I / * « X. McMAHON. it-Grade JQRT1* - urkeys Island Duds ens kens Fowl Lamb to be Had ONLY EtLED (arket oprietor 393 rations at Your I BEADS* FOR ITE LEGION! 1,000 delegates tint S,C90 to lOOflM «««>• expected .UKlnnde r ,ber 5-7.for the ei " inUonoftorfitatell ndreds of regutnaM Uus-conclara vffl» tme«rS*of ; W«»' general. :The stneji now decked oat It« ie ex-service nien.^ - speakers,; ln P. Larson, - r EL. White,and juander FranUlnW ti spots ln the oanW and county an"" Legionnaires bT ^ a holldaj colon M sands of YislMti;!" i»ilrt as^-^w^'PaKst Profran fiscissd ostee FaunceTFelh Repubii- Club of Phut of the Party for Sept- 14th \nnounced by Entertain- nent Committee. regular .. ... iford BepubUcan Cmb wa* bead I night at -the Club .House, Union . vtth a tvod^attendance, can- . the hot weataer. There in* r new buslnen brought before ttu evening was FTto ^.'-ctse • of the Board of Mncatlon wtth fto No One Seriously Hurt. Ovetv tl End and Holiday. to n m a l accident* i last week and over the holiday. HortidtinJ Soddy SbowSdjor Flowers Fruits and Vi ateurs Urged to Enter. The Cranford Horticultural pan of pSill-hold iu fourth show next Saturday: Sept, l«th. in the * erip "* ly : lnhnd in ttt« TOnity Parish Howe. TheeahitUt wtu cmr». were letiomly damaged """" "* ""•—- •—*-•- — —- - - "-' thereon. ; Ut. Faunce first I of the needs'* the Township for lonal school housing and how the I proposed to asset thl* n*ed> by iiulding. of: a, "^UnaQgyflehldr -'.High )l-onths-t7nion^Avem»»-front iof I school property, which would arm schools. Ur. Paunce gave de- i at length and distributed a pam- t showing In full the plans of the > . Fsunce answered questions asked t the floor and called on President [ for some detail*. Mr. Old- Iwho before humming a lawyer wa* i school teacher In Boselle Park, i a very Interesting talk on High 1 work In general from a eonsid- iexperienee: ) action of any-kind ^ras taken by lOut on.tlw.school.plans,** l t j anderatood that" the d u b would I no part in the special scbbbl el*c- I to decide on the building program. i will be held In October. ~ Entertainment,. Committee the chairman, Mr. Wlnckler, quite a Usance ln hand. 1100.00, and announced a card r to be held Sept. Mth, at the club On thl* Ma, Jansen stated i : had been donated a <long list of , running ,'ai Mr. Wlnckler said, I 3 as. ln weightto-M00 lhs. No i will be. sold but from reports It |be weU to,reserve tables at once. JQft h in ttt« cmr». were letiomly damaged «nd in wme ca»e», comptoint. made to 2LP^« ^ wa. «n« of the butiot oll « ^ » « euwlenced . Traffic was unmuaily n « n e l l h g h the » M rapidly a* possible safety. ^ j . •• ••, Robert Holmes of 1017 East Jersey street, Elizabeth, sustained a badly lac- h fi Friday Slf. a MiKm tast Friday night In ^he first major accident of the North- s»enue. West driving east on North ave- nue, .West, following another m *-'itn* As the other car pulled In to the curb, Holmes pulled his machine toward the center, of the road, striking one being dri«n out of Orchard street by An- thony Fieldstadt of 11. Spruce street The fenders and runnldg board on the left side of Holmes' car wen smashed, while the-jlert window was shattered, cutting the driver's arm. The local man's car was also badly- damaged on the left side. Including a broken front wheel and axle, as well as battered feh- open at three-thirty tn the afternoon. remaining open until nine-thirty tn th? rvening. Admission will be twemy-flre cents for adults and ten cent* tor chil- dren. Flowers, shrubs, fruits and vegetables W -ftuja "UW sBtY fni«iri'..n' ' Roury Pott omce Wearies A. A . _ ost Office .the show, which' will also .Include ape* cial divisions for arrangements to be Judged by their-artistic qualities. The- show Is open to- all amatuer growers U. Union County; with a few sections ei- cepted. Non-members ol- theVstofikt;- who wish to enter.will be required to pay aiTenTry"fee of »1. althoogh this may be applied to dues if desired. Rib- i i Mr. Cajdwell, reported on several of club hou»*-.detail, and that Ur. and M n . V. W. Copcutt. the ladles ders. The accident was investigated by Ofllcer.::McCaflrey.:: but no complaint was lodged with the police. Saturday morning, Frederick War- nock of Prospect street reported lo the police that he. had struck Penelope Stoddard. two yean old. tt front at her home,.312 Casino avenue, Mr. Warnock carried the little girl to St. Eltnbetb Hospital in EUsabeth, where It was found that she was not badly Injured. One of her legs was bruised and she wa sable, to be taken home after'treat- ment The' driver of the car told the police that the child ran directly in front of his car. Irwln Page, laOranford Terrace, wa* bons will be given for the three best exhibits in each class and In fA^it^n there will be a sweepstake prise for the most meritorious exhibit of the show. While tbe list of. judges has not been announced, they will all be men; or Rotary itatives Force women of high »**"Htwy in horticultur- al circles, Sections of the show will provide for exhibitions of dahlias, giyfl^is. an- nuals, perennials, bedding planu. roses. shrubs, exhibits for children both over and under twelve years of age and i from his motorcycle In North avenue, West He claimed thst he was cut off by an automobile driven by John Rosencrants of 411 Orchard street and that he was forced to cut across the road, striking a-curb and f J l i f l % I ' « ' J ¥ l U tions for.artistic arrangement The divisions devoted to fruiU and »»«•- tables sire also attracting a great deal oi atention and some unusually nne ex- hibits are anticipated. Two other In- teresting classes are the last two ached uled, for the best backyard garden, not over SO by 100 feet..as well as the best kept lawn of the same dimensions. Ba- ttles for these classes should be made to the secretary at once. R. M. Crocket la chairman of the committee ln\harge of the show. Other members of the committee on arrange- ments include: Mrs. T. Angtemeyer, Mrs. Usowskl, Mrs. S. Baker. li. \VeVtrica Lo»e"W Post Of- fice on Forfeit,., with the Cranford /A. A. and\Uu! Westrlca out •of.,the,.runnlhgt the Post Omce and the Rotary Club teams meet- lorusht at- scren o'clock on Crsniorfl Oral for the championship"of the soft- nair Iraruerssidijcted by-lhei Playground and. **». . Tbe Rotary team, won from the A. A. last night 4-O. forcing Uie Athletics ou ot consideration, while the - Westrlcs elected to drop w unfinished game through forfeit, since the'commission would not allow the game to be played wt 1 . •. ' ' _. • • - The Rotary.: A . A . Westrlcs mrv j po,i Office -were'huddled tn a-tlghtfoui place tie for league' honors after the two Inning game which the A. A. took from the Firemen last Thursday night: It was expected that the" A; A. would meet Ux Rotary In the elimination immediately after this short contest, but the Rotary team was short-handed and refusedtotake the field until they had their full strength.. Then the Westrtca drew out of the other game of the elimination which had been se for Friday night. In Uw first game of the champion- ship series Tuesday night, the Westrlcs and ihe Port Office played a hectic contest. First at bat, the Westrlcs put over four runs In the first Inning, while Gears* Ward Shges Changed Friday—to Avoid Conflict With Legion Show in Elizabeth. Card Includes Many Local Favor- ite*. , To avoid conflict with the Am—^,, Legion baiting show tn Elisabeth, a fea- ture of the mate American Legion Con- vention, the Cranford Sporting dub will hold its weekly boxing program this evening, Instead of Friday, a* has been the can since the club was start- ed. Announcement of the change was Garden Qiik S e e k To Weekly Bwts Teoiglit Promote FlowerGrowth m Ward. . -The bouts are tb.be held this evening, regardleta of the weather. If it Is clear the performers will square off In the open-air arena. If the westheFman decide* upon,a Uttle rain, a* he h*« on tight nlghU of the past few weak*, the bout* wui be-brought -indoomHja taged In Otorgte Ward* mods! gym- naalumrmaiacent to thu upon »i> f Several favorites of- local fan* sue "ated onv(he card fo> thi i -Show Septv I7-Ia-Open to All Amateur Growers in the Interests of Adding to Cran- ford's Beauty, -The object of the tail flower show of the Oarden Club of Cranford,tobe held Tuesday, September 17th. in Uw Cranford Casino, Is to stimulate Inter- est in the growing of flowers and to beautify the home grounds*., said Mrs, Oeorge Hansel,- president of the Garden Cfttb-thto 'wSrnlug; itfTtSmmentihgTipi on plans for the exhibit. T h e Oarden Club", she continued "has for Its object the promotion of the culture of flowers which are best suited to thl* climate and through the show, we endeavor to point out what every one can do In the commendable effort ton LocalP.BASponsors Benefit Next Thursday Dancing Team Led by Daugh- ter of Wwtfield Sergeant to - Feature Entertainment at New Cranford Theatre. Noxt Thuraday will bo a big day for Cranford. policemen who are members of Cranford Local No, W. 1>. B. A, for it will be occasion' of the annual P. B. A. v beneflt Forwvtral weak*, lo- cal oflUara have boeji: selling ticket* for the) special performance which they will sponsor iri Uie New Oranford Theatre. the home aurraunding* ot b Cranford more beautiful, Any "gard- £ £ ! ? • £ - rs. , Vaughan. MrsJP.jC/WoodruB,. M n j g , Page and Miss Winifred t^owskt Prizes For kParty > Be Held i and Triends Donate Award* far Affair [large attendance Is'wxpected at the vuty which- taf RtpnbUean*. OUib *;aod the committee that there .ha* been an en- « advance-nle-or-tloketi I affair I* jbe first of the club'* i andi the committee I* anxious to > it a worthwhile Mccess, leading >number: of enjoyable features bare now being planned for the l*nd winter nason." -'•', ; •"T -O.J. Jansen and Mrs. "A Smith • been.busy. for a t m a l days solidt- ~~f o r d mercbanU and friends jot : vaiuableiprlBn. In addl even! money p d s n have been d. The prise* ot:ta*;party win e Iwt which the dub has offered ' of its affaha.eaid.they Include ^uaMe and .useful-Items from i he wss taken to the ofnee.of-Dr.. Lewis, who; treated'htm'for cuts and bruises on his arms and legs. Sergeant Mets- ner and Officer Koyics Investigated, while the cyclist was curled to the of- fice of Dr. Lewis by H.-Y: Christiansen of Burnslde avenue. Two passengers were slightly Injured in an accident bt« Monday afternoon. Driving-east on North avenue, East,.8. DLJullo, 580 Van-Ness"-avenue: the Bronx, turned left to enter Elisabeth avenue and struck a machine driven by Eugene'Bennef of 4S5| North avenue, East Mr. Benner'* car! had been fol- lowing that of. the New York man aod Just as he started to turn left, Mr. Ben- ner-wai pahlng to damage to the fender* *nd running board, the windshield of Mr, Benner's car'was.shattered. Ootlines Proyisioiis of NewResponsibililyLaw Thm Office of John Son Explains Heins. and inancial Re- sponsibility Act for Motor- ists, Effective November 15. The automobile financial respqnsiWl- ity law which goes Into effect. Now. IS Weh'ttoTgrearlnterest dV A Hls sister, Miss Virginia Benner, who was riding, with him, received a bad gash in the chlifi while Mrs. Oorman, M ^ k ' d t t f l d frutu bruises and the shiick. Doth weie taken to'.Uw office of Dr. Foster and three stitches were taken In Miss Ben- ner's chin. She. was also~bru&e4-about the arms.- _pn-complalnt of Mr. Ben- ner, SergeaitTonnell gave the New York man a ticket, for reckless drtfing. The CSM was dismissed in poJIce court. 1* a"matterwWehttg tOi*U.^caf•owners InCranfordV As there Is a certain amount of contusion In regard to its provisions, the follow ing eonclae sutenVnt of what It means In non-tecpnual language I* furnished brthe-tocal motor vshkle lleejumg agency of John W. Helns, and Son...^. This law, wa* passed in an effort to make the highways-safer for th« pe- destrian and for.the aut score stood. «-l with the Wtrtrics In front when the Post Office canie to bat for the last part of the fourth. By that time. It was very dark and-the Westric fielders could not even .see the i put over four runs, to take the 1eU''MrTIienV~lii''ths^flr*t''bi':ih«'nYtii/ " Westrlcs pushed over twq runs to on the lead «-«, With two men the umpire, boa Ost of Roaelle, contest SJ It was Impossible score : as' i 1 should have reverted It was when the last This law shows, amocuj other thtng*. State oi Hew Jersey has be- ''' i ^^jj£SB' :i *tl»l mooslbulty" of those wno dttve eus lhUtiwso'theBta'* . • thti < BL ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ " ^ i ^i^aa^vei *vesweAS| s<eiaB«a*eB e»Bva^i** [leading busmen house* in Itown. p the. affair was first planned, it I decided tQjRtf.inm*itaQr attimc- Iprlse* and the heavy sale of ticket* the tact that this feature will materlaDr W tne ' eat card*. eat tbe ! Bed-strong Ooal Oompany bsis M a'spienoVpitsrandtbe oom- e points out that an attending the .whether players or not, will have tual opportantts of taking'home l»«rprlse prise. ', who wtah to J a m their own 1 niajr purchan'ticket* Iran any «r of tne conmtttes" rivi thus • tables to accommodate any man- « M i made, a* \ addition, to itrm.'Jsnnn sad Mr*. tne oil— • I ' l i i i i of tin com- *- w ' ' - " Mr. and Mrs. TO FLAT •08HXK 1 :£•- •- TKAM or cooinrr . The Cranford Oriole* have booked a game with tbe strong Roseue Park Car- dinals which Is one of the Union Coun- ty'League team*. The game win bbe played at Nomahegan Park diamond Sunday at 3"p. m. ' Suderiog trom their first defeat La- bor Day, after nine-Jtfrabjht Victories, the Oriole*-estpect to have little trouble In starting to pile "up anoOier wtnntng list The cardinals have 'worked up" a nne reputation as a County League team and no doubt- expecttooffer the Oriole* their sttQest opposition ot the season. The Oriole* will put forth their heartes^Une up and User reel, a* •on of tbe game as their many put y r » J k C r o l y r r * t t t ' ' TCTanlBrn Diner, accompanied by, bis family, spent the holiday week-end at Atlantic City. Paul W. Dorr ha* given a set of book*, n n e Btory ot the World War.; Other, print have- been received from Tattle Brother*. Mrs. WffltsB -Coauie sad means: "Caa you prove that you an able to pay for an accident In which your car U Involved if verdict* for per- l I j i (or death) total as nigh mttr » SM> sonal t h o - » aSM> _.jn»: "Cain you prove that jou ate able to pay for an accident nvw^eh yoiir car Is involved If verdicts, for property damage total as high a* one thousand doUan?" The law says in effni Ibrt when » person ha* been convicted of operating without a Ucenn. speeding. <"P«att* under tbe Influence of liquor, failing to stop after an accident, having Ucenae or registration suspended l a aaotber steuj «ben a person has bad an automobile accident Injuring someone, — J ^^bTo^BMnaV of M9 W eles.shall require nlm to she* proof of tbTflnandal ablltty to respond to any damages for future accuiaits. mother iordathe C^antajoner. of Motor Te- nlde* say*:-"Supposing you have an- other aw"*"" 'Prove to me that ion can foot the bills. If yqti c s n t prove •tofs llstw* « ? S Then sr* nvorsl w<gi rt to the a^ttafsctlocuof the Btaft of Hew Jersey. « w l u accept as p«o* that you wm be able to pay for injuries to persons or image to property. » cgifkate Irom carry company. automobile Insurance with Of course. cash U Ukswlse sccrotaVbae •a k Us* bond' of s> surety u i a j i i for him to see where the ball was being tossed. According to all rates and regu- lations, the. s " " ' to tne same full inning was played, thus giving the Post omce the lead.**.__ it was agreed, however,toflni»hup last night but uistesd of showing up, the Westrlcs sent;their Ultimatum.. .Theyvwanted toiplay a {full i^ne-lit ning g^"Ht and allow.the as It was when the game ended, with them ahead «-4T Manager Psjt* Clark of the Poa* One*, failed to see any percentage in this argument and'ac cepted the offer of the Westrlcs to for- feit the game, unless it could be played the fuh nine-Innings with-the Westrlcs Charley-Ourduh vs..iqd Koberts; John- ny Vogel vs. Tommy Ryan; Ken Peter- son vs. Young Rocco; Mike Valente vs. Jimmy McWUliams; Richie Valente vs. Brick Smith and Battling Hewllt vs. Steve porn. e4-slae-ln- nlngs since the start o< the league In July." In the game last nlghi which"forced the A. A. out .of 'Constderatlon} T fdjr~the ~ the Rotary represent*, mostly Dreyen and etupaks of the Cranford Ottoles.- displayed a-su- perior brand of baseball. The Athletics waited well In the field until the. third Innbag. DoaneOy, who had made some wonderful pttys.tn the earlier Innings play* In succession and the Orioles were quick to t*jf«. advantage of the errorstoturn them Into three runs. In the fourth, the Rotary representatives tsOUed again. .OJeason made a j o n g hit to left field. Tairbbx started for It, bat tripped and feu and before the hall was. back In play Oleason was at third BetaBted on a sacrUlctfry,-aa-I>tsdhau the A. A- Catcher dropped the ball at l ^ In accordance with the. announce- toent made last week' that'tne game* raid be playeioff according to sched- ule, even If it took until Christmas,' all contestt were wound up tUs^week. While the Weatrts^ahdi PMtJrOfflce! Pottce squelched all hopes of the lions Club «f taktisr (suae during the serits. In ptaylnt oO a U» game, the coppers led U-« at the end of the fourth, when the contest wsa catted on tccount-'er-atefeiaBK TiasRepublican ilnst-tlae Pouce and sent day night them home without victory. Neither Plate'Post nor the .Merchant* showed up- for their game and each lost on on the card- for this evening. Eight BalL who wa* a sensation here a few week* ago,only to fall from good graces duetotoomuch temperament and a desiretostall, lias been matched to meet Kid KvansW Madison. They wenttoa draw some weeks igo In KHs- abetn and since then, Evans has been busy meeting some of W best boy* In the state. In Improved, form, he feels that he can take Eight Ball's measure and do a better Job of\lt than did Oeorge Herbert of South. Orange last wnav. Sight^BaVSgure* thatX "»ulck win over Evans will reestablish -.him high ln the fistic firmament of Cran- fords pugilistic stars and plans to make a good match of it. - Tony Berlin of Linden who won from Max. Roth of Newark two' week* ago will meet the Newarker In a return match tonight. Roth Is a clever lad but Berlin'* .hard punching never gave him. a chance to start tn their last meeting. He Is anxious to even the score and a good match la ln prospect. Kid Csdiilac" of Linden who has been absent from the local scene of rirui ener, other than a commercial grower, may bring an exhibit. In fact the com- mittee in charge 1* anxious to have a large a display a* possible. We wish to point out that exhibitors need not be member* of the Oarden Club of Cranford, The only Mature of Uie ahow which* la confined solely to mem- bers of the Oarden dub Is tho com- petitionrfor .the sweepstake* trophy which I* awarded to that member of the Oarden Club winning the most first prises. . . •__.... - • •' ': "fto we hope to have a truly repre- senuuve Ustof -entne*. from all garden and flower lover* In Cranford. , Exhib- itor* should remember, however, that there Is to be only one sxntbltto'one class, _The exhrtnt^muiit fit all the re- quirements of some particular class, so that it.will not be disqualified. Then who plan to ahow their flower* ln the exhibition ahould remember that a flower exhibit la not a hit or mis*, gam*. It pays to study the scheduln thought- fully and thuaaUnd a chance of win- ning a ribbon. The schedule* may be had for-the asking at ; either Reay's drug store, or the Book Shelf In Alde'n i (h* wouTtiie evening and he--«fsU*'rs..are wiu«|uatuig a full at- endanoe at each; In addition to Uie inotloii ptetur* fea- ture at tlie evenwy ahott, the commit- tee in-charge liu booked an unusual enterlttiiunauc toaturv. As pnamitaUoti,•• livolyn Miller JL stage and her be onored, promising classical and comical tunn to interest U attached tram of performers, slnos Mis* of prrtorfners, slnos ... Miller I* daughter of ecrgeant MJ1- ler of Weuflald aiid Miss Muler cad be depended upon to put forth her best snorts b i l It snorts Interest o[ her'father's iFark HrftTman ot ark, -CniMman Is an'awkward south' paw who. rus showed Impressively in tiUier-starts here." It 'will be a good bout, as both boys are punishing punchers.. •— . .- . ...:•.- The Cassco Kid of Madison, known W.Cranfora fans for a couple of game «t»noVher«; rl wUt-conw r back"ln~oiipoaP Uon to- Eddie Dietrich of \Irvingtbn. Both are wining workers and plenty of sctlon will be the order of the event • Other bout* listed are as follow*: af* Wssrvl a n t — f l f m J r t i ^ •••—*•»• a—w-m—t _t::—a 4 - Sporting Club Stages Short Card of Boats Boxers Fail,to Appear Due to Rain, But Show Goeg Oh. Eight Ball Losea in Semi- nterest o[ herfathers fellow oillcers. The revue la «aldtobe one of-the beat on the stage, and Ui* girls enjoy bookings In *ume ot th< highest clan Uiaatre* In tha oountry. As an atlveruasmrat for.'Ihs' show, for atveral weakm: plcturv. have beea shown each night depicting the ' r t l policemen in their best-bib and tucker* a*VUj«| «» afoufld thsUr routln* dally dutio*. il%«a pwturt* hav* also cre- atod-a gnat deal of Interest and tney will, be shown for the last Urns next Thursday, n U,reported that "»"t of *he best scene* have betn left out of the picture* sliown horetofors and thai Uw polk, aro to be .tan injurftjUart- Ung aod UulUUui role* forth* «nur- Ainmattt of the thousand* who will be heir guesU next Thursday. Officer Harry Craig la chairman, of he.committee Ur cluugo of Uw sliow. Other lusjiibors of Uie consmlttea ln- «lud»; QfflceVs Oeorgt Itoundal*, An- ton -Kovacs aTSff Joseph UcCafirsy, Of- c<nr-Mct^ffr«rfrTn"(!lter~dT'tibi r l si* exhibitor and visitor are expected to pay the regular admission fee of twen- ty-five cents. Any further Information may be obtained from any member of the committee*" - ';..- , ^ man of the.ccmmlttwLiii ctuugo of Uio •how, the oUier members of which arcf Mrs. Hansel, Mrs. Edward'Cole, Mrs. E.- A, Crulkshank," Mrs. J r O. Denman, Mrs. H. P. Dougherty, Mrs. R. H. BtdsM ritrw Offlctrs Itoacndal* aud Kovac* are la Huuge of the program for the affair. The local !'. 11; A. hopes to add ma- terially, to Uie funds in lu treasury hrough tho benefit perXormanoe. _ A* several of the boxers failed to put tn an appearance. Uuf Friday evsa- tfijrohljrnve'bouts wen presenTeTat the weekly show of the Oranford Sport- ing Club Oiie to the Inclement weather, the reason for the non-ap- pearance or the performers, the bout* were held Inside of Oeorgle 'Ward'* Gymnasium, rather than in the" open- air arena. The bouts were all satis- fying and a good crowd was Sa hand blew up in the^atal third for twoumls- - Bghf~baU. former favorite of- the Cranford dub. lost a Cjretry match to Oeorgt Herbert of South Orange. The Keypbrt colored boy seemed to nave fallen from the grace* of the local fan* and they booed him roundly, urging Herbert, who Is also a gentlemanof color, to pocket him for keeps Her- bert put up a .masterful^ exhibition, outboxtng the mauling dartji In every round and tying him up In don so that his usual wrestling-tactics were no avail. Eight Ball continually (tailed and took the aggressive only during the first part of the last round. Early In the first round, Herbert staggered htm with a well-directed right arid mm Eight Rail "itTT-——* \r A \- a. runaway freight car. Herbert stepne/i away and outtxjsed blsn. The secand was #aw and Herbert stilt outboxed the Keyport entry, who (tailed around the ring Bat-. footed and tried to make a wrestling match'of It. The third was much the Bronx Oieen at its don for his poor Ooanusst out for the list, round, Hght Bjalt uDjsssbsd his usual wild charge. (Ontittniiarl on Last Page) Hall, MIMD. Marcus, Mrs. O. H.'Mil. lett, Mrs. William Robinson, Mr*. II L. Robinson,' Mr*. J. Roeencrants, Mrs. H. P. Southard, Mrs, M. L. Tallaforro, Mrs T B Stephens, and Mrs F It ZundeL i_ t _ There will be eleven sections and fifty-five classes to the show, which will be Judged by prominent flower ex. pert* of the states Among the varieties tn be shown are- Dshliss, gladiolus, annuals, perennials, rose* and shrub*, a* well.sw several section) for artistic arrangements, exemplifying the man- ner In which flower* may be used for decoration and background. All entries must tie put ln place by noon the day of the show and they may-not be-remeved-urrtit 'attef-lhe dose of the exhibit. Containers should among members during the put year •nd-othcT-r>e»vy eipetuws-wlikli-havs- leploted the lUmuclal resources of the orgaiiliaUon which mean* so much to tie upholders of .the peace. Officer aeotk* Itosendale la pr«alil.nt of Uie Cranium Local, while Officer McCaffrey la trvasurer. Officer Edward Oalvln o«ui)le» tho post of sciiretary. OOlcer Craig I* Htato dclcgateand Offi- cer Jouit-McNerney, Hrgeant-at-arma. In addition to those members who have-been named a»ov« as manlbers of _ uie cmmnitUe, gr offlcera, Uie. follows Uig la tho roster of member*, chief of Polka James K, Hennessey; LlcUtsnanU ' Ouorge Orelas and-Cnrlnngo Massa; ffcrgcaut* Laurence Uonnell atul WU- nun Fisher and oracer Rdward Cole- man. v y Memtwrs froin~~Westfleld Include: . Oeorgo Morton, Lt»ttt Oebler/Edgar Wright and Tticodore Vreeland. Theo- tore Day an4 Harry Krholm of the Smutch I'lalns 1'ollce department are -j«rmembeniii« nro Chtfcf bt PollM A1-" ' ma ' be plainly marked, In order Uiaj, they Brewenot Oanrood. may be returned, although the com- n^tiee~aaiumea~no TSponsibu'Ity for loss or breakage. CKANrOM) eUOYKf UAVKN FOB WANUUUNO VOUTHfi Cranford 'was the haven for- three missing bojs last Friday. All.were held here until parrnss came and took them In the afternoon Lieut. Uassa picked up Jack Jones, thirteen, and Bernard Crsighlon, fourteen, both from Bay- onne. Wth school on tbe verge of op- ening, the boys had a yearning for the great wide-open spaces and so beaded Wat. Standing dn North avenue they wen wiggling thttr thumb* out of Joint trjlog to flag rides.' They flagged lbs lieutenant and be Invited them to hop bv-but ln*Uad_of carrying them itralgbt to the setting tun, be detoured and brought them 4p.U>* police sta- tion. While waiting for their parent* the boyaj : faeaped.aU sort*: of maladlc- tsbn*- upon the hfraiji of all policemen and lieutenant* in particular, but when their mothers caroejo tifc«| "»»"•" " y s*em«4h»ppUyV*slgnedtoprosaic bdqjeufe. -Early-Friday night, Carl Burney. nf- leen, colored, came to police- headquar- ter* and applied for a night's lodging. After questioning, he admitted that h* lived In Aabury Park and bad besn via. Itlng In Baltimore. Instead of returni be decided to come on Jto New The local police notified his ps and on 8at4trday morning, the box's father cams here and earned him back tothafold. , Asnneia and omcer Johnson ColordBoyFined$25 For Street Fighting Aspiring Pugilist Finds Cost of Work-Out With Motorist la High. Police Seek Second Man Who Aided in Brawl. Bruce Johnson, twenty-one, colored, of B i n street v u fined Us ln police) court Tuesday night by Judge L. U ~ toveland on a charge of disorderly con- duct preferred by BsOph A. Joneurf Bsyetstmt. It wa* alleged, that John- soa and another colored-marl attacked " air, Joon~about nine o'clScK laifBaW urday night tnBsyesstmt. White tha Mtatity-of -the ober colored man known, he has net been located by polios as yet. Aecordlng-to the story -wnietrtte.- hmn told the police,, b# m drtvtosj through Hares street and passed John- son and the other nun. They are salts to bar* catlad out to him in .pranuw lad a* he stopped his earsad- n stopped his carand tot out, l^i* claimed that they attacked "- Jonn was roughly liaadUd;—; away. He secured KM of the macnlne. Tht affair wss reported to the poUoa brOkrmina Benedltto of H a m street; who Shortly after be called tbe police. '(ConaWLttt ^'-\>r "* i... - - t-. y 1 —

