Highland Recorder LOCAL NEWS. PERSONAL Drief Items of Interest to Home Folks About Their Friends And AcQuaintances. Mr J L Hiner went to Marlinton Monday morning. Mr George VV Hicklin, of dover >Creek, waa in town Tueeday. Mr Roy Campbell and wife, of Franklin, were in town a few days .early io the week. Mr 3 W Botkin, one of the Re¬ corder's faithful subscriber, spent sa short time in town Monday. Messrs R N Jones and Sam'l .Grogg are building a house for Mr A J White on his farm North of town. Our stock of Spring Millinery is ¦mw complete. Every thing neat awl iii order. C VV Judy, New Hampden, Va. Messrs E K Rexrode, H I Sim¬ mons and Dr C P Rexrode, of the Blue Grass Valley, were over on thia side Monday. Mr J Howard Wilson, of Head¬ waters, spent Monday night at Monterey, regiateied at the Coni- mercial. Mr R M Trimble, aa company **w'sth Mr H P Patterson, the livery- »m_, made a trip to Bartow early lin tte week. Mr Andr Ryder has joined the {carpenter force of Gum & Heven¬ er;, at MeotereY. Sod Simmon.? has vacated hie 3Iain Street quarters aird is now a (resident <#f the Trimble Hill sub¬ urb. The Winier flat k now left to its own desolation, save a couple of shops. The popularity of the *'Sipe House'1 is astonishing, and, irotess the WHye is soon checked, a w«.g or annex will have to Oe supplied. .Mr James Woods, of Back Creek, paid Monterey a visit Thursday. The fellow who suggested that the jail should be moved to Mc¬ Dowell as a matter of convenience, declares he did not mean it as a "fling" at Eastern Highland, burt vwas just pokin' fun. .For the best 36-inch Taffeta Silk l&tiUJQ in ail colors, order from Shreckhise & Bear, Staunton, Va. Wheo ,v°u come to court call and buy a Watch and Chain, Fountain Pen, Graphophone, Wedding Ring, etc. from H. hf- Slaven. On Thursday Mw 16th inst., Mr. John VV. Cook, a prosperous citi¬ zen of Augusta county, and Miss Effie H. Tuhrer, a former- pupil of ;Mrs. H. M. Roane, drove to the ;parsonige at McDo*^i and were imarried, aud returned ia make (their home near Valley Mi. in .that county. Preparatory to co««*es>c'mg wreck on the new National bank building, Dr Trimble's offico has, »been moved a few yards westward.' "The\Wk$rk of moving the office was in<Jharge of Messrs E \7 Arm¬ strong and I B Bussard, and was accomplished without damage* to the building or its contents. Mr R D Folks and little son, William, of the Crabbottom valley, were in town Thursday. An alarm of fire was started about 1 p. m.Tuesdav and was caus¬ ed by a small blaze at Paul Brown's blacksmith shop. The bucket bri¬ gade turned out in full force, but, as soon as a ladder could be found, the blaze was put out in short or¬ der. Another warning to the vtown! Not long after the fire excite¬ ment had abated last Tuesday, a .citizen was heard to remark, **I wonder how long it will be until Monterey does burn," and there waa a significant emphasis on tbe *4how long." It seems to be a fore* gone conclusion that such a fate is il store for us. Strayed away from my plaoe, at Valley Center, Va., about the 1st of February, a female shepperd dog, Queen, medium size, black along back, white face and legs, with yellow stripe between white and black, Anv one knowing any* thing, or will give any information as to her whereabouts will be am¬ ply rewarded. She was last peen at C E Watson's Back Creek. R W Lightncr. Mr Robert Kennier, of Lynch¬ burg, Va., is here to assist Mr Clif¬ ton Matheny, ass't Cashier of the First National Bank of Highland in straightening np the business of the Bank cf Highland, which they hope to accomplish as early as pos sible. Mr Kennier, like most visitors to Monterey, is pleased ¦with the town and expresses re¬ gret that he cannot remain perma¬ nently. Use a Victor burner, American wick, Aladdin Security Oil and have a perfect li^ht, manufactured ;by the Standard Oil Co. 4t For Sale.Eight two Year old .cattle. Applv to Mrs. 0. Wilson, Mouterej, Va. -Agents Wanted.16x20 crayon portraits 40 cents, frames 10 cents and up. Sheet pictures one cent each. You can make 400 per cent profit or $36 per week. Catalogue and samples free. Frank W Wil¬ liams Company, 1208 VV Taylor St. Chicago, Ul, 4t Milli »o».lii ¦ 'tm Circuit Court The spring term of the Circuit Court, Judge Geo. If Anderson, will convene on Tuesday next, April 28, and promises to he a right busy session, and of more than usu¬ al length. It is a grand jury term, as most of us know, and the jurv impanel¬ ed last full, having been held over until this term, will resume the matters then unfinished, as well as look after intervening crookedness. Following are the names cf those who are summoned as petit jurors for the Circuit Court: H S McClung, W A Sheets, Wm F Joues, John H Blagg," Jos E Armstrong, L M Pope, C C Burns, F W Dudley, J Walter Newman, Harmon Woods] Wm A McLaugh¬ lin, S L Simmons, H A Gum, Jas M Siron, R M Rodgers, J G Bird, CG Hildebrand,D H A Hiner. - List of \ eniremen. S A Byrd, W A Mullenax, J H Mackey, E R Hull, Addison Crum- uiett, Homer Stephenson, C K Gib¬ son, S W Wilson, C L Waggoner, C W Judy, Olin Beverage, Charles Arbogast, H F Harold, J Hardin Gum, J H Hiner^J A Fleisher, H S Crowley, J Amos Hiner, G G Gutshall. Let our regular county corre¬ spondents make a May-day resolu¬ tion. We want to hear from them regularly during the month, Give us the .cream of the news, and, if anything ol importance occurs aft¬ er your letter is mailed and before Thursday aooja, .call us up by tele¬ phone and report. For good comfort io Hot Weath¬ er, buy tbe Vuder Porch Shade.' Sold by SHRECKHI8E & UeAK, Staunton, Va. We are requested by Rev II M Roane, of the McDowell circuit4 M E Church South, to say that the l«t/}uarterlv meeting for that cir- ci'iOo be held on Saturday and Sunday .next, will be held at Beth¬ el ch areli, and not at McDowell, as stated in mr last week's issue. Preaching bv ike P. E. both Satur¬ day and Sunday, The Green Hill meuehant, Mr W C Hull, was in town Thu«daY. For Ladies Kid Gloves, Silk fcnd Chamois Gloves, write to Shrsckhise a Bear, Staunton, Va, -_. . g.