viii also develop an autoinatcd, secure electronic interfhce be1\vccn the Direct itnplcmentation nnd MDI I's internal n1cssaging infrastructure and have the capability to extend the interfoce to support query and response.
CONNECT and Direct arc protocols defined and supported by the onice of the National Coordinator for Health Infonnation Ti::chnology (ONC) at the US Deparllnent of' Health and I-lunum Services (HHS), vd1ich has created a set or standards, services, and policies that enables the secure exchange of health infonnation over the Internet.
\Vork is proposed to star! January 6, 20 J :L
Prospective responders 1nay request a copy ol'the Request l'or Proposals via email through Novcinbcr 25, 2013. A request 1nust be sent via e-n1ail to receive the Request for Proposals,
The Request for Proposals can be obtained fron1: D. V..'illiain O'Brien, Project Manager t\1N.IT Services at the Minnesota Departinent of Health E-n1a ii: [email protected]
Proposals subn1itted in response to the Request for Proposals in this advertiscn1cnt rnust be received at the en1ail address above no later than 4:30 p.111., Central Standard Ti1ne, Nove1nber 27, 2013. Late proposals will N<>T be considered.
This request does not obligate the State to con1plete the \vork contemplated in this notice. The State reserves the right to cancel this solicitation. All expenses incurred in responding to this notice arc solely the responsibility of the responder.
Minnesota Historical Society (MHS) Request for Proposals for Consultant for Government Relations Services
The Minnesota Historical Society (the Society) is seeking competitive proposals fro1n a qualified Govcrmnental A!Eiirs consulting firm to assist in the dcvclopincnt and execution ofa goverrnnent and con11nunity relations co1nprcbensivc plan that vvotdd build support for the Society's 2014 capital budget request.
'J'hc Request for Proposals is available by einai!ing Mary Cirecn Toussaint, Acting Contracting Officer, at 11101:v.gree11-toussai11t(/ipnnhs.org.
Proposals 1nust be received by the Society's Acting Contracting Officer, Mary Urecn Toussaint. or her agent by lVlonclay, Nove1nbcr 18, 2013 at 2:00 p,111. Local Time. Late proposals \viii not be accepted.
Authorized agents JOr receipt of proposals are stafT located at the Infonnation Desk on the first floor of the Minnesota I-Ji story Center, 345 Kellogg Boulevard West, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102.
Dated: 4 Nove1nber 2013
(Cite 38 SR 593) A1innesota State Register, Monday 4 Nove1nbcr 2013 Page 593
Fourth Judicial District Notice of Request for Proposals for Technology Infrastructure Assessment
The Fourth Judicial District is seeking a highly qualified technical consultant spcci<ilizing in nc1'vork resource 1nanagc1ncnt, data infrastructure and architecture solutions and data center 1naiwgc1ncnt that can provide an overall assessment and provide rcco1n1ncndations to ilnprovc the efficiency and costwef1Cctivencss of the current data center n1odel; of'ICr a technical asscssn1cnt of the shared infrastructure environment bet\vccn the STATE (through the 4th Judicial District) and J-lenncpin County Jnl'onnation Technology Dcparl1nenl; and recomn1end infrastructure i1nprovcn1ents leading to a inore responsive and costwcffcctive infrastructure support 1nodc!.
A copy of the full RFP is posted on the Fourth .Judicial District's "'cbsitc. RFP Sub1nission Deadline Date is J\'londay, Novcn1bcr 25, 2013. Al! proposers arc encouraged to thoroughly read the entire RFP solicitation.
Questions 1nay be directed to: John Erar, Chicf'ln10nnation Officer, 4th Judicial District, C-1250 Ciovcrnment Center, 300 South Sixth Street, Minneapolis, MN 55487-0421. E-111ail: john.erar(~·ycourts.state.11111. us
Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB) Request for Proposal for Master Equipment Lease Purchase Financing Program
Request f'or Proposal to provide a Master Equip1nent I .case Purchase Financing Progran1 f'or the State of' Minnesota lnternal Service Funds operated by the Co1n111issioner of Ad111inistration and the 011ice of' Infr1nnation Technologies (MN.IT). The Depart1ncnt of Manage1nent and Budget expects to finance the purchase of'approximately $19,834,000 ofequip1nent during the first year of the contract and approxilnately $22,305,000 of equipinent during the second year of the contract. The Deparln1ent of' Managcincnt and Budget is seeking proposals froin qualified firms to provide !case purchase financing pursuant to a Master Equip1nent Lease Purchase Agreement.
Deadline frlr sub1nission of the Proposal is no later than 4:30 PiVJ CT, \Vcdncsday, Novc1nbcr 20, 2013.
For fhrther infi:innation or to obtain a copy of the con1plete proposal materfr1ls, contact Jessica Cameron Mitchell of Public Financial Manage1nent, Inc., the State's financial advisor for this transaction at ca1r1ero1ij(j!)pjin.co1n.