MiKmFriday Island Duds - DigiFind-It · 2015. 2. 13. · I /•* « X. McMAHON. it-Grade JQRT1* - urkeys Island Duds ens kens Fowl Lamb to be Had ONLY EtLED (arket oprietor 393 rations

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    JQRT1* -

    u r k e y sIsland Duds




    Lambto be Had




    rations at Your I


    1,000 delegates t in tS,C90 to lOOflM «««>•expected .UKlnnde r

    ,ber 5-7.for the ei "inUonoftorfitatell

    ndreds of regutnaM

    Uus-conclara vffl»

    tme«rS*of;W«»'general. :The stnejinow decked oat It«

    ie ex-service nien.^- speakers,;

    l n P. Larson, -r E L . White,and

    juander FranUlnWti spots ln the oanW

    and county an""Legionnaires bT ^

    a holldaj colon Msands of YislMti;!"

    i»ilrt as^-^w^'PaKst

    Profran fiscissdostee FaunceTFelh Repubii-

    Club of Phut of the

    Party for Sept- 14th\nnounced by Entertain-nent Committee.

    regular . . . . .iford BepubUcan Cmb wa* bead

    I night at -the Club .House, Union. vtth a tvod^attendance, can-. the hot weataer. There in*

    r new buslnen brought before ttuevening was


    • of the Board of Mncatlon wtthfto

    No One Seriously Hurt.

    Ovetv tlEnd and Holiday.

    to n m a l accident* i „last week and over • the holiday.

    HortidtinJ SoddySbowSdjor

    Flowers Fruits and Vi

    ateurs Urged to Enter.

    The Cranford Horticulturalpan of pSill-hold iu fourth

    show next Saturday: Sept, l«th. in the*erip"*ly : lnhnd in ttt« TOnity Parish Howe. TheeahitUt wtu

    cmr». were letiomly damaged """" "* ""•—- •—*-•- — —- - - "-'

    thereon.; Ut. Faunce firstI of the needs'* the Township for

    lonal school housing and how theI proposed to asset thl* n*ed> byiiulding. of: a, "̂ UnaQgyflehldr -'.High)l-onths-t7nion^Avem»»-front iof

    I school property, which would

    armschools. Ur. Paunce gave de-

    i at length and distributed a pam-t showing In full the plans of the>. Fsunce answered questions askedt the floor and called on President

    [ for some detail*. Mr. Old-Iwho before humming a lawyer wa*

    i school teacher In Boselle Park,i a very Interesting talk on High

    1 work In general from a eonsid-iexperienee:

    ) action of any-kind ̂ ras taken bylOut on.tlw.school.plans,** l t j

    anderatood that" the dub wouldI no part in the special scbbbl el*c-I to decide on the building program.

    i will be held In October. ~Entertainment,. Committee

    the chairman, Mr. Wlnckler,quite a Usance ln hand.

    1100.00, and announced a cardr to be held Sept. Mth, at the club

    On thl* Ma, Jansen statedi: had been donated a fSeveral favorites of- local fan* sue

    "ated onv(he card fo> thi i

    - S h o w Septv I7-Ia-Open toAll Amateur Growers in theInterests of Adding to Cran-ford's Beauty,

    -The object of the tail flower showof the Oarden Club of Cranford, to beheld Tuesday, September 17th. in UwCranford Casino, Is to stimulate Inter-est in the growing of flowers and tobeautify the home grounds*., said Mrs,Oeorge Hansel,- president of the GardenCfttb-thto 'wSrnlug; itfTtSmmentihgTipion plans for the exhibit.