- RECORDER -HONOR LIST New An* Renewal Subsections Since Our Last Issue New.Miss Jester Matheny, Val¬ ley Center, Va. . Renewal.A. 3. T, Davis, J. M. Ralston, G. W. Botkit!, Charles A Masters, McDowell, Va.; J. R- Woods, Vanderpool, Va.; J. How¬ ard Wilson, Lone Fountain, V*,, EL K. Rexrode, R. F. D. Nor 1, Monterey, Va ; Dr. C. P. Rexrode, A.&ee Wimer, Crahbottom, Va.; fteQ. ~. Hicklin, Clover Creek,Va.; Mi*. iFaonie Brattou, Bolar, Va.; Mrs. Jor. iBarkraan, Mrs. H. M. Patterson,.Staunton, Va.; Rev. C. Sponai/^. U"*< W- Vs.: M. P. Wade, Fran^ W> «M * J* Barkley, Dunlevie, W* *N_* ft Flwod, Washington, ft s!K»AJ Maloy, Shinnston, W. Va.; . *eob G. Chew, Melvin, la.; Jas H Sam- pies, Clifton Forge, Va.; Mrs A W Reynolds, Princeton, W. Va.: Grogg & Dudley, Parkersburg, \V. Va; A. M. Eastham, J. Clif Ma¬ theny, Mrs. Chas. G. Cross, Monte¬ rey, Va. -.-.»- Important Notice! If you expect to vote at the Presidential and Congressional Eleeiipjj in November next, you wil| have to pay your poll tax on or before MAY a, 1908. -.».-.-_ AK ISIDIOUS DANGER One of the worst features nj kid¬ ney trouble is that it is aa insidi¬ ous disease and before the victim realizes his danger he may have a fatal malady. Take Foley**! Kid¬ ney Remedy at the first rdgn ol trouble as it corrects irregt ilaritiee and prevents Bright's dise ase and diabetes. Swodley Bros., Vauwferp ool, and sold by Monterey drufl^ist. NOTIC E As I have closed my shop ai Mill Gap I am now ready for set tlement. All accoi mts oof: settled by the 1st of Mav (with me), cai be settled with S ! 5 Wade. W. lt. PuHin. He Got Whj>.t Hs Needed. uNiue years (o it looked as ij my time had co me/* says Mr I Farthing, of Millcreek, Ind. Ter 'I was so run d> >wn that life hung on a very slende r thread. It wai then my drug gist recommended Electric Bitters., I bought a bot¬ tle and got what: I needed.strength I had one foot iii the grave, but Electric Bitters* t>»fc it back ort the turf again, andi ire been well ever since," Sold under guarantee at all druggists,, 50c. ATTEMPTS SUICIDE Negro Stanton, Locked Up Mon¬ day Evening, Cuts Ugly Gash in Throat With Razor. Wound Sewed Up and He Hay Live Em Stanton, the Hullpaslure River negro, who was brought here aud locked up on Mondav, made a desperate attempt to take his life on Wednesday night, a razor being used for the purpose. Henry Baker, who is one of the seven prisoners, but a''trusty,1' had been using the razor on the previ¬ ous day, and left it in th" cell. Stanton says that he cut his throat about 10 o'clock, but, being locked in the cage by himself, the crime was not discovered until early Thursday morning, and then only bv the appearance of blood stain?, as he had covered his neck and face with bed clothing. The wound, which bled profusely, is a de*»p one immediately in front, partly sever¬ ing the wind-pipe, but, while the knife marks reach from car to ear, the vital region of the jugular was not deeply cut. He was attended by all three of the resident physicians, and, while we did not hear their opinion after the wound was dressed, the general impression seems to be that the chances for and against him are about equal. Stanton's fellow-prisoners now recall certain remarks made by him yesterday which pointed to self-de¬ struction, but at the time not un¬ derstood by them. It is said that he sent bis purse home by some! one yesterday evening, and express¬ ed a desire to see his boy. He is a large man, perhaps forty years of age, and is said to haye Indian blood in his veins, a claim which is strengthened somewhat by his prominent cheek-bones and color. The crime with which tbe negro is charged and for which he was locked up, is the seduction of his step-daughter, the circumstances being aggravated, according to the evidence, by cruel treatment, threats etc. Died Harry, the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Simmons, died at their home near Headwaters,pf tu¬ bercular-meningitis, April l-8th. at the age of 13 years, 5 months and 16 dave, and was buried from the Headwaters church on Sunday afternoon iu the presence of a large gathering of friends, who, with their tears and flowers, desired to P^y" their last tribute of respect, tfflsTf supered for several weeks, aud to Afc: «o young was particular¬ ly dist*eaM|»& viewed from a hu¬ man standpoint >t for one of such a lovely 'diajWjiMon a?d of such tender years, irs Jftfl belie'.'* that our Heavenly Father has a beater place than this world rcan afford. Mav His grace be found sufficient for the stricken parents, and may there be a happy reunion Jtt^e"sjreetbyeandbye/ H. M. R- Teacher^ rumination. The spr?^.examiuaiUon of teach¬ ers ff* &* vear 1908 wili be held «t Monterey on April Wh. May 1st, and 2nd. The examination vii) begin promptly at ftW exclr day. Jared L, Jones. Supt. Highland Co. _+.