Minnesota State Lottery Request for Proposals for Sponsorship Agreements
Description of ()J>JHH'tunity
The Minnesota State Lottery develops sponsorship agreeinen!s throughout the year \-Vith organizations, events, and sports teams to create excitc1ncnt for !o11ery ph1ycrs, to interest ne\V players and increase the visibility of lottery gaincs. The Lottery encourages and continually seeks ne\v sponsorship agrcc1nenis to help achieve current Lottery marketing goals.
Proposal Content
A sponsorship proposal presented to the LoUery should 111eet the fOlknving three criteria:
1. ~1axiinizc Lottery Visibility -- the event, sports or tic-in proposal should dnnv a large nrnnbcr of desired participants (typically 50,000 or 1norc) whose den1ographics 1natch the Lottery player profile. The Lottery is interested in ef'f'ectivcly delivering its 111essage of fun and entcrtainn1cnt to Minnesota adults \\'hose dc1nographics skc\V pri1narily to\vards those aged 25-64, \vith a household inco1ne of$35,000·$75,000, and having an educational background ofso1nc college or higher. The Lottery docs not 1narket to those under the age of' 18, and family events \vith high levels ofchildren present arc generally not accepted. Attendance, on-site signage visibility and
Page 594 Minnesota State Register, i\rlonday 4 Novcn1bcr 2013 (Cite 38 SR 594)
State Contracts paid incdia exposure \Vil I be critical co1nponents that \viii be evaluated.
2. Enhance Lottery linage- - the event, sports or tic-in proposal should inherently project the attitude that the Lottery is a
fun and socially acceptable part of the con11nunity. The Lottery's presence should lit \Vc!t \Vithin the lineup of other sponsors. The
Lottery is interested in creating opportunities \vhcrcby the sponsorship can tranSlatc into sales revenue, either via on-site saks from a
Lottery booth, fron1 sales-generating pro1notions \Vith Lottery retailers or fro1n joint programs with the sponsor's 1nedia partners.
3. Provide Prontotional Extensions ..., the event, sporls or tic-in proposal should offer exciting, valucwadded \Vays to interact \Vith our players and have opportunities to 111otivatc attendees, listeners and vic\vers to participate in and purchase Lottery gmnes. The proposal 1nust include proper staffing availability or other considerations to help the Lottery implement any appropriate pro1notional extension ideas.
Proposals should address all pertinent elen1ents of' the sponsorship and ho\v the Lottery criteria as stated above and on the Evaluation Forn1 nre to be n1ct. To viev,1 or print copies of the Request for Proposal go to h11p:!/www.mnlotte1:v.co1n/vendorops.ht111/
This Solicitation docs not obligate the state to :nvard a contract or pursue a proposed sponsorship opportunity, and the state reserves the right to cancel the solicitation iJ'it is considered to be in its best interest.
Questions concerning this Solicitntion should be directed to: Jason LaFrcnz, Marketing Director Minnesota State Lottery 2645 Long Lake Road Roseville, MN 55113 Telephone: (651) 635w8230 Toll-free: l-888-568w8379 ext. 230 Fax: (651)297-7496 TTY: (651) 635-8268 E-1nail: jason!a(jljmn/otle1:1ccorn
()thcr personnel arc not authorized to answer questions regarding this Solicitation.
Response Delivery
All responses 111ust be in writing and delivered to the contact noted above. Proposals \viii be accepted on an ongoing basis.
Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) Engineering Services Division
Notice of Potential Availability of Contracting Opportunities for a Variety of Highway Related Technical Activities ("Consultant Pre-Qualification Program")
This docmncnt is available in alternative formats for persons \Vitb disabilities by calling Kelly Arneson at (651) 366w4774; for persons vvho arc hearing or speech impaired by cal ling M inncsota Relay Service at (800) 627w3529.
Mn/DOT, vvorkccl in conjunction \Vith the Consultant Rcfr}rn1 Coinrnittce, the Atnerican Council of Engineering Cotnpnnics or Minnesota (ACEC/iv1N), and the Department orAdininistration, to develop the Consultant PrewQualification Program as a nc\V 1ncthod of consultant selection. The u!ti1nate goal ofthe PrcwQualiJlcation Progran1 is to strcnmline the process oJ'contracting for higlnvay related profCssional/tcchnical services. Mn/DOT invanls n1ost of' its consultant contracts for high\vaywrc!atcd technical activities using this method, ho\vevcr, Mn/DOT nlso reserves the right to use Request for Proposal (RFP) or other selection processes f(ir particular projects.
Nothing in this solicitation requires Mn/DOT to use the Consultant Pre-Qualification Progrmn.
(Cite 38 SR 595) /11innesota State Regi.\'ler, l\·londay 4 Novc1nber 2013 Page 595
State Contracts================ l\1n/DOT is currently requesting applicati