    T h e Oarden Club", she continued"has for Its object the promotion of theculture of flowers which are best suitedto thl* climate and through the show,we endeavor to point out what everyone can do In the commendable effortton

    LocalP.BASponsorsBenefit Next Thursday

    Dancing Team Led by Daugh-ter of Wwtfield Sergeant to -Feature Entertainment atNew Cranford Theatre.

    Noxt Thuraday will bo a big day forCranford. policemen who are membersof Cranford Local No, W. 1>. B. A, forit will be occasion' of the annualP. B. A.vbeneflt Forwvtral weak*, lo-cal oflUara have boeji: selling ticket* forthe) special performance which they willsponsor iri Uie New Oranford Theatre.

    the home aurraunding* otbCranford more beautiful, Any "gard- £ £ ! ? • £ -

    rs. ,Vaughan. MrsJP.jC/WoodruB,. Mnjg,Page and Miss Winifred t^owskt

    Prizes ForkParty

    > Be Held

    i and Triends DonateAward* far Affair

    [large attendance Is'wxpected at thevuty which- taf RtpnbUean*. OUib

    *;aod the committeethat there .ha* been an en-« advance-nle-or-tloketi

    I affair I* jbe first of the club'*i andi the committee I* anxious to

    > it a worthwhile Mccess, leading>number: of enjoyable featuresbare now being planned for the

    l*nd winter nason." -'•', ; •"T-O.J. Jansen and Mrs. "A Smith

    • been.busy. for a tmal days solidt-~~ f o r d mercbanU and friends jot

    : vaiuableiprlBn. In addleven! money p d s n have beend. The prise* ot:ta*;party win

    e Iwt which the dub has offered' of its affaha.eaid.they Include^uaMe and .useful-Items from

    ihe wss taken to the ofnee.of-Dr.. Lewis,who; treated'htm'for cuts and bruiseson his arms and legs. Sergeant Mets-ner and Officer Koyics Investigated,while the cyclist was curled to the of-fice of Dr. Lewis by H.-Y: Christiansenof Burnslde avenue.

    Two passengers were slightly Injuredin an accident bt« Monday afternoon.Driving-east on North avenue, East,.8.DLJullo, 580 Van-Ness"-avenue: theBronx, turned left to enter Elisabethavenue and struck a machine driven byEugene'Bennef of 4S5| North avenue,East Mr. Benner'* car! had been fol-lowing that of. the New York man aodJust as he started to turn left, Mr. Ben-ner-wai pahlngto damage to the fender* *nd runningboard, the windshield of Mr, Benner'scar'was.shattered.

    Ootlines Proyisioiis ofNewResponsibililyLaw


    Office of JohnSon Explains

    Heins. andinancial Re-

    sponsibility Act for Motor-ists, Effective November 15.

    The automobile financial respqnsiWl-ity law which goes Into effect. Now. IS

    Weh'ttoTgrearlnterestdV A

    Hls sister, Miss Virginia Benner, whowas riding, with him, received a badgash in the chlifi while Mrs. Oorman,M ^ k ' d t t f l dfrutu bruises and the shiick. Doth weietaken to'.Uw office of Dr. Foster andthree stitches were taken In Miss Ben-ner's chin. She. was also~bru&e4-aboutthe arms.- _pn-complalnt of Mr. Ben-ner, SergeaitTonnell gave the NewYork man a ticket, for reckless drtfing.The CSM was dismissed in poJIce court.

    1* a " m a t t e r w W e h t t gtOi*U.^caf•owners In CranfordV Asthere Is a certain amount of contusionIn regard to its provisions, the following eonclae sutenVnt of what It meansIn non-tecpnual language I* furnishedbrthe-tocal motor vshkle lleejumgagency of John W. Helns, and Son...^.

    This law, wa* passed in an effort tomake the highways-safer for th« pe-destrian and for.the aut

    score stood. «-l with the Wtrtrics Infront when the Post Office canie to batfor the last part of the fourth. Bythat time. It was very dark and-theWestric fielders could not even .see the

    i put over four runs, to take the1eU''MrTIienV~lii''ths^flr*t''bi':ih«'nYtii/" Westrlcs pushed over twq runs to

    on the lead «-«, With two menthe umpire, boa Ost of Roaelle,

    contest SJ It was Impossible

    score: as' i1

    should have revertedIt was when the last

    This law shows, amocuj other thtng*.State oi Hew Jersey has be-'''i^^jj£SB':i*tl»l

    mooslbulty" of those wno dttve euslhUt iwso' theBta '* . •

    thti <

    BL ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ " ^ i î̂ aa^vei * v e s w e A S | se»vy eipetuws-wlikli-havs-leploted the lUmuclal resources of the

    orgaiiliaUon which mean* so much totie upholders of .the peace.Officer aeotk* Itosendale la pr«alil.nt

    of Uie Cranium Local, while OfficerMcCaffrey la trvasurer. Officer EdwardOalvln o«ui)le» tho post of sciiretary.OOlcer Craig I* Htato dclcgateand Offi-cer Jouit-McNerney, Hrgeant-at-arma.

    In addition to those members whohave-been named a»ov« as manlbers of _uie cmmnitUe, gr offlcera, Uie. followsUig la tho roster of member*, chief ofPolka James K, Hennessey; LlcUtsnanU 'Ouorge Orelas and-Cnrlnngo Massa;ffcrgcaut* Laurence Uonnell atul WU-nun Fisher and oracer Rdward Cole-

    man. v yMemtwrs froin~~Westfleld Include: .

    Oeorgo Morton, Lt»ttt Oebler/EdgarWright and Tticodore Vreeland. Theo-tore Day an4 Harry Krholm of theSmutch I'lalns 1'ollce department are-j«rmembeniii« nro Chtfcf bt PollM A1-" 'ma '

    be plainly marked, In order Uiaj, they Brewenot Oanrood.may be returned, although the com-n^tiee~aaiumea~no TSponsibu'Ity forloss or breakage.


    Cranford 'was the haven • for- threemissing bojs last Friday. All.were heldhere until parrnss came and took them

    In the afternoon Lieut. Uassa pickedup Jack Jones, thirteen, and BernardCrsighlon, fourteen, both from Bay-onne. Wth school on tbe verge of op-ening, the boys had a yearning for thegreat wide-open spaces and so beadedWat. Standing dn North avenue theywen wiggling thttr thumb* out ofJoint trjlog to flag rides.' They flaggedlbs lieutenant and be Invited them tohop bv-but ln*Uad_of carrying themitralgbt to the setting tun, be detouredand brought them 4p.U>* police sta-tion. While waiting for their parent*the boyaj:faeaped.aU sort*: of maladlc-tsbn*- upon the hfraiji of all policemenand lieutenant* in particular, but whentheir mothers caroejo tifc«| "»»"•" "

    y s*em«4h»ppUyV*slgned to prosaicbdqjeufe.

    -Early-Friday night, Carl Burney. nf-leen, colored, came to police- headquar-ter* and applied for a night's lodging.After questioning, he admitted that h*lived In Aabury Park and bad besn via.Itlng In Baltimore. Instead of returni

    be decided to come on Jto NewThe local police notified his psand on 8at4trday morning, the box'sfather cams here and earned him backtothafold. ,

    Asnneia and omcer Johnson

    ColordBoyFined$25For Street Fighting

    Aspiring Pugilist Finds Cost ofWork-Out With Motorist laHigh. Police Seek SecondMan Who Aided in Brawl.

    Bruce Johnson, twenty-one, colored,of B i n street v u fined Us ln police)court Tuesday night by Judge L. U ~toveland on a charge of disorderly con-duct preferred by BsOph A. JoneurfBsyetstmt. It wa* alleged, that John-soa and another colored-marl attacked "air, Joon~about nine o'clScK laifBaWurday night tnBsyesstmt. White thaMtatity-of -the ober colored manknown, he has net been located bypolios as yet.

    Aecordlng-to the story -wnietrtte.-hmn told the police,, b# m drtvtosjthrough Hares street and passed John-son and the other nun. They are saltsto bar* catlad out to him in .pranuw

    lad a* he stopped his earsad-n stopped his carandtot out, l^i* claimed that they attacked" - 1 £ Jonn was roughly liaadUd;—;

    away. He secured KMof the macnlne.

    Tht affair wss reported to the poUoabrOkrmina Benedltto of H a m street;who Shortly after be called tbe police.



    "* i . . . - - t - . y 1 —

  • A Good Man You Cant MASSACRE BOOSTSracftjHffffWf^^w?r*."3^ffw|ffflWPfcTi '^^"^AWi'.'-^aseWWeWifj'

    ington Affected.

    i • • • • / ' • • " • . ' • - • .

    ... • . B y ELMO 8COTT WATSON

    . • U ^ B O B M - I f,,!!,,,, •r-nrnr'SMia' rtti-ittiis 11 tnnn who Is living*proof of II10 WeMhat/tli*old saying "You can't

    I kwp a good man downshould tn> revised to rend"You citn'l kwp a good

    -hia«-u|>.J*-^-For"thul~inniI Is Tom Kodlc, -chief gun

    . tier's mute In tbe fleet• , "' iinvul ruaerve arid decji-sea

    -— diver, berp' of a hundred desperateadventures .under the waler and. fa-mous fnr hla worn durlnn Ilie raining of'the sunken. submarines, 8-4 and, 8-81,which won for him the Niivy Cross andthe ('onBrt'iwIonal lledal of Honor, <

    To'tu -Katll* likes diving. ' l ie , sayss o la a hook which he :liu* written,|>uhllsht>ar«tely; knowingly ~ and wllllnalback and forth In front of me, o imtnJJ^* hl'°*"Ufainhlahandaby promit•way at 'he mud overhead to >lv. ~ . !• d».r«n,!ln» in » , . . . . . . . . i_ *™T

    plaway at.*ha mud overhead to give my-a.elf avery chance.- II waa longhandalow out I finally, cut tbrouiih~uto thaopen water and back -along my ltnea.„ They knew on tha torelde that aome-thlnR WAS wrong, of course. Out theydidn't haul me, luckily tor- me; tha Unaand the Ivoee wouldn't "hava stood the-atralh they would have put on tnel toaay nothing of tha chanca 'that theywould probably have-hauled ne kpartThey alghated- to aak If I were allright, of courae. but with my llnrburled IK tha mud I couldn't feel theiralgnal. I didn't algnal to ba hauledup either, you bet..' Aa. soon. as. I was

    ^cltsivrX-Wentito—worbuagaln^-and-,thlr.time 1 didn't try to make any shortruta, but- hosed tha whole thing. t>uu I,!^h**JbMJobjbfjl9hie;jwsar,_i>'_.iu..,

    Eadle's narroweskj escape froUideath, he says; carnal a* iho result ofhla having for,.a Render. In. the boatfrom which he was working. Up In-experleqced youngster. A diving boatIs equipped with two flasks 'of, convpreMed air. When the pressure falls

    ^beloyĵ 2S0_ po.und»M that -flask. Is ahoff - and the other one turned on. Kodiehad gone down to do a certain pieceof work. He soon, noticed that bewaa setting leas air tiiun he needed.He signaled for more but got" no re-sponse. Again and again he signaledand, renllilng that the air In his hemet was getting foul very fast, hedecided. It wits tlm» to go up. So hialgnnled thathewnscomlng up angot a reply, put the greenhorn antwo civilian employees who were Ithe bont with him didn't pull up, alie signaled again. Finally, after sev-eral ugonlrlng- minutes during whichhe almost.last consciousness, he was

    slaughter- ' of. ffl-tifam ,>««,'ŷ Tlbrtani

    la D*ng»r. to Wosttrn Chin*,'report**la oews/ dispatcbes. brlrlgs about >astrange result In • Wathington (P.U)library, w h , ^ "It has probably- en-banced |n villj.'jteyind1 •£pfM%iryean old, from which the be* aeuof to* Tlbetaa' elaaslca wen ! fact


    FlneJ Potent 5alwtau»c*»1st 'CW-'

    BalUmore.-The dried veaon* ofChines* toad*. has Men found to ba

    laolated, successfully by. b f e ' u t ' t '-Oien, with th* etvoperatlon of DrBans Jensen of Johns HopkWn>ed»-

    ^wmm^ 'rickets' In rats In exsctly tbenunner as cod liver oi| doss. It oc-curs together with cbelesterol, a white,fatty, crystalline alcohol whlcb Istasteless and 'odorlesa,



    . . . , . 1 uniiiiuiiia [ more tnnn s nunclred vlj'

    Da t S S ^ n ^ 3 * o m ™ - •«- «M P̂,b,v.,been malfora he could speak, then: he founi

    out what bad hern the trouble. Illtender, had not been watching thegaugi* on the .first flask and did notsee thnt the air In It was completely«efc;uftj»«jmatotllt«efc;uft,vj»fe«uj.Kmaato|t>and coalutnes, and; of the ccrenionlnldancts. . it 'thuirhnppens" tiint Thl '

    J0.O00L(^yearsago,cr.Q(iIIkejn«U9sssli wood found In th'ess formotlons,the piece was said to be well preservedand Its texture fiber plainly visible.Prof. 8. J. Record of the Yale fore*-

    ^y«s«lioolii«wedith31«y«lioolii«wedwith3b1ini«|ltTKSpiece was placed In the State museum.

    - The wood was found In the forma-pn Lnown t I l

    next to ber to tea ber somethlnx aboatbis life.' Be looked hard at ber klad.mother's face. Be thought fast. Tneahe told: her her bad been kidnapedwhen be waa seven, lira. Calasao-seemed excltedi. Sbe asked himquestions, bnt be made 1and broke away from ber.

    k , H e songht out other berry-plckera.1 Mrs, Galasso'a story was familiar to

    thenxall. She bad told It many ttmea.Be sJked them for details of berson's d^strppearance. for" some Informa-tion about her and ber husband, theirtome, their^nlatlves and neighbors.• •••-•-.•• - F a W » Coenrlhc**. When she found him agani and pur-,

    sued--her -euestloBaVhevWM, orrpared.1He told of being kidnaped and takento a house In-Atlantic Otyjof escap-ing from there and knocking, aboatuntil be was old enough to join, ibearmy. . tie waa seventeen, be aaM.rroai" what tittle be purported to «Vable to- remember ot bis early child-hood, Mrs Galaaso became rbniinrcdshe had found ber Ions last son.

    An excited telephone call broagatMr. Calasso, a small track farmer, toBrldgeton. Be. too. waa cbnvuiced. Itwaa a happy reunion. Tbe GalassDishsd found their son and BowardMarks had found a bom.Ttotot,Llav. | ia{aH«



    •» « . S t r e M 'aid upon tadi

    . -In administrative tasks it u ,I that nnfaithfulneia should be I

    out as . a warntaj to theBruBenieiit4«t1|

    4 . Help rendered b,

    Shallom bad no loin 1

    Mrs. balasso. proud andkdita

    The wood wa_tlpn__ Lno.wn, totown^sand.


    Iliea pier

    House of Seven Gables. ' ' Turne/d Into Hostelrr

    Salem, \Uass-—Memories of' qtherdays, when colonial gentlewomen andmen gathered at the House of SevenGable r Itr Salem for a few hours ofrefreshment and entertainment, navebeen revived by nnhnuncementi tholtthe' historical building hns followedthe trend of the times nnd Is1 accom-modating overnight guests with boardand rooms. "Itcnsonable prices" arecharged - for these accommodations,which are In the tild.llnthaway house,bullMD 10S2. nnd In the adjoining cot-tages, which hnvo been renpvated forthe Tonvenlenctf of out or.town visi-tors^ and others w^o desire to enjoya ôlonla)'iiitn1oVpl)>'r«> * ' Z J L

    -m;!iLg.-iMJM»?fifr—eyHinn, sttn—ttvea ply-torlnlly In the archives of the NationalCepgraphlc Society In Wn.l.lnC(nn -

    Women Outnumber Men' ' M Glacier Park Hikers

    Glacier Park, Mont—Tourist travelto Glacier National park for the firstmonth of the 1020 season shows con-sldernble Increase over that of thesame period lost year. TrovclerriavB.: registered from nearly 'every

    state and many are from foreigncountries.. Holel, auto-stiiRo and trailsaddle horse facilities are tho .bestIn the history of therpark.'governnjentInspection shows.' \ -' -' - *'

    While, the mole visitor Is more no-llceuhle- on the venindas. the numberif yiiunu wiimen hikers on the ItockymonntalD trolls- eii-eeds that of anyvrevlmi" season.' Two women ^vnilkIhrotigh the" park to. every man wholaTSaThBi etitlurnnce.teat, Jt-ls esti-

    out and bought hima new hat. a new s a l t / /. Then, desiring- toponWi the Ud-

    child! and caused them so mucb sad-1 ness, they took bun to the county

    court house In Camdeni, It waa jnotlong-before detectltWaiKowed'acr-

    Perhaps.aid him.