+- Hark A. Simmons The Wlt^R Tlutirqn!Z ad opted by ti^Jfe** SuDd*y loved Superintend^, Mart A Sim¬ mons, who had so >thfullv filled the office for the pasv^^y^8-. On April 1,1D08. ho. closed hrs work here on earth, and P«»jd _ tbe realms above, to be pothered and united with them who wved and trusted their <God and Redeem- er# He was boru and raised in the neighborhood in which he died. He united himself with tbe Evangeliz¬ ed Lukhern Church over twenty- five years ago, and in his late years he was very faithful to his God and Redeemer, being of a disposi¬ tion .to associate with all jtaranches of God's church. Resolved 1. That in thin death, Union Chapel Sunday School ha*J lost its most zealous officer and its ttromgest pillar. '<£-, His county and state has lost ooh of its best citizens. 3. That we extend our christian love and sympathy to his bereaved fami ly in their loss which is His gain. 4. That this tribute of respect be recor ded in our record book, that r eopyr be sent to his bereaved fami' ly, aa d that they be published iu the U ighland Recorder. John M. White, C. L. Waggoner, J. N. Stover, Committe. .V »0e IYou? hq| *.. P*per emly fl-iubscrito School Book Adoption The State Board of Education met in Richmond last week and adopted text hooks for the public ?chools of Virginia for the next four yfars. The Board adopted the ''single ist" preferred and clamored for by uost of the people, yet the country will rot he happv, because the new ist will necessitate almost an en- ire change in this and many coun¬ ts, perhaps only two of the old Kiok9 being retained. One feature ;onne»:ted with the move is favora¬ ble, and that is that the price of he hooka will be decidedly lower, ind the old b>oks should be saved is they can be used in the ex¬ change. The new list includes the follow- ng books: Playmate's Primer, Sheppe's Word Studies, Webster's )ictionaries, Hyde's ""Grammar.0, Chandler and Cfaitwood's Makers of American History, Lee's New Jchool History, Frye's Geotjraphie?, 'olaw's Arithmetic for the coun- ies aud Southworth-Stone Arith- netic for certain cities, Duggar's Agriculture. Our people will be glad to note he success of the Colaw Arithme- ic, which will now be used in all he counties of the State, whereas, ormerly, only about 35 of the ounties had adopted it. It will Iso he toad \n all the smaller cit- ?8 of the State. The Sheppe Word StudiVs adopt- d is by Mr. E. S Shrppe, who will >e remembered as a former owner nd publisher of the Recorder, mer- hant and teacher of Monterey. Ie is a brother of Dr. J. L. Sheppe, if Crahbottom, and now lives in "forth Carolina, if we mistake not. -it,- Another Jail Bird. Sheriff Arbogast carne in Tues- lay evening having in charge a olored man named Emery Stan- on, who hails from the liullpas- ure River in the Poverty neigh- jorhood. Stanton was arrested ipon the evidence of his step- laughter, a girl of 18 or 19, who charges him with a grave and das¬ tardly crime. His preliminary .rial was held at McDowell Tues- lav and he wa8 sent on to await ;he actiou of the grand jury. We now haye seven prisoners. something never before known in the history of the county. The ladies are requested to visit our Millinery room and i?et prices before placing their orders else¬ where. Very jatest styles. C W Judy, $ew Hampden, Va. rn m .-»-. rn em-¦ Notice Having decided to change m\ business I will offer for sale al Headwaters, Va., my property consisting of Store House and Lol .Dwelling up stairs, wHk five good rooms, also a nice clear stock of goods. Would like to sell goods and property all together; will take first cost on all goods,which means freight and hauling paid. Al g&od, clean, staple stock. I wil sell or rent property at a reasona ble prfci. Gentlemen, I mean bus iness! Any one wishing to go in tc this business would do well to b< the first to caji; and look at thi; property. If I do: ribj;-have a buy¬ er within 30 days, i will sell mj stock of goods at auction to th< highest bidder for cash; also rn] property. Any one wishing a goo( stand for a store will never have j .better chance to do business thai aqw\ Notice to My Customers..Al persons holding script morie; against the firm will please turn i all in within 30 days, and any on having claims against WW Ham ilton will please present same Positively no credit. W W HAMILTON, Headwaters, Va. Your Child's Eyesight Watch out for frowns, for squints, and when he reads pr looks at a picture book does he hold it too near or far? These little things grow faster than the child and in many cases can bs overcome if discovered n time. You may save him a lifetime of strain and weak sight. Defects of visiou never disappear of their own accord, and in most cases grow worse. We don't charge for advising you. H. L. Lang, OPTOMETRIST Staunton, - Vt Not a drop of Alcohol Doctors prescribe very little, if any, alcohol these days. They prefer strong tonics and altera¬ tives. This is all in keeping with modern medical science. It explains why Ayer's Sar¬ saparilla is now made entirely free from alcohol. Ask your doctor, Follow his advice. A mrs ssnMoaaasacsB We publish our formulas sj banish alcohol .*_ from our medicines We urge you to consult your doctor Unless there is dally action of the bow¬ els, poisonous products are absorbed, causing headache, biliousness, nausea, dyspepsia. We wish you would ask your doctor about correcting your constipation by taking laxative doses of Ayer's Pills. .