8 WANT ADS ON PAGES 8 AND 9 CARELESS OR CRIMINAL? All Sorts of Thing* Happen to Illi- nois Legislative Bills. \u0084 *"•«> XorkSun Special Slertnoe. Springfield, 111., June 15.—The publica- tion of the session laws' of the forty-sec- ond general assembly has resulted In the discovery that some "Queer" work was dons during the last hours of the legisla- ture. Among, other things it has been found that in the revised game laws quails \u0084 and woodcocks have been omitted from the list of protected birds; that a portion of the bill conveying the lake front park to the South Park commissioners is not Incorporated In the enrolled bill signed by Governor Yates and that the nego- tiable Instrument bill, which was defeated in the house, has found its way to the statute books. It is believed that when the work of the assembly is examined more closely, there will be other develop- ments of similar character. .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'... PAN-AMERICAN ART. Buffalo, N. V., June 15.—The exposition art gallery at the Pan-American has just been opened. The exhibition is surprisingly good. » 111 Birth* Mrs. James H. Cuthill, BUS Washington ar N boy Mrs. M. L. Dugan, 1&39 Bryant ay N boy Mrs. James Bchn. 1322 4th st 9 boy Mrs. Jamas A. Watson, Northwestern hospital.. boy Mrs. Joha-iDriscoll, 2531 18th ay 8 girl Deaths. Edward Hanilln, 2643 Columbus ay, 76 years. Sarah CorbttL, 1901 sth st S, 31 years. Bennett G. Walters, 609 Delaware at SE, 73 years. Sophia Anderson, 1112 21st st S, 44 years. Aniaie W. Comfort, Northwestern hospital, *»t> years. John W. Trask, Soldiers' Home, 55 years. Baby Cuthill, 262 aWashington ay M, 1 day. Mairinge License*. Lars Magnus Brunei and E. Maria Anderson. Thomas J. Ward, Blue Earth county, and Baxee A. Whitney. Sidney Berthiaume and Agnes Talbott. . John H. Helgeson and Andrine M. Paulson. Ole B. Johnson and Inga L. Olson. Henry A. Beckendorf and Marie E. Kahleu. 'William H. Hastings and Lucy Hewitt. \u0084;,,. 2 AGENTS WANTED WANTED Capable man to travel and ap- point agents: salary $100 monthly and ex- penses. Address Algr.. 937-A. Star Bldg, Chi. THREE AGENTS NEEDED FOR SOLICIT^ Ing subscriptions. Live agents are now clear- Ing from $:'. to ?5 a day above all expenses. Extraordinary terms. - Northwestern Agri- ' culturist, 1235-9 Guaranty building. _^^ MAIL ORDER PEOPLE—SEND 25c FOR large assuriment of JPWtlry novelties; cata- logue and price list. N. K. Jewelers' Mfg. Co., New Dorchester, -Mass. _ AGENTS ""WANTED—IN"~EVERY~~WaTER- \u25a0works town in the United States, for the "Modern" filter: latnat and most novel de- sjm ; first ever made no recharge in one min- ute; one gross "fiber cotton" fillings (.a year's supply; tree with each; light, neat, hand- some: sells soon as sectment taken, from the •water is seem ou .cotton: reserved territory; send for circulars and terms. MODERN FILTER CO., 243_Franklin_8t. D3. Boston. Mass. |460 NEXT FOUR MONTHS SELLING NEW style fruit jar filler; eight useful articles com- bined in one; sample free. Central Supply Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. RECORD BREAKER—FRUIT JAR OPENER and closer; sample free. X., Forshee, Cincin- nati, Ohio. _ _ AGENTS WE~CAN~PROVE~THAT YOU CAN ' •am $25 per day: we have the fastest selling summer specialties; you need no experience; «ur circulars toach you the business; if you •re making less than ?300 per month write to us, it won't exist you one cent to try, cs \u25a0we forfeit $stf to any person proving don't send a free outfit of samples on receipt of your application; it will pay you handsomely to write to us at or.cc. The Brouam, Co., R 129, Cincinnati. Ohio. AGENTS—SEND STAMP FOR ILLSTsTRATN ed circulars of 50 new fast sellers; immense profit. Derry's Supply Co., 816 Oak, Kansas City, Mo. If you can sell books, whT~fool with worn-out deals? Get the latest and best; We have several of them. The public buys to-day as well as ever, if you have a good thing. If you want something that prac<tical- ly sells Itself, address W 1038, Journal. AGENTS—SENI>""F6R~bUR ILLUSTRATED circulars of 40 new fastest sellers in the mar- ket; immense profits. Union Mercantile Co., Winona, Mina._ WT2 WIiiLiPAYANY HONEST MAN $85~PlR month and all traveling expenses to take orders for tha greatest portrait concern in the United States. Your salary will be guar- anteed and position permanent. Address World's Art Exchange, Dept. 266, Chicago, 111. Portrait agents everywhere quit "crayons." Try washaible enainelines; no glass; don't r^_chea^_F*mlly Portrait^Co. ._Chicago._ AGENTS, ON SALARY OR COMMISSION— The greatest agents' seller ever produced; \u2666very user of pen and ink buys it on sight; 200 to 500 per cent profit; one agent's sales i amounted to $«20 in six doys; another $32 in I two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co., X 120, La Crosae, Wis. RUBBER DOLLARS, BOTH WHITE AND swell stripes, satisfaction guaranteed. Money for hustlers. Send 26c and size for sample. Illustrated Catalogue free. Windsor Collar 00., Chicago. 2 ANNOUNCEMENTS TRINITY COLLEGE, HARTFORD, CONN.. May 25th, 1901. —Examinations for admission to the Freshman Class will be held at the offices of C. E. Purdy, 838 Guaranty Loan building, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, June 20th, 21st and 22d. w you want; a good refrigerator! buy a Herrick at 7th and Hennepin. If not particular, go elsewhere. 3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION— NEXT, THE UNDER- mentioned articles of fine, new furniture will be sold at auction, without reserve. Monday next. 17th. at 10 a. m., sharp. One solid mahogany tilttng-top table. One massive oak hall tree. Two solid brass beds. Two prime hair mattresses. One handsome, oak dresser with three mir- rors. 11~jJ One solid mahogany Davenport. Two fine Axminster rugs; size, 9x12. One solid mahogany dresser. Six solid mahogany dining chairs. One solid mahogany round extension table. One oak library case. - '<> '. ;. One mahogany Elizabethan bed. Two three-piece parlor suits. One fine leather couch and chair. One handsome birdseye maple dresser and chiffoniere. One solid mahogany library table. One Flemish oak dining-room suite. - r Two solid mahogany rockers. Also about fifty other pieces of elegant, new samole pieces of furniture, to close a con- aisrnment account with an eastern manufac- turer. HUBERT BOWN & CO., - Auctioneers. 44 and 46 7th st S. 4 SUMMER RESORTS fRONTENAC, LAKE PEPIN, MINN., ONE of the finest o-acre properties at this famous resort Jaeger & Torelte, 310 Bk. Commerce. For rent—from june 20 to aug. 20, furnished - five-room I cottage on - lake snore, j at Buffalo, on So© road; 40 miles from city; references required. Address Box 161, Buffalo, Minn. . fE>? : NEW COTTAGES. LAKE FRONT, Whits Bear: fare 12 cents. N. P. short line. Also 11-room. modern, corner house; best location. Dayton ay, St. Anthony hill, St. Paul: rent or sale. American Standard Food Co.. Minneapolis. '. -... , . :.'. __•= 5 BUSINESSPERSONALS $'<* ••••••••••• •••••••••• •© THIS IS THE WEATHER That tries your patience and makes you wish it were possible to do with- out clothing of any kind. IStill, clotfl- - •ing must be worn and linen as well, and. by the way, what is so cool &s a well laundered linen or crash suit at this season? We do excellent work in LAUNDERING ALL KINDS OF LINEN WEARING APPAREL, and colored garments washed : here DO NOT FADE. Let us call for your shirts, collars, linen suits or shirt waists, washable skirts, etc. Wo in- rite you to call Wednesday or Thurs- day of any week and go through the establishment. THE FULLER LAUNDRY, 609-611 Hen. Ay. £ TeL SBO, Both Linos. f•' #• •••••••••••••••••••• «Mh 6^__BDSIN]g^CHAJCES^ LOOK AT THlS—Bankrupt stock, new and clean; orr Roods, notions, : etc.t invoices, at actual cost about $3,700. Wo will sell this stock for . $2,100. on time, to good - parties, See A, L. Shore, with TVyman, Partridge & C**. Minneapolis. Minn, g BUSINESS CHANCES Continued. YOU CAN MAKE SPLENDID PROFITS BY judicious, systematic operations on the wheat market; $20 will margin 1,000 bushels 2 cents. Send for our tree book, "Facts and Figures," explaining option trading. The Osborn Grain Co., 813 to 815 Phoenix building. Minneapolis. Members Chamber of Commerce. -'' HOW TO MAKE MONEY. Cur new book. Just issued, tells you how to make from $5 to $20 per day with a small investment in grain or stocks. Your name on a postal card will bring It free. Write to-day. THE COE COMMISSION COMPANY, Bank of Commerce Building. Minneapolis. Minn. IF ALL PEOPLE HAD THEIR LAUNDRY work done at the Custom Laundry, how much better some people's linen would look. 112 6th st S. Tel. 138. WE HAVE SOME ATTRACTIVE OPENINGS In banking, mercantile, manufacturing and professional lines in growing sections of the country. We can sell your business. Look ua up. Odlum-Kurtzman Co.. Phoenix bldg. $20,000—TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS of stock for sale (to enlarge business) in first- class manufacturing company, well established: doing fine trade; well rated; owning plant; will pay big dividends; will bear closest Investigation. Box 233, James - town, N. Y. PHOTO GALLERY FOR SALE-IN A WlS- consin city of 20,000; ground floor; doing a fine, payjng business. Address E 1030, Jour- nal. FOR SALE—A SMALL STOCK ~OF~JEW- eIry and tools; sttady run of repair work; only stock in town of 500. Less than $1,000 to handle it. Bax 256 JJeUingham.^Mlnn. _ FOR SALE—A SNAP; A FBBO MILLTiN A good location, $1,300; lots alone worth $600; poor health cause for selling. Address A 1033. Journal. PHYSICIAN WHO CAN COMMAND $4^ooo cash can purchase an established, well equipped, good paying advertising specialty office practice in Minnesota, free of incuni- brance, including valuable lease of offices, signs, furniture, fixtures, stationery, drugs, advertising matter, electrotypes, good will and constantly increasing mail and office practice; it has taken ever $6,000 to establish and build up this practice, besides the time and work: good reason for selling: this is an opportunity of a lifetime for the physician who desires a specialty office practice; if you have the cash and mean business, a lull in- vestigation will be accorded you. B 1032, Journal. FOR SALE—FIRST-CLASS DYE WORKS, cleaning and repairing business; having good established trade; good location; reasonable rent; reason for selling, ill health. Address Grant Gray, 512 S sth st, Leavenworth, Kan. FOR~ SALE OR~TRADE—AT"~aTBARGAINT a small stock of glassware, crockery, tin- ware, toys and jewelry. 1000 sth st N. drug storeTfor sale Tin go6d~south Dakota town; invoice about $3,000; Teason for selling, too much other business; will rent or sell building. Address G 1035, Journal. FOR~RENT—THE LEASE OF THE ONLY first-class 30-room hotel, steam heat and gas- light. ' Address De Graff House, Janesville, MiUDL FOR RENT—FURNISHED BUTCHER SHOP". Everything In first-class order and modern. Business is what I want. 1322 E 24th st. ATTENTION. INVESTORS. Just secured sixty-day option on large re- tail and wholesale lumber company's busi- ness, operating thirty retail lumber-yards in lowa. Minnesota and Dakota, whose experi- ence for t>ast ten years shows average divl- dent 15 per cent, based on capitalization pro- posed for our company. $300,000 worth of stock already subscribed at par; only $200,000 left to be offered at par value. Will guarantee 8 per cent dividend for first year if purchaser desires. Conservative business proposition. If you want an 8 per cent dividend, safe, con- servative stock, look into this quick. Stock will soon be taken. Company's business to be greatly increased. Operated by men of exceptional ability and success in this line of business, and of the highest business and financial standing in Minneapolis. This stock 100 per cent better than farm mortgages. Will undoubtedly be worth $2 as a dlvidend- paying proposition within two years. For more particulars, address N 1035, Journal. FOR SALE—CHEAP! fTrST-CLASS SA^ ! loon. 15 High st, opposite main entrance of the union depot. SMALL CASH GROCERY FOR SALS cheap. Reason for selling. Address M 1034, Journal. WANTED—PARTY TO BUY A GENERAL business in south part of state, netting from $5,000 to $10,000 per year; part cash, balance on time to right party. R. M. Carter, 205 Bank of Commerce. HAVE 340 ACRES~UNIMPROVED LAND. IN the Red river valley, I wish to exchange for a stock of general merchandise or hardware. Address C 1037, Journal. TO EXCHANGE—S4,OOO WORTH DRY GOODS and notions for real estate contiguous to Ap- pleton, Minn. S. C. Eckenbeck, Appleton. .Minn. POR SALE—HARDWARE BUSINESS, IN oae of the best new towns of southern Min- nesota. Stock invoices about $3,000. Good reason for selling. Address B 1037, Journal. ' HAVE $1,000 CASH TO~~PUT~iNTcT~BUsTT ness where I can get employment with rea- sonable salary. Address D 1037. Journal. TEL. MAIN 3413-L4 WHEN YOU WANT grading, sodding or excavating. I AM OFFERING better terms to parties desiring to build than can be secured from any other source in the city. I. A. Yarneil, ol( Ist atr S. FOR SALE—A FINE GROCERY BUSINESS?" doing $25,000 a year, in city. Address W T 10S7, Journal. for"sale—furn ishbd. long leaseT hotel: modern conveniences; country town, 5.500: sale or trade for Minnesota property W 1028. Journal. WANTING PARTNER WILL GIVE three-quarters of 160-acre lease, 10 per cent and ten years' lease to party that will furnish me $1,200 to prospect lease with 1,200 feet of drilling. This is a winner. Only seven miles from Joplin. E. Myers, box 378, Jop- lin. Mo. GROCERY. IN GOOD RUNNING ORDER; invoice about $1,000; clean stock; rent $12 per month. M 1037. Journal. J1.95 PAYS FOR THE PAPER-HANGING OF each room and you get your choice of a dozen patterns of 1901 goods. This offer expires July 1. Also painting and graining. Drop postal. N 1037. Journal. GROCERY, BUTTER, MILK AND EGG business for sale; new stock, new fixtures, best location; call Sunday or Monday, be- tween 10 and 12." 1025 Harmon place, city. 16(T-ACRErFA~RM7NEAR ABERDEEN7~STd^ with 140 acres into wheat, to trade for a stock of groceries. C. F. Woods, 2532 sth ay S. WANTED—A PARTNER WITH SOME Ex- perience in mercantile business; must have $1,500 to $2,500 to open up in new live town iv North Dakota. W. H. Wood, Hankinson, N. D. CAN YOU USE ANY OF THESE? 