    3, Stress laid, upon earaestitsi«some rapan* s* J*wel» Jot ne»rlng»4tsTnietera W oilier delicate iiectrlcal.Instniments. The new- tube I* provingInvaluable, It Is said, In lortlng gem*.

    ' Pelplng.—AltBough Dr. WellingtonKoo, former premier, of China, Is llv-Idg fa exile abroad, his beautiful homeIn Pelplng Is-to be turned Into a memo-rial to the Inle Br. Sun Vat-sen. Theaction has been taken without con-sulting Doctor Koo, as it is felt bisproperty can be confiscated as that ofa rebel, because be worked for tbeChang Tso-lln -government. .

    Life to Pittsburgbcr

    „-.. forty-three, of Pittsburgh.former resident ncre.. Throuxb actiOBof Judie^ George. IL Leonard In Sane-,rlor court, Simmlnger, declared legal-

    I Cow Removes Tonsils fof Boy in pasture

    -j—^^Un^Cuni-BernardrMatrj.- _l ^ k T f o u t i of Tre«,ure:;Fleids, ?$ ^ ? B t 0 D ' ^dedJo.jhi.er-Sj-l:

    - tonsils .remove*. buLhe-or-hls-' LS^» t * B «?->«nP«tfngof , , n e ;;dread day. ^oifcheJtrld-of th*-1 •iwtheraQtn* tonsils, thanto to the !nnsollclted assistance of™ " 4 *

    f\"»"emptTng to !!took a piece of .paper on t]>e *born of a graUng «ow when t h e *

    ^"'""'"" '̂Wod \\taken to

    boyw,. \\of Dr.1 A. J ' r


    patient Is at hope. ,T^Veil «ie o u l d b e e ^ ^ ™-^ r ««

    ' • ' • in ininai iq. .HHHHI

    traced to the scene. i m T l n ^land he met a brother, and leanedtba,.he bad been declared deLTL,court action. Bis relative,* bad aotheard from hits' for ia s ^ " "

    Legal acUon to declare bin deadwas taken upon the death of his ta-

    attack4. Greed aptf oppression ol.ttefl

    sajs):::__' '..-^."•L-"'----.-The 1 Jews p' that .day,-llk« ta)|

    'profiteers of our.jlaj,.'-t(>A' aJruti8|of the poor1 anil oppressed.

    Nthat they" mortcased theireven sold their dauRhters Inle . . . . . . .

    5. -Scheme to take Nehcmlabl w |

    , 1 0 : i - U ? . : '•••' '••'• . . ' . . •••'•'-

    •. When Sanbaila.t antf. ToWali I .IB* every '-oilier1 way IlitJ «nii««tJj

    With action sef aside.has-Deen paid ttS8o"a»ithe-esute. ., ~

    i n e y '.mliht' kill, WroTr - •. -. ̂ 1- • I I I . The; Wall- Completed ((J»|

    itH). iv- --vr- *-— ' " ' -So energetlcaH.v . (Jld itW , - ^ j

    tasks tiat In -fift̂ ivo asj f» |wall was completed. We wu w»Jfrom this:

    •'a. That thouch God'sbeset by enemies, theyf e a t ' - : " •'. 2. That when besetabonid pray (4:S1-

    Tbelr faith . « « 0wise precaution, . > '

    (a) TheyLset.a. watcn HJi(bl Men .wore

    'WUb tbelr (aniliies

    Salmon 54 Years in Tin ^I» FoonaVStiO Goo3:— - w w « a ««aajs UaaiWh

    Olympla. Wkjo.—Canned to keep fora century. Columbia river salmoo_ki.w - - ••' ••k««>tary. Colombia river OIBOSIwhlcb wss sealed and processed Irnsaespedall, made tin In W » w W e a »Jied recently. No sign^f Oeterlorav

    •Ion was detected. Tbe tin covering.haa resisted corrosion, snd t t a r e l s W•on to believe thai tbe eoateatsT wm

    readiness (4-il) —=-Praver and faith are.nol s

    Inactive. '' '

    ^A FJct«r.-br PW

    : f c d > 1 . ^ : c o r » M ^Tbe "man'represetitiMl;."1' Blstare, the reason; t!» llanat* - element:'"'sh'S the" •""^jsvlmonster -the" lusts"'«»^ •W'SiTjbeplrtureisaslrue,io^r-i


    a of late, but t think I ab*U t*^ t h f n i , Jost tbi IBB* .i net. no one has asked JM ra

    ^t all. eltb*r *t.Jatsi orj^|

    r ' ' dlKoWiiavyoo." salmeo, dont let It d

    1 t-iad you dont think I shout_ _ - j . o™..m«L" nld Un

    J-,11. what or* your opinions, Unt ' - - . - •

    • cotrs were all oat In the psiffor the spring bad come and tb*I tajojlng the ale* days.me of tbe cows bad wandered fa• the pasture near tha woods, bu[cuwund Ulsi Cow .were dowib rem.e. near the farmhouse,'i the first plsce," said Un."Co*

    It Is absurd

    Cow Expresses Hsr OplnloiAbout' Picnic Parties.

    plcnlrs. 1 .mean, particularlyenple who travel In automobiles.

    |fou'kndwr Miss Cow, they have gouo the htiliirof hurrying t h a t l i e ;

    ttn Brhun% too."" ' ; . - . . - • -frailv, I wouldn't be In the leasirist'il Io «ee tJiem toot boms aI oilier before long to hurry eacl

    Jr'up. •. - •• '•" -;—V-"'-"-':—:;:fbc; come'along here. They p"ut Irorb basket down. They beglt

    1 s t - - . • . , - . ' - • - . '

    |f nnrcine cats slowly, some omparly fusses and fumes anc

    HCnme on now, we cant alt hen

    It Started IBy JEAN NEWTON

    ) something pell-mell la to dcf ^ l

    «.—The^expresslon' Is commonljB In every daV speech, but tbe per-\ Is rare whoNmderstands the si-

    tbe knowledge of - bow il

    i eipreeslon comes to us from the[English game of pall niaU or pull

    , vhlch was Introduced during the-of rt'lrarlesr̂ l̂i'̂ iud"_ stibseQDeiit-:uuie very 'popular fn Engibnd.

    fsme Infwhlcb a ball wa^drlvfn« niullet, and taking its name" Itollnn "paila magllo," polio

    |nlns ball and '"nfagllo" hammer,ilck^pnmuntlailon-paill- nMuV.be>>.»! raelKond It .was from the

    J that under certain circumstances|ne same, thejlayers-would rush

    >»; at th'e.bair that such heed:lusty activity came to be de>.

    «d .as -pelirmeil," And^-thoueh

    Hias M(ved-.lta time and pftsscif• •of' the picture, the 'expreifelonlltiitll" has survived lnJ.*-lnoaernS C O . ; • ; • • • . ; ' ; • • ' . . . . . . - , » ' . . . . ' ? / •

    - ' • > ( C o p r r t l h t . ) • ; - . ' ' . . • ; • ;


    jfuvX"^™ •


    ••• l ip '-- • • - .

    ' . : ; ' .

    - B - " ' • '

    • • • '• • • . * . " » ' • ,. ' • . • ,1 . - , f . '

    -pin money that girls stick dadutuaiij, ib*_Brie, of a diamond

    .-• ?J- ;-* '

    • '•"•'•-• ± . . r ^




  • Istratlve tasks it Uhfulneis should be ptfarnlns to the

    rendered by j

    Shallun .bad.ho mm

    laid, upon eirnestnsu

    in of fidelity will ipjrjess. ' •one built over B(vv. 10, ftSl.live for cArUm-k-MMthut whichYoncenmortl

    essors of God'sctfln by hnrllns Tidlcn!» >'j

    ht to hinder by-!bo were, outside tor. brethren by the diisjk was. n >oa''* *" «n">ngh»I dont want to hurry you, you know'

    "And tbe person, saya. 'Yes. Inthrough,' In a sad voice.

    _ "Tn™ Uvfn off in a cloud of dust,aa tbe saying la..

    "I Just can't understand "it Whydon't they alt awhile and talk andchewj Or If they haven't anythingto talk about, why dont they Justchew! ' ' •• :

    "They'd digest their food betftr.They'd feel more amiable and pleas-ant. '.. ' • : i . .

    "I often think the reason we're soeru-tempered U because we chew iocontentedly. '

    "But really, Miss Cow, 1 wouldn'tbe: surprised, with iha way. they're

    find people before long bringing spe-cial automobile horns, to picnics snd tobear them loot and say:

    "'Hurry, hurry?"toot, toot, we've _..time to watte, toot, toot, we've goffobe on our way, .loot, toot, we've a lotof mileage to mnke yet, toot,1' toot.—"'WenlonTwont t s gel there WhenIt's dark, toot, toot;— 7.'"IWrtt go( to be ahead of time Incase we have any tire punctures, toot,toot. You've eaten enough, toot, toot:'

    "I wouldn't be In the least surprisedIt It came In that.

    And I'm of Hie opinion thnt this Isno way to* enjoy Ufa or motoring orhaving a picnic. •" "They're In Buch a rush they dont

    have a Rood time. They're alwayafussing about getting on further.

    Ah, no, Mrs. Cow doesn't approveof It. I also think It would he a goodIdCa If every once In a while theystopped.nni|. got. out ani) gazed :nt:tbescenery-around.'•'•_'" "~ ~ :

    "1 don't approve of this rushing sofast they don't enjoy anything .̂ iVcuusee from their faces they don't enjoythemselves. .

    '.'And It's my opinion that they willwear themselves nut rushing:'

    "Yes, Mrs. C(ow has opinions, andshe. thinks they're good ones. . Prob-ably that a what every one thinks ofher own opinions, moo.'moo.**

    ome on now, we cant alt here

    the opposite direc-By JEAN NEWTON Vy M. K. TBOHSON

    i*jLjfti^ft.! f RffT'W^^WaiAifc^iruJlxtxjti.'

    GET Interested, but WeAlontsomething pell-mell la to do some similar attitude, of mind placesI 1 t*m. Ofe t mm -* —V *v'. a _ L- _ *> . J - . L *\stay Interested. We lose Inter-

    "lhV il i f r i l' Is commonlyB In every aay speech, but the per-| Is rare whoNmderstands the al-

    tbe knowledge o f how 'It

    i expression comes to us from tbe|Ensllsh game of pall niajl or pall

    >li|ch was Introduced daring theof rt'lrarlesrl^and'" MhMqnenjp•aiiie very "popular In Engihnd.

    [ame In fwhlcb a ball wasf driven:a mallet, und taking Its name" i Itollnn "pollamagllo." polio

    minB tmll nnd.'^magllo'1 hammer."•'-'• pronon)liitlon-pall- mallrbe-

    I raell"^aid It was from ltheI thnt under certain circumstances

    |he g-iue. the players would rush"'"? at the,ball that such heed

    !'n«ty activity came to be de-•beil ns "pcl|melU" And-thoughl g w wtrteh pTomrJht if lit~There Is a illsiusslon on concerning

    the noise nhlcu some persons claimto have-hoard accompanying the.dem>onstratlons-ef-lhe-Aurora Boresllsllnthe northern- skjes. It has been_de-scribed as a crisp monotone, like fbepassage of slelgb runners over thecrisp snow,. Some explorers clalnutohave heard this noise, hut, they state^tliol II »as heart 1IBder"Oie-B)u»l favornble circumstances, and, on the-other hand, there are other pemonswho have bnd the- opportunities, who

    M l l l > tca?ffife'3as»e» w M l j , ,Another description of this sound Isthat It wHJ-ilkerthe1 swishing of awhip "or that of a squall through tbeupper rigging K L

    ME'WSCOVJEREb . " - - ' " ' i

    Walur UCatlett, Dtttsr known a* acom^ian on the re«ular stag*.- newwith 4h« -uikiss,* Is seen In his BratMov|»tom picture, -Why Luv. Hoiwi.*He w«a born In San Francisco, wenton thi stage st ths aga of Unwind hastound the world. Although ha Is-•^unny,- and knows It, h» prefers tswrits and directs :. -.„....._.,._.:_...••

    For MeditationBy LEONARD A, BARRETT'


    I N Sl*lTE3~of numtir&us* Ing lhe- automoblllst ofand other-device*-used for the pui>-pos» of preventing accidents, a largenumber occur dally, mnoj of wRIehSeem unnecessary and could ha»o'been prevented. A study of tbecause of these accidents will doubt-less assign, as the clrief reason-modern speed. It goes without say-ing that an automobllo driven at fiftymiles an hour hazards more risksthan one. driven at tulrty-jlva. milesMl Uottr.- The Interesting fact, how-ever. Is thnt, in a majority of cases,

    speed alone Is notthe most Import-ant f a c t o r In-volved. It may-bethat, b u t•" othermore', s e r i o u scauses ore respon-sible—among tbom,one's refusal , toconsider the otherperson's privilegesor- his-point -of

    ,kU Hrst rtmnlttry lOson. will tell>»• that water la IRO-a suteasnr.•#-/••» ,w«», with «rhlca,mod^n « £enttsta ont ali««eihar agre* Nor»»+rvh.Hl.T1 h.nr»v»r, ran say whn Drat

    eranmdooa fact knowa to•

    mndr thaiIb* mnrW. .

    It waa a millionaire bacheler Heary that when bis. banker' -came to tellblni he bad HOU.UUD tn tls accoohl-and wasn'tIdleJ—K» sent the man of buslnru•nay. told him to do what he liked.wfl^rlt, but said Ks would rlbi* bisscroant If they ever bothervd htmsgala.'

    lie ,was so shy, saya the MndonMall, that having a wonderful libraryof books he. w»_Bj)ulte.wllllng to |eni

    so triaVtwrrowere need never disturbhis 'studies.' Whenever be lookout abook .himself he always signed for Itlike any

    Not-only d j ^ he tell how water Ismade, lie was on* of the first to dis-cover t«ut.heat Is not s substance but

    ;a' state; one of the first to meiniirethe ili'tislty of the earth; a pioneerof eleftrlrlty, an astronomer, aglBt. Hustles at Claphnm, whvre hehnd his -country aeat. nwped through

    ROBS: —9illcUa-V (allay, abool


    a laboratory and a forgtv Theyhe waa either a wltard or a

    in,; but he waa merely, a-genius,' • ' '

    llfo-nt aorlous-haianln—-This-fact holds-tra«-

    automoblilng, but Is i.tiS of the basicprinciples, which If enthusiasticallyfollowed, wTIT savejj.any'of tile tall-ares uhc' Inlsunderslimdlncs In life;What is tho>othet man's point of.vlewT How does he Interpret the sit-uation-'involved? . Every salesman

    requisite In making a snle lis a cor-:rect understanding of bin customer'spoint of view. /When he lisa suc^cceded In securing that. It la compara-i l rtively eajy^to-transacrbualness.


    Air Pott Office Designedto Sort 250,000 Letten

    Seattle. W««b.~;Wr.ea Hie govem-nieut 'deslrva l move all llrttclassmull by ulr, espednlly designed planes' w H | h l l M i;iuchserTlce;:rAfully ii|ulp|i«d airplane «n display Ina local plum will carry three lima ofainll, or a quarter million letters, at13-"> mil™ an Imur. ^

    ElghlecnpasiienKer transports builtfor use un the tra'nsmnilnbntnl air,route this •uuiiner are so cunslructedthat they Cnn be quickly transformedInto mull plunes. Seining luliles amisacks con he placed around the cnblnfor the fllHtrlhutlou of mall en route,as.Is ilnno on mall (ruins. These

    -fj'et Jong,.mo.re. than^ i j g , . e . thanSUi (eat high andnve and one-half feetwloe. —— . —.-—

    newer nlnnea have a wtn»

    rof. AS feet. Letter clerks will havetheir riienls aboard the planes In well-equipped buffets electrically healed.Each plane Is provided with a fullyequipped Invulory with' hot and toldof tfnn-siintterahle. iclve excellentK ic cellentvision--' Instruments mounted over the

    uliIe«-jvould-l4)ll-.U>« .dsr^a- -4iaa™f>««KiNl—dla«p|B.lnllnj,̂ arrhenlohow fnst> thsy "are flying and Tiowmuch. Hmls tlicy hnio ig dlstrlbutamnli for various cities en mute. "

    Numerous appllcallnns for nlrplnnemnll clerk .loin are on file with thel'ost OfllceVdepartment. It was an-nounced here;VTowns' Namei pii'RoofjT^Z

    Guide Distante Flfinyfashlnston.—Itemarkabie progress

    In the ninvement'in have nsnie algnson ,the : ruofs of : prominent

    of lowng thruughuut.. tli

    ; Sun and Tape.'Brand'Bathers in Virginia

    suntan-.here ^ar^brought. -the"hrand." A' "briind" If easily.''ncijalred with a rt-w strips nf adhealve tape and ati afternoon atthe swimming pool

    H j gsired,design or Inlliuls frum thetape." applying tliwn to lbs alilii-and' stepping Into the sunihlnvTbe space covered by tbt tarA

    ^.fvoatoa whit* sod 4s-«asHy-«te andthe cooler weather.mak«*s It pfiaalbletn remove the hoarding. II will he aim-pie enough to remove the hulk h«*raby hiwtn snd "nfonntruct" It on lheshores-nf the lake, where a email mti-aetim Is In be liutlt for Its reception.