-Mada by the J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell. M»««.. Preaching Appointments I will preach at the following places on Highland circuit M. . Church as follows: 1st Sunday, Union Chapel ll a. m. and Crahbottom at 3:30 p. m. 2d Sunday, Wesley Chapel ll a. m. and Vanderpoel at 3:30 p. m. 3rd Sunday, Asbury Chapel ll a. m. and Thnrnv Bottom at 3:30p.m 4th Sunday."Green Hill at ll a. rn. and Fairyiew at 3:30 p. m. J A Brumbaugh, Pastor Preaching services are held each month as follows: The 1st Sabbath, Monterey, ll a. m. and Pisgah at 3 p. m. 2nd Sabbath, New Hampden at ll a. m. 3rd Sabbath, Pisgah, ll a. m., Monterey, 7:30 p m. 4th Sabbath, Hightown, ll a m. New Hampden, 7:30 p. m. W. S. Trimble Preaching on Monterey Circuit ?is follows; 1st Sunday, Hightown ll a.m., and Trinity 3 p.m. 2nd Sunday, Seybert ll a.m., and Monterey 7-30 p.m. 3rd Sunday. Trinity ll a.m., and Hightown 3 p.m; 4th Sunday, Mouterey ll a.m., >,a\|d Seybert 3 p.m. . W. N. Wagner. fT TRAlt y*-"ff*. MAKR - Xfeocu. OA/cCtf>cnv* _ .and. RECORDS are pow for sale by E. YVimpr & Sons, or cash or on the easy paying plan. Call or write for catalogue to F. C. WIMER, Mgr. Crabbottom - . Virginia No. 0043 Treasury Department gffic* of Citntxolltt ol tb* tnrxttxt^ Washington, D C., Feb 24,1908 Whereas, by satisfactory evidence pre¬ sented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that "The First National Bank of Highland at Monterey," in the village of Monterey, in the county of Highland, and the State of Virginia, has complied with all the proyisions of the atatut'es ot the United States, required to be complied with before an association shall be authorised to commence the bus¬ iness of Banking; Now therefor^ I, Thomas P. Kane, Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that '-The First National Bank of Highland at Monterey," In the village of Monterey, in the county of Highland, and Mate of Virginia, is authorized to commence the business of Banking as provided in Sec¬ tion Fifty-one hundred and sixty nine of the Revised Statutes of the United States Jn testimony whereof witness my hand and Seal of office this twenty-fourth day of February, 1908. T. P. KANE, Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the i ,^w,) Currency, j SEAL I TZ^rR/tot^MARKIsrromptly o'-taln-l * ail countries, or no fee. Wo obtain PATENTS THAT PAY advertise them thoroughly, at bur expense, sud telp J'""1 to ""ecus*. flood model, photo or sketch for FREE report cb patentability. 20 years' practice. SUR¬ PASSING REFERENCES. For free Guide Book on Profitable Talents write to B03-S0S Seventh Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. RyOTSKlDNEYCiJRE Hakes Kidneys and Bladder Riflht Cures Biliousness, Sick Headache, Sour Stom¬ ach, Torpid Liver and Chronic Constipation. Pleasant to taKe * Sold by all dn ...* ... I. I...JM ¦¦' .. JIL ,< The Flower that ^P^flfa, Bloom in Th^ l^jjJllSil Spring. bring no more pleasure to the sense of sight and smell than oar &K'^|P^^|^ |S^ dainty Oxford tie or pumps bring to the sense of feeling and comfort when warm weather sets io, Light, handsome, weli-fiittiug and cool, they are the ideal Summer foot-wear for both men and women. We have a superb stock waiting for you to choose from, in all Leathers, Patent, Gun Metal, Vici, Tan and Brown. Armstrong Shoe Co. 27 W Main St. Staunton, Va Government Supervision 3f National Banks is every year becoming more rigid, the examination into every de¬ tail more careful. It is the purpose of the Government to make the word "National" in connection with a bank symonymous with 'Safety." lu addition to the frequent and regular examinations of the books )f The First National Bank of Highland at Monterey by National Bank Examiners under the supervision of the Comptroller of the Cur¬ rency, a similar examination will be made seyeral times a year by a Committee of Directors. This Means Safe Banking For you as one of the depositors in that bank. It issues Certificates of Deposit in sums of from $5.00 up, bearing interest at the rate of 3 per ^ent, renewable annually or sem-annually or quarterly. They are an especially good inycstmeut for you. TIETZE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Highland, Monterey, Va, Walnut, Scycamore, Pop¬ lar and Lynn wanted $35 per M for old growth walnut, sawed strong inch; 6; S; 10; 18; 14 and 16 feet lengths, edged and straight, 3 inches wide and ap. $30 per M for y.onjnj walnut, sawed stong inch. 6; 8; 10: 12; 14 and 16 feet lengths, edged and straight, 3 inches wide and up. $87 per M for extra good old growth bhtt logs, tawed strong li and 2 inches, 6 8, 10; 13; 14 and 16 feet lengths, edged and straight. $1^ per M for all walnut lumber of 4 feet lengths. All walnut to be measured on the black side. $18 per M for log run Poplarjand Lynn Millculls out. sawed 1 inph and of ey- en length 3 feet and up, $12.50 for Poplar and Lynn Millculls, sawed 1 inch, and of even leggin* 8 feet and up. $16 per M for log run Sycamore with Millculls out, to be sawed strong inchi and the best logs H Inches. The lumber to be delivered ac our factory. PUTNAM & CO., Organ rater., Staunton, : Virgil ia. In Connection With Our STOCKOF GENERAL MERCHANDISE, We now have on hand a good line of Wagons, harvest Machinery of All Kinds. Grain Drills Harrows. Plows dc. Will exchange the same for any kind of live stock at market value, / JONES and Shoulder, Doe Hill - - Virginia Cleanses the system thoroughly and clears sallow complexions of axative Fruit S^j^j2.2S» aggists.Monterey. "" frwol, Va. /