320 ACRES of well improved land; gcod buildings, fine spring lake; 40 acres of pasture and tame grass; small fruits and fine grove; five miles northwest of Appleton. l«n acres, improved land; good barn; three miles from Correll. 160 acres, improved laud; good hov.se and small barn; three miles from Holloway. A fine stock of merchandise and millinery in a good town. 400 acres of land; two miles from Appleton; part trade will be considered on this. For prices and terms apply to Man- ford _Horn, Appleton, Minn. little"money^needeeTfor a" legitP mate and pleasant business, which has paid $2,500 yearly and will pay more. Must sell soon. F 1036, Journal. FOR SALE^A~LAUNDRY DOING A GOO~D business. A snap. Call at 205 New York Life building. FOR SALE—FOUR LARGE ELEVATORS? capacity from 10,000 to 25,000 bushels, in local- ities where crops have net looked better in years, namely, Aberdeen and Eureka, S. D.; Oakes and Babcock, N. D. A. J. McKenzie, Aberdeen, 3. D. FOR SALE—STORES 1009-11-13 WASHING- ton ay S. for rent together or singly. Occu- pied by J. W. Kerr for the past eleven years with dry goods, gents' furnishings, cloaks and shoes. Cheap rent, long lease, modern building. We wish to sell the fixtures; also that part of stock which we will not carry in our Nicollet avenue department store. Big increase in business if clothing and crockery be added. A money-making opportunity. Address J. W. Kerr. FIRST-CLASS BOARDING-HOUSE, ALL full: on best street«in city. Sell for low cash price. Must leave city. 618 9th st S. WILL PAY CASH FOR STOCKS OP HAReT ware, stoves or other merchandise; owners only need answer; give full details. Address B 1038, Journal. WANTED—BY AN ENGLISH EXPERl- enced hat and cap maker, a partner with capital, to start a paying manufacturing busi- ness; experience not necessary; good all year around; business or traveling man preferred. For full particulars address C 1038. Journal. TO TRADE FOR GOOD~FARM LAND OR Minneapolis property, a few thousand of first- class mining stock; stock 60c per share; per- fectly legitimate and will bear the closest in- spection; must have half cash; give full particulars In answering. D 1038, Journal. FOR SALE—A ROOMING OR BOARDING^ house; a snap; 14 rooms, furnished complete; on 7th st; will take some trade. Call or address 125 Central ay, room 3. .',.,'.*"\u25a0", ", ''\u25a0>"',/: - Continued. ./:"•\u25a0" " , / ••••••••••••••••••••••••a* ."\u25a0- \u25a0 \u25a0;\u25a0-• •\u25a0< -...\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0.- , \u25a0•\u25a0:.-\u25a0\u25a0» OIL AND COAL NEAR SEATTLE. •• j'> r• - - : \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. \u25a0 ;.:.'/ The Phoenix. Oil and Gas company of ; Seattle, Wash., composed of Mlnneap- . oils , and \u25a0 Seattle business men, own and control a large tract of the best Oil and Coal lauds on Puget Sound. They have decided to place upon the © market a limited amount of the treas- ury stock (par value (1 per share) . non-asse&able, at the low price of 12% cents per share; 100 shares for $12.50; 1,000 shares for $125. - \u25a0 \ , - Call or write E. J. Clough, 511 Phoe- /nix building, Minneapolis, Minn. - :.' : ". .. ...... \u25a0 $1,000,000 TO, l6T>Ton~farms~on~long time; partial payments allowed; agents want- ed. M. R. Waters, 502 Guaranty Loan. DO YOU -.\u25a0\u25a0•- "\u25a0 MINNEAPOLIS ' NEED LOAN MONEY? COMPANY. $10 - "• r/i.:\u25a0-,-/.< $ii> Will loan you mcnsy i . m.\u25a0 . TO-DAY \u25a0 ' ; •\u25a0..-. $25- On your own personal $30. Note, without security $35 \u25a0*» cr indorscr, and you can pay, \u25a0 \u25a0 $40 \u25a0 it back in easy : - $15 . . weekly or monthiy ; . $50 * payments, as your . $55 > .„ ." circumstances will ?<;0 permit, thus enabling $65 ... you to pay without * $70 > inconvenience or worry. * - \u25a0 $75 Our office is so arranged , $80 that you do not come , $85 in contact with other $90 applicants, and you can $95 ••- De waited on privately $100 - and quickly. Our system $103 - . is new, our method the $110 '.:- CHEAPEST, BEST. $115 MOST PRIVATE $120:, v ;' in the city. >:-V.V $125 •\u25a0\u25a0.. . PRIVATE INTERVIEWING $130 . . ROOMS. $135 ~. Open Wed. and Sat. till 9p. m. $140 MINNEAPOLIS LOAN CO.. ji<s; : Suite 601 and 602, $150: \u25a0 GLOBE BUILDING. 20 FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS FREE "FOR SALE" CARDS TO THOSE advertising under this head. Be sure and call for them when you leave the ad. ~ . ; OOLFAX MINERAL WATER ' Will" permanently cure constipation. We guarantee results; $1.75 per six-gallon case. The Qlenwood-Inglewoud Co., SIS Hennepin. MATTRESSES MADE OVER; HAIR OR moss, $1.50; others $1; mattresses and furni- ture for sale. Rainville Bros., manufactur- ers. 17 Ntcollet Island. Both phones. I TENTS. AWNINGS. DUCK AND~COVERS. AMERICAN TENT AND AWNING CO.. 125-127-129 IsUyK, Minneapolis. WOOD, dry, $1.75; 2 loads $2.75; green, $1 up. Plymouth Lbr., 4 Lumber Excg. Phone 717 Jl PHILADELPHIA LAWN MOWERS. HlGH- grade hose, screen doors, paints a&d oils. _J._H ; _Smlth,_2l4-2i6_ Hennepin ay. LARGEST STOCK WEST OF CHICAGO OF second-hand store fixtures, show cases, office . furniture, sales, soda fountains, 100 refriger- ators and ice boxes, butcher supplies, saloon and restaurant fixtures, wagons, pianos, or- gans, 1,000 stoves from $1 upwards. 1027 Washington ay S. UPRIGHT PIANO TO RENT CHEAP, AND will take pay in groceries, milk, printing, etc.. etc. 1564 Hennepin (number should be 1664). 'Phone 2421- C. G. CONN EUPHONIUM, $36; COST Max Kohen, 327 Washington ay S. SAFES—TWO GOOD SECOND-HAND. MUST be sold quick. Address M 1036, Journal. GREAT BARGAINS—2SO' FEET SHELVINGS, showcases, counters, coffee mills, scales, flat, standing and roll top desks, soda fountain, cash register, three medium-sized fireproof safes. 228 3d st S. •- , FOR ELEVATORS, NEW AND second-hand, hand and power. Also elevator gates and pulleys. W. H. Craig & Co., 415 6th ay S. \u25a0 ' " D MINNEAPOLIS STATIONERY CO., 8 Q Wholesale and Retail Stationers, 403 $ Q Hennepin ay, Minneapolis, Minn. Q 6 Letter Copying Books, Typewriter Q o Ribbons S and Papers, Carbon Papers, Q Q Pens and Ink, Typewriters (new and 8 0 second-hand). SPECIAL ATTEN- 8 5 TION TO SMALL ORDERS. 3 GUTTER AND SPOUT YOUR HOUSE. I ! use the best galvanized iron; never rots out; once done Is enough. Wm. Simms, hardware, j 411 14th ay SE. » :.\u25a0 ; ,• - ! FOR SALE—NICKEL PLATING OUTFIT IN first-class condition, with or without 10-horse power electric motor. Call or address Whaley-Dwyer Co., St. Paul. SPECIAL BARGAINS MONDAY—S6S DROP- liead Singer sewing machines, $25; White $10; Domestic, $8; Singer, $2.50. Elmer, 720 Ist ay S. ... . SPECIAL— WALL TENT, $6. AMERI- cBH:Tent and Awning Co,, 129 Ist aT N. - FOR SALE—CHEAP—TENT, 14X16, IN good condition; used only two seasons. B 1039, Journal. \u25a0 : FOR SALE—4XS DOUBLE LENSE CAMERA, tripod, five plate-holders, six painting frames, two dozen plates. Cash, $12. Want to buy C^i-xS camera. - T 1038, Journal. \u25a0 ' - $75 WILL BUY A T. BAUER & CO. UP- rieht piano; rosewood finish; In first-class condition. \u25a0 825 Guaranty Loan. SEE THE SUTTON SYPHOON FILTER; absolutely germproof; manufactured from natural stone; easiest and quickest cleaned; family size, $1.50; money refunded after one week's trial if not satisfactory. Call, write or 'nhone for descriptive circulars. Seneta Filter Co.. 328 Ist ay N, Minneapolis. 'Phone 2882- J. -, . \u25a0'. ' \u25a0 . POULTRY . NETTING—ONE AND TWO- inch mesh. Also some pens; one awning, 10 feet 7 inches long; good as new; cheap; or will trade. 3033 Aldrlch ay S. BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK AND ROSE Comb White Leghorn eggs, reduced to 50c Der 15. from finely bred stock. 2633 Pleas- ant ay. \u25a0 ; \u25a0 \u25a0 :r \ FOR SALE—HOWE 3CALE, 3,500 LBS; 3x5- --foot truck; three-drawer standing black wal- nut desk; all in good order; cheap. 2331 4th ay S. \u25a0 ;: \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0-.\u25a0/\u25a0 :.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0 FOR REMINGTON TYPEWRITER, No 6, in good condition. Call 632 E 14th st. . FOR > SALE— LARGE LOT OF SECOND- hand . furniture in good condition; will sell cheap at private sale. .Sam Collyer, 249 6th ay S. . '; '.. piANOS—BARGAINS IN USED UPRIGHT pianos; two uprights, $90, $115; Emerson, $175; Gabler, $150; Fischer, $190; Sterling, $240; new pianos for rent, $3.50 and $4 a month; one year's rent allowed if purchased. 5 Foster 6 Waldo, 40 ath st S, corner Nicollet. , A REMINGTON TYPEWRITER, ALMOST new; will sell for one-third of original cost. A snap. Answer quick. C 1036, Journal. \u25a0..' FOR RENT 21 ; INFIHMSHED HOUSES FREE "FOR RENT" CARDS FOR THOSE advertising under this head. Be sure and call for them when you leave the ad. McCUIiUY i Rents houses, ) Taking care & CO., 239 \u25a0{ Hats, stores, Vof property Temple Court. ( sells real estate. I" a specialty. List your property for sale or rent. ALTERATIONS FOR HOUSES AND stores, . porches screened, carpenter work. Lan.ii.as, 423 2"d ay S. ' . - . . FOR RENT, 1416 STH AY S, MODERN 10- --: rooms, In good condition; walking distance; will make special inducement for good ten- ant. Telephone Main 91, or call on O. M. Laraway & Son. 100 Bank Commerce bldg. $35—1713 STH AY S, UP-TO-DATE, NINE rooms. $27.60—1714 Nicollet; up-to-date; nine rooms. : $14—921 16th ay S; modern, seven rooms. Other property for rent. Nickels & Smith. 311 Nicollet ay. $10 PER MONTH—SIX-ROOM HOUSE, IN first-class repair; large stone cellar, large shed and yard; cistern, with wet sink. W. P. Washburn, Jr., 300 Guaranty building, j FOR , RENT NINE-ROOM MODERN house, and barn, 1829 Park ay, $35. Inquire 425 New York Life building. ' _ ' R. D. CONE ft CO., 517 GUARANTY BLDG. 2108 Fremont N, 9 rooms, party modern, $20. 717 E 17th st, 9 rooms, fully modern, $30. 2627 Plllsbury, 8 rooms, fully modern, $25. ! 1124 11th ay N, 5 rooms, modern, $13. 123 E Lake st, 5 rooms, modern, $10. " Elegant new flats, 4th st, cor. Bth ay SE, very desirable; fine location. See Janitor. . 3 ROOMS, 816 BTH AY S, BATH, WATER, $10 6 r00m5,.816 Sth ay S, bath, water, $18. 5 rooms, 218 E Grant, bath, water, gas, $19. 8 rooms, 2506 2d ay S, bath, water, gas, $18. W. P. Mealey, 413 Bank of Commerce...- GOOD EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE AT MlNNE- haha Falls; $12. Room 5. 313 Nicollet *T. FIRE INSURANCE \u25a0 WRITTEN IN GOOD companies. Title Ing. & Trust Co. Oneida blk. 61$ 8D AY SB, 6 ROOM. MODERN, $18. 1326 Ist ay S, 8 rooms, modern, barn, $30, 2510 Oakland ay, 9 rooms, well, cistern, $12. 1501 Park ay, 15 rooms, modern; $50. 1718 Nicollet ay, 12 rooms, modern; $40. 509 Forest ay, 9 rooms, modern; $35.: ;*' 2413 Nicolie-t ay, 9 rooms, modern; $30. 628 University ay SE, 15 rooms, modern; $30. ?03 Bth ay N, 8 rooms, modern; : $22.50. - 307 Aldrich at N,: 7 rooms, modern; ; $17.50. ?03 E 22d st, 6 rooms, bath, gas, etc., $17.50. 2302 Clinton ay, 7 rooms, citylwater; $16. _ George Odium, 309 Phoenix building..--. \u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0- --WE SELL PROPERTY PLACED UNDER our care and collect rents promptly. Nickels 6 Smith, 311 Nicollet ay. •- --\u25a0 Continued. NEWSPAPER OPPORTUNITY— UNION labor reform paper; is established; lease or sell cheap; easy terms; owner in other busi- ness. For particularsc call on F. Meyer, 227 V sth st N. '\u25a0\u25a0 .'\u25a0" - \u25a0;-.. .;.,.. COMFORTABLE INCOME ASSURED FROM vestment $100; we accept $10 just for trial; profits paid weekly by money order; highest commercial reference and (by permission only) from customers. Booklet free. W. W. O'Hara, Union Trust building, Cincinnati, 0. GROCERY STORE. STOCK AND FIXTURES at a bargain; one-fourth cash, balance time. Answer with full name. V 1035,. Journal. . GREATEST .CHANCE OF A LIFETIME TO buy a half interest In good country general store; too much business for present owner; takes about $3,000. George B. . Dartt, 807 Phoenix building. - WOODWORKING PLANT— PERMA- nent manager; capital. Office man, $1,100; stple business; $100 month. Grocery, $750; fine stock; $20 dally. European hotel, $7,500; clearing $400 month. Cigar, eonf., $150 to $2,000. 1100 Lumber Ex. V BUSINESSr SPECIALS \~~~~ SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, MOLES. ETC., PER- manently removed by electricity. Miss Hoi- lister. 77-78 Syndicate block. Pioneer stand of the northwest. Exclusive specialist. -\u25a0 \u25a0' ' _ bicycles' JOHNSON'S GUARANTEED TIRE, $2.60: Goodrich unguaranteed, $1.50; Diamond carriage tires, $$ up; new guaranteed bicycles, $20 to $35; second-hand, $5 up; also bought and exchanged; first-class repairing. J. N. Johnson Co., 915 Meollet ay. THIS YEAR'S $50 ARIEL, HIGH GRAD« cycles, now selling for $35 cash. Stock lim- ited. The Hennepin Cycle House, E. H. Hammer, agent, 325 sth st S. \u25a0 NEW~~HIOH~GRADE wheel made to order, for sale cheap. 1818 Hillside ay N. '-' \Q BOARD AND ROOMS NEWLY FURNISHED MODERN HOUSE; excellent location; first-class board; reason- able price. 1113 Hawthorn ay. THREE VERY DESIRABLE FURNISHED rooms, with or without board, at reduced rates for summer months. Best location down town. 1015 Mary place._ '• "FOR RENT—NEWLY "FURNISHED ROOM, with or without board. 810 E 14th_st, flat 1. AMERICAN LADY"WILLTAKE A LITTLE girl to board; nice place for summer; good care; age from 3 to 6. Reference required. A 1032, Journal. ' - NICE FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS IN j private family, with or without board; bath and gas; seven minutes' walk to po-stoffice. J 1037, Journal. A~FEW BOARDERS CAN BE ACCOMMO- dated at Brothers' place, Mineral Springs, west side Calhouu; table fi,rst class; rates $5 to $8 per week; references required. BOARD—IN BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY FARM house, two hours' ride from city. For par- j ticulars address room 21 Germania Bank, St. Paul. FIRST-CLASS TABLE BOARD, BY DAYT week or on meal ticket. Reduced rates for summer months. 1015 Mary place. 