    Whether tbo operation will solvn theriddle of bow KIIIII-.TS of ancient Homewere prnppllerl ronmlns to he awn.Former attempts to navt> Ibis »n* didmore, barm than i!i»>d. Ijir«n qtinntl-llca of wood tnken from II were solflfor fjjel, anil the- better parln mail*

    -uitn^VkfwitsakMw'J-fliirliuaa anuff::buieaand. ivalklnB sticks. -

    Emptror la Playful..As to. the precious marbles .and

    broiltcrwltit which Ilia iiuriii ''T

    Police .sdmlLihey are.msetlrig i»-frlous dtBiculllea In attempting tosolve the" prnlilem..' In.,a recent case,.a stolen car was

    driven through three cordons of po-lice who sought to slop It Threeattempts to rob the iHistolllce at Ux.bridge hare, hot-n fnlled but the crimi-nals have always managed to escap*

    In motor' cars.

    W P. C. of World's . 'Motors Made in U. S.

    -.Wjulilnilon.—Mna out ol •very-tenautoindbttes—ln;..us«,. throtmiuut ihrworld were.made la'the IJoll.ed Btstw.according to s repiM Issued by "aPauthoritative. dlvlilon • of the Depart-ment of Commerce. Of the 32J«8,V)Oautomobiles In' world clrmlatlon, JJj.-""

    fiL>£lBiJniife tliao W per cent,were prwluieil by Amerlcsn manufac-turers. This Includes ttjffljm pas-senger cars and 3.WW/-00 tracks.

    machines Cn foreign, coantrles bear tbe.name of American fflatafpeturers.Th» aotomoblKrlndustry-ln the UnitedBtatfe* outranks alt otner oanuftctur-Ing to^ " ~

    Ftw Tork.—Saitrit.months ag»author of my arnoalma |a,Bo'aInauguration si Federal ball Alaoplctunsi wlll'bc s drafl tint In UnionHqusr* iturlns In* Civil war. anil th*#nl*rfronl In the days of;ihlns* No |tinha have h««n lalil TorliU'turlng more miMlvro events, run I.fur ont. vvi* for ih« Im-lualnn of asrene depicting the returning of Lind-bergh froin I'arls, Th»r§ wnt snnw-thing thnt..for sh*f r magnifliL^ce otnynever be duplh-iitriL

    Sevtral ymtt ago an Imaglnatlv*repilrtsr gut himself aad his newnpa-per Into.all surls of truubl* with ahighly mlorvil alory Simula'MiMlpnlare on Hum ttow, where lhe e l oof the fast set were enjoying mtn>hllng anil drinking iirglva. Tli*. vewlwas pure Imagination nn lh« rvliurt-er'a inn, nnil rvrry »no ngrenl. avery superior grinta of ImMslnatloo..Hut nuw thoirraltJiliiit lia«;«iipci«™d:off tbe coast of Limit Uhiiiil. It l> aluxtirloiia. liont, o|HvatiM{ a> « botrlwltfire^afngo' and 'aoclety folk S|M>OI1thflr wi'fli i'MiI«. It \t no KUinhllngboil nr lloNtlna liquor illspctuuiry, andIt operati-a wilhlit the law. •.-.-._> - I . ' . i ' • . ; • " • - • • • • • " ; "

    Fo.ll.li S^alrr.U ~ :1 rolumhla unlvvralty, where mrn-ahil

    women are- equipped In a SHiwrlurfashion for Ihi'lr battle with lift, liaspnivixl the umTntng of ji comiuunlty ntainilrri-U.' 'riiM«_»iilmiil»-li»..-h««hbroken down imMiinliytci.stirh an »t-tent thnl ,lhoy have foruoilph tli« tn-bnrn^muirreMnatlnrt In burr nnta In

    n-r. The atmlvnts are al fno.lt. Ap-parenlly ail of the thousanii* thai at-tend th« unlveralty In the winter avs-slon have been willing to |irnvlit» nutsfor the cninpna aqulrreJa, anil Iho *|Ulr-

    l ' h i f t V ' trelrhirvffWiiiftlnpia V d»v1ltro*y;fsirephlloanpliy. And the atrang* imrl of.It Is that fnrly aummp'r U I he Iranntprrindof-fh«^yMr:^nr*tliM*-|hii?r1vi;idents, for the winter atuitents. hav*duiiHrleil nnil IKS •iimmer s«ialon at-tendant! hiir* not yet srrivrd.

    id. n i l IKIl arwll»t*.t /

    Arm* Studies AirplaneEquipment for Camping

    q p t I o provlile for - fielil e l-pettllluna by air, Is'.being devised bythe army 'air corps. Hecreliiry ofWar Oood -hHS-dlrec'te.1. • MaJ.—O»aJames' K. Fechet to Initiate a itmlyof the (Kiujlpuienl quntlfin, with a par-ticular -view to llghtweJgliLjUMpingbugs, cain|ilng atnvea iialhg gasoi|nsfuel, and 'tvnts" In til over tlm low-er ,wlnj« of an airplane to p>uvl'tsahelter.i All thcoS'mustbe light andinoat cbn)|ioct, ; for storm* In (be

    ; ' ' ' '

    Mayor Tyton Busy Man^ All His Positions^ W i t h All His Positions• Den tun rK, Tciin.-Miyor T.' II. T | -son ui~a~tiuay man. lie. serves as

    ary.g^usllce bf'tlie:prace,. road an-peryisopij/Jhls section, farmer, miller,substltujo rurulnjsll carrier, a physi-cian of sorts, and as a side-Una suittombstones. - II« la also clialrmanf atthe Hous of Itest. •, '

    ' : F lrt tFig Starts Fins . 'Philadelphia' - Smoking bis first

    dgareils at the agrof Odyfour, W.W. Cole act lira to his home and wasnearly overcome before hehis four-year-old niece. Mr..-«ffirst srnoka was a bigger ooeTthan Jw.Intemled.

    Claims Plane ShakesDt.he. Off Her Shell

    i •" low^ p i

    and "shakes—dlilita off thiabeltea" Jn .the wee boura olths1 inonilng waa the complaintmails to the police'here recent'ly by «ne housewife.

    ~ "Jt, fllM 4u> low It wskasi usail up and the -vlbrslloo fromthn engloe-Tihakea dlibea tiffmy thelvrs," ssld the woman.

    _ le about I I" Tbe ser-geant promised to do bis 'best,tnoujb sa yet there are no "«JJ

    Con the,force.

    ' TtMy are realtjr Wean thhagm^Tkclrfamily u n 1» tfce Dine of t'olil.

    T«t>« pcatiaMy h«s)n| 6f lh*mt laface, ywi'r* sure you^kiww thro nraco.to . wtttl

    WBVai Mr. and Ura. Cold have •good tins I l l i something vrry dlffcr-*at troa what mm mean by a good)

    . In Iba ant ptacr, Ur. sad Un. CMjlare tfty "win jthloga, Th»y ha»t «l-Wayai b«o

    Tfcs wbole family la th* same way.Tber» are Ibe other mean relations.

    too. Thrre la Annt tirlnne and Cod*.BraSKhltls—wrtl. they're bprrld.

    Ur. and Ura. Grid bate very meanchildren. T h m !»Hasy Snim»« yooknow.

    She k u th¥ worst sort of a dlapo-slllool Do* ]o«t laves to annoy pro-pl» « d Make them as Qncomfurtsbleaa ajn* ess,

    Tlirn trtrre ta diarlle Couiti. II*U)w« I* knit pwnife. X? unTCut aea, ,just how mran h« l i ^ j• Tbt* Wvni Is Sadie Snfr-Throat, and

    Hatty llradarlio. Tb»y- ara all ctill-dms of Mr. and Un. Void..

    *l*T* t» on • trln," |h«y said tothrlr (hlMrra.

    IrtV said the children, ,always agree to gu »n trips,

    anil the *orsi thing about tuna Is that

    Cave the Cold Family a Good Lscture.

    Ibelr r«»tt«ln* anil all thi* nieluhrni fittheir family in- wi n aily to i,o, IIHI.

    "I Ihlnl.- salil Mrs. :'.,1.|, - » P II guanil rail un a Hill* KIII timiicl Cnry.

    "Sin* 1̂ such a ulci- llttln i;rrl anilI'd Itki* In mikr hrr tinnitnfiirlnlile.

    "L.«l'« zhf }n r m CINHI itô i* of im.**Att t ie children rla,>i- Y«u luiw mran thry

    i~-wwn iiwy^^^»«t- it»»w ~i,ft*r futf •wa». It ill.In r*TC»Le any dirf, mice tothem at alt.

    Tb»r lo««l la b» horrid to nice peo-pl*. Tl>*y m)»yr"

    lint lli» Cold family |«tld no allrn-


    t t n y Hkftwin* wlcrojln-y »>ra I1.1t «ni!l

  • IT nt. t * -r



    - ^cuiinwa

    CT^casgmaaiMs use

    ,7 e.i

    I I I I

    cmssx i *» caaofni&amm



    J i n n m_ w i w i n

    Terns Tws ~Dallai»K* T w

    b u r * al Ike CraoJori real <

    Traffic regulation Is one of tne bigproblems In every town and city In tbeState, more particularly.. It near or on amain highway. The State la develop-ing a wonderful System' of htgb'wfcyaand this serves (o Increase trains:through Ihe Slat* and tne sales, of au-tomobiles Increase year by yeaf so thatevery highway la. crowded with traffic.The State makes traffic rules and regu-

    ' touma lhs^ntu«"l» enforrwj and-lt.isleft almoat entlreljr to the local com-

    "" munlty to enforce, these so that-lbscost of police In.every municipality Is

    -, very largely increased thereby. ©fen*ford Is no exception to the general rale.It U oui belief that the BUta shouldtake chanje of all State highway trafficregulation and pay the cost II to nota fair proposition to force toe local mu-nicipality to ' pay, more particularly

    \ when fines for traOe violations go tothe State. The great Income from gasUs also goes to the State and whenthls\was'Inaugurated. automobUas warsexempted from local tax. Tbs localmunicipality pays the cost snd tbs8Ut« get* the Income, It la not a lairproposltlorKand should be changed.

    The best gWantet^for continuedprosperity that we, have Is that millionsof our cltltens, lp sil welks.of Ufa,'arebuying securities lrXour great Indus-tries, T h > U reai publk: ownenhljxbuilt oi> sound wonomlis principles; It

    ifor better and more stable-busl-and government II 1s a major

    In advancing the ft•octal statue of tha averagemodern slock exchange, withstandards of efficiency and 1has played an Invaluable partmovement * By its scientifictlon ot the stocks It lists. It has discour-aged fraudulent or uiuouhd Issues. Byaudlta made of member brokeragehouses, it has fought the dlshooeat.ma-nlpulator, Tlie penon who buys Sn In-lenst In a great fullness, and receives


    greatest Boclalandeconomlc revolutionIn world history—a revolution which lamaking ^very wage-earner a "capllal-u t " . . • ' • ' • •

    ^ - TaWigiJl; UleraUif ; i^ >.«*»_They bad departed to a i

    ~ dime forthe" winter months "and theBlaster was watching bis servant un-pack the various bags,' while hechecked their contents with ansjrs. . . , . - , •

    "loo are sore we've got everythingwe wantr he asked, when tbs'opan-tlon was almost complete.

    "Zee, sir," answered the valet-What about the rnedldn* cbestt Is

    everything m ltJ Bandages, safetybins, Unt, trandy. lodfie-^ ~ ~

    "There's no' Iodine/Mr,'* lntsnraptedthe valet nastily.

    "Why sot, Indeed 1""Becstass yoo'd wrltlaa oa the hot-

    Oa that-lt was not to be taken, sit,"replied tha other meety.—LondonAnswers. _

    Bare UWary Shakesreading, wag-*.



    philosophy, medicine, logic, graausar,.history and Canon Isw. Perhaps thstIs why thus were so tew bosks, (feelibraries war* little traqasaial sadperhaps that was bscataMnstrsasbad to stand ap to.iesA. Oa ao a csoaat could anyone taks s, book IMS**,Aw an volumes wera cbatasa (a tbestall In vales, than wera tspfc Biascollege libraries did not otTer terj «•>tsnslve reading, I l n r i ban Is U Klisted Its of easa callertlvaly and habvldiially. aad of other talaga we may handle

    I laata. sfea sia artaaHy trauendooaly elerer; tbdr Irooble Is thaiafter dbcovermg the tratki they aaylbs iratb Is aa eatrage, aad try ioChangs tL-M. W. BeweK alounly.

    coast Uaa.af tbs OaHaa States. Becsntl* bscaaaa tt Urn historical airnltkaaca a pOgruBaaa waa ssade to1t by wsnwiTs orgaalraUsaa ot tbrvicmlty. Oa lbs set Bgbtboass Is ibrass tsMst s « b this bjtjerintloa:•Wear tMssgat jsadad. Aim as. imCbpC OabrW Arcbar. CteWopaeiKswaatt, Boa. Oserga H. Percy. Bar

    iswOssaeH.'Ma. Maria « t s «artt twaai>«Tta atbsrs, who.- — . — ^ -- ^ -^ - .—- — • • • • ̂ ^ ^ ^ H ^ n

    . . tha ptsea Cape Bsary. pUntcda crosa. AprD M, an. Dal arsOsrtrgum - —

    U k f

    lava Oast at an. W« tjmot nsaodejaay^at tbsas at.aiaTlJL.«bsa oace w»

    ivaaccsptoi Iba tact, aad tbe sladred tact that ear Masds are probabli toagxeg sjane aa Hsmatly to lotpreve as. 'we ssaU sjst a "great deal

    raTjps>rCiSt'eir>ar~(ilaairaiiru"skliaa. aad eacapa aaaeb aaatal frfc-Uosv-Onat Tbeaghts (Loaasol

    .- OieOil-eie ata. «aa getting read)

    I s * sjrsM wB» sat

    m was an abeat.ao Toss oxpialaed*9aaf hatas TOMB *ta fctodarcartor.

    la atala as aad I deat ka*«Lwbtibe<tskesjM bsaaaa aksas ea ar ttk-

    Ffwdi Cawfats Uiwlar '- '- Stara Rula of SOaaca

    aaather aee each other's faces nor beertbtrlrvolKSL. rran the momentmetal anmber b> boafc aroosd buta«ck, the pruoner Is reqblred to weara wblte hood whenever bo leaves bitcell, snJ 'be may not speak to bisfellows. Hs sees the race of bisguard from Urns to time, but ao otber. unless be Is sent to tbe hospitalor to the warden for discipline. AloneIn his cell, be "works eight hours aday. Out good will and skill enabthim to reduce tne time to alx hourand the money be earns enables. hl|nto boy small comforts. The government receives tlilrly-ln-o cents a dnfrom tbe ruiilnuiora fur eiuh prtaoner's Work ami tf\rt (rum threetenths to liillf Hi* munry to the prlaoner. - T l » prisoner never s«cs-tli<money amll he lm««i, but tanlf of Ile-trisrvd Io Ills Inimeiilute credit forbis little eiiH-iism Vet In spite of allthat, many know they ..unlit to do. It Is theelmggle of one pnrt of the nature ofman against- the other. We try ti.avoid conlllct In our thoughts by foollag ourselves Into the Idea that whatwe are doing la all right Wa desireto continue some practice or othna Men la ruinous, and we seek to e*cuse It Kit-usi* don't work. Connlct irises—the conflict of the mindand emotion. Once lesm to thinsstraight and to have tlie mental enorgy and murage to try to pursuean Intelligent course, snd we can re-t ine our lives of conflict Betteimake a mistake* and admit It Is amistake and try not to do the sametiling again, thin engage In the conStunt mental couMrt which comesfrom trying to excuse mistakes anilmil be them avetu right Let's learnto (hlnkjrtralglit.—Qrove Patterson, InUie Mobile Register;