Milli ofNotAlcohol drop The If ^P^flfa, · "fling" at Eastern Highland, burt vwasjust pokin' fun..Forthe best36-inch TaffetaSilk l&tiUJQin ail colors, orderfrom Shreckhise& Bear,

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Page 1: Milli ofNotAlcohol drop The If ^P^flfa, · "fling" at Eastern Highland, burt vwasjust pokin' fun..Forthe best36-inch TaffetaSilk l&tiUJQin ail colors, orderfrom Shreckhise& Bear,

Highland Recorder


Drief Items ofInterest to HomeFolks About Their Friends

And AcQuaintances.

Mr J L Hiner went to MarlintonMonday morning.Mr George VV Hicklin, of dover

>Creek, waa in town Tueeday.Mr Roy Campbell and wife, of

Franklin, were in town a few days.early io the week.Mr 3 W Botkin, one of the Re¬

corder's faithful subscriber, spentsa short time in town Monday.

Messrs R N Jones and Sam'l.Grogg are building a house for MrA J White on his farm North oftown.Our stock of Spring Millinery is

¦mw complete. Every thing neatawl iii order. C VV Judy,

New Hampden, Va.

Messrs E K Rexrode, H I Sim¬mons and Dr C P Rexrode, of theBlue Grass Valley, were over on

thia side Monday.Mr J Howard Wilson, of Head¬

waters, spent Monday night atMonterey, regiateied at the Coni-mercial.Mr R M Trimble, aa company

**w'sth Mr H P Patterson, the livery-»m_, made a trip to Bartow earlylin tte week.

Mr Andr Ryder has joined the{carpenter force of Gum & Heven¬er;, at MeotereY.Sod Simmon.? has vacated hie

3Iain Street quarters aird is now a

(resident <#f the Trimble Hill sub¬urb. The Winier flat k now leftto its own desolation, save a coupleof shops.The popularity of the *'Sipe

House'1 is astonishing, and, irotessthe WHye is soon checked, a w«.gor annex will have to Oe supplied..Mr James Woods, of Back Creek,

paid Monterey a visit Thursday.The fellow who suggested that

the jail should be moved to Mc¬Dowell as a matter of convenience,declares he did not mean it as a

"fling" at Eastern Highland, burtvwas just pokin' fun.

.For the best 36-inch Taffeta Silkl&tiUJQ in ail colors, order from

Shreckhise & Bear,Staunton, Va.

Wheo ,v°u come to court call andbuy a Watch and Chain, FountainPen, Graphophone, Wedding Ring,etc. from H. hf- Slaven.

On Thursday Mw 16th inst., Mr.John VV. Cook, a prosperous citi¬zen of Augusta county, and MissEffie H. Tuhrer, a former- pupil of;Mrs. H. M. Roane, drove to the;parsonige at McDo*^i and were

imarried, aud returned ia make(their home near Valley Mi. in.that county.

Preparatory to co««*es>c'mgwreck on the new National bankbuilding, Dr Trimble's offico has,»been moved a few yards westward.'"The\Wk$rk of moving the office was

in<Jharge of Messrs E \7 Arm¬strong and I B Bussard, and was

accomplished without damage* tothe building or its contents.Mr R D Folks and little son,

William, of the Crabbottom valley,were in town Thursday.An alarm of fire was started

about 1 p. m.Tuesdav and was caus¬ed by a small blaze at Paul Brown'sblacksmith shop. The bucket bri¬gade turned out in full force, but,as soon as a ladder could be found,the blaze was put out in short or¬

der. Another warning to thevtown!

Not long after the fire excite¬ment had abated last Tuesday, a.citizen was heard to remark, **Iwonder how long it will be untilMonterey does burn," and therewaa a significant emphasis on tbe*4how long." It seems to be a fore*gone conclusion that such a fate isil store for us.

Strayed away from my plaoe, atValley Center, Va., about the 1stof February, a female shepperddog, Queen, medium size, blackalong back, white face and legs,with yellow stripe between whiteand black, Anv one knowing any*thing, or will give any informationas to her whereabouts will be am¬

ply rewarded. She was last peenat C E Watson's Back Creek.

R W Lightncr.Mr Robert Kennier, of Lynch¬

burg, Va., is here to assist Mr Clif¬ton Matheny, ass't Cashier of theFirst National Bank of Highlandin straightening np the business ofthe Bank cf Highland, which theyhope to accomplish as early as possible. Mr Kennier, like mostvisitors to Monterey, is pleased¦with the town and expresses re¬

gret that he cannot remain perma¬nently.Use a Victor burner, American

wick, Aladdin Security Oil andhave a perfect li^ht, manufactured;by the Standard Oil Co. 4t

For Sale.Eight two Year old.cattle. Applv to

Mrs. 0. Wilson,Mouterej, Va.

-Agents Wanted.16x20 crayonportraits 40 cents, frames 10 centsand up. Sheet pictures one centeach. You can make 400 per cent

profit or $36 per week. Catalogueand samples free. Frank W Wil¬liams Company, 1208 VV Taylor St.Chicago, Ul, 4t

Milli »o».lii ¦ 'tm

Circuit CourtThe spring term of the Circuit

Court, Judge Geo. If Anderson,will convene on Tuesday next,April 28, and promises to he a rightbusy session, and of more than usu¬

al length.It is a grand jury term, as most

of us know, and the jurv impanel¬ed last full, having been held over

until this term, will resume thematters then unfinished, as well as

look after intervening crookedness.Following are the names cf

those who are summoned as petitjurors for the Circuit Court:H S McClung, W A Sheets, Wm

F Joues, John H Blagg," Jos EArmstrong, L M Pope, C C Burns,F W Dudley, J Walter Newman,Harmon Woods] Wm A McLaugh¬lin, S L Simmons, H A Gum, JasM Siron, R M Rodgers, J G Bird,CG Hildebrand,D H A Hiner.

- List of \ eniremen.S A Byrd, W A Mullenax, J H

Mackey, E R Hull, Addison Crum-uiett, Homer Stephenson, C K Gib¬son, S W Wilson, C L Waggoner,C W Judy, Olin Beverage, CharlesArbogast, H F Harold, J HardinGum, J H Hiner^J A Fleisher, HS Crowley, J Amos Hiner, G GGutshall.

Let our regular county corre¬

spondents make a May-day resolu¬tion. We want to hear from themregularly during the month, Giveus the .cream of the news, and, ifanything ol importance occurs aft¬er your letter is mailed and beforeThursday aooja, .call us up by tele¬phone and report.For good comfort io Hot Weath¬

er, buy tbe Vuder Porch Shade.'Sold by

SHRECKHI8E & UeAK,Staunton, Va.