12 "board wanted SUMMER BOARD WANTED. Wanted—A quiet, attractive, country boarding Dlace for lady and 9-year-old boy. Prefer dace where husband can wheel or drive out once a week. E. M. C, 636 Andrus building, Minneapolis. : CLAIRVOYANTS ~~ CALL AND HAVE YOUR HAND READ BY the Royal English gypsies at their camp I grounds, Sthst and 2d ay S. _^_ I MRS. M. M. MANSFIELD, CARD READER, ' Business; special fee, 25c. 129 6th st S. This ad appears only once a week. . - :, MRS. C. Til YON. CLAIRVOYANT, GIVES readings daily. Holds dime circles every Wednesday evening; parlors, 121 12th st S. IQ DYEING AND CLEANING v « a gNOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE # q your clothing and all household goods o 'j^ French dry cleaned, and A. Hornung's & £ Minneapolis Dye House is the largest Q Sand only reliable place in the north- o & west. Offices, 522 Nicollet, near tith at, 43 & Tel. 31St>' J2 main, and 242 Nicollet, a 0 near Washington ay. Tel. 510 main, Q WE WANT YOU ALL TO KNOW—THE I Pantorium is still at the old stand, 925-927 Nicollet. Dyeing and French dry cleaning, clothing, etc., by our new process. We use "Minerallne" exclusively in dry cleaning, which leaves no odor. Out of town work so- licited. Send for catalogue. Waldron & Crockett. Minneapolis. Minn. - . TWIN CITY DYE WORKS PRACTICAL dyers and French dry cleaners; out-of-town orders solicited; prices me derate. 420 Nieol- let. Telephone 1576. -•\u25a0.---kt;/ 19C~3Z™^£^~~~XI WE HAVE A BLOCK OF EASTERN MONEY to loan at 5 per cent jn choice residence property. Thorpe Bros.. 258 Hennepin ay.' 4V4 TO 6 PER CENT MONEY. WITH THE "on or before" privilege, to loan on improved property in Minneapolis and St. Paul. R. M. Newport. 306-311 Phoenix building, 60 4th st 5. Minneapolis. ___________JL at Lowest RATES-MONEY to LOAN. R. D. Cone & Co., 517 guaranty Loan building. MONEY TO LOAN; EASY TERMS; LOW rates. David P. Jones He. Co.. Onelda building. j WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN "on Mlnneapo~ \u25a0 Us real estate with on or before privileges; rates, 41, i, 6, 6. T. A.Jamieson, Ticoll«t. LOANS FROM $TOO~UPWARDST CITYPROP- erty pr .fer'd; no delay. J.B.Tabour, 124 8 4th. .-)"PER~CENT MONEY— AND UPWARD" on city property; new houses- preferred. Nickels & Smith. 311 Nicollet ay. : MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE with steady positions in good concerns, on their own names; no security; easy payments. Tolmau, 820 New York Life building. ! 6i MONEY TO LOAN SALAKiiCJJ PKO- > t? ttt pie.—We are prepared to loan reason- tej 6. able amounts to salaried people hold- *| t& ins steady positions with responsible Sg St concerns, on easy weekly or monthly X payments. We conduct our business X strictly. confidential. Lowest rates.md •£ X fair treatment guaranteed. Room 306, &g St Bank of Commerce building. to CONFIDENTIAL LOANS To salaried people on their plain notes. No mortgage or indorser. We guarantee lowest rates and easiest payments. You get the full amount asked for; no rate juggling to "mix up" those not 'up in mathematics. Minne- apolis Financial Co., second floor, room 2u6, New York Life building. , PROMPT LOANS. IMPROVED CITY REAL estate, current rates. Abstracts. and fire pol- icies retained here. Charles S. -Woodruff, 606 Guaranty building. _ I AM OFFERING better terms to parties desiring to build than can be secured from any other source in the city. £) A. Yarnell, 517 Ist ay S. . < WE LOAN ON. CITY REAL ESTATE AT lowest rates. Nickels & Smith. 311 Nicollet. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. No Mortgage. No Indorser. No Publicity. A few reasons why we lead: ;>:.<*\u25a0. Because—We are always reliable. Because— never misrepresent. Because—Our rates are lower. " T WV> Because are the most liberal terms. —Always prompt and courteous. ; ,,. - Because—We want your trade. Exclusively a salary loan business. Because—No advance charges. Because—The leading company in Minneapolis Because—You wish lower rates. Because— business sacredly confidential. - Because—We guarantee perfect satisfaction. ' —About half rates sometimes charged. Because— never sell notes. - - , Because —Small borrower receives same care. BecauseNo one need ever know. Because—Square dealing, our motto. "' ' Because— promise impossibilities. \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0*•-'. Because —Ours are most private offices. Because —Railroad men's trade a specialty. Because —We get you out of debt. . :•-. Because—Everything carefully explained. —Everything transacted a secret. Because—Terms cheerfully explained. ,- \u25a0": Because—Satisfied clients mean others. Because—Our plan safest and best. ' . Because— like evening appointments. Because —Open Wednesday and Sat. evenings. Room 202. Sykes Block, 236 Henaepin ay. :- \u25a0; : .\'± Over Adams Express Co. -; -,\u25a0:\u25a0:\u25a0 ; T RELIABLE CREDIT CO. '' \u25a0 v MONEY LOANED ON LIFE INSURANCE* policies. L. P. Van Norman, 616 Andrus bldg. MONEY TO LOAN— $1,000 AND larger amounts; 6 per cent; no delay. : The Finance Co., 620 Temple Court. \u25a0-.\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0_\u25a0 CHOICE , MORTGAGES FOR SALE, WITH titles guaranteed and interest collected free of charge. Title Insurance and Trust Co. \u25a0 i ESTATES CAREFULLY*. MANAGED; trusts accepted; wills kept without charge. Title Insurance and Trust Co.. Oneida block. $150,000 TO LOAN, :4ft TO 6 PER CENT, ON city, property. Title Insurance and Trust Co. THE MINNEAPOLIS JOUKNAE. FORjfcEHT 7j . ;\u25a0..,•.; \ :,_ j Continued. ! CHADBOURN & BRADEN, 21 4th st S, can rent your property at once; reliable tenants. FOR RENT—MY HOUSE, PARTLY FUR- nished, to right party cheap for ; three months; .large lawn, nice shade; soft sad spring water. 510 Ontario st SE. Call J. W. Bryant, Eagle foundry. 418 2d at S. ." FOR R~ENT—NINE ROOM MODERN HOUSE at St. Anthony Park. No. 2145 Scudder ay, Como interurban, '$25. '" Pratt & Field Co., 100 Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis. .... . ciTY --realty CO.. 205 Boston Block. 14 13th st N. near Hennepin; ten-room all-modern house; new open plumbing; $35.. I 118 E 17tti st, 11-room modern house, near Stevens ay; 930. 1022 26th ay N, eight-room modern house except gas; corner lot; $20. -\u25a0-; FLATS. ; , ?24 Bth ay S; six-room, new, all-modern flats: will be decorated to suit tenant; $27. 1202 3d st S; five-room partly modern flat, »12. -••\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- ..-\u25a0,.\u25a0•.. 818 IST AY S. 9 ROOMS; WILL FIX UP TO suit right party; $35. Apply next door, No. S3). -'\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•. \u25a0 : \u25a0 FOR RENT—HOUSE, 2824 GRAND AY S". Inquire Enterprise Machine Co., 423 4th st S. FOR RENT—UNFURNISHED MODERN ; house, It) rooms, ,000 University ay; modern house, 8 rooms, 1560 Henn«pin ay; 4 rooms, ! city water, 1105 20th ay "N; 4 \u25a0 rooms, ' city water, 634 7th ay N. Carlton, New York Life building- :-!; ;, W. A. BARNES & CO., 300-302 NtcoHet Ay. 88 Lyndale, 7 rooms $27.50 2705 Aldrleh ay S, 9 rooms 25.00 3WS lltk 8t S. S reosas 25.00 COTTAGES. 1623 sth ay N. 8 rooms $15.00 212 22d ay S. 7 rooma 10.00 2650 DuDont ay S, 7 rooms 18.00 2634 30th ay S, 7 rooms 7.00 913 Minnehaha ay, 5 rooma 8.00 2704 27% st, 6 rooms 6.00 413 James ay N, 7 rooms 14.00 ROOMS AND FLATS. 1020 Harmon place, 7 rooms $25.00 2113 E 22d fit. 4 rooms 6.00 2429 7th st S, 4 rooms 6.00 W. A. BARNES & CO., 300-302 Nicollet Ay. HOUSE— 1601 CHICAGO AY, 7 ROOMS; bath, gas, furnace; price $25. Will paint it outside. Lane & Conrad Co.. 513 Phoenix building. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.-. ' FOR RENT—HOUSE. 2729 TAYLOR ST NE. Call at 2517 Monroe st NE. C. C. Black. HOUSE—NO. 3109 18TH AY S: SIX ROOMS. Adplv to F. C. Snyder, 311 Bank of Com- merce building. . FOR RENT—SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE, PLAS- tered; barn, pasture, well, sink, garden; beautifully located, . at Northland, Wayzata station; can be occupied all the year. George C. Andrews. 1212 Guaranty Loan. FOR RENT—NEAT" COTTAGE" OF 8 ROOMS, with city water, bath, closet, etc.; 6 rooms downstairs, Including two bedrooms; good neighborhood; 2932 10th ay S; two blocks from Bth ay car; $18. Also large modem house, near 17th «t on 2d ay 8; $50. W. C. Allan, 219 Kasota block. •> DAVID C. BELL INVESTMENT CO., \u2666> <\u2666 .... 111 Fourth »t S. \u2666> % MODERN. \u2666•• •> 128 W 14th at, 10 rooms, combl- \u2666;\u2666 »;\u2666 nation hot air and hot wa- «j» •J» ter heat, open plumbing ..... $35.00 <• «\u2666 27 W 15th st, 10 rooms, barn.. 20.00 \u2666;• \u2666> 2718 Plllsbury ay, 10 r00m5...:.... 37.50 \u2666;\u2666 <* 3117 Stevens ay, 9 r00m5......25.00 •;\u2666 \u2666> 1713 Stevens ay, 10 rooms 45.00 \u2666> «D» 1605*. Stevens ay, 10 rooms, barn.. 50.00 \u2666;\u2666 <• FLATS. £• j *> 2006 Cedar ay, second floor, 5 or \u2666;\u2666 \u2666> 6 rooms, city water, wet sink, $10.00 *;« <\u2666 1707 4th ay S, flat 2, 6 rooms, \u2666;\u2666 I•> - modern ......:...,.....;...... 17.00 \u2666> \u2666> 206 E Grant st, flat C, 6 rooms, •> \u2666> all modern , 27.00 \u2666>. *l**** •J^mJmJm.JwJm.jmJm.Jm;* i;«j*.j««;«»;»»JmJmJ»«Jmj*»j» \u2666>\u2666;\u2666 FOR RENT—HOUSE OF SIX ROOMS AT 817 4th- ay N. Inquire at IC2O 2d ay S. $25, BEST MODER"N HOUSE IN THE CITY for the price. 331 E Franklin. Charles S. Woodruff, 606 Guaranty building. 2005 UNIVERSITY AY NE, i-ROOM HUSE.SB. 2527 4th st NE, 8-room frame house, $9. 705 27th ay NE, 7-room frame house, $8. O. J. SMITH, 620 TEMPLE COURT. THORPE BROS.. 258 Hennepin Avenue. : HOUSES FOR RENT. 2213 Bryant ay S, 10 rooms $50.00 1010 14th ay N. 10 rooms 45.00 301 University ay NE, 10 rooms ...... 30.00 2510 Stevens ay. 10 rooms .'. 30.00 1414 Vine place, 9 rooms .25.00 1300 sth st SE, 10 rooms 35.00 896 Raymond ay, 8 rooms « 25.00 3100 9th ay S. 8 rooms 27.50 2707 Grand av\ 9 rooms 17.60 1706 Sheridan ay. 6 rooms 18.00 1925 sth ay S. 8 rooms 18.00 FLATS FOR RENT. " 1511 Stevens ay, 10 rooms $50.00 748 E ISth st, 7 rooms 32.50 3216 Park ay. 5 rooms . ' 18.00 1714 Portland aV. 4 rooms .. 8.00; 102 19th ay S, 4 rooms 8.00 2106 E 22d st. 4 rooms 7.00 For list of business and store property, ap- ply at our office. THORPE BROS.. 25*8 Hennepln. iiuO XX VIAUUIt 1*1« FOR RENT BY ~ ~ NICKELS & SMITH. i-M- --311 NICOL*ET AY. ROOM 2. HOUSES— $35.00—1713 sth a v 8; 9 rooms, all modern; parquet floors; open plumbing; screened porch and awnings. $27.50—1714 Nicollet ay; nine rooms, ait mod- ern; janitor service; shades, parquet floors, open plumbing. UNHEATED FLATS— $14.00—921 16th ay S; seven rooms, all In good repair and modern except heat. Look up before renting. $12.50—1512 Chicago ay, $V6 rooms; to small family; modern. . See janitor. —1217 2d ay S; second floor, four rooms; centrally located. BUSINESS PROPERTIES— $10.00—502 E 24th st; store, with sewerage,. plate glass front; good for laundry, plumber. $60.00"-313 2d ay S; 26x66, with large base- ment. .K;-i. \u25a0'.;,,, 3.600 or 7,000 square feet of space, with freight elevator and steam heat, for- storage, in center of city. OTHER PROPERTY FOR RENT. If you desire quick returns and good results from your property, list the sam» with us, and you will get both. NICKELS & SMITH. OO FURNISHED HOUSES FURNISHED HOUSE IN SUNNYSIDE FOR rent to Sept. 1; best location in th» city. Address P 1033. Journal. : HOUSE OF TEN ROOMS, WITH SOME reservations; all modern; on 11th st, near Nicollet; well furnished, including piano, to rent for the summer to acceptable tenants; rent moderate. Gale & Co., New York Life building. ' __' FOR RENT—A FURNISHED HOUSE OF eight rooms, till Sept. 1. 25 W Grant st. FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT^ Through July and August, to small family without children; on good car line; in good neighborhood. Rent $18 per month. M 1038, Journal.- * &S .\u25a0\u25a0::\u25a0:'\u25a0- \u25a0-£«\u25a0«," HOUSE OF TEN ROOMS. WITH SOME reservations: all modern;'on 11th st, near Nicollet: well furnished, including piano; to rent for the summer to acceptable tenants; rent moderate. Gale & Co.. New York Life building. 2Q FURNISHED ROOMS FREE FOR RENT" OR "FURNISHED Room" cards for those advertising under this head. Be sure and call for them when leav- ing the ad. ROOMS. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED, with or without board; modern house, on car line; ten minutes' ride from postofflce; large lawn, shade trees and tennis court. Address R 1026, Journal. FURNISHED ROOMS, STRICTLY MODERN, front on Nicollet; finest rooming building in the city. New Albion, 711 Nicollet ay. LARGE FRONT ROOM WITH SIDE ROOM connected, nicely furnished, porcelain bath, gas, awnings, nice location, near library; adults only call. 66 12th st N. $7—FURNISHED FRONf~ROOM, MODERN house; use of piano and telephone; 1564 Hen- nepin; number should be 1664. Phone 2421 L_2, jJppoElte park. NICE FURNISHED ROOM IN MODERN frouse. 7 Highland ay. FOR RENT^ONE OR TWO FURNISHED front rooms, at 1013 3d ay S. flat 3. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT Call at 1604 Chicago ay. WILL RENT ONE LARGE FRONT ROOM, reasonable, for summer months. Call and see_it.__2oll_Portland ay. FOR RENT—TWO FURNISHED ROOMSTS4 and $3.50; front; walking distance; private family. 1128 Bth st S. FOR RENT : .'. ;' \u25a0; Continued. . . v.--. ': VERY DESIRABLE FRONT ROOM, NICELY equipped; strictly modern house; family of 'rdults: rent low to gentlemen only. 68 Roy- alaton ay. ' - . - .'' a FOR RENT—A NICELY FURNISHED PAR- lor bedroom; thoroughly modern house, 1319 2d ay St first-class board in same block. FURNISHED ROOMS IN STRICTLY MOD- i ©m house; hot water, night and day; tele- phone service; two large front parlors; also unfurnished flat; rooms from $7 to $15; 1124- --26-28 Hennepln «v. \u25a0*.-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0,- \u25a0 \u25a0 NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS; rent reasonable; references required. 1002 Nicollet, flat 6. j DESIRABLE FURNISHED ROOM IN MOD- ern house, near good board and walking dis- tance. 819 <ith ay S. ' '. / '...__ \ 04 VHFCRKISBED ROOMS FOR RENT—FIVE NICE ROOMS; CITY ! water, wet sink, large wood and coalhouse, nice lawn, newly papered and painted- walk- . ing distance; only $10 per month. Call 456 Temple Court. . \u25a0 ' _ FOR RENT—FOUR LARGE , ROOMS; . WA- ter and woodshed. 1211 23d ay NE. . OK USFURMSUKD FLATS MODERN FIVE-ROOM FLAT, 332 E 18TH at, second floor. Apply Frank Miller. ELEGANT SIX-ROOM FLATS, THOROUGH- Iy modern, 730-736 E 18th st; rent %'ii and |30. F. A. Simmons Co., New York Life building. ... \u25a0 ... ; \u25a0 SIX-ROOM MODERN FLAT, HARDWOOD floors; $27.50. W. W. Clark, 213_Nlcollet ay. FLAT, 1508 3D AY S, 7 ROOMS, COMPLETE~- Iy modern. \u25a0 \u25a0 . \u25a0 \u25a0 : •\u25a0. Flat, 1825 Ist ay S, 5 rooms, completely mod- ern. ' \u25a0' ' -" -;\u25a0.\u25a0• •\u25a0. .