    PrlaaiUve Sea CooluryRslchluson'a 'X'rvutlse, published InVI, tells of tbe cooking arrange

    oients .on. the vessels at that timeIt eecme that a slab of metal wasptsctd nn the deck and a cauldron ofmater suspended by a tripod plncedu«er It, A Ore »as made, either «.lcual oi wood. de|wndlug upou Ibeavailability of either, and the suhpork waa boiled almost cunstantly Incuring hot food for tbe Bailors nl pru<tkally - a n y boor.- "" "

    aiMIng e few lea leuies. anil iiluclm.this In a bottle whtih he corked lightly and alloned to boll Hlthlu tin-niuldron. so that he could haw a hutcup of lea, which Is more rerrealilnu«tma plaio'water\ thos exinwrvtng l i lrnuter supply, quenching his thirstadding fund value Unit ullnyed hisbuugcr for the salt iiork, nnd thu»saving himself the fearful dlseusv ofecurt,y,*

    F.uad li . • Apt Simile\ A country gltl, wimiw luuicvry wn»naccssarlly limited, omi! In the proends Of OIIIKTI K Clieslenon IMIII

    nnrt time, to a witlllftiiner »l ttmitills se«Wd rldliuluus In I lie e-wnyUt. «bu la a, IUIBI luiisU'r i>r slmllvhailag um-e\voui|Hired bis owu pi>nly self to aXmounlalu. (lut sfieithinking I) o\vr, Mr. t'be«u>npaucity of UiuglnaHlou, lie fpli thntthe Imnge wus htehly H|i|irn|irlniesnggestlng as ll did "the «a\e bn-ukIng as well as curilng, and Uie effiorescence of the brandling foam "—Llv< n g ^ * g e i • - — — » i - m ^i\i-f— ~**

    What It'lruulul aualO was the inojlamusing Incldiut In hei carcei us •slngn accurrtKl In nvr youngei d«)»when ahe and hrr sinter were tourlnV,and*aharlttg mihe't huullile-rixims Afier thanking a luiidlud) who bad beer>more om»lilernte iiurl kind than'mosithat guul lady asHmlshed the Tetraidnl sisters by looking up from hi>iWBShlpb and Si) Ing. r-ltb benign coudeeccnslan: ' —.

    -That's all right my dean. I'm always g">d to theatrkuts. r»r I n n . i

    what my own children ma> n>nir."-l>bllarli>lphla Public Ledger.

    Irrevevml tfealb -#brwaa"golnng on it Scots

    „ and, plu>lng very oadly. tunat some pains to impress upAi bl>

    caddie that be ossaUy showed ver>math better form.

    After taking twelve to ose bule, b>said, defeiulvely. that be IpUsbed U Id four the previous day

    •Whatr exclaimed tbe caddie. ,"It's true," said the playerT-winy third I lay dead on the green," '•Ay*." said the boy. > U h surprtee.'

    So Caary af JaagsaaatA aatloe la manly a col lection oi

    wm bt msrely those ot Us cltlssnaOaatba tM harsh, therefore, bij .ug

    BatUr Isks a

    PeaNvaaiett m yBat«JeaiJEj E^PTfwgESJegf V s/ay aKfV^SfaaaaaBBBBj

    T*e Bssslan province ot Archangel

    ststs and It Is s cheerless and destl-ftrto raglW, Immenas forests of pinesad sprues extend for hundreds of•nee ana then are Interminable bopsad swamps when the Intense cold hasnot troxeo over the rivers aad tbe

    New Use fer> Bananas, tor Uie first Urns la thelihistory, are- to be taken seriously. IsdentUe chemist hu discovered thaibaaans stalks, correctly treated, area certain cure for various kinds ol

    Spilllag the SaltSalt Is the ancient symbol of frien.tJp, Hence Ihe belief thai It te on

    tuck* to spill II In a friend's bouse

    PSOPOSEB OSDtMNCCDIXA>Cato < « "»»> «r lurl-

    I B . U M COslBW Of

    t nil:ldrOf MMtntuSlbwm cfa

    D K I . Ho«> i .mu.. . a cOjuac «»our* «r lau wlih an «»nl>ol« and «Mflltlan u d Miulpmcot. tuukr tte wiptrTUloa«l£l •crwdloc u Pfa . u d i a U o uprw>rcd br Uit To«Mhl» S u i u wIs Uw o«lr. u( Uit Tu«nihUi atrk.

    l«lt>n II Tint * » iMfCU caafcrnd bllha mutnirtkirf ol «*» a m t« aattocd uponUw Una. u d m l H U U banaSttod Unnlqt pur->uanl t» ««tul« In aicb m i >ud> u d pro-

    ItoctliHi UL Tint UlU Ordlnaon ulu> dT«rluudlllrlr. -

    Tlw lonfoUS ordluUM m blroduf»d at •rt«uur omtini »» la* Towjahl. CommttlM oftlu Towmhlp ol Iranrord. New Jenar. b.ld uaAusiut 27 19:* and will te ronaidw«l fordual paaMR afur publk hwrlas, al aoMlmrrrftiUr DtrtUni of aald Tawaabln CowalUec11 T°?,1VTuA"r«'irTMissrns. t.tva, , 1, oooc. r - ^ ' ^ g ' ^

    llaint Aucu.1 IT. l i l t .Towaahlp clerk.

    Back To School. . . . and Sandwiches

    Spread thick with


    "THE BUTTER THAT CANT BE BETTER"When your youngsters start off ior school each morn-ing, be sure to spread their bread and sandwiches thickwith healthful Blue Ribbon Butter. They'll love itbecause it tastes so good—and makes them strong andsturdy.



    Read for Profits tl " ' e Use jo

    BXAX X8TATX * O B .tOtt Hal* or Xnthaase for Craafonl or Gar-

    wood, large tlalrj fajaa oa eula blshwar,miler or »Ula«. '»Tor Jnfometkio writeBui U S , can CiUaea and Ctiroalcte.

    » t t


    m o liulliluw loU. MilM, Wall Street Conr n w pa.meuL Water, saa and eewer. Ca.nulre erealase. Si Beater Areau*, Craaform.

    rvrjr dealrabl* I04. la C âarord for aal* al .»rrlllr. MiUS. M a aUauia l u s V i•Ullon, j BtautM fnna_atbool. Jthnir u.-ing* la toaa, w(U b tliUloj ona w a t U-cltmlnf Ubor Oar. tat lafomatloa caU v

    BAUbAUSI Mewb rootae.

    i JIUIOI', satat*. Me, aaklaculTn- Him pmpertrrata g j a T l i..nut uifalaa. Alio for reaLnSvte briiM |a Iowa, aaitabla tor twTfaaUuS o T t eboardlas place—B. c. MelUhoa. l l s s Jla«.auLta-̂ Lnaiut, SUaattlb. faiaiMli I U I

    T«0 and lane ruralabntJ k e W , alan euifle

    rooaula let, auMaufcrd. if

    lOMloltTAWA furnA furntalied room, auluble for

    8 " " ' ' " < "^ H l - T'l"haut

    Mlt.L\ furnlaliHl num. auiuble for rnaUe-ni»a or lau> ITI.ai. f.mUj, I Kds'btookMaee j u

    LAIIUK rumlilit^J bedjouni. aecoDd door ataotwo l .rso fucal>h«l room, aad Lain, Uilrdnwir auluble. tight huaaekeeiiliit. Board Ifdt . l r« l Ttlephone traaford 6«»

    . . ._ - . v « , ^.wuUfaeil rooias; aU coaraaleaeca,wlUi iirlveia Aaurlcaa faaiU/1 115 NortlAttaae. >\, Iraaford. u ,

    UOOUB with nuuilns cold aad0 1" c t " i i w ™ « • » ^

    8TOBB TOK KKNT 'MIOUE tor lenl, 11} N. Cnioa Ate.. U i f a

    owner wm radecoraU. S audlha real «1'boa. WuuMd M t ar j o u T t eoieT

    . it

    FOR BENTKII.UT room liouM oa parked alreeL All lm-

    •!""""»"»., Uarase. Ikreeaa aad awalasa.of fruit H I M lew minutes Io a u -

    un. traafurd « » . \ \ for Inapci i"

    >l\l> roonia. auo iKirch, allDm lluor. wllh«,., I f V1 P u , oanr.1 tluur. with tarate. uiiar Keel II0U1Blteet »«u,n. H» mwilhl) Mm r. Uerder,H Soiimd A>euu«. l,ar»ood. .N J *

    ONk two family bouat aad oae slualet l o t v A lajm I tiaeia a* a •—-^- ^ ^ . - B B * ^

    rtsuut Lriuford Btf81 a .

    U0OMU. SHUTttg

    u a w tUHUUIOIl JOl *,wUl a, - 1~* iTclepboue LraLfurd ,'" " • * '

    Llvilrlilt) dtiij n

    1 I W . room a| ii|m,11 u

    mcllt. tiiLUiliif .(e.ui jtul.' »,,,ll1

    ki'«"« HI «ii i

    31 NOUTU ait-inie. Beit. Mmi ( _ .aural. .11 improitaio,,, uShSU155, garage | j utia. lor laeealou. Awl> Mn t

    bUOlU, IRTfSPAILV trl| > to all uulioi. KUl _

    Uimage ana nl I usctiuld vtlda IKeaonablir Call Utlul.u bfer. Teltvlwue WtilfldJ U'.L

    tUUU rooau aad tats, aU Imfroremeau- A t l l t hral, iiWMC.j»»j4o»e».Jer -—

    for.. S flord 380.—-»—. . Douili Ava-

    •hail), or pboae Craa-

    LOSTLOSTLOST—Baak Book ho. l u s t ot tlw Craaford, TrujL CpmMM. Craafard, N,'j .^Tai to*r

    la toiuireuS to return u ta Uia bankT UaMreilond befora-Jhe Uad da. pf jsnleirabar


    T 7 7 " ? " ' " " ^ N o - " 8 > «* •"• CraafordTrlau Companj, Cranford. N. J l h a fladnU nr

  • "-x 3- ^ •"- t^j-f-t V

    S.. Ĵ

    ' V

    Jlr. S

    snout; lairsto ill i t i i ta. (ikll •_

    nil ill i uscbuld inlda ICill tttlul.lj Blow -

    mill B'tltfldJ U'.L


    |r am. UtuouUt M

    KESTAUHA.NT£uUr Uuitieri tu ftltiu fi

    wait ouL 1*111114*1',. 58 Uuoila A I U K

    WANTED . ; _ _ .*Ba, rlcAD, wiiiwui littfBv]

    (WUiii CUlm u i (T

    JP WANTED-ramltI, 14, wwtwl telunlir MB]ItL-hfu anil ballirwa, ILNVj

    trai|/urd Atttu* C

    Avtuuu, • Cnnlgrd,

    «a*d iuwt drain ij«ur§r,"K mrfcUouj Ir«; 111 1^ranfun] I"""

    SHORE HUTS . 'Uia «honl f «


    '0 -dour It boot.

    J 1155.

    OADBid oc~pirt

    i"'-T°»i'".'II.' Jllclt- .," "a; I'. I':-—


    he Coiintl o' l ?«» of Autu* *•

    ,t »ld toeu.Jifc ef .?•»




    .•»:»imi^«WM• Oorana Mlani>t>i % • p.̂ i,,.

    h, M rot ui> la • aiw millirfOTMl M«rMUa« >« »»•« i h uMha kao bat» otrVrvlij flut U *Hbâ a Ik* otlwt la • • ontntf pUa,with MM Bod uaht Mi»«*a |)>*B tcLr aa alMlckl mnund Fbtar a)c«

    » la M frart caadltUw u u u»)•i*d J M J H I cavibL Two macplaiyl U>m placMl « tap of ibaax Md• lart* Saves andSatisfies °




    Erkman. Jr.

    1 ^ ""*•""* Kon»» ««•mder tMr'-oaMera ll «o ba

    x h i r d r o r f^d o , f o r m

    ml^Mi of DuUdhl.mfl tjn,*j in%he Foortwnlh and

    nrtmtk ^.turfea, tba people uata••* •T*«-'rti'«,ied to tbe ute of m«nt

    B» aa anldaof diet, particilari; on•U CTmaooUJ ocauUmi AM mat ort»»- C*™*™: IIV« in mnjall Iwr.ted««»™»itj«i. ihi «tU« market be-toon bto laodal waters comblnln*«i» riob. a m i i a i w a«d delailn, ao-


    A.M J UcKIB, TlM-PHatdaM

    KILL H 1TrMmnr-

    •I\M u D U I D


    oimoTOaaMoiKiHt II Hmwio- T h e o w n e r bf improved real

    estate who desires to obtain ai, ,.^-,-reasonable •- and proper loarr,

    -can borrow the money at sixper cent.Therefore, when guaranteedmortgage participation certifi-cates which pay six per cent,are offered for sale, you canreadily conclude that jhe prop-erty owner is. paying- morethan six per cent, for themoney.

    In that event, the certificatesassume a speculation aspect.



    XBT A.

    ins w. rsorcanB. HKIKMAN


    ' o B waitpijrr

    »ABD W BATRNKir.


    PcLultml pA Junkie ivi.«,,Msii,|1

    •1,1 ian (town i iiiiirutt Ijllrlitti.l hln, irullli liml t,iurn* «» Imii' "l«i iimii-lii-«

    lnit I..«.. Tuiurnlliiii thir ii'An I..ml h.nu ami In

    •Uii-nii) Tin lin.i | r nir I hit ,Wtt t M,t- I«II IK I , ,H | |H-iier.lion nl Ihv rnt IH wnl lim nlul wlBW-of old w-uwl. and -when Ii I*oVrfred to cite a pi,*, the aiivearnVc*01 CM real wear aad tear. In aildltlea to Ud»1»ieSr''BlaiisvUi»"^ot':ta;i,rti-a*Udh a n iwm^oM,,;tak*n -rruropteoea «hlch they hare gathered atrarluea time* In their March for old

    The rwaaiiiij luiilJui i»«e-of-tw*"«x«»««*»»1»»hat Iu inrface la largol» paadre. m a aalerial with •Imllatradfanioaal pcvpntlei. - Peltll inO>>»*?**•• «D»aWreiiifnU-iof--lb** * * * * * hw^^i.ltiie ~sâ wnr that I r"•eke* 26* desrea Fahrenliell nrerU8D0 aJlea Bjoare In nnllEhl and—196 d iC;HoFjp.9aiegiianLyottr-

    "™vlition, "We "KitTofial "Food j'aniily's Health"withdetailed- Preseir«tioir€ouBdl"trspbn^~"rule*and regulations/ soring a nation-wide- essay But you muat act »fr once,

    contest with 8So awards toUl- This contest is short and-ini{$M.dOrt.O0cash Value.The snappy, ft dose. September

    first award, a model home, 30th. Come in today ICREAMS

    "Proenstlnation 1* a quickaindIn which men flounder to fail-ure." 'T B X M W , HOT. WKABT DAY

    annre'to l a w a plr»nmt aod"rgre»h* lor tboae who bare, boaai tbat hasty wbkb only

    CREAMUie'reiuU oX Jit^a; Ujê bMt fluaUljr cream, fruits. ertraft»._8ug»n and

    stil], ttactlna-int* and modem aanltary equipment

    Ovcr-apendlhii lalheTulckiandof many-failure*. Buy her* and««ve wlUUentalnty. ;^ •_

    ancm. m ÂTOBOAT

    Slrlat Bawa, J k l i r lfePeel*, per kaaeb it

    a*Oarav awawa

    Onace*, U far

    Refcifc Market

    them a t t t e iShpoaal of richalSocfar i n porMS

    a> Bmlted at not to b* ablewhat was a few Ttara ago an

    liuuujanaBaut the atvto-data batn

    tlirjcan op tba Real Santtar/

    Kitchen, Inc.St. CRANFORD GRAM"8'



  • ^SJjp"*'- .^

    = — ^ - ' '


    **£- s V---V*

    ^ £ 2 J




    THE CRANF flaw was tke name given t»plM tNM la. tht *»ertcao eoloale*KjMTMd bf-tkir BrllUb. levrnmenj.rer SJM at stalls la MM nan 8nck' * ~ marked while standing


    r B) a

    A t o g pseason to over, their grub* ban beendeposited In the soil and the grub-treating of lawns during the n e » fewweeks wm protect grass from beetle » •lury next year, according to the State

    tions have been fogod the sod sfaouHtreated to insure adequate prpttc-

    [acuity rostert

    present year,d

    Department of Agriculture. The aduHbeetle stage lasts but six weeks whilethe grubs thrive from July until thenext'June, and much damage Is doneduring thi* period. -' Japanese beetles begin lsyingshortly after they emerge from : theground and the laying season may ex-tend, from June 15th to September15th. They hatch Into grubs .withinthree weeks. During the summer thegrubs are found near the surface butin the winter they dig down from threeto ten inches. Gruba sre not greatlyaffected by climatic conditions andthey will also live in.almost any.aollIn which plants, will. live. ""- -Because'gtub«'*iirn*arvtat this, time-ot the-year,should be applied until frost. Twomethods may be uwd, (he exterml-native, method with miscibievcarbondlsiilphide. seventy per cent, grade, lorthe application of leadarsenate. MU>ctble carbon dlsulphlde is recommend-

    ed for tab u n u . l t does not onlycompletely .exterminate the grubs but

    i as well. One quarti dlsulpHlde, should be

    gallons of water, withI to a gallon of water

    'quantities. First.pour the• into a mixing

    ( water slowly. Stir constanti adding the water,

    average lawn can be treated byig the liquid with a sprinkling

    the rate of one quart to onefoot of sod. The sprinkler

    I be held within a few inches ofground.: Sprinkle slowly, allowing


    garet Bahr, 33; MissIB, J8; Miss Ruth Thorn,

    ground. This treatment will protectthe lawn tor a year and the cost willbe leas than five cents per square footfor material based on current prices.