We are requested by Rev II MRoane, of the McDowell circuit4M E Church South, to say that thel«t/}uarterlv meeting for that cir-ci'iOo be held on Saturday andSunday .next, will be held at Beth¬el ch areli, and not at McDowell, as

stated in mr last week's issue.Preaching bv ike P. E. both Satur¬day and Sunday,The Green Hill meuehant, Mr W

C Hull, was in town Thu«daY.For Ladies Kid Gloves, Silk fcnd

Chamois Gloves, write toShrsckhise a Bear,

Staunton, Va,-_. . g.-


New An* Renewal SubsectionsSince Our Last Issue

New.Miss Jester Matheny, Val¬ley Center, Va. .

Renewal.A. 3. T, Davis, J. M.Ralston, G. W. Botkit!, Charles A

Masters, McDowell, Va.; J. R-

Woods, Vanderpool, Va.; J. How¬ard Wilson, Lone Fountain, V*,,EL K. Rexrode, R. F. D. Nor 1,Monterey, Va ; Dr. C. P. Rexrode,A.&ee Wimer, Crahbottom, Va.;fteQ. ~. Hicklin, Clover Creek,Va.;Mi*. iFaonie Brattou, Bolar, Va.;Mrs. Jor. iBarkraan, Mrs. H. M.Patterson,.Staunton, Va.; Rev. C.

Sponai/^. U"*< W- Vs.: M. P.

Wade, Fran^ W> «M * J*Barkley, Dunlevie, W* *N_* ftFlwod, Washington, ft s!K»AJMaloy, Shinnston, W. Va.; .

*eobG. Chew, Melvin, la.; Jas H Sam-pies, Clifton Forge, Va.; Mrs A WReynolds, Princeton, W. Va.:Grogg & Dudley, Parkersburg, \V.Va; A. M. Eastham, J. Clif Ma¬theny, Mrs. Chas. G. Cross, Monte¬rey, Va.


Important Notice!If you expect to vote at the

Presidential and CongressionalEleeiipjj in November next, youwil| have to pay your poll taxon or before MAY a, 1908.



One of the worst features nj kid¬ney trouble is that it is aa insidi¬ous disease and before the victimrealizes his danger he may have a

fatal malady. Take Foley**! Kid¬ney Remedy at the first rdgn oltrouble as it corrects irregt ilaritieeand prevents Bright's dise ase anddiabetes.Swodley Bros., Vauwferp ool, and

sold by Monterey drufl^ist.NOTIC E

As I have closed my shop aiMill Gap I am now ready for settlement. All accoi mts oof: settledby the 1st of Mav (with me), caibe settled with S ! 5 Wade.

W. lt. PuHin.

He Got Whj>.t Hs Needed.uNiue years a« (o it looked as ij

my time had co me/* says Mr IFarthing, of Millcreek, Ind. Ter'I was so run d> >wn that life hungon a very slende r thread. It wai

then my drug gist recommendedElectric Bitters., I bought a bot¬tle and got what: I needed.strengthI had one foot iii the grave, butElectric Bitters* t>»fc it back ort theturf again, andi ire been well ever

since," Sold under guarantee atall druggists,, 50c.

ATTEMPTS SUICIDENegro Stanton, Locked Up Mon¬day Evening, Cuts Ugly Gash

in Throat With Razor.

Wound Sewed Up and He HayLive

Em Stanton, the HullpaslureRiver negro, who was brought hereaud locked up on Mondav, made a

desperate attempt to take his lifeon Wednesday night, a razor beingused for the purpose.Henry Baker, who is one of the

seven prisoners, but a''trusty,1' hadbeen using the razor on the previ¬ous day, and left it in th" cell.Stanton says that he cut his throatabout 10 o'clock, but, being lockedin the cage by himself, the crimewas not discovered until earlyThursday morning, and then onlybv the appearance of blood stain?,as he had covered his neck and facewith bed clothing. The wound,which bled profusely, is a de*»p one

immediately in front, partly sever¬

ing the wind-pipe, but, while theknife marks reach from car to ear,the vital region of the jugular was

not deeply cut.He was attended by all three of

the resident physicians, and, whilewe did not hear their opinion afterthe wound was dressed, the generalimpression seems to be that thechances for and against him are

about equal.Stanton's fellow-prisoners now

recall certain remarks made by him

yesterday which pointed to self-de¬struction, but at the time not un¬

derstood by them. It is said thathe sent bis purse home by some!one yesterday evening, and express¬ed a desire to see his boy.He is a large man, perhaps forty

years of age, and is said to hayeIndian blood in his veins, a claimwhich is strengthened somewhatby his prominent cheek-bones andcolor.The crime with which tbe negro

is charged and for which he was

locked up, is the seduction of hisstep-daughter, the circumstancesbeing aggravated, according to theevidence, by cruel treatment,threats etc.


Harry, the eldest son of Mr. andMrs. John C. Simmons, died at

their home near Headwaters,pf tu¬bercular-meningitis, o» April l-8th.at the age of 13 years, 5 monthsand 16 dave, and was buried fromthe Headwaters church on Sundayafternoon iu the presence of a largegathering of friends, who, withtheir tears and flowers, desired to

P^y" their last tribute of respect,tfflsTf supered for several weeks,

aud to Afc: «o young was particular¬ly dist*eaM|»& viewed from a hu¬

man standpoint >t for one of

such a lovely 'diajWjiMon a?d of

such tender years, irs Jftfl belie'.'*that our Heavenly Father has a

beater place than this world rcanafford. Mav His grace be foundsufficient for the stricken parents,and may there be a happy reunionJtt^e"sjreetbyeandbye/H. M. R-

Teacher^ rumination.The spr?^.examiuaiUon of teach¬

ers ff* &* vear 1908 wili be held

«t Monterey on April Wh. May

1st, and 2nd. The examinationvii) begin promptly at ftWexclr day.Jared L, Jones.