\u25a0 . \u25a0\u25a0 Flat, 1327 Ist ay S, i rooms, completely mod- ern. _ W. P. Mealey, 413 Bank of Commerce. FIVE-ROOM STEAM-HEATED MODERN flat, fine location; good service; very desir- able. See Janitor, 527 sth ay SE. FOUR-ROOM FLAT, HARDWOOD FINISH, mantel, grate, bathroom, porcelain bath, etc. $11. 815 6th st S. 819 13TH AY S, 3-ROOM FLAT, SECOND floor; $6. Also one on East fiWe, at 760 Ad- ams st NE; second floor flat; ?7. Lane & Con- rad Co.. 513 Phoenix building. SEVEN-ROOM FLAT, THOROUGHLY MOD- irn; elegant apartiaenta. 306 University ay SE. FLAT, FIRST FLOOR, 6 ROOMS, BATH, gas and cellar; $15. Converse, 6<JU 6th ay N. Call Monday. FOR R£NT—PRETTY SIX-ROOM FLAT, all modern; low rent for summer. Call flat C. 205 E Grant. TWO MODERN FLATS, FIVE AND SIX rooms; flue order; central location; easy walking distance; rent $15 and $17. Apply room 300 Bank or Commerce building. FOR RENT—UNFURNISHED FLAT OF five rooms, conveniences, pleasant: part pay in light_janitor_work. Apply 132 E 26th St. UNFURNISHED FLAT, FOUR~ROOMS~AT>'D bath; steam heat, gas, etc,; first floor; walk- ing distance; -will sell hall carpet. 607 9th st S, flat 1. 2Q FURNISHED FLATS HANDSOME FIRST-FLOOR FLAT OF 3 large rooms, in perfect condition; entirely modern; location central and beautiful; fur- nished complete for light housekeeping; also two connecting rooms. 1019 Ist ay S. . 27 OFFICES OFFICES; STEAM HEATED; PRICES $6 TO $20. Eastman block, 412 Nicollet. Inquire room li. DESK ROOM FOR RENT WITH TELE- phone service; cheap. 715 Phoenix. 32 KASOTA BLOCK, HENNEPIN AY Q I O and 4th st; one. to three rooms; steam 8 Q heated; first-class service. Walter L. 8 D Badger, 110 Kasota block, or £17 New Q 0 York Life building. o FOR RENT— ROOM, IN ANDRUS building; private office; suitable for lady or gentleman. Address P 1037. Journal. 2g STORES ALL KIN'LS OF BUSINESS PROPERTY ; FORRENT^THORPE BROS.. 258 HENN AY. 252-234 IST AY N,~NOW "OCCUPIED BY Me- Clellan Paper Co.; wholesale center. Charles S. Woodruff, 606 Guaranty building. 2120 CRYSTAL LAKE~AVr~22x3O "PLATE glass front; basement;'city •water, sewer, 19. S. H. Flndley, _ 517_AndruiMbulldtng. THAT ELEGANT SECOND FLOOR, 24x90, with all modern Improvements; 329 Henne- pln ay; elevator. S. H. Flndley, 617 Andrus building. ...... ; . 3Q MISCELLANEOUS ~ ~ ! % BARN. •§ «/,••-\u25a0-(: ' \u25a0- & i % Large barn, corner 3d ay S and 10th & JJs st; room for 21 head of horses on lirst % floor and basement; good carriage and « Wi harness rooms; water, gas, electricity, & sewer, etc.... $25. 3 »".'•: .-..-.. . \u0084• .- - -' i'f-,-;? % W. A. BARNES & CO., Hi 300-302 Nicollet Avenue. •« WHOLESALE PROPERTY-RENf WHOLESALE PROPERTY FOR RENT. 30,000 feet floor space, 110-112 2d ay N. 14,000 feet floor space, 23-25 3d st N. GEORGE ODLUM, MANAGER, Phoenix Building. \u25a0• \u25a0 ; /;\;v.;,;. . . . 31 HELP WANTED—MALE ~ WATCHES CLEANED, $1; MAIN springs. $1; warranted one year. Paegel's, 22 3d st S. SUITS SPONGED, pressed walla you wait, 60c. , Starr Steam Cleaning .House, 622 Hen. SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED, BOc; pants recut Into style or bicycle pants, 76c: stilts steam cleaned and pressed, $1. An- thony the Tailor, 119 Washington aT_W. INCREASE YOUR MONEY EARNING lty by attending \u25a0 the Minnesota School of Business, 64 3d st 3, diagonally opposite P.O. GET your shoes repaired at the Wide-Awake Shoe Shop. 709 Hennepin ay. Men's half coles, 50c; men's sewed soles, "sc; O'Sullivan rubber heels, 50c; Work done while you Walt. WANTED— RAILROAD LABORERS FOR Lakota and Bottineau, N. D.; $1.75 per day; board $3.50 per week. Call at Western Em- ployment Co., 103 and 218 Nleollet ay. EXPERIENCED AND ENERGETIC HOUSE to house canvassers. Plenty of work and good pay. 1203 3d It 8. ' " \u25a0 " TEACHERS WANTED—PRINCIPALS TOWN* schools, $450, $700, $800, $1,000; principal com- mercial department, $800; science and Ger- man, $700; attendants for state Institution, young men above 16. Hazard Teachers' Agen- cy, 732 Boston block. _^ SALESMEN WANTED TO SELL TALKING machines in twin cities on payments. Co- lumbia Phonograph Co., 305 Nleollet ay. ANTED^A~YOUNG"\!aN~OF~G~OOD AD- dress to demonstrate and sell on the street new and salable novelty. Address E j 1036, ! Journal. . : ' MACHINISTS WANTED-^WILL PAY GOOD wages for first-class men; steady work Strong ft North way Mfg. Co., 251 3d *v S. ENERGETIC SALESMAN,. SCHO: plies; country work; $100 salary, and com- mission. R. O. Evans & Co., Chicago, J 111. j WANTED— EXPERIENCED MAN~TC) take care of small set of books and cigar counter, i Address G 1036, Journal: WANTED—A STRONG. SOBER"maN, WHO understands porter work in winshouse and restaurant. Must have experience. Address H 1036. Journal. __-^ WANTED, TWENTY SCHOOL TEACHERS. MEN ONLY. For summer work; good salaries and commissions paid for faithful work. We teach you our business. This is one of the most reliable con- cerns in Minneapolis. You know us. Address A 1037, Journal. WANTED—A GOOD, COMPETENT BOOK- keeper, one acquainted with fruit and produce business preferred. Must have good refer- ences. Address with reference. State salary. F 1037, Journal. WANTED—OIL SALESMAN TO SELL LU- bricating oils and greases on salary or com* mission; excellent side line. The A. O. Har- baugh Co., Cleveland, Ohio. WANTED—ACTIVE MAX, WELL RECOM^ mended, to manage business of old established bouse of solid financial standing; salary $1,200 per year and $4 per day for expenses; salary paid monthly in cash, direct from office. Money advanced for expenses. Continuous position. The Dominion Co.,Bept. X, Chicago. FOR RENT—TO A LADY, ONE LARGE front room or one side room, neatly fur- nished; modern house, opposite Loring park. 1562 Heonepln ay, near Harmon place SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 15, 190 L Coalißße4. WANTED—INDUSTRHJUB WEN AND WOM- en. In every town, to work Terr us at their homes.' -No canvassing. We will send work any distance. We have several Uses of work to give out, some ot -Which require no experience. If you can't devote the whole day to. our work, you can earn $5 or IS a week by working -a* -hour or two evenings. Address Standard Mfg. Co., I*2 W«st 23d at. New Yofk. '* \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 •\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0••• \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0•• ;•- \u25a0•\u25a0 . ,-~, WANTED SALESMEN EVERYWHERE; salary or commission; permanent. Brown Bros. Co., Nursery-rep, Rochester. N. ¥. * GOVERNMENT POSITIONS, WHERE THEY are, how obtained, salaries paid; examina- tions soon in every state; particulars free* write for circular 143. National Cor. Institute. Washington. D. C. " - &ARBER WANTED—AT ONCE; GOOD wages; steady job. Address or trliytoutu Michael Byrne, St. Claud. Minn. GLASSES EXCHA^GED,~Mondayr and" Tum- flaya, at Free Eye Dispensary, 225 Hennepin. CIVIL SERVICE GOVERNMENT POSITIONS —About- 9,500 appointment* were made list year. Probably 16,000 this year. Thos« standing highest at the examinations soon to be held will secure these positions; catalogue of Information free. Columbian Correspond- ence College, Washington, D. C. - Sen AND WOMEN to represent us] |24 cash for two weeks' trial; permanent v satisfactory; no canvassing. Wholesale. Drawer 74, New Haven, Conn. LET SET YOU UP IN «USIN«SS; |1« and more monthly easily made selling out popular "W. G." »a*i»enderß; sotaethlng hew. Sell at sight. Exclusive territory. Our plan th« beat. Address, witb reference*, Walter G. Simmons & Co., 10 W.2d st, Cincinnati, O. EARN A BETTER~SALARY D POSITION —Study electricity, .mechanical engineering, mechanical drawing at tome by correspond- ence; thousands succeesful; Thomas A. Edi- son indorsee institute; book, "Can I Becom« an Electrical Engineer?" mailed tree. El«c- trlcal Engineer Institute, New York. >"«--.'\u25a0 HUSTLTNO AND ENSROSTIC DON'T be idle; write the Hawks Nursery Co., Mll- wauke*. Wts., for special terms and territory. WANTED—TWO FIRST-CLASS SALESMEN at once -to cover the Dakotas and the north- west; rood commission or salary. Address W 1032, Journal. \u25a0_...._ _\u25a0 : \u25a0 WANTED—GOOD COACHMAN; SOBER AND industrious. 2319 Alarlch ay S. SALESMEN—WILL FURNISH SIDE LlNfi with merit; no fakes; road experience re- quired; big commissions; give references, ex- perience with application. Columbia Jewelry Co., lowa City, lowa. WANTED—A CEMENT SIDEWALK LAYKK at once. Call at 534 »th ay S. THREE MORE YOUNG OR MIDDLE-AGED men to work with crew showing goods to farmers; you sell nothing. Call Sunday «r Monday. French, 31$ E nth st. YOUNG MAN—THE MUSSON SHORTHAND institute is the only school In the northwest with a professional active shorthand r«- porter at the head; all graduates in position*. WANTED—YOUNG MAN ABOUT 20 YEARS old tor office work; mast be a good penman, quick and accurate at figures. P 10BC,' Jour- I nal. ,_ \u25a0 WANTED—AN EXPERIENCED ICE CREAM maker, at Lake Harriet pavilion. . . FREE BOOKLET, "HOW TO SECURE JU3T the Position You Want," if you write at once. N. C. A. S., 115 Heed building, Phil- adelphia, Pa. . : . , . WANTED—A FIRST-CLASS EDGE SETTER and first-class edge trimmer on McKay wort. Shaft-Pierce Shoe Co. WANTED—MEN^AND WOMEN TO WORK for us at home; good wages; no canvassing; work mailed on receipt 'of stamped envelop. Imperial Art Mfy. Co. (M), Philadelphia. WANTED—COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER", ] steady work to right party; also do other I work part of the time. Address F 1038, Jour- j nal. __^ \u25a0 YOUNG MEN, LEARN ILLUSTRATING, advertisement writing, bookkeeping, journal- ism or stenography by mail; tuition payable 60 days after securing position paying at least $13 weekly; mention course in which interested. Correspondence Instltua of Amer- Ica, Scranton, Pa. WANTED—EVERYWHERE, HUSTLERS TO tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no canvassing; good pay. Sun Advertising Bureau, Chicago. WANTE~D—BRIGHT YOUNG FELLOW, 15 or 18 years old. Kurtzman-O'Keetfe Tailoring Co., 309 Nicollet ay. BRIGHT YOUNG MAN, SALESMAN; FUR- niture and house furnishing business; must know something of business; with good ret* erences. 1415 Washington arN. WANTED—A GOOD7~STEAbY, CAPABLE man to take care of two or three horses. Reference required. Call 8 to 10 Monday morning at 216 Kasota block. . _. ... , .." WANTED—MAN TO CLEAN WINDOWS; U to 51.23 per day. World Window Cleaning Co., 221 Nicollet ay. FIRST-CLASS PAINTERS, MONDAY MORN*- lng. 3115 Nlcollet ay. A. M. Larson. WANTED— PRESS FEEDER; ONE WHO can scrape for a three-revolution Hoe. Union man. Wages, $10.50. Address lock box 255, Sioux City, lowa. . . .: . EXPERIENCED CIGAR SALESMAN, JOB- bing trade only. Cheap line. Give refer- ences, age, nationality, past experience, sal- ary expected. E 1038, Journal. WE HAVE REMOVED FROM 505 3D- ST i to 249 6th ay S. Prices tame at usual. All ot our old patrons will please call at the new number. Collyer's Steam Laundry. Teie- phone 2295 J. WANTED—YOUNG MAN IN OFFICE OF wholesale house. Salary to begin with, $16 per month. Good chances; steady employ- ment and promotion to right young mad. Answer In own handwriting, stating age. F 1039. Journal. i :.n STENOGRAPHER IF PROGRESSIVE, write, stating salary Wanted, to N. C. A. S.. US Heed building, Philadelphia, Pa. t~ravelTng~salesman~mXy~6btain a Rood position by writing N. C. A. 8., 116 Heed building, Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED—MEN WITH RIGS. TO INTRO- duce poultry compound; $13 weekly and ex- penses; payable weekly; yearly employment. Department 22, Royal Co-Op. Mfg. Co., In- dianapolis, lud. MAN—TO COLLECT AND ADVERTISE IM ' Minnesota; $65 per month and expenses; per- manent position; references required. Sec- retary. 704. 356 Dearborn >t. Chicago. ' EVERY OWNER OF A WHEEL SHOULD go to Cunningham's ice cream garden, 2016 : 4th ay S, at once, and get some of our finest. 32|~HELP WANTED^FEMALE " INCREASE YOUR MONEY EARNING ABIL- -1 ity by attending the Minnesota School of Business, 54 3d at S, diagonally opposite P. O. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL ' housework. Apply immediately, traces $4; 1 no washing. 2013 Stevens ay. - TEACHERS" WANTED"— "HIGH SCHOOL Latin and English; German and botany; ; grammar and Intermediate, $40 to $60; pri- mary, $40 and upward; supervisor of practice, $1,300; many other calls now on our books. [ Hazard Teachers' Agency, 732 Boston block. i gTrlTwanted for generalT~hou§h. \u25a0work. Call at 935 14th ay S. ' WANTED—GOOD COOK; GOOD WAGES - and pleasant home to right girl. Apply at ' once at 501 Holly ay, corner of Mackubln, . St. Paul. WANTED—GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSB- . work; family of two. 211 E 26th st. ' WANTED—OTRL FOR GENERAL HOUSB* work. 1428 Adams st NE. WANTED—THREE EXPERIENCED SKIRT finishers and girl for embroidery. Mm*. Boyd. 928 Nicollet ay. GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK; PLAIN COOIC- i ing; can have evenings to herself. Call Sua- day at 1829 3d st N. YOUNG LADY—THE INDIVIDUAL AND '. thoroughly practical instruction given at the . Munson Shorthand Institute, Guaranty Loan building, is an advantage possessed by no ; other school in the northwest. Send for par- . other school la the northwest; send for cir- culars. WANTED—GOOD COOK AT ONCE AT 2618 Par k _ *?• i WANTED COMPETENT OIRL FOS housework; 1942 Irving ay 8: take Kenwood car to Irving, then three blocks to left. MEN AND WOMEN EVERYWHERE TO copy letters; $5 to $6 w«*My, working even- Ings; particulars enabling you to start to work mailed en application. Enclose stamp. Union Advertising Co., Toledo, Ohio. WANTED^A~YOUNO GIRL FOR LIGHT housework; family of two; one who can fo home evenings preferrad. 3201 Harriet it. WANTED—YdTFNG~GiRLTwWk~DAYS, OO home nights. Apply 1727 9th ay S. WANTED—TWO LADIES WHO CAN SELL tbe two latest and best serial publications on the market; big money; it is all the rag* In the enst; commissions or salary. Adrirrts V 1038. Journal. GOOD BARBER WANTED AT ONCE; MUST be white; good wages. Address Burt June, Mayvllle, N. P. BOOKKEEPER—STATE QUALIFICATION^ and salary. N. C. A. S., 115 Heed building, Philadelphia, Pa. __^___ WANTED—GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUBE- work; family of three: no children; modern house; references required. 1406 Clinton ay. wXnted^a~strongTwilling~girl to assist in general housework; large family; good wages. 2301 3d ay S. wa~n~ted::::a~g~o6d~oirl~for general" housework. 1729 9th ay & WANTED—A WOMAN TO WASH DISHES. Lake Harriet pavilion; wages $5 a week, vita room and board.