    The/other method is dry jead arsen-ate applied at the rate of five poundsper 1,000-square feet.,which will pro-tect greens from grub damage for aperiod of three to four years. It cantie applied at any time during the.

    manual training andter, domestic science.

    Jefferson School. Miss Alice Rogers,9A, 31; Miss Grace/Van Pelt, 5B,l, 35;Miss Dorothy Eckert, SBa. 25; Mlu Ev-

    Fagans, mornhii; klndergarteh, 23̂

    aDai'j*; Miss. Esther Farr. Bill. i«; Mr».Dorothy Tearse, «A, 34: Miss Bailie Currle. 7BJ, -31; FrankllH-Wlclu, 7B1. 38;Miss Gertrude Card. 1A. 30; Donald De-Hart, 8A, Ml/Uwls; Bader, aB,-30; Mrs.MyrUe Br»&yr9thr general, 31: Mrs.Helen Wicks, 6th Commercial, 28; Mrs.Alice Herring, music and Miss KathrvnVolgtlander, physical training.

    lgton School, MissEsteUe Wll-cbx. l i t « ; Miss Ruth Smith, 3B, 36;

    anjOBorge.^Br.38;: MWrBer?tha Mader,-IB, 87 and'Miss Evelyn Fa-

    afternoon kindergarten. 17; • .The total teaching staff of | the Gar-

    wood Pubilb Schools now totals Uilrty.In addition to Supervising PrincipalW. W. Halsey. • Mrs.-Helen Shirley-isclerk of the office and Mrs. B. B. R(oh-art, school nurse. Dr. Lorimer Arm-strong of Westfleld Is school physicianand Dr. Fred Casey, school dentist.Mrs. Anna Luster holds the post of-at-tendance officer.

    .. Corporationof New Jersey

    j Stock . 'Dividend No. 43 on 8%Cumulative Prefemd. StockDividtod No. 27 oo >%Cumulative Pntafted SlockDividend No. 3 on 0 4 0

    Tin Boird ol Dlnctnn ol Public Sanictl ! N J J d i l

    -.ijlt-denreeJof^Ph^P, or .pbllosnphy, la the hfghnt jfejtr•y i onlvsrslty •fnr.nctnnlThere a n many other ilegt*4 LU D. (doctor of law)—which anaoaoraiy.

    ^QoMrstMi•! N« J. dlvklftKii »1 the -ral« ol t% p

  • m!* -

    \ •> *

    i -y




    v -- , x ̂

    " ^ ^ h f c s . "

    •or a






    a year. '

    are im-

    Irefrig- ."•irescrveard the '


    r "l"


    K e n i 1 w J>r th P ageOf B e Rite fight

    Expert Aaki IVmentof BillApproved by Former Offi-cial, Although PreteriCouncil Finds No Record.

    Shows 10% IncreasePlant •here.

    A personal and franchise i

    _ An une-; srted echo of the ngh|,a;-.ijwt the increase in bus rates by the•I juiiic series two n a n ago was re-[ cr.i.«1 by the Borough Council Monday

    iii-mng," ui the form of a request forI payment of $750 by John Bauer, dlrec-1 u.r el the American Public UtilitiesI Burnu ol New York. The writer claim-I cdvhai he had been engaged by KtnllI ;syih and Hostile Pars: jointly to pre-

    ......ures for the court appeal.

    avenue, about 125 feet .avenue was passed ou

    I he found nothing In the minutes ofI meetings-held two years ago to Indl-I cat* that the Borough had authorisedI the engagement of the service. As Mr.I Bsuer stated that farmer BoroughJ Attorney. Llndabury told htm he'wasI enutltjcl to the money, the council votedI to" astMr. Llndabury for details andI then turn the matter over to the pres-I cnt Borough' Attorney for action. — -,.»..»».• i« u l c puur ci

    Mr. Bauer's letter to the council was t h e sldewallLon 20th street


    c o i l - . , - ^ f w h c U ^ y Borough TaxCollector Butler. .The council voted to•*»-* the matter to the attorney for ac-

    k.and advice, At the collators re-queat. Mnj, ta-nwe and m u«»

    ,43 New Pupil. Reflect Influxi °f Mew Families During•:,• Sumrner; Faculty Is On••• clianged. , '".•'- •• •-••••

    With, an Increased enrollment o

    error to several property owners,_Upon motion of Councilman Bailey

    the mayor was empowered to appointa Hmlng commission. Mayor Mtschlw*»ld that a board of five-would sufficefor-local needs and that It would be ap-pointed within a few - • - - -

    """ •" ' 'for'7

    year, . the. KenUworth . PubllIs. ppencd-resterday. Tlie tota

    ! enrollment at. the dose of the nrst'da-was 534, whUe for. last year It was «1There- will be further Increases durinthe week. It ts expected. ' :

    The Increase in enrajlrrifnt reflect,t of ue

    t T taraon has aKnlOedhit intentto > of beln» prwtnt to ad-d » a th» b idy and to march to the(»ra4et He »U1 Be accompanied by alarge detat ment of the New JencyHaHnnal O) ard mil th* 14th-- B»gtroem Band tr d l l lb t Umeat Band, ttie dirigible Uos Angeles''

    1 fly over the city each day, and onone of its ti pa will drop a message ofjtreeUng to le read In open milim

    Probably le mosi spectacular sightof the gatru Ing trill be the parade onSaturday, in which thousands of dele-iratea and | leatt wlU marih In lineSUte Comnknder BUoard has baeonamed honoi uy marshalL Bands fromevery count) in the State will providemusic for tl e marchers and banners»-Ut proclaim the deslgnaUon of eachunit

    BOKOVOH B l f t n

    ades. Beach

    n connection with the sidewalk im->rovement. Councilman Ho«jnan call-

    prc^ucubh u ( the" .e ^ a n ^" s t ."day morning *as largely given I

    ™r »» "ierctflatrmlon • of pupils ndp n t . Councilman Hoffman coll- . y ning *as largely givened attention to the poor condition 01 °™r .»» "ie. rctflatrmlon • of pupils and , o rthe sldewll soth l h e ""fnment to classes. Vx the aft- £ '


    . « K H H »w MIV cvuncu was *™"* «•**!.iremw^uii ivw street Upon his " — " ~~*" " —•—"• • --•«•»• »•• j| ss follows: "You will recall that I was motion, (t was voted to notify the p r o p /

    e r n o o n - lhe.chlldren received, text bobkslartIntly by the- Boroush of Bn- erty owner affected that ~h» «hn,,iH a n d Preliminary plans for the school] U l e

    worked out


    • u lutwM. *w« T"WA ' roster of •

    Ision. . f the property owner. • i'ho Kenilworth School System remaln«',I "For my original engagement, my Collector Butler's monthly report !"* s o m e M " h M bevn tot t n e P*81lienlces have been paid for in full by »howed receipts In the trust account!'hree S'""-5- Tl>e KenUworth School"all three boroughs. .The decision of the amounting to J4559.02, which with the S y t l c m - '- ""'Que In.that no teacher

    commission proved unsatisfactory uil>»l>iiceol S3.082J8 July 31. made a to-(emP lol led hc^J lms-had-lcss than threesn appeal ^as taken. 1 was then tU'-^.M'VJUl. pisbursemerits'• totaled ynirs''exusrlepce--in KenUworth schools.

    the various j Mr. aiid Mrman and Mr

    > " ^ r l e n c ^ 111 KenUworth schooU.p^.M.0M._Iri^e,current.accbunt^^r^

    i&tt/Bbrough c* K e n U w c * t h ^list u/preparlng all the technical ex- M.759.05 of July 3t, whUe disburw- l o w s : HardlI1E School, 8th grade, Mis«* y tiicj^uu^i MI we prcnnirai ex- r».i^w.w ui ^uiy oi, wnue auourse

    Ihlim* and records and to help analyze mehts were 12.312.05, giving a bank baiIthjr financial and technical aspects of ahce of $4,813.60. ''"lecase. », | Councllmari Martlnkovlch reported• "Tlie agreement was for $1,500, dl- the Issuance of five permits during[vldcd equally between the Borough of August, calling for construction valued(RoseUe Park and the Borough of Ken- at $10,875, from which the borough dc-[Uworth. On August », 1 wrote to Ji 8.1 rived $13 uj fees. .

    iry for; blanksi to present myury for; btonka.i to present m|bffl after-anal decision had been ren-

    He informed me that he la nor counseli te BanUwSrth. but that

    Old Ronaoi' Ablution!'Daily the iinck'iil IIIMIIUIIH W

    only their arms hnil logs A ball

    Nllson and Miss Nelson: 7th gradpMiss Swanbcru and Miss Antrobus; fltigrade. Miss Friedman and Miss naySth grade, Miss Vollkadrls. and MisMLTKOH; 4ili grade, Miss Newcomb.

    McKlnlcy School, 4th grade, MisPowderlyA 3rd' grade, Mrs. Eitcll antMrs. SasloV 2nd grade,. Mrs. Melloand Mrs. I'rjnce; 1st grade. Miss Lyncland Mlss*Wolfe; kindergarten, . MissAustin. ; .

    physical training

    ;. necessary billing blanks be sent to

    • Msyor mtschke reported that he hadived word from the borough engl-

    that-'the application of the Bor-

    d.ln the reconstruction of 21st streetOrange avenue^would, be up be-

    >re the State Highway Commission for" i October 1.. The mayor said thaii was disappointed to learn that the

    ilp-ol Cranford had taken notttlon In seeking aid for the portion of

    ~ ! avenue which lies within theTies of Cranford. •> The CranfordUp Committee wul take such ac

    before Oct. 1, Mayor NltschkeUcd_out,-addlnB.that..he felt-that

    ire h an exceUentrchatJcrorthe pro*t going through,- since the lmproye-nt would be of benefit to two mutu-alities. He: alsbjtaformed. thecoun-that the 'State hai" doubled the

    About ,0uri«lv*i .. "-.Remember urn only (•• sny Hie rlehi

    thing ID the rlglil place, hut fur muredlflkull itlll, (o leave ungnlil thejrrorjg.4bliw^iA0it.000 CUBIC FEET PERE R A T E O F 100


    Clizabetbtown Consolidated Gas Company

    •\f.br. Cattle.-..*.̂•xiiii In Knglnnil f..in-mill Itrllun* ilrlnl,.p«>|ile nf any iithei

    n ao. until nr in* riitlliIn iln« from ahrnad

    lilihr lij was. belleredhiiji wna ciim'piiwil oJ» nnd i l l hollo* or

    to tieCTtlien and Chron-i rar-dellvered by mall





    PoallM appeand

    — srl


    p ^ g1tf£^

    lfertlMjPM . t ia . tn |Sb -SSS'ito p e w tbm greatest value) of Uaem *•--'*"••n-toTS, tbm AM to faitmhM*Big Car Performance, Beauty,Comfort and BcUabslity.

    •JHtjmjm, I. » a.

    ~*m—New berfutw tiMTlter.l**n • hnyiam oppMrlii.nlty Mich iw Us* Katfaw

    >, a. Manas, physician to the King ot Bpsln: U. OoL Chrlstoph Isalla. ot the Bwlss Navy; i . ,^KanSoTtfUie trastSn Press: U OenuUe-Rdche. Hepresentattve of the Paris Matin; H. Von Perthamer, Oer-umntoSmharlL Oelsenbeiner. Representative of the Prankfuiter^et^tiig; Bdna Von Aefawege Uehbert.

    - - >M



    ^ ' , •


    i - 3 U

    ;J^- * , • i


    •>rta K wSili ma, «v ———far au> «f a n n a

    •r IMW W u» «ltacaM «• aa aaan«a i H H «»*••* •••

    In PharmacyExperience eoimtavwnether In aor a preacher, a phyifcJan or a lawyerIt counts ror a great dealm »pbarma-C t . it olds him In Judging the ejaaUyat hli rmw materials and Jt tells btto

    - bow they mint b* m*h*6l*ttier*-etam* prescriptions lo get the *este f f e c t -••' • ;; . • . ' • • • ' '


    Any meidicine ui * "Bollw"ttfnf Mhia breed and ««c to hlf at;

    Utau Uanrlca A. 'KelllWt and8ergt;.0i|Ter 1. Barroo found this outwhen they tried to persuade Teddy to•••t "them"enter his home lo the sbtence

    .iif/iuy numbers of the fJiml I j . Tcrtrtjw»« ]o«1 pbilo •tnogb" and (he vn-•husliani. with 'which he udlcaleilr.vhatb* meant-* to do "wss fery TO-l

    y mlsfressrsjn. tlanella.' Vnsbad been .stabbed and taken

    nw»i to a hospital. It was ne«ei«:ir>

    i>ut j 7would, have been . s taree i fur the nmcere* bnllett ot a Tlctlnr-of -gasstnit1

    ••eenwdVlh*onljr w a y . - - - ...'.-.'."_.And then a small boy" of fliti: neigh-

    borhood appeared otr the scene.,Withuut hesltatloa b e . walked Into thehouse, Teddy. wagged lils tall tiDdtuld,—Hellu. old iporl," In Ihe I « I M - . heardstrong t»nguuge_ln-S foreign tongue.The lady "scrota the aisle" bad re-turned. She llnallj made' the con-ductor nnilenitaiiil ilmt ahe ra» acrossthe plstform to spvulr^o a friend I

    Mr.'M.-r I'm Bvnrn off 'on "hoy"scout" octal—I'Llfailelpbla " I'ublleLedger. .'

    ^ f Cleter-TrltkA rucket'eer ul I'urli tirutluil rtcrr-

    ly byinvestliiailim of French lurlittows;- bnt—mil~ Into'«- difflcnllrr the-Living Ace rer nn.l^0 Inc-hpn ihlrkVnjsks of thin flff nrc illfl'iMlll lo colfree• from l f ^

    The woitl "uiu|iwuni|>' It. ilerl\c<from Ihe AlRonquIn lVv«b> ot Mi quirk

    ASK us what It will cost to have

    _hot_watet In your home. Ask

    what it win"©At to put In a bath

    tub. We want to ans«er your,

    plumbing questions.



    ^ 'rF


    •-hi kIf you arenotfafly imured,

    •oew TODAY

    Realty ft hsrace Depl

    Cranford Trust Co.


    afsas M «•> 'saoaW yeer lawyer tr sitter


    ran she Window sad Door Bamuxt CSss* White Pine 1% £ thick,wired with If In. l b s h BtooM WM. AH ataadard stses kept in Mock

    Obestnn. and Oeoaw Featg tarOkape Atbon, Fences, n t

    Cor. High and Cranford, N.J.