Supt. Highland Co._+.+-

Hark A. Simmons

The Wlt^R Tlutirqn!Zad opted by ti^Jfe** SuDd*y

loved Superintend^, Mart A Sim¬

mons, who had so >thfullv filledthe office for the pasv^^y^8-.On April 1,1D08. ho. closed hrs

work here on earth, and P«»jd _tbe realms above, to be potheredand united with them who wved

and trusted their <God and Redeem-er#He was boru and raised in the

neighborhood in which he died. Heunited himself with tbe Evangeliz¬ed Lukhern Church over twenty-five years ago, and in his late yearshe was very faithful to his Godand Redeemer, being of a disposi¬tion .to associate with all jtaranchesof God's church.

Resolved 1. That in thin death,Union Chapel Sunday School ha*Jlost its most zealous officer and itsttromgest pillar.

'<£-, His county and state has lostooh of its best citizens.

3. That we extend our christianlove and sympathy to his bereavedfami ly in their loss which is Hisgain.

4. That this tribute of respect berecor ded in our record book, that r

eopyr be sent to his bereaved fami'ly, aa d that they be published iuthe U ighland Recorder.

John M. White,C. L. Waggoner,J. N. Stover,

Committe..V »0e

IYou? hq| *.. P*per emly fl-iubscrito

School Book AdoptionThe State Board of Education

met in Richmond last week and

adopted text hooks for the public?chools of Virginia for the next

four yfars.The Board adopted the ''single

ist" preferred and clamored for byuost of the people, yet the countrywill rot he happv, because the new

ist will necessitate almost an en-

ire change in this and many coun¬

ts, perhaps only two of the oldKiok9 being retained. One feature;onne»:ted with the move is favora¬ble, and that is that the price ofhe hooka will be decidedly lower,ind the old b>oks should be savedis they can be used in the ex¬

change.The new list includes the follow-

ng books: Playmate's Primer,Sheppe's Word Studies, Webster's)ictionaries, Hyde's ""Grammar.0,Chandler and Cfaitwood's Makers ofAmerican History, Lee's NewJchool History, Frye's Geotjraphie?,'olaw's Arithmetic for the coun-

ies aud Southworth-Stone Arith-netic for certain cities, Duggar'sAgriculture.Our people will be glad to note

he success of the Colaw Arithme-ic, which will now be used in allhe counties of the State, whereas,ormerly, only about 35 of theounties had adopted it. It willIso he toad \n all the smaller cit-?8 of the State.The Sheppe Word StudiVs adopt-

d is by Mr. E. S Shrppe, who will>e remembered as a former owner

nd publisher of the Recorder, mer-

hant and teacher of Monterey.Ie is a brother of Dr. J. L. Sheppe,if Crahbottom, and now lives in"forth Carolina, if we mistake not.


Another Jail Bird.

Sheriff Arbogast carne in Tues-lay evening having in charge a

olored man named Emery Stan-on, who hails from the liullpas-ure River in the Poverty neigh-jorhood. Stanton was arrestedipon the evidence of his step-laughter, a girl of 18 or 19, whocharges him with a grave and das¬tardly crime. His preliminary.rial was held at McDowell Tues-lav and he wa8 sent on to await;he actiou of the grand jury.We now haye seven prisoners.

something never before known inthe history of the county.

The ladies are requested to visitour Millinery room and i?et pricesbefore placing their orders else¬where. Very jatest styles.

C W Judy,$ew Hampden, Va.

rn m .-»-. rn em-¦

NoticeHaving decided to change m\

business I will offer for sale al

Headwaters, Va., my propertyconsisting of Store House and Lol.Dwelling up stairs, wHk fivegood rooms, also a nice clearstock of goods.Would like to sell goods and

property all together; will takefirst cost on all goods,which means

freight and hauling paid. Al

g&od, clean, staple stock. I wilsell or rent property at a reasona

ble prfci. Gentlemen, I mean business! Any one wishing to go in tc

this business would do well to b<the first to caji; and look at thi;

property. If I do: ribj;-have a buy¬er within 30 days, i will sell mjstock of goods at auction to th<

highest bidder for cash; also rn]

property. Any one wishing a goo(stand for a store will never have j

.better chance to do business thaiaqw\

Notice to My Customers..Alpersons holding script morie;against the firm will please turn iall in within 30 days, and any on

having claims against W W Hamilton will please present same

Positively no credit.W W HAMILTON,

Headwaters, Va.

Your Child'sEyesight

Watch out for frowns, for

squints, and when he readspr looks at a picture book

does he hold it too near or

far? These little thingsgrow faster than the child

and in many cases can bs

overcome if discovered n

time.You may save him a

lifetime of strain and weak

sight. Defects of visiou

never disappear of their

own accord, and in most

cases grow worse.

We don't charge for

advising you.

H. L. Lang,OPTOMETRISTStaunton, - Vt

Nota dropofAlcoholDoctors prescribe very little, ifany, alcohol these days. Theyprefer strong tonics and altera¬tives. This is all in keepingwith modern medical science.It explains why Ayer's Sar¬saparilla is now made entirelyfree from alcohol. Ask yourdoctor, Follow his advice.


We publish our formulas

sj W« banish alcohol.*_ from our medicines

We urge you toconsult your


Unless there is dally action of the bow¬els, poisonous products are absorbed,causing headache, biliousness, nausea,dyspepsia. We wish you would ask yourdoctor about correcting your constipationby taking laxative doses of Ayer's Pills..-Mada by the J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell. M»««..