MINNEAPOLIS WANT ADS ON PAGES 8 AND · servative stock, look into this quick. Stock will soon be taken. Company's business to be greatly increased. Operated by men of exceptional

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Page 1: MINNEAPOLIS WANT ADS ON PAGES 8 AND · servative stock, look into this quick. Stock will soon be taken. Company's business to be greatly increased. Operated by men of exceptional



All Sorts of Thing* Happen to Illi-nois Legislative Bills.

\u0084 *"•«> XorkSun Special Slertnoe.Springfield, 111., June 15.—The publica-

tion of the session laws' of the forty-sec-

ond general assembly has resulted In thediscovery that some "Queer" work wasdons during the last hours of the legisla-ture. Among, other things it has beenfound that in the revised game laws quails

\u0084 and woodcocks have been omitted fromthe list of protected birds; that a portionof the bill conveying the lake front parkto the South Park commissioners is notIncorporated In the enrolled bill signedby Governor Yates and that the nego-tiable Instrument bill, which was defeatedin the house, has found its way to thestatute books. It is believed that whenthe work of the assembly is examinedmore closely, there will be other develop-ments of similar character. .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'...

PAN-AMERICAN ART.Buffalo, N. V., June 15.—The exposition art

gallery at the Pan-American has just beenopened. The exhibition is surprisingly good.

» 111

Birth*Mrs. James H. Cuthill, BUS Washington

ar N boyMrs. M. L. Dugan, 1&39 Bryant ay N boyMrs. James Bchn. 1322 4th st 9 boyMrs. Jamas A. Watson, Northwestern

hospital.. boyMrs. Joha-iDriscoll, 2531 18th ay 8 girl


Edward Hanilln, 2643 Columbus ay, 76 years.Sarah CorbttL, 1901 sth st S, 31 years.Bennett G. Walters, 609 Delaware at SE, 73

years.Sophia Anderson, 1112 21st st S, 44 years.Aniaie W. Comfort, Northwestern hospital,

*»t> years.John W. Trask, Soldiers' Home, 55 years.Baby Cuthill, 262 aWashington ay M, 1 day.

Mairinge License*.

Lars Magnus Brunei and E. Maria Anderson.Thomas J. Ward, Blue Earth county, and

Baxee A. Whitney.Sidney Berthiaume and Agnes Talbott. .John H. Helgeson and Andrine M. Paulson.Ole B. Johnson and Inga L. Olson.Henry A. Beckendorf and Marie E. Kahleu.'William H. Hastings and Lucy Hewitt. \u0084;,,.

2 AGENTS WANTEDWANTED— Capable man to travel and ap-point agents: salary $100 monthly and ex-penses. Address Algr.. 937-A. Star Bldg, Chi.THREE AGENTS NEEDED FOR SOLICIT^Ing subscriptions. Live agents are now clear-Ing from $:'. to ?5 a day above all expenses.Extraordinary terms. -Northwestern Agri-

' culturist, 1235-9 Guaranty building._^^

MAIL ORDER PEOPLE—SEND 25c FORlarge assuriment of JPWtlry novelties; cata-logue and price list. N. K. Jewelers' Mfg.Co., New Dorchester, -Mass. _AGENTS ""WANTED—IN"~EVERY~~WaTER-\u25a0works town in the United States, for the"Modern" filter: latnat and most novel de-sjm ; first ever made no recharge in one min-ute; one gross "fiber cotton" fillings (.a year'ssupply; tree with each; light, neat, hand-some: sells soon as sectment taken, from the•water is seem ou .cotton: reserved territory;send for circulars and terms.

MODERN FILTER CO.,243_Franklin_8t. D3. Boston. Mass.

|460 NEXT FOUR MONTHS SELLING NEWstyle fruit jar filler; eight useful articles com-bined in one; sample free. Central SupplyCo., Cincinnati, Ohio.

RECORD BREAKER—FRUIT JAR OPENERand closer; sample free. X., Forshee, Cincin-nati, Ohio. _ _AGENTS WE~CAN~PROVE~THAT YOU CAN '•am $25 per day: we have the fastest sellingsummer specialties; you need no experience;«ur circulars toach you the business; if you•re making less than ?300 per month writeto us, it won't exist you one cent to try, cs

\u25a0we forfeit $stf to any person proving w« don'tsend a free outfit of samples on receipt ofyour application; it will pay you handsomelyto write to us at or.cc. The Brouam, Co., R129, Cincinnati. Ohio.AGENTS—SEND STAMP FOR ILLSTsTRATNed circulars of 50 new fast sellers; immenseprofit. Derry's Supply Co., 816 Oak, KansasCity, Mo.If you can sell books, whT~foolwith worn-out deals? Get the latest and best;We have several of them. The public buysto-day as well as ever, if you have a goodthing. If you want something that prac<tical-ly sells Itself, address W 1038, Journal.AGENTS—SENI>""F6R~bUR ILLUSTRATEDcirculars of 40 new fastest sellers in the mar-ket; immense profits. Union Mercantile Co.,Winona, Mina._WT2 WIiiLiPAYANY HONEST MAN $85~PlRmonth and all traveling expenses to takeorders for tha greatest portrait concern inthe United States. Your salary will be guar-anteed and position permanent. AddressWorld's Art Exchange, Dept. 266, Chicago, 111.Portrait agents everywhere quit "crayons."Try washaible enainelines; no glass; don'tr^_chea^_F*mlly Portrait^Co. ._Chicago._AGENTS, ON SALARY OR COMMISSION—The greatest agents' seller ever produced;\u2666very user of pen and ink buys it on sight;200 to 500 per cent profit; one agent's sales iamounted to $«20 in six doys; another $32 in Itwo hours. Monroe Mfg. Co., X 120, LaCrosae, Wis.RUBBER DOLLARS, BOTH WHITE ANDswell stripes, satisfaction guaranteed. Moneyfor hustlers. Send 26c and size for sample.Illustrated Catalogue free. Windsor Collar00., Chicago.

2 ANNOUNCEMENTSTRINITY COLLEGE, HARTFORD, CONN..May 25th, 1901. —Examinations for admissionto the Freshman Class will be held at theoffices of C. E. Purdy, 838 Guaranty Loanbuilding, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Thursday,Friday and Saturday, June 20th, 21st and 22d.w you want; a good refrigerator!buy a Herrick at 7th and Hennepin. If notparticular, go elsewhere.

3 AUCTION SALESAUCTION— NEXT, THE UNDER-mentioned articles of fine, new furniture willbe sold at auction, without reserve. Mondaynext. 17th. at 10 a. m., sharp.

One solid mahogany tilttng-top table.One massive oak hall tree.Two solid brass beds.Two prime hair mattresses.One handsome, oak dresser with three mir-

rors. 11~jJOne solid mahogany Davenport.Two fine Axminster rugs; size, 9x12.One solid mahogany dresser.Six solid mahogany dining chairs.One solid mahogany round extension table.One oak library case. - • '<>

'. ;.One mahogany Elizabethan bed.Two three-piece parlor suits.One fine leather couch and chair.One handsome birdseye maple dresser and

chiffoniere.One solid mahogany library table.One Flemish oak dining-room suite. - rTwo solid mahogany rockers.

Also about fifty other pieces of elegant, newsamole pieces of furniture, to close a con-aisrnment account with an eastern manufac-turer. HUBERT BOWN & CO., -Auctioneers. 44 and 46 7th st S.

4 SUMMER RESORTSfRONTENAC, LAKE PEPIN, MINN., ONEof the finest o-acre properties at this famousresort Jaeger & Torelte, 310 Bk. Commerce.For rent—from june 20 to aug. 20,furnished - five-room I cottage on - lake snore,

j at Buffalo, on So© road; 40 miles from city;references required. Address Box 161, Buffalo,Minn. .fE>? :NEW COTTAGES. LAKE FRONT,Whits Bear: fare 12 cents. N. P. short line.

Also 11-room. modern, corner house; bestlocation. Dayton ay, St. Anthony hill, St.Paul: rent or sale. American Standard FoodCo.. Minneapolis. '. -... , . :.'. __•=

5 BUSINESSPERSONALS$'<* ••••••••••• •••••••••• •©• THIS IS THE WEATHER •• That tries your patience and makes •• you wish it were possible to do with- •• out clothing of any kind. IStill, clotfl- -••ing must be worn and linen as well, •• and. by the way, what is so cool &s a •• well laundered linen or crash suit at •• this season? We do excellent work in •• LAUNDERING ALL KINDS OF •• LINEN WEARING APPAREL, and •• colored garments washed : here DO •• NOT FADE. Let us call for your •• shirts, collars, linen suits or shirt •• waists, washable skirts, etc. Wo in- •• rite you to call Wednesday or Thurs- •• day of any week and go through the •• establishment. •• THE FULLER LAUNDRY, •• 609-611 Hen. Ay. £ TeL SBO, • Both Linos. f•'#• •••••••••••••••••••• «Mh

6^__BDSIN]g^CHAJCES^LOOK AT THlS—Bankrupt stock, new andclean; orr Roods, notions, : etc.t invoices, atactual cost about $3,700. Wo will sell thisstock for . $2,100. on time, to good -parties,See A, L. Shore, with TVyman, Partridge &C**. Minneapolis. Minn,


YOU CAN MAKE SPLENDID PROFITS BYjudicious, systematic operations on the wheatmarket; $20 will margin 1,000 bushels 2 cents.Send for our tree book, "Facts and Figures,"explaining option trading. The Osborn GrainCo., 813 to 815 Phoenix building. Minneapolis.Members Chamber of Commerce. -''

HOW TO MAKE MONEY.Cur new book. Just issued, tells you how tomake from $5 to $20 per day with a smallinvestment in grain or stocks. Your name ona postal card will bring It free. Write to-day.

THE COE COMMISSION COMPANY,Bank of Commerce Building.

Minneapolis. Minn.IF ALL PEOPLE HAD THEIR LAUNDRYwork done at the Custom Laundry, how muchbetter some people's linen would look. 1126th st S. Tel. 138.WE HAVE SOME ATTRACTIVEOPENINGSIn banking, mercantile, manufacturing andprofessional lines in growing sections of thecountry. We can sell your business. Lookua up. Odlum-Kurtzman Co.. Phoenix bldg.

$20,000—TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARSof stock for sale (to enlarge business) infirst- class manufacturing company, wellestablished: doing fine trade; well rated;owning plant; will pay big dividends; willbear closest Investigation. Box 233, James -town, N. Y.PHOTO GALLERY FOR SALE-IN A WlS-consin city of 20,000; ground floor; doing afine, payjng business. Address E 1030, Jour-nal.FOR SALE—A SMALL STOCK ~OF~JEW-eIry and tools; sttady run of repair work;only stock in town of 500. Less than $1,000to handle it. Bax 256 JJeUingham.^Mlnn. _FOR SALE—A SNAP; A FBBO MILLTiN Agood location, $1,300; lots alone worth $600;poor health cause for selling. Address A 1033.Journal.PHYSICIAN WHO CAN COMMAND $4^ooocash can purchase an established, wellequipped, good paying advertising specialtyoffice practice in Minnesota, free of incuni-brance, including valuable lease of offices,signs, furniture, fixtures, stationery, drugs,advertising matter, electrotypes, good willand constantly increasing mail and officepractice; it has taken ever $6,000 to establishand build up this practice, besides the timeand work: good reason for selling: this is anopportunity of a lifetime for the physicianwho desires a specialty office practice; if youhave the cash and mean business, a lull in-vestigation will be accorded you. B 1032,Journal.FOR SALE—FIRST-CLASS DYE WORKS,cleaning and repairing business; having goodestablished trade; good location; reasonablerent; reason for selling, ill health. AddressGrant Gray, 512 S sth st, Leavenworth, Kan.FOR~ SALE OR~TRADE—AT"~aTBARGAINTa small stock of glassware, crockery, tin-ware, toys and jewelry. 1000 sth st N.drug storeTfor sale Tin go6d~southDakota town; invoice about $3,000; Teason forselling, too much other business; will rentor sell building. Address G 1035, Journal.FOR~RENT—THE LEASE OF THE ONLYfirst-class 30-room hotel, steam heat and gas-light. ' Address De Graff House, Janesville,MiUDLFOR RENT—FURNISHED BUTCHER SHOP".Everything In first-class order and modern.Business is what I want. 1322 E 24th st.

ATTENTION. INVESTORS.Just secured sixty-day option on large re-

tail and wholesale lumber company's busi-ness, operating thirty retail lumber-yards inlowa. Minnesota and Dakota, whose experi-ence for t>ast ten years shows average divl-dent 15 per cent, based on capitalization pro-posed for our company. $300,000 worth ofstock already subscribed at par; only $200,000left to be offered at par value. Will guarantee8 per cent dividend for first year if purchaserdesires. Conservative business proposition.If you want an 8 per cent dividend, safe, con-servative stock, look into this quick. Stockwill soon be taken. Company's business tobe greatly increased. Operated by men ofexceptional ability and success in this line ofbusiness, and of the highest business andfinancial standing in Minneapolis. This stock100 per cent better than farm mortgages.Will undoubtedly be worth $2 as a dlvidend-paying proposition within two years. Formore particulars, address N 1035, Journal.FOR SALE—CHEAP! fTrST-CLASS SA^ !loon. 15 High st, opposite main entrance ofthe union depot.

SMALL CASH GROCERY FOR SALScheap. Reason for selling. Address M 1034,Journal.

WANTED—PARTY TO BUY A GENERALbusiness in south part of state, netting from$5,000 to $10,000 per year; part cash, balanceon time to right party. R. M. Carter, 205Bank of Commerce.HAVE 340 ACRES~UNIMPROVED LAND. INthe Red river valley, I wish to exchange fora stock of general merchandise or hardware.Address C 1037, Journal.TO EXCHANGE—S4,OOO WORTH DRY GOODSand notions for real estate contiguous to Ap-pleton, Minn. S. C. Eckenbeck, Appleton..Minn.POR SALE—HARDWARE BUSINESS, INoae of the best new towns of southern Min-nesota. Stock invoices about $3,000. Goodreason for selling. Address B 1037, Journal. '

HAVE $1,000 CASH TO~~PUT~iNTcT~BUsTTness where I can get employment with rea-sonable salary. Address D 1037. Journal.TEL. MAIN 3413-L4 WHEN YOU WANTgrading, sodding or excavating.

I AM OFFERING better terms to partiesdesiring to build than can be secured from

any other source in the city. I. A. Yarneil,ol( Ist atr S.

FOR SALE—A FINE GROCERY BUSINESS?"doing $25,000 a year, in city. Address WT 10S7,Journal.for"sale—furn ishbd. long leaseThotel: modern conveniences; country town,5.500: sale or trade for Minnesota propertyW 1028. Journal.WANTING PARTNER — WILL GIVEthree-quarters of 160-acre lease, 10 per centand ten years' lease to party that will furnishme $1,200 to prospect lease with 1,200 feet ofdrilling. This is a winner. Only sevenmiles from Joplin. E. Myers, box 378, Jop-lin. Mo.

GROCERY. IN GOOD RUNNING ORDER;invoice about $1,000; clean stock; rent $12 permonth. M 1037. Journal.J1.95 PAYS FOR THE PAPER-HANGING OFeach room and you get your choice of a dozenpatterns of 1901 goods. This offer expiresJuly 1. Also painting and graining. Droppostal. N 1037. Journal.GROCERY, BUTTER, MILK AND EGGbusiness for sale; new stock, new fixtures,best location; call Sunday or Monday, be-tween 10 and 12." 1025 Harmon place, city.16(T-ACRErFA~RM7NEAR ABERDEEN7~STd^with 140 acres into wheat, to trade for a stockof groceries. C. F. Woods, 2532 sth ay S.WANTED—A PARTNER WITH SOME Ex-perience in mercantile business; must have$1,500 to $2,500 to open up in new live town ivNorth Dakota. W. H. Wood, Hankinson,N. D.CAN YOU USE ANY OF THESE? 320 ACRESof well improved land; gcod buildings, finespring lake; 40 acres of pasture and tamegrass; small fruits and fine grove; five milesnorthwest of Appleton. l«n acres, improvedland; good barn; three miles from Correll.160 acres, improved laud; good hov.se andsmall barn; three miles from Holloway. Afine stock of merchandise and millinery in agood town. 400 acres of land; two miles fromAppleton; part trade will be considered onthis. For prices and terms apply to Man-ford _Horn, Appleton, Minn.little"money^needeeTfor a" legitPmate and pleasant business, which has paid$2,500 yearly and will pay more. Must sellsoon. F 1036, Journal.FOR SALE^A~LAUNDRY DOING A GOO~Dbusiness. A snap. Call at 205 New YorkLife building.