    Union County'sPopular Eating Place

    ftAYASHTSMDn 8 t at Naett An. CaUKTOBAKI,

    ptowdte Value cf

    CHEVROLET SKTh» turn QMTrolet Six b ehattcrintawry |««*1oai record of Otevrolet

    _ aucceaa notonlybcCTneeltprottdagtha gnataat ralua In Chenolat

    \ hbtory, bat becanaa It gtraa y6u• m (or tha dollar than any other „car la tha world at or near Ita prlcatractateuthettory! Modern (aatoraaaflardthenrooft Read the adjotninl.

    - .ratuinn and you will know whirorar• MILLION careful buyers ha*ea V t w tha Cfcawrolet SU hi laag than

    ; al|htn>onthg.-Then coma In and gat*« rid* la thti eenaational slx-cyUn*

    d,ar automoblla-M'/ii-cTrVicruafl'yMO» In tbtprk* rmt*4fJh«fourt


    Remsukable Slk-Cylinder EngineChvrrolet's remarkable elx-cyllnderentlna impresses you most rWldly byitssenestlooallysmoothperformance. -A* snery speed you enjoy that silent,tehet-Uke Sow of power which lachar-sctarlaticot the truly One automobile!

    Bnratifal .With tbelr lowj ,Unas and smartaaapla room for



    • Outstanding EconomyThe new Omelet SU Is an unusuallyeconomical car to operate. Not

    . joty 4am It deliver Better than

    - BemaitaUe Dependability:«»«*« toappreclste what ootttand-'

    Chertolet SU repre-eaewtoremembeVSat

    world's htghcatm a t i l


    AnwdngLovr. Aa achleiesaaut no la

    s htghcatm materialslaerwryioch

    raiiuljl 8tx la the tact that It la•»'*•» Prlcsrso amaslnll t

    prices bictuda the lowest «* tisiUhH ,«fcar«se at

    Cranford Chevrolet Sales and Servicerj:: z 4 6 North Ayen —: -; - - •

    GRASSMAN & KREHStpMaikH i w l -

    "CITO rocireei««si^^J»g BnU Street EUZABgTBMtJ.

    SchoulerGonstruction CompanyrnUagkajreee, imaave, nWABK. S I.


    noaiaa Autaien,i Oeraeater.llaiea and Oeaerets Workriaiaiisi - gsMaakaS4SSI OSJUKMS. a l .


    J. T. LOWERYiEaUmatte Cbeerrslly Ohea

    T»L U n Cnnfera I '

    I HaJding'-CbnuTactor-i JekMag nvoptly AUaasslfc' • H> NOKTB AVBNCE, U l t

    H. A. KJELDSENfainter and'Decorator

    VROKIAl-OaH-asi -ttM-




    ' **"" b V a M tojidrlnL yeti to n> •*•"ftr wWch'we have taouaaiio. of snail

    iELDNURSERY; i< -

    • me Bosid of Haoedon wffl her September meeting Tueadi


    Oiarles J. Leach of Lenox aii taken to maabetb, Oenenl

    Tuesday tojmderio a isUon. He has been lU fat tev weeks.'

    Cranford Court, Ito. X . Order onth. wUl hold a public card)iu regular meeting, Tm

    g September 10th, i t H i, tallies being-SOc.

    The. home at Casino and 11[gtenues. has been sold by A. 8. I

    i jitrman Aogermueller. of Nei[iho will move to Cranford about

    Idle' of September. Mr. Ai• |] OJD engineer at the Qr»• T C O " ' r " " ^

    [ Crinford Council, Ha (2, Jr. O. I, have resumed their regular ni ot the fflrtt and third Thundaj

    i in Masonic HaU. A verymt meeting will bs heldsUils e

    > Sept 6th, to which members1 to attend.

    [ Heitnan H. Bunje father of Bet of 37 Beech street, died l s s i .r In Jeraey City.'. He also leaf

    Mrs. Jasper, who lived im. In Jersey Oity. Tbe funeralI Wednesday. . '

    F V B U T rKBBONAL| Eliot C. Beans and family of Ret

    ; have returned from a montl

    I Mn. W. O. Hopkins and daughteiI avenue are back from a

    | Leon Orimm, of .Chicago, h u retti1 home alter visiting his brother, I

    , of Willow streetI Mlsi Margaret Smeltser of " t " att

    1 laat Friday (nm a two mot? In Europe with her aunt

    [Dr. and Mrs. FrlsodB. OUpln iwill return Sunday from tl

    near p^MfiWphiq,| L, p. Qrimm, ot Willow street,

    i morning for Wisconsin, where1 spend some *tmi* visiting his.p

    -J jBnilnwky>-Ot-_NorUiL evenf l S T f b S ' i

    i trip' which took him to 0>and Detroit:.

    | Blchard Doyle, of Bunhneld avest Tuesday for a business trip to C

    He wiU be gone about th

    | Mr. and Mrs. John F. Fenlston,I North avenue, West, leave Bunt

    : for a two weeks' vacations Poconoa. '" •—-

    | Mr. and Mrs. A. 6 . Hearten of RI avenue returned this week fn

    i Lake when they were for Ii ot August.

    George" H. Hansel and" Jo. Heuu returned Tuesday from I

    >' Sibingc ondvery- good-nsblng<, Ontario.

    [Mr. A. a Ifng and family have ik ~ i from a two weeks stay at Oce

    and he resumed his dutiest putoflke yesterday.

    [ A daughter. "Diana ConnreU -MOIDI bom to Mr. and Mrs. Albert

    t ot Rlverview Apartments, Mo' nlfht, In Blaabeth Qeneral Bi

    Before her marriage, Mrs, Mou* Mils' Elisabeth A d

    t biaaidl and lfri and It• J. Deller wen guests last-week

    t George Kelley at tbe OrlarnH k k Iff. Kelley w

    : manager of the New Cranfostre.

    f t t e Rev. and Mrs. Orion C. Hopp1 lamlly have returned from Matt"i U i , where they spent mosts month of August otv vacation. V

    resumes his pastorate of Vi ChurchSunday.' •>•

    [SherlS and lfrs. Samuel H. Tool.palnut avenue, have returned from i

    Jive- tour through North Caroltoi Carolina, Virginia and Kentuci

    i their return trip, they motor> the beautiful Shsnandbah Va

    snd Mrs, Welter K.> s party ot twenty will ieavelty morning for an eajht day au

    > for Onensboro,-M. O, where «' rt will attend the Nation

    I Sou and Dandhteis ot Ube, he being-mnember of a .Nationuncll ~—rttttt They wqi ma)! ioumey m a D e l u x e Ooiden Ai' iws, n e y expect to maker fflcl

    . Va, toe first day. They-vuia> stop at Alexandria, Vai and BaWg!• C, on they way dawn. On their n~ ' trip they wffl itop nrT at vsritn

    i of interest, and then- plsns csr a viiitte Hoeaoke, end ajrtop to sii Natural Bridie of Virginia, all* « 5 U r t r f

    g . D. a , next Friday noo* they will take m points of Intel

    ' snd remain, over nkjht. BeturdtT wm go to IMtrfc* and Oettyit arrlvteitons W e Bstordsy era

    r Tf le^JsjgBBnsdlooot tr on

  • • ~v-^J*

    f* ' ^ ' w



    >ply Co.

    Pino 1* l£ thick,das kept In Hock.ences,Etc.







    ompanyUUE. I I.

    ior-!pUy AUaaMIt

    AVENUE, f i l l


    , « mon- "tM



    \ i w Board of H a o t t t e win bold Itir SepMotar mMttoc TOMdajr

    Cuarles J. Leach of b r a avenue.i taken to Itltaaheth General Hcs-

    Pueaday to undergo a minorLeiaUon. He has been in for the

    f week*." *~

    the, home of ht» brothertntoweek. -


    V it. Jones.

    Mr«^Q«mie-8ehaudt andTrarRgepr ta*aort matches played overo t of B o street, are visiUng m Brookelyn. this week.

    ^SEPTEMBER 5. 1929 '-;>#

    / •hLeading-in Tournament

    Third Time,ceived &L_...aion i off theTrophy.

    Wesley A. Stanger, Jr. captain ot th*fruAersity- ol Pennsylvania Tennis

    Team this'spring, won th* tennischampionship of Cranford. In the dim-

    end on the Crmnford Canoe Club courta,By winning th» utt>, Mr

    Cranford Court, No. »«, Order of the. will boMa public card party

    its-regular meeting, TuesdaySeptember 10th, at Masonic

    . tallies- beta** Me. V .". "" ̂

    The. home at Cadho ~ and Manorhas been add by A. 8. Clark

    j Jfcrman AngermueUer. of Newark,xiw will move to Cranford about the

    Idle' of September. Mr. Anger,ap engineer at the QraaseUiCeV'r" " : " - . . - • - „ - .Rr.-.,..JW-

    | Mr. and Mrs. John F. Peniaton, 01I North avenue, West, leave Sundayimtag lor a two weeks' vacation InstoconosT

    | Mr. and Mrs.' A. Q. Henrich of Eet-I avenue returned thl* week from

    i Lake where they wen for toeI ot August. '

    [Mtssrs. George H. Hansel and John. Heins returned Tuesday from ten

    i- Sahingc and very- good-nablng, at,, Ontario.

    [Mr. A. a Ifng and family have re-*—1 from a two weeks stay at Ocean

    and he resumed his duties ins postonce yesterday.

    [ A daughter, Diane OomweU Mount,I bom to Mr. antf Mr*. Albert R.

    nU, ilon-t of Rivervlew Ape' sight, In Bbabeth Qeneral Ho*

    Before her marriage, Mrs. MountMl m ' K t T

    xLusardlandMriandMrs.. Deller were guests last week of

    t Oeorge Kelley at the Orlanttc, Harkmsack. Iff. Kelley waa: manager of the New Cranford

    guests over the holiday week-end ofMr. and Mrs. William Sqmers. at theirhome in Atlantic City.

    Charles Prands Hansel, Jr, son ofMr. and Mrs.' Hansel, ot UtSbo avenue,North, has returned from Red CloudCamp in the Pbcono*. - -

    Miss Alice I*key of JOS Miln street,has returned,after spending the Sum-mer at Mehrtn village. N. H, where *hehas a Summer borne.. Mr. and Mrs'. Charles W.Xandls and

    family of Hamilton avenue, are spend-ing two weeks at Swinging Bridge

    Mr. and Mrs. Philip Wells Hail havereturned from Easton, Maryland, hav-ing been guests over the last week-endof Mr. and Mrs. .Henry J. ChapW. .;

    .__*. Munro and family returned toIhelr home In Elni street, 'alter' a BoCortrip through New England. They vis-ited hi. Massachusetts and Maine.

    Mrs. Harry Yeoman Barrow has re-tumed..ironi a holiday at Manchester,Vt;., Mr. Barrow, wno"wai" enterwl-lnthe Equinox tournament. Is returnings h o r t l y . . •. •/•' • • . . , / . 7 •

    Mr. and Mrs. Louis A.-Mathey otOrchard street, departed Tuesday fortheir country place at Buck Hill Falls,where-they-wlll pas* the month of Sep-tember.

    ig the nigh school arerequestedschool odfclals to regiiijr either

    tomorrow or Saturday in the ClevelandSchooL For the purpose of rejfistra-tlon the principal's ofnee In the Cleve-land School will be open all day to?morrow and from nine o'clock'Satur-day morning until noon. Registrationwill also be made tor public school*Saturday morning. —

    Most of the teachers are expected toarrive here over the week-end to starttheir, duties -Monday.. mnmlng,.Klille-.afew have already returned from theirsummer vacations.

    ^ r__ JPPjamuM TOWSTTi tb* human tooch In tht* wortd that.•^'•'eounta,';--The touch of your hand and mine.Which means far more to the fainting. • heart.

    Than shelter and bVaad and wine:Fdf shelter Is gone when the night Is

    oler.Arid, bread .lasts only a day.But the touch of a hand and the sound11 of a voice -

    Slrig on In the heart alway.

    • Ctmfcadbr VaaMr. Beeaaae. v onisa would oat like to ap^pear on tbe streets ID the twbsconlas,priaoo dree*, la tb* reason given by eprtMb official wbf tbere never be*been an attempted escape by a womanIn Scotland.

    I. B. DtntAKD WELCOMED BACKTreasurer and Asst Secretary J.. B.

    Durand of Cranford Trust Co, has beenat his desk at the.Bank part time eachday this week after seven months ofvery serious-illness, a large put ofwhich was spent In hospital. Mr. Du-rand had a hearty welcome back, notonly from., the bank people, but lromthe big circle of friends be had madeas an executive ot the bank.. All wereglad to see him and congratulate himon-his recovery.

    H t m n t l U« Neat War .A.dally paper, etale* that s oew

    musical hutramem rorablnlog a saxo-phone and bagpipes bos Into loveuteil.That's not a musical Instrument—It's •weapon;—l

    stre.{The Rev. and Mrs. Orion C. Hopper.

    1 family have returned from Matta. U 1, where they spent most of

    s month of August on, vacation. Mr.pastorate of the

    i Church Sunday.'»[Sheriff and l fn . iamuel H. Tool, ofWalnut avenue, hav* returned from an

    Uve-tour. through North Carolina,i Carolina, Virginia, and Kentucky,

    i tlielr return trip, they motored> the beautiful Bbenandoah Val-

    .'and Mr*, Walter K/^etohart> s party of twenty will leave Bat-ty morning for an eight -day auto

    > for Oneubaro,-M. a , where Mr.' rt will attend tbe National

    1 Sons jad^paugnter*• being.*: member of a11 ~-~rttttt They wqi make

    ! Jouroey in a De Loss Golden Ar-r -bus. They eznect to maker JUch-

    . Va, th* nrst day. Thejrwffl*!-> stop *t Alexandria, V** and Raleigh.•C, on tbey way dawn. On their rt-~ i trip they i n .tap off atjnrt

    V. M. Jones and family, of Edge-brook -Place, returned . Sunday afterspending three weeks In North 'Jay andHanson, Maine. The trip was madeby auto.

    Mr. and Hra. E. Edgar Heston, otClaremont Place, passed the week-endand holiday with the bitter's sUtef-ln-law, Mrs. William a Kennady m WestOrove, Pa.

    Mr.-'antf Mrs. Oeorge J. AloBtt.ot.-lMEbn street, lormerly of Jersey dSf.have announced that their daughterHelen Virginia, win be married Satur-.day at 5.30 p. m, to S t Michael*Church to Joseph Dunn, of Rahway

    Returning to Crmnford Sunday fromRagged Mountain Camp at Andover,N. H^ are the'following Junior mem-ben of Cranford families- Miss JeanMorrison, Miss" Joan Banker, Ml» Mar-guerite 8pillsbury. Holly Barrow. GailWild, Jane Robinson. Kathleen Barrettand Marceua Foster.

    Frank B. Hser," author, and ptay-wrlgnt-and Mrs. Blser, who for manyytan'havT^ccuptol the family homeof Mrs-Hser-s fathet, the late Robertj Mix In Springfield avenue, havetaken an apartment at U But Seventy-Of th street, Hew York, where they willbe at-home after September 18. Their•on. Robert Mser, U. returning jfrotnNantueketrthU week.-

    At a recent meeting of the Board ofDirectors ot the Cranford Junior Ser=rice League, the-following cbalrmeA ofSmmmee7were appointed to act dur-

    ming year: Miss Pauline Hafl.S o ^ l t e . K. Burd Orubb, motor- M a Waldo Roseocnnta. family

    welfare- Mrs. P. Wells Hall, Jr. enter-^ ^ T D H l l

    of jntentt, and tbtfir pT»n» callr a viiiuo Roanoke. and ft «top to *ee" Natural Bridge of Virginia, also

    , D. a , next Friday noon.> they wm take In point* of lnter-

    . and nmam over najbt., SaturdayI go to Frederick sad Oetty*-

    itata Saturday even-

    nr.lE»«UibIn Angl»Baiiun .days Tlie . English

    parliamentary body was known.as theSprot^^or^tfemWy^ofjase.

    men." This body msde Ibe law*, leviedthe taxes and 'acted as a .supremecourt of lostlce.

    TRINITY CHURCHCor. Foreat-and North Ave*.


    I:M A.M>-Uaty

    nwnflil to MayH«-tbat keepr iht Iniivrlti ot bb

    ••JLSS»JS!!«sM*»..ani| I, .falihftil uhimself, day by day, |* alsn rallbru.to Ood for Blernljy. and hel|ia (or*store tb* Initvrtty of I