Preaching AppointmentsI will preach at the following

places on Highland circuit M. .Church as follows:

1st Sunday, Union Chapel ll a.m. and Crahbottom at 3:30 p. m.2d Sunday, Wesley Chapel ll a.

m. and Vanderpoel at 3:30 p. m.3rd Sunday, Asbury Chapel ll a.

m. and Thnrnv Bottom at 3:30p.m4th Sunday."Green Hill at ll a.

rn. and Fairyiew at 3:30 p. m.J A Brumbaugh, Pastor

Preaching services are held eachmonth as follows:The 1st Sabbath, Monterey, ll

a. m. and Pisgah at 3 p. m.2nd Sabbath, New Hampden at

ll a. m.3rd Sabbath, Pisgah, ll a. m.,

Monterey, 7:30 p m.4th Sabbath, Hightown, ll a m.

New Hampden, 7:30 p. m.W. S. Trimble

Preaching on Monterey Circuit?is follows;

1st Sunday, Hightown ll a.m.,and Trinity 3 p.m.2nd Sunday, Seybert ll a.m.,

and Monterey 7-30 p.m.3rd Sunday. Trinity ll a.m., and

Hightown 3 p.m;4th Sunday, Mouterey ll a.m.,

>,a\|d Seybert 3 p.m.. W. N. Wagner.

fT TRAlt y*-"ff*. MAKR -

Xfeocu. OA/cCtf>cnv*_

.and.RECORDSare pow for sale by

E. YVimpr & Sons,or cash or on the easy paying plan.

Call or write for catalogue to

F. C. WIMER, Mgr.Crabbottom - . Virginia

No. 0043Treasury Department

gffic* of Citntxolltt ol tb* tnrxttxt^Washington, D C., Feb 24,1908

Whereas, by satisfactory evidence pre¬sented to the undersigned, it has beenmade to appear that "The First NationalBank of Highland at Monterey," in the

village of Monterey, in the county of

Highland, and the State of Virginia, has

complied with all the proyisions of theatatut'es ot the United States, required tobe complied with before an associationshall be authorised to commence the bus¬iness of Banking;Now therefor^ I, Thomas P. Kane,

Deputy and Acting Comptroller of theCurrency, do hereby certify that '-TheFirst National Bank of Highland at

Monterey," In the village of Monterey,in the county of Highland, and Mate of

Virginia, is authorized to commence thebusiness of Banking as provided in Sec¬tion Fifty-one hundred and sixty nine ofthe Revised Statutes of the United StatesJn testimony whereof witnessmy hand

and Seal of office this twenty-fourth dayof February, 1908.

T. P. KANE,Deputy and Acting Comptroller of thei ,^w,) Currency,


TZ^rR/tot^MARKIsrromptly o'-taln-l *

ail countries, or no fee. Wo obtain PATENTSTHAT PAY advertise them thoroughly, at bur

expense, sud telp J'""1 to ""ecus*.

flood model, photo or sketch for FREE reportcb patentability. 20 years' practice. SUR¬PASSING REFERENCES. For free GuideBook on Profitable Talents write to

B03-S0S Seventh Street,WASHINGTON, D. C.

RyOTSKlDNEYCiJREHakes Kidneys and Bladder Riflht

Cures Biliousness, SickHeadache, Sour Stom¬ach, Torpid Liver andChronic Constipation.

Pleasant to taKe *

Sold by all dn

...* ... I. I...JM ¦¦' .. JIL

,< The Flower that

^P^flfa, Bloom in Th^

l^jjJllSil Spring.

bring no more pleasure to thesense of sight and smell than oar

&K'^|P^^|^ |S^ dainty Oxford tie or pumps bringto the sense of feeling and comfort

when warm weather sets io, Light, handsome, weli-fiittiug and cool,they are the ideal Summer foot-wear for both men and women. We

have a superb stock waiting for you to choose from, in all Leathers,Patent, Gun Metal, Vici, Tan and Brown.

Armstrong Shoe Co.

27 W Main St. Staunton, Va

Government Supervision3f National Banks is every year becomingmore rigid, the examination into every de¬tail more careful. It is the purpose of theGovernment to make the word "National"in connection with a bank symonymous with'Safety."

lu addition to the frequent and regular examinations of the books)f The First National Bank of Highland at Monterey by NationalBank Examiners under the supervision of the Comptroller of the Cur¬

rency, a similar examination will be made seyeral times a year by a

Committee of Directors. This

Means Safe BankingFor you as one of the depositors in that bank. It issues Certificates of

Deposit in sums of from $5.00 up, bearing interest at the rate of 3 per

^ent, renewable annually or sem-annually or quarterly. They are an

especially good inycstmeut for you.


FIRST NATIONALBANKof Highland, Monterey, Va,

Walnut, Scycamore, Pop¬lar and Lynn wanted

$35 per M for old growth walnut, sawed strong inch; 6; S; 10; 18; 14 and 16 feet

lengths, edged and straight, 3 inches wide and ap.

$30 per M for y.onjnj walnut, sawed stong inch. 6; 8; 10: 12; 14 and 16 feet

lengths, edged and straight, 3 inches wide and up.

$87 per M for extra good old growth bhtt logs, tawed strong li and 2 inches, 6

8, 10; 13; 14 and 16 feet lengths, edged and straight.$1^ per M for all walnut lumber of 4 feet lengths. All walnut to be measured

on the black side.$18 per M for log run Poplarjand Lynn Millculls out. sawed 1 inph and of ey-

en length 3 feet and up,

$12.50 for Poplar and Lynn Millculls, sawed 1 inch, and of even leggin* 8 feet

and up.$16 per M for log run Sycamore with Millculls out, to be sawed strong inchi

and the best logs H Inches.The lumber to be delivered ac our factory.

PUTNAM & CO., Organ rater.,Staunton, : Virgil ia.

In Connection With Our


We now have on hand a good line of

Wagons, harvest Machinery of

All Kinds. Grain Drills

Harrows. Plows dc.

Will exchange the same for any kind of

live stock at market value, /

JONESandShoulder,Doe Hill - - Virginia

Cleanses the systemthoroughly and clearssallow complexions of

axative Fruit S^j^j2.2S»aggists.Monterey.

"" frwol, Va.