FOR SALE—FOUR LARGE ELEVATORS?capacity from 10,000 to 25,000 bushels, in local-ities where crops have net looked better inyears, namely, Aberdeen and Eureka, S. D.;Oakes and Babcock, N. D. A. J. McKenzie,Aberdeen, 3. D.FOR SALE—STORES 1009-11-13 WASHING-ton ay S. for rent together or singly. Occu-pied by J. W. Kerr for the past eleven yearswith dry goods, gents' furnishings, cloaksand shoes. Cheap rent, long lease, modernbuilding. We wish to sell the fixtures; alsothat part of stock which we will not carryin our Nicollet avenue department store. Bigincrease in business if clothing and crockerybe added. A money-making opportunity.Address J. W. Kerr.

FIRST-CLASS BOARDING-HOUSE, ALLfull: on best street«in city. Sell for lowcash price. Must leave city. 618 9th st S.WILL PAY CASH FOR STOCKS OP HAReTware, stoves or other merchandise; ownersonly need answer; give full details. AddressB 1038, Journal.WANTED—BY AN ENGLISH EXPERl-enced hat and cap maker, a partner withcapital, to start a paying manufacturing busi-ness; experience not necessary; good all yeararound; business or traveling man preferred.For full particulars address C 1038. Journal.TO TRADE FOR GOOD~FARM LAND ORMinneapolis property, a few thousand of first-class mining stock; stock 60c per share; per-fectly legitimate and will bear the closest in-spection; must have half cash; give fullparticulars In answering. D 1038, Journal.FOR SALE—A ROOMING OR BOARDING^house; a snap; 14 rooms, furnished complete;on 7th st; will take some trade. Call oraddress 125 Central ay, room 3.

.',.,'.*"\u25a0", ", ''\u25a0>"',/: - Continued. ./:"•\u25a0" " , /••••••••••••••••••••••••a*• ."\u25a0- \u25a0 \u25a0;\u25a0-• •\u25a0< -...\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0.- • ,

\u25a0•\u25a0:.-\u25a0\u25a0»• OIL AND COAL NEAR SEATTLE. •• •• j'>r• - - • : \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. \u25a0 ;.:.'/ •• The Phoenix. Oil and Gas company of •• ; Seattle, Wash., composed of Mlnneap- •• . oils , and \u25a0 Seattle business men, own •• and control a large tract of the best •• Oil and Coal lauds on Puget Sound. •• They have decided to place upon the •© market a limited amount of the treas- •• ury stock (par value (1 per share) •• . non-asse&able, at the low price of 12% •• cents per share; 100 shares for $12.50; •• 1,000 shares for $125. - \u25a0 \ , - •• Call or write E. J. Clough, 511 Phoe- •• /nix building, Minneapolis, Minn. •• - :.' : ". .. ...... \u25a0 • •$1,000,000 TO, l6T>Ton~farms~on~longtime; partial payments allowed; agents want-ed. M. R. Waters, 502 Guaranty Loan.DO YOU -.\u25a0\u25a0•- "\u25a0 MINNEAPOLIS '


$10 - "• r/i.:\u25a0-,-/.<$ii> Will loan you mcnsy i. m.\u25a0 . TO-DAY \u25a0 ' ;

•\u25a0..-. $25- On your own personal$30. Note, without security$35 \u25a0*» cr indorscr, and you can pay,

\u25a0 • \u25a0 $40 \u25a0 it back in easy :- $15 . . weekly or monthiy ;. $50 * payments, as your. $55 > .„ ." circumstances will

?<;0 permit, thus enabling$65 ... you to pay without

* $70 > inconvenience or worry. *- \u25a0 $75 Our office is so arranged ,$80 that you do not come ,$85 in contact with other$90 applicants, and you can$95 • ••- De waited on privately

$100 - and quickly. Our system$103 - . is new, our method the$110 '.:- CHEAPEST, BEST.$115 MOST PRIVATE$120:, v ;' in the city. >:-V.V$125 •\u25a0\u25a0.. . PRIVATE INTERVIEWING$130 . . ROOMS.$135 ~. Open Wed. and Sat. till 9p. m.

$140 MINNEAPOLIS LOAN CO..ji<s; : Suite 601 and 602,$150: \u25a0 GLOBE BUILDING.

20 FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUSFREE "FOR SALE" CARDS TO THOSEadvertising under this head. Be sure andcall for them when you leave the ad. ~ .

; OOLFAX MINERAL WATER 'Will" permanently cure constipation. Weguarantee results; $1.75 per six-gallon case.The Qlenwood-Inglewoud Co., SIS Hennepin.MATTRESSES MADE OVER; HAIR ORmoss, $1.50; others $1; mattresses and furni-ture for sale. Rainville Bros., manufactur-ers. 17 Ntcollet Island. Both phones.


125-127-129 IsUyK, Minneapolis.WOOD, dry, $1.75; 2 loads $2.75; green, $1 up.Plymouth Lbr., 4 Lumber Excg. Phone 717 JlPHILADELPHIA LAWN MOWERS. HlGH-grade hose, screen doors, paints a&d oils._J._H;_Smlth,_2l4-2i6_ Hennepin ay.

LARGEST STOCK WEST OF CHICAGO OFsecond-hand store fixtures, show cases, office. furniture, sales, soda fountains, 100 refriger-ators and ice boxes, butcher supplies, saloonand restaurant fixtures, wagons, pianos, or-gans, 1,000 stoves from $1 upwards. 1027Washington ay S.UPRIGHT PIANO TO RENT CHEAP, ANDwill take pay in groceries, milk, printing,etc.. etc. 1564 Hennepin (number should be1664). 'Phone 2421-C. G. CONN EUPHONIUM, $36; COSTMax Kohen, 327 Washington ay S.SAFES—TWO GOOD SECOND-HAND. MUSTbe sold quick. Address M 1036, Journal.GREAT BARGAINS—2SO' FEET SHELVINGS,showcases, counters, coffee mills, scales, flat,standing and roll top desks, soda fountain,cash register, three medium-sized fireproofsafes. 228 3d st S. •- ,FOR ELEVATORS, NEW ANDsecond-hand, hand and power. Also elevatorgates and pulleys. W. H. Craig & Co., 4156th ay S. \u25a0 ' "

D MINNEAPOLIS STATIONERY CO., 8Q Wholesale and Retail Stationers, 403 $Q Hennepin ay, Minneapolis, Minn. Q6 Letter Copying Books, Typewriter Qo Ribbons S and Papers, Carbon Papers, QQ Pens and Ink, Typewriters (new and 80 second-hand). SPECIAL ATTEN- 85 TION TO SMALL ORDERS. 3

GUTTER AND SPOUT YOUR HOUSE. I! use the best galvanized iron; never rots out;once done Is enough. Wm. Simms, hardware,

j 411 14th ay SE. » :.\u25a0 ; ,• -! FOR SALE—NICKEL PLATING OUTFIT IN

first-class condition, with or without 10-horsepower electric motor. Call or addressWhaley-Dwyer Co., St. Paul.

SPECIAL BARGAINS MONDAY—S6S DROP-liead Singer sewing machines, $25; White$10; Domestic, $8; Singer, $2.50. Elmer, 720Ist ay S. ... .SPECIAL— WALL TENT, $6. AMERI-cBH:Tent and Awning Co,, 129 Ist aT N. -FOR SALE—CHEAP—TENT, 14X16, INgood condition; used only two seasons. B1039, Journal. \u25a0 :FOR SALE—4XS DOUBLE LENSE CAMERA,tripod, fiveplate-holders, six painting frames,two dozen plates. Cash, $12. Want to buyC^i-xS camera. - T 1038, Journal. \u25a0 ' -$75 WILL BUY A T. BAUER & CO. UP-rieht piano; rosewood finish; In first-classcondition. \u25a0 825 Guaranty Loan.SEE THE SUTTON SYPHOON FILTER;absolutely germproof; manufactured fromnatural stone; easiest and quickest cleaned;family size, $1.50; money refunded after oneweek's trial if not satisfactory. Call, writeor 'nhone for descriptive circulars. SenetaFilter Co.. 328 Ist ay N, Minneapolis. 'Phone2882- J. -, . \u25a0'. ' \u25a0 .POULTRY . NETTING—ONE AND TWO-inch mesh. Also some pens; one awning, 10feet 7 inches long; good as new; cheap; orwill trade. 3033 Aldrlch ay S.BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK AND ROSEComb White Leghorn eggs, reduced to 50cDer 15. from finely bred stock. 2633 Pleas-ant ay. \u25a0 ; \u25a0 \u25a0 :r\FOR SALE—HOWE 3CALE, 3,500 LBS; 3x5---foot truck; three-drawer standing black wal-nut desk; all in good order; cheap. 2331 4thay S. \u25a0 ;: \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0-.\u25a0/\u25a0 :.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0

FOR REMINGTON TYPEWRITER,No 6, in good condition. Call 632 E 14th st. .FOR > SALE—LARGE LOT OF SECOND-hand . furniture in good condition; will sellcheap at private sale. .Sam Collyer, 249 6thay S. . '; '..piANOS—BARGAINS IN USED UPRIGHTpianos; two uprights, $90, $115; Emerson, $175;Gabler, $150; Fischer, $190; Sterling, $240;new pianos for rent, $3.50 and $4 a month;one year's rent allowed if purchased. 5 Foster6 Waldo, 40 ath st S, corner Nicollet. ,A REMINGTON TYPEWRITER, ALMOSTnew; will sell for one-third of original cost.A snap. Answer quick. C 1036, Journal. \u25a0..'


21 ; INFIHMSHED HOUSESFREE "FOR RENT" CARDS FOR THOSEadvertising under this head. Be sure andcall for them when you leave the ad.McCUIiUY i Rents houses, ) Taking care

& CO., 239 \u25a0{ Hats, stores, Vof propertyTemple Court. ( sells real estate. I" a specialty.

List your property for sale or rent.ALTERATIONS FOR HOUSES ANDstores, . porches screened, carpenter work.Lan.ii.as, 423 2"d ay S. ' . - . .FOR RENT, 1416 STH AY S, MODERN 10-

--:rooms, In good condition; walking distance;will make special inducement for good ten-ant. Telephone Main 91, or call on O. M.Laraway & Son. 100 Bank Commerce bldg.$35—1713 STH AY S, UP-TO-DATE, NINErooms. $27.60—1714 Nicollet; up-to-date; ninerooms. : $14—921 16th ay S; modern, sevenrooms. Other property for rent. Nickels &Smith. 311 Nicollet ay.

$10 PER MONTH—SIX-ROOM HOUSE, INfirst-class repair; large stone cellar, largeshed and yard; cistern, with wet sink. W.P. Washburn, Jr., 300 Guaranty building, jFOR , RENT — NINE-ROOM MODERNhouse, and barn, 1829 Park ay, $35. Inquire425 New York Life building. ' _ '

R. D. CONE ft CO., 517 GUARANTY BLDG.2108 Fremont N, 9 rooms, party modern, $20.717 E 17th st, 9 rooms, fully modern, $30. •2627 Plllsbury, 8 rooms, fully modern, $25. !1124 11th ay N, 5 rooms, modern, $13.123 • E Lake st, 5 rooms, modern, $10." Elegant new flats, 4th st, cor. Bth ay SE,very desirable; fine location. See Janitor. .3 ROOMS, 816 BTH AYS, BATH, WATER, $106 r00m5,.816 Sth ay S, bath, water, $18.5 rooms, 218 E Grant, bath, water, gas, $19.8 rooms, 2506 2d ay S, bath, water, gas, $18.

W. P. Mealey, 413 Bank of Commerce...-GOOD EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE AT MlNNE-haha Falls; $12. Room 5. 313 Nicollet *T.FIRE INSURANCE \u25a0 WRITTEN IN GOODcompanies. Title Ing. & Trust Co. Oneida blk.61$ 8D AY SB, 6 ROOM. MODERN, $18.1326 Ist ay S, 8 rooms, modern, barn, $30,2510 Oakland ay, 9 rooms, well, cistern, $12.1501 Park ay, 15 rooms, modern; $50.1718 Nicollet ay, 12 rooms, modern; $40.509 Forest ay, 9 rooms, modern; $35.: ;*'2413 Nicolie-t ay, 9 rooms, modern; $30.628 University ay SE, 15 rooms, modern; $30.?03 Bth ay N, 8 rooms, modern; : $22.50. -307 Aldrich at N,: 7 rooms, modern; ; $17.50. •?03 E 22d st, 6 rooms, bath, gas, etc., $17.50.2302 Clinton ay, 7 rooms, citylwater; $16._ George Odium, 309 Phoenix building..--. \u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0-

--WE SELL PROPERTY PLACED UNDERour care and collect rents promptly. Nickels6 Smith, 311 Nicollet ay. •- --\u25a0

Continued.NEWSPAPER OPPORTUNITY— UNIONlabor reform paper; is established; lease orsell cheap; easy terms; owner in other busi-ness. For particularsc call on F. Meyer, 227 Vsth st N. • '\u25a0\u25a0 .'\u25a0" - \u25a0;-.. .;.,..COMFORTABLE INCOME ASSURED FROMvestment $100; we accept $10 just for trial;profits paid weekly by money order; highestcommercial reference and (by permissiononly) from customers. Booklet free. W. W.O'Hara, Union Trust building, Cincinnati, 0.GROCERY STORE. STOCK AND FIXTURESat a bargain; one-fourth cash, balance time.Answer with full name. V 1035,. Journal. .GREATEST .CHANCE OF A LIFETIME TObuy a half interest In good country generalstore; too much business for present owner;takes about $3,000. George B. . Dartt, 807Phoenix building. -WOODWORKING PLANT— PERMA-

nent manager; capital.Office man, $1,100; stple business; $100 month.Grocery, $750; fine stock; $20 dally.European hotel, $7,500; clearing $400 month.Cigar, eonf., $150 to $2,000. 1100 Lumber Ex.

V BUSINESSr SPECIALS \~~~~SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, MOLES. ETC., PER-manently removed by electricity. Miss Hoi-lister. 77-78 Syndicate block. Pioneer stand ofthe northwest. Exclusive specialist. -\u25a0 \u25a0' '_

bicycles'JOHNSON'S GUARANTEED TIRE, $2.60:Goodrich unguaranteed, $1.50; Diamondcarriage tires, $$ up; new guaranteedbicycles, $20 to $35; second-hand, $5 up; alsobought and exchanged; first-class repairing.J. N. Johnson Co., 915 Meollet ay. •THIS YEAR'S $50 ARIEL, HIGH GRAD«cycles, now selling for $35 cash. Stock lim-ited. The Hennepin Cycle House, E. H.Hammer, agent, 325 sth st S. \u25a0

NEW~~HIOH~GRADE wheel made toorder, for sale cheap. 1818 Hillside ay N. '-'

\Q BOARD AND ROOMSNEWLY FURNISHED MODERN HOUSE;excellent location; first-class board; reason-able price. 1113 Hawthorn ay.

THREE VERY DESIRABLE FURNISHEDrooms, with or without board, at reducedrates for summer months. Best locationdown town. 1015 Mary place._ '•

"FOR RENT—NEWLY "FURNISHED ROOM,with or without board. 810 E 14th_st, flat 1.AMERICAN LADY"WILLTAKE A LITTLEgirl to board; nice place for summer; goodcare; age from 3 to 6. Reference required.A 1032, Journal. ' -NICE FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS IN jprivate family, with or without board; bathand gas; seven minutes' walk to po-stoffice.J 1037, Journal.A~FEW BOARDERS CAN BE ACCOMMO-dated at Brothers' place, Mineral Springs,west side Calhouu; table fi,rst class; rates$5 to $8 per week; references required.

BOARD—IN BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY FARMhouse, two hours' ride from city. For par- jticulars address room 21 Germania Bank, St.Paul.FIRST-CLASS TABLE BOARD, BY DAYTweek or on meal ticket. Reduced rates forsummer months. 1015 Mary place.

12 "board wantedSUMMER BOARD WANTED.

Wanted—A quiet, attractive, country boardingDlace for lady and 9-year-old boy. Preferdace where husband can wheel or drive outonce a week. E. M. C, 636 Andrus building,Minneapolis.


CALL AND HAVE YOUR HAND READ BYthe Royal English gypsies at their camp

I grounds, Sthst and 2d ay S. _^_I MRS. M. M. MANSFIELD, CARD READER,' Business; special fee, 25c. 129 6th st S. This

ad appears only once a week. . - :,

MRS. C. TilYON. CLAIRVOYANT, GIVESreadings daily. Holds dime circles everyWednesday evening; parlors, 121 12th st S.


« • agNOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE #q your clothing and all household goods o

'j^ French dry cleaned, and A. Hornung's &£ Minneapolis Dye House is the largest Q

Sand only reliable place in the north- o& west. Offices, 522 Nicollet, near tith at, 43& Tel. 31St>' J2 main, and 242 Nicollet, a0 near Washington ay. Tel. 510 main, Q

WE WANT YOU ALL TO KNOW—THEI Pantorium is still at the old stand, 925-927

Nicollet. Dyeing and French dry cleaning,clothing, etc., by our new process. We use"Minerallne" exclusively in dry cleaning,which leaves no odor. Out of town work so-licited. Send for catalogue. Waldron &Crockett. Minneapolis. Minn. -

. TWIN CITY DYE WORKS — PRACTICALdyers and French dry cleaners; out-of-townorders solicited; prices me derate. 420 Nieol-let. Telephone 1576. -•\u25a0.---kt;/

19C~3Z™^£^~~~XIWE HAVE A BLOCK OF EASTERN MONEYto loan at 5 per cent jn choice residenceproperty. Thorpe Bros.. 258 Hennepin ay.'

4V4 TO 6 PER CENT MONEY. WITH THE"on or before" privilege, to loan on improvedproperty in Minneapolis and St. Paul. R. M.Newport. 306-311 Phoenix building, 60 4th st5. Minneapolis. ___________JLat Lowest RATES-MONEY to LOAN. R.D. Cone & Co., 517 guaranty Loan building.

MONEY TO LOAN; EASY TERMS; LOWrates. David P. Jones He. Co.. Onelda building.

j WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN "on Mlnneapo~\u25a0 Us real estate with on or before privileges;

rates, 41,i, 6, 6. T. A.Jamieson, Ticoll«t.LOANS FROM $TOO~UPWARDST CITYPROP-erty pr .fer'd; no delay. J.B.Tabour, 124 8 4th..-)"PER~CENT MONEY— AND UPWARD"on city property; new houses- preferred.Nickels & Smith. 311 Nicollet ay. :MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLEwith steady positions in good concerns, ontheir own names; no security; easy payments.Tolmau, 820 New York Life building.

! 6i MONEY TO LOAN SALAKiiCJJ PKO- > t?ttt pie.—We are prepared to loan reason- tej6. able amounts to salaried people hold- *|t& ins steady positions with responsible SgSt concerns, on easy weekly or monthly *»X payments. We conduct our business

*»X strictly. confidential. Lowest rates.md •£X fair treatment guaranteed. Room 306, &gSt Bank of Commerce building. to

CONFIDENTIAL LOANSTo salaried people on their plain notes. Nomortgage or indorser. We guarantee lowestrates and easiest payments. You get the fullamount asked for; no rate juggling to "mixup" those not 'up in mathematics. Minne-apolis Financial Co., second floor, room 2u6,New York Life building. ,PROMPT LOANS. IMPROVED CITY REALestate, current rates. Abstracts. and fire pol-icies retained here. Charles S. -Woodruff,606 Guaranty building. _I AM OFFERING better terms to parties

desiring to build than can be secured fromany other source in the city. £) A. Yarnell,517 Ist ay S. . <

WE LOAN ON. CITY REAL ESTATE ATlowest rates. Nickels & Smith. 311 Nicollet.

SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES.No Mortgage. No Indorser. No Publicity.

A few reasons why we lead: ;>:.<*\u25a0.Because—We are always reliable.Because— never misrepresent.Because—Our rates are lower. " • T WV>Because — are the most liberal terms.

—Always prompt and courteous. ; ,,. -Because—We want your trade.Exclusively a salary loan business.Because—No advance charges. •Because—The leading company in MinneapolisBecause—You wish lower rates.Because— business sacredly confidential. -Because—We guarantee perfect satisfaction. '

—About half rates sometimes charged.Because— never sell notes. - - ,Because —Small borrower receives same care.BecauseNo one need ever know.Because—Square dealing, our motto. "' '

Because— promise impossibilities. \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0*•-'.Because —Ours are most private offices.Because —Railroad men's trade a specialty.Because —We get you out of debt. . :•-.Because—Everything carefully explained.

—Everything transacted a secret.Because—Terms cheerfully explained. ,- \u25a0":Because—Satisfied clients mean others.Because—Our plan safest and best. ' .Because— like evening appointments.Because —Open Wednesday and Sat. evenings.

Room 202. Sykes Block, 236 Henaepin ay.:- \u25a0; :.\'± Over Adams Express Co. -;-,\u25a0:\u25a0:\u25a0 ;

T RELIABLE CREDIT CO. '' \u25a0 vMONEY LOANED ON LIFE INSURANCE*policies. L. P. Van Norman, 616 Andrus bldg.

MONEY TO LOAN— $1,000 ANDlarger amounts; 6 per cent; no delay. : TheFinance Co., 620 Temple Court. \u25a0-.\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0_\u25a0

CHOICE , MORTGAGES FOR SALE, WITHtitles guaranteed and interest collected free ofcharge. Title Insurance and Trust Co. \u25a0 iESTATES CAREFULLY*. MANAGED;trusts accepted; wills kept without charge.Title Insurance and Trust Co.. Oneida block.$150,000 TO LOAN,:4ft TO 6 PER CENT, ONcity, property. Title Insurance and Trust Co.


. ;\u25a0..,•.; \ :,_ j Continued. !CHADBOURN & BRADEN, 21 4th st S, canrent your property at once; reliable tenants. •FOR RENT—MY HOUSE, PARTLY FUR-nished, to right party cheap for ; threemonths; .large lawn, nice shade; soft sadspring water. 510 Ontario st SE. Call J.W. Bryant, Eagle foundry. 418 2d at S. ."FOR R~ENT—NINE ROOM MODERN HOUSEat St. Anthony Park. No. 2145 Scudder ay,Como interurban, '$25. '" Pratt & Field Co.,100 Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis..... .ciTY --realty CO..

205 Boston Block.14 13th st N. near Hennepin; ten-room

all-modern house; new open plumbing; $35..I 118 E 17tti st, 11-room modern house, nearStevens ay; 930.

1022 26th ay N, eight-room modern houseexcept gas; corner lot; $20.

-\u25a0-; FLATS. ; ,

?24 Bth ay S; six-room, new, all-modernflats: will be decorated to suit tenant; $27.

1202 3d st S; five-room partly modern flat,»12. -••\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- ..-\u25a0,.\u25a0•..

818 IST AY S. 9 ROOMS; WILL FIX UP TOsuit right party; $35. Apply next door, No.S3). -'\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•. \u25a0 : • \u25a0

FOR RENT—HOUSE, 2824 GRAND AY S".Inquire Enterprise Machine Co., 423 4th st S.FOR RENT—UNFURNISHED MODERN

; house, It) rooms, ,000 University ay; modernhouse, 8 rooms, 1560 Henn«pin ay; 4 rooms,

! city water, 1105 20th ay "N; 4 \u25a0 rooms, ' citywater, 634 7th ay N. Carlton, New YorkLife building- :-!; ;,

W. A. BARNES & CO.,300-302 NtcoHet Ay.

88 Lyndale, 7 rooms $27.502705 Aldrleh ay S, 9 rooms 25.00

3WS lltk 8t S. S reosas 25.00COTTAGES.

1623 sth ay N. 8 rooms $15.00212 22d ay S. 7 rooma 10.00

2650 DuDont ay S, 7 rooms 18.002634 30th ay S, 7 rooms 7.00

913 Minnehaha ay, 5 rooma 8.002704 27% st, 6 rooms 6.00

413 James ay N, 7 rooms 14.00ROOMS AND FLATS.

1020 Harmon place, 7 rooms $25.002113 E 22d fit. 4 rooms 6.002429 7th st S, 4 rooms 6.00

W. A. BARNES & CO.,300-302 Nicollet Ay.

HOUSE— 1601 CHICAGO AY, 7 ROOMS;bath, gas, furnace; price $25. Will paint itoutside. Lane & Conrad Co.. 513 Phoenixbuilding. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.-. 'FOR RENT—HOUSE. 2729 TAYLOR ST NE.Call at 2517 Monroe st NE. C. C. Black.HOUSE—NO. 3109 18TH AY S: SIX ROOMS.Adplv to F. C. Snyder, 311 Bank of Com-merce building. .FOR RENT—SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE, PLAS-tered; barn, pasture, well, sink, garden;beautifully located, . at Northland, Wayzatastation; can be occupied all the year. GeorgeC. Andrews. 1212 Guaranty Loan.FOR RENT—NEAT" COTTAGE" OF 8 ROOMS,with city water, bath, closet, etc.; 6 roomsdownstairs, Including two bedrooms; goodneighborhood; 2932 10th ay S; two blocks fromBth ay car; $18. Also large modem house,near 17th «t on 2d ay 8; $50. W. C. Allan,219 Kasota block.

•> DAVID C. BELL INVESTMENT CO., \u2666><\u2666 .... 111 Fourth »t S. \u2666>% MODERN. \u2666••

•> 128 W 14th at, 10 rooms, combl- \u2666;\u2666»;\u2666 nation hot air and hot wa- «j»•J» ter heat, open plumbing ..... $35.00 <•«\u2666 27 W 15th st, 10 rooms, barn.. 20.00 \u2666;•\u2666> 2718 Plllsbury ay, 10 r00m5...:.... 37.50 \u2666;\u2666

<* 3117 Stevens ay, 9 r00m5......— 25.00 •;\u2666\u2666> 1713 Stevens ay, 10 rooms 45.00 \u2666>«D» 1605*. Stevens ay, 10 rooms, barn.. 50.00 \u2666;\u2666

<• FLATS. £•j*> 2006 Cedar ay, second floor, 5 or \u2666;\u2666\u2666> 6 rooms, city water, wet sink, $10.00 *;«

<\u2666 1707 4th ay S, flat 2, 6 rooms, \u2666;\u2666I•> - modern ......:...,.....;...... 17.00 \u2666>

\u2666> 206 E Grant st, flat C, 6 rooms, •>\u2666> all modern , 27.00 \u2666>.*l****•J^mJmJm.JwJm.jmJm.Jm;* i;«j*.j««;«»;»»JmJmJ»«Jmj*»j» \u2666>\u2666;\u2666FOR RENT—HOUSE OF SIX ROOMS AT817 4th- ay N. Inquire at IC2O 2d ay S.$25, BEST MODER"N HOUSE IN THE CITYfor the price. 331 E Franklin. Charles S.Woodruff, 606 Guaranty building.

2005 UNIVERSITY AY NE, i-ROOM HUSE.SB.2527 4th st NE, 8-room frame house, $9.705 27th ay NE, 7-room frame house, $8.


THORPE BROS..258 Hennepin Avenue. :


2213 Bryant ay S, 10 rooms $50.001010 14th ay N. 10 rooms 45.00301 University ay NE, 10 rooms ...... 30.00

2510 Stevens ay. 10 rooms .'. 30.001414 Vine place, 9 rooms .25.001300 sth st SE, 10 rooms 35.00896 Raymond ay, 8 rooms « 25.00

3100 9th ay S. 8 rooms 27.502707 Grand av\ 9 rooms 17.601706 Sheridan ay. 6 rooms 18.001925 sth ay S. 8 rooms 18.00


1511 Stevens ay, 10 rooms $50.00748 E ISth st, 7 rooms 32.50

3216 Park ay. 5 rooms . ' 18.001714 Portland aV. 4 rooms .. 8.00;

102 19th ay S, 4 rooms 8.002106 E 22d st. 4 rooms 7.00

For list of business and store property, ap-ply at our office.

THORPE BROS..25*8 Hennepln.iiuO XXVIAUUIt1*1«


HOUSES—$35.00—1713 sth av 8; 9 rooms, all modern;

parquet floors; open plumbing;screened porch and awnings.

$27.50—1714 Nicollet ay; nine rooms, ait mod-ern; janitor service; shades, parquetfloors, open plumbing.

UNHEATED FLATS—$14.00—921 16th ay S; seven rooms, all In good

repair and modern except heat. Lookup before renting.

$12.50—1512 Chicago ay, $V6rooms; to smallfamily; modern. . See janitor. •

—1217 2d ay S; second floor, four rooms;centrally located.

BUSINESS PROPERTIES—$10.00—502 E 24th st; store, with sewerage,.• plate glass front; good for laundry,

plumber.$60.00"-313 2d ay S; 26x66, with large base-

ment. .K;-i. \u25a0'.;,,,3.600 or 7,000 square feet of space, with

freight elevator and steam heat, for-storage, in center of city.

OTHER PROPERTY FOR RENT. If youdesire quick returns and good results

from your property, list the sam» withus, and you will get both.



FURNISHED HOUSE IN SUNNYSIDE FORrent to Sept. 1; best location in th» city.Address P 1033. Journal.

: HOUSE OF TEN ROOMS, WITH SOMEreservations; all modern; on 11th st, nearNicollet; well furnished, including piano, torent for the summer to acceptable tenants;rent moderate. Gale & Co., New York Lifebuilding. ' __'FOR RENT—A FURNISHED HOUSE OFeight rooms, till Sept. 1. 25 W Grant st.FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT^Through July and August, to small familywithout children; on good car line; in goodneighborhood. Rent $18 per month. M 1038,Journal.- * &S .\u25a0\u25a0::\u25a0:'\u25a0- \u25a0-£«\u25a0«,"

HOUSE OF TEN ROOMS. WITH SOMEreservations: all modern;'on 11th st, nearNicollet: well furnished, including piano; torent for the summer to acceptable tenants;rent moderate. Gale & Co.. New York Lifebuilding.


FREE FOR RENT" OR "FURNISHEDRoom" cards for those advertising under thishead. Be sure and call for them when leav-ing the ad.

ROOMS. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED,with or without board; modern house, on carline; ten minutes' ride from postofflce; largelawn, shade trees and tennis court. AddressR 1026, Journal.FURNISHED ROOMS, STRICTLY MODERN,front on Nicollet; finest rooming building inthe city. New Albion, 711 Nicollet ay.

LARGE FRONT ROOM WITH SIDE ROOMconnected, nicely furnished, porcelain bath,gas, awnings, nice location, near library;adults only call. 66 12th st N.$7—FURNISHED FRONf~ROOM, MODERNhouse; use of piano and telephone; 1564 Hen-nepin; number should be 1664. Phone 2421L_2, jJppoElte park.NICE FURNISHED ROOM IN MODERNfrouse. 7 Highland ay.

FOR RENT^ONE OR TWO FURNISHEDfront rooms, at 1013 3d ay S. flat 3.NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENTCall at 1604 Chicago ay.

WILL RENT ONE LARGE FRONT ROOM,reasonable, for summer months. Call andsee_it.__2oll_Portland ay.

FOR RENT—TWO FURNISHED ROOMSTS4and $3.50; front; walking distance; privatefamily. 1128 Bth st S.


.'. ;' \u25a0; Continued. . . v.--. ':VERY DESIRABLE FRONT ROOM, NICELYequipped; strictly modern house; family of'rdults: rent low to gentlemen only. 68 Roy-alaton ay. ' - . - .'' aFOR RENT—A NICELY FURNISHED PAR-lor bedroom; thoroughly modern house, 13192d ay St first-class board in same block. •


©m house; hot water, night and day; tele-phone service; two large front parlors; alsounfurnished flat; rooms from $7 to $15; 1124---26-28 Hennepln «v. \u25a0*.-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0,- \u25a0 \u25a0

NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS;rent reasonable; references required. 1002Nicollet, flat 6. jDESIRABLE FURNISHED ROOM IN MOD-ern house, near good board and walking dis-tance. 819 <ith ay S. ' '. / '...__ \



water, wet sink, large wood and coalhouse,nice lawn, newly papered and painted- walk- .ing distance; only $10 per month. Call 456Temple Court. . \u25a0

' _FOR RENT—FOUR LARGE , ROOMS; . WA-ter and woodshed. 1211 23d ay NE. .OK USFURMSUKD FLATS

MODERN FIVE-ROOM FLAT, 332 E 18THat, second floor. Apply Frank Miller.ELEGANT SIX-ROOM FLATS, THOROUGH-Iy modern, 730-736 E 18th st; rent %'ii and|30. F. A. Simmons Co., New York Lifebuilding. ... \u25a0 ... ; \u25a0

SIX-ROOM MODERN FLAT, HARDWOODfloors; $27.50. W. W. Clark, 213_Nlcollet ay.

FLAT, 1508 3D AY S, 7 ROOMS, COMPLETE~-Iy modern. \u25a0\u25a0 . \u25a0 \u25a0 : •\u25a0.

Flat, 1825 Ist ay S, 5 rooms, completely mod-ern. • ' \u25a0' ' -"

-;\u25a0.\u25a0• •\u25a0. .\u25a0 . \u25a0\u25a0

Flat, 1327 Ist ay S, i rooms, completely mod-ern._ W. P. Mealey, 413 Bank of Commerce.

FIVE-ROOM STEAM-HEATED MODERNflat, fine location; good service; very desir-able. See Janitor, 527 sth ay SE.FOUR-ROOM FLAT, HARDWOOD FINISH,mantel, grate, bathroom, porcelain bath, etc.$11. 815 6th st S.

819 13TH AY S, 3-ROOM FLAT, SECONDfloor; $6. Also one on East fiWe, at 760 Ad-ams st NE; second floor flat; ?7. Lane & Con-rad Co.. 513 Phoenix building.SEVEN-ROOM FLAT, THOROUGHLY MOD-irn; elegant apartiaenta. 306 University aySE.FLAT, FIRST FLOOR, 6 ROOMS, BATH,gas and cellar; $15. Converse, 6<JU 6th ay N.Call Monday.

FOR R£NT—PRETTY SIX-ROOM FLAT,all modern; low rent for summer. Call flatC. 205 E Grant.TWO MODERN FLATS, FIVE AND SIXrooms; flue order; central location; easywalking distance; rent $15 and $17. Applyroom 300 Bank or Commerce building.

FOR RENT—UNFURNISHED FLAT OFfive rooms, conveniences, pleasant: part payin light_janitor_work. Apply 132 E 26th St.UNFURNISHED FLAT, FOUR~ROOMS~AT>'Dbath; steam heat, gas, etc,; first floor; walk-ing distance; -will sell hall carpet. 607 9thst S, flat 1.

2Q FURNISHED FLATSHANDSOME FIRST-FLOOR FLAT OF 3large rooms, in perfect condition; entirelymodern; location central and beautiful; fur-nished complete for light housekeeping; alsotwo connecting rooms. 1019 Ist ay S. .27 OFFICES

OFFICES; STEAM HEATED; PRICES $6 TO$20. Eastman block, 412 Nicollet. Inquireroom li.DESK ROOM FOR RENT WITH TELE-phone service; cheap. 715 Phoenix.

32 KASOTA BLOCK, HENNEPIN AY QI O and 4th st; one. to three rooms; steam 8Q heated; first-class service. Walter L. 8D Badger, 110 Kasota block, or £17 New Q0 York Life building. o

FOR RENT— ROOM, IN ANDRUSbuilding; private office; suitable for lady orgentleman. Address P 1037. Journal.



FORRENT^THORPE BROS.. 258 HENN AY.252-234 IST AYN,~NOW "OCCUPIED BY Me-Clellan Paper Co.; wholesale center. CharlesS. Woodruff, 606 Guaranty building.2120 CRYSTAL LAKE~AVr~22x3O "PLATEglass front; basement;'city •water, sewer, 19.S. H. Flndley, _ 517_AndruiMbulldtng.THAT ELEGANT SECOND FLOOR, 24x90,with all modern Improvements; 329 Henne-pln ay; elevator. S. H. Flndley, 617 Andrusbuilding. ...... ; .3Q MISCELLANEOUS ~ ~

! % BARN. •§«/,••-\u25a0-(: ' • \u25a0- &

i % Large barn, corner 3d ay S and 10th &JJs st; room for 21 head of horses on lirst %*£ floor and basement; good carriage and «Wi harness rooms; water, gas, electricity, &*£ sewer, etc.... $25. 3»".'•: .-..-.. . \u0084• .- - -' i'f-,-;? 9£% W. A. BARNES & CO., 5£Hi 300-302 Nicollet Avenue. •«




30,000 feet floor space, 110-112 2d ay N.14,000 feet floor space, 23-25 3d st N.


Phoenix Building.\u25a0• \u25a0 ; /;\;v.;,;. . . .


WATCHES CLEANED, $1; MAIN springs.$1; warranted one year. Paegel's, 22 3d st S.SUITS SPONGED, pressed walla you wait,60c. , Starr Steam Cleaning .House, 622 Hen.SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED, BOc;pants recut Into style or bicycle pants, 76c:stilts steam cleaned and pressed, $1. An-thony the Tailor, 119 Washington aT_W.INCREASE YOUR MONEY EARNINGlty by attending \u25a0 the Minnesota School ofBusiness, 64 3d st 3, diagonally opposite P.O.GET your shoes repaired at the Wide-AwakeShoe Shop. 709 Hennepin ay. Men's halfcoles, 50c; men's sewed soles, "sc; O'Sullivanrubber heels, 50c; Work done while you Walt.WANTED— RAILROAD LABORERS FORLakota and Bottineau, N. D.; $1.75 per day;board $3.50 per week. Call at Western Em-ployment Co., 103 and 218 Nleollet ay.

EXPERIENCED AND ENERGETIC HOUSEto house canvassers. Plenty of work andgood pay. 1203 3d It 8. ' " \u25a0 "

TEACHERS WANTED—PRINCIPALS TOWN*schools, $450, $700, $800, $1,000; principal com-mercial department, $800; science and Ger-man, $700; attendants for state Institution,young men above 16. Hazard Teachers' Agen-cy, 732 Boston block.


SALESMEN WANTED TO SELL TALKINGmachines in twin cities on payments. Co-lumbia Phonograph Co., 305 Nleollet ay.

ANTED^A~YOUNG"\!aN~OF~G~OOD AD-dress to demonstrate and sell on the streetnew and salable novelty. Address E j 1036,

! Journal. • . • : '

MACHINISTS WANTED-^WILL PAY GOODwages for first-class men; steady workStrong ft Northway Mfg. Co., 251 3d *v S.ENERGETIC SALESMAN,. SCHO:plies; country work; $100 salary, and com-mission. R. O. Evans & Co., Chicago, J 111. jWANTED— EXPERIENCED MAN~TC)take care of small set of books and cigarcounter, i Address G 1036, Journal:WANTED—A STRONG. SOBER"maN, WHOunderstands porter work in winshouse andrestaurant. Must have experience. AddressH 1036. Journal. __-^



For summer work; good salariesand commissions paid for faithfulwork. We teach you our business.This is one of the most reliable con-cerns in Minneapolis. You know us.

Address A 1037, Journal.

WANTED—A GOOD, COMPETENT BOOK-keeper, one acquainted with fruitand producebusiness preferred. Must have good refer-ences. Address with reference. State salary.F 1037, Journal.WANTED—OIL SALESMAN TO SELL LU-bricating oils and greases on salary or com*mission; excellent side line. The A. O. Har-baugh Co., Cleveland, Ohio.WANTED—ACTIVE MAX, WELL RECOM^mended, to manage business of old establishedbouse of solid financial standing; salary $1,200per year and $4 per day for expenses; salary

paid monthly in cash, direct from office.Money advanced for expenses. Continuousposition. The Dominion Co.,Bept. X, Chicago.

FOR RENT—TO A LADY, ONE LARGEfront room or one side room, neatly fur-nished; modern house, opposite Loring park.1562 Heonepln ay, near Harmon place


Coalißße4.WANTED—INDUSTRHJUB WEN AND WOM-en. In every town, to work Terr us at theirhomes.' -No canvassing. We • will sendwork any distance. We have several Usesof work to give out, some ot -Which requireno experience. If you can't devote the wholeday to. our work, you can earn $5 or IS aweek by working -a* -hour or two evenings.Address Standard Mfg. Co., I*2 W«st 23d at.New Yofk. '*

\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 •\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0••• \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0•• ;•- \u25a0•\u25a0 . ,-~,WANTED — SALESMEN EVERYWHERE;salary or commission; permanent. BrownBros. Co., Nursery-rep, Rochester. N. ¥. *GOVERNMENT POSITIONS, WHERE THEYare, how obtained, salaries paid; examina-tions soon in every state; particulars free*write for circular 143. National Cor. Institute.Washington. D. C. " -&ARBER WANTED—AT ONCE; GOODwages; steady job. Address or trliytoutuMichael Byrne, St. Claud. Minn.GLASSES EXCHA^GED,~Mondayr and" Tum-flaya, at Free Eye Dispensary, 225 Hennepin.CIVIL SERVICE GOVERNMENT POSITIONS—About- 9,500 appointment* were made listyear. Probably 16,000 this year. Thos«standing highest at the examinations soon tobe held will secure these positions; catalogueof Information free. Columbian Correspond-ence College, Washington, D. C. -Sen AND WOMEN to represent us]|24 cash for two weeks' trial; permanent vsatisfactory; no canvassing. Wholesale.Drawer 74, New Haven, Conn.LET SET YOU UP IN «USIN«SS; |1«and more monthly easily made selling outpopular "W. G." »a*i»enderß; sotaethlng hew.Sell at sight. Exclusive territory. Our planth« beat. Address, witb reference*, WalterG. Simmons & Co., 10 W.2d st, Cincinnati, O.EARN A BETTER~SALARY D POSITION—Study electricity, .mechanical engineering,mechanical drawing at tome by correspond-ence; thousands succeesful; Thomas A. Edi-son indorsee institute; book, "Can I Becom«an Electrical Engineer?" mailed tree. El«c-trlcal Engineer Institute, New York. >"«--.'\u25a0HUSTLTNO AND ENSROSTIC DON'Tbe idle; write the Hawks Nursery Co., Mll-wauke*. Wts., for special terms and territory.WANTED—TWO FIRST-CLASS SALESMENat once -to cover the Dakotas and the north-west; rood commission or salary. AddressW 1032, Journal.

\u25a0_...._ _\u25a0 : \u25a0

WANTED—GOOD COACHMAN; SOBER ANDindustrious. 2319 Alarlch ay S.SALESMEN—WILL FURNISH SIDE LlNfiwith merit; no fakes; road experience re-quired; big commissions; give references, ex-perience with application. Columbia JewelryCo., lowa City, lowa.WANTED—A CEMENT SIDEWALK LAYKKat once. Call at 534 »th ay S.THREE MORE YOUNG OR MIDDLE-AGEDmen to work with crew showing goods tofarmers; you sell nothing. Call Sunday «rMonday. French, 31$ E nth st.YOUNG MAN—THE MUSSON SHORTHANDinstitute is the only school In the northwestwith a professional active shorthand r«-porter at the head; all graduates in position*.WANTED—YOUNG MAN ABOUT 20 YEARSold tor office work; mast be a good penman,quick and accurate at figures. P 10BC,' Jour-

I nal. ,_ \u25a0

WANTED—AN EXPERIENCED ICE CREAMmaker, at Lake Harriet pavilion. . .FREE BOOKLET, "HOW TO SECURE JU3Tthe Position You Want," if you write atonce. N. C. A. S., 115 Heed building, Phil-adelphia, Pa. . : . , .WANTED—A FIRST-CLASS EDGE SETTERand first-class edge trimmer on McKay wort.Shaft-Pierce Shoe Co.WANTED—MEN^AND WOMEN TO WORKfor us at home; good wages; no canvassing;work mailed on receipt 'of stamped envelop.Imperial Art Mfy. Co. (M), Philadelphia.

WANTED—COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER",] steady work to right party; also do otherI work part of the time. Address F 1038, Jour-jnal.



YOUNG MEN, LEARN ILLUSTRATING,advertisement writing, bookkeeping, journal-ism or stenography by mail; tuition payable60 days after securing position paying atleast $13 weekly; mention course in whichinterested. Correspondence Instltua of Amer-Ica, Scranton, Pa.WANTED—EVERYWHERE, HUSTLERS TOtack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.;no canvassing; good pay. Sun AdvertisingBureau, Chicago.WANTE~D—BRIGHT YOUNG FELLOW, 15or 18 years old. Kurtzman-O'Keetfe TailoringCo., 309 Nicollet ay.

BRIGHT YOUNG MAN, SALESMAN; FUR-niture and house furnishing business; mustknow something of business; with good ret*erences. 1415 Washington arN.WANTED—A GOOD7~STEAbY, CAPABLEman to take care of two or three horses.Reference required. Call 8 to 10 Mondaymorning at 216 Kasota block. . _. ... , .."WANTED—MAN TO CLEAN WINDOWS; Uto 51.23 per day. World Window CleaningCo., 221 Nicollet ay.

FIRST-CLASS PAINTERS, MONDAYMORN*-lng. 3115 Nlcollet ay. A. M. Larson.WANTED—PRESS FEEDER; ONE WHOcan scrape for a three-revolution Hoe. Unionman. Wages, $10.50. Address lock box 255,Sioux City, lowa. . . .: .EXPERIENCED CIGAR SALESMAN, JOB-bing trade only. Cheap line. Give refer-ences, age, nationality, past experience, sal-ary expected. E 1038, Journal. •WE HAVE REMOVED FROM 505 3D- ST ito 249 6th ay S. Prices tame at usual. All otour old patrons will please call at the newnumber. Collyer's Steam Laundry. Teie-phone 2295 J.WANTED—YOUNG MAN IN OFFICE OFwholesale house. Salary to begin with, $16per month. Good chances; steady employ-ment and promotion to right young mad.Answer In own handwriting, stating age. F1039. Journal. i :.nSTENOGRAPHER — IF PROGRESSIVE,write, stating salary Wanted, to N. C. A. S..US Heed building, Philadelphia, Pa.t~ravelTng~salesman~mXy~6btain aRood position by writing N. C. A. 8., 116Heed building, Philadelphia, Pa.WANTED—MEN WITH RIGS. TO INTRO-duce poultry compound; $13 weekly and ex-penses; payable weekly; yearly employment.Department 22, Royal Co-Op. Mfg. Co., In-dianapolis, lud.MAN—TO COLLECT AND ADVERTISE IM

' Minnesota; $65 per month and expenses; per-manent position; references required. Sec-retary. 704. 356 Dearborn >t. Chicago.

' EVERY OWNER OF A WHEEL SHOULD• go to Cunningham's ice cream garden, 2016: 4th ay S, at once, and get some of our finest.

32|~HELP WANTED^FEMALE" INCREASE YOUR MONEY EARNING ABIL--1 ity by attending the Minnesota School of

Business, 54 3d at S, diagonally opposite P. O.• COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL' housework. Apply immediately, traces $4;1 no washing. 2013 Stevens ay.

- TEACHERS" WANTED"—"HIGH SCHOOL• Latin and English; German and botany;; grammar and Intermediate, $40 to $60; pri-

mary, $40 and upward; supervisor of practice,$1,300; many other calls now on our books.

[ Hazard Teachers' Agency, 732 Boston block.i gTrlTwanted for generalT~hou§h.

\u25a0work. Call at 935 14th ay S.

' WANTED—GOOD COOK; GOOD WAGES- and pleasant home to right girl. Apply at' once at 501 Holly ay, corner of Mackubln,. St. Paul.


work. 1428 Adams st NE.WANTED—THREE EXPERIENCED SKIRTfinishers and girl for embroidery. Mm*.Boyd. 928 Nicollet ay.

GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK; PLAIN COOIC-i ing; can have evenings to herself. Call Sua-


'. thoroughly practical instruction given at the. Munson Shorthand Institute, Guaranty Loanbuilding, is an advantage possessed by no

; other school in the northwest. Send for par-. other school la the northwest; send for cir-

culars.WANTED—GOOD COOK AT ONCE AT 2618Park_ *?•

i WANTED — COMPETENT OIRL FOShousework; 1942 Irving ay 8: take Kenwoodcar to Irving, then three blocks to left.

MEN AND WOMEN EVERYWHERE TOcopy letters; $5 to $6 w«*My, working even-Ings; particulars enabling you to start towork mailed en application. Enclose stamp.Union Advertising Co., Toledo, Ohio.WANTED^A~YOUNO GIRL FOR LIGHThousework; family of two; one who can fohome evenings preferrad. 3201 Harriet it.

WANTED—YdTFNG~GiRLTwWk~DAYS, OOhome nights. Apply 1727 9th ay S.WANTED—TWO LADIES WHO CAN SELLtbe two latest and best serial publications onthe market; big money; it is all the rag*In the enst; commissions or salary. AdrirrtsV 1038. Journal.GOOD BARBER WANTED AT ONCE; MUSTbe white; good wages. Address Burt June,Mayvllle, N. P.BOOKKEEPER—STATE QUALIFICATION^and salary. N. C. A. S., 115 Heed building,Philadelphia, Pa.


WANTED—GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUBE-work; family of three: no children; modernhouse; references required. 1406 Clinton ay.

wXnted^a~strongTwilling~girl toassist in general housework; large family;good wages. 2301 3d ay S.wa~n~ted::::a~g~o6d~oirl~for general"housework. 1729 9th ay &

WANTED—A WOMAN TO WASH DISHES.Lake Harriet pavilion; wages $5 a week, vitaroom and board.